ULTIMATE Radium Armament update in MCPE!

Video Information

[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] for hey everybody welcome back to yet another Armament update video this is bringing it to 2.2 the Tactical update yes a lot of cool things are coming in this update including like four new guns he has four new guns attachments and several types of uh ammo types for the

M23 attachment and yeah this this video is not going to be super in-depth because you know I already did an in-depth video about this stuff so if you’re more curious about how all these function and whatnot go ahead and check out my previous video cuz I haven’t

Changed any of like the functionality or anything but I will be showing the improvements I have added over this past like week and a half or so just to show you guys what’s coming and whatnot and and yeah just let’s get straight into it guys starting with this m

M16 all right guys before we get get started I just like to point out this is where you would find all the new weapons and whatnot if you’re using my template World here just a super easy place for you to find all the new things you know

What I’m saying all right guys let’s check out the M16A4 and I already went over a lot of this stuff so I’m not really going to go over every single thing but I will just show you you know it’s pretty cool you know I’m really satisfied with how this

M16 turned out and I hope you guys are too you know it’s it’s a super cool gun in my opinion very cool and what’s really cool now the attachments yes let’s go with the attachments very briefly and there’s there’s a few other guns that will have attachments

Available um but for now you know it will improve too like uh drastically as more time goes on you know more guns will have uh these type of variants and stuff like that just because you know you know one day you know one day it

Will but yeah let me grab some ammo here I forgot to grab some ammo there we go super cool cool but as you can see just just applying the attachments the animation slightly change you can see the positioning of my hand there change uh depending on what attachment I have

So like if I have grip let me just scroll down and find a grip there we go you can see it even changes uh in first person and in third person you know it’s very cool very cool uh just little additions you know and same with the

ACOG you see a little particle and stuff and like that plus4 range very cool five you ility minus three accuracy for the m203 and the grip you get a plus three accuracy and I’m like I said I’m not going to go over like show you uh these actually functioning like the the

Accuracy and whatnot you can check those out in my previous video like I stated but I will be going over like uh the the shell variant so the shell variants I ended up adding a good amount of stuff to the M16 well not a good amount of

Stuff just like changed it so let’s just get into the shells shall we so the shells when you have the M23 attached I added another uh just a notification for you you know so below the attachment info there’s also ammo info so it’s just giving you more guidance because you

Know maybe someone didn’t watch my video and don’t know what the heck’s going on so yeah so hot bar 7 so this is the seventh hotb slot and if you didn’t know go 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I know how to count

That’s just how the game is coded so because it starts with zero you know and if that’s too confusing for everyone maybe I’ll change it but to me it makes sense uh but yeah this is the eighth slot bar in the code but that actually is like ninth if you’re just counting

Whatever doesn’t matter anyways so let’s go ahead and load up oh I didn’t even put it in the right spot I was like wait the heck the seven see I already forgot my thing so seventh hot bar slot there so now I have it loaded you can just go

Ahead and attach or load it with the dirty shell so the dirty shell has been improved pretty drastically as you can see it kind of explodes into this like cool ooze and grossness and it’s like a poison shell so it it might be a little too overpowered so like even so basically

What’s Happening Here Yeah I get I get a little sick and some poison effect uh just from those droplets so basically on impact it shoots even more like smaller projectiles making it spread like crazy which I think is super cool and imagine if someone’s like hiding behind a wall

Right so like say they’re they’re hi there’s like imagine there’s a wall right here and then if you shoot oh I need to reload and if you shoot above like there’s a way to shoot above them you can just make it rain death on them with with the dirty shell or the fire

Cuz the fire does something very similar yeah that’s super cool here let me go and make it uh nighttime so these effects look way cooler at night in my opinion I’m a little biased but yeah they look pretty schnazzy pretty happy with how it turned out uh maybe a little

Too glowy but whatever you know it’s it’s uh it’s something cool in my opinion super cool all right guys I want to talk about the impact effects from any m203 shell now and this will actually be applied to uh the M27 as well and by the way these shells will

Only work uh for the M23 uh the H show will only work for the m79 I just couldn’t get it done in time guys there is just too much to do and so much stuff that I was working on but it will come eventually trust me as as well as like

The M23 attachment working on other guns uh for now it it only works on the M16 but it will work on other ones eventually trust me uh but anyway so yeah the H shell of course I just put it in your seventh hot bar slot let me go

Ahead and load it and show you what the the impact effect I’m talking about so when mob griefing is turned off it will leave like a just like a defilade like a black defilade you know what I mean just like a a cool effect you know cuz it you

Know after the explosion it kind of makes sense to have something on the ground and that will like I said that will only only stay like that if you have mob griefing turned off cuz if if mob griefing is turned on it will actually create a hole in the like it

Will break blocks you know so that that effect won’t be there but I just thought that was really cool especially if you’re using this for like a PVP thing and you don’t want to be breaking blocks uh just having that you know like video games have that stuff is super cool and

All of them have something like that and it will be very you know SL like smaller like the dirty one will have a green effect as you’ve seen um it you know super simple there nothing super crazy but just I thought it was a nice little touch you know what I’m

Saying it looks a little uh too glowy during the day like I said uh but yeah guys I just thought I’d point that out super cool all righty guys next thing I want to talk about is the incendiary shell and this has been uh improved pretty drastically too just like the uh

The uh dirty shell and it all just kind of spread Wildfire you know it’s pretty pretty gnarly so just be cautious with how you do it or use it because it will will absolutely destroy your base if you’re not especially if you if it’s

Made out of wood but yeah as you can see it leaves like this cool like black trail of where the uh the the fluids of the shell landed you know super cool um I mean there’s not much else to talk about it of course if you look at the

Shell closely being loaded you can actually see that a red shell is being activated and here let me shoot it just like the dirty shell if you hit it at a a separate Target will spread out differently and it looks so cool I love that effect and it just sets everything

On I think it’s so awesome such a cool addition to add you know these type of of things to do I mean just devastating like I said I could probably uh might need the Nerf these a little bit but I think it’s really cool for now

You know just for you guys to mess with you guys can obviously give me feedback on it yeah super super fun to use I’m excited to just keep working on this project guys it’s it’s come a long way since I started to be honest next thing

I want to talk about guys is the smoke SM shell the smoke shell I haven’t changed much on the visual side but it actually does as stated before like I wanted to make it uh hide you or cloak you from zombies so that’s exactly what

It will do now so if I go ahead and spawn in some zombies here and put myself in survival see they want to attack me but if I go inside of this now they don’t see me see now they’re like what the heck where’d he go oh my God

And if I just move a little now see I thought that was a super cool addition to do you know there’s more more fun things to to use these attachments for you know what I’m saying especially if you don’t have like if you’re not playing PVP it still brings a usefulness

To uh the shell you know rather than it just being strictly PVP it actually has a purpose and of course you can just Dome shot uh the zombies with any of the shells and it will just kill them instantly because you know if you get

Hit by one of these things it would be devastating and lastly guys the next thing I want to talk about is the confetti show the confetti showell is just a goofy shell it doesn’t really have any practicality when it comes to PVP or the zombies you like I said you

Can kill zombies with any of the shells so you just have to direct hit them and it will kill them so the confetti shell is more of like a like a BM way to kill someone you know what I’m saying so if I shoot it does a little cool little cheer

And some particles and gives you some XP but yeah I thought that would be a really funny thing to do like imagine you’re playing PVP and you’re just like standing next to your buddy and then this shell hits them and they die and it plays that sound I just thought that would be

Hilarious and the effect definitely needs to be worked on guys but like I said I just ran out of time I was working on too much stuff um but it’s still a pretty cool thing to play with you know just another awesome variant to this m203 here all righty guys the next

Thing I want to talk about is swimming animations that’s right uh a patron pointed out uh that I have no swimming animations and he’s absolutely correct I just completely blanked and forgot about uh water mechanics in this add-on but now once you uh enter the water it will

Just immediately put whatever weapon is in your main hand on your back and and then in first person it will still show your hands I thought was cool but it just looks like you’re swimming you know I thought that was a nice little feature and you can actually see the attachments

On my gun too still like you see the m203 and the uh ACOG attach and like I said this will be for every single gun and it will just display on your back and it will be vared slightly depending on what it is and as soon as

You come out see it’ll just instantly draw it I thought that was a really cool addition but here let me grab like another like if I grab a deagle it will be displayed differently so like if I put it go in the water now see it will

Be on my hip so like even though it doesn’t really make sense like you should have uh an like a satchel or something like I don’t know what you call that but like a thing where you put put your gun a holster God I couldn’t remember the name so it would make more

Sense if you had a holster but I thought that was just a nice touch you know and and same with attachments I gave attachments all 3D items so like if you have uh an attachment in your main hand it will also be displayed on your hip

There uh depending on what it is you know it doesn’t really matter what it is yeah it’s super cool speaking of a 3D uh items here so you can see it’s just super simple like if you have the whole four grip in your main hand or any any

Of the new items it will actually display a 3D item you know um this and if it’s in your offhand it won’t do this like especially with these because you know it’s supposed to be attached on your actual gun so it won’t be displayed in your offhand but in your main hand it

Will you know super cool pretty pretty sneazzy and of course if you drop it it will actually uh show like the the material effects still like so you can see the night vision uh ACOG actually being displayed there I thought that was a really cool uh Edition you know and same

With the radium goggles it looks like you’re actually holding a pair of radium goggles rather than just a massive item or something you know and if it drops you see a little little version of the radium goggles a cool little feature you know got to have 3D items you know

Always all righty guys and of course all these new items mostly are craftable so if you just scroll down with it with all toggled you can see easy ways how to craft all these attachments you know super simple mellow you know super easy to find all right but the next thing I

Want to talk about guys there are more guns being added yes so I went ahead and decided to add netherite variants to the MP 40 the desert eagle and the mx115 that’s right these look pretty cool and as I was like working on attachments and stuff I was like dude it

Would be really cool to see these uh like the Desert Eagle you know it’s white or gold I just thought it would be cool to see it in like a gun color you know like a a netherite color I thought it was kind of cool and originally I had

These uh being like shooting like red laser beams instead of like regular bullets I decided against that because I thought you know most people would just prefer just a recolor of the skin and not like making it sound Goofy with lasers and stuff that’s just what’s coming with this update guys just a

Couple more reskins for the guns and they’re super cool though you know and of course you got to craft it and okay so the reason many of you probably like what the heck why do some of the like the gold gun like if the Des Desert

Eagle hold on let me go in Ser creative here sorry I’m tripping over my own words but the desert eagle has uh no variant for like its ammo type you know like the golden AK and the golden MP 40 actually has a separate magazine for it and the reason why because the the

Magazine itself is actually being changed so like if I look at the magazine see it’s actually changing the color of the magazine same with the gold see it’s actually a gold magazine the Desert Eagle doesn’t do that the Desert Eagle all has black magazines so I

Thought it it just made sense not to give them uh you know any separate crafting recipe you know and yeah but yeah so it does get a little pricey to to make the netherite magazine yeah it’s it’s a little you have to use at least

One piece of scrap to grade it but I actually I you know I felt a little bad so I was like you know if you use a netherite scrap to make this ammo it will give you eight magazines rather than just one so you save a lot of

Bullet ammunition uh for sacrificing a piece of netherite scrap yeah super super cool and of course to make the uh gold or the uh netherite MP 40 just got to wrap it around and scraps you know what I’m saying super cool and same thing with the mx115 I just realized I

Didn’t add that but I it will be the exact same all right guys so next thing I want to talk about is the attachments on the deagle so I end ended up deciding against it and I’ll show you why I mean look at these screenshots they it is kind of cool but

They just looks so goofy with the current attachments you know like it makes no sense to put a grip on the Desert Eagle or an AOG scope I mean I know you can in some games but the Acog scope just looks so goofy to me when

You’re adsing I couldn’t get it to look right without it being stuffed in your face so yeah I decided against it but eventually it will have like you know like a dot maybe a flashlight or a laser site you know all like it has those rails on it so it’s like perfect for

Attachments just not yet guys like I just decided against it but yeah that’s that’s what’s going on with the desert eagle and the or the netherite desert eagle and the netherite MP40 and the next really cool one is the netherite ra mx15 and I also have edited quite a bit

The the animations for some of these uh for some of these guns the ones that I’ve been messing with with like the AMW and stuff I I didn’t like change them drastically I just changed like how their arms are cuz I don’t know what I

Was thinking back then cuz a lot of the animations the arms actually look like they’re being detached from the body so I need to fix a lot of animations eventually um but yeah these it just looks a little bit smoother now it actually looks like your arms are

Attached for the most part in most of the animations yeah it’s pretty cool and as you can see uh some of you die hard fans will know that the mx115 automatically had a grip attached uh in the default version I’ve gone ahead and removed the grip because now you can

Actually attach your own grip and again the animations will slightly change depending if you have a grip or not you see what I’m saying so now it looks like you’re holding it it looks more similar to how it did originally uh but yeah it’s super cool and I decided to keep

The holographic on for now um I think it should just because you know it’s a futuristic laser gun I think it absolutely should do that but yeah it’s super super super cool and of course the attachments will work on the MX so you can just go ahead

And attach an ACOG if you would like super cool awesome don’t you think and another thing that I added I can’t believe I overlooked this before but I added impacts for these special like plasma bullets so now you have like these cool like after glow effects when

It impacts and same with the the red one will actually shoot red lasers instead of blue and it will leave like pinkish impact I thought that was just super awesome you know what I’m saying super super cool awesome looking and yeah so obviously when you drop it the

Attachments won’t stay attached so it’ll just look normal um you know I haven’t really decided how I want to keep these attached yet I still prefer them to be interchangeable how they are because that’s just so awesome to me and yes again what the M23 should be working on

This gun but I just I just didn’t have time guys there’s too much I was trying to do you know it’s just yeah but eventually it will eventually trust me but yeah regardless another really cool gun to add to the collection all right guys the last gun I

Want to touch on about attachments is the awm that’s right the awm you know the the the ads on this bad boy is super hard to control and you know it’s because I’m using the slowness effect it’s not actually like using the Minecraft like uh damping I wish I could

I I I just don’t know how to or I don’t think it’s possible to use something like that but yeah regardless I ended up giving it of course the ACOG Scopes and you know it just makes it so much more user friendly you know and it’s super

Cool and another effect that also made it so it’s more accurate that’s just a general change and by the way guys if you’re curious about all the things I fixed Chang like all the bugs I have all of it in the description or on the actual download on my patreon you can

See all the things that were added changed or whatever just to give you a heads up um but yeah so another feature that the ACOG adds so with the awm with the regular scope on it if you try to re like pull it back right now you couldn’t

Do it in the awm’s like regular scope but now you can by pressing the attack button it will just load it you know super cool nothing crazy but yeah so like if I detach my uh Acog scope and try to zoom in here and if I SP and I

Try to try to reload like I don’t know if you can hear me clicking I’m definitely clicking and it’s not uh pulling it back so you have to like actually leave ads to pull it back and uh attaching the Acog scope makes it so you can just immediately do it without

Having to exit ads you know what I mean so now you can just fire and then wrap it reload I thought that was a nice little feature to add for the ACOG to make it more like user friendly you know because you don’t have this massive scope and weighing it down you know

Super cool and of course night vision the night vision optic works best at night so you probably want to make sure it’s night time if you’re trying to use this but yeah super cool such an awesome U Edition the night vision scope and whatnot and also changed like I said the

Good amount of the animations on this bad boy because the arms looked like they were ripped off of the Body for a lot of the animations so yeah there has been a lot of adjustments for that and of course guys before we close out this video let’s talk about the uh radium

Goggles and I know I already touched on this but yeah it’s got a 3D item and if you put it on and it will just immediately oh it’s because it didn’t remove the item because I was not in the uh survival there but as you can see it

Gives me a nice little fancy goggle set and then in first person you got this night nice nice Vision effect and I know you guys have probably seen it but I just got to end the video with something cool like this because I think it’s just

So awesome to see all these effects you know what I’m saying it’s just so awesome this update the Tactical update guys and this is going to be like an ongoing tactical update because there’s so many guns to add attachments to or for you know like it’s just so much

Stuff you know guys but slowly but surely remember it’s all about baby steps I’m all about doing all the little things it just gradually becomes something great you know just all little pieces coming together and it’s really starting to come along and I’m super happy with how this add-on’s turning out

Uh but without further Ado guys I hope you enjoy this 2.2 update and all the new stuff uh as much as I loved making it like I just hope you enjoy it yeah have a good one guys I’ll see you Later

This video, titled ‘TACTICAL UPDATE – Radium’s Armament v2.2 [Minecraft Bedrock/MCPE]’, was uploaded by Radium on 2023-12-18 04:33:55. It has garnered 11712 views and 972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:38 or 1358 seconds.

The TACTICAL UPDATE is here! 😎💚 —————————————————- Download HERE: https://www.patreon.com/radiumstudio/membership —————————————————-

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Minecraft Version 1.20.50

Settings: Paperdoll off, FOV to “70-80”, FOV can be altered by gameplay, view bobbing on, camera-shake on

Experiment: Holiday Creator Features, Beta APIs

READ ME If you are playing on a low-end device, and are experiencing lag in your survival gameplay, toggle the *Radium Zombie* spawns to only be at *NIGHT* or *OFF* in the BP settings! This will improve performance!

If you want the bullets to break blocks, like glass, and explosions to make holes/break blocks, turn on *MOB GRIEFING* in your game settings.

Bug Fixes: – Zombie head fixed when being shot/chopped in the head while standing on top of a dead zombie. – MP40 reload (bullet amount visible in reload anim) – RA MX115 causing no sprinting – RA MX115 mag glow removed on death – RA MX115 ads/leave ads animations/sfxs lining up more – RA MX115 FP animations (arms closer to body) – RA MX115 removed the long pause after hipfiring, stoping, then hipfiring again – Player deaths spamming cloth/weapon draw sfx – Player sleeping spamming cloth/weapon draw sfx – AWM FP animations (arms closer to body)

Changes: – AWM hipfire accuracy increased – AWM muzzle smoke

Additions: – GUI v1.3 – Pumpkin bomb attracts all monsters – Swimming TP animations (mainhand weapon on back or hip) – Swimming FP animations (both arms visible) – Attachments M16A4 (ACOG, NV ACOG, Fore Grip, M203) – Attachments RA MX115 (ACOG, NV ACOG, Fore Grip) – Attachments AWM (ACOG, NV ACOG) – Gear (Radium Goggles) – M203 shell types (HE, Smoke, Dirty, Incendiary, Confetti) – M203/M79 ground impacts (when mobgriefing false) – M16A4 – Netherite Desert Eagle – Netherite MP40 – Netherite RA MX115


Chapters: 0:00 – Intro 2:00 – M16A4 4:47 – Dirty Shell 6:01 – Shell Ground/Wall Impacts 7:39 – Incendiary Shell 8:56 – Smoke Shell Zombie Cloaking 9:53 – Confetti Shell 10:46 – Swimming animations 12:20 – 3D Items/Drops 13:30 – Netherite MP40 & Desert Eagle 16:42 – Netherite RA MX115 & Attachments 19:09 – AWM Attachments 21:20 – Radium Goggles 21:43 – Outro

—————————————————- My Website: https://radium-studio.com Community Discord server!- https://discord.gg/KSUDBYPKbe Support me: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/RadiumStudio —————————————————-

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    🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK🔥 Minions, Skills, Enchants Custom… ✅Java y Bedrock/PE Minecraft 1.16 a 1.21’, was uploaded by CarloScore Minecraft on 2024-10-05 00:35:07. It has garnered 111 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. NEW SKYBLOCK SERVER and CUBY Modalities Available For JAVA and BEDROCK/PE No Premium and Premium in version 1.16 to the most updated 1.21 🌎 IP in the Description and Comments⤵ 🔥Similar Videos🔥 https://youtu.be/xHZwRjxwSos https://youtu.be/MfOKq3JdRmw ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————- 🔽CubyMC Network Server🔽 ✅JAVA AND BEDROCK IP: cubymc.net ✅Port: 19132 ⭐Your Discord: https://discord.gg/cubymc ⭐Web: https://cubystore.tebex.io/ ✔Versions: 1.8 to… Read More

  • EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)

    EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-05-02 13:30:33. It has garnered 9125 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!

    EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mikey Cartoons on 2024-10-03 19:00:02. It has garnered 1017 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #maizen #minecraft #jjandmikey Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘🫧 [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | Minecraft༊*·˚’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙀 ˎˊ˗ ઇઉ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here ઇઉ From Malaysia ઇઉ Love video game ઇઉ Streamer ઇઉ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?ˎˊ˗ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXNVXsyNfwo617jVvviL9g/join 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱ ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝘿𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ˎˊ˗… Read More

  • UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis – EP 190 – Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 Server

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  • Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!

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  • Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna’s Fake News!

    Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna's Fake News!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fauna When She’s Spreading Misinformation’, was uploaded by Sakasandayo on 2024-08-14 14:06:33. It has garnered 24364 views and 1724 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:21 or 81 seconds. Livestream:【MINECRAFT】 Did you know there are over 60,000 tree species? https://youtu.be/v-v0VgBDjbk Ceres Fauna Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna Twitter: https://x.com/ceresfauna Thumbnail / Art Link: Literally two Fauna My Social Twitter: https://x.com/sakasandayo Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KazukiSaka Donation, before: https://ko-fi.com/sakasandayo #hololive #hololiveen #hololiveenglish #holoen Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)

    🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HYPIXEL Skyblock Starting a New Profile From 160b NW/Max Skills (Day 68)’, was uploaded by Info on 2024-09-07 00:56:45. It has garnered 557 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:01 or 12961 seconds. Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube / @infowastaken Twitter https://twitter.com/infowastaken Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infowastaken/ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/infowastaken Discord https://discord.gg/8Pna5ExB3H Kick https://kick.com/informations Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-18 15:59:32. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. #freefire #ajjubhai… Read More

  • ✨ Aeltheria SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

    Welcome to Aeltheria A realm where fantasy and magic come to life! 🎮✨ Server Highlights 🗺️ Unique Worlds: Dive into mystical lands like Eldoria, Avaloria, and the Twilight Realm with custom generation. Prefer a classic experience? Vanalia offers vanilla generation. Each world is full of lore and hidden treasures! 🌌 🔨 Custom Jobs & Titles: Choose paths like Architect, Prospector, Cultivator, Lumberjack, and more. Climb ranks and earn prestigious titles. Experience multiple jobs from the start! 🏗️🌳 🤝 Immersive NPCs: Meet friendly NPCs like Sunny the Greeter, Lorelei the Librarian, and Eldric the Master Artisan/Blacksmith. Each NPC has unique stories… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!

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  • Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse

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  • The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂

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  • Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe

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  • Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Exposed

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    MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE CHEAT! 😱 (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-09-21 14:13:09. It has garnered 2433 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:10 or 1750 seconds. I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft) Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ra1neyX Addon : Tiredy #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • Ultimate Overgrown Storage House Build

    Ultimate Overgrown Storage House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Overgrown Storage House | Relaxing Modded Minecraft Longplay’, was uploaded by GlowKing on 2024-09-06 17:01:01. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:57 or 4077 seconds. Hey everyone today we build a storage house because i really need it LOL ill continue to add more I just needed to structure layout first. please leave a like, comment and subscribe if you want to see more! :} Thank you Modloader – Forge Mods Used: Entity Model Features Entity Texture Features Creative Core Entity Culling Not Enough animations… Read More

  • Unbelievable 2h2b.org Secret Revealed!

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  • INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #Minecraft

    INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft highest mlg || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleet #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-05-22 10:29:12. It has garnered 14953 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft 9 ways to host a minecraft server 9/11 minecraft 9 minecraft mod minecraft 94 minecraft 93 minecraft 9×9 house minecraft 9/11 8 minecraft techno gamerz 8 minecraft account minecraft 8×8 texture pack minecraft 8k minecraft 8 bit 7 secrets about cash in minecraft minecraft 777 minecraft 7 segment display minecraft 747 64 bit minecraft download 6 minecraft… Read More

  • Zzapz – Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!

    Zzapz - Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Reasons to JOIN OneCraft! | Join a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Zzapz on 2024-04-07 17:49:28. It has garnered 121 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Are you looking for a Minecraft server/ SMP to join? OneCraft is the server for you. With many performance mods, and entertainment mods, you will never get bored of this world. Join OneCraft today and start your adventure. Join us @ onecraft.sytes.net Bedrock port :19132 Discord : https://discord.gg/TAAwV6wU #minecraft #smp #french #polska #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #blowup… Read More

  • Yoshanity vs Anity – CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!

    Yoshanity vs Anity - CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘NO HARD FEELINGS!! | Anity Callaborations LIVE’, was uploaded by Yoshanity on 2024-04-12 06:03:02. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:09 or 11529 seconds. We are playing some Minecraft Dragon Block on this stream of Anity Callaborations Live! Hope you guys enjoy this one! You REALLY like this kind of content? You wanna thrown in a dolla? Feel free to!: https://streamlabs.com/yoshanity/tip THE YOSHANITY LINKTREE IS HERE!!! Linktree – https://linktr.ee/yoshanity ► Stay up to date on ALL of Yoshanity’s Platforms! Timestamps – 0:00 Intro/Waiting 14:13 Just Waiting and… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Staff Reports To Pekora About Crimes In Her Minecraft Server【Hololive/Usada Pekora】’, was uploaded by Pekora Clips on 2024-09-08 16:35:30. It has garnered 14916 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Pekora Ch. Pekora Usada https://www.youtube.com/@usadapekora Stream:[Captain Tsubasa]Complete first look at “Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Peko![Hololive/Pekora Usada]*Contains spoilers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUfZYPTKU3s Please drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the videos! #Hololive #Vtuber Read More

  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

    🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie DISASTER! ft. Culture Casino | Salty Saturdays’, was uploaded by Salty Nerd Podcast on 2024-09-07 19:10:00. It has garnered 1613 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:20 or 7340 seconds. The Minecraft Movie trailer drops and people aren’t happy about it. Acolyte shills are trying to cancel Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, and Ryan Kinnel! George RR Martin slams House of the Dragon Season 2, and Elon is bringing X to TV. All this and more in today’s Salty Saturday, with special guest Culture Casino! What do you think of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT RARE MOB!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by 185k gaming on 2024-06-22 16:01:26. It has garnered 6959 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie o hello guys welcome to new video so first make sur subscribe to my channel and like the video and new topic is very long time I upload a new modern house tutorial on mu channel so enjoy the video so guys mene ek link diya hai uski help se aap without help apnea videos ke… Read More

  • ElementalMC – Network PvP Factions

    4 Elements Minecraft Server Java & Bedrock | New Players Welcome! Cross-Platform Play: Java & Bedrock players unite! Play together seamlessly, no matter which version you’re on. Choose Your Element: Earth 🌱 | Water 🌊 | Fire 🔥 | Air 🌪️ Harness the power of your element and forge your path in our custom elemental world! Game Modes: PvP & Survival: Engage in epic elemental battles or test your skills in survival mode. Custom Features: Enjoy unique gameplay, tailored for our community. Exciting Events: Participate in tournaments, build competitions, and regular server-wide events with awesome in-game rewards! Join Our Community:… Read More