Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Adventure – Episode 50

Video Information

And we’re Live once again might City my friends oh my goodness be flaker denb bro cred stick Samurai Nick not getting first today Bram grabbing the first hello good morning put your swords up let’s go oh your boy is sore brm cheated how did Bram cheat how did he cheat now what up demu

Over on the boob tubes I don’t think he cheated think he was here at 824 40 something minutes before everybody else is what I see concerned about something that’s not cheating that’s dedication right there that’s what that is how that cheating how that cheating Chad I am tired

Today me not being there what do you mean stream starts 10 minutes ago you aren’t Jon are you actually trying exactly yo what up Mr sourer Cal thanks for the YouTube appreciate you over there man lurking as always stream starts 10 minutes ago homie acting like I’m late ah the first

Joke of the day understand my start time anymore it’s 10 minutes ago what do you mean go here look there’s a schedule right there you can tell you in your own time 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Standard Time 8:00 a.m. eastern time 400 a.m. Pacific 100 p.m. UK time or go to this

Was the end of the year it wasn’t what the schedule was was the end of the year dude look at the schedule it’s a 10 minutes ago 11 minutes ago oh my God this guy nikara with 115 months don’t go anything by the end of the year Christmas time and

[ __ ] January 1st go by then 9:00 a.m. 900 a.m. oh we got some M mayfire baby all right you pray being too late let’s go why we look at schedule because you’ll see what my current schedule is uh okay let’s go uh I need to get some things for stuff and things and

Stuff and things we need to get some stuff for this right oh yeah right Alexa tell me a joke which baseball players make the best pancakes the Batters okay dude the Batters okay okay dude relax Alexa would you rather would you rather be the smartest person in the world or the most popular

Uh I don’t give a crap about popularity but I also wouldn’t want the the responsibility of being the most smartest person in the world me honestly either way you’re going to get a lot of like eyes on you and people looking at you I feel like you know feel

Like your life is going to be under a microscope either way cuz if you’re the smartest person in the world I don’t think there’s any hiding that unless you’re smart you smartest person in the world you’d be able to hide it if you’re smart you’d be able to

Figure it out I was going to say you’re going to have some peepers on you no matter what people are like going to your life’s going to be under the microscope you know but that’s probably not the case honestly uh also nikum Alexa how many years is 115 months good morning KY 150

Months is 12 years and 6 months no no no Alexa how many years is 115 months 115 months is 9 years and 7 months 9 years seven months nerum rediculous D you have any idea how God dang long that is over on the YouTube Hello avenge a Tillis fan mean every

Can’t wake up today as long that’s a crazy amount of time it’s coming on a decade just in what five months we can say a decade they’ve been sub for a decade how many weeks and days Alexa Alexa how many weeks and days is 115 months 115 months is 500 weeks 500

Weeks Alexa how many days is 115 months 115 months is 3,498 days Jesus a perfect 500 yeah about that 500 weeks man thank you for the long-term support you have no idea how much that means to me uh what it continues to mean to me for keeping the stream and the dream

Alive man Poss to do a S Quest yeah sure Baker let’s go what do you got what you got yeah just a decade it’s just a decade bro chat smart our bad we get bad home is going any day which one is it though artificial suicide we already have we have this in

The playlist too so this is an even better song request come on it’s in the K be on the next one that might smut oh it’s bad demo the next book is so much better it’s also better written but there’s the smut that’s in it is also about like immediately too like I’m

Talking chapter 2 a lot a lot a lot of smut there a better smut too but holy [ __ ] the story is really [ __ ] cool man uh look what I did yesterday by accident remember I was talking about like I was like because I’m just starting to read books uh and apparently

My entire personality now is fantasy smut and I’ve been missing out on fantasy SM my entire life we’re talking about the other day I was doing laundry and how it’s like how easily you can get lost in books and I know that that can happen anyway like it happens

To me in games you know I’ll play a game be like oh my God we’ve been streaming for 4 hours if only feels like it’s been an hour like you kind of get like Lost in Time like that but I’ve never had it happen so bad as reading a book so

During my first book I wanted to uh I need to do laundry and it took about six chapters even start the laundry which that six chapters is like a couple hours but I said uh all right B seeing a bit dude um so I put the laundry in the

Washer I sat down picked up my book and just like like that like I blinked and the laundry was done and I was shocked and and then it happened again when I put it in the dryer I sat down picked up my book it was dried I was like where’s

The time going this is this is wild it happened again yesterday except for yesterday it’s in the m city Gym except for yesterday I lost my time while I was on the treadmill so I went on the treadmill for three and a half hours and I burned 2482

Calories and I think you can Mike Point Mike pointed out in the book club uh I was about to say that BM is from the book not the dreadmill you can probably see a couple of part where smut happened my legs are [ __ ] dead today

Though but yeah I [ __ ] I lost time on the treadmill and I I walked on the treadmill for three and a half hours and I burned 2400 counters books are [Laughter] wild [ __ ] bet probably the best place dude my body is going to be shaped by

Smut we do have a Discord yeah uh the best place would be come over to our twitch to grab it actually see if I can put a link roll on we don’t have a bot set up on the YouTube yet which I should probably get

I mean I think we do but I don’t have any commands for it Body by smut yeah uh there we go this go that’s our Discord link we have a book club uh Channel now over there yeah Body by smut what’s going to end up being I mean not a bad thing

Though 3 and 1 half hours is pretty wild I normally do 30 minutes and that’s a struggle I hate to the other thing is I hate treadmill treadmill is like the most boring [ __ ] workout ever I do it every second day so Monday Wednesday Friday is my like physical workouts so

Monday’s chest and back uh in core Wednesday shoulders arms core Friday’s legs back and core and Tuesday Thursday Friday or Tuesday Thursday Saturday is cardio day so which is mainly treadmill and I try to do treadmill like a half an hour every day there’s that bad almonds uh so

Yeah like treadmill is so boring and I hate it but I didn’t even know I was on it yesterday really I my legs are dead today though I’m not used to that definitely not used to that yeah you get used to that though if you could do it if you go on the

Treadmill every day if you go on the treadmill every day uh you’d be fine you get that weird like you get off the treadmill it feels like you’re still walking feel it you’re Like uh I don’t get that anymore just cuz I’m just my body’s so used to it I guess what did I even do with the other ones ah so yeah I’m addicted to Smart it’s terrible and the best at the same time I said the

Problem is I want to talk about it like I want to talk about the book it be it’s like watching like a game like an episode of like whatever TV is on right now I want to talk about it but I I don’t want to give like Spoilers talk about in the book club and put the to put the bars up I guess the spoiler bars uh yes second book is really good so far I don’t know what chapter I made it to I think I’m on like chapter eight now forget but the Night

Court the night court is so cool let’s try to move muscles around we’re not so sore shall we oh my God playlist going ham today means it’s green CH anelas and Spanish rice you know I’m a you know I’m a I’m a food ho as well

Right we do have a channel my City Kitchen you might enjoy on Discord join the Discord man although Subs can only post uh I think only Subs can post pictures I think might City Kitchen baby I am such a foodo yeah where’s ours bro where’s ours at uh by the way chat

If you guys want to help us out we’re going for YouTube partner in 2024 that’s right it’s 2024 I can’t even believe that it’s still here if somebody can do exclamation Point YT live if you’re on Twitch I would prefer you to stay on Twitch if you’re on mobile don’t worry

About it sort of thing uh but if you’re on PC and you can bring me up in another Tab and a second tab uh please bring up the YouTube and Just Give Me Your Eyes we just need 4,000 watch hours we’ll get YouTube partner and then we’ll have a good time with

It spring it up lurky lurk also if you don’t like my taste in music and you want the stream with no music there’s also no music on YouTube oh CH what did I what did I actually do or if you want to listen to your own music while the stream’s going on or

Something you know YouTube’s an option for That forgot to cover that up oh there it is okay that’s a good bad Omen song by the way we should put some more bad in this playlist oh man I am so sore pap throw one of those on Throw Another Bad Omen song on from

Another album a song I haven’t heard yet I’ve only heard that one album from Baden so that well that album’s on my playlist that’s on might City radio that is like my sexy album it’s like my like yeah that’s my album my listen to Why when if I want to be in the

Mood yeah they’re really good uh the death of peace of mind is insane so I agree yeah that whole album’s a banger I seen some videos of them live obviously haven’t seen them live myself uh but the videos of I seen them live yeah are crazy dude just deleted all social medias too

Ehy apparently their fan base is super toxic uh singer just deleted all of his social because of it he’s like a Deuces sod key good morning his screams are crazy too screams are super crazy I wish I had this voice all day my morning wakeup voice I think my morning wake up voice

Is sexy as [ __ ] this V rang is crazy yeah it really is oh my god dude I don’t know if we’re going to be able to stop yawning today gamble time I’m going all in first gam of the day all in we got it we don’t got it never mind forget it

Yeah bad almonds is so good oh my God sorry oh flying’s done baby yeah we’re not even over there now where over at the iron farm oh bam we are so well we’re over at the iron farm area we’re over at spawn chunks right now uh but yes flattening is done

We’re ready for builds over there now we are ready for the builds man what did I do over there just for fun into evenness sure have’t drinking coffee ah hey thank you all for being here thank you for showing up happy January 3rd uh I hope your year is going well so

Far hope you’re working towards your Goals course I didn’t bring iron did I that should be enough actually that should be enough have you guys gotten rolling on your 2024 yet or stes like I’ll get it next week Le good morning how did you sleep lean I slept so good but I’m so [ __ ]

Sore also how far did you get you’re still sick he hard to sleep well when you’re sick going to restart how come did you forget to pay attention and you’re like I don’t know what’s going on my brain does all the time I do that even when I’m reading I

Read a whole page like what the [ __ ] I wasn’t even thinking about what I was reading my brain was on autop I know I just read it I wasn’t paying attention too much happening I can’t remember anything I think that’s why I I wouldn’t like audio books we’re talking

About that yesterday CU like a lot of times what will happen for me is I’ll reread a paragraph even and just kind of like same thing I guess it’s like uh I wish I could explain like I wish we could talk about it and like see

Where you’re at and I can like tell you what’s going on I mean it’s not a bad thing either though I mean that’s probably like if I was listening to audiobooks that’s probably what I’d be doing anyway it’s definitely not a bad thing you know cuz I’m a I’m a stickler for

Like knowing all the details and like what’s going on so like that’s what I mean like sometimes like I I’ll read a page anyway like I’ll read a page and be like okay that I want to reread that cuz I feel like it’s like important information I

Want it like there’s a lot of details on that page so I want to like read it again so it’s not a bad thing really I think it’s easier to do that like if you’re just like actually reading the book but not so bad either with the uh what is this guy anyway

Chat a little more difficult to do with uh an audio book I guess right yeah what’s up Mr s darts good to see you again man sir darts almost two days in a row what the sir darts a day and then not two years in between what is this guy why does he

Look funny what kind of villager is he is he yeah but what clo is this just different clothes that they can have I’ve never seen this before not not a single one of them in the other Village look like that the biome they’re in oh maybe I

Guess because because it’s in a Tiger Biome okay that makes sense I guess that makes sense they’re not all going to be like that but some of them can smell like that okay yeah what up mytic how you doing so long is not a nitwit we’re fine come on and Mystic had you

Sleep have we thought of a building a storage area we already have one yeah we have three storage buildings they’re just manual right now we’ll make like a mega One auto sorting thing later but yeah we have the library trading Hall we have the Sorting thing and then we have like the

Nether Nether Portal that’s like the only things we’ve actually built Rob hello man hey are you to sleep yeah these villagers for the iron fir yet correct though correct apparently we need 20 villagers per thing hey Minecraft’s are going chil morning is a chil morning it’s a nice

Morning though I like some chil mornings the perfect temperature right now I F I guess we need like a bunch huh okay let’s go get a bunch of wood I forgot we got to put in the roof before Thunders and Lightnings though I can’t wait until I’m

Skinny I got to buy the clothes that I want to buy I want a new wardrobe already I’m sick of wearing gamert my new wardrobe already dude I think I have a new weight go though I think my new weight goal is 180 it was always 200 for the longest

Time but I think I’m going to go for 180 yeah apparently we’re supposed to be getting hit with a crazy storm like it’s probably that same storm that you guys are talking about apparently we’re going to be getting hit pretty hard up here in Nova Scotia yeah that’s what that’s what I

Mean like my big problem here is like my stomach but like the clothes that I want to wear are all like you have to be a little like more slender Fort like look good you can’t really have like any kind of belly even it’s like a little pot belly or whatever

Hey let’s go robam Miss congratulations man trust me I know how hard that is so frustrating it is you got to go to the gym though you got to start exercising to get rid of it got start watching what you eat that going to go away magically time

To join might City Gym D bro no excuses now it’s winter time a got no humidity you watch what you eat putting it in your mouth yeah exactly there a food go in my Mouth hold on is that show you like one day I would love to like I’d love to wear this maybe not the DOL and gabana belt but like that look I think I think is pretty hot you obviously need a flat stomach for that like I’d love to dress like that

Like every day you know what I mean like something like this what is with these country songs today that’s enough even if it is cter wall this would be sexy I might have to choose some different colors CU of my hair and my eye color but stuff like

That love to be able to the Belt I like the belt just I’m not going to spend that muchoney money on a belt probably been skin till the last few years yeah it’s just a little bit of time is all I need now I’ve been uh I’ve

Lost a bunch of weight last year I put it back on but not really back in what was it chat did a P90X Challenge and I lost I lost 15b but that was just on the scale I’ve since put 10 lbs back on but I’ve lost a lot more fat than

What like the scale tells you you can only go by the scale so much the scale is really not a good indication of how much weight you’ve actually Lo or how much fat you’ve actually lost uh cuz like I lost a ton of weight in my face and like that weight hasn’t

Come back like you wouldn’t even be able to tell that I put 10 lbs back on like I definitely put some fat back on obviously but it’s not as bad as like what the scale says you yeah I put on like a lot of muscle cuz I was doing like I was building

Muscle right so the last couple of months I was pretty lazy especially the last two weeks of the year I was really lazy and I didn’t go to gym at all uh but I wasn’t doing like any like physical exercise it’s just like treadmill every day for like half hour

Or whatever just to make sure I’m going to the gym and keep that discipline of going to the gym cuz it’s important uh but I’ll still pretty lazy about it but January 1st New Year’s resolutions time to tighten up all those goals and stuff again so yeah I’m already burnt

Out yeah go by results yeah well I mean like it’s like you can use like weight as like just like a goal like an overall goal of what like you your your M you know what your weight should be but yeah it’s more of a fitness goal and

What kind of how fit do you want to be but like my body type that like I would want would be I think now it it was 200 for a long time but I think a little more slender I think we’ll see though be anywhere from 180 to

200 I’d definitely be happy with 200 h baby penguin uh I did three and 1 half hours in the treadmill Yesterday by accident don’t so my [ __ ] legs are dead today but uh yeah so far so good today be day three today shoulders and arms shoulders and arms day today

Just trying to go week by week have a good week get a good weekend you know oh yeah yeah lost time a lost time reading yeah no show you I put it in the might City gym I’m 2500 calories 200 482 calories this [ __ ] crazy that’s the most I’ve ever I’ve

Ever burned on a on a workout and that was just a walk I was walking at 3 miles an hour or three on the thing you wacko I couldn’t I didn’t even know I didn’t I had no idea like I this is because again it happened the other day when I did laundry

I picked up my book I put my clothes in the washer I picked up my book started reading and I blinked and the laundry was done I put it in the dryer picked up my book I blink the dryer was done it’s like [ __ ] wild like how fast time

Goes when you’re like into a book which is a new experience for me because I don’t read and that’s what happened [Laughter] yesterday that’s three and a half hours that’s definitely correct by the way that’s my Apple watch tracking it was three and 1 half hours on the treadmill at 3 miles an

Hour long blink yeah uh but no that’s definitely accurate that’s not 30 minutes on the tread mode that’s it’s three and a half hours on the treadmill You watch a three and a half hours on the treadmill you did uh well it’s 2,000 calories would be the active calories 2400 calories is the total calories that’s like also like calories I would normally burn just by living says 2015 for the 2015 calories for the actual

Workout so you’re saying in 3 hours on treadmill you’d only burn 1,000 calories see that doesn’t seem accurate to me but it’s different for everybody too cuz like like our heart rates are probably not the same like my heart rate average was 131 beats per minute so like it goes by that too

But 1,000 calories for three and a half hours is really low doing a burnout series and never done uh before didn’t know what to do you guys Dr you got to be careful like that you can like continue to work out in a couple days you

Know like my uh my legs are pretty hurting today my legs are pretty hurting today uh but I should be able to get back on the treadmill again today and do do a half hour or mix it in with my uh shoulders and arm work outat but no that seems like really accurate

To me to be honest with you’d be flinker uh I’m also it’s not it’s also not just 3 m hour on the treadmill I’m using the treadmill like I’m inclining it up top allay Max and then that gets my heart right up to like 150 you know

Cuz I’m on Max incline I’ll do that for like 10 minutes and I’ll put it down you know like I’ll keep like it’s not just a straight walk it’s like a like I’m push I’m also pushing myself the entire time probably Canadian versus American calories I think they’re the same

Should I don’t know I’d have to see it I guess I’d have to see like for me I’d have to see your thing to believe it like that you did three and a half hours and it’s only 1,000 calories like are there different types of calories Uh apparently there is maybe no but that’d be different that’d be different though I’m looking at this so there’s KJ apparently but that would be more there’s just multiple variations oh I mean I guess uh but I think that stuff really just goes by like your heart rate can honestly honestly that’s not

That much for three half hour workout is not that much cuz if you’re like working out like you’re like running or something or if you’re doing like a like a really hard workout like when I do yoga I do yoga I burn like 900 to 1,000

Calories like in an hour of yoga or an hour and a half of yoga Hold on bring this up for a second yeah that’s that’s only 575 calories an hour that’s not that that much actually how many are you burning in an hour an hour on the treadmill and what is your Fitness level also like my fitness level I’d probably put on like a four or five

Maybe yeah 575 calories an hour I feel like is very normal what’s up brussell over on the YouTube like I say doing yoga do about 900 it might be enough for now let’s go back 30 minutes okay so how many calories do you burn in 30 minutes

Then uh and that’s a very brisk walk obviously so that’s the also probably the the the difference like you’re a for a walk with like your dog you’re saying walk so I’m assuming you’re not jogging or anything so you’re just out for a walk like I’m like like I say I’m going pretty

Hard like I’m going Max incline and like you know speeding it up yeah what up ghost Lord you should been 250 that’s the same that’s literally the same but dog ate your homework what do you do I don’t think your dog at your homework that’s the the that’s the same amount of

Calories 250 * 2 that’s 500 calories time 3.5 that’s 1750 for a brisk walk you definitely math Rock if you went up if you went for three and a half hour walk you’d burn 1750 I did 2,000 so I only burned 250 more calories than you but I was also going a little

More crazy yeah going in yeah go back back to bed two people bad at math shouldn’t be arguing math with each other we’re just talking about uh how many calories we burned just like the same amount you go it’s not going to be the same it’s

Not going to be the equivalent cuz again like it really goes by your heart rate and plus it it will go by like your age your current weight and stuff too for its estimate like whatever you have in like your health app or whatever like that it’s tracking so that will affect

It what are you up to doing uh we are over here having a good time making an iron farm that’s what we’re doing who’s making an iron farm man uh I did uh her first day went well it went long too yeah I think she had fun I think she

Had more fun than she’s uh she’s letting on a little bit but I think she had a good day I think it was really good for her to be a nurse again like doing like using her nurse skills we let her tell you about it when

She gets here obviously if she comes in today but no yeah I think she had she had a good day she performed well that’s good that’s for sure because that’s what she was nervous about more than anything else is just like performing right I don’t know how to just it’s just

Telling me what happened at the the end of work it’s too much she has so much responsibility like I could never I I think I could be probably like a good nurse uh like with a hell of like a lot of training cuz like I’m I’m a very like

Like I’m I’m pretty good at like remembering things I I don’t I I just I just I wouldn’t be able to do it though like if I was forced into it like I think it’d be good but like it’s too much responsibility so much responsibility being a nurse it’s like insane

Somebody dying over here like the stuff that like she has to do is like insane it’s too much responsibility for me screw it I’m going all in finally h back to n9o It’s Gonna I’m going to be careful my gambles for now on eat all the grass what you want hey Chad don’t

Forget there is a little thing called twitch Prime out there that you could be using if you happen to have one available please do use it the stream could use it I’ll keep the stream the dream in might City alive man just use a prime

Sub is it 25 gifty over 25% uh gifted Subs over now can somebody check for me actually it should be but I don’t know what time they’re actually ending it it might like bleed over into the third is it officially done it’s officially done so

Sad but hey if you want to gift a sub or two or five help out the community give the gift of ad free viewing we can use that too we a PR man we a p there I sold out for the first time today took me an

Hour sell out again in like another half hour or an hour or so push the subs man push the subs the subs the boooo the booo the booo don’t push me I’ll push you dude I’ll push you dter pent kill I’m definitely going to need a nap today I think

Though today might be a nap before workout day did you say pentac kill the name of the band exclamation point song last four Subs are over 10 months NR yeah you’re right except for grimlord there yeah crazy longterm supports man long-term supports insane crazy 30 something people over 100 100 months something like

That pent kill pent kill pent kill pent kill oh my am I getting pendills without me was it that Dy was playing Minecraft what’s going on over there oh some Black Keys baby I love this the guitar this sound of guitar dude this tone h daydreaming of the song right now

Hey guys shopping done welcome back my man welcome back dude how goes it how goes It I got to get some shopping done too but I’m so lazy to actually do it got to pick up a couple of groceries just do it man yeah I Know I also need a haircut desperately I cannot wait to get my haircut this month though beginning at the end of the month [Laughter] the hair is so long right now it’s crazy it’s the longest it’s been in forever cannot wait to get it cut I take the trash to the

Dump you have to go to the dump is that like a normal thing or you just like have specific things you have to take you don’t have to take the trash to the dump all the time D yeah what’s up spiky good to see you again man oh D my hair’s so

Long how long my hairs again I actually like the length I only want like a little bit cut off the length but I just need like the sides like faded and stuff but I actually like the length of it I like having some hair I’m 38 and I’m still blessed to

Have some here so might as well grow it a little you know really you have to take your garbage to the dump every where are you from if you don’t mind me ask say specifics obviously you have to go to the dump every every week is it or I guess or

Every time you’re ready I suppose that’s that’s wild to me I couldn’t imagine could imagine having G not having garbage pick up every week just used to it I guess right like what if you don’t have a vehicle like what if you can’t what do you do for garbage if you

Can’t go to the to the dump like you’re not fortunate enough to have like a vehicle piles up garbage pick up once a month or we have every Friday and every second Friday is recyclable day spoiled I guess what yeah we we just have garbage well we have compost as

Well we have compost the garbage and recyclables compost is the same as every garbage day so it’s once a week the same truck that picks up the garbage also takes the composts and then every second Friday uh obviously in my area it’s different for people in my area but

Every second Friday is uh recyclable pickups so garbage and recyclables every Wednesdays and Saturdays dump is open I would not live there sorry yeah so our paper is what I say for recyclables we do paper and plastic blue bags we call it or recycle day so every second Friday paper

Plastic and what we say fruits vegetables we also just we just any kind of food we put in the compost your dumb county is not recycling starting in October really I hear it doesn’t even matter anyway I hear it’s a big [ __ ] scam to make us all feel better that we’re doing

Something uh I because I do know and I found out that most of the like plastic stuff like that I even put in the plastic like for recyclable isn’t recyclable anyway like the really the only types of plastics that are that are actually recyclable are like like bottles like

Cans and like 2 L like plastic bottles like Coke or stuff but most of the stuff that you recycle as far as plastic goes like it’s just single use plastic and it’s not recyclable anyway and they don’t recycle it cuz they can’t so like 99% of the Plastics are just not recyclable

Anyway uh I feel like paper like would be a good thing to recycle cuz obviously you can recycle paper I don’t know what the cost is for people in companies to be like recycling paper but like apparently like 99% of plastics that you’re like cuz I try to put like

Everything plastic like doesn’t matter what it is like if you have a pack of pens you know how you have a pack of pens and there’s like the paper back and then you have the little plastic thing so you can see through and see what the actual pens

Are like if I were to buy a pack of pens I take that plastic and I put in the recycles but app it’s not recyclable anyway but apparently it’s like it’s like all it’s like all [ __ ] I’ve seen a few videos on it I’m just like actually makes sense that it would be

[ __ ] Samurai recycle paper x number of times yeah of course but Alexa would you rather would you rather be hired for a well-paying job that you lied to get and have no idea how to do or be about to give the most important presentation of your life but you can’t remember any of

The material you prepared does that say be high have the most paying job but you have no idea what you’re doing I’ll take that one I guess I just be George castanza make it up as I go okay let’s get what have guessed It uh let’s get this thing started shall we I where Al live I don’t know where my history is on YouTube anymore there it is this one H need YouTube premium so bad Alexa would you rather would you rather be only able to watch the few movies with a Rotten

Tomato score of 95 to 100% or only be able to watch the majority of movies with a Rotten Tomato score of 94% and lower 94% and lower most of those are [ __ ] Alexa Telly joke how do you send soda pop to an astronaut I don’t know with a bottle rocket okay dude okay

Dude okay dude relx Relax relax over there hey let’s go D Bru congratulations man bigger congrats like just on your YouTube in general or like on a YouTube video specifically or just like overall hey let’s go man congrats that’s huge that’s huge of course it starts raining as I’m about start building God damn it

Never rains in Minecraft never dude it never rains in Minecraft man it’s just not a thing here no never never uh we’re building an iron farm time for iron Farm and how you doing brother man happy New Year good day happy January 3rd was going to say happy new year all year every day no matter what okay it’s a good sore though feels good it’s time to build our iron farm bro a met speaky brother brother hit when add on

YouTube okay so we need signs in here I see what you do brother Minecraft that’s why because Minecraft just cuz you put in not copy paste doesn’t mean that you didn’t just copy and paste that here you even left in the hashtags I don’t I don’t know what any of that means

Dude and okay sure if sure sure dude thanks for that random information you don’t either so then it was okay well I’m just going to time you out then because you’re spamming again for no reason sorry and you’re just spamming which you do way too much so guess so we need some

Larva I don’t even know either I don’t know Deber I don’t know man uh iron farm is what we’re doing right now building an iron farming hi how you doing man uh just one they’re running out of rockets though Quantum just likes to spam random stuff when he does it too much

Too much man too much I don’t mind being people being weird and silly but he just doesn’t that’s all he does he’s been warned a million time to stop larva of course Minecraft is going to be Minecraft from when you actually need something you’ll never find it can grab this probably though

H am I in a band no I’m going to start playing Guitar a little bit more again starting today though actually I’m Bor a a good guitar off my brother uh I don’t know you mean with the dirt are you talking about the area that we’re clearing out yeah we the area is

Flattened now the area is flattened thank of goodness oh damn bro Big Win bro oh I just got a big win too should have went should have went all in say the 5x baby yeah ,000 tears I’ve CRI so he puts it in the opposite corner

So I’m just going to do that too then yeah yeah rigged yeah yeah yeah rigged bro oh do we need more lava oh we need four lavas BM want to do me a favor that is give me an album give me one of your favorite albums to add to our

Playlist I want to add an album to might City radio so give me give me an album to add my face itching yeah think I want no rush or anything just whatever your favorite is don’t don’t think like what will Matt like what will the stream

Like what do you like well I add it don’t matter what it is hey I’m daydreaming so hard as if I flew in the lava I think we’d be all right we just have to hop into some water dude be hot hot hot we also have netherite

Armor which uh from my understanding has a little bit of fire protection too so I think we we definitely wouldn’t die it just be really hot and uncomfortable this one might hurt a little bit more cuz it’s a trap but uh there’s no such thing as an infinite lava

Source you can’t do that lava doesn’t go infinite sources 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 it’s like a water source yeah that doesn’t work in Minecraft unless you add mods that’s not how vanilla works though oh my God tired today chat

But not like tired tired like just like physically tired I guess 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 we’re good tired cuz I worked out a lot the last two days and I’m not used to working out that

Hard cuz I had lots of sleep man I I had a [ __ ] great sleep last night this is not pre-recorded now I had such a good sleep last night like super deep don’t say yes and no Dem just say no I don’t need to confuse people no it is not pre-recorded

George you’re just on YouTube it’s harder to YouTube chat like barely moves at all we’re also live on Twitch as well as YouTube you hear me talking to people CU there’s people talking on Twitch and I get to the YouTube channel a little bit later just because it’s harder to look at It do we have that album though uh let me double check I don’t think that we do I don’t think we have any Red Hot Chili Peppers actually no we don’t that’s a great album to add any song you want to listen to on it right

Now which song Would you would like me to put on at right now that’s an oldie but a goodie huh but how old is that album even forever old C Gage I already you got it how do not like this song huh what year did this album come

Out it wasn’t even 2000s right this was like ’90s like late ’90s 1999 God hi Fair Shadow over there on the YouTube I Fair Shadow over there on the twitch my boy Fair Shadows here Spit one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 just going to double check this real quick 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 let’s check our

Work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 all right we good dreaming Californation boom what is he doing right now May me this seem really Weird that’s such a good out isn’t it I’m surprised we didn’t nobody added it yet thank you for adding it to M City radio Bravo okay so we’re adding five beds here now I mean still lots of albums to add I’m sure slowly ad them we request some albums every now and again you want an album immediately uh three subs or 1 th000 bits and we’ll throw an album on for you didn’t I make

Beds did I make beds yesterday Chad or am I nuts like I I swear we went and got the the wool and everything oh right it was for the Villager breeder right okay right okay right for the Villager breeder made okay so I’m not crazy I’m just I maybe I am

Tired maybe I am tired [Laughter] tired okay [Laughter] whatever thank God you guys are here dude they would have drove me nuts I swore I made bits whole other project you Dingus Sierra be here she be like [Laughter] dumbass proving a right God damn it I would have lost my mind thinking

About that where the [ __ ] did I put those beds I swear the year of the burnout baby we in it burns out on day three well I mean to really we’ve been grinding since the [ __ ] all like December but it’s also not stream burnout burnt out because I’ve been

[ __ ] working out like a maniac streams we’ve been grinding for [ __ ] like a month now been doing we’ve been doing real goog I’m tired because of [ __ ] exercising reading too much smut I’m exhausted from the smut bro I got to take out this back line remind me chat okay I might

Forget uh I don’t know one that was suggested yesterday and it said I like the look of it so we’ll go to that yeah collected one I’ve seen that uh yeah that’d be pretty cool I thought we were getting Jason Mamoa Steve or something I thought I

Remember hearing a long time ago but apparently it’s confirmed because Jack Black posted about it on his own his own uh Instagram so apparently it’s confirmed uh I’m down for it I watch Jack Laing pretty much anything to be honest with you wait suppos to do

No no I’m not huge numbers oh it’s going to make him [ __ ] a really rich man Minecraft movie him playing Steve oh my that’s going to make a lot of money bro be ridiculous post all right oh so you got to get beds next okay oh hiccup in

20 * three chat so like a stack right just stack of wool 60 will do so just get a stack basically notches on your notches on your notches on your bed post yeah Minecraft movie is going to like billions of billions of dollars it will make billions like literal billions with a

Be imagine getting the column being like yeah we want you to place Sten Minecraft oh it’s I mean Minecraft movie would have potential to be like one of the most sold movies ever it has that sort of potential Minecraft is a crazy Community man and honestly there’s probably no reason why like it

Wouldn’t yeah that’s the that would be my hope too hope it’s like a good movie I mean if they’re hiring Jack Black seems like that’s going to be that’s a good start to to know where their head is you know if it’s going to be like they’re going

To take time to write it sort of thing although that doesn’t really matter who’s in it could be [ __ ] but I mean that’s like I say it’s a good indication that they’re taking it serious anyway yeah I’d go to the cinema more it’s just like everything’s so like inconvenient for

Me like I would definitely like to experience movies more i’ go way more but just just they’re too far away it’s like a it’s like a 30 40 minute drive for me well probably like 30 minutes realistically but too far for me to be bothered the plot’s going to be I’m not

Sure I mean we’ve had some Minecraft stuff before like Minecraft story mode was a great written story that was a good story even uh even like the storyline of like Minecraft dungeons I did a really good job on you can tell they really care and stuff so they’re definitely taking care

Of the product of Minecraft you know I wonder hold on I wonder see if we can find anything here just for fun Scotia Bank theater right there what is that yep modern Cinema on let me look at a Buon Zillow see this what I’m talking about wait how do you hold on

Thought there was a way in here to see that stuff me not hold on so where was that so it’s right there so yeah so this is where I’m wanting to move so scoa Bank theater’s like right here and I’d be living in this area somewhere so I’d be a walk to

It I’d just be a walk to it wonder if there’s any more Cinemas I can’t wait to move God I hope it happens this year try to see if there’s like another one anywhere so many like restaurants and stuff too ah can’t wait dude I can’t wait hey see you later

Four so go one man I need to move this place is crushing me I would say this place is crushing me but it’s just keeping me stagnant like it’s just keeping me alive you know that sort of feeling is what I get from where I live like it’s okay it’s

Nice it’s quiet there’s nothing to do I’m very lucky to have uh cheap housing and stuff but like I’m comfortable for sure I just want more to do just want more opportunity I want to be closer to be able to fly and do things like actually like do IRL streams

And stuff like there’s so much I want to do like I’d love to go to the movies all the time imagine being the walk away from the movies I just be like I’m going to movies today so it’s not like this place is like crushing Me by any means it’s

Definitely not propelling me forward that’s for sure iess say just kind of keeping me treading in water I guess you know speaking of chat have you heard of a little thing called twitch Prime I don’t know where that hour went either remember I said an hour ago I’m going to

Probably promote twitch Prime in another hour it’s been an hour somehow feel like I literally just said it like five minutes ago got a little thing called twitch Prime help keep the stream the dream alive we would appreciate you or if you want to throw five bucks my way if

You’re not subbed already and You’ be considering it now will be a good time to do it help us reach some subscriber goals uh or if you’re already subbed hey maybe think about gifting a sub or two or five or more to your favorite people in the chat give them some adree viewing

And 45 amazing Emos welcome to the community the ability to post links and pictures and stuff on Discord all bunch of Stu okay I’ll shut up a bit we’ll see you again in another hour for some promoties this is my final that should be all we need for the

Beds speaking know let’s go to bed the best thing that you can do of course is just continue to show up every day bring your Good Vibes we’ll build this community we’ll build this community it’s already been a crazy year so we’re only 3 days in so just keep showing up

Man keep bringing the Good Vibes participate in the conversation I was going to say this is ey Prevail it is I Prevail I really like ey prevail like I Prevail a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot yeah I can’t I can’t wait to get my

Haircut I’m excited for a haircut I I I wasn’t really I was really pissed about my last haircut too cuz you [ __ ] it up she Brut she it was brutal was actually brutal especially my beard she never trimmed a beard before like she never shaped a beard and you can tell that she

Didn’t cuz kept asking for help from other people and she butchered it I literally spent like 3 hours fixing my hair uh the fade she did okay on but like it was ridiculous it was like legit ridiculous I remember it’s when I first started I also remember the space station the space

Station the UFO the mothership Ken for 37 months coming out in baby thank you for keeping the stream the dream alive that’s another one what do we got that’s two of 20 for our goal chat if I ever leave this up tell me cuz I’m an idiot and sometimes I’ll leave it

Big that’s two of 20 for our sub goal keep it up keep it going let’s try to get 20 subs today end every day we get let’s get a streak going we’re on a two-day streak now keep the streak alive no we’re not no we didn’t get 20

Subs yesterday never mind don’t mind me let’s start a streak maybe we should do that see how many days in a row we can get 20 Subs a day reach our goal every day so how many how many days can we reach our goal s got to start with

One Ken how you doing brother do you have a good New Year how’s your year so far hopefully go a pop wait what did he just apologize there oh the apolog dude in the video apologized for the rain I’m so [ __ ] used to rain in Minecraft I didn’t even realize hey

What’s up Mr Modo might dude dude in the video just apologized that there’s rain in the video and it’s so sad I didn’t even realize that there was rain in the video because I’m so used to rain in Minecraft anyway how sad is that like what did he say what is he apologizing

For Sor there rain forgot ah CZ Dan’s a butt uh might said he Labs gamble secretly I’ll tell Dan remind me to tell Dan next time he’s in here yeah we made the might City Labs gamble in silence so that it’s not spamming uh it was meant to be turned off

Though Dan was working on it the other day might have accidentally re-enabled it but yeah it’s just my city Labs the it’s the bot gambling by itself and also I miss scamers God damn it I’m sick from work oh no dude oh no that’s not good I’m cracking

Everywhere I’m so pale look how pale I am Chad so pale Yeah I’ll remind Dan next time I next time I see him oh we need some pressure plates now huh can you make stone pressure plates yeah I just don’t want to bug Danny cuz he’s on like vacation now it’s not a big deal it’s always been

A thing we just recently decided to turn it off so just don’t want to bug Dan about it while he’s on vay you know so if I see him and I happen to remember I’ll mention it yeah he’s he’s with he’s with fam right now Kate and the fam okie dokie oh whoops

The like I don’t know it’s crazy to me that you can’t just make a stone wall like how is there not a stone wall variation like why not more variations of blocks Minecraft your goddamn building game oh we don’t even need these do do do do do do

Who this oh Asking Alexandria of course such a good band too such a goog band too man I yeah I’m going to start playing Guitar a little bit more starting today like got a little bit of an itch and you know why it’s cuz of [Laughter] smut I know it’s terrible is

It can’t help it hey churn boom baby three 20 let’s go thank you so much Prime Time 5 months coming back yeah I love to see it I I say uh five months come back and he said take it all back turn how the hell you doing Happy New Year

Oh we need more pressure plates okay uh thank you for the prime time enjoy your adree month thank you for the hook up Dude what did you Do I don’t even know how many of it is cuz all I can see is sniper down with Subs I don’t actually know how many it is sniper down sniper Down’s way of saying happy new year God damn 50 Subs okay Chad I’m going to beg a little bit more okay we

Just need one person to gift a sub do a 100 bits any sort of support besides sniper down and besides churn cuz they just did it uh to start a hype train that is a that’s some highlevel uh emotes that you’re going to be getting from twitch here sniper down you crazy bastard

Oh I’m seeing a I’m seeing a lot of familiar names in this list hidden vaults sourer cow Lucas SX getting a sub SoCal guy Wing Zero Glenn uh Nik Claus ton Sam Jelly Bean ziel galinger so many regulars dude what a good list to be getting MH

Robo a seene bandit Sheridan Dr gluon also by the way destroyed Dr Glan Z twitcher flyball mzor poock branches Dragon Hunter Hellboy Dre daddy fck Gable grip bit Rider Gran white gorilla beook Cyprus CA dump Nathan airtight Alibi hot wheels merley hanz’s gex sopa son of a sopa FJ BK Royer Cheno F6 prototype Master pun MC Mozart MZ Jrock bird with 100 bits Pikachu poo

For 100 bits there you go Chad easy level four emotes I mean we probably won’t get through level five but what is it to get through level five 20 Subs so that be 10 for 50% I don’t eight Subs maybe Seven Subs let’s go with seven I don’t know how to

Math Seven Subs or like 3500 bits Seven Subs or 3500 bits to get through level five I want to do it sniper down my man I don’t know why that wasn’t the big sound either I have to look into my alerts snip down happy New Year brother

How the hell you doing dropping a [ __ ] 50 bomb out of nowhere Chad if we get another 50 bomb it’ll probably break our record I’m just kidding I’m just kidding sure man just ask for another 50 bomb it’s fine somebody be like sniper down and do

Another 50 bomb and then we’ll break our record uh level eight 34% [ __ ] off you did not no now I feel bad I didn’t mean for you to do that I was literally joking you crazy bastard and look at him using his his own emote did that actually break the record about to beat the last record no we didn’t actually beat the r sniper

Down don’t not worry about it that was a complete joke it says about to beat it I don’t even know like what do you mean about to beat it what level are we on it doesn’t tell me oh no we’re still like a whole like level away sniper Dam what the

[ __ ] what the Bob oh we’re on level seven right now so we still we still have to go through level seven we still have to get through this level and then 34% of level eight don’t worry about it that’s enough 100 Subs is enough sniper down you crazy

Bastard if you’re going to do it other people besides sniper down step up he’s done enough sniper de I got to read all these names again we’re on level seven 37 uh 37 Subs what’s half of 37 chat what’s half of 37 it’s like 18 18 and a half so 20 Subs I

Think 20 Subs will get us through level seven whatever the bit equivalent to that would be that’s 7,000 bits if you’re going to go crazy I don’t want to ask for too much sniper Down’s already done too much so he’s out if anybody else wants to do it we are

Really close to our record that’d be really cool for the new year though uh lady Samantha the grumpy the the great nump Tity the great numpty I’m so great at reading names spurgo Damon bang bang George WTA four who was just in here earlier Mr Brad Palm chaotic

Jim uh Blue cherry this is awkward awkward is level a do Captain uh Andre Viper malie schmer ezekiel’s [ __ ] you Tony uh delam Gordon kid what’s your beef hey K Watson Faber Salem obviously not like if we can get like a bunch of people to do like five gifted Subs each

Maybe if you want to do that obviously not I’ll one person doing one thing like crazy sniper D it should be like a community hype thing you know we need uh what did I say 20 Subs so four people doing five gifties if you break it down that way you

Know one at a time if you want you got a minute and 20 seconds to consider it uh exilium neurotic touch marceno tman Shy Guy Rick Mort Bourne d Royer Elanor strong paprika all you guys are now add free and subbed for the month uh with

All of our 45 emotes Willow Arctic Nick strong too much clutch Kona food the man wolf a Jax one minute chat 50 seconds actually least Daddy we’re going to give this one a countdown because this is uh this is the biggest hype train that we’ve had since the yeah this is the

Biggest Hye train that we’ve had since the record honestly uh stesia piger Shadow Wolf Princess and Mr Magan if you are any of those people please give some hearts in the chat four sniper down two sniper down for your sub you can thank

Him uh 10 seconds 10 nine 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 boom hype train level s 45% led by there’s a there was 101 Subs in the hype train 101 sub gifts in hype Train 100 of them came from sniper down that’s crazy sniper

Down always finds a way to blow my mind after all of these years let’s spam some hearts for Sniper down chat let’s do it some might rares this is weird I just arrived for the first time hey enjoy your emotes what a way to watch for the first time and get a

Gifted a sub sniper down thanks thank you dude thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you a million times over he’s crazy CH he’s crazy he’s a crazy I don’t think there’s going to be anybody more than uh sniper down for the top gifter today top cheer

Of the day is Pikachu poo with 100 uh no top Tipper of the day somebody want to just do a dollar for the tips for the traditional PayPal tips click the tip down below uh top Tipper we’re tracking them every day in my stream

Journal so if you want to make it to the stream Journal it just cost you a dollar to be the top Tipper there I’ll shut up about uh sellout stuff for a little while do doar h y dollar let’s get back to this tutorial dude my my heart

Like sniper down makes my heart drop all the time it’s just so crazy wild man it’s weird after all these years that still happens though huh you think you’d get used to it like people like people supporting big like that never it you never get used to

It we’ve have been people supporting and Sniper I’m one of them since forever uh like it never gets old like you never you never get used to somebody supporting you like that you still get that weird like tingly feeling no that’s like that’s what I am right

Now too like it’s like it’s like a it’s like a good panic mode but it’s just like you don’t look what do you say like how do you how do you be grateful enough like maybe if you’re like on like a like a you I don’t know big like a big

Streamer level I just I don’t know for me personally I just could I don’t think I could ever get used to it like even if I was like [ __ ] ninja or like lwig when he was doing his like uh his subathon stuff cuz I don’t know it’s just like

It’s just like so unbelievable like I don’t think I’d ever get used to it no matter how big the stream was well I’m trying not to I’m trying not to get like super emotional about it cuz like I’m in a little bit of like like it’s an anxiety feeling but it’s a

Good like anxiety feeling but it’s just like Jesus like what the [ __ ] like this 100 Subs that he just did to the stream like that is that that is a quarter of the subs that we have that’s a little more than a quarter of the subs

That we have we currently have a a total of 396 Subs so just to put that in perspective how great [ __ ] crazy that is sniper down just gifted a quarter of our entire subscribers base oh did he actually yeah like that’s crazy like like I don’t know I don’t know if like I

Could handle it obviously but like just like it’s emot like I’m just saying like the emotion is there like it’s just like Jesus like what how you know yeah what what was the record what is the record now I guess cuz there was some other guy that was like breaking

The record too or he broke the record one record-breaking thing would set me up for like literal Years thank you sniper D you’re [ __ ] incredible dude like it’s so like crazy cuz like our goal is 20 Subs a day so that sets us up that’s five

Literally 5 days this month I don’t have to worry about getting any subs whatsoever if we didn’t get any level 55 13 1300% hey what’s up sopa oh my goodness sopa got the first badge bro sofa is the only one that I’ve seen actually have the the the first

Badge level 55 is the Max that’s that’s crazy what was the how many Subs was it how many subs and how many bits yeah OG oh there’s lots of ogs here but it’s only the first 25 that actually get the first badge which that that’s crazy cuz I haven’t removed any of them

Either like there’s some that are like are still around but I want the list to be like legit level 47 you already needed 380 Subs no it got to be a lot more than that oh thank you is this Jesus let’s see what I would make from this that’s [ __ ] crazy

Chat hold on let’s see what I personally would have made from this so first of all I don’t even know how to work I don’t know how to math this how would I how would I even do this what am I doing right now for math so that’s

$10 okay how do I math how do I math bits my brain isn’t on right now 529,000 that’s 52,000 uh 5,000 $522,000 right 52,900 52,00 9,375 bits uh dollars so that’s he made $52,000 in bits alone he’s on the higher thing as well as am I so 18,000

Subs so he’s making 350 per sub plus so he made $63,000 from subs and he made 52,900 37ar from bits 5200 is it so 5,293 one bit is 1 cent yeah so I I I mean I would assume that they’re doing more subs than bits because they want to break the sub record r the other dude had a million over a million bits oh yeah because a million bits would be $10,000 but he got a new record so be $68,000 in a day that’s what he banked so but that’s more for me because that’s US dollars so for me dude that’s crazy that’s literally winning the lottery that’d be $91,000 for me that’s so wild dude just saying he already broke a new record

Is it I don’t think so is it oh I guess well that’s his that’s his personal record though oh yeah I guess it is new that’s that’s crazy how much tax is I can know well rule of thumb is about 33% but it might be more because it’s so so much higher but

Imagine dude I don’t even need that though like that’s not something I aspire to at all I honestly like here’s the way that I am as as a streamer there’s no way you can say to know that I would not promote that at all like I don’t need that much

Money like I would take 100 G’s right now just cuz it would set me up for like my goals that I want to do like move and be comfortable for the next couple years and like you know do what I want like on stream and stuff like like 100 G’s right now would

Set me up for all that sort of thing but I I I would feel terrible for people spending that much money on me cuz that’s not even something I want to do now like what I here’s what I want to do all right I would love to have

Anywhere from 250 viewers to 500 viewers and most of the revenue coming from the stream coming from ads and sponsors because that’s a very realistic thing that that can happen that’s all I want like I would promote people like hey you want to Sub sub you know you

Want to get the emotes you want to be ad free you know then sub but like I don’t even like promoting I think that’s why I get that crazy like anxiety feeling like with sniper down doing 100 cuz just it’s just so much obviously we need it now you know

Like right now it’s like 90% support from you guys and doing bits and subs and gifted subs and stuff like that uh and 10% from like ad Revenue but I would like to flip that I would like to flip it where it’s 90% Revenue not from your pocket but from the

Industry and uh 10% support from you guys depending on the size of our community but I don’t like promoting Subs I don’t like taking your money at all like I like money more money the better you know it’d be nice to be a millionaire or whatever I really don’t

Need that like that’s I don’t need money to be happy at all I just want to be comfortable but eventually that’s my goal for this stream which I think is a very modest goal and it’s very realistic CU like ads pay a lot and we do them in

Such a way that they’re not intrusive and annoy people or anything I know collect one yet imagine making $60,000 in a single stream in one stream you know but that’s not an aspiration that I have here you know I have like like like I think my maximum goal

Like my endgame goal would be average 500 viewers my immediate goal is to build this community to 250 you know once we get to 250 you know the snowball kind of like rolls it but if we if we could never go under 500 average obviously that’s average so we’d be like

600 some days 400 some days or like whatever uh like that that’d be that’s my endgame that that would set me up more than you guys now so what I’m trying to tell you is just keep showing up that’s all you got to do man just keep showing up all I want is

Your eyes and your time and your Good Vibes in your conversation and just play games and uh you know waste time for a couple hours together a day yeah well I’m sure that that probably goes to like his company doesn’t it like the games he’s selling yes oh there’s yeah there’s a

Good way speaking of your eyes uh if somebody can do exclamation point YouTube live that’s going to be a big thing for us as well uh as far as like ad revenue and stuff goes and what we were talking about I just need your eyes on YouTube because we’re going for YouTube

Partnership so if you could uh I prefer you on Twitch obviously so if you’re on mobile don’t worry about it but if you’re on PC and you can bring up a second tab bring up the YouTube just so I can get your watch hours we need that 4,000 watch hours so

We can start monetizing the YouTube that’s going to be a big goal for 2024 and also to you know help set us up for moving to BC and stuff if that’s something you you could do I’d appreciate it he got hot through YouTube shorts by

The way yeah yeah but I mean that’s like a lot of luck too though right a lot of that stuff is so much luck cuz we’ve been grinding YouTube shorts and Tik toks and stuff for since the beginning since short form content started I was doing Tik Tok

Before 99% of people were doing Tik Tok and it was even a thing to be putting gaming content on Tik Tok I’ve been doing gaming content on Tik Tok since uh January 2020 that’s like the one thing with Minecraft that I don’t like as being a content creator like my Minecraft is

Like the perfect streaming game like it’s such a good streaming game for twitch and just to be grinding stuff listening to music conversation like I love Minecraft is streaming me but it’s [ __ ] for YouTube videos it’s [ __ ] for YouTube videos especially when it comes to short form content cuz just nothing

Happens if you’re playing another game especially fun games like if you’re playing like cyberpunk or like a story based game or even like a lethal company like you know the game of the moment kind of kind of thing like you get clips for days that you can make in a short form content

But like you might you could play Minecraft for eight hours a day for three weeks and have zero things to put on for shorts zero like good content that’s the only downside of Minecraft that I don’t like it’s just not very good for short form stuff unless you’re

Doing like an SMP or something like that but just like normal survival like we do it’s just not it’s not good for short form stuff uh there are some ways that I’m thinking of uh getting out there though that might also help promote and uh promote support to the stream and

Stuff again for now until we can get to the point where uh we don’t have to ask for subs and stuff uh cuz we can do like Alexa jokes Alexa uh would you rather oh she’s heard me oh she didn’t hear me we can do that

And like upload those as well like do one daily I’ve been thinking of ways to like integrate that into it so then we can actually just do like cuz like that’s some funny stuff that people would like just to get uh cuz I’ve been wanting to

Do that for a long long long time Too that way we can still do Minecraft content but it’s like Alexa on top of it so it doesn’t really matter what’s going on Minecraft but we can still promote as Minecraft because that’s kind of what our stream is anyway just having fun while we’re playing Minecraft uh and

That’s something I want to do for for a long time but it’s just uh I haven’t really pulled the trigger on yet because I don’t exactly know how I want to do it there’s I’d like to do like this here is a good example like Alexa good

Morning good morning Jr tolken was born on this day in 1892 oh the author of such Classics as The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings he was also filled with good advice like never laugh at live dragons excellent point to which I would add that it’s okay to laugh with

Them hey he should have put more smut in his books though I I probably read them if they were smut in Lord of the Rings okay you know Arn is bang and aorn like that and we can make that like the daily whatever the daily good

Morning is it’d be a good idea to put up uh for Minecraft uh but I was kind of thinking of like a way to like promote bits with it too be like fun and then like promote whoever that is on the YouTube as well as like a

Thank you like put their name on the screen and stuff but I don’t know but again I’m like I’m so uncomfortable doing that when I really should should be cuz it’s just just such a silly thing cuz it’s a good idea and it’s a kind of like a fun way

To put community members into like the YouTube and stuff like I was thinking like once per day whoever claims it like for like say like a thousand bits can get an Alexa joke or it would be your Alexa would you rather and then that’s the one that goes

On Tik Tok cuz we do like we do like 10 would you rathers a day but think if somebody did like uh say like hey here’s 1 thousand bits I want this one on Tik Tok or even at at requests or something you know could be

Fun like hey I want to would you rather but I also want you to make it into a Tik Tok and like make it their choice to do it or not you know that could be fun having the cartoon Hobbit there was a cartoon Hobbit was there actually how old is

That so there’s some stuff that we can do that I should like start incorporating right away maybe I’ll start doing that I’ll start doing the daily the daily thing at least might do 500 500 bits if you want I would you rather on Tik Tok yeah let’s do 500 bits 500 bits ain’t

Crazy so we need five vill per capsule 1977 oh I didn’t know that that’s crazy okay so we need five villagers per let’s get that going I haven’t actually done Min anything in Minecraft in probably like the last 20 minutes cuz we’ve been talking and again sniper down I don’t know if

You’re still here still hanging out man always lovely to have you always lovely to see you uh I cannot thank you enough for supporting the stream over the years and especially today especially now this month new year uh ridiculous man just ridiculous thank you a million

Times over and you know you know how thankful I am and truly truly and wholeheartedly uh how grateful and blessed I am that you bless this stream with uh with your support man I know I don’t even got to say nothing at the end of the day you do it

Because you’re you and you’re [ __ ] amazing uh we’re going to have to go back to base and get some Redstone though actually I still I still can’t [Laughter] believe it’s crazy man oh god bang it one more what a what a guy yeah what’s up

Silly good to see you man happy New Year how are you how you been how’s your New Year bin over uh okay let’s go get some Redstone cuz we don’t have any over here at all uh it’s been a great year so far been a really good year first two days like

Even just like stream stuff like it’s been good personally as well back hitting the gym really hard and stuff which feels really good so we’re back on that Trend already today’s already day three of working out so which is which is awesome days are going by pretty

Quick uh first two days of the year we’re on Twitch front page hopefully more of that can happen been sleeping well I don’t know just like Good Vibes all around you know so far so good need bit [ __ ] no I’m taking all your good vibes for myself just like I’m

A ginger and I take your souls give me your Good Vibes Saka taking your good year for myself I’m just kidding hi T BL how you doing brother man by the way yeah it’s a very big misconception right like everybody thinks that gingers don’t have souls listen that’s not true

Okay don’t be ridiculous of course gingers have souls I have many Souls that I’ve collected over the years 14,775 to be precise I just don’t have a soul of my own that’s where the that’s where people get confused exactly sing for a long very long though you’re almost maxed out I need to

Get more badges is the thing I just don’t know what to add for badges there’s people that like if I were to add new badges they would actually have them like we have up to n and a half years but there’s people that are sub for 10 how stupid as that that’s

Crazy like I need to add more badges past N9 and a half years because there’s people unlocking 10 the 10e sub Edge penis I don’t think so I don’t know what we would add I I I Adore our the the idea that we have for our

Uh for our badges though like it works out so well uh let me see way I can actually know how to look at it ignore the uh the star over it’s because I’m a tier three so we have we do hard canisters and a heart canister starts as an empty

Heart canister then for two months you get a quarter heart for three months you get a half a heart for six months you get three4 of heart and then your brand new baby to the stream you’re N9 month and you get your full heart then at one

Year you get the golden badge but the heart canister is empty then one and a half year you fill up the heart canister with the gold heart then two years you get the diamond heart canister but the heart the heart is empty again 2 and 1/2 years you fill

It up then you go Emerald fill it up amethyst fill it up uh then we have a 5-year transition so it’s uh the the black and gold uh and then we mix two of them then we mix the amethyst and Diamond so you get the amethyst border with the diamond uh

Heart uh and then you get the gold with the green and then you get the rainbow I really like I I really like the flow of that but now I don’t know what to do after rainbow because I don’t want to push rainbow like further back to 10 years or

Whatever so we’re going to have to add something new for 10 years some sort we could probably still use the same same theme like uh you know unlocking some sort of canister but what could we use besides a heart I don’t really know I was thinking of the triangle that

We use for might City but I I don’t think that would look very good in the badge uh yeah maybe diamonds might come across pretty good what thought I came back here for a redstone rent the thing is we just need one idea cuz 10 years is already crazy so we

Might even just stop at 10 years and just that’s the max do some sort of like crown or some [ __ ] something different enough where it’s like what why is that sub so different from all the other sub badges I see you know well we’ll think we’ll cross that [Laughter]

Bridge we’ll cross that bridge when we get to 15 years not going to worry about that right now though another decade away that’s going to go by fast though that’s going to go by fast you know it will I need some uh lips are dry need

Some coconut oil D brro have you been using your coconut oil for your lips by the way it’s always this one corner that’s a problem right here this corner of my mouth is always a problem that gets dry wonder why not really oh dude I’m obsessed I

Still haven’t even used that much as much as I’ve been using it that’s all that I’ve used on my lips there’s still so much left and I use it constantly because you don’t need very much isn’t 15 years so just one Global pandemic Away really though think about it in those terms

What the one in my room oh there’s like half of that left not like 3/4s that one gets used a lot more and that’s a that’s a big jar up which makes it worse actually that’s the big one that’s the that’s not small like that one is [ __ ] big

Jar hey man I’m not going to do try all right there’s still a lot left though considering cuz I’ve used that a lot too never mind mind you business that’s why is it itchy no it doesn’t get itchy I just noticed that it’s dry like I can actually like pick the

Skin off of it uh you know I don’t know why it’s all just that one spot too just it decides one spot where it’s going to get dry they used to kind of do that like like patchy like you be like everywhere cuz dry lips but since I started taking care

Of my lips it’s just this one corner like doesn’t like this stay moisturizer or something it’s probably because that’s where I bite my lip all the time probably where I bite my lip It’ll like habit food allergy testing no I don’t think I’m allergic to any food though that I’m aware

Of I mean I’m even doing it now I’m literally biting my lip down uh Den bro I assume that was you that banned that bot or whoever it was thank you dude just want to go do it and I seen that it wasn’t there appreciate that I still on my chat

Program that I use it’s still there but I just want to go like to my dashboard to like ban it it was already gone and I assume that that was you thanks to it appreciate you look at you putting the work in bro that’s my dude man that’s my mod d

Of course it’s this way isn’t it and of course it’s raining right we got to go back to [ __ ] base again cuz I’m a doof this CH I thought we had way more than this all I get the more issues I discover luckily I mean I just never really taken

Care of my lips or my skin and I I still don’t really have any issues like I still think my skin is pretty good but it’s like a little dry but it’s I’ve always just had dry skin anyway again probably because I haven’t really taken care of

It um and I’ve never really taken care of my lips or really careed to do it I just kind of let them be dry they’ve never been like like an issue but I just kind of want soft lips now you know like take care of start taking care

Of my skin and and things like that I’ve never really had issues dry skin the most uh bizarre places it’s always the same locations like one behind the ear yeah I kind of get that like I say like I have that one no matter what I do

It’s like but I think it’s because I’m B I bite it I’m going to try to pay attention to like cuz I think I do do that all the time I just bite that one corner it’s probably like why it’s was like a little little thing

There I think I’ve aged pretty good for a 38y old in like in like a lot of ways feel pretty blessed other than my feet I have some feet issues like I know a lot of people complain about like cracking knees and like joints and stuff like like all the

Time like sore backs and stuff and considering as like hard labor for like six seven years doing scaffolding and working in the oil industry and stuff like I feel good like I don’t feel like as weird as it is like I feel in I feel better than ever which I I

Feel pretty blessed to be you know cu the way like people talk and I hear other people my age talk I feel like I should not be getting out of bed or something for like a lot of times I feel great I have so much energy like I like and I’ve always kind

Of like been a high energy person anyway like but like I don’t know it’s just like but it’s it’s probably because I’m taking care of myself way more than I did when I was in my 20s and even early 30s like the last like really really even the last year I really started

Taking care of like my health and eating properly making sure I’m getting all my vitamins and minerals and stuff like I’m bouncing off the wall even more than I ever have yeah of course true it’s all probably all the the the souls that I’ve stolen as a

Ginger help out a little bit [ __ ] off but I I don’t know like I really do here’s little bit of TMI any kids watching you might want to e mus for a little bit um so I just found out something there’s been like a little bit of a

Trend going on of taking magnesium supplements obviously look into it because magnesium can cause a couple of issues um so I but like apparently it can help a ton of issues as far as like with like your mental health and uh like a whole bunch of other things like magnesium is

Like super important and like apparently like 75% 75% of people are not getting the mag the proper amount of magnesium that they’re supposed to be getting and like it’s supposed to help with like depression and things like that so that’s why I started taking it and I

Take it with vitamin D also which vitamin D helps with this as well well but uh vitamin D helped you absorb magnesium better or something so I’ve been taking them at like the same time but I’ve been so [ __ ] horny for La for like the last 4 five days and I’m

Kind of like a like I think I have like a high libido anyway and I’m already kind of like a like a horny guy all the time but it’s been excessive the last like 3 4 days and I thought it was because I started reading the smut books which probably doesn’t help

Either but I was like this is like weird like the the amount of like horniness that I am is like excessive and apparently magnesium does that magnesium can help with that so I was like I say I was already kind of like on the higher level anyway but apparently like magnesium helps you

Like uh like increase your testosterone it increases blood flow to your genitals so I’m like oh cuz I just started taking magnesium two weeks ago so it’s and they say it takes about two three weeks for it to start like having the effects that it’s supposed to

Have so it’s was just like I was like randomly Googling like what could cause excessive levels of Desire we’ll call it and like one of the things that came up was magnesium I’m like oh for [ __ ] sakes that’s it that explains a lot so but I guess not the worst news in the

World you’re low on vitamin D see as a ginger I produce my own vitamin D which is weird es especially in low light conditions which I do I got [ __ ] blackout curtains but as a ginger I produce my own vitamin G D It’s like a super power yeah what’s up

Eric well no well that’s what I’m thinking silly well it’s like it’s this was like the per cuz that’s what I was thinking it was it was the smut books well I mean I’m sure that is also it you know it’s definitely a it’s definitely them coming together at the same

Time no pun intended with the SMUD bugs it’s definitely both but I was I was seriously wondering cuz it’s like like excessive like it was it’s a lot like it’s a lot to handle right now like I’m not exaggerating like when I say like it made me Google it that’s

Like how much I was thinking about it you know what I mean take your B12 dude I I take just a B12 complex and my piss is [ __ ] weird I can only imagine what your piss is like what’s up chuo yeah I take my when

Every time I take a vitamin B like my my piss gets really yellow because it’s not like going through all the vitamin B your piss must be like [ __ ] battery [Laughter] acid well we always have interesting cards neon green yeah a lot to handle yeah yeah it’s the vitamin uh the

Vitamin B12 is what does it yeah how do you make rails again I’ve played Minecraft before are you I don’t know about that yes I have uh so yeah some of you guys might want to take a look in the I’ve definitely been sleeping better that’s

Like the other things that it was that it says that it uh helps with too is sleep I don’t normally I don’t normally have trouble sleeping anyway I’m a pretty good sleeper oh yeah I’m a I’m a pretty I’m a pretty good sleeper but I at the same time with the

Horniness it’s such a weird thing to talk about hey we’re adults here okay it’s important adult stuff but along with the horni at this at the same time like the the last like 3 4 days uh I’ve noticed my sleep has improved like drastically as well uh I haven’t really noticed any of

The the mental health stuff yet like as far as like depression stuff but I also haven’t mean it’s probably a good thing that I haven’t noticed it I guess but but I haven’t like noticed like a drastic thing in that but it’s been a a couple things

Like energy levels have been through the roof horniness levels through the roof uh and sleep levels like through the roof like i’ like I’ve been sleeping extremely deeply which I for longer too like I normally like sleep deeply for like maybe like five five hours uh I’ve been getting like six

Seven hours like the last like three four nights so yeah magnesium dude apparently magnesium it’s a main skin dude but yeah I think I think it was like Perfect Storm of uh the magnesium doing its thing and uh starting to read some books did you take anything else I take

A bunch of stuff yeah it’s all just like normal vitamins though uh so I take a vitamin D I’ve been taking vitamin D just for a while just a th000 milligrams just like a normal dose with the magnes apparently the Magnesium is a lot though I just got

Like the most popular one on Amazon cuz I signed up for the Subscribe and save thing but but apparently it’s a lot cuz it’s 500 Mig apparently you’re supposed to not have any more than 400 from supplements so I’m only going to take that or you’re supposed to have a maximum of

350 sorry 350 milligram from supplements of magnesium and this is a 500 so I’m going to start the I’m going to start taking that every two days now that iig that I found that out so I’m not going to take it every day anymore um so I take my I take the

Magnesium with vitamin D cuz apparently vitamin D helps you absorb magnesium a lot better I take a cod liver oil supplement along with a fish oil supplement so I take cod liver oil and a fish oil supplement uh take a vitamin B complex just a low Vitamin B what is what is the

One that I got it’s just a chew chewable vitamin B complex as well was the one that I Got uh yeah toally 500 MCG of vitamin B12 it’s like nothing crazy just one or two tablets a day I take one of the tablets a day yeah like vitamin B1 B2 B5 B6 and choline I don’t know how to say that I’ll only have five milligrams vitamin B3 is 8 milligrams uh

The biotin is 25 MCG folate 200 mcgs and vitamin B12 is 500 MCG so it’s just like a normal dose not like a high dose or anything so yeah take my vitamin B vitamin D with magnesium I’ll have a vitamin B every day as well as my cod

Liver oil and fish uh fish oils I just take a multivitamin as well for some other things uh and I take a uh probiotic just a 10 10 million bill 10 million Boolean or whatever it is just a low thing for gut health or whatever highly that was your B and I think that’s it uh and like I said I just added in the oh and a vitamin C vitamin C as well and uh the vitamin C I got now is a like it’s a slow release vitamin C so it like does it over like a couple hours I guess

And I mean and like I say like I’ve definitely noticed a difference since I started taking my supplements like a year ago and like like actually taking care of my taking care of my health yeah none of none of them should cause problems with each other it’s like

A lot of like the other vitamins that really cause issues like vitamin K and vitamin E you got to be careful with certain certain uh supplements that you’re taking and certain different like minerals and stuff but the ones I’m taking shouldn’t really like conflict with each other unless I have to start

Adding in vitamin I think it’s vitamin E vitamin K have issues with a bunch of stuff you got to take them at certain times so uh also if you do decide to start taking magnesium don’t do it on an empty stomach because magnesium can cause diarrhea I guarantee you it’s definitely

One of the side effects I was taking the first thing in the morning and yeah definitely causes some diara issues take it with food uh and definitely be careful magnesium because you can take too much of it where it’s where it’s uh unhealthy like can hurt you like like kill you

As with any of that stuff you know be very careful Deca vitamins can be overdosed Deca vitamins what are Deca vitamins uh no texture packs this is vanilla none uh that’s the third stream of the Year third show of the year we going to Tre him track how many streams that we

Have this year so it’s January 3rd so stream number three d e k oh d e k Deca gotcha yeah I don’t take e k or a other than what’s in like if there’s some of the multivitamin um vitamin D take a little bit more but the because there’s vitamin

D I think in the in the cod oil but not in it’s not like a crazy amount hey Marvin what’s up dude I keep calling you Marvin I probably called You Marvin forever go to Marv still laughing at the guy I was calling Weasley the other day name [ __ ] name is

Wesley Jing on my own spit I know they’re good leanit this to our play I need something a little heavier than Zack Brown ban right now try some Architects I’ve been getting just recently getting into Architects so let’s try some Architects shall we like Marvin but my parents went fancy

Gotcha so Marvin’s not so bad then call you Marv cuz it reminds me of home alone all right let’s try to get our first guy in there see Happ happens oh wait what oh you put it you Dingus chat was probably yelling at me too chat was probably yelling at me when

I said these things up good job Matt I set both of them up like this too so there’s no [Laughter] excuse probably made a few people upset doing that there we go after you my lady there’s Juan oh boy so you’re right in the way there’s

Duh yo what up Mason good morning well good afternoon good evening evening for you haded to sleep man 10 years 3 months dude Malachi going hang with the 10 years like a [ __ ] log is that a good thing what did Leanne call me the other

Day Leanne what did you curse at me the other day my new vocabulator that I forget already that’s a good thing I don’t think this one is zombus this one doesn’t have a zombie a zombus iron farm we’re trying to be kinder to our Minecraft villagers by not making them live in

Fear for their entire lives for the purpose of iron been around here a while when was the last time we seen you Mal was the last time we seen you yesterday day before that in October you you’ve been around you’ve been in and out so often you’ve been in and out so

Often it’s crazy 10 years is nuts you’ve been following for a decade think about that a decade you get to say a decade you get to use that word I don’t think so net when you really break down what we’re doing to villagers it’s brutal I mean it’s still brutal what we’re

Doing still brutal what we’re doing now but at least they don’t have to live in fear 24/7 three months and you’ve been sub for a decade yeah that’s what I’m saying you cruel God absolutely cruel no sir could you like you go all right so that’s five

Right and you be kinder at least you’re like Odin cruel trickery deceit even Gyros again put them in the Discord bro put him in the Discord it could be some people have been around for 12 years uh even 10 years you know some some of them maybe olders and some of our

Viewers it’s definitely possible okay dude oh okay dude say gyos again isn’t that Gyros or is it jros jirose is that correct listen you guys that’s in what who are you guys Sierra making fun of every war word that I say y Rose not saying y Rose how do you say it

Really I’m East Coast Canadian and an idiot don’t be playing it is zeros I can’t take anything that you say seriously though cuz you you’re always meing see this is the problem with always mean you’re cry I’m just crying you’re crying wolf I can’t believe what

You say so I need to rely on other people Alexa hady say Gyros okay but which language do you want me to translate to English hm I don’t know that one okay well why would you ask what would I even ask her Alexa how do you pronounce g y r o s

I pronounce that Gyros but I’m always working on how I say things and I might not have it right she says Gyros what are we doing now well I’m not Greek I’m English Euro Euro Euro he’s saying Euro this season help protect hurry up ads I got to get

YouTube premium again dude I’m losing my mind every time we bring up a video the ads we are looking at how to pronounce the name of this dish from Greece originally from Greek quisine made from meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie a little bit like Sharm but he says rotiss like Ro I

Can’t I can’t I can’t trust how he says it he says rotis how do you pronounce the word g y r o I’m in English how do you say it in English I’m not Greek how to pronounce the word Euro the meeto fine yeah nobody’s like ads but I

Mean ads are like an important part of any content creator like I say hopefully one day our most of our support will come from from ad Revenue but fine I’ll say you’re jro yeah what’s up Sirius but those Greek people are saying yo not jro so I don’t know so you guys

Are just arguing now you got free YouTube premium how yeah but apparently you’re saying it wrong by saying jro cuz it’s yo jro is not correct jro is wrong it’s yo I won’t use ad blocker obviously uh a lot of my Revenue comes from comes from

Ads so it would be a really shitty for thing for me to do to block ads from other content creators when they could be earning money from my view so I obviously don’t use that cuz I make money from ads as well and also keeps money in your pocket so you don’t have

To sub supports the Stream so I don’t use hey Posh New Year’s trading me good series oh we I was talking about food at some point in the day I’m a food ho and so are you guys trying to act like you’re not but you’re just a big as

A big of a food ho as I am some point we always make each other hungry that’s for sure hungry and horny talk about food and Golems are already spawning at some point uh we we talk about food and our smut books now apparently so we’re a food ho and a smut

Home and a stream ho cuz we stream constantly I’m a three time I’m a 3X hoe I’m a triple X ho a stream ho food ho and a SM hole see like this I can’t stand this tor St s can’t do it can’t cannot uhoh uh oh chat we’re going to

Have to grind out some creepers at some point I’ll go back to moded at some point I just the moded that I always kind of done is sparingly right like when mad pack 5 releases we’ll for sure be playing some mad pack 5 at some

Point I I enjoy modded I just don’t like playing modded all the time I don’t play modded just to play modded it has to be very specific kind of pack you know I don’t like playing moded just for the sake of playing modded like I need like a good

Pack and it’s always ever temporary like I need like I need my mod pack to end at some point whether it’s through like a quest line or something or some other way but like I like vanilla cuz I like doing longer term stuff right I just prefer

Vanilla St no no no not like that I don’t like I don’t really like kitchen sink packs I can’t just do a kitchen sink pack and play it just to play it that’s what I mean but yeah I’m not against modded like like I say I enjoy modded I just

Need pack that I’m interested to come out okay should probably build the what you call it under here now huh yeah yeah exactly right but like I have to like there has to be like a purpose to it like I wish like we don’t get enough packs like Moon Quest anymore

I loved the original Moon Quest I love love love thein original Moon Quest because literally the whole pack was based around going to the moon and fighting the bosses so you grind it out you would grind out going to the moon and then fighting the bosses and

That was it for the pack you finished after that I like packs like that you know a very specific purpose to it okay I need to get some ice chat which which way was the ice uh I mean I’m pretty patient with it like I’m probably not going to play

It when it comes out right away we have like a lot of projects that we got to do here so we’ll play it like when we feel like playing it uh but I’m pretty excited for m p 5 but yeah like we’re we’re Minecraft Channel like our main game right now

Until further notice is Minecraft right uh there’s endless amounts of things to do in Minecraft I I honestly wouldn’t I think did I hear that hey Rob Miss thanks for watching on YouTube man did I hear correctly that there’s a new Sky Factory coming out Sky Factory might be

Something to be fun to get back into again that we haven’t been into in a very long time I’ve skipped everything from I think four I didn’t play at all the last couple I didn’t play at all but if there’s a new sky factor coming out might be interesting to

Play happened with Neo Forge I don’t even know what that is that’s the first time I’ve ever heard that word what’s what’s a Neo Forge hey so biased my dude uh for my folks here please do get involved in the community as you guys do uh just take a

Very quick moment give Zas a follow get involved in the community like the citizens of m city do Samurai go give them a follow and check them out sometimes please please please do what’s going on Z how you doing man how you been happy New Year what’s up or medice how was the

Stream don’t you get down to today oh no you got hit with the GOL seasonal cold huh and not fun I bet I I avoided it really well knock on wood there for that one I was really worried cuz my nieces were sick like they were pretty sick like

They were actually like contagious sick uh with the flu uh for Christmas so I thought I was going to get sick but they wore masks and we social distanced in the house so I didn’t get sick from that and I avoided going outside as much as possible so I didn’t get [Laughter] sick

I did for a couple weeks yeah I was I was really afraid CU like I have like a lot of goals that I want to do this year and I’m like I really want to like grind we’re calling 2024 the year of the burnout because we spend every year

Trying to not burn ourselves out so this year I’m saying [ __ ] it and we’re just going to go crazy not just with streams streams uh streams a lot of course too but mainly things like uh like working out and like just like everything right [ __ ] it we’re going all in ragnamod

7 oh really oh is it like uh some of the old school like what are they called oh my God I forget Greg Tech last complicated last complicated uh thing I have done is Greg Tech so tells you how long ago where my modded knowledge

Is oh is this is iron just dropping down here where is the did I pick up iron over here oh I did must have wait did I wait what’s going on over here I have experienced Greg Greg the pain wait what what what does he do here he must set it up with

Uh Hoppers does he [ __ ] Ed I don’t I don’t know if he put water in the corner this must have been what he did though and I just missed it what would that wouldn’t that put out the Golem though he must just put Hoppers underneath I’m just looking at the video

Here oh no no he does put water in it I guess we’ll try no he puts water in it he did it right at the very end so I guess it do work but to find out I just wait for one to spawn and we’ll check it out before we

Continue it works pretty good to spawn pretty quick see you buddy I know it’s so the water doesn’t water don’t cool them off or nothing yeah he didn’t like live any longer or anything didn’t have any effect on his health it didn’t seem like he what he do though what he do

Though what is he doing here uh I’m just following this video I I don’t know how they’re respawning we got to go get some iron from some Hoppers here anyway but I thought maybe is that just what it is just because it’s a big Village I thought they only Spawn from being in

Fear let see what he’s doing okay let so we don’t have to follow that part we just need to get it over to where I need it which is going to be over here it’s working pretty good so it’s only half done and the good thing is we can add more modules to

It oh we want ice here stupid man why you won’t got the ice stupid oh she’s shooting down this way anyway do I get that too low I do got a too low every time I’m concentrating nighttime well they’re changing them in 1.21 right the newest update that’s coming out I think

118 or something oh you’re talking about the 114 update oh the all the those changes they made were amazing I in my opinion so much better than what they used to be the new changes coming up I’m a big fan of too it adds a bunch of a bunch of

Annoyance and inconvenience which I’m a fan of in vanilla yeah I was I was a fan of those to be honest yeah the Villager update oh my God one of the best updates they’ve ever done like adding the raids and all that stuff how like uh mobs actually Spawn from them and stuff

Uh what am I doing unless you’re talking about something different uh I need chests oh I need a yeah I don’t even know people have been talking about the crafter I don’t even know why I have no idea to be honest there’s a bunch of stuff that they’re talking

About but now like breeding villagers and taking advantage of villagers are going to be changing big time in one 121 which I’m a fan of um yeah see like that stuff I’m not even like really aware of like what they’re doing yeah the autoc crafter yeah be interesting to

See yeah we still don’t get Block variants for things like concrete and terracotta oh yeah I don’t like yeah the trader drives me nut he’s useless the trader so useless I’ve played Minecraft before what do you mean it’s been a while so I’m just going to follow him exactly hey B have up going man thank you for hanging out with us Today under four 5 6 7 8 that all we need so he’s doing eight okay so we need like iron and Hoppers and stuff right now so we got to go do that get roll up yeah see I play vanilla though like we don’t I don’t turn off

Any game rules and like it’s just like I stay with it this if anything I would turn off that I would want to turn off it’s [ __ ] rain it would make it so it never rains ever it could rains too much but I don’t even touch that cuz

Like yeah I play I play straight vanilla but God do I hate the rain in this game Lord do I hate it Lord Lord Lord do I hate it chat every day this year by the way we’ve broken a 100 viewers I want to give you

Guys a high five where you’re at 1K high five 2K high5 3K high five 500 K high five I mean 500 High FES however many kilometers you are from me high five through the internet high five through the internet uh I appreciate you guys being here man and hanging out and helping

Build our community you guys are awesome no matter what even it goes under 100 we already broke it so Zas thanks for helping out with that brosi hey used I used to not like they fixed it they said they fixed it to how they it was always supposed to be apparently like

How Minecraft used to be with rain what update was it like 116 117 118 like very recently they fixed rain but it’s only recently that they fixed rain it’s just [ __ ] rains too much that was my eye sorry sorry I JN jonesed you like just just kept it the way it

Was yeah it’s just it’s horrible like I guess they want you to use like your uh what you what your Trident and stuff more it’s just so annoying it like rains every second day it rains so often yeah right you in The Matrix I’m saying dude get

Nasty it’s like all the time rains all the time too much uh what else do I need for this I need compare for the storage chat comparators and what’s the other thing called it’s been a while we just make make a whole whack of them I don’t need that many though repeaters they’re

Called you know nothing little kid also broke my rule by not putting that on uh chat 5 minutes we’re going to take a break and have a coffee though okay it’s going to be our Midstream break I’m streaming for 4 hours I need to stand

Get my desk in the stand up position and I need coffee number two for the day let me tell you chat I walked talk about the year burnout not just from streams but working out and stuff look what I accidentally did yesterday hey nice serious wolf no

Worries dude uh we got ads coming up too you don’t want to have ads please do consider subscribing to the stream use your Prime Subs uh all that good stuff we greatly appreciate it keep the stream the dream alive the lights on and mights appreciate it if you’re already subbed

And you’re like hey I like this ma guy maybe consider gifting a sub or two maybe five or 10 or more or be like sniper down just gift 100 because you’re a crazy person uh this was my workout yesterday did you see the twitch entire policy update I don’t pay attention to that

Stuff yeah because people are stupid and they like to take advantage of stuff and make twitch do those sort of things it’s not even twitch it’s people taking advantage of it I mean it’s partly twitch too but like it’s ridiculous that they have to add that in my opinion yeah I seen the

Trend uh yesterday I walked for 3 and a half hours by accident on the treadmill I burned 2500 calories total 2,000 from the actual walking and of course just 400 from existing tell me I don’t like my smut books it’s terrible by the way don’t miss the tag

Stuff you missed last year TX stuff I missed last year oh the twitch TX stuff no that’s like every three or four years um no no we’re good on that weird that you remember that no that’s only like every 3 four years you got to do that it’s part of

Like the Canadian treaty between us and so good for the next couple hey thanks for look it out for me though yeah I got I really got [ __ ] over last year from that I was terrible I kept 33% of my money yeah that’s not that’s only like every I think it’s every three

Actually should be good till 2016 yeah or 2026 no prob 2025 the end of 2025 so yeah I guess till 2026 Memphis May fight or biley I don’t know how many I need let me try to get a count I know I need at least eight so let’s make those right

Now I don’t I need more than that though uh probably s well let’s get let’s get a count actually he does uh count in the beginning 40 Hoppers we need so we need some more chests oops oops just go ahead and keep saying oops it’s fine some posty where’s lady cupcake at oh

What was I thinking okay so we got those Hoppers uh we need a boatload of chests though that away for now night time when I’m concentrating no she’s playing po K 3 tell her we got posty playing see she says a m playing post he was wondering where you’re at he misses

You playing some of the some of the horny Ballers gay three huh some of the horny Gate 3 surely that’s enough boner gay three that’s there it is that’s the one that’s the one and some of the boner gig dude all right it is 4 hours in the

Stream Let Me Mine this Redstone and then we’re going to take uh probably like a 10minute break I guess uh ads are coming in in a minute and a half again consider subbing if you just want to chill and listen to some music uh we don’t play extra ads on

Breaks it’s the same amount of ads that we always play every 30 minutes every 30 minutes on the clock we Play 2 Minutes of ads so I’m not going to increase that to three I would rather you listen to music than listen listen to ads even if I’m gone

For 10 minutes so just 2 minutes of ads and then you’ll have about 8 minutes of music so we’re going to go on break we’ll be right back we still got four hours uh of the stream at least so uh if you’re using this as excuse to

Leave please do hit the follow button follow me on all your favorite social medias I know my own commands uh please do join the Discord we got a book club in there might City Gym might City uh kitchen all that stuff you want to be a

Food hoe with the rest of us I greatly appreciate it but please do make sure you hit the follow button here on Twitch and on YouTube and all that good stuff so give me about 10 minutes and we’ll be right back time for standup break get a

Coffee and uh stretch your legs and stuff so we’ll be right back you go stream lady C okay get out of here all right we back ladies and gentlemen thank you for holding thank you thank you I got like no good place to put that chair anymore though you were suon you

Weren’t summoned I just wanted to say hi just wanted to say that some posty came on and we were thinking about you you got your book let’s go dude okay so so so so okay listen lean lady cupcake net I don’t know if you’re getting it anybody that we got into the

Uh the court of thorns and Roses stick with it and I can’t wait for you get to book two let’s go n Let’s us know in the book club when you get it book two is already so much better not that that it takes anything away from book one uh but book

One is a lot of character building and stuff book two is already so much better there was a smut scene that lasted like 15 minutes of reading and it was more smutty than anything in the first book like even I was like oh my God what uh and like what happens in the

Second book already uh I think I’m in like eight chapters and it’s so interesting dude like where the story is going is so [ __ ] awesome it’s really cool like it really takes like what happened to uh you guys will find out what happened in the first

Book and really Builds on that and it’s like it’s like immediately Le into it yeah well I’ll show you how much I was into it yesterday I keep showing this uh we were talking about the the laundry the other day how I lost like I

Sat down I picked up my book and the washer was done and then same thing happened with the dryer like I blinked I did this yesterday I’m dying for it today cuz my [ __ ] legs are dead but I I went I was reading on the treadmill on my Fire tablet on my Kindle

Thing and I walked for three and a half hours without knowing it body built by smut Body by smut by Matt m game presented by m city Labs Handbook of agile software crafts and [ __ ] like the only thing I’m going to read is smut fantasy smut for sure

It’s like all I’m really like interested in to be honest TBH sorry Mom I’m going to get the book for my mom and just not tell her what it is book two though book two is sick though book two like what’s really going on is crazy we heard this song yesterday actually

Don’t like it so I’m going skipping enjoy yeah book two mist and fury is uh pretty cool man mhm I I want to talk about it’s so bad but I don’t want to give like any spoiler whatsoever I want to talk about it so bad okay what do I need eight

Comparators we need Stone uh anything that you’re reading the pie freak make sure you put it in the book club if you want somebody to track along or you have any sort of recommendations or whatever it is that you’re reading if you’re enjoying it and

You want to talk about it and if nobody talks back I guess it’s still nice to just say it so people read it you know we do have a book club in the Discord now not everybody’s reading smut it’s really just me for the most part that’s what I’ve been on

But that’s not over though it’s only a couple people thought we needed more than that but I guess so I’m just going that because that’s what he’s saying need a little bit more Redstone yeah 3 and 1 half hours I don’t know where the time

Went I don’t know where the time went 3 and 1 half hours my legs are dead today though cuz it wasn’t just like a brisk walk walk either like I was actually like was the way I do my treadmill I do it manually but like every now and again

I’ll put it like Max incline which really will like Works your butt and stuff you know and then I go anywhere from 3 miles hour 3.5 so like I speed it up slow it down incline stuff so like it was like three and a half hours of [ __ ] like working

On the ex now I’m scared yeah I mean it’s good thing Body by smut by Matt my game presented by m city Labs that’s our we promoting it I mean what better what kind of better body do you want than made by smut it’s so stupid Body by smut with

Mattm game presented by might City labs uh I’m excited to see how I do it today because my kind of my are you streaming right now you better not be over here while you’re streaming talking to me no okay you’re not I was G to say you

Goon kind of My Philosophy for the gym now is I’m like every day like I’m not like limited to time I’d like to get at least an hour in but I’m just going to be hanging out doing gym stuff like for the day like if I’m watching TV I’m in the

Gym uh on the treadmill doing like today shoulders and arms uh and core I try to do treadmill every day like mix it in a little bit so I’m just going to be like like being around the house like kind of walk around the house if I’m watching movies listening

To music or any stuff that I’m doing I’m just not going to be sitting on the couch coach uh like I’ll read a couple of pages and then do like shoulders and arms and then like kind of continue you know you feel like Po you need magnesium just you need Smart in your

Life that’s going to be my solution for everybody’s problems now magnesium and smut for just for no reason I forgot food hold on all you should do it lady cupcake I mean that might not be everybody that’s kind of just like how my brain works

Anyway like I get I just get lost and stuff like today’s stream today’s stream has been a good stream too like we just been like we’ve been working on some like cool stuff building the iron farm like time has went by pretty quick like we’ve been live for 4 hours 18

Minutes uh and it feels like two like the time is going to be going probably pretty quick but I didn’t think would do that to me um but like naturally I kind of just get into stuff like way into it you know or I like lose

Time uh but yeah that’s kind of like My Philosophy for the gym this year is I just have the time to be like going around so I’m just going to be again year of the burnout right right if I’m just walking around doing stuff I’ll take my time to relax like

When I need to take my breaks but for the most part it’s just going to be chilling you know building some muscles exercising obviously meaning in when I said burnout but you know what I it’s that’s like you know where we’re going with it to the brink really no more teers more

More more teers why do you feel like poo you got like a cold or something getting the flu coming on or just feel like poo just like in general my my legs are killing me today hey but we we standing up anyway right my back and

Chest not used to working them out like that either so like this is sore back is sore legs are dead the only thing that doesn’t hurt are my biceps my triceps my shoulders and guess what today is he shoulders and arms there we go tomorrow everything will be

S Telly in number two issues I’ve had some number two issues the last couple days uh taking my magnesium supplements on an empty stomach which you’re not supposed to do apparently S I had some yeah diarrhea I’m right there with you is this song Asking Alexandria all

Right well good vibes to you Mr D bro hey hey potato juice with some arya’s apple juice you drink your Apple Juice you drink your apple juice have a good lur POS good to see my man of course of course Okay so these facing in to this right

Okay we got to put our chests down a cherry Pepsi huh how is Cherry Pepsi I’ve never actually I’ve had Cherry Coke I’ve never actually had Cherry Pepsi before though similar thing I I’m assuming similar goodness oops it is similar gness goog goog I got a ring in in my ear

Somebody’s talking about me who’s talking about me out there stop it Alexa tell me a joke sodium and hydrogen walk into a bar M the bartender asks can I get you anything the elements reply nah I barely understood that joke I think I get it terrible terrible terrible

Dude a Christmas song mistress for Christmas from ACDC Merry Christmas Happy New Year [Applause] love nerdy science jokes so good it was yours anyway so so long as you get it it’s all that matters I kind of understood it I’m assuming that was like a thing on the periodic table assuming dress Christmas Christmas na is a chemical equation for sodium chloride say I barely understood hi Kate what have we missed today I don’t know a lot of smut talk dude have you read the all of the court of thorns and Roses books like have you read have you read all five of

Them or just the first one which one’s heavy red uh I’m in the second one the second one is so good right now the second one is so flipping good like I like the first one I like the story but the second one is already so much

Better like even the smut in it’s better why are you lit up why is that one lit up ch uh a court of thorns and Roses is what I’m reading through right now my stream is a little lagging for either but we go to another stream it’s fine anybody else having

Lag anybody else having lag today why is that lighting up ch was that cuz that’s in there okay I think I figured it never mind I think I figured it out yeah we’re good there was a thing in it I actually like the Kindle the Kindle

Was good for me cuz Kate look what happened yesterday sorry chat I’m explaining this to everybody that comes in because it’s important uh I accidentally went on the tread mode for three and a half hours but I couldn’t use a normal book there so I got the Kindles

So no demo accidentally 2500 calories on the treadmill yesterday reading the second book dude the second book is so good you have to get the second book I think they’re on sale on Amazon right now they’re definitely cheaper on Kindle though I I like using the Kindle it is on sale right

Now it is $12 on Amazon right now and that is Amazon us as well it’s really good Kate like really like so much better than the first one see if you didn’t buy me [ __ ] lethal company you could have it throw that back in your face it’s really

Good so you’re like Sierra Sierra knows everything that happens CU her friend like told her but she has she’s only read the first book as well uh she’s going to start the second one uh anytime now she has the book now so up oh how much do we actually need in

There we just need one in there right and then eventually it’ll go up to 41 cuzz I don’t have that much iron right we just need one each right and then eventually they’ll all get up to 49 and start dropping yeah okay I assume we put another water here right

Oh so we can put another one here okay hold up okay that’s good news then just more storage gra a new piece of AR right go grab some lava some lava boys I I dude I I for I I never thought I would like like the book club or like

Being in a book club but like the little book club channel that we got now that I’m reading I can’t believe I’m into reading it’s a thing like I was so against it for so long not really against it but I just didn’t think I’d

Ever really be into it the way that I guess I just needed smart at the end of the day but I can’t believe I’m into it as much as I am like like cuz I’m already like wanting like wanting to get to it like I can’t wait

For workout and reading today to get to my book it’s really weird for me All Right Storage done we can back get back to the boys now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oh on CH I got a face mus me oh I can’t even stretch out my arms

My job is reading reading chat mean like books I mean like getting into reading it chat is mostly smart anyway that is true that is true oh wait is there five here oh okay me don’t mind me uh we’re not really going to make this pretty right now we just really

Want this functional we’ll make this into like a build later on but we’re not even going to be here though like this is in the spawn chunks so we’re not even going to be in this area at all we just need it functional so since we don’t really get

To look at it we’ll make it into a build project much later on but like I said right now it’s just we just needed for the iron don’t got to be pretty right now this is a full fighter song Wait what I’m this is a fool fighter

Song this is I’ve heard this in a whole bunch of like movies is this a cover somebody Google if this is a cover I don’t think so it sounds like the song what that’s not Dave gr yeah some confusion what the [ __ ] is going on is this an actual F something or is

It Spotify being weird this isn’t f fighters is I’m so confused the Timeless tale reimagined for a whole new generation you’ll always have a home at Green Gables she’s been a blessing to us it’s delightful when your imaginations come true isn’t it it is apparently it doesn’t even sound like

Dave Gro at all sorry I can’t believe that’s a footer song I’m actually shook a little bit I’m actually shook a little bit it’s so weird to me cuz it’s definitely a cover I think I don’t know I don’t even know anymore come on Bobby don’t worry you have a friend coming

Over any minute I’m actually pretty pleased how how this uh iron farm works it’s pretty simple build oh just I thought we lost one I thought we lost one but we didn’t uh I’m really glad we built too two was a good idea and the good thing is we can make

This in modules we can make another level and just continuously Build It Up all right everybody spread out let them in and one more right oh you got the perfect spot homie come on make the jump everybody nobody move damnn it good bang it Frank oh Frank you ruined that was five right

Okay of course soon as I’m concentrating what is a chat that’s right nighttime soon as you start focusing on something in Minecraft it just turns night and then distracts you see this is what I don’t like about OptiFine drives me [ __ ] crazy about OptiFine and I

Can’t believe it’s still a bug after all these years drives me crazy you can just hit the zoom button to get rid of it but still drives me nuts especially when you’re in the middle of like building stuff drives me nuts uh I don’t think I’ll ever be

Fixed uh and people keep saying it’s a Minecraft thing it’s not an optify thing it’s just a Minecraft bug no it’s not it’s not it never happens in non-mod Minecraft only ever happens as soon as I put opine in I’ve played Minecraft for months without it and every single time soon as

I put OptiFine and that’s when it starts happening not a single time without OptiFine stop defending opon you’ll never get fixed let me see some see if the rose comes here hey yeah do working as intended I can’t see us needing any more iron than this if we do we’ll just build it

Down and add more chests that a good song oops you know what maybe that was uh in the perfect spot let’s find out no coffee me Daddy did you have to stand there exactly you idiot of course you did nobody move stay right here Jimmy is

Coming uh I’m excited I got my brother’s Telecaster today you moved wait what you mean oh you like out of bed uh I’m going to start playing Guitar a little bit more and I get my brother’s uh he has a nice 74 reissue Telecaster you said no one move oh

Dude I have two guitars yeah I have I have two guitars are no good though I’m I’m picky I’m real picky when it comes to my guitars I have two guitars but they’re they like lowend guitars one’s a really low-end guitar one I just bought because it was hey robber Miss I’ll

Explain in a moment robam Miss welcome I’m back in man SS up for robam Miss with the prime prime time baby a b of sword um yeah I have I have the one chat’s name on it that one’s a decent guitar but it’s just not the style that I

Like that one’s actually pretty decent but still that’s only like a $600 guitar so it’s still like a low end guitar uh that one plays pretty good though but it’s just not the sound that I’m looking for it’s it’s a hollow body right uh this one it’s this guitar here like that’s

Good for like uh some like bluesy stuff and stuff like that but that’s not really kind of the stuff that I play right uh and like I say it’s a it’s a low rang guitar $600 my other guitar is a strat style guitar it’s a Kramer Aerostar

Zx30 this one is really just nostalgic sake it’s this guitar here it’s a really cheap guitar it’s from like 1988 they made them from 855 to like 92 I think uh and I got this guitar because it was the first guitar I ever owned and I didn’t have it

Anymore so it I was searching one for one for a while and a couple of them came up on the market and I found one that was pretty decent so I bought it but it’s just a nostalgic like it’s a cheap ass guitar back in the day it was

Like four or 500 bucks I paid more for it now to get it shipped and stuff just to have it as like my first guitar just for nostalgic purposes because it was like the first gu I ever own own so that’s the two guitars I have one is like

Decent let me take a look the silver one the ianz this guitar you got the [ __ ] really expensive one it’s a crazy iance uh my brother has one of these who’s going to borrow me or lend me 74 reissue uh Telecaster which I’m excited to

Play damn frazzle so I want to get into playing a little bit more because I would play more if I had like a better guitar because I’m pretty picky when it comes to my guitars like I’ll strum on the on those that I got like the Cramer doesn’t even hold a tune

Like it can’t stay in tune I got to get somebody to like look at it so I asked my brother yesterday because I’ve been getting the itch to play a little bit more you got anything like a b so I’m going to take his Telecaster off for a little

While that’ll get me a good sound that I’m like looking for nothing heavy just more like uh playing some solos and stuff and in some like Pink Floyd David Gilmore kind of solos uh I I guess we can keep this over here most of this for

Now got 10 guitars now yeah I had a I had a decent one I liked it it was an LTD I forget the name of it now was a nice guitar it was like $1,800 guitar Canadian so like, 1400 US it was like a good guitar a higher end LTD

One uh I liked it it sat weird when you were standing up with it though oh there it goes like it sat like a bass cuz it was like a phoenix guitar oh that’s what it was called the Phoenix the LTD Phoenix so kind of sat weird when you’re

Standing up it sat more like a bass than a guitar but man the the fisherman fluence pickups in it I [ __ ] loved hold on chat uh also I got to use the bathroom so hold tight and uh we’ll be right back okay I got a number two so just give me

A minute it won’t be very long like five minutes all right be e all right sorry emergency poop oh hi Sierra oh Sierra slep well knew that you would uh oh bad OMS came on good morning s I’m glad you slept good I knew you’re going to sleep well

After a good day of work yesterday can’t can’t do it it’s too much okay let’s go see how much is over here they only seem to be spawning on one side though is that okay does anybody know I guess it don’t really matter so long as they’re spawning

Right the only thing you s on that left side but I guess it don’t really matter where they were but it’ make me happier if I could see them spawning in each Channel though he listen we l we used a different technique this time okay we found a way to not use

Zombies so these guys are just living here even though they’re still trapped in being weird They’re Not Afraid though we didn’t use zombies so that we’re more kind to them we gave them windows so they can see out and see the beautiful area you know this is what they want with their

Lives but no zombies so they’re not living in fear forever okay look look over here too look look at the breeding area look at the smut house look look how much room they got in there they got so much room they don’t even know what to do with it you

Know they’re living a happy life bringing birth to beautiful baby babies that get to work and make iron for free we did we did good oh oh are they all oh I think they’re all supposed to sleep at some point are they is that what’s supposed to go

On is that how they end up working wonder why these two aren’t sleeping I don’t actually know the mechanics of how this works right that’s why somebody’s saying it doesn’t work at night time see all five of these guys are sleeping though let me try something

Spawning I don’t know what El I don’t word to use uh we could do that I guess I mean I’m not really worried about it cuz this is in the spawn chunk so we’re not going to be here anyway it’s really going to never be night

But yeah I guess we could do that just for efficiency sake right okay there we go every everybody sleeping so now this should work this should work a lot better now cuz we’re not going to be over here in that anyway this is like the spawn chunks so should just

Work all the time there we go hey much better all right see how good it works now that makes sense that Mak sense d and then we should build another we’ll build another module just so we know the process what is the mechanic of a there’s none spawn over here oh there

We go perfect I’s start a stopwatch we’re going to see how fast they spawn just out of curiosity and see if it’s like repeatable next time they spawn we’ll uh start a stop watching is sniper down did that today yeah sniper down dropped 250 bombs like a a crazy

Person y sniper down doing sniper down things celebrating the new year I guess I know I know what a crazy year it’s been we had a really good January 1st front page too bunch of subs and stuff and support January 2 front page again subs and support and today yeah we

Didn’t get front page today but still been a really good day uh either way we broke 100 viewers by ourselves um well we did get a raid from zabas earlier but we broke 100 views today I mean by ourselves by like no front page and then sniper down droing

100 boms it’s been crazy year so far already crazy 2024 man The Good Vibes yeah we do love sniper down sniper down loves those mle Alexa would you rather would you rather sing a song in front of complete strangers or your closest friends uh I don’t really like to sing either way

Uh I would say strangers I never have SE him again so that was a about a minute like I’d rather be on stage singing and like in front of friends be more comfortable i’ have way more anxiety singing in front of friends so I’ll go strangers With

Friends Karaoke I’m so bad at karaoke I’m so like a I have a thing with singing I don’t know why have like an anxiety about it have an anxiety with it you did you were doing karaoke the other day that was a better minute again yeah know you have a weird singing

Fear I don’t know why though a deell I love deell though the more I hear them the more I like them that’s such a nice voice he has such a range too so it’s about every minute about every minute they’re spawning should I even show Sierra what’s happening down [Laughter]

There to this wonderfully calming relaxing song The Sweet song should we show her what’s happening to the Golems I don’t even want to I don’t even want to tell myself d i just built it and didn’t think about what the story is here I’m going to put On Letting Go by day

Shell I really love his voice in this some his new album too yeah so it’s about every minute they’re spawning good good good avert your eyes here I your eyes something in the middle of 1500 and 100,000 Channel points oh no we do need something I don’t know what to add Though oh why you getting stuck so when they spawn then they go in their channels they come over here and they get lots of love they get a lot of love so they fall down here and they get love see they’re having some love right now and they drop iron and

Flowers so when they have enough love they go to sleep and their uh their D their their presence go over this way but the flowers that they drop we don’t need the flowers for anything so we just throw those into lava they drop flowers and iron for

Presents lot of La lot of lava lava lava it’s a lot of lava and uh it automatically goes down here so then we collect all of the the presents that they leave us oh my God we have a a lot already holy moly that is working fast listen this song

Though such a good song so every minute God damn I love this song so much just that scream is so perfect for the song and that bass dude I love the base uh tone that he uses pumping is the Hard music right this is day shell exclamation point song too

Good oh scream is just so perfect it does something to me internally Jesus though huh about the high Lord or lady G okay let me do that I like that fine like I’m arguing like I don’t think it’s a good idea I’m putting a limit on this one though be bowing all

Day all day uh I got another one I can add actually hold on all right I’m going to limit Redemption per user per stream we just say five like five bows per person a day would be fine no I got to limit it to three uh we’ll add one for

50k uh or I mean 75k I mean we’ll add an album to M City radio for 75k how does that sound There You Go 75 yeah the bow the the bow to the high Lord lady is uh 10K the album to might City rated will be

75k cuz normally it’s a th000 bits so I think the conversion maybe like 1,000 to 75,000 bits 20K at least okay I’ll do that well too cheap why what what do we have okay we’ll do 20K 20K and limit it to three people uh three per person

Day hi Viper by the way used to play this game a lot I don’t I play this I stream this game a lot I don’t even know if that I if I even play I mean I guess I do obviously but Minecraft is just such a stream game for

Me like I don’t really even care about Minecraft to be honest with you like I like the game just fine but just like it’s just such like we can listen to music you know because I I could listen to I could literally listen to music 24 hours a day and do nothing

Else uh alone you know what I mean so like Minecraft allows us to listen listen to music uh I love to talk I can literally talk all day too I love just talking about random [ __ ] with people uh watching videos and we don’t have to interrupt any dialogue of like story

Games you don’t have to pay attention to story we can just kind of do stuff and then you know hang out so it’s just Minecraft streaming Minecraft is such a Vibe you know you can’t see my hand though should I back up further my lady sir look it’s it’s a lesser

Fairy it’s a lesser fairy ew it’s a bog run the bog are going to haunt my nightmares excuse you yo what’s up Mr crunch I think I have a pretty decent bow though not it’s not incredibly formal or nothing but is ever so slight doing pretty good today Mr crunch man Mr crunch

Dude what’s a bog is that not how I say it oh Kate has only read the first book to year she hasn’t read the other ones either this don’t know is well in the book it’s the bog the b o g g e in the first book that’s the thing that was

Going up spoilers ear muffs if you want spoilers from the first quarter thorns and Roses book uh the bog was one of the first monsters that they encountered farra encountered it with uh Lucien and he was like look forward whatever you do don’t look at it or

Don’t listen to it it’s was like look at me look at me I it’s okay I said earos for spoilers thought you me the game no no no no no I that’s from the first book that’s not from second one ruined it for me now yeah whatever

Dude listen everybody knows your mou you do this okay spoilers no not in the game though no BG this thing those scare me I can’t wait to see it in the TV show or movie or whatever it is that they do SI is shushing me it’s okay sier I said your

Mffs uh all right tutorial video is going to be a TV show Good last longer I just hope they make it like smudy though I mean there’s no way that they can make it as smudy as like what the books are but what did I just read

There something just popped up on my screen and I didn’t get to read it what did you what are you trying to say Den BR what did you say oh you’re pinning something oh I’m just repeat yourself you g uh no I didn’t know that hold on did not know

That you can make them have a response how oh require viewer to enter text right there okay oh cool thank you I did not know that you all the one it’s cuz you’re number one SI right don’t listen to the bot damn it we all lost yeah we did

I hope they make it good too dude I can’t wait for you to read the second book you start already how come you’re not reading it right now why aren you reading it already you got to get cut up I want to talk about it dude yesterday was horrible when you

Were at work you need to quit your job just so I can text you when I’m freaking out at different parts no don’t wor this St I hated yesterday I’m so spoiled is the worst that you text me Matt yeah you’re not going to want to hear nothing about C of thorns and

Roses you don’t hear nothing about that all right here enjoy getting ready oh my God it is 2:30 isn’t it uh I can ask my wife if she would read it would you read it if she uh would read it so he’s up 19 he says 19 temporary

Blocks so up on the 20th one wait what is he doing maybe it should read anyway cuz it’s a good s it’s a good world like it’s actually just a good World he’s doing this from the top down why is he doing it from the top down

Understand why he’s doing this here I’ll show you guys what I’m looking at like he’s doing the other like why would he do it that way I can do it from the bottom up can’t I oh he’s probably doing it so I understand so it doesn’t mess with the gollem

Spawning so you can build it without the Golems spawning on your platform is all I’m sure which I’m not worried about that’s whatever so what do we need in between though wait how does he have this what is going on oh no it actually is just 19 blocks

Up each platform is 19 High huh okay this is monster truck that we added the other day too which is a really good band for like for like its Style don’t mind me chat I’m being a goof okay so four above and then two every every time if I am correct

But it has to be 20 above so I guess we can do the first one he’s flying around and I can’t fly around so oh no he does use the temporary blocks though maybe I can do that well let me let me see what he does for technique

Here oh I guess we could do that and he starts in the corner of the water right let me just double check CH double check my work here it would obviously have to be there yeah okay okay so we can do that okay they might be easier to go top down than

What I’m sure anyway they do it in Creative yeah I know actually he did it he did it like the proper way though I was thinking he was flying around he does add a couple of points but he does tell you to use the temporary blocks and we’re going to need more

Glass too so we’re going to have to make a quick trip home to home Mr Posh enjoy lurk man put those in there we’ll go get some more glass we’re going to need a lot more like building blocks too so enjoy your L dude okay Quick Trick home trick home quick

Trip home so we can uh trade for glass cuz we got we get villagers that we can trade for glass with are you okay no but am I ever dude my legs are so sore today they are nearly not functional so so s uh I’m doing pretty good though I’ve

Been standing for the last two hours also even though they’re [ __ ] sore I’m trying not to sit too much today only accidentally went on the treadmill for [ __ ] 3 and 1 half hours yesterday o no no Dem bro I’m not only ever half okay maximum but that’s good

Enough we got to think of some other fun Channel Point redemptions that we can do my brain is not braining though my brain never brains though my brain normally Brian I’m I’m I’m pretty sore from working out the first was chest and back I can feel it in my chest and back uh

Yesterday was cardio and I went way too crazy with cardio yesterday so my legs are [ __ ] so the only thing that’s not Source my arms my body biceps and my triceps and my shoulders but guess what workout is today shoulders and arms the door going be F but it’s a good sword this

Time it’s not like it’s not like I don’t want to move like it’s like it feels good which which feels good you it’s not like deterring me from like wanting to work out today I’m actually looking I’m really looking forward to it yo what up but grinding in the gym well

I kind of started uh I don’t remember when I did p9x I did a round of p9x and I did really good with P90x and then I got lazy afterwards but hey it’s up boy John bams I got pretty lazy with it afterwards so

It did 90 days really good I lost 15 lbs on the scale but I lost a lot more fat than that I try not to pay attention into the scale too much and then over the last uh since September September October no no I mean October November I got pretty

Lazy but I was still going to the gym like just making sure I have that discipline or whatever of not breaking the habit of going to the gym every day but I was only doing a 30 minutes on the treadmill every day just making sure I

Was going cuz I was like grinding stream stuff and figuring stream stuff out so but I made sure I was still going to the gym to keep the habit and keep that discipline even if I didn’t want to the last two weeks of December I didn’t do

[ __ ] and then I said January 1st time to you know New Year’s resolutions but really just to tighten up it and time to get in and start doing like physical exercise and stuff again so I’m going I’m going at it pretty hard again which which is what I mean like I’m sore like

My whole body is sore right now except for my shoulders and arms but it’s a good sore this time it’s not like that first time you’re going to the gym in years kind of sore where don’t want to move for days like I’m excited to excited to get in today hey let’s go

Dear Ru uh what is it Taking Back Sunday is there a song you want to listen to it on it done friend that was a good that was a good one add for 75k I feel like we’ll throw it on the Queue and it’ll be on after this

Song I heard of Taking Back Sunday I’m sure the name sounds really familiar but I couldn’t name a song uh this photograph is proof that’ll play on next I’m going down I’m going down I’m going down where are my emotes why is this so stupid okay dude okay dude

I’ve been trying not to skip ACC asking Asking Alexandria because I’ve been really enjoying them it’s only like a 3 minute song me so it’s like another minute and song will be now I came here for what reason glass it was glass glass is what we’re

Here we need a bunch of it so we had to come back for traits just another thing that we get to scam these guys with although this is their original price anyway they actually get to make a profit on glass we don’t got to feel about buying glass Sarah listen they’re they’re they’re

Listen they’re making a profit on this one okay we’re not we’re not scamming glass off them this is this is a good deal for them which does not at all make up for how much we actually scam them but [Laughter] still doesn’t make up for all this

And just so you know because you don’t know so that’s a lot of emeralds that’s 64 emeralds you know so that’s quite a bit of emeralds but just so you know a block of emerald is nine emeralds so 64 * 9 64 * 9 64 *

9 yeah was this you’re the only one who trades with them it’s CU it’s my world what do you mean I buy things off them sometimes just most of the time it’s a scam I don’t even know where they get their money how are they making money

That’s the real question where are they getting all these emeralds to to give me maybe we should start questioning that maybe they are sneaking out at night good fight back acting like I’m a tyrant or something like I’m a terrible person the Rebellion the Rebellion hiburn is coming We I’m going to rewind this cuz I’ve enjoyed it but I was only half paying attention I I turned it down too low Taking Back Sunday this photograph is proof one more time okay we got our blocks now too and we’ll start building this second phase of this thing

I like his voice I like the guitar too actually yeah I dig this obviously obv 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 so he said 19 right V did I say V what did I say I wish it was cyber

Punk I miss cyber Punk already bro there yeah so on the 20th one 20 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 15 all right two three all right that should work dude I’m going to do the glass first and get that out of the way I

Think uh and what did he say two under and then four on the last one okay all right so it’s two under one two on the third I can’t do Michael buade right now it’s too late in the day earlier maybe I can’t do bade right now though sorry too late in the day for a seven minute Michael bubl song agreed I like M but yeah it’s a little little late in the day I’m so stupid good job good

Job he that should work that should work oh crap no it won’t work oh right that’s cuz I’m not out this way I built it directly under me which I wasn’t supposed to do okay music a little loud sorry okay that should be all we have to do of course again concentrating in

Night time and got to sleep can I reach that okay and then on the third okay and then we do the same thing is there an easier like technique for this I guess not huh yeah what’s up FL how you doing dude good to see you man good to see

You hey Happy New Year to you as well how’s it been going going Gucci so far every year is going to have its ups and downs but hopefully all all is good so far can’t reach it hey getting some food H what are you

Going to eat oh here we go now is part of the day where we talk about food uh I’ve been really blessed uh this year so far too it’s been been an amazing start of the year I couldn’t advance for anything better to be honest with you honestly okay before I continue with

This I do want to dude The Black Keys Black Keys do something to me as well black keys are I just love the tone yeah so this looks right 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 no don’t need 16 I’m being annoying today know some days you just know that

You’re being annoying on purpose that’s me today gamma times I’m going all in since I lost all my all in before okay so far so good I think we’re Gucci I think the glass and stuff is all lined up I don’t think we messed up uh the ring so far although knock on

Wood hi Dad and hi Spike by the way sorry I meant to say Hi Five 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 uh I’m going to say hi welcome back dude I was counting and then I forgot to say it afterwards my apologies oh oh it’s here no You know what no you know you know what give me a second for I don’t know about that oh I do know about that this song is sexy as [ __ ] dude what the hell might flip might flip might flip might flip might flip my flip my flip my

Flip my flip my flip oh God wrong my flip where’s the other ones at I missed a couple though hold on I don’t know how I miss them there we go better you know what I should do though is I should flip this one hey there’s a couple up here we

Don’t need you here what are you doing oh you know what we’ll do here perfect I forgot about this this this this thing we can do there we go we’ll take this one we’ll also ch I should save this honestly I’m kind of making myself sick this is giving Baseline kicking

Ines a little bit hold on hold on I’m going to I’m going to mess around my stream deck for a second multiaction multi-action switch how many do I got one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I’m not not ready for that

Song to be done nine 10 all right and then and then in game one in game two I’ll do this fast I promise in game three in game four I just got to remember in game five in game six I’m losing count what what what am I

At one 2 3 4 5 6 7 in game eight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight in game nine one two 3 4 five 6 7 8 n in game 10 okay hold on copy all oh I can’t copy them all okay hold on copy paste

Hide oh no this is this is a terrible idea oh wait I can do this faster hold on delete cancel cancel everything that we’ve done I I know how to do it a faster way what’s this one oh it’s me behind me that’s what we need me behind me

That’ll work there you go okay hold on this to this group selected items doofus I’m going to name the folder and then we just use that as the thingy Source visibility and then I can just use ingame and doofus and then then then we’re good there we go okay you

Ready boom all gone all at once but anytime Sierra is being Saucy to me I can just be like [ __ ] you know there the stream has been enhanced on this day we’re going to be like hot se you know it’s those kind of Vibes it’s the ultimate might

Flip serious just like [ __ ] you dude oh really oh yeah mhm wait for it I wouldn’t suggest being an [ __ ] to me if I were you why they can hear you hi chat hi not being an [ __ ] and being more of a prick exactly I wouldn’t suggest being a

Prick to me if I were you and why not you know why cuz why won’t talk to you for the rest of you’re not allow to throw me with that yeah okay won’t I’ll behave you’re being mean to me I didn’t do anything to you you’re flipping me off you know one of

Those days where you just feel like being annoying to somebody I wonder who that somebody is that you’re being annoying to chat obviously okay wait for the bloop there goes knew the bloop is coming I never get a goodbye I only ever get a bloop you get annoying

I i g have to put that on my go XLR oh I’m still I’m still me up here what am I doing playing the game with me all over the screen waiting for me to kiss myself am I close enough to kiss myself I shouldn’t a I

Can’t oh no it’s wrong I can’t I just can’t do it maybe someday yeah okay I wonder I wonder who it is I am annoying okay I’ll stop I got I got to stop being ano it’s just one of those days all right I’m annoying my best friend all day

I’ll rain it in I’ll rain it in I’ll rain it in no I won’t maybe possibly we’ll see all right what else did he do yeah I guess okay so he built the stuff first so some streamers have webcams on full screen uh and the game on a small window do they

Okay so we have the panels down there uh and he did build the rest of it do I have the material to build the rest of it though yeah we should be able to we should be able to just do this we don’t have the beds

But and then this is our temporary block we do we did the two temporar right for the bed and then what was down there all right that’s all we need we have 10 mats up oh what the how did they get on how’d they get up

There wait I don’t remember what I did what this supposed to look like no this isn’t supposed to be here oh it’s supposed to wait what glass then the wall this is supposed to be oh this is supposed to be glass too and then we have our bed [ __ ] night time

Right and then we do and then we do this yeah right so they they were right I just being weird more day shell this is the Pegasus album too so we have that and then we do our glass right okay okay should we be able to get into the flow of it right

Yeah and that’s where the bed goes on this one yeah and I love this album so much the other thing about dayshell Chad if you don’t know dayshell is like it’s it’s just him every instrument in this is him like drums bass vocals guitar like it’s just him it’s which is

Insane imagine being that talented no no that’s just that those are temporary blocks that was just my pillar to get up here as all uh we do have to put stained glass in each corner here and it’s fine but no that’s just cuz uh that’s just cuz my pillars

There yeah yeah no worries no worries yeah that’s what I showed you yeah that’s the yeah that’ be that’ be fine in a minute so I am too cuz it’s such a good song like I’m sure he likes it and stuff but just like dude come on it’s like the

Best fan-made song that like he would ever have for sure there’s no way it would get any better it’s just no there’s no way and he just liked the tweet and that was it and like didn’t say it on stream or nothing you know as much as I love the dock I was

Kind of like like why put so much effort into it like and you can tell he’s like a Genuine Doc fan too you know and I’m sure he still is but you know that kind of hurt like definitely hurt his feelings just even more sad yeah so anybody doesn’t know what we’re

Talking about uh dayshell this artist made a song we’ll throw it on I guess it’s a really good song too it’s called Return of the dock and it’s a fan-made song about Dr disrespect by from deell on this album on his album he like put a whole bunch

Of ort into it like it’s an actual song it’s on the album and uh like he made like a video with it like his directoral debut and everything like like made a silly video of it he was going to do it for Doc Tober but doc didn’t do doc Tober this

Year and uh this is the song he put a ton of effort into it and all Doc did was like the tweet that he tagged him in and then a doc doing Doc it’s obviously doc being a character but somebody donated like Hey did you did

You know that somebody uh did you know that deell made a song about you and then he got like really doc Saucy about it like he is like uh like of course I heard about it you think that I haven’t heard about it like blah blah blah blah blah blah blah but

Then didn’t say anything good about it still he just like annoyed at the person for donating the money for someone else telling him that the song was made was I was like a like I get it he’s done that before and that’s kind of like the

Character and stuff but I could have at used that moment to be like it’s an amazing song go check it out or some [ __ ] you know cuz you can tell deell was kind of like like upset about it too hurt feelings a little bit it’s such a good [ __ ] song though

It’s such a good like it’s just like a legit good suck Sierra didn’t even know who the doc was which is even funnier I I was laughing my ass off cuz we listened to the album and she’s like my favorite song is Return of the

Doc and I was like dude Doc is a what my favorite streamer or was like Dr disrespect is like my favorite streamer and she’s like um the song I was like that’s who the song is about Dr disrespect she’s like I don’t even know who that

Is but it was just like her legit favorite song of the album which is funny yeah that’s what I mean right like like I’m sure doc doesn’t really know that I’m sure doc if doc knew the story he’d probably feel pretty shitty too cuz I’m sure he’s not really an [ __ ] you

Know and and Doc is pretty like super famous too so it’s like hard to keep up with all that stuff but still you know that doesn’t excuse it sorry cat it’s okay it’s Landing in water it doesn’t excuse it all but like that’s like got to be a like no matter

What that’s going to be a huge blow to like your confidence like for you know for anybody doesn’t matter who it is it’s shitty either way oh that’s right cats don’t have fall damage anyway you’re right wait they don’t in Minecraft Is that real is that a thing it would make

Sense oh demo was laughing at you yesterday a couple of times last night I just kept remembering just like randomly like giggling at it we’re talking about uh acatar C of thorns and Roses where uh you read the bio of it and that it was uh like a retelling of

Beauty and the Beast we like no it has nothing to do with Beauty and the Beast not even anywhere close and the more I broke it down and thought about it like the Beast curs maybe like four times yesterday four times yesterday I just ranom L thought about that whole process

Just started giggling at it that was just funny it’s like cuz they like no I can’t see I can’t see any relation to them whatsoever it’s like I mean there’s beast in it that can transform into a beast it’s not like he’s cursed or anything and I’m like wait a minute cuz he

Is there is a curse in it in the in the story and I started thinking some other things in my head I’m like oh okay yeah it was just funny it’s like every step of the process was just like no yes yes yeah I felt like that girl with the

Uh what was her name I don’t know if I’ll ever I don’t know if I’ll ever oh yeah this this girl here this is what I felt like and this is what I kept thinking like of it really smells like a public restroom it felt like her it smells like a public

Restroom you know what like no what are you talking about well no no well that’s what I felt like yesterday my whole process was that girl no well no actually but yeah just like like three or four times it randomly yesterday I was thinking of you that whole process of that I thought

It was really funny I will will never remember to call you Max I can try my best I’m just a human being after all uh I can try but since it’s not in your name it’s going to be very difficult for me but I’ll try my best

Bro oh made it I’m so good at this game shouldn’t be using that as my temporary block though should I the things I’ve just witnessed Has Changed Me Forever Wait what happened what did you witness H this a single player world it’s not a server

Max yeah this is a single play it’s just me on here well Matt uh oh why am I in trouble what am I in trouble for now always in trouble with somebody yeah I like this Farm design too like I like the look of it I like

It’s not flatten or in like in the ground or anything uh it’s very simple like it’s a very simple design the hardest thing is getting the amount of villagers for it but uh we made two villager breeders so it’s not even really that much of a problem we really don’t even need the

Second one I’m just doing the second one because I want to do this process um and you can just continue to make more of these if you want more iron but I think uh I think two will be fine for us I think yeah it’s a very simple design you

Don’t got to mess around with the flipping zombies which is always annoying too mostly I mean no [Laughter] okay I didn’t know about your sexy time sexy time that what it was so I’m not in trouble you were just being bad I see hey keeping it spicy huh lucky bastard

Mr Gollum Mr Gollum please move it of the way don’t know how you can could connect to it what do you mean doing like uh like sexy talk like uh phone sex is you’re talking about you never think you could do that you’re telling us about your first your first time right [Laughter]

Now is that is that what’s happening just so we’re clear oh you got one of those things oh I see I see see you’re saying yeah I’ve never had the pleasure myself but that’ be really cool yeah that’ be really cool uh and definitely a lot of fun technology a

Technology I’m not I’m not like a I’m not a huge fan of phone sex but I feel like if you’re like like really in like a like a really connected like romantic relationship with somebody or something or you like connected with the person I think it’ be good I’ve never like like

Every girlfriend I’ve ever had like I I’ve I didn’t like it it was just like so weird and cringe but I think with the right person it’d be good and of course things like that help so any time I’ve done it like phone sex with a girlfriend in the past that was always

Just like can I can I get this over with we stop well yeah you obviously need to partner first first like like when I would work out like uh like West and stuff it’s just always like weird I really like it t oh they’re getting stuck so this is the last one here

Right like I definitely don’t have anything against it it’s just like a guess it’s really hard for me to get into it cuz I’m I’m a pretty physical person too you know what I mean but that’s what I mean like I think if you were like really connected with

Somebody that like no matter where you were you would really enjoy it you know I think that Parts look important for me personally y i Phone SE is this weird I can say not against it or anything but like and I think there has to be like a

Lot of passion there to like really enjoy it put yourself in the situation that you’re talking about on the phone I guess you know all right sir you’re free I mean kind of you’re free for a minute I just don’t like people watching me masturbate it’s a little different like

I say like a certain situations like I think could be cool cuz I feel you like really passionate with somebody you want them looking you know that’s I mean I think it has to be like the right person to get into it okay we just need beds

Now even that no I get it I get it I’m pretty much the same I’m just saying and talking you Know okay so that’s that and then we just need the beds right oh I didn’t do up there though I don’t think well I mean you kind of need that too though no I’m I’m the same way like you don’t always have to be like being intimate with your partner

Sometimes you just need to masturbate me you don’t want to have sex you just want to do like your own thing sometimes you just need your own thing maybe a lot of the times you just need your own thing it’s completely normal like I get

That but like like yeah like when I was like working at West it would be like because sex is important to like a relationship and I’d be gone for months and months at a time you know and two girlfriends I was with when I was working at West two stints kind of

Like swapped out halfway through or whatever oh no early on it was only the first year I was with my first girlfriend but like it’d be important to it it it didn’t last long either and we stopped doing it after a while cuz I just I

Don’t know just like we got out of it it’s it’s not enjoyable hi Hannah where’s Darion at we’ll never have the three in here hi Hannah look wa I come back to this hey we’re adults here this an adult Channel just cuz we’re playing Minecraft don’t mean nothing no she’s not here somebody’s

Have to Ping her or something but I mean like every now and again like if you’re really like like if you’re in like a longdistance relationship and you’re craving them or something you know but yeah like it be like like very few and far between where you would want

To do where I would want to do that for sure really got to be in the mood I realized that one of them has to run the hospital no you’re stuck in the position sorry you can’t bail on us now you have two jobs all right you’re an LPN and also the

CEO okay you can hire a manager if you like you can hire somebody to do your your stuff that you need them to do to run the hospital though I don’t know what I’m doing ever yeah right baloney yeah you do I’d be willing to bet you yes here you’re not quitting

You’re going you’re going to hire Hannah as the what what’s the what’s you can hire Hanah as the co- CEO if you like you guys can run it together and of course when daran’s here then both of you can hire her as a co co [Laughter] CEO hey yo Sierra that is hilarious

Actually hey hey I get to use the button true true hey yo Hanah okay look ladies and gentlemen our Co CEO in chat feel like this hospital is going to be burned to the ground in a week oh boy too sober for this sober is the best bro what do you

Mean don’t need to dull your senses assistant to the regional manager all right Dwight dude my butt cheeks are so sore here up this is me this is me stretching out my ass oh that’s not I shouldn’t have said that my butt shakes the muscles in my butt

Cheeks my hands are right here my hands are here I meant my butt cheeks I’m stretching out the muscles in my butt cheeks was what I meant my hands are up okay I’m just squatting to stretch the muscle oh God someone’s going to clip the

AER listen I walked for 3 and a half hours yesterday my butt’s tender oh no oh I forgot about [ __ ] quotes all right dude why are my hands such a weird color is that the camera is that normal why am I so dude I’m so

Pale I hate how pale I am look at me look how pale is is why my hands like a weird color lighting it’s like a [ __ ] Dorito hands or something it’s CU I’m in the Night Court I guess biggest compliment ever by the way and you can’t take it

Back Sierra was nice to me for once and I wasn’t even sure that she was until I I read about the Night Court you know how that take back it’s against the law I don’t get sunshine it’s true dude the nightore is so cool screen glow oh maybe

Yeah cuz it doesn’t look like that here like iro yeah well I read the first one the first one is good a lot of character building uh and quite slow now that I’m reading the second one I’m currently reading M uh mist and fury uh I like the first one CU I do

Like character building I like intros and stuff uh yeah incredible I’ll say I’ll just say it’s incredible we’ve gotten so many people Hannah please do it we have the book club we have so many people into aatar now join us join us with aatar and reading more

Smart I keep saying it’s me that has gotten people into smut I mean a lot of people have already been into smut but there’s a lot of people that we actually got in like there is going to be their first book like midwinter and stuff I say it’s me but it’s Sierra’s

Fault cuz sier got me into hey be careful dude I don’t know I don’t know if you’re anything like me but I’ve wanted to get into uh like fantasy smut for like a long time anyway cuz I like I feel like I feel like I

Would like it for the longest time but I always like stayed away from reading just cuz I was like I’m not a reader blah blah blah cuz I’m a [ __ ] dumbass but I don’t think I would really like to read anything else besides like fantasy fantasy or like sci-fi

Smut probably be few a few exceptions like Harry Potter I would like to it’d be weird if that was smudy but like I wish Lord of the Rings was smudy like I probably would read it then you know acatar tag needed yeah maybe magas I mean yeah you do your own

Thing right the book club isn’t is just for what we’re reading at the time though you can recommend your own stuff sock bait your own stuff just make sure you blank out like spoilers and stuff but yes Hannah yes absolutely super recommended CU I feel like if I enjoy it like

Anybody enjoy but yeah again I don’t know if you’re anything like me but like those doors are open and they can never be closed again I’m ruined in the best way I’ve never been more happy to be ruined by something you know but it’s like it’s not just like so

Like when we say smut we just say that it’s cuz like there’s romance and stuff in it you know and it gets it gets smutty the first book is incredibly light on the smut but it’s just a good story it’s a good world like it’s a good

Universe there’s happens to be like a little bit of like smut in it there’s a [ __ ] awesome smut in the second bus like really early on but the story itself and the surrounding like area the whole universe is like cool like on top of it like even if you didn’t like like smut

Books like you’re going to like the universe itself who doesn’t love some smut in the book that’s what I mean like I don’t think I can like I always come back to the Lord of Ring Lord of the Rings uh example like for me like a little bit of

Smut is just realistic I am kind of looking for something a little more heavier which is going to be here on Saturday but test out how much I really like it but like like Lord of the Rings like uh like Arwin and [ __ ] why am I blanking on his name I normally

Forget Arn’s name Arwin and Aragorn you mean tell me that they they’re not getting down and dirty with it like explain to like tell me about it you know you mean to tell me like like the Aragorn isn’t looking at our one that way like even just like just like

That like even just like a little light stuff bye Sierra have a good day work day number two girl you got this you’re well rested you can do this have fun at work you know what I mean though you know what I’m saying like I like for me that just makes it like

Realistic hey so Mac Miller my coffee is on the empty so we’re going to get a coffee in a minute uh let’s go get a coffee now let’s do it I’ll be right back coffee time in a quick pee be right back boy boy boy H stretch first

Though all right I’ll see you in a minute uh we still got plenty of the stream left uh so but if you are using this as excuse to head out please do hit the follow button follow socials join the Discord lots of cool stuff going on

In there and uh I’ll see you guys in just a minute right B e all right I’m back sorry don’t you hate when you do that you make a coffee I was like just about to ready to bring it back in and then I hit it over just build half of it

Okay oh my [ __ ] legs bro I’m even like wadding like a penguin right now too so it takes me forever to get to places all right continue let’s gotel your man’s mugy yesterday I went to like pick it up and like I missed the handle cuz I wasn’t like looking at it

Like and I just like I just I didn’t spill all of it I just bumped it and I like went on the floor but you know how liquid is you spill a little bit you’re like how isn’t had didn’t make that much of a mess hey getting some of that Theo’s

Coke I spilled like a quarter of it and so I did and I need a full coffee so I just I dumped it out and made a new coffee I’d like to get a Stanley for coffee I don’t think I would get one for water though

Or what did I just say did I speak opposite I would like to get one for water I don’t think I would like one for coffee though Um uh only because the the cream in it goes weird after a while and I like my coffee like I like my women sweet and cream and strong so like the cream always gets weird in if you put it in like a a thermos or like something like that or Tumblr follow

Me hey thank you guys for hanging out with me today uh another day so far in the week where we are doing our eight hours easy mode well we’re seven right now we still got at least another eight hour to go probably no extended Beyond 8 today though my brother’s coming over to

Get some stuff for dinner theater thing he’s doing he’s taking a bunch of cables for me and he’s bringing his guitar over and I also have to go to the grocery store so probably no extend the stream today we’ll just do our eight uh but definitely expect some extended streams

Soon we’re going to try to average eight we’re going to try to do no less than eight six days a week so so far so good on day three of the year what I know dem has been killing it demu is the backto back Champion he’s the two time literally going for

Three all demo had to do was apply himself uh get the technique down dude we got to down dude I just got to not gamble all until I get like a lot of points daily well I have been I was doing daily I just I can’t I can’t doing Minecraft this just like

Impossible I also don’t want to put up uh I did daily shorts and stuff forever especially doing variety I think at one point I went like seven months straight without missing a day uploading four or five times a day had some good success and stuff like that like not every everybody’s going to

Blow up from them they’re absolutely needed but it’s hard doing Minecraft and getting content for it it’s the like I say the one thing I don’t really like about Minecraft streaming it is you just don’t get content depending what you’re doing like if you’re not an S&P or something like

That it’s a little different but for what we do you know survival multiplayer just not a lot happens in Minecraft but I got some ideas of what we can do just to even tag Minecraft and stuff like with our jokes and stuff like that like our Alexa stuff but I don’t

Know if I really want to do that as like my content though you I’d rather just save it for when I do like games off stream and stuff yeah the midnight baby uh but I’ve been very consistent with my short form content it only only slows down when we get back into

Minecraft but when I’m playing like uh like other games like I’m pretty active with it not so much the last like month or so been out of it but they’ll happen when they happen I guess guess but I mean they have to you have to realize like I know people blow up

Because of shorts and Tik toks and reals like that happens happens to like a lot of people but 99% of the people it doesn’t happen to you know trust me I know I’ve been doing them since 2020 we haven’t blown up from Tik toks or you know I’m sure

It’s brought a lot of people over to our community and stuff like that but very very very very few will see like will like get blow up from being Tik Tok or doing YouTube shorts whatever it’s just like not a normal thing it happens of course obviously but it’s not going to happen

To everyone it just doesn’t do it right you just have to hope continue to do them obviously and stuff but um without a doubt you know our community here is is surviving because of it and has brought a lot of new people over but yeah don’t like you can’t you can’t

Expect to be like oh this person blew up from YouTube shorts you can do it too it’s just like it’s just so rare but it is a tool to bring people in a required Tool uh and I don’t believe in luck in the traditional sense like luck is what happens when preparation meets

Opportunity so if you just keep doing your shorts if you keep doing your Tik toks and your reals and putting in the work and you continuously do it uh when the opportunity happens because you’re prepared that’s when the luck hits right like for me that’s what luck actually is yeah

Okay there I’ll do it all I’m doing this to you guys trying to talk about something serious all right whatever I won’t talk about nothing serious hey guys how about them Nicks huh I need wood for bed you never talk about anything serious around here it’s only

Smut smut and Dick and fart jokes and then you guys are complaining we never talk about anything you only talk about smartness cuz when I talk about something serious pration just kidding by the way I’m teasing I’m teasing need wood for bed Golem smle we need 20

Bits and you know what sucks too is we have no more Rockets So I think the next project is to build the creeper Farm again the temporary one and just leave it up we’ll build it up in the sky like we said we’re going to do like this is it that’s the last

One which means for the rest of this I’m going to have to take this stuff Alexa would you rather would you rather there be a Perpetual water balloon war going on in your city town or a Perpetual food fight water balloon water balance I’d cry but I’ll have food being

Wasted cuz I’m a food out don’t waste food yet exactly what I’m thinking hey the Navy jelly oh are youy I’ll share this now my heart brother man enjoy yourself how long you going for this time oh I didn’t even make the beds cuz I’m an absolute

Muppet Alexa how many years is 10 10 months 110 months is 9 years and two months 9 years 2 months baby Madness ah dude thank you for the longterm support you and you a crazy man let me tell you something we’re starting with three weeks but

Possibly longer hey look at you go hey man have a good time ehy take care of yourself obviously be safe [ __ ] how am I going to grab this did this weird god bang it this song is crazy nice Nine Kills hey congrats man we’ll see you

When you get back yeah don’t see you before then oh no oh I might as well sleep I guess yeah I might as well sleep on here that’s funny D I think that’s all I have to do right chat have you heard of a little thing called uh twitch Prime if you have

Not please do consider using it here be like Navy jellyfish and start your journey with us to 110 months you know you feel you dig we’d love to have you be more like Navy jellyfish sub to the stream if you’re already sub maybe consider gifting the gift of adree

Viewing and gift a sub to your favorite people in chat or just do a random gift of one 2 5 10 15 20 or more if you’d like help keep the stream the dream alive the lights on and might City we’d appreciate it thank you for your time thank you for

Your consideration my name is mad my game we’ll see you in the next episode of Ky klam Radio K 93.3 AM radio oh yeah the glass met that’s what you need oops they through Prime cheps guys well I got the same amount we’re actually quite

Lucky we get the same amount as a sub per Prime sub most people only get 50/50 Prime we get 7030 Prime as a special thank you twitch did for us like they have the new partner plus program where you can work your way to getting 7030 split but people on the new

7030 split the new twitch partner plus uh their Prime is only 50/50 but since we were grandfathered into the partner plus program and we had a premium contract like since 2013 every Prime sub is 7030 for us which is [ __ ] a huge deal honestly I think that I I mean I

Personally think they should probably just do it for everybody because people are going to complain when they find that out about that but I think they should do that anyway but yeah for us it’s uh it’s a big deal for prime prime we get 7030 splits

So I don’t know who my Prime sub is with it either they would lose so much more money yet so I don’t think that they would do it but I mean I think it’s a good thing like I mean people will complain to complain right because they

Always [ __ ] do and then they’ll ruin it for us and then we’ll all be on 50/50 but sometimes people just n got to realize like hey some of us have been here for for a really long time and it’s a thank you to us it’s not a jab at you

Or being unfair it’s just say hey thank you we’re changing how the partner program works but you’ve already been in this program we’re giving other people a way to to earn 7030 on normal Subs but since you’ve been a partner for so long and you were already in this

Program we changing it here’s a thank you you know I see the books to Twitch they’re not profitable we know that I should have got my water I don’t think we should benefit more again it’s just to thank you right it’s not that it’s unfair I don’t think it’s unfair at all it’s

Just you know she like hey thanks well doesn’t mean it’s unfair for like new people or anything like but so many people are like oh what I want 7030 split for Prime Subs too I deserve it like but you’re coming in after they changed the program you know we were there’s been

People on it I’ve been on the I’ve been on the partner plus program since uh 2013 I’ve had premium contract with twitch which is 7030 split not 50/50 a very long time I’ve had my 7030 split and it was always with anybody on the prime the premium contract that they

Offer it was 7030 for Prime Subs but now that they’re changing the program they’re changing to the partner plus program giving it because there was no really way to do it right there’s no actual way to get the premium contract twitch reached out to me and said hey you’re doing a really

Good job uh we would like to offer this for you they had a very loose way of getting it um it’s a lot easier to get it now than what than what the requirements Loosely were which was 500 viewers or 500 subs for three months that’s doesn’t

Include gifted Subs that be had to be 500 people and it’s a lot less than that now I forget what the actual thing is what actually is it what even was the question that I said I don’t think this is the article that I want I don’t know I don’t know what the

Actual thing is I think this I think this is an old article I can’t see it in my dashboard either because I’m on a different contract so it doesn’t let me see it my got to cannot type today three I I think that’s correct I

Think it’s 350 I just want to get like the actual number maybe this article tells it you see I don’t have access to that yeah oh yeah you’re right 350 well sub points sub points so not actual Subs because some people might be tier three sub and that’s six sub points for one

Person so uh yeah so 350 for three consecutive months it was 500 but now this is in stone and you can actually seat in your dashboard and stuff is the important part because it wasn’t even announced before like it wasn’t even a thing like you could you

Could kind of be on it but you would have to even know that it existed and most people at twitch didn’t even know it existed like You’ have to reach out and ask them for it sort of thing like what are the requirements they didn’t like it really reach out to people so

Since they added it like it’s it’s changed right but anyway I guess the whole point of that was you know the since they’re adding a way for people to do it more people are going to be doing it and they also they lose so much money on Prime Subs it’s

Ridiculous so with while making the new partner plus program for people to be able to actually get 7030 split they’re making Prime Subs 50/50 but for us OG’s that have been on the the premium contract like my say myself since 2013 that just came October last year the new

Partner plus program they’re saying anybody that’s grandfathered into the program gets to keep their 7030 split as like a thank you like they’re not taking it away I think that would be unfair like it’s not unfair to new people it’s just like you know cuz you you’re not missing it cuz

You never had it you know what Ian I mean at least they’re giving you a way to do it but they have to change it because they’ll just lose too much money it’s just like it is what it is but I think it would be unfair to take it

Away from people that already had it like that that’s affecting your income cuz most most of the sums that we get are either gifted uh or prime like most people most of our subs don’t pay $5 a month it’s either they get gifted a sub or they’re uh a prime

Sub like a huge number of them is uh well I guess I wouldn’t say most I’d have to take a look into it but it’s a it’s a big number it’s a bigger number than you would think oh it’s a much bigger number than you would think it is so taking that

From uh 7030 to 50/50 is like especially for like a small stream like us like every dollar counts would really really affect us right oh I for I was supposed to get water so I think it’s only fair like cuz we would miss it the people that were

Never on the program or are still working towards the program like they’re not going to miss it cuz like it was never a thing anyway but like folks like myself we would miss it if it was taken away uh and the crazy part for me is when I

Got it the requirement was a th000 subs for three months straight before they were to reach out to you and gifted Subs didn’t even exist ex IST then Prime Subs didn’t even exist then twitch didn’t even know uh twitch wasn’t even owned by Amazon at that

Point which is crazy to think at one point we had a th individual Subs that were paying five bucks a month think think about how crazy that [ __ ] is oh okay well it all worked out cuz I was worried about that part if we did that

Right or not and it was going to spill over we’re in the clear just got to worry about the rest of it now uh we should be fine though shouldn’t shouldn’t have messed up anywhere else or shouldn’t have messed up anything at all some P dude how we

Looking perfect let’s how we looking perfect uh I do have to remember to do this thing known from the dawn of d okie dokie and I think that’s it and we’re ready for villagers now so let’s start getting some Villages up here uh I’m going to need some more building blocks first though

Should be enough I assume that should be enough I [ __ ] Bo should be good to drink now o I hit a little sugar on the rim of my cup and I didn’t clear it off little extra sweetness around the rim oh that don’t that sounds dirty [Laughter] Jesus little extra sweetness around the

Real I got to think about what I say sometimes Le you heard nothing only Jesus uh after we get this and before we start start putting villagers in here we’re going to check out how much iron we actually have in the like couple like an hour or so that we’ve had it fully

Operational hour or two I don’t know exactly how long but that should be good let’s go see how much iron we actually have no Golems are stuck or nothing not sure it worked out wait what I didn’t oh you’re right it didn’t [ __ ] sakes oh yeah you’re right we just bandaid

It good eye good ey no no no no not like that not like this no stop that [ __ ] snacks dude more Band-Aids hold on I need a bigger Band-Aid no country while I’m doing Band-Aids uhoh this bandaid ain’t going to work is it no it’s not [ __ ] s what am I doing my

Brain ain’t working bigger Band-Aid this way this way Band-Aid Band-Aid how about this way how about you do this for me Band-Aid this is of oh my brain late in the day my brain late in the day I swear to god it works it’ll be fine okay whatever

All right let’s go check the iron [Laughter] now oh yeah we also got to set up some of this I forgot not bad dude honestly not bad for just like an hour I’ll take that oops our first aid kit is not enough for small scratches no listen I’m not the nurse Sierra and

Hannah and Darion are the nurses of M City okay I shouldn’t even be applying Band-Aids and that just proves it we need medical assistance please see Sierra uh Hannah or a Darion please do not seek medical device for a man my game that needs an entire hospital it’s might City Hospital

Okay that’s pretty good I’m happy with that let’s start getting the boys up huh oh that’s not what I want to say either thank goodness demu doesn’t add quotes cuz never mind and Leanne thank goodness Leanne’s not adding quotes either didn’t hear that hey there’s nothing around glue for stitches okay

Dude Le you know you’re allowed to add quotes and stuff right everybody’s all mods are allowed to do that you know that e see my problem is how do I get out of here it’s not going to work when you thought son I got to go see if I have

Any what you call it also here I want to do a little test after these guys drop we’re going to go there and see if we get any more uh it’s working well though all right 64 uh 10 10 ingots in the last one CH we’re going to go over here for 10

Minutes uh they spawn once a minute so we should come back to some more in there I’m going to see what if we have anything for a couple of rockets right now that’s the next project immediately though is a uh creeper firm it is right I want to do the second

One just so I can see like how the second layer works it’s a really good FM we don’t need that much of iron and like by the time we do need it we like there’ll be ton over there so I think the amount of storage that we have is fine as

Well yeah I wanted to add the second module just to say that I you know I did it so yeah it’s such a such a nice Farm nice not to mess up with zombies there’s a lot of villagers required for it but if you make two uh two villager

Breeders it wasn’t even a problem for us we didn’t even think about it other than the time that it took to make the actual villager breeder which was easy oh really the end oh oh really does have a sexy voice too A vibe and aura about him huh oh

Daddy speaking of daddy let’s put on some daddy Mullins putting on two daddy melons daddy Mullins such a good song there a good chorus in this song too the hook yo Le yo me out here worried about my might flip like a lean out here with a pegm

Emote not so worried about might flip [Laughter] anymore good God oh I shouldn’t have slept I meant to stay awake for creepers cuz I don’t think I have any over here oh we got a little bit actually mouth of a serent sar from the mouth of a

Serpent what’s that is De what’s that is dead that’ll do us because I’m sussy most the pegy ones wild not going to lie like I was like worried about like you know somebody might use might flip in like a family friendly Channel or something they’re like oh my God middle

Finger that’s not family friendly you [ __ ] Peg Me emote so much worse oh my goodness the tail the tail though I love sketch’s bread butt though the bread butt ones like look my favorite emotes on Twitch to be honest with you such a funny emote stop me

Again it the bread butt is so good isn’t it like I would sub just for that emote water after all such a good song dude uh I’m getting my nose pierced because of Matty Mullins I’m doing it s I’m saying [ __ ] it being a little more spontaneous this year uh Just like a very light one it’s not going to be big or it’s going to be like close to my skin and stuff it’s hard to even find mty Mullins is like where you can see it uh but I like it a lot and I really like mat Mullins

Too like it’s hard to even see it on them m this is who’s singing right now I think it’s on the other side of his nose his face yeah it’s on his other side just like a something like that I think it looks really nice actually well

Stud at first cuz you’re supposed to from what I was looking into but I think that looks good and daddy Mullins is also fellow Ginger so you’re supposed to get a stud first because as it’s healing a ring can like move around and it can cause like I

Forget what the the bump is called but it can cause like weird scarring that will like bump up so you’re supposed to leave a stud in so it heals around the stud first and heals properly and then you can put a ring in like a hope I guess it’s called after uh

Like two three weeks or something but you’re supposed to have a stud first till it fully heals so I’ll just do that just to do it proper uh but I like I like the look though keid yeah that’s the word yeah I don’t know if I’m saying it properly

But but I think it looks really good and I never thought of getting it done before I never thought like nose rings would look good on a guy cuz I love nose rings on uh on women like I think they look good but I never thought of like getting them on a

G you can blame Sierra of course what [ __ ] doesn’t she influence me to do I think she mentioned one day you’d look good in a nose ring like yeah got don’t wear no rings she’s like Matty Mullen wears no rings I’m like does he so then I was like looking at him and

Then I no it’s a whole bunch of other people uh guys with no rings like what I kind of do like it CU I like anytime I think of like a nose ring I think of like it’s really like like this right like I think of like uh

Like this oh that’s just like I mean that’s kind of where my head goes though this is like a fake one it’s a stock photo this is the worst stock photo I’ve ever seen in my life but that’s kind of like what I what my brain thinks of when you think of

Like a nose ring on a guy for whatever reason but there’s so many people that like that I that I like that like has a nose ring like what’s his name Lou Hamilton has a nose piercing I love Lou Hamilton too uh he has a stud though I’ll be getting a hoop

But I don’t know like I like I like it there’s a whole bunch of a bunch of people that have it right I don’t I would never do here although I I do like that look too I don’t think I would ever get it done personally though but like this I think looks

Good even though oh yeah what’s his name like like actually think it look looks really nice I never really considered it before like I never even thought about it uh I always want to get my eyebrow done I’m glad I didn’t cuz uh I don’t

Think I would get that done either but I should really like the nose ring hey Tupac one it’s cool enough for him it’s cool enough for me ATA kravis got one too which just like a light like gold nose ring I think looks really good on the

Game you think the R I like the the ring more than the stud I like or the hope I should say I think that looks good personally like Louis’s uh stud looks good but like this look here I think that looks great personally like that I think looks really

Good and matd Mullins as well you can barely even tell on his pale skin which is what mine would be too cuz I’m also Ginger I mean t each is their own obviously but I think uh I think looks I think look good I like the the hoop much more than the stud

Though uh so I was stretching my ear for 6 months and my manager like you can’t wear those what so you had gauges in and he wouldn’t let you do it is that your current boss a boo ears um I do like uh I do like that look too

I’m kind of I do like the metal aesthetic like the heavy metal like rocker kind of look anyway like I mean cuz I used to be in bands and stuff like that’s kind of like my My Vibe and my style anyway which is probably why I like that

But I never really considered my nose before and this year I’m going to be a lot more spontaneous and not going to think about it so much so I’m just going to get it done and if I don’t like it it’ll heal over 14 mm are you not doing it

Now the ear 14 mm ear Gage oh yeah I wouldn’t like big ones I wouldn’t like big ones at all so like about this size is what yours are yeah like about that size is what I would probably consider like like that looks pretty cool actually yeah I think ear gauges are

Cool looking too what would you want to get yours at yeah I think I think gauges are cool hey more Memphis mayfire I I don’t mind up to 20 mm yeah yeah I I don’t think I would like like personally on my own ears like

Anything too too big I don’t know if if I would ever do that though I mean never know though who knows after I start getting piercings and stuff you know or who knows after I get a piercing uh lip might be cool though I do like lips oh God Leanne what are you

Doing I did always I wanted to get my uh my eyebrow done but I I don’t think I like that look anymore lip might be cool like side of the lip I’ve always liked I shouldn’t even be thinking about this because I’m just going to do it this

Year okay we have we have safe search on it shouldn’t get any dick piercings yeah like I think that looks nice double snake bite with a nose ring wait what’s that hey Posh good to see you dude what’s a snake bite yeah like I like this

Look I like that look a lot especially once I get some tattoos on my neck why is it so hard to find a side this is the only dude that gets the side done what does anybody else have it done Vanilla Ice over here um like I wouldn’t like something

Like that like a hoop hoop for the lip too why is he the only one that has one the [ __ ] I wonder how annoying that would be like eating and stuff I wonder does anybody have a lip ring what’s a double snake bite double snake bite oh yeah I I wouldn’t mind that

Either yeah that’s pretty sexy I’m looking at female lips though like I think that like I don’t know I don’t like the studs I do like the Hoops though put in mail soon oh actually that looks pretty good I think you would need the middle one with that though with the

Studs maybe I don’t mind it I’ve always wanted to do that I don’t think I would ever actually do it though I’ve always wanted to get my tongue split but I hear there’s like way too many issues like it’s way too risky to do it so I don’t think I’d ever actually do

It uh let’s start with the nose though I’ll start with the nose a damn it now I’m want to thinking with the lip we’ll see we’ll see are you mess me hold on oh my God that’s too [Laughter] much is the snake bite just

Too on the corners of the lips or is or what is well that’s yeah because that’s what I Googled so and that’s what came up being well too much for me I mean like that doesn’t look bad like I like that look I don’t it’ be too much for

Me I wouldn’t mind getting an ear done but like not like uh I’d like to have one ear done almost like a girl honestly I wonder if we do have find a male like with a bunch of ear piercings like one here and then like a

Couple of like up the top of it I think would be cool this is a girl I think though like something like that I think would be pretty neat like this like that kind of look I think I would like pretty cool not whatever that is I mean looks good but I

Wouldn’t but something like that I think it’ be cool on one ear yeah yeah for sure collected one yeah I really like that look actually that I would like to do I think looks I think could look good on me maybe uh so that’s the other thing I

Want to get more this year is tattoos as well I’ve always like that’s what I mean like I want to be more spontaneous cuz I’m a Virgo most descriptions of a Virgo is they really like to plan [ __ ] there’s a reason I have a whiteboard over there

With my daily [ __ ] schedule on it and things I want to do and write everything down like I am definitely a planner and a Virgo in that way for sure and I definitely an overthinker I tend to overthink things and put things off like this tattoo took me

Forever to want to get it or to decide to get it because I I got to be the right image it got to mean something uh which it it ends up it does cuz it’s music and like I love music and music saved my life and stuff

But that I got that in like 2016 and I’ve wanted to you know what happens when you your first tattoo you just want a million more tattoos but I’ve always been like well it got to be the right image it has to be the right image

Like it has to be the right thing it has to mean something I’m at the point now where I’m just like I don’t even I might just go into a tattoo shop and say what do you want to put on my body I want your art like find a tattoo artist that

Like is like a really good tattoo artist and say give me something what have you always wanted to tattoo what is your design that you wanted to do and just let them put their art on me so for me it doesn’t always have to mean something your first tattoo you know probably

Should and I think it’s normal for people to want to want it to mean something and most people’s first tattoo might might mean something but I’m at the point now where I’m just like I just want a lot of stuff it’s like one a lot of tats and tattoos are expensive

Yeah uh so I’m going to be starting with the [Laughter] neck hey and is game’s going good working on the iron farm iron farm is now operational yeah I’m going to be starting with uh starting with my neck cuz I don’t want to get like big

Tattoos until I move to BC neck tats I’ll be getting some neck tats here I love neck tats a few uh there’s not really too many artists around here that like I really like a lot that I want to do any sort of like detailed work but I was also thinking well

There’s like a lot of little tattoos I would like to get that like like any tattoo artist should be able to do like I don’t have to like love the tattoo artist for them to do simple stuff like a cross [Applause] um Mar is the one that like just like a simple simple

Cross there was one specific one that I was looking at that for some reason I don’t see here but like something like like a tattoo like in that place right or even like this like that one’s actually pretty nice that I like maybe like a little

Bigger than that like like that I like I really like that look want to get that for like a long time uh and then like some other ones like I would like to get crows you guys know I like crows just like just like to fill it out

Like anybody can do a cross like any tattoo artist around here be able to do it right uh like a crow on the neck like I wouldn’t want anything like this done right here until like until I move to BC but I think a crw on the neck I

Wouldn’t get like the neck down here but there’s like a [ __ ] where was the one like a one like this I would like to get like going up my neck on the side here like craw like like I think that’d be pretty cool like this like this style you know

I think they going up across there’s a few where did I save these at I saved them on my phone so like a few on my neck I just want like simp like super simple ones just like to have them right there’s nothing you could probably get multip

Like CU they charge by the hour so you can probably get like three tattoos in the hour Alexa tell me a joke it may surprise you to know that Canadians don’t always apologize sorry about that okay dude oh I want to get Supernatural tattoo I want to get the anti-possession tatto which I

Think would really be really cool oh a rose on my neck would be be really neat yeah this is a CR one that I seen look how I can even show you guys this can you see that like I think a crow tattoo like that would be pretty cool on my neck

Like it’s a little more detailed so I wouldn’t get this one around here I really like that I got I got to open I got to start doing this on Pinterest not just download them oh yeah here’s the other one that’s the one behind the ear with

Like the like I think that’ll look pretty cool I’d really like to I’d really enjoy that oh here’s the cross one it’s like just like a standard standard cross mixed in with like the rest um this one I’d get away as well well although I have seen a tattoo

Artist here that does a lot of roses so like an inverted Rose I think it be pretty cool obviously decide on placement later yeah I want to get Dean’s anti-possession Tattoo from Supernatural this here like the the circle means protection and these are like the five elements or the five uh crucifixion

Points and this is protection oh this is the the Holy Fire and stuff it’s really really cool like tattoo meaning tool and i’ get it where Dean got it right here I [ __ ] love that episode by the way so that I would really like to get I’m not like the biggest

Supernatural fan in the world but I love the first five seasons of Supernatural I think it’s like some of the best TV that there is but yeah like yeah oh yeah for sure tattoos and meanings are are good but like I said I just want like I like art

On my body too so this year like I’m just not going to think about it so much I’m just going to go and get it done when like I can afford to do and stuff I’m also still big aren’t I like cuz it might mean something to the artist

Like like I wouldn’t mind that you know I also really like I think might be cool on my leg I I think I have like the perfect legs for leg tattoos that’s like like aesthetically nice legs and there’s like lots of room on them uh so I wouldn’t mind getting a bunch of

Leg tattoos too they’d be a lot more random I would like on my right arm to have half sleeve design but then the rest I just kind of want like scattered and placed around and not really designed for like an area you know what I mean like not everything like has to

Match I just like I just like kind of like random tattoos I think are really cool but I really like the uh the the Trend that’s going around tattoo Trend the hexagon tattoo Trend which I think is really neat so essentially what you do is first you get

Uh the hexagon tattooed on you like this um ignore this part but you would get like this tattooed on yourself somewhere I think like uh like my upper leg would be pretty cool but what people do is they do this they’ll go to an artist and say tattoo something okay all

Right like actually like this I think would be pretty cool on the lake I really like the idea of doing this and then going to different tattoo artists and be like you know this is yours like pick one out and tattoo something what whatever you want

Actually now that I’m looking at it on the leg I kind of want to do it on my leg like this I don’t know what else I would put on my legs like I have ideas for like everywhere else but my legs I actually like this a lot hi Sierra has worked so

Far going good I hope thank you for stopping in saying haa you little jerk oh I’m still big I’m still sier this is your fault I keep getting stuck on this screen turn it off Matthew yeah that’s pretty cool and then I’m can to be like I hate

This one I hate that one I love this one I love this one love this one I hate this [Laughter] one I think we’re stuck on Daddy Mullins right now aren’t we and I didn’t realize it that’s I’m okay with it hold on I love that part I love that part rewinding

It Daddy Mullins a dude I’m rewinding this whole song I listen to this song A lot it’s probably one of my favorite Memphis mayfire songs uh you should look into the lyrics of it so because we all like know that one person who’s just like so fake it’s all about themselves put

Themselves first like they hide behind their mask you know uh like the lyrics are so good so good I [ __ ] love this song I listen to it and it just flows so well face the price that you pay for being to faced sleep in the bed that you’ve made

Oh it always comes out in the end doesn’t it the problem is you you point the finger but the problem is you it’s a good tune man it’s one my favorite prob listen this the most out of all Memphis my far songs for whatever reason than do m what the Bop hold on

Oh this is a good song too this is really good song I like this song Sorry I’m in the um um hul on Memphis mayfire right now I get in my Memphis May moves and can’t turn it off two more have we seen any spawn up here yet I don’t think so

He I don’t think we I don’t think we’ve let those guys sleep properly yet yo Minnesota Wala good to see you brother man how you doing Happy New Year I don’t think I’ve seen you since New Year’s right happy New Year dude if not hope everything’s going good for you

And place I’ve always liked playing football games I don’t really have time to do it now but I always like playing football games football games are so much fun just like straight up there F I’m not even that big of like a football fan but I love playing like football games games

I think we’re running out of we are running out of rails here oh boy oh [ __ ] do I got enough oh he’s going to be zooming up this guy’s going to be Zoom zooming oh [ __ ] and a flipping Redstone let’s hope this guy doesn’t go out thege Edge

Disappear 88 miles per hour bro flux klaster is going to activate he’s gonna go this guy’s going to go meet Doc Brown all right see what [Laughter] happens I like it too I think it works with the the aesthetic of it thank you Minnesota

Wo that means a lot yeah I I was I don’t know I had a boost of energy one day and I kind of been thinking about it anyway cuz like I’ve never used it like this before I’ve never used it with the because I know this is like a new style

Of thing like well like last like year or two but I’ve seen it on nerd or die a lot which is where I get my overlay stuff from like the uh they call it a shelf like the camera shelf for green screens I’ve only ever had it like

Bottom left hand corner bottom right hand corner or somewhere down on the bottom of the screen and I got tired of that look and didn’t really like it uh so I I was on nerder or die again kind of just like looking around did we send somebody up here

No and uh I seen again I’m like you know what I kind of want to do it with my with my thing so I had a burst of energy one day and uh I tested at the green screen I’m like you know what I kind of really

[ __ ] F like it like I think it looks really good with the overlay and then we uh like I think it looks good cuz I was I was trying to go with the look too with the camera but then there’s like stuff in the background but I find stuff in the

Background super distracting and if there’s going to be anything distracting on the screen I was like well I kind of want that to be thank yous to people like the top Tipper of the day no top Tipper of the day you want to be the

Tipper of the day only cost you a dollar okay and then you go in the Stream Journal like the top Tipper of the day top gifter like I’d rather that be the distraction on the screen cuz I kind of like the aesthetic of that look anyway

You know and then like the the event list rather than this distraction being like fireplace in the back or lights going on like what’s going on in the back of screen so I was testing it out and I was like you know what I actually [ __ ] really do like the the look at

This cuz like not not a lot of people use green screen anymore either everybody seems going to be going with the the super high-end cameras with the uh the the really high-end lenses that like are blurring in the background and stuff like it seems like that’s like

The trend right now right or for the last like couple years and the green screen isn’t anymore but I really like the Shelf I like the Shelf mixed with the the the overl okay it’s fine well thank you man I appreciate that I appreciate the the kind words cuz

I agree I think I think it looks pretty good oh that means a lot man that means a lot uh we just started doing it again just the end of the year so it’s new as well when was it chat I don’t even remember when but it’s still quite

Recent like only a couple of weeks I think Oh you’re not doing this one anymore man over this one oh my God the range just went there the ranges just went there still going yes sir the year of burnout don’t forget trying to do at least eight hour streams every single day and I forgot that we were still

Streaming we’re 8 hours 20 minutes in right now uh we going crazy this year expect a lot of streams 8 hours is the schedule we really motivated to have like a really awesome a really impressive twitch recap of 2024 that’s my goal have a really cool we had a really

Good recap of 2023 I was actually really happy with it but I was like you know what I can do better uh so yeah we’re going to go going to go crazy this year every year I always Pace myself and I try not to burn myself out but this year I’m saying [ __ ]

It we just going crazy not just on streams going to burn myself out but also exercise and my health and stuff too burn out in a good way you know still going to take care of her health fun stuff obviously got it’s important to me we’re like meing a little bit my my

Point is we’re going to be streaming a [ __ ] ton though tune in after for work let’s go yeah rewind your clock 8 hours 20 minutes ago that’s what time we start every single day I’m going to be a good boy and not change the schedule a million times this

Year like I did last year last year was a bad boy and I changed the schedule [ __ ] a lot more so than any other year ever I think I changed the schedule like nine times last year which is excessive I understand But I also changed it like [ __ ] five times for like other people too though trying to like line up my schedule to be streaming with them and collaborating and stuff which I shouldn’t do that but last year was a big test Year anyway last year was a big

Testure we kind of have to go through those you know kind of your own pains discover what you want to do and stuff I definitely don’t regret it this for sure but I I can’t be doing that that’s too much that’s too much 8 to four 8 to four

Eastern I’ll be better this year I promise I’ll prove it to you I’ll prove my love uh I’m having encounter that I’m secretly keeping uh track of the schedule changes I mean what so it’s on zero right now right you’re not allow to start on one okay it’s on zero okay see

Let’s see what that said at the end of the year you don’t have to it doesn’t have to be secret if you know what I don’t mind you making fun of me poking at me trust me I get it like a lot of people think like I don’t know but I literally

Keep a stream schedule or a stream Journal like I write it down every day like a lot of people don’t think that I don’t know that I change my schedule a lot like I know like I hate that I do but you know just kind of [ __ ]

That we kind of went through is like like streamers like I get it currently zero for 2024 all right yeah let’s see where it ends up January 1st 2025 we’ll see where we’re at end of the year 10 he we’ll see I’ll be a good boy this year

Watch you watch to approve it approve my loyalty I don’t want to be 2025 yet Matt I know me neither 2024 has been so good to us yeah no T of 2025 yeah but I don’t I don’t think it’d be possible for me to change my schedule as

Much as I did last year like I said there’s a few reasons for it I was wanting to collaborate with people more so I changed it like five times uh like we changed it twice specifically for Jordan uh and not to put any blame on Jordan like it’s it’s you know it’s it’s

All on me obviously but like specifically like talking to Jordan like like well like you know I’m still growing my stream and like changing some like variety stuff and changing content and stuff so like you know one thing that we want to do is collaborate together and play games together and

Stuff and like that’d be really good for GR own the community stuff so I said I don’t mind changing my schedule uh he wasn’t going to change his so I changed my schedule twice specifically for Jordan but then he end up doing his partner grind and he didn’t want to like affect

The numbers by changing games and like like doing the collaboration thing so we end up not even collaborating uh and then there was a couple times I changed it for just like in general like a lot of my friends stream at a certain time like around that time too so it wasn’t like

Specifically talking to anybody that we can collaborate but it was more like let me try this schedule see how our audience is uh so that I have the opportunity to play with like a lot of these people like sketch and uh my buddy fake uniform and and like a bunch of other

People which we end up not doing either and then near the end of the year I was changing uh I changed it a couple times as well so it was like I think about it realistically how many times did I change my schedule last year

Uh actually I can look cuz I read it down uh there was oh there was also a transition period where we didn’t have a schedule cuz we were going going crazy for July it’s probably not as time as many times as we’re meing about it July we didn’t have a schedule

Because we’re were just streaming a crazy amount of hours to to break our record and so we’re four so this is January this is the start time over here so January um so it was the end of the year 4:00 a.m. we changed it uh to midnight in February so it’s one

Change uh March was midnight April was all midnight May was all midnight so still only one change uh most of June was midnight half of June was midnight and then we switched to uh 10:00 a.m. so here’s a switch to 10:00 a.m. and that was for July too so so that’s two

So 10:00 a.m. for July for most of June July August in September we tried out to 2 p.m. 2 p.m. did not work at all starting at 2 p.m. going late was not very good uh and then so what was that that was two so we had the

One two and this that was three and then we were trying noon so four then we’re on noon for like a month and like I said at the end of the year we changed a lot just trying to like what works what is the best start time and

Then five we changed it again so the first year we were pretty steady it was was like the like after July after we did our [ __ ] 340 hours or whatever it was we changed it a bunch and then we’re on 7: a.m. for a while and then we switched to knocked it

Back a little bit from 7:00 a.m. like tweaking it but but still technically changed so that’s six six run and then the end of the year was all 630 and then I was just this is this last week was nothing um it wasn’t like an official

Change it was just like I want to go lie by this time the end of the year I’m just going to relax and then 2024 our schedule is 9 9:00 a.m. 9 to 5: my time 8 to 4 Eastern so six times realistically but the end of the year was

Crazy the end of the year I was like nope change it nope change it nope change but the end of the year it wasn’t like super drastic changes either cuz like one we went from noon to [ __ ] midnight like that’s a that’s a crazy change like 7 700 a.m. and then pushing

It back the start time to 6:30 while it’s a while it’s obviously a schedule change officially like that’s not really going to like affect anything it’s tweaking like how my body feels like get up B specific times or whatever and I got to tell you I love waking up at

8:30 my body feels really good on this schedule so no more none of that and I realiz I said that like all last year no more of this no more no more SCH CH and I did it six seven times we’ll just say eight times to meme it in case I

Miscounted I realized it was the drastic changes were the big thing though like like say going from Midnight to [ __ ] noon and then noon to 10:00 a.m. again in yeah that’s the other thing too like that’s what I found out like my body my circadium rhythm doesn’t like anywhere from waking

Up so like my wake up time my circadian rhythm doesn’t like waking up anywhere from from 5:00 a.m. to about or sorry 4:00 a.m. to about like 700 my body doesn’t like getting up and it just can’t do it and that’s what like my main and it so weird because that’s

What my main schedule for so long was from like 2012 until [ __ ] 2020 like when we were doing the 500 a.m. streams and I was always so tired waking up like even right now changing uh just boosting ahe a little bit cuz we’re going to be doing eight hours instead of

Four uh like waking up at 8:00 or 8:30 I barely even need my alarm like I just get up and get out of bed hey tore yeah we did dude welcome back good to see you I do remember you by the way how could I forget yeah this this schedule like it’s

Like I got a good gut feeling about it too and I don’t struggle to wake up is the the biggest thing for me wait did I send a dude up here oh I did like I especially when I stream like I wake up within the first hour like

Fully but if I if I start at 5:00 like I used to like I dude it’s like four or five hours before my body even wants to get up and like do anything so like I I just find like I have more energy here like I don’t like I set the alarm anyway

But like I feel like if I didn’t set the alarm my body just wake me up which is nice but trust me I know cuz I read it down the whole year I know how much I changed my schedule it was a lot I’m not an idiot just you know kind of growing

Pains and like kind of had to go through it but it was excessive I know I understand none of that this year though we may tweak it a little bit like we have to but it’s not going to be major changes like if I have to change it from

Like like 9 to 9:30 a.m. or 9 to 10 a.m. or 9 to 8: or something like I don’t mind doing that but it’s not going to be like opposite day starting at 9:00 p.m. or like whatever none of that stuff and I’m most certainly not going to change it for other people

Anymore we’re going to collaborate with people people can line up with my schedule or we can meet in the middle or something somewhere I got to do my thing I can’t be people pleasing too late too late for what Still rocking Minecraft yeah we just got back into Minecraft of uh well

How many days am I in now this is the 49th stream I think so we’re just actually returning to Minecraft 49 streams ago plus days off ah yeah I see that Mr crunch yeah yeah any other time of the day except for 4 a.m. to like 7 my body

Hates getting up at that time it just it’s like no what are you doing you’re not well it’s probably like a little earlier than that actually yeah I’d say probably like 2:00 a.m. well yeah about 2:00 a.m. until about 7 a.m. am like my body just doesn’t do it like it just

Disagrees with waking up at that time so much hey what’s up Farm Alexa how many years is 95 months 95 months is s years and 11 months oh eight years next month must still no Holly I broke up four years ago hey and my boy dark

Hson coming on in with the raid hello Raiders Raiders Raiders welcome on in no yeah Holly and I broke up four years ago Sor hear that all good brother man all good we had a clean break up no hatred between us or anything like

That so you don’t got to be sorry it was the best thing for both of us for sure darkson what’s up my dude thank you for giving the shout out to dark have I refed you yet since I cleared my socials 10 million years ago now let me make sure

I’m checking you I’m following everything probably not maybe no I am I feel good about it I’m already following let me double check see if I got you everywhere else though on your Twitter and your Tik Tok yep that was a good boy dark that

Was a good boy oh I don’t got you on your Tik Tok though is your Tik Tok new okay there I got you Tik Tok see that’s why I double check see I didn’t have your Tik Tok I had your Twitch and Twitter hey what’s up dude what you up

To today happy New Year by the way happy New Year uh Farm didn’t you used to stream super early well I start at 9:00 I used to start at 5: so I used to I used to start like my body considers that super early so it’s not that much earlier than

What I do now though but like I say like my sadian rhythm like what my body likes to wake up to it’s like anywhere from like 2: a.m. to 7:00 a.m. like my if I wake up at 6:00 a.m. like I just can’t like I can’t get up I’m just overly tired and

Then I’m tired for like the whole rest of the day and then I think that’s the best thing that came from last year and changing my schedules was like dude like like waking up at this time like my body just like I don’t even need an alarm

Clock vampire the Masquerade to much My Favorite Things sexy vampires and sexy masquerades eyebrow raises but yeah I didn’t even know what a circadium rhythm was until last year because I was changing my schedule cuz I looked into it like why you would be tired at specific times more than others

It’s because you’re circadian rhythm yeah starting a fight well but depends right early for me if you’re in Australia it’s 5:00 p.m. so yeah my body just disagrees waking up at that time like I like going to bed at like 1:00 a.m. I’ll go to bed at 1: 2: a.m. sort

Of thing but waking up at like 2: to 7:00 just like doesn’t matter how much sleep I get either does not matter how much sleep I get it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter how long I stay on the schedule either cuz like that’s what I was from 2013 uh 2013 to

2019 I was starting at 5:00 a.m. and it was a struggle every day to get up cuz Holly used to be the one that used to wake me up and I was so grumpy every day like waking up just like and then last year changing our schedule and

Uh the the first time I noticed that I was starting at 10:00 p.m. and dude I I well July remember July uh for our July streams whatever time that was what was the July ones I don’t think that was 10: p.m. that might have been 10: a.m. actually hard

Until yeah we were starting at 10: a.m. yeah that’s when I first noticed like around that time like I’ve streamed so much that was the most we’ve ever streamed in a month the most we streamed in a month the was like eight plus hours every

Single day uh a lot of them are like 15 hours and stuff but the most hours I’ve ever done 314 hours in the month the most I’ve ever streamed and I wasn’t tired and I didn’t I didn’t need an alarm I would wake up before my alarm all the

Time said I’m like well that’s [ __ ] what’s going on there like how is that possible but waking up anywhere from like 2: to 7:00 is just like nope you could sleep for [ __ ] 50 50 hours and try to get up it’s just like no but apparently that’s like your

Sarcan Rhythm just like your natural body wakeup time whatever it is will your smut arrives tomorrow huh let’s go so uh I don’t think you were here this morning but I started reading the second book and it’s way better than the first I like the first I think you’re going to

Like the first but uh s Sierra’s right it is definitely like pretty slow con compared to like the other stuff that like happens so stick with it the last uh like quarter of the book is really good really gets like spicy and uh uh a bunch of stuff actually

Happens like the good stuff but dude continue with the series get into the second book afterwards cuz everything that happens in the first book like it immediately like goes into in the second book as well and goes into more detail it’s amazing so stick with it I’m like I’m

Going crazy thinking about it I don’t know if you’ve seen the the might City gym and what I did yesterday reading the book by accident oh this is perfect chat this is perfect it’s perfect timing yeah I accidentally went for a three and a half hour walk

Yeah so much so much better and it’s not that doesn’t take anything away from the first one by any means but it’s just yeah hey that’s a be good idea lean feel free to track it in my city gym and stuff too just all you got you

Just you want to be like going for a walk just kind of hold yourself a candle you know not accountable accountable just hold yourself a canable yeah hold yourself accountable cuz then you say it you’re more likely to actually do it you know then you get into Rhythm one day two day

3 day and keep doing it hey all my love to you tore all my love and Good Vibes and to your health you know okay they sleeping everybody sleeping they sleeping they all sleeping hey let’s go smut and cyber Punk well cyber Punk is super smutty itself too

So all right let’s make sure this is working properly we now have two layers Chad of this thing we should they should spawn every minute so I’m going to start the timer right now they still spawned down there too good this is a pretty cool design I should get the link

Okay good I still got it up here’s the video that we followed it’s pretty cool simple design you get us start up the biggest thing is just the villagers but just make two villager breeder uh builds CU they’re very quick to do as well I [ __ ] up the timer cuz I paused

The game cuz I’m an idiot yeah we made two villager very quick you can make them in like an hour and you’ll have no worries for the villagers cyber SM does whatever cyber does Cyber SM cyber SM does whatever does let’s try this again there goes one they’re spawning down there too beautiful

Yeah there’s a there’s a minute exact and then we’ll do a quick test of uh and see how much we’re getting per hour I guess my lips are so flipping dry God I hate winter hate winter so much I see six five oh a little early that time okay stop and reset

That and when this stops we’ll see how much we get let me do this real quick and when the first one spawns we’ll start the timer for 5 minutes and then we’ll multiply okay there spawning let’s do a 5 minute Timmer see what we get do not turn the night time around

Either math it’s okay all right actually I don’t know what I multiply by though what am I got to Times by five five times what is it 12 yeah you’re right you right it’s 5 minutes yeah 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 yeah so 60 60

Seconds 60 SEC 60 minutes in an hour cuz we’re looking to get the hourly rate yes all right there a minute and a half hey cheers everybody out there too by the way thank you for coming by the stream today thank you for coming by the

Stream this year we had a crazy stream today sniper down dropping 100 bomb we are three Subs away from uh 400 subscribers in the community really good stream today really good stream all years by the way I don’t mean to push this but I also do uh I keep what’s called a stream

Journal this is the stream journal what I’m starting to track now oh [ __ ] I don’t have the twitch one up hey I sold out and it worked hold I check that a second what I’m starting to track this year because I like writing it down I just like seeing it have another

Three I forgot katus was here what we are tracking this year is the top of the days so if you want to be the top Tipper for the day it’s literally only a dollar though it’s at the end of the day now so you might have to fight with somebody to

Get that position but if there’s three people that do a dollar I’ll put all three names here or whatever so the top we’re going to be tracking top Tipper top gifter and top cheer I just like writing it down for my own brains so like as we go on like man this this

Person has been so supportive you know so if you want to make it to stream Journal as a Tipper top Tipper literally only dollar have somebody in there uh man when you stopped it you’ve done enough my friend uh getting us to 400 GI a sub to T oh where’s my timer

We’re at three minutes on the timer give a sub to T Mr Meaty pop and Stokey and Hannah the tager with that Prime thank you guys from the bottom of my heart making this year making dreams come true quite literally quite literally this year we’re looking for some uh Big Dreams

Growing our community the point where I can move slow process uh but I think we can do it top stripper I mean I could add that section if feel like I don’t really care about big money definitely big Big Dreams big smut I don’t really care about money

Though I mean I probably should maybe I should like start uh what What’s it manifesting more money but I really don’t care I don’t need a lot of money to be happy more money is good but it’s not something I need it’s not something I aspire to to be like super

Wealthy be nice but but maybe I should start manifesting a little bit more I just like if I can get by and then a little bit more to buy my smut books and stuff I’m good maybe take a vacation once a year other that I’m happy making other people happy it’s

Good yeah nice say uh we got to bit another 20 seconds we’re going to let the next one spawn we’re going to let the next one uh come in cuz it’s going to it’s they’re going to spawn in a second right at the end of the timer they

Should see if they do at the end of the timer okay so we’re going to we’re going to let these guys in and then we’ll multiply it they haven’t died yet and it’s going to be like 5 minutes and like 20 seconds or something but uh that’s the one that we

Used and you can do as many tiers of this as you want really all right so calculator 64 * 2 + 35 * 12 right so 163 * 12 so 1,956 per hour so 30 Stacks an hour that’s a lot I’m happy with that I don’t need any

More than that Jesus that’s a lot but we got to do another test now actually make sure everybody’s in bed here because I think that we like [ __ ] it up okay so everybody’s in bed I want to go to the other I want to go somewhere else and make sure this is

Working no entity cars no no there’s only there’s only eight that drop in there and then die they no you need so many for entity cramming for anything there okay so they’re spawning immediately so let’s get out of here this is without zombies yep it’s only because there’s a massive

Village cuz there’s so many villagers so five per pod so it’s 20 per per level but yeah no no zombies at all which is nice so we’re going to go over here and do another F Minute Timer we’ll unload this oh why didn’t that work maybe that’s happened to button I

Just want to jump to and it didn’t activate oh my Lord don’t die dude Jesus yeah no zombies in there like I say the big thing is getting the villagers but just build two Village breeders there they’re they’re easy enough to make and work really well that

By the time you start building it like they’re ready to go anyway so yeah we didn’t have any any issues with villagers once we built the two the two breeders like we didn’t run we didn’t run out of villagers just good to go okay we’re going to start a timer over here

And we’ll do timer for 5 minutes and then we’ll go back and check hopefully we have a bunch of iron if not big sad cuz it should be in the it should be in the spawn chunks we went right to the like we even use the uh the compass

We found the exact center of the world where like the compass like starts flipping around or whatever and then we we we drew out the Border 256x 256 or whatever like the spawn chunks so it’s definitely in the spawn chunks oh shoulders and arm workor out today Chad I’m going to be [ __ ]

Tomorrow my back and chest is killing me in a good way my legs are killing me in a good way the only thing not killing me is my biceps triceps and shoulders shoulders and arms today love being a math nerd I don’t I [ __ ] hate math I’m so bad at it got bang

It sorry I’m just trying to bug see at work I’m being really annoying to her today I hate math I’ve been in DM for 10 years yeah I just I just not good at it my brain doesn’t work that way I’ve always been pretty bad at mat

Math just not good at it chat I didn’t pause the game at any point here did today yeah just my brain doesn’t like math I’m talented in so many other ways that I don’t need math okay and by the way I’m 38 so I grew up in a time

Where cell phones were just coming out barely even in high school you know what my teachers used to say to me so the biggest [ __ ] lie I’ve ever been told in my entire life I’m still mad about it because we we used have to show our work which I’m sure you probably still

Have to do now you better show your work it’s not like you’re going to have a calculator in your pocket for the rest of your life you now have a calculator in your pocket when you’re going to need to do math [ __ ] [ __ ] biggest [ __ ] live I’ve ever been

Told hello I have a computer in my pocket got more than that I got porn in my pocket yeah right dark that’s what I’m saying the biggest lie ever been told I realized how backwards and forwards Apple watches are the other day or back to having calculator watches

Yeah I love my Apple watch though I need to get a new one though I literally only use it for workan out calculator glasses are thing now yeah [ __ ] isn’t that crazy stupid ass teachers what do they even know I don’t know nothing cuz I mean then you didn’t have

A calculator in your pocket like you had to you had to buy a calculator for school you know not always going to have a calculator in your pocket [ __ ] dick [ __ ] liar all right let’s go check it out cross your fingers for me chat that there’s a couple of stacks in there is

What should be no no yeah no no buyers remorse I didn’t either when I got mine I want to get one more for like I’m waiting until I lose weight I have a new weight loss goal I want to get to 180 my weight loss goal for a long time

Was 200 but I think the clothes that I want to wear and the fit that I want to wear I want to be a little bit more slender uh and like I like watches I do like the look of watches in in fashion uh midwinter thank you again for

Three Subs dude uh Hannah thank you for using your Prime I appreciate you thank you for keeping the stream the dream alive that’s 401 Subs in our community uh but this Apple watch like it’s just good for working out and track and workouts and stuff it like still has

Like all the same apps and stuff I’m sure the technology and stuff it’s not better but I literally only use it for the gym so that’s good enough for that but I’d like to get a new one once I start dressing better well I have a home

Gym I have a home gym uh and I’m just getting back to the gym now I’ve uh put on a lot of muscle at the end of last year I did P90X routine for 3 months and then I got pretty lazy for the last couple of months of the year only using

The treadmill and stuff I put 10 lbs back on which is not so bad which you can’t even really tell that I put it on uh uh but I mean of course I’m a guy so want to my gut uh but I don’t feel bad about it it’s going to come off

Again and uh yeah I’m just tightening up the the gym routine with uh you know New Year’s resolutions and stuff yeah you got you got a nice body though midwinter for for clothing oh yeah it’s just it’s just yeah you can use it for like literally everything home Jim that’s cold man what

Do you mean why is that cold I have a spare bedroom so I got like my treadmill in there I have my dumbbell and my my bow I like just like a lucky enough to have a spare room your body’s not weird we you me and you dress good

Too okay so they’re falling but let’s hope there’s a bunch in here oh not at all why would that be chat what do you mean no you’re not what do you mean you’re oddly proportioned oh cold means cool oh cold for me means like harsh like man you’re so cold you’re so

Cold in that person man why you so cold uh that’s not good masculine hourglass figure wide shoulders the middle the hips yeah you get that’s that’s a good body type though what do you mean especially for like dressing getting dressed up in F like fashion what you

Definitely in the spawn chunks I don’t see how I couldn’t be in the spawn chunks we were so careful bringing them out how can I get the spawn chunks like we should be right in there God how would I even do this hold on I have to open the level Deb there’s

No reason we shouldn’t be in the spawn chunks like this is the center of the spawn this is the exact point where the compass goes crazy chunk base just wants to crash it’s like literally crashing Chrome hold on try Firefox perhaps hold on uh where is Minecraft located again where

Would I even find the level. death it’s the app data folder right okay hold on so apparently it’s here so the first corner is at what what is this 1ga 168 197 negative 168 – 160 wait what is this saying what is this coordinate –

175 -28 I’m going in the middle of this whatever this is I don’t understand what I’m reading – 168 200 168 -200 where’s -200 so it’s this corner so we should be fine though maybe it’s maybe it is outside though well let’s see what this is

In so then I’m never going to trust the [ __ ] Compass anymore though if this is wrong I’m going to be sad I’ll be real mad where am I 50 and N sir zoom out please wait did this freeze no it’s yeah yeah it’s in the green area yeah so

That must be so the green must be like the actual thing right I don’t know why it’s not zooming in know but yeah it’s in it’s for sure I did bu wall around the trunk border yeah it’s saying 20 and zero 21 and three let see

Wait wait why don’t I just look at the middle what’s the middle 20384 that’s is not that coordinate though I don’t even I don’t understand that confused but either way it’s in there though right the far corner is 51 550 literally here’s 50/50 in the green zone we already checked this side right

So 50/50 is in the green zone and then 59 yeah so we’re we should be fine should be fine so I don’t know why else it wouldn’t work how does it actually work hi Lizzy by the way what LO what what makes it loaded yeah right col I don’t know why

It would why it wouldn’t work if it’s supposed to be loaded and maybe it doesn’t work anymore so it clearly wasn’t working what’s wrong well we went we went to my main base for 5 minutes and came back and we we only had 14 iron maybe it just doesn’t work as

Fast maybe cuz we came back and there was definitely iron maybe we just need like a longer test from home or something which I guess we’ll do tomorrow CU we’re supposed to be getting about two and a half stacks an hour or I mean two and a half stacks every 5

Minutes 30 Stacks an hour like do spawn chunks even work like that with villagers now or do we can we even confirm that the spawn chunks work like that ow see I I have no idea we’ll leave it there and then tomorrow we’ll uh do some stuff around

The base and we know we emptied out the iron so we’ll do something like for the first hour and then go check and see how much is actually there cuz because there was 14 there was only 14 iron in it but it might have been from golems that spawned

Like as we were leaving or something but it definitely wasn’t two and a half stacks for the 5 minutes so uh we’re going to pop out there though chat let me find somebody to raid please do participate in the raid I greatly appreciate it it really helps

Get our name out there but more importantly it supports another streamer you guys are m city the citizens of M City Let’s Go pass on some love to somebody else all right uh so at least participate in the raid use two of your favorite emotes m city has arrived that is you the

Citizens the samurai uh just say hello and then bail make sure you follow though because that’s what we do as a community right get involved let’s make some uh let’s put a smile on somebody’s face and of course uh let’s show the strength of our community

Please do just take a minute to do that uh no ads or anything we’re just going to go jump over and uh raid somebody uh we raided Minecraft all three days so let’s do something else you can also say Happy New Year too if you like or something like that let’s

Go raid true hope faith don’t think I’ve raided true hope faith in a long time she’s got six viewers right now so I hope the so-called Anonymous person is here and I shall open let’s go give a true hope faith a raid okay say hello city has arrived all that good stuff uh

She’s been live for three hours so go go for her our love we have show her mud said he D and I’ll see you guys tomorrow rewind clock 9 hours 15 minutes ago that’s what time will be showing up tomorrow you guys are the best I will

See you then you’re amazing goodbye have yourself a wonderful day and uh oh I got to do my outro thing I got to do the M mull um I can’t it has see you tomorrow with um my dress and everything so love see tomorrow cute okay let’s open this one Her oh we Have oh my God and I’m being Raided wow um right

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Vanilla • HCMC : World 01 • Episode 50’, was uploaded by MattMightGame on 2024-01-03 23:11:22. It has garnered 92 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 09:09:37 or 32977 seconds.

★Thank you for subscribing and liking the video! Without you, the streams and videos would not be possible! Thank you for doing what you do, for all your support, and being a citizen of Might City!

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  • Anarchy SMP on Anicrad Network – INSANE Chaos!

    Anarchy SMP on Anicrad Network - INSANE Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Anarchy SMP – Anicrad Network’, was uploaded by theautiscoder on 2024-06-19 05:25:45. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:19 or 10759 seconds. This is a Public Minecraft Anarchy SMP for Java & Bedrock players. Anyone is free to join! ___________ Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/2AhqVX5cHz Server IP: play.anicrad.xyz Bedrock Port: 2716 ___________ Hashtags: #minecraft #smp #anarchy ___________ Tags: anarchy,anarchy server,anarchy base hunting,minecraft anarchy 1.18,minecraft anarchy server,minecraft no hack anarchy,anarchy smp,minecraft anarchy server ip,minecraft anarchy server ep 1,anarchy spawn,1.18 minecraft anarchy episode 1,minecraft anarchy server no hacks,horizon anarchy,rizen anarchy smp,minecraft… Read More


    LOYAL GAMER BOY HITS 2K SUBS! JOIN SMP NOW! 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘😍NO VOICE STREAM |ROAD TO 2K | JOIN MY💫SMP IP PORT IN DISCORD || #minecraft’, was uploaded by LOYAL GAMER BOY on 2024-05-02 02:06:03. It has garnered 33 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 09:11:01 or 33061 seconds. LOYAL GAMER BOY LIKE..! SHARE…! SUBSCRIBE….! COMMENT…..! Click the 🔔 Bell Icon next to the Subscribe button IP = Loyalarmy2k.aternos.me PORT = 27831 For support UPI = 8302842234 Discord link = https://discord.gg/5Gxbbr6BtZ Instagram link = https://www.instagram.com/satyaa_aayush?igsh=MWR5MXRzNGF1NzI1MQ== For business enquiry 📧 :- [email protected] [My Computer Specs] Processor ➤ Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7020U CPU @ 2.30GHz… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Castle Build in ZOMESMP Minecraft!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Castle Build in ZOMESMP Minecraft!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Build the Best Castle ZOMESMP Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by RonaldPh Vlog & Stream Channel on 2024-04-19 13:12:36. It has garnered 78 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:05 or 8705 seconds. Subscriber Goal 3699 / 5000 Welcome to My World If You want join Discord server https://discord.gg/tBwXNEE3 #discord I’d ronaldgamingph423 #minecraft #livestream Visit YouTube Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8jF-z4QMlnoY6UIhn09RNA Visit TikTok Channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@ronaldgamingpyt?_t=8kNLSedZYqF&_r=1 Visit Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085963225078&mibextid=ZbWKwL Visit Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rjquillo?igsh=MWducWhjdjB1Mm9udA== Join to my fb group https://www.facebook.com/groups/637249333720897/?ref=share Thank You For Watching My Precious Video Spam 💓💓💓 Thank You For Supporting My Channel Don’t… Read More

  • Stealing from Ginyu Force in Minecraft! 10K goal!

    Stealing from Ginyu Force in Minecraft! 10K goal!Video Information マイクラ豆知識2000ドキリつき最近 追加されたアイテムの豆知識を紹介実は 風力チャージにはいろんな使い方があるん だよまず適当に封印したモルモットを設置 モルモットなんそれあミスった木を 取り直していきましょうまず剣を着火して いきますそしたら風力チャージをけけに 向かって打ちましょうそうするとけが前に 押し出されて飛んでいきますこれで友達の 家を爆破してみましょうなあ自分が惨めだ とは思わんのかそれではやっていき ましょう友達に建築をしてといて建築して もらっています私に任ロ最強な家作ったる からな最強な 家 ええあ次の教える前にもう2だ見れないか もしれないから高評価で保存してあと今 心臓が動いていたらチャンネル登録 よろしくトラップドアに風力チャージを 当てると当たった分開くもっと他の豆知識 あるよって人はコメントで教えてたくさん くれば次回使います This video, titled ‘マイクラ豆知識!「ドッキリ付き!」 コメント採用するかもしれない! #マイクラ #shorts #minecraft #ゆっくり実況 #マインクラフト #youtubeshorts #まいくら’, was uploaded by ギニュー盗撮隊年内10万人目標 on 2024-06-16 06:02:16. It has garnered 10951 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Become a member of this channel to access perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUgLtpVfC7vYtdT1ljfKtGQ/join Edited by ymm4 Sound source: Override Please subscribe to my channel! You can cut out without permission “But you can add #GinyuPeepingSquad” I appreciate the promotion from my partner “OchiteruOmochi”… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Moments by Mels4k

    Insane Minecraft Horror Moments by Mels4kVideo Information а домик какой-то давай там поселился Я говорю у меня не лагает говор а у меня чу сейчас подлая когда Тото что ты хост б твою мать ты можешь литься А тыз меня [ __ ] ебаная он плавать не умеет но плавать не умеет This video, titled ‘Twitch/телега ник: Mels4k #майнкрафт #хорор #Minecraft #horror #твитчмоменты’, was uploaded by Нарезки Mels4k on 2024-01-07 12:48:56. It has garnered 2323 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Click follow on twitch and subscribe to the tg channel 😉 Stirmy- https://www.twitch.tv/mels4k Telegram- https://t.me/Mels4k The… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Jungle Temple Base Build!

    Insane Minecraft Jungle Temple Base Build!Video Information this is the easiest base to build because you don’t really need to build a whole lot a dirt frame with a bucket of lava and water will give you this Temple it’s not the nicest looking Temple but it doesn’t take a lot of effort to turn it into something that’s half appealing expanding this base into a mini Fortress isn’t too difficult either just use the same technique to create some temples in the corners surrounding the base you can add some details to these ones too before connecting them with a wall on the inside… Read More

  • The RAREST SCARCE in Minecraft!!

    The RAREST SCARCE in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘SCARCE IN MINECRAFT (Minecraft Animation Parody Video)’, was uploaded by Futuristichub Archive on 2024-02-16 15:25:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • GoldenSMP

    GoldenSMPGoldenSMP Semi-Vanilla Survival 1.8 – 1.20.4 [PLUGINS] Featuring in-game **Shop, Auctions, Jobs, Quests, and Clans** adding flavour but without ruining the traditional SMP experience! [COMMUNITY] We have an old community, mostly veterans who’ve made a mark on our past server. Full of lore and epic clan battles ranging for years. We also have a very active staff team participating in the survival aspect themselves! [RULES] Our rules are designed to be fun, not authoritative. We have very tolerable rules lightweight to the point of semi-anarchy standards. Griefing & stealing is allowed (to a degree), and Cheating isn’t allowed. A more… Read More

  • Project:Creators SMP {whitelist} {semi-vanilla} {hermitcraft}

    Welcome to Season 7! 16+ seasonal, vanilla 1.21 Minecraft Java server Join a drama-free community dedicated to providing an authentic survival experience inspired by Hermitcraft. Features include a Shopping District, mini games, and a protected environment against griefing/stealing. Join our discord to get whitelisted TODAY!!! https://discord.gg/cknnjeq6gP Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Am I the Villager in this Scenario?

    Minecraft Memes - Am I the Villager in this Scenario?I guess you could say this meme was a real block-buster with a score of 48! Read More

  • 24-Hour Minecraft Mischief: EfeKan’s Brotherly Joke

    24-Hour Minecraft Mischief: EfeKan's Brotherly Joke In the world of Minecraft, a prank was played, Efekan and Ali, in a game they strayed. Jokes and laughter, hair cut to zero, A tale of mischief, in a world so narrow. Ali, the bald one, seeking revenge, Efekan, the joker, on the edge. A wedding dress, a funny sight, In a women’s store, what a delight. The teacher, unamused, in the school they roam, No holiday for them, no time to roam. Bald heads and laughter, in the classroom they sit, A lesson learned, in a prank-filled skit. So ends the tale of Efekan and Ali, In… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming!

    Hot Minecraft Shorts: Memes & Gaming! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because he had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #memes #gaming Read More

  • Dukester’s Dragon Egg Heist

    Dukester's Dragon Egg Heist The Mysterious Case of the Stolen Dragon Egg in Minecraft One day in the vast world of Minecraft, a group of friends embarked on an epic adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and claim its precious egg. Little did they know that their journey would take an unexpected turn when one of them decided to pull off a daring heist! The Quest for the Dragon Egg As the friends battled through the End, facing off against Endermen and dodging the dragon’s fiery breath, they finally emerged victorious. The Ender Dragon lay defeated, and the coveted egg was within their… Read More