Video Information

Good morning good morning everybody it’s your boy the world record champion here in today’s episode we will be expanding the base with a quadruple vine farmer i’d also like to say thank you for all the support in the last episode truly you made the beet farm so worth it aw

Enjoy the episode good morning champions and welcome back to the world record survival series i need to get away i had to get away from the base i’m over here at the axolotl outpost it’s beats and beats and even more beats uh seriously in between episodes i literally had a

Dream about beats they’re haunting me they’re they’re everywhere today’s meme of the day beats the the beats are literally everywhere i need to get away also i kind of need terra cotta for today’s build really excited about it so that kind of works out in between episodes i’ve been thinking about beats

Don’t get me wrong the project that we did last episode i don’t regret it not one single minuscule molecule of being regards that project this world is a world record holding world no not everybody can say that but beats i literally can’t stop thinking about beats well anyways in between episodes i went

Over to the blaze farm to fix with the tools the tools after the beat farm last episode were absolutely right that’s where i started after that i found myself over at the axolotl outpost farming terracotta until i had like this much terracotta this is the setup for today’s build

And then after the terracotta i had to find the other version of clay the more natural version normal clay we’re gonna need normal clay for today’s build i think i see some over there maybe so maybe that’s a good spot to check that’s exactly it that’s exactly spot on

In one thing that i’ve been noticing happening to me both real life and in this game ever since having the title i’m like right about everything i take a guess and 100 percent right and also in real life people keep coming up to me asking me if i’m the famed beetroot

Farmer whatever that means of course i am of course i am it’s pretty cool eh two stacks and a quarter of clay i think break that down that turns into literally two stacks and a quarter of bricks hopefully that’ll work hmm hey funny seeing you here anything good for sale oh sponge oh

You have tricked me back over at the base i’ve been thinking not only just about beetroot but also about the base ever since the addition of this wonderful tower right there i’ve kind of realized that the base needs more buildings so more buildings that’s exactly what we’re going to do like i

Said in the intro we’re going to be setting up a vine farm for every single type of vine in the world this vine farm is actually going to sit right here where that village your head is sitting i think this is going to be like the

Perfect spot it’s gonna be a brand new like big ish building to the world it’s gonna make it feel like even more city i’m kind of trying to create a city vibe in here yeah i think it’s gonna be cool now uh one spot that i think i have to

Start today is uh aside from you know collecting the materials i think i need to break all of the clay down because if i smelt this up like that that’s gonna be terracotta we don’t need terracotta we need bricks now i have learned from my past mistakes i was memed and clowned

On before to the point of like cyberbullying i i thought it was like fortune 3 would increase clay but no no no matter what as long as you don’t mind this thing with so touch poor clay every single time then i think i smelt the clay up and then hopefully it’s like

Four bricks equals a single block if not ah well we’ll just say it has to work like that so right off the bat two stacks of clay inside of the furnaces over here they’ll smelt up and then eventually we’ll have a ton of breaks we’re gonna need bricks

For today’s build we’re also going to need spruce wood so all jokes memes decide i’ve always had this kind of like dream ever since playing this game there’s been a particular type of build that i’ve always wanted to build and maybe i’ve tried to build it before but

I guarantee it if i’ve tried to build it before it absolutely 100 did not turn out how i wanted it to turn out tudor style just like this european style with like the white and the dark wood and everything like that tutor style that’s what i want to try and create today this

Build absolutely is gonna require a little bit of terraforming we’re gonna have to push some of the hill out of the way here uh the building’s gonna run into the hill and then you know what i don’t know how i didn’t think about this before we don’t have to terraform all the hill

The build can run into the hill and then i don’t need bricks on the back of the build i don’t need to detail the back of the build the hill is the back of the build how did i not think about this before i think a lot i think about a lot of

Different things and sometimes i don’t think about all of the things all this genius my typical building process nowadays is pretty straightforward usually what i’ll do is i’ll come up with an idea for a build like for example today tudor house i think that will be very cool then i’ll simply

Travel to europe or wherever i need to travel and study abroad i’ll try and figure out the techniques for building this type of architecture uh kind of soak it all in take it all in and then jump back into minecraft and then work on it however this time because you know

30-hour beetroot farm i didn’t have time for that today we’re just gonna have to wing it and hopefully it’ll work out all right correction it will work out this is the new meme we’re champions now ever since i beat roof farm it’s a different energy we will build this

Build and it will turn out great perfectly the very first try and uh if it doesn’t me and you will keep a secret together this episode never happened okay yep all right thank you ah the moment of truth the breaks the brakes has been so long since i’ve used bricks how expensive oh

Yes this is the exact reality i needed this is exactly it first bricks of the entire world and they’re cheap but they’re affordable king b dogs i need to sincerely thank you so much for this this is like literally perfect to be honest i kind of don’t understand the

Bricking like i feel like within this community of the game there’s always been this thing like oh bricks are terrible oh how could you build it with bricks they’re disgusting and maybe this had to do with like the old texture or something maybe i’m missing something entirely here but brakes i think they

Deserve a little bit more recognition however with all this brick talk i did realize something when um thinking about this build we are missing two gigantic things there are two giant gaping holes in this game when it comes to bricks of course we all know love and have heard

Of our great friend mossy stone brick and a cracked stone brick these are normal types of bricks they’re mossy and they are cracked we’ve also heard of cracked deep slight bricks not cracked mossy ones unfortunately where are mossy bricks and the cracked bricks like these are like the og original

Types of bricks in the game and they’re literally missing two of their dearest cousins like what on that point please take a second and imagine just how good mossy bricks would look like like a brick with a little bit of green tone inside of the thing uh

That would look so good it would stop all of the brick hate all together the cracked one would look amazing too i think 1.19 is the time finally with with the addition of mud bricks to finally take a look at the normal brick and at a cracked version at adam aussie

Version please the brick community is dying we need it we need an auto smelter big time having one of those things would make this process so much easier i added four furnaces to the setup right there there’s the two over there i need clay now i was taking a look at the clay

Reserves that i just had i think i was running low so i went over to the river back there behind this building and harvested even more quick the building it was going pretty well but i think it was kind of like sitting too far back so

I took the whole thing down and moved it forward that means unfortunately i’m gonna have to put a little bit more work than i thought just a second ago on the back of the build but it’ll be okay now i want to talk about the particular vibe

Of this building so this picture right here found it on google this is kind of what i’m trying to recreate here today that means out front of this thing i’m going to need some kind of like city-like path city-like path i think tough i’ve barely used tough

Like in this entire world but i think tough is like literally perfect for this like look at this stuff right here we put a big path going like along the whole front of the building i think that’ll look really really cool maybe what we do is we have it go out like

This way a little bit of a waves maybe steps away from the build and then i’m thinking what we could do is like have a turn and go over this way go down this way and then turn over again sharp turn right into this path over here or maybe we like take this

Path and link it up or something but yeah like a structured city path so we’ll have the path connecting over to that spot right there but then also the main side of the build the front of it we’ll have some kind of path probably just that one this time go over this way

And then we’ll do a staircase going up to the front of this thing i think that’s going to make it look really cool i took a look at the vines in the game and the ones that i want to farm inside this build technically speaking we have

Three types of vines we have normal vines we have the red nether vine the blue nether vine but then there’s also cave vines and cavons are kind of an awkward situation here because when you harvest cavemines you don’t get any vines at all however on the other hand

They are technically vines i kind of don’t know what to do with cave vines i think what i might do is try and like fit them in somewhere in this build just you know so they’re not like left out or anything like that cave vines and so aside from that awkward situation that

Is cave vines that leaves us with three main types of vines with this build what i’d like to do is create three separate shops and each shop is one type of vine any shop i also need to pay for the vines because this is my world they’re

Free vines nether vines i don’t have them all right at least i’m pretty sure that i don’t have nether vines anywhere in this entire world that’s insanely awkward that means we’re gonna have to go to the nether at some point maybe after we like finish this build get it

In a good spot and actually find the warped forest biome that is the single nether biome that i’ve never found in this entire world because we’re working with a build that is relatively flat on the front though we’re gonna need to do a lot more on it to spice it up and make

It more interesting if i left it like this simply put it would look absolutely terrible worst building the entire world easily oh haha that’s funny listen my friends you don’t want any problems keep it moving keep it moving oh what’s that oh what’s that that’s what exactly what

I thought no no no no no no you’re gone you’re gone this is my land this is mine get out of here i barely even use this thing i’ve barely even used this thing until now you’re all gone erased don’t do it again to level this thing up on

The front we’ll do tricks like barrels and fences both things look really really detailed and then dark oak wood dark oak wood is going to complement what we have going on here like pretty much perfectly fences are really detailed looking gates are also really detailed looking maybe we put some gates

In here and pop that out we’re gonna have to pop the top part of the build out a little bit more and this is gonna add like a little bit more structure and support the staircases blend out like pretty much perfectly i think this is setting us up for success

Which means the top layer haha the top layer so i get all that stuff in on the bottom layer then after that we move over to the top layer the top layer is where things start to get really really exciting if you know the style then like

The big thing with the style is the dark wood tones with the white the white the white wall finally an opportunity at last to unoverfill this farm over there build an auto sword for the thing no no no no we don’t need to do that we just

Need to build more buildings with wool that’s the actual answer here and buildings with wool it’s going to be white wool all over this thing the white wall i think it’s going to look so nice and then maybe what i could do is like like create some kind of divide in here

Definitely not with spruce but like maybe dark oak trap doors make a divide then do some fences in here too maybe even like coming up in between fences plus the wool plus like maybe a couple more barrels maybe some flowers i don’t know things like that

Clean divide right there oh man look at this thing this thing i mean it’s already shaping up to be a a shape for sure but once we shape it up even more it’ll be a great looking shape i think it’s build time i think it’s design time wish me luck So Big bit of building later and this is what we have what do you think clearly it needs a little bit more i have some ideas for down low in the middle up high but so far i mean i would say it’s not looking too bad i added this cool

Fencing down there had the path connect all the way up to the other one like we talked about and then the top of the build i decided to do terra cotta striping on the top i don’t know if it’s like exactly the tudor style but it accents the bricks really really nicely

I can’t remember where i saw it i saw it on a build recently so shout out to that build i can’t remember where i saw it though most importantly i think it looks cool it definitely adds to the world right here it’s a cool view mount gold more

The statue right there and then this brand new building and then when we go up next to the aquarium i don’t know it’s just like the vibes right here i just love it i think it looks really really nice however it’s vine time we will continue working on the build in a

Little bit now it’s off to the nether for us we’re gonna need this and i should probably bring that too like just in case strider my friend strider i completely forgot your name it’s been so long but you waited patiently your new name is now dave dave let’s go this way

So strider off to the ocean the single biome that we haven’t found in this world inside of the nether inside of this world is the warped forest biome can i jump off of this with a strider of course i can smooth landing no damage at all it’s perfect to dave let’s go so

Ah that was the warp force it’s very nice it’s very cool but the crims oh i didn’t do that before look at me truly a professional i know strider tower i know i know exciting all right so i think i like explored this ocean before i probably did but i i

Can’t really remember what was over here so we have this biome right there that’s cool we have this other biome right here that’s very cool too we need the red biome where is the red bottom can we go this way ah dave you’re stuck yes the

Cat would be able to do it it’s fine it’s fine but look i will help you dave here you go now you can go up ah yes this place again dave you’re a failure you’re a failure dave you’ve led me to the wrong spot i walk you into fire

Alright well dave i can’t lie i’m a little disappointed in you led me to the complete wrong spot but i mean while we are here i could get some of this stuff i think i want to maybe use some of this in the interior so

I mean after all dave you’re just a mild disappointment that’s not bad it could be worse to be honest i have no clue what i want to do with the inside of the build but i figured the warp would might be kind of cool we could probably use that and if

Not like if we don’t use the warpwood then at least we have it for whenever we do want to use warpwood yeah that makes sense now i definitely have some of this stuff back at home but just in case i get a little bit of it then we’ll start the farm and repopulate

It dave successfully found a brand new lava ocean i’m thinking maybe we cruise around this ocean i feel like sometimes the different forest bottoms generate next to each other so if we find one forest which we did maybe we will find the other one oh we found the other one dave you found

It not just the other one you found another fortress as well dave there’s hogwarts up there dave no no no don’t go there don’t go there we’ve done it we’ve done it dave you’ve done it dave you’re the best you’re simply the best look at this a brand’s new nether fortress 2. oh

You’re wonderful you want to go into the fortress today dave no no no no we have to stay on track we have to stay on track dave you’re so cool dave you’re really cool we did it dave my friend what’s that this is the only landing spot you can find in this

Entire warped forest biome that will do dave that will do at least i can still touch this right here oh not with the shovel okay fine that’s dave’s fault well anyways while we’re here we might as well get the redwood that’s here that we can and then

It’s back to the base for us dave you’ve done us so well today simply put if it wasn’t for your efforts we wouldn’t be where we are right now in honor of all of that i would like to bestow a new title upon you lieutenant of the nether yes yes that’s right

That’s right lieutenant of the nether that is you dave piglin no what did i tell you dave it does not like piglets so sorry about this but back in the hole dave we’ll be back one day and when we’re back we’ll do something really nice one day

For sure all right so i can’t lie the lack of netherwood kind of ruins my plans for this build a little bit but it’s fine we’ll be able to find something else that will work equally as well spruce one beautiful spruce wood it’s your time to shine

We have three parts of this build each part is essentially its own building but all the buildings are connected inside of each individual part we’ll have individual vine farms when i was thinking about this build i was considering automated farms an automated twisting vine farm it sounds really cool

And nice and all but at the same time it also kind of sounds pointless if i’m gonna be 100 honest with you guys i don’t know how often i will be using twisting vines they are very very cool like definitely for sure and they’re nice and i like them but i don’t know

How often i will make them i think what i’m going to do is basically manual twist no all right we start with you because i don’t think i’ll end up using very many of these things small manual farms for these nether vines will absolutely do these rooms really don’t need to be much

Either for the red vines i’m thinking maybe something like this i mean i don’t know maybe i’ll come in and add a little bit more but it really doesn’t need to be much blue room even easier maybe something like this walk in here harvest the vines with the shears flawlessly

Every single time and get even more and then finally that leaves us with the third room the final room cave vines except inside of the cave vine room this is gonna be like the main one it’s not even close the main vine that i care about is

The normal one out of all the vines that i could have in the world the one that i want the most of easily is the plain normal vine that’s what the second story is for so in the middle the cave vine one will have a staircase going up to

This floor and then what i think i’m gonna do is big cross beams going like that from side to side and then i plant vines on the side of this thing they grow down whenever i need vines easy i walk up here harvest all the vines

Originally i had put black wool in here this was gonna be like the window make it look like really really uh like deep or whatever but i think what i might do is come back here and open that up i’m gonna have to make it like blend in and

Look a little bit nicer or not actually maybe i don’t i don’t know i’ll have to figure it out no then uh yes by the way i do know that this isn’t the only way to create the mossy bricks nowadays of course with the moss block you guys told

Me that but i couldn’t be trained by vines like that like no way not a chance i know this setup isn’t necessarily like the most space efficient setup we could technically probably do it better and maybe even set it up in a way so i could

Kind of afk this thing but it’s fine it’s no big deal i don’t need that many vines and when i do with all these vines like fully grown in here i think it’ll be fine i’ll be able to run into this thing get all the vines that i need for

Whatever project i’m doing and then i can leave so the next part of this project is going to be done in between episodes basically all i need to do is wait around inside of this world let the vines grow and then continue to spread them up top i decided the striped roof i

Mean it’s a pretty cool looking roof might as well leave that exposed did a little bit of like some rafter work in there and then on the top floor all the windows the windows are in now and flowers on the outside now on the lower part these cave vines are very stubborn

I will get bone meal and grow them i think i’m just gonna have three plants inside of this room not very much but it’s fine i don’t really care about them on the outside of the build i did a little bit of detailing put the window in there a vine right there

And then tudor style build the great the big quadruple the vine farm expansion to our world that’s the story that’s it for today’s episode also just do me a favor and ignore the fact that the chimneys are wooden and that would literally torch the entire build don’t worry about it okay don’t worry

About it i took care of it it’s good what do you think about the vine farm the build and maybe my wall with fancy black candles let me know down below and thank you all so much for watching count on in the next few episodes here maybe

Adding a few more builds to the base because this base is severely lacking buildings and needs even more smash like for more subscribe make a meme send it to our slash waddles for a chance to be featured in the next episode big thank you patron gang archangel ground crazy

Mate lord cetera and hush sound 34. i will see you all in the next one it has been me your boy the world record champion goodbye everyone

This video, titled ‘Building A VINE FARM FOR EVERY VINE in Minecraft Survival! (#33)’, was uploaded by wattles on 2022-04-05 17:57:41. It has garnered 185302 views and 9272 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:31 or 1231 seconds.

every vine, its time to be farmed 🌿 in this episode we build a vine farm for twisting vines, weeping vines, vines, and unfortunately caves vines too. petition to be able to pickup cave vines please

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  • Mike Shorts 2.O – Insane Challenge with Sister!

    Mike Shorts 2.O - Insane Challenge with Sister!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing With Sister’, was uploaded by Mike Shorts 2.O on 2024-05-08 23:42:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if you like this video pls subscribe #minecraft #minecraftop #minecraftpe #asia #africa #america #afghanistan #ahmedabad #surat … Read More


    CRIO UMA BASE DE SEGURANÇA INCRÍVEL no Minecraft! 😱Video Information nesse vídeo Eu e meu irmão vamos ter que fazer uma casa 100% segura inclusive um Bunker debaixo da terra porque o mundo tá acabando tá caindo meteoro do céu tá tendo uma tempestade com vários tornados e até mesmo um tsunami será que a gente vai conseguir sobreviver ao fim do mundo Assista o vídeo até o final para você descobrir Carlinhos o mundo tá acabando tá caindo meteoro tá chegando Tsunami A gente precisa fazer algum Bunker alguma casa 100% segura ai meu Deus Tinho olha al na frente Parece que vai ter um tornado Nossa… Read More

  • Become Invincible with Heart-Boosting Secrets in Minecraft!

    Become Invincible with Heart-Boosting Secrets in Minecraft!Video Information Minecraft but running gives me hearts so I’m sprinting right now and check it I’m slowly generating a heart which means if I run long enough I now have 11 Hearts but we need a faster way than this so I bought a treadmill that goes up to 100 mph and it broke but we now have 16 Hearts applying this speed 1,000 potion gave me 200 hearts and accidentally punching this Iron Golem gave me 400 Hearts wait what we need 10,000 Hearts to win that’s going to be impossible there’s no way I’ll get it in… Read More

  • Dytolan – CRAZY LIVE TEKKIT with heart rate tracker! #shorts

    Dytolan - CRAZY LIVE TEKKIT with heart rate tracker! #shortsVideo Information say I’ve got to press the go live button e okay I’m live now okay so YouTube is now live oh my God not the here here I need to remake that okay I don’t have my watch on know I might as well just jump in a well because holy [ __ ] reings YouTube thank you T okay I am do I get a drink I got the YouTube notif awesome the heart rate is not tracking yet I would love if it did what do I have two heart treking apps okay you’re live thank… Read More

  • Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Pixel Art!

    Ultimate Mind-Blowing Minecraft Parkour Pixel Art!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,409’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2023-12-24 11:05:14. It has garnered 307 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,409 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profiAle, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Uncover the SECRET Minecraft tip you didn’t know! 🔥

    Uncover the SECRET Minecraft tip you didn't know! 🔥Video Information so many girls in there where do I begin I see this one I’m about to go in then she says I’m here with my friend she got me thinking and that’s what I see well girl girls Where Them Girls Girls Where Them Girls girl so don’t get down we can always WI hey bring it on baby all your friends you the [ __ ] and I love that body you want the ball that I swear you’re good I won’t tell nobody you got to b f i want to see that girl it’s all… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dead by Daylight! Watch Now!

    Insane Minecraft Dead by Daylight! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Dead by Daylight in Minecraft | Teaser #1’, was uploaded by Crepo777 on 2024-02-26 16:42:13. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. The popular Dead by Daylight game in Minecraft? Yes! This map is a parody of the original game. The map is under development! Soon… #deadbydaylightsurvivor #minecraft #minecraftmaps #multiplayer #crepo777 Read More

  • AfterBeyond Networks


  • The WACE server: SMP, Semi-vanilla, Whitelist, No resets, 1.20.4, Australia

    WACESMP Minecraft Server Welcome to the WACESMP! I’m GoneVegan, a member of this Australian Minecraft server. Currently running version 1.20.4. Brief Overview Approaching 6 months old Various quality of life datapacks Dynmap: https://map.mc.wacesafe.xyz/ DiscordSRV for Discord/Minecraft chat integration Various administrative and QoL plugins Simple Voice Chat Survival gameplay Whitelisted server Hard difficulty setting 6GB RAM allocation Java + Bedrock crossplay support Vision The WACESMP is for survival Minecraft enthusiasts who enjoy detailed builds and large-scale projects. Join us for a classic survival experience! About Owner Blockbuster206 is a long-time Minecraft fan, setting up this server for like-minded players who appreciate… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Meme: omg

    Wow, this Minecraft meme is really crushing it in the meme Olympics! It’s got a higher score than my math test last week. Read More

  • Land Shark Survival: 200 Days Hardcore Minecraft!

    Land Shark Survival: 200 Days Hardcore Minecraft! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 200 days as a LAND SHARK in Hardcore Minecraft! I was immediately attacked by a Mutant Husk. Soon after I was pushed into the water…. Read More

  • “Redstone Romance: Hot and Heavy” 🔥😎

    "Redstone Romance: Hot and Heavy" 🔥😎 When you’re trying to send a signal to your friend in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting yourself on fire instead 🔥😎 #minecraftfail #epicmemefail Read More

  • New Minecraft Bedrock Server Launching Soon!

    New Minecraft Bedrock Server Launching Soon! Exploring the Enchanted Dragon Minecraft Bedrock Server Are you ready for a new adventure in the world of Minecraft Bedrock? A mysterious server known as Enchanted Dragon is on the horizon, promising unique gameplay experiences and exciting features. Let’s dive into what this server has to offer! Discovering the Enchanted Dragon Server While exploring the Minecraft Bedrock preview, a new server caught the attention of gamers – the Enchanted Dragon. This server, still in playtesting, is shrouded in mystery but holds the promise of groundbreaking game modes and never-before-seen features. Unveiling the Future Map One of the most intriguing… Read More

  • Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server!

    Experience Minecraft Characters Come to Life on Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “Minecraft Characters in Real Life! 🌍✨ | Minecraft vs. Reality #videogames #quiz” that got us thinking – wouldn’t it be amazing to see these iconic Minecraft characters come to life in a different way? From the fearsome Enderman to the friendly Villager, and even the adorable Axolotl, the world of Minecraft is full of unique and fascinating creatures. Imagine exploring a server where you can interact with these characters in a whole new… Read More

  • Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command

    Minecraft: Mastering the Clone Command How To Use Clone Command In Minecraft Building structures in Minecraft can be time-consuming, but with the /clone command, you can easily duplicate your creations. Follow these steps to master the clone command: Step 1: Enable Operator Mode Before using the clone command, make sure you have operator mode enabled in your Minecraft game. Step 2: Note Coordinates Press F3 on your keyboard to display the coordinates. Note the coordinates of the lower corner of the structure you want to clone and the upper corner of the structure. Also, note the coordinates of the desired space where you want… Read More

  • Aphmau turns into Medusa and takes over Minecraft!

    Aphmau turns into Medusa and takes over Minecraft!Video Information guys I’m going to grab this iron we can check out the other part of the mine okay yeah I’m excited I already got the diamonds hey guys I found a spotter oh no way oh well don’t mind if I do oh jeez hey spider get out of the way hey get the spider wait what what’s you what’s this that’s in the chest is that a treasure map it looks like it that’s awesome oh we can find some awesome treasure sorry AAU but uh Finders Keepers in now wait what wait what’s happening yeah you… Read More

  • LazyWhiteBean’s Wild Minecraft Adventure

    LazyWhiteBean's Wild Minecraft AdventureVideo Information hello hi what shall is there to do now beat the game where’s G is Gavin tell Gavin to join the call Gavin join the call oh let’s see my iron farm my iron farm okay okay for [Music] okay all right oh you’re here give me a second have to Tri my V need some emeralds Gavin Gavin that’s a naughty boy Gavin what was that so delayed it’s because it’s because I opened my stream called stream delay that’s because I have my I have my stream open on my phone so I can see chat… Read More

  • Unbelievable X MENGAME Reactions – Minecraft Madness

    Unbelievable X MENGAME Reactions - Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘what a bunch of people ?? Minecraft’, was uploaded by X MENGAME on 2024-02-15 23:00:40. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. SUBSCRIBE FOR MINECRAFT WELCOME X MEN GAMING —–‐—————————————– MY CHANNEL. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ my game AMON US ROBLOX MINECRAFT PIXE GUN 3D CRAFTSMAN D OTHERS ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #Xmengeme #mobile #minecraft#redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorttags: Minecraft, Dream SMP, Manhunt, Speedrun, Hardcore, Mods, HermitCraft, Update, Snapshot, Netherite, Caves & Cliffs, Axolotls, Warden, Build Battle, Skyblock, Hypixel, Bedwars, Parkour, Redstone Tutorial, Farming Guide, Enderman Farm , Raid Defense,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mario ‘1Up’ Doorbell Stream! #Mr.NIRO 🤯🚪

    INSANE Minecraft Mario '1Up' Doorbell Stream! #Mr.NIRO 🤯🚪Video Information [Music] th This video, titled ‘Mario ‘ 1Up’ Doorbell #minecraft #Mr.NIRO ☺️☺️’, was uploaded by Mr. NIRO STREAMS on 2024-01-04 14:24:56. It has garnered 5861 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!

    Unbelievable! Bobby & Max DESTROY Minecraft Myths!Video Information im Jahr 2010 veröffentlichten die Entwickler die erste Version von Minecraft Hardcore seitdem haben die Spieler jede Regel von Hardcore gebrochen indem sie Totems verwendet automatisierte Farmen gebaut und sogar Glitches ausgenutzt haben es gibt nur eine Regel die von Anfang an gleich geblieben ist wenn du stirbst wirst du nie wiederbelebt aber was wäre wenn jemand dieses Gesetz brechen würde das ist der Mythos von Player 13 und an der Stelle erstmal vielen Dank an opera GX die das Video unterstützen denn wir benutzen jetzt den neuen Gaming Browser Opera GX der ist extra für uns richtige… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.

    Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.Video Information [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi guys I’m I’m not going to lie I like I held the mouse for like a few seconds and was wondering where my burst was says alive yeah he is he is how are you guys how is everything does the does the audio need to be bumped up a little bit I um what is it I had to like lower Minecraft on my end because like my ears are kind of being like Sonic blasted right now you you… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPD

    SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPDVideo Information [Music] bag um the CV gave a description of a female black with long with white what classes did I steal from M CL Mommy I know who it was what classes did I steal thank you stop recording it now you should not be recording it without our permission my safety thank you my aunt don’t glasses and what her do she have a [ __ ] white t-shirt on no no no my leave my mother alone I don’t have this is crazy my dad father she don’t have nothing K somebody [Music] in the face… Read More

  • JustAxstler’s EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraft

    JustAxstler's EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Did He Rage Quit? #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #pvp #minemen #minemenclub #bedfight #fireballfight’, was uploaded by JustAxstler on 2024-05-09 21:07:57. It has garnered 9649 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft's Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Historical minecraft meme #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-29 06:27:14. It has garnered 701 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Historical minecraft myth #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft @Reedop_Gaming Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Reedop Gaming 1M Likes 20,209,364 Views Feb 24 2024 Share with your friends🙏… Read More