Ultimate Yu-Gi-Oh! Rites of A Duellist – Roleplay

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Fine mean as soon as that c hit the field you’re [ __ ] acting like this now I don’t parasut if you need it oh one with a dra you know what’s going on there’s a car in front um I could go see Gramps and see what’s

Going on over here how you y gr I’m home I’m better than I was before that was the weird kid again you know him uh he was just kind of blankly staring at keeper earlier oh right uh you you do your thing uh okay uh Gramps you

Here uh Ross do you know about my super qu so uh did you bring bring them with you yeah but Magnus and the link aren’t in my pocket did you not have them in your deck box no I keep them separate just like just in case you know there’s a divider

That comes with those deck boxes right yeah that’s for the extra deck though those are like actually valuable um wait I’m what the so wait how did you get huh uh what the hell okay we’ll talk about that later can I help you yeah um do you guys know

Why you guys are here I’m kind of confused uh I mean can you not tell my my my brother here not not that well at the minute so yeah I know I’m just kind of confused whe there’s two strangers and your colleague or whoever the [ __ ]

That is told us there was a bed up here I mean we’re not in any of your rooms no it’s fine no I know him I just don’t know what his relation is to this random dude uh my grandpa okay my let me explain my grandpa owns shop here no not

Keeper for Grandad yeah I know no okay my my grandfather that owns this card shop he runs this place keeper works with him oh H wait so you uh that probably explains why that probably explains why SEO told us to come to this place not any others

Right yeah yeah old man knows old man I suppose yeah is he by chance insane my grandfather yeah um kind of way definitely friends with Seymour definitely friends with Seymour has he ever spoken about anyone with a flying bathtub or just a weird movable bathtub not that I know of but he has

Talked about a good old friend in the past named Seymour I I I don’t know y he knows him yeah definitely God that’s how gr he’s talking about oh not our actual grandfather just the person who basically uses yeah yeah you want to call him a pops or whatever yeah yeah I understand

That one of us call in pops when we were kids like we didn’t understand the concept of age uh probably I don’t remember yeah whatever deck is really pissing me off I can’t be finding any upgrades what deck is it I run Heroes um it’s not the best but

Something oh he’s one of those guys yeah one of those people who focuses around a single topic from fan fiction and uh from pop culture yeah like imagine someone doing that I mean I ain’t going to say anything but um my okay um listen I just found

Heroes heroes are kind of cool I and I just built a deck around them that’s what everyone says mate trust me I had that said like a thousand times this guy was of it if I’m being honest my deck is kind of just weird but it’s like some of the hero cards that

I’m trying to find I it’s it’s like they’re they don’t they’re not here or like they’re have you tried any other CS or dude I’ve I’ve looked everywhere I I think he’s a few card shot of a deck oh trust me he’s more than a few card

Shots of a deck you know heroes are quite common in this day of age right like the place I work at which is currently only selling a few cards to test it out has like five packs of them I mean I I mean I have like sunriser divine wind and some other of

Those other cards but like which have you been trying to find I mean I I have this card called Elemental Hero Shadow mest and I don’t know from what I’ve heard I don’t know if there’s other forms of it it looks like a card that could evolve but I just don’t

Know what I do do you have a card called solid Soldier uh yeah I do I run two copies okay good good uh trying to think if does any other hero cards I’ve seen that might help you uh I mean the St had something masked I I don’t know to be honest I

Don’t really care much for them as much I just pack them onto the uh special those are Vision Heroes those are like relatively new I always thought they were about like I got [ __ ] glasses yeah you know Vision but no one um right anyway so who are you um hi I’m

Seth I’m the grandson of uh of my grandfather over there and I’ve been here my whole life in the card shop s you sure you you should be walking uh just going to quickly go change uh these clothes are starting to make me feel bit

Uh okay uh let me just turn on the light it’s a bit dark in here there we go yeah yeah um I but yeah like I said I I haven’t been able to find these uh different hero cards I I I I know I have

Like a couple of vision Heroes I think I have like Von but that’s probably the only card I have you did you bleach you bleach or something no I just always carry a spat just in case where do you carry them like you don’t seem to have a

Bag you don’t want to know oh no not this again we talk about this SE taught me many things we we talked about not trusting se’s lessons half of them included fire uh true okay true get either way right uh so we if you’re feeling right we should get going

To be honest yeah probably to be honest I mean you’re not going to you’re not going to finish your banana split or uh I’m fine Al so mate um you you you seen any super quants down there lost two of mine uh which ones uh you can come down

Uh let’s I could check great king Magnus and then the link one don’t remember its name to be honest a big old megaz old one you were talking about yeah um when you like really excited getting that card when we were kids let’s see well I mean yeah it’s the only bit of

Expansion they ever got that’s true yeah um let me see um can’t see on any shelves yeah don’t see it anywhere I mean I see that Damian kids card here it’ll probably show up somewhere I mean there’s this card that he that that guy kept pulling

Out that’s a fake card I mean it looked a lot like his card don’t know why we sure we sure he didn’t get a fake probably did oh hey finding something in here oh this card looks kind of cool rebellious Lu Fang Wonder would ever use something like this though yeah

I feel like it’s going to disappear soon as well yeah I heard they weren’t that powerful to be honest pretty sad I like the Chinese warrior aesthetic really doesn’t have much yeah I think it’s based off the Three Kingdoms like yeah there like two cut two archetypes are pretty sure

Of uh Mythos there’s a few more than Two also deals a 10 um uh these are not them this is red layer and green lay yeah I don’t think we have them it it’s fine mate I’m sure they’ll show up somewhere yeah they tend to show up when we’re on the guys anyway I should get

You back to your lodging shouldn’t I yeah probably yeah right I mean I mean I don’t know what else there is for us to do to be honest um so anyways here we go is this the in Mobile it’s a car you [ __ ] up it looks like the one from in between

Us let’s see where I could go um o [ __ ] to in the distance you coming oh you guys going to let me ride with you you might as well it’s in the back or about front depending on what my brother says I’m in the back careful you’re in the SP right so

It was uh right over here was the parking space wasn’t it uh yeah it’s the building next door apparently it’s this garage the [ __ ] is that rich yeah he other those cars next though I mean that makes sense he didn’t really have much security here yeah they’re literally

Open right again like last oh God this thing’s got some weird Fage speed problems right there we go here we are why am I on top okay we’re good yeah it just kicks me out on the top with uh wait so is this uh let me just my door well this is Damien’s

Garage uh his else is just on the road though I thought that was I thought that was could have been could have been you hey hey made you a bun made you a bunch of food house I started having a banana spread didn’t finish it had some had some paracet with

That bu some drinks got soda if you want it um if you or if you’re not into soda it’s also milk got my am bro I’ll be fine um yo Daman what’s up that was ding be what is every what is everyone calling me that ended up with us just

Because well you’re not that uh not all Damien yeah what’s up you on oh it’s a uh weird birth mark don’t know what’s up with that honestly okay and it looks like yeah I mean I’ve had it for as long as I can remember where Tiki looking

First oh also uh you know how you mentioned that you had a car that kept coming back to you yeah okay well uh this thing should this thing should up put my pocket what uh just turned my back to it there we go yeah it showed up in my pocket and my

Super well almost all my super qus are done on I still have the main deck it’s just Magnus and that G oh I’m pretty sure they’re back up in your room I might have seen them on like the floor or something put them back up

There for you no cuz I have them I didn’t go to my room when I got back I mean hell someone could just pick pocket you you did go to sleep didn’t you when you went upstairs true but who else went upstairs who knows to be honest remember this is the us we’ve

Already seen some crazy uh you think you went wrong I mean I had to do Pegasus as kid for a b what yeah second day yikes so that’s the uh thing you came here in uh What uh I came yeah today when I brought him here I I was

Driving what can only be described as a quarter of a car he was driving what we call Bucks there was a little bit of a tuneup but honestly it’s not that bad of a car I mean I got this car with work I work at a motor vehicle card

Chop valid valid so I got this Damian quick question so you said you were born with that um Mark at Birth right yeah it’s like a birth mark well um you see um I have this de so you’ve got one of those best Too yeah are you sure it’s not related to you in some way like how I’ve got the Dumber brother over here I don’t see we’re not related at all I didn’t mean by Blood I don’t see how a birth mark that looks like this can have any significance to dim bulb over

Here I mean I mean ever since I had this hard um hey wait isn’t that like one of those cards that was next to that um card that that the other dude had which other dude uh the dude who had the weird name who yeah think his name was he’s the one

That had that alternate um spark dragon card thing doesn’t that look like the card that was near it though uh scarlight was it yeah that thing yeah but this thing’s called uh red dragon Arch F from what I see here um look why does that look I mean similar to I

Mean I I’m guessing it’s one I don’t know about the birth mark but all I know is I had this card I don’t see you just like airm you had one like I did but it for some weird reason it only like appears when I duel

So no that is weird now I think I swear we’re surrounded by people who who take crack yeah so not the only not the there’s more than one person taking LSD I mean we come to we came here from the UK and generally the biggest thing I did

Was help the police stop a giant under round D Coliseum black it you did yeah you were asleep this was this was that time this was that time you drank like battery acid or pick yourself in oh tell me a tiod yeah yeah you really you took part

In that challenge oh this was a year ago yeah this was way before thing I mean didn’t you hear about the explosion on the news it was in London like yeah like London bridge fell down uh not well almost down yeah it was damage in terms of these birth marks I don’t see

How that has any relevance to the I don’t even have a dragon the only dragon I have is my dark Bell with my family nights I mean I had another one but I got rid of it is that the one by any chance you said you were throwing away

And it came back yeah this thing oh it came back it seems it doesn’t want to leave why do I have this card wa pass over pass over this okay I don’t oh it it it really likes you apparently you can take it take it take

It now please I’m going to go into here and I’m going to throw it away okay okay um so like I said you probably I I I I don’t know dude I had this card it after I du some weird dude this carded so I don’t know what this card is

Hell I’ve never used this card in my deck ever just magically appeared and why did you not try selling it I mean it looks like you make good a buck off of it that is true trust me where the [ __ ] you come from oh it went run back I threw it into the

Ocean Oh so how long till that comes back to bet uh probably if he go around I was talking to my brother but sure I suppose probably if if uh if I’m being honest this thing is kind of just like why why don’t we do a test why why don’t you

Throw that one into the ocean too uh okay have fun okay so how’s about we go get a drink yeah I mean I got a few things in the Frid there’s some soda there’s some milk that we have still so Nei like Dr Peppers yeah there’s one in the counter

Oh if that’s fine I’ll take one of those then so who thinks he’s just going to lost that card for good uh probably I mean with the amount of cards that are appearing around in people’s hands there’s a fine possibility of it well I mean you never know when it

Comes to these cards I mean apparently there’s people crazy enough that they’re thinking that they’re going to rise up and I don’t know become real I mean to be honest there was one who kind of you know had his fun with one just quickly make sure he have his locked what all

Right there we have a uh call fiz probably in the fridge if I had to guess end actually I kind of like it Ender fiz or what’s this oh actually I really like slime soda I’ll take a slime soda then confused um hello you want M bro yeah actually yeah

I’ll take one oh God Was Here by accident oh yeah there’s loads in the fridge um I wonder why I don’t why is the back go oh I just came out here apparently I left some of these out you want to relax uh you can take

The chair um you have a duck oh yeah he has a bow oh yeah that’s where so I can go speed Jesus Christ yeah aot hello did anyone else just hit the doorbell no uh probably it’s my imagination probably let go inside what is he um heay him no mind oh

I see I see I see okay okay strange strange red Postman ah okay okay why that’s a hammock if you want you can l in the hammock it’s a pool fine just going to go for a dip in your clothes again I have always bring a Spur I mean oh yeah suppose

Um did they just ditch me okay apparently he is very loud cuz I can hear him from up front all the way back here I know right it’s like why is he screaming so loud I’m pretty sure you canno the neighbors you I mean does do you do you

Even have neighbors uh yeah I do but yeah just come over here real quick so his nearest neighbors are over there ah across a massive stretch of water why would they oh I forgot they had like a miniature yacht yeah I’m pretty sure some dude L Robert lives there or

Something uh why does that sound so Dum uh what the hell was a gas station out there yeah I would thought I was the only one who saw that uh I suppose I suppose that’s one for boats probably probably I mean how the hell would you

Get petrol in the SE uh Damian you have your key right oh yeah I do uh you want I’m good J um PR pet H yeah sure I’ll take them did you guys really just ditch me oh oh uh it’s the postman uh you got uh are you sure you got the right

Address you guys know you guys ditched me right who this guy you know him D I know you guys literally took me with you guys who’s this man he looks kind of old I literally said I was Seth I was the dude that you guys met at the card

Shop and he took me with you I the gray heads I know right look yeah he does he does have gray hairs oh this must be the dude who owns the card shop right yeah no that’s my grandfather that’s my grandpa Daman you met him what are you talking

About yeah I know you got any uh deliveries or yeah like do you have my orders of like red layer or like no no not red layer orange layer and uh black layer yet or speaking of it came back uh that’s a fake card my friend that’s a fake we literally just talked

Like not even two minutes ago yeah that that’s one of the I don’t know I don’t I’m surrounded byes let just uh there we are here we go quickly get in and there we go nice and cozy are you guys literally kidding me you’re not going to leave you

Got all of volum locks I’ll just you know I might as well leave cuz I know when I’m not wanted let’s hope you don’t realize the back do open you know you know saying it out loud makes it worse right I mean you think he’s smart enough

To realize he can use it or probably not probably not I doubt it probably and he’s going up to the back probably because I said something no no you guys said if I was it I I’m not smart enough to go behind the back door and literally just go excuse me

This is breaking and entering that is true he wasn’t invited what do I have to do to just what do you guys want going to do cuz I you took me with you you took me with you you came you both went into my went into my into

My you could have just said no we will offered place in your grandpa’s card shop by your colleague your [ __ ] employee should I say there’s Pizza over here if you want to slice it’s fine I already ate you know look I have an idea you’ve clearly you’ve clearly never used your

Like weird card that keeps on coming back you’ve clearly never used your weird C that keeps on coming back I’ve got a new card that’s really weird and just magically appeared in my pocket and you’re you I guess I could continue testing my God Prides oh about we have a

Game I mean this card did come with some new cards so I could test it out to the roof to the roof the roof Ro more so I just have roof access for my uh use use go without me I’ve got quickly grab something

Okay why do I sense this is going to be problematic and up we go yeah all right m the m the ladge whoa why you put that why’ you guys put that ledge there uh close the hatch there we go grab I mean the balcony is really the only way to get up

Here I mean I don’t exactly run synchros often so I need need to add some cards to help me actually summon this thing oh yeah that makes sense yeah yeah so so I guess these two vs I guess so all right sure oh boy I am expecting to be crushed against you

Miserably I mean yeah sure um back here then let’s do I’ll let you take the first move all right then okay oh this is an interesting and not bad at all start this off by activating the grand arrival of the goblin Riders my deck don’t really care about

Life points so go for it this will then add to my hand thg the assaulter again odd what the hell is that monster uh which one this imp looking [ __ ] oh it’s you’ll see what it does shortly don’t don’t worry I’ll start then off by activating butock next

Time adding to my hand do you guys know what these cards are what are that lows our our life points next up I’ll use my normal summon to special to bring out go and rder me under the cold blooded okay and that activates effect since I

Normal summoned it I can normal Al I can special summon another Goblin in Rider to the field so that brings up Goblin RIT Doug the assaulter now Doug’s effect will activate allowing me to add to my hand the grand meeting of the goblin Riders okay which I’ll activate onto the

Field which increases my goblin attack points interesting these these things as far as I’m aware are really good to swim in the field fast yeah we also bring up big monsters really easily yeah I think you know what yeah just to make sure my monsters are safe I’ll overlay

These two to bring out the goblin Rider bigheaded Gaba O Okay that still makes me Chu every single time I say that Bloody name I can only think ofab bonga yeah that’s effect which allows me to add a goblin Rider to my hand and I think I’ll add

Let’s add clut of the noisy to hand okay just to be fair I think I’ll leave it at that so you have space half and they don’t have to deal with too much yeah well first of all though I will add a monster as a um what are these and I have drawn

Terribly oh well that’s something you deal with the cards you drew I suppose I drew you when I didn’t want to draw you got to be well this sucks what you going to do Damian um I am going to set one pass do I even have

Any I have a couple but be terrible use of the effect which sucks come on let’s see what you got I mean you could set one pass who knows yeah maybe your teammate will will have the ability you know what probably actually you be a decent play you know

What can’t use it to its fullest but I’ll be summoning Black Wing cute the Moon Shadow no and because birds of a feather flock together because I have a black wing on the field I can special summon Black Wing gaale the whirlwinds okay okay gaale the

Whirlwinds will be Tak a to half your monsters attack and defense points oh okay that’s really cool all I’m going to Sayan your deck is very interesting you get indeed I am Black Wing y the Whirlwind is going to tune my cud the Moon Shadow into a the

Starlite okay summons I INF 800 points of damage and L your monsters attack points by the same amounts ow I mean doesn’t really stop us true no it doesn’t Sly and I don’t have any lows level so all I can do is set one and pass well my move kabang effect will

Activate allowing me to add to him hope I got a red l or white L what the hell are these the are you sure these are your normal cards these were were in my super Quant deck box uh whatever what the hell I mean you’ll probably be able to figure

Them out hopefully well I know that card uh a normal Dino morphia dip plus Dino what I have no idea hell does that thing have a scorpion tail I think so this will let me send something to my grave uh I guess I’ll send the Sonic and I will set another card and

Pass I really don’t know what’s happening here okay it’s my turn I draw um that looks like a Terr I activate I activate the spell card resonator call this card lets me add a resonator card from my deck to my hand and I’ll add my sron resonator now on normal summon my red

Resonator activating its effect well someone who’s never played this deck knows this pretty well I’m going as I can I’m just reading the cards um I think he’s just activating stuff and hoping it goes well ice BS yeah yeah um I’ll bring out uh this weird imp looking thing I think

It’s yeah red familiar that is not an imp he looks like one well no that looks like a fire demon okay so we have we have options um but okay um I’m going to keep your card on the field Damian I’m can I use your card for a Synchro please don’t oh okay

Then I go for this option that was yeah black wings need black wings big surprise okay I’ll tune my red familiar and my red my red resonator to bring out my Red Rising Dragon okay so on fire you turn a fire demon plus a fire demon into a fire demon

Dragon yep and this fire demon dragon has a Nifty effect I can bring back one I can bring back one monster I can Target a resonator card and special summon it so come back to the field red resonator okay okay and since it was brought out I can activate its effect targeting the

The neong the Starlight and we gain life points equal to nong’s attack points I’ll use Skull Dice to reduce nef’s attack points uh okay three so basically it’s the same as if we targeted the Red Rising when it was worth all attack points all of them yeah it’s a neat card I’ll activate

The spell I’ll activate the spell card resonator commandant to be fair th it wouldn’t really have mattered because it just helps our cards oh my this lets me send one resonator card so I’ll send my synchron resonator to the graveyard to letting me add one fiend monster from my deck to my

Hand and I’ll add a crimson resonator just in case okay all right now I’ll tune once again going all out here aren’t you I’m listen man I don’t know it it looks like this deck is just very good on synchros I think he’s just clicking buttons on his door

Yeah is he sure he hasn’t got like that the tutorial B that came out no um what was his name Ignus yeah tune these two monsters together to Synchro Summon into scarlight red dragon Arch me oh he does have that card yeah hey that’s on the sh yeah

Um well um I don’t think you’ll be helpful that much so I think we could B are we able to battle right now you are able to battle Yeah okay um neong attack the gold Rider bigad Gonda I use quaking maros I activate my red Gardner no that that doesn’t do anything

Yeah ah you’re preventing destruction not flipping not flipping well these are some new cards okay you definitely you just tapped you just definitely pressed the button yeah all right that one everything else I was just trying uh let’s see what do you do again you oh

Okay I’ve already got two of the things so I’ll keep that for now what you uh let’s see here I think i’ activate no punk foxy tune send to the graveyard we’ll send one clutter to bring out let’s see you know what yeah I’ll bring out Yukio Punk sh or

Shuka and then I think I will normal summon using gu meeting of the goblin Riders to ring up clutter the noisy oh so you had two of it okay real to use my cards then activating my my carry since we have less life points than you by a long shot thanks to your

Old friend I can bring Carri out for free okay um Carri is effect activate allowing us to add start your engines to my hand okay now I think I can’t use that one so I’ll just set this one else in my don’t all let’s see here let’s what tun

On never mind let me just look at this card oh I don’t have that okay that’s why never mind okay I’ll just go with what I had previously I’ll T my shukai with my clut of the noisy to bring out hyp psychic Riser okay that’s an interesting thing he’s on Roll voice very

Interesting also I don’t think he’s on Rob blades I think he is Rob blades he’s a robot yeah exactly I mean that’s a lot of similarities to that card you had yeah like a similar color power yeah the robot is alive and has psychic powers let’s see here uh

Um yeah oh okay right well I’ll send him to attack this place down go away no I know the other one is scarlight who has I believe 2,500 I have no idea you so I will it there which activates my gongas effect adding another Goblin card I will

Draw and that is ter draw I do just want to say just do a little bit of a uh comment maybe if we aren’t sure of what your defense don’t tell us yeah that kind of gave you away yeah he may have very well attacked with another monster

But well I mean you already saw it faed up on the field I wasn’t sure if it’s defense points cuz it was in attack position yeah we don’t pay too close attention to your monsters well okay Alpha uh Alpha was it or I believe it was Alpha 9 yeah yeah whatever they go

Through robots on a daily basis quite literally yeah I mean recently they ditched the uh robotic assistant for the dinosaur assistant what okay this newer Seasons they’re not that great yeah I sto watching after samurai oh God yeah I will there were a few good ones after Samurai

But they weren’t that great I stopped watching after bbro B it ah yeah summon Breeze the zepher okay now that you have that one now I’ve heard of the blade of zepa but not the breze blade who are you talking about the blade of zepa it’s a sword from a

Game oh yeah probably why I haven’t heard it cuz I was busy studying yeah uh let me see here who can I oh i’ activate clutter the noisy targeting Pander yeah detaching that from my monster to bring it to my field this activate since your monster is the only

Is you only have one monster face up I will Target that monster okay I will activate my trap card Blackbird clothes okay sending it away to negate your effect and destroy it oh all right that doesn’t that just gets rid of my lowest attack Point

Monster at this point how are you in my extra deck what uh the secondary effect activates to Black birge close I can summon Black Wing dragon from my extra deck oh so I did come back oh I hit the wrong button oh well yeah well hey there little

Guy uh well he can destroy a couple cards I suppose I will attack the the psychic oh perfect I’ll let that go through we’ll take some more damage and I’ll activate hypers thing uh adding to my hand the Shuki and returning him to my hand ah right there interesting I’m

Not I’m not very fond of black que Dragon because contrary to this name that hyphen that’s in its name makes it so that it’s not treated as a black Wing really that is weird that’s an interesting well it’s my turn I’m tring to try and figure out this deck

Well I guess let’s go in a fossil dick and now that’s my hand uh Thia those things are dinosaurs yeah you the same thing that I did right Damian I was like wait that’s a din the name kind of gives it away Doria I’ll use her

Effects I thought it was a play on words for what their outfits were like and remind you Daman you said this in our door at the card shop there are multiple cards which aren’t the same type as what they look on the the thing true I mean

We have scraps after all I mean my my Goblin Riders are warriors so only and I’m going to Overlay into you know what yeah we’ll overlay let’s overlay into my number 27 dreadn dread no at least this thing stayed the same oh the battle back oh

Yeah do I do I want to use any of your effects or should just leave them which one is it uh it is Max Speed your cold blooded and your arrival Max Speed okay don’t use max speed okay arrival which one’s arriv grand arrival yeah h

And then cold blooded it’s the last one I think they all a m material from your card so you don’t want to run them unless you want to detach a material to pay for their Effect one more time sorry I felt really lightheaded for a second though if you want to

Pay a detach material from your exas then nope I’m good move to the battle phase dreadn dread no attack the face down you forgot didn’t Tower ow yeah main phase two and I don’t get his a effect cuz he didn’t destroy anything great all right oh it’s my turn and I

Feel like being a little bit generous I’ll activate up start Goblin I will use Dino Moria domain oh my God well we definitely have the advantage now ow the hell just happened well for something I’ll bring out stealth bergia oh hey it’s a trodon that makes sense for the

Dinosaurs now um I’ll also activate since my scarlight red dragon Arch counts as a red dragon Arch fi I can activate this red Dragon vase okay he can’t he canot normal special summon this time I can’t normal summon or special summon but you can set but yes I can set so I’ll set

You okay and oh for some reason I can’t switch this to attack mode quaking oh yeah I forgot quaking it’s permanently in defense mode well Blackwing yeah um should we get rid of this Fusion or his like his number I don’t know which one you want to get

Rid of I mean we all know what the exes does but no one knows what this Fusion does let’s leave the fusion so we can see if it does anything special okay I trust you Damian I mean it’s not so much as you can trust yeah I am really

Lightheaded all right after this you’re going to bed but do you have any effects n that I want to activate I get my dread not dread noise effect detach one not destroyed all right okay mean Phase 2 oh I mean you’ve already set for the T so you’ve only got your spells and

Activate my fiend commandment okay sending my Crimson resonator to my graveyard letting me add my synchron resonator okay and it seems yeah I’ll activate my red familiar effect targeting my scar light to change its level to level seven and I can apparently use my stealth burger what did that do changed his

Attack points oh oh hey that actually affected off hey instead of you dealing damage I got a black other counter lower black dragon and lower black dragon attack points H that’s interesting for some reason I can’t yeah prevents yeah I hate that because you never see effect damage

Anywhere oh I forgot I can’t special summon oh well yep you could have activated Blackwing dragon’s effect but I guess not yeah sorry didn’t even give me the Ryder I guess feel free to lower our life points as much as you want apparently this is fine with it all

Right let’s see cannot activate anything on field got a few I could activate but I’m guessing you want your this is why we say do about your is because you don’t even give me the chance to explain you’re free to use my cards in any way you wish rder

Evening the material on dread KN yep go for it all righty then I think I will bring out Boom the max speed okay no idea what your card’s doing there detaching droid’s last material to bring him back to the field okay now I’ll activate the second effect of my Goblin Riders

Meeting targeting both of my Goblin Riders on the field and combining their levels and at giving it to them oh now they’re both level six I overlay the two I could overlay with your stealth Burger too but that’s your call H no I think I’ll keep mine to bring out Goblin crazy

Beast okay that’s what that is definitely crazy looking that thing looks like a summoned demon true it’s a crazy Beast yeah and and I thought and and I thought my deck was weird um now I think I will use my normal summon to bring out the no punk shusi that I had

Previously and I think do I go with you do I go with you you know yeah I’ll go with you I’ll overlay my captain Carrie and my shukusai to bring out carry it carry okay now I will activate Grand arrival banishing it what do you do you good nah just I

Mean you know no I’m not going to activate his effect I will detach let’s go with detaching carry and add a goblin from my graveyard to my hand that Goblin will be who’s lucky boy big headed gabang hey Carri effect targeting my Chariot I will not activate that as I

Will banish my Chariot to give attack points to my monster really actually I’ll activate my garonga effect to attach H let’s go with better luck next time your card keeps popping up but to detach the two Goblin Riders uh why would you do that I have no idea I don’t understand

This deck to be honest activate this one sending sh to add to my hand hopefully something useful where is it I know it’s in here somewhere there it is that came out of nowhere and I’ll send from my deck to gy let’s go with the Nitro head why not

Okay uh then I’ll activ arist that that came out of nowhere uh let me bring back my nro head okay okay if you had a monster in your graveyard that I could summon you could have summoned one uh not really use anything else at the minute so we’ll going into battle

Phase okay my crazy Beast will attack your red dragon scarlight red drag Dragon F no there goes scar light next up I think I [Applause] will you know what I’ll get rid of that Dragon oh man ow usess dragon is in the graveyard and then I guess I’ll use rad

Noid to smack into this my witch to the black forest and go direct with the carry want his effect after it he searches something I will at this moment um what’s going to help yourself what you going to add to your hands remember you can’t use its effect for that

Turn yeah I’ll add salamander catalyzer to my hand okay word misspelling is salamander but sure and Carrie will attack directly I it’s prob a fake card right Ridder probably I don’t know new cards come out like every week so main phe to just make sure if I have anything here nope listen

If for being honest I’ve never seen these effect Dino morphia cards so back and carry hey I never seen the either mate I think got it’s neck and neck okay I’ll draw and I up you two of you will probably remember this for mod I you the

Token what are you saying not again it’s on ourside yeah still PTSD oh right yeah yeah I I have drawn terribly this entire duel well say hello to Black Wing austar the South Winds okay now le figured out how it works glowing crossbow and clipping it to it okay I will attack

Carry all right ideal piercing never mind it’s not piercing what does this do you good I mean oh h interesting now what you your turn or set a couple cards face down at the end of my turn guess wrong button on oh crap I didn’t mean to hit that

Whoops oh well oh this is doing something all of your trap cards half your life points are uh let’s see I think so also my name is Thor not Harvey sorry it’s fine I don’t know why everyone keeps on calling me that I guess like yeah I pick that one I don’t

Know if that’s anything good I’ll leave that token on the field okay then at least you got something uh I don’t think that’s going to help us I will set one card I’ll leave the others in my hand now and okay kill them now then I will activate Synchro

Zone okay only Synchro monsters can attack on the field okay interesting effects so my turn I use Nitro head moving the thing to the oh no placing another they have no safe zones yes as you summoned it to the wrong Zone I mean he has no safe zones

True remember either way he could have have blown one up and taken a card sumon get to a different spot the other spot yeah no but then then I would have been able to blow up but not blow up Synchro Zone yeah but still you still lose your glowing my fish my

Catalyzer I guess I’ll use stealth bergia ow oh right you take damage from his oh he’s done it again my card gets if you can I thanks I believe I I mean I’d rather Hoster be used somehow does don’t summon it next to the Token again we it I think he’s worried

About next turn yeah right yeah I will tune these two monsters and s throw summon my hot red dragon Arch fend and now you can activate my crossbow so effect to add it back to your hands okay why would he want it that okay so we can set on the field for

Me however you never know what’s going to be sitting in the field well it be is will it be what was in his hand before or will it be my uh equip wonder what dragon can well I’ll activate my no I’ll save that I’ll activate my hot red dragon Arch

Special ability okay sth did I not tell you warn you about the token destruction effects why was that why was the token the only thing destroyed well crazy Beast had an effect that apparently let said avoid destruction might as well you might as well act you might as well activate the effect so

If a monster you control would be control would be destroyed by card Effect you can detach one material card in I’ll activate my Red Rising Dragon from my graveyard special summoning both my synchron resonators I will use my frenzy oh do I go with option one or option two uh

Uh I’m guessing you’re talking about your extra deck yeah it’s letting me summon one of two monsters maybe go with two two yeah extra de two okay I’ll go extra de slot number two and I’ll use dipl loss plus the other one to Falls krina well my resonators come back to my

Field so it looks like she loses attack based on our life points well then I mean do see our life points at the minute yeah well I don’t think there’s anything I could do cuz you kind I kind of got rid of my my red Sprinter which

Is something I could have used if you if you look at the life points and if it’s the touting it by your attack points they don’t it would have an original of only 4,000 now that’s what it says that’s still quite powerful now Damian do I attack at this

Moment you can only you might as well I mean you can only attack with hot red yeah so hot red destroy the morphia Diplo okay I apparently have an effect I can use Sonic in my grave oh we didn’t take battel damage isn’t that just joyous I can now banish my Skull

Dice to bring forth theia and then her effect if I remember right let me set some something so I guess I’ll set uh I guess let’s set the Sonic this is something honestly we are losing only reason why you’re so low of life points is cuz you’re trap cards yeah

I Damian I am really sorry that I haven’t been that much helpful during the door well you kind of made it’s hard to move but I guess I’ll set to yeah we’re both kind of clogging up the board yeah that’s problem with our de oh well I guess I’ll start the push

Uh we we’ll start with you well um I can activate my catalyzer and I can also activate my synchron since it was destroyed letting me add back to my hand my uh my red resonator why didn’t you bring that one out earlier I couldn’t oh well right I think I’ll send

You to crush to you oh well there goes my dragon of a waste but oh well then I guess I’ll send Harvey’s mon terorist monster into your well my synchron resonated effect activates again theny had Crimson so it’s not once per turn well still that’s what

4,550 I’ll start with the dy I have my I don’t know does work but I have my trap card should I activate it I let’s go Black Wing backlash yep all of your monsters are destroyed because you’re attacking directly and we have five or more PL Wings in the graveyard it’s letting me

Activate four different cards here uh which ones uh second left second to the left on the bom rrow of the field and three of your traps in the graveyard uh IID say use the one on the field all right cuz we’ve seen its graveyard effect but I wonder what it

Does on the field sonicates that effect and I have I guess I’ll destroy theia okay which activates effect which allows me to banish one trap and I think I’ll banish the quaky I don’t think I think you win and I guess you’ll take another 3,300 that’s pretty much all we can

Do yeah I’m pretty sure we just dead uh you still got a lot of life points left next up crazy Beast I have unfortunately I have nothing in my hand hey you get one good attack off and have a trap card and negates padle damage yeah I I don’t think we’re I

Willach I’ll attach moon to it unfortunately I can’t if I want to win I would need I’ll just my time there I would need 27 next up we’ll activate this I mean that’s one hell of a top deck and I’ll set it here in the position [ __ ] never mind you ruined that

Way did I yes you did put it in the cornerer ah he has an effectory requires him to not control a monster token oh well I’ll activate neck and neck it’s neck and neck uh I’ll add to my return to my hand are you sure this door is neck and

Neck no just what it tells me I’ll just read add this card to my hand complete and utter decimation from your part uh your cards could activate but I don’t think I need to also decimating whose life points I was are yours cuz I mean it doesn’t matter what the life

Points are we just lose are you sure you can still do a lot this one ow oh my C’s gain a counter everything gain a counter except I can’t even use them for any because what would have happened if I it’s not your count as we have wedge oh never mind we have

Wedge counters yeah wedge counters yeah I gave them all wedge counters and that does with all it would have made full armor master so that it would have made all of your monsters zero oh oh either way we could have still used Sonic true yeah I doubt that’s more than one

Battle though plus I thus we have the middle card I concede true I know we lost I have nothing I can play left all right I guess Sonic I don’t think you’ve lost just yet we have you have the attack points Al I’d say don’t use dip

Floss yeah I like I can’t sink like I can’t even I’m this one get I see I see now why I stopped using this deck uh I guess I’ll just resummon I don’t I don’t think it was our decks that kind of made this bad I think it’s

Just okay I’m going to set one you can my deck can’t do anything there’s a reason I stopped this deck I move to the battle face destroy your Simon we have more than enough attack points to win D will attack you directly Nitro will attack you directly give the crazy Beast feast or

Oh never mind will attack you directly was that one necessary or I’m going to give them one more turn all right I want to see what they can actually do well okay then I use Nitro head in addition I will also use needle wall and I use Goen

Match you really did didn’t want to see what they were doing oh I did uh why’ you get rid I so basically we just can’t play the game can yeah you know that token becomes useless to us without nroe head right he can only summon fire monsters well I’ll

Activate my Fred resonator’s effect I’ll use this to burn you for 600 bring out my catalyzer H you can and I will tune these two to bring out my red wyvern see can play and I’ll activate my red wyvern’s effect yeah don’t think it matters like those

Crazy Beast oh it’s in the graveyard if they don’t try and Destroy themselves W’s going to get rid of this I don’t think I could do anything else that’s fine the R’s effect will then activate banishing domain calling to the field dip loss do you mind giving me any more than

Two spes point uh you have three spaces but how long though well I guess you are you sure you’re all right I’m fine I’m fine mate you need to go to bed I mean look at it it’s bloody late I know we dled but that duel was misery holy crap I

Mean you don’t you don’t really want to face last two brothers when we actually work together we I think that’s the first time our decks have ever worked together I well we had a few where it used to work together but that was when we started out really yeah as you can see

Now forus you’ve seen why I don’t use my black wings now nobody nobody’s going to question why he had new cards oh I am I am how than you with your headache I’m I’m questioning yet it’s just um terrible de I mean that’s down ruless to be

Honest but I I I I I don’t know what happened like I have this card and then bro that’s clearly a fake C that’s clearly a fake your card’s also fake then no it’s not you can clearly tell by the way the cards look these are what real cards

Look like that’s what a fake card looks like and I mean I have this one obviously a real one what does that do uh nothing that’s his number this isn’t a fake card but sure I I used it in the duel it wasn’t really fake you

Didn’t use it in the door that’s red dragon Arch you used hot red dragon Arch F scarlight Dragon I was going to bring it on on my next turn but I mean I had to play as a possible comeback but he stopped with that token Nitro head does

Kind of fire his Cannon a lot I suppose yeah that’s I have needs No Monsters to bring it out with hold on give a minute getting a text um you should have just literally well I’m off back inside yeah I I I got I should get back home to

Be honest close the hatch oh O

This video, titled ‘For Cryin’ Out Loud – Yu-Gi-Oh! Rites of A Duellist (MCTV)’, was uploaded by TrueKing – Roleplays on 2023-12-04 16:45:03. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:05 or 4625 seconds.

DINO-DESTRUCTION – Yu-Gi-Oh! Rites of A Duellist (MCTV) w/ TrueKing! This Minecraft Role play is based on the Yugioh anime and card game. If you enjoyed, make sure to leave a like and comment below if you enjoyed, and have a Great day!

Duels done through https://duelistsunite.org

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  • FantasyMC

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  • FunSurvival! Realms – Looking for girls – Bedrock

    Welcome to our Minecraft Realms server! We are seeking friendly and inclusive players to join our community. All genders and backgrounds are welcome, but we are primarily interested in forming a mostly female group. About Our Server: Our server is set to Survival mode on normal difficulty. We aim to beat the game with maxed-out resources while keeping the core gameplay vanilla. We have a simple shader mod installed for enhanced visuals. What We’re Looking For: Respectful and friendly players Individuals who enjoy cooperative play and building Those who follow our rules (no griefing, respect others, etc.) Players who use… Read More

  • TinyCraft [5000×5000 SMP]

    TinyCraft [5000x5000 SMP]Hello! TinyCraft is a small 5000×5000 world border server with no land protection plugins – however, we have CoreProtect which allows us to easily trace and revert griefing if needed. We opened on the 18th of June so the world is fairly new. Our ruleset is fairly laid-back, with only two real rules:Don’t be a jerk!Don’t hack/cheat.Whether you’re new to Minecraft or an experienced player we would love to have you on our SMP. The small world-border means you’ll be interacting with other players more, contributing to the real SMP experience. As moderators we try to be present to deal… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Caves and Cliffs? More like Sizzle and Spice.

    Minecraft Memes - Caves and Cliffs? More like Sizzle and Spice.Looks like Minecraft players are always looking for that next level cliffhanger! Read More

  • Minecraft Mod’s Horror? Not Scary, Just Boring!

    Minecraft Mod's Horror? Not Scary, Just Boring! In the world of Minecraft, a horror mod we explore, With GuitarisHere, we’re ready for more. Cave dweller, The Aether, The Knocker, all in play, The Man From the Fog, creeping our way. Voice Chat mod adds to the thrill, As we navigate, with nerves of steel. Two weeks since our last upload, a delay, But fear not, more content on the way. Like and subscribe, show some love, For Minecraft adventures, high above. Stay tuned for more, don’t be shy, In the world of gaming, we reach for the sky. Read More

  • “Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!” #minecraft #meme

    "Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!" #minecraft #meme “Traps in Minecraft: the original ‘watch your step’ game since 2009. Avoiding them is a timeless struggle, just like trying to resist hitting snooze on your alarm clock every morning.” Read More

  • Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft!

    Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft! Minecraft: Efekan Gets Muscular and Defeats Evil Creatures!😱 In the bustling city, evil creatures have arrived with the aim of seizing a hidden laptop. However, Efekan is determined to stop these creatures. His muscles are so strong that the creatures can’t even stand against him. Popular Minecraft Videos For those who love Minecraft, check out some of the most beloved videos: EN SEVİLEN MİNECRAFT VİDEOLARI Support the Channel If you want to support the channel, consider joining: Kanal Katıl Contact Information For any inquiries, reach out via email: [email protected] Disclaimer Important: All videos are purely fictional. The characters depicted… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded – Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!

    Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded - Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in Enshrouded as a Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber…’, was uploaded by Corinthius on 2024-06-22 18:10:33. It has garnered 23342 views and 1321 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:56 or 1496 seconds. Begin Your Own Adventure in Enshrouded Today: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1203620/Enshrouded?utm_source=Influencers&utm_campaign=Corinthius&utm_content=Youtube&utm_medium=220624 I survived 100 days in Enshrouded as a hardcore minecraft youtuber… Herobrine is back and infecting my whole computer! He managed to escape minecraft and went into a whole new game, corrupting it with his shroud of fog. It’s up to me to stop herobrine and bring him back to minecraft…. Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Terrifying Creepypastas

    Exploring Minecraft's Terrifying CreepypastasVideo Information This video, titled ‘YUK NOBAR CREEPYPASTA TERSERAM YANG ADA DI MINECRAFT! Minecraft’, was uploaded by MOIK on 2024-05-31 14:12:00. It has garnered 15144 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:17 or 6017 seconds. ● Follow my other social media, guys: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/noffan.chandra ● Donation: https://saweria.co/MOIK For donations, I do not force you to donate because this donation can be for you to give appreciation to this channel and support this channel so that it continues to grow and become even better. Thank you to those of you who have watched this video until the… Read More

  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

    Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sobreviví en MINECRAFT ULTRA HARDCORE (Sin ESCUCHAR el Juego 😨 – El Primer CABALLO) #minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSamael on 2024-01-16 13:00:22. It has garnered 91 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. My Day 18 inside MINECRAFT HARDCORE.. No audio and some other stuff!! SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE! 📲 SOCIAL NETWORKS 👇 – I: https://www.instagram.com/antonnyjmd/ – T: https://www.tiktok.com/@thesamaelgamer 🔨 MC: Java version 1.16.5 Read More

  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

    Ultimate Enchantments Hack - Beginner's Neural AI SetupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hostile Neural Networks – Beginner Guide & Automation Setup | All The Mods 9’, was uploaded by EpicEnchants on 2024-03-24 19:00:07. It has garnered 35334 views and 903 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft All The Mods 9 Guides! 🙌 I will show you the basics of the Hostile Neural Networks Mod in Minecraft All The Mods 9. Also I will share a easy and compact system for a Hostile Neural Network Automation. Have fun! 📌 In this episode, we’ll cover: 0:00 Intro 0:45 Data Model… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24x7Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live with Subscribers | Join my Server || 24×7 Smp || Playing mini games with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Bladesoul Gaming on 2024-02-26 19:11:28. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:55 or 3535 seconds. 🎮🌟 **Welcome to our Minecraft Universe!** 🌟🎮 Embark on an epic journey with us as we delve into the vast and vibrant world of Minecraft. From constructing awe-inspiring structures to exploring the endless landscapes, each live stream is a unique adventure filled with creativity, thrill, and fun. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer… Read More


    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

    Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex's Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Touching Story about the brotherly love of Baby Steve and Baby Alex |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraft’, was uploaded by DinoToons – Funny Animation on 2024-05-06 09:00:33. It has garnered 46405 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Good Deeds VS Bad Deeds? Baby Alex VS Baby Nugget |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraftshorts #story #steve #alex #animation #minecraft #nuggets 👇👇👇 https://youtube.com/shorts/d5Hunp9oDvs 🦖If you like our videos please help us reach 10M Subs 👇👇👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPD2hUI5xlN17sX2HxDKsQ?sub_confirmation=1 ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING! ♥ ⛔️ Copyright by Antztoons – Do not Reup #antztek #antztoons #antzanimation Read More