Ultimate Zombie Craft Ladder Choice in Minecraft

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Today let’s take a look at the new colorful ladders in Minecraft subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s look at the new stairs see different colors lots of interesting characters I won’t even name

Them all I think you already know them all lots of good characters too like JN SpongeBob or Jack as well as various scary monsters from different universes let’s get started I suggest we go with the very first staircase we’ll see all the characters today so give it a like

Subscribe and let’s get on the red ladder look the kids have a red and rainbow friend hey what are you wearing a crown what’s wrong with that why are you so scary where do I go let’s hide right here it’s not red ah come here

I’ll give you a he found me look there’s Ben Behind Bars he put him in jail hey red how do we get out of here so let’s try to get out of here that he would have clogged the portal with Dr well it’s the strongest block in Minecraft

I’m not going to break it hey rainbow friend that’s not fair why is that how do I break it and get out of here I don’t know well okay okay okay I’ll let you go if you find all the golden apples in this room golden apples what do you

Need them for well I need it give me the golden apples I really love golden apples why are you even asking unnecessary questions okay okay all right there it is guys let’s go over to Ben’s place and try to get the golden apple and save Ben Ben hi yes I am I’ve

Got a golden apple here and I’ve kept it but I don’t have red doesn’t release four needs let’s try to save you and find you some golden apples all right let’s get out of here and put it over here somewhere okay rainbow I’ve already found the golden apple and one is enough

No I need four I got it okay here I’ll look so we have some beds here stop I think I found it okay great the other one does I’ve already found two Come With Me Now gently let’s try looking right here red just don’t get mad please

I’ll find you all your golden apples come on come on I’m waiting okay great I already have three apples then why did you come down you’re not going to make it in the last four I’ve got water to swim in I wish badly learn to swim what’s the problem yeah that’s great

That’s it I found all four golden apples come on as promised just no cheating I gave you four apples and you let out where you put them on I don’t know where Ben Ben has already run away guys golden apples open this hip let me out by the

Way here you go did you get him sheet bring Ben back all right come on bye zombie guys I got another Bullseye he slept in the portal I mean he tricked me and he stole Ben too I found another Apple but I don’t think it’ll do us any

Good how do we get out of here guys what do you think write in the comments maybe there’s some secret secret super pick that’ll help us by the way there was some kind of door Ben let’s go to it again I didn’t even check that door

Maybe she can help us here you go you see there’s leverage but you can’t break a badrock with that leverage wow a secret passage the portal it’ll help us let’s go ah hey SpongeBob how are you doing great zcta oh man that’s bad I can’t play play hide-and-seek at all and

Every minion I’ve lost and can’t find it all how’s that so wait you were playing hide-and-seek with the minions maybe they’re messing with you and they’ve gone home I don’t know I’m done I’m already tired I won all right SpongeBob come on I’ll help you find those minions

All right you and I will split the Bounty of Victory come on come on well there’s no reward at all what are you guys just playing friendly no problem hey how many minions are there hiding 5 grand I can’t find them okay come on guys let’s take a look Let’s Help uh-huh

I think I see someone well look here there’s one hiding behind a tree why are you even hiding look you can’t even see him from here he’s hiding behind the water behind a tree all right let’s get him we’ll put them right here in the center so we know exactly how many

Minions we found okay let’s try to look for others let’s go upstairs oh look go to sleep Bob I found a couple more all right Zach you’re doing great and over there look up there in the middle of nowhere and you can’t even see it okay

Let’s take it with us too they’re still running after us and probably want to hide again all right let’s do this no hiding yeah we already found it so we’re not moving let’s take a look here behind the tree there look up oh great sambach well done yeah we found four that’s all

How much was it no no five oh that’s right there were five minions so there’s another one hiding somewhere good let’s go look for it okay wait there he is watch the water this is the way to go there he is nice zombie thank you so

Much for helping me yay you’re a winner you can play with Squidward by by the way he’s got a long nose I think you’ll find it easy it will be right out of the woodwork Squidward always arises all the time I’ve been wanting to play with him

Oh well then play with the streamer all right guys good luck I’m going to move on to the Trials come on dogs thank you bye it’s pretty cool what you got in that trunk of yours whoo SpongeBob is your reward okay guys SpongeBob got a reward there’s a diamond money I think

He’s going to take it and we’re moving on so guys watch this it’s a rainbow friend did you two saddle each other what kind of mutant is that come on get out of here wait a minute there’s a portal blocked I’ve got to get through this spinning saw gently jump over yeah

And how do I get out of here I can’t break this glass but it’s armored okay look the Portal’s closed okay there are doors here let’s see what the trash is get out of here oh look there’s a t-shirt Behind Bars hey Mikey hi hey help me out I’ve got an elephant closing

In here the elephant from Garten to band ban which one is it here’s a Nas one I closed it here okay look all right I think he’s the one who shut you down and closed the portal all right I’ll figure out a way to get you yeah I have a plan

Look you can lay a signal here then your super iron door will open do you think it’ll work I think it’s going to work help me now okay look all you have to do here is lay down some red dust like this see it’s all lit up and the door should

Open oh I thinkk the dogs Mikey’s on the loose look I had another portal here and I ran out of it and came home I’m going to go fight an elephant doc bye all right come on Good Luck okay that’s it Mikey we saved it but I can’t go back in

Because I have to keep going and to do that you have to beat the elephant go into the right room there are more monsters here oh look there’s an elephant standing there hey elephant I’m going to get you you can’t hide no you can’t get me here yeah sure I’m going to

Beat these monsters and then I’ll get to you got it guys I’m not going to make it okay wait wait I got to go it’s open here take this I’ll get there what’s weak or something are you afraid of me no I’m not scared at all yeah minions

Are good okay come on let’s move the guys back because the good minions put it so I can’t shoot at it oh you’ve got an idea I’ll just go through them so move forward please an elephant where’d you go okay guys there’s a ladder up here quick follow him the elephant is

Running away from me what is it you think I can’t catch up with you all right guys let’s go gently he’s breaking the bridge okay we have to jump carefully elephant I’ll beat you up it hurts you’re weak aren’t you only you’re afraid of me give it back quickly come

Here I need something I’m sorry guys are forced to be good minions so I can’t help but punch okay well of course we’re not going to hit minions careful transition Joe you win no no no no Take that it is very light kind elephants you can run home so does the pickaxe this

Pickaxe will help us because it’s an unusual pickaxe look some kind of special super pickaxe that can be used to break minions running around like this let me through please okay now we need to break the tinted glass Opa armored everything’s broken all the Minions are already running over there

Look it looks like it belongs to this elephant okay well I hope the elephant doesn’t get eaten okay great and we’re going into the portal who the hell are cev’s magicians who the hell are you chanur I’m a mom of long legs what is it your body’s a little weird you’ve turned

Into a mutant cavely all right let’s try to take her down oh and there’s Jack on the seab ball and you’re setting the dynamite with me why would you do that let’s run away guys let’s get out of here we don’t think we can beat it probably running into the portal by now

Did you close the portal what did you think it was going to be so easy there’s an iron grate guys the Portal’s closed okay the stairs might be somewhere I can find from here this lever opens this door Taki Lily enough of my mom’s long

Legs from me what have you done to me have I done wrong you’re slow now he’s getting slow on me all right I’m in the kill run let’s get out of here oh I barely got away well maybe look in the trunks I’m very slow and there’s only wickets he’s coming at

Me faster we’re running away okay she’s not going to get it from the top here this is where we can hide because it’s too high to climb all right a couple more chests let’s check it out it’s just some street lights what can’t you get

Long legs she can put the potion in here okay I saw a chest over there somewhere on that side hurry up oh what’s that the darkness is blinding wow okay chests it’s pink wool blue wool but that’s not it at all we need Leverage whoa there’s

A chest up there but it has to go through the whole ordeal through mom’s long legs and how scary what are you doing to me you won’t find anything in the dark haha I know somehow I’ve got to walk carefully guys all the way to that

Chest okay but she can give me a dark effect with her punches all right carefully make your way through oh it’s all dark and I can’t see anything okay great we have to carefully jump over and retrieve the chest yes I found the lever awesomely folks now we have to run I

Can’t beat her any f faster guys total darkness put a lever here where to put it I can’t all right everybody let’s get out of here bye-bye pecking we’re shutting down haha you can’t get me baby oh get out of the portal whoa what the hell is a purple minion Jack hey that’s

Great hey zamac help me deal with these minions they became infected I can already see yes there’s something wrong with the minions they’ve actually been infected with some kind of disease look let me help you deal with them now what is this beautiful room oh they’re also infectious uninfected who just don’t get

Infected I can’t handle another one of you yeah if I walk around with this contagion for long enough I might become that contagious purple too so we have to be careful right yeah then be careful let’s hit these minions gently oh guys they also put on fatigue slowness and

Not really monsters that are really infected come on Jack let’s sneak in gently this is where we can get through come on yes super cool giant minion is so big it’s a few minions of one gathered together not infected again hey you’re the color purple too maybe you’re

Infected too I don’t know no no no no no and you’re your own purple kind self yeah I remember of course I’m not infected yeah well I’m like a zombie too but I’m a kind green zombie let’s try to defeat this master mutant take that how to destroy it guys he’s pretty strong

How about you oh I’m infected again oh I’m going to turn so fast what am I supposed to do about it the tank itself has water in it and yes the water can really cool down and stop getting infected all right thank you very much let’s defeat this mutant he’s a really

Huge purple minion yeah mine’s been overpowered did the portal turn purple too where’d You Go zombie I’m here where I can’t see you lost me I’m here so what you seem to have become invisible I think we have a blind spot guys maybe they infected you take a dip in the

Water over here I can’t see you guys I think they must have infected him with something look I think we need to defeat the last minion and then you can see me again you see that now then he’s gone he’s already been defeated no come here

Now uh-huh did you get up there yeah well I’m standing here and you can’t see me Jack no I can’t see what’s going on I’m blind I think Jack I think the boys are infected you bastard okay I found some kind of chest maybe there’s something in there that can help us Jack

Okay no there’s only pickaxes listen I have an idea you don’t have that milk with you maybe you need to drink some hot milk and then you’ll be normal again and see me here let me try it milk oops no it doesn’t maybe you’ll have a drink

Let me have some milk all right I think I got infected and became invisible let’s have some milk can you see me no patch I’m blind oh no Jack needs to be treated immediately guys give it up friends we got to get Jack fixed he seems to have contracted this virus okay

I think you’re going to be fine I need to keep running but we’ll keep me posted what is this I’m not Jack you tricked me yeah I’ve been hitting you with special swords the whole time in case you hadn’t noticed you were the traitor I thought

It was a monster that was infecting me it’s a TV woman look how ugly she is and we have to get out of here fast we’re opening the portal okay let me get out of here everybody bye-bye monster what don’t go why I don’t want to fight with

You you’re a monster how’s that no no no yeah what’s that nothing works for me okay you stay here with your infections teacher or we should beat him up I guess whoa whoa whoa not me I’m baldi’s teacher I teach these students actually there’s an archaeology lesson today and

We’re mining well who well wait a minute guys teacher balik seems to be saying that he has become kind and is now giving lessons all right well let’s try to believe him wow what a ruler and pencil you have yeah well I’m a teacher I show how to measure the correct ore

How to draw ore with a pencil what or to sign but it’s a must-have pack hey can I be in your class too I’d like to learn archaeology in excavation too we might get the diamonds today I don’t know you don’t look like a student to be honest

And you give me a replacement key so I can keep going for a day a suit a normal school suit oh not that not that now that’s a normal suit okay no problem guys I got a school costume look pants Oh jacket I’m a real school boy now

Shoes too we don’t go to school without shoes that’s it I made my shoes like that too and that I am now beautiful in my school uniform yeah it’s a super cool bur machine like you wanted cool guys look you can mind a whole bunch of ore

With this huge red I’m going to build myself a whole Diamond House look bam here’s another cool one Baldi what am I going to get an A on in class now well you’re not exactly an a to be honest okay I’m done with my assignments here

Have a drill can and I have the key I’ve taken your classes what’s the key to you oh come on what are you fighting about what did I do wrong no key for you what are you doing here for class and why did you take off your school uniform that’s

It get out of here oh Baldi you promised you’d be kind I’m kind but but but you took off your school uniform and now I’m no you’re pissing me off aren’t you guys baldi’s turned into a giant projector man oh and we shouldn’t have pissed him off he doesn’t like being disobeyed in

This crosses oh no there’s no place to hide he’s attacking me and here you go he’ll leave me alone and he pissed me off with his school uniform and I also took started talking about the key I’m sorry I didn’t mean to but let’s go back to being nice please you have your

Students over there watching you set an example for them full-timers look they piss me off here take this what did you do to them I mean they’re kind they’re just regular students so what come on Baldi get out of here and get the monster ouch ow that hurts you’re

Wearing a month Marshall Spotlight let’s get a machine gun boys and we’ll destroy it on you why are so strong did you think I was so easy to destroy yes of course it quickly handed me the key what did I ever do to you no I’m not giving

You anything I will destroy you now of course you do get montar and I’m hurting it hurts that’s it oh is that the key come on give me the key oh here you go where too hold this in my hand give me the key you cheer did you believe I

Won’t give it to you come on hurry up oops tripped oh no where’s my key my key all right get out of here now ouch I have the key give me the key give it back quickly I’m not giving it to you I’ll use you guys and get out of here

Bye bye bye let’s go return with the first Green Planet from baldi’s teacher we go straight to the Hornady look let’s go who finally trying to get rid of him guys horny hello hi there listen I’m having a problem again what’s the problem what is this is hagat flying

Look the Horna was looking up I’ll eat them all on the scary T unun let’s get out of here I’m not afraid of him he’s not scary Don’t Be Afraid let’s beat him look they’ll bury shakar oh come on you won so easily I’m telling you I’m not

Afraid not P so wait what did you need my help with then yeah look how hard the trials are I need to be tested come on let’s walk together let’s go I’ll go with you Rea is rolling yeah just be careful okay it’s going to go that way

Let’s go this way are you waiting for me yes I’m waiting for you of course here I am I’m coming for you all right we’re coming up niely oh and here you have to be able to run in time but the lava doesn’t fall doesn’t fall off listen

This is an interesting challenge you’re having warning of course you know who came up with it who who could have come up with such terrible ordeals these are local miners they walk around here day and night I don’t work and work through the entirety of all the tests wow I’m

Shocked of course okay horny how am I supposed to walk the rest of the way look it’s closed Turka thank you so much we’ll dig our way out but we’ll get through it fair and square folks now we’ll go through it honestly yeah and honestly you can’t get it through here

Well I got it I got it I’m through all right we did it I’ve been around a long time the diamond is our reward this is your reward that’s it I’m out of here bye all right come on Good Luck horny oh cool guys we did it all right we’ll

Leave her with the pickaxe and move on let’s go back guys that’s how pain the planet turned out but we’re not going to delay and we’re going to Kane’s red planet let’s go okay mine I’m down guys look there’s cacti rolling around hey how do I get out of here kane hey hey

Dogs that’s great what is this place Place how do I get up from here am I in some kind of trap no want traps how do I get out oh zombie calm down first of all you woke me up I’m asleep sleeping off my circus act I’m sorry the stairs who

The ladder invented it’s definitely a ladder I’ll be right upstairs uh-huh and here a monster is not an option this is the way out you have to defeat the monster and you’ll get a ladder to pass this challenge thank you so much C from the bottom of my heart I thought I was

Going to be trapped here forever okay I’m going to try to deal with him now okay okay guys Cane’s really helped me out a lot what’s up come here you can’t handle me zombie I’m will destroy you what you think you can handle me what kind of washed car is a rainbow friend

Anyway here take piss we’ll deal with him now and he’s strong careful I’m down guys he’s coming down to me we got to get him down here in the arena it is an arena after all in which you can fight all these monsters come here oh all

Right we beat him and got three ladders that’s it we can put them here so what are you standing there looking at me for F that and you too stay right there all right and we’re going to put the ladder up and go upstairs let’s get a move on

Okay with the guys back we’re back from the red planet teing from the digital circus and now we’re going to the long awaited yellow planet to see SpongeBob fly at her wow guys rasy parkour everything’s on fire cameraman this guy’s the evil one we got to get him

Downstairs and over there are burning the fire yeah we better not fall in the lava guys let’s jump over carefully look how many monsters there are there’s a hell of a toilet in there that’s the way he wants me to come to him now let’s try

To jump to it carefully crossing over to you monster get the monsters all right so what’s the desant now you’re on all right we’ve got one more Monster to jump over here what the hell is that rainbow friends so neat oh nice zombie what did

You think did you pass the test well no of course you can’t well hell I’m a toilet of course I’ll deal with you in the easiest way possible now guys let’s beat him come on the main thing is that he doesn’t throw me down there look and

Everything is on fire okay yeah it’s getting a bathroom oh how can he not be easy to deal with come here all of you he’s been dealt with what is this room wait there’s good SpongeBob look hey SpongeBob I just saved you okay guys how

Do we get him out and there’s a key here reopen this door SpongeBob hey thank you so much for saving me I’m tired of sitting here you’re taking too long look at all the tough tests I’ve been through I tried very hard to save you listen I

Got a present for you take this key with you why would I want he’ll help you get back into a betini bot no I don’t live there did you move to another Village yeah well I live in zoro’s village now oh that’s good all right go ahead good

Luck I’ll see you around come on bye thanks for saving me yeah you’re welcome of course I’m always happy to help you out and we guys are going into that portal well for today we only have one last planet left with Sonic that’s what she looks like and we’re going to go and

Look at her now wow guys with each new challenge I get more and more amazed oh Sonic hi oh hey zombie I’m in big trouble I have a short I want to propose to my favorite beautiful girl named Sonica what are you about Sonic’s girlfriend for real there she is on

Sonic she must be saved and I’d like to suggest doing just that to no one well look I think we’ll fav her for sure and you’ll confess your love to her tonight did you buy a ring yet appreciate it wow that’s quite a ring Sonic bot cool hey I

Lost my pickaxe you don’t have a pickaxe to get to it ouch why do you keep losing everything yeah oh thank you so much come with me now we’re going to save your beloved Sonica oh okay we have to be careful the main thing is not to fall

But there’s lava there and I understand there’s no way to get out right of course it’s dangerous out there so you have to be careful yeah you can even dig up diamonds here by the way look how many there are well just be careful not

To fall for any of this all right this way what do we have here watch it on Sonic it’s a long way off she’s my love okay yeah be careful just go carefully Sonic hi I’ve come to save you now we’ll get to her and you can tell her you love

Her well yeah well I’ll be sure to confess oh you’ve already defeated all the Cyber heads well done yeah they have Myers standing here and let’s go over here Sonica hi yeah hey guys thanks for saving me yeah sonic here has a little word for you look Sonica it’s been a

Long time we’re boyfriend and girlfriend I’ve been dating you for 4 years I want you to marry me are you coming out oh wow I agree Sonic brambach you heard me you’re in awesome guys let’s congratulate them in the comments Suki Sonic’s girl will now be married wow

Okay I’ll probably leave you two alone you love each other and be happy okay thank you bye-bye come on we’re going to move on guys I’ve got a portal to get to Let’s dig up these diamonds and let’s go see what we’ve got oh no guys want a

Toilet oh who’s going to get to him that’s great there’s no way to get to me I’m going to destroy you here what wow guys he can headbutt push backward all sorts of scary guns okay let’s try to walk carefully through here but this place is flooded with lava look it’s the

Only one we can shoot at he’s hiding so I can’t get to him okay now the lava will come down and we’ll try to get through careful mining come on so how do you do it he keeps pushing me away from the guys look it’s not possible at all

You’re not getting in here zombie don’t even try it but I can do it I’ll pass your test Chim I will destroy you won’t pass these tests because she’s not John what kind of monster is that you guys see that who the hell are you I’m not

John I’m a scaped tank look at him guys he’s really ugly and scary all right we’ll be careful but the main thing is to get through here the lava has risen again let’s shoot him he doesn’t take damage like that at all just a little

Bit ouch does it it hurt it hurts so bad doesn’t it yeah it hurts a little look I’m thinking about the missile he shot at me oh wow oops got to be careful let’s hide behind the tree guys okay he can launch rockets that’s meat as long

As he doesn’t hit me here all right let’s try to get through lava’s gone we’re going up we’re going through can I threes go through no guys I’m going down Glory’s going up barely made it almost got burned in the lava I’m getting more and more scared every time what’s going

On anyway you stop shooting me what I will destroy you you got it I have an armored tank there’s no way you’re going to destroy me I’m going to get a machine gun and I’m going to start shooting at you with all my might no you’re not going to

Destroy me okay my job is just to get across this lava Ravine here and then we can fight him my sword will do a lot of damage to it and we’ll deat him in a couple blows let’s try to do that lava’s pulling away let’s run guys you’re

Taking the damage take that why are you so strong how do you guys beat him what you think I don’t beat you oh you’re a man again I can reincarnate I’m not an easy scab oh you’re super strong how can I beat you could be barkers guys what’s

That did you put another gim in I’ve had enough monsters for one day in two I don’t know all right let me take him down now we’re going to try to take the boys down maybe we’ll just roll up now that the fishing’s off let’s get out of

Here guys let’s go I’ll be there I’m here I heard big problems wow a tianic Bowman how great is it that you came to the rescue great what’s wrong it’s this one that’s hurting you yes please help me he must be defeated now I’m to destroy it with my cool guns that’s it

Oh Titan flatman come here thank you so much for always helping out Titan my an is really cool all right come on good luck to you oh guys he drilled soured and flew away that’s it he’s off to save the world and I’m going home back to

Back guys I think we’ve seen everyone today I hope you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a like subscribe to my channel that was zom back with you and see you guys again By [Applause]

This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT LADDER IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2023-12-10 13:13:30. It has garnered 5473 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:03 or 1503 seconds.


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    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱Video Information लोगों को बताऊं यार ये वीडियो एंड ही नहीं हो रही है मैं कर ही नहीं पा रहा यार ये भाई पागल भाई पागल पागल पागल ओके हम आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं हम पोर्टल में घुस तो गए थे मुझे लग रहा था हम दूसरी विलेज में आ जाएंगे लेकिन इस बार हम अलग ही एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में हम यहां पर आ चुके हैं और यहां पर मुझे कुछ तो गड़बड़ अब यहां पर लग रही है वेट व्हाट यहां पर गाइज एक घर… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night 💄🌙Video Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘Don’t mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

    Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!Video Information [Music] good morning Mikey how did you sleep what are you doing there good morning JJ I thought you’d sleep the whole day as usual I’m just looking at what we can do with our resources and what can we do let’s take a walk around the village hm what is it there there seems to be a seller selling something let’s go there soon and see what he sells mhm Hi man we saw your poster there what does it say here buy a plane hi guys I’m selling a plane that you can buy and fly… Read More

  • Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block – EP. 5 #Minecraft

    Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block - EP. 5 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] I [Music] so [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] you [Music] no [Music] a This video, titled ‘Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-03-04 12:35:18. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:51 or 351 seconds. Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Fabelized

    FabelizedWelcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights. Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect… Read More

  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

    Welcome to AetherEarth! Features: 1:1500 Scale Earth Map LifeSteal Fully Customized Shop Towny Make your own Vehicles (MoveCraft) Cross-play Welcoming Community Professional Staff Will you make peace or will you start the next world war? Join to make history! Join us on Discord Read More

  • AND Factions

    AND FactionsServer launches on July 10th, 4pm CET!OGFactions is a server dedicated to bringing back the nostalgic feel of classic faction servers. Where items are actually valuable, and players must grind to achieve them – there’s absolutely ZERO way to buy any kind of in-game advantage.The server is run by 2 seasoned MCPVP veterans who are committed to prioritizing gameplay and fun above all else.Discord: https://discord.gg/gCXuvCA4rh Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Which one have you tried tho? 🔥

    I’ve tried them all, and let me tell you, I still can’t figure out how to mine diamonds without accidentally falling in lava every time! Read More

  • Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review

    Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review Leap into the verse, where Minecraft sets disperse, Cherry Blossom Garden, a colorful burst. Sniffers and bees, in a world of blocks, Building terrain, with colorful rocks. The build quality, a bit on the flimsy side, Bees falling apart, a fragile ride. But play value shines, with sniffers and trees, A Minecraft world, full of possibilities. Build experience, colors bright and bold, Inspiration for terrain, stories untold. A set for children, to create and play, A display piece, in a colorful array. Playability, with sniffers and bees, Accessories galore, for hours of ease. A set for kids, to explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds!

    Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your building skills and create stunning structures in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building talents. Imagine taking the skills you learned from tutorials like “How To Build A Starter House In Minecraft” and applying them in a dynamic multiplayer environment. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, participate in building competitions, and explore a vast world filled with unique creations. Join us at Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What’s New?

    Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What's New? Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024: A Look at the Exclusive Features Minecraft PS3 Edition, launched in 2014, holds a special place in the hearts of many players. Despite no longer receiving updates, this edition continues to offer a unique gaming experience. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024 and explore its exclusive features. Exploring the Game Upon entering the game, players are greeted with the familiar interface of Minecraft PS3 Edition. The last update, version 1.13, sets the stage for a nostalgic journey through this beloved edition. Players can customize their experience by choosing from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mincraft Bom magic😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending’, was uploaded by NF Mincraft Tips on 2024-01-14 13:11:20. It has garnered 2466 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Mincraft Bom magik😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending Read More

  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

    Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft SeedsVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू अनदर वीडियो और आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आ चुका हूं रर सीट ट्राई करने एज यू नो आज की वीडियो का टाइटल तो पढ़ ही लिया होगा तुम लोगों ने तभी तो वीडियो लगाई होगी तुम लोगों ने तो आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर सॉरी वो थोड़ा एरर आ गया था और मैं बोल रहा था कि आज हम लोग टेस्ट करने वाले माफ्ट हरर सीड्स व माफ्ट के अंदर सो लेट स्टार्ट और इस वीडियो में एंड तक बने रहना और मैं तुम्ह एक ऐसा सीड भी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE VÍDEO É PRA VOCÊ :AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST🌳 🤔🤔😆 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! ny2.tect.host:1319 Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More

  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

    Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Nearly Evading Taxes Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, fosforus embarks on a quest to evade taxes in the virtual world. Armed with determination and a stack of potatoes, he sets out to make money and pay off his dues to the IRS. Starting Small Fosforus begins his journey by planting a humble potato farm and venturing into the mines to gather resources. Along the way, he encounters a traveling merchant, seizes an opportunity, and sets his sights on making a profit. Exploration and Discovery As the days pass, fosforus explores the vast world of Minecraft, raiding… Read More

  • Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21!

    Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21! The Best Minecraft Island Seeds You Need for 1.20/1.21! 🔥 (Java/Bedrock) Discover the Top 3 Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.20/1.21 In the vast world of Minecraft, finding the perfect island seed can make all the difference in your gameplay. The latest update has brought forth some of the most powerful and beautiful island seeds that will take your Minecraft experience to new heights. Unleash Your Power with Super Over Powered Seeds Are you ready to dominate the game like never before? These Super Over Powered island seeds for Minecraft 1.20 and 1.21 will give you the ultimate advantage, making… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More