Unbelievable Arcane Engineering in Minecraft Ep. 20

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Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of create Arcane engineering almost set above and beyond brought to you by our wonderful server hosting sponsor Apex hosting if you’re interested in playing on a Minecraft server with your friends maybe playing this mind pack or another or vanilla

Minecraft check them out use our codes in the description of the stream of YouTube video grab yourself 25% off your first month of server hosting and uh you can have yourself a great time this is um you know just just a disclaimer for everybody Peter is uh he’s living his best life

He has decided to take to the open road and he’s not here today nor probably the next episode but should be back the one after that so any who um how’s it going it’s going all right how are you um I am I’m I’m I’m good I I do have a slight

Fear that despite the fact that I’ve gone on the server like five times over the course of the last couple days to check that things are actually working right now now that we’re here now that it’s on I’m going to go in and it’s going to be broken but but I think that

I managed to get the thing figured out at a no it okay it’s going it is going it’s still working come on it’s yes oh I’m so happy because I wasn’t sure but it’s been now going for 2 days and that happened some I don’t know how that

Happened but but that’s that shouldn’t actually be interfering with things so uh anyway I I don’t I don’t know how that happened it tried to place one while one was already there so the the and so that’s on on my system I have uh I use just uh shafts in those in those

Spots to kind of uh keep that from happening but yeah other other than the fact that you have one that you produced but didn’t get to use um yeah we we still got a bottle that’s pending down there so it should be okay so I basically because there was a a

Potential issue wherein the bottles were getting kind of fricked um I I tried to surround the area with stuff to make it so that it was less likely that the bottles would go bye-bye um so that was a thing that I did so uh hey take that

There you go have fun um I don’t know should I also would it be worth putting a that’s a good one would it be worth putting just another Cobblestone block Above This slab I don’t know if that would be worth doing at all or anything like

That well that’s the other fun thing is you could actually um if you weren’t using L shaft right there um that I added if you removed that no please oh oh that’s just the shaft you put down okay okay you could actually place blocks across and hold it in and The

Deployer Works through that and that and and that would also help to um that that was my my solution well I I had I had a multi-prong solution but that was part of it so could I actually uh oh God thank goodness that didn’t go in um

Could I actually put a block instead of a slab here and it would just be fine yeah oh that’s the only reason I didn’t do it is cuz I thought it would interfere with the deployer but as soon as it gets fed the bottle it it just oh oh sick do you

Have a cobblestone cuz the freaking looks kind of bad I I’ve emptied my inventory because I was in uh invalid mode for a long while got it back up okay well anyway we’ll we’ll replace it there later but in any case okay let me show you the

Whole sequence and for those of you watching on YouTube there happened to be another episode that took place in between now and then that we won’t talk about where there just a lot of stressfulness how you’re you’re taking stuff by the way you’re you’re Ying lots

Of Y um why are you okay yeah yeah yeah it works it works okay so here is the dealio um what are you doing uh I accidentally placed a dirt oh okay got it got it got it so you bring you bring this shoot up one and then you put a

Pusher so that it just pushes in that way you don’t have the entity out there but anyway continue on yeah yeah yeah yeah what whatever it’s it’s fine so basic basically we had our whole it’s mostly the same setup however I’ve decided to start taking advantage a lot of the storage controllers from

Sophisticated drawers to try to um basically do similar things to what you did uh over at your create stop grabbing oh my God wait why is this in here what what what why is the why was there a floating four specs is the bigger question there I know why there was that

But it is still working just FYI but it’s fine I’m not like I didn’t click I just I’m I’m existing do you want me to exist further away or no I don’t know why that was happening also don’t know why there’s nine specs in here I’m going

To get rid of that and um okay anyway so here is the wait how did this are we having like a chunk loading thing or I wonder what the heck oh I just picked up uh oh yeah this thing is wait what why is this not oh it’s

Because we’re out of gold nuggets that’s what happened I’m out of gold oh you’re nuggies wait what why are we out of nuggies holy freak oh cuz we’re not voiding the quartz well you wanted to avoid that yeah we need to we need to put a void

Into there um that would that would be the problem I’m getting so sidetracked I was so happy to show you and then something I completely didn’t think about before has now interfered but literally like okay there we go we got a void upgrade I’m going to put a void upgrade

In there um and then we should be okay after that but yeah beyond that like God dang that’s the only thing I didn’t predict freaking up there we go okay now our gold Supply should uh resume I’m just going to clear some of this so that we don’t create like a backlog there

That we don’t want to have here potentially also with a void or or perhaps you know something that you could upgrade to just hold more but it doesn’t I uh it should really be that big of a deal it shouldn’t really be that big of a deal okay regardless regardless

Um okay so basically what has gone on here what I did in order to make the thing work is so our problem was that it was like when 50 things are created here we’re like how do we get it so we always get two of the Soul dust going into the

Pixies one of the Soul dust going into making a Mund bitter that that Cycles back into uh initiating this whole uh uh thing here right um somehow I ended up with the Surplus m b was probably because that kind of frecked up and backed up over there is my assumption um

But it was like how do we get it so that the that is guaranteed each time but then like every fourth or uh eighth cycle we can send off a um you know excess CU we get four excess specs to play with every single round how do we

Make it so that every fourth or eighth we send it off to the Mund bitter production for the Arcane gold so that we can make more of the darkstone and also the Arcane gold nuggets that are going to feed into the time in a bottle sequenced assembly so after much thinking about

Stuff did doing the math we had a surplus of oral Essence if we were doing 18 but 18 just breaks a even on this cycle every time which doesn’t really help too much in generating um what we need which is extra Arcane crystals which are going into the time in a

Bottle setup right so um what we need to do is we need to have at least one extra each time so we’re getting some extra going into the time in a bottle so I set it to 19 Arcane specs that get kicked off towards the sequenced assembly over

Here and so then it’s working the same as last time well no this is different from the last YouTube episode same as last stream wherein um it’s going to craft two of the uh two of the blocks and if one of the blocks kicks off over

Into the place where it would go into the time in a bottle it’s going to deconstruct and then eight of those are going to cycle right back into the mechanical press um and then one of them is going to go to the time of the bottle so basically always two blocks are going

To get fed right back into the deployers to craft another one of the uh the obelisks right cool okay so that handles that then um right now I also just FYI I have basically this over here this is just voiding the extra 19 um that we created

By changing the config to 69 uh so it’s just picking up Soul uh I am I’m messing up anyway so this this here is just taking us back to it set into a voiding drawer basically so this is just taking us back to as if it were 50 even though

The config is now at 69 that’s why I sent you a message I’m like if you change the config let me know so I can remove this um then we have the other 31 that come out of the 50 and I’m like okay well we need to guarantee that two

Soul dust gets sent to the Pixies every single time and that one Soul dust gets sent to Mund a bidder to cycle back into the oblisk okay how am I going to do that so what I ended up doing is I split off the 27 which is exactly the amount

Needed to make three Soul dust from the four excess and I just sent the four excess remotely via the sophisticated storage into what I created was a new secondary Mund bitter production separate from the one that’s being used for the Pixies and the the deployer over there Mund bitter

So the xs4 gets sent into this chest which is backed up cuz we ran out of gold but basically that just it creates away for every you know two and a quarter Cycles we get an excess Mund bitter that is produced that goes into Arcane gold which then half the time

Goes off into the uh the crafting for the bottom block the dark stone and the other half of the time goes and gets crafted into the Nugget which goes into the time in a bottle sequenced assembly so that satisfies the one and every eight that needs to happen in order to

Keep the dark stone crafting over here uh easily while also 50% get sent to Time in a Bottle meanwhile the 27 specs that we need in order for this thing to sustain itself go into another uh Masher thing a press wherein it it takes it waits until three are created because it

Needs to be a stack of three and then that three gets sent again via Wireless sophisticated storage into this chest where it gets broken off into two which go to the Pixies and one which goes into the Mund bitter for the deployer this guarantees that every single time we get

Exactly what we need to keep the cycle going while funneling off the excess then over here with the oral uh Essence that’s being made by the Pixies 19 still leaves just a little bit of an excess remainder every time so it is building an excess and now that’s why I have this

Big old fluid tank over here that is now filled unfortunately every single time in a bottle requires like a third of a bucket so it’s going to deplete extremely quickly once we start initiating this however I I changed the order so that it’s always pumping

Into this one before it is um pump or so yeah it’s always pumping into this one before it goes into the one for the time in a bottle so it shouldn’t ever uh run out uh on the sequence assembly where it needs to sustain versus over here where

It’s just going to whenever there is enough excess it will turn it into the oral bottle to go into the time in a bottle production so anyway it works nice that’s uh no small feet just big feet well done yeah I’m uh I’m happy about Soul issue you seem pretty good

Other than just the obnoxiousness of picking that up yeah yeah I um sorry and uh but yeah is uh I well now I just need more gold but um it’s working it’s freaking working it’s it’s very interesting with uh such a complex system the different approaches we bring

And and it’s it’s neat to see it all in action and how it’s working you’ve got gold up here that’s just sitting around oh this is our yeah because the time bottle is not I Haven initiated the production cuz I have to bring the source gems and the source fluid over to

Here um so that’s what I was planning on doing today is actually getting Time in a Bottle production going awesome good job man like thank you you’re welcome um did you uh what I know you were trying to get this to work via the actual like making it every three or

48 do the like kind of culating and doing it that way instead of just taking the is working yes it is really dang all right I mean I’m I’m happy to take a look over it you want to look you want to take a look at it sure I feel

Like it’s going to be way over my head but no well I mean they’re all way like what you just did is a little over my head because it’s complex systems and it’s hard to take you have to understand the whole system to kind of start understanding what each little piece is

Right M but mine worked in under a couple different assumptions that yours didn’t um you had enough resources to kind of just make it to where it’s like I just need to continue to Loop but not run out right um I started mine with the idea that I had nothing but enough to

Make one Obelisk so given one Obelisk everything would work and in order to do that it’s all sequenced and and part of it I’m wondering why I can’t fly because I’m used to it but um so basically again to be clear everybody this is separate in in YouTube this is separate this

Isn’t going to be us% self-isolated me testing none of this has been brought back into the actual World um and nor will it it was just me testing so I assumed uh that you had infinite which apparently Inc corly but infinite uh gold nuggies infinite uh dark stone the

Uh Soul beads and the souls you’ve got those and then everything else I needed to produce as necessary um and uh kind of go from that so the basic idea though is that and I think it might still be running it might have stopped it’s it’s very very tightly

Done so it I I I it would I would need to debug it for about 5 days in a row to figure out why oh it missed a munder there and do I not have it I do have it it just didn’t place it and once that happens then everything resolves which

Actually is a pretty decent spot so um it creates an obisk when the obisk goes through and it detects one sends it up it immediately stops this belt when it sees it ones go through because it’s not set to run parallel so then it uh that actually triggers this sequence over

Here telling it that I need two different um Arcane powders and basically what these are and this is a double up but what each of these and Gates that I have here are is they’re uh I I create turn the Arcane dust production into a sub routine and so any

Of these different steps can call and say I need an dust and then they need to wait until I verify that it gets made and so in order to do that I have to one put in the request two I need to know that this is the particular sub routine

That’s waiting for that request and three that uh the request comes through so when uh so it you know just using Redstone links it’ll activate and these and Gates will go and basically this is a fancy way to say give me exactly two and make sure they end up over in a

Certain spot so those two get over here that turns it into obviously you know this is your same process turns it into the dark Pixies and this is where you were saying um you know you were trying to make sure that one doesn’t get lost this is a similar setup right where the

Dark pixie gets drilled and and I have the glass to kind of hold it in place I also have three different belts so any one of the three will catch it and then I just use the tunnels to you know funnel it back into the one right um but

Uh so that gets washed it goes into the uh um Arial tank the Arial tank gets pumped up into the out this is where I do the spec rotation um I have it so that my Arial tank if it starts getting overly full will actually disable um sending the Arcane dust down and

Creating more uh Pixies until it lowers so I’m actually self self-regulating the amount of AAL uh and instead deciding to convert it to excess uh Arcane dust um the only issue is that once you once you start time in a bottle you want all the excess you can get basically sure yeah I

Mean and again that’s that’s very configurable or stoppable it’s but I just didn’t have something consuming it so this process drives me nut it takes forever the uh conversion Arcane Crystal and I I Chang this to having it set up the way you do with the sophisticated

Storage um just looping it back it’s still painful yeah oh yeah it takes absolutely ages but it works so then once uh once those start stamping then I use a mechanical arm to take each one and place it in its appropriate uh place and then I have an observer watching to

See if uh if they get placed once The Observers both go off then we come over to this logic sequence here and uh this kicks off a couple different processes The Observer then uh calls for an Arcane dust for the mundur it also tells it to place one dark stone polished and then

It waits a minute but after a a bit of delay it says check to see whether I need more dark stone so whenever I I have a comparator reading the chest that’s holding darkstone whenever that runs out out then after I’ve placed the last one it will these will you know

Initiate properly and it will actually trigger the process to say I need one Arcane I need one mundur and then send it down to create the Arcane gold and all that so um really it’s just it working in a very on demand method instead of it being just each side

Producing excess and and knowing see this is right now you can see the the lights that this one’s processing and it’s making the and then it moves on on to the next one and says okay yeah I got it and then that was the process to make

More dark zone so it just sent the Arcane gold etc etc so um yeah anyway pretty gnarly it’s uh I I it’s it’s all the same thing that you did just in a different way uh-huh yeah wow okay yeah I rather rather than it rather you’ve got it to where um you’re like

You have enough resources that you’re running just a factory production which is fine and and good and and all that like don’t don’t get me wrong like your your way is probably more efficient than mine mine is set up in a way that it’s like I have extremely limited resources

And I just need to to only peel off the excess and and send it along its way so given it it all starts with one Obelisk and then it should self-perpetuate um barring any specific bugs um to where it will just continue to create more and more of the specs and

More and more I I either set it to make more and more of the Ariel or more and more of the Dust whichever I prefer yeah that’s uh that’s pretty wild I I’m can’t pretend that I I fully understand every step of the way but um it is very

Impressive and uh I’m glad that I’m glad that it wasn’t necessary uh for me to do all this to figure out a working thing because then I never would have I mean you know like you just learn it as you go just took some time time now the

Obelisk drops and process starts over um I was threatening to build it a second time uh threatening chat to build it a second time because now that I’ve put it all together I can I I can think of a number of ways to do the Redstone in a

Lot cleaner fashion or at least a lot more comprehensible from an outside perspective of where it’s at um basically the biggest problem that I have with this build is that um some of the steps trigger the next steps rather than me having a uh an overall

Controller um so but I it’s it’s been really interesting and and they’re tired of me saying it but I’ve been showing chat how this is literally programming and Redstone is just a programming language but I’m I’m literally just creating a program and using a controller and and debugging pieces like

It is it’s just a program um with with sub routines and all that and uh showing kind of the analoges of how that all comes together but again none of this was uh none of this is legit we’re not using it it was just my proof of concept

For me to kind of see if I can make it work um I don’t think really my system should care whether it’s at 50 or 69 it’s just going to change how much extra because I’m literally just handing it the parts and pieces that it needs as it

Needs it so assuming that the system that it’s not you know it the math isn’t inherently running at a loss then I’m going to naturally be able to keep it sustained okay that said again there’s I I know of at least the occasional hedge

Case of you know this m ended up where I didn’t or or missed the pulse on sending it out to the next one and that’s where um having some excess of each of the things would be useful because at that point it’s like if I right now I’m

Waiting for did I produce a Mur and if I did then once I have that I need to then send exactly one down the system to create the Obelisk instead of it being I have a pile of mundur and when it’s ready send one down to the system to

Create an obelisk and in the meantime I’m going to create more and and kind of keep that in perpetuity but outside of a sequenced process so that’s yours is in a factor factorized sort of way where all the different subroutines are kind of just constantly running in parallel

And then you’re tying them together where mine is a very serialized um step-by-step process uhhuh that’s all yeah well um I think does this call for a reversion of the 69 to the 50 perhaps in celebration of a great success if I remember the command absolutely um I think it’s there’s a

Dock and then then we have to do slash reload or the reload yeah I need to I need to connect on okay so I’m going to break the uh slab that I have in front of the I’m going to encase the the pixie thing in

Glass and that is totally chill to do no problem yeah as long as I mean the deployers don’t care about the blocks other than where they’re trying to place it okay got it cool um the other thing that I would say though is uh if we’re pretending like that episode doesn’t

Exist then we probably ought to explain how I’m getting oil again oh yeah we should show your train and and stuff yeah I mean you know like we don’t have to but I your train and people people do like trains so I don’t think anyone I don’t think anyone’s going to complain about

More trains let me just oh no stop oh I didn’t want to do that I’ve just uh pooped out some Pixies whoops that sounds painful yeah they’re pretty spiky honestly ah the old the old pixie poop huh they are pretty spiky I’m not going to lie oh that doesn’t want to

Go that don’t want to go there oh god um do not waste no wastage allowed server scripts chapter three no okay well well okay cool yeah so you can show the super duper awesome um trage oh just uh and as we reload just let me know so that I can um

Uh Delete the funnel in sequence with that file is updated uh so it’s just whatever the cube JS reload command that again I don’t remember the command uh assuming that worked okay and there we go apparently it kills everything okay we’re back we’re back we’re back all right so now it should be

Oh that full booted me for the server did you not get booted oh I’m still here I am oh oh I’m okay so now let me just verify in fact that it does produce F I’m probably not going to be able to see it in time but fingers

Crossed we’re filling up here we’re completing the stuff and then I am okay so today yeah I got to connect I started to kind of mine a path from uh the Jon’s underground elevator area um to this to Route The Source gems but I’m gonna have to you want to borrow

Ber is that the train is that Bertha uh I have the I had the minecart drill train not the not the train train but the one that’s just a a mine cart uh Contraption 50 yes okay 50 it worked perfect perfect perfect um but no I think I think it’ll just probably be

Easier to do a uh just manually mine the tunnel and bring it over I wanted to be able to just use the sophisticated storage and wirelessly transfer but it seems like the um system only has a range of 15 blocks it is very sad 15 it should be 24 for sophisticated

Storage uh the um yeah the the no no no the drawer controller thing is that no no no no cuz we don’t have access to the drawer controller yet so right right right I’m using sophisticated storage right so yeah I uh I dealt with the um cuz originally that was 12 and I’ve

Actually edited the config to get it so this is Bera oh okay no I think I think I’m all good but yeah let’s go check out your oil production so basically the for again I I think that you’re the the YouTube people hadn’t seen it if they skip it

I’ve been creating a factory in a chunk kind of um and this is all designed to take things that we need to have running and kind of move it away from where it’s rendering in the client so that we can still have it running and uh it’s all it’s completely self-perpetuating with

The the trees up there um they they feed perfectly the boiler so all the stress and everything that I need that’s all just happily and running and then I’m going to start in here the chapter 3 chromatic creation down below so I’ve added a train uh underneath here I think you’re up top

Yeah yeah I’m just um are you seeing what I’m seeing or probably not probably not okay it’s uh it’s having a moment but um anyway pretty normal to me no it doesn’t on my end I saw I saw a clip of you having particles and I was like well

The fact that his video card is doing that is probably why he’s having frame problems but oh I just I turned off vsync actually at somebody’s recommendation and now I’m much better oh than nice yeah um so anyway I have a train coming this is this uh delivers from the and there it

Is this delivers the this is from the from the iron production that we have um it brings all the Flint over so I’m going to have I’m going to need Flint um looks like we have 262,000 that’s been delivered so far so that guy just doing

What he do bringing Flint um and that just runs over again to the other elevator the resource production level um and uh I just siphoned the Flint off of that but so what are you making with the Flint that’ll be the beginnings of the chromatic chapter 3 if you haven’t

Looked at chap okay got it got it but the other part of chapter 3 is that I need um what is it the refined fuel which needs oil and oil you can find in little splotches here and there but there are uh infinite sources that can

Spawn as per the 10,000 block yeah so I found one of them and uh then still don’t have a conductor where’s a we need a delightful cow over oh you do oh conductor don’t tell me there’s no conductor when there’s a conductor I I

Was want I I figured it was going to be a little animal but instead it’s well Blaze technically is an animal he wasn’t poking out though a cow would have been visible from off and now anyway um let me glue some seats on so we have extra seats and uh

Then that’ll make this better than last time I showed it so assemble this and hand him his uh little hat and he’s not supposed to leave until um he hits uh until this is empty but we’ll just take over oh is it draining at the

Moment no the the tank is full so it was about 6,000 blocks away it should warp us into it but let’s it’s kind of this is a little weird wait it worked last time what happened yeah you’re fine oh what the freak yeah it’s weird

It’s weird Okay um but at any rate it was about 6,000 blocks away for the infinite so I used uh I I actually created a train contraption that built its own tunnel and just drove from here you know basically I went there I created nether portal and then I just

Connected Nether Portals that we had here to that one so so it’s just kind of this uh long little system and uh then you got hit by something you’re getting hit by and it poison it poisoned me those bees are poisonous so we come in here warp through you’ll still be in the

Sea don’t worry it’s not confusing at all okay huh and uh so then it lands here and this is just a a pumping area um pulling from the Infinite Source which is underneath this pipe right here and as I discovered the the physics of that is is problematic to say the least

I stepped into it and fell down to my death weirdest it’s the weirdest thing dude oh god um so at any rate it’s it’s really it’s a fairly simplistic system but uh it was kind of neat how I used uh and was able to figure out how to use

The um the train to build its own track to to to kind of guide itself as it needed to be um where it needed to be so that was that was an interesting uh experience and made it a lot easier to go that far through the nether so is

This thing set to oh it’s filling pretty quickly so is it uh set to depart once it fully fuels yeah okay um and then you are going to have to build an absolutely like obscene oil capacity back home or are you basically just like you’re going

To have your oil capacity and then as soon as it depletes then you’ll send the train basically yeah literally the schedule here for this guy is come here fill up and then once you empty on the other side then do it again and but the

But the emptying part like it could be a while depending upon how yeah he could he could sit there for days you know um and that’s fine it doesn’t matter um so let’s see I’m in I’m stuck in the portal I’m stuck in the portal okay I got

It what the heck wait why isn’t he oh cuz you interrupted his routine so that’s why it’s not automatically going I got it so um so yeah other than needing to put the ceiling on there or a sensibly needing to put the ceiling on there now it’s just one big fluid tank

Thing um you know you could design it in a way that it looks more like how we know tanks and stuff like that but I I just have it being utility and yeah it covers the 6,000 blocks a lot quicker than if I were trying to do Overworld

And is fairly fairly protected because it built the uh um the everything’s for me and so that’s nice that’s the train Co dang that’s awesome all right and that is yeah that’s got to be that amount of oil I I feel like has to last

For a decent amount I I have a large tank right here so uh you know this fills up and then so once this uh as this gets consumed because that’s constantly uh the the train is constantly sending that will drain and then just as soon as there’s nothing

Left on the dra uh the tank I’ll still have this guy completely full but the uh but the train will go and and fetch more so so where um oh okay crude oil so the crude oil is what is it being used to manufacture uh the sulfur and refined fuel

Okay yeah sulfur dust and then it goes to Tar and and different and I mean I haven’t gone through all the steps yet but that that’s the that’s part of the process of where I need to get cuz I need to get to refined fuel ultimately um

And then I should be good to go sick so anyway that I uh I haven’t started on anything chapter 3 but that’s kind of the starting point of where I’m at right now uhhuh and that’s uh where we be sweet all caught up everybody’s all caught up yeah and uh so you’re

Going to work on um getting the source portions over to work to continue timing a bottle indeed and then I will get to be very very depressed how quickly my excess oral gets used up with like 10 time in a bottles and I’ll be like cool

So every I think it’s the excess oral Essence that I get out of each cycle is something like 200 Milli buckets so it takes two cycles for a single time in a bottle so yeah yeah yeah it’s I mean I don’t know I know time in the bottles

Are used for things I don’t know how many we have to produce or whether it’s it’s for the time it’s for the time machines which are um the time mechanisms and the time mechanisms use the radiant mechanisms and the time in a bottle in order to get uh two time so

Basically four time in a bottles get us one time machine and The Time Machine is used for uh I think applied energistics as well as way stones ah gotcha yeah well um we’re you’re making progress and and uh we we’re getting stuff done yes indeed we

Do so now it’s time for me to go and uh lay some pipe so the question is what should I just do a big belt or should I do a relay station of like 10 different storage controller things why on Earth would you add that complexity when you

Can just do a belt because it’s kind of it’s cool but I don’t know I guess I’ll just do a belt I I mean do what you want to do don’t tell me what I want to do I didn’t tell you what you want to do if you actually refer

Back don’t tell me what I don’t want to do I know it’ll you’ll be okay you’ll be okay this is the one that I need heat on right all right guys so um we are just like big popping off over here it’s like absolutely sick look okay this is yep

Now that we have the gold pumping back in look our Arcane gold numbers are going back up but slowly we don’t need it to be like super duper fast or anything like that we just need it to be chill keeping up with everything this is still going as long as we are making

Sure that this is still um yep as long as this is full Yep this is full which is good everything is good there we do have excess Pixies obviously and um yeah everything is popping off dude everything is good oh my God one chunk Factory is I cannot uh access our

Inventory without running back forth so it’s like I have to kind of like think through several things and hope that I grabed them all and it’s a it’s that’s the only drawback to this one day we will have um uh appli eristics and wireless and stuff like or ref

Whatever what what are theine storage crafting recipes let me see oh it’s apply jics only okay okay it’s fine you like it all right I am typing coordinates that I need to keep track of – 259 63 and 958 cool um we just need to run things to

Here now’s where now is where we break off into indiv single player single player episodes but we we talked about this last time but as you guys saw when we walked through the different machines trying to have two people create these sort of things would be absolute Insanity it’s it’s a little difficult

Yeah it it really it really just you know that these there’s certain portions are just one person figuring it out and we got to think it through and you know it’s not that we hate each other it’s just we don’t like it I mean it’s just

That we don’t like each other it’s just not hate Hate’s a strong word but don’t like is at least a little bit easier uhhuh uh-huh and he muted okay so guys what I did since last time is um this was just a little bit of prep work in advance so

I just relocated the casting table uh up one spot on this belt and then added in a tank so the casting table and the tank are both equidistant from where the source is being pumped in so half of it will go to the tank half of it will go

To the casting t table assuming that both of them have space for more obviously since the tank is full it’s all going to the casting table but um cuz we need to keep producing the uh Source gems obviously and we also need to keep producing The Source liquid cuz

Both of those are part of the time in a bottle sequence right we need to grind the source to make the source Crystal and we need to get the source on its own um so I basically just need to lay pipe so I started digging

This and um so what I can do here did I have my gear boxes I made a lot of gear boxes so yeah what I can do is I can make I’m just going to have to have basically a bunch of pumping stations on the way and

It’s the only downside is um I run right into Zen’s Factory so I can’t just like go up I’ve got to I’ve got to kind of snake my way through here and then also have to build a belt and and stuff like that but anyway uh you know we can kind

Of start things off here I suppose well actually we don’t want to add the final thing yet because then we’ll start just spraying source and wasting it which would not be good so all right um I also don’t know if two stacks is going to be enough it may not

Be enough um but anyway okay here we go going to do one of them is that going the right way that is going the right way I’m hoping I can get this all over there um you know in a reasonable amount of time but we’ll I think the the pipe is

Going to be easier just because like I can kind of do that any which way the belt on the other hand if I do elect to do a belt and not just you know relays of Applied energistics not or relays of sophisticated storage it’s going to be a

Little trickier probably um and bring this around so we are going to what is it – 259 which is this way and then 958 which is that way so I could probably use this thing here to create another man I might need a checkpoint on my pump in between potentially here but

We’ll see so I was thinking like if I go up there and then I add one of these it’s kind of nice being able to use some like existing infrastructure right um that’s the wrong way I don’t want to do that I want to

Do I want to how do I want to do this I want to I can just bring it back here put it down one and then do I do that ah there we go easier that way and then I can do another pump we’re probably going to need

Like three or four pumps here you know um there we go and boom so that keeps on the rooming we might need do we need a pump do you guys know like how big the range is on pumps cuz this will push a certain amount and that will pull a certain

Amount so it might actually be enough it’s 15 16 oh okay so 1 2 four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 oh okay so we’re good so it’s 30 you can be you can have 32 blocks in between pumps then cuz 16 or is it eight on each

Side it’s 16 on each each side um between pumps or is it okay it’s 32 blocks between pumps cool all right good good good good good good good so let’s bring it over to 958 and I’ll bring the shaft off of this belt and uh that’ll be that’ll be the

One it honestly might just be worth doing like so I don’t have to worry about doing a whole belt thing here it could be easier to just maybe do the do the sophisticated storage relays I don’t know but we’ll see am I just about to

End up in a cave oh God I really H um so let’s get a let’s get a cog in here and we can so um one 2 3 four five um and then that was five uh hold on put them on the same one one two three four five this is six 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 um I guess I can just do one at the corner yeah if I just do one at the right about the corner will be fine it’ll be a little bit premature but H all right and that’s 958 here that is going the right way oky dokie art to chokey cool so

Now we can see if we can just take this all the way under and um that it be good okay so that is basic so at 9 or sorry we’re moving in the X Direction now so let’s see that’s basically 299 so let’s say at

270 at 270 we’ll add another pump and we are going to 259 okay yeah you know just running some just running some pipe in the middle of freaking nowhere uh by the way everybody make sure to you know like the video and subscribe to stay tuned for more episodes of create arcade engineering

It’s a pretty cool time we’re doing we’re doing some big accomplishments like it worked you know it’s a pretty big deal that it end up working okay so where is our um where’s our pump going to be at it’s going to be right here actually no it’s going to

Be right there is where a pump is going to be I know dude this is like I’m like laying a sore line basically God I I wonder once I uh connect the final cable like how long is going to take for the pipe to reach where I want it to go

No don’t do that okay so right here we are going to do another one um boom wait nope going to do that and then we’re going to going to do day okay that’s going to go room skis and I can make more at least I wonder if I’m going to have enough

To go up okay I’m just wait oh I can fly here yes no bad bad Mr creeper don’t do that okay byebye um thank goodness I can fly that’s so sick this is actually it’s so helpful I’m still within range okay okay so 258 is right here so this is where we

Are going to go up so actually right here is where the gearbox is going to be okay I’m going to run out of pipe so how far was that it was 270 to 258 it’s about it’s about 12 blocks so far so once we hit like um 34

Up to an additional say 15 so at uh at 50 we’ll put another pump dude if I if I wasn’t able to fly this would be so different right now okay another pumping station at 50 easy peasy actually let me just dig this go freck yourself uh let me just

God dang it let just go dig this to where uh hopefully we are about to hey we made it we’re here here all right brilliant okay so actually what if we do one at 50 right then I wonder will it oh it’s not going to make it all the way it’s just

Not quite going to be there oh well boom I’m just going to have to make a few more but it’s okay Co um I can probably just attach yeah I’ll just attach a cog here and have the last pump going there um so I don’t have

To extend the thing out and it’ll be good all right I need to get a few more pipes it’s every time I get in here and I see that it is still operating it’s like a little sigh of relief because I’m like expecting that eventually one of

These times I’m going to come in here and it is going to be broken and I am going to be very very sad about the whole thing all right good I feel like it’s going to be dude it’s going to be so painful trying to bring this

Up part of me just wants to do a relay station of sophisticated storage cuz it would be kind of interesting would be what if I did that what if I just did a relay station it’s going to take like probably 10 or 20 of them that’s why I made the Storage controller and

The Oak and the sophisticated storage chests and the shoot and the funnel is there a way let me think that I could I could consolidate by using push and pulls but I was thinking shoots and andesite funnels would be easier as a way to do it you can relay your ID system

Really well yeah I’m going to make Zen sad by doing this and I might need to make more than just the 10 relay stations but you know what it’ll be an interesting way to do it and then we don’t have to do the B belt system

That’ll just be kind of annoying so yeah be great it shall be fantastic yes okay good all right so trying to use vaults I don’t like vaults are necessarily the way to do things here so um what we’re going to do is we’re going to do another

One of uh uh let’s see another shift like this and then we are going to do like this and then we are going to do like this and then we will h have the pump going right into there and then that should be the way okay fingers crossed that I uh calculated everything

Correctly and that this is actually going to be um uh pumps within enough range and now we can connect the final one $10 says it stopped somewhere I will not be having your negativity my god dude wait oh oh that’s I put that there I I did that I did do that

Oops you know we could actually get rid of the uh elevator now hey Zen I don’t mean to be the be of bad news but like we could delete the elevator cuz we can fly now I can’t fly huh oh over it well yeah but where the elevator is located we can

Fly oh yeah but instead you could just go another way no I don’t think I can the elevator does look cool but you’re right I could actually just dig a shaft parallel to the elevator and then do that way just take the roof off the or take a block

Out of the elevator I don’t know yeah that’s what I I was just thinking if you want if you want to delete the whole thing no no no my source made it it made it let’s go work on for a long time that you want to get rid of I understand

Don’t worry about it it’s fine no I wouldn’t I would never do that I would never do that you owe me $10 Mr Norton $10 I’ll take that bet um oh I extend this one back and then I have a pusher going down that’s there there ‘s the

Ticket okay let go that’s the that’s the how do um okay so I got Source from the from Jon’s little experimentation area over to the thing the final thing is I have to get the source gems and then we should have time in a bottle

Produ and then the world m and then the world will stop because we will have times in a bottle which will be pretty pretty crazy okay good good good good good all righty um Mr Birdman forever thank you for the double sub gift very much appreciated and we had oh my God Mr

Norton man of his word man of his nerd man of his nerd aluminous BL um 1,000 bits he has only gone and done and then twitch added another freaking like extra percentage on top of that so it turned out to be even more that’s like pretty pretty Omega massive oh my

Good man of his nerd oh god oh that was the most profitable source connection of all time holy frick okay so the question is do we produce the do we do the the grinding here or do we do the grinding there Anonymous gifter gifting five Subs

Oh my goodness it truly do be popping off here bro truly do be popping off what do you guys think do I grind first or do I grind over there what we thinking what we thinking what we thinking it doesn’t really matter like that much either either way but yeah

Like kind of gr on the way um H the only thing yeah okay here okay okie dokie ar oh well the only thing is actually you know what if we need Source gems then it is easier to grind on the way like when we’re there so that I can

Retrieve Source gems rather than them being immediate converted and then the chests fill up so yeah actually let’s keep it you know what we’ll grind there that way I can always retrieve Source gems when we need them um more easily so let’s do it over there let’s do it over

There yeah okay so what we’re going to do here what we’re going to do here is going to make Zen sad but it’s going to honestly be amazing and great there’s not going to be any problems so we’re going to do it’s going to be a little a little relay system

Wherein we just so I figured out I was having so much trouble figuring how these things work you have to basically highlight this one the one that you want to connect chest to and then the next chest that you put down will automatically connect to this you don’t

Like once you put a chest down you don’t like link it to the controller you have to basically have this highlighted and then put something within the 15 blocks and that is how they work if you happen to be having any issues with it yourself

In my case I’m an idiot because I need to put this one lower um but yeah that’s how the thing workies so we do that there we highlight you we’re going to have basically a chute it’s going to be a a a chest a funnel a chute and a controller at every

Station and then it should in theory uh work and stuff so we do that and then that’s the wrong way and then we do that and then it starts dumping them in okay oh you can just shoot from the bottom shoot I didn’t think about that

That’s so right why would I why would I do that any other way that was dumb that was dumb anyway okay cool um that is what I will do it’s much more economical that’s so econ it’s one of the most economical things I’ve ever not thought of and been told in my

Life so this say this saves so much okay good and then we go shoot ah shoot no ah shoot and then there okay so now we’re linking to that and now maybe I could just follow along uh our path issues I’m going to have to like dig another tunnel

But I you know it’s a pretty direct route so why not so we got to follow y-coordinates here so that’s 11 so the next one is going to have to be uh before 25 so maybe we just do it here this is going to be the world’s greatest

Relay race everybody it’s going to be is so silly so we do that and then um is this filling up with Source by the way wait I got to do another one now though um hold on let me just dig another thing here and then wait before I uh let me

Yep okay so that connects to there and now it is it do be filling up and now we have to do the next one below it and then we do a shoot balls there we go and now we activate this one as the next thing and then we

Just don’t do that don’t do that a bat don’t do that freak up his entire life yikes okay so right now we are at y equal 23 so next one’s got to be at y = okay so 233 4 up here hold on hold on hold on 23

So 34 so that’s 11 and then we are we’re here so it’s going to be 1 two 3 4 so I could do it like right here maybe so if I do it here will it connect I can open that it does it does connect look at this relay you can see

The relays this is so cool and then we put down the next one and we put down the next one and the next thing we do is we highlight you and now um so that is at 31 and then -308 -38 so you can probably do just a path alongside here

And if I were to put the chest let’s see if I were to uh put the thing down here and then do this and then chest on top of it and then it disconnect look at this oh this is so cool this is the coolest relay setup I’ve ever done I

Hope Zen isn’t upset but I I like it I think it’s cool okay so now that is at 940 so the next one we can do is almost at the end of the tunnel also I should maybe like do torches 940 955 so then we’ll do another over here hope it connects okay

You and you and you and you work is it out of range I think it’s out of range God dang it I exceeded the range didn’t I oh no I didn’t I didn’t we’re good it is working it is working and there it goes heck yeah okay perfect perfect perfect next

Up yeah all I had to do is look if it’s filling up duh that’s the key to success and now we are at 298 so if we bring it over to here and bring it to like here we’ll see if it connects or not got boom and

Boom and uh oh I might not did I highlight the uh I don’t think I highlighted the last one did I I don’t think I did new there we go and boom boom it’s filling up let’s go this is actually probably easier than

Belts I think I think this is I if I was doing belts I would have been like oh God where do I put the next thing how do I do the next thing I don’t know where to put the next thing oh God what a mess

This freaking me up so I think this is actually probably cooler um okay oh yeah yeah yeah got to get the new one um so we are at – 284 so we can do 2608 or so um try this I’m probably going to need to make more controllers but that’s okay

Boom boom and boom it’s filling balls it’s out of range wait is it out of yeah it’s out of range God dang it God dang it I went too far I went too far I flew too close to the Sun I think it’s got to be like here I got

Grey and there it goes okay um is at 270 so the next one can be at two like right here probably just have to open it up a little bit oop forgot to select I love this you can see the the path it’s so cool and

Then how are you going to work tell me you going to work yes it work and now it is go systems go okay clicky on new one did I make enough maybe I actually made enough it’s going to be close so this is at um it’s at

36 so the next one is going to have to be at 51 ish I I actually might have made an okay bye might have made enough might have made enough okay so 51 that’s where the chest has to go so I got to put that down by you know one or something like

That and then boom and boom what wait did I overshoot you’re you’re highlighted God dang it did I overshoot again God dang it you idiot it’s so finicky um let me see is it there probably and then boom okay that works that works and we’re filling good I

Think we’re no we’re at so we’re at 50 or 49 we’re at 49 so yeah no we’re we’re good I think we’re going to be okay um so in this case I’m we don’t actually need to have a uh we don’t actually have have to have another link we’re this is the final

Step so I’m going to have another chest here all right it’s going to be lined up with this one so I’m going to have a chest here and then see if it works yeah let’s go oh cool okay so now I’m going to do a funnel and a belt and we’re going to

Have a couple of crushing Wheels leading it into this which is going to be awesome and cool and super slick check it out boom boom and then we need a um that’s going to go in and then we just do crushy crushy right the crushing Wheels here need a couple vertical GE

Boxes and this actually wait before I do this do I have any I do have some drawers remaining let me get a drawer ready for time in of bottles there we go and there and here all right everybody if we did it right this will yield the first time in a bottle

And it will be awesome all right here we go so we got a vertical gearbox there and a vertical gearbox there and a boom and a boom and then last but not least here goes nothing come on let’s go let’s freaking get ready here it is Moment of Truth Moment of

Truth yes yes come on let’s go baby let’s go baby come on we got Time in a Bottle nice all right well I’m going to I mean we might as well take uh one for each of us so that we can use the time in the

Bottles as time in the bottles and now oh my God goodness now we see it’s probably going to produce like 20 or so before we’re out of the oral you’re out of everything yeah let’s go you’re doing it you’re getting it done we are doing it oh my goodness this has

Been what just actual freaking Insanity quite a process yeah oh my God but what’s important is you made it work and it’s it’s about the friends we made along the way you know definitely yeah yeah yeah yeah well here let me uh let me head over to you

And give you your very own time in a b actually let me get a third one so we can put it in the system and then Pete will have one when he is here um we do not I guess I could lock the drawer but we don’t need to um adding additional

Jars and stuff here not these Pixies are going to like the backlog is going to deete the only reason why we have the backlog is because the system stopped working at certain points we had overages when we change the config to 69 instead of 50 so once everything hits

Equilibrium with the 50 that’s being generated going through the it’s going to go through the backlog and adding jars will not make things faster over here um there’s only basically it seems like as long as the jars aren’t being lost four jars is kind of the most we

Want want to have here so I don’t actually want to put more than four jars um so oh yeah yeah collect the th bottle I’m so sorry I’m so sorry got to get one for Mr Peter the only thing you need is charcoal but you have a lot of extra stuff about okay and reassemble so um as it turns out time in the bottles uh do not stack and therefore drawers are not very helpful for this uh yeah I wouldn’t expect them to be oh

Dear what do you think what’s what’s the solution for this one would it be better that do we upgrade the drawer or do we do a like diamond uh sophisticated storage with uh like like stack upgrades in it um you could do we let’s see you could look into an Armory

Cabinet um that’s designed to hold non-stacking stuff in drawer form but you the the the thing about it is that you have to use something to interact with it like the integrated Dynamics uh it like it doesn’t you can’t add or remove things from it at it like

Directly it has to be through a secondary but um that’s kind of I think what that is intended for is things like that application huh now that I run my little shortcut train I it it really highlights how ridiculous it is but I I love it all the same um

H oh okay wait funnels you can just funnel into it people are saying you can funnel into it uh maybe but if you can funnel stacks and drawers don’t seem happy I mean you would only be able to hold one at a time right or yeah if if they don’t

Stack then you could funnel one in but it can’t take a second one because it wouldn’t stack right and isn’t that what the Armory I thought that’s what the Armory cabinet was for oh yeah yeah yeah okay okay sorry sorry I thought you were still talking like no people are saying

You can funnel into the Armory cabinet yeah the I think pretty much just any way anything that can interface with an inventory whether it’s funnels whether it’s whatever um um then those are fine it’s just it does not have a native like you can’t run up and punch it and get an

Item out of it or see how much is in it got it so I think what I can do though is just basically put the Armory cabinet as a buffer and then I still have the Armory cabinet exporting to a drawer and then I grab things out of the drawer and

Then the Armory cabinet will refill it okay yeah I mean there’d only be the one thing in the drawer but sure that that would still be holding what you needed to so well yeah like I’ll have the the time in the bottles in um in the drawer it holds 32

But the Armory cabinet will just be refilling it uh when we grab things out of it basically um as long as well we’ll see as long as I’m you know not misunderstanding how it works do we have any uh netherite by any chance netherite I found one ancient

Debris but that’s literally all I found oh oh yes we only oh I wonder if we can buy netherite uh in the shop where is the shop the trade market oh it does not look like they wanted us to be able to purchase nether rights they they have

Designed a in in ways to not allow going to be honest I’m not feeling terribly inclined right now at an hour and 16 minutes in to go uh Quest out netherite um so I but you know what I feel like that was an accomplishment um so I I am good is

There anything that you want to uh finish up before we wrap up um nope I just finished what can only be described as the most efficient use of resources ever um well what did you do I I oh this is your back this is I got tired of

Running back and forth so I just made this Dey little thing that like it’s the most pointless but you know what it gets me there a little bit f F yeah why not this is great did it lay its own track or you put it down no I had it lay its

Own track in level okay nice so um but I did uh I did actually I mean it wasn’t much but I got the base Refinery Tower built and so I should be full on uh refined oil and so now I just need to Pema crafting oh God I I just I just

Started doing this in a different world for another thing so I’m like oh I I recognize you yeah so uh start refiner Refinery and everything and then I was like T I was like oh I need to run back class oh I need to run back and get this

Finally I was like you know what I’m making a stupid train the SS wasteful and so I did it’s a good idea and then eventually we will get applied energistics and and pain will be minimized yeah uh and it will be awesome upgrades

You uh ready to for me to oh yeah yeah I just wanted in the meantime before I get the Armory I just if we have the ability to make drawer upgrades I just feel like I might as well make a couple you know sure um we do want to thank our sponsor

For this series Apex hosting providing the server we’ve been playing on guys please uh if you would like to play with your friends we uh would love it if you would check in our description we have a link there that will take you it’ll save

You 25% off on your first month and uh you’ll go to help support our sponsor our sponsor helps support us so you’re helping to support us us and everybody is all happy and in Good Times uh we do create these live uses happens twitch.tv/ Captain Sparkles and

Twitch.tv/ um there’s a lot of stuff that can happen uh that doesn’t always make it into the episodes so if you want to see all that extra juicy content then that’s the place to go and uh if you have enjoyed this video please consider hitting the like button subscribing if

You haven’t turning on notifications those fun things and uh leave a comment letting us know uh just how the the different ways that we should have done things better than how we did no not on this not on this I refuse I refuse this is actually working and I’m I’m no no

All right fair enough um anything for you no I’m I’m this is the most satisfied I’ve finished an episode in a very long time it’s always good to be to finish satisfied so all right bye guys farewell

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Create Arcane Engineering Ep. 20’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2023-12-21 01:00:22. It has garnered 9636 views and 539 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:43 or 4783 seconds.

In Create Arcane Engineering, we must build a factory to “master the arcane”. That’s the description it is very cryptic. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Series Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZzrPi-5Kf0j9e6qskwQ8X9-

X33N: https://www.twitch.tv/x33n Pete: https://www.twitch.tv/petezahhutt

My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● Merch: https://represent.com/store/captainsparklez

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience! Are you a fan of Minecraft and JavaScript? Do you enjoy exploring new features and pushing the boundaries of creativity? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a thriving community of like-minded players, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that combines the best of both worlds. Imagine a server where you can unleash your creativity, build stunning structures, and engage in epic battles with other players. Minewind provides a platform for you to showcase your skills, collaborate with others, and immerse yourself in a world of endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or… Read More

  • EPIC OneBlock Quest! Minecraft Stream

    EPIC OneBlock Quest! Minecraft Stream Minecraft OneBlock Stream 4: Exploring New Adventures Introduction In the latest Minecraft OneBlock Stream 4, viewers were taken on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft. Led by the talented streamer, the audience witnessed exciting gameplay and new challenges. Discovering the OneBlock World The stream began with the exploration of the unique OneBlock world, where every block holds a new adventure. As the streamer navigated through the world, they encountered various obstacles and surprises, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. Unveiling Hidden Quests Amidst the exploration, the streamer stumbled upon hidden quests that added an… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: This Game is Like a Creative Plunge!

    Minecraft Madness: This Game is Like a Creative Plunge! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you the news in a rhythmic stream. From updates to features, I’ve got it all, In rhymes that will make you stand up tall. With swords and pickaxes, the tools of the trade, In this pixelated world, where adventures are made. So subscribe and like, if you’re a fan, For more Minecraft news, stick to the plan. I’ll keep you informed, with a playful twist, In rhymes that you won’t want to miss. So stay tuned for more, as we dive deep, Into the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Get HYPED for Insane Minecraft Madness!

    Get HYPED for Insane Minecraft Madness!Video Information good morning everybody welcome back to another live stream oh my gosh it’s another Friday goodness gracious hey welcome clone riggy I hope you’re having a fantastic day yes it’s it’s another stream once again uh yeah I’m not in YouTube voice chat yet so uh apologies for um uh taking a little bit yeah see I decided to procrastinate today and like you know at least I was able to I was able to start the stream at like 8:02 very specific time I think 802 works the best in my schedule so that’s that’s cool okay… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Bees Under Attack in Modded Minecraft

    Unleashing Chaos: Bees Under Attack in Modded MinecraftVideo Information ladies and gents hello and welcome back to chat my name of course is potato joined by rap city of rapity plays reto of retoration and Alexa of Alexa Alexa Alexa Alexa of Alexa 64 I think you’ll find Alexa oh that’s yeah there you go well I was about to say Alexa stream cuz that was that’s that’s your stream place isn’t it but I didn’t want to like you know okay all right Alexa of Alexa stream anyway welcome back to chat everyone uh what are we doing what are we doing today guys what what’s… Read More

  • Unbelievable: My Opponent Fortified His Bed?!? 😱

    Unbelievable: My Opponent Fortified His Bed?!? 😱Video Information [Music] he he This video, titled ‘MY OPPONENT FORTIFIED HIS BED???!!!??!#hypixel’, was uploaded by Cypher on 2024-01-18 14:55:24. It has garnered 1286 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. In this video Cypher plays Minecraft 1.20 and not 1.19 but a challenge. In this video I play a game of fireball fight at minemen club. This is an absolutely insane game. This game was super fun and super intense. Also subscribe and comment on my videos to get featured in one. My opponent literally fortified his bed. Well, this might seem… Read More

  • “Minecraft’s New Friendly Creeper: Shocking Gameplay!” #trending #shizo #minecraft

    "Minecraft's New Friendly Creeper: Shocking Gameplay!" #trending #shizo #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper is now friendly Mob||#minecraft #gaming #trending #trendingshorts #music #games’, was uploaded by Rudraksh Is Here on 2024-05-01 17:15:43. It has garnered 408 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #games #videogames #rockstargames #portraitgames #boardgames #hungergames #crossfitgames #thehungergames #gamestagram #epicgames #playinggames #danandphilgames #asiangames2018 #tabletopgames #retrogames #gamesworkshop #riotgames #footballgames #freefiregames #mobilegames #pingamestrong #gamestop #pcgames #cardgames #ps4games #xgames #sacredgames #olympicgames #selfiegamestrong #instagames #wargames #nogames #asiangames #indiegames #arcadegames #browgamestrong #eagames #funandgames #androidgames #gamescom Read More

  • Eracraft SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist

    Eracraft SMP Eracraft SMP Eracraft is a themed SMP where players can write their stories through time! Join us in our semi-vanilla server with weekly events. Our current era is medieval! Discord Link: Join our Discord server Concept: Seasons are 8 months long, divided into 7 eras with sub-eras. The map expands with each era as players explore. Everything is in one survival world. Timeline: Prehistoric Era (5 days): Stone Age to development of writing systems. Ancient Era (14 days): Rise and fall of ancient civilizations. Medieval Era (4 weeks): Feudalism, rise of Christianity, Crusades. Early Modern Era (5 weeks):… Read More

  • BACONNSMP » (1.20.4) sᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ sᴇʀᴠᴇʀᴇᴄᴏɴᴏᴍʏ✦ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇᴄʜᴀᴛ✦ ǫᴜᴇsᴛs✦ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀғᴀʀᴍɪɴɢ

    BACONNSMP » (1.20.4) sᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ sᴇʀᴠᴇʀᴇᴄᴏɴᴏᴍʏ✦ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇᴄʜᴀᴛ✦ ǫᴜᴇsᴛs✦ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀғᴀʀᴍɪɴɢ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Oh fvck, creepers!

    Wow, this meme must have skipped all the way to the top of the class! Read More

  • NICO and CASH’s spicy Minecraft portal! 🔥 #meme

    NICO and CASH's spicy Minecraft portal! 🔥 #meme Who knew that all this time, NICO and CASH were secretly mining diamonds in Minecraft instead of working on their music careers? #minecraftsecrets #miningforhits Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft survival worlds and looking for a new adventure? Well, look no further because we have just the server for you – Minewind Minecraft Server! After watching the exciting YouTube video where Yt Abdullah joins JangoTechOfficial’s Minecraft survival world, you must be itching to dive into your own thrilling gameplay experience. And what better place to do that than on Minewind Minecraft Server? With a vibrant community, endless possibilities for exploration, and exciting PvP action, Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and conquer new challenges. So… Read More

  • Debunking Spooky Minecraft Myths

    Debunking Spooky Minecraft Myths Exploring the Spooky Side of Minecraft: Debunking Scary Myths When it comes to Minecraft, players often find themselves immersed in a world filled with wonder and adventure. However, lurking beneath the surface are some chilling myths and legends that have captured the imagination of many. Let’s dive into the realm of scary Minecraft myths and separate fact from fiction. Unraveling the Mystery of Entity 303 One of the most infamous myths in the Minecraft community is the tale of Entity 303, a mysterious figure said to haunt players in the game. Despite numerous claims and sightings, there is no… Read More


    BlueSmen - UNBELIEVABLE 5 PILLAGER SPAWNS 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘5 PILLAGERI NOI IN MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by BlueSmen on 2024-04-23 15:15:00. It has garnered 17371 views and 1176 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. 5 PILLAGERI NOI IN MINECRAFT #Minecraft #MinecrafTOP #shorts Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Secrets Revealed!

    Ultimate Minecraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 31🔥 😊🙂!! |’, was uploaded by Deadly gamerz💫 on 2024-03-17 12:13:27. It has garnered 3261 views and 105 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature=share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #newyear2023 #2023… Read More

  • Sahab goes crazy in EPIC Minecraft Bedwars solo

    Sahab goes crazy in EPIC Minecraft Bedwars soloVideo Information तो हे गाइ व्हाट्स अप वेलकम बैक टू माय चैनल तो गाइस आज हम दोबारा से खेलने वाले हैं माफ भाई साहब आज ऐसा तुम लोग को देख के लगा होगा इसको देख के कि आज वॉर वगैरह करने जा रहे हैं या नहीं तो भाई ये जब होता है तब वॉर ही होती है ये जब भी साथ में होता है आज आपस में हम वॉर नहीं करने जा रहे बट आज हम बैड वॉर करने वाले हैं आ तो वॉर र ना उसके नाम प भाई आज हम वॉर करने वाले हैं व वॉर नहीं सॉरी… Read More

  • TenkoBerry’s Epic Underground Escape – Minecraft Server Shenanigans

    TenkoBerry's Epic Underground Escape - Minecraft Server ShenanigansVideo Information wait one time me recording should be recording now oh someone else is on so hello and welcome back to Minecraft AVS this is a server called AVS and it is by Minecraft make hello [Music] hello and let me see uh it’s a server about classes and all that and if you’re interested there’s a link down to it in the description have to main from the surface I was just talking to the person uh what’s it called sorry I had to stretch over there I was just talking to the person last episode uh who… Read More

  • Unlock Insane SKYBLOCK Secrets NOW! #1

    Unlock Insane SKYBLOCK Secrets NOW! #1Video Information dan nice Guys kita pada live kali ini kita bakal co gak Ra iahis masih ada deh masih ada masih ada [Musik] lagi aku tak aja L Aku mau mampir Bentang bentar mau Halo halous alamaikum Waalikumsalam halo halo [Musik] sih ak mau bikin apa adaestak dulu satanya bikin sekarang aku bisa auts [Musik] salah thil Bang gak itu kalau habis [Musik] ngang asa nih mod Emang bisa gini lagi aku ada air Habis ngah kan habis terusk reward re selama 30 [Musik] menit ah gu coba itu yang katanya Rahul ini aku udah aoh gak pakai lama… Read More

  • Giant Size in Minecraft 😱🤯 #shorts

    Giant Size in Minecraft 😱🤯 #shortsVideo Information माफ्ट बट मैंने आज पी लिया है भर-भर के कॉम्प्लान और देखो मैं कितना बड़ा हो चुका हूं आज का हमारा सिर्फ एक ही गोल होने वाला है गोलम को ये चीटी ये पिग मेरे पैर के नीचे ना आ जाए अब कहां जाए अबे पीछे ड खेलना है मेरे को लगता है खाली देखने में बड़ा हुआ हूं शक्ति उतनी ही है इतनी देर से ढूंढ रहा हूं वो गोलम कहीं मिल ही नहीं रहा है ओ भाई इस लॉक को देखो कितनी बड़ी है अबे इतना लैग क्यों हो रहा है एक बार इस अंडे को… Read More

  • Unleashing Ultimate Powers – Anime Protagonist in Minecraft SMP

    Unleashing Ultimate Powers - Anime Protagonist in Minecraft SMPVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] again crazy when if in the right dire but I do believe things come [Music] toci made When Things Fall Apart standing you left fire in my heart the other [Music] the to get off get it journey is about the CH about daning is another world no matter how far no matter how far you how you go how you [Music] go [Music] is [Music] hello wait I need to do something what the [ __ ] is this [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] this… Read More

  • 🔥Get Ready for Pal World Mobile Date! 📱#Anubis #Jet #Gaming

    🔥Get Ready for Pal World Mobile Date! 📱#Anubis #Jet #GamingVideo Information ड मोबाइल रिलीज इन एंड्राइड ओ माय गॉड अभी मजा आएगा ना व तो हेलो दोस्तों कैसे हो आप लोग This video, titled ‘pal world mobile date -COMING SOON #palworld #gaming #anubis #jet #youtube #sortfeed #coming soon’, was uploaded by Prominecraftyt on 2024-04-12 06:04:37. It has garnered 298 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. pal world mobile date -COMING SOON #palworld #gaming #anubis #jet #youtube #sortfeed #coming soon pal world minecraft ff bgmi cob mobile pal world mobile me kaise khele pal world,world,pal world tips,pal world game,pal world part 1,open… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: Explosive Mob Farms & Hardcore Changes!

    Minecraft 1.21 Update: Explosive Mob Farms & Hardcore Changes!Video Information moang just released another huge update for Minecraft 1.21 on Bedrock Edition hardcore mode is officially here now and working properly and after years of waiting we have 100% TNT drop rate so this allows for a ton of new technology like blasting Chambers and all kinds of fun stuff oh and they broke basically every mob farm on Bedrock Edition so let’s hop into it so this is beta 12020 meaning that Mojang is officially working on the 121 update even though they’ve already said that we’ve gotten every single feature for 1.21 already basically this just… Read More

  • Raw Charms Vanilla Public SMP 1.20.4 Active Community No Limits 30 Slots

    Server Information Server IP: mc.twotimesacharm.com:25566 About Us TTAC is a vanilla server with a friendly community and creative builders. Join us for a rewarding co-op experience and help us grow! Server Features Friendly Staff 24/7 Support No Lag Dedicated Server Discord Rules Permanent Ban: No Hacking No Cheating No Exploiting No Racism No Lag Machines No Threats No X-Ray No Bullying Allowed: PVP Teaming Unlimited Farming Griefing Mob Farming Redstone Machines Building New Chunk Loading Stealing Raiding Read More

  • A Minecraft Server.Now with (PvP), (Minigames), and much more!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.witherland.top:5454 (GL HF) Read More

  • Mine jump

    Mine jumpBhopping brought to Minecraft.!!YOU NEED A MOD TO JOIN THIS SERVER!!This server uses a custom written mod that you can find on Modrinth (modrinth.com/mod/minehop) and Curseforge (curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minehop). It overrides vanilla movement and replaces it with a recreation of source engine bhopping and strafing. You simply join, do /map and then start bhopping!We include an instagib arena gamemode where you can bhop around and fight in an arena with a 1 shot to eliminate instagib coil.We also include the popular source gamemode HNS where a player is chosen as the seeker at the start of each round and all the players… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is NETHER dimension a f**king mod? ☹️

    Well, at least they have a sense of humor about their disappointments in Minecraft! Let’s hope their next dimension adventure goes better. Read More

  • Feather Frenzy: Minecraft’s Chicken Burner Bonanza!

    Feather Frenzy: Minecraft's Chicken Burner Bonanza! In Minecraft, a terrible chicken incinerator I made, Infinite chickens and feathers, a fiery cascade. With hoppers and minecarts, the system’s design, To automate the process, chicken farm divine. The dispenser, the stone, the lava, all in place, To cook the chickens, a fiery embrace. With eggs and chickens, the farm will grow, More meat and feathers, a bountiful show. So join me in Minecraft, the adventure’s begun, Crafting and building, under the sun. Like and subscribe, for more fun in store, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll explore more and more. Read More

  • Minecart Madness: Subway Surfers Edition!

    Minecart Madness: Subway Surfers Edition! “Subway surfers in Minecraft: because running away from creepers just wasn’t thrilling enough!” 😂🚇🎮 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Unique Gaming Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft videos like the one you just watched? Well, we have an exciting server recommendation for you – Minewind! Join players from all over the world on this unique Minecraft server experience. Explore new challenges, build amazing creations, and interact with a diverse community of players. If you’re looking for a server that offers a fresh and exciting gameplay experience, then Minewind is the place to be. With a focus on creativity, collaboration, and fun, this server is perfect for players of all skill levels. So why wait? Join Minewind today… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.18 Seeds – Like Minecraft RTX!

    Insane Minecraft 1.18 Seeds - Like Minecraft RTX! Minecraft 1.18 Seeds: A Stunning Visual Experience Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but with the latest 1.18 Seeds, the experience has been taken to a whole new level. It’s like if Minecraft RTX, Minecraft Realistic, and Minecraft 4k had a baby, resulting in a visually stunning landscape that will leave players in awe. Unleashing the Beauty of Minecraft 1.18 Seeds These new seeds offer a breathtaking visual experience that showcases the beauty of Minecraft in ways never seen before. From lush forests to towering mountains, each seed presents a unique and captivating environment for players… Read More

  • DoLongTV: Choose Your Path – WARRIOR VS MAGE!

    DoLongTV: Choose Your Path - WARRIOR VS MAGE!Video Information Chào mừng các bạn đã quay trở lại với độ l TV trong phần chơi Fantasy BD Evil RPG thôi và các bạn Thấy gì không Thấy gì không đó giật giật giật giật luôn biết dụ gì không Không phải lỗi đâu có cái con boss ở dưới nè đang đứng đây con boss nó chơi nó giật giật mình đâu rồi đó nó đó goin hay gì kìa training Ê nó hất tung nữa căn chưa chuẩn bị nha h Em ơi g lin hay gì Ê đâu vậy rồi nó h tung kìa em đi… Read More

  • Phase Wars II: Shiina’s Minecraft POV

    Phase Wars II: Shiina's Minecraft POVVideo Information [Music] hello butter cookies the final day is upon us as we walk to my execution uh today I have I have something to tell you guys [Music] so this is going to this is going to get thrown up on the screen when it gets too much cuz I’m on my last legs I’m going to be very honest I’m on my final legs chat uh so if this goes up and I stop talking you are welcome to watch another girl it will not it will not be counted towards your uh you know you will… Read More