Unbelievable Artifacts Found LIVE in Fourin #3 Server!

Video Information

Hai [Musik] lebih Indonesia di [Musik] hai hai [Musik] hai hai Hai ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah [Musik] ah ah [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] [Musik] halo ah Ih tes tes nah telepon aku ngomong dari tadi ngomong dari tadi

Halo Nat seketika menikmati ngomong dari tadi Halo Mel Amel nggak papa mevalonat Lauren ararat cleavage lagi nggak kuliah Sabtu libur ajak ngomong dari tadi aku bilang Aku bilang keren udah hijau Apple Anjay mengulang masih ketika Tadi aku mau gw sempet pengen duwe cuma Nah nanti ajalah siap siangan paling BW Bang Halo guys

Aku mau cari chest ada Elda Darti faktual rapi fakta enggak begitu nggak begitu enak sih mau nyari lagi ke bank besok kesiangan jangan kita BW loh deweke kiri gaming untuk menempatkan Apple menawarkan berapa ya kalau menamatkan kan kan sebulannya Rp5.000 kan beach terakhir kan 2 tahun deh berarti 2 tahun tuh

24bet 5000 kali 24 berapa ayat berapa kayak 5000 kali 24 beralis [Musik] mendapatkan apel jam berapa Aku nggak tanya jawab paling Habis dhuhur paling bagus banget karena kalau susu nasional banget gue inget Andhika oke oke oke oke [Musik] 220.000 weschool besar 20 ribu doang tapi nunggunya siang lama udah malem main

Lagi ngapain Bang ini lagi jalan-jalan tetap mau mencari aku pokoknya itu kalian beruntung itu kayak kebanyakan org tunggu lebih nunggu kepastian lebih murah tapi [Musik] bisanya kayak sebulan dua bulan membulat setahun dua tahun gitu memang nggak bisa semoga 23 bulan Jadi enggak bisa emang dari situnya sih yang tak bisa in mau

Mencari coffee table mana ya aku mau bikin roti dulu Oh bikin roti tapi enggak HP ya makanya itu aja kamu udah dua bulan tiga bulan untuk Hai [Musik] 15000 Ayo whd rumah nih pasti book Bang maaf katanya bentar Romero blokir arah gak apa-apa main main main enggak papa rarasantang

Otila gini Iya deficiency and breaking lumayan lain powder Emerald explorer explorer horbo oleh tuh Oke [Musik] ada yang main di situ ada aku fnatic Rofiqi Loco [Musik] masih pagi juga sih [Musik] I am able Ntar aja deh pusing aku nggak ada aku nggak bohong lagi bukan Gelap banget pegang ini lele

Ini aku nggak tahu di jalan buat tanah ngapain [Musik] Ini lagi yang dibilang bisa dapet ini lagi bocah-bocah lawannya gimana ini gua ini iya nomornya gimana pada dulu kaget kaki tahu tuh nggak bisa lewat gimana kocak nekat coba tahan Karmel Tandain dulu tanda-tanda dulu nekat boleh Cepetan deh dulu David warna merah deh

Bos robot kartun malam [Musik] hari ini deket ini ya Bos ya ya bisa-bisa dibantuin kocak [Musik] Hai [Musik] jadi bisa dibantu Line robuska aku ngeri hilang sumpah sedang memikirkan cairan [Musik] kalau aku punya aku punya ide tunggu-tunggu aku aku punya ide aku punya ide tenang tenang tenang tenang

Tenang aku punya ide kamu punya itu ini aktor enggak hathor Nah bisa kedetek aduh Hai Mbak gini nih di sini nih santai-santai hanaya Beni hehehe bisa Tetep nama Bos Edi serep Anjay teknik bad Wardah blog serangan lawan ini Aduh ada [Musik] [Musik] bloknya gimana [Musik] ini di atas ini bisa Tetep

Nungguin elu Hai ini Bang satu mode creative gua ambil panas jangan pedes lawan saya ini melawan Asmat Iya makanya aku lawan maupun lawan sabar tapi ya sabar adik-adik sabar aku juga nggak tahu kalau ada bosen aku kira di-share tempat-tempat loh loh rollback nah [Musik] [Musik] adik-adik sampai [Musik]

Warga bisa guys Sanjay dia ngadep bawa juga Hai yang ada bawah juga tidak tahu tinggal segitu langsung [Musik] erpan1140 [Musik] satu lagi satu lagi ya kesini kali ya Coba oh ditutupi tinggal dua Oh itu mah cepet banget belakang bisa pakai bentar-bentar legenda oleh keluarga dulu daerah udaraku segitu guys karya Sabar

Ya Dik Dik tunggu rezeki bener-bener Mel dulu tunggu dulu aduh [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] itu diserang lebar kalau lu kelihatan mending pakai blog terus nutup rumah maksudnya Hai tadi mana tuh lilin aku lilin fuzato launching The Regent dulu reken dulu besar Astaghfirullahaladzim ada aja sumpah Skeleton [Musik] siap yang lihat muka dia paket bolya

Tiap-tiap menyatakan dia saya boleh nah putus [Musik] Ting mikir-mikir Dek Yoi hahaha [Tepuk tangan] Anjay [Musik] 8 makan nah makan ular alel-alel ada jago banget ya [Musik] habis nyentuh [Musik] gitulah ya Nesya kamu juga [Musik] begitu tadi Oggy nih aku aku kira tutupin blog sekeliling aku kalau berpindah sekeliling Aku ditembak duluan sebelum

[Musik] blog123 wuh langsung banyak [Musik] Syafril 10 kan gimana Terus persen akdemik oh my god oh my god Hai ini benerinnya gimana ini mineral 4 80% attack speed itu paha jamin 80% attack speed Wahid mati w500 persen tubuh tapi cara benerinnya gimana ini ya anjing namanya English Words ncn ncn soccer sport

Masih ingat aku dong masih longshift Nicholas Only once cara benerinnya gimana ya udah cepet bisa dibenerin kasih dia bisa kasih udah nemenin dia kalau misalnya [Musik] by benar Halo aku sekarang bukan besok nggak ada uangnya nggak papa deh kalau sampai ada ular nih bisa tapi kehilangan kita coba dulu ya

Kita coba dulu ya sebelum kita berikan bisa dilihat dulu kita coba lu berarti bikin Besok mah gampang ya kita tidur deh banyak betul dulu di gurun pasir banyak betul sumpah nyata tidur-tidur lu Anjay di Maros Persero Tbk berarti kalau misalnya atek wordsworth itu berapa ya [Musik] kau subsonic sekarang enggak dulu [Musik]

Ya para kucing aku sudah punya kucing kalau nggak bisa bedanya menimpa kek mending pake lawan bosnya itu mimpi melihat ROM ending Ya udah sih kalo nggak sembelit ROM ending tapi tapi 80% nih tuh lama batu jadi kayak kita coba tes tes tes tes tes tes Nda aku letak tiga kedua kita sekolah

Iron golem terus-menerus Ton kita uh kalau pergi tahu berapa [Musik] 169 Anjay [Musik] wa sakit baci Anjing creep69.com sakit sakit sakit sakit sakit Lumayan itu lumayan 29 paling kritikal experiment berapa sih 1572 Iya coba ngetes ngetes ngetes ngetes viva222 30 Iya bener 2929 bagus sih bagus bagus bagus bagus bagus

Bisa lawan-lawan Bos lagi nih uh Iya kenapa aku KTP aja ya Abdulloh tetap aku bisa TP lohan kita telepon disini kenapa kejar digigit dong main FIFA di PS Oke many colors so apa sih aneh banget two yang pidato loh keren epic epic moment Hai petrocub senapan tuh PK banyak ucapan Hai

Bentar Bang isu nasional mayonnaise fibo saya lumayan masalah tol 30 itu tadi aku menyatakan ya bentar pet pet pet pet pet pet ia mendapati aku Aku capek loh Halo Mel Amel apa beda-beda Oh ya Pencet apaan ya pada PT [Musik] Lulu Hello Hei Wah dapet [Musik] XZ RM lkj21 set Kpop

Kita telepon rumah kita coba [Musik] rumah kita itu ada di sini ada kucing kita udah udah udah ada pipi dan poppoya Ayo kita Taruh taruh dulunya mereka calon alun-alun [Musik] ketemu ini taruh sini ah rambut-rambut pusat yang panjangnya ketutupan label taruh sini ini aku nggak tahu Yang

Aku nggak tahu adalah Taruh taruh dulu ya ekornya juga dik adiknya error bakar 14 ya Aku tidak tahu ini rotan Facebook uang setter Kenapa Generation bahwa Cut bawa ini bakar Jawabnya nggak tahu gitu buat atau sweater cowok bikin Udin south-east Ini taruh sini aja neh berarti kita cari yang namanya kayu

Dan secarik ayunan kayu mana ada di padang pasir yang landai kayu matahari padang pasir apaan jazaka ayo adik-adik kemarin ada misi di suruh bawain Wow Blok B Apakah benar maka bisa misalnya mau ke mana Bang ini nih tadi dapat senjata GB Mel tuh ternyata gigi dari bosnya kita mau benerin coba berpakaian file

Bisa kok Mbok Ayu enggak tahunya banyak tadi sore malam ini di pasirnya jadi kayak jalan ini ada kayu-kayu dulu dimana kayu ya oh Hai bikin kapal ya bisa [Musik] target4d.co ternama jadinya [Musik] menyimak aja Zainal whatsapp.inc lah tanam di rumah nggak bisa Di bisa ditulis oleh bisa ngertiin Abang dah lama kita nggak

Bisa kalau di pasir ini cukup membuat bikin sport kita kalau mau cari [Musik] sering menonton lalu ndak apa-apa sampai lagi makan soalnya well Oh ya kamu nonton bikin ada di sini tidak sekolah ya bisa tetap namun pohon serius-serius bisa tetap nanam pohon aku ambil di sampingnya Masalahnya kalau mau

Nonton apa big Moe di drakor drakor drakor lowbat lo nggak ada ya [Musik] udah camping [Musik] dikemas proyek bicmos Angke komik opsi eh Big mouth bener Bird more posts by gooswyn ya saya big Nose * male di sini tuh dan misi di suruh bawain Pablo kan [Musik] soalnya big bosnya aku enggak nonton

Indomaret beberapa klip emang emang emang dalamnya juga ada ada bicmos tapi nama judul lebih kok gan bukan dipegang 4,5 juta wejangan 4,5 jutaan bitmap imutnya big notebook Andik Mouse Mickey Mouse itu karakter di dalam nikmat Anda judulnya di kos edule big aku jadi pusing kasut [Musik] paket lubang mau main ML dikit lagi

Mythic dong bang Woi Andhika main-main semangat Andhika aku juga lagi main ml maka Nurul Aku mau live bareng ama Nurul guys sebenarnya main ML aku nggak bisa ya HPku nih ya bisa menutupi sih kemarin pakai Adek main pakai emang ya karena pakai adikku Adikku kan pakai iPhone 4

Duit yang kemarin bisa Oke pakai iPhone lu pakai Android kagak bisa diduga bungker email-email gaming kita bisa aku nyari-nyari semalaman enggak ada harus mikabel seharusnya iPhone bisa-bisa ngetes ini enggak bisa aneh Hai saya beli udang bisa bikin pedang bisa-bisa bisa enggak hilang efeknya [Musik] Banting HPmu bisa menerima duit Saya

Dengar Nantilah Kapan nih bisa nih ya teh saya kita testing kita Hai high post test re-test drive Sukaesih [Musik] huft Yes cepet itu sebenarnya dua it kalau aku kalau aku critical lagi white open up A jadi op bercabang jujur Lee ini op Aero pedang buang aja udah sedang

Buang air pedawa buat apa pedang Oh ini [Musik] ada 33 kita bikin lagi ya c-flat Palaran tadi udah legging [Musik] halo [Musik] halo oke berlalu gigi makanya aku Bek aku bakal kbc Rachman Aku bakal bunuh Rahmanda kemarin dia bisa dimana bakar bisa juga tuh ini bakal mau bakar Aduh ada zombie

Tinggi sekali kamu demi menonton mereka udah ah mau aku penonton aku menonton masih ada di bioskop Miracle in Cell yang yang indukan yang Indonesia waalaikum Waalaikum salam Fajar masih tapi Giant inilah sangat dear September kali Oh bisa Bisa berarti Bisa pastikan aku masih Fajar masih aku masih ingat kamu Fajar berarti kita ke

Itu kan bonset tadi kan kita ke sana Berarti kita pikir itu kita mau Cari artikelnya bikin ini dulu lampu tapi gue masih ada Bang nanti masih lama banget tapi pengap 2000 kepala yang mana inikah ini artifak oleh ini baru head lainnya apalagi pakainya ini enggak ada lagi breaking harus bikin ini Ane dulu

[Musik] harus bikin Hai harus bikin samping tables masalah Aku enggak punya Cinta full Force nyaris memang cantik lebih naik-naik cuma dapat 2 loh di sini ada event ini banget lemon susah Oh ya aku mau bikin kaos malah gak malu [Musik] lapalopo kelapa Oh yaitu pohon kelapa nikah nih tuh itu

Itu pohon kelapa merek tapi cuman buat buat pajangan doang kalau diajarin gak dapet apa-apa ada kelapanya juga Coba ya pokoknya Pokoknya pokoknya [Musik] Halo selamat pagi selamat pagi orang rumah gitu jadinya m Mana tadi ini [Musik] ke-12 sih [Musik] Salam [Musik] ke-12 Bu Mar [Musik] 2012 [Musik] eh [Musik] mic1 masih ada deh

Cepet kirim saja siapa tahu Luth bosnya kan rendem masalahnya nggak tahu dimana lagi bos saya mau nyari gosip kita menyadari betapa aktiva nyari buat segampang nih udah ada pedangnya dan op banget sumpah tinggal klepek-klepek meninggal orang lawan bos aku nggak tahu kalau videonya tadi hoki dapet bos aku nggak tahu loh

Kalau itu ada bos di situ Kamu teh disertai itu tadi kan ada di seret jatuh awet nama tempat Kalau mencari gosetsu kita Ibu saya tampilan biasanya ada di rumah-rumah tuh ada diare ada artifak kayak gitu Ini kayak dan jenis ikan dan jeda kaya Kalau kita sekalian cariin Gua emang ini ngurusin

Selama ini pasti [Musik] Iya coba diserang berapa kali ini Hai orang Sekolah nggak lu lagi libur kuliah praktek Netral bawah lagi kapal tergantung dia nyerangnya gimana sih Mel kalau dia nyerangnya kayak tadi nggak berhenti-berhenti ya mau gimana walaupun pedangku gue juga Kalau ngadu ngadu attack meningkat Pasti gue juga masih aktif file.py

Tapi aku nggak tahu nih masalahnya bosnya Dimana mereka kita cari ya sambil ngobrol saya cari sambil ngobrol Hai semuanya tujuanku mau ke rumah Rofi Kamu ini apa stunt Thailand Open 2018 hai hai Oh iya lagi liburan pemakaiannya kuliah Marine juga kuliah jam satu sih baik dan tidak enak banget dua jam pelajaran

Jumat libur sih [Musik] mana ya Budi S juga ada nggak jelas gitu Jalan kemarin udah pernah loh Langsung lapis Aku Lanjut ke bawahnya lapis jelas Emang [Musik] hai hai di desa mendadak op op ini aku Battle TV piye meneh aku jadi merasa meninggal orang artis kayak gini ini namanya

Nih increase the length Of The King Jadi kalau aku habis diserang aku jadi Ngilang gitu dalam beberapa saat gitu terus ada lagi nih ritabel nih Inggris maksimal healthy life healthy healthy penambah tuh jadi enggak cuman 20 jadi 25 itu [Musik] hai eh jadi 30 maksudnya pakai BW itu warnet bwa ke BW

Dewa Apaan tuh gimana kalau Bos ya reboot gampangke ada nanti ada Iya bermacam-macam makanya mau cari-cari artifak lagi yang keren banget banyak banget cuman ini doang nyerang pakai pedangnya uh uh apa ini juga Najwa mungkin aku dapat str2 kalian jadi lebih op itu pedal Ya

Kamu kan dapat str2 nih dari sini ke ia memilih Aurel satuan apa gara-gara STR juga jadi sakit sebenarnya kalau enggak Kayaknya enggak begitu op deh kita kalau ngantar Rabu sr2d ada berapa Ma banyak kira-kira kalau dihitung Wah 100 lebih kayaknya Mi 4S lebih artifak Iya kayaknya gara-gara str2double [Musik] kura-kura lucu banget

Factor nih [Musik] ya juga lu ngarep kuat-kuat Ahok [Musik] hai hai [Musik] hahaha halo halal loh mati sendiri ya Ah Wow Snowy Woods betapa ih jangan-jangan ada impian benar adalaide kayaknya nih enggak ada kukira soamanager ini tidak dan juga nih Nanti kalau dan Jenderal nanti ini juga bisa pencet [Musik]

Betul begitu berada tubuh [Musik] mereka juga tinggal saya tidak jelas nanti piket Kelvin sopir aman nih canopus Anda bayar tepat Apakah dia hadapi [Musik] Ini motif ini sering-sering [Musik] Iya emang nanti aku nge-rap dan tadi habis lawan bos aku sih kamu ulangnya itu siapa dapat pedang ini betul coba sepupu

Hai eh Apakah arti sok atuh cepet pm2 tolol enchanting tetap ngapain Kil mayat noblok labu kuning Crooked I aku banyak ini ada juga crossbow D’Green minus dapat paint ini kami ingin Persebaya lolos Hai Cover me in Emerald get yours corrupted Wow aku banyak banget ada Okay ada losey ada

Aku nggak tahu nih papercraft untuk buat divisen chairman biar enceran bisa diambil terus taruh di bidang Iron serius namanya apa Hai disenchantment nah ini Veteran Veteran dan jernih Inikah yang gadis echanm nggak ada berarti bencana ngeboost dulu mau main sama temen gue ya hilang Apa benar ada apa

Ya Berarti enggak ada item ya Eh ini banget loh kalau ada head inhealth Kyuhyun sepertinya learn click to download amok notnya ada-ada sfile.mod juga itu KPI Adha yang Iya tapi gimana cara iniin sekarang ambil sudah dipanggil baksonya Ah Ah tidak ini udah nyampe nih di karena polanya reporter [Musik] rodiles gobetx Force

Enggak ada jejak versi itu [Musik] Blade [Musik] Dragon itu bagus [Musik] sport sport Hai adeboye kok berada berfoto nggak berarti nggak sabar dulu [Musik] juga [Musik] SMA eh [Musik] kalau besok lu jelek lek lek lek lek lek [Musik] Koja nitrosense aku enggak pakai Hai hujan mikronya aku enggak Maxim atap-atap MNC maunya pakai

Panas panas panas yeeeee manggara diboyong snode kemarin tuh dibayar juga kayak gini juga nggak tahu kenapa di dibayar s1eps sering banget sering banget electing [Musik] cukup ya kalau deret banget Nah malah tangganya unidine pas banget ya Allah kurang atu [Musik] kita balik ya udah Hai hari shop terpercaya hayaku perilaku

Bermotif enggak bunyi santai close Tarra kulkas bagus kulkas aku pernah tahu keadaan masih [Musik] [Musik] emas buat malem mau Mabar Bang ini server awet please subscribe [Musik] Skeleton Apa itu kayak gitu pistol dan Redstone kita ambil Eh [Musik] kenapa ini Pak dong aku di rumah sering-sering ngapain Tri ngapain kamu ngilangi Hei

Ring apain Kamu [Musik] ini juga akan [Musik] Hai haters semua nggak ada apa-apa nggak bisa ke [Musik] Oma game yang asli enggak masalah parkir ya Oh ini anterin ya [Musik] aku pakai pedang g h i [Musik] [Musik] Hai [Musik] ini udah pedang gigi aku di abisin nih di

Sini nih Nah pada ginian sih aneh banget pikirnya nggak ngechat gitu nanti jadi uh entar atom nih lumayan [Musik] ada mainin system Explorer map Wow apa ini Hai repot ection berhenti Nirwana inget Ih pada Golden Apple pink minding Mayan tuh mining sistem [Musik] [Musik] memeroleh lupa diambil

Tapi lebih op0o di sini kah di situ Pak Berarti kita coba [Musik] tante-tante meninggal [Musik] Hai pictopia pada waktu tinggal Begini lebih resmi tadi whitelight iya betul sekali Hidup berarti tak bisa bisa bisa diambil Coba ya mending ya ini adalah gini-gini uh pamrih of the Golem shift + 4 Armor

Aktif ability absen if nothing is equipped with Armor shop Insert j664 armor 40% selesaiin Protestan immunity preserve Kingdom McDonald’s able to magwa ini juga bagus ambil enjoy velestur spellstone spellstone spellstone spellstone [Musik] artefak artefak back-arc entah [Musik] gigi [Musik] mintanya kesiapa Keroppi Keroppi Keroppi ini kita Aura buang aja gua aja yang

Langsung minum commited to Seperti tunggu aku mau Taruh taruh lupa ini enggak usah ini udah settingan belum deh oke saya lumayan ini aku motor glue yang bisa diambil Siapa tahu ig-nya IG roll piro [Musik] ambil lainnya aku ambil Abil batin klik sini aku ambil sih Terus noob

Makanan kita ini pun taruh sini ini belum aku cek [Musik] sama ya tadi deket ini lebih deket sih yang ini dulu kayak masih lebih dekat ya bang buat daftar Tanah Abang Jakarta Nah setiap tatanan rambutnya Hai tahu enggak tahu cara buat katananya masukkan cara buatnya Gimana Enggak tahu

Digadaikan berarti kita ke tempat minum dulu ya Ini udah semua udah nggak penting sih euro3 bayangkan itu tiga kita bikin ini dulu deh bikin [Musik] buang aja [Musik] kita bikin kapak oke oke cuma bisa dicari bang kita ke sini dulu sini dulu ini pedangnya pedang Oke kita taruh ya

Nih lari kulit uh ya Bi besok sini kita balik oke sudah pagi juga ya berarti ini kita pesini kita akan mencari berarti item yang di McD cuma bisa dicari doang bang kayaknya sih ada yang mungkin ada yang bisa di kerap mungkin ada ada yang bisa juga ada yang

Gak rotate sampai habis ya Nah mungkin kita bakalan nyari Minecraft the net eh bakal menjadi Danjen yang ada di sini begini kemana lupa sumpah jatuh dong sini-sini sini [Musik] [Musik] Hai [Musik] well-designed gini [Musik] bener ya [Musik] ah kok nggak jalan-jalan sih mau kesini beda-beda [Musik] porno Nggak Beb itu [Musik]

Maka arah balik ke sini [Musik] nggak tahu Bang aku juga lagi nyari nyari nih sama spicy tidak tahu Hai itu aku nggak bisa baca ngoprek Minecraft nih pokoknya Minecraft tuh titik yang putih-putihnya itu tuh lama-lama gede-gede setelah spek sama sekali baru Sadiqah jumpa River dong belakang aku nggak tahu

Uh sana Dedenya Dedenya bener aduh tolong [Musik] naikin rusak Abang Biar nggak capek Sayang itu nggak bisa dinaikin bisanya yang musnah memang kalau dia nggak bisa deh menu cendet biar enggak bisa lama aku dapat victoire spicy jadi lain sepert tetapi enggak sampai Camat semacam Maaf tolong

Nanti kan tadi kan kita dari sini kan tapi kan kita akan dari atas ini banyak kita ke sini ya maka bisa ada angin topan nah kaya nya ini nih bisa dinaikin bisa ada angin topan tapi mapnya kasih pompa siapa tahu nanti ada cepetan nanti nggak ada titik putih

Banget nih udah-udah fasih Kompas loh cara bikin Kompas gimana 20 Hai ini lama banget cepetan lari aku tuh cepetan area Blend aku lari itu apa itu ada sedikit [Musik] higlob ini [Musik] caranya perlu pake ROM satu restore aja RS nggak ada lagi tadi ada rindu kita sponsoring disitu Ya

Itu udah ada titik putingnya Tapi tuh nggak tahu kemana gede-gede aku sih lari cepat banget tuh dari itu sih cepet banget ya e-compass cara bikin Kompas juga nih Aduh harus pakai restore lagi aku enggak punya Restu lagi [Musik] kalau mapnya belum ada titik putih susah gak ada udah ada titik putihnya ada ini

Berikutnya ini nih nih tuh ada Berikutnya ini di bawah tuh ini dengan disini kita disini sekarang ada titik putih Mada Makanya aku bilang dari Kompas tapi masalahnya ini kemana [Musik] Aku pun tidak tahu ini kemana sebenarnya kalau gitu dari aja Iya ini aku lagi nyari tinggal cari titik putih jadi lebih

Besar Raja enggak sih cepet [Musik] enam tetep sendiri bingung aja disitu tablet mirip [Musik] kalau sepertinya bakalan lebih gampang ketipu [Musik] aku salah ya [Musik] udah nyari-nyari generally susah sini the Tornado tuh cuman tandingan [Musik] ini apa ini Aliya [Musik] klub-klub Bandung Institut janin yg lagi ngetren berbeda-beda

Ogoh-ogoh bang kagak Bukannya nggak mau ya udah udah udah gelap Aceh digoyang tadi Eagle super gede banget Yes jadinya Palm bassaran service center Karang atau server-server Aku nggak tahu ini apaan guys Wow ini Angka bocah Bos lagi ke ke Hai mau Rosmala Bosnya juga adik buat banget Ros mau Cosmo memang banyak banget

Dulu cuma bisa dipukul bang bos aku tidur Aku tidur nih banyak banget [Musik] mirip Cross aku udah berlalu tidak udah berapa mau tidur Aku mau tidur [Musik] [Musik] Aku mau tidur dulu ya Hai kau tidur dulu bye-bye Lex enggak ada istana-istana detiknya bospom Iya emang betul itu emang situ makanya aku melawan

Tapi aku nunggu dulu masalah ini yang tepat tadi aku tidur Maknae tidak paroto dia tunggu pagi dulu aja [Musik] bos Emang Bos itu prospek tahu bos bos mau bos Kalau pagi kawan [Musik] Launcher [Musik] EX let’s go let’s go [Musik] beberapa sih nggak jelas banget jadi God istana gede banget

Coba pari kita ketemu sebetulnya ada nggak ada nggak ada nggak ada lu ketuk tidak akan Elsword ini [Musik] epicvice ini ini akan Epic sepertinya deadmau5 feat 2pac Heart itu apa Hai teman lagi [Musik] adek-adek Ini nyari yang asli ya wah suskalak Hah ninggal itu [Musik] pakai pedang sampai 10 iya ya nanti

Soalnya dia nggak bisa diremehin Oke siap-siap siap aku juga Takutnya meninggal nih kita sini dulu sebelum Hai kau kenapa lo itu terus kasih tau dong ya [Musik] Siapa nih inspirotechs pick-up server-server masih pagi jadi topik lagi rame banget ya Hai Dede tolongin [Musik] Gue udah Netral Arok air others

Ngejer sejak sangat others band Apa tuh maksudnya begini maka kita [Musik] [Musik] lihat ke panas semua kau hebatnya Jerman itu kayak tapi beda Rina jaripoker.com oke oke Ada siap Nose ini ada juga ini Smith gak butuh obsidian lumayan kabutuh Gue juga butuh berapa Butuh Oke sampai sini dulu karena satu ambil enggak usah

The settlers cukup detik doanya merah-merah internet kompos Maaf Bos mau sejapan indicated the worst pakai tameng sih manusia Surya [Musik] Alex nanti rame banget wow [Musik] Hai dek Hehehe ada ramai banget guys pakai Ledger belum memang ini [Musik] Hai Mama demikian Wow Hai ini meninggal meninggal fix Mama demikian pakai ledgers pun juga

[Musik] Yo what’s Rumah Sakit banget [Musik] ini kalau kita nggak masuk dia Sponge sponge lagi deh kayaknya deh pasti Buatlah kerucut karena satu iya sih [Musik] hehehe Indonesia bisa guys menurut Hai Wah susah banget sih Eh kita skip dulu ya susah banget Masuk aja susah Hai Itu lampu LED

Flash gue nggak ke energi [Musik] ah ah [Musik] banget masuk [Musik] Hai Rara buat masuk aja susah [Musik] rame banget nggak bisa dibuat jadi enggak bisa Iya makanya [Musik] itu buat kantor yakin jadi aneh banget ya [Musik] pasalnya tuh udaranya tuh Enggak aneh border E90 gitu I Max [Musik] merah2 cy-cy helm [Musik]

Meninggal ataupun minta meninggal uh gila bisa deskripsi skripsi-skripsi dari dan juta Emang ayah skripsi itu parah sih itu Oke Bos Bos mau Bos akehan ndelo dilehernya aja enggak meninggal meninggal ilegal atau demikian 60 sakit banget sumpah gabung dengan [Musik] MP3 trailer ini kenapa dapat bosan jan-jan jernih bandingannya dulu kenapa emang [Musik] Wah

[Musik] Malaysia bel-bel nih n Wah susah Kamu sih nggak ngotak nggak jelas gua pakai slime base ini class the janji-heroes Aku juga mau Udahan Lubis sumpah nggak ngotak moteh parah yang bisa ngapa-ngapain kita harus [Musik] kubilang [Musik] lain-lain [Musik] kapan-kapan kita tidak jelas Ya udah Thank you bye bye [Musik] bro Reza [Musik]

This video, titled ‘[🔴LIVE] Mencari Artifact| FouRin #3 [Minecraft Server Indonesia]’, was uploaded by Reza Alattas on 2022-09-17 16:04:57. It has garnered 143 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:30 or 4470 seconds.

#minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftlive #minecraftindonesia #gaming #live #livestream

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  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8 Minecraft Adventure: Exploring New Mods and Features Introduction In this episode of Minecraft, Pilot delves into a world filled with new mods and features that enhance the gameplay experience. With a plethora of mods like Additional Structures, Alex’s Mobs, and Biomes O’ Plenty, the adventure is bound to be exciting and unpredictable. Discovering New Possibilities Pilot embarks on a journey to explore various structures and encounters unique mobs like witches with sophisticated backpacks. The addition of mods like Dungeon Crawl and Dungeons and Taverns adds depth to the exploration, making each discovery a thrilling experience. Challenges and Triumphs Throughout… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience!

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft Let’s Play series? If so, we have some exciting news for you! After watching the latest video from a popular YouTuber announcing their new 3D Minecraft series, we couldn’t help but think about the perfect place to experience epic adventures, thrilling gameplay, funny moments, and unforgettable memories – Minewind Minecraft Server! Imagine exploring vast landscapes, embarking on exciting quests, and building your own unique creations in a community of like-minded players. With Minewind, you can dive into the wonderful world of Minecraft and create your own unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Powder Puff: Minecraft’s Explosive Gun Fun!

    Powder Puff: Minecraft's Explosive Gun Fun! In Minecraft, gunpowder drops from creepers slain, But no guns in the game, it’s quite a strange name. CaptainSparklez himself found it odd, In his song “TNT,” he gave a nod. The naming choice is quite peculiar, But in the world of Minecraft, it’s just regular. Read More

  • Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft

    Monster Koala Portal in Minecraft The Mysterious Koala Monster Portal in Minecraft Exploring the Zoonomaly Game In the vast world of Minecraft, there exists a peculiar anomaly known as the Koala Monster. This creature is unlike any other, with a sturdy body and four eyes. But where are the other two eyes, you may wonder? Join UzeMing on a thrilling adventure as he delves into the realm of portals that defy reality. Creating the Koala Monster Portal UzeMing takes on the challenge of crafting a portal to the Koala Monster in the Zoonomaly game. This monster is said to be incredibly scary, with four… Read More

  • Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft – Episode 590

    Building a Stone Wall in Minecraft - Episode 590 Minecraft Episode 590: Building a Stone Castle Wall Welcome to episode 590 of Minecraft with Lờ Đờ Vờ! In this episode, our host embarks on a journey to build a magnificent stone castle wall. Despite facing some challenges along the way, our dedicated gamer is determined to create a masterpiece in the virtual world of Minecraft. Harvesting Resources Our adventure begins with the essential task of harvesting resources. From gathering wheat to exchanging it for diamonds with villagers, every step is crucial in preparing for the grand construction project ahead. Building the Castle With diamonds in hand, our gamer… Read More

  • Secret Underwater Village in Minecraft!

    Secret Underwater Village in Minecraft! The Hidden Underwater Village in Minecraft That 99% of Players Haven’t Seen! Have you ever stumbled upon a hidden gem in Minecraft that left you in awe? Well, get ready to be amazed by the underwater village that 99% of players haven’t discovered yet! In this article, we’ll dive deep into this mysterious underwater world and uncover the secrets that lie beneath the surface. Exploring the Uncharted Waters Imagine swimming through the vast ocean in Minecraft, surrounded by nothing but water. Suddenly, you come across a cluster of buildings submerged beneath the waves. As you approach, you realize that… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “2014 And 2024 Difference Minecraft” by Fanatic Gamerz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the evolution of Minecraft over the years. As Minecraft continues to grow and evolve, so does the need for a vibrant and engaging community to share the experience with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With its unique gameplay features, active player base, and exciting events, Minewind offers… Read More

  • Invading My World with Tlauncher! | MatGame_2000

    Invading My World with Tlauncher! | MatGame_2000 Exploring the Terrifying World of Minecraft Mods Prepare to be thrilled as a new, spine-chilling creature makes its way into the world of Minecraft! The latest mod introduces a relentless entity that will stop at nothing to hunt you down throughout the map. Brace yourself for an adrenaline-pumping experience as you try to outsmart this menacing foe. Remember, if it catches you, run for your life! Discovering the Mods: Delve into a world of fear with these intriguing mods: From the Fog: Unleash a mysterious creature that lurks in the shadows, ready to strike at any moment. The Man… Read More

  • Commentary Comedy: Minecraft’s SquareXuan Animation Roars

    Commentary Comedy: Minecraft's SquareXuan Animation Roars In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you news in rhymes, like a lively dream. From updates to secrets, I’ll keep you in the loop, With humor and fun, no need for a scoop. Cube Xuan, the creator, with animations so bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. But beware of pirated content, it’s not the same, Stick to the official channel, for the real game. From funny moments to classroom series so neat, Each video a treat, making your day complete. So subscribe and follow, don’t miss a beat, In the world of… Read More

  • Mikey’s Monument: Minecraft Land’s Masterpiece

    Mikey's Monument: Minecraft Land's Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, creativity shines bright, As Lo Do Vo builds with all his might. A statue of Mikey, a motorbike theme, Crafted with care, like a beautiful dream. From the head to the feet, each block in its place, Creating a masterpiece, with style and grace. The colors, the details, all come alive, In the world of Minecraft, where builders thrive. Though the video may jerk and lag a bit, Lo Do Vo’s passion never quits. With dedication and skill, he builds with glee, Sharing his creations for all to see. So let’s give a cheer… Read More

  • 🔥UNBELIEVABLE! Build a Burj Khalifa in Minecraft! 💥 #YTShorts

    🔥UNBELIEVABLE! Build a Burj Khalifa in Minecraft! 💥 #YTShortsVideo Information [موسيقى] ‏tut [موسيقى] f te v tut hab f [موسيقى] hab [موسيقى] حبيبي حبيبي f jen di den حبيبي This video, titled ‘how to make a Burj Khalifa in Minecraft for multiplayer#shorts#popular#viral#youtubeshorts#ytshorts’, was uploaded by champion 444 on 2024-01-05 10:27:05. It has garnered 760 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Fast Food Build Battle – Noob vs Pro Challenge! Maizen Builders Parody

    Epic Fast Food Build Battle - Noob vs Pro Challenge! Maizen Builders ParodyVideo Information [Music] hello everyone dear friends the weather is just wonderful outside today I wonder what Adventures await me today what I think Mikey’s coming to me Mikey it’s open hello JJ hi Mikey what do you want listen I really want to eat let’s build a fast food place wow Mikey the idea is really great okay I agree but first let’s welcome our dear viewers of course JJ go ahead hello everyone friends today Mikey and I are building fast food yes we will have three rounds in total are you ready Mikey yes let’s go round… Read More

  • Ultimate Success Hack: How to Never Lose! 😂🔥

    Ultimate Success Hack: How to Never Lose! 😂🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘हार नहीं होती……. #comedy #funny #dosti #love #trending #shorts #viral #lol #art’, was uploaded by Feel067 on 2024-04-09 05:39:00. It has garnered 2176 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:05 or 5 seconds. #motivation #music #memes #minecraft #meme #motivational #maxpreps #mobilelegends #makeup #new #newvideo #news #nature #nfhs_network #naruto #nfhs_sports #newstatus #newsong #nba #beautiful #best #bts #bgmi #bgmi #breakingnews #baby #blackpink #lol # #bike #video #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #vlog #viralshort #viralvideos #videos #vtuber #valorant #comedy #cute #cricket #cat #cutebaby #cooking #comment #callofduty #comedyvideo #car #xbox #xml #xuhuong #xuhuong #xxxtentacion #xboxone #x1freefire #xrecorder #xiaomi… Read More


    🔥 INSANE EMEK SKYBLOCK ISLAND TOUR! 😲Video Information hepinize Merhaba arkadaşlar Mustafa Tekin kanalına Hoş geldiniz yepyeni bir Skyblock sunucusu videosuyla karşınızdayım Bu sunucuda da ikinci videomuz geldik arkadaşlar sözümüzde [Müzik] durduk ve aktifliği görüyorsunuz zaten burada oynamaktan zevk aldığımı da anlatacağım şimdi ilk önce ben kendi adamdan başlayacağım e hemen kendi adamdan zaten üstü böyle bir şey yap Değişik olsun diye E bir aşağısında şöyle bir şey kullanmayı denedik Buraya böyle bir şeyler yaptık evler yapacağız burada bir şeyler yapacağız yani şimdi E hemen şimdi milletin adasına gideceğiz Şimdi başka insanların adasına şey yapacağız bakacağız yorumlayacak Buradaki güzel Adaları göstereceğim tpa Kim yazmış Mustafa Tekinel… Read More

  • Epic TES animation ft. OkmeonD! PRISMA 3D | Must See!

    Epic TES animation ft. OkmeonD! PRISMA 3D | Must See!Video Information This video, titled ‘TES animation (hanya ke gabutan :v) |PRISMA 3D|#shorts #animation #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by 🍉OkmeonD 🍉 on 2024-01-04 12:51:29. It has garnered 414 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. meta animasi gabut Tags hastag: #minecraftanimation #minecraftshorts #bakwansmp #mcpc #minecraft, #minecrafttutorial, #minecrafttips, #minecraftindonesia, #minecrafttricks, #sanssmp, #mcpc, #minecraftseries, #minecraftsurvival, #aboutminecraft, #faktaminecraft, #factsminecraft, #100harisurvival, #minecraft100hariindonesia, #100haridiminecraft, #100daysminecraft, #minecraft100hari, #100harimc, #geloo, #100harihardcore, creepy pasta, creepy, pakta creepy, cerita minecraft, windah, creepy minecraft, creepy pasta minecraft, kreepy minecraft, kreepy pasteminecraft, minecraft indonesia, minecraft meme, mitos minecraft, minecraft pe, minecraft bedrock, minecraft creepypasta, creepypasta… Read More

  • Unknownville

    UnknownvilleWelcome to Unknownville! $20,000 Referral Bonus in game! As well as first time join bonus! New city! So fresh builds!! Explore the huge city, buy plots finished or empty build a house, tower, shop or anything you want!pick a job, become a cop arrest criminals or be a criminal and rob the bank! or become a simple farmer!Drugs, guns, cars and much more!!so many plugins! Mini games! Lots more added everyday unknownville.apexmc.co Read More

  • Epic Valhesia 5 SMP MODDED JAVA 1.19.2

    Welcome to our Valhelsia 5 Server! Join us on our brand new world located in northern Europe. Our goal is to have a chill environment to play this cool modpack with like-minded individuals. Feel free to explore and join our server! Discord: https://discord.gg/VpysyEVf3z Server Info: World is pre-generated to reduce lag PvP enabled with no base protection/land claiming Admins will only use their power for moderation Server is not whitelisted and online 24/7 Read More

  • AtekkaSMP

    The AtekkaSMP is meant for you to have fun together with your friends, and if you don’t have any you can make so many!Minecraft ver: 1.20.4New IP: play.atekkasmp.xyzBedrock Port: 19132Optional Mod you can addSimple Voice Chatby henkelmaxfabric 1.20.4 2.5.11 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The prophecy is complete!

    Looks like the Minecraft gods have spoken and they’re definitely not messing around with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Tips for a Minecraft House Flip

    Crafty Tips for a Minecraft House Flip In Minecraft, a wooden house we shall build, With creativity and skill, our dreams fulfilled. Survival mode, the challenge we embrace, Crafting and building, in this vast space. Watch the walls rise, sturdy and strong, Roofing and designing, all day long. Equip yourself with tools and gear, In this world of blocks, there’s nothing to fear. Join us on this journey, subscribe and stay, For more Minecraft adventures, every day. Let’s build, let’s train, let’s make mistakes, In this pixelated world, where creativity awakes. So leap into the verse, let your imagination soar, In Minecraft, there’s always room for… Read More

  • Minecraft: When You Realize You’ve Been Mining Diamonds with a Wooden Pickaxe

    Minecraft: When You Realize You've Been Mining Diamonds with a Wooden Pickaxe When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village turns against you like you’re the villain in a soap opera. Read More

  • The Most Terrifying Minecraft Mod, What Really Scares You!

    The Most Terrifying Minecraft Mod, What Really Scares You! Exploring the Terrifying Cave Horror Mod in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure with Kanovt, a Vtuber, as he delves into the spine-chilling world of the Cave Horror mod in Minecraft. This mod introduces new elements like Herobrine, adding a layer of fear and excitement to the gameplay. Surviving the Unknown As Kanovt navigates through the eerie landscape, encountering parasitic creatures and mysterious entities, the tension builds. The mod’s unique features, such as parasites infesting the world and the presence of Herobrine, keep players on edge, creating a sense of dread and anticipation. Unveiling Hidden Secrets From exploring abandoned… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Are you a fan of Minecraft survival house ideas and building tactics? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for construction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and survival skills. Imagine taking the inspiration from videos like “How to Build a Stone Survival Base in Minecraft #12” and bringing it to life in a multiplayer setting. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, explore unique structures, and create your own modern minecraft houses or survival bases. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server (IP:… Read More

  • Frog Building Shenanigans

    Frog Building Shenanigans Minecraft Creative Series: Building a Frog Pool Minecraft is a game that offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. In this episode of the Creative Series by Sword Art Gamer, the focus is on building a frog pool. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting project! Setting the Stage In the world of Minecraft, players can shape their environment using blocks. Sword Art Gamer embarks on a mission to create a frog pool within the game. The goal is to provide a habitat for frogs to thrive and entertain viewers with their antics. Building the Frog Pool The… Read More

  • Adiar’s EPIC Minecraft Transformation! Noob vs Pro

    Adiar's EPIC Minecraft Transformation! Noob vs ProVideo Information so I was browsing through Power mods getting ready for the week when suddenly I had a thought I’ve never beaten Minecraft and then I saw [Music] this the and here we are let’s get started man it’s been a long time since I’ve seen anything what the heck is that what is that a villager hello oh no that’s a crossbow no no no no no no hey hey hey hey hey no no no no okay why are they shooting me no no no no no no no no no let me go are they are… Read More

  • Cursed LotusIsPotus Minecraft – Short Video

    Cursed LotusIsPotus Minecraft - Short VideoVideo Information this is Minecraft but really cursed all right what do we have here it’s just the skeleton but a spider and now we have a spider that looks like a skeleton wao this is a really cool Village I wonder it could be very cursed about this the villagers are Axel look at these guys bro it makes the villagers look so cute he keeps going in and out the house okay you guys are not ready for this last one this is like level 1,000 cursed why is the chicken trying to kiss it yeah this is… Read More

  • 2 Wardens Take on 15 Golems! CRAZY Minecraft Battle! 🤯

    2 Wardens Take on 15 Golems! CRAZY Minecraft Battle! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Warden Vs 15 Iron Golems #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-01-17 15:55:18. It has garnered 2502 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. 2 Warden Vs 15 Iron Golems #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in… Read More

  • Join XRN’s Truly Magical SMP – APPLY NOW!

    Join XRN's Truly Magical SMP - APPLY NOW!Video Information the magical s SMP is ready for you to create the best original content you could done and we are not about a silver from magical soall items to all power custom weapons new biomes and structures and even a whole new custom Dimension I’m sure that this is the perfect s SMP for you to join applications are open right now so join our Discord for more info we hope to see you there This video, titled ‘This Is The MOST Magical SMP You’ve Ever Seen (Applications Open)’, was uploaded by XRN on 2024-02-20 01:43:44. It has… Read More

  • Apple hazard in Minecraft – Insane fall challenge! #shorts

    Apple hazard in Minecraft - Insane fall challenge! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How high can you fall?? #shorts’, was uploaded by Apple danger on 2024-01-14 18:26:13. It has garnered 2504 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • GLOWEY returns to Minecraft Island?!

    GLOWEY returns to Minecraft Island?!Video Information we’re back on Squid Island me jelly and crina and today is going to be a big big day King glowey will be returning but how can I explain this everything goes wrong hi we’re back really did you make a pyramid out of tree okay guys well who can we just talk about this a second we’re back in Squid Island wow I forgot sorry I got distracted by thater I built a and hope going to because I started a pyramid Foundation okay but but but but but before we get into that today is going… Read More

  • Insane Drama in Minecraft with VTuber Girlfriends! 😱

    Insane Drama in Minecraft with VTuber Girlfriends! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I guess you guys heard my uh clicking before you actually heard me oopsie that’s loud as hell oopsie all right is that a good volume I think that’s a good volume I think that’s fine all right so what we’re doing today is modern Minecraft I actually made the mod like I made the mod pack like 30 minutes ago I hope it works if it doesn’t then it doesn’t if it does then yay all right hi hello how are you doing today okay okay o so… Read More

  • Barnava Gaming – Herobrine absorbs Death Note power and destroys everything! #Minecraft animation

    Barnava Gaming - Herobrine absorbs Death Note power and destroys everything! #Minecraft animationVideo Information menos de um minuto vou te levar ao céu vou te catucar e fazer o ell This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb mello death note Power and destroy note|#Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-01-10 08:00:32. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb mello death note Power and destroy note|#Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #power #shorts #herobrine #shorts #wife #devilface #bestfriend #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #absorb #tvman #skibiditoilet 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Experiments: Level 1 to 100

    Insane Minecraft Experiments: Level 1 to 100Video Information if you drop sand into water it will do this satisfying bounce but did you know this also works in real life today we’re testing the most satisfying Minecraft experiments in real life and to start breaking a tower of scaffolding is extremely satisfying so we’re going to do it in real life but that’s not how scaffolding Works in real life but it is abomino work just like breaking the bottom Scaffolding in Minecraft causes everything to come crumbling down it’s the same for dominoes it’s the same for dominoes how it’s the [Applause] same and that… Read More

  • campfire.pl

    campfire.plPolski serwer Survival na najnowszej wersji gry 1.15.2. Posiadamy masę innowacyjnych rozwiązań! Na serwerze znajdziesz bardzo rozbudowany system działek, w których możesz konfigurować wiele ustawień. Dysponujemy autorskim systemem zadań, dzięki któremu nie zawieję nudą. campfire.pl:45050 Read More

  • Fermium MC Roleplay Survival Tool Leveling Races Quarries Infinite Blocks Custom Model Weapons PVE Quests Jobs Sellwands Buildwands Supply Drops Upgradable Spawners ViaVersion 1.20.X

    Hello! 👋 Looking for a fun, family-friendly Minecraft survival server? 🚸 Well, look no further! ⤵️ This server includes land claiming, quarries, player cosmetics, player shops, quest, player warps, build wands, sell wands, custom 3d weapons and armor, pets, particles, rotating shop, jobs and more! If you want more information regarding Fermium MC, join our Discord channel! Come have fun with us on the server join now! 🔵Discord: https://discord.gg/NpgKrvG IP: play.fermium-mc.fun Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Illagers are way superior anyways

    Illagers may be better, but at least villagers can actually hold a conversation without trying to raid your house! Read More

  • Villager Trade Hall: Java Jive, Business Bonanza!

    Villager Trade Hall: Java Jive, Business Bonanza! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Gala_CZ brings us trading halls with no chains. Villagers selling all for just one emerald, XP gathering fast, the process is heralded. Zombies infecting villagers, the process is clear, With weapons in hand, the infection is near. But fear not, for Weakness potions are here, To cure the villagers, make the infection disappear. Gala_CZ guides us through, step by step, Building the trading hall, no need to fret. With trapdoors and pistons, the setup is grand, Ensuring the villagers are safe and sound in the land. So join us in the… Read More

  • Car vs Portal: The Ultimate Gegagedigedagedago Showdown! 🔥😂

    Car vs Portal: The Ultimate Gegagedigedagedago Showdown! 🔥😂 Why did the car challenge the Gegagedigedagedago Portal Upgrade to a race? Because it wanted to show off its horsepower! #vroomvroom 🚗💨 Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “The WORST START Ever In Minecraft Hardcore! (Hindi Gameplay) #1.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server that offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience? Imagine embarking on a new adventure in a world like no other, where every decision you make could mean the difference between survival and defeat. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its hardcore survival mode, challenging gameplay, and vibrant community, Minewind offers an unparalleled Minecraft experience that will… Read More