Unbelievable Automation and Magic in Ragnamod VII Day 8

Video Information

Hello hello how is everyone today welcome back we’re here with some more rag Mod turn that down just a little bit a little bit here sweet all right hope everyone’s having a fantastic Saturday um let’s see if we have any new updates um so I started working

On making some patterns um but I stopped cuz I figured you know get involve everybody else normally I’ll kind of get the basics of the storage system started do the repetitive you know pattern making and stuff and then come back and be like byebye we have Auto crafting um

But you know I kind of wanted to involve everybody in the process because we got different mods that we’re going to be using to automate and we’ll be using our storage system to get that accomplished um but for now I have our oh well well one we’re out of

Food um okay so we had our excavator here got us lots and lots of silver so I went and found I’ll get over there in a second so found a spot here that had quartz and Redstone now the weird thing is and and just a double check we’re in the same

Chunk this one says 54% Redstone 45% quartz now I’m thinking maybe in the bottom half of it cuz see how it’s like from the top down quartz quart quart quart quartz and then some red stone some Redstone and then a lot of redstone at the bottom so I’m think

That towards the end of it mining it’ll be getting more Redstone but we’ve getting a lot of sercs um and Cobble so I I I think it just kind of moves down what this is but this should be the same Zone but I wanted the cords for sure Redstone we’re

Already producing from the mob farm um but a whole bunch more never hurts um and then I made another excavator over here um and this spot is giving us zinc copper and gold so uh I already grabbed a whole bunch of gold I think 15,600 of it uh

Crushed it down and it’s getting smelted now but we’re also getting these blocks of raw copper like we were with the silver and uh then plenty of copper ore and then a bunch of zor so that’s going to keep us settled for a while um I’ve

Been trying to spend a little bit of time building up the resources that we have speaking of which we have plenty have emeralds for shopping um but yeah so that we’re not spending too much time having to worry about whether we have enough forgot what

I was doing but we need food that’s why I m so Slow are you leveled up enough sweet uh yay normal speed again okay um I’m pretty sure most of these guys are close to if not already maxed out I actually haven’t come here since kind of condensed everything down uh that guy is that guy is he is he’s not

Yet and I need to work on this guy but yeah so basically today we’re just going to work on a bunch of random stuff and uh probably start Nature’s Zora uh and I’m hoping to do some Nature’s Z and some occultism so we’ll see how that goes what else you got oh

What I mean we’ve had our Blaze set up for a while but dang that’s good to know that there’s a villager that exists that sells blaze rods I’d like Ro boo know but he just just got done setting up his place Rod set up so pink bubbles what else you got no

Way I should have leveled this guy up long time ago gas TI and rabbit feet so we need these for like that Glyph of Fortune there’s also we needed a jump potion for something I need to make a potion for something um and then of course gas

Tiers they’re just useful for lots of stuff um yeah I used up all mine making these jet boots upgrades cuz we got oh T I got new armor I forgot about that part I did spend some time making new armor I did um it is the new manicraft armor so it’s

Got air pressure but I did apply uh all legendary apotheosis I I’m going to have to change maybe you’ll be able to see but I’m going to change it to um make it to where stuff will fit uh so yeah excuse me uh this um already Enchanted and

Everything um we have access to level 100 enchants uh so that we got some good ones respiration 7 U now this one has Nature’s man but it also has life maning which is fine um we have life Reg gen we have extra life it’s really not that big of a deal

But uh these also don’t take durability damage they have pressure so yeah they just release I guess they do take durability damage cuz those have durability bars oh they do have durability silly me um okay well cool that’s good to know but any who uh yeah so we got chest

Plate leggings all with some pretty decent Health boosts we got some luck what’s that six and 75 seven so that’s 13 um so we got an extra like 17 18 luck um and extra hearts and all that fun stuff um and then we have this really cool sword the sword’s pretty pretty op

Uh eight damage AOE um weakness two on hit looting five knockback sharkness 10 life mending which it has life steel so it literally heal repairs itself um um but it also has mending from the XP fire expect Bane Evan prods scavenger 3 yeah I haven’t killed the very many Ms with

It but you know what’s up Roy Boy welcome welcome welcome welcome look look do if if you don’t have this guy are you ready look at this he sells gas tiers and rabbit’s foot and blaze rods but you just set up your blaze farm but I mean if you need

Magma Cream like like this is all good stuff yeah surprised me too I didn’t expect that he was just one of the lower level villagers so I was going to level him up a little bit but you know uh cuz we’re getting emeralds from our M Farm over

There so uh I think I had like8 or 900 saved up um uh blaze rods we can stick in there but gas TI we’ll put here and rabbit’s foot ah okay well you just got mob prisonment tool so excuse me you should be able to uh emeralds let’s grab

Those all right you’re full you’re full you’re full uh we’ll get some comparators oh and these guys sell pistons and sticky pistons I saw that and I was like that’s awesome is this guy full yeah yeah yeah Hoppers and stuff for the end all right sweet uh this guy wants to sell some

Berries are you Max no you’re not um that’ll work I don’t know how often or if we’re going to need any honey bottles but okay so he’s a master he’s an expert uh we’ll just get some more honey bottles oh okay uh I’ll take some more pares then

Okay he’s finished he’s finished he’s finished she’s finished this guy yeah yeah I don’t know about him I wonder if we can just put a different villager there and get different layout of stuff I’m not sure um but everybody else is done sweet uh we’ll put that away all this can go in

There uh another new thing ta I finally cleared out the Giant mountain no right here that was a feat I attempted to make this look like a normal Mountain um not exactly sure how well it turned out but you know it’s it’s it’s it’s a thing a a mountain type thing I prob

Bone meal around it and put grass and then boom that would that would probably finish it off right there there we go um but yeah so I moved that back away from our main building um as you can see the whole flattened L we got going on right there um but and there’s

Like a giant Tunnel right here that shoots almost all the way through um but we got that away from there and then of course that mountain was touching our building here so we got it backed up quite a bit there uh grass is still growing um oh this got turned to Grass

Which is really cool um but yeah so did that and this is changing too might just end up like throwing some dirt over top of here but now we have plenty of space to get back and forth to our building and um yeah tried this again

It’s still not working but you know it you know one day um all right oh yeah yeah I wanted to show this no you saw this maybe yeah uh I set up this furnace right here oh yeah like I said I crushed a bunch of gold here’s here’s all our

Gold now we can to add it to here and we’ll just have a nice big stock of gold copper pretty much everything it is nice lead surprisingly enough I really haven’t made much silver which is what we have the most of that’s probably why

Cuz I’m like H well when I need it I can just make a ton of it I did make a big old batch of lead uh and copper too so we have 9,000 copper so 1,500 7,000 something like that um and then of course we got the diamond and emeralds

Coming from there so speaking of which mod we have it hooked up to our storage system so I have a cable going all the way underneath uh over to here but what I also did is I used the intangle blocks uh there it is right there so that is

The drawer controller back in our main area um and I have it entangled here and I have this set to insert to near first so the Diamonds the emeralds the red stone uh glow stone all that’s going to go back in our other drawer system first and then it’ll come over

Here and that also allowed me to kind of condense this and make it look a little nicer so now it’s not so giant and you know going everywhere um we’ve got all our mob drops I’ve got upgrades in all of them um void upgrades so nothing ever

Gets you know you know walk ified um I do want to increase how much we’re carrying in here which is also what led me to getting more resources um because we need a lot of copper and gold for the upgrades um copper really hasn’t been a problem cuz with fortune on the copper

Ore you get tons of the raw copper um but gold has kind of been a you know a little bit but I mean not anymore um but yeah so we’ve got all this this is all hooked up to our main storage system actually you can see the cable

Here and yeah uh this drawer is actually also linked to this controller now too so all these blaze rods are accessible in our system right there um other than that uh we have infinite pink slime so that’s still going strong uh we are going to hook

This up to uh apply energistics as well so we have access to and this isn’t a radium one I don’t know what that pink stuff at the top is though but anyways um that we have access to this fluid uh through our system and we can just transport it using our

Automation digital storage yeah okay so oh yeah this is what we’re going to need the pink slime for decision chamber and all that which we have all that that was the point of making the industrial Contraptions and starting that up um I showed you the other day uh okay so brilliant fiber we

Need D nuggets which is fine we have desing here we need to go get some leaves uh I don’t think I have any shears yeah I don’t think so I knew about these two Venum shars That’s my kind I don’t know what the difference is or the

Point I don’t know anything anymore okay um let’s get some good old jungle be actually you know what somebody mentioned some mushroom tops earlier so we might as well take care of those I Can Fly this that’s all the mountain was I used uh destruction Gadget yeah know weren’t UFOs they’re

Not UFOs it’s decoration Landscaping you’re not a builder you wouldn’t understand C would understand all right and I think that oh no we got that little block there which I can fly there from here sweet okay we’re going to make it we made it clear open the sky guys yay and we got

Leaves okay oh and I’ve got like Mana boost and uh Mana regen yeah we can cast that boost spell a time it’s awesome I’m fine and I don’t want that Weir stray lock okay sweet now with the burning fiber it kind of spreads on its

Own this what it’s going to do is it’s going to convert any leaf that it’s touching into brilliant leaves so this is towards everybody else correct let’s go this way those are perfect these These are nice big fluffy trees actually will they work on this nice and you’ll

Spread please tell me your spread on these trees these trees are so fluffy it convert so many leaves wait can you time in a bottle this uh-huh it’s not spreading it’s spread let’s go all right so we’re going to cover all these trees I think we need to cuz this Forest

Almost every tree touches every tree so it’s going to be like a never ending oh oh this one’s separated but he’s connected by all of those so yeah did that look kind of I don’t have my Ender Vision turned on go Away come on back if you want to I can come down there Anybody else over here acting like a be bad boss all right I have a sleeping bag uh he he might be on your side this time but we’ll never know so bummer for you uh I was going to ask you a question roboy um completely forgot

Wow pop in my head and then disappeared right when I read the message I think I kind of need to be over here cuz uh the area needs to be loaded I guess I could wonder what that that’s going to do come on your times 256 you should be spreading to

Everything every single leave you touch should be getting it is it only the ones that touch the side I thought it went diagonal too H well that was a waste of like an hours worth of time all right so we got Golden Leaf and golden leaf and Golden Leaf oh it was too

Early oh Roy boy is this too small um like the GUI is it is it is it difficult to read when you’re watching nice all right so now we have to make the ritual of the forest allow you form rituals by absorbing the power of a growing tree uh I think this also

Needs like natural Aura around it first place all your arms in L stands place your gold power on the ground then grow your sapling D TR the craft wait a few seconds and it’s ready no it’s not this this is the ritual and what is it this thing the natural alter when you’re

Doing any crafts with this I think yeah requires the alter cuz you need energy okay uh getting ahead of ourselves uh okay we only need eight wow good thing the quest is nice enough to give us nine oh yeah we got to link up our bne parts I guess it don’t

Matter okay 16 gold power and a sapling okay so it just wants me to wait I don’t have enough look at this one go that ready looks ready we need enough leaves for 16 powder I think sweet I’m thinking we put it in here so I cleared off this whole

Area we weren’t ever going to use the presses and the power gen was um laughable so yeah uh we went ahead and just got rid of that um issue uh I don’t remember how this went I think it like this that’s probably not far enough out

Yeah oh you just you just make it take a long time cool look like down one over two I think okay yeah down one one two three one one two three one two three nope what do I feel like that’s not right one two three four five one two three four

Five one two three four five one two three four five I guess that’s right okay and then we’ll put our dirt here where might it be did that already pass it up one second I apologize oh that’s Ro boy uh actually you know what I want to go ahead and get some Breck

And then that way we can change what the outline is all right so it goes to the corners yep so it’s that like that okay and Then we need an oak sapling and we can wait for it to grow but I don’t have an oak sapling well guess we’re going to go get one real quick uh I’ll just buy half a stack um or you can just bone meal the sapling when the tree goes it’ll do its

Thing uh I wonder if this is actually going to do anything Or what but we’ll see uh well what is all this iced tea and red grapes holy magic power what is all this stuff I knew this was added what is this energy that’s odd uh anyways uh Oak sweet ancient sapling these are trees growing from ancient saplings use to generate or

In the chunk the less ore there is in a chunk the more leaves disappear until you have to grow a sapling again yes okay so this is the ritual we want dandelion poppy sugar cane okay so we got pretty much most of that um probably not a whole lot but yeah two

Dand liion actually yes okay let’s make do I have po yeah okay we’ll let our whirly spr do it oh nice our wh spr is already doing it uh did I put the poppies in there too or no I didn’t put poppies in here no I had the rose for red okay

That’s fine um are all the Ros is gone correct yes so let’s put that one that one really don’t need um what you call it mushrooms right now cool that’ll work all right so we got that and that uh these we can just stick in there uh Siege sugar

Cane oak sapling oh man do I have Oak saplings in here this is why I need to get on all this stuff organized in the drawers get it hooked up to our storage system I forgot I even had an oak tree in here okay well that

Helps uh and then we need wheat seeds and sugar cane is that it yeah yep yep yep okay and then Goldies which is is across the pond River on the other side of a body of water uh that I guess we can sleep again let me sleep outside on the

Building ah the great outdoors okay uh let’s check on our trees see how our golden leaves are coming along hey they’re growing look at that awesome we got nine okay all right this should be good for now we’ll let the rest of them just keep spread

In and actually I think like in here in this building we might be close enough to load the rest of it okay so I have done a little bit of nature or before it doesn’t matter where you put the items as long as they’re all there uh we need saplings sugarcane leaf

And then sapling in the middle get a little bone meal little magically do hicky stuff and the tree pops into the craft so we got some ancient saplings now ancient saplings are is like like the quest book said it’s kind of a natural way to produce use the aura

Needed for the crafts with Nature’s Aura um so we’ll have a couple of these over here let’s actually look in the chunk areas yeah so if we put one like right here on the border of this one and then another one on the border of this one there we

Go yeah so it’ll kind of split the tree into multiple chunks and so we can make sure all the surrounding chunks kind of keep with aura and at the same time it kind of let us know what chunks you’re using more Aura cuz it would literally be like a cutof wall of leaves

Um okay awesome well we got that done uh the ritual of token joy to get first token of Joy now these are used to actually craft that table that I was talking about to the Alters uh so and there’s two different ones one for the Nether and one for the

Overworld uh and that’s this one okay I was like why wouldn’t I show but yeah um might have like a portal in here here what are we mess up for temped I keep thinking I’m far from it every time it pops in my head we just need a beacon let’s see

Okay okay we don’t have withered ribs we have to go get kill some Withers we’ll see but okay that’s good to know all we need is a beacon let’s see if I can actually remember this time um right talking to Joy okay we go here an apple this is any flower right yeah

Any Minecraft small flower so we can use the ones that we have we need iron and torches bottle sunlight we make bottles sunight we get a quirk bottle and Quirk and bottle sunlite is actually made by right clicking the air in the overw world now it does use up the nature energy I

Believe uh so if we use it in this chunk it’ll start absorbing some of those leaves to make up for what we took um but you can always just fly somewhere else straighten that whole area and not even worry about it and then come back to Bri um but that’s bottle sunlight uh

There’s one for the Nether and one for the end uh yeah so we got bottled Darkness bottled ghost and bottled substance uh darkness is obtainable in the end in the Twilight ghost is obtainable in the Nether and undergarden sunlight is Overworld and bottle sub attainable in

Other dimensions uh so we can go to the moon and get bottled substance okay so iron Apple torch uh iron and torch and apples are over here oh that light actually pops out enough to bump in like stop me that’s unfortunate okay uh we’re also going to need more

Dust cuz we need 16 dust per craft okay so we can do one okay so Iron uh flour bottle Sun Light apple apple torch ah I used all my leaves funny thing is when you all right now but once all these trees are covered as soon as we V mine them it it’s we’re going to have too many too many leaves I’m on this

One uh let’s get the magnet and go ahead and grab all that it’s still connected down here so those leaves will still be able to spread to it so we’ll just leave it like this oh look there’s still one up there perfect uh and we have 30 that’s not a

Lot but that’s okay okay wonder if you can fortun those we have try different ways of harvesting those Le see which one gives us the best benefit okay uh Apple uh leaf and do I have torch on there nope torch uh leaf and a torch 16 dust on the brick that’s

Another thing you want to try to make sure you put the dust down before the sapling because if the tree accidentally grows before you get all 16 dust down uh then you’ll have to start over um so yeah it won’t use the craft but yeah time for the token of

Joy okay I wonder if this is tall enough and then this will drop stuff let’s see okay so there’s token joy we get one to four more and we got one more that’s fine uh ex alter so we need two of those one for the Overworld and one for the nether

Uh and the recipe doll one two three stone gold and a leaf so Stone and gold that we should be good so it’s three stone gold a leaf and and oh no and that thing we have just enough for now to do our two Alters oh actually

Cuz what that’s the dust we need for the next craft okay I don’t know if there’s I don’t think there’s one for the end I think it’s just Overworld nether ooh more powerful craft taking longer hey nice uh that that one just killes bricks and I more bricks all right uh gold three

Stone uh leaf And where is it oh yep token okay oh me and we’re off now we got to get together this stuff to set these tables up which shouldn’t be bad we should pretty much have everything we need for all that uh and we’re going to set one

Of them up over here for the Overworld and then we will um uh have one in the Nether and then there’s one more tier crafting for Nature’s alter which we or nature Zora which we’ll put over there uh okay so we’re going to do this one

First uh easy okay so 16 and we need eight of these actually let’s go boom boom boom boom all right do we have 20 Oak planks nope uh we do the other room I’m just kidding uh there we go okay so we need 16 of those right oh what is going on

Here oh okay sorry some something weird popped up on my screen okay so 16 stone bricks and Then let’s put all this away uh we need a golden fiber cuz we need eight of these and then chisel I think we need four yeah okay and then the oak blanks oh we need 20 that’s 1 2 3 four five locks now I’m not sure if it still does it I

Think it will uh you might want to want want to do at nature uh it is wa so this is the book for nature Sora um I think it’s like based on achievements as far as what you unlock I’m assuming um but we are going to be

Doing the natural alter so yeah right here so you can visualize it and you’re able to kind of just place it and it’ll show you where to put the blocks um I don’t think I want it like in the floor so like right there would be fine

Oh I don’t have a block to click on for it to okay so let’s do that so because I place a block it got stuck so we can undo the visualize visualize again and then click it onto that Block maybe we do go ahead and stick it in the floor all it look nice up here but down there you definitely see stuff that’s fine we’ll put a roof down there if we need to but okay put all our planks down first well the ones that we can cuz some of them

Are in the middle then we need our bricks and then chisel bricks the corners last four planks here table there and then we’ve got two bricks regular bricks for each pillar gold gold gold gold and then we’ll do the same thing up top here excuse me my thrat keeps getting on like weird

Why the weather coming in big cold front coming across country all right and it lets you know when you’re complete so now you can see it’s absorbing Aura from the environment into the table so you can craft with it um so as it does that these leaves will start to

Disappear and then if we need to we can plant a tree closer inside make sure it’s in in the exact Chun but this should be yep nice all right and that is the one for the natural alter so now we can make infused iron just takes an iron you get waiting for

Server doesn’t like it is it is it upset I can’t tell if I’m about to get kicked I haven’t touched nothing it said waiting for server still says waiting for Server I can’t access my backpack we’re just going to oh don’t tell me that’s me S come on come on you know you want to is it gonna make it will it be able to load in time okay OBS is still going so that’s a thing why is my camera so fuzzy I guess I’ll mess with that wow uh did it

Fix kind of all right I see a timer hello hello can you hear me hello I’m not sure if I caught it in time and I’m sure I’m sure YouTube’s not happy I mean on the web pages timer is getting updated so G say oh yeah this is the startup of

The new mancraft armor I don’t know if anybody can hear [Laughter] me I believe everything is fine we got timers going and stuff so yeah okay well we’re back in our storage I just don’t know if the stream’s still running I mean everything on my end says it is

But I I have no proof let’s see uh everybody’s definitely doing a good job pretending to be a happppy I’m talking about software yeah you just right click it in there use Nature’s energy yeah so you see how those leaves turnning brown and like these Decay leaves and

Pop off the tree and they won’t exist uh no no don’t do anything right now just just just chill okay I don’t know how many of these rents going to need let me take that back okay so we got that uh here got the Altar ingots it wants us to finish these and do the offering of the God’s table now this is the one I wasn’t sure about okay sweet thank you boy uh as far as this drops items from the sky so I wasn’t sure if we can put it in

Here and if that’d be tall enough and I wouldn’t have to break any glass out um worst case scenario I might just throw an absorption Hopper out there and Tangle block it down here and you know do all that good stuff but uh yeah so

Let’s see what’s that craft for it oh a token of sorrow and a token of fear and then the infused iron OT and then okay circles of grass so the outermost circle is five right well no it’s 9 by9 okay uh 1 two three four five six 7even 8

N one two three four five six seven eight n okay uh so it wouldn’t be here it be here and then not immedately around the center put one out from there okay so grass blocks and the alter I don’t think we have grass blocks in here do I have grass we do

Nice we put all these here okay and then d l uh I don’t think it has to be this same flower uh if you wanted to mix it up and change it a little bit okay um we need to see what those two things need gas tears bottled sunlight bottled ghost okay let’s

Go what was I missing for the Cork and bottle or bottle follow Qui uh there we go just just a plank issue okay that we’ll do for now we’re going to get some from the Nether and then I’m going to go to the moon and see if we

Can’t get that other one uh all right sweet there’s our goes uh darkness is end in Twilight okay let’s go there first okay and then we’ll go to wait I was about to say wait did I not put one on the moon and there we go we got the bottle

Substance I guess traumatized you like I was just I couldn’t breathe okay so that gets all those one to 64 and we get 12 okay you know it’s fine it’s fine it’s totally fine all right um don’t need that we don’t need that this is our alter for the nether we

Don’t need that we don’t need that all right so we need one of these and one of these put the rest away okay good um uh any raw meat okay and any raw fish I don’t know if I have summon or what’s the other one Cod hey nice uh

Yep so we need to leave it here and a glass Leaf te piece of glass uh and a pork chop of some sort okay so there’s that one and then the token of fear we need a feather bone rotten flesh salsa and a leaf I got these backwards soulan leaf and the red

Stuff all right sweet let’s go make ourselves some tokens uh so these are done over here we’re going to need dust we got the leaves for both of those that’s perfect okay so you there we’re going do this one first and this can be automated too um

Depending on how much we’re going to need it will depend on whether we do automated or not um but it can definitely be automated sweet all right there’s our first one um I guess we can go ahead and lay this down since it’s in our hand and then Leaf pork chop fish glass

Tear sunlight tree bone meal we ran out excuse me we ran out of bone meal that should be fine wow wow actually I have a grow spell we won’t talk about that what grow spell I don’t have grow spell wish I had grow spell real life uh okay this is the table we’re

Trying to make and it looks like we have what we need offering table let’s go okay and this guy will go here here’s a test all right the offering table allows you to appeal to the gods with a spirit of calling to obtain powerful new

Powerful items oh it gave us a grass BL we need well we didn’t need them all right so if I use this on this Spirit of calling how do I get that uh here oh okay uh wait what is this how do I get that oh I see uh let’s get some Gold tree starting to get a little flattened hello oh awkward all right we need to make the other one uh so we need 16 nether brick uh 16 nether brick and then we need four red nether brick uh on the off CH so I can make it uh we’ll do that

That I don’t know if I have that might going go get it sweet uh red NE brick we and make those okay we need four red NE brick eight golden nether Brick okay and then Crimson planks yeah I don’t think we have any Crimson wood do you sell Crimson wood no you don’t wow okay I do have the jet boots upgrade for our boots so we can just jetpack around but I mean we can also electroly with

Unbreakable light so yeah kind of either way all righty whoa who isn’t that lucky uh there we go that’s perfect uh I’ll grab some of this in case in case we ever need it yeah seem this yeah booting up okay so let’s put that away put that that we got our 20

Planks all right so now we need to set this up in the nether honestly I kind of want to keep this spot so a mir’s behind us so let’s go this way I’m curious who it works cross Dimension let’s go H yeah he definitely made it easy to

Get I hate to fact the lava flows faster in the Nether um yeah the infinity upgrade on our uh controller right here it just works I don’t think I need those range cards I have on my system oh another Goblin hey buddy okay he multiplier then scrap

Looting four oh looting three okay he just upgrades them luck absorption sharpness seven Unbreaking seven you got some pretty cool trades buddy uh is this one faster yeah careful guy don’t you getting hurt okay just clearing out some space from aler just show how big I need what is that 1 two three Four so 5 S 7 by seven okay I probably also want to make sure it’s in its own chunk blue Netherrack this should be fine as long to keep it in here can go the wall if it becomes an issue as far as mobs are concerned

But uh let’s go the rest of the way this way all right so let’s get our book and we’ll place it down uh does this have a crimson alter nice that’s what we need okay so I’m probably going to want it here how’s that looks fine yeah that’s

Perfect uh now as far as the nether I don’t really know how to like produce the stuff for here um so yeah that’s going to be a Lear experience for both of us okay and then that was another brick okay here’s NE brick with gold hi I’m not interested at the

Moment I give with you when I’m getting ready what are you doing don’t be blowing up what I just put together where you at okay first off we’re going to do that okay it’s absorbing stuff from the nether yeah cool dude and D it go let’s go

I don’t know how much of this I need let’s see three Spirit of calling per Ingot okay wait does it say you use G to see the multi block ghost or you can reproduce multi block the image Al work or from the atmosphere to transfer it to your

Craft have the ability to turn iron in fuse it’s not farewell different region specially another much Ora is present here the Crimson alter can be built stru very similar which is able to inad turn gold and tainted gold for this the structure on the following page needs to

Be assembled should be noted that while looking different it’s in it’s not a different Block it’s main nature appearance Catalyst place on top how to assemble creating the nether blocks for the multiblock creal P note that the same infusion is possible using materials so doesn’t really Say creating Aura uh so we can use one of these probably swamp homie uh we got the shooting mark uh off she Observer slimes and oh well upon being able to hurt enough they split in small version of the cell M exp when such creature splits in theity the created entropy will be

Consumed and Ora will be dispersed into the environment these say the amount of work created is based on the size and Varity of the creature should also be noted that while the off SHO server is in the process ping Ora causing an additional creature display not cause any more Ora to be

Created so with this one if we went to a Bastion and got a magma slime spawner and then had it set up to where um hold on let me think let me think yeah we set up mag words uh magma slime spawner uh we could use that uh the the

Mob thing I I don’t know anything right now uh M mob Crusher yes mob Masher uh we can use a mob Masher to break down the Slime and that would activate the infusion alter for the aura so yeah if we end up needing more of this stuff then we’ll definitely um look into

That okay uh let’s go back on uh I don’t need any of this so we’ll just D it we put the gold back and the Nether Bricks okay so we want to do Spirit of calling oh Catalyst nice this how many infusing do we have seven

Okay H it should be fine let’s let’s see see what the result is first we still got to see if they’re going to even drop down here all right so it’s this and then oh yeah you can do box them out hold on hold on hold on we need we need

To get gu f it’d be nice to have like a gauge um showing how much Aura is actually in the table so I’m sure I got to keep track of that how much it takes for any jingit and how much it has in total okay we’ll give it 16 we’ll put those over

Here right there in the alter and then we’ll use that no do I throw it I still got my magnet on I think I throw it yes and the ingots always fell from the sky like that so I’m curious okay you only let me what about range upgrades that’s the whole radius okay

Okay so there’s our ingots so we kind of want our absorption Hopper probably around like this area and then let’s get range modifiers wow that one’s far uh let’s go a little bit South like two south and then maybe where’s the corner right there I mean honestly where’s center right

You centering on the altar okay we leave it there that’s fine uh we’re going to tangle it and put it in there excuse me uh so we hide area we can do west east north and south all items and let’s see how this works all right so we’re going to have that that

That um let’s Get let’s get some more iron try it out Okay cool so we’ll do this that big lightning boom And okay that’s fine what about this much better there we go all right well that solves that issue I can barely tell it’s just a little dot up there perfect okay and uh this this Tre is dead oh five I think it’s five yeah there you go and a whole bunch more

Of these on this side which is perfect uh that’s fine all right inot of the SKU catalst you just Crush several items in the the Crimson alter we have the crumbling cat which I think just crushes everything oh okay multiplies it well multiplies the leaves B meal okay that one’s not really too

Important but the transmute I think was nice if you need it not looking like we really need anything I mean I would have taken it up on this offer but yeah know I do need to put my um course flower and a botney pot because that’s another thing that um oh actually

Uh add it here okay all right now we needed Nature’s Ora for botney pots cuz they take this stuff yes botney pots batania uh I know words word words no come good okay easy enough so we need wheat uh more power water uh wheat and eggs basically are they both jungle no

One’s Oak one’s jungle okay let’s get I mean you make a lot with just one so 16 of each that’s a lot of crafts um let’s do four of each so we need eggs and wheat and then jungle sapling oak sapling uh one two three four

Wait wait wait uh wheat yeah wheat goes with Oak and Sho goes with the egg each one of these two so I need eight dust each okay Honestly those leaves should have grown quite a bit by now yeah I almost accidentally broke that well started to break the barrel that has all the silver in it and uh so was like no you can’t break that that there’s too much stuff in there you’ll break everything

Perfect okay and then we’ll need those for that all right so it’s two dust wheat and the sky Ingot the sapling okay two dust wheat skyl Inlet Ingot and then sweet I probably don’t need well I don’t know I say I probably don’t need a whole

Lot of this stuff but I kind of want to make sure I’m able to make a good amount at least nice we like trees that grow fast uh so it’s two and two yep okay let’s do the other one let’s s jungle and egg egg uh Ingot

Dust and sometimes with the really big trees it ends up like leaving part of the tree after it transforms we’ll see but I think that’s like the multi Branch ones that aren’t like fully connected hey my screen looks so weird all right and another in of the sky

So that only made eight this at 48 so we need definitely need a lot more of that don’t hey Mir that’s a good idea I didn’t know that me said you can put a block above the tree where you grow it and you only get small trees uh is it

A block five or six baces up okay let’s go um one 2 three four 5 six to be safe okay we got the ritual out all right let’s go oops and hey hey I think it needs to be six above the tree we’ll see we’ll see science it must be

Known okay tree don’t like that what about now hey okay did we find The Sweet Spot I think we found it okay so that’s like what 1 two 3 four five six yeah six above the actually it’s the seventh space above the sapling but six blocks between

That block and the top of the sapling nice thank you sir uh now we we’ve got all powder Uh oh nice it gave us the purple one cuz that one was one that gave us wow gave us four it’s fine it’s fine uh alter of birthing this is Ed for summoning animals uh we have those um yeah we’re proba going to need that much Ora cash if you’re trying to store

AA with you callus yeah I think uh I think that about sums up what we’re going to need Nature’s Aura for uh these and the craft really uh to make for a fertilizer but once we have all the flowers for batania then we’re not going to need this anymore either so

Um all right let’s get bone meal we need this and what does it want Oak all righty and then uh probably going to go ahead and do that okay so it’s one two fuckle my shoe three four something something something sweet that me going to get a bunch of batania

Flowers and actually I didn’t think about it but I might I might I might well actually I don’t know how well that would go with the worly spr I guess I could just yeah but it would only be one flower per I mean I really don’t need a whole Lot we’ll see we’ll see I at least like enough of the floor fertilizer dang and this is the only way to get it oh but wait the mission you going to give me some more uh 4 days eight okay that’s fine we’re crafting it we’re crafting it now isn’t there a flower pouch

Uh there it is thank you uh and then we can kind of keep track and make sure that we have every flower type and honestly well uh does it have the yeah it does have the tolerance okay so Bonne pots will’ll grow the short and the tall ones

Um but I don’t feel like we really need them that like dire I just I definitely do need to organize the worldly spr area but um baby steps I honestly the biggest thing is just having access to that stuff for our system uh I me we got logs and fruit and plants

And all kinds of different stuff in there let’s see what’s up my girl spell uh number five oh amplify gross sensitive okay I don’t want AOE can I not amplify it projectile cannot be augmented by amplify grow cannot be augmented by amplify okay well there’s no need to

Have any a man I didn’t save it uh no point in having any other effects on it because it’s just Cost them more Mana for no reason all right now we should be able to cast a lot more times so of wasting bone meal uh

We can definitely Cass a lot more but it didn’t do anything I don’t know I give up okay probably do a couple more craftes how much we got we got 34 I mean we do four more that makes sense all cuz we want more stack of this all right this more

PR my phone just freaked out there we go two more crafts two more crafts I normally try to avoid too much repetitive stuff in stream but also feel sometimes in doing that I kind of do stuff you know without everybody so apologize if this is boring but we we

Get to doing some more fun stuff almost done with these crafts and then we’re going to go grow some batania flowers I mean technically we can grb my here I don’t need another one of these uh um we’ll just yeah okay got quite a bit of them oh I broke the dirt

Now in order to get the two tall ones let’s see how we look how we look what we got okay we do have multiples of each so we’re going to do this number hey well thank you for stopping by Steve how are you doing hope work hasn’t been too horrible Okay so what we can do is we can go and then and there’s your tall flower so we’re going to do that with all of these I’m going to go ahead and plant both the uh things just so we don’t have them well I mean we’ll need one of

Them I’ll make an extra one uh we’re going to need one to make our flower pouch yay flowers uh yeah let’s get that guy okay my thought is we can have both the big ones and the little ones with the whirly spring and that could possibly make it to where

Oh um we get plenty of stuff that we may or may not need for cra crafting uh last but not least are these two okay awesome uh now in order to actually Harvest those we need shears but first I want to make a flower pouch uh I don’t

Know need those anymore don’t need that okay okay so we’ll make that and then we can stick all these in there and so that lets us know that we have all the little ones and now we just need the two tall ones so let’s make some

Shears uh if you try and break them uh you won’t uh barehanded yeah I don’t think they drop anything at all so you have these shoes to harvest them as big flowers I believe okay flower pouch boom oh we don’t have any red ones okay do we have red flowers yep we

Have red flowers okay and see that’s where it comes in extra handy all right so now we have all the flowers now the only thing is we don’t have multiples of each um and honestly yeah this F izer isn’t used for anything else so we can use our extra to

Make sure we get uh all of our little flowers and only they mind the colors it’s actually reading like the color or they’re entities that aren’t being minable so feel the botania flowers okay I want all the flowers now my hesitation on the worldly

Spr was space is was kind of where I was at when I was thinking about the flowers for the worldly spring um and of course like how fast how many we actually need like how fast we need harvesting and stuff like that but it should be fine

Um so what is 1 two three four five six s eight so we got 32 flowers that we need places for um what do we got going on here uh let’s silk touch these cuz this isn’t working uh neither is this oh broke some okay and then we don’t need these

Okay so based off of that we’ve got 3 six n if we do that four times it will fit all of them with some space to spare all in the way all in the way right yep perfect now lay down our dirt okay let’s put most of this stuff

Away oh pretty much all of it actually and put that here all right right uh one of those one of those can I do the mouseful thing oh perfect okay so this is all the little ones okay then we’ll do one of each of the big ones

Let’s see if we can make a pathway here we go what do these got life maning command cation un okay should still be fine Brown yeah we’ll put that one there is there another one nope that should be all of them one two three yeah just two one’s there and

One’s there okay awesome uh I still want to have like kind of a straight bath where I’m not going to break anything on my way uh but yeah it’s already being produced uh even more of a reason that we need to uh yeah we need to organize

This uh now it’s going to be full of Pia flowers which is perfect um so we need the white ones first to start off uh cuz we need to make the petal Apothecary now I also had another idea I mean honestly I don’t need this tree here at all okay and

Then nothing’s being produced from that and let’s break this down okay perfect now we have lower these with apples yeah okay we’re going take this off nice I mean really I just need the rubber wood locks for rubber um I don’t really need the saplings you can use either the

Logs or the saplings uh if I remember right the saplings gave us more but um I want to put a floor in here uh so let’s see how much concrete do we have okay ter all right terot wins I was trying to debate I didn’t even notice that how long has that been

There uh where to exactly put it and I think I might go right above the doorways I guess I’ll pill her up um I mean I literally literally where is it uh what did I do how did I make it there it is uh jet boots now build them smart

H oh I need to do this and let’s turn the elytra off there we go all right do I have do yeah I didn’t think I’d have enough I was like this is interesting but yeah okay and here yeah this be plenty of space I was a little

Worried cuz uh you know you could do a lot with batania but yeah this would be nice no I have Mana shooting all over the place uh looking all cool all right yeah space was kind of the only thing that made me nervous as far as uh how high to put the

Floor I was like man be a arm not have big enough area all right here we go look at that that’s perfect uh let’s drop down next to Mr swapo medic all right so we need to take out that block and put an elevator and then turn my Jets off in a

Minute and this SP I put in the elevator oh wait nope hang on work uh let’s go here uh one two three how far are you one two three oh hey guy I trapped you cuz you have C trades all right uh actually yes um maybe it’ll be easier to make an elevator

Hey M Mir is here uh okay let’s just you know Skip all the nonsense we need three Elevators cuz we already had one so one there one there one There one there all right sweet uh there’s a lot lot of jump lot of jump uh that all can go in there along with the apple and the apot uh R sapling oh we at space you know what you know What are you the biggest yeah you’re the biggest the biggest and the baddest now we got we got a few more slots open but yes we’re getting our potan flowers perfect perfect uh do you have acia yes you have acia uh mahogany and Oak and blue Bri and that stuff uh

Where’s wait where’s my book ah I probably put in inventory uh my actic tune okay anyways pedal Apothecary uh I think we’ll just make a regular one um oh if you don’t know the advantage to the two tall flowers over the regular flowers so the regular flowers give you

Four light gray pedals or two light gray pedals and the tall ones give you four so you get twice as much pedals uh and then again one pedal will make you another tall one so you can end up really multiplying these these these pedals um for your crafting for all your crafting

Needs okay let’s let’s do aten all right and that that yeah that’s probably all we’re going to need um I need to turn my Chings off sweet really don’t even know if I’ll even need that pouch anymore but we’ll keep it we’ll keep it for now okay so we got elevator there

Elevator there let’s do pedalo car here I don’t know if I have a bucket of water my inventory I probably don’t yeah all right turn off my elytra okay it’s cool I didn’t need to go that fast this actually is nice this height like it doesn’t feel cramp in here

That’s the other thing I was worried about was like it feeling like it was too tight down here uh all right let’s make ourselves sink uh and with this sink uh we can then get our bucket and put water in here the pedal Apothecary is basically

What you do to start your crap oh it gives us a flower pouch right BX is used to craft generating and functioning flowers functional flowers uh so the pure Daisy is a functional flower and that it does something um in this pack is really cool they have the

Generating flowers up here at the top for you and the functional ones at the bottom so the functional ones are going to do something that you can automate that could help you um pure Daisy for instance will make you the Living Wood living Stone um but there a bunch of

Other functional flowers that will do stuff Hopper Hawk absorbs items it’s like an absorption Hopper and as a flower um so there’s quite a bit of stuff you can end up doing with batania uh flow has a range of 3x 1×3 and the process takes one minute so we need to

Make a couple of these uh probably want to make four if we can uh and that would give us two for the living Stone and two for or living Rock and then two for Liv Living Wood um so we don’t need those two uh so we’re going to need to get the

Pedals uh if we want to make four we need 16 pedals right there all right oh another you need for the pedalo carry uh they’re not there they’re here seeds uh seeds are kind of like the basis for crafting uh so it said four white petals and now if you look it shows

We’ve got the four white pedals so that’s all we got to do that’s all good we throw some seeds in there and we get our flower now there’s going to be a cool thing that’s going to happen right afterwards one we’re gonna put more

Water in it and two we’re GNA be able to just do the craft all again a lot faster so we’ll put that in there we get our flow put water and so we can right click with an empty hand to put the recipe back in there and then we do it

Again boom it doesn’t matter where you put the seeds on there uh you can even just leave the seeds right there and then right click and it’ll put the pedals in there craft it and all that um now the other cool thing is we’re going to put this one

Back and we’re going to hook a pipe up to it and we’re going to break this how do I want to do this cuz it’ll go in the bottom no you don’t let me pipe in anymore okay we will have to use modular routers to auto click that okay so these can

Only be planted on dirt and then the surrounding blocks around them whether it be Oak locks or uh smooth stone is what we will use to transform so we’ve got Oak locks here and then I’ve got Stone in the storage elevator elevator right here uh so that will be one two spaces

And this will be the other one two spaces and this that one and last but not least that one now there is something called I think it’s called a monocle for Bania that actually when you look at the functioning flowers it’ll tell you their range um or their effective range for

Whatever they’re going to be end up doing uh so we’re going to get some Stone unless it’s changed I might want to check that uh this is empty right yeah we’ll just put it away uh okay we got Pure Daisy oh I gave

Us a free one oh so we only need to make three sure we can put another one right here no not torch flow uh and then the next Quest wants us to get living Rock and living logs so that’s any log and okay I was about to say oh wait

Only Blue Sky Stone see that’s what I wanted to look just in case there’s any funny business now was this only Blue Sky it is only blue skywood okay let’s do wait wait wait is this blue sky we’re covered there uh so now the stone uh can I do add

Blue okay so we do have plenty of lunar Stone what was that oh here it is the turquoise Cobblestone uh is that what it say I’m curious it t Stone so we’d have to cook the Cobblestone to make it uh make it work that’s fine we got these okay and

You just surround the flower with the blocks and it’ll start doing its thing now another thing you could do is you could coat the floor around the flower with the blocks that you’re wanting to place and that way you could just use um something like a building wand or

Something just to copy those eight on top of it next to the flower cuz it only does one high so it won’t go above or below um and it said it takes about a minute to process once we process that we’ll have the wood we need to make the

Mana spreader and the wand and the stone we need to make a Mana pool and then we can start working on generating Mana now we’re going to start off nice and easy with the Endo flame it’s nice and simple you feed it something burnable it burns makes Mana

Uh as far as whether we’ll go past that maybe the Wither aconite nice nether Stars so yeah we’ll probably do that cuz once we get cuz industrial we can Farm Withers so we’ll basically just have a ton I hear blocks changing o new texture I like that I

Knew the flowers changed but it’s been a while since I’ve actually like gone all the way through b like done Bia so all right sweet so we’ll break this Stone break the logs uh we’re going to go ahead and make some more cuz we’re going to need

Some uh I need to silk touch it otherwise it gets weird okay we got our logs I think we need living Stone more than we need a living wood but we need both of them so it’s fine eight of each so Mana spreader this is how we’re going to collect mana and send

It to where we need it to and then wand of the forest we also need to save the recipe for the Endo flame but we’ve got plenty of flowers building up for that so no biggy there sorry I keep checking my phone got to make sure it’s not anything needed

Uh okay uh and then metol all right so we don’t need that let’s make this uh can we make two perfect uh one of the forest got that nice and then Mana poles I want four and it’ll make sense why in a little bit a dileted Mana pool is a smaller Mana pool

Um H ain’t diluted uh so it’s not necessarily one that I’d be wanting to use uh unless I was trying to set up some kind of specific automation that you know I didn’t want it just drain in all my Mana so I wanted to keep the pool

Low okay we’re going finish off the rest of these Stacks that we grabbed we only have eight logs left after those are done uh as far as Mana let’s go over here uh there and then let’s do it there and there we’re going to have one two three four five

Six three four five six may put a second layer floor down just to make sure you know it doesn’t look too funny more Transformations okay so this wants us to get some Mana throw some stuff in there and do some stuff so we can totally do that

All right and then we’ll do these last eight logs real quick all right so wait wait wait wait wait the question is are they normal ways of making those things uh Man of Steel take Steel okay Mana Pearl and a pearl okay Mana Diamond takes a diamond perfect sounds great

Uh oh yeah yeah I wanted to see if we had yep there we go are you going to give us some nice 100,000 exactly uh so we can do this oh there’s already got to be man in it that’s right that’s one stipulation of these flowers

It’s already got to be Mana in the pool when you drop it to add Mana to the pool uh uh may leave this here yeah we leave okay po well let’s go k so we need for these I need 12 of them so we need 24

Brown 12 and 12 red and gray so six six and 12 so we need 24 Brown there we go uh what is that with 16 17 18 19 20 red is it gray or light gray I think it’s light gray yeah that’s the gray here’s the schol light gray all right so we

Need 24 of these 12 of these okay so we put these two back and we just need four more Brown Sweet all right so that’s what I’m going to do here I’m going to go drop the seeds in there wa wait hold on hold on hold on bo bo boom

Okay then we’re going to drop the seeds in there like that I’m going to do this yeah I missing one sweet Ender Flames now if you put the Ender Flames down after you put the spreader they will Auto link to the spreader and we can check this by

Pointing the wand at them and see they have a check mark next to the little picture of a spreader right there in the middle and also you’ll see there’s an outline around the spreader that they’re attached to so as long as the spreader is here and within range when you place these

Down they’ll Auto link to it one thing these won’t do is Auto Link to a pool so we’re going to shift right click and then shift right click shift right click and shift right click and that will select the spreader ta to put into this pool now for now we’re just going to

Have them both going in two separate pools but eventually we’ll end up making I wonder if it’s in the quest line yeah here it is we’re going to end up making the Mana splitter um but we need some stuff first so let’s do that there we go we are producing minuta

Now okay so obviously it’s not the way to automate it that’s just they’ll sit there burn it up and then get their stuff going wa oh yeah I made these oh it gave a skull thanks all right so we need steel and a frozen diamonds oh yeah these are 16 a

Stack all right so we’re going to drop couple black gloves in there they don’t get far to any okay there’s the Man of Steel Man of Pearls not even enough man of diamond not a single man of diamond all right so we got Mana Pearl Mana steel nice hey G Us free steel could just gave us some minut of Steel but all right and you need man steal the make perfect uh let’s go ahead and craft one of

These boom okay so now we’re going to shift click that and shift click the man a spreader shift click that shift click Mana spreader and it will end up spreading the Mana between all four of these pools uh so the outside runes weren’t weren weren’t grabbing any uh put some Mana in there

Um actually honestly probably Put one of those things on the roof uh the the lantern of flares that are barel uh let’s get down here look at all of them working hard happy healthy yeah got another double Brown okay uh do time yet no no not yet are they over here we got three

Threee Mana splitter some more man diamonds okay what’s that uh in a Mana pole toss a string to get manaus string a dust or any dye to get Mana powder nether course to get Mana quartz and glass to get Mana glass okay so we need string uh we’ll just use gunpowder got a

Ton of it glass the fourth one quartz quartz quartz quartz okay Uh so there’s quart there’s string man of glass my strings done that seems to take a bit wonder if I put it over here there we go seems like there’s like a closest first concept going on there ter Teru boou the ter ter boou becomes sad when

It rains and smiles again if you feed them with a sunflower when you make them happy the sunlight comes back if you feed them with another blue orchids they may make it rain but will become sad again so you feed the sunflower to stop it from raining is that is it that is

That his purpose uh we do need sunflowers anyways so uh we’ll have to get get those sometime runic alter oh we can make one nice uh this will kind of be the center of all things pretty much wait why is this did I yeah totally definitely messed it up all right

Um so I need to have a Mana spreader I guess I could put two here and then they both shoot at that thing okay we do need to automate that which isn’t hard a little dropping action I am curious as to why these aren’t filling up but we’ll

See still eating coal blocks over there all right we got some extra living Rock now it wants us to make all the different runes there’s Elemental seasonal sins and Runes of oh did any say something oh hello hello good sir how might the be fairing today how might be the th fairing

Today I don’t know all righty okay so we got the alter we got that end the Flames for fine I don’t think we’re going to be doing to too much more with those uh I mean as far as like making more we might but ass singable this portable crafting

Table uh is a affordable C with the ability to register to1 crafts manufactory Halo is an assembly Halo but it will automatically perform the craft you’ve registered as soon as their ingredients are in your inventory interesting that’s kind of cool kind of automate stuff like like if you’re picking this up

And like nuggets for instance you automate the craf inot and stuff um let’s see all right we got a good start in Batania last thing on my checklist was cultism I’d like to get these things started so we can kind of just like work on them here and there evolve them from there it didn’t feel like it seemed like we were going straight technology and same thing with the base

I want to kind of make it look nicer CU I did that side but we still have um this to deal with which this is no near that scope so it shouldn’t be as bad um let’s line it up get all the grass around here

Uh make it look a little nicer and then we got to get Pathways going but we’ll get there we’ll get there all right so this I need in my inventory uh these we’re going to put away put it away put it away put it away all

Right okay so Spirit of two gem we need cornite and spirit fire and then these are used for all sorts of different little things so I think I have a stack yes I have at least stack okay so then we need to get flint and steel I

Need what is it devil fruit what’s it called demon demon fruit yeah there we go our Demon’s dream fruit colie I’m just not making it with the English language today too much oh I see legit of okay so we’re going to do that and then that no that and then that yes

Sweet we have our spirit of tune gem uh well actually this just now crossed my mind I don’t have a spot for to wait I do do I I don’t know let’s see no oh I do I do I do I do I do I do I do it was

Here no this just another spot um was it on that floor down here I’m hly this definitely W be enough space yeah we don’t have a spot for It whale what’s over here boom that’ll work oh wait is this where I want it there’s so many rooms in this base it’s so hard to find things uh hey how you doing uh no uh he’s asking if I know if there’s a guide or something for the mod pack uh not

Really um and from what I’ve seen on YouTube most of the stuff is from the creators area which is in France uh I’m assuming that general area because they’re speaking French um but uh yeah it is it is a thing it is a thing

Um I mean I can try and you if you want uh sorry if I’m being weird and awkward about it uh but yeah there’s not really any like walkthroughs or anything for the pack if that’s what you’re wondering uh but this area up here is plenty of

Space uh what you up to neumatic craft ah good old neumatic craft uh we can put the feral of flares here And that we can light up this room it doesn’t need to be dark uh all right cool no this will be perfect I think this will be space for quite a few of the rituals um and then we can always use the floor below sounds

Perfect uh so we need to make some bowls with some other Stone we do have some of that saved up um I have candles but we’ll go through that just to satisfy the quest book uh and then white chalk we’re going to need four of those all right let’s see

What we got let’s see what we got let’s see what we got uh otherw World ashes that is the otherw world log saplings we got to get dark vision oh here they are um 36 okay well hold on we might not need to worry about that uh so we need

One for the white one for the yellow one for the red one for the purple um and then we’re going to need some Spirit of tune gems for the rituals Circle things uh so we got that so let’s make our butcher knife and I wonder if it only wants its

Own toallow for like the quest uh oh yeah cuz that’s animal fast not Tallow all right let’s run outside for a minute I don’t know why I turn that way I can just turn right immediately and then we can go out okay that one will

Take me a minute to get used to running up too yeah this is kind of on the expert mod pack uh level um there’s no specific set way to go about playing um but the progression is kind of gated in this sense um so you can kind of track

You know what’s needed for what if you want to get into new manicraft you need immersive uh if you want to do FTB industrial or industrial for going you’ll need the mcraft um RF tools as soon as you do the beyond Earth quest line and make it back

To the Overworld you can start our tools compact crafting evil craft nature zor and blue skies so all of those are available as soon as you get to the Overworld and then you’re able to Branch off from there for the specific mods that you’re actually wanting to access

So for cultism for instance you just need to do police guys and you can do a cultism um blood magic you got to get a good little ways through not a good ways but like halfway or so through evil craft and you’ll be able to start blood

Magic um nature Zora you saw um nature Zora we just needed the first ritual stand and we were able to start battan with just that and so that you know connection is just green um but this would be the closest thing as far as like a reference point to if you

Want to unlock a mod or you want to do a mod this is what you need to get to that point um but there’s not a specific like walk through or anything like that for the mod pack in itself uh let’s go let’s go south I see some fat animals helloa so co

Uh I don’t have 32 membres but could get it uh I have all that on this don’t I I do it’s tempting sir okay so we got that where’s the rest that are they on top of the mountain do you drop tower no just fatty animals like the big sheep cast all right

Where’s that count thank you sir ah it does look nicer flying up the base actually looks like a base no mountain and caching upon it okay and then you want me to make white candles sweet done deal okay so we have our candles so and you give me a whole bunch of

More uh and we’ll be using the occultism book for figuring out um the way the rituals are cuz similar to how we used for Nature’s Aura occultism you can do the same thing and actually have the ritual laid out in a big circle in front of you um so you

Know how to do it that’s what it was BS BS BS BS uh we got that oh we don’t have any other Stone okay so lunar Stone and spirit fire uh let’s get can we do sp fire with Netherrack where the fire will just never end burn if I can figure out what

My inventory button is oh that’d be cool blue Netherrack work oh it’s not blue Netherrack over there it’s something else okay um so if I put this here nope don’t do that we want that seriously nice okay uh we’ll just we just make it look nice beep beep beep awesome all right right

So we need some lunar [Applause] Stone should be good uh we’re going to make a bunch of bowls and then we need the golden sacrifice Bowl cuz that’s the most expensive one well the most important one not the most expensive we got gold for days we worried about that

Okay uh put that away black W goes up there we’ll make some more bowls these bows are used to put the items for the craft into the ritual and then that’s the primary one all right so we get that more not there we go uh and to make the white shock we

Just stick this guy in there perfect white chocks used to draw your first ritual um what you need to know about rituals magic lollipop what I Hae a lollipop I don’t I don’t I don’t know what it’s going to do to me but uh we

Need an cultism book hey hey is this the one that okay so it would be cool if they took us like through these avar Circle um cultism I don’t there it is I like I don’t quite remember which one it was all right so we got the B we do that

Third eye that’s what I was talking about when we go into that mode where we can see uh the other witcheries and stuff candles ritual preparation uh we do need to make a brush let’s go ahead and do that uh planks let go I’m not living with

Um I I feel like it’s not going to accept it ah I did nice okay so now we have our EV seal okay we make a little miss that so avar circle is going to be our first one oh yeah books of binding we’re going to need those we got the

Bows books of calling books of calling allow you to control a summon spirit and store it to prevent Essence Decay or move it more easily only spirits that require precise instructions such as a work area or drop off storage come with a book of calling okay so when we do the minor for

Instance we will end up having having to have a book of calling okay these pages will walk the gentle Reader through the process of the first ritual step by step we start by placing the Golden Bowl aviar Circle drawing the appropriate Pinacle AV Circle as okay so this is quite small which is

Good um okay I like that cuz some more rituals I I don’t want to have them on split floors um and before I start babbling I’m using the chalk to write the numbers that it lays out and it there’s no specific way for me to write you just right click the

Chalk and it’ll fill out whatever it needs to fill out on there um now I’m not going to lie the floor being quartz uh is kind of a small issue and there we go and we’ll put four balls down just for that uh we’re probably going to exchange this floor out for S

Terracotta um as a matter of fact let’s can we make more we have a stack yeah I don’t know how much terra cotta I had I stocked up on a bunch cuz well uh it was our entire build pretty much okay so let’s go here and then we’ll go

There dang how far across did it go I think it’s up here yeah right there there’s the glass uh let’s do there it is of course you were going to do that nonsense you bully running around like crazy person it’s like freedom I keep been waiting for that for this whole lot

There we go and then we need the glass I can’t believe it came all the way through like why come on I didn’t want it uh I can’t I don’t think that I don’t know sure that’s thaty how it was all right we got our cords that that uh we’ll put that

Away oh we still need U the Terra hey we actually ran out of ter look at that uh are we out out yeah well we’re going to have to go get some more terra cotta not today but we will uh all right cool so that’s our first

Ritual uh we got that one so let’s get our new magic lollipot sweet um and Then I think golden shock is next Gold Dust let’s go up here too much too much I still have gold down there I need to take it out uh Crusher yeah I remember sticking it in there when we were making a bunch yep right there all right uh okay otherwise our system will get confused Perfect all right Crusher

Should be done nice we got our Gold Dust I use to make yellow uh and then we burn it okay um oh yeah I can’t get to there from here it has to be from over here yellow chalk oh gold chalk sorry it’s not it’s not yellow it’s gold

Okay uh the other one is purple right we just need obsidian powder chisan Stone okay so let’s get some endstone and obsidian okay I was about to say is that Crush uh Crusher andone and OB powdered obsidian uh I think I missed something I did we have to summon the crusher Spirit

To get us the crust inone we need to make the purple chalk M okay so wait no it’s okay so the next one says spectral compulsion whatever the heck that means all right uh more chalks better chalks and rituals great particles what to do when the ritual seems stuck seems stuck no has

Been consumed you should see great particles yeah we’ll go over that when we try and do our first Craft um so we got the golden chalk more Advan R rules the basic white chalks ni efficient said chalks Made for More Arcane materials are required red CH a for purple

Chalk otherw World goggles magic storage now this this storage is pretty cool I’ve used it before uh more rituals ready for New Challenges rituals we got possession familiar summoning infusion uh okay binding so we got the miner uh yeah let’s like Pinnacles uh there a okay okay we got that

Put the other ones down oh need candles I always want candles um there we go uh for now I’m just going to stick four bowls around it and then we’ll we’ll get to it in a minute I kind of want to set most of these rituals up

Well what are they call Pentacles four rituals there we go uh just to kind of make sure so we got 1 two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 more and some of them get pretty big so like this one takes purple chalk so we definitely can’t make that

One this one this one we can make my creature this Pinacle does not lead to permanent imprisonment the spirit and possessed creature will perish with a short period of time um I don’t think I need that this one has a purple chalk and this one has purple chalk so

Yeah we will need purple Chu in order to continue uh which means we need to Summon the crusher Spirit here we go te automation try summon transport Crush Spirits summon for Crush ores into dust all right so we need one of each ore so silver iron gold copper and a book of binding okay so finding ful at which takes this throw a couple books in there purified

Ink black d uh actually we have a bunch of flowers being produced that coincidentally are one of every color black where are You thank You all right uh so is it no yeah it’s the pedals and then we need the mor and pestl is that the btana one no no no B Uh look it up oh they took it out that’s awesome I’m so happy they did that uh okay here’s our purified ink yink perfect uh so now we still need the book binding uh folet and then oh yeah one of each of the ores which we have those two uh is it

Under war no it’s um what are these called raw all right and so we need one raw Iron a raw gold raw silver and a raw copper uh is this oh AVR Circle okay so that’s the first one oh wait wait wait can we make this one no all fixing s okay so we can do the fol at one one one one one and

Then we do the thing uh it doesn’t say any sacrifices say sumon job slow Crusher um so we put these in the trays the bowls and then once we have the items in there we can take the book of binding and put it in the center you must craft

This book with the son of a I forgot you got to do this then you’ve got the book and you can do that and this will get us our Crusher so we need some endstone and he only does one item in a time I think is

What it said um but I think we only need two so you know it’s great stuff disappears craft gets made it’s not too bad cultism is pretty pretty cool it’s got a lot of nifty stuff to it is a little slow and crush your guy and crush a guy hey we got ourselves

A little Dem look at that early Marine whatever your name is hey can can you crush those up for me you would be the best if you could take care of that I just say it was a slow Crusher so I feel like he’s over there with the Chisel just upgraded guy’s got

Grinder he’s got our pieces now we can make purple chalk which let us make better circles which let it make better dudes and the minor guy I’m pretty sure he just mines from like the other dimension um sweet okay let’s get rid of that we need to use this pole boom pole

Chalk and burn it nice and I love the fact love the fact that the quest book is not opening these and it’s so easy just to assign the quest to associate yourself with this like it’s opening these as soon as you’re able to actually make them which is

Perfect okay uh so we got higher binding okay so that’s how you get the gens spectral compulsion I think that’s how you summon things so one of these rituals is how you summon like oh wait maybe that’s it right there yeah so I think this one is the

One where you can summon like groups of mobs and stuff we’re not going to be putting that in our base um I mean it wouldn’t hurt us like as far as you know having bad guys in the base but yeah I don’t want to deal with

That okay uh I see we make some more ritual circles uh here Pinnacles uh so we should be able to make the off this is how you summon a Genie Genie okay should be good why is that even there wait does this even have yellow no it’s just white and purple white and Purple oh you can oh that’s interesting all right I don’t have Skelly heads actually I do have player heads I do have player heads I looted those out of a chest can I make the Skelly head where is it it is not with everyone else there it is no what the skeleton skull

Candle what do you even mean there we go skeleton skull sacrifice chicken someone possessed skeleton okay so that’s one way to do it hran lur is that the one we were looking at yeah this is the one I didn’t want to do which is fine because I don’t need to do it Uh okay so that’s wait Actually I don’t have Skelly eggs yeah i’ I’ve been getting all the other ones that’s okay we can do that ritual sacrifice chicken hey where the candles go okay oh that’s awkward totally needs come back one well I just wanted to give yall an example of what you would have to do if

You end up having to move a ritual Circle Pentacle to to to stuff um so we got our chalk brush that we’re going to take we need to move back one block so um Pentacles or thinkes we’re going to show to take it off we forgot chalk no

Problem and then uh we’re going to show again and we’re going to put it right there instead all right so now we got those chalkis those chalkies Those and then Candles there sweet now all we need is the uh Skelly skulls and we’ll be fine uh we’ll put those like that all right sweet oh I did have a book I’m over here like looking all over the place on where to how to craft the

Book and all that and I had one the whole time okay now where is wants me to trade it okay here it is first Des by g s permanent confinement is used for binding a to objects oh no due to the power of the spirits involved this should be formed only by Advanced

Summoners a for deep or Miner o the a miner Harvest ores like genin Miners and additional mines deep slate ores this m is faster can you show me how to get the a e Essence because that’s kind of what I’m looking for uh here we go summon Unbound a ob Aras open conture

This is what I need yeah so this is simplified version due to the much power of the pentacle it cannot be used to control aphr and it thus can only be used to fight and kill aph okay so this is the one that’ll let us get a it which is the

Dude that we got to fight and kill now this recipe let’s just you do it without red chalk so we can’t control him so we should probably do this one outside use it to get his Essence a little bit get red chock and then we’ll be able to make the more powerful one

Where we can actually use him for our Miners and stuff um yeah okay well at least we know which one it is just the Abra yep Abra open conjure right there next to order um right after the one that we just did so the open conjure is that and

Then you have auber’s conjure is one of the few Pentacles capable of mostly safely summoning an aphid while the requirement of a wither skeleton skull makes it comparatively expensive the additional calling potential is required to reach these High Spirits thunderstorm Rain r a here that’s that’s nice okay um summon

Madrid to sum Madrid and bind them to a summoner’s will a Madrid CR Crusher okay and the final tier Unbound calling summon an Unbound greater Spirit features none of the stabing paralia the Pinnacle offers no protection whatsoever to the sumoner but acts as an irresistible call to great raer

Spirits uses a wither skeleton skull but she won’t show me the greater Spirits okay uh let me what was it this okay all right well we started three mods today and didn’t touch any of our automation for autocrafting um so I’m going to work on a little bit of that

Uh before the next Stream So I’ve already started making some patterns um if you haven’t used PL energistics uh use a pattern provider to implement autocrafting each molecular assembler next to a pattern provider uh will allow it to craft a 3X3 Craft um so we have nine crafts that can be saved in

The patent provider and so right now we have three around this bottom one so we can use any one of those three and three of the crafts in here can be crafted um and so we’re just setting up you know patterns putting them in here it is quite a repetitive process but um

There’s also uh integration things um that you know change it up a little bit um like this for instance going to have pattern providers in all these chests so that way we can specifically request okay I want plates and like create does a really good job making plates uh we’re

Going to need the mechanical the Precision Mechanical Devices um and also create can make the um uh flux crystals flux crystals um so create can make these now we will end up using the seed uh in I’m surprised it’s not shown in ji um but appli energistics has a yep there it

Is crystal growth chamber uh can grow C SC seeds and fluid seeds to their crystals uh you can also automate the craft of fluix dust this isn’t what uh so this actually uses one of the things that you might be used to if you’ve seen A2 before the crystal growth accelerator

You could stick around the block of water that your seeds are going into and it would increase the speed and they all had to be plugged into your network at least with power cables um but now with this one it actually has its own GUI its

Own inventory and you can have the seeds get stuck in there and grown and you can put speed upgrades on it too I believe um so this is going to be how I will probably end up making uh making those uh as far as autocrafting in the future

Um this will be for our concrete and stuff so yeah definitely want to use these um not much that we’re going to need we’re going to really need the uh mechanical crafters for um and then other thing is these the assembly platform uh we obviously need

Some of the crafts from it uh so we’re going to need to automate it we can push uh um crafts into this barrel and then pull them out of this barrel and that way everything stays the same um we’re not able to like push inventory into the

Machine itself so we couldn’t put uh the pattern provider next to the assembly controller uh and it worked that way um the assembly setup itself needs an inventory to access um so we’ll just leave the barrel there put our provider importer and uh tell it what crafts to

Make uh these are just going to pretty much stay there uh we’ll get it need it when I mean we’re not really using any of these fuels consistently uh kerosene gasoline we’ve got tons more out there with our immersive stuff uh so yeah but we definitely got a really good

Start off today that’s cool I’m excited I was feeling real bad I hadn’t done much like in the magic area we still got blood magic we got to do and that I’m going to have to make like an underground Temple for cuz whoa whoa so this

Side used up a lot of or as you can see if we do this like that this is basically a straight line right here so which I mean that’s fine that’s no big deal um but sorry uh but blood magic yeah we’re definitely going to go underground with our blood magic um

We’re going to have a blood magic Temple uh might see about Captain helping me build it and him and I may be building it together um but yeah so that’s going to be uh an underground Endeavor um not really sure cuz I know you can set up automation to where which we

Might even do it just to try and keep make it to where our blood is full we’re not using oursel um blood magic has I don’t want to call it a ritual but it’s kind of like rituals where um um you can use mobs and we can just

Pop a spawner above it just have them spawn mobs uh another way is mobs taking damage and if you have a witch there it’ll heal itself and so as long as it’s not taking you know too much damage uh you know enough to kill it I don’t know that’ll be another uh

Another thing for us to figure out uh I don’t know if I have anything in The Crushers and stuff up here oh yeah I moved our tables up here so now it just looks like this is a table this is just a it’s just a table it’s where we talk about

Things uh but I did also take down our cocaines we have plenty of Creo oil um and I did Crush down all of our coal Coke Co Coke dust yeah uh so this is what we use for steel but at the same time that pet Coke we got downstairs is

Also for steel as well we’ve got plenty of that we’ve got infinite amount of that because we can just constantly keep generating oil if we need to we can get rid of the fluids swap out those tanks and refill them um and then of course we have all of our

Silver that we got to smelt up and some L sweet but okay that’s awesome I’m glad really cool really cool I’m going to go up here stick this stuff in our little smeltery clean out the backpack a little bit let all this melts up all right uh let’s go

To the room the room that makes it all happen oh do I have elevator in there still oh no cuz it hit the yeah it landed right there there and I couldn’t fit without breaking out the block uh right sweet and our fire stain L permanently I think it already would

Have but I’m not 100% sure um but awesome and we have good amount of space these are smaller rituals but that still means we can put like a couple big ones over here uh worst case scenario we’ll go down the floor but like it’s looking like we’ll be able to

Fit most most of them up here which is really cool uh Le just this room for I don’t know something evil crap EV CRA is small I might end up just using it on this floor and maybe tucking it away back over here or something but all right well I’m going

To hop off for the day uh my daughter is probably getting uh frustrated the fact I’m departed for so long but appreciate y’all hanging out and yeah we’re going to do a little bit of work I’m going to make some more patterns probably try to

Set some things up um and yeah we’ll see you soon um yeah have a great day stay warm out there if you’re in any of the areas that are affected by this crazy winter storm coming in the US but okay bye oh oh B

This video, titled ‘Automation and magic time!! Ragnamod VII – Day 8’, was uploaded by cyb3rgam3r814 on 2024-01-13 21:38:53. It has garnered 29 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:14 or 12494 seconds.

Hello!! We are playing a modded Minecraft pack called Ragnamod VII. This is an expert style modpack which includes modified recipes and a few extras thrown in to add to our adventure. Ragnamod VII was just recently released and I am very excited to see what is in store for us. Come check it out!

Modded Minecraft – Ragnamod VII. #minecraft #letsplay #ragnamodVII

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cyb3rgam3r814?t=nsBpAb5illmws5B-u-kkPw&s=09

Disc: https://discord.gg/hFHh7mSX8B

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    Lost it all, Minecraft brawl: Hindi gameplay uproar! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our hero faces challenges, like a never-ending dream. Losing everything again, a common theme, But our gamer remains undeterred, like a laser beam. With each new episode, the stakes are high, But our hero never fails to give it a try. Crafting, building, exploring the sky, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity can fly. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we watch our hero’s adventures take flight. In the realm of gaming, shining so bright, Roohsclues, our favorite, always gets it right. Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide

    Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide The Observer Block: A Redstone Marvel in Minecraft One of the most intriguing blocks in Minecraft’s vast array of redstone components is the Observer. This block, introduced in the 1.11 update, revolutionized redstone contraptions with its unique ability to detect block updates and emit a redstone signal. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the Observer block and explore its applications in the game. What is the Observer Block? The Observer block is a redstone component that resembles a small, robotic eye. When placed facing a block, it can detect changes in that block’s state, such as block updates,… Read More

  • Minecraft’s End of the World?

    Minecraft's End of the World? The Mysteries of Minecraft’s Far Lands and Sky Grid Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to discover some truly fascinating and mysterious elements within the game. Two such phenomena are the Far Lands and Sky Grid, which have captured the imagination of players worldwide. The Far Lands: A Glitch in the Matrix One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft is the existence of the Far Lands, a bizarre and glitchy terrain that appears at the edge of the game world. These distorted landscapes are a result of a quirk in the game’s programming, causing the… Read More

  • INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!

    INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | PS4 | Episode 2’, was uploaded by Ninwiindo on 2024-09-09 04:32:27. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:35 or 5615 seconds. Minecraft Lets Play Read More

  • Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!

    Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT SURVIVAL RL CRAFT!!’, was uploaded by Lion HIMSELF on 2024-08-06 04:38:50. It has garnered 1140 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:54 or 13974 seconds. Minecraft Survival Caseoh #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftharcore #caseoh #minecraftfirstday #minecraftsurvival #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmeme #minecraftmemes #minecraftvideos #minecraftcreepers #minecraftcreeper #creeper Discord ► https://discord.gg/TTGyMuAbyT Donation ► https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_ead4e660-1270-36e9-9fb7-592eea6212e0/tip CashApp ► $Shlonkboi Live! ► https://www.twitch.tv/lionhimselff Live on Twitch 8pm Monday-Saturday! ►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lionhimselff/ ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/LionHimselff ►TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lion.himself Read More

  • R1ckson’s Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!

    R1ckson's Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: BIG Sunday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-25 18:05:01. It has garnered 7786 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: https://discord.gg/UMmTtACwNE Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai passé Minecraft 1.21 en difficulté EXTRÊME !’, was uploaded by Myrolame on 2024-03-21 18:37:04. It has garnered 15241 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. 10th episode of the Skyblock Hardcore adventure on the latest Minecraft 1.21 snapshots! My goal is to reach 100 days of Minecraft while staying alive! If I die, the adventure ends! This series aims to create a video: I survived 100 days in Skyblock on Minecraft Hardcore #minecraft #skyblock #survival Datapack: Skyblock – https://modrinth.com/datapack/skyblock-infinite Recipes+ – https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/2mal3-s-recipes/ Resource pack: none Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/complementary-unbound… Read More


    24/7 SHIZO MINECRAFT MADNESS ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 247 ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE @YASHGAMERYTYOUTUBER@GamerFleet’, was uploaded by YASH PLAYZ on 2024-08-24 18:50:01. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox-style video game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a procedurally generated world made up of blocks. The game offers a unique blend of creativity, adventure, and survival mechanics. Key Features: – Blocky World: Explore and interact with a vast, blocky 3D world made up of cubes, which can be mined for resources…. Read More

  • EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊

    EPIC Waterway Infrastructure Build in Minecraft!! 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Constructing Waterway Infrastructure in Minecraft — Upon Further Survival Ep. 8’, was uploaded by orrenlane on 2024-08-24 19:48:11. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:15 or 16635 seconds. Upon Further Survival is a live Minecraft SMP hosted by @LucidMakesVideos featuring a bunch of YouTubers and content creators, such as Zesty Jesus, Technicals, Lon’qador, and More!! As determined by the rules of the SMP — All participants are able to perform “hits” and pranks on other players via donation. You can request a hit or a prank by… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!

    INSANE Minecraft temple build! MUST SEE!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1.21 construção do templo dos inscritos pt2’, was uploaded by Tallezx on 2024-08-27 13:50:24. It has garnered 68 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:24 or 8484 seconds. live de minezinho 1.21 #minecraft #minecraftlive Read More

  • INSANE Modern House Build in Minecraft!

    INSANE Modern House Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival modern house build’, was uploaded by Blue Clue Gaming on 2024-04-22 09:44:44. It has garnered 0 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Sacrifice – Trapped Families Steve & Navar” #clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft Sacrifice - Trapped Families Steve & Navar" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trapped Families: Steve and Navar’s Ultimate Sacrifice #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Flying Gaming on 2024-09-17 04:38:33. It has garnered 203 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:13 or 313 seconds. Trapped Families: Steve and Navar’s Ultimate Sacrifice 💔⛏️#minecraft #shorts Steve’s Epic Battle: The Giant Zombie Showdown 💥#minecraft #shorts Steav Vs Herobrine 🥹 Part – 4 #minecraft One Trader Kid VS Two Villager Kid😂 Minecraft Funny animations shorts #minecraft #shorts Heart of a Bear: Child Loses Parents in Car Accident, Rescued from Wolves #minecraft #shorts Eating from Trash, Losing Her Emerald: The… Read More

  • TerritoryMC PVP Towny Modern Weapons Custom Enchants Launches This Weekend!

    Welcome to TerritoryMC! This is a Towny SMP with Custom Enchants x Modern Weapons, where players can participate in massive multiplayer battles during the weekends. We recently reset the server due to low participation, and we are looking to gather more players for the second season. If you are interested in joining the community, please join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/SFJtPjqb Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Not delusion, just genuine love for Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Not delusion, just genuine love for Minecraft"Wow, a score of 53 in the highly coveted Meme Olympics! Watch out, we’ve got a meme connoisseur over here! Read More

  • Bro’s Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming

    Bro's Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming When Bro said he was going to build a mansion in Minecraft, we didn’t realize he meant he was going to spend 10 hours meticulously placing each block perfectly aligned. #ExtraBro #MinecraftProcrastination Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade!

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade! Minecraft Hexxit: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, but surviving 100 days in Hardcore Mode takes it to a whole new level. Join Khang, a new YouTuber, on his epic journey through the Hexxit modpack as he faces extreme difficulties and pushes his survival skills to the limit. The First Day From the moment Khang spawns into the world, every decision matters. Gathering resources, building shelter, and fending off hostile mobs are just the beginning. The first day sets the tone for the grueling adventure ahead. Traversing the Twilight Forest As… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “1.21 생존기 3” showcasing some incredible creations in Minecraft version 1.21. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re looking to join a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where you can unleash your creativity, collaborate with fellow players, and embark on exciting adventures, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a diverse range of gameplay options, unique features, and a welcoming… Read More

  • Zombie Rain in Minecraft!

    Zombie Rain in Minecraft! Minecraft: Surviving the Zombie Rain Challenge Imagine playing Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, but with a twist – it’s raining zombies! In this hilarious challenge, players must navigate through a world where mobs fall from the sky. Will they survive? Let’s dive into the chaos and excitement of this unique gaming experience. Surviving the Zombie Downpour As players venture through the Minecraft world, they must be on high alert as zombies and other mobs rain down upon them. This unexpected challenge adds a new level of difficulty to the game, requiring quick reflexes and strategic thinking to stay alive…. Read More

  • 🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥

    🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘fire 🔥 || #shorts #minecraft #fire #magic #secret #viral #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #subscribe’, was uploaded by Blockube on 2024-04-25 07:30:16. It has garnered 1940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!

    Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!Video Information This video, titled ‘They need to stop updating these Minecraft Horror Modpacks…’, was uploaded by Mandan on 2024-08-30 02:30:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:59 or 1079 seconds. Hey Guys! I hope you guys enjoy this one! This video was pretty fun to make, SPOOKY! SCARY! ‘ MODS The One Who Watches The Man Who Black The Beasts In The Dark The Beasts In The Dark The Anomaly Repurposed Structures (Neoforge/Forge) Not Enough Animations MVS – Moog’s Voyager Structures Essential Mod Corpse Arthropod Phobia Expansions + Horror Bosses (Spider… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥

    🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: Friday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-30 19:27:48. It has garnered 7017 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:22 or 8122 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: https://discord.gg/UMmTtACwNE Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More