Unbelievable: Cheating with Illegal Build Hacks!

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My friends challenged me to a bill battle so I’ll be using every illegal build hack to cheat making the best builds possible but if my friends find out I’m banned lost city okay ooh all right good luck guys now I can’t do slash trade here cuz then where would I

Build inside I’m going to head over to my factory and once I’m inside I met with this villager right here I’m thinking like Aztec Vibes kind of hidden in the jungle or something you know but if I was to right click him he’ll throw me these which is a build to my first

Idea is making the city actually lost like not even on the plot like it’s it’s missing from the plot like it’s just gone and we find it somewhere else and now the entire Shop’s been open since I now have five emeralds I can only buy

Five builds and there’s a lot of stuff I could go with but to First make the lost city I need cool builds and I’m talking builds like this would be awesome but why is it also made a build of me there we go it’s beautiful love it I don’t

Know what this vill is trading this so kind of ruined Vibes for some reason we have Mr Beast right here a little bit of a gaming room we have Poseidon and this build right here which kind of looks cool so if I was just take this one and

Throw a bill token to you all right we’re almost done with this second one but what are other people up to this is a pretty hard prompt so I’m going to make sure no one’s build looks like mine cuz you know there can only be one all

Right this is going decent like that if I now leave here and place the build I just traded over on this side okay Grady’s kind of going with a similar theme I like that design there I might have to steal that low key wait I just

Placed a build down and the build I traded turned into this which turns out was a giant castle okay I didn’t really expect what this was but instantly I kind of see a fish over here and if you remember back at the Villager store there was Poseidon right there so this

Might be Atlantis sorry to do this to you gry it had to be done spawn all the silverfish why are there silverfish here no dude somebody’s messing with me what is this this in the meantime if I spy my competition kly is building some pyramids all right now time to smooth

This bad boy out all right there we go and I have no idea what thermite’s really making what’s going on over there oh no I think he sees me get spied on by quiff don’t like that yeah honestly I have no idea what thermite’s making but before they notice how giant my build

Actually is I’m going equip thermite’s head go over here drop some TNT what the hey hey and can I head back no no oh dude I don’t think Grady will even realize that I bloop his build you know what buddy who just did that cuz he’ll think it’s fite sneaking over there

They’re not going to know what hit them what is that excuse me either way back into my factory okay the villagers ear looking at me but since I know what c I want to go with most of these builds are going to be completely useless to trade

With unless again I just buy Mr Beast head that’s literally it I want to buy this jellyfish cuz look how cool it looks in my hand now since they’re both jellyfishes just different color will it only cost one token please please please um excuse me I I think you forgot

Something oh what’s that a no okay he threw it back to me meaning goodbye and I’m only going to use one which means now we have orange jellyfish and if I head back to Atlantis I really have no idea where to paste this jellyfish all right our mountain is kind

Of complete I would say but somewhere like here would be fine right so by right clicking okay I don’t know where it wao okay yo that look exactly like the build I just traded with but did I buy the purple one or did I buy the

Orange one I’m not even too sure but there’s a simple scam if I just quickly use some simple world edit and just copy this build right here well jeez I’m glad that’s over with all right the escalator is being installed I’ve now pasted it here I have two jellyfish for the price

Of one meaning I’ve just scammed the Villager I still have zero idea on what thermite’s making he is just luring a chicken upstairs you know what let’s send a couple chickens to kipley and by inspecting closer to kipley okay this looks insane there we go pretty cool oh

What just who spawn these chickens who’s not on their plot right now who is it got to change that to this there’s a piece of TNT that’s just going to take forever to explode now you know what let’s just give one to everyone yeah I

Have no idea what’s going on who is the chicken W whoa whoo waa don’t look at me and just by doing this I’ve made this build pink what why is this why is it pink why is it pink that’s like your color man but now that I’m back over

Here what else do I really want a UFO could be really cool and funny but is that really Lost Civilization or even an optical illusion I do think the safe bet is Nemo so by taking this bill token nice trading with you good sir someone want spawn chickens that’s fine man

Maybe this Kingdom will be for the chickens huh I can now come back here with my Nemo and I have no idea where I want to place you but it’s starting to look cool so maybe I just place you right here hopefully you don’t stick out okay wait it’s disappeared from my hot

Bar and yo I just traded for this he looks kind of funky I can’t lie but at the same time he does look kind of cool this is starting to look more and more like Atlantis all right okay yeah I’m liking it and Atlantis is interesting

Cuz it’s a cool L City but I do need to get closer to thermite to see exactly what’s going on yo what is he what is he making all right so we got to get onto the main part of the build what in the world is this this is so trippy but just

Cuz kipley is a pain I’m going to turn your water into lava um all right who just turned who just turned my waterfall secret entrance into lava but now that I’m back in the store this was not here before and why does it all like some weird looking fish you trying to tease

Me is this some sort of mystery box is this some sort of Mystery Box okay now the small option is to buy Poseidon but I have two emeralds right now kind of want to test this I’m going to take this boom all right now that we have this

Time to make our chicken I’m now kind of scared on where to put this cuz it looks kind of weird I don’t know it looks like a machine but right here might be perfect I’m kind of into this build I’m not going to lie feel like things are

Happening oh you know we can do on the top we’ll do like a nether portal wait hello it’s somehow built a mermaid hey yo okay yo lowy this looks fire what is that it’s little stingrays yo wait I don’t know what that box was I think it

Was some sort of Mystery Box meaning that villager traded me the best build box ever all right thermite let’s see I don’t understand this is a lost city the chicken Army is spreading where’s what are these chickens doing here I’m going to leave an NPC of this guy cuz if I

Leave and anyone checks over I’m still there but now I’m back at the villager trading shop with my last token right here and there’s no way to duplicate it like if I was to duplicate this I can for some reason I can’t duplicate this quickly change it to repeat there we go

Now I know I wanted you but now I can take Poseidon and give him to you for my last build token um yeah who knows I mean I’ve trolled kipley with this idea a few times I wonder if she picked up on it eh wait he

He threw it back up does that not I’m confused it turns out Poseidon cost a two bull tokens and I completely messed up okay that doesn’t matter I’ll just place this guy back and instead I’m sure there’s someone super cheap for example whatever this is it looks like a

Treasure chest I don’t know what it is take my bill token wait I’m kind of sad I couldn’t take posidon the chicken is here beautiful place this right here hey Why didn’t it Place ehh I’m so confused I just got scammed oh wait it’s cuz it couldn’t fit wait a second yo this

Insane this really looks like Atlantis I’m bringing the sauce they don’t even know what hit him uh how is that looking it’s looking all right but since I’m not going to be leaving anytime soon I could get rid of you and now there’s only 1 minute left okay simple idea here oh no

I think I killed my game for a second that was almost bad I’ll definitely do the water at the end but with the time now up we had to me in the middle to vote for the best build all right follow me this way all right we today are

Adventurers on a journey to find the kingdom of chimpin okay wow so as every secret entrance is it is behind this magnificent waterfall yo this is kind of cool cool and here we are the lost city of chimpin as you can see they worship this giant chicken statue yo I really

Like the low behind this that’s actually crazy I think it’s excellent well I got nine eggs and I feel like a nine sounds pretty good so I’ll give you nine Kip this this Bill gets like a 9 out of 10 I really like it I’m going to give it an

8.5 Kippy got 26.5 out of 30 over here we have the Great temple of bugalo I definitely didn’t just make that up right now oo at this Temple it’s it’s said that at the top of it at the perfect time of year you can travel to another dimension one of which has never

Been seen before what okay dud don’t go oh oh it’s said that whoever goes through the portal will find Eternal happiness that that that looked a lot like a non-happy place oh dang I guess they were wrong in the scriptures eight out of 10 yeah I really like this I like

How there’s like a little face in the temple I think that’s really awesome I like the lore this gets a nine is is aalo pleased with the six just Crush My Dreams Just Crush my dreams Grady got a 19 out 30 I have decided to put a little

Little twist on the word play here and I have created a a mall a shopping center and as you can see if you come up right here you have you can see New York City who is a child lost at the mall oh oh he’s the lost

City yo I like this little take I’m going to probably give it an 8.5 I like how he’s crying it’s just a lost little city boy I’m going to give this a nine you know what I’ll give you a nine too meaning thermite got 27 out 30 what in

The world is this wait what oh and you have now found the lost city of Atlantis oh that’s why it’s underwater themed yep you’ve got a mermaid you’ve got a treasure chest dude the treasure chest this is insane one second one second okay who stole the loot it’s going to

Become flooded again no man I love ocean animals stingrays are my favorite animals ever so this has to get a 10 just for the Stingrays I’m going to give it a 10 as well uh I agree 10 meaning my bill got 30 out of 30 and SL

Trade work game show ooh all right good luck guys good luck everyone with pro upgrade I get this which is a pro upgrade Blaster able to upgrade any build to break Minecraft laws so if I was supp a sapling down right here and shoot with upgrade Blaster it turns into

This what would be a good game show we could do Survivor we could do Deal or No Deal there are so many different ones to do but this is not what exactly I need because I need to make a working game show which will defy all laws in

Minecraft now if I was just to spy on kiple she’s making a giant box so if I make someone on a smaller scale I’m thinking we do Family Feud but I don’t want to be the same show yo someone’s already peeking wao yo what’s up what’s up what’s for example something like

This just to be safe I’m going to add some rails cuz my aim is to make a Monopoly board so by first closing this off and then shooting it right here what what are you building I don’t want to build the same one as you okay I’m doing

Squid game okay oh that’s brilliant I’m so jealous y I am lagging what has it created okay wait my FPS has gone back to normal but no way it’s it’s actually created a Monopoly board and look at all the details on the walls but if I’m not

Mistaken if I just leave through here no way no way I’ve legitimately just come out of the box which means the pro upgrade Blaster is completely overpowered because I’ve turned a giant space into a tiny space but if I was check from Rage he’s already made like a

Tiny game show put that right here rage Elixir I’ll be the host of this game and definitely compared to thermite he’s going on a smaller scale now I have 40 seconds left for invis now if I put on thermite’s head and some leather gear I

Could go over to rix’s area and lay up like that no no no no my build and just like that I’ve disappeared I just got sabotage but before I leave back into my box I’m going to swi on NPC just in case anyone Peaks over they’ll see I’m still

Here but by simply breaking back in it feels like I become very small but it’s simple I want to make a version of myself of this game because I am the game show host okay so now we just need to build our entire path then we’ll get

Some blue carpet something like this get a little checkered pattern going so something like this looks good I should give myself some arms but now using the upgrade Blaster if I was to shoot this there we go we got a little bit of backdrop to them okay wait this is kind

Of crazy it’s made me into a giant Monopoly man but does he even look like me honestly he looks good enough right I think this is kind of sick but unlike the normal Monopoly man he’s missing the top hat so I could quickly make a small

Top hat right okay this top hat looks very stupid but with a power of upgrade if I was to shoot this once that’s a pretty good path right I think it works all right now we need a giant screen here we go something something up here

Oh my wait a second this is exactly what I built and it fits perfectly on top of the head and if I view it from this area Okay this looks awesome look how fancy I look but now I need to create a working game Monopoly but now that I’m out again

I do want to see what other people are doing beautiful I think that’s looking pretty good for example I have no idea what kiple is actually making but it seemed like it’s going to be a working game show let’s take a look see in here

Huh what do you got going in here I’m poor rage he’s still stuck on his I think I’m going to have like a little game board going around too so that they can come around and try to loop around as many points as they get oh my gosh

Yeah he’s got the whole squid games going on that is that is a recipe for disaster he’s going to win this thing yep yep say goodbye to your little platforms buddy oh gosh no no no no no no now I don’t know what happened to thermites a lot of it has exploded all

Right so at least we can replace our glass platform now it would be pretty funny if I was to upgrade rix’s build right now cuz he’d be super confused so if I was to shoot it right there what the heck just happened what the heck

What happened to my build okay I no idea what it created and honestly why does it look like some sort of boxing match it just made like a little boxing ring for mine either way it’s time to head back into my box because I have some cool

Ideas for example right here I’m going to build a small cube and I how to upgrade this right now all right we’re going to have all the answers here so let’s get some signs it didn’t work exactly how I thought it’d be but it’s also what I wanted cuz now there’s a

Stack of giant dices with my beautiful figure right here which makes me look super old I don’t know who keeps messing with my build I’m going to give myself invisibility I wonder what would happen if I shot this wall cuz I didn’t build anything but I don’t know where he went

Guys he seems to not be moving at all but it’s just made a car wall decoration where I just heard explosions where did that come from how wait did someone blow this up from the outside side what is this I’m going to destroy the bottom heyo what no no okay okay I’m running

I’m running I’m running I’m running oh my gosh okay wait I need to get rid of you cuz you’re straight up floating but someone sabotage my build from the outside whatever they do to the build on the outside affects what’s inside now I don’t know who the Culp could be rage

Seems to have not moved a single inch I don’t know why he’s still building some Weir I don’t have no idea what you’re building part of me thinks it’s thermite but I think he’s making some long lines of squid games either I can just quickly upgrade this again and just like that at

Least that’s been fixed that’s pretty good I think we can just call it on that sabotage time currently I don’t think anyone suspects me of doing anything but I’m going to go invisible first I want to make a vehicle because to make this game automatic you need the playing

Pieces so for example that one kind of works right go invisible let’s go check some stuff out let’s head on over to Kip Le’s build run run run run run there we go no not again oh keeps doing that why do you guys have beef with the right

Side of my build I’ll have a another one here but this one I will do kind of diagonal just in case if it’s straight it might take over so maybe something like this these can be the wheels he’s got some Redstone stuff I don’t like being competed with on Redstone get

Please over here too you blew my buildup didn’t you blew your buildup yeah you think this is a game huh I know we’re building a game show but this is not a game buddy and honestly this is either going to be the worst thing or the best

Thing so if I upgrade this and upgrade that we planted it now he should blame kipley right what the heck well it be a shame if something happened to your Redstone you did it i’m oh my this is better than I thought we have the Monopoly truck over here and we have the

Little car that was a diagonal piece of block wait my build my build ah it worked the Trap worked well dang it she knew it was me I think I’m just going to shoot upgrade everywhere so I’ll put one there one there and there’s only 3 minutes left well this is made a

Money bag and that’s made a guitar but this board is very big but I could tell them they just went super tiny with command blocks making this build very believable now what would happen if I put two random line blocks would it make two giant houses let’s find out like

That uh I don’t think it’s done anything never mind nope it has definitely done something there’s nothing inside the chest either way this looks sick this is really good this is a really good build I’m proud of it if I pop into invis kipley looks complete normal which

Honestly take all this Falling Sand all right there we go the amount of times I’ve been sabotaged today is unreal actually insane everyone’s getting a piece of TNT I’m sick of it every single person if I just leave aide rage would was here complete coing TNT you see your

Little chest it gets a piece of TNT copy the chest we got the chest you get a piece of TNT why is there always explosions around me what is going on here what is what game show the only game show that happened was the one I built for him I’m curious what would

Happen if I shoot a door right there wait what the heck is this where did this show up from what wait it’s made garbage trucks are these garbage trucks okay if I fix this up and go back inside I don’t think there’s anything else I can really add we have the houses we

Have the world decor we have the little explosions that don’t seem to be fixed we have my beautiful face right here meaning if I shoot this one more time it should become a real life game one more time there we go and okay so that’s the right path and there’s no doubles okay

That’s good I think that looks pretty good now to get the audience oh it’s lagging so badly I don’t know how much redstone’s been added but once we’re out the FPS has gone back to normal so maybe I’ll leave that there for now I think rage is very confused cuz I’ve upgraded

His build so many times he doesn’t even know what’s going on did someone play garbage trucks here because cuz this build is trash or something but now there’s only 30 seconds left I’m just going to turn this into red concrete add some simple doors and I think we’re done

Meaning now we have to be in the middle to vote for the best build all right everyone come this way but do not look too closely all right we’re going to choose two people to compete in the kipley Family Feud game show all right oh this is sick all right you both are

Wearing red uh how about you too do I stand right here yeah yeah you come you come on this side okay you’re guessing the most popular answers what mob do you wish was added in Minecraft Let’s see if it’s up on the board you got the number

Two guest answer wait number two let’s go with the board sorry no honestly I’m impressed with this game show kipley it’s like you actually made it really good yeah I’m going to give this a 8 out of 10 and I’m going to give it a nine love the aesthetic yeah I’ll

Give it a uh 9.5 it’s really good kly got 26 out 30 okay so this is my build over here okay what is this ooh as you can see I built something over here you see you you remember that little boxing game that everyone played when they were

Younger oh yo this is sick yeah honestly I’ll get I’ll give it a six I’ll give you an eight I’m going to go with an eight too cuz it was interactive and I like interactive R got 22 out 30 all right I have made one of the levels from

Squid game Oh my he even go the outfits all right and you can you guys can go I go first oh okay okay you know it can’t be two in a row it’s got to be this one oh she’s actually going crazy Get Off My Block get rolled yeah I’m not done yet

Buddy you just saved us he just saved us oh my gosh oh my gosh ra is the only one that actually survived then might your build’s a 10 out of 10 this this is a nine for me yeah yeah I I’d say it was really fun so

N9 out of 10 for you then might got 20 out 30 so if you come over here you guys might see a normal box this is kind of tiny quiff I’m going to I’m going to warn you guys now once we go inside we’re going to be hit with a command

Block that will make us extremely tiny wait what just happened it’s bigger on the inside we’re in Monopoly land yo you’re the Monopoly man yeah I I tried to go all the little details the little the mega details more like it you see Green’s already winning they’ve got

Hotel two houses I have to give you like a 100 out of 10 or something I mean I don’t even need to vote anymore if that’s the score listen I I won’t be quite as generous as that but I I will give you a 10 I love this I won’t be quite as

Ungenerous as that I’ll give you an 11 meaning I got 121 out 30 and rage Elixir came in last meaning it was disqualify gamer room all right good luck guys good luck Gamers and now I’m over on my side and by doing SL brush I get this which

Is a pro build brush just to show you how this works if I quickly build a PC which right now doesn’t look kind of cool but if I right click using the build brush and just like that I’m now inside a PC and this is exactly the piec

I built with a build brush now that shows you how over power this is but the more I’ll be using the build brush the more I’ll unlock new features making the most legal builds I can’t want to see what everyone else is doing they might’s also building a PC okay looking good and

Kiple I have no idea what she’s doing put the purple glass on top but the next thing I need to build is very simple that’s one leg done and now like that we built kind of a rough desk I don’t know if this desk is too big and just like

That the table’s now been made and I’m kind of glad I made it on the borderline cuz it barely fits in wo is this zetro PC wait this looks awesome oh yeah that’s looking good I like this is that regular ice can I melt that hey we need

To make the motherboard somehow how does that even look what a harmless little prank you know what I mean I hope it melts how long does it take to melt you think but now we have half a cell I have no idea what happened to thermite no

Someone’s melting my ice we get out I didn’t even place the water I’m just melting things if I was to pop into invis I could go close to kipley side oh oh go away torches stop melting my eyes and instantly I need a keyboard some monitors and I I assume she’s making

Lights here but you know what would be interesting if I turn that into redstone blocks and turn the purple stain glass into TNT I wish there were concrete stairs that would be so awesome there’s our little mouse there we go ah just like that her area blew up um

Hello they just changed my my hexagon lights into into Redstone and then blew everything yep now she’s definitely going to blame someone else which will buy me more time to actually build instantly I need a monitor so I need to make a stand something that holds it up

Like this and just like that we have one monitor I also want to make speakers okay that’s some funky looking speakers all right we got a ram all right my setup is looking pretty good so far cannot lie I need my chair now I have a

Gray chair so let’s make it let’s make it gray maybe a small gaming map something like this and then a cool looking keyboard that honestly let me know how your guys’ keyboards are now only having one speaker kind of looks odd so what if I make one more speaker

Right here and just like that I think it’s kind of done we’re going to have purple carpet there we go got my little swivel chair easy chair does look small a bit small compared to the desk though I think we need to make this a bit bigger actually and just like that the

Smoke has faded and we have a cool looking setup okay instantly this keyboard looks amazing it also looks very similar to the one I have at home it’s looking pretty pretty decent I got to admit let me see if there’s any other details I’m missing we have the classic

Mouse over here and a nice monitor which we can customize with a brand new build brush feature but thank you kiple for this idea now I feel like I’m definitely missing something in this gaming room and for that thermite I’m going to check yours up hey I see I see your particles

Definitely a little s so I’m going to stay here so he doesn’t realize he’s building some sort of house PC thing I don’t even know but if I check up on zetros we’re going to add some Led gaming lights wo look at these a poor zetro what kind of gaming movies is this

I’d be so sad if this was my gaming room but don’t mind me oh wait oh no oh this is this is going to go the the wrong way completely oh wait what has happened uh hello what has happened I think everyone’s going to ignore that for now

But one thing I saw from zetro build that I kind of need to make okay I don’t know how I’m going to make this but it’s just a simple chair now don’t think I’m going to make a gaming chair but somewh even cooler a gaming stool there we go

Okay the chair is a bit a bit bigger now that looks exactly like I built it okay don’t even lie this would be amazing okay no this would ruin your butt but definitely is something different now so far what would you R this setup out of

10 now Z throws me in a fridge over there and I kind of think his build already done which is concerning but instead of a fridge what if I was to make a giant shelf of gaming like some like this now I just need to make

Shelves maybe a creeper a box maybe even an Xbox right here well I hope this kind of works all right me get this room a b bit taller I think oh wait I didn’t expect it to be this big well I guess they made a zombie out of that and it

Kind of worked oh it really did make an Xbox which is super cool I don’t know what the rest of this is but it kind of fits in perfectly and now there’s only 3 minutes left oh gosh well actually 3 minutes left is pretty good it gives us

Enough time to sabotage some people and so far we made good progress but this build brush has now been upgraded meaning I’ll be able to make blocks that aren’t even in Minecraft drro looks like he’s going over thermite side actually you know what I I I feel like someone’s

Cheating my build doesn’t exactly look great we’re going to go ahead and steal thermite’s PC okay I don’t know how this is going to work I’m going to try and make sure he can’t hear me actually I’m just going to mute so he can’t hear me I

Know what he’s doing oh he’s spoted me everything all right zro okay byebye oh we’ve wait um oh he’s literally just stolen the top half of thermite’s build we’ve got his computer but it’s um it’s sort of in the ground oh but Kip’s fully blocked off an area meaning I need to

Investigate this and yo this looks crazy she’s got a little aquarium oh wait it gives me an idea though now I don’t know if this will work or this might be a complete failure but I want to make a Pokeball house and an amongus house and

Your name zombie will be Steve there you go Steve all right and just like that I now have amongus oh wait and I have a Pokeball that is an actual Pokeball house but I saw kipley had a set of drawers so I kind of want to do the same

Thing and since there’s 2 minutes left I’ve got to be really fast there we go now we got people in the Minecraft game woo and like that the desk is done I kind of want to add a lamp something like that maybe a book there we go no

One will suspect a thing and it’s just come out to an actual build and now there’s only 1 minute left so I’ve got to be fast oh you know what let’s throw in some tools and then we’re going to go blow up some bases now I’m going to use

A new feature to see what new block it actually creates so by making a quick Sky wait this just blue concrete but it says Sky I’m so confused have I not properly unlocked it yet oh my gosh okay that’s a lot of stuff maybe we stay away from quiff cuz he’s dangerous well

Honestly that might be good cuz I might have got caught all I do is just add some villagers who won’t escape cuz if you jump you will die one last minute addition I’m going to do is I’m just going to make a lucky block and you

Might be thinking this is kind of stupid but wait till you see it okay maybe this does look stupid but there’s only one way to find out I know what we can do uh excuse me what are you what stop I don’t want grass I’m going to change the floor

What is wrong with you now kipley has what no Gamers have in their room grass okay and it hasn’t it hasn’t spawned any why is it spawned I’m so confused is is this bugging or is it cuz it couldn’t fit so it just moved it over there oh it

Might have just moved it into the next free space but with the time now up we had to meet the middle so we could vote for the best build you can come over to my PC Gamer room oh ooh okay yo it’s an actual PC wait you’ve somehow actually

Made it into a house man lives inside of his PC you might be wondering where the storage is and that can be answered by looking where the storage would be on any computer in the SSD right here that’s really cool and there’s some farming up here oh it’s a farm I like

The Frog lights yes had to include the RGB yo this is actually a sick base I like the creative twists on it man is living in his PC I like all the detail on the side here yeah I I love this man I wish I would have thought of this to

Live inside the PC I’m I’m going to go with a 10 yeah honestly I have to give it 9 out of 10 this is actually nuts I’m going to I don’t know this is this is like a 10 out of 10 to be honest they

Might got a 29 out of 30 so uh we’ve got we’ve got a gaming setup so this is the room if you want to just hop on inside you’ve got the little um RGB floor in what type of monitors are these mini fridge but then that’s not all so if you

Uh if you follow me down this amazing tunnel we’ve got a bunch of RGB down here as well wait what what what is the sign what are these signs everywhere man property of the oh just ignore those but then if you just go back to your original base over

Here and you check your gaming setup your monitors are legitimately signs they do kind of look like monitors though on this scale you know what I’m flattered that you decided to take inspiration from my build and move it to yours so I’m going to go with a seven

Yeah that I mean it’s all right you know you did steal thermites entire build so I’m going to have to dock you some points for that one buddy all right we go with the five do like it but I have to give you a 52 five okay you know what

I’m I’m just going to take it and stop talking all right gentlemen follow me this way and you are in my setup woo yo this is insane you got the Ikea shelves I do and I got my uh my setup right here you don’t got my monitors wait this is

This meant to be like your real life setup kind of yeah honestly what would have made this better if is if you made a version of yourself see oh that would have been smart if I had time I would have you know I’m going to give this a

I’m going to give it a eight yeah I like I like eight I’m going to go eight too yeah it’s it’s it’s pretty cool I’ll give I’ll give this a seven kly got 23 out 30 and over here this is my build wait what this is awesome okay I have to

Walk you through it first of all we have our gaming shelf thite is this where you got your Xbox from uh scores are in can’t change them but what makes even cooler is the little little toys in front we have a poke ball that you can

Open that is a house yo they got a pool that’s pretty much my entire build honestly everything is on like a massive scale so I’m very impressed I’m going have to give this a 10 yeah honestly honestly same this this has to be a 10

For me I don’t know what I don’t know how you could have went any any better uh make that three1 I’m going 10 as well that’s actually perfect meaning my build got 30 out 30 and the build brush was about to go crazy scary room ooh fun

Okay good luck guys now right in front of me is the invent table we have a water block powering up a lava block that’s going into this yeah this is illegal just to show you how this actually works if I was to make a simple bed it’s going to start analyzing the

Actual build and by right clicking I now have a working bed all right we have this normal Minecraft room in here it’s all about making the normal room spooky now I’m going to be using the invent table to make the scariest room possible and just to make sure no one’s making

The same build I’mma peek over on Jamie side all right it’s coming together and I think I’m kind of safe so next thing I’m going to make is a wardrobe and so far it looks pretty good but I need to make doors and that’s where this Hammer

Comes in I can now invent so much faster think like Monsters Ink style the monsters are going to be coming out from everywhere and now the Wardrobe is being invented and I kind of wonder where it’s going to be placed but I have to be careful that these don’t run out cuz if

The water or lava runs out I can no longer invent so if I right click it’s been placed right there but this isn’t scary so far but I’m going to be having something hide inside the Wardrobe love that all right our little slime monster

Is done look at him look how cute he is so this time I’m making Freddy Fazbear and since he needs a lot more detail I’ll be using this table to help now I’m just going to try and make the top half of his body okay I think someone’s

Sabotaging me where are these chickens coming from all right if I do this command correctly it should summon chickens for everyone except me and chickens are not very scary so that should work pretty good they’ve taken over my invent table why are there chickens everywhere what’s that sound

Chickens okay I think I need to be kind of careful just in case someone’s peeking but I’ve been sabotaged and now I need to fix how he looks with a bit of a chisel and lowy it starting to not look bad at all I now need to make the

Top hat like so I’ll give some eyebrows and like that I think he’s done and look at it in all its Glory all right Jamie wants to play this game I bet it was Jamie she wants to play this game I can play this game let’s just go invis real

Quick I honestly think he doesn’t look too bad look at him right there so if I right click he’s inside here watching the person sleeping just uh go inside the house what was that sound hello ah yo I scared her in her scary house now I’ve been busy inventing so I haven’t

Had a chance to check if anyone’s copying me but just look I thought kiple is also making a bed so I’m going to invent so she can’t copy which is going to be a simple mirror with a monster coming out of it okay why does that look

Like a cool chair I promise you it’s supposed to be a desk I think that looks more like a desk right oh my gosh I just realized my floor is still pink okay this looks so much better now I’m going to make some Spider Woman come outside

The mirror okay I can’t lie this looks extremely creepy and I think I’m kind of done that was a lot easier than I would have thought this is a real ghost if I’ve ever seen one in Minecraft look at him it’s look a little Casper but

Scarier I’m just going to make this look a little bit cooler like so and it’s finalizing the event right here since this is a bigger build it’s going to take a while to invent in the meantime I’m going to go over to thermite side look there’s only one person who can

Sabotage with chickens and it’s you right there that’s a good chandelier got to admit well already I think I think they might making some from lethal company so if he wants to place chickens I could play some aliens myself which are just some creepers you know enjoy

That oh my gosh guys who did that it was the ghost in the meantime it looks like my event’s done and yo that looks freaky but if I was to right click this okay wait a second this looks crazy you can even see how it looks chiseled cuz I

Chiseled the actual build all right we got to make the dresser our room’s not going to be the biggest but oh boy it’s going to have a lot of creepy crawly Little Creatures now I can’t lie this is looking really freaky and this room is starting to look scary now I just wanted

To check up on the competition and Jamie is going crazy this might be scary enough so that I’m going to go inside her house and spam some kly was he signs kipley is that who’s been putting chickens in my place cuz I swear now before I get started has that gone down

Or I it’s the same size as the water now I don’t know if I’m tripping either way I first need to make a chest but not just any chest I’m going to be making the scariest more possible and so far so good this actually looks looks like a

Really cool chest but what’s going to be coming out of it is a bunch of hands like so and just to add a little bit more of a scary theme to it I’m going to add a bit of a tongue I’ve just invented a mimic chest which is now Auto

Inventing honestly the room is pretty good where it’s at maybe we could add some doors really quick okay I don’t know how many more events I have but by clicking this hopefully it’s okay wait this is kind of creepy and it’s exactly what I built and now there’s only 3

Minutes left 3 minutes left okay we got to build F we don’t have much time if I check every one they’ve all made rooms and for this I could just use Simple worldedit now I’ve also made the floor very cursed now it’s starting to look more like a bedroom and luckily the

Invent table’s Now hidden but now I’m going to make some very simple which is essentially a ghost and for this I need to use the hammer if they go up to this with an empty slot they should yeah they can pick it up okay cool I don’t know if

Ghosts have tails okay it’s Auto inventing meaning I have some time now one thing I noticed was Kip’s is now locked off so if I was to check inside she’s is going with some very similar to mine there we go okay we have the giant window now and now we’re going to have

Someone looking in through the window okay I don’t know if she’s been peeking over on my side or what but this looks exactly like mine um let’s look at Steve’s head now she definitely messed up by having this Redstone so what I’m going to do is just place a few over

Here yeah oh a bed’s a bed’s now gone to deal with that wait no I just heard an explosion no no no no in the meantime this is now don’t house to right click it I need to check inside okay where is the oh I almost missed the ghost the

Ghost is right here one ghost is cool but how about free instead with some simple World in it it was actually easy okay getting close to finish it’s almost there now I’ve made a weird Circle and it looks like they’re all hovering around it which looks super cool and now

There’s only 2 minutes left did you blow my base uh no I didn’t do anything I’ve been so focused on my stupid little command thingy that I haven’t had time to do anything and now there’s one thing missing from the invent table I got to be fast cuz there’s only 2 minutes left

But it’s another character from Five Nights of Freddy’s I’m very curious to see if you guys will like to get this but he’s going to be sitting down okay I can’t lie this is supposed to be very scuffed it looks so weird I hope it will

Do the job all right let me hammer this out Hammer usually works out good I don’t have time to be messing around I’m trying to build a herobrine that is good enough he looks more like an Eminem okay it’s currently Auto inventing I think I might be running out resources cuz why

Is it only showing the head okay if I right click this and now check up inside oh yeah he’s right there honestly better than I would have thought all right I think we’re pretty much done I kind of want to make it like his head is

Detached from his body you know what I mean and then the next thing I’m going to do is just simple world edit so I need to get a bit of a gold handle I think this is like the middle is so I’ll place it right here and just like that

We have a handle to the door which looks super cool I do need to block off the top of this and just like that this room’s almost pretty much done so there’s a bunch of loot they can pick up we just got to make maybe a m

Last minute touches I’m going to add some blood all over this entire wardrobe and the same thing with adding some player heads but I almost forgot no one was sleeping on the bed I did it let’s go I’m ready and now with only 30 seconds I don’t really have time to

Invent cuz I think that will take a lot longer so I think it’s generally faster if I just quickly make someone easy way it looks like he’s inside a blanket oh yeah there we go okay he’s now inside a blanket he’s screaming for help and I’m

Just going to give you some hair okay this looks like poop hair he has poop po maybe we add some last minute ghosts around and I think I’m generally good just in time we have a person getting killed by a lot of stuff with the builds

Now complete we all had to vote for the best one all right guys this is my build I decided to make a scary house to go at the scary room oo check it out I got some inso from some Resident Evil let’s start off down here yo this smoke this

Is so nice it’s always got to have some Ambience so I added a little detail on the outside so when we go in there’s blood everywhere the scariest thing is actually this kly I want you to read this first read this oh my okay see you guys

Later okay yo this is generally crazy I’m I’m impressed with how you built this house I have never been more terrified than when I walked into that house this is a 10 I’m going to give this a 9 out of 10 I think it’s really

Good I’m going to go with a nine Jamie got a 208 out of 30 all right so the theme was scary room and I thought what better concept to do than the most popular scary thing right now and that is a room from lethal company ooh yo wait what are these little guys

We can pick up shovels the loot bugs have the shovels don’t make them mad oh I can beat them up like I do in game ah so you can come around look for the items on the ground wait yo I didn’t know you could do that there’s gold

Right here I just got a gold bar if you look around there’s stuff everywhere yo guys there’s a coil head yo what yo yo he’s moving okay okay a what how is it moving thite You’ about doing yourself this is a 10 out of 10 this is so good I love the

Interactions this is a 10 I paid myself so I’m going to give it a 10 me might got 30 or 30 all right guys follow me in this way okay we got to enter through the door obviously and inside we got a scary room woo yo I don’t know how I

Feel about this we got a little spider right here and I tried to make Mike Wazowski but but he’s actually evil Mike Wazowski cuz his brain has been taken over I’ll give you a six out of 10 I’m going to give her an8 out of 10 I love

It kipley I’m going to give you a 9 out of 10 meaning kipley got 23 out of 30 so if we break through here go inside yo this room is huge so I’ve had i’ I’ve had a few things over here we have some stuff on Five Nights at Freddy’s we have

A mirror with a beast coming out of it you could say Spider Woman wo the main attraction it’s this bed with the person in it but you can see he’s getting eaten by a mimic also being watched by Freddy I just like how big this room is you

Know there’s a lot to look at there’s a like all the monsters are huge but yeah this is this is the entire build a scary room I feel like I’ve given everyone a 10 today but this one’s my favorite so far this is an 11 I want to give you a

10 but like what’s better than that I guess I’ll go 11 to I guess I’ll make it three 11s this is awesome meaning Auto invent was perfect Museum all right good luck guys good luck everyone and I’m currently on my side if I do slink I get

This for bable all right Museum this is my bread and butter people the museum eh and my brain spawns it’s an actual brain I don’t know how big the brain actually is cuz it’s bigger than my head but just so no one’s actually peeking okay thermite already building you go with

That blue terra cotta or we could just go gray concrete which means I can do the first thing I want a museum that’s bigger on the inside it should it picked up the brain okay nice something like this you know some fancy entrance I like this and right there he’s thinking I

Think that’s exactly what I want it looks like a museum but it also looks too big all right so so we have our four pillows right here so if I give him all these blocks and the brain’s already working if I was to peek over on kipley

Side I don’t know why but I really really love the cherry blossom wood so we’re going to go with the Cherry planks okay I can’t see what’s inside there so I’m just going to go into invis so I can peek over and check this out time to

Work on the inside people okay I think this is the outside of the museum and I really don’t know what she’s going to make inside but she’s built out of wood so the simple thing I’m going to do is dig a little underneath her build I don’t think she’ll realize I think they

Should burn a build oh no no no no no no no no no no are you kidding what is this okay yo I I can’t do too much with her but so far it looks pretty good over on thermite side I don’t know what he’s

Doing but it’s kind of give me The Vibes of a time machine I kind of want the entrance to be like in a place like this and inside here he’s also got okay completely nothing oh and smalles is looking very cozy we’re going to have to

Do like a lot of research about the history of Minecraft and it seems like my brain’s disappeared and he’s left me with this I TR him to make a museum that’s bigger I’m so confused what happens if I go inside though so if I just go inside

Oh my okay if I go to the end of this it seems like this is the thing if I was to break out mushroom is pretty big so we’ll go like this oh my the big build inside here wait how did he do that though well this might be off to a great

Start okay and I need to make a repeating pattern here and I have so many rooms for different items but I have an idea Kip is currently building if I quickly go over to her side okay she’s right there like this or maybe we should put grass he likes grass but if I

Also do SL thing I get this for b ball but I’m now able to see other people’s thoughts oh my you guys see that we don’t have a giant dinosaur skeleton but I think a horse skeleton will work look at him she’s thinking about a dinosaur

And is she trying to make that dinosaur I don’t even know I just need to take this oh I’ve stole it I might this one out my went out W okay you’re going to have to get back in the exhibit you’re going to have to get back in the exhibit

Buddy well I didn’t expect this I don’t want the brain to build out here so I’m going to quickly leave an NPC of myself and go back inside okay this will always be crazy to me but either way I think I want it right like here okay he’s not

Moving uh looks like he’s built a little tiny Stone Shack or something all right guess I don’t have to worry about quiff and there you go I want you to build that and I guess the blocks I need to give him is bone blocks and he’s going

To build the dinos skillon inside here I’m not good at this stuff I’m not good at Red Stone okay now I’m back here I think you’ve done a good job the building a big thing I kind of want to check what these guys are doing I think

He’s trying to go for a dinosaur I swear someone’s behind me what was that what I’m going to do is a simple tactic and who will be to blame my good friend small over here see that way exploded and that Vision exploded oh the front door that means I blew up both that

Build in one hey hey hey this was going to my base what did you do no I didn’t do anything I they now think they both sabotaged each other if I do SL think now I should should be able to see his thoughts are we sure it’s not someone

Else wait what’s he thinking about he was looking at Easter Island heads I’ve stolen another thought oh myo you’re making it too big brother oh wait go big or go home I’m I right I didn’t expect the brain to make it this big yeah look

I got I like the blue stained glass I want to focus on the exterior a little more but I don’t know if that’s a smart idea I’m kind of scared how big this is going to be now I don’t want to give him this one because it might stop this

Build and instantly start building the the and I’d have two unfinished pieces but while you’re dealing with that I’m going to lowkey steal the idea I just got from kipley she’s making the rarest mobs Museum okay now to fill the whole thing up with water buckets we’re going

To need a lot of water in here for the fish okay I think this one should work I’ll just put one of you guys in there the jebor Sheep that’s one red mob complete the second’s going to go right here I’m going to name this one dinner

Bone so it’s an upside down sniffer okay yeah these guys will not suspect the thing I like that all right now time to add the fish and what just happened wow okay this this brain is just insane it looks exactly like the for that kipley

Had which means there time so I think if I put this right here and right click he spawned which means I need you to take thermite thought right there and I assume the only blocks you need are these you can continue building oh yeah that looks freaking cool well on the

Bright side I think these guys will get very sus if this is the only thing so let me just bone me around this area just to make it look not as sus this museum is bigger on the inside and they have no idea I want to see if Small’s

Doing anything cool Minecraft was originally known as cave game oh she’s riding every up hey hey hey oh my she sees me wait maybe I could bear over to kly side is it kiple I if she thinks it’s kiple this might work it perfectly either way kly what what have you built

Oh we have a lightning mushroom we have a guardian pit hey what is this the Deep dock I don’t take that kindly goodbye on the TNT oh kiple it wasn’t even me it wasn’t even me no no no not by the fish tank not by the fish tank no way no no

No that’s the sh if I do a effect clear she can see it small stop who are you who are you P who okay all right all right P all right sers I just yo I’m so small I can’t lie that’s very funny I thought I put on okay I should

Check up with my brain though and what have I been faced with I mean yeah it makes sense he’s put it half in the ground yeah these builds are very big I can’t lie time do SL thing I remember right I want a painting of Mona Lisa so

If I do this is it is it going to work yeah that’s kind of what I wanton you’re correct brain that’s a Revenge you should have been in this you’re not sorry um and then we could have some more attractions over here that looks kind of sick now how does it actually

Look in the inside yo I think I accidentally made this somehow better ooh yeah what if I do this it’s like a little dome but if I spire on thermite again all right now now we make our Mark we do a little bit of sabotager yo wait

What even is this thermite Museum it’s got dig your own treasure she’s going to only her only choice is to kill it if she kills it it’s just going to keep splitting into smaller slimes oh he that of each fossil a little dinosaur and painting this is super sick what if I

Make his build pink why does that look kind of fire but how did small get a giant slime what the heck that is a big slime if I do slash thing I’ve got my last th bubble right here okay simple a famous building why did it just turn to

That in my hand oh and there’s a minute left will my brain even be able to finish the Eiffel Tower in time okay I think in the meantime I I think I need to remove you you’re good hey wait why can’t I remove you I can’t get rid of

This NPC that cuz I’m jealous okay but um oh my gosh oh my gosh that’s too much TNT okay my brain’s actually doing insane I don’t know if he can even finish it in time will he keep building if I like go too far I hope so but the

Time no I might have to keep him distracted but now we have to me the middle so we could vote for the best museum all right if you come on over to the uh beautiful pink Museum I don’t know how it happened uh some we vandalism and then uh we went with it

Remodeling yeah that’s the thing uh some demolitionist guy came in wrong building I guess uh blew up the entire interior okay oh I see it’s dangerous very dangerous uh you can dig for your own treasure here which is super exciting yo oh I think it’s Unique I like what was

Inside a little interactive I give this like a 9 out of 10 yeah I love how I can use my brush on stuff I like the pots I’m also I’m going to give you an eight I’ll give it an eight thermite got 24 out 30 why is it giant slime sticking

Out don’t don’t worry about it okay we had some Intruders there used to be an entrance but don’t worry about it all right you walk in first you got some rare items on the side you know you oh dragon egg oh over here we got our two

Rare Brown pandas this whole museum is just a collection of rare mobs in Minecraft I didn’t know this was a thing this is our our special one you know he’s got waren here with surrounded by tinted glass wool he can’t see us oh wait he’s blind any walk away this is is

Definitely a this is a 10 out of 10 an eight out of 10 I’m going n out of 10 I think the brown pandas were awesome I didn’t even know that was a thing kiple got 27 out 30 follow me this is my museum it’s a little small I know but if

You click this button you’re going to get a ticket to the museum yo this is kind of sick oh it has the dates of when they were all updated yeah I like it it’s Unique I even like the detail on outside rather than the inside this is

Insane it’s like yeah itic Vibes I give this like a seven I’m going with with a seven as well I think it’s really nice I I’m also going to go with a seven I really liked it small Go 21 30 well this is a bit smaller than I imagined it says

Warning do not enter can you see the corruption on the other side this this is going to blow your mind it seems a little small for hyping it up okay once we go inside it’s over oh my goodness um what how is it big in here I don’t

Understand you you guys saw it you legit came out that but if you check right here we have the Easter egg Island head what wait is that the Mona Lisa we have the Mona Lisa right here if we check over here we have it’s a mini Eiffel

Tower I was I was expecting it to be taller I will not lie yeah that’s a 10 for sure for me I’m just mind blown 10 I don’t know how you did it but the Mona Lisa won me over what could I say it’s a

It’s a 10 meaning my build got 3050 out 30 and they were completely confused kly what’s the first build let me see I got it it’s wizard all right we have 15 minutes to make a wizard but I’m going to do SL SL draw to get this now

Whatever’s drawn on here will take into an actual build but I first need a picture of a wizard like this one looks pretty cool or I could do some crazy like this but this one looks pretty simple now I just drag this picture inside and the AI will now draw this for

Me and it’s going off yo wait I’m kind of scared cuz I really hope it’s not too big Linux is already going crazy I can basically fill in the entire bottom cuz this is this this is Cloak and the legs are starting to look pretty good but

Judging from the size of the legs this build might be Giant and I’ll instantly be caught cheating look at the pixel details on this wait what what that what is that no the auto draw might have been a bad idea because just the legs are

Going over the wall how can it get the air to stop what do you mean Auto Dr progress okay I can’t mess with that this might have been a really bad idea so before anyone realizes I’m cheating let me quickly sabotage that builds it’s going to be a Slytherin Wizards yo this

Is sick it kind of looks like a Harry Potter but how am I going to sabotage that she’s flying over my build is actually amazing by the way what are you doing it’s literally a wizard I would hope so Linux look at him you like it yo

Yo there’s a bit of a fire on your build okay yeah I’m sorry I had to do this oh it’s on fire wait what and that’s not the most instant car I’ve seen I’m kind of sorry I have to do that but what’s skidy doing wait this is actually

Looking sick oh it’s a wizard heart but is this supposed to fit on top of my head like what is this either way I’m going to do some magic first I need to fill all this up Abracadabra yo yo wait what yo who just blew up my hat okay let

Me go check on Linux I don’t even need to mess with you cuz they’re doing it right now yeah yeah yeah B this s up you guys are insane upow up no oh what have they done to his build sweet sweet Justice what’s been drawn so far okay so so the body’s

Been made and the wizard stuff that’s cool but wao why is it so big uh wait this is bad this is really bad he’s trying to get me caught first round if I’m caught cheating the entire video ends how do I how how do I stop you can

I not erasee this out let me erase please Auto draw in progress I know Auto draws in progress what do you maybe I have an idea what if I just build a tiny head somewhat like this that should stop the AI right a tiny head on a big body

Why are you drawing the head stop maybe I picked the worst picture but Linux is still distracted which is good all right it went from the best build in the entire game to now just a bit of purple black blocks so because right now I

Can’t let them see my build so I need to quickly buy some time K you’ve made no progress now we just need to close up the back of the cloak and we will be good to go and she’s now building with black concrete by using the simple

Command I’mma ruin your entire robe like that the entire robe fell apart no fourth time oh I’m going to kill someone I will help you though by building up a large hat someone like that should work right wo wo wo wo wo wo wo what just

Happened there’s 3 minutes left I have 3 minutes no way only 3 minutes left and AI is doing a really good job like it’s crazy how good this actually is look at the detail on the face wait the face wait don’t tell me the face is done what

Is that how am I supposed to get away with this oh the auto draw was the worst issu ever bro wait this is this is actually too big like way too big like look at me I’m in the clouds and my Y is 216 is there a way I could fix this wait

Is that skidy what is going on with cff’s build oh wait he’s kind of noticed Plan B your entire thing is going to be pink and then side there’s going to be creepers that should keep him distracted for a little bit why is my hat pink I’ve

Tried so hard and now there’s creepers all over my no no no no no no this was the worst mistake ever why did it have to be so good either way I can’t need to fix this like fix this ASAP so what if I get rid of its legs yo wait this might

Be a smart idea if I move it down here it looks semi-normal this hat just keeps getting progressively worse please turn into normal concrete again this build battle is cursed I think I kind of did it it looks already so much smaller and there’s 60 seconds left we’re adding

Extra effects just in case so okay we need to make a wand but hair goes over the walls which is an instant disqualification and you know what it looks kind of good compared to the final drawing I may have removed your legs but at least I will get caught cheating

Because the build looks very small now but Loki what if I make your hair red yeah someone like that kind of works time’s up oh God no but with the time up we had to meet in the middle and vote for the best build all right come check

Out my dark wizard yo this is kind of lit if you put your thumb up it he kind of looks like a thumb you know yeah he does that’s what I was going to say you know what kly just for that you’re going

To get a five out of 10 this is a four I’m sorry kipley I’m going to give this a s out of 10 we kipley get a 16 out of 50 it was time for skides it is a giant wizard’s hat he’s he’s built a house

Inside a hat wait what why is there an item frame here with nothing in it you just put something in the barrel did you yo yo he sh yo okay yo I’m breaking this do you know what this gets honestly this gets a three out of 10 two for me I’m

Going to give you a six that’s a good that’s a good ranking with skiz get 11 out 30 Linux now had help meet the cutest 2D man you’ve ever seen in your life I I don’t know if I class him as a man uh this is the magic all around oh

Yo I kind of like this it’s like the flowers SP than he is he’s pulling up the flowers out of the ground it looks like pajamas rather than like a wizard cloak he’s about to go to bed yeah you better take a nap yo just for that it’s

A snooze I’m giving her a three out of 10 five out of 10 five out of 10 L with ly going a 13 out 30 it was finally time for mine yo what yeah this is mine the big witch it looks so sick this is a 10

Out of 10 from me this is insane yeah bro not even my hat could keep up with this hat right here this is a 10 out of 10 yeah boy this is like a 9 and a half wait what okay sorry it was a 10 yeah it

Was a 10 that’s what I like to hear with my build game 30 out of 30 I was the winner and they had no idea I was cheating upgraded structures ooh all right good look guys well since grd’s been the scho fight I don’t need to

Worry about anyone else if I head back into here we are going to make an upgraded nether fortress yep oh there’s a new villager so if I right click you I’ve got five more build tokens and what do you have for me okay we enough there’s only a few builds but upgraded

Structures what is this this a upgraded Temple an upgraded villager house an upgraded pyamid Temple upgraded nce oh yo wait a second yo this might be actually really cool all right this Fortress is about to look sick so why is it spawning a la I want this oh he

Definitely ate that up well hopefully he could give me another mystery box but I’m going to be leaving Mr villager and just like that oh my yo it’s made an upgraded end Poole what happens if I go inside okay I didn’t really think about the ender dragon by using a simple

Command Goodbye Oh this is perfect and if I leave I end up back here all right something like that looking good so far before I do anything though I do want to change the floor a little bit to make it cooler yeah yeah this is exactly what I

Mean now it looks more like an upgraded structure been so hyperfocused on this build I think it’s going to turn out really good though I see Kip’s name tag what exactly is she making it looks like some sort of upgraded Fortress and thermite I don’t I think he’s making a

Monster spawner either way I still have four build tokens so by heading into the store again I kind of want to take you kind of like a fire shape like this and then on the outside we do like this what if the build I now make is inside the

End so let me let me buy this off you real quick and yeah he’s ate it so it should be fine so if I was place this it should work so let me head back inside here I’ve got rid of the entire end so wait I placed it down where did it where

Oh my yo okay first of all why does it look like some weird looking pancake sandwich all right this is looking pretty sweet so far why does it look strangely appetizing but second of all what even is this it’s an upgraded structure oh my okay I think since this

Is in the end end there’s no build limit or there’s no Even build box so I can get away with a big build like this but what even is inside okay it does look cozy I can’t Li it looks nice learn my lesson don’t dump animals on thermite

Okay we got to do something else what is he doing over here is this like a spawner oh but a spawner is a perfect chance for animals oh God okay which again is pretty awesome but yo this is huge but endole inside endle where does

This one lead oh it leads back here yeah let’s just go with good old lava all right a lir of lava quickly water um excuse me uh hello oh my all right uh I guess that’s okay either way if I now go back to the shop

Let’s just take this let me just place a block right there place this one here I PID two build tokens for this I don’t even know what this is it looks like a giant flower okay I don’t know what kind of NC this is made now I could see

Paying two tokens for that but not two tokens for this now I think we’re going to give it a little space I’ll kick in the new layer like right here either way this looks insane is that a way I can set the spawn to spawn here cuz flying’s

Kind of awkward either way I’ve still got one build token I should head to the shop oh I’ve come back and thermites build is in water and lava me I just need to investigate a little bit yo I knew it he’s building a spawner all right kipley side I really don’t know

What I think this I think this is supposed to be upgrade the Fortress beautiful there we go all right now let’s get some uh some some fences going on here but just so I could frame her there you go she’s now an invis what I’ll do is I’ll go with the thermite

Build did you blow my build uh no I’ve just been kind of chilling in this box this whole time cuz I see someone’s mess with yours and Kip’s an invis I mean we we got to blow her up right yeah yeah yeah yeah all right I I got this I got a

Great idea no no no who are you I’m going to follow you I’m going to follow you think you get away from me well either way I’ve ended up back at the shop let me buy this you know there you go brother now I lowkey want to place it

On this little island over here which I think will be fine okay there’s 2 minutes left I got to be very fast with what I’m doing I think what we do is we have like a giant fire pit up here I’m liking this okay if I place like right

Here okay is this the pyamid how is this a pyramid is is this a another version of the wait no it’s upgraded but this is more of like a witch Tower I’m so confused on what my builds are why this looks so out of place now get a bunch of

Like spikes up up here let’s get some dripstone maybe maybe I take one of these builds outside so if I go back here and paste it right here okay you’re telling me that does not look cool this place is starting to look awesome and you know what’s better than one two and

Now we have two towers but with a time now up we had to meet in the middle to vote for the best build all right come this way okay what is this first of all I introduced you to an upgraded nether fortress it it doesn’t it doesn’t give

Me nether fortress Vibes it’s cuz there’s no Bridges I was going to build Bridges man should have built the bridges I know on the bright side I’ll give you a solid rating uh I’ll give this a s out of 10 you know I can kind of see why he’s saying that it doesn’t

Really fit with a nether fortress but I mean it’s still a really good looking build and would fit perfectly in the nether I think I’m going to go with an eight yay I’ll go with the eight yay all right sounds good kly got 15 out of 20

All right come over here it is just a box on the outside obviously cuz it would it would go underground so you got to imagine we’re in a cave I’m telling you right now this has to to be a spawner that’s correct got an upgraded

Spawn room or spawner yo yo I like this yo netherite zombies oo I like this spawner honestly fair play I’m impressed I’m very impressed I’ll give this a 9 out of 10 yeah I really like this it’s simple but aesthetic and pleasing I would be so excited to find this I’m

Going to go with a 10 meaning thermite got 19 out 20 so this is mine ooh okay that’s a lot of eyes man oh my gosh why is the end portal in the end boom this is the new stronghold and you might think this is my final build no head

Inside and you’re met with upgraded builds you have upgraded flower end thingy Miggy over there what are these end Islands hold on this is M there’s no way what is this this is oh my it’s a whole entire city this is the real lost city and then you have the greated

Actual end Island over here and then we’ve got the little end City over here we even got a little ship over here this is awesome and you come inside here this is the actual room where you’re like okay how curs can this get an end pole

In end pole and you arrive back oh we’re back okay yo that was awesome I like how you did it in the end how that structure was awesome I’d be terrified going in there as a new Minecraft player yeah exactly end update coming soon hopefully

You know what I’m going with an 11 this is amazing I really like this I think it’s awesome I I’m going to go with a 10 on this as well this is insane meaning my got 21 out 20 and I wasn’t disqualified yet all right boys you

Ready for this round two is famous icons okay oh good luck guys now with a pro build brush in my hand I’ve got something to tell you this time a famous YouTuber will actually be building for me and they’re right here does that mean people or buildings or both I’ll tell

You who it is at the end of this round but this time’s going to be completely different cuz I’m going to throw in the Pro build brush so I’m really going to be doing nothing now you may be going kly why have you made made multiple layers of the sphere okay and it’s

Because this one is like the main one okay I want to show how the sphere can change but obviously I just can’t like let it change so now they’re going to be building circles and I’m very curious what to see I’m going to build a famous icons amusement park cuz the pro build

Brush is now upgraded meaning will it actually make circles in Minecraft but over on kipley side I already have an idea what she’s making she’s making the new Las Vegas sphere this is the Las Vegas sphere that just opened I’ve seen Tik toks of it like star staring at

People on the highway with like the emoji faces now I don’t know what thermite’s making but I think it’s somewhat like the Statue of Liberty looking pretty good on that I think and if I check back up on this the Burge Khalifa is starting to look really cool

I’m really excited to see how this is going to finally look I really want to troll kipley here I’m going to turn her yellow concrete into yellow concrete powder ah wo wo woah wo which will send her build like that someone turned into powder no they broke the sphere

Why who would do that but at the same time this looks really cool in the meantime I’m going to work on this there we go does this look familiar to you why would I what would I have to gain out of ruining your sphere very sus indeed I’m

Trusting you this once I just look away for a second and they’re finished yo wait this looks insane okay it does kind of go out the lines but either way they’ve definitely made a cool looking build and this is only one of many famous icons we’re going to be building

And I think the Leaning Tower next to this would be super cool oh yeah that looks really this looks really good what the heck oh like I thought th’s making the Statue of Liberty and the detail on his build is crazy at least K’s fix the

Build as I was saying there’s going to be lots and lots of people watching this all right what I will do though I to activate a rail bunch of TNT mine carts a skor sensor so next time she goes and to check that out it will completely blow

Up oh yeah that that would do it that would definitely do it I guess I could leave oh who’s not here oh I see the hole in the wall what I come back to that would was definitely interesting I didn’t see how big they really made it

But jeez well I guess in the meantime what I will be doing is just a little bit building myself I guess by putting this all the way here well well well let’s see well you know what she’s going to cry but now they’ll be making big vent we’re getting flooded oh my gosh

Yep there we go she crying okay k please actually looks pretty funny I can’t lie definitely not the one I saw in Vegas but you know what close enough now it’s angry sphere it actually looks cool so I don’t think I’m going to mess with it

But it seems like Big Ben’s pretty much finished oh and I think I spoke way too soon cuz it actually has finished wow this is actually really cool there we go see now he’s in love okay there’s amusement park is looking crazy but I think there’s one

Thing I need to add and lowkey color would be pre fire and they’re going to build up okay I barely look away from thermites and what it I’m confused on how we built that wow we’re actually doing really well but I think what’s missing is lava pouring from the Statue

Of Liberty SE CU I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what’s happening why is there lava on our base what the heck all right guess we can just get rid of that get out a sphere of water right here can’t believe there’s been a bit of a there’s

Been a bit of a floating over on your side which I think needs fixing oh that looks kind of funny but now there’s only one minute left why is there so much water who who did this why is there so much water in here you’re making the

Sphar sad yo this colos SE does look crazy and I’m stillar think it’s about to be finished in the meantime let me add the sign instead of bur CLE it’s Brooklyn leaa leaning tar Pizza instead of Big Ben gigantic Ben and this has turned into an actual Coliseum which

Looks super cool and it fits in all right I think the sphere is pretty much done but I’m worried about whoever was water that was that was very rude got to get the tourists in last second okay now there’s only 30 seconds left I need to

Be very fast in the meantime I’m just going to add some villagers around here to give it some sort of Coliseum Vibe like this I think that’s super cool quiff was it you buddy huh wo wo wo was you wasn’t it it was you wasn’t it with

The water huh it literally isn’t me it wasn’t me uh I just don’t believe you you know so let’s just uh let’s down some FS since you like water so much you know what I like this it looks cool yeah now he’s got water to deal with well

Getting rid of the W was very easy I can’t lie but now we’re do meaning time was now up and we had to meet in the middle all right come this way for sure you guys will never forget you built the sun okay I know it just looks like a

Giant Yow Ball but please just stand on the diamond platform for me all right okay I’m watching all right are you ready yo oh yo oh it’s mad yo that’s actually sick that’s so cool if you give me a good score you know it’ll it’ll be

Great it’ll love you all right it’ll be amazing I can’t lie this was very creative I really like it the sphere could be anything you want it to be all right you’ve seen the face but it could be truly anything honestly you’ve turned I not ual thing into some very

Impressive so I’m hly going to give this a 9 out of 10 I’m going to give it a 10 I love the interactive and it it’s so it’s so well done can’t play got 19 out 20 all right if you come over here I have made the Statue of Liberty we got

The tourists we got the landmark all all the land is correct the the water being next to it the building under it leading up into the statue itself even the torch is lit yeah no I actually really like how you built her as well it’s super detailed with all the stairs it’s not

Easy to build a statue like this it really isn’t I really like it on war like actual thing yeah I really like this I know how hard it is to build like a statue I’m going to go with the eight no this easily has to be a 10 they might

Got 0 now 30 yo wait what is all this all right we come through to my amusement park of famous building let’s go right and right here we have gigantic Ben it’s bigger than big Benin over here we have BR yeah we have the Leaning Tower

Pizza I saw that one coming and then we go over here the final famous icon ooh call oh round circle round circle hey what all these builds are so amazing I’m going to have to go 11 on this one this I can’t believe he did all this so well

In such little time yeah I love all these buildings they’re awesome I I’m going go with the 10 meaning I got 21 out of 20 and the bill brush was amazing superhero battle I’mma battle you two with my building skills I hate myself Jamie should be your okay I need to be

Extra careful cuz this love is about to Ru out now I want to make a crazy battle against two of the biggest superheroes instantly I’m going to make the feet now my aim is to actually make a superhero called omn man so this build needs to

Actually be really awesome and so far it actually looks pretty cool for example I’m going to do his eyes nut right now his hair like that he also has a bit of a mustache okay wait that looks very wrong but you guys understand I’m going to use the hammer to break all this

Apart cuz I need to add this there we go look at our beautiful Arena right here we now have omn man who’s now being Auto invented wait who’s that over there what’s kipley doing let’s go take a look at what everyone else is doing huh quiff literally has nothing built oh no is

Thermite building the Hulk oh no there can only be one Hulk omnimon has now been crated maybe it’s how tall I made it but this guy is huge but who’s strong enough to fight omnimon obviously me okay no I’m kidding he’s going to build

A way better Hulk than I can yep get hit by a meteor kid where did this come from oh are you okay Mr Hulk but before I make my superhero I’m going to pop into invis kipley looks like she’s making some sort of Arena so um why are there

Villagers hey who’s holding that Spa egg I see you and I’m just going to start a raid cuz you want some sort of Arena kipy there’s your Arena right there I don’t want to raid who are you thite no villagers run they can’t get you in the arena you’re going to be okay

Buddy you’re going to be okay let me let me defend you guys okay you’re going to be just fine no I have nothing to sabotage thermite would cuz he hasn’t even started his build and is not hulkk uh maybe we shouldn’t do eyes the eyes

Kind of throw it off but the only person who’s capable of fighting omn man is Superman which is why I’m making Superman but there we go we have part of a Superman I might need to make this head a little bit bigger some like that looks awesome I just need to add some

Eyes and a mouth and W we have power Superman I do need to add a chest there we go now all I do is his hair and like so we now have Superman who’s being Auto invented right now oh my get off my property bro this is ridiculous

No I don’t want you here you know what go on go in get the villagers I don’t want them either go on I forgot to do it with the build so I’ll just do it now so what I need to do is SL some TNT like so

That looks insane he’s lasering his face but omn man also is strong so I’m going to make him like destroy Superman’s knee now honestly this actually looks awesome and I’m pretty happy with this battle so far if I had read concrete all around the wound it does look like he’s just

Been punched there and if I make my way all the way to omn man’s face I can do the same thing around his face which will just give the effect of he’s just been punched there you go all right just do just do your do your worst bro all

Right just goodness this is an arena I guess but one thing that’s crazy when superheroes fight is if I just change the floor right now it becomes an actual Wasteland now I may want to invent one more superhero so if I go back here wait the W disappeared and so is the lava

Meing I can no longer invent anything oh no okay that kind of sucks I can’t lie if I had water here wait what is going on and then if I just add another lava sauce no what’s it done okay wait this is oh this is messed up let me get rid

Of all the evidence that was never there since we can’t use Auto invent anymore I’m just going to go in invis and make my way over to thermite side because I need a tall building I think we can get away with calling that Ant-Man so if I

Copy it and okay the size difference is kind of crazy I can’t lie but I do like the idea so if I was just to paste it right here instead that looks more natural I’ll do one more building here and there we go now there’s only 1

Minute left I definitely need some sort of terrain Destroyer which means I still have my hammer right here so just like that I can actually use it to destroy everything so invent is still crazy the entire world’s been destroyed maybe I just destroy some of this like this oh

Yeah that looks awesome if I add more red over here it does look like he’s just been wounded and Superman’s won but a fight between Superman and omn man Superman would win so this is actually lot accurate thermite’s building is actually really tall all right that’s

Looking pretty good I think we can call it on that I think Kip ley’s build could go for a few adjustments another quick thing I want to add is if I just do SL sphere magma block Netherrack red concrete and then six and just make them everywhere somewh like this it looks

Like they’re out of space or they’re in some sort of intense battle which it is one thing I want to do before time Runs Out is I’m going to go into invis check Kip pleas build out who is I don’t even know what this is but kly has no idea

What’s going on yo yo stop stop thite when did these get bigger invent is superp powerered but now we have to vote for the best superhero battle this is a a mock Battle of from the Thor movie when Thor had to fight Hulk in the arena wao whoa what is this

On Hulk he listen he had cheeks but then someone cheeked him up even more I don’t know I don’t know what they did to him Hulk at too many crabby pities that’s what you did and then I know Thor kind of looks like a turkey but let’s just

Ignore that he’s got his little Thor’s hammer I can’t lie this does not look like Thor yeah no this this is interesting this is this I will give this a 7 out of 10 you know what I like Hulk I can give you an eight I think

Kiple golf 15 out of 20 I also constructed the Hulk he’s a little bit more toned down in the uh the buto area but nonetheless he is fighting Ant-Man there’s no way this is Antman right here yo Ant-Man what’s up man high five I’m I’m still impressed by this this alone

Will get you a a out of 10 yeah yeah I just I love how detailed Ant-Man is this is a seven there might go 15 out of 20 all I’m going to leave you loses behind cuz you check mine this is where you call superhero bowle what how did you do

This man this is unreal how did you do this we have two buildings over here completely demolished same architect I guess I don’t know Superman’s got a hole in his chest omim Man’s dead he’s his H been just destroyed yeah this is this is just so much better than mine I’m going

10 for sure yeah no this is insane I don’t understand how you did it maybe a little world edit somewhere you know I don’t but I’m not going to question okay anything did not look at my Hulk again so this is a 10 meaning they had no idea

I was using invent and I was a clear winner Wild West oo that’s a fun one all right good look guys ooh and we have the upgrade Blaster again it looks so beautiful but I need to make some sort of desert that’s similar to Cowboy so I

Instantly need to turn this into s now I have a pretty cool idea all right when I think of wild west I think of kind of like a desert area but for this I I I need to do some building myself which honestly isn’t even that bad but if I

Make someone like this I can make this the door I want this to be kind of giant that’s kind of Wester looking I guess what I need now is to create a bit bit of fire ooh something like this could look nice I then want some cobwebs which

To add a bit more smoke and I think that should be good for what I have planned cuz now if I was to upgrade blast these guys all right there something like this heyo what is this this looks insane okay maybe I made it a little too big cuz

Look at that it’s completely out of the Border but it doesn’t matter cuz it added the smoke from the cobwebs and the fire from the Netherrack and these are the doors meaning it perfectly upgraded what I was building okay now simple what do I need to do next for that I need to

Pop into invis and scout out all the competition right now we want to make it to where there’s a few don’t have time for all this we have thermite making in some sort of box and kiple is also going with a very similar Vibe it’s going to

Be the saloon people are talking about in this town very desert Saloon like but you know you know what every Wild West has a cowboy okay why am I searching Cowboy I need to First make a cowboy but they also have a cowboy hat which I

Don’t I can’t remember how it looks but I think it looks very similar to a top hat um we could add like one or two more buildings I think and then we’d be pretty good yeah this guy looks very it looks very Cowboy like I think it’s good

Enough to upgrade right so by simply shoo this Saloon so maybe it doesn’t say saloon but it says s all right that’s all we need it turns into this yo wait a second this is kind of cool I wonder know what would happen if I upgrade him

Again in the meantime I fit into the Zone but there’s one more thing I think every cowboy has or everything in the wild west at least okay so we got our scene we can do a little decorating I think okay you know what maybe we spell it out with banners instead something

Looks a bit cooler and that’s a train so if I just add a little bit of a train track right here at least some of that goes all the way to the end like this if I was to shoot it it turns into this beautiful salute all right which is a

Giant version of the entire Railway system but this build is kind of big if spy on kly has is very tiny compared to mine and I might be quite cheating and disqualify cuz this might be a little too overpowered so if I just upgrade hers wait I just saw a bunch of smoke

And now it looks like this wait is this my Saloon this is awesome it made a brand new build wait I don’t understand what just happened but you know I’m not going to complain what on Earth is going on Look it’s even got an interior this

Is awesome okay I’ve given a free build I’m going to kind of go back to doing my thing cuz that’s so stupid in the meantime if I check up thermite oh this isn’t what I remember seeing and it looks really cool yo what’s he up to

What is that oh he sees me peeking I’m closing up all right let’s pretend he never saw me I now have train tracks what I do need to make is an actual train and just to make sure it’s an actual train I’m also going to write

Train so please tell me this works or it’s not going to fail okay you know what this is our new place so uh let’s just put Saloon up here cuz this is obviously the better Saloon I don’t know what happened but you know we’re not

Going to question it oh my it’s m it complete look they’re touching the rails hey wait this is kind of sick I might use pro upgrade more cuz it’s upgrading everything we now have a train if I upgrade it one more time will it become a working train dead Bush uh let’s get

Even a couple acacia trees I think would look good here go crazy well it’s not only three minutes left what else do I really need one thing that you’ve always seen in the desert it’s somewh rather simple and very dangerous but I’m talking about a scorpion and I honly

That’s not a bad scorpion it definitely could be a lot better but the whole point isn’t to build good it’s to use the prop grade and see if can actually upgrade one building so if I shoot this all right now let’s make this one the

Jail yo okay it’s not as cool as like the cowboy for example but it still is really good like I’m actually impressed with how amazing this looks is that like the wild west complete I don’t want to go too crazy and Kip looks insane which

Only means one thing if I pop it into invis and light this on fire real quick and it should spread like that yes bur this entire build no no no no no no stop no who did this oh legit is this a jail oh well this this looks interesting 2

Minutes left and everything’s on fire in the meantime I did get an idea how have I not buil a cactus yet okay genuinely I’m very impressed it’s made a cool looking Cactus like a real Cactus not Minecraft Cactus you burned my whole town down I didn’t make it mean I didn’t

Mean to make it look like yours what I I didn’t know such thing I’ve been so hyperfocused I haven’t even spoken in the past like 2 minutes and in the meantime I’ll just add some dead bushes all around here which is the equivalent of trees and with that this place looks

Amazing I genu think you cannot beat this I’ll let it off one one time cuz I don’t have time to mess with you I’m watching you man so by simply shooting this oh why is it so slow oh my yes all right got a bunch of horses we’ll leave

That building burnt down as a sign to remember now this has been completely done this is truly the wild west that everyone would love I think even thermite kind would beat me here and the times that W meaning we now hit to me in the middle to vote for the best build

Come this way to the wild west all right now you boys keep in mind there can only be one sheriff in this town all right and that’s me yeah with this building one of you did that all right one of you did that so one of you is coming to The

Slammer all right one of you is going in jail there you go oh yes well you know you guys were supposed to be in there but yeah that works too yo no this this place is sick I’ll I’ll give this 8 out of 10 I’m going with a nine I like the

Salon it’s so beautiful kly got a 17 out 30 oh yo come on down it’s High Noon In uh wild Westville and it’s time for the shootout if you guys want to stand on each side okay it doesn’t work oh oh oh oh well it is the wild west and the

Technology wasn’t as advanced back then so sometimes you get backfires in in the Weaponry but that’s all right honestly I’m impressed I’m going to give this a N9 out of 10 all right yeah I like this I like how each building is like super different I like the little custom feel

To each one I’m going to go nine as well they might go 18 out 20 all right so we come inside and we have this what Cactus Motel everything you oh yeah he’s crying he does look pretty sad to be honest there’s a whole fire it’s got everything you need you’ve really

Outdone yourself quiff this is awesome I love the cowboy I love all the details I love I love even like how the letters look and saloon the smoke is awesome this is a 10 yeah this is undoubtedly a 10 for me too meaning I go 20 out 20 and

We keep in last place I wasn’t disqualified yet futuristic ancient build ooh good luck don’t suck okay good luck well I’m back on my side I know kipy lives to peek over so futuristic ancient build that is a mouthful okay she’s not peeking over let me go in the

Middle and slash think and my brain’s now spawned and you know what we’re going to do a futuristic pyramid yeah it’s really that simple there you go and just like that he’s thinking of a futuristic pyramid I don’t want to do the pyramids cuz I feel like that’s like

The first spot everyone’s going to go to futuristic ancient build we are going to go with something interesting and what blocks do you need either way I’m going to give you a bunch of blocks that I think you’ll need maybe some quartz I think quartz would look futuristic and

Some Stone now the brain’s going to be braining can’t please right there what is everyone else building I don’t know what to build St I building a shoe what is that okay Lu should look at my side oh she would have seen a brain my brain

Is off okay I don’t know what the brain’s doing I think my brain’s kind of fried if I Spy on thermite oh my gosh slabs are so difficult I don’t know exactly what he’s making but it looks like the Avengers Tower and kly is completely AFK I don’t know I I have no

Idea what she’s making so to make it futuristic we got to use some cool looking blocks you know what I mean but this one really doesn’t need to be oh my he’s already made the base permid but if I pop over into inis oh wait I was going

To check her thought but I guess I can’t I don’t know why where’s she going all right I have no idea what I’m building I think I should team up with someone wait why is she going over the small side wait I think these guys are about to

Team we should team up together because I have no idea what I’m doing for this prompt and I need help and I think you need help you know what I’m going to break their teamwork already cuz if I get some TNT soone just are you serious it was you could

Blame kipley now they shouldn’t be able to team they should be angry at each other theyve both just got zers yeah oh clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch clutch why am I I am being so targeted today and I hate it oh my gosh I’m just going to keep mining my own

Business I tried to save it with water up too bad so sad buddy too bad too bad either way my brain’s going to work so farce looking good I’m very concerned that they’re going to come over to my side and if they blow up my pyramid

They’ll see my brain okay never mind I think they just blew up thermites for no reason poor guy didn’t do anything wrong this is why the girls hate boys for some reason for some reason these guys are still going to Team all right I turned the wall down what are we thinking about

Building she’s thinking about a Tom I’ve just stolen your thought well I’m going to give it what have I come back to wow brain just wow to take this and I guess I’ll just give you some blocks that you can use there you go either way how’s

Thermite holding up what that is so laggy what is he making well you guys know what time is time for an inspection okay yeah even getting closer up I have no idea what he’s making it’s like some weird foot oh the Leaning Tower of Pizza

Hey yo what did kipley build what in the world is this time to smooth it out while going crazy with it but you know what’s cool if Small’s UFO has a cannon what is that no no no no no no no no no k’s copying my build e stop copying I

Think my brain’s done I don’t see my brain no more I think he clocked out I think some last minute things I could do is just add like a small beam beaming up right here no one will know I cheated this in I mean look at it I think I

Could totally build something like this right it’s so beautiful I’m so proud of my work that time’s not whoop meaning we had to vote for the best pyramid all right if you come over here you can check out the futuristic ancient building that I have constructed not

Much to it other than like a cool building see I thought this was the leading tar pizza that’s what you want it to be it’s the future you never know what can happen I can’t lie it does look crazy I wish there was somebody inside I

Really like the feet yeah I really like it I like how you got creative and didn’t like take an old ancient build and make it like futuristic you made your own build uh I’m going to give it a nine yo honestly I’ll give this a eight

Out of no I’ll give it a 9 out of 10 I don’t know how to describe it it just makes my brain feel happy so I’ll give it a nine then I got 27 out 30 all right welcome to mine and Smalls build wow teaming yeah well you guys kept

Sabotaging us so we had to do something first things first the UFOs look at this dude look at them they’re getting abducted that’s crazy I’ll save you guys oh no so what is this it’s an ancient build ancient Indian build that’s been refortified by the villagers to defend

Against the aliens oh you know it it’s kind of big I can’t lie it’s very big so they’re rich in the future as well they’re no longer just these little village peasants no no no you know what I’ll give this like I’ll you guys team though that’s the thing I’ll give him an

8 out of 10 yeah I agree for teaming it’s still an eight out of 10 it’s really good k and small got 60 now 30 oh this is so colorful this is my build I’ve gone with a futuristic pyramid there’s a lot of villagers up there let

Me explain so we have UFOs cuz aliens have kind of taken over if you check over here there’s the UFO abducting the sarcophagus in the middle but the Warriors are defending it why are some of them called aliens cuz they’ve infiltrated they’re camouflaged and if you can tell it looks like the pharaoh’s

Head you know what I give it a N9 out of 10 I’m going nine as well I I have to go a 10 meaning my bill got 20 30 and my brain was better than them all bedtime monster my brain has now spawned so I want to make some just like massive

Slime dude make him with free heads all right when I think of bedtime monster I think of a monster literally under a bed either way I’m going to give him a bunch of blocks I think he might need and off he goes why my brain’s working on that

Small’s making a table I’m more scared of eyes watching me the might’s making a frog doesn’t need a face but I’d like to give it a scary look looking thing and Kip’s making a hammer once we make this giant Ben we’ll be good to go inside I’m

Going to have fireballs and here a build oh my har small going to have a little funny time um what is shooting fire what is this oh my God it’s caught on fire no no no no no no no no do not burn do not

Burn chill out but what have I come back to I’m I’m confused he’s done one head he’s done two head three four five he’s on five I asked for three although at the same time I think I misspell but either way this is crazy V what happened

I thought we had a truce but with my entire thing done I think it’s time bra you need to go back inside my head oh brain he’s dead and I have my brain right here and now we have to meet in the middle come this way it is a bed the

Bed that we all sleep peacefully on at night oh je he’s a little a little Shadow Ball that’s going to come and bite your toes in your sleep 8 out of 10 8 out of 10 I love the concept going 8 out of 10 as well you know those like

Generic little beds that you’ve got like it’s simple it’s Unique it looks funky I really like this I’m giving it eight this is a nine I like a two I’m going seven this is crazy the Villager has his nightlight on so he’s safe otherwise he would be consumed consumed by the slime

Man oh no so this is my bed monster oh my gosh what as you can see he’s already he’s accomplished many he’s actually taken over so many beds you know what Cliff even though it’s terrifying uh I’ll give it a 10 yep 10 for me too this

Is awesome how how does he see his victims does he have eyes or is he just blind oh so he’s like the warden okay you know I’m going to give this a nine meaning I won this bow ball and if you don’t subscribe this is going to be

Under your bed game okay 15 minutes to make a game good luck all right let’s do it well let’s hope I don’t mess up this time because there’s so many game characters like I can make Pikachu or a cool samurai or maybe I just make a

Knight so I drag this in here Auto draw started and they’ve already started building building don’t make it too big but I’m curious what Linux is building hey we are going to build Spongebob this will be interesting and if I go over here what about you kly we’re going to

Create a switch I love my switch at home I have it right here look oh mine’s not red and blue look at it it’s very nice either way the legs are looking pretty cool I’m watching the AI draw is actually cool but wao uh wait a second

Not again don’t tell me this build’s going to be huge oh Linux is making SpongeBob okay AI I’m going to let you draw because I need to keep them distracted before they know it’s the giant build this is my pinata so far lowkey though let’s spy on everybody

Else is this a Capilla why are you building skidy hey yo I’m going to help you real quick okay I just call get cool there you go did I do it right all right guys I know it doesn’t look like a pinata yet but I I swear we’re getting

There but I’m sure kiple is better what we’re putting in the screen yet I don’t know you’re building a switch and the game’s going to be inside here yeah this is kind of cool I’m going to help you real quick by adding some players and oh

Oh they they it’s kind of exploded all right there oh wo wo wo creepers wao what did I miss uh how much have you drawn you pretty much drawn the entire thing the build’s pretty much already done wait a second how do I fix this can

I get rid of you for a second you have a cool Shield there but where’s the shield half the arm is missing but Linux might notice so let me sabotage him this is going to be the bun I do know SpongeBob has a bit of a tail it’s in the new

Season and he also has horns on each side someone like that I’ll make a SpongeBob look evil he we need to change that why is it red why does he have ears there we go now that’s a SpongeBob if I’ve ever seen it but what’s skidy doing

That’s 3 minutes left H there’s only 3 minutes left 3 minutes left okay are you building a piñata I do think your guy should have some arms someone like that but since your build’s not even done I can’t even sabotage it yo it looks even

Better I am going to get some gold and I’m going to write a word there we go hey yo who wrote Trash on the back of my switch oh it’s just kind of noise yeah I’m going to leave you to that because my guy here still looks us please tell

Me the drawing’s finished yeah the drawing’s pretty much finished how can I make you look less good I think it requires some TNT so I place it here and light it up there we go yeah I think I’ve done a little bit he’s got a few holes in his body is so

SpongeBob done he’s leaving the tail but there’s 60 seconds left 60 seconds no we only have 60 seconds left K’s almost finished and skidy I still don’t know what you’re making so I’m going to help you real quick uh there you go add some depth to your character like that I

Think that’s what you were trying to do right yo wait what what happened to my fata noise for a second but with the time up we now have to vote for the best build all right everybody come to mine come check it out so I know what you’re

Thinking this is a cartoon but there is a SpongeBob game and he makes Burgers so I added a burger oh yeah cry pie yo this is sick W this SpongeBob is actually really cool but why does he have a tail bro what is this supposed to be Pikachu

Or something I didn’t do this hold on let me get rid of it real quick no you can’t it time’s up honestly it time up it was good I was going to give it an eight but cuz of the tail I’m going to give it a six yeah I’m going to give you

A seven I’m going give you a seven I love your sesame seeds dude it’s a great touch this is going to have to be a 6 out of 10 for me bro Len gotad 19 out of 30 and this over here is my build yeah wait is this this is a llama from

Fortnite yeah this is the Llama from fortnite oh I wanted to be a little bit more creative so I made him big and poopy he’s more like a uh a sheep I was going to question why it’s like this W okay yo no no no no a lot of build up there

Man this is a free out of 10 I think it’s a five man I like it though it looks good you know I actually really enjoy I think I’m going to give you a seven it would have been cooler if there was loot inside but I still really like

It Sky Go 15 out of 30 all right so I know mine’s a bit smaller than you guys but we obviously had very different ideas I built a literal game so this is a switch and do you guys recognize the inside game in Minecraft yeah what this

Is the best one by far what’s on all 10 out of 10 I mean it is though yeah yeah yeah you honestly I’m going to give it a 10 out of 10 yo this is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life I’d give

It a seven this is a 10 out of 10 and kiple got 27 out of 30 and this is mine yo he’s from Dark Souls oh it’s dark nut yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what he’s got everything couldn’t finish it as you see there’s holes in his body

Right here there’s holes right here right here right there I couldn’t finish at all yeah wait look at your block palet you use so many weird blocks I’d give this a nine this would be a 10 out of 10 but the sword is hanging over the

Line just a little bit so it’s going to be an eight out of 10 for me bro ooh okay I love everything about this the helmet the swords the like Warrior skirt thing going on I it’s a 10 out of 10 for me that’s what I like to hear and with

My build gain 27 out of 30 I was tied for kipley and we were on to round three rockets and now we’re back here and I’m instantly going with this rocket the Rocket’s almost made and Linux why are you making a firework boom Minecraft rocket and yo no way look at the drawing

And then look at the rocket they look exactly the same the AI did a good job but why did it build the first one so big either way skidy what are you doing this is my rocket so far my rocket has four little red leg things it’s coming

Along hey yo you’re rocket looks kind of good it does need TNT though cuz without TNT the rocket does not fly yo yo yo yo yo who’s pulling up my rocket yo who’s pulling up my rocket he’s already breaking it never mind and over on kipley side then we add fire something

Like this you know yeah I don’t know how I feel about this and what are they both doing you trying to blow up my rocket I didn’t blow up your rocket get listen to me listen to me did you blow up my rocket just tell me this

Might be the perfect time to lay up what is wrong with with you why would you light this and now skin is going to get all the blame but there’s 3 minutes left and yeah there’s nothing I can do because the AI is fully finished drawing

Did you blow up my rocket I didn’t please don’t blow it up please no blow my rocket no I didn’t blow it up I didn’t blow it up no oh it it all fell into sand good luck fixing that what just happened I can’t do this anymore but

Let’s be real look at my build and then look at that yeah the winner and at the top I’m going leave a sign that says sub to Qui cuz we’re going to the Stars 60 seconds oh my okay oh my gosh there’s only 60 seconds left we got to hurry up

And Skizzy looks like the only one that’s done and kly I don’t know what that is hurry hurry hurry we don’t have much time we don’t have much time but it’s not a rocket I’m going to get some glass and help you real quick there you

Go one window and two window that looks better but we now have to vote for the best build I went with more of like a tiny retro rocket Vibe oh yeah I mean it looks more like a robot if I’m going to be real oh well you know what this

Little guy’s in there he thinks otherwise he’s going to the Moon uh yeah Rocket Man oh look he fell out oh yo trash rocket yo two out of 10 I’ll give it a seven I think it was pretty good honestly this is pretty good but it kind

Of looks like a robot like it looks like these are some arms and it even has like a face I didn’t really realize that you know you kind of you do have a point no but I I I think it’s super cool actually this is a eight out of 10 I’m with that

Tyly got a 17 out of 30 this puppy right here is going to Mars oh yo this is going to Mars right here this is some Elon Musk SpaceX rocket at the bottom someone tried to blow up my rocket so I left the TNT here for explosions yeah

Yes that’s going to boost the rocket to the moon yo I mean the rocket is kind of broken but honestly a 7 out of 10 yeah I would agree seven you you did kind of blow up my build so I’m going to have to dock a few points for that I’m going to

Give you a a three unlike that skidy got 17 now 30 you guys said rocket and I was like What if I made a a rocket from Minecraft yoly this is fire bro it’s so good like I’m telling you it’s so good and I think

Skidy can agree with me on this one it gets a z out of 10 sorry man I think you need to get off this game you know touch some grass or something I think I it’s a two from me 0er out of 10 I know was

Time for mine and this is mine yo the take off like the flame you know smoke thingies this is wild see like unlike yours this is actually going to the Moon yeah it is in the sky not just hovering I do like that is there an inside uh

Yeah it’s Hollow but no see if you come to the Top This is insane see that sign St okay cuz we’re going to the Moon uh just for that little comment there I think I think this is going to have to be like a four out of

10 I really like the rocket I really like the bottom part so I’m going have to give it a eight I’ll give it a 10 I love the Rockets stuff coming out of the bottom exactly that’s what I like to hear I in my build gain 1 million out of

30 I was the overall winner and they had no idea I was cheating

This video, titled ‘I Cheated With ILLEGAL BUILD HACKS In Build Battle…’, was uploaded by Quiff on 2023-12-28 21:00:07. It has garnered 261243 views and 3507 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:00 or 6060 seconds.

►I Cheated With ILLEGAL BUILD HACKS In Build Battle… 👍 “LIKE” FOR MORE Minecraft! ✔️Subscribe to me pls

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I Cheated With ILLEGAL BUILD HACKS In Build Battle… I Cheated With PRO BUILD HACKS In A Build Battle… Why I Cheated With Build Hack In A Build Battle… How i stole max hearts/infinite hearts on this minecraft smp to get revenge, this was using lifestealing every hearts on this smp using traps on your friends in minecraft, this is similar to the Lifesteal SMP in which we do the Why I Burned The World to get over 100 wardens in full netherite and get revenge on our friends by fooling them with a real life netherite wardens in minecraft

#Minecraft #MinecraftSMP

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    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

  • Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODES

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  • AKSH

    AKSHAKSH.lol is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! aksh.lol Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

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  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site drive.google.com minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More