Unbelievable: Coding RPG in Minecraft!

Video Information

Hello is the is the stream audio good all right that’s right let’s go there we go welcome everyone hello is the music good can you hear the music the music stopped oh no the music’s there no is there no music what about now uh let me just see okay there we

Go what’s up everyone oh God how you doing let me see make the screen not showing it on live um unfortunate it’ll update eventually right all right how is everyone today when will the server be playable uh that’s a really good question a lot of people ask it I don’t really have an

Answer other than when it’s done um it will not be for a couple of months at least since we do want to release the server in a very playable State um and it’s just not in that state as of right now but we will be working on that

Today uh we’ll be adding Mobs and items and stuff can’t swear now almost said it all right so let’s get the video out of the way first that released yesterday if you guys have any questions feel free to ask now I’ll be answering anything basically can we beta test just for the stream

Uh probably wouldn’t be a good idea uh the server uh is very not playable right now maybe in a future live stream maybe what’s your goal for average play time before the server releases uh well we are hoping to have at least some content not really a playtime Mark but

We do plan on having three areas finished uh So currently there’s not even one but that is because we have been working on systems mostly and we’re just starting to work on content so in a couple months maybe it may maybe you will see a public release or an open Beta at least

How did you place the text in the right spot on the image in the action bar it was a lot of pain uh to line it up but uh basically we used a resource pack you can I’m I’ll pop it up on screen right now uh it’s a negative space resource packs

So here you go it’s the this you can copy the link uh this is basically a resource pack that adds negative spaces so you can overlap stuff and it looks really nice and it’s really useful or at least I think this is the one um yeah it is I have it started uh

Can you show us the sted area you show in the last video this is it here it is or I mean this is the first area there’s not really a lot of anything else um I can increase my interance a bit so you guys can see a little further here you

Go uh instead of B testing can we have like a uh like spectator or something let see builds yeah see that’s the problem I’m still uh like uh just going onto the server uh there’s a whole process that has to be done in order to even gain access to the server uh

Because the class creation is not set up yet that’s also something I was hoping to work on today and also generally Minecraft in the current version is broken with resource packs so what happened is they added a configuration phase it’s basically a special set of packets and every time you switch

Servers between the proxy it reloads the research pack uh which is really annoying so it is fixing the next version but the next vision is not out yet so we’re waiting for that so we can actually have the server be nice and play nice uh will the texture pack includes

Textur for armor to this is something that we tried doing having custom armor but unfortunately um it just breaks with any other shaders if if you apply any shaders OptiFine Iris whatever the armor just completely breaks it looks really awful maybe in the future we will have custom armor models

But as of right now uh it’s not something that we have planned uh we will there be a trailer uh there will obviously be a trailer uh probably for the public release and for the open Beta something similar to what yesterday’s video was like you should give people who join the

Server on day one on OG in game rank that’s the problem um oh that uh yeah we’ll probably yeah yeah there is a planned if I go over here there is an alpha tag or it should probably say beta whatever there’s a tag in the chat

For it so we will give everyone who it participated some sort of reward uh like do you change the negative space each time you add a letter so doesn’t move from the center yeah that’s basically what you cannot have to do you have to add uh negative space or I think

At least how it’s done is it calculates the total length and then it adds um the respective amount because it’s easier to it’s less laggy to add like one or two characters that are of size 60 than like 30 characters of size -2 I just allow shaders on my Ser because do funny things with them yeah I mean shaders are really powerful um but a big problem with them is that OptiFine and whatever had them before and so they’re kind of clashing now because they use different systems and it’s really annoying thankfully thankfully

Um shaders on OptiFine and Iris don’t uh change the text shaders otherwise the dialogue would be completely broken but thankfully uh dialog works fine with any Shader uh I’d imagine a server like this would really heavy for a lot of players are display between multiple servers yes

That is actually a feature that already exists and it’s also something we I want to work on today let me just fire up my things over here so I can show you guys uh all right I think it is in place everything yep should be so we actually

Have an instance m managing system if I go to the hub it’s going to take a second for the resource back to reload uh you can see once it actually loads that there is in fact a world selector there’s currently none because we don’t have it enabled but there is this really nice

Command system I made so I can for example start a server instance and there’s also settings for it currently see it says minimum instance is zero that’s that’s why there’s none of them online uh but in a second it’ll start an instance you’ll be able to see it

Here it it takes a second for the server to actually start up but yep or if that’s if they start up oh I know what’s wrong oops Yeah I was changing I was uploading uh the new template and I forgot a plugin for this specific thing that connects it to the lobby

So uh let me just add that to the list so uh will be here let me see what’s happening um so I probably want to stop the server I’ll go back here yeah as you can see the resource back is like completely broken uh why is this here now

Uh yeah as I said server is not really playable right now um it’s very broken especially with the resource pack uh oh that’s not good okay we can just start another one instant or server C for start oh that’s not good you know what let’s just stick for

With Dev for now uh but that was my fault I forgot to add a plugin and thing’s kind of broke uh but yeah there is an inis system so we have we can have basically as many instances as we want uh let me catch up on this hat a bit

Uh Docker no uh not using Docker all of the things are completely self-made so it will probably be be a good idea to use Docker at some point but for now uh it’s completely custom so let me see what’s up here at least armor Change Plus leather

Armor oh yeah oh I forgot about that yeah so we do we we may actually have custom armor uh because I forgot about armor trims I think with armor trims you can make custom armor models so you might actually see those in the future potentially uh are there any open death positions

Currently no in the near future also probably not um uh finding a developer who is as passionate about this project uh is very at least in my opinion would be very hard to do um especially because it takes it would take me a long time to uh explain to those new Developers

How to work with the system and I think it if they don’t you know uh get attached to the project as much as I did it would be kind of a waste of time at this point so hopefully maybe after the server is a bit more established we can look for more

Developers but as of right now it’s just me will this place wrting be the main HP of the server will there be one uh I’m assuming that was when I was in the lobby I’ll go back uh this is the class selection or the profile selection so you do have

Multiple profiles you can see I have an Knight and an Archer ignore the message in chat they’re just debugs so I’m going to go on my knight now’ll see I’ll end up in a different place yep I am at the quest now that’s great uh the mini map yeah the mini map

Is a mod just like the main map uh so I can go here there we go yeah the mini map is a custom mod uh is this live just going to be Q&A or no this is the Q&A because I’ve been gone for like 4 months so people want to

Know what’s happening um but very soon we’ll start coding stuff and adding content to the game I just wanted everyone to to get the questions out of the way now uh because maybe later I’ll miss them and people won’t be happy uh I saw once in the trailer that’s like bouncing and

Stuff that uh if you’re talking about this uh there those are done with Traders uh I’m not sure if you were talking about that uh maybe you were talking about let me let me see if I can even show this uh I think what you were talking about

Is oh that doesn’t work oh what did I do uhoh guys oh the conso is being spammed this is why you don’t keep debug commands got to re server now I I think I know what you’re talking about uh but they are done with Traders Uh what are your servers running on and how many nodes do you have the servers are running on just we have a if if you meant on what server we do have a v or not a VPS we have our own dedicated machine uh it’s actually really nice this server

Okay now it’s using a lot of CPU because uh it just started but it’s pretty powerful this specific death server has I think 16 gigs of RAM assigned to it but usually the CPU sits down like below 5% currently it’s kind of high because stuff is happening but it’s a pretty sweet server

Uh how does this work on the back end uh I’m not sure oh I that was probably referencing the instances I mean it’s just a bunch of sockets um that are communicating with each other and starting up servers it’s or programs I mean it’s not that

Complicated uh can a player in server a see Ser player server B no not yet uh or yeah I mean not yet at least but currently no NPC dollar boxing the trail is at a moderation resource pack if it’s a res pack how does it work it is a

Resource pack this server is 100% vanilla um I can start the Quest for you guys uh so I’ll disable the mini map uh it is completely done with resource packs it uses a lot of negative spaces I talked about it earlier I’ll post the link for the resource pack

In uh the general chat on the Discord server you guys can go ahead and check it out it’s a very useful resource pack uh let me I’m kind of behind on the questions I should probably CLE up uh you should Pro probably in the future use kubernets yeah

Um that would be a pretty good idea but you know it works for now uh are using paper or mind stum I’m using paper I know people have told me to use mind stum I just don’t I uh uh I’m not that crazy about it what inspire you to make the RPG will

It be a public server like wincraft Miss for another video what are your plans for the future uh basically if you go back and watch the first video of the series at the end there’s a little in intersection it talks about a previous project I had

Which was also an RPG um but also like I’ve played a lot of wincraft and a lot of Hypixel Sky Block and I’ve always like to code so kind of made my own thing and it kind of took off on YouTube from there and it was pretty nice oh our

Well how much does it cost um the server is this uh dadicated machine costs about I think $50 per month uh but it is covered thankfully by a lot of things B other I mean partially partially it is covered by patreon uh but you know it’s not just patreon that powers

Us you got uh 64 gigs yep what host do use please tell uh we use hner for I think if you just go on their site you’ll find the same VPS uh that we use turn night vision or I won’t uh what does secr of deletion do it

Deletes it just deletes entities I’ll show you in a second when I start fighting uh yeah uh so this is a comp everything I mean the C server is basically just a server we have to set everything up uh ourselves the server management everything basically I have or I mean I have the

Setup that’s also a part of why this took a long time CU we had to relocate everything to a different server uh how do you make the screen block is it a card pumpkin pumpkin no it’s a really big character basically um I’ll show you so if I send this

Character in the chat you’ll see everything goes black it’s just a really big character that is black and I put it on the title of screen uh yep there yep that sounds about right oh hi Nar well um yeah uh oh I have a really powerful weapon sake of dele delet the

Entities another fun thing is these client these entities are completely client side so if there was another player here uh they wouldn’t be able to see this but I can because I’m in the quest uh what kind of code you use to Cod the server uh everything’s done in

Java um I know some people like cing over it but I don’t I’m I’m sticking I’m probably going to stick with Java disting so cool the detail of the character moving sat around is awesome yeah uh I found that people or I mean I haven’t really seen this on any other

Server uh where they NPCs have this type of moment where it’s it’s player likee so I thought it’d be cool to add and it ended up being pretty cool how do you make them client side a lot of packet manipulation oh what is this song I don’t like this song let’s skip

It uh how do you do the client only side of things that is oh nal’s back uh one second naral I’ll help you get on the server in a second but yeah uh yeah if you look currently I am the only person on the server but it’s

Actually not true cuz aen is also here uh but since you’re in this Quest I have made it so you don’t see anybody and nobody sees you and you can only see your own entities it’s a lot of just knowledge of how Minecraft works and of nms and it’s just basically it’s it’s

Pretty complicated not sending the pack player yep kind of like that the NPC movement look so smooth yep it’s because I had to personally go and record every one of them believe it or not all of them are recordings also if you look at the top of the screen there’s a compass points

To where you have to go uh uh crafting fish what’s your opinion on legalizing nuclear bombs I think I think you should I think we should legalize nuclear bombs the m is unexpectedly natural was second scene and it was so smooth no every play it’s

Very how do I I mean it is very smooth because it mimics exactly how a player would move as you can see this is an NPC but I had to go and go there and record the path myself and then just apply to the NPC so that’s why it looks so

Human uh do you code every cut scene or do you have a plugin to make it uh we have a system for the quests that we use but every CL every cut scene is has to be coded in some way and some capacity uh doesn’t oh doesn’t that mean the second you have

Update the next version everything breaks uh not really some stuff breaks uh with nms obviously as they change but you know we’ve updated a couple versions now and everything’s pretty much fine uh how do you display the compass it’s just a special character on The Boss Bar and it’s some clever math

Uh but the entities are still on the server right yes um interestingly clients at entities are actually less harmful to the server than normal entities because Normal entities have to uh look around them for players and for their Ai and check if they’re nearby but clients and entities only

Have to look for their one respective player so they don’t have to search in a proximity uh they only have to check the distance of their desired player uh how do you display the oh I read that already yeah the entities uh have to be

On the server yes I tried making I tried replicating Minecraft’s movement uh don’t do that by the way I didn’t succeed it was very it’s very weirdly packed into the Plugin or not plugin the just Minecraft it’s very weird have used Hypixel have you you what Hypixel dialogs what’s that uh

Okay I think that is most questions out of the way I think we can we should start making some stuff pretty soon if you guys want to uh on the system yeah um I have seen some of them I don’t really keep up with Sky Block as recently it’s gotten really

Laggy for me for no reason it’s very unfortunate because I did use to grind H Sky Block a lot but I don’t know what they did it just kind of broke oh I fell all right I think if that’s most of the questions out of the way we can start making some

Mobs boring myself game yep oh one second nval let me let you in uh to Rel log uh I’ll send you a message on Discord how to do it noral there you go nbal let’s see what Atkin’s working on wow does that ever look beautiful uh yeah if you guys were

Wondering this is what the behind the scenes looks like on building the map uh it’s very interesting but we’ll go M we’ll go back to the normal map for now not sure if this question or answer it only uh or what version will be supported um we’ll be up uh upgrading to

1.2.3 uh guaranteed because in the current version resource BS are broken uh but I’m not sure we’ll probably keep support for future versions obviously you will be able to join on future versions but I’m not sure if we will always keep updating to the latest one depends if they add some cool stuff

But yeah this lash effect looks amazing thank you uh it even has a custom sound it’s pretty nice what mods are you using um yeah uh I have I can I don’t think uh fabric has a mods menu basically I just have the mini map mod and the map mod

And Iris and that’s basically it uh will badrock players be able to join badrock players badrock will not be supported unfortunately uh it’s just not something that we find worthwhile doing for the server this is still not displaying me live what is that uh activity play Craft activity how do

I how do I let Discord know I’m stream so I can red displayed on my profile should I should I oh I think I know what I have to do I think I have to go back here and uh I think I have to disable Rich peas for my Discord or inell

Maybe uh are you still using the base game XP bar for anything yep uh they are levels if I give myself level two you’ll see it updates streamer mode uh do you have to be in streamer mode to do that surely not right maybe you do have to be in

Streamer mode I’ll enable it oh yeah I have to be in streamer mode okay thanks whoever said that okay let’s start working on this So the plan for today is to have to add some items and mobs so why don’t we start off by making some simple mobs I think that’d be pretty

Good I’m in the wrong server How am I’m I in the wrong server what do you mean is this not Dev this is Dev yep no I had to be in streamer mode for it uh for it to show up all right uh what do you guys think should

We start off with some simple zombies maybe scatter them around this area a bit I think that’d be pretty a pretty good place to start uh let’s make some Ms ignore the file monster that is this project I can make here can you show what mob’s items that

Already exist that’s the problem we don’t have anything yet so that’s why we are doing this live stream so we can M some Ms let’s start uh I’ll turn this in this will probably be deleted so I’ll make a new package for this let’s make a rogue

Zombie oh that’s not how classes should be named and we will just go ahead and copy one of these guys uh that’ll that will work surely that is not good get rid of that what’s the IDE theme you’re using I think it’s just a default one now yeah it’s just

Dark although I do have item icons installed uh yeah at the material icons very I like I like these a lot no material theme plugin h i mean I have atom to icons but not the theme okay uh I think 800 let’s give this mob some stats I

Think I think around 60 health is a good place to start uh I will give these guys like 40 blocks of range so they don’t so we have a couple we have a bigger area to work with speed uh we do want to make these little Speedy I’ll set it to

120 what is the uh default attack interval it’s dirty I S to 20 it’s a little faster level should be very low like level three XP drops uh let’s just try three also a lot of this uh is right now kind of random but it come it will be

Adjusted later when we do balancing oh uh yeah I need to wh list one second oh this is going to be painful yeah we just got new staff members today two new Builders let me add them to the white List oh that’s yeah this is why I’m waiting for the next update because every time I switch servers I get reloaded the resource P like seven times it’s really annoying Uh okay there we go uh uh you’re not sure how much xp takes to level up right now I mean I think it is set suar in here if I go to level manager yeah it takes like I think like 30 or something uh I think three is a pretty good number for

Now we just need to register this s right here oh that’s not good could be better for now it’s Fine let’s just see how this plays which program to use for coding intell idea or I think this is the community version I’m not even sure uh yeah it’s the Community Edition uh the Builder epic though yep big props to the builders uh how long have you

Programming in Java since 2020 I think it was that I learned it so 3 years all right guys um I Nall sorry but server is going to be getting a lot of restarts now unfortunate there’s not really a system that does this much faster oh that’s a template don’t want to do

That so every time I update something I do have to restart the server which is very unfortunate wish I could go a little bit faster but you know what can you do also just when SCP is really slow yeah it’s taking a long time to upload

This you can’t reload uh reload breaks a lot of stuff it’s it’s usually very unsafe to do reloads using streamlabs Yep this wrer have support for Java I I have no clue have there been any Dev that you have removed yet no there has never been any developer other than me so far

So can’t remove anyone if there’s nobody to remove memory leaks yeah uh I think we once got to like 13 gigs of memory usage just by reloading so unfortunate anyway let’s see our mom now so Rogue zombie oh how much damage did I give it oh that’s not

Good uh yeah so our M does 100 damage uh I think we messed that one up no get away oops I took a screenshot uh let me give myself some armor on this sword so he can’t kill me I think they could move a little faster what do you guys think I think this is pretty slow uh you can just change stats of the m whatever yeah but they have to be in here let’s give it like so the player by default has 100 Health we can give this

15 damage I think that’s that’s reasonable uh I’ll give this 140 speed uh another stat we can actually add is oh we got a tier leader uh another stat we can add probably right now is uh the range of the mob as in how far

How far the mob can be before it attacks that could be a good idea got oh we got a new Builder application Nice uh all right uh got to restart again A B faster you don’t want to there is there any way to give them variable speed as of right now not really but I think 140 is decent um it all depends on how many mobs there are and also we don’t have Sprint

Restrictions so the player can Sprint infinitely whereas servers like wincraft they do have Sprint restrictions so speed is Mob speed is a little slower for them because you can’t just Sprint forever also uh if you lose your mana on windcraft you do lose hunger so you can’t Sprint if you have low

Mana uh which is probably something that we could Implement at some point uh in some way just having the player be a little bit weaker when they don’t have as much Mana or as much of anything really anyway what Ser do you host do you have

We use we have a dedicated server we use hetner and everything is set up by us it’s a pretty sweet set set server I talked about it earlier in the Stream you can probably go rewind if you want to know more you’ll be add the infamous speed

From wincraft it’s not a bad idea um I often find it uh from just playing uh games is that Minecraft sprinting is really it’s it’s very fast um and you can basically do it infinitely on here which is not something that we want so a speed bar would probably be a good

Fix uh anyway time to test there we Go see now that’s more reasonable when you can just do this and run away I think that’s I think we could give it a little bit more XP maybe like four or five what’s that thing in the place of crafting inventory this is supposed to be oh we got

A there you go enjoy uh that is supposed to be the Milestones menu unfortunately Milestones will be getting removed uh which is unfortunate the character does a sound when he gets hit what no that’s just a spawning sound or the success sound I meant for commands and such hello St

Uh if we spawn oh I’m probably going to die if I spawn a lot of them yep oh yep that hurts see this is now they’re more dangerous when they’re in group like like this I think we can give them 5 XP even maybe six uh why are the M why the Milestones

Being removed uh basically it’s just not a feature that we like right now uh it doesn’t really fit anything fit into anything that we want to do right now maybe in the future but right now it’s it feels at least too gimmicky um I think the Rogue zombies are

Fine although I do think we should limit the amount of mobs you can attack with the sword I feel like being able to attack each and every one of these at the same time is kind of bad are you going to add invisibility time getting K like is a normal game or

Keep it like it is now so here’s the thing uh our attack system works like this so basically uh each mob has its own attack interval so a cool down of like 20 or like 1 second before it can attap to attack uh but there is no Universal

Damage thing so I can get hit by two mobs really fast but then each one of them will wait a second before they attack again so as you can see uh if I can get them yeah you can see it kind of oh I Died okay uh let’s limit how many mobs you can attack I think it’s night manager no Max yeah I think this is fine one or just zero and amount um I’ll probably want to accept this so context get Max mobs Max mobs if Max mobs is larger than zero and count or

Count Plus+ is larger equal than Max mobs uh we do want to break out of here uh that’s good so now in here we can do or I should probably make this AOE context Max mobs let’s put it at should we do two or three I think

Three and then long sword attack or this should be two and for the long sword alut at four uh you should ask KN back there’s no feedback for damage right now they actually do have knockback um the mobs have knock back the player doesn’t yet uh if I spawn it the Rogue

Zombie you can see oh the mob does get knocked back ever so slightly uh but it does depend on the amount of attack speed you have so if I set my attack speed to Max which is 200 on this sword you’ll see it attacks really fast but the knock back is almost

Nothing although it could still be improved obviously but if I set it to zero which is the least amount of attacks you can have you can see the mob does get knocked more than usual uh although in my opinion uh it could still be tweaked a bit the knockbacks calculations the music stopped

I think I’ve reached the bottom of this there we go uh let me catch up um you should use the world packets to make the skin red with health is slow you know there already is that I uh I think I just have fog disabled or vignette I meant disabled oh

No I have it enabled um I think it stopped working for some reason or I think I know what happened I think I just disabled it where’s the music why is there no music can the music please start there we go uh let me find where that Is right uh um I think I yeah I think I I think I removed it completely that’s bad I I need to look through GitHub to find that Uh by the way is the Ser made with bucket or M St it’s made with paper um I couldn’t be bothered to go into M stom how many hours do you work on the sery week uh there’s not really a sad amount of hours

Uh I just work as much as I can when I feel like it basically uh I’m talking more about player knock back can you to add some feedback for the user when they get hurt you also add the world uh yeah currently there’s no player knockback

Um I am planning to add it soon I just haven’t gotten around it yep no code only paper all right uh let’s build this and let’s put it on the server and see if anything actually I’m going to decrease the speed slightly the the player take should be

Based of the percent of damage that taken of the health part that is probably a good idea anyway stoping the server takes a bit to build um I am upgrading my I am upgrading my setup pretty soon so hopefully uh that stops being such an issue that it takes so long to build

These plugins but this is a pretty big plugin I think it’s upwards of 50,000 lines as of now so takes a bit to build everything for this story you only have Cosmetics or items as well well well depends on what you mean by items uh we can’t make the server pay to

Win because it’s against the Ula and also it’s just not fun when something is paid to win we want to keep the server fun to play for everybody uh what are your opinions a server based of serers seted mobs random plugins that depends I do play wincraft

With uh wind winds and I think it makes the server great but I don’t think windcraft is unplayable without it it’s just a nice Quality of Life mod to have around if that’s what you meant obviously um if a server forces you to use mods I feel like it

Automatically um loses a lot of potential server cited yeah I don’t I’m not really a big fan of those um especially because it can be very unsafe if you don’t know what you’re downloading just modded servers in you uh at all I don’t really like

Them okay let’s see if this works so if I spawn like five of these guys oh yeah there you go only two only like three or two of them get attacked let me get this sword uh do you have any plans to retexture the custom items some of them have textures

But as of right now I’m not really sure uh hey fish when you able can you add some permissions for me I don’t think I have anything you have permissions um oh I don’t oh I didn’t give you op uh rejoin and I’ll give you the op Firs

Um there’s an upcoming moded Minecraft server like High I mean yeah but I just feel like there’s a much there’s much more potential for servers that don’t use mods uh in my opinion it’s just way more impressive when a server does something that looks modded but it’s completely

Vanilla do we think the Rogue zombies are good guys what do we think what is each of one of the plugins in/ pl2 oh I did do slpl um well Auto RP that’s our plugin for for the resarch packs axium is just a building plugin easy armor stands is

Also a building plugin obviously box sniper will let it go paint and those are also building uh Minecraft RPG that’s the plugin that actually does everything the API is just the API for data support multiv Multiverse score is just you know Multiverse score and SP is the Profiler we to have custom texture mobs uh I I don’t actually know if we can have custom texture mobs would be cool you take damage if the actual c bar not update okay you know I’ll I’ll dig through the GitHub I’ll find the old code since you guys are asking for it

Uh I have to look for it though it was a while ago I think when that stuff was There okay let’s go core and then I want to go to player manager which is in what package exactly common player okay that makes sense let me look for this player uh player manager when was this added is there a boorder m here oh I see your message now uh

Just one second I will send you there you go I can’t seem to find this and that’s a problem uh I think I can just add it here though oh how does it go player max HP HP and then um how do I set the health

Scale what does that what does that do that’s the number to a scale does this does this actually work does anyone know am I getting Shadow banned nope you can open the file the commits yeah I can’t I don’t don’t know in which commit I removed it that’s the problem

Uh no you cannot get the plugin it’s private also please don’t spam or I will have to do a timeout uh one is half a heart what I think I’ll just uh set Health as in so if I set the health to zero does that does that kill the

Player okay well I know um displayed HP so that will be 20 times or 20.0 times HP divided by Max HP and this will be a double and does that work that works or maybe doesn’t work uh and then we will do equals clamp we clamp it 0.1 to

20 and then player set Health display display HP cuz we don’t want the player to die uh when is this called This is not C oh this is cold okay uh let’s reload this and see what happens uh attack listener uh let’s see this I think this is when the player no that’s

Damage Center so damage okay it does update the player stats which is good uh so let’s build this and let’s restart the server there you go uh we have to restart uh so if you put 20 yeah I don’t like that NPC text and T boxes in our what do you mean that’s

Like the best part no that just means user in my language andry so good luck finding it doesn’t it just means user I also plan to make RPG server in the future nice I think the server has started now so we can go and check if our Health

Works I’m calling a user then damn okay let’s see oh yeah there you go you can see it does indeed work ow the screen does turn red maybe oh oh I’m about to die so as you guys can see it does work maybe it’s not as intense as it should be

Though which is unfortunate but I’ll I’ll check what I can do no it’s still like this okay yeah I agree um I think it looks better when it’s in text boxes okay so one problem I’m noticing is it’s really easy not to be attacked by mobs and I’m not sure how we fix

That does anyone have an idea how we can maybe not make these be so bad cuz it’s really easy just to do this and my texture pack don’t load um makes M faster yeah but that’s I think that’s I don’t agree I think making mobs faster will

Artificially just make them harder and I don’t think it fixes the actual problem uh after you hit them a few times that could work stamina bar yeah we do need to have a stamina bar in all honesty uh uh I’m thinking what we can Do I think it’ll be fine when oh yep that happened yeah uh swarms of these mobs are really not Fun Enim could use it maybe I think what we need are ranged enemies so we can probably make some custom enemies fish RPG is L thank you okay extends Arrow so oh yeah this is uh annoying H do we want to have ification proba the post screen

During fight is not a greata I think uh yeah the we also need I mean yeah there’s a lot of changes that we need to do but uh are staff apps open uh staff applications are open currently I think only for Builders and for artists let’s

See why don’t we start off by making knockback for the player oops uh that’s not what I wanted to do that’s also not what I wanted to do uh if only I could find I I it’s in here nope that is not there where’s the knockback ah there it is nice map thank

You let’s copy this for now uh you can make the man notification Hopper M or something yeah action bar uh so will you be adding right click abilities uh depends uh we plan on having a custom skill tree so I don’t think uh right like abilities would really fit

With the other spells but maybe some items what plugin uh yeah I think I can we do have axium on the server uh with a commercial license but uh I know I can use this world painter to make some of this world painter and I think it was another one but I forgot

Uh okay let’s go to damage manager and see here so is this edit it okay so this is the resulting damage so we want a percent taken so damage percent damage taken would be resulting damage divided by Max health and then we’ll just clamp it to zero and let’s do 25 I

Don’t think you should be or 20 I don’t think you should be knocked away further for just I think 20 should is a pretty good limit yeah it would take a long time without World painter do you take inspiration from other service sources I mean obviously um so everything you can’t be 100%

Original you’ll always have some influence from another source um for example I really like wincraft quests so you may have noticed they’re kind of similar with the exception of the cut scenes win doesn’t really do cut scenes for their quests so we want to do attack manager get candle player knock

Back oh wait this was supposed to be 0.2 not zero not 20 du I think I messed it up here then too didn’t I oh God where did they have the no I didn’t so oh that’s bad uh Okay this has to be moved oh God uh we’ll have a all Vector Source Okay mhm uh this already looks better than wincraft and have a Sky Block for me I mean it’s a long it has a long way to go before we reach wincraft or Sky Block status uh we want a source Okay let’s see does the player damage work I think okay um we should multiply this by like 2.5 or better idea multiply by like four and add 0.8 it’s just this is not really content right now as I am aware yep currently most of the things that are on the

Server are just systems unfortunately uh but those do but content does take a long time to make but we’re working on that today uh ironically right now I’m making a system uh but we made a mob right guys we made one single mob so far in

The one and a almost half hour we’ll be streaming are you going to add cheese to the game I already add a chees at the game let’s see uh could be more let’s see H I think instead what we want to do is multiply this by like one

.5 or not 1.5 or like n or eight and then just get rid of this oops time uh just this might be a better formula or maybe something no I think at times is fine the lack of damage effects is weird yep I think that sword is way too weak

Just and yeah I mean I think something like this is better I’ll call 106 is that quintillion or quadrillion doesn’t matter oh there are errors in the console X not finite what does that Mean uh modified melee go oh that’s my thing oh god oh no that’s handle knock back uh that’s not good uh What what is this 130 player set velocity velocity X not finite how can X not be Finite it normalizes it and then it multiplies it by the multiplier I mean how is X not finite can someone explain this to me please no it it it it normalizes It it shouldn’t it shouldn’t be uh you know what that’s in this situations uh you Google this so copy that one second oh there he goes yeah know I don’t get this the only thing we could do is maybe add uh maybe oh it may be because it’s zero I’ll just uh

But that should what why would it matter if it’s zero what if I just wanted to be in One Direction is combat system going to be like the 1.81 it’s going to be Custom why is this error happening uh we got to look into the code Now check finite check finite what is is finite absolute is smaller than max value that is not good it normalizes it why is it like that no is there going to be a l by the way what do you mean like oh lore yeah there’s going to be lore oh I know what’s

Happening when it normalizes it it gets the length but the length is zero so it just sets it to not be okay so we do if velocity uh that’s not going to happen length is equal Z return there you go Fix For h uh yeah it’s cuz restarting doesn’t say your inventory but obviously the server won’t be getting restarted when it’s actually in production so or it will be restarted safely it’ll first get rid of all the players and then all right let’s see do we want more knockback oh this

This SW doesn’t have armor on it uh maybe I just want a lot of health regen okay armor zero can I set my armor to negative no oh yes I can uh we need more Dam we need more knock back this is bad okay so we’re going to set this to

0.8 and we’re going to set this to2 all right let’s see if this looks good Let’s see is is this looking better now Rogue zombie yeah I think that’s a little bit better wow that’s is that too much I feel like that’s too much oh yeah um that is way too much okay so I need to increase how much

You go up to like 0.4 but I’ll make this like 0 4 also and then here I’ll do this5 but this only three or times three I Meant Okay let’s restart the server and see what’s happening with did I did it build yes it Built will there be a public CR API uh at some point yes there will be probably some API for accessing data let’s see wow that’s not a lot of air movement did it am I even putting it yes I’m putting it in the right place okay uh I’ll instead do this I

Guess oh never mind well we’ll not be doing that we’ll be doing one or 0.56 times multiplier uh that might be better oh I that just kills me oh I just fell to my death let’s see if this is any better yeah I do have I set the Y only

If the players in the air or in the ground I meant so I’m not sure why it’s acting so weird maybe it didn’t update the plugin correctly cuz it did change it it didn’t seem like anything changed this time I’ll wait y okay Okay well now that that’s just bad now it’s better it’s still pretty bad though so we’ll do time 2 0.5 Plus or no it’s fine we’ll just do it like this maybe I’m not sure how to make it I’ll put this to time three or Time 4 EV

It let’s up these values a Bit For I’m going to BRB all right uh why do you prefer Gradle over Maven I don’t know I just Gradle is my opinion is better we’re going to ignore that that just bugged because intellig doesn’t like radle but Do we think that’s better I think that’s too much vertical I think vertical should be set to like 0.4 and then we can definitely what if we just do this and then percent damage taken time 2 plus% damage taken I think so that’ll at Max be like yeah that that might be Better so that at Max that will be 2 + 1 that’s three so wait that’s not good that’s just time three so we may want to do like I I think it’s I think it’ll be fine stop the server and start it up M that’s just too much vertical now okay I think I know what I need to do get rid of this h Sh oh all right we’re getting somewhere I like that okay Okay what are we thinking guys is that good or we had a little bit more I think we can get away with 85 okay I think when it comes to player knock back this is fine would there be a custom spawn animation for some mobs too uh

Maybe currently probably not wait I miss the message want to say thank you insired me to make RP Ser for me and my friends to play it’s amazing how much work you put making custom plugin and everything well thank you it’s always nice to see other people get inspired by

This project and make their own stuff uh it takes a lot of motivation and you know it’s hard for someone to even begin making such a big project so good on you uh okay so Rogue zombies are we happy with these or are we not happy with these what are we

Thinking I I think they could do a little bit more damage like 20 would be better maybe in my opinion because the player will have armor Obviously okay so let’s place these around so creative will edit this this mode and let’s start placing so where do we want these mobs I think around here would be not a bad place need to mode so we want to make this a rogue zombie uh let’s make

Three cool down let’s add like 20 seconds I think at least yep there’s a sec or no 20 seconds that radius of five or three all right they’re not spawning now um I I do have to make two changes first of all uh how do I I oh

God how do I make it so mobs despawn when the chunk unloads do I just set persistent to false is that what I need to do removeing far away oh true okay there you go and then entity well I don’t know what this means but I’ll just Ed it the

False uh will there uh the entty spawning system is really cool yeah it’s pretty sick will there be profiles there already are profiles okay uh let me see see this ESS manager thick Chunk oh that’s why it doesn’t work isn’t registered never mind it’s registered uh okay let’s restart the server again because we need to place these mobs around and I change a few things so they could actually spawn I don’t know why they don’t spawn on the loop do they just not

Thck they should tick let’s make a thck player method and we’ll do player get chunk trunk get X trunk get Z so we have that and then we’ll do B and then we’ll take trunk to trunk key X plus a z plus b there we go so I can in here now take

Player and it should Work uh does the core data thing run on the proxy uh depends what what do you mean by the core data thingy like the how data is stored uh if you’re asking that it’s not run on the API or I mean we use redus but data is stored individually

For the Plugin or on the API plugin I Meant what did they change again all right here it is there we go now they spawn uh let’s check if they despawn when I go all way they do oh all right so in a couple seconds you should spawn yep okay so we’ll just copy

This um maybe make a little bit a bigger one here so radius of six and an amount of six as well maybe uh maybe a radius like five I’m out four does that feel nice to play let’s check oop yes switch I’ll die okay oh that’s quite a lot of mobs um that

Is I feel like that’s too much mobs oh God oh oh God I got stuck in a Corner I think what I want to do I handle knock back here is else I want to set velocity set y player yeah velocity get y so it keeps your y momentum so you don’t you know you don’t get stuck like that uh I think we do want to get rid of

Some of those mobs though I think that was way too many so uh let’s see uh we’ll inrease this to four uh I think we’ll decrease this two two this can be three I think that’s um much more reasonable oops are they oh oh God oh my God ow that was a jump

Scare Maybe we can make it so they don’t follow you for from such a big distance I could definitely increase this cool down on this do like 20 seconds maybe here too like 15 and this can also be 20 uh I think Minecraft already has this feature though no do they not mob stat

No they don’t uhuh maybe they do uh Target goal let’s see so they will look Target conditions oh yeah following distance okay uh uh let’s make one of these what is this KB cizer entity follow distance wait why can’t I just like uh range speed okay uh how do I

No that doesn’t work like that how do I set an entities’s attack follow distance Attributes I don’t think I need this I think I can make it custom because we do have a Target gold so here instead of this we do we don’t have a game M oh God that’s unfortunate where is this made here and where is this made modify Target goal oh this has has

The mob though this has this does have the mob when we make this in here oh entity oh oh oh oh that’s bad Uh game mob game mob and then game mob get attributes get mob stat I haven’t made it yet follow distance new follow distance serializer follow distance and we’ll set the default to 10 long value okay um right oh God are these not even in here oh they’re not even in there uh

Damn I’ll just make it lower for all mobs then I guess if that’s anything we can do and then I’ll probably implement this sometime later range let’s say eight blocks 10 blocks nine hello frosted are there any good coding software or Minecraft that are easy to learn well if you don’t want to

Immediately jump into Java coding there is a Minecraft server that helps you learn how to code um it’s called fire check it out you can you know can Google it uh on but if you do want to jump into Java coding uh if you look in the general section of the Discord

Server and look at the pins you’ll see a Java tutorial I linked a while ago and also just if the only way to learn really how to do Minecraft coding is to just make your own thing things oh you play the F like JavaScript uh no uh so Minecraft is solely developed on

Java so you will you will need yep JavaScript is in Java first thing to learn um oh there’s a thing here yeah if you go to the Discord server and in the general you look at the PIN there’s a Java tutorial I linked uh I’d recommend watch that

First uh and then just start making your own things start making your own plugins there’s a lot of really useful guides on the internet on how to start and just experiment try new things that’s how I learned uh okay let’s check if this works now stop the server and restart right

Uh are you adding dungeons to this RPG yes eventually there will be dungeons right now not unfortunately there is custom a project let use JavaScript to make plugin yeah but I would still recommend just learning Java it’s not that difficult ult I mean it’s pretty difficult to get

Into but I think it teches you a lot about programming obviously as any other language but Minecraft was made for Java so let’s see is this better now let’s hope it is yeah see those mobs don’t follow me but if I get close now they do okay that’s

Great so I decreased the follow distance to eight instead of 16 I think it’s by default oh that’s not what I meant to do yeah see I think you you regenerate Health a little too quickly I think that’s another problem that I’m seeing maybe I could decrease the

Default out region to four instead of five that is ABS what the that is way too Much uh I’ll set it to four for now plug is basically where down mods basically CH the game few aspects yeah pretty much um with plugins you can change a some of how Minecraft behaves but not all of it uh but you can do a lot of stuff with

Like research PS are you publishing the RPG yes eventually when it’s done this will be published to the public Java yeah so you can either learn Java or cotlin personally I’m more of a Java fan but it’s really I think of preference more or Less you’re in combat recent langage yeah that probably is also a good idea where you get regeneration more slower if you attack uh comat damage reachen slowly yep uh can I apply for a builder yes you can uh the Builder applications are in the Discord server if you look in the description first

Link and you you will find there is a category called Builder apps so just head over there look at the guide and eventually someone will look at It all right uh I think we can maybe put another mob in here another mob thing here oh I’m not an ESS what am I doing there we go hello there welcome to the stream prefer jav because I usually code stuff with JavaScript JavaScript is Java JavaScript

Is not uh I I mean you I don’t think you can really compare the two they’re vastly different can we get a wand Leake uh wands are not done so no you Cannot yeah I think uh that’s way too much knock back when for when you’re in the air we need to adjust it again there we go should be better uh is the expert still expertise system still I think uh yes but as you can see not really uh I’m

Not sure if we will have expertise in the end um doesn’t really fit the RPG as much as I thought it did when I made It yeah that’s a crazy amount of knockback yep a lot of features that you guys have seen are probably going to get craft at one point or another uh they just don’t really fit the RPG that well so unfortunately they have to get removed okay why don’t we make a helmet

Guys what are we thinking about that why don’t we make a helmet there’s somewh different but also wanted to name like Java I mean yeah but when you look at the code it’s like nothing it’s like basically two different languages completely Polar Opposites laser sh let’s stick with something a little less

Intense so perhaps something with maybe 10 health or the zombie tunic has a lot of Health maybe I’ll uh okay here’s an idea drop this to like eight and this is going to be crazy but I do think 100 health for to start is a little too much so going down to 50

Now how about I mean this is like the first helmet your or the First Armor you’ll ever get I think it should be a little bit less intense in this case though we need to uh Nerf some of these mobs so I’ll set the damage this to eight or

Seven 10 on this and Rogue zombie uh I think Nine so a helmet that gives you how much health health maybe like eight zombie tunic already gives you two Mana per second extra I mean yeah that could work that could work just fine what do we name it somebody give me a name for a helmet that gives you eight

Health and I’ll maybe use it if it’s good grow helmet Dam octo cap m H how about we go something more medieval cap eight newbie helmet Farmer’s Helm H interesting ideas you guys have Farmers cap what are you guys taking with Farmers there’s not even a farm here working

Nice straw cap I Like Straw cap newspaper voice oh I have an idea let’s add a new stat guys let’s add Thorns how about that how about we at Thorns just hat yep so let’s add Thorns how are thorns going to work are we just going to have a chance 20% chance that’s a bit High should we have a stat for Thorns damage as well no I think okay I think just Thorns will be better where is this

Yeah that’s what I wanted um that’s what it it’s going to end up being just a St for the damage and activation chance uh I have to get rid of these cuz they’re kind of not used oops not all of them just simple and color what okay maybe I’ll keep it

Because apparently it is used somewhere uh okay there we go L Builder I think I think this is it H what am I even looking at as attack speed okay let’s see how this looks oops oh I have actually have to make Thorns work so uh let’s go do That damage okay so we’ll do stats get player stat uh THS double value that’s Thorns so double Max chance equals Thor 0 80 and you guys will see why so if Thorn’s chance is larger than one we’ll do if so Random 0 100 or chance th chance double damage percent equals uh so

Basically we’ll Do Thorns or uh clamp Thorns divided by 4 and then 0 200 and then we’ll divide it by 100 oops so this will so the max torns is 800 and it will do two times the original damage and I’ll I’ll cap it at 60 so it’s only 60% of the Time and then result resulting damage times uh okay and then we will just do I’ll make it so you can and kill them immediately cuz that would be bad oh there’s not an entity here God dang it okay how about I do this so it Returns the

Damage and then I can copy this over to here and then I’ll get that’ss let me read some of the chat why not uh uh uh uh like the higher damage the lower the activation chance maybe maybe disable thorns in boss battles yeah that would probably be a good

Idea uh I’m going I M JavaScript because if I want to learn Java it won’t be as intimidatingly different I’m not sure really I don’t really have much JavaScript knowledge so I can’t really comment on that a lot but yep handle player attack mob so we’ll do attack context of

Player custom damage Thorns damage knock back false no knock back context uh attacker uh what is this Mob Okay there we go let’s see if this works now JavaScript is very similar except functions and variables are done simpler I mean yeah I can see it I mean it took me a long time to get into Java though but again I did most of the learning

Myself so that’s probably why it was so bad now we gotten a lot of new disc numbers today how is I’m just really quickly going to check you guys might hear it for a second um or no you won’t just checking how the video is doing uh 800 views

Nice it’s very unfortunate that this video doesn’t didn’t get it as much impressions as the other ones even though it has a much higher Impressions clickthrough rate unfortunate but it’s doing well anyways let’s see oh I didn’t I didn’t oh I did nice let’s see those Thorns

Work let me gra grab a random helmet Thorns 10 and let me give me some give myself some oh I can give myself some armor I can get myself that regen oh yeah there you go I saw it it it Ran yeah it’s doing some damage oh I I might also die uh what if I set my Thorns to like a lot I think it’s going to do a lot of damage like a yeah look at that it’s doing like double damage nice so Thorns does in fact work

Um I don’t know why there’s not a attack animation that would probably be a good thing to add handle uh okay I’m actually going to die now uh running let’s see where’s the AOE damage here it Is that’s not what I meant uh oh I know what to do night secondary spell I think somewhere in here uh no damn let me see handle player attack mob raw mob hit where’s the where’s the thing for the damage oh play Hurt animation oh okay so this will

Work so living entity mob Null while we’re at it let’s add the helmet so straw hat it is items armor let just add it okay so 8 health is that what we said 8 health and we’re going to add Thorns how much percent I think 12% it’s fine it’d be funny if he haded 8% Thorns

As well it would be really funny uh let me see how do they damage again so Thorns divided by four which is three so that’s 3% yeah that’s all is fine that’s fine level two why not oh I didn’t register it uh where did I oh game material right I forgot

Straw Hat Straw Hat item new all right guys let’s see does our thing work or Helmet Okay let’s see there is ow oh I can’t put it on cuz I’m not level two no matter how hard I try I can’t put it on so that’s good uh if I level to two now I can’t put it on and now yeah look Thorns Works ow please although I do

Think uh we do we may want to do like 100 here so the max is 8 100 still but we will add 0.5 so it always does at least 50% I think that’s pretty good but then in that case we might want to decrease this do maybe like 9%

Thorns nice so we actually got Thorns working what if I give myself like a lot of thorns yeah look at that it does cap at 60% so as you can see it only does it 60% of the time oh yeah let me check the yeah I

Think the knock back you get now for being in the air is a lot better than it used to be as you can see it doesn’t knock me very far away now anymore let me get rid of the sword so I can actually get no not that sword

Um where’s the sword here it is let’s see is this reasonable to play that I think I could this mobs can use a little bit more damage Rogue zombie let’s see let’s do 13 that’s much better and final restart you all right let’s see already make apis for work how do I

Start making plugins like this it would be sick to try out um basically I’d recommend to start working with paper paper is pretty safe it’s pretty nice um if you just Google paper MC you’ll see they have a lot of uh documentation they have forums they have basically everything you would need to

Start making plugins and I don’t know just think of an idea and start making it that’s how I personally learned to code I just thought of cool ideas and try to make them in Minecraft it takes a while to uh you know get used to all the quirks of

Minecraft especially if you don’t play it as much where do you host the server uh we have a I I mean this for this project we do have a dedicated server that we hosted on uh but as is it’s pretty expensive so if you’re just working on personal

Projects uh you can definitely get away with just running on Local Host or if you do want it to be um more you know if you do want it to use a separate server running it on a VPS is also fine uh there are some pretty cheap

Options to be fair out there for VPS hostings uh but yeah no we use a dedicated server so that’s way more expensive but it also is way more more powerful because we do run other services too do you have any recommendations when uh where I can host paper plugins on

Uh depends what you mean you can any anyone you can just download the paper server and run it on your own computer and you just put your plugins in there but if you do have your own private server you can also ride on there and

Just do some API rotting or I mean IP rotting or withing whatever I don’t know what it’s Called I don’t like working local uh then you probably won’t I mean there’s a lot of options out there you could just you could also um look for a uh Minecraft server host but if you do want it to be more customizable and I think it it is in

General cheaper just to host your or to buy uh your own VPS from a hosting service what server do you use for This Server uh it’s it’s a server from hser we have have it has 64 gigs of memory and a ryzen 5 3600 I think it has unlimited traffic

And like 1 tby of storage so it’s a pretty sweet setup how does calling API working Baker I wonder or Java um I mean I’m not really sure what you mean um do you know how to code in Java Kind of um okay well in that case I mean there’s really a lot of documentation for spigot and paper and whatever so I just recommend you look up how to start your first plugin you’ll see it’s not that complicated to work with it never tried Minecraft plugins though yeah uh they’re

A bit it’s a bit weird but I think if you just look up the right resources it’ll be really easy um I will send you the link for the paper docs uh in the Discord server if you’re in there docs or I I can just send it in the YouTube chat one

Second if I if the chat wants to load which it doesn’t seem like it does so I’ll wait a second but I’ll I will send the link in the live chat don’t worry there we go Have you seen wincraft of course I’ve seen windcraft I play it a lot all right guys well I think we’ve done an uh we’ve done a decent amount of work today we’ve added these zombies we’ve added thorns and a helmet and changed some things all around uh I brought back

The red thing across the screen so when you take damage uh unfortunately though I’ve been going live for like 2 and 1 half hours now or even more and M uh I’m getting kind of hungry I’m not going to lie so I think we I’m going to start wrapping

Things up and ending the stream soon I will be answering a couple more questions if you guys have any but expect stream to end very soon will there be a significant change between your and wincraft RPG I mean I guess so yeah we have if you

Looked at the last video we have a lot of Uh custom features like dialog box we have custom camera controls uh but obviously every RPG is different so there will obviously be differences between our RPG and win crafts what happens after I send the Builder application uh it usually takes

Uh a day or two uh for akin to respond I don’t usually look at Builder applications uh it’s done by Akin I know he’s a little busy at the moment so it might take a bit longer but don’t worry we see your application uh and we will respond

Eventually how many classes do you plan on having available for the open Beta uh three for now Warrior Archer and Mage you know simple but effective one thing I really like how they did zones and cities in wincraft yeah I I they’re Nice all right well if you guys don’t have anything else to ask I think would be it would be a good time to end the stream see I personally want to design the end uh what do you mean the end like a dimension I don’t think we would have an

End you should go live more if you want I mean it’s I go live from time to time although uh I wouldn’t want to overdo it because it gets boring for you guys and it also is less effective when I’m working on the server when I’m live because I have to

Answer all these questions not saying that it’s your guys’s fault I’m just saying um there should be a balance and I think we did good today I think we added some mobs that are nice we changed the couple systems to make the game feel better overall I think we did good

Uh will there L be as messy as wincraft no clue we haven’t even started breing on the L I recommend max level make infinite because game is damond Win um we won’t have an infinite level but we will have something to do in the end

Game uh I do agree that win Craft’s end game is kind of bad but don’t worry we’ll have our own things to do do you add custom heads to some mobs uh we have custom skins for mobs where are they for example this one All right well I think uh that’s about everything that there is to do for this today uh thank you guys for tuning into the stream hopefully there will be another one soon but it was unfortunately have to come to an end so thank you for watching have a great day Goodbye

This video, titled ‘Coding an RPG in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ACraftingFish on 2023-12-02 18:59:21. It has garnered 2482 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:17 or 9857 seconds.

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    Random Items in Minecraft AMA - Atilla Gives Away Surprises Minecraft: Exploring the World of Random Item Generators 📋 Delve into the exciting world of Minecraft with the popular video series ‘Minecraft AMA Like Rastgele Eşya Veriyor 📋’. Each day at 15:00, viewers are treated to a new episode filled with thrilling adventures and unexpected surprises. By subscribing to the channel, fans can stay up to date with the latest videos and support the content creator. Discovering New Horizons Join the host as they navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, encountering a variety of challenges and obstacles along the way. From exploring hidden caves to battling fierce mobs,… Read More

  • Subscribe and Like for Minecraft’s Delight #shorts

    Subscribe and Like for Minecraft's Delight #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Creativity and adventure, always to be found. Join me in this journey, where the story unfolds, In rhymes and emojis, let the excitement be told. From building grand castles to mining for ore, Every moment in Minecraft, we always adore. So hit that like and subscribe, join the fun, Together we’ll explore, under the bright sun. With each new update, a world to explore, New mobs, new features, always wanting more. So stay tuned for the latest, in every rhyme, Minecraft news and updates, every single time. So let’s dive in,… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Live 2024

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Live 2024 Welcome to Minecraft Live, where the fun never dies, Join us on September 28, for a big surprise. From Mojang HQ, we’ll bring you the scoop, New features and updates, to make you whoop. For ASL, BSL, and audio descriptions too, We’ve got you covered, for a great view. Tune in at 1PM EDT, don’t be late, For Minecraft Live 2024, it’s gonna be great! Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Survival vs Peaceful: Loot Showdown in Minecraft

    Survival vs Peaceful: Loot Showdown in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, survival is tough, Players face challenges, the loot can be rough. But peaceful players, they have it easy, Their loot is the best, it makes them feel breezy. Survival players, they fight and they grind, For diamonds and armor, they search and they find. But peaceful players, they build and they craft, Their loot is so good, it makes them laugh. So whether you’re surviving or playing in peace, Minecraft moments like these never cease. Thanks for watching, hope you had fun, Stay tuned for more, our rhyming has just begun! Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! If you’re looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the place to be for all your Minecraft adventures. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From survival mode to creative mode, there’s always something fun to do on the server. Plus, with regular events and competitions, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your epic Minecraft journey on… Read More

  • Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track!

    Chromebook Minecraft Hacks: School Unblockable Track! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Eaglercraft lets you play, no need to subscribe. On your school Chromebook, the game comes alive, No need for downloads, just let your skills drive. Unblockable method, no need to fret, Just follow the steps, you won’t regret. With JavaScript and WebGL, the game you’ll get, In your browser, Minecraft you’ll set. So dive into the world, let your imagination soar, Build, explore, and create, like never before. Minecraft on Chromebook, a game to adore, Thanks to Eaglercraft, you’ll never be bored. Remember, this method is for educational use, Respect copyrights,… Read More

  • KinKi Kids’ Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab?

    KinKi Kids' Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab? In KinKi-Socialist Minecraft, KinKi Kids-15 shines bright, Broadcasting news in Swedish, keeping it tight. With Channel AW by its side, the duo takes flight, Delivering updates with all their might. From Primetime quizzes to real money in sight, The channels’ logos gleam, a beacon of light. But when it’s time to close, the vignettes take flight, Based on Japanese YouTubers, a comedic delight. Failures and mishaps, a humorous sight, Different variations, each one just right. Weekdays, weekends, and holidays in sight, KinKi Kids-15 ends the day, with rhymes so bright. Read More


    UNSTOPPABLE INFINITE RAID FARM - MINECRAFT PE || HINDIVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1.21+ RAPID RAID FARM FOR MCPE||RAID FARM FOR POCKET EDITION||IN HINDI’, was uploaded by INFARNO KING on 2024-09-07 07:06:26. It has garnered 1047 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:06 or 1146 seconds. MINECRAFT 1.21+ RAPID RAID FARM FOR MCPE||RAID FARM FOR POCKET EDITION||IN HINDI So Guys My Name is Aman and this is my New channel, in this my new channel I will upload tutorial video till I got 1k subs and then I will start uploading gaming videos. So pls like and subscribe to this new channel. Credits:-… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure with Irene_wolff 😱🎮

    Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure with Irene_wolff 😱🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | capítulo 32 :D’, was uploaded by Irene_wolff 🐶🐱 on 2024-07-22 06:39:35. It has garnered 526 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:45 or 12105 seconds. I’ve been watching Resident Evil and some others, my favorites are survival horror but I also play Fortnite. My favorite is resident evil 2 Read More

  • Veldt Survival

    Veldt SurvivalDive into a world where classic Minecraft survival meets exciting new features! We deliver a semi-vanilla experience that maintains the core gameplay you love while introducing thoughtful enhancements. Our server is designed to be non-pay-to-win, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive, regardless of their contributions. Enjoy a balanced economy where every player’s efforts and achievements matter. Our active and friendly staff are always here to help, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. As well, Join us for regular events that bring our community together and add a touch of adventure to your survival journey. Join Veldt Survival… Read More

  • The Marsh SMP – Semi-vanilla, whitelisted

    Welcome to our SMP Server! Hello! About a month ago, I started an SMP with viewers from my small livestream channel. Our server is still new, and we plan to keep it running permanently so everyone can keep their progress on builds and farms. In the future, we might all start fresh in a new part of the map, but participation will be optional. Server Rules: No griefing No hacking No stealing No random PVP (we host PVP events) Our server is a great place to meet new people, collaborate on bases, or go off and do your own thing…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hype turned to nope for this casting 😉

    Minecraft Memes - Hype turned to nope for this casting 😉Well, at least this meme is getting higher ratings than some Hollywood casting choices! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #shorts #memes Read More

  • Outsmarting Minecraft’s Glitchy World

    Outsmarting Minecraft's Glitchy World Minecraft’s Broken Worldtype: Deleted Chunks Challenge Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with the challenge of surviving in a world filled with deleted chunks. Join the journey on Youtube as the player attempts to navigate this unique and challenging environment. The Challenge Today’s mission is simple yet daunting: find diamonds in a world that is far from normal. The landscape is filled with unexpected obstacles due to the use of a specific datapack that introduces random deleted chunks into the game. Explore the link to the datapack provided on Planet Minecraft to understand the mechanics behind this altered world… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Trapzen vs. Creepy Shark!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Trapzen vs. Creepy Shark!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey TAMED Creepy SHARK and MADE HARD GAME LVL to Monster ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Trapzen on 2024-09-09 22:20:27. It has garnered 1683 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds. How MIKEY TAMED Creepy SHARK and MADE HARD GAME LVL to Monster ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to… Read More

  • Hiding from Man in Minecraft

    Hiding from Man in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE From MAN FROM THE WINDOW, POU.EXE, SONIC TAPES, Lunar Moon in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by JJ and Mikey №1 on 2024-09-18 16:00:12. It has garnered 11703 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:13 or 2413 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE From MAN FROM THE WINDOW, POU.EXE, SONIC TAPES, Lunar Moon in Minecraft! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Read More

  • “CRAZY REACTIONS! Public SMP Server | Minecraft Live” #minecraft

    "CRAZY REACTIONS! Public SMP Server | Minecraft Live" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Public SMP Server | Minecraft Live | #minecraft #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by SMILING GAMER on 2024-07-30 01:19:26. It has garnered 70 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:31 or 9211 seconds. minecraft live,minecraft,minecraft live 2022,minecraft mob vote,minecraft live 2020,minecraft live action,minecraft mod,minecraft live 2022 mob vote,so i triggered my minecraft live stream,minecraft smp,minecraft but,minecraft map,minecraft funny,minecraft update,live minecraft,minecraft dungeons,minecraft live 2021,minecraft live 2023,minecraft live 2024,minecraft live event,minecraft live trailer,minecraft lore,minecraft live music 2022 ⭐️──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────⭐️ ✨ Connect with me on social media! 📸 Instagram : https://instagram.com/smiling_gamer07?igshid=ZDc4ODBmNjlmNQ== 🔉 Discord : https://discord.gg/DzPMDa3C9h ⭐️──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────⭐️ 💰… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pe Survival – Rebuilding HEROBRINE SMP Portal 😱

    Insane Minecraft Pe Survival - Rebuilding HEROBRINE SMP Portal 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Rebuild HEROBRINE SMP Portal In Minecraft Pe Survival🥰 | Minecraft Pe Ep 5’, was uploaded by NotSpedy on 2024-06-22 05:45:41. It has garnered 799 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. ⁠ _________________________________________ 🌺 INSTRAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/not_spedy?igsh=MWZvdTRzd3JnaWNqcw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr 🌺DISCORD: https://discord.gg/UB65sbrs __________________________________________ 🌺Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ 🌺I request you 🥺 : – 🌺HIT LIKE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON ❤ 👆🏻 👆🏻 🌺Like aim 50 likes ☺ __________________________________________ 🌺My Video Editing Apps 🥰 :- 1.Pixellab And… Read More

  • EriCristian Bros – INSANE Minecraft moments! #shorts

    EriCristian Bros - INSANE Minecraft moments! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Momentos más graciosos de Minecraft parte 54 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by EriCristian Bros on 2024-08-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 11740 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Funniest moments in Minecraft Funniest moments in Minecraft part 9 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 10 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 11 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 12 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 13 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 14 Funniest moments from Minecraft part 15 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 1 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 2 Funniest moments… Read More

  • “Real Elvish Kids Discover Demon Creeper?? 😱” #MinecraftMadness

    "Real Elvish Kids Discover Demon Creeper?? 😱" #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper real and devil face #minecraft #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Elvish Kids on 2024-09-15 07:58:48. It has garnered 432 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Read More

  • I SECRETLY CHEATED in StuffyCraft SMP 😱 #Minecraft

    I SECRETLY CHEATED in StuffyCraft SMP 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I didn’t go into creative mode in StuffyCraft SMp #minecraft #minecraftbedrock’, was uploaded by StuffyPack537 on 2024-01-13 21:38:42. It has garnered 75 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Exploring Insane Ghost Town in Minecraft

    Exploring Insane Ghost Town in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINECRAFT WORLD’, was uploaded by MrDakota on 2024-09-09 03:23:34. It has garnered 434 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:12 or 12672 seconds. just started up a new minecraft world #minecraft #livestream #livegaming #justchatting #GAMING #livegaming Read More

  • 🔥BEST Minecraft Mod Ever! StarBlaze Op – MUST WATCH! #shorts

    🔥BEST Minecraft Mod Ever! StarBlaze Op - MUST WATCH! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best mod ____🥲😱____#shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by StarBlaze Op on 2024-04-18 12:55:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. voice:-@Mc-lol Minecraft gamez shorts Anshu Bisht Proboiz proboiz 95 skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz … Read More

  • The 13th Collective SMP Whitelisted 18+

    Welcome to our 18+ Server! Join our laid back and chill server to meet new friends and relax. Our world is growing with a spawn town/city. Simply reply with your discord username to join! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mincraft: The Ultimate Power

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme #3: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme #3: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Toppling Base Prank in Minecraft

    Toppling Base Prank in Minecraft Building a Falling Base in Minecraft Survival: Day 5 Day 5 of the Vinland Survival Challenge In the latest installment of the Vinland Survival Challenge, our intrepid Minecraft player is hard at work constructing a master fort in survival mode. Day 5 sees significant progress, with the completion of the roof and walls of the fort. The attention to detail and dedication to the project are truly impressive. What to Expect Next While the roof and walls are now finished, there is still much more to come in the following days. The creator promises to share updates on the… Read More

  • Get ready for EPIC adventure on my MODDED Minecraft server!

    Get ready for EPIC adventure on my MODDED Minecraft server!Video Information This video, titled ‘🤗 TE INVITO a mi NUEVO SERVIDOR Minecraft CON MODS 1.12.2’, was uploaded by Vaquero MC on 2024-09-05 22:55:00. It has garnered 1185 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. SERVER con MODS 🤗 NO PREMIUM 1.12.2 [ MODS] MINECRAFT 24/7. NEW SERVER with MODS NON PREMIUM SERVER with MODS for 1.12.2. PLAY on the best MODS SERVER. Chisel mod, Electroblob’s Wizardry, Quark, Hywla, Optifine, Botania, Dungeons, Mobs, backpacks, Spartan Weapons, bloodmoon, VOICE CHAT. SERVER with MODS, SURVIVAL to make friends. +40 MODS, PUBLIC SERVER with MODS without… Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Cursed Gravity Blocks in Minecraft

    The Ultimate Guide to Cursed Gravity Blocks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘EASY how to obtain CURSED GRAVITY BLOCKS in survival Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Targeeet on 2024-08-16 06:01:55. It has garnered 4155 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. EASY how to obtain CURSED GRAVITY BLOCKS in survival Minecraft #shorts #minecraft Read More

  • 🔥🔥🔥 EPIC NEW Meta ChargeSMP Application!

    🔥🔥🔥 EPIC NEW Meta ChargeSMP Application!Video Information This video, titled ‘ChargeSMP application (better)’, was uploaded by META on 2024-07-17 13:31:47. It has garnered 18 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. TAGS: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP… Read More

  • “EPIC Mosque Build in Minecraft | Step-by-Step Tutorial | Watch Now!” #saddiqbuilds

    "EPIC Mosque Build in Minecraft | Step-by-Step Tutorial | Watch Now!" #saddiqbuildsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small Mosque | TUTORIAL | Minecraft Timelapse | Masjid Building ideas #saddiqbuilds’, was uploaded by MineMuslim_Saddiq on 2024-02-14 10:00:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Muslim Prayer Building. Beautiful nasheed recreation Shader name: Complementary reimagined Texturepack: default … Read More

  • INSANE Adventure in Ragecraft IV Map! MUST WATCH

    INSANE Adventure in Ragecraft IV Map! MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘The ADVENTURE In This Minecraft Map Is TOO FUN! (Ragecraft IV)’, was uploaded by KVT on 2024-05-31 17:17:32. It has garnered 635 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:39 or 1779 seconds. For this map, I brought two of the BEST CTM Players I know to take on the NEW BEST Minecraft Map “Ragecraft IV: Underworld”. Let’s see how we do feat. @phosr @quillver1 ========================= ➤ Minecraft CTM ➤ Ragecraft IV: Underworld ➤ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 Map Info Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso Custom textures by cocoacollei Music by… Read More

  • Crafting chaos in Minecraft coop | LIVE with Archityp!

    Crafting chaos in Minecraft coop | LIVE with Archityp!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wir dulden keine Craftausdrücke! | MINECRAFT Coop (mit Archityp) | Deutsch | LIVE’, was uploaded by SullivanCooper on 2024-06-15 22:41:29. It has garnered 1281 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:44 or 17744 seconds. The shaders are here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/bliss-shader Intro song by Bensenmusicberlin: https://www.instagram.com/bensenmusicberlin/ Discord Community Server: https://discord.gg/D3Jtr35Mde My podcast with Archityp: https://open.spotify.com/show/5cpZI8VN8vsGgJ6ePN0cmP YouTube Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/@SullivanCooper/shorts Merchandise: https://sullivancooper.myspreadshop.de/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sullivancooperyt?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Spenden (PayPal): https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/SullivanCooper697?country.x=DE&locale.x=de_DE Donations (StreamElements): https://streamelements.com/sullivancooper-c145f/tip Mein System: Intel Core i9-14900K 8 + 16 Kerne, 36MB l3-Cache Gigabyte Z790 AORUS Master X NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 24GB | MSI Ventus 3X… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Icarus Challenge: No Armor, No Shield, Elytras

    Insane Minecraft Icarus Challenge: No Armor, No Shield, ElytrasVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Icarus Challenge – No Armor, No Shield, Elytras Only’, was uploaded by Mr.Manu on 2024-06-14 18:00:02. It has garnered 284 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:07 or 1267 seconds. Subscribe for more challanges Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mr_Manu__ (For The Algortihm) This is a true minecraft shitpost minecraft manhunt minecraft but funny meme minecraft funniest mod Minecraft speedrun minecraft challange minecraft but lava rises minecraft but water rises 100 days Hardcore UHC hoplite battle royale minecraft 24 hours challenge moment I am slowly going insane #minecraft #challenge #speedrun #mrmanu Read More

  • Insane Aaironnn Livestream 😱

    Insane Aaironnn Livestream 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Chill Livestream!’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-07-22 22:59:32. It has garnered 998 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:38 or 9938 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftbut Read More