Unbelievable! Defeating Immortal Players in Minecraft

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These players got their hands and overpowered potions armor and swords strong enough to end and control an entire server basically making them gods and with their Ambitions to completely shut down the server I couldn’t just stand by and watch but to understand how it would ever put an end to the Tyranny

Let me take you back to the beginning you see it all started when a duo called the eliminators killed an innocent player called Jester at first we thought nothing of it but then we realized the shocking truth wait is that sharp 10 the sword they used to kill J dice did not

Only have sharpness 10 but also the ability to permanently ban players and sadly for us we would experience it in firsthand just moments later oh no Oscar on me seeing me and a few players has spawn as some easy targets they started their attack ready to claim their next victims

I’m I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m yeah they’re using funny they’re using I’m not I’m not figh TJ I’m not fighing TJ luckily what about their Rampage spread and soon many more players came to our Aid scary this is genuinely scary this look I’m above SP hold I got you mix I

Got you mix mix I got you mix I got you p p I got you due to us heavily outnumbering them the fight was looking in our favor or so we thought yo what’s that damage swords seemed more powerful than we first thought and on top of that we were

Running out of gear while they seemed unbothered by our attacks luckily after 20 minutes of fighting they fled out of curiosity of how they were doing so much damage I opened up my recording and started analyzing the fight and discovered something gamechanging bro Jolly I think that’s strength three

Somehow they had managed to get their hands to strength three pots a potion that completely shreds through any play’s health and instead of using it to to enforce peace and Justice they were using it to ban every single player curious to see if they were hiding anything more I hopped on the test

Server to experiment with damage outputs and after a while I once again came to a shocking conclusion there’s no way what they have resistance potions not only do they have insane strength but they also have access to a potion that makes you immortal to normal attacks at this point

They were basically Al stopping these players would be even harder now but if we wanted to ensure that the server didn’t end we would have to keep on fighting but to make matters worse rumors started to spread about a third member joining their team we were struggling to deal with only two

Eliminators so imagine what three would do we had to step up our game and quick otherwise it might be too late the eliminators had chosen that the next victim wanting to ban one of our fellow teammates normally we would of course reject the offer due to the risk

Of going there but this might be our best shot at killing them before they grow too strong so we constructed a plan where it would seem like I challenged them both to one V2 but in reality T4 KCK and Aken Nation would be hiding in

The trees ready to jump out and turn the fight into our favor we would just have to hope that our combined efforts were enough and that we weren’t making a huge St and and you know how this is going to go you know you’ve asked her to be1 us

And you you’re going to lose I’m not trust me you are I’m not I mean I I mean I don’t know why you suggested this I mean you’re going to get banned so no I don’t think so remember when we were supposed to One V one you said you had a

Trick up your sleep well uh I got one as well you stay back before you stay back yeah is using all the potions they do a lot of damage they do a lot of damage just did three hearts in one hit a lot yo T be ready it became clear that they were

Targeting T4 but with all of our combined strength we managed to hold them off while he was using team team mine clost to destroy their health I’m absolutely rolling whoever this is I’m in a one V one I’m in one one oh snap I almost die just just it just it just it

All right leave this leave the fight no we win this go go go they’re going to Target you they’re targeting you oh T4 T4 you got pearls like no T pears oh no no with T4 eliminated and me my teammates slowly running out of gear we

Were bound to lose to fight but things took a turn for the good when more players arrived to spawn to help us fight them and eventually we escaped with our lives but by the end of the day we had lost yet another player making it

Two in total at this rate we would all be banned in only a few weeks we had to do something to stop them but what I mean day after day they keep attacking us and each time we end up losing more and more it seemed hopeless at this

Point wait what maybe it’s not over yet I’d stumble across what might be our key to Victory a vault with some of the op potions in it but I had to be careful with who I shared this information with as if it got into the wrong hands we

Might have a third party joining this war so who better to contact than the man that wanted to take down the eliminators more than anything else asey is one of the server’s most skilled players and on top of that he has the crown oh yeah I’m going to need to

Explain that you see I’m playing on the capital LNP where there’s an overpowered crown that GRS the use of Powers combine that with my new found potions and we could very well win this war and check over here buddy check over Here oh my wait what it’s looted wait wait wait what wait what what the we’re going to give you the option you either hand over the crown willingly and we let you go from this room you know we’ll let you go free completely free we’re not going to no no

Tricks no nothing we’re going to let you go free or we take it from you so you’re with them I’m sorry bro I’ve been working with the eliminators since day one I’ve purposefully led the resistance down a dark path I’ve been leading them just so I could see them fall I am the

Third member of the eliminators got get him I’m sorry Bessie I’m sorryy sorry just what has to be done now is it ESP sorryy I’m sorryy you could have gone you didn’t have to go you could have stayed yes I’m sorryy and now with our only threat gone

It is time for us to take over but we still have one final problem you’re not being subscribed I’m trying toit 5K by the end of the year so if you like And subscribe that would really help me out anyways back to the video even with this new found power we still

Had a huge problem there were way too many players left on the server and if we wanted to achieve our goal of completely shutting down the server we would have to ban every single one starting with water killing him was a piece of cake due to our op potions but

That’s not what was bothering me it was the fact that I just permanently banned one of my friends someone that I considered a teammate just a few days ago but I knew knew if I wanted to complete our goal I would have to shout out all my previous connections to the

Server and this would be put to the test the next day as was time to ban one of the server’s most innocent players you know what hey drop the Trident drop the Trident I’ll give this to your teammates so they can remember you with two more players banned the Ser was shivering in

Fear we were complete monsters an Unstoppable force that was terrorizing the server and we just continue to grow stronger over the next few days winning every event and getting our hands on more overpowered items oh I got it let’s go let’s go yo but I was still hesitant about my

Actions I was ruining every relation that I once had on the server but the feeling of Victory and power was what was motivating me to continue until my reality was sh shed it was revealed that the events were rigged by CJ himself the service owner and my teammate not only

That the reason we always had op potions was because he was duping them using creative mode let me use my commands real quick huh Oscar admitted that he had exploited commands himself allowing him to go into other place inventories and ender chests these plays were no gods they were cheaters this wasn’t what

I wanted I’d betrayed everything just to side with my Craft’s biggest cheaters I was tricked and now i’ had betrayed everything that I once had but what could I even do they had way too much power all I could do was stick to the original plan and pray that they didn’t

Betray me we are located yet another player and it was time for me and Oscar to claim our next victim but while traveling there I could feel that something was off something bad was about to happen but not to me all right I’m dropping down While flying here I’d realize something you could have all the power in the world but without your friends you’re nothing so even if the resistance didn’t want me back I would try to repair the relations I once had and take down what I had created uh Oscar join recording

One you guys didn’t want me here I was added because wherever I go I win and I’ve done something thinking Oscar you guys thought you could use me but in the end I was the one that used you I have all these op items Oscar and I got teammates that actually

Value me so with my most trusted teammates by my side and the most overpowered items in the game who’s going to stop me my private VC first just so like yeah I’ll screw it this is game over VCS stay on him stay on him don’t let him go through

There trying he’s he’s probably glitching out the with no no no it’s fine it’s fine wither cuz if he accidentally hits it it’s just going to give him withering effect for the whole time this one both let go we’re sorry Oscar B you Bo you let’s go yes let’s do

Easy it’s too easy the server is not going down and I’m going to make sure of it you see the server finale is in exactly one week meaning we have limited time to take them down so we would have to take any given opportunity to stop them even if Victory isn’t

Guaranteed okay what the if you didn’t catch that they just de six hearts of damage in a single crit while we were using rest three on top of that they were basically taking no damage while we were using strength five it was obvious that something was up and this

Was confirmed when I got a call from no other than the man that I banned myself just a few days ago hello Oscar TJ’s using me I Jo the VC and he has two new teammates and he’s casted me aside he doesn’t need me anymore osar had realized that he had

Been used by CG the entire time and that in reality he was fighting for the wrong side I had to take advantage of him being in such a vulnerable state as he can very well know things that we didn’t I tell you what the strength they have

Exactly and I’ll tell you exactly what everything they have is now or what I know to the extent of it all right you know that one time that CJ base got exploded yeah they have those items they’ve got strength 14 resistance 4 what the it was pathetic at this

Point this team of admin abusers had given themselves strength 14 and resistance nine potions making them virtually unfit although CJ told us this was a one time time thing we couldn’t be sure but that wasn’t all also had one last thing to show me this is usually

The part of the story where I accept my fate and realize that the battle is over but this story is different even with all the odds stacked against me I was going to fight until my very last breath just to see these cheaters fall and a perfect opportunity arose when CJ wanted

To have a meeting with one of the few remaining players we all knew that this was a trap we’re not letting him get land getting we’re going on an expedition but what if we were to trap him instead CJ would meet up with James GE in a small room underground so if we

All manage to get into that room and use some of our overpowered potions we could very well manage to kill CJ and save the server James okay go down now now now all right down here where it’s this way this way this way this way and we kill CJ get

B i I need you to separate with do cut cut cut cut actually cut him caught him you guys are like a two one package as penguin said you and me are literally team IR oh it broke it broke Bo his boots right they’re armor like everything

Breaking I don’t know how there stuff has BR rest it how is it not breaking though he has an XP in a one there we go let’s go let’s go there we go now he’s gone now he’s gone with CJ’s armor breaking he was bound to lose the

Fight any second now he would drop and we would finally win but he wasn’t dying yeah yeah I can’t gone his chest PL gone no matter how much armor he lost he just wasn’t dying and to make things so much worse tekon got banned and I’m not going to

Lie to you this was the first time I truly wanted to give up the closest we got to defeating them the more they cheated to a point where we just couldn’t compete with only a few of us remaining and only two days left until the finale it seemed like it was over to

Unban uh tekon then you also got to let us unban Oscar CJ had offered to unban tekon but only if they were allowed to revive Oscar if Oscar were to be unbanned and side with CJ they would become an Unstoppable Force but if what Oscar told me earlier was true and he

Sided with us we could very well defeat them so I did the only logical thing and contacted oscar but basically he offered Teek on guest unbanned if they can unban you yes Oscar had promised us that he would at least help us out and depending on how much the eliminators cheated he

Might even betray them this promise made We Told CJ that we were on board but the real question is will this come back to haunt us in the future it was the day of the finale with the clock taking down and us doing our final preparations we

Could only hope that we would even stand a chance all I’m watching uh what they are cheated in a villager that allowed them to trade for insanely op items such as Bedrock or a stack of God apples I’ll have that oh osar just spawned in one of their op villages we

Could simply trade with it and get some op items of our own and with these items we would actually stand a chance so after Gathering as much of the items that we would need and giving out to my team the What we winning this chat we were ready for the final fight face to face team versus Team good versus evil this one fight determines everything we had 2 hours to survive all we needed was one player to be alive when the time goes up and we would win but due to the rulle

Set for the fights we weren’t allowed to go underground or into another dimension so hiding wasn’t an option of first strategy was to waste as much time as possible by camping hundreds of blocks up in the sky I see him I see him oh someone else’s

Sweater ready as long as it doesn’t rain yeah he looked up he looked up he looked up he sees us they see us but unfortunately the hunters quickly caught on and started attempting to get up to the platform in an attempt to stop them from reaching us we started to build a

Wall around the platform but we had to hurry as they were getting closer by each second sadly we weren’t fast enough and the eliminators had reached us we had to escape as we couldn’t afford to go into combat just yet about break through about break through get cor guys

Guys P down everyone pull this direction pull that direction which direction away okay so much damage I’m dead I’m going to pop I’m going to pop yourself cover yourself there’s no way there’s no way with one of us down we had to regroup and discuss our next move and after

Meeting up and discussing what would be our best move we decided it was time for us to fight come here come here we’re putting up can you guys try to help I can’t get in I can’t get in sadly sweater got separated from us and got banned although this was a huge

Setback we had to focus on the fight go big cave and crater everyone go big cave and crator running for me wait guys trying to off okay he’s taking damage he’s taking damage due to our numbers and skill we were giving them a hard time forcing them to flee and regroup temporarily and

That’s when I did The Impossible yeah yeah wait wait wait wait where everyone here but there’s no point fight T here ti ti call see him yeah watch out watch out he does crazy damage I’m critting him out from behind go let’s go don’t with me I

Managed to ban Tai the most skilled player and after regaring on his loot we felt more confident than ever and started searching for the rest of their team CJ CJ Oscar was maybe going to help using how they were oh Jack Jackson on you FPS

FPS you’re going to get 2v one come on Jackson TJ most like he’s but just as things started to look good for us we got some bad news they have amplifiers now they’re upping your strength level by one they have strength six as sued they started to cheat even more now as the odds of

Them winning had gone down I’m on CJ CJ CJ drank the op one don’t don’t bother fighting CJ is 50 H right now 50 H and on top of that some of them drank op potions that gave him 50 hearts and resistance 15 making them unkillable he’s using he’s using to

Cheated Viller yeah I know I know I know how is he taking this due to them being unkillable at the moment and US running out of potions and XP we decided that we had to run and regear say took I have access the console I’m clearing their strength fast CR doors and go

Ocean that’s what I’m doing no oh my inventory is just oh Jackson’s on me Jackson on me but eventually they caught up to us and due to us not having any potions equipped all it took was three crits to ban a player oh my God it’s they’re all

Here they’re all here they’re all here no no no no p p p no and with them starting to use Trident to travel around to find us we had to use our last potions if we wanted to stand any chance but what while trying to regroup disaster struck but how long did they

How long so much damage what oh my God I know put just pull out just pull out get to Jolly so they can you do oh my God what although CJ said it was a onetime thing it seemed like they had used God potions once again stealing 10

Plus hearts in a single crit and banning James keys and with only 1 hour remaining and only three of us being left it seemed like the team of admin abusers would win in a last ditch effort to kill them me doodle and fate regrouped and ped up our last potions

Hoping that we would somehow kill them hurry hurry got it did you guys pot we make sure to get fake pearls bro this 14 is oh it is oh like penguin then which penguin doesn’t have a helmet osing the again in the again Target Pig one target Pig one 200 200

200 180 yeah I think you’re ly P I’ve got two of them ony why did they poison us what Jolly you’re doing he damage to Oscar you’re doing so much damage you’re Oscar he takes so much damage you’re you’re doing five parts a hit oh snap he does com back watch out

When TJ comes back’s going to pop somebody needs a weapon bro oh guys forget Oscar his boots are on 18% uh he might have had another one but he yelled my res no Penguins no Penguins Invincible he’s still Invincible bro they got more invincibility Parts even there right now

He F yeah he’s fighting me sadly it became clear that c was stood up lying when he told us before that they weren’t going to use strength 14 and rest 9 you’re actually going to blow it’s going to okay CJ just rank more op potions yeah they don’t take damage either

This is so unfair guys you still need to all target Oscar like osar yeah has strength 10ar streng bro it’s not this ain’t even fun it’s so dumb penguin has no Armor and he still not ding if he come down as our final move we pull towards

Ser Z to box ourselves in with the Bedrock we got from the op villagers nice nice oh my God I saw on stream do that was so un unbx unbx if you need to escape just out if you need to after mean doodle successfully box ourselves

In and the clock taking down it was just a waiting game to see if we manag to survive before the clock Runs Out penguin in my box wait a outside the Border bro what is he doing but with them Pearl glitching into our boxes and the world B shrinking

Surviving became harder and harder He’s in your inventory dood yeah yeah D he’s in your inventory oh okay and with them using every cheat in the book such as going into our inventories and giving us glowing our possibilities of surviving we’re becoming Slimmer by the minute no no no you you have to do the sty over

And over again it’s the only way oh no they just gave themselves so much strank and eventually doodle got banned leaving only me remaining versus four admin abusers and 30 minutes left on the clock hello we told you from the start we told you from the start that this wasn’t

Going to be fair okay no I know I mean we had to admin abuse even more than you did before but we had we had well we had Penguin on silk Sonic about a week ago myself penguin and Jackson had a meeting where we agreed that the server needs to

Go to hell all right the server has had too much tyranny too much you know Oscar using these commands you know you it hasn’t been fun for us you know you don’t you think it’s been fun for us it hasn’t okay it genuinely hasn’t we no no

CJ CJ you know why this all happened cuz you allowed it CJ was saying that the server had to end due to the state he had come to which doesn’t make any sense as he’s the reason why it’s in such a bad State I don’t think any to exist it has to

End okay that’s is overrated TJ is overrated Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar Oscar over Oscar overated I know you don’t want I can we first can I have a final speech and stuff final speech I had to choose my next words carefully and hope that a miracle would happen otherwise everything we had done would be for

Nothing all right I just wanted CJ I’ve I just said this but you do realize is that you’re ending the season because of your mistakes I do I realize that and yeah and how is that fair to everyone else that’s what I want to know it wasn’t but it

Wasn’t why go through it wasn’t just my mistakes it was Oscars and Jacksons and Penguins but you have the power to just say no don’t do that we’re not allowed just don’t allow him you can take away his perms but you allowed it why that’s my question you know what you’re

Right penguin I want you to follow me I want you to kill me with the band sword right now do it do it do it you’re the first one to ban me and you going to be the last you’re right J sa with me I Ru this and I’m going down with it

Somehow I managed to convince CJ that he was the problem all along and now he had decided to ban himself but it was still imp possible for me to win there were still three more immortal players left get Jackson with your sword okay make that too okay I just ban jackon bro

Um and moments later Oscar realized that he was fighting for the wrong side and decided to betray listen the only reason why I’ve done this is I didn’t want the server to end like this well can’t too late for that don’t you think I didn’t want the server to

End where it was just me and the Elin is no I want to end it with my first teammate and guess who that is H let me Ponder for a second who’s the only other person online I I don’t know everyone else is what the I I do want to have a

Heart to heart with you I I I feel like you should start so I can build something off of that I mean what do you want me to say oh hey JZ I mean congratulations like is that what you want me to say admin Abus your way to Victory what’s

The honor in that like you bad mean what congratulations you’re a good admin AB user I agree with you wholeheartedly but it’s too far to go back before you do anything it’s too far to go can I give you a suggestion we both go up there to the

Obby Tower we throw all of our hearts except one jump down we get banned together and so it was decided me and penguin would both go down to one heart and ban ourselves to put all of this behind us and start a new chapter ready yeah 3 3 2 2 1

This video, titled ‘Taking Down Immortal Players In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Jolyto on 2023-12-03 16:00:07. It has garnered 13932 views and 654 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:59 or 1739 seconds.

Capital Smp Discord: https://discord.gg/capitalsmp My Discord: https://discord.gg/2YQpTCfC7T

Like Jolyto and his Capital SMP series, he was betrayed on this Minecraft SMP. Like Parrot / ParrotX2 Lifesteal SMP Series where he broke bedrock or blew up 12.240 TNT. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit / or any other Dream SMP member. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or LastLife with Grian and MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on. I escaped this Minecraft prison like Omziiscool but not Parrot or Clownpierce or Spoke with 100+ / 2,193 Bedrock and TNT. This stacked player stole my permanent hearts on the Lifesteal SMP. Like any other video mine such as I Started Minecraft’s Greatest Business, or I Trained a Minecraft Frog to Kill People, are unscripted videos of mines! in this video I will be trying to upgrade Minecraft’s Oldest Traps/ Old Traps such as Tree Traps, Door Traps, and Chest traps, ALL 3 BEING 8 YEARS OLD IN MINECRAFT/Xbox 360 Minecraft trolling but I’m also breaking this corrupted sever/ corrupted admin, dupping, breaking this PW2 (pay 2 wins) Minecraft server.

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In this minecraft video, this trap started a WAR on this LIFESTEAL SMP. I did this on a copy of the Lifesteal SMP, also known as the deadliest minecraft server to exist, and it was super intense. The Lifesteal SMP features creators such as ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Leowook, Parrot, Spoke, roshambo, and more. This server also contains people like Parrot (also known as ParrotX2 or zParrot) and Spoke (also known as SpokeIsHere). This is similar to Parrot or ParrotX2 on the school SMP series where he started a war or ended a war or when Spoke Created 1000+ Iron Golems To Kill 1 Player in Survival Minecraft. This is also similar to how Spoke created an Illegal Minecraft Farm or an Illegal Minecraft Vault.

This is also similar to the Demise SMP, with creators such as InfamousJJ, Hot Chocolate, Only_A_Squid, PixelMaksis, and more Like how Infamous JJ became the Richest Player on the Most Brutal Minecraft SMP, or when he attacked his enemy or got revenge on the most brutal Minecraft SMP. Also, this is like how Carvs, or therealcarvs, did his ravagers trap; titled “I Killed a Stacked Player Using 117 Ravagers…”

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    Conquering Minecraft's 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges I Tried Minecraft’s 10 Hardest Challenges In Mobile Embark on a thrilling journey as Keshew13 takes on Minecraft’s toughest challenges in the mobile version of the game. From mastering intricate skills to facing intense PvP battles, this adventure is packed with excitement and adrenaline. Learning 10 Hardest Minecraft Skills In 24 Hours Witness Keshew13’s determination as they tackle the most challenging skills in Minecraft within a tight 24-hour timeframe. From mastering parkour to navigating complex redstone traps, every moment is filled with suspense and skill. Minecraft’s Hardest Clutch Experience the heart-pounding moments as Keshew13 pulls off the most challenging… Read More

  • SkyesToo – SCARIEST Minecraft Mod Ever!

    SkyesToo - SCARIEST Minecraft Mod Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Horror Mod is TERRIFYING! – Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by SkyesToo on 2024-07-03 19:15:00. It has garnered 16512 views and 1012 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:14 or 2894 seconds. One of Us DID NOT Survive The Fog! – Minecraft Survival __ The mods just keep getting more creepy… can Skyes and Darman survive the fog??? __ Thumbnail drawn by Icy – Check them out! https://twitter.com/IcyQuite __ Video edited by Darman – Check him out! https://www.youtube.com/@DarmanORC https://www.twitch.tv/darmanorc https://twitter.com/DarmanORC __ MY MAIN CHANNEL! – https://www.youtube.com/@Skyes โ˜๏ธ MY SOCIALS โ˜๏ธ ๐Ÿฆ-= Twitter – https://twitter.com/Skyes… Read More

  • Bryan’s Heroic Transformation Gone Wrong! Voice Acting Cover!

    Bryan's Heroic Transformation Gone Wrong! Voice Acting Cover!Video Information This video, titled ‘”You were supposed to be a hero, Bryan! what happened to you?” meme – cover + voice acting’, was uploaded by WompyWompie on 2024-09-12 10:23:46. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. REAL GUYS… This would singlehandedly save and carry the entire Minecraft movie! Credits/sources/Inspiration https://x.com/DiamondBrickZ/status/1831376379096789179 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbKmbIxF9co https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEuMl8t9rW4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hSoZKYag-M Tags Herobrine, Herobryan, Minecraft movie, Minecraft movie 2024, Minecraft movie parody, Minecraft movie meme, Minecraft movie trailer, Minecraft movie if it was good, Minecraft movie looks ugly, Minecraft, I am steve, Minecraft Jack Black I… Read More

  • NightfallMC

    NightfallMCWelcome to Nightfall MC! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun and make new friends. Features: – Land Claiming – Cross play – Skills – Economy – Teams – A welcoming community and much more! Our server is designed to provide you with the most rewarding experience possible! play.nightfallsmp.com Read More

  • โœจPerakee’s Survivalโœจ SMP 1.21.1 land claim teams Random Spawn dynmap voicechat optional

    โœจ Perakee’s Survival โœจ MAP: perakee.xyz:8123 or JOIN: perakee.xyz or DISCORD: discord.gg/VPjPFYZH Vanilla survival – go solo or team up! Random spawn – world border can be expanded any time. Hard difficulty – night can’t be skipped. Fresh & new community! Voicechat mod optional, cheaters banned, runs on dedicated hardware in Europe. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Storymode: Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I loved it!

    Minecraft Memes - Storymode: Not everyone's cup of tea, but I loved it!Well, I guess this meme has a higher approval rating than Minecraft Story Mode! Read More

  • 100 Enderman roast endermite ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    100 Enderman roast endermite ๐Ÿ”ฅ When you accidentally start a war between Endermen and Endermites and suddenly realize you’re the one who has to clean up the mess in your Minecraft world. Good luck with that! Read More

  • Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting

    Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting Welcome to Daosao Gamers’ New SMP Server! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and Crafting and Building? Join Daosao Gamers’ new SMP server for free and start your adventure today! No sign-in required, just pure gaming fun. What is SMP? SMP stands for Survival Multiplayer, a game mode in Minecraft where players can interact, collaborate, and survive together in a shared world. It’s a great way to connect with other players, build amazing structures, and explore new territories. Joining the Server Joining our SMP server is easy and hassle-free. Simply follow the instructions provided… Read More

  • Ender Pearl Chunk Loader?! Update Snapshot 24w37a Minecraft!

    Ender Pearl Chunk Loader?! Update Snapshot 24w37a Minecraft! Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a Introduces Exciting New Feature: Ender Pearl Chunk Loader! The latest Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a has brought a groundbreaking new mechanic that allows players to use Ender Pearls as chunk loaders! ๐Ÿคฏ What Does This Mean? Now, when you throw an Ender Pearl, the surrounding area will remain loaded within a 3×3 chunk radius. This opens up a world of possibilities for automatic farms and exploring new horizons! Unleash Your Creativity! Just imagine the incredible structures and contraptions you can build with this new feature! Will you be incorporating it into your survival world? The potential is limitless!… Read More

  • Join Me in Private Bedwars on Hypixel LIVE!

    Join Me in Private Bedwars on Hypixel LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Private Bedwars Games Live With You’, was uploaded by MitBlade on 2024-07-27 20:45:08. It has garnered 129 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:03 or 8163 seconds. Leave your IGN in Chat to Join https://discord.gg/BnGNxnU2 #hypixel #bedwars #pvp #minecraft #bedwars Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Damage-Free Challenge

    Surviving Minecraft Damage-Free ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Beat Survival Minecraft WITHOUT Taking ANY DAMAGE (Hitless Run)’, was uploaded by Bubbo on 2024-07-22 14:00:29. It has garnered 25705 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:36 or 1416 seconds. I Beat Survival Minecraft WITHOUT TAKING DAMAGE (1.21 Hitless Run) In this video, I push my skills and knowledge of survival Minecraft to their limit. I attempt to beat Minecraft without taking a single point of damage! Is it possible? This is the hardest Minecraft challenge video I have done yet… Minecraft Hitless Run Check Out My Merch: https://bubbo.store Need… Read More

  • ๐ŸคฏEPIC Minecraft Starter Home Build!! #shorts

    ๐ŸคฏEPIC Minecraft Starter Home Build!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beginner House๐Ÿ  #shorts’, was uploaded by CraniazShorts on 2024-04-05 11:30:24. It has garnered 5731 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•โ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•— โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•šโ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•โ•ฃ โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•โ•‘โ•‘โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•โ•ฃ โ•šโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•šโ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ• For More.. minecraft,minecraft funny,minecraft challenge,munecraftsecretbase,minecraft survival,minecraft fr,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft bedrock,minecraft gameplay,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft mais,minecraft java,minecraft 1.19,minecraft phone,aphmau minecraft,minecraft horror,tรผrkรงe minecraft,minecraft videolarฤฑ,mob battle minecraft,clean minecraft videos,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft pc,minecraft pe,minecraft nl minecraft,minecraft build,minecraft build tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft build hacks,minecraft builds,build,minecraft house,minecraft survival,minecraft 1.20 build hacks,minecraft redstone builds,minecraft tutorial,minecraft timelapse,minecraft 1.20,minecraft building tips,minecraft building ideas,minecraft building hacks,how to build,minecraft build hack,minecraft build hacki,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE House Build Hack by Snody Insaan

    Insane Minecraft PE House Build Hack by Snody InsaanVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Easiest House in Minecraft PE | Snody Insaan’, was uploaded by Snody Insaan on 2024-01-02 11:16:00. It has garnered 130 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. How to Make Easiest House in Minecraft PE | Snody Insaan Hello Blue Gang! Welcome to Snody Insaan Channel. You See Gaming Videos. ________________________ ๐Ÿ‘‡Mention๐Ÿ‘‡ @liveinsaan @SpunkyInsaan20 ๐Ÿ‘‡Hashtags๐Ÿ‘‡ #snodyinsaan #liveinsaan #spunkyinsaan #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecrafthouse #houseminecraft #easy #house ๐Ÿ‘‡Links๐Ÿ‘‡ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@SnodyInsaanOfficial X: https://x.com/SNODYINSAAN Instagram: https://instagram.com/snodyinsaan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091743647525 FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552389688304 Threads: https://www.threads.net/@snodyinsaan ๐Ÿ‘‡Keywords ๐Ÿ‘‡ Easiest house in Minecraft tutorial Simple… Read More

  • 24/7 SMP Minecraft – Win Real Discord Money Now!

    24/7 SMP Minecraft - Win Real Discord Money Now!Video Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-06 17:57:43. It has garnered 103 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:10 or 9550 seconds. ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to the World of MineCraft! ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŽฎ Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether itโ€™s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, weโ€™ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: GTGpublic.aternos.me Port: 57892 Discord :- https://discord.gg/5th88qx2pg Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35xyHiGkrb-kvz-p3uWZzQ Instagram… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s Scariest Myths?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Surviving Minecraft's Scariest Myths?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Myths..’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-04-12 16:00:24. It has garnered 184571 views and 3438 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:03 or 3063 seconds. Day 3 – We Tested Minecraft’s Scariest Myths.. w/ @Darkomode @YaBoiAction Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! โค๏ธ #Minecraft #RageElixir Read More

  • Insane New Update in Minecraft PE – Riad Craft Lobby 2024 & More!

    Insane New Update in Minecraft PE - Riad Craft Lobby 2024 & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘Open Member Server Minecraft PE Official Versi 1.20 Raion Craft Lobby Terbaik 2024 Dan Baru Update!!’, was uploaded by AFKEWERRRR on 2024-01-07 07:32:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IP : play.raioncraft.com Port Java : 25565 Port Bedrock : 19132 Fitur : – Vote Reward – Survival Only – Land claim – Pinataparty … Read More

  • Insane Villager Battle in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Villager Battle in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘OP villagers fight in minecraft #shortvideo #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Taufiq Tricks on 2024-09-18 12:30:15. It has garnered 430 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. OP villagers fight in minecraft #shortvideo #youtubeshorts #shorts #shortvideo #minecraft #mimecraftbuildhacks #youtubeshorts #gaming #mimecrafthacks #games #mimecraftbuilds #memes #mimecraftpocketedition Read More

  • Unbelievable Royal NRN gameplay in Minecraft & bgmi!

    Unbelievable Royal NRN gameplay in Minecraft & bgmi!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft and bgmi’, was uploaded by Royal NRN on 2024-09-11 00:44:37. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Pls Sub ๐Ÿ™‚ need ur support ๐Ÿงธ Device-POCOX3PRO ( key binds) pubg live stream / pubg live telugu / pubg live tamil / pubg live custom rooms / pubg live tournament / pubg live room / pubg live malayalam / pubg live kannada / pubg live video / pubg live custom / pubg live dynamo / pubg live lite / pubg live jonathan / pubg /… Read More


    PLEX SMPTHE BRAND NEW Vanilla survival SMP for Minecraft Java 1.21! While this is vanilla, we still have all the useful commands + more! – /echest – /sethome (You get 2!) – /spawn – /rtp – /warp (to shops, spawn, ect.) – and more! We are brand new and would love to have you try us out! Discord: https://discord.gg/FPTD7GD2ca IP: play.notakari.com play.notakari.com Read More

  • TreuCraft | Semi-Vanilla

    Welcome to Truecraft Server! Come join us at truecraft.mc.gg! We are a new server working on growing our player base. Our only rules are no hacking or cheating – everything else is fair game. Enjoy freedom of speech in our chat and use commands like /tp, /set, and /spawn. Check out our website at truecraft.tebex.io. Think 2b2t, but without the hacking and cheats! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – minecraft trailer if they locked tf in ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft Memes - minecraft trailer if they locked tf in ๐Ÿ”ฅI guess they wanted to make sure no one could escape the absolute chaos of building a house out of blocks. Read More

  • Building Our Bastion: Minecraft Vanilla EP 3

    Building Our Bastion: Minecraft Vanilla EP 3 In Minecraft Vanilla, we’ve found a new home, A bastion we raise, no need to roam. Sign up, leave a like, share the delight, Enjoy the vision, it’s a beautiful sight. Subscribe to FishingANDdiving, don’t miss a beat, Follow me on TikTok, where the fun is sweet. Watch the full video, see the house construction, In this Minecraft world, there’s no obstruction. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, Crafting Minecraft news with a rhyming zing. Keep it fierce and funny, engage with delight, In every pulsing line, let the truth take flight. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot & Hilarious! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Minecraft Meme: Hot & Hilarious! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Bioscar vs. Dalek in Minecraft Fortress Battle

    Ultimate Showdown: Bioscar vs. Dalek in Minecraft Fortress Battle The BD Forteresse: Dalek’s Deadly Fortress Welcome to the thrilling second part of BD Forteresse! Today, we delve into Dalek’s fortress, which promises to be far more treacherous than Bioscar’s. Dalek, a trap enthusiast, has surely prepared some devious challenges for our adventurers. Challenges Await The journey through Dalek’s fortress is fraught with peril. From intricate traps to cunning puzzles, each step our heroes take could lead to danger or discovery. Let’s explore the challenges that await: 1. The First Trial As our adventurers enter the fortress, they are immediately faced with the first trial. Will they overcome the… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server! Are you a fan of parkour in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the thrill of jumping from block to block, testing your skills and agility? If so, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server right now! With a dedicated parkour biome that will challenge even the most experienced players, Minewind is the ultimate destination for all your parkour needs. Imagine the adrenaline rush as you navigate through intricate obstacles, trying to beat your own record or compete against other players. The possibilities are endless on Minewind, where the only limit is your own imagination. So why wait? Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun

    Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun The World of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft mods, players can now immerse themselves in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery with the Project JJK mod. This mod brings a plethora of characters with stunning visuals, adding a new layer of excitement to the game. Unleashing the Power of Jujutsu Sorcery With the Project JJK mod, players can step into the shoes of powerful sorcerers, wielding incredible abilities to combat evil forces. From summoning spirits to casting powerful spells, the world of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities. Meet Iconic Characters One… Read More

  • Crazy Anime Secret Revealed!

    Crazy Anime Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Don’t You Take a Seat Over There? | Castaway Anime #103’, was uploaded by Castaway Anime on 2024-08-27 16:30:00. It has garnered 304 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:55 or 14035 seconds. On this episode of the Castaway Anime podcast, the boys discuss Twitter vigilantes, acquiring Adobe apps in Minecraft, and the ongoing war between gatekeepers and tourists. Plus, Oshi no Ko turns up the heat, My Adventures with Superman finally gets good again, and My Deer Friend Nokotan starts to fall off. Timecodes: ——————– 0:00 – INTRO 7:25… Read More

  • Terrifying Catgirl Cave Build

    Terrifying Catgirl Cave BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft cave horror project’, was uploaded by Catgirl Iris on 2024-09-08 12:29:01. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:32 or 11972 seconds. Read More


    EPIC 1 vs 2 MINECRAFT MANHUNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 VS 2 MANHUNT WHO WILL WIN LETS SEE.. II MINECRAFT II’, was uploaded by KhalsaGamingTaran on 2024-08-16 12:12:48. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:30 or 7530 seconds. DISCORD LINK – https://discord.gg/fTyqtXKBqQ LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE . Join us on epic adventures in our Minecraft SMP {Radiance} server! We focus on [briefly describe your channel’s main focus, e.g., epic builds, survival challenges, community interactions, etc.]. Whether you’re here for the towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or thrilling survival quests, there’s something for everyone. SEARCH SOURCES :-… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial | Mughal Gamerz

    Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial | Mughal GamerzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building the ULTIMATE Minecraft House! | Epic Survival Base Design Tutorial’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-09-24 03:55:58. It has garnered 142 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Hereโ€™s a full viral description for a Minecraft house video: — **In this video, Iโ€™ll show you how to build the ULTIMATE Minecraft house โ€“ perfect for survival mode!** ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ”ฅ This epic design is beginner-friendly, with a unique style that makes it both functional and stunning. Whether you’re looking for a modern mansion, a rustic… Read More

  • JOIN NOW! Epic Minecraft World & SMP! ROAD TO 4K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸ

    JOIN NOW! Epic Minecraft World & SMP! ROAD TO 4K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating Our Epic Minecraft World & SMP with Viewers! ๐ŸŽฎ ROAD TO 4K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸ | B T O GAMING Live’, was uploaded by B T O Gaming on 2024-06-12 11:33:12. It has garnered 102 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:56 or 10496 seconds. **Creating Our Epic Minecraft World & SMP with Viewers! ๐ŸŽฎ ROAD TO 3K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸ | B T O GAMING Live** Welcome to B T O GAMING Live! Today, we’re diving into the creative world of Minecraft, building our own epic world and SMP (Survival Multiplayer)… Read More