Unbelievable Dish VODs with Anita Max Wynn

Video Information

You are fine w b arrive whoa it’s dark is it too bright you are fine Ma I need a Max win greater than less than I need the max win it’s New Year’s Eve today congrats you pass the void the uh New Year’s pre-new Year’s void actually well music’s

Loud how’s it going guys I love your shirt thank you I love it too and every time I put it on I uh I just don’t take it off so I’ve kind of just been wearing it I need the max win what am I doing on New Year’s Eve

Chilling um I’m gonna hang out indoors at my house I was going to go to a party but I don’t know it’s far away hey my close captions aren’t working pause it just I did not seem it was far away and I didn’t want to I just you know driving home at at

Past midnight on New Year’s Eve it’s just not wise so I opted to not go but what is Anita the max win if you don’t know what Anita Max win means and you’re probably not chronically online so congrats but here you want to you want to

Know I’ll show you it’s all over my Tik Tok rep page I need the max win it’s from a Drake live stream it’s from I think it’s a live stream I don’t know where he does these should really find out ready are wait wait I need the max

Win you know cuz he has he has a lyric that goes I need to Max win so yeah Anita Max win get it Anita the max win I love how quickly he SW switches his like vocal tone it’s it almost sounds edited his voice goes up like a whole octave from

In a split second this is my alra ego I need the max win how does he do that I need the max win I almost miss the slideshow a Kaw slay Drake is hilarious honestly I need to Max emot yeah that’s that is a great idea surely it exists

Right I need to Max win I need the max win I found one um which one though do we use the emoji 116th on trending or the logo Duffy I think we use the trending one be normal more logo oh freak um I need the max win we actually added of course we

Did of course we did I need the max win just ins Saye around the house dude I need to M okay I need to shut up I need to shut up um let’s See last day of the Void in between Christmas and and new years’s which is cool I actually really like it seems that this time frame has um conflicting effects on people some people really enjoy the nothingness that like time is just like kind of a suggestion at this time and but for some

People it’s like really stress and and anxiety and do thing so if you’re of the time does not exist and I can do whatever I want I hope you’ve enjoyed it I’ve still been working but pretty much only what I want to do which cool started on Minecraft YouTube series

Um well I should say I’ve given instructions and editor Abby has started on it so I think we probably have like two more days on the first episode and then you’ll see that on Main Channel soon stopping is hard I defo need a break yeah we were talking about it it me and

Friends it’s like for some some content creators and people it’s hard to if you work for yourself in any capacity you know that it’s hard to take a break Um it’s either it’s hard to Kickstart yourself or it’s hard to take a break it’s like one of those two um or like a mix of both so this week it’s like hard to I want all my friends to stop working and just play Minecraft with

Us but got to make videos or whatever cuz it’s our job or whatever whatever Mr dish what drink do you have this is a Jasmine green tea latte it’s my fix it’s my go-to I have two of these today who’s Anita Max uh Anita Max win Anita Max win Anita Max

Win imanii redeem get gifted a sub dang congrats on your uh on your savings hard-earned savings that’s very Epic wow it’s only $3.74 where’s the bun hope everyone has been doing well in Dish flour in Dish flour I think I need like a lot more pins to do it

But okay this is great he a tier one sub to imore i period piece FR enjoyers I really have like a bit of an a fixation on the Edwardian hairstyles like it’s it’s the very first decade of the 1900s the way that the women wore their hair if you’ve seen an of Green

Gables oh actually more so an of avenly I just think that this hairstyle is incredibly elegant I’m covering it don’t look at that spoilers Edwardian buns um Pinterest is probably better huh but I’ve heard from some people whose opinions doesn’t matter that the Edwardian bun is ugly and I just feel so

Bad for them cuz it’s going to come back the closest we’ve had to the Edwardian bun since the actual eding like this period was like the 2 2013 2014 like this is a modern this is a modern one is oh my gosh oh dude there’s so many like gorgeous variations of it

Too just this like so I have I have like thin fine hair and it kind of has like a floaty it does not pin straight to my head ever so these kinds of I feel like my hair was made for these types of styles like like like my hair needs to float it’s

Like a messy bun but in its like most glorified form you know like maybe I just need to I’ll start wearing buns but then I’ll just increasingly get closer and closer to just like a traditional we’ll try to start wave it’s like Mary popon yeah look Gibson Girl

True I’m about to retract your uh VIP status Roman with this another domino in your long line of bad takes pepper thank you for the prime sub it’s the last day of 2023 and I’m sick that’s really sad Gibson girls oh oh my gosh like that’s my hair texture that is my hair

Texture bro this is what I’m talking about this is what I’m talking about so elegant so elegant I just I need this I need this to come back did you wear that pullover last last stream um What no I wouldn’t do that would I do that oh I would do that yeah I would do that um hey if I put my hair up half like this they won’t even know it’s from two different streams so you know it’ll just be like I

If I make a video of anything I could just smoosh them together like I said I’m wearing a different shirt underneath but I put this on because I wanted to film something and then I just kept it on so didn’t make sense of that at all I don’t know what you’re talking about

It’s the same day okay but not in like I’ve been wearing this for 48 hours kind of way time doesn’t exist right now it’s actually the last stream exactly pmas okay I want to finish well I want to resume the photo event not 100% sure

I’ll finish it because I do want to get on Minecraft before these sleepy heads go to bed probably around most likely 8:00 p.m. is when I’ll get on Minecraft um which hour a half from now so we see how much of the bo I mean not photo event film event I can get

Done I’ve done only done part one and part two queen of continuity thank you so much I Haven started it cuz it said you got to do the finina quest first yeah I I mean I’m feel like I’m picking up the pieces decently like I I understand

Happy holidays mom and Dish Lings hope you’re all doing good I definitely like missed a chapter in finina like she’s found an apartment and she’s working as a director great for her and I will do her Quest but feel like this event gives enough to not explain how she got where she is

But I would like to take my eyesight into um 2024 thank you so much good for her not me thank you for 36 months that’s literally three years that’s amazing genin ginin flashbang yeah you think we’d have genin dark mode by now hybrid thank you for the 15 months three years is so

Much it is so much Garrett or Gat thank you for the seven months spicy apple cider thank you for the tier one just want you to know that your username made me crave apple cider and devastatingly I have not had it this fall season is it winter yet I’ve not

Had it this fall or winter season devastatingly you are fine Ty for streaming hope her 2020 before is as bright as that screen was just now you to Koda you too wish I could start this fine remotely actually it’s fine Adventure Time Kota thank you again I thought star

Login was fine but then the train goes hypers speed and flashbangs you it’s just like gench unfortunately the music is also really loud for some reason H do you guys do New Year’s resolutions did we talk about this last stream we did right I can’t remember going

In my name Echo com to be hey there whatever new people are here we’ll talk about again that’s the way coming at you how did that not noit for me no crit for me SMP yeah well not a new server but it’s an exist is we’ve been playing on it for about two

Weeks didn’t gamble much I can’t end stream yet hey you need to like you need to risk it man you need to risk it with like some big predictions and then you’ll be able to are then you’ll be able to end stream happy 23 months dish

And chat him dish love I’m like looking for my commissions I logged in at 1 a.m. last night to play so I must have done them already oh no what are you going to do without riveting riveting and thring content that is daily commissions what else we got a test

Run what I do what do I do instead play G Genie syic TCG oh I could do events I could pew pew might take another three years can I grind three years of gench in a week Um huh if you’re talking like specifically archon quests and getting up to like like if if you’re asking if you can get through to the current archon Quest probably yes you’d be playing for like for like 16 hours a day maybe more well actually more because I remember the the sumaru

Archon quest took me like each Act took me like four to five hours you get through you can get through monat and uh leeway pretty quickly Inazuma also you can get through pretty quickly so you can unlock all the map in a week paid time off but it’s entirely to

Play engin I would sponsor that we could do like uh yeah we call call it professional development you have to take into account every Quest lock it’s true however I do think gon is optimized Quest lock you can kind of just proceed through the archon quest mostly

Now however you have to factor in regions lock unlocking regions which includes the RNR Quest man be so interesting anyway it still amazes me that you are able to edit so much genin content and not have and not play genin at all Sur me island quest true oh true

There’s time gaining on the surumi island quest so if you manage to get through monat monad leway and like half of inuma you could start the surumi island quest on the first day of playing gentan what it’s like five days right so you could maybe start on the second day of

Of playing genin and you could do the surumi island quest through through like six days or five days I think toar soona time gate oh yeah and anomia and the chasm right I forgot all about that a week subathon no sleep you should honestly honestly Ethan you should stream

Just for the fun of it I would rage you every day we would we we would watch why would you want to do that though Ethan we’d be sat sir um defeat 10 oppon all opponents all right defeat them with what guns yeah why would I play this mid game

Yeah why would you it’s so weird in Thousand Pace inter dictation arc minute Sharp Shooting Zone you’ll use a special Optical lens to aim and shoot opponents press the aim button to start aiming aim your Target and press shoot by but uh uh whoa press a shoot button

To fire bullets at the Target your lens is aimed at okay so snipe them adjust sensitivity okay that’s so dumb oh it Spooks them idiot didn’t turn around Target Training scenario changed oh shoot I didn’t mean to yeah okay he takes two shots this feels mean okay can I flick on

One sense is too too low oh damn okay G thought I had that flick so sad they’re just sleeping like this just feels messed up I’m ready for valerin oh you say I don’t play valerant um what what what do you say now do you think they should add put

Blood and viscera no I don’t like games bloody games I played Pummel party for the first time um oh I see I’m supposed to protect this all right boom I have 99 bullets I think I’m going be okay okay I don’t like the reload time it’s kind of kind of kind of sus

Man my sensitivity is so so low wow genin shooter real gotta use my util gotta use my U what the freak wow triple kill baby I have to be dear diary L hoo loves its Rock first queen with scar Moosh Now Guns and Roses musket and Roses what’s next any other reference we’ve

Missed I thought this was France not America flick on him boom boom boom wait stop one year excited to see some Minecraft later I to have been playing recently in Dish love you have got a flick on him got a flick on him oh no this is so silly

If it yeah if it was America I have an AR that’s true what a silly little mini game is this it’s only four wait no no no change your mind I’m a CS Go Pro it won’t let you shoot unless you unless you use this

This the scope I should do a no scope challenge can I I can’t oh you’ve walked right into my trap what you idiot something feels so Grim about just like shooting them in the face this is just like not in a belly we’ve had before like bro is

Sleeping what if I just shoot his ankle I don’t like this actually riperoni am I supposed to shoot these as well oh I’m not see they’re just having a chat and I’m just like oh no my homie is dead and now I’m dead oh I see o I need the max

Win boom quick scope oh oh oh oh still alive oh guys I can’t can’t Max win in these conditions how are you live Peak bro Peak I suck do it you won’t oh my he’s so fast oh he forgot dang I didn’t get Max rewards for this

One maybe I was supposed to shoot these oh oh I could have sworn I only had 19 left I forgot that’s One Max win in this economy no one’s Max winning except big corpa Ace hi Jam you need to go back to the range the range is not really um meant

For me you know oh idiot B boom gin impact is such a violent video game oh I didn’t see that triple kill you’re living oh I moved triple kill ah I do need to increase my sensitivity boom flick on him is die not a shot from you bro single kill that’s it double

Kill wow those quick scops holy moly oh baby a triple this the whole mini game is so funny most blood we’ve seen is a scratch on Net’s face more in in zuma did we actually see blood I don’t recall a wish festive event oh thank you so much oh oh pretty pretty joyous

Gift oh yeah baby ultimate overlord’s mega magic sword that so true net wi blood us his face after B bodying child you see blood during cookie skill you do blood and genin real I never noticed wait for my signal it trickles off her she cuts on

Her cast wait where where would I see it the droplets wait off where should I be looking on her waist area why do you see it I can’t see it I’m that’s too stupid it spews red oh I see I’m glad to have met you this year dish blush blood and genin real

Thing just kind of spits out I was looking for it to like for like her waist to be bleeding wow I never noticed okay it’s a bit gritty of you kitchen might have just hid the quitty I’ll take the lead today all right back to the boss Kookie is a great character

Yeah that’s a lot of blood wait a minute we saw someone get vaporized blood isn’t that farfetched yeah it’s just it it some games have blood some games don’t have blood like I don’t know how it exactly works with ratings but I think I mean like that’s why you never see blood in

Disney movies because it I think it would require a PG-13 rating or something like that yeah like I remember if you’re used to games that don’t typically show blood and you play at like any sort of bur forth combat game that does show blood it’s a very different experience sh moment of

Birth attack you out F be very nice so even that much blood as um Marvel has some surprisingly gory shots in some MCU movies oh like uh what movie got like heavily censored Mobius morius H when will I be done obtained what was that almost to level 90 oh I Can maybe I can forge this stop whimpering sister maybe I can make them the people’s princess yeah like oh OverWatch has a lot of blood h i I went from playing pretty much only genin as far as like PC games to playing um The Witcher which is very bloody and I was like

Oh I’m like really not used to this like when people get stabbed when albo like stabs himself you know like stabs when fake B stabs albo you don’t see blood or anything so when you go from a game that doesn’t show blood to gave a has blood like lethal company has blood it

Does it’s not like crazy blood though I would say it’s more like on the floor it’s kind of silly silly blood I love when he said it’s Mor time and mored over everyone yeah that’s true I remember that part I’ve never actually seen morbius nobody has no on the contrary most people

Have there’s a cultural phenomenon nobody saw it I don’t think that’s true Xeno chromatic Crystal the most m-rated thing genin has done is lower true the the it’s interesting it has heavy tones genin has heavy tones but they kind of they kind of slip it under the

Radar like it has very very heavy themes in it um oh no I’m not going to have enough I’m going to have to freaking freaking Farm or not okay let’s go punch some things at the beach I guess yeah you have to read books to see

The crazy stuff yeah it’ll be like kind of alluded to as opposed to just directly spoken about or shown like Um it definitely they they they imply a lot without directly stating it surumi Anin toy is super dark uh I don’t really want to oh perfect com to be watch out I don’t really want To you dropped the crystals right yeah Asylum L with theor aim yeah and um quick and easy okay moving on not the seal I got to get my pearls okay first forth I’m making it quick okay got to get my Xeno chromatic crystals from somewhere and I want to level 90

Navia jet Quest totally what was the other what was the recent one um lyette they definitely heavily imp implied that she was like like sold off into like uh sex slavery uh they didn’t say that but they definitely implied it with the way that they worded who it was that

Was like who wanted her or had bought her definitely implied that that like that’s what it meant so the heavy dark Grim stuff it’s in genin it’s just kind of like suffocate under the surface H yeah yeah that she got she got trafficked like like the wrong test

Subject and you know put two and two together a a a young potentially underage woman gets traffic there’s only one reason for that so LOL Omega LOL not really but one must cope with reality somehow light-hearted cartoon game yeah we have silly names for our uh for our

Weapons and artifacts and stuff but uh we there will be death there will be death and murder and trafficking and uh you know all sorts of other things it’s like uh it’s like if you watch Shrek as an adult you watch it as an adult and

You’re like how did they get away with that that’s crazy that is actually crazy oh yeah yeah Lynette was a kid at the time so Bless her for keeping her her Stacks when she goes off field so epic of her wait she can get more than that does it get doubled or something when wait hold on yeah it’s six to I did not realize that strike a p so then one more that’s all I

Need someone gave me a crystal I can use it you killed him picked the max I can Max win I can Max win I can Max win this one’s got your name on it I didn’t Grit teamwork is dream I didn’t crit either time hey there Max FL light it

Up so cool that her Auto attacks have hydro or that like oh wait how does it work show me with is it just her first one so it’s really helpful this one please oh how does it work what’s her cruit rate uh I think it’s like 70 70

73 not bad but can still not oh you poor seal I’m sorry about this l oh okay cool forth they’re literally just sleeping might need to go underwater for the rest ha unless probably can make them soon all right fine poacher Behavior what it’s crazy wait I need an ability this is so

Slow no we didn’t even drop anything yeah okay never mind it’s fine I need an ability how much defense do you have in ALB uh 2,37 I haven’t really Revisited my albo build in a while cuz I just haven’t used them in a bunch so I may re build him I

Kind of want to maximize his skill damage um since that’s like a big part of what he does now well it’s always been that way but especially now with Navia um what they just don’t move at all yeah I do want to try to get a good

Um uh skill bonus set for him but I have not started working on him or reworking him I guess how I miss albo’s story I know I’m sad I’m so sad that new players won’t probably get to play it or or won’t uh even know about it that’s another thing too is

That like you you just like if you missed an event Quest you just you don’t even know that it happened like you have to go out of your way to like look up um oh I just had a great idea like there’s all these great quests that you don’t know

About that have like some of the best most significant lore is in limited event Quest that you don’t even know about pull over the new atsu sweater what no no this is totally different although I do love it and I find it I think it’s very flattering

So I do feel so okay he’s too short he’s too short I do feel inclined to wear it but yeah he loved his sweater it’s true you loved it until Necco P shrunk it bless her soul I miss Neo she been she’s been going through it I’m ODU

And Miss Neco been going through it with um moving and then just like a bunch of Other stuff it’s been a tough holiday season for them n’s grandpa passed away kind of suddenly after she’d been traveling a ton thankfully she got to see him she she was there essentially like right before they didn’t know that she was going to like pass away or anything um

But she she got to see him she got back home and then found out that he passed away so she hopped on a plane and went right back and that’s after like I think almost a month of her being away or maybe even more so the choice was obvious for her

To like go to the funeral and everything but that meant that she didn’t get to go come to La for secret Santa and wasn’t oh that’s all I need now oops Yeah I mean you know and natu obviously it’s tough it’s tough to be away from your spouse for that

Long yeah very rough rough so next time you see her online make sure to uh send her some extra love yeah they know that they’re loved and cared for so all I need now is a nice pot of soothing tea with a little milk and our tea party can finally

Commence but seriously one tea party wouldn’t begin to repay you after everything you’ve done for me so if there’s ever something you need in Fontaine know that Spina D rosula will always be happy to help you sweet yeah uh neck pce grandfather passed away kind of uh unexpectedly I

Should say I don’t know how old he was or anything but she found out very last minute like right before they were about to leave a th000 defense exactly okay she’s level 90 everyone wonder how that will affect her damage is the Ser SP better than the event Claymore that I don’t know

Honestly you’re going to have to ask an expert but I am a I’m a certified casual I know nothing I ask nothing I I’m just like you I think serent spine from from the guide that I’ve heard about and not even watch myself I think the servant spine is her

Best in slot just under her signature weapon obviously but but it’s uh it’s not f2p so she’s not F top Verina Ratio um that’s a good question not great not great um definitely would want to get the create higher but she deals so many individual pieces of damage that it’s not as important SS and sacrificial is close oh great everything is f2p it’s a ratio L ratio yeah could be better but it’s

Fine she serves sometimes 45% of the time um time is it seven okay so regarding roses and muskets how long is part two would you say act two how long did you guys spend on it just L plus radi not as long as part one is it more

Entertaining part two part one I feel like was a lot of yapping 20 30 minutes okay I’ll try to do two and three today wait till the following morning okay part four is good part four gets good man genin events are always like that it’s always like the very tail end

Where it all just TI is up oh no I cut p on off that’s so sad I’m so sorry for her ingame music in game music musical startle music 90% 10 interesting CES at hotel deor let’s get going sometimes there’s a bit too much filler in genin quest I

Would say much yapping not enough getting to it example of well good example of quest pacing that I thought was excellent Dan’s LIF chapter interlude chapter interlude chapter with um boring in the chasm woo that was f aaka y you’re already here now we’re talking my girls good morning zavier said

Yesterday afternoon went well yeah and how about you aaka what were you up to yesterday I love the yapping when it’s characters interacting and not NPCs exactly exactly respectfully I don’t care about NPCs once out of like 10 or 15 I will care about NPCs I don’t want to hear them Yap it’s

Not funny I want to hear the characters that I that you’ve built to be incredible and interesting and a dynamic what’s your favorite archon Quest till now miss peeee I’m not miss peeee I wish I was um I think I really am partial to the sumaru archon quest because I

Just I found it to it was long and tedious sometimes but I think the payoff was excellent I wish I was Miss peip after we split up aato went to see udex nurv at the P maronia oh I know I saw them yapping yapping politically I was originally thinking of going with him

But he said he could manage it himself he told me to to go see the sites around Fontaine and to enjoy the local culture so I rode the aqua buus with yoia and visited the Opera House on aranas island fun yeah you wouldn’t believe what we saw there two mechanical puppets that

Were dancing together you’ve already seen them right oh I’ve seen them yeah yeah those two amazing aren’t they we sat and watched for quite a while it was mesmerizing like we could keep watching them forever what why didn’t you invite me I would have gone on the trip got to watch me kill

Them oh it was the same for us the first time we saw them too afterwards we went swimming at the beach well diving to be exact it was the first time I ever breathed underwater just give me the max win I need the max win we have an emo for that

Now thank you for the 33 months wow no invite I want to see that I would have I would have I would have taken girly’s trip to the to the durge of capellia and the and Diving over trying to convince finina on the trip I

Don’t want to be the producer I want to go on excursions I held ayaka’s hand and we counted down together three three two one and then splash we were beneath the waves I’m so glad they had fun without me so glad they had fun without me I guess I’m happy for them though

They’re cutie patooties at first I didn’t dare to open my mouth but once I couldn’t hold my breath any longer I decided to take a big breath in turns out the water wasn’t as salty as I I imagined it didn’t really taste like anything at all cute before I knew it I was

Breathing like normal down there it was an amazing feeling iaka said I was too nervous and needed to loosen my grip she got used to everything way faster than I did I knew that the traveler could do it so I had no doubt we could do it too

That helped me feel at ease as soon as we dove in this is so cute the Underwater World in Fontaine truly is beautiful I love seeing the r Maritime flowers blossoming underwater like little candles lighting up the streets at night yeah and there were so many creatures that we’ve never seen in

Inuma imagine how crazy that would be to just like be able to swim underwater and breathe underwater insane like those fish that Shimmer like a sword blade whoosh oh and those big fish that call when they see people oh nice pin nice pin girl so happy Oh you mean hunter R and blubber

Beasts I just love the name blubber Beast just wait till pops and the others hear about this they probably won’t believe a word I say oh my gosh there zoom in y Mia just does everything she’s been up in the sky on the was down there for quite STS it was

Dark before we finally rode the aqua buus back to the city I figured she’d want to sleep in today I’m so glad you guys had fun yeah even I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get up I still felt like I was drifting in the waves when we went to sleep last

Night but as soon as I woke up today I remember that we’d all be shooting a film together and I was ready to go speaking of the film where’s everybody else no screw the film I don’t care about it anymore my brother and zopier were speaking to the restaurant owner

About using the place as a filming location they should be here soon as for the others they we’re here cutie I love her shoes oh I love both of their shoes oh she’s got like the like the platform uh what those called the hiking boot type of shape please excuse my

Tardiness I just finished the special Patrol’s 6 Mile morning jog wait six miles I’m little tired I heard you all chatting so I decided to come down I sure could use some of that endless energy everyone else has sleepy girl to good morning everyone boarding can someone fetch me a cup of coffee

More milk hold the sugar I’ll do it sure anything for I’d be happy to do that for you no you can’t go anywhere please have a seat over here so I can get started on your makeup the last thing I want is coffee stains on my costumes I can get

The coffee it’s the perfect job for an assistant no one protested cuz she’s the lowest rank at the at the table so much energy G seriously what’s her secret oh Yia is always like that but you sure look exhausted forena it’s because you’re not used to waking up so early

Huh of course not I spent the whole night reading the novel from cover to cover marking sections that either need to be omitted or adapted wow pman didn’t expect you to be so thorough well she’s a night owl like me well I was the biggest star in all of Fontaine after

All it takes more than just a pretty face to earn a reputation like that I know how to get serious when the situation calls for it yeah no kidding no one doubt no one is doubting that I went all out when I was acting as an

Archon so why wouldn’t I do the same for my own life so why here’s your coffee director finina coffee oh thank you the sound of being called director and the aroma of coffee feels almost as refreshing as hearing the birds chirping in the morning I don’t get how people don’t like

Finina honestly it seems everyone has managed to arrive on time let’s go aato with the NPC Brigade we’ve reached an agreement with the restaurant owner we are free to use the second floor to shoot our film really that’s great he is really looking forward to our film and hopes that providing his

Restaurant as a filming location will attract more customers well then Mr zavier I’ll leave the rest to you okay thanks first I’d like to introduce our new members finally some random NPCs this Quest is getting boring this is our prop manager veronique she’ll be in charge of

All the films props and items and this is Bono our lighting technician he’ll be in charge of lighting and illumination to set up each scene’s atmosphere wow sure feels like we have some real professionals joining the crew now first of all please allow me to First Express my sincerest gratitude to

Everyone in the crew when my investor informed me yesterday that he wouldn’t be able to provide the funds I really thought that this was the nail in the coffin for this film I had no idea that I’d find so many people willing to help me on such short notice thank you thank

You all from the bottom of my heart God I was missing them no need to be so cordial Mr zavier we’re all honored to be a part of this your Works made a profound impression on me when I saw them back in inauma I am sure that

Someday this film will be remembered as a prime example of cultural exchange between Fontaine and inauma yes the story is the reason I agreed to join I can’t bear to even imagine what this film would look like without the very best director the very best director anyway I would like to make a

Promise to everyone that as the producer of this film I’ll do whatever I can to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible they really go out of the way to ensure NPCs are as dripless as possible I they just they all they I understand why they do it but they’re

Like their outfits are always they’re just flat they don’t render them you know it’s like uh the body pain this is not just my film it also embodies the thoughts and feelings of every person here as well as the endless effort we are about to pour into it so without

Further ado the two musketeers will officially begin filming now finally you may take it from here director all right listen up everyone NPCs are allowed one primary color in two variations of brown and green only that’s true everywhere except like Su well I guess sumu is mostly

Green sumu NPCs are the best STP the first scene takes place when the two young Musketeers are living at The Baron’s home still unaware of all that is about to happen to them we’ll need props and lighting to set the scene our lead actors can go get their makeup done

And Extras please take this time to go over your positions who ma’am seems finina is really kicking things into gear as the Director is everyone clear I don’t want anyone traing around the like umbrella finches all right cameras will start rolling as soon as the set is

Ready let’s make a film that’ll make some serious waves in Fontaine whoa too soon uh not the kind of w people I mean the good kind of waves the jum people seems like she’s still a bit traumatized by that I think we all are think everyone is anything we can do to

Help think we all are okay was that was fine I don’t need any help here why don’t you try asking someone else all right yes ma’am um but you see I want to talk to everyone wait oh oh is iato getting his makeup done haaka has mentioned you to me before she

Said that you two were great friends when you were kids no talking I’m thinking about how to do your ey Shadow geez ah yes to help me really look the part to achieve a more young and naive look for this scene are you saying the wrinkles around my eyes are too deep

You just have too much of a calculating look in your eyes true true you sure don’t mince your words it seems you really haven’t changed much quiet ooh spicy Spicy ah so this is what a musket looks like I kind of want to hear that in exactly JP can I talk to again cuz I love I love ayato’s JP voice hope I can oh language settings what oh dang it ding it missed op how about here good talk a

Little more to the left you got it hey Yia do you need a hand no no I’m fine you know doing the lighting is kind of like designing a firework show it’s interesting to imagine what kind of atmosphere the lights will create I heard that the traveler will be

Operating the camera and Pon will be the claer loader right those rules are just perfect for the two of you really is that because it’ll be easy for Pon to hold the Clapper board while flying well sure there’s that but that’s not exactly what I meant it’s cuz it’s the loudest

Roll Pon I just think that after all your Journeys together you two must have developed a super close Bond and just naturally know how to work with each other yeah she G I’m not mistaken the director will want the cameras rolling as soon as The Clapper board goes clack

Actually we start rolling before that oh I see it’s amazing to see the magic behind film making y she’s so positive we need lights over there too she always assumes the best oh on it I’ve got to get back to work CH with you later oh it’s exciting to see so many

People working together to bring the film to life seems like yia’s really getting into it actually but she was right we do we have a super close Bond don’t we P’s really happy to hear that you only got one one response Choice from that yes P how about now how about Now so this is a real musket no it’s just a prop weapon not bad have you seen a real musket before only in books and newspapers I made this one based on the relative shape and proportions I saw in reference images toes when we’re filming some special gunpowder will be applied around the

Muzzle which will help create the Flash and smoke effects of a real gun being fired petition add Tonto oh actually I do want that one see how many emote slots do I have it’s not showing up Uhoh oh wait I found the I found alit’s account uh I’m sure he made this one too I can’t find it oh never mind I found it that’s so stupid which means it’ll be up to the actors to portray The Recoil that’s right the sound effects

For gunshots will also be added in post production think they got editing software in this in this thank you veronique I think I know where to start now however the muskets gears and firing pin could still use some work adding some wear on the Met pet components will

Make them appear more realistic also be sure to rub the muskets with some oil each time before we start shooting that’ll give the impression that the Firearms have been well maintenanced good point you seem to know a lot Miss chevas I assume you use these types of

Firearms on a regular basis yes I perform routine maintenance on my weapons every day just like we as people need to eat and sleep muskets need to be cleaned and maintained it’s interesting that they’re they’re not using the word gun they’re just using the word musket I also perform

Similar and familiarize myself with its shape and weight to the point where it feels like a natural extension of my body yes this way our weapons will never betray Us in the heat of battle yes well said it seems we have the same philosophy on this

Topic oh sounds like they found a common interest to talk about though these props differ from the muskets I use I can still give you some pointers good I look forward to your instruction first and foremost never point the weapon at anyone regardless of whether it’s a real or prop weapon or

Whether you’re holding it or it’s on the table this holds for any time when you’re not actively engaging an enemy okay understood when aiming the musket extend your arm so that it’s level with your shoulder and use your eye to look down the weapon’s sights like this tilt

Not bad now try saying your lines this is the end of the road for you good now turn your body a little that way you’ll give your enemy less of a Target to work with and relax your shoulders here allow me to demonstrate this is the end of the road for

You the sideways hold is so funny Excuse Me Miss Chey director finina there’s something I wish to discuss with you you oh what is it I don’t like my baby sis holding a gun like this yes much better what do you think mhm I do see your

Point but are you sure you wish to do this I believe it would be most fitting well if you insist all right I understand real guns Miss chest could the two of you please come over here huh what’s going on are we going to start filming now let’s go see what is

It I have a question for you miss Cheves would you be willing to play the role of a musketeer uh what to clarify I would like to turn over my role to miss chus oh but brother don’t worry aaka I actually view this as a good thing I was becoming

Troubled trying to set aside some time to speak to the staff at the p mormonia no I would like to have some conversations about the cultural exchange between our two countries and I’ve heard that the bureaucratic process here can get rather complicated ayato’s leaving the quest now I will be able to

Focus on my work besides you also know that I’m not really one for public performances then I’m leaving the quest are you really sure from a director’s point of view I also felt like the relationship between the two musketeers in the original story could be improved the older brother in

The story plays the lead role with his overbearing character but this causes his character to overshadow that of a sister and the theme of the two supporting and relying on each other isn’t conveyed very well but if we were to change the siblings to Two Sisters of

A similar age then that aspect of the story might come through more clearly also I’ve seen you instructing aaka that cold and dignified personality is exactly what we need for the older musketeer dude of course even with all these SS the decision should still be

Made by Miss chevis say no uh say no chus mentioned that she really likes the story right P bets that she’ll take the role but we but she will still have to prioritize her work and maybe she’s not a big fan of acting all right I’ll take the

Rooll good decided then I’ll get started on making edits to the script we’ll also need to make some immediate adjustments to the lighting props and costumes I have to eraser goodbye I have a feeling that our adaptation will be even better than the original story you’re doing a great great favor

For me miss chevas you have my gratitude don’t mention it I like this character so if anything I should be the one thanking you well since my brother is the one who brought up the idea I suppose there’s no need to worry oh let’s go Miss chevas I look forward to

Working with you please just call me chevis listen I like chevis too but got understand seems like you’re really going out of your way to solve the problem tell you surely you just chori I assure you that I was mostly motivated by a desire to spend more time on formal business

You’re up to something the suspicious comment from chori has got me suspicious oh come on you really think I’d buy that according to what I’ve heard from aaka her brother is someone who can juggle 10 different matters at the same time I’m sure you have other reasons for backing

Out perhaps aaka always said she wanted to go out and see more of the world just like the traveler true but I feel that she needs not only to see other nations but also to make some different kinds of friends I think it would be harder for

Her to make new connections with me constantly by her side oh I would like to give her some space sweet all right go on spoil her some more IO it’s too bad you’re stepping down from the rooll pman really wanted to see you act as a musketeer yeah me

Too no need to poke fun at me what I’d wager that you also felt that I wasn’t the best candidate for the role um you wager incorrectly it’s a little hard for Pon to imagine you saying those lines so are you going to get are you going to get

You’re going to go back to work yes I’ve made an appointment to meet some people from the pet meronia now I will have some more time to prepare traveler get the camera ready Pon get the Clopper board actors to your positions we’re about to start shooting

The first scene go on now and please take good care of aaka you got it don’t worry don’t put yourself down iato believe in yourself you can act too thank you I look forward to seeing the film when it’s finished truthfully this is like my worst nightmare I really do

Hate acting I I hate um like doing skits and stuff like the the gench and impact comedy show that was genuinely one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my career love grave you all right now that we’re all here let me help set the scene for

Everyone the first scene takes place when our two main characters are still living at the baron State they’ve been ostracized and verbally abused by others in the household but they still have no idea why we want to capture how naive and innocent they are despite their pain

Chevis will be playing the role of the older sister toip and aaka will be the younger sister Iris be sure to get closeups of the main characters at right moment silence on the set lights Camera Action let’s go chip mother’s been out for quite a while now perhaps she went to pick some

Flowers on the way home you know how she loves flowers Iris to LEAP I’m home uh mother you were out for so long we were beginning to worry about you I’m sorry but I’m back now safe and sound she looks like the same age as them I brought your favorite treat apple

Turnovers mother what are those bruises on your hand huh what bruises okay that wasn’t quite the zoom must have bumped into something while I was working yesterday it’s not quite what I was aiming for but I didn’t notice them this morning then perhaps they’re from when I accidentally tripped

When I was out just now by the the way did you have fun playing at home what’s the matter Iris focus on the general surroundings well we’ve realized that no one really wants to play with us they even took iris’s doll and spatted us and they even called us names he said we

Were I baby voice don’t worry girls listen to me ooh pin over all three characters zoom in for a close-up on each character I like the pan we haven’t had enough pans it doesn’t matter what anyone says closer don’t listen to them no one can Define you with such

Words you both have wonderful lives ahead of you just like your names you will both Blossom like beautiful flowers maybe your time to Blossom hasn’t quite come yet but one day you two will bloom more beautifully than anything else don’t let the soil urine now ruin your future Beauty

Understand my dear daughters and cut okay I hope I didn’t make any bad choices not bad the actor’s emotions were all on point let’s keep that take also if our claer could avoid shouting at the start of the scene next time I didn’t even notice oh got it that’s what the Clapper

For great I was a little worried that my nerves would get the better of me what about you chevas I felt fine the lines weren’t too difficult at all seems like finina must have adapted the role nicely you two were great I couldn’t tell it was your first time acting in a

Film you should have more confidence thank you for your encouragement positions everyone we’ll move on to the next scene after we try a few more camera angles oh angles oh no she didn’t like my camera angles The Clapper this scene is when our two characters return home only to

Discover their mother has been murdered it’s uh lights camera action uh it’s for organizing stuff so it’s to help it it it’s help it helps organize scenes because audio and video are recorded separately so when there’s The Clapper the reason that it’s that it makes a loud noise is

So when you’re editing there’s one like spike in audio that tells you like this is the moment that The Clapper hits and then you can in editing you can align that with the with like the correct image that’s why you show it and say it act one scene two take

Three then you can listen for that and see it on The Clapper that’s what’s for mother we’re back otherwise it’s very chaotic mother I may have made a short film in college what’s wrong tulip Iris stay away huh why M mother no not the T mother

She’s there’s poison in this cup huh I could have have sworn I’ve seen this kind of cup before those Aristocrats they didn’t even try to cover up their actions no NPC mommy dang they’re actually crying impressive Iris we need to leave this place leave but now that mother is

Gone where can we even go anywhere all I know is that we can’t stay in this house wow IA go crazy but are we just going to let them get away with this we’ll have our revenge I promise you just not right now come on let’s

Go no wait I must say my camera work is incredible we can’t just leave mother here like this at least at least let me leave this rose with her that’s why we went out in the first place to buy her this flower all right goodbye mother we’ll avenge

You someday and cut dang she giving no no breather between the two beautiful great performance or maybe it’s me skipping too quick oh my you’re so amazing aaka and those real tears I saw how did you do it I was surprised too thank you for the kind compliments actually as soon as director

Finina said action I told myself not to think about anything I just felt the weight of the moment and became the character she’s method acting it’s quite similar to practicing the art of the sword I’m on the L wait mind and focus only on what’s happening in front of you

Ayaka’s performance was amazing have I discovered an acting Prodigy a look at her coming out of her shell pipe down everyone we need to move on to the next scene okay Mom should have stayed dead shouldn’t commit to the part love my water outside huh are we done already but P wants to

Keep playing with The Clapper board no I want to go see iato and see what he’s up to for political reasons of course your arm sore from holding the camera all day good work you two you too sh you are quite the actress today gir’s going for another night without

Us I can’t take this I’ve read this novel many times before I good grasp of my character’s mindset anyway do you remember my request from yesterday yes investigation I totally forgot I mean I remember the whole time so much fun that pilot nearly forgot you have a case where the murders

Seem really similar to the cases in the novel right so uh how are they similar exactly I forer in the story the main characters grow up to become two musketeers always using their guns to carry out their Revenge it’s crazy I’m yawning right now

But as soon as I get my on Minecraft my eyes are going to I’m going to shoot open I’m going to not blink for 2 hours and on each of the victims they place a rainbow rose as a signal that they’ve returned yes that’s correct we found rainbow roses just like in the

Novel seems like you’re connecting the dots now oh that does sound pretty concerning especially after seeing the script today now pon can’t stop wondering what kind of ulterior motive the murderer might have uh what do you think traveler you’re smart P wants to hear your thoughts if we’re only here to assist

Then I think we can enjoin join the case yeah I wasn’t busy or going to do anything anyways good on behalf of fontaine’s special security and surveillance Patrol thank you for your dedication to Justice not like I was invited to a girls trip or anything so

There’s no time to lose we should start investigating right away follow me huh right now but we’ve just got down filming all day Pon so tired the most valuable Intel always comes after Nightfall they are like small remote islands in the middle of the sea if you

Don’t stay vigilant you will pass right by them in the fog that’s how one of my favorite books always puts it at least so where are we going right now let’s start by checking out some workshops that sell mechanical components if the culprit is making their own weapons it’s very likely that

They’ll visit those sort of places I don’t want to do this frankly maybe I don’t care about the investigation um just do you think the Nua is too op should they remove the healing from the balls to make it balanc is the healing stored in the

Balls um time it’s hard to say because I do have I have his C6 so I mean that’s no that’s not true I have a signature weapon so I oh I definitely thought fin was going to be up here um I don’t know I he is really

Strong but I don’t know if I think he he’s op cuz you do still have to build him properly to make him epic we been watching hoare oh good question I was going to and then I realized it was 2 hours and 15 minutes and I

Just you know I know I said time doesn’t exist during this week but I don’t have time for that maybe I’ll break it up into two but 2 and 1/2 hours is crazy I was considering staying up for it cuz I was like Adventure Time getting

Remotely tired but I it was like 60 or something minutes an hour until the the uh did I finish part two no we’re still in part two okay I’ll probably just do this part then and then switch to Minecraft uh uh Adventure Time can I buy anything from you actually no yeah but I would have been miserable if I if I had stayed up and watched it live welcome to L Show’s Clockwork Workshop how can I help you he’s very easy to build too true hello I’d like to know if anyone has purchased some

Special components lately yeah I don’t think I don’t know if I can fully answer if I think he’s op cuz I run him with other five stars and with his signature weapon so I feel my mine is really strong but special components sorry could you be more

Specific I mean the kind of components that aren’t typically used for Clockwork toys but for firearms huh for firearms no no we don’t sell those sort of things here or just watch the most popular ones don’t misunderstand I’m not here to cause any trouble we are merely investigating a

Case and we’re hoping that you could cooperate well to be completely honest I’m not even sure what kind of components that would entail you know what I could do is I’ll put um I’ll make a channel in Discord to in the in the Hoya section and I’ll call it like best

Of hoare and people can just post if you if you have one that you really like you want me to see you can post it in the hoare one has anyone ever purched components here as an individual rather than on behalf of an organization we

Have a lot of customers who buy toys but those who buy components are all regular customers who buy in bulk on behalf of their organization H is that so I understand thank you for your cooperation ation you’re welcome it’s the least I can do if anyone genon would be qualified as

Op who do you think it’d be hard to I’m probably jungling Benny’s Adventure it’s just the problem with shling is that she’s so hard to replace her kid is so simple and so powerful that she like I would love to use other characters Adventure Time but

It’s like if you’re not using shling on certain teams it’s it’s like net negative almost no matter who you put in for her Chang Lang I would say Singo is definitely overpowered the fact that you can his his Auto attacks trigger his like uh old swords without having to hit anything that’s

Crazy that’s crazy I just I mean they were there when the the game was released and they haven’t been powerc at all crazy surely arino run out of hello Estelle I want to know if anyone has come to your shop recently to order some firearm components oh is this another case h let

Me think Estelle love her I don’t think so some people have requested that I make some prop guns for the falia film festival was I refused all of those requests oh why is that because there’s no profit I only make things here that can do some real heavy lifting I don’t

Have the energy to make some new molds just for the festival I feel like her design is really good like if you were to make 3D versions of this like turn this into 3D and maybe add a little bit of you know Pizzazz give her a unique

Face I feel like she would Estelle would be a great playable character then has anybody come specifically looking for mechanical components well like her fits kind of cool I usually sell off my scrap to the flra I don’t typically give them to one specific person if she was playable youd

Take they would take probably 3 in off her skirt for one they probably put some kind of like diamond Inlet little cutout right here the bow would be bigger probably the sleeves would be more dramatic probably a stronger puff is it Empire I can’t remember what the shape

Is um the tights would be more translucent most likely and then yeah I mean tighten up like the waist details a little bit you’ve got a playable character oh yeah her heels would be at least 2 inch higher she they take the two inches from

The skirt and put it on the heels I understand thanks for your cooperation I mean look look what’s that don’t mention it always happy to have the Musketeers patronage seems like we haven’t found any leads to go off yet yeah unfortunately she’ probably have some kind of hammer let’s head oops are you

Sure uh people might not be so thrilled to see the captain of the special Patrol there you think so huh then I guess you don’t know huh know what what that I grew up in F Adventure Time oh well that’s cool she grew up down

Here okay I wasn’t sure if I was going to hit the hit that level this one please pleas there’s a lot that you don’t know Pon Adventure Time hello I’d like to ask some questions imagine if Pon was playable um um well if she ever reveals her true self which do think there is such a thing I would anticipate we will get a playable Pon at some point but it will not be this Pon I don’t know anything

Don’t worry I’m not here to arrest anybody you say True Form Pon it’s the truth here take they probably a different name to wait did P just see what she thinks she saw is the captain of the special Patrol bribing a citizen keep your lips sealed and no one

Will ever know it’s called buying info seems you’re different from the other guards what do you want to know have you heard anything related to muskets in flu of sandre lately anything at all imagine how annoying her combat lines would be I would prefer not to

Musk huh pass all I know is that about 2 weeks ago we started hearing some loud noises at night so loud that it’s been waking me up were they gunshots possibly it’s hard to tell around here someone’s house collapsing a pipe exploding somewhere it’s all the same but the noises I’m talking about

Definitely happened after I fell asleep do you know where the noises were coming from I’m on Deal one I don’t remember clearly good is it that you don’t remember or that you need to think about it some more you tell me ah Emerald you slide dog then please think about it some

More she’s giving her even more MOA I didn’t see anything noises came from the end of the Southern Waterway I came out and had a look for myself and I wasn’t sleeping well but I didn’t dare get too close listen she’s living in poverty okay let her get her back that’s all I

Know all right I’ll take your word for it thanks for the PT free bet you’re free disliking a pun no no cut the cameras cut the cameras no need to be surprised I grew up here remember I know how to get people around here to talk my apologies

I’m all out of sweets though I do have some other tempting snacks in my custody fries fried chicken and even onion rings sounds good literally not me literally opening door Dash right now that’s me that’s how I feel Fri oh good which is so ridiculous because I made a gorgeous steak

Tonight it’s thick juicy and rare more like medium so good but fries fried chicken but taking care of junk food is my responsibility you’re better off sticking to your normal nutritious diet now then let’s keep going fine Five Guys fries o I think the Five Guys near me is about to close

C when do you open when do you close oh open till 9:30 good things come to those who don’t wait around that’s what they say anyway okay I need to convince myself out of it the opposite is probably true for me no no no I don’t need it I’m going to feel

Gross after I eat it there’s food in the kitchen right now I could I could eat up a bowl of mac and cheese also Fries Are Never As Good when they get to your house because they’ve had to sit in the back for their during the peak of their life which is like

Between uh 5 to 15 minutes after they leave the oven so I’d be getting it like kind of a BC tier fry experience anyways and I could I’m going out tomorrow so I if I still want fries I can get it tomorrow easy done it’s been a while

Please just get on with your request it’s New Year’s Eve it’s not New Year’s Eve for me yet it’s uh it’s it’s still the 30th I want to know if you’ve heard anybody talking about muskets lately tomorrow most New Year’s Eve yeah I’m going to feel gross in the

Morning free you know I’ve heard that Bandits have been extremely active in the countryside recently and they’ve been affecting the delivery of goods to Pon I can allocate some more manpower to help out with that problem what do you say you’re strong I’m writing this down next time I crave

Fries it’s like I don’t know it would likely be the close to the last thing I ate today and I know if I eat that before I go to bed I’m not going to feel good in the morning you’re still as helpful as ever one of our men got drunk

At dinner about a month ago and lost hisone still sound good 3 days later it turned up in the corner here what’s weird about that he just forgot where he put it right this is FL Sandra my friend fandra anything of value left in the tavern

Won’t ever make it to the next day but that gun turned out to be an exception it didn’t get any new wear and tear on it and didn’t even appear to have been fired we were quite mystified as to what could have happened I suspect it came back because the weapon was

Already known to the guards you mean a criminal was afraid the marose Phantom would use the shot marks to track them down maybe but if that had gun the culprit really took great care to avoid getting caught I didn’t say anything about a criminal uh in flu Sandra knowing who

Was killed is as easy as knowing what clothes you’re wearing today dang y’all should move surely there’s some kind of like get up and get out program for surely surely we they solve the the crisis of the prophecy but they can’t get these people out of the sewers that’s

Crazy I just I’m just advocating for the fries so I can live vicariously through I’m 45 minutes away from anywhere that serves fries right now that is sad bad I’m so sorry it’s the guy living in the east side isn’t it it’s just it’s not going to be that good compared to what

It could be time he’s here he just orders a drink sits there with a nasty look in his eyes so who is the one who lost the gun in the first place I’m not saying no I’m just delaying it delayed gratification yeah don’t bother even if

You asked he wouldn’t admit to owning a gun to some strangers not to mention the captain of the special security and surveillance Patrol he’s right I know you grew up here chuus even though you’re on good terms with the Spina you’ve still been gone too long not many people know you here

Now and a lot of people don’t like the special Patrol I thought she was sitting on her hair so long I know so take my advice and don’t show your face too much around here dang it’s for your own safety she left the slums and became a

Copper I’ll come and go as I please and I’m afraid I’ll be appearing more often due to my work if you had an air fryer you’ll be 5 minutes away from Fri true you can make really good fries in an air fryer wait do I have

Potatoes I don’t I think I only have frozen fries but those are like that’s not really what I want I don’t really want frozen fries but if like you you slice up some some uh some uh freaking you know like um some some potatoes some rusted potatoes you soak them in

Water for uh like 40 minutes let them dry out a little bit of oil salt pepper or actually probably use like a seasoning salt and put them in an air fryer dang air frying is just baking yes and no it’s like closer to like a convection oven but you can use less you

Can use less oil with an air fryer which is part of the benefit of it and why people use it however should be careful not to get one with Teflon and if you do do not scrape it while you’re cleaning it and if you

Do scrape it get rid of it all make sick hope you enjoy this evented Steph being one of my faves no good thank you for the 18 months gen you garlic powder onion powder facts I’m also thinking about other things I could have instead like I have I bought an olive

Loaf at uh Whole Foods the other day because they have like a really nice they have a really nice like Bakery section I actually wanted a rosemary loaf but it was so busy it was already night time so they didn’t have any but I

Got an olive loaf and it’s so good so I can make that with some like toast ITP olive oil Oran salt New Year everyonee stay safe when celebrating less than three where am I going I don’t know dang it got so excited when I see the grocery

Section in the US yall have thought of everything convenient that is true that’s true your time I also found out Big W I made uh I made hot pot last night however I wasn’t able to get wagu last minute uh I was able to get wagu ribey which is like the really fatty

Marbled stuff I was able to get wagu to sing Waggy soing and it was all quite good but I found out the butcher near me is able to order in like the type of wagy you’d want for a hot pot and I’m very excited although it is

Really expensive so it’s like a once in a while type of thing but I’m psyed what’s all this some broken planks and barrels as well as some liquor bottles yes but have a closer look Pimon H even though somebody has purposefully tried to clean them up these are obviously marks from musket

Bullets the Spackle ain’t going to fix that one in other words someone was here trying to improve their shot they were using the Barrels and Bottles for target practice could it have been the killer dang that’s not that far off from where everyone lives your guess is as good as

Mine Al Sandra own guns few hide the fact from others and even fewer would go to such lengths to hide markings from practice shots yeah it’s definitely like a special treat type of thing fortunately I don’t have like a big Japanese Market or Chinese market so I can’t get the precut stuff anyway

Let’s go there might be more to this from the butcher directly is probably like the most cost effective way to get it but yeah it’s definitely like a special treat type of thing way more expensive than just going up seems like that’s all we’ll be able to uncover for today happy birth Jung

Le happy birthday to you Ooo wish I could whistle wow why they like this oh this is his skin but without the jacket on I mean skin not skin this is the outfit that they won’t give us but without the the the jacket H that’s so that’s so give us skin give us the skin it’s so

Welld designed man surely this this kind of gives the impression that they intend to make this a skin but I don’t know my birthday don’t hon feels like we managed to learn a lot more here than up on the surface his old outfit in the back oh yeah you

Could see it come on come on you have to be implying that that we’re getting this as a skin right why go through all the effort to design not just the finished skin but the under layer noty teing me teasing me yes assuming that everything we found

Is indeed connected to our suspect then their timeline was probably something like this I will release a 100 sh lanterns for that skin a month ago our suspect found a gun and took it home to disassemble it once he’d figured out its mechanics he brought it back in the

Following weeks he used some parts to create his own makeshift musket and took it to the flu of Sandra for target practice then a few days ago he found his Target and carried out the murder once the deed was done he left a rainbow rose on the body just like the scene in

The novel cring it all makes sense to Pimon but we’re still no closer to figuring out the Killer’s identity the deceased was a resident of FL Sandra it’s said that he was a poor solitary man but if we’re following the novel shouldn’t the guy have been a nobleman yeah that’s

Also something I’m trying to figure out if we are indeed following the novel and there’s a story behind the murder then this murder should be an act of Vengeance but according to our investigation the deceased didn’t have any enemies he was no saint but no one’s

Heard of a rival who hated him enough to shoot him dead much less care to leave a rose on his body what message is the killer trying to convey and to whom exactly could they be the novelist we’ve thoroughly investigated that possibility he claims to have spent the whole day at

The Opera House on the day of the murder and the staff there have confirmed his account okay so he has an alibi not only that he lacks a credible motive as well he has a family of his own and both of his parents are still alive I’ve looked

Into his records he was adopted at the age of six and all the proper procedures were followed there are also records of him at an orphanage before then in the story the mother of the two mus was murdered after the children turned 10 of course he could have changed the

Children’s ages but I don’t want to assume anything without evidence more importantly I’ve also had a chat with him in person he didn’t seem like the kind of person who would pull the trigger to kill a man then what should we do now we have all this new

Information but it doesn’t help us move forward investigations take time I didn’t expect us to catch the culprit in just a single day how about this let’s spend the next few days filming with the crew we can continue the investigation once we’re done with the film I’m sure

That given time New Leads will present themselves wait but weren’t you saying Intel is like small remote islands in the middle of the sea just a moment ago wouldn’t you just miss them if you were to stop looking ah but the book had more than one reference to the islands Pimon oh

What else did it say then as long as you spend enough time sailing through the fog you’ll eventually come across an island interesting well in typical dish fashion I did I did spend an hour on one act so I bro I will not be doing act three

To today but I will talk to the characters if you guys know where they are never thought that the captain of the security and surveillance Patrol could come from the flu Sandra I have to say I’m pretty shocked honestly I’m pretty shocked too there used to be a

Time when I thought I would never be able to join the guards but as long as you can distinguish yourself through your accomplishments and skills you’ll eventually be recognized for your worth if you look at it another way my life at FFF Sandra has actually taught me a lot

Of valuable skills skills like how to barter with criminals or how to to think in their shoes no NPCs this time of course I’d appreciate it if you could keep this a secret between us no I a why don’t they put them on the map where are

They yeah we’re aaka and Y Mia having a good time without me yeah so love genin love genin so much love genin I do but I love Minecraft my love is divided I wonder what I wonder what Jake does when one of his uh you know he must

Log in to his Minecraft every day and one of his mods is broken it must just be part of his routine like updating his mods I have the minimum the bare minimum honestly put them on the map M I need the max win all right let’s see what my day list has for

Me what are we rocking with Solitude beats Majestic Saturday evening Oh night core okay I can I think I can work with that ow so red it’s very minecrafty Sims 4 oh yeah there was a time that I was potentially going to do a Sim spawn con and I honestly still would if I had more time but I I couldn’t get

Familiar game of the year I couldn’t get familiar with how to play it enough in order to like make a good ad D aren’t available in the Philippines what that’s C okay NOP no no no how do you oh shaders sers switching the sers shaders let me grab my water though Minecraft I’m not going to say it I’m not goingon to say it am thinking it but I’m not saying it hi hello I said see I said it’ be on I’m still on yeah wait you did I did when did you say That what are you saying when did you say that what I said it said it on stream oh you did oh I missed yeah you were like you were like pull yourself together I like I will be on promise I don’t remember that I just remember your

Stream ending abruptly and then oh this the internet yeah oh were you having problems yeah yep internet cut out stream Ed oh yep what you doing I’m building my house really yeah never thought I’d see the day I have to mine wood what kind Oak Wood Oak that’s not so bad too

BR sorry that um did you play saw you playing a quest what event was it uh the new one or the current one oh film film event okay is this still lacking symmetry I’m tweaking about this roof I’m still tweaking about this camel eat cacti the inside of a camel’s mouth is crazy

Why cuz it’s strong you like Zer shaders you don’t like it I do oh yeah they’re nice let me tell you something H rethinking voxel’s beta what’s that very great Shader if adjusted correctly Li [ __ ] color lighting I do like how you kind of see like an aurora looking

Thing in the in the end oh I want to I want to go to the Ender the farm yeah it’s foolproof now you can’t jump off unless you mine well mostly referring to [Laughter] me I’m still kind of tweaking about my house trying to figure out why it

Doesn’t look the way I see it in my brain oh I see I’m going to figure it out why so help me I will figure it out you will you it an Aly H I’m going to kill all your animals are you talking to me yeah why oh my God Instant Karma almost

Struck me Mur you the creeper just walked into my house what the [ __ ] good honestly deserved that was definitely deserved deserved secki yes did you sleep today I slep all day I feel I feel better okay good God Jesus I woke up and I you know I usually

Wake up and play Minecraft but today I was like I cannot sit up so I just laid in bed all day I can’t sit yeah I couldn’t it up I have so much but now I feel better my back was hurting and like yeah you need help I already went to the

Doctor went to the doctor over Minecraft oh not over Minecraft what are you talking about it’s in general oh good for you I haven’t had a check up in like three years me too that’s how I went I raise you um probably six damn actually never mind I see

Doors why is that a different color can Shuler boxes be different colors yeah you can D that oh yeah but like I’m looking at two right next to each other and one’s pink and one’s purple but not yeah whatever I accept it my delusion Bal busting there she is if you still want

The Ally just let me know oh I do I do definitely but I’m going to keep working on my my house for now okay I will come to you okay finally I got enough dark oak to work with one of them is okay but I found that having multiple is really [ __ ]

Annoying cuz they just like they talk a lot huh yeah one is okay but like having a like nine or whatever I have I don’t know eight 10 it’s really annoying okay got it me two is okay black stone I’m so old now I get sleepy at 800m

That’s normal bro that’s not that’s not normal a APM noral for you um I mean okay my doctor literally said 8m Till 1: a.m. when you’re go sleep or something it’s like prime time to go to sleep I don’t give a [ __ ] about your do give a [ __ ] about about what I don’t

Know okay I’m GNA figure out this what’s wrong I have a fat ass syndrome it sucks sorry I do hope that that uh hope that you get better okay well soon do you plan any texture details of dirt but yeah I just haven’t gotten to that

Yet I got big plans people once I finished my house I’ve I this all is very unfinished I am going to change all this out and uh find a meow of I’m going to make a cute little bedroom various flowers and then kidnap the all um does the meadow have any

Exclusive flowers feel like it doesn’t I don’t know but the I don’t know about that my tiny little vine farm I should just grow more but I just I thought that your uh cover was premiering last night so I like woke up I checked I checked your channel and I

Was like oh I’m sorry dang I think since you posted about it last night like oh it’s time nope I’m sorry that sorry that you made the choice to do that okay D I didn’t wake up early for it I just checked my I just checked Listen I I support you but I waking up at 6 a.m. I’d wake up at 6 a.m. for for yourself no if you if you did something C I don’t believe you what I don’t believe you okay do something see what happened you won’t even you won’t even do anything at 6

A.m. I released all my videos at 6: a.m. what do you mean okay so do I okay so what are we talking about here so do a concert at 6 con yeah [ __ ] broke my Ender Chest yep a you broke your Ender Chest no Bob is saying in the chat

Diseased oh what happens is is it over if you do that no no no no it’s just annoying to make oh I [Laughter] see not I’m diseased he’s diseased hello oh there he is I find it so funny how you say I’m diseased it’s so funny I need to sleep

Are you good I’m doing a 24hour tomorrow I’ve said for the last two to three days I’m going to do short stream so I could reset my sleep schedule but I kept streaming 7 to nine hours every day anyways so yes that is a streaming energy that

Some people would kill to have yeah me I got four of five hours in me I got two I don’t blame you some of it’s like crazy sounds like it had really good story bro Black Swan voices one of the characters in the game I played what the

[ __ ] that’s crazy you can’t you can’t find her name under it because like so it’s like an arrow gay right so which is like it’s like a VN with like some Saucy scenes but um some voice actresses don’t like their names tied to it so they yeah that makes yeah they use pseudonyms

Interesting I need to Max what is what is your um Spotify day list cooking for you guys right now what do you mean dayl I don’t day list it’s like a it’s a uh it changes like a couple times a day but it’s a playlist that keeps curating based on like what you

Typically listen to at that time during the day oh yes I have [ __ ] fire you haven’t been using day I’m shocked also I didn’t call spotify’s algorithm kind of sucks booty hole not going to lie really it doesn’t has they just recycle the same [ __ ] over and over

Again with like if I’m on a radio or looking for something it’s like dude I have liked it I’ve liked alist found a lot of new music that way yeah I need a Max one like a playlist that you make with all the songs that you’re listening to currently no you

Don’t make it it makes for you and it changes every day I need to Max I want that I need to Max wi so funny I can’t stop saying it it’s so funny what is that I need the max I need the max wi this Drake Drizzy oh Drizzy the way he

Switches he switches from like like his lower vocal register to like his he goes up like an entire octave what he say he says I need the max we he’s a millionaire who thank people for yeah that was great that was the same stream he’s B he also likes

Anime does he really Drake is that guy okay will submit to meak actually yeah stupid that’s actually true damn really makes you think who’s going to be Drake in this world and who’s going to be a Kanye are you a drake or are you you going to be a

Kanye be a I see you going either way what damn who’s David Chael I know the name but you just said David chel Dave chel I know his name but I don’t know who he is saki what I question your age I feel like you’re like 10 what 10 that’s crazy saying that’s

What I’m saying that’s crazy what the [ __ ] there’s no way you don’t know Dave Chappelle I don’t know who he is need to rethink our friendship it what way everywh he a really funny comedian he’s like oh a lot of people consider him to be like the best standup comedian of like this

Generation oh I am literally tweaking um okay TW I am I am Minecraft ceiling block physics and limitations is going to make me twe okay okay to break on the roof of the ne dark again there used to be a bug but I don’t know if it’s patched but there I got through

It to make the gold uh gold Farm but I want I want to break the Bedrock so we could just walk through the nether instead of go through Overworld you probably break it I think there’s a video but I don’t know if it’s dated it’s dark do we sleep is that winnable right

Now yeah is that is that winnable well sometimes people are in on excursions or AFK or AFK I need to Max win what the [ __ ] does it even mean like I don’t know what song it’s from it’s the beauty of it doesn’t need to mean anything it’s so [ __ ] like

What I need a Max wi I think it’s uh I think it’s about gambling isn’t it pretty sure bro I was going to make the creeper farm and then after making this gold Farm I looked at it I’m like I don’t dude the creeper Farm is like probably

The most tedious one to be fair f pain in the ass maybe I make most serious part about the creeper Farm is the cats yeah I don’t even know how you get cats up there they just tpd you what oh really wait what yeah you go out of their range they just TP

So I need to Max win yeah yeah if you make a platform for them to like TP on we just spun I’m just doing what feels right and if it’s garbell we’ll go back in top searches this month regarding genin impact YouTube what to do in genin Impact oh no

That is not what I need to hear right now don’t spend money you tell impact multiplayer gameplay oh mea L there’s gen impact beautiful places H true what like I need to watch like a deep dive on how stair placing works it’s like a different result every

Single time you have to face the way dire yeah yeah like that is why I’m tweaking caral direction is the pain okay I think I got it I was trying to do the roof of my house in the beginning when we started playing and I didn’t know how Minecraft

Worked and it was took me so long hey my scaffolding is not placing I nether finally like I’m going to do all this work and it’s still not going to be right it’s okay it’s fine fine fine no it will be epic it will be [ __ ] epic I need 44 levels to go

I think I’d be over 100 if I didn’t die earlier I died at level 60 something I was talking about 78 now oh wait did you me house oh God did you get back all your stuff oh yeah I got my stuff okay nice I need I need a Max win

Guys I need it 2024 Max wins only Max wins only hey feel like I’m going to zoom out after all this work and it’s still going to be wrong is art ever wrong yes okay fair enough and it doesn’t match my vision then yes same something you created I’m

Googling oh I meant to there’s someone named Dr Anita win now they just Max in their middle name we must put together the pieces surely there is a reason for all of thisit I see what’s wrong in Virginia Virginia Max when know she almost has the name she doesn’t know her true power What is P 51 blocks of gold a funny emote I need my game crashed that hasn’t happened in a while okay okay okay okay okay wait a minute all good just a week ago crew at my house and we party every week or so what that doesn’t look like it’s supposed to be

There my dayl this evening is called anime Japanese beats evening I want to see mine wait cuz I would look at my Discover weekly a lot but I didn’t know there was a dayl I like day list better than discover weekly because it mixes in songs that

You know to and songs that you don’t know although sometimes the recks are still kind of booty but has his moments mine is cold I can’t put powerful 170 BPM night okay 170 BPM what does that mean what the [ __ ] you listening to it 170 B what does that mean beats per

Minute beat per minute that’s a lot of [ __ ] beats bro that’s oh I know you’re like that the evening play music games but you don’t know what BPM means yeah you play project assume so I just wanted to if this is something specific cuz that’s not present on this

One the only block is in the middle so I think I just need to remove this and this would be disappointed right why why yeah yeah I don’t know why I put those there honestly guess you would just you failed her no you know that wait what mik is married Miku is married

You don’t actually know there’s a Japanese man who had a full wedding with Huts oh I know that yeah I know that doesn’t mean she consented okay agreed to that got a point well that wedding was yeah you watched it you read it you watched it I didn’t watch watch I

Watched a video there were like it was like footage from it it’s like there were other adult men with their e dolls or something gosh dolls no they weren’t like weird dolls they were just like literally just like of their like favorite anime girl like fully just like made dos that’s so

Gross that still does not beat this other dude in Japan whose dream was to be become a dog and got a holy [ __ ] you saw did you see that one yeah yeah yeah yeah I’ve seen that that’s like it’s like a $10,000 dog suit that he paid for it’s kind of insane

Yeah and he active and he met someone who like accept him for what he likes and she like wants him oh I well I guess they’re both not listening to this it’s called true love Japan’s crazy yeah I disassociating myself from this conversation you know that Meme where

It’s like the more you know it never hurts to know more stuff uh big the differ on that exposure is important and causes things in people I think it’s the way you accept it depends how you like take the knowledge and use it for greater good you know brain archives it it’s

Like okay B boob that’s another fact I know like that you know I think that’s fine if you like let it affect you you know it’s like oh [ __ ] they also have to consider the age and maturity level of the person who’s hearing it yeah true in in theory fob

Impressionability if if a person is like perfect mental they like are growing to become the best person they could possibly be yeah anything they can learn useful barely that was my out growing in life I was always like [ __ ] I just want to know everything that’s why I know like the most stupid

[ __ ] interesting however if you’re on the other side of that sometimes you precaution you know you never know if like you get kidnapped and they’re like we’ll let you go if you answered this and it’s like nowhere that is not that was on the use case I was mad

I haven’t even seen a movie with that plot bro but like what if you know you never know what if you got kidnapped by like I don’t know some the [ __ ] Riddler who who did not say who she said who n get out of here you’re not [Laughter]

Human how you actually never heard the river though I don’t know I’m in a different part of the internet than you guys oh but there’s such a massive meme with the Riddler like does he know oh yeah I don’t know that you’ve seen it before though you

Have 100% seen you definitely seen the guy with the glasses on and I think it’s like a thing where like if you saw it then you would recognize it oh okay okay yeah I love this song have I just been staring at it for too long because it if

I look away and like look back it doesn’t look I need more visual novels with fourth wall break not quite right dude I’m obsessed now we should make one bro I don’t know how someone makees like the game I just played has so many things that are like insane like how did

They think of these you have to like like I might have just sacrifice your life to something you love so much than right about it yeah and but you also have to think what is every other possible like thing that someone else could also attempt to do within that thing you

Love okay let’s try this perspective writing that’s crazy I would do that books oh [ __ ] that reminds me oh yeah you have a day brother you know what I’ll tomorrow I will not game I will read all day okay I totally believe you thanks for totally you got in read B boys and

Girls they make you smarter take it from us Geniuses yeah if anyone can set you straight yeah we’re all we’re all uh okay besides a person who doesn’t know who de chaella but huh I’m just kidding huh I feel like I’m like that with actors like I never know who’s actors I don’t

Care about actors names so I just I might have seen like five movies with one actor but you say their name I won’t I won’t know who they are but then what if you like really liked how they perform don’t you want to like watch other films that they might have acted

In yeah so I have like you know I have like favorite actors but I just like Robert Downey TR Robert dowy that’s collection is insane though his what he a watch watch collector yeah he’s a oh really I didn’t know that yeah Robert Downey’s cool um I mean

His early life isn’t very cool but I I think it’s cool that he like but he like came back you know like he did that yeah exactly he was deep in the drugs yeah oh I see but he he you know they were going to do like a

A Joshua just told me this the other day they were going to do like a comic book Run for the second Iron Man movie that involved like a alcohol addiction but he his wife didn’t want him to do it because he she was afraid it might like trigger him trigger him to like

Sink back into alcohol abas that’s the thing though it’s such a perfect um casting like Tony you actually read the comics like he is just obscenely just yeah a severe alcoholic like he’s bad goes like ups and downs heavily and then bounces back yeah apparently it would have been a great

Movie yeah yeah maybe in a some future iteration of Iron Man not the alcohol addiction but I didn’t think you meant that I just had to to clarify Marvel’s in the poop now they just make poop all the time dude yeah did you watch what if what that’s TV show I’m talking about

Cinematic some the TV shows are good too Loki was great the TV shows are good that’s what I’m saying the TV shows have been good it’s some movies that are just what are they making it’s cuz like I don’t know they like the Marvel’s that

Is that the newest one oh the Marvel is not good disappointingly I wanted it to be bother watching it cuz I could clearly tell that there just they’re just putting get there so much [ __ ] for no reason yeah it’s sad because of Disney Disney does ruin a lot

Of good potentially really good moments oh I don’t want to talk about it I like the Mandalorian yeah mandalorian’s I I think it kind of lost the plot like uh I haven’t seen season 2 honestly that’s not so bad season 1 was fantastic it was so good I have back

Problems I’m so annoyed I paid I I got a headrest for the my chair and I like paid extra for expedited shipping I was like yeah I’m I’m like the hours I really need this ASAP and then um I got an email that was like okay so production time on this is

Uh 5 to 6 weeks so we’ll keep you updated when your order ships wait stupid what what had rest was it Atlas yeah Atlas that was the only way I could find is it good I for the EMB body right yeah for embody yeah mine came in a couple weeks ago finally takes

A long time to [ __ ] it is it works perfectly as a headest but I will say great uh didn’t fix my problem though but it it definitely what’s your problem really it’s in my back it’s on my neck at this point I’m just [ __ ] [ __ ] up he’s

Freaking freaked up got to put aing in there freaked my [ __ ] crazy style yeah true no but it’s a really good headrest it’s so flexible too it’s really really flexible uh only issue is getting it in is a little bit like finicky but once you get it in it’s like

Perfect okay cool thank you validated my purchase yep you made a good purch only I had not paid extra like 35 or no 25 bucks for no reason like five bobas had Boba today you did yeah I haven’t had in a long time here do what actually never mind I was

Going to ask what bbba place you get your you order from but cuz I cuz the place we ordered from when we were all there was like minimum like $11 per Bubba per drink and I was like this is this is like the most La thing I’ve ever seen that’s pretty messed up

Man pretty freaked up PR freak ha I fell in my trap I’m not going to say [ __ ] anymore say freak I have a distinct memory of you saying this in the past no you don’t no no you don’t not because I remember I remember laughing at you and

Then and then I cuz I almost laugh just now and then I held it in instead there they jum or something what’s your reason though what’s your why I don’t know I just think it’s kind of vulgar I mean it is but like it is it

Is vul I think I can like do better and if I can do better in just some way at least it’s in some way basically well I will say I think it’s I think swearing is like easy comedy like it’s an easy way to make people

Laugh so if you cut off on swearing you know you could you could force yourself to be a bit more creative oh no I’ve fallen into my trap myab is the issue I don’t I don’t even do it to be funny can’t help it just got to find a different word you

Know yeah start substituting it like I need Max I need Max [ __ ] I say mother [ __ ] and it’s like you know and that’s better how it’s funnier it just feels better fun it feels better it’s like you mother [ __ ] I don’t even know what that means yeah me

Neither just sounds different they would have a rose I need red it’s empty you can use poppies poppies are red yes all right I think I see what I did wrong sorry um not poppies is it poppies wait let me check you F crazy it’s that typical red flower oh yeah it’s a

Poppy you know what I think who’s villagers got the carrots or the apples mine about to make villagers [ __ ] goated I’m about to make like three stacks of gold apples dude yeah he’s like Juiced the freak up man you can he’s at my Cobble Farm all right I have like five stacks

Of gold carrots so I’m good I say like sexual content is also easy comedy I’m I’m muted I’m just talking to you guys hey I found a poppy they red like comedians that can do full sets without without making like crude sexual jokes that just like you

Force you to laugh basically I respect that a lot I might just build another house next you should to do the Tower of Sauron dude build you want to build Airship with me Airship like a flying Airship I don’t that’ be sick and only people with

Elytra wait I don’t have an elyra dude no new projects no new projects yet oh yeah I got to finish got finish finish your house for goodness sake what the Bro there’s a crazy looking you started turning into a musical the [ __ ] I started falling I fell

Unexpectedly is that saki you have a crazy Mountain next to you looking like Mount Fuji over here which mountain that I don’t know the mountain you’re literally right next to that’s a Snow Mountain oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think it has a name I don’t know what to call it I’ve

Tried to explore there I forgot what I have only explored a little bit kind of looks crazy kind of looks like a crater on the top there’s a crater on the top it looks like it let’s add a meteorite mod yo wait I think that server side ought to

Has to do that yeah just give me perms bro I can add some sick ass muds oh [ __ ] would not let you hey bro he should cuz he doesn’t even play this game anymore it’s cuz he’s moving he’ll come back yeah that’s not fair yeah that’s true

That is true okay how much want a bet will actually come back and play oh yeah how much want to beted he’s not going to actually cuz I I don’t see ATU actually building anything say that’s that’s the issue like after end game it’s like there’s a certain part of Minecraft that

Requires you to like want to make your own projects regarding or even if it’s like a small house or a farm or anything he like doesn’t build I believe I think it’s also cuz he has God power no he that’s not a reason he should just not use

It should never use that evil power well he does it’s started with you started with wonder why yeah so what do you mean so you probably have to wait one day Saki and we probably would have found a sock R biome anyways yeah would be so

Sure exactly found it the next day no way should have never opened up the floodgates that’s his problem not mine yeah I mean she asked for it but he he did it so he was planning on doing [ __ ] like that anyways was real yeah that’s what I’m

Saying freak have I done what the freak we got a bed in the Villager place or villager um Jake yeah there’s actually beds in one of those chests I’m pretty sure that you can just yoink no no I mean uh does your villager have a bed oh

Yeah he’s got he’s got a bit in there okay okay should be [ __ ] won’t trade me more apples Mor on him [ __ ] you milked him bro wait Jake can’t we just like whip out our elytras and go find an elytra in the yeah true yeah I just haven’t got on the

End yet I need some practice though with the elytra I’m scared I’m Pro as long as I have one equipped the only time I fell and died is because I forgot to equip it again yeah you got off lucky I made the bro you made the biggest mistake the timate mistake [ __ ] lost

Everything I like just sat there in awe and then I immediately was like all right I know what to do and I started grinding in the nether for nether yeah did you did you get all your enchantments back oh yeah I it was really easy cuz at that time I finished

The Enderman farm so I got like 100 Levels okay yeah yeah all right I got it this time first sure I got it this time yep I don’t I bro I I was on the cusp of quitting today not quitting but like I was just

Going to take a break and Lily was like oh my God you almost quit I almost quit after I killed my panda panda yeah that’s fny I also transported a mushroom and it died by creeper that’s brazy bad farmer me oh oh yeah I’m not a farmer

I’m a breeder bad breeder should protect your protect your animals I was trying call him Peta on your [Laughter] ass it’s hard tell that to the judge bro I’m I’m so I can’t believe I accidentally broke my [ __ ] Ender Chest without the silk touch it’s annoying I mean it’s not hard to make

Again but it’s just annoying all right I’m going to the end then going to find you one this should be like quick as [ __ ] too oh wait [ __ ] I’m just going to go to way ATU and Seline and I went cuz I don’t know where you guys went we went West did someone

Go north I’m assuming someone went North you guys went South right yeah we went we went so I think we haven’t explored North or east yet oh okay I might go is there even a East yeah the what do you mean uh okay I I thought we spawned in the East and

Then everything was to the West oh is that how that works I think so oh what the heck damn that’s not very Progressive of Minecraft is there anything in the end that could kill me besides me falling to my death yeah that lag probably not okay

I’m good I have two stacks of fire oh if you go too high you also die wait that can’t be real Is that real it’s real yeah that’s why like if you get hit by the shulkers and you start floating you might float to your death really what’s

The Y for end death I have no idea oh [ __ ] I might look it up before I go okay what I need to figure out is what to put here here in between the Sher boxes really do make you go so high I was kind of scared I the

Max like with the way that this is there’s no way for me to oh cuz here I have three right like I have three off I have three top blocks here I only have one I don’t know either so here I have two and then the stairs and the stairs on either

Side I’m trying to do that here but that’s giving me one too many like blank spaces so I tried to do just the plank but that didn’t really look good good right y coordinate I want it to be kind of symmetrical in the end I mean I guess I could just

Fine what do you mean an over just trying to figure out 255 is the top of I think the plank is the right answer it just it didn’t look the way I wanted it to multiple days spent on this roof what stay under 255 okay let me just finish it and see how

It looks BR my dumb ass is going to be flying at like 250 and Sher Snipes me from like nowhere and I just die that’s [ __ ] many moons have passed I’m working on this roof you can hold the course for and eat it and it teleport you to ground oh yeah true I’m

G pick a bunch of those this is it as long as there’s something below you yeah if it’s just void you’re [ __ ] wait if there’s void does it t I don’t think it TP you to the void it can only go to a surface so probably not TP science I need

Anita Anita go get set we need to Max wind okay that looks right that looks right that looks right I don’t know why I was like Downing it before that looks correct cuz it’s a smaller window so so it’s okay if the roof is not as like Ed just has a whole

[ __ ] defending his [ __ ] base apparently funny dring only about to be done with this roof G real I don’t have great spatial awareness honestly really yeah like anything that I don’t know these types of like just trying to make things symmetrical just not really where I shine can follow instructions though

What’s your Minecraft fob that might also change you’re on like Quake mode bro it’s impossible to see figure 97 wa like a weird oh no 92 oh yeah 100 some like weird numbers usually like make it weird any higher than anything higher than 90 can sometimes also make

It weird depending on how your eyes work well I’m going to blame it on that then okay this is it I will Max one in fact oh my dumb ass came to the end without any ender pearls some of these idiots that’s so silly why did I do this why I do this

Why am I building all this interior when no one even sees it you’re going to see it bro my tower is still zero interior pretty much no no no not not even like interior this is just like like structure like support be seem like inside but outside the interior like in

The middle in between like that no one goes into where what is the point of this this dude like actually like designed a blueprint like a working structure it’s like it’s like uh you know they want to be perfect do it well yeah I’m going to go

Crazy he’s going to freak it crazy Style watch out everyone you might freaking crazy style smoke a blunt freaker [ __ ] crazy style like this is a good start and he’s not saying that for it anymore keep saying fre this is the key to everything this

Is it get to find a new love new d well this is it stupid tree is going to I’m going to morb I was what I was going to say was you going to morb I’m going to morb did you finish what if season two either of you

Guys I season one need to to watch it I liked all but I feel like the the first one and the third one were just okay kind of like didn’t connect to the bigger story but the last three were excellent one very nice I only have a

Couple things I have hoped for in Marvel actually the second thing is not even Marvel first is what if and the other is Spider-Man oh yeah what are they going to do to Spiderman man yeah into Spiderman oh I hope something great I can’t wait those movies are so

So good yeah Spiderman Christmas movie by the way huh yeah you know the ending scene oh yeah yeah now I just have the main roof they play Bangers is kind of fire that’s what I’m saying day list cooking a [ __ ] I need to know which direction slice cuz I know he went back

Into the end and looked around this is true any more stairs I need white terracotta I I haven’t been in the Terra a biome yet how far is it I made a portal do it it’s called The Badlands biome it’s a really cool Bome actually like desert

But not desert but it’s like the Badlands it’s like a have you seen what the [ __ ] is that one lizard movie for thank you for the rain welcome guys Godzilla gecko movie know that R is that it oh uh I think I know what you’re talking about they’re like cowboys and

Something yeah yeah yeah yeah I’ve never watched it hope you had a nice stream welcome guys that’s a gecko my bad okay I’m missing morbium ohb ium I played an obamium horror game and it was probably the worst thing I’ve ever like what’s that played it’s just a

Maze with like PNG of like pyramidal bom I like chasing you or something what the [ __ ] I don’t remember was like something like that sounds so fun it was like Brain I’m actually [ __ ] what are we up to what be I keep falling do I want okay I haven’t quite figured out how I want the interior to feel in here I might just keep all of this open but I need to what is going on right here

See an n city with an exit right next to it and a ship surely this isn’t taken that might be the one where slice got his elytra he sent a screenshot of it in uh in Discord oh yeah he found the exit right next to the ship yeah so

Don’t get your hopes up too high okay I have a vision maybe we take a break from rofes for a moment maybe we take a moment maybe take a moment actually what am I talking about we need to put lanterns on this we need lanterns what’s the point of building

This if I don’t have lanterns I am going to need to go Normie mining soon because I need Normie mining Hey listen yeah listen mining is for all ages and people is this elytra on the frame it’s like a little frame thing I need to find another amethyst cave and I

Need a lot more iron it is an elytra nice I got it yay oh and there’s feather falling four diamond boots in here holy [ __ ] keep that efficiency for mending shovel oh wait can merge this with my efficiency for mending shovel easy clap this is in fact in need of Max win

Actually Anita was here Anita was in fact cooking someone left a sign saying when are you actually going to finish this laau in my base that’s beautiful who did it I’m going to assume it’s Seline that sounds like her yeah that’s what I think really put me to work here

All right Jake someone has to come get off me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I my electron I’m getting [ __ ] obliterated why the [ __ ] oh putting lanterns on a structure it’s like it’s like a treat like a little treat it’s a chill it’s like a Reward like a reward sorry I keep on muting at when I’m not done talking and so the just the last thing that I say get through to you guys like a reward it is like a reward maybe that’s too many lanterns no never too many it’s like it’s like a reward

Jake you’re at your house yeah I’m I’m building I will come see it soon so get to work looks like chicken leg I want to see the chicken legs I want to see the chicken legs okay my king thank you here’s some fireworks too oh the [ __ ] bonus might

Be too many lanterns we’ll revisit thank you so much man I got sugar listen to my vision paper what if I removed all this dirt right and then I created chat says it looks like a puffer fish water it is very round like I’ll give you an example let me fetch my

Uh my f bro I’m going to start Mass killing Enderman these little [ __ ] keep coming into my house and dropping [ __ ] grass blocks what’s wrong with them dude I’ve noticed your power gets a lot of mobs just like frolicking in your base in it or around it in it like I see

Endermen Pig Pigmen like oh the Pigmen just like I let them I let them live there cuz I feel like it’s kind of L friendly that’s pretty that’s true yeah Max wow this place is fire [ __ ] this playlist you are welcome look at bangers using the algorithm you guys ready for the new

Year well this algorithm is better the this like the radio algorithm is so bad if you click a s click radio it’s ass yes I’m ready even though I don’t know every new holiday season nothing feels like I I forget like how to feel what I should feel like during the

Holidays how you feel it’s just how you feel I think I think the older you get the less it means unless you’re with new people or with company if you’re alone it’s like whatever you know yeah yeah I cannot forget my youth I must go drink and get [ __ ]

Up you can still do that when you’re older that’s true I’m doing I’m not doing that [ __ ] alone I’m doing a 24hour stream tomorrow is there no way to make waterfall in a straight line I guess not you’re you’re insane tradition it’s like a reward can I wanted like a waterfall doing it

Cuz like a waterfall underneath you walk through me that feels like doing a subathon on a holiday feels weird I’d rather people spend their money on people that they actually know and like if I do like a 24 hours just like you know hang out that’s B bro what is this

Nether Tower at our original base with a Target in on top of it might have been bop’s uh achievement hunting thing you have to like hit a target from 30 m away or something oh [ __ ] he’s achievement hunting we’re in that part of Minecraft I remember the first time we played

Minecraft he was already he was like always into getting achievements I don’t remember that at all well I played more than you guys first time I guess that is true that’s not true well not you fob I just remember getting on the server and like there being nobody I

Don’t think anyone logged in again after that I was all excited cuz I got an ax L and then I never start again I logged in every day until my tower was or until my Japanese Castle was done and then where did I put my kind of felt very empty

Inside damn I was like damn I built this and then it was each floor was supposed to be for each person in the server and then nobody’s playing anymore so it’s like oh okay nobody to inhabit the castle Yeah that a it’s okay we’re all here now I was going to say something

But I don’t want to make it worse say it say it I didn’t even know you were building a castle I think I just like started doing aidea I like I need a house build a [ __ ] mansion that’s why I built that this why I started building my house early this

Time I was like I don’t want to build it again once everybody’s done with the game I tried doing that and then holy efficiency crazy oh speaking of let me go combine my shovel how what is saturation in Minecraft The Hunger thing yeah what does it mean by

Saturation you should uh basically like different foods keep or like keep you satisfied longer so your hunger bar like won’t go down as fast okay okay okay but it doesn’t have anything to do with how fast it heals you it also uh affects healing oh okay okay so gold

Carrots are goated then yeah they’re insanely goated like if you have a higher saturation you can heal more without your hunger bar going down oh so you want golden carrots and apples since apples have like shitty saturation uh yeah the golden apples are like good for like fights

Why cuz they give like yeah Buffs damn we don’t have an anvil in the main base anymore that’s bad man wait I have an anvil on my base what’s wrong with I’m think I’m thinking we can why am I even coming back to this base memories I actually really like

That we all built like this it’s like you know we didn’t even get that far from the main base yeah I think it’s good now that we all have elytras we can literally just visit each other’s homes super easily except for Seline because she’s like 10 billion miles away she’s

So far even with an elytra took me six full minutes to fly over okay I know for sure that I want this dirt here so I’m going to yeah remove it all did you have you put her house on your Min map scroll out you will see how far it is she’s

9.7 9.7 K met from us wait is it the coral re one yeah yes oh my okay well I’ve walked further so you know yeah okay but would you visit to visit constantly that’s a bit of a trk even in the nether it’s like 5 minutes

We need ice Bridge man I’m telling you ice Bridge so fun it’s faster than elytra although there was a mansion there is a mansion towards her so that was cool really yeah Sol Manion I haven’t made a decision on what I just wanted it to be

Higher so yeah I want I might build this on a hill like build it up like build like a we found one down but I’m just trying to figure out how I want the under of my house to look be like let’s do the Mansion if I just want it to be

Up on like a dirt Hill dude I thought you were M I was like how the [ __ ] did Che get up here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] bro you fell in my stove calcifer got your ass [ __ ] CER oh he’s actually cooking me oh my oh God I’m out of here it’s after

You bro it’s after you okay perfect I’ll take it bro on the mini map isn’t it so weird that the lava pull like lava looks like an arrow yeah i’ I’ve always noticed that I was like that is odd I was like do they do this on purpose pointing to something am I

Missing a wait the Phantom hit me once and now it’s flying back to you Jake oh oh my God it is back oh my God it came in at light speed what the [ __ ] was that why did it holy [ __ ] that was insane that thing is

Bugging I just saw it fly like across the map at like mock five at me yeah I think it’s because I it hit me at a really low altitude and then it just [ __ ] zoomed towards you oh that was scary I’ve never seen a behavior that be spooked oh

My scar me oh wait that zombie dropped gunpowder what the hell whoa or no I killed a creeper right there so that might have been from that I’m sorry I yed your gunpowder do you want it okay uh I don’t have room for it at the moment even so you could take

It okay D you could take the stack of fireworks though good trade I’m being rewarded for my uh my generosity no it’s because I this why I’ve got a sugarcane farm so I can provide okay I that was not providing I just than there’s a hole over

Here I will fill it up with dirt I can’t figure out what do I want hey coichi me me [Applause] soon Japanese saki I your Japanese not good how are you learning yet you don’t know yet wait when are you leaving um I’ll be there February oh my gosh

That’s really soon yeah she thinks she’s she living in The Matrix just going to download Japanese that’d be [ __ ] lit yeah see I would do that that’s why well one of the reasons why I have a lot to do cuz you’re going to download it uh could be doing while playing

Minecraft what could be doing it while playing Minecraft true no I can’t I can’t you can listen to it I cannot focus on two things it would turn into white noise that’s not a bad thing either oh my dude how creeper get up here dude oh

No saki there’s a school of thought that says if you just listen to [ __ ] weirdo yapping in my chat right now paying attention some part of it gets absorbed that’s how that’s how babies are fine I I I think I think adults work that way too oh yeah

Why I go to sleep with documentaries all the time oh like that would give me weird dreams that’s probably why I do get some very crazy dreams yeah honestly they’re kind of fun they they kind of lit though yeah okay bro how far is this Phantom going to

Chase me so right now I’m leaning toward just like I learned Phantoms can swim making this my original idea yeah wait BL made like a heart okay my original idea was to just like original idea was just to like make I just wanted this to be more

Elevated on this mountain so what I was going to do is just like just like build this down basically like just build it on like a big Mossy and like put Vines and stuff on it idiot you fallen into my trap and just make it put it on like an

Elevated area so I may still just do that I’m not totally giving up on my on doing something more ambitious with it but my original goal was just to have it on a hill so if I can achieve that then I think I will still be very

Happy bro but let me place a block here like I think that would be really cute like I’ll have it kind of uneven although when do dirt blocks start to grow grass bro yeah just put it on a hill you know yeah yeah I don’t want it to be

Overly like manicured that’s kind of the idea right so I think that’s what I’m going to do but means I need a lot of dirt for now I think I’m just going to keep working on the main structure we’ll go from there trust the process

Guys what the then who blew up these two Creepers right here sine oh she’s here I’m going creeper farming need more gunpowder oh going to fix it she blew up this I don’t I didn’t even see what happens so there’s there’s a couple holes in your dirt what the I me it’s

Not your hole but it’s your it’s your general Plateau my property my property my land what you eating Sagi what you eating saki sorry what I say what you eating oh I forgot you can hear that I was going to open um a ly chocolate but I decided not I have

Those no eat it I have one what mach flavor oh mine’s just dark dark chocolate here I’ll do it yum crinkling noises no I don’t want it that’s I I was like I was bored eating speaking of I ordered a red velvet cake slice but I didn’t read when

I ordered it and I got a whole cake they gave now I feel real weird I have a whole cake with candles in my fridge now so funny perfect for when Li when Lily arrives in like a little bit I’m just going to be like babe I got you

Cake oh my God welcome back I love you genius sure she’ll never see this in the VOD hey no snitches no snitching all right Fly Me to the Moon Remix at the end of the hoo Fair what oh did you guys not listen to the credits it was far I watch I Didn’t

That’s cool I just let it play has a nice Vibe did you stay up for ho Fair hell no I was going to and I decided against it and then I woke up and realized it was I looked at it and saw it was 2 hours I was like yeah I’m at the

Right my rule of thumb if it ain’t paid don’t wake up I feel that I only wake up for the uh 0 genin patch oh yeah if it’s like major region like new region new region I wake up for that I this cow just spawned in front of

Me I didn’t know that could happen I need a blast furnace I think can it it does it uh cook things I guess faster no a smoker Cooks things faster and a blaster uh whatever it’s called is um to make ores faster what about like

Smelting like uh you know like if I need to turn Cobblestone into stone or uh stuff like that no I don’t think so I don’t I don’t know about that one I haven’t used I haven’t used it wait I’ll I’ll check for you I should

Have tried I have one I just know Stone Cutters are really useful yeah like kind of efficient but I just need to use soak touch and do it that way hold on got Cobble I mean not [ __ ] what the hell I mean cracked wait yeah it doesn’t work dish crack stone

Brick Mossy stone brick I do it doesn’t work need to go how much do you need I also biome you got to now you can go everywhere I need to enchant mine I haven’t Enchanted it yet nuts oh yeah you should enchant yours too I’m addicted to light trying around my

Tower I’m just watching you like a little fly around the St I will make these walls more Dynamic I swear you going to build something on top of it no eing guard doesn’t have anything at top that’s so it looks so sick fob that’s lore that’s lore accurate it

Makes me want to watch L Rings actually I’m actually like I got triggered by my chat because there was some Zoomers who never watch Lord of the Rings I love Lord of the Rings I was like what the embarrassing for them yeah hope they

Learn I was I was like I was telling my like I kind of want to build Min [ __ ] them for being born so young you haven’t even seen it exactly huh I have seen [ __ ] Lord of the Rings what do you oh you have the [ __ ] I’ve seen

The whole trilogy what are you talking about I thought you had not you crazy more importantly have you seen the extended versions I have I I also played the Lord of the Rings games on the GameCube where it had like the cuts scen straight out of the movie I don’t think

I’ve ever heard you say you like it though I do like it it’s not it’s not one of those things that people are just like man one of my top favorite things I mean like unless you’re like a huge Lord of the Rings fan I guess that’s me

You’re a huge Lord of the Rings fan yes all right um I don’t know like Facts okay I I’ve she called that knows everything get the [ __ ] out this place is kind of going to feel like a dungeon until I get it all suited suited out okay I wish they do Lord of the Rings films before the Rings is there a TV show about

That there’s like a whole universe for Lord of the Rings uh world before the Rings were made hello hello hello you’re home looks so nice thank you it’s like just now kind of coming together I still have a lot of work to do but a it’s so we’re getting

There we’re getting there it’s like a real home a that’s so nice oh my God don’t look at the and it’s got like texture with all these different like stone bricks and stuff what thank you it looks that flying over us I don’t know what’s this what is this was that you no

The F who I looking at oh it’s Bob he’s flying back and forth oh sorry what is your question oh what is this on the ground what is this one this one this looks nice too oh yeah this is uh also still kind of hodge podge cuz I need more quartz to finish

My floor and replace this dirt with something prettier but this is what I have for now nice I love it um why is your house so far away H oh well I wanted to find a coral re but you couldn’t find any that are closer not that size of coral

Reef that’s so lucky it’s okay once I enchant my Archer though I will come and uh come and visit I like your windows like they’re circular nice I can’t actually put any glass in it but you know you get the idea yeah no one’s going to shoot me do that

Right your house is a real house it’s got like a roof and windows and everything big you so nice Mossy stone brick wall oh gosh I have to process like any Cobblestone I have like four four times oh yeah cuz you got to turn it into

Stone and then stone brick and then you got to change the stone brick with moss yeah and then I if I want like crack stone brick then it’s even worse oh yeah I have no idea how you made this you have to run it through the you have to

Run it through the thing again again yeah you have to cook it like twice it’s going to get cooked what are you doing right now I just logged on briefly to see what people were up to oh really and I wanted to see your home thank you thank you for visiting

Yeah okay I wanted to hang out with you in Minecraft cuz I feel like I haven’t seen you much I know well do you we usually hang out in VC when we’re playing so if you ever want to join that way you can I I’m shy you’re shy with

Us you shouldn’t be I’m a little shy when it comes the group Discord call well we’re literally just talking nonsense right now so you have no nothing to fear they are don’t bite I promise only if you have questionable opinion and male fictional characters then they might buy otherwise

Questionable opinions of male fictional characters yeah you might get cooked that but otherwise you you f fine maybe if I had questionable opinions it would be deserved we cooked you like any male fictional characters um let’s see trying to think of characters other than genin I really like okay I can

Google nanam me my uh Peak Peak masculinity my opinion oh true true let see what else um oh this Cobblestone is ugly ugly ugly I can do better oh my gosh the effort that you’re putting you don’t want to know how long I SP I’m appreciate every single detail dude I was break

Down well it looks symmetrical AB so worth thank God better it better um yeah nmi is probably like the male at least the first one that comes to mind as I haven’t been like super I can’t really think of anything other than jjk at the moment I’m sure there

Are others but oh who who do you like in jiujitsu N of me oh n me yeah he is like pretty much the epitome of a man huh yeah exactly exactly he is so manly was whoa careful okay all right all right I maybe cooking

Guys W she defend me I defend you to defend me I might be cooking this looks a lot better and I can walk under this part now I just I don’t know I get like really fixated on like an eventual projects I maybe I’m cooking a bit who

Else do I like guys oh kylo Ren true that’s kind of my toxic favorite character I understand I get it I get it yeah back when when he had his face reveal I was gagged did he not wait did he not show his face before I like know nothing

About him oh yeah he like wears a mask for a good half of the first movie oh I had no idea he like shows his mask when someone calls him a monster oh like actually not actually that way but you know similar idea also look a cracked of

Brick stone where I know this one took a lot this is my pride and joy right here this is your pride and joy is there such thing as a Mossy cracked Stone oh my God no stop stop stop yourself no no no no no Mossy crack no I don’t think you can have

Both thank God imagine if you could you’d go crazy with that if you don’t have a crush on a toxic character then you haven’t truly lived I guess so wait this kind of looks like a heart What About I you me yeah M if we want to stick with

Jutu kaisen I really like Utah and uh inumaki inumaki inumaki yeah uh if we don’t stick with jiujitsu kaen have you seen Tokyo Avengers I haven’t I didn’t watch I didn’t start watching anime until I was older because I knew I would get really into it so I

Just like kind of steered clear it for a while well Mikey from Tokyo rengers is like my ideal he is so cute M and manly and manly but he’s got a little bit of angst and I need that love that all right this place is shaping up dare I say

It it looks so good dare I say it it looks so good you’ve got a real staircase and everything staircase you okay I just need to put like a guard rail on this yeah Okay yeah fence right you think right here should we sleep oh yeah the Phantom well I think you should join VC oh that doesn’t work no what if o maybe that’s better why is there a problem what is your problem what oh Loki um no I was never really like a lowkey girl where did she go I was cooking and then I stopped

Cooking what did I do wrong I think maybe the block here actually is better the lantern here okay what’s not working here though cuz it’s something maybe This oh she left maybe her PC crashed what oh nothing hello hi can we sleep maybe yeah right eie U just woke up maybe he will game with us he’s not getting on he might though believe I just give him a chance all right he’s probably needs to move

Oh I don’t know I don’t know he said he would probably when did he say that was that like two days ago when he said he would be finishing like a day or something yeah I think so something like that will yeah hello hello yeah and no way bro we better join

BC wow he actually got in today that’s great play Le raar Anthony XD he’ll tell you that’s ironic but it’s not I’m totally going to make this then will just want is pro poker tournament Buy in five or 250 something he went out 5,000 oh my gosh that’s so

Awesome yeah good for him he’s really good at poker that’s a oh I I built something I stepped away from it I was like this is going to be the perfect heart best heart so symmetrical where does Minecraft store your screenshots I don’t how do you screenshot in this game what’s a command

F2 oh I need a Max wi it’s probably I feel like it’s got to be in program what’s it called program files Microsoft no I need to Max me Minecraft where are you putting my pictures raar it’s not in program files where is Minecraft photo stored M Minecraft screenshots oh app data

Stupid chiseled bookshelf what the Chisel what is a knowledge book here’s my perfect heart kind of endearing maybe I’ll keep it Jesus [Laughter] Christ literally I walked away I was like I cooked that I turned around that’s what I see so like like walk how did I do

That I’m keeping it I’m keeping it I’m Charming it I agree I agree what the oh every moment I start to feel like Pride over my build I look up and I see the freaking Tower of Saron Saron and I it all just Fades away well because you can see the tower

Yeah it’s amazing oh I I see what you mean now incredible W like how he did that how do you crazy how do I feel like it would be I don’t know I would like to build with a schematic at some point it looks fun like a paint by number

The [ __ ] is wrong with my shadow what the H oh no the [ __ ] broke oh I’m out of stuff why is my quartz block missing I need oh there I came back for one thing imagine the possibilities of two different tears of slab could directly stack on top of each other that’s so

True Abby you’re so right about that what a shame sometimes you just you need one you know yeah so true thanks for speaking out you just need a Max one plain and simple I need way more Stone I see much mining in my future I need to mine too I’m running out of

Diamonds o Excursion mhm I would love to go mining I’m down okay let me use the last of what I have in the I’ll be ready okay I love take your time I’m also doing something soon I’ll actually have a roof over my head that’s crazy oh

My God oh my God the Phantoms aren’t going to get me anymore that’s so pretty be annoying though yeah I’ll still hear him dang what a view dang I hope we’re not approaching the destruction of Middle Earth that would suck Star in the the Mir been Dream what What stairs oh no not like this dear diary new name who this I wish I could play this in my bed same that be nice I am spr I like it you’re not going to get called uh lost Pro anymore that’s very cool this is why what do we need is a

Coffee machine kind of home is it if you can’t make coffee when the Sun rises yeah I still have to turn this house into a home so just give me some time to cook on that front epic epic games Epic Games launcher crash every single time I open it EP

Game best thing about this chair is I can pull out the bottom seat to be long and then crisscross applesauce on it on the body I’m crisscrossing apple saucing right now wait on the EMB body yeah you can like pull it out pull what out your seat you’re sitting on

Like are you talking about the armrests no no no like the the thing on your butt how do you do that you have those handles at the bottom oh that’s what these are for whoa I didn’t know that that did that wow you like lift up and pull it out

That’s actually way more comfortable yeah if you have like longer like I just how to say that’s why yeah that is so much more comfortable on my knees wow today I learned thank you hey man this very epic epic you thought they were just like

Random handles I mean I didn’t I guess I didn’t think too hard about it stupid right I think I’m going to run out of blocks here so I’ll be ready to go mining soon bles bles just another test of symmetry guys I got it let’s go I totally got this okay one two

Three I’m so tired be why why is it stairs who made this who dode this why I made so many more stairs than I needed my precious stone we should recreate Mari stairs ooh actually that would be a really cool project create I’m down oh I see there

Was a threat on my life okay got it got it I’m down Whoever has spro needs to give it to me right now is the account with the name spro is it active because if it’s not active all you need to do is grind for partner you know you could have

It I come back to the stream every time my editing software crashes Abby what editing software do you use ab’s working on the Minecraft video right now well maybe not probably you work for other people too but H I need so much more Stone than I have Vegas

Pro and do you want do you feel the desire to stick with Vegas Pro I’ve heard D Vinci resolve kind of crack these days PE poooo Mr spro but people might say Mrs Pro so it kind of be the same problem cycle would repeat Mrs pro thank you for the

Sub bye should we watch the Barbie movie tonight you can also have Axel if you want Mrs Pro me yeah oh thank you I bred a lot she’s trying to get rid of it she breed too many well I didn’t breed too many I’m just going to breed until I get a blue

One cuz blue is very rare oh oh right that’s cool has a knock back oh I need to acquire a mending book I need what yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this floor is driving me nuts I need to finish it crazy go stupid where is he okay I’m going to bring both my

Pickaxes cuz I need the silk touch for stone okay good has some efficiency thank you gold thank you gold Les bro that’s so that’s so uh 2012 suda okay I’m making progress I what do you have a nether portal in your house Jake let me tell you a

Story one day I made another portal of my house it took me to the same portal you enter to get to this Skelly spawn spawner portal turns out my house is right above the Skelly spawner and so that portal overrides any other portal I place in that chunk for

The so I can that’s so funny Bob’s portal that’s hilarious okay I need to enchant a couple things bo bo um Bo how long does it take to get to the um Enderman Farm uh like couple minutes you just to walk more worth going right in the

Nether walk to Ed’s house in the nether okay I think I will go it is very worse okay I need to cook I will go with you perfect cuz I will get lost that is my plate to get lost I See maybe it was the max wins we made along the way I wonder if Mr slice is going to join us I saw he was he’s streaming oh I should bring a Sher box yeah Su Bock yeah yeah yeah that’s facts No Cap really SP No Cap oh these Wing skin

Looks what the [ __ ] why I look like that it what it is what it do what it is what it is how does Ed have automatic sorting on his chests I need that that’s so beautiful and I do not have that I don’t I don’t think he does he does I watched it

Really yeah I saw it on his stream I that’s why I’m asking I don’t know oh he did it damn did he have to he have to build it yes that is the bad news I also like that he well I don’t know if I’ll do it but you put the

Chests not two in front of you but two yeah that was smart good uh space saver yeah yeah very clever I’d never seen that before you can’t combine pink and blue dye to make something else yep why you can mix a lot of the dyes to make different colors like cyan and lime

Green no I I can’t mix blue and pink oh is what I say mix red and blue blue what about blue and green wait sorry blue and green makes let’s freaking morb calibrated skulk sensor who I even know what the skull is you know the way no unfortunately I

Don’t okay um I’m ready to go to the the end all right I’m down where are you house I’m at the nether you’re at the nether about to be okay I’m going going to the main house snow house I need to build another portal in my house I just haven’t

Yet I’m going to walk all this way every time hello JY what’s up you started playing Minecraft watching me play really interesting it’s kind of crazy to me that there are people who like play games and watch Twitch who have never like played Minecraft that’s so shocking to

Me my closest one is Mr fob Tower oh yeah it probably is huh I just got used to coming all this way let go I’m almost there force of habit I guess I can’t run anymore why do I have two blocks of gold that’s so silly okay uh where are you here

Oh this way the OSU house oh my God Tower of God just came on mylist really yeah by stray kid why does this not have inner railing don’t wor about it I am worried about it stop no byy byy oh there’s so many behind us right now oh my [Laughter]

God yeah I don’t really like playing Minecraft by myself it’s kind of I’ve tried to do solo worlds but just doesn’t really hit for me it’s about the adventure you know okay love that you’re here right there I’m just going to okay I hate this so bad why is this like

This worry about it I am worried about it why my lava like freaking weird colored let me fix this I don’t know why any of the boys don’t care about the railings they just make one yeah one block they don’t even care that’s crazy man I know that’s why I

Made the raid Farm Safe my lava’s pink cool I it that’s so girly pop very G po all right it’s time to the end ow that amethyst is crazy yeah that’s pretty cool all right this way now we go down here and just drop okay wow okay and now you just jump and

Run forward holy do not like how the end looks with sers it’s like static let me turn sers on let me see I do not like this at all I don’t like that sers is super dark whoa going back to BSL holy [ __ ] this is creppy what the

[ __ ] this is closer to how it looks in vanilla wait what do you see I’m seeing some crazy [ __ ] what ah he’s looking at Me might want to turn off the uh oh my God sound it’s kind of shut up I love this song also if any Enderman make it out of that cage you just slap them once with a fist okay there should be one HP fix my pickaxe I’m down here

Wait are we seeing the same thing on sers cuz this is what I see I look at my stream oh yeah true why is not in VC with us the nerd oh that is not what I see well which sers are you both on there’s vibrant and there’s two

Others I’m on the highest one doesn’t matter which one you’re on why they’re different it doesn’t change this performance not like visual this is addicting oh I think it’s a mod I have I think it is visual cuz vibrant looks different than the other ones it’s just more vibrant it’s a color

Difference I see how you stood here for hours the other day yeah chant everything easy 100 easy okay let’s see if I can enchant this oh wait is there a a stock of lapis in here no but I can get one oh shoot sorry I didn’t think to bring it okay I have

Some I can go back to and no no no no no no get it no no no no no no you have it on you oh yes oh I’ll pay you back after my Mining Adventure or hour rather this is beautiful also this is I should introduce you to our machine here this

Is a thingy that throws out pearls you just turn it on and it starts picking up pearls and just shooting them out if it gets clogged there too many I see them don’t want your stupid pearls oh I have I’m full of them how do they spawn so quickly like

Where are you getting these Ender from I know right how are they being bed ever they’re all the way at the top oh it hit me this isic that the only place they can spawn is up there and then the reason why they come so fast is because there’s an Ender

Might the middle that they run towards they them so they should towards the middle on spawn and then they just fall in wait so this is the only place that they can spawn so then does that mean the end has no more Enderman oh no no no so this is the only

Place rendered that they can spawn but this is why like 200 blocks out from that’s crazy this Heaven oh yeah that’s great it is wonderful okay I put the lapis in the chest thank you you just have a ton of XP orbs all over you wait I want to

See I’m I’m dancing in it Oh my God the D is really giving me new songs that’s crazy that’s what I’m saying it’s lit it really is way better than [ __ ] radio what do you mean radio song radio a song oh oh I know what you’re mean never mind when you right click a song you click

Radio I like uh weekly too that was all right I found some good songs from there so I us use that a lot did you just subject your viewers to like 2 hours of you just hitting Enderman oh it was my my old stream but yeah oh

Okay 54 not enough that’s what I’m saying I’m 1004 right now I’m just I probably don’t need this much but yeah I know it gets like addicting all right let’s try to enchant something I see [ __ ] that orbs fall you walk I see it it’s wow I’m yking some from you Ying I’m

Yking your orbs what the aqua affinity is that a desirable enchant for a helmet to start with aqua affinity yes oh sorry I don’t know I think mending is the cheapest huh I’m talking about at the enchant table oh I don’t know depth Strider three is probably the best Aqua is nice

Too usually you want Pro four that’s what you always start with but the head one has specific other enchantments you can’t get on other things so it’s like what the heck aquity should I get dep Strider yeah it’s also good wait can you have more than five things on a

I don’t know what to enchant then I got protection for aqua affinity Unbreaking Mendy and respiration 3 that is the max oh what is dep Strider makes you walk fast well you can have D strier too you just said I can’t have more than five you don’t you have

Five yeah what do you have I just said protection 4 aqua affinity Unbreaking 3 mending respiration 3 I just got so lucky I got protection four and Unbreaking three on this with the aqua wait so you have oh sorry I’m meant death stter on the boots you did oh going to enchant my

Axe what is it you walk faster in water can you get fortune 3 on a on a axe yes you can yes I have it Oh weird I wonder why the top one is enchantment or is Fortune 2 I need mending on this need to get mending books might as well Farm on here what else do I not have Enchanted I could go for another bow actually I want a mending bow is so nice yeah I like my bow a lot but I

Don’t it’s good but it’s going to I’m going to lose it eventually so you should use a Janet’s Farm oh yeah I do most of the time that’s the best thing in the world power three is power three the mag no power five huh or power four on a

Bow yeah it’s power five oh I don’t okay think my work is done here oh it’s hard to step away honestly it’s so much xp right all right I pull myself away they’re all like literally one shot so you can just walk up in front forever they can’t spawn there the only

Way to get there is if they fall down here and then TP okay I’m I’m walking away wait same I’m walking Away I’m clean won’t they despawn after a while what the uh Ender the orbs the pearls uh I I don’t think so oh really for some reason like it takes a long time if maybe time is different in the end they don’t despawn unless we’re there oh

OD so how to get back up exactly take the elevator on the right whoa wow bless thank you yeah want come here am not going this way where you going where am I going oh we have to go back into the thing huh yeah where you going I don’t

Know usually once I have my elytra I never step foot in the end again yeah I’m back home either they’re double-sided now what the hell that’s so nice you are fine TR hooray for 17 months I’m getting old thank you so much for another year of tears and laughter

And for bringing light into the lives of so many people much love and happy early New Year poo blush comfy Mish flow Mish love thank you Al thank you so much but you can’t have meding and infinity yeah I know that I know that that’s why I

Said I need another bow that’s the whole point that’s the whole point Okay I think I’m good for now if You’ like to start our Excursion mining Excursion I just lost my axe lost oh just kidding oh No we are mining diamonds you hello it’s my birthday tomorrow FL dis FL happy early birthday hope it’s a good one birthday on New Year’s I’m dead then wake up cool love that for you I want to be rich so rich that I can use lanterns for uh

Mining instead of damn that’s a lot instead of what’s it called you just but I’m literally out of yeah in set of torches but I’m I’m completely out of iron I know I need more iron too BR been working just working on my house and nothing else

So expens I I need gold and iron and diamonds and coal all right you ready to go one second where should we mine um where should we meet good question I would imagine the area around us is pretty well mind supposed the gold Farm you guys should check out the gold Farm

First where’s that you know where it is yep you know the old mending villager spot oh right yes I’ll meet you there what oh like the first one that we had our first one oh yeah the one behind my house behind your house the portal behind like in the

Nether oh yes yes yes yes what does Aqua Affinity do make you mine faster underwater oh that’s nice wait are you should I what what is that thing that you said dep Strider dep Strider does Janet have that I don’t know I think she does what’s the highest is it three she has

Like almost everything yes three okay I think she has it can I go buy it quickly yeah okay what is this like oh what is this oh scramby eggs what the [ __ ] scram egg I’ve never actually had enough lanterns to know if they stacked to 16 or 68 honestly I get that uh

From huh from I like my toty sorry no it’s okay go I was just going to say I like my loyalty Trident I like throwing it around I think I just heard you use it careful now right here old mending villager isn’t that through this portal through my house

Portal no no no no go down and go past my portal don’t go in just go past it sign okay yeah there’s signs as long as there’s signs I added signs mending Miller now want Eggies get you some it’s basically a luxury in this economy what is

Sweeping is that like range for your sword oh does more damage upon your sweeping attack other enemies you aren’t targeting but are in your thingy I see where are you Jake I’m here at The Mending villager area nope at the Gold thingy you just have to find the PATH I’ve made from

The do you know which direction it’s in from the Ming Village probably West probably West oh I see torches that way maybe that’s it oh you are fine come shy he’s buying something I think hey oh yeah sorry I got I was buying de St 3 I’m G to put it

On I don’t have arrows I just failed ac130 Inbound see it’s 10:30 that’s pretty good so is are these good boots protection forart mending feather falling four Al breing three dep Strider three yeah this is very that’s great the only thing you’re missing is soul speed what you have to find that in the ne

Structures um can I add it even though I have five yes oh D it’s expensive though oh so it’s different than the regular books or whatever what can have depth Str and soul speed can you yes my old boots I had them but I don’t died and now I need to

Find more Soul speed okay I’m coming but I also have to pee oh my God I have 29 diamonds left wait go pee you go piss girl okay I’m going to pee be right back you can piglin trade for soul speed ain’t no way on God someone said that in my chat new

Leafly hey Mr slice what’s up man about to go mining cuz I’m poor I want to come I’m bored okay come with us we are okay so you know where the original mending villager was uh like the I think so from the one that yeah from the

Nether uh come there and then walk to the village and go west and we’re in a tunnel about to go somewhere yeah we’ll try to figure dishy poo no no no you could do better than that at least say at least use Pooky it’s not true but it’s better than poo come on

Poies dookie no that’s hello hello I’m coming oh I don’t have a lot of coal it’s okay we we’re mining I forgot I have to whisper why do you have to whisper the [ __ ] where am I my family sleeping what the [ __ ] I have to be quiet at night where am

I oh my God on my way this all wood what the [ __ ] you used wood who are you talking to D you [ __ ] enclosed me in a wood capsule not just any wood capsule layers of wood so you can have your time in your enclosure thanks thank you so much welcome where

You guys at sick you know we should just leave it like this it’s kind of kind of like it what’s behind this SL here I need some though where do you go after Village West uh West probably is it’s the Time Capsule okay I’m coming hello hello I want to spend time y

Oh you say you’re SM I am bored and Bor kind of like life life I feel you like you send me that thing earlier and I’m like yeah you know that that oh I’m getting [ __ ] hit by this shitty you’ve been thinking about it sorry I got ganked by a

Zombie I don’t have my life I’m too scared my eyel just been in my yeah he’s coming you guys are again and then go to Gold Farm oh [ __ ] just after you get out of the portal just walk west like Northwest he’s jiggle peeking he’s jugle

Piging and then you’ll see like a portal or hey hello she’s geared up [ __ ] yeah it looks so funny to see your like full netherite fit with just like a pink girl underneath em excuse me pink emo em why are there so many of these guys oh

My be HV thank you for coming over to Twitch I appreciate it welcome to yeah who is she she’s the character in Project zai oh the game we got a leak then all I hear is wonder I don’t Know pleas that’s just her catchphrase wonder I’m on the way to the bending villager is there does the path continue after that just walk into the village the path sorry go go west after you follow the that path go west are you at The Mending Village

Yet yeah I’m at The Mending portal the portal okay come through the portal that takes you to the mening Villager wait so I’m supposed to go out of the portal with of the mening Villager yes I act as though you were going to buy a mending book from a

Villager and once you get here that end was not okay what okay he talking you see me okay yeah there was an Enderman that just Ted like 20 times in like five seconds sh oh thank God the silers I can see with the cand you know what that means

Fishing no it means that I can use my my uh I can see an action if you use it cuz I trust loyalty you want to try it oh wait wa wait here hey guys [ __ ] oh my God took my half my HP I’m bored I

Want to go are you okay uh yeah it seems like a collision damage is pretty high welcome wait I want to see you use it huh where are you guys I’m above you all right dish let’s go no no no wait for them I’m just kidding I’m just

Kidding where where are you guys come in the tunnel wait where is the entrance I can literally hear you I can hear you can I just break in no no no there’s a pole with Cobblestone path you said you saw me he’s just he’s just yeah but you’re inside not

Anymore oh this guy I again there’s a cobblestone wait there’s a creeper here mine This Way a lot of creepers where are you where you going am I stupid um okay so that’s why I said go north west from the portal CU you will see a cobblestone looking portal nether

Portal looking thing do you see my tag I’m do you see my tag if you look to your yeah just just just dig through this wall or whatever I’m staying on top of it okay I’m just going to dig to you guys just stay straight down what was he

Above there he is I was above I was above okay I’m going to wait why are you guys hold in here um um long story oh wait what is a long story a long story is a long story what do you talk what did he ask he asked why

Are we hold up in here yeah why are you guys hold there’s no entrance in here guys what do you mean is where we came from the entrance what is Mr SL yapping about what is he yapping about let’s go oh JFK oh what the [ __ ] hey we go we’re

Going D you just slapped in the face with Cobblestone what the the [ __ ] is this to above the nether where are we guys we are currently above the nether do not break this if you do you’re you’re an actual imbecile don’t do it you can go up this what is this it’s scaffolding

Oh wait have you never used scaffolding no wait is this your first time playing Minecraft yeah okay never mind I res in my shock it’s helpful for building oh what the [ __ ] I yeah Stacks really easily if you’re building something tall it’ll help wow I’ve been

Using like wood and [ __ ] oh yeah it’s super annoying how do you originally get above the the ne Bedrock you break bedrock or you TP oh how do you break bedrock with a bug I see all right by the way this is Bob do not kill Bob whatever you

Do do not kill him otherwise this thing breaks behind you don’t kill Bob oh who it’s probably the reason right okay so now what happens how was the gold oh my God at all that mag waste block a lot of rotten flesh take one exp wait where’s the gold all I see

Is I don’t see anything in there nine gold nuggets Oh I thought it was just like okay what do we do you should try it you take a snowball and you Chuck one at them I need my um nonf flame sword all right I’m going check

One oh what if I just use as a herd hit him I thought oh this is the I thought this was the Enderman farm for a second I got confused what it’s okay have you been to the Enderman Farm no it’s working let nuget sorry I’m going to mute in in game okay

Cool I got zero gold oh here guys my cats are in here I’m guessing this lava is for trash like rotten flesh or something makes sense no you you go in it and then you then you [Laughter] die how long can you tank lava for probably pretty long if you’re fully

Decked out in PR for yeah stresses me out to look at me too okay I hav’t I just one heart whoa okay but it’s breaking armor stop get out nothing it reminds me of like a cold bath I want a trident find your Trident oh I have a one thing at a time

An extra no way did I Just Lose It you have it in your hand oh my God it disappeared for me I didn’t see it hold on I got W Farm wait that’s not how do people come up with this [ __ ] they’re so crazy hey Miss dish would you like a

Trident I mean yeah but I don’t want to just take one you know well okay well it’s okay up to you I’m holding it you’re holding it now no no no it’s in my inventory like I can just drop it for you oh man you want to experiment with

It but it does need enchantments though yeah to actually be relatively useful yeah why don’t you why don’t you hold on to it for now he okay hey was that you that’s the B oh I see thank you very much for offering yeah no problem anytime I see a

Dr I’ll kill it and hopefully uh it’ll drop the stuff to sometimes any sorry that’s okay you guys want golden apples I’m making some more right yeah how long does that last uh it’s just it’s like um used in emergency kind of thing it has a damage absorption on it oh

Okay I can oh wow after all that gold I can only make three you want some golden apples I will will take some thanks whoa my goal is to make a bunch of them so all right so I’m giving you five go thank you um if we want

To mine still I probably only have another hour I’m probably going to play for another hour so let’s go let’s go mine BR about one more hour around I’m down to play for another hour too cuz it’s 2 a.m. welcome to Minecraft we are mining diamonds did any never reply to

Me exploring fighting for my life theing as opposed toig I don’t have my elytra enchanted yet so I’m not using it oh you need help enchanting yet no I just haven’t gotten around to it yet I guess also I thought we were waiting for everyone to get elas

Before we start using it oh I see but I don’t have millions of emeralds on using fireworks cuz they run out so quickly yeah got got to be conservative what was that firework byebye wait so we have to leave and then come back no from here it’s

Raining oh saki did you want to try the um the riptide one um the rain um okay actually no let’s mine let’s mine okay yeah yeah let’s not mine cuz is probably going to go yeah thanks guys thanks guys ah wait she just where’d you go well it like DC me I don’t

Know wait Mis dis do you not have a netherite I don’t not yet oh my God we should totally get you netherite that’ be a project yeah I would I have a little bit but I just haven’t spent much time in the nether because I hate it

Fair enough the nether is a sick a very nice place are we going to mine here let’s go somewhere else let’s go like on the ground 5,000 blocks out possible that this mine shafts haven’t been explored around here or mine caves and stuff yeah see if we can find a

Opening I don’t think I’ve ever had another right M Sh I love Phantoms so many Miss oh stop where’ you go DH I’m running kind of Southwest looking for an opening in like a cavern or something oh there a the cherry blossom biome right there yeah there is a cherry big one wow it won’t leave me alone uh no just water

Right are you getting Phantom Yeah when you’re not looking for it that you almost fall into like a crazy if real Cavern but when you’re looking for one sunflowers I need to collect some this time take back to my house what is that over there oh that’s fa’s old portal never mind whoa sh whoa chill chill

Stop want that creeper I want that gunpowder looking at the map cornflour oxide Daisy as your blette see uh areas where you can see Stone on the map is that an indicator of a c oh my goodness are you okay yeah I didn’t hit it properly that always happens what oh another one

Spw oopsie cevin yoooo me look at that map does a a patch of stone on the map does that indicate a cavern I can’t really tell the thing is there’s so much water around here there might be water underneath oh you’re right hey we are mining diamonds we to go

Um I don’t know what a cavern looks like on a map so there might be One Tiger Biome can’t tell if I’m seeing it properly oh I want to go to Tiger Biome it’s pretty uninspiring it’s just it’s I hate it now I’ve seen oh yeah there’s a lot of water um let’s oh we should mine at the Badlands biome yeah this way okay stop shut okay [Laughter]

Shut oh God I hear them I want more white terra cotta there’s [ __ ] five right behind you saki what the [Laughter] [ __ ] there’s so many of them run guys run you guys have you have like 10 arrows in you right now let’s go to the village and get and sleep oh so true

How many arrows can I fit on my body chill get my back guys don’t miss my back oh they shot each other that’s GG holy [ __ ] f a porcupine there Jake is that a witch hello yes that is can we kill it oh I fell into a cave I fell into a cave I fell into a cave I shot it is that bad like a good cave or that cave looks mid wait wait potions oh oh dead I want

The witch oh oh she’s dead wait my bad why do you need it I already told you she there’s like black cats around her wait really like they spawn around her oh I want a black cat why is an name x r r and he probably made it in like middle

School or something he didn’t he made it we started playing Minecraft so he was just being edgy all right we’re save here right guys surely yep it’s morning let’s go to this portal which one oh wait this is I already reset my spawn oh there the many Viller yeah look at this stuff

Isn’t it NE okay where are we going Badlands you’re more likely to find a black cat at a witch’s Hut is someone said I I where is their [ __ ] Hut sometimes they kind of spawn on they don’t have they don’t do that their Huts are in um they’re in

Swamp biomes yeah I have not been to a swamp actually they’re in swamp biomes what do you mean no one has ever we we don’t have we haven’t found one yet here we hav yeah I think I passed one once but I didn’t have the mini mop mad

So I don’t mod at the time so I don’t know where it is dang I definitely passed one when I was looking for the cherry blossom biome we’re going to get good mon T um I usually get mine from Forge something what’s it called what I what I curse

Forge and thank you for the r he um why don’t you join VC with us mood night why didn’t you join VC nerd should you should play with us next time bro okay hello sorry hello hi hello every hello every hello every how are you I passed one

Too thank you I’m fine I hope you’re enjoying Minecraft but it’s more fun with friends the words this is the way to the Badlands biome bad winds this way no the one that’s right here oh gold this is the way I made the path so it’s I can’t guarantee it

Safety what the this is not a path take a take a left oh actually this ain’t no path this is is the right path yeah this is the one wait for me oh yeah there was no path when uh Miss B and I went for this route cuz we wanted to collect the

Dead dead bushes in the no no no no this this is the path this is literally the path okay this isn’t a path okay this is like a there’s there’s not a path to be made you know you just follow this and there’s no there’s only one other option so you just go

Here I hate this I don’t get where I’m supposed to go oh wait wait saki are you lost just hold W bro and you can only go one place hello do you see us up hello saki you go I I literally said to wait for

Me sorry I hear it hello down I did hear it down thank you w w you suck yeah he does he’s a [ __ ] [ __ ] face whoa oh that’s [ __ ] chill dude relax you are o you have an arrow directly in like the back of your skull like right in your

Uh like right in your right side of your brain so what is it which side is more creative allegedly left side allegedly you’re left-handed aren’t you I’m right-handed but you f you put a sword in your left I play FPS and stuff with left because I’m right eye dominant oh

Interesting means my eye my right eye sees better and sees more thank you for The well I’m just um what it why does your skin have no [Laughter] eyes my first time they just like time to get all new recipes bro um what is it called when you have two different prescriptions I forgot uh I don’t think it’s called anything no it is cuz I have different

Descriptions but no there’s a name for it oh you talking stigmatism yes yes that’s that’s not a stigmatism that’s not stigmatism though that’s when your eyes are like like oval shapes oh it’s it’s a misshape and eye all I’m I’m fairly certain oh that’s why astigma people with like severe astigmatism can’t wear

Contacts oh I’ll confirm though cuz now I’m questioning it I I just no idea occurs when the cornea or lens is curved more steeply in One Direction than the other you have a corneal stigmatism if your cornea has mismatched curves a stigma me probably can’t get elic either I don’t

Know you have to get if um can they even get the other one like the other Las I don’t know okay where’s the mine I got I got 50 minutes Bros um well this is the best this is the fun part we get to find our own here

Cuz no one’s ever mined here before oh this looks like one right here there’s a big hole right there where cook up oh dish is going towards it Yoo oh this is so cool surely this one doesn’t sleep back out it does but it’s a start which means no no

No wait wait wait there’s a there’s another hole come up two your holes come to the hole that I was talking about come up come up where are you no no not that way opposite way there a big hole here oh oh oh that’s big that’s way bigger

Yeah I just found a m shaft by mining down wait M are you in this big cave come to the big cave I was in the original cave oh there’s gold here that I don’t want to Y there’s coal dang s is dark see anything 9 nice all right your girl needs Iron and honestly diamonds too but oh give me all your oh there’s a waterfall here I’m going to use my scaffolding here you brought scaffolding with you yeah into a mine why wouldn’t I bring it I see oh I use the wrong pickaxe SL there is another creeper Yonder but

It is got to open this up a little bit wait there’s a lush cave here I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming M shaft Lush cave and Amethyst cave oh hello wait Miss dish are you I will wait for you wait I going back to the

Original cave I want I don’t know where Jake is I go up to the old cave I if there’s a I’m trying to get a blue AEL blue AEL Jake is didn’t he hole where is hole yeah did you just m down here oh you he

Mined down here he M where did I go where am I going wait not it oh [ __ ] where is it I’ll come back up oh I see it don’t worry that a great where did oh he’s down here he he dug down hello where’s the I dug

Straight down yeah he just dug oh you made a staircase that’s crazy yeah I didn’t dig straight down I’m not insane that’s what I learn from I will take this thank you so much you learn the Dig straight down from ATU yeah well you have to still

Watch for it but like yeah watch for what how the [ __ ] you going to react straight down I I mine straight down on the second block and then I mine my block oh there’s a spider spawner over here oh it’s poisonous spider spawner boo Tes I some yeah I have some all right

Hopefully they don’t spawn anymore they’re over there ow how do you mine spider last swords oh I was having trouble with one did I bring my shovel I did look at this stuff isn’t it neat oh it is a lush cave it’s over here yes what you think I’m

Girl so much trash in my inv already J let’s go down here I’m B where maybe dig in wait where is the actual cave though is it up that’s a good question I think it’s just this I’m going to dig in you do that oh I want diamonds let’s go to 55

Or whatever I want diamonds yeah I need an amethyst cave so if you guys see it on your map anywhere I see it my map you do yes oh I see it too does any um uh Ender Chest I have to put some stuff away I’m going to open mine you want to

Use mine no no no I’m just saying I’m going to open mine anyway oh okay not big deal I will have amethyst Cave actually it’s okay should have the Lush cave is definitely this way I think I’m getting close which way this way oh yeah I see dirt thank you where are you bro where’d you guys go you guys went past this excuse me I’m just like digging straight toward where they this cave

Is oh this is where I don’t care about anything else did you go up to the m Shaft or below uh I just started digging in a straight line from my hole or I don’t know I just [ __ ] huge what the [ __ ] this thing is

Big why is it out of view now what the I’m lost I lost can amethyst cave spawn at high levels or is it always I need to find out where it spawns amethist hey diamonds and with this geode anywhere below level 70 wow what’s a GE it’s where amethyst

Grows can’t tell if it’s below or above me I finded it ah oh she founded it founded I don’t know where you are though okay don’t cause a Ruckus In Here guys [ __ ] maze D how do you even mine holy [ __ ] um I just I’m here primarily to collect the cows

Sign hello I’ll add one torch back herez that’s where we I’m in this I’m in this tunnel with you I love this Bee wait blocked off how do I get out [ __ ] I’m so [ __ ] lost hello w w into it what why don’t I see you I’m here what’s that flower right

There what is that we have to silk touch these probably right okay so the actual crystals you can to actually use them just use a regular pickaxe if you want them for decorations then use silk touch all right and don’t mind the blocks don’t mind the blocks that have I’m

Trying to figure out what this flower is don’t mind the blocks that have the like the crystals are growing from cuz those can’t grow back you can take the other rocks though like these ones see like right here that has little ax on it just don’t touch it let me get that uh

Thing oh actually I need to run out of St space Blossom o I’ve never seen that before yeah you you don’t need to still touch that one oh I got it four Blossom okay I wonder if it’ll grow back um of raw copper anyone want to give me coordinates cuz I cannot find

You um let’s see 59 25 I want the thank you that’s the amec okay I love the way they like jingle so Pretty I need the cow sign that my floor so many creepers first Minecraft episode might be finished no way I can’t wait I hear someone I cannot wait everyone else you can find this on mountains too yeah didn’t you find it in the snow yeah a snowy

Area you can find snow Peaks but the geod are so much more fun they harder to find though nah not for me I’d win I see I found a big one when I was oh trying to get a mushroom wait Jake did you just do you

Have my Ender Chest on you no you’re holding it oh I didn’t place it down oh what the [ __ ] that’s so trippy I placed down first Minecraft series episode coming out tomorrow the next day maybe whoa are you guys making like Minecraft YouTube videos are you actually probably more so Jake are you

[ __ ] no no damn what be so so fun you think people don’t want to see that pain oh they definitely do just I feel bad from my editor I have an editor who is very much a Minecraft gamer so that’s good got lucky augers we’re going to get max value out of

These these geod Max I’m trying to break all the ones that don’t have the uh oh oh she [ __ ] she [ __ ] fly on my ass hey hey creeper hey creeper I want as much gold as I can find I am going to minmax this cave being very careful

Oh this this uh this cave continues down a little bit for what it’s worth Jake I think you should do it what do what do a Minecraft series I don’t even know what vods I would give them bro I’ll like 20 hour vods yeah I don’t remember what happened in which

Vods sounds like an excuse you’re right it is we’ll do it do it even if I think even if multiple people are doing it it will be totally different content just do it you’re right I’ll just get my ass do it pull yourself together as I said earlier

Today lock in just lock in lock down simple lock down you’re welcome world you’re getting a Minecraft series from Jake crazy style this kid cave is going to be swimming with geod I mean crystals what are the blocks look all weird now smooth Bas salt base I’m an influencer well I guess you’re

Right Al the max win first time I heard that was oh I’m so sorry inous train [ __ ] is Anita Max Anita Max and I’m like this reminds me of the [ __ ] slots days yeah it’s kind of like Jesus the next person who stumbles upon this cave is going to be very

Happy giods for days this song uh b b this called Bando by October hello that’s a creeper no no no no no no what a horrible time to AFK my G sorry perfectly good buds just dead like that oh mama where am I Zoe Mama zo so true did something happen I was

Gone creeper a creeper came up on you and exploded a bunch of the buds wait how did I was in the middle of the cave though how do I know if an axela was blue it’s darker blue there’s a light blue one that’s like kind of white SL

Light blue a blue one is blue yeah my chat lied to me I didn’t have the r one wow your chat what the [ __ ] good night there blue blue one that’s R the light blue one is um not that one’s common let me see actually this one’s completely locked in

Here like you look at it and it’s like that’s blue blue yeah oh my God I fell wait a minute where the [ __ ] did I put my oh well this is gone what the [ __ ] do you mean it’s gone what what do you mean it’s gone talking about my bucket

Oh what are you talking about your bucket with your Axel I don’t know where it is that’s what I was asking it’s a home I guess I duck this little guy you’re my friend now there’s a bunch of yellow yeah yeah there’s Brown pink yellow light blue that I know of

There might be more I don’t know de as watching soku and Murdoch fight is like him being The Watcher but refusing to intervene there’s so true way she must learn or she will be a menace all her Life I’m setting these Birds free can I mind these crystals yeah any crystals can be mind medium amethyst Diamond boy but you need silk touch so remember yeah I got silk yeah okay small amethyst you just need silk touch for the decoration version but for uses you don’t need Sil

Touch what does that mean so amethyst just straight up amethyst shards have they can make stuff I don’t actually know what I’ve never done it shards yeah amethyst shards correct and then there’s amethyst clusters which don’t have any use but can be used for decoration and stuff so if you want amethyst clusters

I I need a amethyst clusters okay well get up to the top then sorry sorry not clusters I mean um what’s the what other one Shard functional one functional one is shards yeah so I just use a regular pickaxe [ __ ] yeah regular pickaxe oh [ __ ] my life I’ve been getting clusters entire

Time it’s okay Moss block I could use that that actually value value trip for me oh I like this song Purple Shuler box put in here y k haven’t actually gone past this point is there a uh is there a cool cave to see around here we need small ones

Too I want the cluster put up some scaffolding you can get up there I’m just welcome oh I want pretty ones functional not necessary for now I think I have a bunch of do you like actually need them for your build no I just want to dye

[ __ ] oh so you want the amethyst shards then right those die things yes oh I didn’t think about that yeah I want to use purple for my trim Maybe I have enough maybe I can just get decoration now I’m going to go to the Lun cave I do want to find a diamond too yeah wait also I’m going to put my ender chest down I’m Bor I’ll actually mark this location though oh true I worked on it you

Know where did Jake go I think he was in cave this should have brought two I don’t know why I only brought one I carry six what the [ __ ] when I go on Long excursions I fill up all of them wow I have nine different colored ones

But two of them are empty I wish I had more just played wrong with I’m going I’m going to close it um Jake where is the last cave it’s like North it’s not that much though Al so they despawn what they despawned o ax axles they do why

I don’t I don’t know I don’t [ __ ] know why grow grow my beautiful amethyst how long do they take I don’t know go up or down for the L cave from the amethyst cave down I’m just trying to break all the way around them so that they can

Grow on all sides oh oh yeah that’s why I’m breaking everything else Hing amethyst versus block of ameth oh block of amethyst oh my gosh that’s what I’m hearing right now okay I think I’ve done can I place a Sher box you oh yeah the block of amethyst is just

The that is just the the Block it’s just the block the block don’t need that all right I got more than enough calite to finish my house oh do you need one more C you have a crossbow I don’t know why must I got it from somebody hey

Oh I want a couple more small and medium ones oh I’m an idiot I’m using the wrong pickaxe what do you brox lles you gave them tropical so when two Axel love each other very much okay oh ciz can you breed tropical fish um I think there is a way to farm them

But I don’t know how yet but I was trying to figure it out that’ll be my next project hey Gifts of redeem kimchi I got you next project D it’s fine now well I read them first it’s fine I’m stealing your fish oh [ __ ] thanks for saving up all those points

No Joe Cool first message a I’m so I love Amethyst in ham too associating me too dish gifted a tier one sub to kimchi Kate uh um what elevation level are you at who Lush cave I do not know weren’t you at it yeah I wasn’t looking did you leave yeah I’m about

To about to that’s the implication the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is Gro huh oh it’s a Twitter AI oh hell no wait it’s an item no Twitter AI Oh did you have a fish one explor really oh shift automatically goes down scaffold Yeah I got so much calside my floor is going to be so luxurious let’s go damn she got it like that yeah they better know I see a medium give me that give me that Medium right now let me off um I want to go Diamond searching so I’m going to go to

55 we encounter another deep dark deep dude I’m so down this [ __ ] ball I don’t have the gear for deep dark deep dark challenge except you have to fight every Warden no bro it’s j if that’s INE on hard mode Hell yeah okay 20 minute warning if you if you haven’t done your

Dualingo do your dualingo I did my duelingo thank you let’s go I need to do mine I think where are you going me I’m just [ __ ] mining oh you’re going to go relax and watch my VOD that’s hilarious good night I’m going to go to 55 oh I I heard that

Sorry sounds they’re here oh I’m near another I think there’s a bunch of clay here quite useful yes I can’t believe me and Ed fought 12 wardens on our first that first stream was crazy when they were doing D were gaming I found another amethyst

Cave I want to go what okay I picked up some clay I don’t know if it’s useful though oh do you use a shovel to mine clay yes y it’s like dirt I’m what the [ __ ] I love watching creepers explode each other the Lush biome is down here e r Sun suit let

Go oh sh this’s fast if you want to grow aelia trees get the aelia bushes IG aelia so fancy what is this oh [ __ ] my bad I just [ __ ] did the thing again what I might right into an amethyst Cave thing holy sh oh my God this place is

Big can you give us the coordinates yeah yes first things first I’m a realist y get there she B J oh I’m stuck way I li And sure are done sorry I was doing my dualingo hi aru I haven’t seen you in forever you how doing see I had to get my streak my streak in order welcome guys I’m chilling playing Minecraft today the hours just fly by you know oh what were you up to on stream chilling

I just did my dualing go good good you got it done did you just mine straight down from the cave amethyst cave no no why I see a long tunnel oh I’ll come get you it’s like a long curving tunnel someone went down way why are you

What what is this what is this tunnel I am trying oh oh no oh no I got to run oh my gosh oh my gosh oh I just heard that I’m being attacked by spiders right now and I cannot get away I’m back what the heck poison spiders stress me out

Mommy bore gifted a tier one sub to Arrow you oh you guys are pretty close to me actually hell are you guys I’m I’m at level 21 I see somebody in the distance who is that I think that’s me just mining straight in your direction is this a stair wait are you

Down the stairc well thank you for the gift sub to aru play comedy nice uh I lost track of your name tag bar oh you went down I see you I’m coming back up this is a weird ass winding tunnel thing where are you like I’ve been digging for eternity oh

Finally I don’t know how the [ __ ] I don’t know how to get to Jake I’ve been trying to like d to I don’t even know how to get out I’ve been trying to get out of here I’m like [ __ ] where are you like in a cave right now oh [ __ ] I

Fell you’re in a cave oh yeah I was just planning on just mining to him it sounds good let’s do it oh I’m in start a path over here no I just found two amethyst thingies really that’ss that’s where you dug did I dig wait I just came

Back to the cave yeah oh God I made like a full loop wait I just found an opening into a river that this cave comes from holy [ __ ] this place is crazy got we got what the [ __ ] I’m tripping okay how about you share your own quartz are you still

There I did I sent it okay [ __ ] Ron oh all these tropical fish 100 blocks this way where would they go we just dig it uh yeah just go as close as we can and and start digging which is Maybe here that’s it I see you guys on the map

I need to go there oh oh this looks like a a netive oh wait that’s not maybe it is mining this way then I don’t know yeah whatever we just keep mining Overnight the same more iron oh my God it’s what what happened oh is this just a skeleton he scared me surely there will be an opening at some point this way I need all the stone all right we have to be somewhere right d yeah definitely somewhere

Iron I don’t know supposed to go up or down I’m just going straight okay we’re we’re like in the same vicinity as Jake yeah he’s hasn’t appeared on my map yet it’s almost like he’s right next to us help me these fish you’re mine now fishy what the

[ __ ] oh my music just changed there was an act bro is walking on the land chillis hey little gun want this oh wait I lost him does that mean he’s above us Jake where did you go I just this dude bro tripping balls this is my C I’m

Still here oh wait I think he’s above us above us oh no he’s not he’s l oh wait wait he he’s at y9 are you’re all the way over there I’m going to hope it pops out somewh whoa wow oh oh yes yes yes I’m in cave I think

What the I’m in to Amethyst cave oh see a CRA um is this I think I see your name tag oh you probably found the caves I found yeah probably oh yeah iin um I think the amethyst cave is probably oh it’s right here okay know I’m at the Shared location yes hello

Yay juicy block oh my God you [ __ ] scared me uh too much Stone andesite andesite ugly AB M Sal not that ugly but don’t eat it coal ore lapis iron oh back’s starting to hurt sitting here is there any lower caves in here or Diamond I’m trying to go to to

You oh I think I see I see I’m walking a downward path right now let’s see what I find no zombie I’m trying to store my items leave me alone oh Lava don’t this oh the missl toe is you see somebody waits for you I don’t know where you guys are so I’m just going to mine yeah that’s what we ended up doing just mine to y9 and like the area of the coordinates should be good

Y9 yeah just make sure you’re on y 19 and then some you’ll eventually pop out into this cave okay so why the middle number yeah okay your X and Y should your x and z should be like way bigger right like in the oh it’s Z I didn’t

Know it was what the why is usually the smallest number cuz it’s the height okay thank you not always but caves okay I don’t know how much longer I can hold on guys yeah I’m I’m pretty ready to go to bed well not go to bed

But move from here I don’t want to all night anymore it’s gooday up all honestly I might just DC here and find my way back up Bon he’s the eer Jake are you still there bro trying to this I am here he’s tired he is here talking about this cave we name

Tags oh my you should be the cave bro oh yeah if you just keep mining you’ll eventually you knew what I was saying no he thought about he thought you meant like here in general like with us what make my God yeah just iron I I started to mine stuff with my

Silk touch pickaxe right now I’m using Siler shaders eventually when I get out yeah yeah I wouldn’t mind dcing and then coming back here to mine some more clay tomorrow I believe this is the way the way the way this an exit right here is kind of crazy takes you straight to the

River large just saw something beautiful what whoa under under probably leave from here I just want to find diamonds too high up for diamonds yeah we needed to find a a like a cavern oh yeah this is cave have to swim up why am I flying oh I’m in the water what the

[ __ ] soy do you have respiration yeah I need we not go to bed till like like to anyway but I don’t want to be where does this leave out the river if you go straight up whoa oh not that far off what is what does the swamp look like I’m trying to

Go to the swamp oh there’s a there’s a creeper oh and there’s Phantoms fun I’m going holy [ __ ] that is way too I’m going back on water damn bad six Phantoms holy [ __ ] oh my God they’re coming under the water what the oh what are you do what the [ __ ]

Wait this is illegal that’s so broken how they go under water dude wait where’ you guys go oh my God there’s actually so many of them oh dish is still here yeah I’m just chilling what the [ __ ] is it I’m I quit this is that’s maddening guys are cring

Cring you guys have beds nope no oh yeah I’m definitely bringing more Shuler boxes next time we go somewhere for sure when I go on like long excursions like I I said I used up all my boxes so if you got a super long one I I want more oh these guys following

Me oh I’m trying to get these glowberries no it’s not C many shaders it’s sers right now it’s sers I just switched from PSL I hear them bro I hear them too the voices the call the void taking an eternity you’re probably use my is that another [ __ ]

Fish they just spawning freely yeah they do that’s why the last time I went to a lush cave I got like eight Axel or something wa yeah tropical fish cing some stuff getting I want to wrap H up furnaces I just all my stuff done I respect it must stff cooked I can

Leave what are you cooking just iron what ingots to turn them into ingots they flying through you should get a blast furnace oh yeah I should pure away pure what look at that saki look at that zombie right there oh he follow he was he was spinning he spun like six times probably

More like probably like 30 times beautiful get my what the [ __ ] dude you don’t want you don’t want to take this fight dude you don’t want to fight this hi hi everyone who’s new you came from rids or whatever I’m just chilling i h i killed the

Bat all right cook the the it’s open I think it’s oh no do you have an Ender Chest dish I don’t happy New Year you should make you one it’s really handy no I said we should make you one I want to but I don’t want to go

Alone I see the freaking oh my God these fandoms are still after I want more Sher boxes going catch me I’m on catch me Among Us Among Us can mobs climb scaffolding gold glowing sacks that’s what I want yes they can man you killed the glowing squid yeah I want their glow

Sacks why do you want their sacks because um with glow sacks you can make glowing item frames that’s yeah B I actually don’t know what it looks like but I just want wait is that not a swamp right next to us what is that I think it’s a jungle jungle man

Yeah the swamps are kind of like pale like a pale green swamp green is is it so me oh that was you what the [ __ ] I did not hit you that was the Phantom oh where’s the entrance I don’t remember down here where are you

Guys oh I found the amethyst cave I am still in the same oh I’m above the water I just like bucketed 20 tropical fish damn I do that at the raid Farm um I’m lost I’m lost I’m lost I showed you the way Sun’s Rising with you how did you get

There did you say Sun’s Rising mhm Oh you mean a game I was about to freak out it’s only 12 another glowing squid give it to me oh you sneeze you lose you didn’t even know about it you didn’t even care about him you’re right but knowledge is

Power I’m never telling you anything again gay cubing Tomy only from you pretty damn this deser is really oh it is daytime hell yeah [ __ ] these Phantoms H this would be a perfect time for a sit yeah I’m trying to I think U tried it and it didn’t

Work did you try didn’t work the mod manager or did he try in his actual files don’t ask me wait is that a swamp wait I think it’s a swamp actually no no it’s jungle look on your map I’m sleepy oh I’m so sorry I thought you something going to hit me

[ __ ] it was a reflexes where does it say jungle did you think I was a a phantom I don’t know what I thought it was just you approached we’re approaching really quickly and you know I panicked that’s fair he saw me hit you with my reaction oh wait Cactus is for the um

What’s it called wait do you have the fortune cacti Cactus cacti Cactus I still touch this no you can do anything I’m going to scout the area guys want actually I think I’m going to DC here I you can grow it oh you can grow it okay I got

Four I’m going to I’m going to log out good night D good night oh Mye yeah guys get home safe this is a crazy biome what the [ __ ] I was playing with Jake Tanto slice and Saki who if you watch genin streamers you know who that is but otherwise probably

Not all right that was fun I did want to end by midnight so it’s 12:07 not bad not bad this music was fire I loved it beats Majestic Saturday night amen okay I miss any alerts I probably did ke thank you for the gift sub uh colana thank you for the five months

Resub Liv thank you for the three months Gwen for the tier one card carving thank you for the 26 months anina thank you again for the 18 far far thank you for the 20 months good night guys it’s been fun um probably won’t see me tomorrow or Sunday I’ll

Probably probably be offline guess we’ll see um yeah thanks for tuning in possibly I’m probably not going to be be able to do the thumbnail tonight so Minecraft episode one probably not tomorrow but the next day goodbye and remember Anita the max win thanks for hanging out appreciate you guys Abby the goat

I’m going to go watch whatever she sent me if she did send it to me not yet whenever she sends it to me I’ll will actually I have to send her stuff so I’ll do that okay good night guys on time for New Year’s that’s crazy first video of the year was going

To be a Minecraft video love that oh um but you are going to get a lethal company video tomorrow on side dish so keep an eye with that okay chat over and out good night thank you

This video, titled ‘anita max wynn | fontaine film event – minecraft smp’, was uploaded by Dish VODs on 2024-01-08 09:49:34. It has garnered 379 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:21 or 21741 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/dish

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    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

    INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!Video Information This video, titled ‘sub-Crystl PvP with the Motion Blur gameplay -(pojav launcher) #cpvp #pojavalauncher #minecraft’, was uploaded by NEAR25⚡ on 2024-05-20 16:12:41. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft pvp montage, minecraft hardcore, minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft shorts, #minecraft, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft sumo pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,cpvp, smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft combo, minecraft hacker, minecraft smp,minecraft pro, minecraft 1.20,minecraft mods, minecraft sumo, sumo minecraft, minecraft combo lock,minecraft combotage,egirl minecraft, minecraft video,minecraft short,best minecraft combosminecraft, minecraft pvp,minecraft shorts, minecraft god,minecraft memes, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft the boys, minecraft… Read More

  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More

  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

    SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper 😓😭 #minecraftcreeper #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-04-22 12:00:10. It has garnered 43219 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft small building #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial’, was uploaded by VINU on 2024-05-21 17:19:50. It has garnered 550 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Song: AXM – Sunlight Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://bit.ly/3mTaHsP Song: Thomas Gresen – Elevate Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://bit.ly/3A2wbGx #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial #funnylogic Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New survival public smp ip and port 24/7 online server #video #minecraft #server #public’, was uploaded by Atifgamer on 2024-01-14 12:47:10. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Guys you guys always keep showing me this kind of support and please like, share and subscribe because I have to complete 1k subscribers as soon as possible. Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

    SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Breed “With” Villagers 🤨 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 09:00:41. It has garnered 493 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

    Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new video cool video’, was uploaded by Jasus Gamerz on 2024-01-16 01:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft new video cool video #minecraft #trending #viral #gameplay #jasus gamerz #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning … Read More

  • “Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE” #roblox

    "Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE" #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blox Fruits [Playing With JB] #live #roblox #bloxfruits’, was uploaded by RomeoGotGame on 2024-04-20 18:12:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Im RomeoGotGame But You Can Call Me Romeo & Im 12 Years Old & I Play Videogames Such As Sonic, FNAF, Minecraft, … Read More

  • Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!

    Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft song teaser!!!!’, was uploaded by Piano Kid on 2024-06-03 03:53:18. It has garnered 10 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Gaupa

    GaupaFactions server under development. Some of the stuff is not finish, but come and join and build your empire and be the strongest faction in this world PvP Just have fun 1.20.1 Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is a thriving online community that started in 2020 as a name for a DnD game and has evolved into a place for people to relax and play games. Key Features: Active staff members ready to assist Regular events like building and drawing contests Unique role system with perks Cozy spawn area created by staff Economy system for money, shops, and item selling Villager shops with a variety of items Player Market for buying protected areas Quality hosting for a smooth experience Bedrock integration for mobile/console players Discord server with EssentialsX integration Join Us… Read More

  • Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)

    Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)This is a anarchy Minecraft server but it crazy:/Join discord for more information https://discord.com/invite/CANHpTt2This server don’t have any anticheat but I will add anti fly and speed walk because it make the server run out of ram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Speedrun to da crib

    Minecraft Memes - Speedrun to da cribJust call me the Usain Bolt of block-building! Read More

  • Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed!

    Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a map review is due, For the anniversary, let’s see what’s new. Exploring the realms, with blocks and mobs, 15 years of crafting, no time for sobs. Asele’s channel, bringing the scoop, With a cloak in hand, ready to loop. Nerkin and Matzncraft, in the mix, Celebrating Minecraft, with tricks and kicks. An anniversary card, a creeper cloak, In the world of Minecraft, it’s no joke. Twitch streams and updates, all in sight, Minecraft’s 15 years, shining bright. So dive into the game, with joy and cheer, Minecraft’s anniversary, let’s all be near. Asele’s… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Viral Shorts Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Viral Shorts Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #viral #shorts 😂🎮 Read More

  • Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans

    Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans Embarking on the Journey of Building a City in Minecraft Survival Mode Welcome to the first episode of our Minecraft series, where we dive into the exciting world of building a city in survival mode. In this adventure, we will witness the challenges and triumphs of creating a bustling metropolis from scratch. Let’s explore the essential steps and strategies involved in this epic undertaking. Gathering Essential Resources One of the first tasks in building a city in Minecraft survival mode is gathering essential resources. From wood and stone to food and ores, every material plays a crucial role in… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT - EPIC CAVE CANNONS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cosy Modded Minecraft – Caves and Cannons’, was uploaded by Chris Deals Minecraft on 2024-03-09 02:27:12. It has garnered 346 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:03 or 1863 seconds. Epic Minecraft Adventure with Create Mod, Ars Nouveau, and Cave Exploration! Watch as I harness the power of Create Mod to construct a stunning house, utilizing its intricate mechanics for ultimate creativity! But that’s not all – dive deep into the magical world of Ars Nouveau as I craft mystical spell books, unlocking ancient powers to aid in my quest! Then,… Read More

  • TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!

    TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Creepy SUPERHEROES vs MIKEY and JJ ESCAPING Underground ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-06-04 17:00:29. It has garnered 13315 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:09 or 1809 seconds. All Creepy SUPERHEROES vs MIKEY and JJ ESCAPING Underground at 3:00AM ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to… Read More

  • “Dronio’s EPIC Love Story in Minecraft – FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!” #MinecraftLove

    "Dronio's EPIC Love Story in Minecraft - FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!" #MinecraftLoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Любовь в Minecraft – алмаз: красива, неповторима. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 12:30:10. It has garnered 1317 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!” #clickbait

    "EPIC FAIL in Minecraft - DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wrong Turn #zocken #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #spielen #dunkel #gameplay #game #funny #fun’, was uploaded by R&R Production on 2024-01-10 15:36:22. It has garnered 99 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!

    Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!Video Information This video, titled ‘WinterMap Minecraft Server #916star #minecraft’, was uploaded by Timself on 2024-01-11 14:46:12. It has garnered 112 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. TLX Network: ➞ https://dsc.gg/tlxnetwork ➞ Founder: Lexo und Timself WINTERMAP: ➞ IP: wintermap.g-portal.game ➞ Version: 1.20 – 1.20.4 ➞ Discord: https://discord.gg/5yKzHxj4mN GamingEcke: ➞ https://discord.gg/SJu84x2Spq ➞ I thank everyone for your subscriptions and your support! Read More

  • EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #Shorts

    EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral tik tok video dream on #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR More07 on 2024-03-02 11:30:02. It has garnered 461 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Mr More07 ============================== Instagram➡https://www.instagram.com/_mr_more07_/ Facebook➡https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056299486427 ============================== Please like the video Please subscribe the channel Share the video for your friends ============================== Thanks For Watching ============================= #shorts #minecraft #mrmore07 minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft 1.20, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Besto Frendso :)’, was uploaded by Sarang Ram on 2024-03-28 20:57:38. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Thanks for joining in. Valorant grind later tonight. Stick around if you like the content. Leave a like and Subscribe as well. Thank yaaa. Read More

  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

    "Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-13 10:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft … Read More

  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

    💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Toph033 Talks Racing To 100 Kills In Sky Battle | InsideMC 107’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-05-22 15:00:10. It has garnered 323 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:20 or 3320 seconds. In the 107th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast and thirty-sixth edition of MidweekMC, Orbitzz & AJX sit down with Toph033! Someone who is amazing at Minecraft, someone who places very high in tournaments, someone who is good at speedrunning and someone who has a bad KAD ratio in Valorant, wait what!? To kick start the podcast the… Read More