Unbelievable! DomDomDomDomDomDomDomDomDomDom – A 5th World Full of Life

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Yo welcome to another episode of the worst Minecraft stream you have ever seen oh my God this place is infested I don’t know where to go okay all right hold on all right all right what’s going on let stream is up okay okay wait where’s my ice block [Laughter]

Nice all right and this this episode we’re going to save marii somehow she’s in a cave with mining fatigue so she literally is stuck uh but more importantly she has 20 something diamonds so we need to go get her it’s just this place is infested and then there’s like lava and just hold

Tight hold tight you can’t die with that many diamonds what else are we do in this episode guys we’re unraveling the mystery of Juju Bean I think finally yeah think we’re actually gonna do it holy [ __ ] a treehouse whoa Jesus [ __ ] well that is a loud noise well I’m accepting a friend

Request so I can invite him to the party it’s the Moment of Truth everybody hope you’re ready for this [ __ ] dude hope you’re ready for this oh no Steve died look out look out Steve look out I managed to escape where I was hold on Steve I can’t help you [ __ ] [ __ ] in

Hell I was trying to run over here [ __ ] oh he’s spawning in my bed that’s fine I got to give him uh I’ll give him some iron so he can make well you know what he’s he’ll probably die very quick can someone type the coordinates of the house we’re on survival mode we

Will uhoh it’s not going good right now sleep we need to sleep actually we need to sleep because one of the Farms has just been busted open we can’t let that happen we can’t let that happen Julian is this not your broken ass horse over here where [ __ ] skeletons someone help me damn

It oh look move to the side I got him Creeper Creeper Creeper Two creeper sleep why are we not sleeping sleep man no no no no no no no your stuff won’t despawn if you sleep however it’ll despawn in 5 minutes sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep everybody sleep use Mar’s bed

Steve damn all right juju bean are you in the uh party chat sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep please three out of four players please sleep I think I don’t I don’t know where Steve is at blizzard babe blizzard sauce we need you to sleep blizzard babe

Where did you where did you respawn blizzard sauce Iceman where the hell is he Iceman is he is he in your stream I don’t know Jo he he should be all right let me invite Juju B to the stream I mean to the party chat gosh can I come

Back in or no no I mean might as well no one’s the sun is rising right now yeah might as well no one’s going to [ __ ] Sleep God Dam it all right yeah come back all we got to save Mari but more importantly juju bean is about to join

This party chat so everyone prepare yourself dude I I don’t know feel don’t worry about me yo Aunt welcome to the stream brother hop in baby where you at where you at we’re coming Ry we’re going to get you I kind of moved a couple blocks away

So I might be all right but I still have fatigue I got some big ideas for this world it’s all I’ve been thinking about but as a working man I really can’t play okay I’m definitely tired of our Village being overrun by mobs we have to we have

To address that we have to address that we have to make it we have to mob proof it somehow you have to light the place up we have to light it up and we have to build fences around the dark areas that aren’t lit up or something not just fences walls

Anything man I’m tired of it I’m really tired of nighttime being do or die like God damn also how do I sound sound good okay Juju join the CH his by the way his uh his PSN is Juju flame Juju flame that’s actually pretty fire unless

If he’s a a flamer then it’s kind of gay it’s a flamer never mind okay Juju join the damn chat what’s up you asked to get invited and what you don’t we’re too you’re too cool for us or something I I know I didn’t just I know

I didn’t just add you for no reason DG you going disrespect me like that in my own server heyi dog what’ you say said is Juju AI are you AI you don’t see it you don’t see what my party I invited you no what are you talking about bro I

Mean do do you you also didn’t know how to read you know coordinates I wouldn’t be be surprised if you didn’t see the invite I’ll invite you again Juju flame 06 roasted him Juju flame’ 06 how old is he if he was born in ‘ 06 does it match

Up to his to his I think so yo Juju say something Iceman I like your Shack where is a shack right next to yours I see I see I see it’s fire Juan juju bean say something please saying something bro what what I don’t hear he’s saying stuff I don’t hear him

No why why how could this happened to me he L said hi did he mute me oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay all right well all right I will I I’ll change it Juju saves himself oh God ican home sh oh [ __ ] well well Juju we’re happy to have

You on the stream everyone can hear you on the stream by the [Laughter] way wait can they hear him on the stream is it the setting oh no no no a can’t hear you uh if you want people to hear you juju bean you got to go to go to the

Party click on my party okay okay okay good good good all right fine then if you ever want if if you ever want people to hear you let me know I’ll tell you how to do it dude it it’s actually coming out it’s actually coming out pretty [ __ ]

Fire man would be kind of crazy though God yeah man yeah juju bean I uh I’m going to take back anything I’ve ever mean I’ve ever said about you I’m just I’m just putting that on the record all right I’m just going to put that on the record yeah definitely yeah I mean

Listen listen I’m going to say Juju none of us none of us are innocent all right listen but but don’t feel singled out we say worse things to each other this is what we do this is what we do all day we wait do you know do you know which

One it is what does he sound like as he’s not on here right now he’s not on here right now yeah it’s it’s probably Anthony so Anthony uh you can’t hear juju bean you have to join the party to hear him but uh he’s talking and he’s saying that

You’ve been talking too much [ __ ] and he wants an apology dog that’s crazy yeah hold on I’ll be right back I’m still in the C what what all right I’m back sorry wow okay damn dude this is crazy dude I this is crazy okay sorry sorry Sorry what do you think of the village Juju yeah damn you really chose a an elite spot for your uh for your uh Treehouse Matt meth gaming said Juju on that Juju on that [Laughter] beat damn Juju you’re stacked over here you got you got an anvil we don’t even

Got an anvil in the village what the [ __ ] is this oh okay okay okay man also welcome back to the stream Mech gaming happy to have you here again you’re like three days in a row excellent wow he is homeschooled can [Laughter] what’ you say Mari someone type the

Coordinates of the house oh it’s uh yeah sorry it’s um it is 1900 and what 600 600 600 I thought it, 1600 nah no oh [ __ ] I was going the wrong way oh man it is good to have you on here juju bean let me tell You all right we juu on the beat yeah we all got a JuJu on the be yo big Julian the third Julian yeah Julian number three that’s crazy Julian we’re talking to juju bean the one you were trying to save yesterday but he ended up saving himself yo I got two brewing

Stand what give me one which one that’s Anthony’s house that’s the one that was talking [ __ ] oh and he might he said he you missed out for some diamonds he said and he said you missed out on some diamonds dog right I’m going to make like a

Little damn there’s a lot of stuff I want to do God damn it man oh yo D come come come look at my [ __ ] all right let me see let me come check out your [ __ ] damn dude y’all been playing dog I [ __ ] out here [ __ ] working like a slave and y’all be

Playing Minecraft this is what it’s like [ __ ] 10 buckets just dude I love it I love it dude it looks so good there’s a vibe in here you got to get you got to add some wood floors now I got I got a whole bunch of dark

Wood man if it weren’t for Mary I wouldn’t even have a house I haven’t really done anything M oh no except for build the warehouse dude I keep trying to dig up and I run into water cave oh do you need help yo I I mean oh you put chickens in there all

Good I’m I’m trying to make a cow Farm uh on the other side of my house so if you want to put any animals in there that’d be dope too sweet there’s already fenes put up I just found more diamonds while trying to escape all right Marie where are you you

Need help or what or you got it uh I’m still trying I’ll let you know when I’m like Fed Up also there’s a question that’s uh that’s burning in our in our streamer household yeah we had an S tier horse and it is dead and gone and we’re

Wondering what the [ __ ] happened to it oh here we go dude oh was your horse free Julian no there’s was onad my lead and my thing was in my chest I had two leads and my golden horse armor in the chest and my do and my horse we gone everybody sleep

Yeah oh [ __ ] everyone sleep everyone sleep man two out of five two out of five two out of five I’m leaving Anthony said okay hold on I got to catch you you all up on the chat it’s good Anthony said uh is Juju being racist is that why he doesn’t want to be

Heard and then and then him and me gaming started talking about that and then aunt said he feels replaced what one play one player got to sleep juju bean this is crazy this is so crazy right I mean I mean really it’s unbelievable like how how many things were said amazing

Dude all right I’m going into the nether is the nether like automatic death or what yeah hold on let me go in there with you back let’s go let’s go we got this I’ll back you up yeah you can come back in baby okay I can’t move man I’m stuck

What’s going on who did that who did that oh never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind um is this it is that’s the one no no no no there’s piglins there’s piglins we we shouldn’t really be here get the horse

And go get the holy [ __ ] there’s like 10 of them go go go go oh my God that was so close dude wait what what D they made it through they made it through they made it through what the [ __ ] is going on oh my God yo how many were there dog gold

Armor dog you got to have gold armor are you kidding me if you have all gold armor they won’t attack you shut up dude dude they didn’t they didn’t [ __ ] with me I I was not I was in the portal for like 2 seconds after you were in it

And they didn’t hit me or anything so they were beining it for me holy [ __ ] that was close I’m going back I just saw my life flash before my [ __ ] eyes wow dude dude my horse is dead dog straight up dude we have to I want a goddamn

Explanation dude that horse that horse jumped as high as the gods that was an amazing horse so did mine come on guys yeah yours well we still have yours [ __ ] alive yeah yours is still alive juju bean why don’t you want the uh stream to hear you all right that’s the stream the

Stream ready the stream ain’t ready that’s true that’s true you right you right you right all right well all right that’s understandable then that’s [Laughter] understandable damn I wish I could play more man I want to and I do not want to get off tonight tomorrow’s your Friday [ __ ] I’ll

Be on all night tomorrow you’re playing tomorrow Juju yeah okay Juju Juju you go to you go to school or what that’s what’s up that’s wait why cuz of Martin Luther King Day oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah I don’t even have school Monday damn there was this guy at

The job site yo Aunt welcome to the party brother yo okay okay this is going to be a bad note to start on what dude what the [ __ ] no hold on and and and before you start seriously I’m not kidding just really just tread lightly right now until you fully understand the

Situation all I’m going to say what happened to my horse dog yeah what the [ __ ] happened to the horse I would okay hold on everybody calm down okay no no no no a price must be paid a price must be paid ins of your house I understand I

Understand I understand all right calm down I’m admitting to my flint and steel my hand right now in your house bro jul is he talking about me no no out what happened explain to to me what Happ please Cal out big Julian please tell me you’re in the party big Julie

Big Julian’s here but he’s just listening okay okay I hope he will account for me I can hear myself [ __ ] oh my God uh also Iceman Steve welcome to the voice chat okay go ahead Anthony sorry I was I don’t remember what I was doing I was outside of my

House okay and me and Julian were about to hop off and a [ __ ] creeper came at me and I went to kill it and it blew me up and in the process of it blowing me up your horses were in too close proximity oh God Anthony you got to

Get sorry this is a double double not good welcome back baby where you back baby where you at damn it Anthony [ __ ] M Sor you made it back let’s go guess how many diamonds how many 31 holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that’s a lot am I still welcome in the server no you

Better find me a [ __ ] flying horse again there has to be five diamonds yeah there there’s a price that has to be paid for the horse get the [ __ ] your horse dog and make a new straight up that’s fine you can have you’re going to watch okay I will gladly

Watch yes yes uh Juju well I think you’re 17 now that we’ve spoken 1738 why how do how old do you think I am damn wow D wow dude I’ll take that I’ll take that I’ll take that I’ll take that from you juju bean I’ll take that

From anybody else i’ be I kicked them out okay okay all right all right calm down all right all right I’m going this way I can’t even look at you right now dude I’m sorry like I might I might not even talk to you in real life when I see you

That’s how that’s where we’re at right now no way no way I will Z you for the [ __ ] horse you Z him real money no but it was a good gesture our whole childhood is eras for my memory that’s holy [ __ ] that’s a little too [ __ ] all right

We he just he just said that on the 89th Avenue [ __ ] server yeah you know what you know what I get it I get it guys it I get it no stop it come on don’t be [ __ ] lame Dude Where’s the storage area it’s down

Here I never seen it oh it’s Bare Bones still I’m get I’m still um mixing it up yo uh what do you mean I mean wait wait wait once you get your W situated and also you can do whatever you can do whatever the hell you want man straight

Up I mean as long as you don’t be sorry go ahead oh no I was say I was just telling you you could do whatever you want as long as you don’t be you know affecting other people you know what I’m saying you could trade with whoever you want uh the warehouse is

Basically you know free reign with um Integrity you know you can’t just be going taking everything in there but if you need something feel free to go grab it from the warehouse well you see this little uh St uh strip Farm we got over here if you

Want to till the land and plant them or add dirt and plant them feel [ __ ] free dude make the farm as big as you can you know do do do what you got to do in this Village as long as you you know have integrity also I had a brewing stand and

I don’t know where I put it big little Joan I lost your stand give me another one damn it I don’t even damn where the [ __ ] is my other one wait did someone take our Brewing stands oh no I have I have one what’s what brewing stand it’s uh how you make

Potions I just I probably put it away in a chest on accident [ __ ] stairs stairs okay also Iceman Steve thank you thank you for the um helmet that you gave me I appreciate it I’m going to wear it for as long as I can damn Steve

I had a I had an ice block for you but I don’t know where it went sorry um you said you want to make an Ender Chest I would love an Ender Chest Rey you’re a mic is buzzing oh Julian yo uh I got this for you

What it it won’t fit in the door but I got Steve where are you I got food oh no I don’t want I don’t want this I don’t want this [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] horse I’m [ __ ] trying all right no this thing is literal ass dude okay [ __ ]

You dude that I can jump D it can’t it can’t even jump on that I’m literally jumping higher than this thing dude take the [ __ ] horse no I don’t want it I don’t want it I don’t want I don’t know what to do with it now cuz I don’t want it anymore I

Feel bad that I have a horse and you don’t meth gaming is putting song lyrics in the chat what the hell’s wrong with you oh God yo so juju bean what’s up dude my bad I’m not trying to talk [ __ ] what’s good homie my bad what’s up I’m starting this

Stream on a really shitty start yeah for real yeah you you’re you’re Public Enemy Number One dude [ __ ] I feel uh juju bean D are you going to forgive are you going to forgive him oh oh help ah storage room try no it’s me dying all right well we

Got him now man Marie saved me sleep sleep time sleep time sleep time be honest I don’t I don’t know what [ __ ] I was talking I’m going be real so my bad in advance Juju being told me off stream he’ll beat your [ __ ] ass if you ever talk about him

Again yeah Juju be said Juju be said meet him in real life I don’t even know what [ __ ] I was talking that’s the worst part I don’t know why well he said you better [ __ ] remember I don’t know what happened she said you better remember

Though yo yo yo juju bean do you do you forgive Anthony he’s actually a good kid I’ve known him I’ve known him since I was since I was a young and it’s my bad I don’t know what I said damn d That’s crazy damn all right my apologies we’ll just we’ll just let

We’ll just let time you know do the healing and move on yeah yeah move on okay got that dirt we haven’t we’re all I’m I’m honestly I feel like I I would die if I went into the nether right now I end in a rush I end in a r I’m chilling to

Building my house ah really are you are you sure a compass a compass welcome back to the stream I mean welcome back to the world Iceman okay interesting I didn’t know a compass would point to our house why would it point to our house SP oh it points the spawn yeah

Yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I see I see yeah before we go into The Nether I feel like we got to get our Overworld situated like real nice you know I’m just focused on this [ __ ] aquarium right now yeah I see that I’m focused on making a little tool

Room in the uh in the warehouse I already got the brewing stand there if anyone has an anvil they’d like to donate to the warehouse since everyone takes [ __ ] from the warehouse uh feel all right then why don’t you come trade an anvil Julian I know you’re stacked on

Iron who me little Julian sorry sorry listen I have I have bigger bigger and better things man you know what I’m saying I got I’m [ __ ] running this hoe I sent I sent my most trusted I sent I sent my most trusted man after you listen I’m in the warehouse what are

You talking about oh oh that’s just extra gun that’s just extra gunpowder what are you talking about yo yo here you go you said you wanted these oh thank you sir thank you thank you yes I will allow you to take I will allow you to take things from the warehouse

Periodically if you need them how’s that for a trade what you want wait what you I can’t give you XP how am I supposed to do that Julian you have a knockback book right yeah hold on hold on hold no no sorry I got to figure out how to talk no

No if I say okay Juju if I say Julian I’m talking to Julian but if I say Juju I’m talking to you all right yo what’s what’s better projectile protect protction or blast protection projectile yeah [ __ ] why wait you don’t want to give it up if you don’t want to

Give it up this way no I can I have a it’s it’s Smite four knock back too we could use the Anvil juju bean come to the um Warehouse please this is where the trade is going to happen wait come to the warehouse It’s a neutral territory what do you mean Don’t Be

Afraid we weren’t going to jump you we were just making sure that you weren’t going to jump us listen do I want paper yes we need paper uh Iceman eventually we’ll need it all right you could put it any anywhere in here Juju put it anywhere in here excuse me

Books thank you what is this all for well thank you wait wait well the oh okay and then put the Anvil in the corner thank you we have an anvil excellent nice get serious nice nice serious once the Anvil oh I’m using that anvil once the Anvil comes out it’s over nice

Thank you Juju I’m about to make the ultimate Bow straight up I think everyone’s about to make a godbow with all the [ __ ] little Julian what do you got what do you got you got godb it hits them further what power you got on there just power power one damn I need three more levels to make the ultimate

Bow oh when the [ __ ] did I die I had like 20 levels oh never mind I know exactly I died when you murdered Julian’s yeah my bad [ __ ] uh is the sun going down no are we having wait did you get the book oh Julian where’s the book at I thought

I thought he gave it to you hold on yeah yeah yeah hold on it’s coming sorry I thought I thought you already had it I thought you already had it I have I have a knock what what are you going to put it on a sword ju be all right well I have

Knock back two so just give it just give him the one with the Lesser yeah oh wait hold on this is the oh hold on hold on let me get it sorry I grabbed the wrong one [ __ ] I already forgot what I was supposed to do this stream oh you know I

Was going to get a horse in the horse farm we need to get we need to get the ican Steve Silk Touch that’s what we got to do he needs to collect ice or we could just keep enchanting I’m going to go ahead and make my I’m

Going to I’m going to ball out real quick what are you going to do you already know what I’m doing learning Legend he’s learning damn you Bal out before me dude I’m the I’m like the may this I know I’m ball out I’m I’m like the mayor

Of this town I need to ball out all right then damn I can’t believe I died at like level 33 before all right yeah I’m level 21 I don’t want to die 21 21 one all right did you get your book Juju all right I gave him Smite four knock

Back too very good very good oh [ __ ] you could put Smite 4 and the knockback book on there yeah that that’s that’s why I was and that’s the one that had the blast protection on it so still no cows yeah feel free yeah I have 100

So yeah yeah yeah yeah take yeah yeah take them damn I need um I don’t have what’s the thing where you have infinite bows infinity infinity that’s the best one that’s the only thing I don’t have that’s one of the best things in the game damn Juju Bean’s really balling out with this

Treehouse I [ __ ] up wait why what’ you do don’t worry about it when I was make when I was putting two bows together I didn’t get I didn’t like do the one that gave me the right enchantment oh oh you lost one I lost an Infinity no no that’s tough that’s tough that’s

Tough I’m so sad I just went ahead and [ __ ] it up it’s still pretty good damn Dam it how many enchantments can you have on a bat wait whose God horse is this whose polka dot horse is this which one the one that was here was it on the thing wait where’s

Our second horse oh is this him did he have the saddle on him yeah yeah that’s ours mine’s mine’s [ __ ] dead yo I think we should give this one to little Julian no no I’ll get a different one I’ll find well he’s not that high he doesn’t jump

That high this is the a high jump one this is mine okay look out there’s a spider chasing all right we got to sleep we got to sleep how many how many enchantments can you have on a bow like [ __ ] six yeah the bows the bows are for some reason

Dumb it doesn’t matter I got the Unbreaking three power 4 mending one damn yo [ __ ] put my horse back on a leash I don’t have a lead what happened to the lead that was attached to it it’s probably in my chest something all right let me go get it

Hold on there’s no way we’re ever going to sleep again we just have to make this this Village mob mob straight up well now now that we’re enchanting it don’t it don’t even [ __ ] matter it kind of do like three skeletons are still dangerous where’d he go yeah for for Steve’s sake

Dog yeah I gave up on it if everybody else sleeps I’ll try I’m I’m I’m going go to sleep what what um how many how many Flames like what is it flame two no I think yeah I think it just has one yeah all right is everyone sleeping all right three of

Five three to five four to five one just need one more is it Steve Ice yes we did it wow that’s that’s incredible that we actually did that coordination I’m that was me I’ll take all the blame for kicking you but we really needed to sleep so who’s who’s in this game right

Now me me Marie T juju bean and Steve yeah is uh big Julian still in the party yeah he’s the ultimate listener he may be still in the party I don’t know I just I’m so used to Big Julian being around that I just always imagine that he’s around

Listening he probably is even if he’s [Applause] not okay I still yet to find a cow oh I have eight leather just cows oh don’t kill them anymore please Juju you have how much leather eight yes that’s not enough also I’ll give I’ll trade you something for your looting three

Book you got cuz I know you I know you need that dog you oh damn it’s like that I’ll give you seven diamonds for it what they’re mine I have my own too damn it you used some no you had eight I already used eight no you don’t

Are you you’re [ __ ] over here counting diamonds how many of my [ __ ] have you taken in life used any diamond what in my watch the old server br oh I just got a new recipe cake recipe yeah yeah give it to the [ __ ] Birds Ginger Snap babe Ginger Snap babe makes

Cakes I do you don’t think looting three is worth seven diamonds what’s wrong with you no why not it just ain’t what are you nuts yeah what how is it all right why why is it now or s we could we could start enchanting which we don’t have a full

Enchantment bench yet we ain’t getting Lo three it’s like the third it’s like the third day oh I just got an Infinity I I’m so done with this I don’t even understand why you’re even contesting this at all all right all right take a diamonds Dam I just got Infinity

Bow the how by fishing I I I honestly I I I just looked in my chest and it was there I didn’t even know I had it insane you just have I can but I only can have three enchantments maybe it’s different on Bedrock maybe it’s different on Bedrock

Oh my God so I’m going to lose I’m going to lose my mending what you say juju bean your voice is pretty low I see so in Bedrock they don’t have they don’t have the combat update so all right [ __ ] it I mean I have Unbreaking three so I don’t even

Really need The Mending no you need The Mending you kidding me on the bow I mean you’re not going to need it right away the bow will last a while but mending is you want it you want it you don’t want to get rid of mending [ __ ] I mean

[ __ ] oh but you can’t have but no no you can never have on a bow mending and infinity at the same time really yes at least in Java you can’t remember M we found probably why mine cancelled out yes you can’t have both um Iceman what did he say Dom the

Box are my doors for everyone okay I’m going to grab that paper for sure I’m trying to I found one cow I’m trying to get a second one so I can start getting leather hold on let let me get here I’ll give you my eight leather

Once I get the cow Farm really like pumping and a looting three sword I 18 Le are we going to give the eight diamonds for the Looting here okay I’m going to come grab it thank you oh God everyone’s throwing stuff at me I love it I love it throw

Stuff at me don’t kill it don’t kill it please God oh here book Steve’s got Steve’s got interesting stuff in his chest guys it’s for everybody wait it where’s his chest outside his house it’s next to little Julian’s house he’s got a sea pickles I’m going to take two oh he’s got a

House here yeah yeah oh I actually do need the two sea pickles for my aquarium here here take the other two take the other two since you gave me the book he’s got a lily of the valley all right I’m coming to get that cow I have a shack it’s exactly a house

The dirt Dome this a house dog it got a door and a bed that’s a house no you’re right where’s the cow where’s the cow at brother damn it where are you I believe you damn it that’s that’s just nature can’t do nothing about that how no it’s all good mivi probably

Does though yep I told you where is he double cow nice he’s by his Treehouse okay oh yes it’s all about the animals damn I need dude I I straight up I have two bows right both with Unbreaking three both with power four one has mending and one has

Infinity all right where’s this I hear him barking where okay that game met gaming how’s your day been today see D that’s a lot of Bones hey here you can have some of Those dog dog dog pink delicious and cookie okay God now I got to have a cool name for my dog damn yeah that’s hard to that’s hard to um compete with yeah pink elicious is too good green bean I love that good is so PG I love

It yeah how the hell did that happen that hasn’t been 100% PG there is definitely a factor changing that though me gaming your day was ye nice a ye day is a good day ye I asked how his day was and he just said ye know oh god dude what the

[ __ ] would anyone I don’t even have name tags hey I have like eight I I’ll cop one right now just take it take it it’s in my chest all right oh man I’m so horny for this looting three sword all right and I can name

It we do yeah we also all live in the same household except for uh Iceman yeah we we all met on um we all met on skido we were all addicted to crack cocaine and we decided to make a stream house oh my God we made it we made it here we are

I’m just kidding made it out the street I’m just kidding you didn’t think we were joking damn he said he said we’re the type that’s crazy Juju being sleeping all right hold on hold on I’m far from my bed give me a minute yeah yeah I feel that the days

Are going by pretty [ __ ] quick right now it’s cuz like none of all of us are just like like interacting instead of doing [ __ ] you know like it’s just happening two out of six hold on I’m I’m not even close to my bed I’m I’m on my way though six people holy

Moly we’re missing one big Julian where’s Big Julian at he literally join the party too three out of five four out of five if we had big Julian everyone would be here and also little ant’s been pretty quiet I think he turned his mic off because he was being cancer

Oh true yeah go get a new [ __ ] mic man you could just use you know and you could use like airpods and [ __ ] too like it doesn’t have to be a nice mic go on his phone you can also use your phone yeah yeah there’s options there’s

Options it might be a he could be AFK no I’m here I’m sorry traveled I just turned off my mic what the [ __ ] is that sound sorry I’m drinking beverages like the [ __ ] is jerking off it sounded crazy it sounded like like dirty it was just me drinking water I don’t

Know no don’t worry who me I’ll give you a real guess if you get it I’ll give you something special I guess we’re not sleeping tonight yeah [ __ ] going I’m 28 I’m 28 you said 39 well I’m 28 so I guess you were like kind of close not really though yeah a

Too late bro bro we all gave up on it a [ __ ] damn it all right are we going back to okay we retrying we’re trying again just go ahead just go ahead I got to just go ahead all right there we go there we go I got

That I feel like when we all when we do what [Laughter] I mean dude it’s it’s it’s killer it’s it’s survival man what do you want me to do I don’t know you were barely You Were Dying that’s that’s questionable I don’t know about if you were really surviving

But it’s all good you’re you’re safe now you’re safe now you want to see my dog being named yes I I do absolutely we could we could but we won’t oh yeah we could definitely yeah and and we’re trading with you and we’re being cordial all right so we’re not

Going to attack you all right bro once you’re part of the village dude you’re part of the village all right you’re safe caus enough problems Anthony what are you talking about bro Anthony what you sounded like kir Cain over there dude don’t [ __ ] with me devour of gods that’s a great

Name I love it yeah yeah that’s right good name he is Alpha I’ve still done a whole lot of nothing this whole stream I might go back caving you’re going to go cave I’m going to no I’m still I’m still working on this a cow farm for the

Leather that’s right our food f is kind of crusty too well it needs to be uh it needs to be managed B big Julian were here he’d manage it dude he’d make the ultimate wheat farm he would that’s what he does no we don’t mind go ahead dude make

Your make whatever you want there’s a [ __ ] you have creative you have creative freedom no no leave the piglin he’s cool he’s chilling he’s chilling Juju he won’t attack you he won’t attack you oh wait he will why oh [ __ ] he he had already hit him oh you hit him okay

Okay okay sorry you should have told me you hit him or else I would have attacked him off it dude imagine they all came out of the nether portal oh dude like through that would be come to the warehouse come to the warehouse it’s over here Juju Juju right here it says food on the uh sign over here Juju right here well why don’t you go get me some glowing inexs and I will rewrite every sign just for you yeah exactly do we all have creative freedom yeah absolutely yeah yeah I mean

I mean we all have freedom to kill each other’s animals so why not yeah absolutely take it whoops yo Steve what’s up Steve yo Steve in the chat what’s up where you at oh Steve in the [ __ ] chat Steve in the [ __ ] Sor Forest Island dang Steve

18,00 and 1100 Forest Island that’s not that far wait what about Forest Island it’s all right dude don’t worry about it we have now that you’re with us and you’re not away from us we’ll all read it for you you don’t even know how to you don’t even need to know anymore

Super interesting what and there’s no snow it’s super uninteresting I scaled a mountain and there’s no snow up here yo if you go you’ll know you’ll know when it’s a snow biome Steve you’ll see the snow damn Steve hold on let me let me blow Steve mine sorry go I went to a

Snow biome I know where it’s at oh [ __ ] like I don’t know the coordinates but I know what direction it is okay Steve forget a snow biome Steve there are glaciers and ice Spike biomes in this [ __ ] game there’s polar bears in the game bro and polar bears

Yeah and goats mountain goats and mountain goats straight up all no I don’t think they added the Penguins they maybe it’s Noo-noo dude I think I just found my horse dog I think I just found shut the [ __ ] up no no not the same one not the same one oh

Oh okay okay I just have a feeling I have a feeling this is the one dog it’s giv me a hard time oh he’s a he’s a stud that’s why yo Steve wants to know the coordinates of the snow Steve said can you take a few steps in the

Direction of the snow and guess the cords from that Julian you heard um yeah yeah yeah yeah hold on let me see I I would say about actually let me go as far as I can on the horse since I’m moving pretty quick I would say so ju guu how’d you

Get your nickname ju guu tell us about that what I asked you if your mom gave it to you oh wait so your mom did give it give you the nickname oh okay dude look at that D can can horses swim yeah oh no no oh

Okay all right it won’t die it won’t die though I have to push it push it back yeah yeah yeah you do oh God cancer what’s uh where’s all I need some wheat who minded the who who did the farm me I I made it out of I made bread with it

Though all bread okay Steve I would say the coordinates are about 20 2700 and like around zero wow 2700 to zero yeah I know dude Steve will do it though Steve will do it um we’re definitely going to damn you going to do me like that you don’t like my

House we we put this up we put this up in like an hour you know it was quick it was really it was really just a survival thing I thought we were going to move to be honest well we we might eventually but it looks like we’re going to stay

Here for a while yo I love I love how Steve is doing his own [ __ ] thing right now he’s so cool Steve is just cool like that yeah yeah yeah you like my you like my chain mail you like that rare drip no it’s just rare I’m just cool

Like that you can’t make that come on rare with it I’m rare with it it’s already it’s named what’s the name what’s the name Juju Devourer of gods Juju don’t forget It well it’s probably cuz it’s like clipping through the wall yeah yeah it’s the devour all right we’re about to have a full enchantment table everybody oh yeah but it doesn’t go up to level 30 it’s about to though you put bookshelves around it and uh yeah you just got to put enough

Bookshelves around it’s that simple what’s going on a nothing do you snorting coke over there again no nothing what ant had a an this is a weird stream for hell y get the [ __ ] out yeah no no out Sho wait you talking to Malibu or something no I’m talking to everybody in my

Room me and JuJu being invading his space [Laughter] do wow look at that wow okay jul the [ __ ] I really think I really think that says a lot I really think that says a lot right there I I made this though I I this is my this is my addition to the to

The village is this horse so how do you get a better horse you got to keep meeting them you you just got to find them it’s random what the [ __ ] man every time you see ant you bring just God damn it man it’s just bringing up [ __ ] memories what did I do sleep

Sleep sleep sleep so can like walk back and [ __ ] 955 also by the way I’m I’m I’m I’m doing this enchantment table [ __ ] for you Steve I’m trying to get you a silk touch as a gift for joining the village straight up you could just take ice blocks and

[ __ ] one player left to sleep four to five Mecha gaming is still in the chat Mecha gaming are you the [ __ ] biggest fan of this stream m inecraft stream dude gam what are your gaming what are your grades bro and does your mom teach you I’m actually curious I’m I’m actually

Actually want to know yeah yeah yeah I’m also was no no no no we’re talking about a hom schooled for for like half a year so I actually am interested oh how was that [Laughter] let’s see oh I see it I see that’s what up damn it um

Meth gaming says yes his mother teaches him as well um I still need does anyone have one leather No I gave you all mine I just I just need the one one more one more to get that level 30 enchantment table where where you at public goon cave I love

Gooning oh wait I just one oh I see so I can have more than three enchantments on a boat it just can’t be mending in Infinity yes I see okay all right yeah I guess it would break the game oh yeah oh oh big Julian

What big julan so I heard I heard you assisted Anthony and killing my horse yeah what the fck what the [ __ ] happened jul I [ __ ] I want to hear I want to hear big juli ins side of the story yeah I do too because I believe him much more than Anthony so what

Happened he said it was all Anthony oh it was no I I’ll take the BL it I killed do we have a public goon cave now made by Anthony yeah that that was my doing shout out to that hell yeah open to everyone wait what

What no no no no no we’re talking about little Julian yeah Julian had uh the best horse I think anyone’s ever seen dude that thing was fast too bro yeah I’m going to build something around it I don’t think I’m going to completely cover it up though should I just lost like 20

Levels damn it I [ __ ] that up I’m going to build something around it for sure Juju I don’t know I’m probably going to use some stone bricks I I’m going to free form when I build stuff I I just be doing it off off the top yeah it’s very it’s a very

Peaceful thing it’s a very therapeutic thing what the [ __ ] was that juju bean do you think I’m black or white jujuan are you black or what I knew it yeah yeah yeah no no I knew it I only asked I specific I specifically asked because I wanted to know if you were

Black or white I didn’t his Avatar wait what the [ __ ] his characters Avatar’s black Julian’s Avatar is gray Anthony’s Avatar looks like a turd but it’s a sag boy I’m [ __ ] [Laughter] man what is your avatar like a little devil Julian no little I don’t know it’s some

[ __ ] EB boy [ __ ] dude that’s why I picked it it’s like it’s literally classified as like e e skin or something like that like really I love it do we have a level 30 enchantment who the [ __ ] got rid of my [ __ ] my [ __ ] fishing shack oh I swear to God

That wasn’t me I was actually using it no that was me that was me I didn’t know you were going to keep using it yeah this is like this is my safe space no way make it if you’re going to get rid of it you got to make it look better if

You’re going to get rid of it you got to rep replenish no yeah I thought it actually helps because like when it’s raining and [ __ ] the drown can’t throw the the uh yeah and like even then like they can’t like they don’t even they can’t even get in here for some reason like

They can’t get in the the square I’m putting a chest by the enchantment area it’s going to have lapis and enchanted books in it if you want to throw your books in there spare books feel free it’s a good place to put them I’m definitely about to build if

Anyone wants to help free form this enchant Enchanted area well we don’t have a lot of good blocks for it yet it’s nice to have I’m making a little pond at our house o I like that bless damn there’s there’s I wish you could pick up frogs Emmanuel Castillo I thinking a

Bucket oh [ __ ] I’ve never tried write c words on signs um you have to be creative with it you V’s yeah it’s pretty hard it’s pretty hard you got to like just just [ __ ] with it Emmanuel Castillo welcome to the chat I think it’s the first time

I’ve ever seen you in here shout out to you welcome bro welcome yeah everyone give him a warm welcome D all right we got level 30 enchantments now yeah buddy all all right I’m going I’m going oh wait no I can’t I can’t do it anyway

I I’m not level 30 I forgot about that part of it all right I’m fing now to get [ __ ] how did it guess that are you [ __ ] kidding me it was pissing me off now what dude no they’ve they’ve seen it all dude yeah I know

Dude it so abstract what I wrote Oh Iceman’s back at the village a rare Iceman Steve moment yeah Iceman Steve is spotted I need three I need two more signs everybody got signs there may be some in the wooden chest right here oh true you could spread out the word throughout you know

That’s yeah that’s what I’m going to do well it’s three words jeez oh I see I see well it’s two words but I have to split them up too oh God Steve said he’s dropping stuff off before heading to the ice place be warned that you could fall through snow

Emanuel yeah yeah watch out for the well that’s his dream he says Emanuel Castillo asks Emanuel Castillo asks what happens if I be mean to you you die nothing happens you can’t you can’t bother me Emanuel you don’t have that kind of power son I’m too powerful for

That all your attacks would just bounce off and do negative one damage he’s got malice in his heart you see a pure-hearted human being like me cannot be hurt by a by a malice by a Heart full of malice malicious what’s this [ __ ] chest public FES flashlights who what the

[ __ ] was flashlights was fleshlights banned yeah e wow that’s crazy a puffer fish a raw pork chop and a raw mutton oh God it’s for the Goon cave Emanuel Castillo said I’ll get a time out is that Mecha gaming dude does he want to be timed out what is yeah

That’s yeah you’re kind of sus right now dog you know what now I’m going to feel weird I’m going to feel weird timing you out now thank thanks for that dude yeah he he wanted that probably nighttime nighttime life sleep sleep sleep time sleep time sleepy mood Mech gaming is playing Roblox right

Now we all gotta hop on oh don’t dude I have eight days on my Xbox Roblox don’t [ __ ] with me yeah you’re talking to one of the best Roblox players in the game 6 out of seven 500 532 games played bro don’t [ __ ] play holy [ __ ] who’s the seventh player that needs to

Sleep six out of seven is it [ __ ] big J what the [ __ ] Juju it’s Juju Juju do I got to kick you again Juju on that beat damn it Juju on that beat damn it all right we’re not sleeping tonight [ __ ] whatever all right it’s not

Happening whatever this is why I have my fishing going to be in the trenches Steve I would say just wait Steve the warehouse is a decently safe place that’s um got a lot of room to hang out in it’s basically where at where I’m at all the [ __ ] time oh he

Could go in my aquarium good look in the aquarium who well I mean yeah I mean he could swim in there if he wants yeah nothing wrong with that is it ice cold oh you guys have a cool rug what the [ __ ] I want a cool

Rug sucks oh M’s rug I found the ice I found the ice Julian it’s in the it’s in the warehouse in the warehouse Ste need to carry it with him at all times oh Emanuel said there’s a [ __ ] witch at the house what did what did Emanual say Emanuel said are you going

To put me in timeout for at least like 2 minutes the [ __ ] oh yo so weird dude I’m going to do it you know what I’m going to do it just because you you’re talking about it actually right now prob wait how do I do it how did I do it

To Mecha gaming let’s see here put user in timeout how about how about 10 seconds Emanual Castillo you like that you like that [ __ ] oh my God don’t [ __ ] add to [Laughter] it all right I’m going to Steve Steve said no way I’d carry blue ice on me

Without reason I die too often for that you got to put it in your house put charm no yeah I put it in your chest deep the blue the blue ice the blue ice is in your chest out front you could just look at it in the chest whenever you want and admire

It all right big Julian the house is yours he just gift it in my house yeah I’m make a new house that’s perfect for big that’s perfect for big Julian cuz he never makes a house yeah just leave that for a little bit dude how did you know that that’s

The perfect gift for him wow that’s well Emanuel Emanuel said he liked the being he said yes he liked being put in timeout what the hell oh Lord have mercy Lord have mercy it’s crazy what happened to the glowberries I gave you mie I put them on the house you could Harvest

Them um just uh left s it right yeah you don’t need to cut it down you just got to click on it new skin update no my bad I I clicked it oh I’m trying to my brain doesn’t work right anymore oh right that’s what I was going to do me

Too too much [ __ ] green Blossoms Mecha gaming said Emanuel said that’s like saying yes Daddy I like getting hit with the belt what is going on all right the chat’s kind of going off I like it it oh my God this [ __ ] Minecraft music is so loud I wish mine was loud mine’s too

Low no I need to turn this [ __ ] down oh my God I see the Anvil’s been getting used it’s all cracked up I hope we didn’t get uh Juju be in trouble hopefully not mom being like why you talking to [ __ ] adult ass men Juju being runs his that’s how you

Get molested stop it own bills she said oh you said I didn’t teach you at all when he said that about his own be wait what there’s a an ice in his sack IRL oh in my shack in real life oh a block of ice in in his actual house yeah he

Has a block of IRL that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m you know what Iceman B Be onto something because you know it’s really one of the best Treasures in life huh is chewing on Crunchy Ice if it’s the right texture yeah oh yo

Yo I also heard that I don’t know if it was me Ju we can barely hear you for some reason it sounds like you’re far away let’s sleep by the way we need to sleep damn someone’s mic is going off I hear it I don’t know what is jul I’m back at the

House juu it says it says a bunch of messages deleted by me in my chat I just want to say that I did not do that that’s one of my moderators who’s trolling it’s probably Iceman or somebody else but I certainly didn’t delete them obviously not I don’t

Give a [ __ ] you can straight up drop whatever word you want in there no one gives a [ __ ] is there is there like maybe there’s automatic AI if so if so that’s unfortunate I love you too Junior snap bab one more sleeping ain’t happening oh

My bad my bad well sun’s coming out my bad’s coming out whatever sun’s coming out I didn’t I did not even know were we don’t sleep anymore in the server I was lost in I was lost at se dog this kid was looking out to see dog

Well he’s doing more than I’m getting more done than I am like good God I haven’t done anything whenever I’m like whenever I’m just running in circles feel like I’m not getting anything done I’m like let me just go fish dog I can fish yeah I’m getting better at um fighting

Mobs thank [ __ ] God it is I feel like it is harder on Console to fight the mobs you know at first I was getting Rigg riggy wrecked because I was playing like Java where you wait to attack to do full damage but in this one you just Spam like the old

Days and I wasn’t doing that well you know you know the jump the jump right jump yeah yeah yeah the critical hit yeah yeah yeah damn I need to get a dolphin in my aquarium that would be so sick that would be so that’s the ultimate that’s

The ultimate thing because you know like that’s nearly imposs it’s nearly impossible to [ __ ] get it in there after you get in there you have to name it so it doesn’t despawn as well can I even name it for sure probably Dophin it’s hard trap it you will it’ll

Swim you should get a turtle it’s like dolphins uh follow you when you swim so you could probably like get it to follow you have to make like a trench yeah like a little trench with some water and then [ __ ] like swim into the trench type

[ __ ] yeah that’ll be a mission but it’ll be worth it cuz dolphin for sure dude imagine you have a [ __ ] I have a dolphin in my [ __ ] backyard dog like what yeah yeah that’s serious that’s serious the trader has ice yo we need to get Steve some

[ __ ] we need that well what’s the I going to see bro what’s the ice trade it’s three emeralds for a piece of ice five emeralds for a cherry blossom saing damn five emeralds I have no I love a cherry can have INF Cherry BL I put two in the

Chest and I think there was only two in there in like the uh in the warehouse let me see [ __ ] we can have cherry blossom trees oh yeah I don’t know something yeah I don’t know we don’t have emeralds we don’t have emeralds it’s cuz the village

There’s not there’s not a village really around here damn dude I went I I’ve explored PR like within 1,000 blocks of like each Direction and ain’t no village within a blocks each Direction I thought you found a village yeah at 4,000 oh dude how much did you [ __ ]

Play dude I went far dude I was trying to find wood that’s when I found the dark wood that’s what I was trying to [ __ ] find did you get saplings no I I didn’t find any trees I found a Pillager place and I just went on the roof and started mining their

Roof see damn it I love dark oak man yeah dark oak is Elite that’s what I put in my aquarium what is do say Steve said there’s wood super close go plus plus on the first cord I don’t understand is it dark oak though is it dark oak wood I mean Spruce

Wood is actually my real fave Spruce is the OG’s yeah that’s the biome that I that that has the snow that I was sending Steve towards I don’t know if it’s it might be further than the coordinates I sent but it’s it’s in that direction and it was

Spruce oh snap you can have a pet fox yeah Spruce is the way to go dud juu what happened to Juju on that beat he’s he’s in his house he hasn’t moved he’s probably AFK he was talking earlier he was really far away though yeah it’s already 10:20 [ __ ]

Christ how does this happen how does this happen no I really wish I didn’t know that meth gaming says you want to play Roblox with me well meth gaming is very tempting however it’s really late and now I have to go to bed I just needed a reason I needed to reason to

Download where you at who Steve where you at Dog I’ll help you st he has a dog in his boat where you at Iceman he’s right here what do you want to get the dog out did he teame it yeah he did the dog was drowning oh whose dog is

That e is that JuJu’s dog there we go Juju on that beat your dog is here was wild it’s not wild it has a collar well he ain’t going to move well but why is he but but that doesn’t make sense because why is he not following

Following and he’s not sitting is it Steve did you tame this dog Steve Iceman that’s your dog I did you give it did you give it bones Steve he just sound his dog has just imprinted on Steve naturally he it got tamed by the ican well hold on Steve try it jumped in

His boat dude Steve try to sit it Steve right click on it or no is it left click the opposite of hit place a block like place a block on it yeah place a block on it no here I’m gonna I’m gonna give Steve bones and see and see what

Happens like because it’s not moving it doesn’t make any sense maybe it just doesn’t know where Juju it’s maybe because Juju is not moving everyone left click it wait it’s not following anybody it’s not Gods it’s l just sitting there just just to make sure it’s Meek just to make sure it’s say

Just to make sure it’s sa putting it back I’m putting it back in the boat try to like place the bones on it all right I’m getting off all right I’ll see I’ll see you in a few minutes yeah I’m going to go to living oh okay a few seconds

Then whose freaking dog is this bro damn you know I’ve never seen something that like that happen by the way like ever dude right I that’s crazy I guess that’s just a community [ __ ] dog yeah what do we do with him put him I guess put him in the middle it’s

That’s scary dog get that thing out of here then dude if it’s Herobrine’s dog he’s just waiting to murder us when we’re sleeping silk touched one Ginger Snap babe in the real life chat wait what does punch do it when you hit them with the arrow they fly far

Away I see so like you can knock them off cliffs and stuff really that’s I got un three flame one punch one power three Infinity good [ __ ] god dude that’s insane can I get punch two yeah I see um punch two is it’s good it’s really it’s really just good

For players it’s really not good for mobs yeah honestly the anything I hit is going to [ __ ] die in one hit anyway exactly exactly it’s just going to fly whyly exactly all right I’m [ __ ] getting off you’re getting off too yeah I I accomplished a lot come look at my

Come look at the aquarium hold on I’m trying to also accomplish a lot all right give me a second all right I’m coming I’m coming let me go look at it before you get off actually the Aquario I still got to do the uh the roof wait ican said there’s a second dog

Hold on I’m very interested what is happening right now me and big Julian are Finn and Jake dog that’s so appropriate yeah where’s the second dog oh over here what the [ __ ] is happening right now Iceman what is [ __ ] happening Iceman run whoa wow wow I don’t break that don’t break it

Don’t break it ice break it don’t break it oh no oh true what the hell is going on dude I don’t know I don’t know whose [ __ ] do are these someone grab some bones so it gets out of the water there we I have but it’s not do dogs do dogs

Bedrock I don’t understand what’s happening you guys hear this Christ yo yo oh who took the boat I got it I got it oh no I don’t have it is it in the water who’s got the boat y’all I don’t have that it’s a icem man’s this is icem Man’s

First time ever playing Minecraft so every item is very valuable you just got to consider you just got to consider that boat no no it’s it’s it’s over here Steve oh is this somebody’s boat just in the [ __ ] middle of nothing there’s a boat in the middle of

Nothing yeah it’s it’s just it’s just it’s just in the grass zombie villager zombie villager oh [ __ ] we we can make it we have a potion stand oh no you don’t need Nether wart no no you don’t need Nether wart no one kill them no I got this [ __ ] no kill a skeleton

Though no no no no bring him BR bring him to the bring him to the storage bring to the storage run run Julian run run little Julian run run run I got the zombie I got the zombie we don’t need Nether wart to do zombie villagers there are two zombies

Following you by the way there’s three there’s a drown too you that it’s the only potion that doesn’t need Nether wart don’t you need I thought you need an enchanted Apple too you need just a regular Golden Apple which we have however this is going to be difficult

With him trying to kill me hold on she’s still going to be able to hit me up here huh oh no come on get closer get closer come on man he’s smart he don’t want to get no closer yeah I can hear you now ah what a punk someone someone come into the

Storage room you room right n damn it you fig he figured it out don’t kill him don’t kill him now oh cancer cancer cancer cancer all right hold on we got time I I’ll just keep running around okay okay get ready get ready to trap him get ready we’re trying to trap this

Zombie no how man I just you did you just see that yeah he instantly did it I’m going to go for another round let me get my food ready so I can heal wait they were your dogs they were acting real strange they had him they had us very

Confused he doesn’t hold on hold on yes okay okay are you [ __ ] kidding me right now okay we can I could do this real quick before bed uh I need I’m going to need fermented spider eye we need one brown mushroom or does it work can I use a regular

Mushroom I’m trying to heal I’m trying to cure this zombie of his yes I know but I need the uh I need the brown mushroom for the spider eye you have one Steve has of course Steve has the [ __ ] only Brown mushroom that any thank you Steve has I know I know I

Just don’t feel like going to get it all right I’m logging off logging off ski thank you Steve you’re a [ __ ] Legend dude it’s because he’s been traveling and he he got one and we need sugar okay yes um everyone’s slowly hopping off right now but I’m still here I’m going to hop

Off after I cure this zombie of his zombie ISM his zombism yes his his zombism Yes W um he’s just going to turn into a villager whatever whatever villager oh whatever whatever stand we put by him he becomes I forget about that but he’ll change though he’ll change to whatever he

Wants he at first uh guju he’s just going to become whatever he is however it uh we can change him to something no doubt yeah the librarian’s a very solid Choice gosh this is so much this is a lot here okay so it’s fermented spider eye

Oh we need blaze powder [ __ ] we don’t have blaze powder damn it we trapped him but he he might despawn yeah I think if we name him he’ll stay yeah probably or or put him in a boat yes that’s a good idea um what do you what kind of jungle

Would you looking for just logs or [ __ ] look out behind you Juju I guess we all right let’s put them in a boat dude zombies break [ __ ] doors yeah they could break do are you [ __ ] me oh my God why are there so many what the [ __ ] happened do

They do they just spawn on boats okay we looked we looked it up oh [ __ ] not good it’s okay it’s okay don’t die not going to put just run away just run away come over here I’ll ret trp him Juju come over here run towards me I’ll ret trp him run past

Me there you go okay he’s trapped again um we looked it up name tag if we name him he will not despawn so if anyone could just go grab a name tag put it on the Anvil name him something funny and he will be here next time we come on

He can’t make that holy [ __ ] what is he doing okay he’s no he’s still wait what did he do oh he can get up if he’s smart enough here I’ll stop his chances of getting up there you go all right G Julian you bringing that name tag okay

Okay I’m going to put uh my stuff away and I’m going to probably head off he’s in the uh Warehouse oh no it’s it’s in the warehouse as well it’s over here over here yo Anvil’s right here Juju gave us this anvil no just all you got to do is go to the

Part like where it says the name of the name tag and just like write anything you want and that’ll do it it’s all we need to do Harry Potter good name all right the zombie’s name is Harry Potter No One release him please for God’s sakes no one release

Him just in I have a I have very little faith in people of this server so I’m going to put a second layer of protection okay okay I’m not going to go [ __ ] with him all right I got my own thing going on that’s a second layer of protection and you know what

Fory good measure while while I’m offline I’m putting the third layer all right me that’s big Julian you’re talking to yeah I you know I like to play GameCube in my underwear it was probably me was it me no I’m no I’m D we sound similar on uh

Microphones he’s talking about me all right all right right I’m out of here before this gets weird anyway thanks for watching uh shout out shout out Emanuel Castillo for stopping in and being weird in the chat shout out me gaming for hopping in for like the hundredth time

Shout out juju bean he’s in the world now um we we we almost got a full server here we got seven people we only got room for three more we might as well try to fill those spots what do we do this episode little Julian actually got a lot done he’s like

[ __ ] Supply to everybody with a [ __ ] insane bow uh little aunt gave big Julian a house so now big Julian has a house he also made a goon station and he put these signs that says public fleshlights beautiful um juju bean has his Treehouse underway and this shit’s coming together

We have a fully we have a fully integrated enchantment bench and this epic [ __ ] Pond and this Sim it’s going nuts did you just see that [ __ ] he was going at Mock speed all right anyway thanks for watching every anyone want to add anything to that Later L yeah you can emote now all right yo

This video, titled ‘A World Full of Life 5’, was uploaded by DomDomDomDomDomDomDomDomDomDom on 2024-01-12 16:15:15. It has garnered 35 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:09 or 6669 seconds.

In this episode we will be unraveling the mystery of a random player In our Minecraft server. Everyone starts their own adventures and grinds.

  • Mastering Shovel Enchantments

    Mastering Shovel Enchantments The Ultimate Minecraft Enchanting Guide for Shovel Shovels may seem like a humble tool in Minecraft, but with the right enchantments, they can become incredibly powerful. In this guide, we will explore the best shovel enchantments available in both Java and Bedrock editions of the game. Essential Enchantments: Unbreaking and Mending Two crucial enchantments for your shovel are Unbreaking and Mending. Unbreaking, available in three levels, significantly increases your shovel’s durability, making it last almost twice as long. Mending, on the other hand, regenerates lost durability by collecting XP orbs. With these enchantments, your shovel becomes nearly indestructible. Efficiency:… Read More

  • Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft

    Top Moments in Animation vs. Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Animation vs. Minecraft Exploring New Episodes Join Animation vs. Minecraft for 60 minutes of thrilling adventures in their latest episodes. From facing off against dragons to navigating through challenging landscapes, there’s never a dull moment in the world of Minecraft. Exciting Moments Experience the adrenaline rush as the characters dive into action-packed scenarios. From intense battles to unexpected discoveries, each moment is filled with suspense and excitement. Voices by Dippidd Listen to the talented voice acting by Dippidd, bringing the characters to life with their unique personalities and emotions. Each voice adds depth and authenticity to… Read More

  • Conquering the Illager Castle in Minecraft

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  • Crafty Shenanigans in Uzbek

    Crafty Shenanigans in Uzbek Welcome to the Majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza in Minecraft! Embark on an exciting journey through the enchanting world of Minecraft with this Uzbek-language Let’s Play video. Explore the stunning Vijivaniya Qilamiza with breathtaking shaders that enhance your gaming experience. Discovering the Beauty of Vijivaniya Qilamiza Join the adventure as you delve into the intricate details of Vijivaniya Qilamiza in Minecraft. Witness the majestic landscapes, vibrant colors, and intricate designs that make this world truly captivating. Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with the addition of shaders that bring the world to life with realistic lighting and textures…. Read More

  • Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game

    Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game Welcome to the Post-Apocalyptic World of Huntercraft Step into a world teeming with monsters and mutants in Huntercraft, an offline survival game for Android devices. As a hunter, your mission is to navigate through the dangers of this open-world environment, filled with opportunities and threats. Game Features With a plethora of activities to engage in, Huntercraft offers players the chance to fight enemies, save survivors, complete quests, and develop their skills. Explore cubic locations and immerse yourself in the various game modes, such as taking on the challenge of killing 100 zombies within a time limit or rescuing survivors… Read More

  • Minecraft’s New Era Unveiled!

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  • Sneaky Start: The Boyz SMP

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  • Zombie Craze: 100 Days of Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about a fascinating new mod that is taking the Minecraft world by storm – “The Silence (Beta)”. This mod, created by EBALIA, introduces a whole new level of suspense and thrill to your Minecraft gameplay. Imagine exploring dark caves, encountering mysterious creatures like the Goatman and Wendigos, all while being enveloped in an eerie silence. The Silence mod truly brings a new level of horror and excitement to your Minecraft experience. But why stop there? If you’re looking… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock: Ultimate Jujutsu Kaisen Mod

    Minecraft Bedrock: Ultimate Jujutsu Kaisen Mod The Exciting World of Jujutsu Kaisen Mod for Minecraft Bedrock Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Jujutsu Kaisen within Minecraft Bedrock? Look no further than the Jujutsu Kaisen Awakening Mod, created by the talented @heroicmaps1138. This mod brings the beloved characters and elements of Jujutsu Kaisen into the blocky world of Minecraft, offering players a unique and immersive experience. Discover the Jujutsu Kaisen Awakening Mod With the Jujutsu Kaisen Awakening Mod, players can explore a variety of features inspired by the popular anime and manga series. From powerful cursed techniques to iconic characters like Gojo,… Read More

  • HowlSteal

    HowlStealThere are many lifesteal servers, but there is only one Lifesteal, and howlsteal.xyz is where you will find it! We strive to be the best available public lifesteal server there is and we are constantly innovating and adding new features, hosting events and giveaways, and listening to our community. howlsteal.xyz Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: 吹牛也是一门“艺术”,直男千万别和女生讲道理【我的世界方块轩】” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

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  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players😏 | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • 🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    🏠 Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 🏠’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/irisshaders Complementary Shaders: curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Texture Packs from https://vanillatweaks.net/ [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More

  • Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!

    Shark calls Ruze NORMAL then CHAOS ENSUES!Video Information oh I wonder if you could do DEET slate brick walls that’d be cool actually question what is the mage of D can you get the [ __ ] out of my way dude the mage of Doom is a character that inherently creates and or manipulates Doom which is hard to explain in a way that makes sense but basically a few minutes later I keep calling you the normal one in my head and then I remember the homestuck thing okay let’s uh let’s let’s really like break us down a little bit put us in… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8

    Insane Gamer Builds Ultimate Creeper Farm DAY-8Video Information यो व्ट इ अप बॉयज एंड गर्ल्स वेलकम बैक टू अनदर वीडियो गाइस हम लोगों ने गाइस मैंने जो अभी बोलने वाला हूं मैंने एक वीडियो बनाई थी विलेज ढोने वाली पर गलती से वह वीडियो डिलीट हो चुकी है तो यह मैं सीधा नेक्स्ट वीडियो डाल रहा हूं ठीक है तो अब चलते हैं आगे पिछले वीडियो में यह विलेज ढूंढा था यहां पे और आज हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाने जा रहे हैं मैंने कैट टेम कर लिए थे तो सही हो गए अब हम लोग क्रीपर फार्म बनाएंगे एक मैंने ब्लॉक्स पहले से ही जमा… Read More

  • Chilltown SMP: Custom World, Seasons, Levels, Mature, 1.20, Java

    Welcome to Chilltown! If you’re looking for a unique survival Minecraft experience, look no further than Chilltown. Our server enhances vanilla gameplay while maintaining that classic feel. With a focus on community, feedback, and player-driven decisions, Chilltown offers a relaxing environment to enjoy with friends. Here are some key features: Key Features: Custom World Temperature and Seasons Professions and Level-based Ranks Custom Mobs, Weapons, Tools, and Enchants Special Crafting Stations and Waystones for Teleportation Chunk-based Land Claiming System Non Pay to Win Come join us at rd.Chilltown.eu and experience a new kind of Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Villagers in da Club

    “People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they clearly haven’t met a Minecraft player who just found a vein of diamonds!” Read More

  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More

  • Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥

    Minecraft troll face meme: When you find diamonds but fall in lava 😂🔥 Why did the Minecraft troll face go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop block-ing out his feelings! #blockheadhumor Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Free Palestine in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Free Palestine Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, UzeMing takes on the challenge of creating a portal like no other – the Free Palestine Portal. This portal holds a special significance, symbolizing solidarity with the people of Palestine amidst ongoing conflicts. Building the Portal To construct this unique portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, sandstone, and green concrete. With meticulous planning, the portal takes shape with a size of 4×5. The intricate design includes sandstone and green concrete, culminating in a powerful symbol of support for Palestine. Exploring the Portal… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining the Minewind server. While watching a fun YouTube video about Minecraft animations, you may have felt a spark of inspiration to dive into the world of Minecraft yourself. The Minewind server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay features, and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination… Read More

  • Getting Revenge in Minecraft

    Getting Revenge in Minecraft Minecraft: Revenge for my dog 🌩️Minecraft: Revenge for my dog ⚡️ The Adventure Begins In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, you must seek revenge for your loyal companion, your dog. After a band of ruthless mobs attack and kidnap your beloved pet, you must embark on a dangerous journey through treacherous caves, dense forests, and towering mountains to rescue your furry friend. Danger Lurks Everywhere Armed with only your wits and a trusty pickaxe, you must navigate through a hostile world filled with dangerous creatures and deadly traps. Along the way, you will encounter helpful allies who will aid you… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Starter Base by HYPNOTIST 🔥🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Amazing starter base .🔥🤯🏠🔥. #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by HYPNOTIST R* on 2024-04-23 15:02:29. It has garnered 6536 views and 154 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19

    Terrifying Curse Unleashed in Minecraft! #19Video Information Oke dengan cahaya-cahaya gelap gini gua aduh du du gua gua rada takut sih kalau kalau kayak gini guys Aduh gelap banget eh Pusing aduh no playing lagi itu ada apa aduh ada sapi Aduh no playing lagi aduh du du Kenapa gini guys jujur aja Gua sebenarnya bisa guys ya untuk lanjut explore tapi di sini gua pusing cuy karena ini layarnya ini kayak Hitam Putih Hitam Putih gini guys jadi jadi pusing tahu aduh Gua sebenarnya bisa guys lanjut explore ya tapi gak bisa guys Ini gua bikin pusing tahu aduh duh ini kenapa gini ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #Shorts

    Unleashing the Beast in Minecraft! 🔥 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘1k #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Beast thor19 on 2024-01-12 15:12:33. It has garnered 13287 views and 277 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial – Must Watch!

    EPIC Minecraft Ice House Build Tutorial - Must Watch!Video Information Minecraft cave houses are cool but what if you take the concept A step further and make one in a glacier this is how it could look I wanted this house to be usable in survival so I dug it seven blocks deep to have enough space using easy to get materials is crucial in survival that’s why I used Oak Planks on the floor the walls followed a similar process but I decided to splurge a little on those fancy Spruce logs and I made sure to connect the pattern on the back wall as well this… Read More


    EPIC NEW 1.20.5 UPDATE: UNLEASH THE WOLF POWER!Video Information आर्म डीलो वल्फ आर्मरर एंड बहुत सारे उल्फ के वेरिएंट्स एंड इन सब को फुल्ली ऐड कर चुका है 1.2.5 के रिलीज वर्जन में ऑफकोर्स आर्मरर डीलर फाउंड होता है सवाना बायोम में एंड बैड लैंस बायोम में आर्मरर डीलर ड्रॉप करता है स्क्यूट इसे तुम स्पाइडर आई से ब्रीड कर सकते हो एंड तुम इजी पीजी ब्रश भी क्राफ्ट कर सकते हो स्क्यूट के लिए बस तुमको आर्मरर डीलो पे राइट क्लिक करना है एंड सिक्स स्क्यूट से तुम एक उल्फ आर्मरर हो एंड उस आर्मरर को बस तुम अपने टेम गुल्फ प लगा देना अगर आर्मरर… Read More