Unbelievable Goldfish Prodigy in Hypixel Skyblock!

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For let’s see here okay there we go Miss a little bit of Bakers I don’t think anything goes there so we can put our false head there okay that looks good that look good we out here go here go here copy this close that this Discord excuse me uh so Minecraft and we good we are we all good we’re going to put this uh up here and we put it like right there cuz like put this here yeah yeah that’s perfect perfect perfect perfect okay okay well that happened So why is that not coming out of why are you so confusing why do you do this hello hello hello so we got to go here to output device no [ __ ] all sound devices uh this one FL don’t allow this one that’s need test again can we do that

Again I don’t know why this is happening I don’t know why this is happening but it is and I don’t like it we just go here and be like disable Sound right don’t allow Hickory Dickory Dock the mous went on the clock get out of here why does Windows 11 have to be so confusing with Sound Okay what in the banana for I’m so sorry guys I’m trying to figure this thing out Microphone docs chat for for there we go okay okay no make it make it 17K whatever I don’t care just go away uh sound St BL do that en environment’s going to be like that that that like that done done okay so I don’t have anything

Here and what should we do what should we do what should we do and held coin good job Mr Cobblestone so you were you busy the cob this guy 5K collect off from the gr that’s my diamond minion yeah 7K oh you have 5K okay okay okay cool 5K cool and Mr weedy

Here I think we’re just going to B set byebye Mr wedy and for this I should keep that in there that’s fine that’s all D fine oh we have a lot in here come at 20on for that we’re close we’re close sell That oh actually we got a we got to sacrifice that stff sacrifice sacrifice sacrifice I can kind of just stay there I don’t know where else to put it that there no you want this who what did that say oh that’s 64 of them wow I was like what is going on

Bizar I don’t want to sell all that to bizar no way yeah and I’ll keep my ruins that’s fine the rest can just go Bazar s those sail sa sa sa s Sa put that there there gemstones we have of these Cool put those back don’t have gold in there right now uh that’s Some and let’s see what we have here that and then let’s look at is there Griffin good right now yeah that’s so much better Okay here oh actually what that’s awesome can I just be like ooh need Emerald six okay well let’s go visit PR T yeah there you go this guy all right I need some sort of Al go here uh that uh yeah you don’t have anything hey guys welcome to the stream

How we doing today no I think we need some monies okay Hostile Mobs might have to get turn down Here Die I really wish we get a Slayer up that [ __ ] sucks I came here for the alter but we’ll kill some we have uh 5 hours and another day and a almost day and a half for a cookie got that do do do do my favorite noise Do oh H it Oh by the way if you wanted to quickly pause or see what I’m using for a sword this is the sword nothing nothing too good this armor really fast some young dragon I probably should be using better armor I just don’t have the money for it I’ll my skills here shortly in a

Second d d and then we go skills and these are our skills almost got 20 comat really close to that I’m excited 10 farming fishing too cuz I haven’t done that you have 22 mining cuz mining is fun you know what I mean and 11 forging

21 en enchanting oh that’s what I want to do want to go after I get 20 combat I’ll go do my enchanting stuff if I can I don’t know if I can we have four Alchemy some carpentry taming 20 and that’s about it and that’s WR sword and we kill these just for

Be and apparently we’re really close to the obsidian log How we doing though today guys guys GS how we doing I’m hoping chat’s updating I don’t think anything’s in chat right now check actually no no get off me so yeah we’re still a little bit away with 19k away so it’s going to take a second this

Jump boost like I don’t like it we jump way too high with it I guess we just need to like not jump oh this one of the Dragon I don’t have a range weapon wow no what I need a range weapon for hey Simplicity Simplicity is that name I

Think so thank you so much I’m like I have a little bit of stuff but I definitely don’t have a lot I don’t know did that why e h so I have to Go how are you doing I’m trying to learn everything there’s so much going on right now like the only really money maker I can do is um is that me ha that’s awesome 30 okay what that’s awesome what this is my first range weapon says us with Aurora armor what is that uh

It Aurora armor that’s pretty cheap okay BLC runic infinitive enemies uh these the proper runic spells I know everyone says Mage is really rough but maybe it’s worth getting it’s going to be what I use to like just hit range stuff that I can’t normally hit in the Crimson aisle there are miles

With Runing T if you mash the Rune with your weapon you do more damage oh so is this the only weapon that can damage them cuz right now I only have combat 19 about to hit 20 so I don’t have access to the aisles and I think the AIS are like 25 22 I’m not terribly sure R The Protector RoR protector whoa I did it I didn’t get anything though but I did it is a type of weapon to your foot door cuz this is my weapon right now just serw I I don’t know like anything so any help you not backdooring or anything I just am

Lost most of the weapons you want are for dungeons oh okay I have a hard time doing dungeons cuz I die super fast and my damage is pretty [ __ ] I just have this stuff pretty much a full set of that yeah pretty much a full set of that oh

Okay so that’s what we got a crystal fragment and we’re close to 20 comat so I don’t know what this Z Zealot place is going to be like I imagine it’s better than here but also filled with more people maybe maybe less people uh we have 22 mining that’s

Probably our highest skill right now Alchemy is up there as well or not Alchemy uh skills mining enchanting yeah so that’s 21 as well and taming so now each iy gets a mill we’ve also been into the vasary logs which have been really nice I guess that just increases our strength in

General honestly not sure I assume you’re pretty high level in Sky blocker at least know what you’re doing for ha yeah no um I don’t know if you’re on any of the Hypixel discords but I’m definitely open to voice chat cuz I know there’s a lot that’s awesome D

Two yeah sure I I definitely uh if you want to pop that in chat feel free d how 30 7,000 damage I understand magic or staffs I guess the bows seem pretty neat too oh really how much is that 23 and2 mil that looks insane uh juj short belt

Yeah okay yeah I definitely don’t have the money for that but that’s super cheap can I not just craft it how does that work or is it non craftable fig that or it needs a level but usually it says a level right there hope that wasn’t too loud oh that’s not bad

Okay I can’t even do Ender Slayer 2 though like it’s so hard it just destroys me I’ve tried like three times now I don’t know why people would buy it for 38 mil crafting it sounds a lot cheaper unless I’m missing something so it says you can buy it off bizaar all the

Materials maybe take a second but oh yeah yeah I’m going to need something because it’s kind of ridiculous especially for the dungeons I can barely do the dungeons I keep dying my gear is really [ __ ] I definitely need to make some more money one and a half mil per two 4 boss

Is that usually how you make money I can’t even like I said though I can’t even do tier two right now though my sword’s only doing what 177,000 So and I’m God potted right now too godpa and cookie are on and my Griffin’s level 61 so it’s not too bad I am definitely open to any and all help though suggestions recommendations anything We boom bo honestly I just want some money right right now um I have like I said the 21 mining for Crystal holos and stuff I have some gem bags mining is pretty fun uh it seems like I need a drill and this heart of the mountain stuff is

Taking way long to level up uh where is it where is it where is it so 27 right now fig where hard of the mountain stuff is what well I guess you can only view it in there but I’m only H the mountain three I just got three I keep getting

Stuck as far as the quests and all go it’s just super slow like getting the powder and all too so I mean that’s something I would like to do as well oh Watchers having the B that’s that’s sff pretty cool too there we go there’s comat 20 so now we

Have the Z Hideout as well and then all the power Stones we actually do the Beating Heart one um I don’t know where Maxwell is though right yeah that’s what I’ve heard I’ve heard you can make a lot of money doing it I don’t know what that guy was doing

Can’t tell what it’s hitting though like 38k jeez uh let’s see Bizarre that’s fun that would I’ve been doing sacrificing this stuff as well for Dragon Essence which I don’t know if it’s any good to do this but I have a lot of items that can be I guess yeah mining is definitely something I want to do I mean just cuz the money you

Can make from it seems ridiculous once you get higher into the mythal powders so that’s a for sure do you remember where the Maxwell dude is the theologist Whatever but all the Slayer guys that I can do are done though as well oh this a re for really hopefully this isn’t too loud for you by the way okay we’ll go there in a second is there any one of these perks that I should level up though as well oh

What I didn’t realize hold on it’s from these guys from this guy oh can I said multiple en it is yeah I should be able to get 200 from this sh the last one okay so this guy has a shop says this one 500 damage to the first

Strike oh okay I don’t know if I should do that as well I don’t know how worth it is verse these uh reg two Mana uh the frosty against the dragon 2% fine for Zealot special find which I thought was probably the better one the end training through combat wisdom but that’s probably

Whatever the best one to do first yeah that’s kind of what I was thinking and then it goes to 4% and 50 left so okay so let’s try H now now we can s these guys this is the runes Guy this is the reforge guy here the

Brers oh I think that’s the that’s the ones I just unlocked right yeah TOS me for yeah where is that um I completely forget is they don’t have a map and it makes me upset because I lose my place so much I get so lost uh it’s that Slayer it’s the Builder The

Village so the witches hut where is I don’t necessarily know where that is either though cuz the only witch that I know I guess that’s not the witch is this the witch oh okay you are smart thank you so much so we get these out yes perfect and then learn power and

Power so bloody so that’s seven strength two intelligence seven crit which I feel is pretty nice then 21 magical power uni power bonus 10 bonus attack speed sweet and I guess that’s the best one for right Now H I only have some of these really not that many and they’re all pretty [ __ ] so need to level them up or get more need watch a video on it honestly reforge accessories okay I’ll go go so now we visit this guy visit and then go got social one nice just coming

Here got that that tal vory damage should put down res minions with compactors to get more space so the compactors that’s what I need uh because right now our we atst s which I guess is pretty nice we need a lot more though so compacted though that’s that’s what I needed

So these are all personal oh bizar so compactor do I want super compactors then not dver D Superior is that’s different the supers okay okay okay so I’m sure we could find some money here I definitely do appreciate the help so we need like 100k plus plus plus 100K 64

6 but that’s that sell our pearl one that one’s whatever all Redstone I mean this is all the enchanted stuff I have right now this and the diamond and the emerald someone gave me this crap like 20K though maybe I can just low B the hell out of this stuff it’s literally solid flake 5K and these are like

20K so we can just dump those in honestly but the what what so that 10K per ender stuff cuz that’s that’s just what I’ll do I think we have enough of that right now Ender boots yeah someone just dropped them on me they’re crap prtl and let’s actually find the the end like

Dragon yeah dragon’s n so I can go down here I never actually sold on to the guy is there a different NPC just sound like a pig Manu cookie oh What that’s awesome oh wait what did I sell what that’s awesome then go back to the bazaar do that compactor super compactor buy order one plus one do that wa for that does buy really fast I really appreciate that cuz I had a hopper in him just because I didn’t have anything else

That’s Awesome it’s Bizarre okay so do that go have to be right back on the bathroom really fast it’s going to take a second though but you’re saying we just put it on our Redstone minion we’re going to take this guy out and SP impactor here that’s awesome okay so now he’s going to do much

More I had some items they’re supposed to do a lot more or like work faster uh Holy Dragon stuff ancient my Mythal sorry I have a whole bunch of just random stuff in here just sell it just checking if I had any of those materials still it doesn’t look like I do I know this is so loud I really apologize carry minion bizar see Modifiers no you know what I’m talking about though the uh minion upgrades okay there we Go that’s not at least like medium storage I need to build more of it but either way thank you so much for coming to the stream so far I will be right back uh yeah thank you so much give me a few moments here enjoy the Grinch we’re back what is T up To I saw some celebrations in here who’s doing celebrations I’ll beat you hey Aro welcome to the stream how you doing today how are we doing okay you’re good I’m doing all right just trying to learn this damn game e you guys want some music I want

Some music let’s see what we can do it is so quiet don’t join the Sky Block cult why not what’s wrong with Sky Block it’ll corrupt you in my morals I don’t have any morals there’s no morals to corrupt welcome to the stream C Cube how you doing let’s get some music

On I’m ready for the addiction it is so fun I’m having a blast it’s this is like what I start like Friday Thursday Friday roughly it’s not worth it it feels worth it it feels worth it all right so we got that it’s too late this confuses the living [ __ ] out of Me oops I’m bad your turn started four years ago and I don’t even play anymore but but you’re here watching my live stream which is Sky Block so therefore you are still addicted but it’s okay to be addicted okay so now we go here oh there mods to help me really oh

I I have the neutral oh my back thingy I’m just using Sky client I don’t know what the hell to use um usually give away your coins from Minions AR broke what happened what did you do wow we’re getting destroyed where’s our pears got those the poof for fish got the

Lapis and right it clicks lunar or Badland I will definitely check those out lunar all right guys I will definitely check that out thank you so much I’m going to stay on this for right now just because it’s going to take a while for me to switch

Shouldn’t get over but I do appreciate that we definitely definitely keep that in mind Wow since 215,000 oh yeah Thunderbolt 4 I think that’s already on our sword though Thunder we don’t have Thunderbolt we have thunder Lord so maybe we can put that on our sword yes kashes is the IGN yes ooh

Hello hello hello wait claim that and poof now Griffin’s level 62 so that before every third hit on my shirt there 16% of the hits damage that sounds pretty neat do we do it right mining sock like three anvil and thought before uh Hey blue

Boy but yes hi welcome to the stream how you doing let’s where is so grab the cookie no hold on so go bizar this and we only have 100 40K they don’t buy so many it’s probably like what 20 20 yeah I have an inventory full of iron so you’re going to get

Some what you didn’t have to do that that super cool of you I really appreciate that that’s super cool I guess we put Thunderbolt on it because like why not right these sacks are amazing I absolutely love these Sacks Hopper away pearls we don’t care about right now it’s for mining I actually put those in our ener right now we need 20 pickaxes out so let’s just see what a redstone minion made so far he’s already at two which I feel like is pretty solid so all these guys

Have Hoppers so even when they’re full they’ll be making a little bit of money at least it’s only the regular Hopper though which kind of unfortunate and I wanted to check out the other Zealot place so let us go visit prtl that’s not how you spell prtl go here and Dragon’s

Nest go under we do need to mess with more talismans is what we need to do so these are a little strong for us So yes you guys are strong I get It it’s a big one we don’t have that TI one two one two ah this gu are too good hey fin car welcome to the stream how you doing you name is probably not fin car I just can’t read right now it is finar finar yes welcome to the stream

You’re doing good sweet yeah me too I’m trying to learn this game there’s so much going on we just hit comat 20 so I’m checking out these zealots whoa I can’t do that uh K fin awesome oh I have a cookie thank you so much though that’s why that’s the only reason

I have a out is I’m got potted and cookie yes yes yes thank you so much yes any tips or anything I’m definitely open to and I definitely do appreciate the help and look out for me and I saw somebody the other day with a healing wand or something guys is that

Something that I want that seemed pretty neat level 100s are hard need get a weapon it’s good for Slayers and dungeons the the rod oh okay in a second here let’s see ah ah so let’s go here healing oh I’m the healing okay so these don’t heal much this would

Not do too much for us so W of atonement well we do not have that kind of money I guess we buy the that’s 5,000 buts we’re not there yet wand of mending I want a Talisman cuz going here And is there uh I really do appreciate the help guys so this increases our healing as well so search the lowest price here by that go back to ah get this and then have our bag accessory bag put a healing ring in there we need our pickax right now this guy is

Kind of just whatever three is super easy for me to hit as well so that hit that no I died Chat so that place is a little hard for us we do not have the gear maybe it’s just the ones all the way down there I do slayer 3 so I can’t do that one oh that guy’s Broken let’s do this if you guys want to see me do anything or try anything please do let me me know I’m open to really whatever okay oh you should get void full wise armor reforge to very wise and use Aurora staff you should one tap if not you might have

To get Enchanting up a little bit really I want to go for that bow though but that could be a good like in between I’m not going to have the money for it sadly though so let’s just get a quick are we talking wise dragon

Oh okay so then that means I don’t have the cool down combat 16 we definitely have this is the first Mage set so we need what 2.7 three four mil so I need like five mil for it though is the only thing five mil and then plus we don’t have any

Enchantments on this wand right now what we can do is see if we can get any enchants on this Ming I’m not really worried about but this staff oh so we can get a bit on it those are all sword ones though right so those aren’t really going to affect it is

What I’m thinking experiment table no I only have this oh well I guess it’s this whoops yeah this is what I have I’ve been doing this guy do more damage really that’s how you get the damage so it do it feels like it has a cool down though see it’s on cool

Down oh wait that’s not even this see the cooldowns what this doesn’t cost any Mana because percent bust to Ability damage okay so if we go here as well we can also buy some of these and say we just buy like 32 here we can go

In and do this cuz we have the bit we we’re on the cookies doesn’t really matter and then we’ll try this what that made no sense Lori welome to the stream how you doing today I have no idea how I feel that but I’m just bad at the game oh oh 50

Levels that one this one not that one no no that one there we go this one oh there’s this one so that’s there we go so that’s 21 okay that’s ability damage 25% more ability damage 64 for the Griffin g experience bottle prop four okay just use all these just

Because it doesn’t really matter but for the enchants for the sword I can’t get anything else yeah so this sword doesn’t get need anything this sword can’t get anything can’t be enchanted and then this wand it’s just sword enchants which I figure we don’t need or

What Mr Redstone over here is already at three good job see this is it’s only on 21k right now and if you guys really do like me playing this I’m definitely going to be playing more I’ve been playing like non-stop all weekend I just started the

Profile I don’t know if you can see the age or Anything uh I don’t know here’s comment SS and everything though just so everyone can see where I’m at I do have 100% crit 200% crit damage 200 strength which is an off F feel these are wisdoms so it’s all pretty much in combat combat level is like the

Fastest but it’s also like one of the higher skills we have right now as well uh we have that to effects just cu the cakes this is our magic find and everything only 111 I am running solo I’m not doing anything with anyone else and then just a quick view of our

Skills again just for anyone who was missing or anything you start with your friend yeah I really don’t have any friends that like play this I’ve found a few people here and there with it but nothing too special 22 Mining and 20 combat are biggest ones 20

Taming like eight carpentry we just got 22 enchanting 11 Forge J so we’re we’re a little there with some of our stuff go here so really doing that 30k damage or whatever r I want to get our Slayer up but like I said I can’t even deal two right now

I’m trying to make some money down here but haven’t been able to get lucky hey finart uh just cut ashes it’s the same as oh I guess I see saying same as but there you go there a crystal fragment yeah I definitely need some money to get some new gear join the party Awesome continue using aspects of the Dragons the dragon Fus gloves are good to buff it uh h i don’t have 10 mil though Finn I don’t know where you went my K level is like five believe it’s five yeah I’m here Finn there you go where are we going little 86 Um I don’t know how to check for you guys Braxton welome to the stream I have not done the garden uh I went in and attempted to clear a plot but then got busy so I have it open but I don’t have anything in there or anything

I was trying to get some eyes for some Money but I don’t know we have mining 22 or whatever but it doesn’t seem like the money is there yet I need so much mythal powder uh there we go go here here I want to go here there been so many people though the staff seems nice but the cool down on

It is a little ridiculous I’ll have to do the guarden a little more if I can get an eye or so I just wanted to a little money try this out for a Second says something spawning something’s coming from Below I super appreciate everything guys by the way you guys are way way more active than I thought so probably for a good bit we’ll be streaming this I’m not really good with editing I haven’t really messed around with it I just prefer the live interaction better

Anyways and then just to throw it up as a stream uh and like I was telling any everyone else there’s no like hey don’t do this don’t help me with this so anything you guys want to help me with or anything I can make like 2 mil an hour

With a 8 mil setup o okay what are you doing in there though oh because from what I saw I just watched someone’s video and it’s really just going through and unlocking all the plots and it makes the farm for you and I’m guessing you just Harvest

It um for auto Harvest on or Something I’m not too familiar I would definitely need some help okay let me finish up this really fast here yeah I want the juju bow that seems so good oh I can’t help you Mr F or Mr Jerry Harry Harry Jerry people make custom Farms that can

Make 17 mil an hour but you need really good gear for that yeah right I mean that’s why I want to do the mining people are saying you can make you know 10 15 30 mil mining with the right setups and I just like mining in general especially with a decent

Pickaxe so that would be really fun Quinn welcome to the stream um I you’d have to ask Finn for that I’m not party leader um not sure if we’re running dungeons or anything I’m super new so my gear is really bad something you got to got for because you need Enders Slayer 4

Literally impossible with help at your level because you one shot yeah that’s the problem um I’ve been grinding up I can’t even do end Slayer too all the other Slayers I’ve pretty much done I’ve got through all the um other slers that I can I guess just

Don’t know the right path right now if there’s anything I should focus on let me know but right now I feel like I just need some more money so I can get another set and then with that other set we can start running more Dungeons and

Getting into the Slayer so if you guys like he said um um the Y set for mage if there’s another like Melee set you guys recommend cuz I don’t mind melee at all I kind of like it it seems pretty strong so if there’s another set or route I should go I’ll

Definitely go about that or try to at least farming has less inputs but mining is a bit more profitable mining just it’s honestly just fun for me I know people can sit and just run around there f for hours that I guess that’s more or less me with

That yeah if you guys are out to running dungeons or anything totally feel free I definitely appreciate any and all help and just any content I can make for you guys guys I know a lot of people actually like helping out new people so you know I yeah this is way

Overwhelming from what I thought I would actually be getting from this like from streaming like the audience wise it say we have nine people in chat right now there’s no way says 10 of you are watching right now that means so much guys yeah if you guys want to run some

Dungeons or something please please please let me know that is so awesome nine whole people that’s right hard part is making a big netherwart farm is netherwart the best cter IM m yeah guys I I don’t mean to like say it out loud or anything but if there’s

Any you know donations or any carry help I will definitely take it this is going to be more or less just learning the game kind of like the fun whatever account and then if we really get into it and if you guys really like it and I

Understand the game better um and if I find somebody I might go ahead and make like an Iron Man account I think that’d be pretty neat but I know that’s kind a months plus in the making melan is the best NPC current and Coco is better super bizar

Okay yeah let’s let’s dungeon for sure I get lost inside the dungeons though you guys will probably laugh at me I just circle for [ __ ] 5 minutes it is so confusing cuz they have the upstairs downstairs and I’m still learning the floors so so let’s go ahead and put this stuff in

Here haven’t gotten there yet still working on getting crappy but weed is good for your first silver medal so what’s the silver medal is that a special thing with the garden oh keep healing stuff on us and um I think floor 3 Max for me right now

Yeah us your friendly mods if you want dungeon map and see secret helpers okay I appreciate that someone was saying lunar as well s quinn it said you’re okay there you go let’s say I told a cgc but guys are insane uh J’s contest yeah I have no idea lunar

You don’t like lunar okay well that’s that’s good to know oh um I died instantly that was fun okay getting so much Ah that’s awesome let get a hold of our ground come on chat we got this there so many buttons so many buttons die oh

SL what is this there’s so many places up here that’s ridiculous yeah if you want to join the party guys it’s just through Finn I’m not too sure the Caps are anything die die ah no I couldn’t press Q my armor is so bad guys

Oh this is so fun though I’m sorry guys I do appreciate it I swear I’m trying oo where it goes what are you going to do here potion ghost ghost ghost potion ghost potion yeah rigs welcome to the stream how are we doing today what is up I am

Failing in Dungeons and being carried I have no idea what I’m doing I have um young dragon as my armor roughly that this my sword ah what is what is that no no no yeah get you mute that’s okay we really got to make a Discord if

You guys oh I got to for okay good if if you guys want a Discord I do have one that was inactive and I can definitely start inviting you guys to it having it down below so everyone can join and talk to each other I think

That’s going to be one of our better bets yeah come here come here come here die die die how did you guys already kill it what you guys are insane die die die okay okay y ooh oh there’s a tether I didn’t I don’t even know what that

Is guys we don’t have two mil no we can’t purchase these I don’t know if we need to though oh wait you lose 60k on it okay the feather falling four that’s crap I think that was so fun though was that VIP I don’t know what’s happening wait whoa

He got me a r what the [ __ ] you guys are awesome you didn’t need to do that what does it even give me P Blue Boy 748 the chat is awesome canceled on Twitter because you’re blind ask about like eye color and stuff I’m so

Confused Brax I I have no idea I am so thankful I don’t even know what the hell VIP does but thank you did he even tell us or anything or was it just like poof that catacombs get healer up to seven wow I have no idea can I invite

You gives you a lot of stuff ooh can we braxon 2577 I don’t know how many people can join the party I have no idea who wants leader I don’t know what we are doing more dunge I don’t know I’m fine with more dunging P leader promote quinland 20202 p

I don’t know it’s not working um ooh I got kind of five yeah floor three is still there we go okay hey Chim chimkin welcome to the stream how you doing today five of the party is full okay you guys are insane thank thank you so much for

Everybody’s support I hope you guys are having fun I know I am having a [ __ ] blast you’re good sweet I am trying to learn the game uh been just grinding I’m trying to grind I am getting so much help and it’s amazing people are great I love

People yeah I have a sky client right now people are saying to go to bad lion though so we’re going to have to see cuz this one gives a little bit but I don’t get uh everything this is just like neutral it has a whole bunch of different options

But I don’t know what’s like allowed or anything else at the same time as well whoa yeah no no did we do it I guess we did it for people who struggle with frames oh wait I mean I’ll definitely take any recommendations I’m just trying to listen to

Chat ah I I don’t know what I was doing there I I don’t know that was rough oh okay just going through forone I’ll have to look up um like allow mods or something what ah you guys are already at the boss what is happening you just run through mobs and

I get it but I’m so confused have 23 seconds so I can res myself there’s so many mobs there’s spiders no thanks there’s ah oh um all right we’ll be here Finn you’re just destroying everything oh chat we need to after this we got to go um our clothes we need to do

Laundry I see switch to close that’s all oh my oh oh no how is he that strong look at look at him he’s dead he’s dead CH what is that thing just shoot a fireball What what are you what is that someone else is dead where are you

Guys are you guys near spider Hill whoa um this is Um it just got Destroyed he just got teleported out ah do do so much damage is ridiculous we got him there we go there you go this is so fun you don’t take much damage here it’s the hard part about staying near you in the thing is following you it’s so hard to track

People she like must have mods okay definitely feel free to let me know cuz I don’t even know like what’s allowed or anything I’ve heard multiple people like get banned for random stuff we got an S how do you spend 100K but lose 800 ultimate Jerry’s but they’re worthless is that ever worth it that’s free rejuvenate he said bro Patcher chat triggers new SP okay I’ll definitely have to use those here definitely appreciate it where is the fishing ride do is it just certain

Stuff oh I just didn’t pick it up oh I think I guess you pick it up after you leave as well I might try my luck on a dragon I just got this staff just for the dragon just so I can do it um yeah feel free to do your own

Thing though like you’re not locked in here or anything uh I don’t know how to get my cacs level up More Mario Max Bowser I don’t even know who that is who is this who is this you don’t want to go to my garden my garden is not fun oh what you got a trade request chat no way 10 mil I don’t know how to talk to

Him I don’t know how to get out of this I’m sorry thank you you so much though whoever you are so much guys he’s just one up here with 11 guys we can buy our bow do we fire our bow guys do we buy Juju Juju Juju do

Juju that’s awesome and don’t worry chat once we get rich we will do giveaways I really promise you that oh that’s right I don’t have the Slayer you’re [ __ ] Ed no way what armor set do we get what do we get guys you’re 3 [ __ ] 8

Mil you know have I know I know I know keep for now I need gear upgrade you guys are insane what the [ __ ] I don’t expect this thank you so much but can’t you use I don’t know three four shadow assassin Spirit bow and shadow assassin assassin use like strong dag for floor

Five something get carried they’ll use Spirit bow someone says the wise set um um do I just buy full no well wise is the Mage one right Superior Dragon kind of waste get Carri Eman 2 wise also works cuz that’s going to be better than our young dragon

Right cuz that’s what we’re looking at protector what’s that a 16 mil oh that’s my limit um I can only accept 12 mil 12 mil I can only I need I need items if you want to give me more money guys shadow assassin gear then nekron you guys are [ __ ] insane I

Have 50 mil right now what the [ __ ] you guys going to give me items uh pet boost increases pet strength yeah I have gold I have the cupcake one right now so if we go here show off hat and then use this on you thank you so much Mario that that

Makes more that I really appreciate that Um hey sugar cube what’s SF baby Yeti is more survivability should we go baby Yeti what the [ __ ] guys holy [ __ ] you guys are broken got scam bro Dragon if I had the money I would I do not even have a set though I literally just got this money bro I will

Be doing giveaways here when we get rich though I promise all right so I’m so sorry guys uh Shadow a full nekron died black that’s cool as [ __ ] so guys consensus really fast do we just buy a shadow assassin um and which ones like these are like special we be able to afford the set though Max shadow assassin if you guys buy it for me I’ll just trade you the cash

Um I’m on floor 3 right now um we’re just doing some dungeons so just get something maxed okay so just get all the black set okay hey Jackson we are playing Minecraft for right now this is so much fun but we’ll still be on Run next here and

There uh you guys are [ __ ] amazing guys holy ho this is so much support let’s go get shadow assassin sh shadow assassin I cannot talk all right so let’s start with chest plate there is no chest plate in ation house do we not want to do a weapon right now by the

Way oh we’re going to have to auction aren’t we so there’s no shadow assassin oh okay and yeah I guess if you guys do want to give me money I can just put something in for you guys have you bit on it uh so let’s see this is so overwhelming I really do

Appreciate it guys I need to get you guys into a Discord ah [ __ ] H auction shadow see this isn’t even giving anything oh this is uncommon that’s why ha that’s funny been Only so we’re going to low price but we want something maxed out um so we need catacombs floor five completion but that’s not a big deal right because we’re floor three right now we get experience just for running right I’ll get the legendary set oh okay uh right now if you have something

To say put it in the YouTube chat uh so go here to Legendary there we go thank you so much for the patience guys BFK welcome to the stream how you doing today make sure five star and en chance oh okay that’s four star what do we at right now lowest Price five star Ancient Ancient is going to be that’s something else I can’t even tell with that how do we tell if that’s ancient oh okay okay this says ancient so that’s fierce see we can’t even tell for any of this stuff just quickly guys I’m going to do

Full screen okay you guys can still see okay you just can’t see everything that’s fine I’m just looking for an ancient set that’s four star though that’s five star that’s fine if I don’t have enough to use it that’s just PR Six that’s some boots that says I need c of five to do it is that right will this armor need kind um CAC Five Guys I just want to make sure I’m buying the right thing I know you guys can’t see this but okay it’s fine

Yeah right so it’s five stars and it’s ancient so buy those boots to like look where my mouse is it’s pretty funny that’s five star legendary um this is 659 gear score roughly and then it says 1180 in Gray kic five that’s five this is fierce though so that’s not

Ancient this is the helmet that’s not ancient though this one’s ancient only a few enchants though let’s go to the next page it’s Mythic fierce fierce ancient yeah I right now I on full screen just because it’s too big so I know I’m I’m aware I guess is what I’m trying to

Say um on teleport against visibility and speed this is 717 on the helmet five star that looks pretty good I mean we’re going to get a new set in a little bit anyway I can’t see the chat by the way right now guys oh okay you’ll be able to add it if not

Okay okay so now we need chest and legs I really do appreciate the patience here uh so we want it’s five star legs with the few enchants that’s 818 gear score with the leggings that’s three for five star so by that cuz we don’t want to spend too much

On this do we want another Weapon by the way guys now we just need chest plate so we’re almost done you guys will almost be able to see my screen and as far as chest plate goes that’s some leggings again four star five star 890 gear score for the

Chess play that’s only three in chance though should I do a zombie night chest plate or you not talking to me uh three four cuz that was one right there but bar had en chance on it rejuvenate Thorns that’s 890 again for 15 mil five star rejuvenate five protection five growth 5 8

84 see some of these don’t have the right enchants on them as well but it might not be too necessary let’s find with true protection on it I think we’re good to go back and just buy the one and then what do we want for

A sword do we want to upgrade our weapon I’m almost done here guys as they go see the five star one I was looking at this leggings four star five star chest plate right here okay and you guys should be able to see everything right now okay so H view

Beds claim all and then what I’m going to do is that you guys use the Wardrobe okay so you guys should be able to look at me and see what I bought can you guys see me so that looks pretty solid I mean just so you can see it I mean that’s just a few of these you can do TR player that’s the

Spiders right AK welcome to the stream how you doing by the way we can definitely check that out but yeah I mean we just got five star simple enchants our boots are going to be the best which enchant wise but like you said we have to do floor five for

This uh I’m going to see I think we have a full party right now uh we actually don’t so SL P Dragon toxic there you go you guys want to run some dungeons then and try it again and then should I buy a sword yeah no thank you so much for being here

Feel free to hit that like And subscribe button whatever I’m always around um if you want guys what I’m going to do is pull my Discord I have a Discord here me one second I have to rename it Rebrand it but for right now it’s going to be a

Server we can all join in on I just got to bring it up to my thing and then let’s invite people edit invite No Limit never expire New Link so copy this I’m not going to people right now just cuz I don’t have whatever livid dagger someone said there’s one that starts with an F so edit this really fast and then so the Discord should be down below as well well now so if you guys just want to join the Discord Too just be in the general chat it’s kind of a mess right now but Liv dagger is going to be the best one all right so we do live dagger and then we’ll can go run some dungeons I don’t have uh floor 4 yet I’m only kind of close

Five so what do we want guys we just want one with whole bunch of enchants on it like this try to get a five star so four star four star five star but that doesn’t have any enchants though 3 for five no enchants this just says one for all don’t get live

D I mean right now we just need something stronger than our current sword right you’re going to be arer so be useless and a bit waste of money well right now it’ll only be 10 mil we can always sell it back and then um whatever Liv dagger sucks I’m so

Confused there someone said the sword that starts with an F is fairly good F I want to say I want to say ferocious but I know it’s not ferocious I don’t know we can we can just do it right now it’s that Dragon yeah Shadow

Fury yeah I’ve heard a lot of people say shadow Fury I maxed out on money but oh 60 mil for dragon fury yeah I’m only at 20 mil now that’s also bad okay we can just run some dungeons with this guys um I mean right now I can’t do anything until I’m five

Anyway so visit prtl I have um Griffin right now i f what the dungeon Hub is yeah I said there you go there we hide our pet really fast I mean should I I guess I just go healer I don’t know cuz right now nothing Changed no damn it chn I’m so [Laughter] sorry yes I already had him I you guys all just rush cuz it’s so much more efficient let me let me let me down getting these uh Beast areas are amazing as well I’m so sorry guys I can’t do

Anything I need level five so I can get cure what do use our $25 million gear ah ah ah ah ah don’t worry me and Rax will clean up no okay he died that’s fine everything’s fine guys everything’s fine chat everything’s fine so what’s happening where are we

Are you guys just checking out rooms oh there something up here I see more mobs cuz we got s+ last time that’s going to be how we um get some Levels can we go this way no I get so lost in these [ __ ] dungeons ah ahhh oh yeah out get me out me out get me out I don’t want this I don’t want this I don’t want this all right guys everything is fine everything is

Fine snipe oh he sniped me though yes go go go go go go so Buns die let’s go come on come on come on let’s go come on Baston we got this come on all right we got him oh oh no we died oh no everything’s fine everything’s fine chop ah no get off no we were doing so good we were doing so

Good shadow assassin too strong shadow assassin too strong no uh I in voice shot on the server I don’t know if you guys can join I don’t know where you guys are I don’t know exactly what the B stuff does I guess that’s for everything I’m not too sure though

Chat there’s so many monsters here there’s so many of them ah ah all right we’re good me and roon were just getting destroyed it’s fine we were fine we had it we had it don’t worry you just didn’t want to see our real power it’s

Fine how how do you guys just smash I don’t get it I know you guys are on like a million floors above this but but jeez but jez die this isn’t fair poor guy hey game welcome to the stream how you doing today I am trying to dungeon but it is

Not going very well trying to get to level five oh we got s floor three guys where cacom 10 now you’re at school right now and you’re watching me hey take care Finn thank you so much for everything I hope you take it easy feel free to hit the Subscribe button I

Think you joined Discord I love you around do not worry at all take it easy have an amazing day um yes so we should be good now guys we should now be able to do we should be good for flare five take it easy yes please can I Do lose one there feather Falling Again I do have my Discord Down Below guys if you do want to join by the way so wordrobe switch to this oh it’s a beat floor 5 never mind we have to beat floor five for me to wear that so I can’t hold dungeon right now

Do not worry at all but I’m on check if your streaming I can help wow well thank you so much that does mean a lot to me yeah we can do floor four guys we still need a few more to get up there though cuz we need kind of con 14 but we

Just got level 10 so that’s not bad at all so if we just farm for um floor 4 for a little bit we should be okay I’m 10 right now you’re hilarious game don’t worry at all wait why am I just with dragon isn’t there someone else I mean I guess if you

Can carry I’ll take it but doesn’t anyone else go here next round let’s make sure we get some more people in I need to not necessarily get carried I need the XP of it all right guys I need to switch my laundry give me one second I’m going AFK

One second here guys just do some Lash ch feel hello hello hello Sanita welcome to the stream how you doing today there we go we are Back uh I mean definitely stay in school I’m not going to say anything else there hey not much uh I think I’m getting carried through a dungeon right now floor four I just hit catacombs 10 I just got some um CH what did we get the armor shadow

Assassin armor tier five shadow house Armor yeah I know I was not doing good I tried I forget that that’s a thing um I’m from the East Coast I grew up in the east coast W in England uh but I’m in Vegas now recommend skipping shadow assassin getting a shadow Fury for weapon wise I didn’t grab anything yet

I just have um armor right now bonso mask what’s a bonso mask well that destroyed me are you doing tic tac toe is that an accessory no chat this gear can’t do it in this gear we’re trying it’s a helmet it’s an actual helmet oh Breezy why see the stream by the way

Okay is that going to be better than have a set bonus though and then I’m sure there’s better accessories I can get like on the side of my gear here you guys need to help me with accessories and pets I need to look up a video for it I just have a normal

Griffin right now um I have just bought full shadow assassin tier five two four oh two for shadow sass zombie night skeleton Master CH play and a shadow Furies but full Shin armor and liid Dagger oh I definitely want full shadow assassin but maybe we can damn it maybe we can sell it

Back I don’t know I was just told to by full Shadow ba welcome to the stream somebody gave me 50 mil like I got 50 mil from chat and I still have like 23 24 M left so with floorhead yes you tell me a million different things I have no idea

Else you live in bosses I just want pure damage though really I mean I want a little survivability but for how bad it is is too expensive the only reason you buy a different chest plate is cuz you can’t afford it Shadow Fury is better than Liv

Dagger yeah sword wise like right now like I said chat we don’t have anything so a damn it we’re too far yeah you guys know to do here three for of floor heads oh okay what on on that floor what do you mean with floor as on D SW first 500 damage from

Okay jeez yeah my sword right now does like 17K damn it oh okay so you just get that special okay there’s a golden diamond helmet for each floor okay Shadow SS would be amazing because I’m pretty sure your armor is in D ized yeah no the armor I have currently is just

Whatever it’s just kind of basic um young dragon yeah the spirit bow I don’t know what that is Thorn I Believe In You Dragon oh well we tried kashes still have 8K XP and 8K health and you’re getting damage jeez we can definitely make a dungeon

Because I need to keep doing floor four for XP and then get um floor five and finish that for my gear andely two Force necron Diamond Head and 50% stat boost M7 skeleton Master chest plate jeez um Friday Thursday Friday so if that tells you guys anything thing

No oh we already have full Shadow Fury to tier five they’ve been playing like a weekend I have full shadow assassin tier five dungeon so that’s what we’re going to have to work with right now unless someone wants to like buy it back or something or help me to sell it

Back just sell it jeez how much do shadow fury like 60 mil someone said I figure I keep just make money with it dude right cuz shadow assassin I can’t afford or um that 60 mil sword all right guys we need more um catacombs experience we just got healer

10 which is kind of cool did I just I don’t think I try to advertise that’s 15 okay oh hey outside dungeon set get full Crimson jeez two5 rev with Shadow Sash and livid dagger I just need to do tier five or um the Ender ones we need to get through

Ender I think Ender is what we wanted but I think it was for something specific at the same time yeah I I want anyone who wants to join the dungeon be able to join yeah I’m sure it’s possible with no armor I mean you got to have stats and

[ __ ] for it though I mean unless you get one hit you know what I mean I’m sure you can kind of just max out your stats otherwise have accessories have a pet as this is our pet we’re working with I mean we’re working with a common

Griffin I mean it’s the best thing I can get right now we have a level 50 Enderman but it’s only crit damage we have armadilla for mining or silver fish for mining as well XP oh game thank you so much for the sub by the way I really do appreciate

That wow we got like six subscribers right now this is crazy Griffin’s really good yeah we only have the common right now but yeah Bal thank you so much for that sub I don’t know why it’s not appearing it definitely should be um I don’t know what’s wrong with my alerts I

Apologize you gu magic find yeah I can’t take any coins right now I take items um let’s go to group together if you want to join the party just put your um IGN in chat thank you all right Dragon we got to invite people man all right

Guys and by the way just for anyone interested if you guys heard me I do have my Discord down below if you wanted to click and join and talk to me I’m just in the voice chat let me know if you can’t talk for some reason I don’t

Have it fully set up I had it set up a while ago it’s been years yeah you should be able to I mean if not um just let me know and I’ll promote you whatever and I can’t say this enough SK I it sounds bad for long term even worse

Short term cuz strong drag and Shadow Fury are just better okay if we have everyone there um give me one second though guys whoa a lion what that’s awesome yeah I mean I can always sell it I mean it’s not a big deal whoa this D’s a lion Lion all right but yeah we can start whenever you guys are ready so make sure everyone gets an invite and by the way let me know if you can’t talk in the uh Discord just scroll down just should be a general chat hey Balon thank you so much for that sub

I do appreciate that I don’t know why it’s not showing for everyone but hopefully it did maybe I just missed it hey hopefully you can hear me and if you’re in here just mute the stream or just put it really low I’m on my phone so my mic is going

To be terrible and I’m also at school so it’s going to be even worse but um yeah I’m here no worries at all man I definitely appreciate you being here so focus on school though I mean don’t yeah sorry guys chips are delicious I’m just sitting in like a

What is this like a freaking pav by the side of a wall I definitely don’t book suspicious I Swear damn it I just died Um these are some Ruffles cheddar and sour cream pretty good Beast bro I I would if I had the money I promise you you know I I don’t like people begging honestly too like I got this money just you know from people trying to help me out I bought some Gear

With it I don’t even have enough money for my own Juju you know what I mean like I I need to get my stuff first bro I’m not I’m not sure if it’s because of selfish I don’t like watching people get money no that’s that’s totally fair

I mean this profile I’m literally just making it like to learn the game and have fun though um I will eventually make like an Iron Man profile or like a no donation profile I just do not know the game yet which doesn’t help anything totally understand all right it’s so the follow

These dungeons I really need to learn them are these Tombs I don’t know certain ones are tombs oh why I don’t want to be down here I don’t want to be down here ah uh I have friends who’ve been given up to like 21 Bull and I’ve seen someone get gifted seven b doing this what the [ __ ] that’s insane damn it dude

[ __ ] we’ll get there chat oh wow look someone’s here okay it’s okay yeah um so I’ve seen lots of money get gifted that and I don’t really like watching it I don’t know why yeah no I I totally get it I mean it’s not for everyone for Sure to be fair my main is an Iron Man so I don’t really have a say in how money actually was yeah yeah I mean it’s just a totally different play style in general you to do a lot more especially in the sky blocker not if you have semi decent RNG

Like for example some people have gotten mad at me for putting fatal Tempo on a void Edge Katana yeah I don’t even know what that is a voidage katana is like a 1 million coin weapon and fatal Tempo is like a un oh okay so just kind of silly silly combos there this

Way [ __ ] I did not mean to do that but yeah guys I’ll probably be streaming for the next like four four maybe five hours maybe even a little more tonight so do not worry about missing anything I guess those are dead already it’s all trap it’s all a

Trap I can’t use the village is in that room that’s lovely just actually [ __ ] you okay oh I thought we were stuck so I didn’t move I think in a way my Contra carried friend was begging cuz the stream title was literally just contra stream I don’t even know what I don’t

Even know what that is honestly is it kanja Contra is just money that fans give to uh I oh okay yeah I definitely don’t want to sit and beg that’s not what I’m here for I want to play the game this is fun I might have to go now so uh bye there’s

No words at all you take it easy I appreciate it come on let’s see why are there bunny rabbits that is terrifying well I di to sheep can officially say I have DED to sheep so much going on ooh that’s actually pretty cool we got wisdom one uh one intelligence for every five

Levels of XP you have on you that’s pretty neat I mean that’s for like Mages but seriously like guns I don’t think there’s any guns in this game um let’s see our catacomb level now we got 11 so we still have a bit to

Do cuz we have to get up to 14 I believe I definitely did s or um serious wel to the stream if you’re going to be toxic though I’m definitely going to just remove you from the stream I did mention that there’s I don’t think any guns of this game it’s

Minecraft you’re going for like a medieval RPG Vibe want try to follow you dragon o that hurt um okay yeah I need to remember that you’re not killing everything and I probably do need a mod or so so if you guys are going to be

Active in the chat just let me um let me see it kind of just you know be chatting uh kind of be just like you guys are you guys are being awesome but that’s how we’re going to be giving out mods it’s not going to be a way to like buy it or

Anything there’s mobs this way guys there’s mobs get them you stuck this gu has a star on him oh guess we don’t want to go this way great died I tried to kill it I tried someone just ran past us here yeah are we trying to tell me to go this

Way I can’t jump that high though the Manas 10 gold Essence that sounds pretty cool guess this’s dead has a little bit of glitch here in there but that’s fine okay you’re here okay where did you just go how what so fast’s 16,000 Health that’s insane I have no idea where you

Went what just like underground somewhere some sadness some oh you just know where all this stuff is I can’t sorry go down 40 wait 49,000 what the [ __ ] that’s insane how do you jump that fast ah no oh there’s a there’s a floor chat I thought

We I thought we were just going to die um that was awkward we not climb the ladder come here real dragon hi yes I should probably put like my IGN in the title uh let’s do this edit Video Ian cut ash is there we go what the TR toxic oh what okay uh I’m stuck where do I go we’re just stuck down here ooh I was almost there at least I’m sorry guys I got stuck I I need help by spear leaps and you can

TPS what is that I don’t even know what that is I’m sorry I’m so new I’m trying to learn they like pearls but in Dungeon you can TP the teammates I know they use it but like I keep running out there we go 8.9 oh Arrow thank you so much I do

Have my limit reach right now though so unfortunately if you do want to give me anything you would have to um give it to me in items I do appreciate that though hope you’re having a good day welcome to the stream Ah that’s let’s dead see let’s see let’s see go stairs

I get corn ban what’s that I have no idea what you guys are even on about ch giving away with hype would be insane that’s so much we got to start small cuz we’re small yes like I like I said if you did not hear me you know if we do become

Rich and whatever else we will be doing giveaways not like exclusively I don’t want to just be like hey stream giveaway hey stream giveaway but Contraband yeah I have no idea I just don’t know like what that is on the server or anything so we’re here there’s this room we don’t want to

Use that can’t use abilities here I am very very sorry guys I have no no idea where I’m supposed to be going look like I can go this way may this way no that’s not the right way you guys are all like upstairs there we getting closer

I do live but I never got money yeah no it’s not something like you know not something that’s needed or anything it’s purely just people wanting to see me use the money to get more content really that’s how I see it it is not something you should be

Streaming to like do that you shouldn’t be streaming just to get money or something like that should be streaming the interactive people and whatever happens happens but Arrow I do appreciate you I will be back in my Island after this dungeon just do the boss right now this

Fight’s a little long though I’m trying to get floor five done we have full shadow Assassin oh wait that’s the wrong item evil chickens I died 41 to Diamond last in 34 set I’ll I’ll definitely take it I do have full shadow assassin 2 five but if it’s something that you do not need or anything I will definitely take it off your hands I do appreciate

Anything but is not necessary please you are allowed to be here and just relax and participate in everything without donating you do not have to do anything I definitely just like chatting with people that’s why I’m here there you go guys oh you don’t play at all oh

Okay I appreciate you being here at least to high block High block Sky Block stream a that’s really sweet of you that’s crazy how your minions make that much money though we’ll get there we got a nice guys and we’re Mage six um I don’t think we leveled up catacomb

Levels no receive reduce experience as you only have one class as you only reach class Milestone 2 oh damn I didn’t heal enough Then yeah that’s 500k with this infinite qu SK neat no do not worry at all yeah I was just dying so fast did you get milone too okay this feel like I just keep dying that’s all give me one second guys for that hey welome back Finn m

No don’t worry at all I’ll be on for um the next four four or five hours what I think mine’s a bit better than that but guys I was trading one sec it’s getting trolled don’t worry that’s so cool I don’t know like any of this stuff is you guys will

Definitely have to help me level 100 Griffin that’s neat we need cacom 14 for that that is awesome I need Garden for these but thank you so much that’s super cool of you and then bizar so I’ll just um s those with whatever but thank you thank You all right guys now you’re good um slash P this is a speedrun determinator oh that’s 750k holy crap I’m guessing this is just what I want to um whatever I don’t know that’s insane yes is so cool [ __ ] level 30 guys what’s pristine emblem I can help sort with Garden okay

They don’t know anything about it really oh just an emblem oh okay you I don’t have 14 yet guys I don’t know what all this stuff is by the way all these mods scar they do too much of them oh he disconnected I think you just didn’t know how to do

The leader thing or something or it wasn’t working don’t worry I really appreciate it guys you guys are awesome this is all super super helpful and super fun to talk to everyone hope everyone’s enjoying themselves guys we’re at 132 Subs right now you guys are

Insane um if we have five feel free tost post your in-game name in the chat if you guys want to join by the way you guys are literally insane what are we doing I love all of you uh more about this channel manage maybe no not manage where’s like Analytics

D bro I don’t have the money we’re C in the dungeon tank level 24 sure wait what I don’t know whatever you guys are doing keep doing it I guess I’m so lost oh what what is this Yeti rod that’s cool mineral Enchanted lava uh sure God level 10 minions whoa

Oh we have duck thank you so much I have no idea what I actually got but thank you for all the subs everyone’s doing amaz oh I am so I don’t know I don’t know what’s happening speed of your Minion ooh that’s really nice that should go on everyone I really do appreciate it yes we’re trying to do these dungeons here um oh I already selected and someone gave me freaking VIP what does VIP do someone freaking bought it for me I super appreciate

It oh I don’t have oh it’s a fishing rod I was like what that’s pretty funny that’s for fishing trying to fish the mobs M over here is super confused that’s not a fish more I need your help buddy ah there’s so many of them oh no get out of here no No yeah that premium flash once we do floor five I’ll be a lot better off guys nope my bad I’m AFK trying to have my friend come join us all right guys what do I do do I just stay here said vegan yeah let’s exploit some animals for personal gain that’s insane Oh he’s up there I don’t know what the hell that is they just stand up here jeez I’m sorry for this sound oh what oh okay so now we’re kind of comes 12 there’s two more levels guys I only got a class Milestone too we didn’t get it

FL Birds next and I’ll decit for you open not oh revive Stone 6.4 mil oh that’s ra craft oh that’s 6.4 for the um for all of them hold on we at four see one second guys I’m just seeing if a friend wants to come as everyone’s night going by the

Way I hope everyone’s having a really good day let me go check my L too all right let’s let’s do this run and then we’ll have a plus one after you’re not in the party ba just post your um IGN oh you’re in okay oh you’re okay yeah yeah I got you

It should be in here bro all right we’re going to start of four yeah after I do floor five I’ll be a lot stronger bottle from SB I’m not sure what that is but no please don’t like do not you don’t have to stay on whatever oh you got booted

From Sky Block do not worry at all I I don’t know oh okay that’s a little odd no but don’t worry at all I appreciate you being here I appreciate you sticking around uh the sub button but the Discord I’ll I said I’ll be on till 12: or 1

Tonight and I’ll be streaming tons during the week you guys really really have been awesome I definitely appreciate all the support this is amazing thanks so much you take it easy have an amazing night awesome yeah I got to set everything up still and get mods and all that [ __ ] but

We’ll set it up yeah this is this is going to be our armor bro JuJu’s [ __ ] 20 mil I don’t have the money bro I’m sorry like I appreciate the carries and everything but I can’t just like go out and get it for you I’m sorry all right guys

All right well if you’re heading out just go ahead and leave the party then we’ll go ahead and run some all right guys uh that’s all good oh you got to go Dragon thank you so much for hanging out I really do appreciate everything please take it easy

Ariel thank you so much for that sub man I really do appreciate that um I did the Discord server oh yeah game and is there anyone in chat that wants to go ahead and do um do a group party dungeon whatever no you take care braon thank you so much

Guys I’m going to be right back all right guess it’s all again I’m gonna be here for a long time that was a really fun uh three and a half hours you guys are amazing thank you so much again take it easy all right really

Fast yes I need 14 for that so can we that for checking that out for we just exit and come back and claim this for for let’s see take this letter to more whenever you’re oh okay so we can do that we’ll take a look at this letter

Okay oh I it’s a solo tier three but I can’t do that yet okay that’s pretty neat yeah I need five Um well allo ready up C profile let’s see this just tells everything from here two three four oh I think we just auction this um every piece this armor gr the ability to automatically mine two extra nearby blocks on mining huh that’s pretty neat so you can do that ooh that’s super cool

For I know it’s my red Redstone minion come here Redstone Minion Okay and we have this guy some obsidians here sell these yeah the shadow saass we’re going to have to sell so this chest body it’s pretty neat though we’ll sell it for coins sell this as well need water around some

I understand it’s not perfect Mr needy we’re working we’re working to it you want that come on set a damn gold block down here H bizarre bizarre bizar bizarre bizar bizarre bizar bizares boros no no no that these are all like a mill I fig these are really good

Though and these cakes are also like 800k each all right the Lotus I don’t know if it’s worth selling or not I have no idea oh okay all right fish around here too here invite Braxton too you can do them that’d be awesome Ian send trade request yeah I mean right now obviously

We just need to clear floor five that means we needed several floor fours we just need XP so I mean oh yeah until you have the gear I’m sure right oh and like I said if anyone’s in chat wants to uh party up feel free to just let us know there we

Go yeah we need more people for sure wait can I get a compactor from something else give me one second I’m just adding this in for my guys oh sorry bu me two Seconds yeah we can definitely run floor three yeah yeah I know I just need XP so literally whatever you’re comfortable with almost this Beast theary is is amazing I love it so many Buffs I missed you you’re so strong it’s crazy for for for we are not supposed to be in this corner

Oh too good oh there’s there’s more mobs there um okay okay okay I get it you’re angry I get it I hope so cuz this is miserable not being able to do anything oh yeah I’m having so much fun though yeah okay yeah we’re 12 right now this might

H 13 if we do really good so we’ll see I’m kind of lost though Um that’s not the way we need to to that big Square somewhere down Here um it’s just a sky Clan I think it’s like neutral or something nothing special I have a lot of like available mobs too that just don’t have enabled uh cuz I just don’t know what they do and they didn’t want to get in trouble for anything

So I need to look at like an official post or something man where are you at bro I have no idea oh I supposed to a lot of good stuff oh okay this just one of the first ones I saw more or less oh you’re down here doing a dungeon

Thing CT import better map says I’m chat triggers yeah it does I foret the keepy behind it has thought I had chat triggers I thought I did at least maybe not yeah it just has tons of like other stuff oh okay that’s awesome Just Like Music this has all Forge I guess

Oh I don’t know where we are where where are we oh okay I’m trying CH I’m trying so much going on no No appreciate you hanging out though if anyone else wants in just let us know for for H got a I got R reduce XP though 530 we don’t take it don’t worry at all thank you so much for hanging out you take it easy yeah more

People but no it is super late for everyone though I’m hungry as [ __ ] dude that’s some food you should up till 4: jeez what time is it there it’s only 11:00 p.m. here I don’t know like what time that is off the top of my head dude this shit’s like really

Odd it’s just like sparkling water strawberry lemon or strawberry watermelon but it’s little OD let’s see jeez guys we’re at 133 Subs you guys are actually insane you have no idea how much that means to me like we’ve had 93 different people click on tonight yeah this is awesome this is my first

Time doing it I need to do it more I will definitely definitely be playing a lot more I didn’t realize you guys would want to see it this bad I would have streamed it all weekend yeah I mean I’m not here for the money or anything if all that comes it’s

Great but I just like the community I’m been hanging out in some Discord servers and meeting some really cool people I’m trying not to [ __ ] die this run so strong is there anywhere I can see my kindoms level oh I just do it the right click oh

What oh that’s how you guys can see like everything that’s sick oh okay 1.9k that is sick yeah so doesn’t matter shows the other ones shows like higher runs no we need to make a guild though that’ be pretty cool 22 fairies 13 skill level that’s so cool 18K or

Mind oh [ __ ] it shows me all the collections too done sand it’s pretty cool oh it shows you how much to like actually done as well I go around seeing what other people do with their setups helps a ton oh yeah okay [ __ ] at 19k gemstones and I barely mind

Any someone gave me this lion it’s beautiful I want to do with people around your level though nobody knows what you’re doing yeah that’s fair I would say sorry for not helping but like I literally don’t do anything anyway I’m going to go L for a while no

Well thank you so much stre thank you so much to the stream you relax and take it easy I’m just chilling playing not doing too much but I’m trying as much as I can uh s stealer Soul Eater wow 5700 skills it’s hard okay it’s hard 50 taming 50 mining 50

Al you got it in the end yeah eventually kada 13 jeez you’re 30 all classes you have one bill in your bank and 2.8 in your purse holy [ __ ] can’t you buy Hyperion with that oh I was like wait what do you mean what why can’t you buy Hyperion but here you go

Then Terminator is like 700 mil holy crap why do you have two of those oh they’re different different runes we katana3 mil holy [ __ ] ultimate enchants wait that’s not the Wardrobe where is the Wardrobe 22 mil holy [ __ ] one crit damage per cacom level ancient Max or there a damage you take from

Wers that’s like two Bill total oh the attributes that’s insane you guys are insane 36 is low I can’t wait to actually be like useful in dungeons lot of Contra oh Frank qu yeah what is the Contra is that just someone giving you stuff like in a different

Way that probably helped you a bit oh okay that that’s all it means all right for we got ass yeah see going through the other play was like 500 I really appreciate it I don’t know how this shit’s calculated Contra is just free coins that is provided by people yeah

Okay I’m still 12 man I need so this is so if you look here um dung engineering so to get to 14 which is what we need we need 71,000 experience we got 200 that run just kind of let you do yeah is anyone on just wants to

Chill well fall game to the stream you can’t join damn all profile is better not worth 1500 hours Play Time holy [ __ ] dud my friend he said he’s eating [ __ ] fat man you don’t have to you really don’t have to but it would help like don’t don’t [ __ ] your sleep schedule but like

If you’re awake you’re awake all right so many [ __ ] feather fallings do you guys have a sword I should buy for 30 mil oh play a Berserker oh is that what I want okay I mean it doesn’t have to be right now we can wait a little

Bit I’m getting um Shadow Armor tier five I’ll show you actually what I got I foret you weren’t here this is what I have I just have to complete floor five so I have Armor yeah okay yeah I I don’t have like any accessories I need the grind some Redstone I need to just go mining and just literally just do redstone yeah this Enchanted one this is what I really want hold on I have a friend coming in I think yeah I know I’m buy hey

Man let me connect to the server yeah that’s super odd you able to go on Sky Block or no what’s up look you’re good to go on Sky Block though no I can’t even join Hypixel or anything oh watch the [ __ ] just don’t want to connect everything else

Connects maybe restart your client I don’t know if you have already that’s weird guys do you know anything about um Hypixel not being available give me one second guys I have a friend joining oh so that’s a tier 11 holy [ __ ] dude these guys are helping out so much it’s kind of

Neat good it is dude um I know you [ __ ] grinding the [ __ ] out of your heal or you grinded the [ __ ] out of your stuff too this one yeah they won’t let you it’s kind of can you go to it like manually just mc. Hypixel yeah maybe let’s

See um I mean I got the client that I use someone’s saying change proxy I’m just gonna try to Res my see what happens yeah I mean that probably won’t hurt there you’re good oh well I don’t I don’t know how late delay it is

Just the mobs bro I guess I don’t really know I think factor for that guy too fun. Hypixel well he’s restarting this computer so we’ll see it’ll be a lot more fun with him and they call too just for everyone give me one sec dag I’m still I’m trying to

Invite my friend here uh a super compactor I got a fishy one too I don’t know how to put it down do I do water water under it I don’t have any water but we don’t have the space for it right now I love it oh so one two three 4

Five one two three four five for all right guys I’m still waiting for my friend I really do appreciate the patience it’s going to be a lot faster with him though he’s around my gear and stuff though he might have a little more but I have so many chest I hate losing

Stuff proba just take up like the Carrot little Carr guy yes coal minion I understand that fishing minion here took your [ __ ] I want to get to that point do I want super compactor for the minion like what do I put on him oh really there you go build your [ __ ] coal

Oh I guess that’s always going to be the case we have to move them over one oh what the [ __ ] uh thank you you can I mean I’m not going to stop you or anything Um storage I need to go to the ferry I need to go with this person real fast as well um he has a crazy sorry I’m trying to look into some it’s being stupid what e for there we go I’m in guys sorry oh oh she’s all the way down here oh cool

Sweet guys okay that helps a lot oh yeah that’s fine I got to move you over one [ __ ] sweet no no you’re fine um oh hey come on out dragon how do I turn auto off oh I Berserker that one all right you guys for those are awesome though

Oh we don’t have a healers so I can’t just revive thank you how many mean you got it right oh water in all the holes for this is confusing as [ __ ] for for that’s so cool though like y hey what’s up that’s good CH uh what

Else I could do to fix it now it’s not even showing a picture no is it did what I say help at all did like manually typing it in yep didn’t work um maybe another client do you just have regular Minecraft you can load it up on

Just to see or something yeah I ret tried it didn’t work it’s not even showing the picture anymore of Hypixel it’s just showing like a mountain is it just Hypixel yeah everything else works it’s kind of strange that’s why I mean the only thing I can think of is a Hypixel actual Discord

Let me just try to ask here happening quite often today just got to wait it out oh wow someone that’s what someone said it’s just like happening you just got to wait it out that’s what the one guy saw uh trying to grind today I know bro ah

You working during the day or no I don’t work dur the day it was working earlier today too that’s why I’m like confused oh yeah really Mhm h I’m going on the high loock the Hypixel Discord and see if I can just get in touch with any admin but everyone has their [ __ ] off yeah which is the Hypixel Discord let’s see if I can invite you it’s just like their main one whatever it just has two things like

Welcome and announcements right yeah whatever yeah well mine has like General mini games off topic and all the other [ __ ] I don’t know I got through the two people so far I don’t know if I response though I’m so sorry guys I’m I’m so sorry I’m here I’m

Here I’m in a dungeon they’re trying to help me out with XP I feel awful W it’s so hard D I need like 7,000 more [ __ ] experience and I’m getting like two to 500 XP a run well you have to get your your damage out there too you need

To do some damage to get more experience yeah I was doing healer for a bit they told me to k um Berserker apparently to your floor uh floor four there’s a spot you go like hop up top and then they like when he summons bats you just sit there and

[ __ ] kill the bats you get your damage up that way I don’t know you got ass but see how much X you got 800 that time yeah I mean that’s it’s not bad the [ __ ] I don’t does kind of make me mad I’m sorry guys I was talking to a friend

I I really do appreciate I’m not trying to be like a dick and just sit here and AFK for you guys no I [ __ ] I don’t know though dude that’s I never even seen that I mean it kind of makes me feel better that everyone else is having an issue

Though yeah I appreciate it I totally get you uh I guess I head to bed and wake up in the morning and try to grind yeah man that’s just [ __ ] um I should be on tomorrow but like is it 12 now so like 7 it’s 12: for you right

Yeah it’s 1200 for me yeah so he tried the IP it’s just not working I talk to someone in the Hypixel and it’s just not [ __ ] like you just have to wait it out apparently but yeah um I get home from work around 7 or so

Um all right for sure yeah just just let me know you message me anytime I mean I’m just if I’m home I’ll be on it so and I’ll probably have my Discord constantly on so all right bet then I’ll catch you another time man yeah man I’ll

Just message when I’m on I guess but yeah dude the stream’s been super cool so I’m excited to play with you all right have a go man yeah you take it easy man yeah I’m here guys yes I’m ready do I go Berserker cuz I feel like healer can get more

Yeah I I honestly just didn’t realize it’s totally my fault ah [ __ ] I can’t do anything to these mobs and I feel like it just destroys my [ __ ] let me go really quick and just check the wash n connect these puzzles oh that’s so cool so these like Secrets

Or oh you got to go hey take care Dragon little [ __ ] secrets or did you find a good item I don’t know I can’t res I’m hearing Spirit maybe I’ll give away something but I really don’t have want away bro I do appreciate all your help though plus if you keep doing content

With us maybe you can make some money you know what the [ __ ] man he’s so strong spe through you oh sorry for two seconds where the [ __ ] you went we at something [ __ ] up I e Son that’s sick I died uh there you go three yeah I don’t have any r is going to to the 500 so yeah I don’t know if I can res the sealer or not No want I need to get there first really all right while I’m running around clearing the dungeon just open up your mod menu on stream and see if there’s like a dungeon mod should have something where you can see Secrets um let me see Sky Block comat I know one know something about

Dungeons I just don’t know dungeon guide dungeon room dungeon room should be one no you Sky TOS in Sky TS do you have Sky TS not that I see I’ll have to get [ __ ] um the other client no you should just get Forge and I can give you like the top

Five Sky mods and that’s all you need yeah that’s what I would do I can just straight up just drag mods into disc and give you what I have oh yeah okay it looks like I have Forge in here so I might be able to just um keep this

And just drag stuff into it maybe but this confusing but okay yeah I really appreciate it by the way yeah problem I don’t have people on just oh I am so sorry was that you that do that so yeah I have I have just like a

Red line that just shows me the path they go Oh okay that’s cool just from the client that’s Sky TS you want Sky TS Sky TS has like uh like quality of life stuff for every single aspect of the game that’s super neat and there there’s like four

There’s like four mods that do that kind of stuff but Sky TS is probably the best one that’s sick I appre this is just mc. what is it hypixel.net this is the huge like mini game Sky Block whatever server the only way I played Minecraft yeah I’ve always heard about

It but I played like what 10 years ago or whatever like so it was super laggy I didn’t have a good computer and just whatever so finally getting back into it all it’s I played I played H Sol like in [ __ ] 20 2014 or stuff like that yeah yeah

Some [ __ ] I like flawed in but I never did anything yeah I thought it was really good and then I go and like look at like my stats and stuff like holy like I feel like I played like thousands of hours on the server and then like I only have

Like 800 wins in like certain games it’s like like either I just really bad or I didn’t play as much as I thought I did the game seem pretty neat I mean I don’t like the bedw wars or anything like that but other like custom shit’s really neat

It’s crazy how this is on 1.8 yeah really I mean I don’t know 1.8 right around there seems like one of the better versions of Minecraft just in general I mean for mods for servers it’s just all this new [ __ ] is just way too much I don’t like any of

It there’s they’re um oh wait [ __ ] you wor I’m doing a I’m doing a thing where I can watch no it it blocks me cuz I get into that fence and I can mine through the wall and get a secret right there but when um it like detects that I’m going

Through the wall it’s not like not allowed but people that actually use cheese and go through walls that blocks you sometimes oh yeah I can’t I can’t like do my route that’s how supposed to do it I mean for not supposed to that’s like Optimal like as fast as possible you can

Like pickaxe through walls and [ __ ] if you if you have the right like speed and everything that’s CRA my armor I’m using right now is like really not that good but because I’m playing lower floors I have like really fast speed gotcha yeah your armor is [ __ ]

Insane did you get most of it you said from your friend quitting or was it just so what what does it say I have 20 bill now worth I think I had nine bill before so like half but like okay so you still started with everything okay yeah I had like I had

Like everything essential now that since he quit I just like kind of like maxed out everything so I had pretty much the same stuff just a lot less upgraded gotcha yeah it seems like that’s a huge part of the game is Just maxing out the armors and pets and everything yeah yeah

Like you you’ll keep like the set after Shadow sass is nekron you’ll just keep that until like or that’s like the dungeon set and it’s not even like crazy far into the game it’s just there’s so many upgrades to it that will take you through every part of the game oh jeez

Just different like accessories and [ __ ] like all the stars like my main nekron’s like 10 starred oh my god I didn’t even know you could get that high yeah they’re Master Stars the fifth Master St is like over 100 Mil just for one oh jeez yeah it’s like minuscule stats for is it

People getting it from loot or do they up yeah you get so after F7 there’s F1 through S floor 1 through S and then it goes Master mode 1 through S and those are just like crazy hard versions of every floor and you get the master Stars the

The six through 10 Stars only only works in master mode though doesn’t work work like out of dungeons or anything oh okay so it’s like strictly yeah you’re not yeah you’re not like anywhere you don’t need to worry about master stars for a long time yeah okay but that’s pretty

Neat though yeah it gives me like every every star gives you like plus 5% stats oh wow yeah this game’s way deeper than I could ever imagine I never knew it was this [ __ ] deep espe when you’re streaming you have like so many people that have done so many different things

And everybody’s so many different yeah cuz I sat I played all weekends it started like Thursday or Friday and I kind of just chat with people on the Discord and you know I got pretty far as far as I could whatever but coming on stream everyone’s just

Like like nope you did everything wrong yeah and it’s people who like want to help cuz you know if I get better they get more content and someone else to play with so yeah everybody will tell you something different yeah I was he like 20 different things like what the

[ __ ] yeah I mean I guess you never know who you’re actually talking to which is kind of hard too especially on YouTube you’re just like oh well you know unless they’re a streamer themselves or video maker you’re just like well I can’t trust you unless I see you in

Game so it’s kind of rough yeah dude I really hope this [ __ ] Armor is going to help out I hate dying so much it’s because it’s literally the only thing is just cuz you’re not dungeon that armor would but you can’t get dungeon gear until you’re C of 14 so it just [ __ ]

You you just in it constantly it’s just like a really [ __ ] progression on the hypixels end yeah how are you supposed to do it then I mean like like this yeah that’s what everyone’s saying I’ve heard that from every single [ __ ] person so far it’s just like oh

Well you got to get carried yep same for Enderman like you can do Enderman but it’s if you dedicate every part of your gear to it it’s going to take like it’s going to take like 200 mil in gear for your own to do your own bosses

For Juju or you can spend 20 melon carries and get it oh okay kind of like a nerra I wouldn’t charge you for I’m just saying like if you were to buy the carries from like somebody in a Discord that’s insane that’s what I did for money for a

Long time until my friend quit I was doing MH cares I was making like 40 mil an hour what is it I mean do you just kind of know you can kill the boss and just sell the carry and then just wait for them to kill you know B and then

Yeah and they they sit in this spot where they don’t get hit and you you kill the boss for them cuz it’s like has a bunch of tears and stuff you have to gotcha okay it’s a really really complex BS fight and it has like insane damage

Well I know the [ __ ] tier one I think it was Enderman I was trying to hit it and like 90% of the time it just I couldn’t damage it yeah it has hits phases where it only you have to you have to do like 100 hits on it

Before yeah yeah there’s there’s there’s so many things it’s [ __ ] ridiculous I mean good cuz there’s so much depth and it’s not like you can complete it in a you know a few settings or anything but so do you know how to do the bosses do you know to do this this

One you just kill the dudes on the outside and then kill him I mean that’s what I’ve learned right CU it do you know how to do the floor four boss cuz you were like shooting at the gas yeah I know I have no idea there was a thing on

The floor is like the pads or something so no the pads I don’t know what those are but you just got to kill the bear and the bow that you get from the bear is the only thing that damages him oh so you’re doing anything yeah a figure I

Mean with f it’s not like I can really help anyway but see you got to you got to hit the gas four times with the bow so you have to go through like four cycles of the uh the bear spawning oh okay yeah I guess if you’re just running through random

People too it’s just like well if that one person misses then you’re kind of [ __ ] as well yeah I was trying to get those guys to to not pick up the bow they kept picking it up CU they kept missing yeah see that time was only 330 XP 330 for the class Milestone

Too oh you weren’t getting I don’t know how the [ __ ] I get Milestone though that’s so annoying I know because you can’t do damage and instant everything it’s impossible um I would say like is there like a sword I can just grab beforehand or something but I feel like even then it’s

Like so you’re C 13 now is it dunge your I think it’s 12 still no you just got 13 I just checked your P oh what the [ __ ] so you need 4.9k so um can you give me your armor and I see if I can dungeon it for you yeah here right

Here right behind you oh that’s not you not just get my armor away well I got to wait for okay uh dot dot that yeah what’s the dungeon iing like do you do that with like points that you have or something yeah with Essence oh okay this I can

Go I’ve never done it in this menu actually because it’s like because I have a command I can usually do it in but it’s broken right now shop no items upgrade items here but okay so this is how people get even better in dungeons you just have all that and then

Okay do you have um you have a booster cookie popped and a god Pop um yeah I’m guess you have a cookie popped because you have all your money in your yeah I got the cookie for another day I got to refresh that soon and then a godp for two

Hours oh this hot potato think is pretty [ __ ] cool oh yeah yeah you want to put those on you probably already have them on your Shadow if I already guess I I don’t know you’ll have to look um wear it really quick I keep doing the wrong

Thing might reallyu armor if I did I just buy a new set it’s cheap where are you just right here um I think when you go when you go close to NPCs you go invisible so you can actually click them I don’t see you at all come out of like

That area you see me now no you’re just fully invisible for cool can I just trade you does that work I was okay I I forgot I was looking at somebody I was trying to look for somebody naked I forgot that you actually had someone’s visiting open your inventory I want

To wait try try do this really quick oh NE I I accidentally put stars on some of it so it’s a little scuff so the boots what Happ I make the boots dungeon there’s no star but no I didn’t mean to put stars I don’t think you can

Even use Stars right now that’s why I was trying to dungeon IE it but I kept clicking on the wrong menu uh how do I tell if it’s dungeon IED it says dungeon boots I didn’t dungeon I the helmet yeah I am not in college school sucks no I just I’m just

Working long the stream the clips and then go to your Island I I’ll give it to you there okay I’m not too sure I don’t know I’m doing he’s level 2002 jeez okay there we go so what does this even do does it just like give so yeah your stats I appreciate it

Fire said welcome your stats and dungeons are like way more so for your armor to like for those stats to scale CU so it’s pretty much like you’re going into like a super buffed up dungeon with I I don’t know cuz dungeon eyes means it without dungeon eyes you’re just [ __ ] in

Dungeons okay so he’s down the dungeon if you want to just invite him to I mean [ __ ] it we need to see um hopefully this is let’s see if it because you can only use dungeon at a certain point but oh really it doesn’t say that I can’t yeah

I know that’s why I don’t that’s why I don’t know like which which it is but see if see like the shadow assassin’s already like is already dungeon IED because it’s it’s from dungeons but gotcha so come see if you do damage is your damage still really bad

Um well your sword’s not dungeon IED are you are you like insta dying not yet kind of like like not really you’d be dead right now right yeah you’d definitely cuz you’re okay yeah okay so I’m going to dungeon ASE your sword after this too come here

Yeah yeah this is a lot better here come in here do this puzzle I gu well this one I kind of know it’s just like you can’t touch the same BL twice that’s all it is no you just have to get it in I think I don’t I’ve never

Known that but look you just go boom boom Oh I have a line like this as well for the mod so oh okay once you have mod after or like I don’t know if you want to do mods this like tonight and [ __ ] but if you ever want my like mods and I

Can show you I mean we let’s set them up today um I can’t stay up forever but I mean it’s only 12:30 for me right now so I mean it’s not you know yeah maybe like after you get you C 14 we can do that I want but yeah you really need like

A a better map and uh yeah the map is really hard to follow you probably can you can make it where it’s like static where it doesn’t like move when you rotate that’s all you really need oh yeah oh it’s this [ __ ] water flow

One yeah I just I just give up on that one cuz my uh I have a solver for it but it’s just always broken it’s really neat that it’s even in here but like unless I sit here and click it too that’s why the mod breaks so much

Because there’s so many variants of the puzzle that the mod doesn’t know at all so it just breaks yeah but I mean that makes sense sadly e man I got three not good enough I’ll come I’ll come see if my mod Works SEC see all right okay wait wait don’t take any

There you good cuz it shows little timers and like names above the levers but the timers are frozen uh okay let me let’s do this let’s see click me says click me this one says click me no the timers are all Frozen that’s so weird but I mean like

You said I mean you have to it has to read like everything and then yeah it like it’s like usually always works and then some days it just won’t work at all the mod oh well and then sometimes the mod works perfectly fine and just click click

Click click and then it’s done in like 5 Seconds of course but I don’t know wait what is is this farming exp boost oh yeah he says that that’s just like a pet item so your pet gets 50% like 50% more XP while farming can make 200 to buy

It oh yeah you can yeah cuz they’re only in Dungeon they’re annoying to get it’s okay though I mean you could it’s like a it’s like a guaranteed if you wanted to wait for it to sell and stuff like that yeah I me whatever you buy as many as you

Want infinite money glitch that’s funny getting around these dungeons is probably the most confusing part right now though for sure yeah you’ll eventually like you’ll eventually learn all the runes but I even I struggle with this well it’s just so weird cuz at least this one like if you’re above or

Below like stair wise it completely it’s like different I don’t know yeah I’m blood this is not the right way no I I have I’m really bad at navigating it too he finished the puzzle that we couldn’t do so so I’m gonna do you have Milestone um I don’t even know where it

Says it says [ __ ] one right now so can I go to the bats come yeah go to the thing and I’ll Decoy for you here I’m just going to decoy here so what is that is that just like you’re using an ability the decoy is just like an item

You get and mobs get attracted to it and it’s good for this FL when you’re caring so so that uh you don’t die you kind of like ins everything it should be a little little better now at least well yeah your sword’s not dungeon so it kind of just sucks I forgot

That I have like the cleav and [ __ ] at least I mean I have a little bit this is a milestone too it’s taking a while for three but I might get it no if you’re you’re that far so maybe if you prolong it but no I’m like spamming shat and he’s not

Seeing it how much xp um I mean that was [ __ ] 1700 oh I mean that was insane it says we got plus I mean that brings me up quite a bit is he in your stream yeah okay who was at least here come let me dunge nja

Sword what is it Liv dagger oh no wait no just yeah you can’t even use Liv dagger that guy tell me you to do Shadow Fury with strong armor I don’t know what he was saying but that makes I mean it kind of makes sense I have no idea dude it’s so hard

Listen I mean you see half the people in the game running out with Shadow ass and that should tell you oh really yeah that’s like the that’s like the progression you doing okay so now you should be able to like one tap everything okay uh 15 60k

I’m going go get a water once we start yeah you’re good um once you list that let me know 1650k right yeah you can also do like 1.65m that’s what I do usually when I list St yeah I don’t know I’m I [ __ ] grew up on RuneScape so numbers are

Weird I never got a i tried not too long ago it’s a weird one yeah I get really addicted to MMOs and then quit this is the only like MMO this one’s just neat I mean oh [ __ ] dude that’s so much better only I used to play like modded and stuff but

Hey it’s h welcome to the stream how you doing I’m doing okay um I’m trying to grind to catacombs 14 so I can get uh FL five completion so I got my shadow assassin how’s your damage there now uh it’s 30k this certain mobs is that better oh yeah I still can

Die but yeah it’s cuz yeah yeah so once but after this run you should get Milestone and stuff quick so yeah I mean I’m already two night now so it’s just cuz I can sit and just damage miles I just couldn’t before at all yeah I think you were only able to

Dungeon IE it recently though so it’s not like you’ve been missing out on that for a long time yeah I have no idea I don’t know anything about it so what can you explain this beastiary stuff to me is that like a flat buff overall is it just to the

Monster just to the mod like the EXT what extra damage more magic time yeah okay that makes a lot of sense that’s that’s just to that mod you can do such be and it opens up a whole B menu yeah okay so I’ve seen this a little bit and B is only

Like I mean you get a lot of combat XP but once you’re like what comat 26 there’s no like big milestone you absolutely need combat XP for oh okay yeah mean I’m like what 20 com so just for like people that want to max out BC and stuff like like a type of

Thing which is I don’t mind B no it’s just neat to actually have a purpose to kill a mob I guess is the better way to say it too yeah cuz like once you’re like combat 60 it feels kind of pointless because you’re not getting not not pointless obviously because you

Need combat for everything but oh it’s 60 the max then yeah some skills um you can just go straight to 60 well I think only combat but other things you need like requirements farming 60 you need a bunch oh okay there just like different skills extra stuff on top of the XP okay

Yeah like Alchemy carpentry combat you can max out instantly gotcha actually getting like gear drops too which is kind of cool uh yeah all those are just honestly trash in inventory though like you’re never going to don’t like go and list all those on the on the age you said

Don’t or do I mean you can I never have cuz like you get like a full inventory of the Armed pieces at every run so just imagine how many people and how you’ve never seen anybody wear any of this s they’re just those prices cuz those are like the men prices

And I don’t know I wouldn’t okay yeah it’s just not worth it compared though yeah it’s just just Salvage it if you see after the dungeon there’s a little you can go up to the guy the Malik guy oh what okay I didn’t even know I could Salvage stuff and you can

Salvage it for Essence and the essence is what you use to stars and uh upgrades okay and there’s like Essence shops even where you can upgrade like certain stats with Essence but that’s not that important it’s really expensive gotcha oh I might even get milone four this one okay yeah so cool

So you’re going to you’re probably going to be able to get the next level honestly after this yeah I don’t know how like what do you usually get I mean you’re probably not getting like any XP these dungeons are you no I get the same XP oh same XP as

Me yeah I think I got let me see I got 2.8k last round oh okay so you got a little more B okay yeah but my next level is like 2.7 mil so there’s no I’m not getting anything for this it’s crazy how fast it like goes

Up just leave it yeah I have a I have a cheese I can just P full do trap without like actually hitting any traps boom trap done what is just something special you can do or uh yeah like pearling and like M glitching through walls and I can I

Can use a pearl and a TNT and just pull these through a wall watch uh right here look look at the other side’s pill the hell so that’s what I do up there is I I do that in mind well that’s [ __ ] awesome I just learned that from

Somebody the other day and I’ve been trying to like incorporate it into everything I mean I guess it saves you time and running around and [ __ ] oh yeah it saves you so much time there’s so many like time skips you can do in runes so the dungeons timed at all I

Mean is there any aspect of not like like 10 minutes and you don’t get an S Plus or like a certain amount of minutes you don’t get an s+ but like if you’re if you’re not like like right now we’re carrying you so the runs are long and it’s F4 F4 runs

Are just long in general oh okay because the boss is so annoying but yeah you should be doing like crazy damage down to you oh it’s way more than I was for sure I mean should be at least four soon mate stop please stop begging like I get it you want 20 mil

But I don’t even have 20 mil like come on I told you 30 asking you for well event you get rich and do giveaways I promise but it’s not going to be my thing it’s not how I want people to come and visit me want to play the game so close to

Four oh I have the bow oh I got Jed uh 97% hold on some what four okay I got four now so whatever you’re at four yeah I think it’s three and that’s I guess the more you get but like I think you should be

And then we can start doing F5s and then you’re just you’re just going to get a lot more XP I mean that was only 1.8k so that doesn’t even matter that much did you level up no I I still need a little more I level up tank um N I need

Um 2.8k yeah 2.8 damn that’s so [ __ ] well you only need 1.7k for some reason that would ni come down the NPC oh I want to do whatever yeah do it later so now what he’s telling you to do you can just check your PV instead it’s easier yeah go

Um Salvage that’s the first one the beacon okay then I just drop and then and then click the blue click the blue the lapis oh like you can like Auto put them in and then just click Salvage yeah you click it and then click the beacon click the

Beacon I just says slow down it says 40 Essence from this I mean oh you can probably sell that thing that’s like two I don’t know it’s probably not we selling I some stuff base a little bit too but oh actually it’s inventory no that’s fair I don’t know what that

Is that’s just what people use because the shadow session chest Plate’s really expensive oh okay but you have one so you can you ready yeah yeah yeah I got to get help like doing the better enchants and [ __ ] Dragon I I thought I I join

Game oh wait you want to do the dungeon oh can you unready unready I got it what’s Dragon toxic I think it’s just Dragon toxic I mean having plus one always helps right maybe I don’t know yeah I don’t know how that works I can War them in dude I’m so [ __ ] hungry

Might have to go cook something for bed it’s like the worst time to eat but yeah I know like when you can’t sleep cuz you’re hungry I always just like make eggs when I do that when that happens yeah I rent the place like I I’m

In like a little small like one bedroom not even like a one bedroom it’s like from a family like I live in their house so like doing stuff’s a little awkward even though they don’t care they like love me but you know what I mean it’s just like in somebody’s house it’s weird

Yeah exactly yeah it’s like you don’t want to leave your friend’s room if you’re your friend’s house or whatever yeah same thing holy [ __ ] the skeleton’s destroying me uhoh water board oh the [ __ ] is that a secret thing or that’s just a puzzle room yo

Far Side can you War to me and do water can you leave to me I hope he has leaps thank you what mod do you have for it if you even use one I’m I’m just that dumb I just can’t do it for some reason my brain

Around it SKS my SK doesn’t work is that the one where it just shows the color where it just says like blue green red above every lever I don’t even know how that one works so I have that one on but I don’t even know how it works

D SK it’s like the mod that everybody uses for like half the stuff in this game I’m I don’t know why that client doesn’t have it yeah I don’t know I some random guy just told me to get it so I was like okay yeah sure yeah it’s good if

You I a lot of people don’t like clients when they just have not I don’t know they’re good for a little while and then actually start playing the game you want to actually have mods right yeah yeah like I said this one has Forge like in it

So you might be able to I should I don’t know I’ll check I mean either way what ever I’ll get the mods um yeah yeah if it does I just give you a few extra mods or I can just give you the my mod pack it has like OptiFine

And Essentials which is like really good for like FPS and everything yeah yeah right cuz I don’t even think does does that even have up to F uh probably not honestly it has a few yeah like those clients are weird I feel like they never have um that’s why I

Don’t like clients because there’s all those like essential chatting craftify crash patch High tills op Pol Spirit some random [ __ ] smooth scrolling I don’t know yeah yeah he he’s using Sky CL and I’m uh forget I can [ __ ] just talking people hear me yeah it’s cuz I know I have somewhat of

The delay but I don’t know how bad it is it’s not bad at all oh no that’s good okay are you trying to glitch through that that’s not man oh wait he just glitched through that what I can I can choose TR me to he just

Glitched this I don’t know what the [ __ ] he did he was just in the corner f is there any way to get like more like permanent Mana or something is that just like through skills and [ __ ] or you’re your magical power and like just your enchanting level like just yeah just

Like overall stats will just okay overall LEL like yeah you see like it’ll say like plus one Health every once in a while and you won’t like think that matters but it all just adds up yeah everything yeah okay yeah like reforges pets and stuff but that’s only if you’re like if you

Want Mage right you’re just saying like in general if you’re just like yeah I’m saying for right now but yeah just like General Mana cuz my [ __ ] Ender doesn’t jump that far I know I can add those little orbs to it you get um do you do your do you have an experimentation

Table Yeah the little enchanting one I hate doing that I’m trying to do that pretty much every day and I like reset it with 100 Levels I don’t do it more than that but maybe I should um I don’t I might not even need to

Deplay for you cuz oh no I have decoys if you want to I’m going to decoy I mean I’m level three but I mean it’s probably just better just not to die anyway yeah cuz this Milestone 3 found 30 secrets that sounds awesome you have no it just has like in

General like in this dungeon I think it was just this D I don’t know yeah you can see like uh get fastest times and stuff that you were asking like what what do times do like yeah a lot of people like grind for your PV stats cuz PV is like the most

Universal mod everybody uses it so I guess people people grind for like PRS and stuff but other than that like faster runs means more runs which means more money so that’s why you want to speed up your runs right so these lower floors don’t give [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s just the higher

Floors you’re just waiting for for like is it Boss Loot only or like mob loot or no no all Boss Loot no you I mean like there are a few like crazy rare items like there’s this from one of the mini bosses you can get this oneand and it’s

Like 50 mil but like holy [ __ ] nothing insane insane unless you have any chests oh okay and the chests like how they cost money and it’s like calculating for me like oh hey this is this profit or this loss dudee I suck so bad when it’s the last like the fourth one

Just like sits there and shs around turns around get like really fast I’m about to hit four are you are you like stunning it Far Side I got a Recon 1.5 mil profit what are you stunning it with do you have a tribal spear oh you’re just Turing it oh

Oh that’s 100K profit from that ultimate wise how was that level how was your XP there um me that was 1750 so I mean next one for sure all right bet yeah this helps so much I know this isn’t like everyone’s favorite thing to do no it’s

Cool you ready yeah you want to I can do some bosses some Enderman bosses for you if you want once you have your comp your yeah we can definitely do that cuz like I said I couldn’t even do [ __ ] two and I was like well okay and

Maybe you can help me buy a [ __ ] 30 mil weapon or whatever no just save that for your G oh really okay G is going to be like oh just use Juju instead like you just have Juju livid dagger and then you you’ll have cuz is juu like instant can I just

Like spam that or how does that work yeah it’s a short it’s the first it’s the first short bow there’s only like two bows that you actually get it’s a JuJu and the term oh okay the term is just times three just three arrows

Oh I need I think I need to go like in depth on talismans and [ __ ] cuz after this I’m going to I’m going to give you I’m going to help you with that that’s exactly what I was going to do okay so I feel like that’s where I’m missing a lot of

[ __ ] it yeah it is 100% progression is Goof I’m sure is Goof no what’s up rain I didn’t know you’re still here dude that [ __ ] I didn’t expect this many [ __ ] people to be here and stick around there’s a um there’s actually a mod that shows people when

People are live on Sky oh [ __ ] okay that’s not where I found you am that’s sick did you hype term you keep hype I went ter I I went ter first on both of my profiles you do that I’ll go it seems like it’s roughly the same price I was

Examining your [ __ ] said like 7 well no the hype is like two Bill okay because you want Scrolls on it which is the whole the main part of it the actual ability of it if you have if you you have to have all three Scrolls for it to

Even be worth it and they’re like three M each oh my God so you need to drop the the the stick to craft the sword and then which is like 900 mil then you got to actually drop the all three Scrolls to make it actually have abilities plus all the

Enchants it’s a lot Goa one day just wait till you get some like just you seen it happen before oh sure yeah some [ __ ] Rich whale or so what the game a lot of people just like give the random stream it’s crazy yeah I guess especially someone new like watching them with an

Overpowered sword or some shit’s probably just [ __ ] fun for some people yeah being able to skip progression this game is fun it doesn’t even this the progression you’ll be skipping like right now carrying this is just like stuff nobody wants to do right like this would just be hours of [ __ ]

Just sitting here trying to do like going hours of you going into party finder yeah which like who the [ __ ] wants to watch right like and just having money to afford [ __ ] is going to be nice Too yeah and you don’t really make good money dungeons until like F7 really I guess like F6 you can drop a giant s like 100 Mil profit but it’s like a one in a few that’s 100 Mil holy [ __ ] yeah one in it’s see like one in a thousand

Or like more that’s not even that bad is it from like just a random mob or like boss no from the from the chest at the so for the chest at the end do you just want um do you want to check everyone and just see what you roll I

Mean yeah the the smaller chest usually are just it’s just whichever one’s the most you just you just want to look at the big chest and then if that one’s bad you just take whatever other one’s the worst whatever other ones the best okay I haven’t even been able to look at the

Big chest honestly I mean a few times yeah most of the most of the runs you’re doing aren’t s+ or S because you’re getting lots of deaths and not enough secrets and stuff like that oh okay and the secrets I guess like you said just in the mod you’ll just find them out

Through there yeah once you have the mod it it shows a waypoint for like the entrance and then it shows the Waypoint for the secret itself it shows you to like blow this Crypt up and then there’s like a chest under it oh okay so this is

[ __ ] you’re not going to see unless you know where okay right yeah and then eventually you’ll like learn to get faster at the rooms yeah right I’m still not too fast I mean I’m doing like 30 Secrets around but when I’m playing with people that are the people I’ve playing with in

Master mode I’m getting like three secrets are run because they’re doing like insane routes where they like I don’t know it’s crazy is that like is the secrets like what you have is that like a personal what do you mean like when you say like your secrets like is that just

Stuff like you’re entering and getting credit for instead of anyone else all all the all the chests you open and all the items you pick up and all the you don’t really you don’t like see Secrets at all but there’s like there’s like five or six Secrets

Per room you go in and you have to go get them all and then you the more secrets you have the better stats you have so like your stats slowly go up in the D oh yeah okay cuz you’re getting gear and stuff okay you get secrets from yeah you get

Secrets from doing I mean you get stats from doing Secrets more score but only one we’re 301 you can go in yeah yeah cuz I’m going to be five or will be able to run five after this yeah sure I think I have one no

Four does it cost hope does it cost off for you no no no they’re just I just uh don’t I just have them from from the dungeon oh okay they’re worth literally like 06 coins you can’t even sell them oh holy [ __ ] the bats are destroying

Me I don’t think it’s a big deal if we die CU I think we’re going to get enough XP even I hope going to be like 30 XP hey Lis game welcome to the stream how you doing today it’s crazy that people are still [ __ ] joining it’s [ __ ] like 1:00

A.m. for me it’s like 4:00 a.m. East Coast yeah it’s 3: can you join um I think we’re done I think we’re done this I’m not sure what we’re doing I want to show you I GNA I want to help you with your magical power at

Least I don’t know if you want to do mods while you have a bunch of people watching but if you’re ever off streamer okay how I didn’t even hit it you do like after it too I mean I don’t have to stream the whole time it’s four to five

For you why the [ __ ] you still up [ __ ] degenerate son I mean I techically don’t have to be at work till 10:00 but I have to take like an hour and a half [ __ ] bus oh Dam that’s [ __ ] great I hate Vegas I love it here you live in Vegas yeah I’m in

Vegas what’s like the cost of living there it’s probably so expensive I mean I’m getting super cheap and lucky oh yeah yeah cuz you’re living with yeah why sleep when you just drink coffee [ __ ] Fair Point go grab the go grab the go check the chest oh yeah and I definitely got it

Yeah um that’s minus like 200 kill Che the metal chest this says minus 300K oh that’s 2.2 mil actually yeah that’s R too wait no no that’s like that’s um oh that’s sell for 5 says buy for 2.3 and then sell for 500 I think those are super manipulated it must

Be because it says so wait huh to yeah the all the Run books like Ren Ren 2 is 2 mil Ren three is 90 mil right now those are all like really inaccurate prices yeah just super [ __ ] okay and even that’s saying oh there’s money on it that’s

250k yeah there nothing just open the witches tou yeah I wasn’t I don’t know what Rand actually cost I wasn’t sure but yeah if the mod says it’s not profit it looks like it’s a profit it’s probably manipul all right see if you can uh y [ __ ]

Floor Five Guys oh we have to do the comp I we have to do the floor okay um yeah so I mean if Lei wants to join for yeah just IG on this is probably our last floor we’re doing but yeah I mean if you want to floor five completion whatever

Yeah wel to the stream by the way yeah I gain like [ __ ] 10 Subs at least just from [ __ ] streaming tonight yeah 134 that’s 11 11 Subs roughly and we have 150 [ __ ] total views that’s insane that’s [ __ ] cool I can’t wait till I actually can start making money on YouTube it takes

So long though especially when you don’t like make proper videos I insta died I forgot it’s flip five I’m going to get [ __ ] oh yeah you don’t need moner or anything right yeah I just need to [ __ ] I think we should just do a we

Can just do like a two- minute run right here just [ __ ] run it yeah okay just going to do like a full comp BFK wome to the stream um I don’t think we’re doing anymore I think I saw you the other day actually earlier I mean if

You want to run more with your CH I wanted to show you magical power after yeah I want to mess with magical power um I want to do yeah I don’t I just want to [ __ ] with the Talisman and stuff cuz until I do all that I I’m really like worthless and

I want to do the Enderman stuff I don’t know how much time you have personally but oh yeah we were going to do Eman up to you I can do you I can do you a few bosses yeah it’s like it’s like 25 bosses or something it’ll take like a

Few hours because it’s going to take you a while to spawn them oh really okay cuz I only need to get Juju right or does that take a while I think it’s still like it’s still it’s like 15 or 20 bosses oh my God how do I like spawn

Them fast though I mean I can give you I can I can give you my pet that spawns fast oh is there a special okay yeah what do I do here just [ __ ] stay away yeah just just wait we’ll instant kill the boss am I happy what do you mean is 10

T4s he’s oh it is it’s only 10 okay yeah I can probably do that boom that’s done oh are you [ __ ] done yeah see how much different the boss is from F from F4 F4 is like got time locked because you gota okay so this one you guys can just [ __ ]

Spam I can’t even do [ __ ] wood did you get any XP at all all right me 900 but so I should be able to use it I mean let’s go exit thank you so much everyone you guys are all amazing um wardrobe and we got it all right

W yeah Far Side that means a lot thanks so much you have the sword too right I mean just the aspect of the dragon I didn’t buy a sword yet oh okay let me give you let me give you one to buy I’ll tell [Applause] you uh all these minions have [ __ ] like

Water in them cuz I [ __ ] up the fishing one bro I can’t just give you 200 mil if if you ask again I’m really going to have to like block you bro like I understand you’re helping and it’s nice but I can’t dude I’m sorry I told you

Already ah and then that guy’s name and I would buy that one probably oh so you can show me here on is Shu and I’m early game [ __ ] you guys no just the live livid dagger here yeah now uh what combat level are you 20 um yeah

20 I don’t know oh you want a crystal Isles or Crimson Al or no no no no I’m going to warp uh I’m going to kick the other guys or since we’re going to be I’m going to be warping on people around I don’t want okay let’s see if you can go into

Here I can go into the unot you can yeah the UND spot the um well the spot here I don’t hear no I can’t go in the Crimson no no come here come here on your right wait I can do the bosses on like 30 seconds you don’t really oh I don’t have

The Slayer activated I need the No No Yeah it’s fine let me just I just want to see you can go here it’s no I see his chat I see his CH yeah 22 okay um I hit someone for [ __ ] 100k with this thing wait where are you do you do 100K damage

Already 54k 105k crit why am I not hold tab do you have 100 crit chance um yeah it says I do you say you’re not always critting so it says 55k and then sometimes it’s 100 oh yeah backstab yeah I forgot Le dagger has that if you hit him in the

Back it does like way more damage oh okay but 50k is still a lot more and that’s without any tals or anything hous okay I’m going to send you a screenshot yeah thanks guys um M um oh yeah s what’s your name again just cut ashes in game okay yeah you get a a lot of easy magical power I’m I’m going to DM you this what is this collect the shadows of your enemies you kill increasing your damage for the rest oh okay plus one strength

Every kill that’s pretty neat what I say okay just go down the list on auction house and start buying all those they’re pretty cheap they’re only like 50k each at the start okay hey a1x welcome to the stream how you doing today actually I have a bunch

Of tal that I don’t need in the chest my Island take it um for my accessories I need [ __ ] Redstone is what I really need go okay I’m going to um this again there you good 1 two 3 four 5 six seven come here wait let me switch this come

Here where’d you go to the elevator no yeah that wasn’t I don’t [ __ ] know go to go to the Redstone okay talk to this guy have you done this yet yeah uh you oh I need to find no I didn’t do all of it I need to give him eight Stacks

Where storage you bz oh I guess I can do that too I should have where’s my [ __ ] I must have put him away I had a [ __ ] mining like redst quick search it and then you just [ __ ] just insta buy all of it yeah just buy instantly and then

Go oh I have my compactor in my inventory hold on oh yeah you can also have the compactor in your accessories by the way to and it still works I don’t know if these [ __ ] gold nuggets too annoying it’s just you just got them from the Pigman that you did you

Give to click it like this see if he needs more I don’t know if he does uh okay so one more task you already have enough oh I think that’s the last one let me see yeah I think I just have to get um whatever it is the um Redstone collection

Up cuz right now I am only Redstone 7 come cool I don’t think I have enough space for all of this but Are you in a party or um right now I’m just getting some help with Talisman and stuff um oh honestly if I have all my minions I should just place to strictly Redstone Minions that would probably help a little bit too I have duplicates in here

Too yeah just don’t damn that’s all you have that’s all the slots yeah yeah you just got to wait for those minions in yeah I say it’s probably not too helpful with just this say they have duplicates here but but I don’t have duplicates cuz it’s unless the farming one

Is like a special One yeah just take out the D I don’t know why it’s saying it’s duplicated you had to you have two oh okay I think that’s I think I get it now yeah it’s just saying cuz I have inventory that’s all it’s saying also this Talisman need Enders SL here oh yeah the

Pocket exposive Miss oh what oh gotcha yeah we’re planning on doing the end SL a little bit I appreciate that you got to get combat 22 probably tomorrow I’m probably about out oh okay so I have to get 22 the okay well it’s going to be a lot [ __ ]

Easier with those your I mean maybe somebody in the party can but um when you’re going to get way more XP from those bigger Ender it’s going to take like 200 kills just to spawn one boss oh so yeah it’s better just to wait

Until you get to that cave you can do it I gota that makes a lot of sense I mean I probably shouldn’t stay on forever yeah H but yeah those um mods you can go ahead and send in [ __ ] um oh yeah I got you I’m yeah you all said definitely

Appreciate all the hell I’ll just drag them all in yeah you just [ __ ] throw them anywhere really matter chers is [ __ ] 1:30 in the morning [ __ ] me it’s 3:30 what do you mean you work tomorrow no I work from home uh lucky I I run two little businesses dude I need to get

Into that [ __ ] I [ __ ] work just gave me a [ __ ] like final warning for not being like up to their stupid standard [ __ ] so I got to find something cuz I know I’m going to be fired here soon oh no yeah it’s fix computers they’re I don’t know they’re

Like a reselling kind thing of it though like I want to do more like customer stuff but they’re just like oh hey you need to get so many out and you just like working like a little machine I don’t know it’s just not the same it’s neat and all but they sit

There and sell the stuff on like Amazon and eBay and [ __ ] so they’re all about [ __ ] pure profit they don’t care about yeah yeah wait I’m going to do oh I one hit these now there well mostly I guess not 100% of the time but what the [ __ ] I just [ __ ] my Moder

Oh no I can’t control it uh oh I hope I didn’t oh no see if I see if I can boot Minecraft oh no I if you should be fine but I mean I might even be able to do a tier two by myself right now but not even no there’s no

[ __ ] for me doing two too I don’t think so all W maybe they’re really hard though oh you’re in the Bruiser wait no you’re in the Bruiser you can get in there that’s what I mean oh oh yeah let’s do some bosses you were in the v Zone yeah this is the zeelot

Bruiser yeah what I talk about the guy said was comat 22 are you comat 22 you might be comat 22 no I’m 20 but that cuz there’s a place under um where we were and then there’s the place under the dragon n I was in the place under the Dragon

Nest yeah that’s where I was done that I didn’t know that’s come at 22 but those Endermen are like 750k HP like they’re so far oh so that doesn’t even do me any good yeah like I wouldn’t kill us anyway yeah um it says I have duplicate mods oop

That’s not good I even I don’t even know what to delete it just made like a bunch of like files just randomly I clicked extract here and it made a bunch of like text files and stuff I’m just going to delete them all let’s see if that works

I mean you should just be able to take them out you should just need the core mods yeah yeah I just hope that like none of my configs M up CU I have like every single mod configured oh wow uh it should shouldn’t cuz the mod itself

Should have its own configs yeah there’s a whole there’s separate from Mod folder there’s a config folder so yeah it should be fine I’m my game see I deleted all the extra stuff yeah I’m going give you an interman pet that gives you more XP so your

Crush um I mean I have a level 50 Enderman but that’s up but I it’s probably something different why is it saying it’s a forging pet how the fu [ __ ] is this a forging pet is it it’s a [ __ ] lion yeah like the when it says like

Forging pad or fishing pad that just means the only XP you can get is or the most XP get that thing is never going to level like you’re never going to level that up because if you use like a there’s this one pad it’s a baby Yeti it’s like

Really good for dungeons but it’s only fishing EXP and I think I had one for like a month and I leveled up like once or twice oh wow Forge mod letter has found a problem with your Minecraft installation it’s still saying that oh wait is it this what is

Well yeah there goes me giving you my mother bro dragon please just SP I don’t know where the [ __ ] YouTube shot doesn’t work the same way I have no start begging oh no I [ __ ] minute a timeout they just deleted all my mods for a second I’m just [ __ ] up my

Folder even more I just deleted more stuff now it’s just jar files I feel like there should be like I feel like there was a few folders in there before but see I’ll just redownload all the mods cuz I should have the configs oh okay I don’t know your name

Lore I think he’s in the party I’m not in a party apparently just invite me to a party um visit prtl oh dude I had [ __ ] like 10 dino nuggets for dinner God damn it ah apparently I’m in a [ __ ] party what the [ __ ] and now I left [ __ ] hate this

Game invite again I this game sucks SC uh d i I am not up to dungeons right now I am so tired I should be in bed I should have been badly two hours ago yes uh should I just eat chips sandwich you should have like a mini fridge in

Your room so you can have like some turkey and cheese and yeah that’s a good idea I just use their [ __ ] fridge with like go downstairs I all eats [ __ ] like mozzarella sticks and [ __ ] dude it’s so bad I eat like [ __ ] it’s depressing and like I don’t have a car

Right now cuz like my shit’s all rusted out and it was from the east coast and it’s like 230,000 miles and the rear airbag suspensions out on it I don’t J either I yeah I don’t do anything since I I work from home I pretty much do nothing

I stop talking to everybody After High School so pretty much like saving up and then moving out yeah dude [ __ ] no one talks to me I’ve been [ __ ] chilling on my own since like 2018 or some [ __ ] I mean it’s I don’t know I’m [ __ ] broke but trying to lick in this

[ __ ] and figured out just so hard where you don’t have anyone that like can help you yeah I would be I’d be in the same boat as you if I was uh if I like didn’t live at home and didn’t have much like if I didn’t have if I had expenses I’d

Be I’d be I’d be broke but oh pay much I I pay my Dad like $400 a month oh nice and then everything else other than like food I I get door Dash a lot so yeah I mean wasting a lot of money we can afford it whatever but you

Know yeah I got can earlier you have can in Vegas definitely don’t in Vegas do we have it I don’t know if we have it had it before the chicken yeah I don’t think like by the way you on now yeah it’s it’s just the sauces what

Makes you good I get Chick-fil-A in can a lot oh I [ __ ] love Chick-fil-A yeah we get Chick-fil-A was it too much chick-fil is a little like far for me though like to get I have a few like like noodle places around um you join that I’m in a party right

Now let me just [ __ ] leave this and we just invite them I just I just was his name yeah yeah and then Alex just type your name in [ __ ] chat whatever oh [ __ ] we got that many people yeah I don’t [ __ ] know dude I didn’t like I said I don’t expect this

[ __ ] it’s [ __ ] weird it’s probably better if I’m alone doing the bus because it’s honestly slower and other people are doing it with me what does it do I don’t even [ __ ] know are you in here can you come here come here turn around take

This pet and then give it back to me and you’re done yeah yeah for sure what is it oh okay it’s just the Mythic okay yeah it gives you like 1.4 XP on Enderman and you’ll do more damage I guess I don’t [ __ ] know you got to actually equip it oh

[ __ ] and then start is your is T and then okay wait go to the ah real quick and buy something called a mythal coat do I care what mythal coat just the cheapest one um yeah just buy the cheapest one and then you’ll wear that whenever your boss

Spawns cuz you you’ll be sitting in one spot and I’m just going to do the whole boss for you oh I just [ __ ] wear the whole time [ __ ] if you can it’s probably best to switch but I don’t know I’m like about to spawn it though [ __ ]

Died you died yeah is it still there oh your boss SP no it it goes away yeah it was like right behind me [ __ ] whenever whenever your bus spawns uh give me a sec uh let’s see let me know in your and all that I’m trying to switch over all my gear there

Right now because I got a fully change everything oh yeah Al I forgot you weren’t ready at the same time I [ __ ] I don’t know where I put this [ __ ] call thing to call him I might have sold it by accident I have I can get you one though I know

It’s fairly easy to get but I thought you could get one from Rusty you can craft it I want to do some [ __ ] damage to this dragon sorry guys priorities oh it’s up so bad you’re going to have to craft your own oh it’s like I didn’t get anything [ __ ] D something

Oh good what do these things the people like sit around and just [ __ ] makes a little explosion they just like sit there and whack it and it’s just that’s just that’s a Hyperion oh wait do you so you have to do tier three TI two first I mean you don’t have

Uh I don’t have access to three Okay so whenever where are you trying to go to bottom here wait are you even in my Lobby oh well yeah probably should be I don’t know where you w my here I’m I’m I’m in the Brer I think I

Have okay I have the right arrows I have this I need switch this yeah I see you so yeah see where the see where sitting on top of the spike on your left uh like down in the pit a little bit you’ll see me jumping right here

Oh you’ll sit here and you’ll Crouch over this ledge and and wear your coat and then the boss will be right under you so you just whenever you spawn just let us know and then and then you just Crouch your here and then let me know when you spawn

A mini boss too I’ll kill the mini boss oh how do I tell I’ll just call you you probably don’t need to switch to your myal cat though for this boss well this one [ __ ] me I mean the last one whenever insta killed me yeah just like teleport around and then I’ll

C it over for you make sure you’re in that sky so you can oh you’ll be able to K it okay yeah sure I have some Mana then wish you could one but I don’t think there’s oh I can here can you give me your armor can I go

Upgrade your armor really quick oh wait what do you have actually Ancient Ancient Ancient never mind there’s nothing I can do you have everything I was going to do okay what’s your sword what it’s fabled right yeah fabled watch right yeah I have one more

Kill so let me I can get up here and I can actually throw my dagger I believe okay yeah just throw on whatever oh just gohe him and then jump up oh there we go that sick I’m about to go to bed I’m [ __ ] tired

Bro yeah we can do this tomorrow if you want cuz thece honestly a while this SP especially if you’re not one tapping him I mean I’m to one tapping these guys I need to thing Let’s do let’s do your ti3 really quick and then I need to get

Some food I you [ __ ] probably go bed with no no no I’ll do this one I’m just saying I’ll probably go to B with like a plate full of mozzarella sticks like a [ __ ] little kid like I said I don’t have to really be a work till then but I can’t really

Afford the Uber there either um do that oh you have to go and do that every time yeah you should craft you should craft the thing I really need to visit PRT I you I appreciate it um Finn yeah I mean we’re doing this for ju guu um I

Got to figure out all the arrows and [ __ ] after but I got to livid livid just for like Melee [ __ ] it’s pretty cool I’ll buy the stuff for you to craft the thing definitely appreciate it I’m down like under where you spawn where you spawn the

Bus hey Luther welcome to the stream how you doing I I hate that there’s all these new people joining I mean I love it but I’m about to go to bed guys oh you’re welcome welcome welcome oh [ __ ] I guess I probably could just trade you right there

But you’re doing perfect that’s awesome to hear I’m also doing pretty well I mean in the game at least I’m giving you this you can craft the phone oh that’s all it does you know how to craft a piston in normal Minecraft this is how you craft it oh hope

So did you give me enchanted Redstone or yeah uh what the [ __ ] else did you give me not a piston a no just do it’s a it’s Cobblestone at the top too Cobblestone at the top and then Redstone iron just switch it out until it works that’s right you have it

Right no you have it right you had it right oh was iron on the yeah wait no no no Redstone in the middle Cobblestone surrounding Cobblestone all the way surrounding oh all the cobone Cobblestone leggings yeah there you go [ __ ] is that yeah there you yeah that’s pretty

Funny crafting hard shot all right 60 bosses and then the P back and then once you’re done oh wait I can kill this oh this isn’t your mini boss I don’t think all dead no someone’s oh here’s a Mini Mouse this one too all right your boss

Should spawn oh yeah yeah yeah go go go go go [ __ ] yeah you spawn inside of it I didn’t realize it would spawn that fast dude like it told I’m killing it’s because I’m killing your mini bosses oh mini bosses do like 15 kills or something in one oh okay I guess I

Didn’t realize that that’s my f once you have the mods every single time mini boss spawns near me it pops up and dings and says mini boss and and there’s a and there’s a box around like a there’s a box around the main bosses so you know

Which one’s which okay and the mini bosses give you way more XP I went to this other room here people are farming it though I haven’t had a special Zealot spawn I was on with a friend like this weekend he had [ __ ] like 15 Spa he

Made like 20 mil from [ __ ] eyes I was like what the [ __ ] fu yeah that’s a really good way for you to make money right now is farming eyes and you’re going to get a lot of combat XP yeah I don’t know how he got like

Back to back to back to back and he’s like my level and [ __ ] yeah there’s a perk there’s an Essence shop I was saying the essence shop for dungeons there’s one here too I got the 2% oh yeah yeah you can get more yeah I don’t have that much essence I don’t

Know how they get more cuz you get like three per gear yeah and then you get you get a lot from killing the dragon mini bosses and Dungeons and you can just straight up buy it on the bizaar oh what can you buy you have to be a certain level to buy

Essence oh actual Essence itself like for Enderman like end Slayer or no just I think it’s just combat level I don’t know you might have it already it’s going to be it’s it’s like 20s like once unlock there’s another mini boss is this going to spawn your

Boss go go up top just in case go up to the spike miss you oh no where are you at how close 55 ah you’re one of those people mate I can’t afford no those are all scams by the way yeah I mean sorry if he’s WR but like

99.99% of those are just copy paste Bots yeah it’s ridiculous um where the [ __ ] do I just like I don’t know it’s a timeout I couldn’t find [ __ ] ban button I think you have like five more but does it tell you like what do you oh I’m done

Yeah that was a timeout I don’t know I didn’t see a bad button though I can boost your damage yeah what is that is it just one of your abilities items um Place nor for 60 seconds buffing up the five players within 18 blocks grants 100% based Mana regen heals 2.5% of Max

Health per second gives you strength gives you more damage more mana and stuff for 60 seconds while it’s down just like a buff orb okay I’ll kill this yeah there you go I just do this boom see now you can do tier fours but it’s going to be

Like do you have a god power right you should I you boost God part yeah okay I hate the jump boost part of it no I mean you can turn it off I can show you a quick way to turn it off oh is it okay so click your

Star yeah then go to cookie and then go to too potion effects oh [ __ ] and then it’s like bottom right diagonal up left oh that’s [ __ ] amazing yeah you can do everything from here but you really don’t want to turn everything off but in here like I don’t know you kind

Of don’t want good jump boosts so you can like jump up and kill any faster oh but most of the time you’re going to want jump do you want to try to4 real quick I mean I start it I need to [ __ ] make food you started you

Started at two three anyway oh it was two three yeah I might just I know I’m getting strong as [ __ ] dude I’m just yeah I don’t [ __ ] hop off all right guys I need to [ __ ] go to bed that was a 7 hour stream after work holy [ __ ] oh my

God bro that’s like a weekend stream you take it easy BR I really appreciate it add me on Discord and [ __ ] if you want yeah yeah just hit me up if you ever need anything I’ll add you in game oh you’re off but I’ll add you in game next

Time I just send you a friend request on Discord so all right well take it easy all right guys 7 hours yes please I’m going to bed I’m maybe going to make some food maybe not this fuing 2 a.m. thank you so much holy [ __ ] take it easy I love you guys

This video, titled ‘New to Hypixel Skyblock! (IGN: Cutashes)’, was uploaded by Goldfishy on 2024-01-23 10:20:15. It has garnered 236 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:06 or 25086 seconds.

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  • Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21!

    Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21! The Best Minecraft Island Seeds You Need for 1.20/1.21! 🔥 (Java/Bedrock) Discover the Top 3 Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.20/1.21 In the vast world of Minecraft, finding the perfect island seed can make all the difference in your gameplay. The latest update has brought forth some of the most powerful and beautiful island seeds that will take your Minecraft experience to new heights. Unleash Your Power with Super Over Powered Seeds Are you ready to dominate the game like never before? These Super Over Powered island seeds for Minecraft 1.20 and 1.21 will give you the ultimate advantage, making… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: https://youtu.be/r4mUGIJV_3k In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2Oy06iP 💀 Discord! https://discord.gg/XwVraKYRTQ ✨TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@riverrain123 👻 Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: riverrain.oplegends.com Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: https://oplegends.com/2024/06/15/skyblock-announcement-2024-05-15 Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More