Unbelievable! Hardcore Minecraft +30 – Can You Handle It?

Video Information

W To Fly are we are hero Feel like Soul are We will fly we are we are hero tonight will fly we are Hero We you Around E H All righty then chist has averted friends I almost couldn’t find my glasses I can’t see it without my glasses quite literally I would not be able to stream without these glasses they are life changing so hello all you awesome people we are back it is Thursday um chilly

Afternoon it is freezing for me I don’t know if it’s cold for all of you but oh my gosh it was so hecking cold here it so cold um M&M’s for life oh M&M’s wait are you I’m curious are you someone else uh I’m first yay congratulations Atomic GG’s

Hey guys I made a new account it’s Emma oh I like it Eminem for life I like it uh it’s such a cute emo uh four minutes left I’m first pretty dead Yesa say yo what’s up kid it’s going good it’s going good welcome to stream uh yeah yeah

Yeah welcome in friends welcome mini good to see everybody chicaa I’m new definitely you’re new that makes sense actually that actually adds up that actually adds up oh I like the little winky face it’s so cute I love it how is everybody doing today hope life is well hope things are things

Things are things and things are things whatever uh the cool kids say and all that good good jazz so to speak uh it’s Thursday for me it is Friday oh dang are you does that mean are you in the UK I guess you’d be across the pond somewhere in Europe yeah

Oh that’s right no you’re in Germany for some reason I thought it was mini or not mini uh Eminem that said that I was like I remember you’re in Germany right I think but yeah it’s Thursday over here for us in the US OFA um I don’t think

East Coast is at midnight quite yet but let me reset all the things over here so we don’t have this goal anymore but we have the YouTube sub goal although this is completely off everything’s off with the YouTube sub goals and stuffs um yes I am German oh that’s awesome oh

Gracious feel like so many things are happening um so many stuffs and things um I hope I hope the link went through I hope it went through there you go okay just checking on some stuffs okay we’re good got the music’s right here we got the stream right there just to be safe

Okay thank you friends by the way for the um I think I saw it was eight likes was it think it was an eight likes last I checked so thank you so much thank you guys so much I’m really bad about posting that I’m going live but at the

Same time it’s like where’s Emma she was here but I think um she may have to have uh Gone the places and such oh that’s cool there we go she she be here soon oh chat thank you so much for the nine uh likes I’m Emma I made a

New account yes so Eminem is Emma if you didn’t know I miss my Banks look at this look at this craziness I feel like a completely different person without my Banks it like feels super weird and different type of thing but it is what it is I

Really like my shirt though it turned out really cute it’s not as big as I was hoping it to be like the style is really really tiny but I’m really happy I got it mhh so now they are &ms oh thank you for the hearts friends uh don’t forget any hearts likes um

Chats that does support me as well as just makes the makes the energy really good um makes it a good time so to speak um I guess like to address like kind of the elephant in the room um I did announce it earlier but um without bringing anybody down too much we did

Have um a loss recently so to speak um you see seven likes I see I see nine but I could be wrong um and so like for me it’s just like I don’t know like everyone Grieves a little differently um cuz it happened like so suddenly so for me it’s just

Like oh man like just to cap off you know 2023 I feel like every year though every end of the year it feels like there’s a loss like somebody passes away or something like if it’s um like you know some famous person some celebrity usually passes away it feels

Like right before the end of the year um so I was prepared for that but I wasn’t prepared for it to be like someone in the family um so to speak um and that’s all I feel like really sharing specifically I don’t want to share about like specifically who passed or anything

Like that but um um just that they were very dear to me uh they’re a very good Soul um and they they helped me a lot in my upbringing and like in many ways it just doesn’t feel real to me that you know they just they’re just gone so

Suddenly um I don’t know if I’m going to stream tomorrow or not um over on Twitch I might we’ll just have to see how everything plans out if that makes sense but if you guys are wondering like why I’m not around on socials or if I’m not

As chatty as often as cuz it’s just like I’m kind of like going through the gaming process um but I did want to stream today I did want to like try to feel like things were semi normal um yeah so that’s what that’s what I’m dealing with in real life is um the

Sickness stuff is getting relatively better I have a sinking feeling I might be allergic um I know I’m allergic to dog uh cats but there is a tiny possibility I might be slightly allergic to my dog and that’s like just another bag of anxiety that I’m just like ah I

Don’t to deal with this um so that’s been quite a mess like having to deal with I’ve been having to like clean up everything that I can let me change the settings real fast friends um I made a new account because an old YouTube account was filled with

YouTubers that I sub to when I was young so I made a new one and resub to you also YouTube was not letting me a I let know you’re fine thank you I appreciate you um thanks for letting me know okay anyo so just just

So you guys know um if I feel a little off that’s it that’s the only reason um is because just a lot of a lot of um a lot of changes happening a lot of things and Tings and whatnot um as well as with

My um as well as with my day job stuff like I it’s it’s really picked up which is good it’s really really good to stay busy right now especially because it’s like I I needs I needs the Monies to do do all the things Christmas ain’t cheap you know uh

Hello my friend hello oyster good to see you again how have you been okay but yeah so that’s kind of a quick summary of what’s happening with me um we also lost our world um a couple weeks ago if I’m not mistaken and so now we’re

Starting over to a brand new world and I think last I checked we were on day 30 with the Minecraft world with hardcore so to speak there we Go oh that’s so funny can I use Minecraft music yeah did you know that Minecraft created their own Music 1.8k Subs let’s go right isn’t that crazy yeah the last video did really well on the shorts which makes me really happy we have been selected we’ve been chosen by the algorithms of things so I’m really happy for that um thank you everybody by the way for your

Comments uh your likes your support just your Good energies it really it really means a lot to me thank you thank you very much friends all righty I’m great I’ve been using all my saved up paid off time so no work in December for me this year oh

Dang Let’s Go Lucky Oyster Lucky Lucky Oyster yeah I just got to I got to practice um getting better with um with long form content so to speak I’ve had a couple videos do relatively well but I don’t know how to like make that a consistent

Thing where they do all really well you know what I mean but I feel like that’s kind of how goes where it’s like you you kind of create content until you like get a success and then you kind of have to like be prepared to like pivot from that

If that makes sense I think that’s like the secret formula Um okay I think you guys were wanting me to build upon the base right so I think I was going to do That oh gosh yeah yeah we’ll do that then it’s so cold I don’t know why it’s so cold today driv me nuts uh okay let’s put the food over here we have the Sandstone of a chair Okay okay we also have to deal with that Pillager who um has taken over Frankie and Felicia for me it is 58° fah oh dang I can’t Mass real quick but I think that’s like what 10 to 20° C I think somewhere in there maybe 18° C so we

Have like a couple Farms happening but I got to be more efficient about this so last I let off we got Frank um over here with his boat with his girlfriend Felicia fiance Felicia um and yeah he’s trying to attack me but he can’t from here so we got to save

Felicia in order to do that we have to um we have to get some more chickens we need the more chickens I could make a door here I guess that’d be a good idea so we’ve got lots things to do um so I guess you guys can help me choose

Do you think we should save Felicia today or should we work on my base some more honestly the Pillager makes me nervous I feel like he’s going to come attacking me any day now so I’m like a little nervous that’s cold I know right it’s super

Cold yeah I’m glad you get to relax oyster that’s always good it’s always good signs yeah we we we craft now we craft now we do the things now yes we do the thingss there we go oh I used to have there we go okay there we

Go I know this this isn’t set as good as I want it to be but it’ll have to do for now until we open it uh says if you kill the P you get bad Omen because he has the banner he’s the raid Captain oh snap really this been a welcome resp spite

Right for real um for me it’s like I have to work as much as I can before the weather gets Bad that’s what I got to do cuz once weather gets bad like business is De basically dead I mean I could try to go do things but um for my safety it’s like I don’t I don’t go out as often to do stuff cuz yeah M could get rid of bad Omen though

Because oh yes true that is true we could empty out we could kill him and then we could just drink the milk yeah look at that big brain big brain thank you okay so so so we need a fence is what I’m trying to do I’m trying to expand this out a

Little bit um that way the the chickens have more of a home here do you like Java or do you like Bedrock more H that is a good question you know okay I like how simple Java is if that makes sense but um I say simple in the fact that you can

Like quick do things whereas with bedrock you have to like it’s a little more difficult to like quick select and all this other stuff if that makes sense um so that’s a little frustrating you know what I mean There we go but I know I know I know it’s such a non-answer but I would say overall um yeah I think overall I still like um I still like badrock more for like the fact that I can play with my controller um but I haven’t played modded Minecraft

Yet so I feel like that’ll change my full uh rating on it Eminem with the cute emotes I always love your emotes uh milk will get rid of the bat Omen big brain time yes the biggest of brains or you can wait till you gather you get better

Stuff kill the raid Captain uh start a raid in a village and then maybe even get a totem ooh that is a good point all right friends fine I’ll let you I’ll let y’all decide okay okay so we have two things we can do today okay we could um Fight The

Raid Captain okay or uh build Farm SL base so this is the stuff I’ve been farming up for for the last oh I don’t know two to three days with on stream and while you’re all doing that I’m going to add the VIP cuz we need to do

That where is it uh give me the core you can’t handle the [Laughter] hardcore hey DCH that made me laugh thank you oh hello uh o Chica the Chicken Army lore is done oh you got the chicken Army lore oh that’s awesome were you about to join Discord by the way

Eminem I’ve had a couple people have that happened before though where they haven’t been able to join on Discord um and they had to made a different account so just let me know and I can invite you again to the Discord are you still in the Discord o I

Was thinking if you want to you can post it in the Minecraft chat I think that would be the best place for you to put it and then I can kind of like and I I can kind of gleam over it and if I really like it maybe we can make

Something out of that hey Hi D also Eminem is Emma yeah Eminem is Emma okay so she’s now consistent throughout what happened here hold on I’m just changing something nobody panic um I know I had this I’m just looking at something real quick VIP yes for theone

Who is new we have an awesome Discord too we would love to have you are you excited for Christmas chica I am like I am so ready for Christmas like I need some good Christmas spirit cheer you know what I mean so I know this is group

Stuff not what I want chica talk chica no talk I know this is the death right there I know this is the multi streaming where is the multi streaming there it is okay one sec friends I’m just trying to do three things at once that’s ornaments that’s firebot that’s my Cam top donator

Here we go okay there we go I guess I guess this one got deleted that’s right it got deleted over here okay nobody panic I’m just I’m just fiddling with some stuff top donator there they ARS okay sham cuz we got to update this we got to update

Thisam thank you to anybody as well um who did who has um especially during the holiday season um did spend some of their harder money on on helping me with this it really means a lot oh it’s like automatically used oh that’s annoying oh

No okay well I can’t fix it I’ll have to tell Chico about it okay making notes that I need to have chica do that let’s go FY FY for the votes build a farm uh build Farm is winning all right looks like build Farm is winning so building a farm e

Thank you guys so much by the way for the 11 likes let’s go one every like equals one save chicken all right Frankie yes all right so let’s build up the farm and base and then we’ll save the raid Captain for later cuz I feel like that’s the better

Long-term play um I think y’all are right y’all are right when y’all right y’all right you know do you remember the song chica is raining tacos yes I do I was thinking about making a song um or like a video from that I probably have to do it on

Tik Tok though I might do it on on YouTube CU I think shorts you are allowed to use copyrighting material um cuz they have like different they have different rules uh for YouTube on that so I might do like a fun little I was thinking about doing a fun little

Uh video with that with my chicken challenge stuff or whatever all right let’s think think think think think think what was I working on a fence okay what do you need for a fence anyways it’s like this noce have you been though durge how’s work going how’s the things I

Think there we go okay I was pretty close I don’t know how many I’ll need I know they’re not the same but you know what this is Hardcore dang it and I’m trying to speedrun this through this you should make a song called it’s raining potatoes that’s what I was thinking

About doing um like a spiritual successor to that there we are shabam it’s okay thank you least chity understands all right shabam shabam it is what it is it’s just going to have to work for now we’re using what we got you know sometimes you got to do

That in life you can’t use what you want you got to use what you got you [Laughter] know and that that’s how it be and that’s how it be oh my gosh my freaking my huus I could I could go out there possibly risking life and limb or we

Could just stay in here I don’t know yet um there we go it’s turning out pretty good though overall it’s looking really good least I think it is yeah there you go uh six of wood okay yeah all Right hey we got a [Laughter] good that was like on point with the music do y’all see that do y’all see that oh my gosh that was amazing what is that 33 minutes into the stream let’s go we doing good so far yes we are doing fantastic yeah it’s very true six in

Woods Exactly um the only thing is I do need to get a fence eventually like an actual like uh gate or something like that yeah there’s the words okay this is pretty good this is looking really good oh the chickens salty welcome in how are you friend welcome welcome happy to see

You chickens yes so many chickens I mean okay to be honest like one of my goals is to go like much farther cuz that’s my biggest complaint with my other world like I think I did a pretty good job you know what I mean of course oyster have a good One uh you’re welcome to lurk as always otherwise have a wonderful rest of your day I’ll be here vibing for a little bit I think are you ah I’m okay still kind of going through the motions so to speak MH mhm how about yourself I hope

Life has been okay at least oh gosh toasty is starting okay we’re looking we’re looking we’re good we’re Gucci okay we’re safe we run no is this one yeah Oh I thought I heard spiders and it was freaking me out it was freaking me out so bad like go nor oh

No oh hold on um salty if you can do me a favor especially because I’m on uh PC Minecraft if you see um what is it called a an emote from Emma or in this case Eminem if you could just allow them that would help me a bunch I wish

YouTube didn’t make it so picky with that I don’t know why it Flags those is bad uh hello hell 11 welcome in how’s it going friend uh let’s see Story Time wait oh never mind Atomic retracted all right no story time for you no Story Time friends y’all don’t you have to

Earn that story okay you got to you got to you got to earn it okay so here’s the big problem with with this guy over here I think he might be able to shoot me from everywhere so we’re going to try and see what happens cuz he’s got my

Farm he’s got my farm under wraps and I need to get there uh oh there we go don’t get me don’t get me don’t give me don’t get me here we go okay we’re good so he can’t reach me from here that’s good at least I’m so scared he’s

Going to shoot my chickens though I’m so scared um um I finally saw Wild chica earlier have have you been I know right I’m like never in people streams well I am or I’m not like it’s so weird like I go through spurts of being super busy or um or

Like having way too much free time there’s no in between like that’s just how that’s the job of a freelancer you know you have spurts of like I have unlimited time and then you have other times when you’re just like there is no time only job only the grind

Um um how have you been yeah I’ve been hanging in there um like I said before I think I posted it on Discord uh for those who want to know kind of what’s happening with real life stuff um long story short um we’re dealing with some

Stuff uh with the families and um I don’t know if I’m going to stream on Friday if I do it might be a brief stream we’ll have to see how I’m feeling I still haven’t decided what I’m going to end up doing cuz it’s been very very complicated um yeah it’s a complicated

Situation so to speak and um which makes it harder for me I guess to deal with things in in a healthy way because things are a little complicated and I hate that things have to be that way ah I love that emot so cute all right Story Time come on grab your

Friends let’s go see what Tomic said I don’t think it’s in 2014 strike I okay gotcha um right right right that’s why I said if I did it I’d probably do um what is it called if I did it I would do it like as a short

Because that is within the fair usage of stuffs like as in YouTube themselves um encourage people to use um songs like popularized songs are allowed they only did that that was because they were trying to compete with Tik Tok where they do have like um they do have what

Is it called Tik Tok has a couple things set up with them there’s a fancy word for it I can’t think of the terminology but the only way you get a copyright strike is if like the the original Creator or in this case their people whatever they’re called

They it’s not sponsor but it’s like the the fancy people who play music The Producers basically come in and say hey that’s my music that’s how you get a copyright strike you can still get copyrighted so you don’t make any music from it or money from the music um but

Yeah I haven’t gotten a copy strike yet thankfully label yeah the label company mhm mhm exactly but I hear you I I I’m I’m picking down what you’re feeling and I agree like to a certain extent are ever going to be Minecraft in hardcore that’s the goal I did see

Somebody though um I guess she was playing uh Minecraft hardcore and she has been going for like 20 days trying to beat the Ender [Laughter] Dragon so it made me feel a little bit better about myself then I’m like okay maybe I’m not that bad you know maybe maybe I maybe I got

Some maybe I’ve got some HOA to me you know what I’m saying okay all right let’s go see what the damages are uh this is where you inv yo what’s up J N welcome in it’s the record labels that handle this stuff exactly exactly so that’s the only time you get in

Trouble jokes on you I wanted to fall you’re not bad at all right although I I feel like that’ll totally be me I would have to like Google I’ll have to like look up all the things and be like um okay what are one of the cheesiest methods to beat the Ender

Dragon no I have no shame okay look I’m a Potato we welcome we welcome the cheese and the bacon and the sour cream all right we do whatever it takes to win Beyond just cheating okay cheesing is one thing we don’t cheat though in games but we do

Cheese you you say cheesing I say you know alternative method all right um mhm but like I said if I do it it’ll probably be like a little short maybe I’ll make a video out of it see how it does but like I said it’s it’s kind of

Tough cuz I really want to make a bunch of cool stuff but I feel like certain things like singing for example I may have to do it like through Tik Tok or whatnot uh Billy hi chica how’s your week been it’s been okay um um for those who want to know what’s

Going on like the full kind well not the full details but just like kind of a quick summar I did post it um on my Discord and announcements so if I see him a little off it’s for that reason kind of going through the motions I was mostly feeling better and then um

My sleep got all finagled and now I feel like I’m getting sick again and it’s like H I’m so I’m getting I don’t think I’m getting sick I think I genely might be allergic like I I’m hoping that it’s because Chico messed with the cat like

As in he was like petting a cat whatever and then I’m getting sick from him being around the cat if that makes sense that’s what I’m hoping is what it is cuz the alternative message would be that I’m allergic to toasty as in small dogs which that happened to my dad when

He got older he was allergic to cats and then he got allergic to dogs like small dogs and then and same with my sister she also got allergic to small dogs and so she has to have big dogs now for some reason I don’t know why I don’t know the

Scientific stuff reasoning behind it it’s just what ended up happening for her is that she got allergic to small dogs um so yeah if that is the case I will have to figure out um different ways to handle my space like cleaning and everything like that I

Know they have thoughts but I haven’t done any research on it yet so it’s like yay that’s not how allergies should work I should be fine I should be good oh that’s so sad right no no no I’m not going to get rid of toasty I I would

Keep him but I would have to figure out like how to minimize my reaction to the allergies if that makes sense okay Atomic shares oh never mind there’s an original it’s raining potatoes song in 2012 then another one in 2014 and the last one of 2019 so I think the Creator

Really cares if you make a ring Potato song yeah yeah yeah exactly we have to protect her precisely you guys saw the post in your Discord oh thank you Billy yeah so just so all know I would gladly take toast off your hands oh gosh I don’t know if anyone can handle

Him to be honest he is he is a handful but he’s our handful we love him honestly I just got to I just got to retrain him is all I I guarantee if we got a good trainer um with the doggo and stuff um he he’ do really well but um

Chico kind of made him hyper and the kiddos made him even more hyper and so the three of them together just kind of made this whole thing but now toasty is like I have to barkk really aggressively to get attention and it’s like no you don’t you don’t you’re good puppy you’re

Good and he’s like no so now I got to retrain him you know to to not have to freak out so aggressively um he’s lucky that he’s so cute yes indeed just so you guys know um that’s long story short that’s kind of what’s going on I don’t know if I’m

Allergic to toast I’m nervous about it he’s not going anywhere I just I have to be smart about um the situation is what I’m getting at but it’s just like another thing to have to deal with and I’m just like I’m tired I just want to I just

Want to rest I just want to relax you know is that too much to ask I just want to build I but I don’t want to do it I don’t want to do I don’t want to do stuff for for for hard work I

Just want to do it for fun shut up and do things for fun shut up I do the hard work uh let’s see oh chica I have good news oh you have good news okay tell me Billy what’s your good news um top your song last night top your game

Counter-Strike 2 and go really top your song last night what was that song what does that song Go could someone tell me like the lyrics to that song cuz now I’m curious thank you all for being here by the way y’all are Awesome yeah it’s near the end of the year um oh speaking of which one of the announcements I wanted to mention is um because of the my real life situation I’m dealing with um I don’t know if I’m going to stream tomorrow I’ll let yall know

Um I don’t know I I don’t know yet I don’t know what will make me happier what’ll be easier for me cuz this is the weird thing like I I don’t know I don’t deal with loss like most people do like for me um I it’s not the loss that gets to

Me it’s the it’s people’s reaction around the loss that that hurts me so like if I know for example like if a I’m trying to think of something that’s not triggering for y’all um for example like if if somebody had a snowball right if somebody had a

Snowball right it’s not the loss of the snowball the Melt of snowball that makes me sad it’s the fact that like oh but that snowball meant a lot to this little kid you know what I mean that’s what makes me sad it’s cuz I know that loss

Is a part of life I’m not that naive but um that’s that’s I view it so to speak and the thing that’s weird is that like I had a I had a good relatively good relationship with this person and last I saw them they were very happy and

Healthy and um I don’t know if seeing them like that would make it worse if that makes sense or if I want to keep that memory of them being happy and healthy instead of seeing them like in a different state so to speak um so that’s

That’s why if I end up not if I end up not streaming tomorrow it’s probably because I went to do the thing if I didn’t then um it’s probably because like I feel like I need to grieve a different way so to speak but I just hate the guilt the

Feeling of guilt like I need to do something different instead of like how I want to feel how I want to grieve I guess is the word I’m going for um and I hate that we do that like in society where we judge people one way or the

Other when it’s like hey you know what if I’m not hurting anyone why do you care you know what I Mean a rip snowball exactly tomorrow is the last part of my dragon build oh let’s go I can’t wait to see it Billy I can’t wait just telling you H look how cute this is oh I love that I kind of want this now I don’t know how but I’m going to copy

This I’m going to like incorporate it somewhere some shape or form somewhere yeah a so just all know yeah I like it it’s so cute um that being said like I said um during this month I said I was either going to be streaming a lot more I was

Going to be streaming a lot less we’ll just see how things go so um twitch is doing a couple special things over there on their end of stuff so um now that the the sad news is out of the way let’s get into things that are a little more

Exciting not to bring everybody down um one of the things I was thinking about doing is like I don’t know about doing a streamon or anything like that but hold on one second I’m just trying to look at this real quick come on go down there we go okay um Um okay so I got to move that one out and I got to put that one on top that’s what it is Okay okay so cute it’s very cute I love it so much um so I know it’s so boring but like um I have a lot of goals I have a lot of things I want to achieve and whatnot um just to be completely honest with y’all and unfortunately in order to

Achieve a lot of these things I need monies I need I need lots of monies um like All the Monies so um I either have to make it doing what I what I love so to speak or I got to Pivot to something differently so what I’m going to do is

I’m going to really try to see what we can achieve and what we can pull off realistically speaking this next year and I say the Royal wi um either Chico and myself um you guys as a team and see how it goes um but if things don’t

Improve dramatically or if it kind of stays like how it is um I may have to approach my content completely differently and and by that I mean I may have to like do something else because like I have two different conflicting sides one of them is I don’t

Know why I’m getting all emotional I don’t like creepers anymore they are the worst where I have the creative side of me that’s like really listful and um ambitious and positive type of thing and optimistic type of side but then I also have the logical side of me that’s like

Um that wants to like do business and wants to do stuff like that like with with monies or like even big projects or something you know what I mean um but in order to pursue what I want to pursue like I don’t feel safe being an online

Persona even on my smaller scale where not I’m not that famous at least in my view I’m not that famous but um if my professional life interfered with my online life or other way around and people found out about like where I live or my name my information like I

Just I would just never be on the internet ever again to be honest um and so I can’t I can’t pursue both is what I’m getting at uh due to the nature of things Um I don’t know how how else to say it so to speak um I wish it wasn’t that way but it’s like but it is what it is and like I said before I only have one life to live and I don’t want to live it with any

Regrets so that’s what this next year is going to be about is me like really trying to push boundaries me trying to see what I can achieve um hopefully by next year fingers crossed we get blessed and YouTube um uh approves us of partnership Etc I don’t know how the partnership

Application stuff works with YouTube yet um I’ll keep you guys posted about the hours and stuff like that once we get closer I think we’re really really close um so just so yall know that’s the reasons why I’m pushing for things um because it’s getting to the

Point where it’s like yeah don’t be such chica if you are oh no it’s okay I’m just explaining you guys like it’s so it feels so sad it feels like I’m saying goodbye to you guys and it’s like no not yet um I just want you guys to know

That’s the reason for it it if I do it it’s for that reason Um because it’s like I have to pick what makes me happiest and yeah I like your house thank you and sorry and if I can’t how do I say this if I can’t if I can’t afford to be a creative then it’s like then I have to change something does that make

Sense um I I got to change something I can’t be that selfish so um does that make sense I hope that makes sense um I had to be a creative in a different aspect so I’m hoping things turn out for the best come next year but

Um we’ll see how it goes we’ll see how things go a year from now who knows what will happen right it could be a whole different atmosphere it could be a whole different world we don’t know we don’t know uh still working on it I’m guessing um

Which one uh chica yeah yeah yeah I like your ask yes we are chica this week I’ve been to two Christmas parties I’ve got another Christmas party next week oh that’s exciting that’s okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I hope that makes sense and by afford I mean like for safety reasons or other

Reasons um cuz yeah the internet is a scary place you know uh it really is as much as I do like the good interactions I have there there’s been some really weird interactions and it’s getting to the point where it’s just like I’m nervous to go live on YouTube

Now and I’m anxious on Twitch so it’s just like I just I just want to be able to have a good time again you know what I mean and not have to stress about that anymore not to stress about uh any of the other annoy real life stuff as

Frequently as I do on a regular basis you know what I’m saying so we’re going to keep pushing for YouTube Partner we’re going to keep doing what we can do the best that we can um but I want you guys to know in advance like if it comes

Off as greedy or selfish or impatient um it’s cuz it’s like I I need to make I need to start being honest with myself and I need to re-evaluate if I’m making enough progress or if I need to Pivot to something different um that’s all that’s

All but for now I do want to genuinely thank people so much for those who are still here those who have been nothing but kind supportive whether you’re lurking while working whether you’ve um reached out to me on social media anywhere shape or form I see y’all I

Appreciate everybody like it makes me super happy to have been able to do this and to be this lucky um that so many amazing people people believe in me I I really want to give this my all I really do I want to succeed um not just for myself but for

So many other things that I want to achieve in my life and yeah this is my dream you know like if you love something it’s worth fighting for you know what I mean so I’m going to fight my best I’m going to try my best and

Then um we’ll go from there uh is turned on on your Google account uh have one active AdSense account that you’ll link to your channel if if you don’t already have one be ready to set up one for YouTube and applying make sure gotcha uh what you need to do the expanded YouTube

Partner program follow the YouTube monetization policies have a channel based in one of the available countries regions and make two make sure Two Step oh two step verification I remember this I love these life till the big day y’all let’s go Christmas is coming the is

Getting fat okay but yeah there you go that’s just that’s just the order of business is what’s happening um because I guess the scary the the the unexpected life situation um just made me like even more um I guess nervous is that the word is that the word I’m going

For cuz it’s like oh great oh no my days are numbered dang It what’s up no you can’t you had to do your homework first then you can is that fair okay all right there you guys go there’s there’s my TED Talk for the today all right speaking of things one of the things I want to achieve is I do want to

Beat Hardcore Minecraft I don’t know how long it’s going to take my first goal is to get to 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft then my next goal is to get to 1 th000 days in Hardcore Minecraft and then it’s going to be to beat Minecraft hardcore I

Don’t know if I’m ever going to fight the warden in hardcore cuz F that nonsense if I ever do I might like make a an extra account and just do bonus rounds like as you can make copies of your hardcore so if I ever go for the warden

I might make a an extra account like where you make a copy of it and then like try different ways to beat the warden and that and then call it good call it a day cuz I don’t want to lose this world uh did you know there’s a baby pink sheep is there

Really good to know okay but yeah just so you guys know that’s uh my two cents um of how things are going I have a good feeling though I I honestly have a really good feeling about 2024 I have a good feeling things are going to get better for me and that

Makes me happy I just hope it’s the way how I want it to be but then again if things were how I want it to be I I wouldn’t even be streaming um not that I don’t like originally you know like the old you when you were like 5 years old you’re

Like I’m going to be I’m going to be an astronaut that’s that’s how I was um I wanted things to be completely different uh than how they were but I wouldn’t have changed it for for a minute I I love my life that I’m at now so much

More than what I would have lived before like I I got to be a content creator I’m a Minecraft partner there’s you know like I’ve seen so many inspirational content uh creators in this world and it’s like it just makes me want to do more you know what I mean it’s like I

Love what I’ve achieved already but it’s like I feel like I’m just starting I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of what we can achieve as a team and I I really want to try it you know what I mean oh hold on hold on hold on

We being crossbed o okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good okay I heard them I heard them you know there’s a baby pink sheep yeah I heard about that but where o where did they come from oh oh no we have another pillagers oh I see them they attacked my home

No great now we have two raid bosses to deal with well any any ideas friends any ideas of what we can do in this situation oh boy oh boy oh boy okay yes now you got 1.0k 8K supporters yes exactly and thank you thank you for that

Where doing the things we’re doing so many amazing things we really are okay oh gosh we got to be smart about this we got to be smart about this we got to be smart about this let’s see I was thinking about adding I guess we can work on this side in the meantime

Yeah gosh dang it they attacked my things all right we do this do this no time traveling today yes no time traveling you’re [Laughter] forbidden um I guess anyone’s got any fun plans for the holiday seasons um so to Speak give me seconds oh thank you whoever is doing that I appreciate you mods you y’all are the best okay see y all surviving we almost got aack herge my whole life flashed before my eyes no time traveling today no time traveling no this week I got two Lego Harry Potter

Walkthrough guides your 1 through 4 and 5 through 7 oh snap wait like as in you bought a like um so you got a Lego set look at that cute emote I think I’ve seen that before chica subscribers in her a I love that Eminem you’re the

Sweetest are you saying you you created a walkth through maybe I need to figure out like I think that’s like a um is that like some sort of fancy thing that you use to do that no yes we doing good so far so so far we’re good so far we’re doing Gucci

So far we’re surviving we’re making the things as as the good Frankie would always say you got to make what you got and you’ve got what you give you get what you give you got One Life to Live and you got to go sometimes and pull with the punches you know you know

What I’m saying you know what I’m getting up friends and right here right now we are building I don’t know what this accent is I just I just make the words and the words happen oh gracious I think that’s how Frankie sounds right yeah that sounds about right right [Laughter]

Frankie oh I’m having too much fun with this okay so that’s the other death portal so this not oh actually hold on we could do this though actually why don’t we do a stone one H you know what eord I think those pillagers should eventually despawn though right as long

As I stay away from there yeah we’re doing good so far yeah I need to start remembering to put torches around me more because I feel like that’s what gets me is if I don’t put torches like crazy amount everywhere I am back sorry just busy for a minute no you’re fine welcome

Back okay okie Dokus um let’s think what is a good question for the day um what’s a good question that I could ask Um again keep the answer PG all right friends let’s keep it PG or at least PG-13 um what’s the coolest thing um have you ever built something in the snow there you go that’ll be the question uh have you ever built something in the snow and if so what is

The coolest thing you have built in the snow uh for me I have built a an actual like Igloo fully like around you know what I mean surrounding type of thing um oh I think and I think another thing I’ve made like it was like pretty big it

Was about I would say about this high it was pretty high but it didn’t like fully get enclosed but I made like a miniature version of like an igloo and a tunnel attached to it it didn’t work quite how I wanted it to but it was pretty cool I

Think I was like a teenager when I made this and then recently well recently in The Last 5 Years so to speak uh when Chico and I were still together we did make I think we made a dog I think we did make a dog Yes we made a dog snowman

We made a snowman dog it was really cute um my only regret is I didn’t I I wish I I know I took pictures of it or something but I remember I did make like either a doggo or something really cool o Atomic shares how to get monetized recently YouTube introduced a

New monetization update requiring channels to have a minimum 5,000 or 500 subscribers and 3,00 3,000 watch time hours to be eligible for monetization yes um but that’s only for um crowdfunded monetization so we got to get the watch watch time hours that’s the only thing I need right

Now is to give up get up the watch time hours and to to to unlock um to unlock uh what is it called uh full monetization you need uh what is it called 4,000 4,000 watchtime hours and we were we were on track to

Get it this year but like I said I got sick um all the stuff happened and so I decided to take a take it easy you know slow it down slow my Ru a little bit now I’m just hoping to unlock it by next year is my plan so I’ll keep youall

Posted whenever we get it hola amigos yo Blom so happy to see you darling how are youle let’s go can we get a shout out for midnight bloom please and thank you how the heck are you tell me all the Things thank you D there you go that’s the link that will work uh if you want to subscribe it is free it is free here on the YouTube side of things oh my gosh why you know what this is why we can’t have nice things literally there you go yes

So the the top link actually I think does go to their YouTube channel to subscribe and the bottom one is just let them know that we think they’re really nice and we appreciate them just got home from work hey let’s go how’s work going for you by the way

Hope people are not being too ridiculous with the holiday season I know how it goes with retail and all that nonsense I hope people are being respectful everyone’s being respectful yes tip your waitresses uh hug your pets I don’t know what’s the other term that people always say water your plants dang [Laughter] It how to get fully monetized uh users must have watched your content for at least 4,000 hours over the past 12 months and you need at least 1,000 subscribers hey there you go well there you go friends there it is uh before I forget how many likes are we at right

Now I know when we get to 20 you guys know the drill I will sing for you you if you want me to d looks so nervous yeah it’s it’s going to be tough but I’ve seen a lot of my friends be able to get it

So well a lot I I’ve seen a few of my friends get uh partnered so there’s help for me yet dang it uh got more hours last week and honestly work is work yeah I feel that I feel the same way work is work you know

Work is work you got to do what you got to do got to pay the bills I’ve been really busy this last week um literally I worked um almost non-stop from 3: until like I think 1: in the morning I have to look at the time um

With how my work is like I said as freelance it’s like it goes through spurts where I have like I have orders to fulfill and stuff like that and then I have a time well I don’t necessarily have a strict time frame that needs to

Be done but it kind of has to get done and the faster I get it done the happier the clients are so ah uh freelance is hard it is oh my gosh it is but I I just I I really I couldn’t bring myself to go back to the 9 to5

Workspace I haven’t like started looking at some jobs just you know for the holidays I was like maybe I can get a holiday job and that’s why I said I might not stream as much cuz if I did get a holiday job like you know in retail or some other service work just

For the season to get like a little boost of income um I was like H I don’t know we’ll have to see what happens speaking of work I won’t be able to come into your streams tomorrow Saturday no I understand I know jash has been working a lot lately

I hate schedules that’s all the worst chica I put two Lego Harry Potter gu books in your Discord oh I see thank you I work 2 to 10 both of those days yesh that’s a full shift do you get at least lunch break I hope you

Do paid lunch break gosh dang it I’m just kidding they that’s a good one that’s a paid lunch break in this [Laughter] economy oh well you’ll be missed I’m sure you’ll be here in spirit anytime we see uh um I’ll go now it was a great time to

Stream I’ll see you later of course Atomic you’re welcome to lurk as always um like I said the Stream do help a lot with the watch time hours it it really has like I wish I started streaming on YouTube much earlier it would have made such a big difference we probably would

Have unlock monetization sooner but it’s is okay it is okay otherwise have a wonderful rest of your evening day Etc welcome to my world Bloom yeah I know right everyone’s going to be so busy it’s crazy oh wait it’s right here there we Go oh come on why W you do the things I want you to do come on there we go bam oh no now we have an extra stack my usual work days my work is 5 to 6 hours ah I see see I prefer that I

Remember my first job that I had I did work like part-time but it was almost full-time essentially I worked like 30 hours uh I think which is the max you can do as part-time without being considered a full-time employee and I liked it I genuinely did um they the company sadly went under

Though and and I checked cuz I was curious like oh maybe I could work for their sister company they are still paying the same wages that they did 10 years ago I hear an echo because my sister is watching you too oh that’s so cute thank you Eminem and welcome in Eminem’s

Sister appreciate you y’all are so sweet thank you I like the music isn’t the music the best I I do like I try to get good music for y’all to dance with can I get my tissue please I think it’s in my bedroom I have a tissue box I was

Starting to get better I was feeling better I genuinely think it’s allergies though more than anything and that’s what makes me sad is just like H I don’t want to be sick anymore but at the same time it’s like I think I’m allergic I’m really genuinely helping

Cuz I did see Chico yesterday to help with uh the kids and stuff um he’ll he’ll usually stop by to help out and stuff like that um yeah I’m I’m getting I’m only getting paid $8 an hour are you serious oof that that’s panis of course if you’re happy with it

Then you know like that’s what you want to do then by all means but $8 an hour what the heck that’s way too low yeah no no no no no no o not even for a starting job I feel like you’re starting job minimum 10 minimum 10 you

Know that’s if you live in a low income place that’s why I’m glad I got more hours for real no kidding Ain’t No Way ain’t no way no how mhm okay there you go and let’s put some torches along here make it all fancy well oh I almost got it oh actually that

Kind of works you know that kind of works that actually kind of works way y’all got to love [Laughter] it it’s such a scam yeah man such a joke like I remember I don’t really like sharing numbers about stuff but this is a special day so you guys are getting some

Some lore you guys are getting some insights of things um just to give you perspective uh when I went fulltime on mixer I was not like I was by no means making a ton of money at all um but I was making even less with

My day job like um I was making like 12 an hour I think I would have to look at it but it was pennies it was peanuts after insurance after everything like that I made like less than 1,200 bucks for the whole month for the whole

Month and yeah so when I started making more a mixer than I did there I was just like yeah I wonder which one I’m going to do um especially because with my day job um I had like a really stressful situation with my boss and I was like

This really stressed me out and he’s just like he looked at me straight in the eye and was like yep that’s normal like I’m like this is normal and he’s like quiet and then I’m like oh my gosh and so yeah I quit literally the next day I was like

Nope for that pay absolutely not oh that’s crazy yeah which I couldn’t even live off of uh two grand nowadays so it’s just like nah making like thinking about how little we made back then is just it makes me it makes me realize how impoverished we really were I didn’t

Feel like it I really didn’t like um but I think it’s because the cost of living was just so tiny back in the days so I didn’t feel as poor but we really were we didn’t have much we didn’t have much but it was onest work

Blame inflation for real oh oh look the iconic cow grave no no it’s not the cow grave it it’s just their home okay I’m think I’m getting paid like 18 to 20 an hour shees Lucky Duck J that’s good what’s sad is that that’s what you need to make nowadays depending of where

You live but yeah so that’s um that’s the situations right now is oh gosh oh and that was um and that was working almost fulltime basically or something like that that was working fulltime I was making that so when when mixer started to pick up I was like yep I know where I’m

Going peace thanks thanks for the time and what stressed me out was the fact it took me a year to find that job and it was like literally like really close by my house I didn’t have to drive to work I did because of the weather but

Like beyond that I could literally walk to work in fact I did during the summer or I guess yeah it was during the summerish weather um when I did get hired on and like it was nice while it lasted until the person was like oh you’re also expected to do com customer

Service stuff over the phone and I had done that before and that stressed me out so bad oh my gosh another raid of pillagers oh my gosh uh it’s one thing if like even then if you even if you are younger or even like firsttime job person I don’t think you should be

Making only eight bucks I feel like 10 should be the starting um but what are you building again sorry I did not hear you I’m trying to build my base with $8 a typical week was 13 to 16 hours a week oh snap that’s crazy hello chica Austin

Hello my friend thank you for the hearts how have you been can we get a shout out for Austin please if not I can I can do this everyone welcome in Austin so happy to see you don’t mind us we’re just throwing our fists in the air and shaking our hands at the

Economy I I like to dive into it once in a while I find it intriguing I find it fascinating um how far away is that Village if you run 128 blocks uh the pillagers they will despawn okay thank you Blue Beard than go also welcome in so yeah just so

Youall know um I don’t need to make a lot um like even when I was full time and for me making good money um I never was I think Chico and I were never above the median household income and we worked our butts off like we worked Around the Clock like even

When I wasn’t streaming I was working I was doing freelance stuff I was doing whatever I could to make money on the side or I was spending time with my family um cuz like I said we were in poverty poverty poverty and I wanted to climb out of that I never wanted to

Experience that again I never wanted my kids to grow up in that left wanting you know what I mean and so like despite all my efforts we never we never made more than like the median household income um but it felt like we were Rich because we

Didn’t we we lived well within our means and we were grateful for whatever we had we we we lived our life to the fullest and I just want to live that again is what I’m getting that is just to make sure I can I can support myself my kids

And pursue my dreams that’s my goal for 2024 uh figure out what’s the next steps for me to do that you know achieve all the things so I’m excited I have a good feeling though about next year uh you’re funny chica I think you’re the best YouTuber no you’re the best you’re the

Best commenter you Eminem uh midnight any any anyone that I see that I recognize it genely makes me smile makes me light up like a Christmas tree this is me you guys are my Christmas lights and I am the tree I would still be a pretty tree but

People come here to see the prettiness that we both all achieve right we we all are the awesome team so thank you guys for making me so happy um and giving me hope that maybe next year things will start to pick up for me um both professionally as well as creatively

That’s what I’m hoping that’s the goal next year things will pick up uh things will do awesome and we’ll be able to do even more awesome content Etc like I really feel excited for next year chica is the stat experiencing the cost of living crisis at the same time as the UK

Yes however Billy I heard that UK you guys have it worse than us in some cases which I am so sorry that is not okay hey Cloud welcome in how’s it going uh wait are you going to play Bedrock at all today or no I am going to be playing bed brck I

Will actually thanks for reminding me hold on before I forget check this out we are on day 35 so we are trying to get to day 40 tonight is the goal is the goal is the plan is the dream thank you for the shout out chica a much love Austin just so everybody

Knows um because of the the the crisis happening with my family whatever um I haven’t been on Discord at all I just responded to one Discord DM today before my stream and then I was like I have to go live um but I will if anybody’s been

Left on red I haven’t read anything yeah I just see pings of like things um thank you to everybody who’s reached out to me whether on social media or privately or anywhere else I all the love y’all have sent me is really appreciated so thank

You guys so much I will let you guys know if I will I will be streaming tomorrow because of multiple different reasons if I do I want you guys to know it’s because this is what will make me happier and this is what will help me grieve rather than doing what I think

People want me to do so to speak I hope that makes sense I know that sounds weird just just know in context it would make sense but I don’t I don’t want to overburden or overshare uh my private family business so that’s that’s all I’m going to say about it I’m just grateful

I’m still here I’m still kicking um and I’m grateful that I got to do like I got to it sounds so morbid to say it but I got to have things end in in a good way instead of like it being a bad way so to speak um I’m doing great chica just

Having a great day was able to have a day off tomorrow let’s go Austin so Austin you’ll be here on on the twitch side of things if I did stream I will be back okay sound good Cloud I’m doing good and you I’m doing all right hanging

In there it feels so crazy there’s 11 days before Christmas because it doesn’t feel like December I know right it was like 20° I think over here it was freezing like I saw my breath it was like basically like a giant fog horn it’s just like it was insane but I was

Like we have to set up these Christmas lights Chico or else it’s never going to happen um so we got 90% of it set up which is super nice um I just got to finish the one side we have oh my gosh Europe has it worse because of certain events not

Saying here true you’re right when you’re right you’re right mhm okay oh speaking of which the question of the day is um have you ever built something in the snow like have you ever seen snow before and if so what did you build in the snow for me the

Coolest thing I’ve ever built in the snow is a doggo or a mini fort SL um Igloo thing I say Fort because I didn’t get to completely cover it at the top I kind of did partially but it was too small for me to get into it I guess you

Could call it a MIG minig glue a mini iGo so to speak and I was thinking about if we get a lot of snow I was thinking about building um a what is it called it’s from San Rio it’s like the Hello Kitty what is it called um cinnamon roll

Cinnamon roll which I found out is a dog Cinnamon Roll is a dog I was thinking about trying it but I’m a little nervous okay we have our bed right we do have our bed okay H y’all get snow we do sometimes not so much though not a ton of snow

Well okay it depends where you live like if you live in like more of the mountainous areas then yes you get a lot of snow but if you don’t then yeah I say mountainous but it’s like I don’t know man I don’t know if you count it as a mountain or not I

Guess like there’s the hills of Tennessee right so it’s a mountain to me if it’s bigger than if it takes you longer than 5 minutes to climb up but I think that’s a mountain to me but ordinarily not a ton we haven’t been getting a lot of snow lately but

Global warming is a hoax I tell you it’s a hoax I don’t really know I don’t really care for me it’s like I just know my weather is weird and it’s always been weird like last year was the first time we had like snow like of any shape or

Form yeah too bad sh in welcome in I love the hearts I love the little uh highs as well welcome to the chat okay does anyone have um Blue Beard do you happen to have I think you did put in the the chat of Discord right how

To make an iron farm for these villagers cuz I do want to get that going I think before day 100 I want to get an iron farm happening but I don’t know how to begin like I genuinely don’t know how to begin on that so if y’all know let me

Know yeah too bad what day are you on let’s see we are on day 35 woo our snow was like ice it was very solid uh we just now started decorating today and we still don’t have our tree up let’s go did we ever hey Minnie did Chico ever

Set up the the Christmas lights I don’t know if he did cuz I I know my kiddos they like to do the Christmas tree things um I did most of the ornament decorating last year so I was like Chico is your turn you do it tag in you’re on it cuz I just

I just not in the I’m not in the mood to I I made it so perfect last year like it was Art okay it was beautiful and then my kiddos ruined it and the doggo peed on the bottom surface part of the tree and so I just I’m like I’m tapping out

I’m not getting emotionally invested in this tree you do it Chico high five go for it but it does look cute um we don’t worry we did clean off all the rugs and stuff like that but oh my gosh it was like no doggo [Laughter]

Why oh so I’m just like you know what nah nah I’m going to be lurking okay sounds good midnight thanks for being here by the way it was so fun our snow was like ice it was very solid in Kentucky not where I live now oh okay

Gotcha gotcha oh wait you lived in Kentucky that’s awesome I’ve never been but I’ve heard good things like as in good things as in it’s very chill out there in Minecraft or in real life in real life or Minecraft and then salty you said you don’t get snow you never or

You never built anything never built anything in snow which is it maybe both um y’all get snow right right &m do you not get snow at all at then to to be fair um I think my dad one day he did he’s moved like to all kinds of places like he even lived

In Florida at one point and he also lived in um Vegas and I think both times he moved there they got snow or at least like hail or something like I remember like people were pulling out of their cars and like taking pictures cuz it never happen like it never happens

Wherever my dad moves and y’all get random Snow you can blame him okay he brings the cold uh yeah day 35 he did uh welcome in show thank you Austin thank you for the lur mid night we appreciate you but yeah Austin what have you been up to are you

Going to do anything fun for your day off tomorrow uh last Friday I helped out put the bobles on the Christmas tree a let’s go no snow wa right not for me though oh not for you you don’t like the snow I know not like

For me as long as my upper body is warm and covered up in in like a jacket I am I’m happy I I am I’m good to go I can be out there for ages I used to be out there like I had the full snow pants set up even though I

Normally hate the cold I don’t know why but when I got those snow pants you guys know what I’m talking about the overalls yeah the suspenders you know what I’m talking about they don’t sell them so much anymore and it makes me sad cuz I

Really really want to use it um so you have the overalls and then the snow pants right and then you wear a nice poofy jacket and then beefy gloves you can go out there for hours even if you’re a wimp like me that hates the cold and you’ll be totally fine I like

It I just can’t have it oh okay that makes sense that makes sense mhm mhm oh we should probably get paper going huh like a a paper the Villager is like bro did you just did you just steal my sugar cane I was just borrowing it he thinks I’m just borrowing it

Hey I think I did plant this to be fair I think I planted some of these I remember vaguely planting some of this okay listen listen it’s just the part of the economy all right also we have a camel look at the camel love be stuck here too what should

We name our camel can I get on you yes it’s like a it’s like a merry go round look at that I love it look at that how funny is that oh my gosh that is too funny look at it hold on I need a picture of this oh

Gosh how do I do a picture oh I can’t do pictures that’s right it’s so dumb oh well I tried we tried our best hold on oh gosh give me out give me out am I stuck now am I stuck with the camel I might be

Stuck with a camel now cuz he’s being weird cat no here we go get me out how do I get Up I can’t I get out hold on can I do this there we go oh thank goodness okay my whole life flashed before my eyes H there’s not enough room in the ARs there hold on I don’t want to die I don’t want to die I don’t want to die

Hold on everyone Don’t Panic okay that could have been bad okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good okay scary also screenshot is F2 by the way okay got it uh we had snow not long ago and it was freezing oh man not for me though

Yeah that’s fair I like it I just can’t have it we had snow long ago but it’s freezing oh yeah tomorrow morning I’m going to be playing more of my Spyro are you going to stream it or you just going to play it offline and plus T eight demo

Is out and I’m loving it excuse me friends so sorry uh F2 crouched uh also screenshot as F2 by the way okay am I still crouched no okay we’re good we’re good crisis averted also don’t let me forget friends that we do have this for future enchanting cuz this will be good this

Will be really important to have later on is this enough for the enchantment or do you think we need more screenshot is F2 by the way got it should I try it again then okay well one more time hold On yes oh no he’s not stuck anymore is he not stuck anymore El Love’s trying to save no you’re in my shot villager stop it you’re in my shot stop it there you go all right I was supposed to change my skin too adding that to the list hold on uh

Bam there we go kind of works a little bit villager is judging me listen yep going to be streaming it awesome if I’m awake I will try to stop in for sure I will try to stop in for sure this there we go I could should we save the camo or

Should we leave him there I feel like I want to leave him there in case uh um we need the camel later but I don’t know if he’s going to despawn or not I think if they’re moving like that they don’t despawn yep going to be streaming that

Let’s go chica are you a bit tired H A little but I’ve been tired for the last ages um like I said my sleep has been all over the place I I did sleep it I did I did I did sleep a lot better um a couple days ago but then like

But then um I don’t remember what happened I I genuinely don’t remember what happened I didn’t get a chance to sleep that night though and then everything went sideways okay leave him there yeah cuz I don’t want him to run around and then yeah all right let’s go fishing for a

Little bit um there’s the fishing rod okay we’re good we’re Gucci let me first satify this cuz again here chica Corp we take take our safety very seriously as you can see I have my safety Shield here as always or safety helmet at all times okay so there you

Go oh man I don’t have the right wood but it’s okay like I said you you use what you’ve got not what you want you use what you’ve got not what you want there you go use what you got not what you want bam ah I meant to do it

Here but okay that works too H I mean I guess nah I don’t like it okay hold on get rid of that get rid of this bam uh save him uh AKA leave him there as he gets lost okay yeah yeah yeah um I’m trying to remember you need a saddle

To tame those right if I’m not mistaken okay well that’s a good idea that’s a really good idea but not what I was going for not quite what I was going for so let’s not say we did okay oh this song it’s so catchy the song is way too catchy for its own

Good All right beautiful yes he needs a you need a saddle to control camel got it got it well if we see a saddle let me know I think some villagers will have it right look how pretty this whole place is though can we just appreciate like

How pretty this Oasis is I really love this like a lot I’m really glad Minecraft has been adding more things to it too hold on I’m trying to get a view view here puffer fish more like sucker fish no thank you how many likes are we at now

Friends leather works uh can sell saddle top level oh you said leather works oh oh the true true so we just got to get the cow Farm going then huh that’s the next thing we should do I’m just trying to get some cat I’m trying to get enough fish for a cat

Again just cuz that’s what did me in last time during hardcore was the was the things that’s so cool isn’t it so pretty ah I’m so happy I found a warm ocean finally or in this case a warm lake I don’t know if that’s how it works

But it is what it is listen I’m not the I’m not the creators of Minecraft okay I just I just work with [Laughter] Them I wonder how many we have left uh we have two fishes oh No I don’t need you I don’t need you I never needed you M oh there comes the fishy oh we got something hey we got something wait wa wait we got something oh we got a nautilus shell hey nice don’t we use that for something I’m trying to remember what exactly I don’t

Know what to do with this puffer fish either um I guess we’ll eat the puffer fish goodbye puffer fish look at him look at him go He’s so hecking cute look at him bu fish Brews into water breathing potion oh does it H I guess I could get rid of I know here this is what I can do I’ll keep him with me in my inventory and we’ll put this torches around try to saf toy the houses a little bit better so we don’t get creepers anywhere that’s what I’m trying to do

Here is make things a little better cuz this is going to be where my summer home is going to be get it cuz it’s hot in the savannah or whatever this is called desert I guess Savannah is more like a a whole different place isn’t it yeah

Yeah now shell is needed to craft a conduit ooh aren’t those conduits don’t they allow you to breathe under water as well or is those are the conduits I think that’s what it is right oh interesting they have to be touching the water what that’s interesting all righty we’re doing so

Good do we try to tame another kitty cat my brain my heart I don’t know if I can handle it again I really don’t I feel like I should finish my house building before I do that cuz I feel like last time that we did that we had the issues with the tissues

H okay hopefully the peoples have finally disappeared and it’s safe now for me to go back cuz we are trying to build a base dang it oh there’s a cat it’s mocking me I’ll try we’ll give it a good college try if we don’t get it after three tries

We’re moving on we’re moving on we’re moving on what should we name the cat if we do tame him come Here where the key at there he is okay oh my gosh the cat this is so annoying here we go there you go I I’m I’m I’m chilling oh my gosh cat please they’re so picky we’re trying to get a cat yes we’re trying to get the

Cat come on kitty cat here kitty kitty kitty here kitty kitty kitty uh conj it brings hold on gives water breathing night vision underwater only and damages Hostile Mobs that get too close really I didn’t know who did all that that is so cool the only thing

I knew is that it allowed you to breed underwater but I like that a lot better that’s so cool look at that Sunset right there like that is so cool that is pretty Minecraft is gorgeous man think the kitty ran off now oh unless I was looking the wrong

Direction oh there he is okay all right kitty cat you’re about to get got so get got all right come on I’m trying to get him to like me here we go I was crouching come on oh here we go here we go here we go why did he run

Away H Are Persian cats different cuz I feel like this one should be approaching me now but he’s not hold on do I am I doing this wrong is it cuz it needs to be she’s coming to you does it need to be the other way around maybe

No is it because I have my shield or is it because I need to have no hands or like no items in my inventory or something is that how it goes I’m going to get rid of this even though it kills me to do that okay where did the where’ the cat

Go oh no the cat where’d he go oh no where’ the cat go oh I just saw it where’d the cat go oh no there’s a cat okay all right man this song makes me so listful you’re fine Minnie I like it I appreciate you I appreciate all of you

For being here like especially those who are chatting and stuff thank you keeping me company with my cat hopping hunting here we go okay oh no this is the last one I have this is all I have to give yeah you need to have an empty

Inventory to get the cat to come to you hold on come on going to say hunting yes we are hunting kitty cat come here kitty cat cat seriously did you did you really oh my gosh yeah what’s your plan here huh okay every time I hear this song I get all

Emotional thinking about my first uh Redstone build that I did all right candy cat you only got one place to go and it’s over here get in the bucket I don’t know why he’s just chilling there the mob AI is so Advanced are you kidding me right it’s just it’s

Just hanging out over there now okay cool it’s cool I didn’t want to hang out with me either it’s right there right there for real for real for real I get that it AI is meant to like run away and so that’s what’s happening but it’s just like you think it would

Chill a little bit there we Go I just need to give it one more time let me try one more time it likes me yay oh oh my gosh we made it I’m going to call you puddles Puddles the cat can we get some hype in chat please let’s go we did it we got puddles the

Most crazy cat I’ve ever seen rather go into water than than hang out with me you know what you know what puddles be like that then it’s cool be like that it do be like that you did it we did it do we have the wind command yet here or

No not yet I think we do nope no luck nope we don’t have the wind command yet let me go ahead and do this do this hold on I’ve noticed that whenever I wear um what’s the word I’m looking for like a dark colored t-shirt like this one thank you Austin

Um I’ve noticed that it makes my skin look a lot more paler than I really am which I don’t know why it does that it drives me bonkers maybe I need to up the contrast we’ll see if that helps a little bit no that just made it worse

Um I’m going to try something we’ll see if it works hold on bring it down to normal bring this back down there we go does that look a little better maybe I don’t know anymore there we go I think that looks better but I can’t can’t really tell it

Does okay there you go there we go now I’m not so like whiteed out is that the word yeah I look like a goose of chica’s [Laughter] past this is the goose of chica’s Past coming here to ask you did you finish those errands yet hey Squidward did you finish those

Errands did you finish those errands all righty so the cat should hypothetically teleport to me right hypothetically speaking hypothetically speaking the the cat should come to me right nope great I’m going to be so upset if it’s going to make me have to take that cat

Out of the bridge that he made for himself okay come here come here cat oh dang it okay okay I thought they were able to just teleport through things or is that just Bedrock where they’re able to do that oh it’s cuz he’s why is he sitting down when did that

Happen how are you sitting down like this that makes none of the sense there you go uh we named it Puddles the cat there we go there it goes there’s the boomerang action that way I’m used to there it is oh gosh why are you teleporting like that though I may have

To put them I don’t if we’re going to I think we’re going to have this one be the girl this will be the girl cat from name her puddles yeah she seems like a puddles I’m just glad that I feel like in Bedrock maybe it’s just I just happen

To be lucky in Bedrock you need to use like 20 fishes or like 16 bajillion bones to get uh things to like you so I’m glad it’s not that crazy so far I think I’ve only used like three each all right let’s make a little Bridge here yep that’s that’s exactly what I

Wanted thank you thank you for that I appre I’m so happy we’re doing that right now it’s always good to see oh that’s why yeah there we go there we are oh my gosh stop it Isn’t that cool sand is so scary you know what I don’t even blame you puddles puddles puddles

Chill chill puddles chill oh you got a friend oh you want to say hi to your friend is that what it was it’s mittens 2.0 Okay Can people use commands on Java edition on Minecraft oh heck yeah they can in fact my opinion I feel like they they do all kinds of things uh with it although I think there was like a command block I don’t think you get that in Java or something like

That I can’t remember what it was I remember there was something and someone who’s better at Redstone and knows more than I do someone confirmed like what you can I remember again this is way back in the day I remember somebody was saying oh you have that in Bedrock

Edition and but they didn’t have it in Java I don’t remember if they’ve removed that or if they’ve now implemented it into Java but yeah but that I know of yes you can use commands yep I’m just debating if what I want to do here

Cuz oh this song is making me so listen May me all the sentimentals oh I don’t have what I want though gosh dang it okay it’s fine though we’ll make this work it’s not where we wanted but it’s okay we can work with this my only big complaint about living out here is there’s a lot of

Sand I hate sand it gets everywhere it’s coarse and harsh and it gets everywhere man we didn’t know how good we had it we didn’t know how good we had it in the prequels huh they were making art and we didn’t even realize it I remember watching that in the

Theaters as a kid oh my gracious I don’t remember too much from it I remember actually liking jar jar everyone’s like I hate jarar he’s so annoying I love the crap out of him as a kid I don’t know if I would like him anymore though so I refuse to watch the

Prequels ever again cuz it’s like no no I’m going to keep it in my brain and and uh sand Gets in Your Hair yeah yeah it gets everywhere it’s the worst there we go okay and then we’re going to do that and then we’re going to

Make can you make a fence out of standand I could have sworn you can hold on fence can you not make wait can you not make a fence out of sand like Sandstone there we go all right we should be safe hopefully hypothetically hypothetically speaking we should be

Safe right how many days are we at now 38 let’s go can make Sandstone walls yeah I was going to say so what am I missing am I missing something maybe I just don’t see it h oh this music though is perfect for this cuz it’s all like deserty and stuff

I I’ve never played Minecraft Java at all really interesting does it need a stone cutter to do that oh you think so oh that would be so lame if you have to I mean I get it but really yeah cuz there’s a diorite wall I assume

Is it maybe a wall I’m looking for let’s try there it is okay oh apparently they’re walls they’re not a fence they’re a Wall oh it’s walls yeah it’s the walls okay beautiful lovely I love this for me I wish Xbox had a job instead of Bedrock my only complaint with that is if we did that then we wouldd have to have servers which are super expensive in order to do

Multiplayer I feel like they both have their their you know they’re perks so I don’t know if I would change it to be completely honest there we go isn’t that so much better now now we have a proper connecting fence thingy here you know yeah Fair Point right but I get what you

Mean though I feel like it’d be nice to have hardcore it’s shocking that they don’t have hardcore if they ever create hardcore over on um XBox I’m going to play a whole series out of it I don’t I might in fact I was thinking about this

As well I this is why I wanted to unlock monetization cuz I want to there’s so many series I want to do but I’m nervous about doing it until um until at least I get that first tier monation unlocked there we go that’s just that’s just for Aesthetics honestly no real

Reason all right this is looking good though this is genuinely looking good I’m really happy come on like this I like that I can do that you see that I could never on Bedrock are you kidding no I absolutely not not with the controller no I can just left

Click right click just like that it’s so nice I like that I like that I can just like and same with organizing like I found I was sit 8 years old when I discovered that there was different ways I could have been organizing and I never did you know hardcore is oh hold

On um hardcore is coming to bedrock they have a spectator mode now that was the big hold up wait when really this is news to me say more please that is awesome never Love all right okay I’m trying to turn this into an actual looking base you know what I’m saying trying to make it look trying to make it look fancy for Frankie so him and his family they can they can check out the place here on their wedding

Day they can you know they can enjoy the sights so to speak they can enjoy the cool things give me two seconds CH did they any release dates on it like any any updates on that or were they just like it’s coming just like how any day now we’re going to get the crab and other things what was no no it wasn’t the crab that we were going to implement it was the

Penguins right my question is can you play hardcore in creative mode no I don’t think that’s how it works cuz hardcore basically you can play harder core I know that much but yeah if you want different versions of Minecraft it has to Be cuz I don’t know it’s kind of hard to answer because the whole point of Hardcore right is that things are harder and that you can die and stuff like that I know you can well I don’t know can you switch back and for from Hardcore to creative and vice versa I

Genuinely don’t know that but no cuz then it would no longer be hardcore mode it’s the equivalent of being like can I play Call of Duty with like um like this not a mod but just like um this cheat code that’s basically what you’re asking it’s like well yes I guess

Technically speaking but are you actually playing hardcore anymore not really you’re not really playing Call of Duty anymore you’re now playing like the cheaters version of Call of Duty um hardcore is Hardcore changing difficulty in game modes turns off the hardcore yeah yeah yeah see right there what he

Said I suppose so mhm yeah exactly yeah I think hardcore you literally load into the world is essentially what it is and it basically it’s like Zombies mode it just plays it from start to finish yes but are you winning yeah but I could have sworn I I know you

Can go from survival to other modes and stuff like that um yes but are you winning I am winning I think I saw Jason was going to be streaming today I hope he shows up tonight though I miss him already I can hear him being like but are you winning chica miss him

Already oh gracious okay this is turning out really cool though like I’m unironically falling in love with this basically if I end up not being able to make this whole uh Minecraft creative thing work out for me uh for whatever reason I literally would probably be doing this in real

Life like making real life houses like this living my best Minecraft real real life life I feel like that’s too short so I’m going to move it up one of ways oh it’s all like that ain’t it it’s all like that ain’t it no I guess it’s not too here we’ll do this

There we go make it look fantasy you’re going to win what um Minecraft are we winning in Minecraft is what um I was going to say Jason ha Durkin says also welcome back shout out to Mod Squad for helping you guys are the best you really are the

Best of the best the unslung heroes there we are bam okay this is starting to look a lot cooler now just got to just got to tweak little details here and there but you know it’s starting to really come together oh hey hey hey no put the

Toasty down do not pick him up like that dude come here was he sleeping come here you were so saky oh your baby oh your baby toy hello toasty everyone say hi to toasty let’s go say hi toasty huh you’re so crazy huh you’re such a crazy puppy we love you though

A yeah you were napping weren’t you you’re so sleepy a we love you bber you chilling out now now so Barky that’s good all right here he’s like no mama I wish you could sleep here i’ I’ve seen people they have like their cats on their laps and I’m so

Jealous of that oh it did a little Yawn yeah he’s going to Vibe the little Barber huh good baby yeah you just a little L huh I don’t think I’m allergic to him though because I feel like if he was around me I would be sneezing like crazy that’s why I’m hoping that it was just Chico

Petting a cat and then not washing his jacket properly cuz I am so hyper sensitive when it comes to cats like it’s not even funny someone could like for example my parents got like um like a couch from a friend but they had cats and they cleaned it like so many times

And I still was like allergic to that cat to the cat fur that wasn’t clean properly or whatever from that after ages like it has to be so perfectly clean so yeah so huh I still love you regardless I’m hoping I really am because if I did

Get allergic I’ll have to get a shot or something cuz I refuse to lose my bubba cuz Jack sepai I remember he said he was also super allergic to cats but he got a shot so he can have his baby with him and looks like he hasn’t complained much

I just don’t know how expensive it’s going to be though and it’s like great this is add that to my bucket of projects to pay that I can’t afford yet but want to someday like H one thing at a time toasty you’re so expensive you’re so

Expensive you are but we love you yeah he’s just vibing he’s but I was thinking as a nice in between until we get to that point I was thinking about what we could do is we could get a second uh little bed for toasty so that way he can

Cuddle here and take naps if he wants to yeah want to take a nap yeah hold on H I can’t really hold on toasty so he does this thing so you know how dogs don’t have arms so he’ll like he’ll nudge me with his nose it’s like so rude

You are so rude you’re such a rude Baba look at him look at him um yeah I was thinking what we could do I’ve I do have my two cameras set up by the way um we do have that I just need

To I need to see how to set it up how I want it to be because what we could do is we could have a second camera for toasty um either over here or elsewhere I’m not sure though all right puppy I love you I appreciate

You he’s like no I don’t want to leave but you got to go you do got to go I’m trying to do hardcore I got to get to the day 40 tonight I can’t do it with you on my lap I might die you might like nudge my nose

And I might go right off into the distance right off into space he doesn’t care he’s like n this is me I’m living here now Mom this is my perch so freaking cute I don’t think you guys can appreciate the cute levels that is happening here but he’s like all

Curled up in the little ball and he’s got his paws all over it’s so cute it’s like it’s like this so cute he’s so dainty like super dainty puppy like I’ve never seen a puppy like he he refuses to step on the Rock so he like prances over

It like and then he does this little thing like he goes like a little dainty pup I’m used to like my bigger mediumsized dogs um or just my small dogs that we had grown up that just didn’t care about anything chica today my sister put up U my preit

Christmas tree oh that’s exciting are you going to decorate it with uh with ornaments and stuffs all right toasty I love you but you got to go he’s like no mama I know I don’t oh I love you too but you got to go you got to go all

Right go play go go go go go we love you go go go go okay all righty well we tried we tried our Best all right uh hello toasty oh you just missed it you just missed it Austin we had free free toasty time right there cuz we don’t have a redeem here over on on YouTubes or anything yet okay man having sleepy toasty on my lap made me the sleepiest he’s a very powerful wizard

Apparently I am back welcome back you have the bubles on nice beautiful okay I’m just kind of getting a feel for this and seeing how I’m liking how it’s turning out or not okay oh have you fought the princess and rescued the dragon yet I’m working on it

Jason welcome in by the way I didn’t get to say hi on your stream but I saw you went live and I was like no I’m busy but I hope it went fantastic I hope it did amazing welcome in we missed you friend we vibing tonight we doing the

Things um you did tech support simulator no you did not that is awesome that is so fun do you like it would you recommend it 10 to 10 or eh kind of eh no idea why fortnite refuses to capture consistently oh it’s is it having issues for you that is so

Weird also we got a cat friend look at him um or I guess I don’t know I think we we couldn’t decide what gender we’re going to make our cat friend yet but um I think we’re leaning towards masculine so I was thinking about naming

Him um puddles oh no this is going to be the feminine one this was going to be the feminine one cuz she’s got the beautiful blue eyes or no maybe that makes it more of a ladies man though who knows uh more decorations are going on

At tomorrow oh that’s awesome I this is why all right chat I know like well is me right I don’t need a lot to feel happy in life all right I really genuinely don’t um but it frustrates me that it’s like I have to pick and choose

Like what I spend my money on nowadays um whereas before it’s like I was able to be like okay I can spend this much money on these things that I want and then you know still have my needs met is what I’m trying to get to

It’s a very high standard I know in this economy but dang it I need it like I saw um this Super Mario uh ornament that I’m like oh I want this because I have this Super Nintendo ornament that I’ve got over on the internets it’s really really cool I

Really want to show you guys all the things that I’ve collected over the years um but that’s one of my favorite things that I’ve gotten to buy so far more decorations are going tomorrow I’m on a monster and I’m on a monster of a PC really that’s so

Crazy that’s what we’re going to think about playing okay okay friends okay so here’s what we’re going to do I’m not going to do unless like unless we you guys want me to um I’m not going to necessarily do like a full on streamon unless you

Guys request it from the heavens then I will I will oblige but I was thinking we can kind of do like a a mini uh I don’t know I’m trying to think of a good terminology for it chica Christmas thing where um over the month of December y’all can unlock different

Stuff over time and I remember one of y’all wanted me to unlock the fortnite version of Minecraft so that could be one of the things y’all can unlock with it thank you for the hearts as well yeah cat let’s go yes yes yes so many good things

Um so yeah I was thinking that that’s one of the things we can do over time um I may or may not stream tomorrow it depends on what I end up deciding to do if I end up spending time with family cuz insert reasons um I might not be

Able to stream but we’ll see what happens if I do stream don’t worry um I’m okay this is where I want to be um you know cuz people geve differently and I feel like for me I don’t know I feel like it’ll make it harder on me ironically attending anything like that

Uh finally I know fortnite it’s been I think you first asked for it a year ago didn’t you Jason like literally on the year ago so I’m going to make that one of the goals for y’all to hit I was thinking about that could be goal number

Two so it’s not too far uh so you guys don’t have to go too hard in it but you have to earn it dang it [Laughter] okay cuz I’m going to have to spend um time and energy on setting that all up I got to pay for CH Chico’s Pizza somehow you

Know oh gracious how big is it now I just like the battle passes yeah I feel that that’s how I feel like with a lot of my games that I play nowadays um I mostly play mobile games now because my life is crazy um and mobile games allow me to be able to

Play the game and then if I had to get up and leave for whatever reason I can um so much easier for myself and my family I heard that the Nintendo switch is coming to an end is it really no I’m not ready yet though I

Still need to collect I still need to go through my Nintendo switch era girl though I have I have the cute setup ready to go I want to be a Nintendo switch girl first no my life on Tik Tok is a lie if anyone doesn’t know what it is

Trust me it’s really wholesome it’s like the cutest freaking setup I’ve ever seen on this side of the planet I don’t know oh the cat’s sleeping on my bed with me that’s so kicking cute a um I don’t know what I want my setup to be

Because okay all right I I wish I could show you guys an example but like okay I have like stuff like this okay I have like gamer stuff right I have like random things like this that aren’t very they’re not very girly they’re just really um Nintendo reference game

Reference you know like um stuff like that right like very gamey right and they’re like these random colors so I have like a purple thing I have a randomly yellow thing green thing I have there is no cohesion in this house at all with my office space um finally he’s

On your crafting table so cute uh Nintendo switch came out in 2016 already being underpowered oh fair but then I also but then I also have this stuff okay that my sister gave me look at this look at this sorry I have have to I have

To get this off my chest okay listen you guys have to understand my stripe look at this it’s doing terrible with the lighting I’m sorry but like it’s Fruits Basket okay and it’s super cute it’s really really cute it’s super kawaii this guy yeah yeah um you know I have like these cozy

Pastel things that I could use but then I also have all these like gamer geek stuff and I feel like they were going to Clash you know I don’t know I have both happening right now I have my Cozy Corner right there and then I have my gamer corner right

Here so I just I don’t know what my aesthetic is going to be I genuinely don’t it’s a crisis I’m telling you I have no cerion that’s why I picked the rainbow cuz it’s just like that’s that’s me I’m a little bit of everything all the

Time but yeah it is what it is it’s fine but I’m seeing a lot of people’s setups and they’re just like they have like it on Pat everything is blue everything’s pink everything’s green and brown and like all these beautiful looking cool like on fleek designs and me I’m just like

I it’s chaos but I do want to find some type of style that is the real me you know what I mean I do like this background like a lot but it’s kind of it was supposed to be more like a like a sunrise or like a uh uh or some

Type of energy like that going on and it ended up I ended up liking it cuz it’s very it’s got very much like Hispanic Vibes going on with the bright colors like that um like a phoenix what does underpowered mean I don’t know what that means uh put it

This way the switch can’t even do 1080p dang yeah that is that is true it can’t but you can play Elder ring on it so there’s that so yeah uh it’s a it’s a crisis I think in 2024 I think I’m going to try to figure out what I’m going to do with

My setups but if I had to revamp my setup I it also requires time and money and I’m just like this is why is it like this why is my life the way my life is so I’m like you know what you know what we’re just not going to have any

Good things we’re just going to have no nice things all right let’s start feeding the chickens hold on there we are um at their first uh and their first party titles are pretty much mad because of the switch’s age you think so H honestly I really

Like I really like the switch like a lot I know it doesn’t seem like it but I am a big Nintendo fan they just don’t love me back they don’t give me phone calls they don’t even notice me senpai so I go with Minecraft I go with I go with um all that

Stuff uh but it’s okay all I’ll fun aside like um I think the game that I the thing I have the most games on to this day is my uh Nintendo DS um yeah I would have to look at it but yeah I have like at least over a 100

Games in it I think I’m at 200 now I’ll have to look at it with my collection but it’s insane it is insane obviously I didn’t spend like yes I did spend some money on a lot of those games but a lot of those games were gifts given to me over the

Years um I haven’t even played I think a tenth of them so far but I have the ones I have played through completion like uh Professor Leighton that whole series um yeah I really really liked it okay I’m trying to trying to think about where I can put this bad boy but

Here we are figuring out what’s happening with my life oh the cat oh the Cat come here cat here puddles come here cuddles oh wait puddles you’re going to kill the chickens never mind puddles hold on C puddles Mhm puddles come here I don’t want you to die I swear if something happens to you I will literally cry okay puddles you’re going to keep this place safe got it I am interesting you stay okay all right say okay you got to stay safe I got to love something in

This world 39 days let’s go okay okay okay okay we got to be smart about this cuz I need some wood and I need some stone I have neither so wait where did I put my dirt I thought I had more dirt than this I thought I had it somewhere did I miss

It maybe I missed it let me go find it with all my Humble Bundle stuff uh I probably have around 400 Steam games shees that’s insane that’s like really cool oh come on cat you’re not even on the thing there it is okay here’s what we’re going to do okay

No cat no no no puddles puddles puddles come on you got to stay over here no oh my gosh I guess come over here over here okay you know what fine fine be there then see if I care uh chica you make me laugh at times thank you Billy I

Try I try my best try so hard and got so far in again it didn’t even matter shees right Austin she it it’s a bother it’s a thing okay so here’s what I’m thinking I was thinking about making this like a full-on tunnel system between the three places and such does

That make sense it would make cool if you could have a switch and have it do they have that in Minecraft where you can hit a switch and it could change tracks or no chica rocking the Middle School Bops I am I am that was my Anthem

Man that was literally my Anthem growing up the emo phases oh you don’t understand like I’m kind of rocking the emo phase right now I didn’t even mean to like I was going to wear something light and bright but I’m like uh I’m still in the process ing mood you know

What I mean processing things that’s happening like why are we still here it’s not a phase ma it’s a lifestyle choice I unironically this is what I was saying like I have I have no theme oh chica Go’s here um I I literally I literally am

Like there’s a word for it sorry I literally am like super girly am I late no you’re never late a wizard shows up exactly when he intends to precisely when he needs to I think that’s how the how the how the meme goes welome in Claude you were missed how are you uh

The question of the day by the way is have you ever built a snowman or anything like that what’s the coolest thing you’ve built in snow if you ever have for me I have built like a mini Igloo a mini glue if you will and

I’ve also built what was the word I have also built built um a doggy a mini snow dog we’re still here so no you build an igloo like an actual like fulls size Igloo like you can actually go in it I’ve never seen snow in my entire life

Like gas may I ask uh what country you live in and if or like is do you live in a warmer State I fit into it nice mine was almost I could almost get it big enough so like my issue was the entrance I couldn’t get the entrance to be big

Enough and so I just kind of made a mini tower like a mini tunnel but you couldn’t like fit in properly so I just kind of left it and then it got too cold too fast like not too cold it got it got too hot too fast there we go that’s the

Word and so I didn’t get to finish it a fully a fully done IG glue back during the stor 2013 we got 130 in snow she that’s a lot of snow that’s a lot of damage Jesus Jason you have snow for days wow I thought we got a lot of snow no

Uh curved rails in Minecraft can be powered to switch to an output track oh is there a video on this uh Blue Beard cuz if so I may have to look into this I’m listening I’m listening it actually did become a problem because there’s no hold on there was nowhere to put all

Of it oh all the snow yeah I was going to say that would be a problem huh cuz normally people shovel the snow to the the side of it or something right but you can’t do that with that much snow like you could but then where you know I don’t know

Okay I’m I’m trying not to get triggered by this thing oh my gosh don’t don’t attack me look I come in peace can you not shoot me from here I’m just scared he’s going to kill Felicia I really am I’m really scared he’s going to try to

Shoot me and shoot the chicken instead and I don’t I don’t need another death on my hands okay I already feel bad enough as it is Frankie will never forgive me if something happens to Felicia that’s his fiance guys that’s his fiance she can’t die not like this we must rescue

Her people were saying though that maybe I should keep the raid so I can do a raid thing in the city or whatever hey CH peeps Cy daddy welcome how’s it going thank you for all the hearts friends how many likes are we at I haven’t been

Pushing it too much but once we get to 20 likes I will sing for you if you want me to how is you you excited for the holidays yet um it actually did become a problem probably I haven’t looked at or for one of the probably couple years or more

Okay no that’s fair that’s fair I appreciate you confirming that I’ll look into it I just I figure if other people do it for me then I don’t forget that’s the only reason I ask people to do so much for me is cuz I don’t know how to half of the time or

More importantly I forget how to welcome in yes let’s go Welcome Friends welcome compatriots we’re just vibing we building I’m working on my tower stuff going on right here if you can kind of see it coming together a little bit trying to make sure to uh safe toy the ish out of this

Place if you’re wondering why I’m not sleeping yet it’s cuz I’m trying to make sure this place is safe cuz again here a chica Corp we we take our safety very seriously and I don’t want no creeper exploding on me out of you know things here we go here we

Are okay I think that should be pretty good oh gosh I hear like crackling of fire and is stressing me so much keep think it’s like a creeper around the corner or something hold on I have not safe toied this either uh Tower in before dge no no

It’s fine I I know what I’m doing kind of maybe I don’t know what I’m doing if you have four rails and a lever in the world you can science you can science it in a couple minutes four rails and a lever in your world okay

Really why did I do that I don’t know why okay we’re fine it’s fine look listen listen chat we’re fine do you want funny the one time somebody did not say I’m going to get explodin I actually I did like that was when I got exploded by the creeper that’s what’s

Funny how close are we to 20 likes though I haven’t looked anyone berer buerer what oh funny I haven’t checked we’re at 12 a man well don’t forget friends liking the channel is the best way to support and lets uh YouTube know that you think the c is

Awesome uh and brings other people’s here Etc just so you Know wait 7 wait we’re at 17 which is it oh my gosh are the likes not updating for you I hate that that happens that’s so annoying well we’re really close we’re getting there we’re getting there let’s see where are we at I’m going to do a couple days more

The Meta twitch is a lot more of that um I don’t know is it weird like I have no expectations when it comes to YouTube the only thing is I might push for the likes type of thing um but that’s it just cuz i’ I’ve discovered that that’s

What helps um the streams when I do get a lot of likes and a lot of engagement um we usually get more people that get here uh as opposed to the ones that are a little slower or the multistream days and I am trying to push for partner

Otherwise I really really care a very small amount of streamers get above 3 CCV yeah exactly so if you have more than 3 CCV um you should definitely give yourself like a pound on the back it it really is a thing to achieve especially if you’re starting from scratch like it

Is hard now I see 17 likes thank you thank you friends hust number 2 is out oh my gosh don’t tip me Jason maybe we should play that tomorrow I have so many games I want to play ah there’s so many games uh YouTube is dedicated to long form content twitch

Is dedicated to streaming it’s there impossible growing on Twitch alone exactly exactly in fact half of my new viewers that I have on Twitch are from YouTube I would say like community members um have you tried the persona on no it’s I want to I just might tomorrow

Cuz I need something to just shut my brain off like I don’t want to think at all tomorrow I just want to I just want to you know react to things experience something like you know interact with the story or something uh just so you all know uh we

Will be switching on over to bedrock in like a day or two in the world which I think is maybe 15 minutes give or take so load up your Bedrock stuff if you want to get it ready to go cuz we’re going to switch to multiplayer in a little bit just so y’all

Know uh buy you house over for too okay Jason go dang it I appreciate you friend you’re awesome I would actually that game I would unironically love the ish out of I would absolutely play it I don’t know if I’ll be able to stream it but I definitely definitely am going to play

The is out of it P was released on switch today you hear that CH pleas nice um now I don’t have the equipment no that’s all good Claud you know what there’s no stress about that not everyone is is cut out it’s cut for it uh also Aris thank you for being here

Are you on YouTube at all or you just uh stream on Twitch uh but you H to okay hey chica is p on the switch now yes it is wait can I join yeah of course Minnie um you absolutely can all right sorry I’m just kind of like tweaking out

Things a little bit checking up on stuffs okay I don’t like how sus this looks I really don’t I’m trying to make this better but they’re off you see this right should we move it over chat I don’t want to but I think we have to move it over don’t we ah

Or we could just pretend it doesn’t exist no no we do it right do right or don’t do it at all right right okay K will be there or you be Busy uh I got to go PE my kitchen all right sounds good Cloud I’ll be here vibing doing my thing I’ll be going for another two hours I think maybe we’ll see at least another hour you’re welcome to lurk as always otherwise have a wonderful rest of your

Day slobs is incredibly CPU heavy is it really I stream on both using OBS for twitch and streamlabs for YouTube oh I see interesting I’ll be there all right Caddy’s going to be there let’s go all righty well if you listen carefully you can hear me weeping ah okay it’s fine it’s fine

We’re going to make this look good we’re going to make this look good we’re going to make it look good fine it’s fine here we go all right we got got a crafting table over here for real for real for real That’s annoying okay on let me quickly craft that thank you for all the hearts as well they really help a lot a lot hold on did you make a Sandstone no I didn’t want this I didn’t want this oh oh no I just wanted normal Sandstone no I grabbed the wrong thing

No so I can turn on the Xbox and get Minecraft loading yeah of course yes absolutely start it now thank you J I’ll be there I still need to beat fin Night at Freddy’s though well I don’t know if I’ll beat it but I can at least like I

Need to play it one more time at least can I bring it back to not cut Sandstone oh no I know right oh man ah okay what can we do this with I guess what we could do is we could turn that into the stairs I guess yeah oh wait it

What oh I guess that works it’s not what we wanted but it’s okay we can work with this there we are oh that actually worked out really nicely that actually worked out really nicely beautiful okay I totally meant to do that I am just that talented I

Guess okay keep that there don’t touch it chica you need this bam okay we’re doing it we’re making progress let’s go um do you have to use cap window capture in once because the capture card only works one app at a time though H that could put input delay you could also

Just hook the capture card straight to OBS yeah I was going to say that’s what I have but I think you need to spend some money to do that though I think it was $130 back in the day for what we have we have a capture card um it’s literally it

Looks like a box it’s an hd60s is what we have is that that’s what we ended up setting up okay let me sleep real fast before we die cuz we don’t want to die none of that none of the deaths happen in here no not a bad card yeah it might be

Outdated though cuz that’s from like a few years ago but it gets the job done I haven’t no complaints so far it hasn’t had any bugs that I’ve noticed if any bugs have happened it’s literally because of OBS remember that when that happened oh my gosh when OBS just borked and you

Literally couldn’t stream you literally couldn’t stream if you updated OBS I remember that was terrifying truly the darkest of Ages oh gracious okay all right let’s try this again shall we okay I don’t know man I don’t know I don’t want to use the precious stone so I’m trying to use sand for this part the part that people won’t really see you know what I mean I mean y’all see it but I don’t see it okay not a bad card that’s what I had before I upgraded to my internal capture

Device just plug in HDMI and from the console into it and it works there you go what Jason said technology one step forward many more backwards mhm mhm but it’s cool to see other people expand to different things though so much more expensive precisely exactly okay hold on let me get

This okay one more day left one more day left can we do it chat will we make it to day 50 I don’t know but we at least have to start by getting to day 402 okay basically I’m going to shift everything over one and I’m so sad I to do

This I’m genuinely so sad I have to do this I mean I guess I could make it four but uh this doesn’t work as good you know doesn’t work as good although hold on let me more importantly let me there we go okay capture cards got so

Expensive did they really you got this chica thank you Austin thank you do I believe thank you as well for volunteering to help um out I’m sure my other mods really appreciate it a lot oh salty I don’t know if he’s here can someone see if salty is still here I was

Going to ask him if I could uh remove him since we have Austin filling in now so salty Could Just Vibe uh dawn of the 50th day Legend of chica Minecraft Mojo’s craft oh that’s so funny I don’t think salty is here okay I’ll I’ll hit him up in the DMS and

Let him know like hey thank you for your service as temp mod yeah your services no longer are needed there we are bam wham bam look fantastic all right we’re doing fantastically good things are going good okay this is the part that’s going to be annoying

Cuz I need to go it up and down from here right but how do people do this they just know like where to put things you know what I’m saying to me okay World world I just got a notification for Far Cry 6 that’s so funny if you listen carefully you can hear me weeping I hate having to move it but you know I would not be a Minecrafter if I didn’t make sure things looked good you know what I’m saying i’ be a poser

That looks so much better already look at that look how much better that looks already like already oh my thing died Oh here we Go So I need to go one more up but you can kind of see the arch coming together all right this is looking good okay so it needs to go one more up I think and then we got It or me maybe I’m just doing it wrong oh I can reach from here hey there we go that works too all right let me get rid of that and then that should do the arch how I want it to be let’s find out shall we did we

Do it you think we did it yes or no chat you think we did it H I feel like I Should it looks good right it looks really good I feel like I should add stuff on the top but I think it’s Good I’m so proud of you for moving those stairs over looks so much better thank you cadd doesn’t it it’s uh yes maybe definitely thank you Aris uh what kind of games do you stream anyways Aris I’ve been meaning to ask you that I think it needs to be here maybe

Or maybe it needs to have a stair here maybe he needs to stare there just I’m just humor me okay I wish I could see what it looks like but I think bam if the caddy daddy says it looks good then you know what we did a good

Job cuz caddy is the chattiest of the mine crafties yes STS on top and bottom will look good you think on bottom too oh gosh oh no hold on oh no I was trying to look I thought I was crouched maybe I wasn’t ah on I see what you’re saying so right there

Put stairs instead there okay fine okay fine I’m not happy about it though oh let me eat first I don’t want to die I want to die building this Archway that would be so bad oh gracious okay on top of removing that block that is there you think

So uh vary was streaming vary was streaming infinite Infinity Infinity strash Mario RPG which I finished recently and now I’m streaming Persona 4 and fairy tale on top of what is there instead of removing the blocks is there uh don’t recommend watching Persona 4 it’s actually more mature than Persona 5

Actually caution advice really oh man I mean to be fair I really love the ish out of what was it called um code Vain and that was definitely not very family or friendly but I love the is out of it honestly I don’t know if it was mature rating but it was definitely

Definitely teen rating for sure cuz there was no like super over the top things from what I saw oh my gosh why are you okay I guess we’re floating we’re floating I love this game I love this game so I can’t I can’t put curse I

Say oh my gosh I might post this later I might do a post about this later oh that is so funny that is too funny maybe we’re blur I don’t know I never know oh gracious okay eventually we need to remove all of these uh blocks and we’re going to put them with

Normal blocks here did we move it over we did move it over right am I crazy hold on do we need to move it over more or no I don’t think so we just got to get rid of this thing I think that’s the only

Thing that’s in the way is what makes it look weird is this thing right hopefully Maybe oh we haven’t moved that one over yet though ah if you listen carefully you can hear me weeping okay it’s fine everything’s fine this is fine you’re fine we’re all fine Dumb Ways to Die so many dumb ways to die dumb ways to die so many dumb ways to

Die all righty okay this this Archway it’s now personal Archway okay you’re about to come down my way quite literally cuz you’re coming down um but you know I’m going to teach you your place all right you’re going to get learnt except oh but if we do that then we

Can’t do my cool Archway thing anymore huh we’ll have to tweak it a little bit nope nope it’s too late do we make it four wide or do we make it three wide cuz it’s technically three wide here and I feel like to make

It look good we need to have it be three wide so yeah I’m going to have to redo the archway completely all righty this is fine okay all righty bringing it In all right and then we do this and now we can do the stairs situation where we go shabam like that bam again I don’t know how it’s going to look until I look at it but yeah I think it’s looking good okay and then obviously I got to shift it

Over um but it actually works it actually works okay maybe I am allergic to toasty oh no I hope I’m not that would be so crummy that would gener be so crummy I’ll be so sad My Little bber I am allergic to my bber sad

Day this going to be a sad day in the Chica family okay okay so looks like I did this thing on top one two and then this should be a stair here instead right over there it’s all coming together chat it’s all going to come together it’s going to

Look so pretty I say the chat didn’t get disconnected I can’t handle it go thank you sanity welcome in by the way can we get a shout out for sanity please and thank you what’s up CH oh you got your new shirt yeah uh we were really lucky her grandmother gifted

Her some new clothing stuff building arches we are and we’re trying not to die in the process can you get Me mod check hello we need mods no no mods just me okay I’m on it there you are sanity thank you so much for being here I hope you’re doing well I hate my allergies they are the worst I don’t know why but I get coffee

Like I said my throat gets really like raspy and stuff and it makes me cough or I get really like Sneezy and my eyes are all watery okay what did I need to fix here hold On hold on in theory it looks good but something is off off hold on I need to put maybe one more yeah okay okay oh the hearts you’re in hardcore world how are you doing how long have you been alive yes I’m in hardcore I’ve been going through um so long story

Short I had played hardcore multiple times and I hated it I kept dying I couldn’t beat past day 10 and then I started running with it and now we’re on day um this is the second world the other world I died because I was so out of it um I

Tried to move but my character just kind of t- POS and I didn’t figure out how to I think I what happened is I had my fingers on the wrong keys and so I just stood there and died to a creeper I was

Almost on day 100 I was like on day 97 I think and then I explod inated I was so sad it was it was a quiet whimper into the night um and now I’m trying to get to day 100 in this world we I think we’re at day 42 if I’m not Mistaken do good weekend feeling a little slow by the weekend is almost here yes let’s go uh good goal solar world then for now um what I’ve been doing on as I’m going for the partner push at over here on YouTube um I um I have been sorry I’m just thinking I

Have been doing hardcore at first for the first half of the stream and then about halfway through sometimes a little later I do switch to multiplayer near the end MH but I’ve been liking it it’s been really fun it’s been enjoyable I think that’s what’s wrong right or is it

No cuz that’s on top what’s different Then be like this and then this uh welcome back M&M’s um M missed youhm mhm D are you off of work yet um yeah so we’ll be switching over to multiplayer in very shortly very very shortly Here there we go it’s like exactly how I want it to be but you know I think it passes for an arch it works it works get the job done Yeah Okay what about you s um is your I haven’t been I literally haven’t been anywhere lately um I don’t know if you’re still on my Discord but um we we had some family things happen and so I’ve just kind of been keeping to myself mostly on the internets hoping things get better

Um yeah not going to lie see you building up this hype with meage I’m sorry I bet are you um are you not in the are you not are you like in the past maybe cuz I’m on the ground now I’m lurking in there I see a few things here and there

Okay yeah so just going through some stuffs but you know Tes what it ises so I may stream tomorrow I may not I don’t know yet I’m going to see how I feel with everything going on if I do though it would probably be on

Twitch um I am going to try to be pushing for different goals I know one of the goals is my community really wants me to play fortnite again um but I’m going to make it like a casual like month goal that we can aim for throughout the month so you guys

Have until like Jan whenever the promotion ends with with twitch I think it’s January 2nd if I’m not mistaken have to look at the details uh S I can’t find your YouTube channel it’s cuz the link um doesn’t work properly so we have to like do this it’s super

Annoying so I have to do this for example but he does stream or not stream but he does uh make YouTube content he’s currently at 36 Subs yeah so there you go I hope that Helps chat we’re at 18 likes let’s go thank you so much thank you thank you much loves thank you guys so much much for the hype yeah if you guys want to click on that we’re at 19 yay all right chat let’s see if we can get to 20 can we get

To 21 before we switch on over can we that is the question I’m just saying that way I can sing while we wait for the game to load we got this than now I never know it’s so all over the place with it Oh um I’m just warning people I’m just warning people uh now um if you guys have kiddos um or even like younger audiences that are on Twitch um twitch basically made a statement that the whole website is essentially um susceptable to be like open to adult content that’s the only way I can

Explain it so to speak 20 likes are we I can’t ever see I never know how it works so thank you guys so much thank you thank you I wish I had the Fanfare music but we’ll just it would be like thank you yeah I saw something yesterday that wasn’t normally something

I’d see there yeah so just full warning if you even one time opt in to see 18 plus content it is Open Season out there unfortunately and I am just I am not happy with twitch right now cuz it’s like Oh Heaven forbid I ever like try to watch one of my friends

Content and then get just L basted on the main screen with some things that are very inappropriate so my kids will absolutely not be having twitch at all until they’re 18 cuz gracious that is not what I want them to see you know what I mean let’s go yeah let’s go

Yeah like even when they hit 13 nope I’m not no no no can we get some hype in chat please let’s go thank you guys so much you guys are amazing we hit we are big on goals here and we have pushed for all the things so big PRI big hearts big hands

All right okay I think things are looking good things are looking up things you see what I did there things are literally looking up I’m going to tweak the sides eventually obviously we’re going to switch this with an actual Sandstone on the right side you can kind of see it coming

Together real nice like you know you can really see it coming together I’m really happy I’m really happy and then this tunnel is going to be um kind of like to make it safer cuz I’ve noticed people who play hardcore a lot they usually have tunnels like this so they don’t

Have to deal with Mobs as often it’s a little safer that way you know what I’m saying um and I feel like that’s kind of the meta that I have to do going forward is making tunnel systems like this okay anyways um I think yeah that’ll have to

Do for now um we still have to save Felicia poor Felicia she’s been kidnapped by the poor Pillager or illager I don’t know are they pillagers or illagers I don’t know anymore um and then obviously we’re going to keep working on our Farms we got to get them

Farms we got to beef up them Farms we going to play Bedrock uh yeah we’re switching the Bedrock now so um yeah tune in next time if you want to see some more of what’s happening in the hardcore cuz we do a lot of that here yes all right chat let’s switch yes

Very yes what are we on 20 mean um said in a mean way oh it’s okay all righty we’re doing good though oh this music is such a BP Are they called plers okay what is the difference then between pillagers and illers that’s a big question all right friends um Oh gracious okay all right ready all right for those who are new something we like to do is we like to thank you guys by hitting different goals um so I like to sing thank you to you guys um for a little song that I wrote eventually I want to have like

Actual music that I can play for y’all I think it’d be really cool to be honest all right y’all ready okay you guys can do emotes in chat you guys can party you can do all the different things yes and then let me switch on over to uh changing my titles and stuff

Yes okay y’all ready let’s do it let me do this and that there we go let me find the musics let’s do it okay hey it’s a beautiful day cuz you’re here and decided to stay oh you started feeling low didn’t know where to go then you started to turn my day

Around so I wanted to say thank you don’t know what to do but thank you you’re awesome it’s true so thank you I appreciate you and I really do thank you guys so much for helping us hit 20 likes y’all are amazing thank you so much thank you thank I’ll sing again

If we hit uh 30 Tonight thank you for the hearts caddy I love that one that was a cool fire heart looks really cool all righty let’s switch on elos shall we bam bam I really hate that I can’t just exit out of this thing so annoying all right there we go and

Bam I feel like your song needs to ukulele you think so my my sister can play the ukulele um what’s up all of it sorry friendos I’ve got kiddos and stuff all right let’s switch on over to the Minecraft things yes very yes I would I would love to be able to learn

How to play either the ukulele or something else should we I don’t want to do the Sakura challenge um sanity are you here still cuz so maybe we’ll do it if if we have have sanity and and caddy daddy maybe we’ll do it cuz then the two of them can

Help us skip back um otherwise I might do my awesome world and then switch on over I’m here okay do you want to do the Sakura challenge one cuz that one will require us to take um the big Trek and I want to make sure we can do that in two

Hours I have to I have to get it done in two hours or else um like basically I discovered with YouTube you can’t edit streams after they get longer than five and a half hours I don’t know why YouTube has that as a thing but maybe it’s their technology they can’t do it

So the most I can stream on YouTube is 5 and a half hours which is so frustrating I mean I might still be like 3K blocks out but still true true did you ever find the mangrove by the way there we go okay I think I saved the

Things I think I saved it uh no I got distracted by a pillar Outpost and I almost died oh my gosh okay well don’t die don’t die please don’t die we’re good now but I’m sitting at half a heart was a little iffy o yeah no Kidding E it’s all Creepy can someone give me water please I need more water this is completely empty are you playing hardcore too um I did play hardcore but we’re switching uh me I don’t normally do hardcore I get sad to lose the world I spend a lot of time on I know I

Was it killed me honestly I think what I might do like obviously I’ll count it as gone but but I think what I might do as I get further into the world is I may have to like start saving a copy of it um obviously I’ll still count it that the world is

Gone like I’m not going to pretend like oh the run’s still going on but I was thinking I could do that um hold on let me find out what this one is cuz that’s not accurate where is it here we go hold on that’s not either is it this one hold

On I’m trying to click on this thing right there there it is okay where are you Chico triy to set that up so it’s like the person that donated but it doesn’t update properly with streamlabs if I could find something better than streamlabs um I would really like that

But stream elements is now sus I feel like or at least the owner is sus so now it’s like great what am I supposed to use I can’t use anything anymore everything is super sus Is I don’t see a lot of YouTube streamers I think a couple of them have hold on how spun up their own Solutions using some tools oh that’s true that’s true those who do stream on YouTube is like very rare and it’s usually for like special occasions like Markiplier or

Jack I think does a couple I know I know um was it lwig I think he was the big time streamer whatever I think he did some of it okay well I’m in the hardcore world oh not hardcore world I’m from I moved from Hardcore world to this other world

If y’all want to join um I am in survival so let me know can you send you a link oh caddy there he is doing this thing okay I’m going to be over here y’all going to be watching caddy I have to run to the restroom real fast I will be right

Back get get some stretchies and when I return we shall keep exploring the depths I guess and or getting back home hopefully with a fox or three maybe cuz I want to get something for all this hard work that we went out here we didn’t get a mangrove but we I do want

To see if we can get something maybe a maybe we can get a full parter sh that could be fun all right okay you guys can keep searching I’ll be right back okay give me like fiveish 10 minutes tops G to get some medas and all the good stuff

So I feel a little bit better all right Beau I don’t know why I’m pretty sure I got enough sleep last night but my brain’s feeling fuzzy I’ve gotten off track I’m going to take a nap and be right back You Where Off P Down 2 He he Okay I’m back oh my gosh was that a zombie toy no out get out out no get out go oh my gosh I forgot this door knob didn’t really close properly I forgot about that to the office that this we didn’t have a properly closing door oh my

Gosh like I have a love haate relationship with this house I love so much about it like I love how unique it is I really do it feels very homey here but at the same time I forgot that I literally had an office door that didn’t close because literally the doorknob was

Wrong and old all these doors need to be replaced in in the indoors but yeah it’s like ah I’m tired of so much money is being spent on things that feel like an excess but they shouldn’t be welcome back thank you Billy thank you everyone gosh thank you are we at 21

Likes let’s go friends let’s go thank you all so much y’all are awesome best people ever most awesome people this side of the Mississippi River okay so long story short we could either keep exploring down here or we could hypothetically H start heading back and

Trying to get some foxes cuz you me I’m a sucker for foxes what do you think caddy what are you feeling you want to keep exploring or do you want to go and take some foxes back home we do have to head quite far I don’t remember where the spawn is but I

Know it’s like almost in the negative One Direction so we’ve got a ways to go um G you see 24 likes not 21 let’s go thank you’all what the heck y’all are awesome I can lead you home let’s go let’s go walk home a long way to look for Mangrove more yeah

Okay oh what about the shards though I think do you guys have extra Pary shards cuz I kind of want to finish that do we have that at least do we have enough for one of each or not yet I think you need four right if we have that I’m willing to go

Home where’ you go anyways this is so massive yeah B okay sounds good Atomic don’t die okay no dying no dying let me know if you wanted to join tonight Billy otherwise we’re just vibing I will warn you though you’ll be the only one at the at the main base if I’m not

Mistaken I can’t I still can’t tell which one is which though like everyone’s like oh yeah it’s going to be suspicious looking sand or whatever it’s called ah I don’t know I they all look the same to me me you know what I’m saying but apparently there is a way to

Tell there is a way to tell just not to me H what can I get rid of what don’t I need what can we get rid of this what do I see all those are the same gosh dang when you’re right you’re right Blue Beard you’re right

Having an early night because I feel super tired yeah I feel that Billy you got to Vibe sometimes got to take care of yourself don’t be like me okay take care of yourself although like I said like most of my my weirdness is because of the allergy situation I genuinely don’t know

What is happening um and Chico was just here whenever I notice it’s like whenever he’s around that things seem to get worse so I suspect it’s hopefully cat related and not toast related if it is toast related it’s going to be a pain in the assets to fix cuz I don’t know

How to begin that process of like getting an allergy medication thingy whatever they’re called H I just I’m so tired yeah I’ll be streaming on on Friday too just so you know Billy as always um yeah unless of course I I make an announcement that I won’t be

Streaming in the fills right all the fills yeah yeah oh there’s caddy doing the things do we have enough shards then cuz that’s the only thing I want to get from here if we have that then I’m willing to leave if not we can do that I already

Start heading out not until we get the shards I was going to ask you about that um cuz I honestly can’t tell like y’all were pointing them out to me like oh yeah this is a suspicious gravel and that’s a suspicious gravel and I was like how do I know which ones

Are rich though cuz they all look the same to my brain my brain says they all the same my brain no brain as someone else mentioned uh shirts can be used with bricks to complete a pot can you can you really uh you don’t need multiple you can add them

Onto a pot with only one the more you gave it to just add that to the other sides really okay so then we we’re good to go then yeah uh okay okay okay um let’s do that then all right I’m ready to go then oh actually hold on let

Me ah I should turn this gravel into Flint first though so let me oh and do we have lots of this stuff I want to get mud bricks if we can get a ton of mud bricks that’s what we need I need a ton of mud bricks if we can get

Some i’ big PR I remember this is somebody’s chest plate so I don’t want to lose that it’s kind of annoying they’re their own separate thing can I I think didn’t Minecraft say they were going to create something am I am I crazy or did they not make say they were

Going to create something to help with storage am I crazy I know there was the pots but wasn’t there something else they were going to make did anyone remember this anyone know about this anyone confirm or deny this I guess I could give rid the dark oak planks I don’t technically need

Those for now uh they made it easy it sounds like yeah mud braks are easily craftable in a chest boat uh bundles and experimental features yeah bundles there we go where’s the bundles I need all the bundles where’s the Chica bundle where’s the Chica chest plate wasn’t there also

Going to make I think they announced I can’t I I don’t want to break my NDA so I’m like trying to be careful on This I Swear they announced it so that’s why I’m asking not sorry not sure right cuz there was something else I think my

Daughter told me about it that they she’s like they’re going going to make omega chest or something like that I could have sworn but maybe I’m crazy on that like I I don’t remember anymore oh well if anyone asked you didn’t hear from me but I heard that

They were thinking about looking into either bundles or Mega chests or something like a super chest I could have sworn Chik was like did you know they’re going to make a super chest it’s going to be super cool and blah blah blah so I assume if she said it that it

Was well-known knowledge or at least a somewhere in the Minecraft Mojang sphere but I don’t remember my brain is my braining my braining is braining oh hi There okay let me get all this good stuff going and then we’ll we’ll go home yeah yeah um do I need to break it with a shovel for it to turn to Flint I hope I don’t cuz that’s going to be annoying annoying as

Heck if you need FL I have some oh do you how much you talking it’s a one and 10 chance when broken by any method that’s not touch oh that’s lame hi there I got Flint hi thank you caddy oh you got a lot okay yeah we’re good then we’re good I’ll

Just put this back where I found it then bam sham sham I’ll come back for you later maybe plus sure sorry um one and 10 chance when broken by any method that’s not silk touch got it gravel has a chance to drop Flint instead of gravel uh looting three shovel makes that a

Sure thing to get flint oh I see okay ready caddy I’m ready let’s go Atomic is AFK though Atomic we can’t leave without Atomic I guess we can just keep looking around here while we wait yeah oh wait this is all done then so it doesn’t go on forever it’s already it’s

Already back to normal here it looks like oh we’re looking for mud that’s what it was looking oh right here yeah do I have any more uh stuff or no why am I not able to pull up my inventory excuse me what oh my gosh did did they mess with my settings oh

Chico hold on Friends hold on how do I go to oh gosh controller hold on where is my inventory yeah that’s my inventory what the heck okay it’s not working you had a lag Spike oh okay maybe that’s why okay whoa think it’s not you we Frozen okay there we go whoa that

Was weird all right is everyone good oops uh oh uh the stream’s still good right I think I hope the stream’s still good we still good can’t tell yeah it’s still good on me yeah we’re still good I think yeah we’re still good okay we just had a lag Spike for some

Reason we’ve been getting a lot of that lately that’s why I want to upgrade to the Xbox series X um use one use water bottle on dirt block oh pack mud bricks use water bottle on dirt block and craft with wheat that’s right I I

Think I have it right here yeah pack met brakes use water bottle on dirt block and use water on water bottle on dirt block uh does it have to be a water bottle or can I use water in general and then craft mud block with wheat with equals packed

Mud and I’m assuming you cook it right to make more of it yeah there is quite a bit of lag I don’t know why you guys saw that that right it’s like so weird looking good for me so far let’s try there we go oh what is is that the mud that you’re

Doing uh no cooking involves I’m guessing that’s the unless I’m guessing this is packed mud right welcome back Cloud just looking oh it is mud aha okay uh someone other than me has to hold that unfortunately cuz I have no Space that’s mud needs to craft with wheat straw to make pack but ah oh uh CAD okay I was given this um I think it was Emma oh you need to grab the mud I can’t grab the mud I’m unfortunately my inventory is full I mean I could but

Then I had to get rid of stuff oh no so my inventory is full and then I just got a notification that says my Dropbox is full too that SW really needed I think this was oh this was um this was somebody’s stuff but I guess I could just toss it

Right I could just get him a better sword later it was somebody’s uh that was somebody’s sword if that makes sense no no don’t do it Blue [Laughter] Beard I thought you were with me not against me we’re supposed to fight the dark side not join

Them it’s fine I figured it out okay just don’t let me forget I I don’t remember their name either I don’t was it Emma I think it may have been Emma yeah that was Emma’s sword ah my pockets have been fulled 21 times oh my gosh or stored in a chest upstairs

Yeah it’s okay I’ll give him a new sword a better Sword wait what did I toss I tossed something what did I give you atomic oh I know what happened um my my pickaxe broke yeah that’s what happened that’s what happens okay okay uh sanity any updates Ates on finding the things any updates all right ready Atomic I’m ready

Y’all ready I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready to is Enigma he’ll here when he’s ready it’s true yep I’m heading I’ve been heading home wait did you not get the mangroves though I thought you said you found a swamp but no Mangrove right o but I really like this black

Glaz terracotta like a lot he’ll make it noon true uh yeah lamp swamp but not a cool one a oh a lame swamp not a cool one yes DED like I said you guys can’t count the full Pockets if I’m purposely trying to fill up my pockets doesn’t

Count as much as I want to keep the oak sapling I’m going to get rid of that because of other things um I guess the stone we don’t need it either oh man a black glaz terot is nice right it’s so cool looking I feel like

You could totally make a cool PC build out of that like somebody’s desk out of this that would be so legit that would be a really cold looking desk I am a sucker for that type of aesthetic like a lot and the or glaz terracotta I don’t

Know where I’m going to use it but I’m going to find a way to use it somewhere wait I have something I need to give you uhoh what’s up and can also be made back at the base can it oh you gave me something what is

It oh a purple candle hey oh that’s perfect for the witch house yeah awesome okay I think I’m ready now is it daytime is it night time I can’t tell all right y’all ready I’m ready let’s go a fox oh oh yeah that was the other

Thing are we going to try to get a fox are we going to try to get an arctic fox oh we don’t have a wow oh I’m home dang sanity you in fast unless you die did you die no you didn’t okay so do we want to try to tame

A fox or do we want to try to tame cuz I don’t have have a that was what we needed we don’t have a whatever they’re called we don’t have a lead is the problem he’s coming to you but I don’t think I can tame him can

I see he can like me but he won’t follow me right I don’t think well he kind of following me uh terracotta plus clay equals colored ter terra cotta terracotta plus into furnace equals glazed terra cotta oh okay let me add that to the list of things list of Blue Beard

Knowledge a he doesn’t like you he’s looking different what everyone hope everyone has a great night of course midnight and good luck with work stuffs um you’re welcome to stop by as always um otherwise have a wonderful rest of your day I might be streaming tomorrow we’ll

See how I feel how The Vibes are for Friday yes um Advent your time come on grab your friends grab your actually go to pixel very Lance the very pixel L with Chica the streamer the fun never ends Adventure Time kind of works not really but kind of oh gosh

Okay wait you remember I got the Le the first time wait you have the lead I don’t have it anymore I could have sworn we had it at some point in time somebody had the lead I tried it that was pretty good that was pretty good Adventure Time come on grab your

Friend come on grab your ax will’ll go to very pixel LS which Chica the streamer the F that never Adventure Time There You Go Frankie the the I going to say the quacker but it was like no Frankie The freaky the duck and Chica the human fun that never Adventure Time there you go toomic got it okay we got it should we try to get the fox my only concern is how are we going to get the fox across the rivers and ocean I guess

I could put the fox in the boat with me yeah H this is true okay we can make this work we can make this work sus okay where did the fox go where did the fox Go where the the fox go foxes W oh H oh no it was just the if you guys see anything orange and fluffy oh there it is follow me there it is I saw it I saw the foxy hold on he was just there I just saw the foxy where’d

He go did he run off man foxes are so Wily I literally just saw the fox oh there it is there it is okay all right you guys have the lead right oh there you go Atomic got it okay so I would feel better if caddy Daddy

Had it I trust caddy over my own life fox Found let’s go okay um caddy are you okay with taking the Fox as your passenger in your boat there we go we have to think of a name for it too oh but we need to have two

Foxes I just realized do we have two leads or just the one you know what it’s fine it’s fine I’m sure there’s a closer house did anyone make an Ender Chest not yet no I don’t think we’ve reached the Ender we haven’t reached the ender portal or

Nether portal okay so we have a nether portal we don’t have the end we have never found the end yet hold on the fox is running off Final Fantasy Fan Fair it can be made with Eye of Ender and obsidian don’t need to reach the end oh really okay so you need I of Ender and obsidian do we have that if not Sandy you’re welcome to check the my chest at home and see what I

Have all right Tomic you got the lead right there you go okay oh yeah we need blaze rods too true I don’t think we found any of that stuff yet there you go can you not get it in the boat anymore no you can’t put you can’t

Put you can’t put fox in the boat hold on someone grabb the boat this is important oh no look at the little turtle just turtling over there on his stomach so cute okay I don’t think the foxes can go in boats can they oh no I don’t think they can

Nope I think the fox was already lower than the boat try and land yeah I don’t know if you can put foxes on boats someone Google it oh North this might be trouble feels bad man no we could try guess I was wrong no okay cuz I know

I remember okay that’s right cuz cuz in in name of whatever it’s called um of fancy language where they make things the same on bedrock and on Java I think that they added that where they were like hey just so you know um you can’t travel with horses anymore on bedrock

And you also I didn’t know foxes were included I knew you couldn’t parody yeah there we go for in the name of parody so we could still bring the fox behind us but it’s going to you have to going to go very very carefully they need to be

Domesticated do they in order for them to travel with you in the oh did he fall through the stamp I have questions oh no he fell through here hold on there you go okay you got it okay um caddy do you want to do the honors that’s what happens to the permit

No Jason the fuzz is on us listen the paperwork’s coming I promise any minute now what was the for first coordinate your decorations are covering it yeah yeah hold on unfortunately I can’t turn it off without everything dying it’s so annoying okay it’s 167 64 38

28 you said that a month ago ah you know it’s the holidays Jason you know how it [Laughter] is it’s the craziest thing you know one minute you’re here hanging out with your friends the next minute your paperwork gets lost in the mail it’s it’s just it

Is how it is it is what it is okay anyways back into The Fray yes very yes um oh let me sleep hold on caddy do you mind it says I can only sleep at night but what is this then huh almost night come on sh want to

Drag it’s not letting me sleep how is this not nighttime tell me this is not night time what I guess I’m not cool enough to sleep it’s night at Jason oh my gosh you’re night of Chas okay y’all ready um caddy are you not going to

Bring the fox with us are we just going to get a different Fox elsewhere I guess we can try to get a different Fox elsewhere I don’t know I want to try um I don’t have the inventory space to try that was the problem here let me

Um I guess I technically no cuz if we need if we need uh to craft anything that’s going to be a problem I could do this here we go we got this going and Then come on Fox is a piece of sand it does it’s really cute come on get over here let me last on your face please fox is like no there we are hold on uh someone said you guys really got to type in chat uh it’s a little faster uh there was a

Big mountain and two oceans yeah um how about you sanity did you see any on your way when you went out there did you see any foxes on your in your side of everything I am a stubborn potato I’m going to at least let’s just

See how slow it is how slow going it is if it’s too painful then I won’t worry about it I saw a lot of things everywhere that’s it’s not too bad hey you know what it’s not too bad we can make this work yeah there we go we’re going to get there eventually

Just really slowly painfully slowly thank you Minecraft so glad you had to add this you know what if they if they if with the crabs or no with the Penguins what they should have told us is they were going to make a bigger boat okay that

They should do could you imagine if they had a freaking Mega boat you can make in Minecraft that would be so freaking cool that would be cool if you could have a mega boat that can hold four people or you and one animal like you know what I

Mean or you and a horse and they can do it on Java too that way parody isn’t an issue I think that would be Cool all right we’re getting there very carefully very slowly I’ve also started crossing the ocean caddy and atomic just so yall Know very carefully so do y’all like jazz we move mobs and boats regularly in Java um no so like you can’t put like certain mobs in Java but I could be wrong like you can’t move I think cows no no no cows I was able to put into I

Think it was horses I think it was horses you can’t put in the Boat was it horses you can’t put in the boat I remember people complaining about it in Discord there were quite a few we could yeah I think it might have been horses that you can’t which makes no sense cuz you put you can put a

Cow all right Tomy keep an eye on the foxy friend let me know if anything nefarious is coming around us the Dolphins are just mocking us like wish you could swim human huh you’re a silly Fox watch as there’s like like a fox Forest right next to us that we could

Just get a fox from here I’m going to carefully I’m trying to correct course the one face nope I didn’t okay there it is thank you thank you my foxy friend we need to think of a name for him well I’m not going to name them unless we keep them alive because

Then I’ll get attached and then I’ll cry if they die oh no my musics what happened to my musics uh what happened to the musics for real these though what happen to musics hold on hold on friends no nobody panic there we go okay musix is back you can name it

Star oh no no no their name could be star I love it I love it a lot I like it I like your way you thinking durge S I got no I like it I un I’ve never heard of someone naming a fox star before Star the fox is Star Fox yes I I’m serious I’m surprised no one has else has come up with that oh Okay you know what I should be switching this around this should be this way around right bread should be here this should be in my inventory the bread should be there and that should be over here and this could be there I guess there we go that’s better all

Right my foxy friend let’s move it that’s an old game is that old no it’s not old it’s not that old no don’t say that to be fair when was the last Star Fox game I think they’ve released it I guess they’ve only had they’ve only had him and Super Smash Brothers

Recently though huh oh guess I live all myself no no no come this way Atomic um 169 come to 169 33 76 uh 3240 I’m right over here I’m not that far I’m literally you can get so much farther than I can Tomic is like I gets lost for two seconds well guess I’ll die like that one me there we are Oo that’s a cool looking cave I remember this cave someone make a note of this hold on I don’t want to lose this cave cuz it’s really cool looking okay it was 13179 and then 31 19 bam okay that looks really cool I like the

Water part of it a dog oh gosh I don’t dare tame another dog for a while until they have like armor for our Fluffy Friends oh thank you durge thank you for that thank you moderators as well for being here thank you guys as well for all the likes you guys are awesome Oh I see the ocean oh please don’t be a huge drop off please don’t be a huge drop off you’re a huge drop off aren’t you okay we got to be smart about this smart about this smart about this you smart about this fox I swear Fox hello Fox box

Hello come on there we go okay you’re you’re a little braver than me caddy Daddy’s returned welcome in welcome in sir I have made it 1,000 square ft this way we’re doing pretty good we’re doing really good so far feels good oh gosh did you all hear that and I’m

Back welcome back Cy did you all hear that I don’t like the sound of that the biggest issue we’re going to have is this Giant mountain to be honest tbh tbh um luckily I I think the fox should be okay right I think did the mini caddies finally go to sleepies the kitty

Catties or the catty kitties what do y’all think I love that # Pat and pending well I’m kind of confused with coordinates so uhoh uh can you put the numbers that you’re at uh Tomic the cad kiddos yes the caddy kiddos I love it is that 126 2900 yes yes mhm I’m

Sorry like I literally would have to turn off the whole thing it’s so annoying I know there’s got to be a better way but I really like this um Christmas decor you see caddy maybe we could forget this whole mountain and go around the mountain yeah y’all

Maybe you maybe we can make this work a little in our for our better oh hi sanity hey you made it welcome welcome friend you could be our bodyguard we’re trying to avoid like any suspicious characters oh hey look we found a thing um an Ender portal Thingy you have a horn that scared me so badly I thought we triggered something uh anything good any good loot I see a lot of gold gold is always good we could always use some more gold oh now you want to get in the boat huh yeah I bet too late my

Friend okay let’s be smart about this so that looks like it’s all mountainous and all little sus oh oh yeah you also wanted obsidian didn’t you so we could oh no wait I don’t have an I don’t have a diamond so never mind I found a ruined nether portal oh

Nice we found one too is that what they’re called ruined nether portal ruined nether portal here we’re going to go this way I don’t really want to but if we don’t it’s going to take ages for us to get anywhere so we’re going to do it okay up we go foxy friends let’s

Go it’s so hard to Minecraft like this in this view it really is mostly ocean trip yeah unfortunately I’m going to try my best to stay on as much grass as we can cuz ocean is faster if you’re going up by yourself but grass is super slow

Is it slow cuz for me I feel like it’s slower um cuz I have to carry the fox with me I feel like I was going much slower cuz the thing with the boat is I have to be careful I don’t accidentally take him out see yeah so I have to do

Like this weird angle thingy like this there we go had to like do this that’s what I was doing yeah oh this is so awkward come on my friend let’s go let’s get a fox I says OMG I locked back down and didn’t realize I’m I’m working

In the wrong direction no it’s okay caddy it’s okay it’s okay you are never a noob you are the chattiest of daddies everything’s fine it’s okay your beard just gets a little shorter so you got to get the XP back for the for the for the beard to be uh longer

Again oh gosh we all have our moments okay here we go I don’t know it feels like the same I feel like no matter what it’s the same I just feel safer um on the grass cuz you could technically get a what are they called um oh those one things attacking you I

Found a swamp though a lame kind though you also found a swamp hey everything’s fine this is fine hey look at chicken hi chicken oh wow oh you’re lucky he has a standand in his mouth so he can’t get you that’s too Funny ah it’s attouch to M are you serious are you serious did you get some mangrove trees I found one let’s go caddy the chaty is steady let’s go can we get some hype I wish we had some alerts and stuff like that chica Atomic hi woo my gosh when

All help was lost we had given up caddy comes in with the clutch negative 1600 3590 ooh I see I see okay so everyone make notes okay so negative 1600 if you could do me a big favor and get saplings or whatever you need for mangrove trees

I don’t know if they’re like different and you require it but yeah oh cherry blossoms how pretty let’s go [Laughter] yeah yes Mr President it shall be done thank you thank you [Laughter] caddy that’s potato president to you I’m just kidding uh you need propagas am I saying that correctly

Propagas okay well I know we’re kind of backtracking in a direction we shouldn’t be going kind of but like I don’t know I’m trying to avoid as much ocean as possible because I feel like my foxy friend is well unless you guys are going to be right behind me watching

Him in that case we can do it are you sure it’s not a [Laughter] dictatorship no actually that was a pretty good one that was a really good one oh my gosh that was so terrible oh hi Atomic I guess we’re going together then huh all righty into

The ocean we go again all right this is the long Trek of ocean isn’t it like a huge amount of ocean I think it goes on for like a a th000 I feel like the way home is always so much shorter though unless does it not break I know

In Java it broke it felt like but I could have sworn it breaks at some point cuz I’ve had that happen before where I was walking with like a pup or something and then and I had I had a a lead like this a leash lead like

This oh thank you yes good good call sanity good call Um I’ll holler if we need you what happened but anyways and then the next thing I know I look back and they and it kept breaking it kept breaking the freaking leash for some reason I love the fact that they added that so you only have to have one person

Sleeping my only big complaint is the fact that um like my really big complaint is the fact that um oh hello Atomic okay that works too I guess um my big complaint though is the fact that oh what was it I forgot my train of thought I literally forgot what I was

Talking about oh well it’s probably not that important the moral the story is uh make sure to wear your seat belt there you go chica do you want me to wringle that fox that and you can focus on getting back uh you know at this point I am committed I’ve got

This but I was thinking of doing though is I was thinking about having someone find a friend for our Fox if anyone wants to do that I do need somebody to help keep an eye on the fox though that I don’t get like attacked by

A um what are they called a drowned or something that is so ominous and terrifying oh my gosh that cave luckily we haven’t ran into any drowns yet but I may have just jinxed it at this point so I’m a little nervous now I may have just jinxed it Oh man oh fam I hope we make It let’s see how’s the battery doing we’re doing good battery wise battery still alive Okay uh go at speed for 3 seconds pause one go again see if it keeps up okay so you’re saying go a certain speed for 3 seconds okay let me try it all right let’s see one two 3 one two three is it keeping up oh he is okay one two

Three one two three one two three like that let’s go I’ll grab it if it breaks Okay I’m just really emotionally invested in this fox I’ve had so many friends die I don’t want another one I don’t want to lose another friend so far it’s not breaking though which worries me like generally it worries me I feel like we should have hit the land

At some point right now or something no maybe a little land I don’t even see the Horizon anywhere I am shocked the fox has not gotten down often times things keep up slight pauses can help with annoying things like allies oh you know I don’t think we’ve ever

Gone an LA before that’ be a cool next thing to get how do you find them anyways are they from Villages no wait we did get them one time but I don’t remember which world it was and I don’t remember if it was Bedrock or Not O It’s a temple

Thingy oh I hope that’s not the bad Temple please don’t be the scary Temple just be the cool looking Temple an ocean ruin yeah does anyone want to check that out while I start hitting back pillage outposts and Woodland Mansions wait oh that’s where you find them pillage outposts and Woodland

Mansions got it got it got it allies are in cells and Woodland mansions and outside Pillager Outpost oh oh man do you all remember the wood the freaking Woodland Mansion we found in our realm that was so cool good times good times okay am I crazy or should we have hit Land by

Now like I know I went to the left or right a little bit but I feel like we should at least see a horizon of an ocean thing somewhere this is very very concerning I may have gone too far oh hey look at that I jinxed it oh hold

On whoa that kind of looks like our other place keep going you’re fine okay wow that’s so cool this reminds me of our other of our other house of our other uh world doesn’t it wow that is so cool I I’ve never seen like a a Circle Cave like that

Before uh this ocean is you just keep swimming just keep swimming all right keeping okay so you said oh gosh hold on I can’t stay too long so I got to make a note of it someone make a note of it someone make a

Note of it I don’t want to die ah I swear if I got I start getting attacked I’m going to cry don’t attack me don’t attack me ah okay we’re fine everything’s fine okay just got to go this way I think oh boy all right uh sanity I might

Take you up on your offer if you’re still near me to to take it back oh gosh the rest of the way if I can count on you I’m a little nervous though I’m very much nervous I don’t want to lose my foxy friend why isn’t it die come on I don’t

Want to hit the friend come on I’m over here attive 108 uh 900 is 927 whatever IP yo what’s up install uh we’re not on a server we’re currently playing on Bedrock welcome in though okay can I trust you to take it the rest of the way

Are you ready do you have what it takes sanity to take my baby back take my baby back chili baby back RS run FS run no cider are you on okay you ready okay how do I give it to you I don’t know how to give it to

You hi piggy I was how was things how do I give it to you right click to release okay hi there he hi so yeah if you want to play uh should I call you install for short um you have to make sure you’re subscribed which is

Like the equivalent of follow on the fox I we have to chase him okay you have to let go of him okay let me try are you sure right click there you go uhoh uhoh Atomic Atomic drop it oh wait wait you have a second lead oh my gosh well that works I

Guess can I trust you sanity welcome in yes welcome uh this is the scary part just so you know I can see what I have but we don’t have a lot of materials left I do have some dark oak wood though if you need it let me know I think you’ll be

Fine probably maybe probably M we’re trying not to die right now things are going good so far we have a fox friend and we’re trying to take all the way back and as you can see we still have 800 more blocks to travel it has been a two-day journey through ocean and

Snow and cold and despair but we are not alone we have our friends with us by our sides also we got some more iron let’s go okay you know what I don’t know why I keep getting this dark oak wood but I don’t need you I don’t need you I never

Needed you okay there we go Bo you were missed earlier though I hope you’re doing well um I was telling people some goals uh that I’m trying to go for this year or this next year I guess oo iron right we could always use more can never have enough

Iron I know eventually The Meta is making an iron farm but you know you know that requires looking for a village and blah blah blah and I just don’t got the time or resources for it yet but we’ll get there we’ve already been you

Know for this world as much as I love it it doesn’t have a a lot of villagers does it it has a lot of like mini Huts like a lot of mini places but not a ton of villagers like there’s no big Gathering if I I hope I’m not making up

The worlds I think I’m keeping it pretty accurate in my brain next year I want to cause even more chaos I know it’s not New Year’s yet but I’m getting all sentimentals about whenever that happens also Atomic do you want to travel together I just realized this hold on do

You have leather boots cuz I’ve not will fall through the snow I’m guessing you don’t come over here oh that’s one way to get through the mountains that’s smart that’s why people say get a bucket that’s smart yeah basically um depending how things go I yeah

Um I’m going to try my bestest to get to at least comfortable part-time again uh with streaming and content creating in some way shape or form or fashion I don’t care where which platform or how it’s done with the business I just I really want to create again you know more often

And not have to stress about it you know what I Mean I think that would be the dream that will be the dream wait it’s not letting me make a box why can’t I make a box do I have to does it have to be a what watch your back chica that go to saing for you I

Know right he’s going to come for me like this is what you get for picking up Billy you know I deserve it karma is a beey or something three is it 3×3 oh dang it you’re right when you right you’re right you’re right you’re right okay it’s fine though all right

Let’s get back this was the part that was dangerous right here this snow biome I hate snow biomes I hate them with a passion and a Vengeance more than anything other biome this biome can go straight to heck it’s beautiful from a distance but having to Traverse through it it’s just

The worst it’s the worst I like I have a absolute fear of like falling or like getting like um what’s the word were you um this is why I don’t like the ocean it’s not the ocean itself that freaks me out it’s like the falling into the ocean there’s

A wild Fox but I don’t have a second lead wait whereit where where where where where hold on ch’s got one like Atomic got a second lead that we can do cuz if so we can have a friend we can have a friend hold on where where where tell me the

Deets hold on Atomic here I will trade you some sticks no I need sticks in case you haven’t I know I failed the one I I had Escape I’m looking for him oh no I told you oh No oh no well oh gosh I say this because I had the same thing happen to me in the awesome world uh where they the foxes like I was traveling with them and then I turn ah stay on the stupid leash they wouldn’t Christ is averted okay where are you though maybe

I can help you cuz this place is very scary this is the scariest part of it honestly hey foxes are really hard too um chica I think I lost you yeah did is that chica internet taking out her mind no my internet is okay but I

Could be wrong I don’t know why it’s being this weird I’m okay on my end let’s See what’s interesting throughout the whole stream I have no drop frames is anyone else having issues I think I I I for me it’s good is everyone else good must have been mine or somewhere between okay yeah we’re almost out of bread I’m good okay good good to know I hate when that

Happens it’s the worst Atomic just keep heading in One Direction you should find me seem stable again good good good I haven’t checked YouTube though um like like if that’s stable or not not at all everyone lost again oh no boo you made me lose my

Game you made me lose the game no [Laughter] I haven’t been playing that game in a while I totally forgot I was playing the game yeah everyone got lost sanity where you at though so I can try to like re reconvene with y’all oh hey doggy hello

Doggy I think we’re getting close though to home I think we’re way over Yonder um I can’t find you it’s okay oh I see you I see I see somebody somebody’s here hold on is that sanity or caddy caddy hello my friend we found another Village come to the Village uh

Moving Homeward listen it’s fine this is fine you’re fine we’re fine we’re all fine don’t worry about it Oh there what’s up yes the mangrove yes beautiful it’s super spooky uh 307 365 yep We found villagers though I was just talking look at the baby villager I’ve never seen a belly be villager before look at the little clothes oh my hecking gosh look at the little boots I want to adopt you hold on you’re my new you’re my new poster child come

Here are you scared oh he’s so cute don’t be scared it’s fine just want to adopt you forever look at the little shoes a oh it’s so cute oh I love it I freaking love that their heads are still ginormous too that is so cute Piggy look buoy you’re seeing the

Game look at this run k [Laughter] run oh that’s adorable I love it that’s hecking adorable we got an iron sword you know the music isn’t helping kids running away like stranger [Laughter] danger where’s your parents little one for real though where’s his parents where’s his

Parents this makes me nervous is he the only one alive is he an orphan hold on somebody hit the bell and see if if they show up cuz I don’t see them anymore oh no did the freaking did the zombies get to them this is why I say

Chica come look are you scared he what what’ you do did you put him somewhere I am you oh my gosh he’s through the door hold on I love it I freaking love it look at it look at his face that’s adorbs oh and the little villager grew

Up oh no there’s more villagers okay we’re good oh my gosh I was about to cry I was like no not another Phantom Village we’re good everyone go on your homes I want to find out where you are go I want to know what we’re working

Right here cuz you guys might have just gotten recruited that’s right you guys are about to get new jobs chica Incorporated don’t worry we take your safety very seriously as you can see I’m in full armor including my safety helmet don’t worry ma’am I kind of know what I’m doing half

Of the time we’ll protect you as long as you need should we keep the villagers in here if I if I keep them in here will they stay alive like if I Clos them in here would they stay alive cuz I don’t want to lose another Village they should right hypothetically

Speaking like if I do that they’ll be fine he looks like Squid’s [Laughter] house hold on hold on I got to complete the look hold on we got to complete the look wait for it wait for it oh I don’t have any I don’t have anything to make it look different

Colors like I do but I don’t you know what I mean here priorities priorities look I understand we’re trying to get a friend but I have been trying to get a Village Farm for as long as I can remember so I’m going to do that and I’m going to save these

People I’m going to save these people dang it this is very serious all right this is Operation save Squidward okay [Laughter] this is glorious oh I’m here for this once again chica locking up poor villagers no I’m saving them okay look I am I’m saving them they don’t know it

Yet but I’m going to be I will save them from themselves yes all right so this one’s got Squidward in it okay oh being attacked by something I don’t know what hit me though I for it oh it’s a zombie Bad Zombie Evil zombie bad almost

Died Austin did you see it look at that it’s amazing isn’t it it’s art that’s what it is oh my gosh it’s beautiful caddy how could you saw how could you I’m just kidding it’s for the GG’s I know we need the lead we do need the lead is your

Inventory full too oh my gosh that’s so funny see it’s not just me it’s not just me all right friends it’s not just me I love a chica thank you it’s my it’s my uh piece of resistance all right sorry if it’s a little loud I

Just I got to I got to find the villagers and put in their houses so they don’t die all right apparently this is Piggy’s house Piggy’s just well there you go piggy if you ever log into this world this is yours I guess if you want

It if you ever want it I’ll put um yeah I’ll do this so people know it’s Piggy’s house there we go there just okay okay oh there you are you are supposed to go home go to your home why didn’t you go home hm H explain yourself

H I hope that wasn’t his home I was looking for my family yeah why didn’t he go home oh there he is okay he he was running maybe this was his home maybe it was hold on let’s try again cuz he was freaking he’s just chilling he doesn’t

Care he doesn’t care I’m sorry uh what are your coordinates right now uh – 318 369 chica I’m in your house uh I need a fence I need a fence post in your basement for this crazy thing oh yeah cuz you’ll run around like crazy um Caddy do you see any other houses by chance any more villagers oh this is cool oh it’s a repaired disenchantment thingy is there any more houses I do see a bunch of villagers but I don’t see they’re not in their homes for some reason sing bread for shame grin Stone yeah grin

Stone thank you oh it’s a craphy map table thingy oh I think I got it just borrowing a block how to replace yeah yeah you’re fine do what you got to do to save him I trust you caddy how many do we have we need at

Least two villagers to survive so we got to at least put two in their homes oh there you are big brain caddy biggest of brains his there we go biggest of beards really cuz that’s yeah that shows how epic he is there we go now he’s

Safe I wonder if we can remember that he’s here are we going to remember that he’s here here cuz I’m not going to remember that he’s here maybe I should put the coordinates somewhere as long as we have at least two right is what we’re looking

For so I’m going to put two – 293 uh 91 376 376 so this was like the cool cave waterfall and then right here this was the village you oh it’s a baby it’s the baby we have to save you okay your mama and popup

They are uh busy so I need you to trust me okay it’s another Fox caddy come over here Give Me A Sign villagers listen you can’t be bringing logic in here thank you though uh blue beer there we are all right hopefully the baby went in I think we trapped all

Of them except the baby okay where’s the baby where did the baby go I just ringed the bell and I also saw a fox somewhere oh all right baby you’re going to grow big and strong okay don’t worry just like your mom don’t worry just for a

Time to save you this is for your greater good don’t worry about it it’s fine this is totally this is totally normal oh yeah fin I’m going to bed to cause chaos in my sleep night of course d uh you’re welcome to lurk as always but otherwise have a wonderful rest of your

Day okay and then we’ll just make a little well actually we want to make it too high right yeah don’t we need to make it too high though cuz this he doesn’t need grow one more am I crazy cuz we make it one won’t he get squished like

Suffocate it is too high oh it is too high okay you’re you’re good then go ahead go ahead do your thing you’re good then you got this you’re doing it this feels evil it does but look listen listen listen listen how else are they going to get recorded to the Chica incorporation all

Right they can’t right this is for the GG’s this is for the greater good Atomic you found Atomic okay how do I make a a sign you know what that’s that’s I’ll I’ll remember hopefully I feel like it’s unusual enough that I feel like I’ll remember if

I see that okay do we put them all away then I think we put them all away yeah they’re all in hiding now was there any other people we may have missed yes all are safe okay let’s go all right I’m going to head out have a

Wonderful rest of your evening the fox is safe in your basement thank you sanity you’re such a legend can we get one more shout out for sanity um please and thank you sanity EST stray uh you’re welcome to lurk as always my friend otherwise have a wonderful rest of your day I really

Appreciate your help you never have to do the things but thank you for doing that you’re amazing thank you thank you okay yeah so piggy looks like this will be your house then the next time if you want it this is Piggy’s house yes and if one of the mods want to

Get the link for sanity’s uh channel that way people can actually follow no wait no the piggies have to stay no piggy will be upset no Atomic why H do we have seeds do they have I wait I have a carrot I have a carrot do they like golden carrots do you like

Golden carrots let forget they’re not intrigued gurses shh sh it’s fine don’t tell piggy nobody tell piggy nobody tell piggy nobody tell piggy what happened go in go in go in go in go ahead thank you yeah there you go There’s the link if you guys want to support my awesome friend

Uh get him to 100 Subs why not I think they’re almost a 40 all right caddy you’re such a chatty look at you go let’s go GG’s GG’s beautiful all right wonderfully done GG’s how are doing awesome oh there’s another villager good job Atomic very nice eye villagers looking out like hm must

Be nice wait hold what’ you say you get him out oh wait get him out Oh this looks more like a prison though you say a prison I say a hotel resort it’s all good he was trapped okay crisis averted bam get squid ified I’m having way too much fun with this I’m collecting all the villagers for for fur the reasons I’m assuming Atomic accidentally opened

This I don’t think hold on chity are you the one playing or is that Mr man cuz that feels like Mr man that might be Mr Man hi is that you what are you saving them from themselves exactly was an eil was that an evil

Cha yes okay just want to make sure oh hold on we should probably sleep oh what I am so tired of these fake nights okay it’s clearly nighttime all right I would be sleeping I I who am I kidding I would never be sleeping at this hour but I

Would try to be sleeping at this hour all right all right okay listen listen I’m working on it I’m working on my Eva evil my evil Arc it’s dusk it’s close enough okay you found a fox okay quickly tame it like as in get

A lead on it get a lead on it and we’ll take it home right now where’s the where’s the Cherry stuff whatever they’re called berries berries the berries that look like cherries yeah yes perfect okay let’s go home I think it’s this caddy I trust you you lead the

Way is that the way home no don’t tell me there’s another ocean to cross all right Atomic you got this I believe in you believe in the me that believes in you you’re good is there one more we can walk hold on uh oh my gosh please we can walk our boat

Um a fox where oh another Fox do drop the drop the thing drop the thing and I can grab it or is it caddy that has it I think caddy has it Get It Caddy get it yeah perfect all right let’s go this way then well is it this

Way caddy I’m going to follow you Atomic are you going to be good enough to to watch the foxy friend I got to empty out my inventory a little bit though hold on this has been so much fun though I hope you guys have been enjoying it

Don’t get me wrong I do like twitch a lot for multiple different reasons but like once in a while just being able to relax have a good company um you know no worries no anxieties it’s just just really nice you know like starting something new starting something fresh something something Exciting it’s really nice how many likes are we at now by the way oh my gosh look at the fox the fox is like no leave me alone I haven’t been getting any alerts though with um Subs here so I I wonder if it’s still working or

Not the the alerts cuz I haven’t been getting any alerts so weird genuinely so weird I also realized something I could have just put that away but you know the effort the effort caddy I I trusted you with your life but this is or with my life I’m

Trusting you with your life yes your life and my life so I hope you know where you’re going this looks very familiar though I’m seeing cherry blossoms that’s very promising yes okay he nods yes all right all right Cy uh caddy has never left me astray I’m trusting you oh gravy

What what what also I was going to say something which is interesting so with twitch giving like extra bits or whatever I guess it’s been so weird they’ve been is that the home I think that’s home oh my gosh we’re almost home I could cry um let’s

Go I was going to say words um so twitch has been doing something where like you get 20% is it 20% extra bits or something like that I forget I’ll have to look at it and um but what was interesting with it is that they have twitch thems give the bits

Which is just like what the heck so let’s just say you guys gave um I don’t know like 200 bits or something like that twitch would then give like 20 bits but it actually shows up as twitch giving the bits isn’t that interesting I’ve never seen that before

I thought they were just going to put the bits on sale or something like they did with um like they did with um Subs right but no instead they’re just like bits are the same price but you get extra which is interesting all right according to sanity they’re in the

Basement ah yes good call good call cuz they were going to go for the chickens come on do we need to break this one you think we might need to break that hold on let me try let me try this there we go you can fix that later I’m remember

Remember em from mixer oh my gosh I EMB and those are the good days need another fence a I can I can finagle something I’m sure let’s see what I can do Um let’s see there you are taada yeah good times you was so funny Jason I don’t know if you saw like what twitch just implemented I only bring this up for people who um try to watch like I mean obviously you should obviously monitor your children anytime

It comes to the internet but just like for those um who don’t really care for the more mature content apparently like they they basically made it they over complicated the crap out of it but I saw right it just it feels like what I feel

Like I I can hear like the FTC coming down on them or something crazy cuz that’s what YouTube did is that YouTube was like that’s none of our business and they try to be like we don’t have to worry about the children I think I have this sinking feeling that that’s what’s

Going to happen is that the FTC is like you what yeah twitch did some questionable stuff for real I just don’t know how to react to it I’m like is this a v i don’t know if I count this a win but it was something oh that’s so cute they all

Have one little things oh that’s adorable but I’m just bringing it up because I know a lot of um my community they do watch uh twitch with their children like in my streams and I’m really grateful for that I try not to take it uh for

Granted um I will keep things PG 13 um I have no intentions to go 18 plus like even if I wanted to I just I don’t know like if anything that just makes me want to keep it more familyfriendly or PG cuz it’s like I don’t know but I’m just bringing

It up because if it keeps going in that direction twitch might Force like all of us into like 18 plus it’ll be like Twitter essentially is what I’m getting at I really hope they don’t I really hope they don’t make it where you have

To be 18 plus to sign up for twitch but I feel like it could it could happen it could happen or the FTC might come on them and then twitch might have to backtrack and do twitch for kids which I just I don’t want to be on Twitch for

Kids I just want to be able to make PG content that’s available for anyone parents included dang it we deserve to be entertained too okay that’s that was literally my whole intentions of creating my content is that as a parent um as well as myself like I don’t really

Like I don’t mind swearing I genuinely don’t I just don’t like lwd or really graphic content that’s just not my scene I don’t mind it on occasion but if it’s the whole time on the stream or the video is just loot or crft or graphic I

Just get really I get really grossed out it doesn’t make me feel good you know um so for me I was like I’m not finding this content on mixer so I need to be what I want to see and so I created chica you know the awesome and all that

Stuff to create a space for families that happen or parents you know that happen to need a space to be available to watch stream they don’t have to worry about me cursing up a storm or being too lewd so to speak anything I do make that’s a little lewd is usually like

Innuendos like no more worse than like Disney um so I don’t want you guys to think that I’m going to change anything unless twitch forces me to change things you know what I’m saying so cuz I just I feel like if I ever went 18 plus I would lose a part of the

Channel the heart of the channel and I just don’t really want to go that way you know it’s too weird for me uh Jason says but you need to have that tag on your stuff and I can imagine the advertisers not being on those channels exactly I smell another apocalypse you

Think so salty I can see that happening for legal reasons not just the FTC the CMA and EU can step in exactly can we just bring back the Harlem Shake meta right can the Harlem Shake be the meta can that be how people get famous those

Were fun times right right keep it read ittin y’all exactly mhm we keep it that way just so you guys know where I stand with that um I don’t really care what people do with with their content I generally don’t I just don’t like when it affects other people if that makes sense

Yeah hey time in a place for that sort of stuff you know what I’m saying and I I never want to go that way cheers to you caddy thank you thank you for your help um but if it does go where it’s 18 plus

I worry that I’m going to lose a lot of my viewers that might not be up to Snuff also if channels do have that tag they should be excluded from the front page yeah I hope they do that I hope they do that way it’s a good middle ground I feel like just

Saying just saying oh hi what’s up oh can we make a pottery oh wait you have something what is that oh is that what I think it is oh it’s a mangrove it’s a mangrove propaga also yeah what is it where are we going tell me the

Things oh this is the mangrove hold on hold on being attacked get him they’re like this is our tree now no you won’t no you ain’t skell is trying to step on my turf I don’t think so but yeah just so you know um there’s a lot of um there’s still a

Lot of uh what is it called um I don’t know PG is the word there’s a better word um Advertiser friendly content out there there you go and especially on Twitch I I I know it’s more easier for people to like or it’s easier sorry for people to

Like do 18 plus content because then they can sweare then they can do whatever and you know more power to them but I don’t want you guys to get discouraged and be like oh shoot is that going to ruin this or that um worst worst worst worst worst case scenario

If if it does happen I may have to stay on YouTube to stay that PG content and then if I stream on Twitch I might have it be like the 18 plus content will be strictly on Twitch does that make sense I’m just letting I’m just letting

Mods know in advance if things go in that direction where twitch becomes a strictly 18 plus uh content you know like Twitter where you have to be 18 to be on Twitter technically speaking um then I’ll do that I’ll I’ll I’ll make twitch my more mature content

And I’ll have like my Minecraft and other stuff like that be like um primarily the does that make sense understand twitch losing loosening the grip on the rules slightly but I fear what they could lead to yeah I mean the demograph for twitch is 70% of users are 18 to 34 exactly mhm

Exactly I F where this could lead exactly MH they found YouTube found out the hard way what happens when you don’t care about being Advertiser friendly real quickly musk is still paying for that so it’s like you would think they would learn from history but yeah here

We are repeating the same mistakes it seems but all we can do is just uh you know do what we can on our end to to react to any changes that happen just letting everyone know um I’m not going to change anything as far as my schedule

And stuff goes it’s just going to make me it’s just going to um uh put a fire in my belly so to speak to to Really push for partner so if we needed to move our community uh because we’re forced to um then you know that’s what I’ll do that’s how my

Reaction is that I’ll be like hey for those who might be under 18 you can come on you’re welcome on YouTube any day until YouTube changes their rules but for now um I hope they keep it that way and those who are much younger or younger than 13 can always be on YouTube

Uh kids I think that’s how it should be you know uh yeah because you have the NFL you have the NFL games on Twitch I don’t know if the NFL would want to stream on Twitch with their rules oh really o hold on caddy wanted to show me something where you going

Uh uh storry Time come on grab your friends let’s go see what Blue Beard says twitch is losing streamers to kick so they’re trying to compete with relaxing rules instead of giving better payouts since that is why streamers are going to kick oh I see they’re like well

We can’t give you money but how [Laughter] about be free my children create as much depravity as your heart’s content within reason within you know [Laughter] asteris oh what’s funny too is that it’s not like I saw some some vtubers which pisses me off by the way cuz they’re

Like if it’s artistic it’s fine right right it’s if it’s artistic it’s fine but yet the ones that are literally drawing arti IC versions of this are getting banned still it’s like what I [Laughter] what oh my gosh it’s like make up your mind with the rules if you wish washy

You’re going to get attacked YouTube learned their lesson they were wish-wash and they got jammed so you got to be strict on the rules and you got to be consistent all right twitch cool Matt Pat did a video on it watch it he did a really good job with it watch it

Also know how they’re doing this a week after Banning Twitch in Korea really so many people were banned today it was so hilarious oh man I’ll have to read it over on the tw Twitter X later for the drama llamas ah I’m just going to get my popcorn and just

Like oh the drama is so good it’s so good I really like your house caddy this is so cool it’s turning out really awesome I can’t wait to see it all done with the rooftops and stuff look you got hold on what’s up yeah we got mang gr uh prop go okay

Last thing we got to do we got to get the mangrove planted so that way next time we can do all the things do we plant it here oh do we have any bone meal cuz I want to see if we can grow it I think it’d be

Cool all right so there you guys go with all the dramas happening uh that’s what I’m going to do I really hope twitch cuz I saw rumors that they were thinking about making twitch 18 plus and I’m like oh no oh no oh no I genuinely don’t know how many

Viewers are of mine that are under 18 I know some of them will be turning 18 pretty soon but like it’s so disheartening it really is cuz it’s like some of the members that I’ve known for like five six plus years it’s like they started watching my

Content when they were younger they were teenagers and you know like most people that demographic now are on Tik Tok or they’re on on some of them are on YouTube still um but it’s like but like I said before I want it to be a place that welcomes

All um obviously you have to be 13 plus to be on any platform uh with your own account and everything but like I’ve always wanted to have a space where everyone is welcome if that makes sense and for them to be like up age restricted even though none of my

Content is mature Beyond like occasional swears or something like that like that makes me upset does that makes sense someone has been to the nether I think you’re right too have they ruined stuff yeah sad it’s going to have to be if game Publishers twitch monsters Etc yeah

I think they’re going to reverse it something some me thinks they’re going to have to reverse things really quickly cuz that’s not that’s not cool you can’t you can’t pretend that you’re one thing and then turn around when it’s convenient and say no actually we’ve always been this way you

Know it’s like no no no no no no no that’s not how it works that’s not how any this works we had wheat this whole time oh my gosh chat look at this we had so much Uh nothing changes unless they lose money precisely oh I that’s why I’m like ad apocalypse 2.0 look how that turned out for them maybe that’s why they’re like uh quick push out bits and stuff like that quick quick quick reverse it look you can make money please like us

I did hear that twitch is losing users though I think allegedly or maybe that was just a headline I didn’t read it so yeah just so yall know don’t say that I just want to make sure I’m right I want to make sure I’m right but yeah corporation’s got a corporation sadly

Precisely it is what it is to the circle of life well that there you go that’s why I say we’ll see what happens this next year if I’ll lose if another we all lose if another apocalypse happens true so I’m hoping twitch makes the right choices going forward because it’s

Like I I know there’s a solution I don’t have it right off the top of my head but I know there’s a solution where everyone can be happy people who want to be 18 plus can thrive in their corner and those who of us who were like hey I like

How things are like we can just thrive in our corner and we don’t have have to interact if we don’t want to kind of like how things were before you know just keep it like that and be strict on the rules that need to be implemented I just hope they stand firm

On Banning people that push exactly cuz that’s it’s a it’s one thing if you accidentally do that but it’s another thing if you’re purposely like pushing the boundaries and trying to be problematic you know what I’m saying which of of today I think they will be yeah okay let’s sorry I’m just like

Trying to get my brain together with stuff okay we got the mangrove stuff right I think yeah I I don’t know I’m just glad that YouTube already went through this and so we don’t have to stress about that sort of thing happening too much like that’s why I’m like all right chat let’s get partner push going yeah but YouTube version cuz gosh dang it I need I need some stability in my life

Gosh at least something but even if it doesn’t happen um I will I will find a way to make content in some capacity if that makes sense cuz I’m I’m happiest when I’m able to create and I’m happiest when I don’t have to stress about every single week every single day something changing

Drastically um and I want to get there again I think we will someday you know I’ve got a good feeling about about 2024 um that things are going to get better for myself and my family and everything so all righty speaking of which um Can someone do xation Mark twitch I’ve grown

Used to the lifestyle of things changing every day for real um thank you thank you if we don’t have that I think it’s exclamation mark socials there we go thank you thank you yes for those who don’t know I do have all of the socials

I am on the Twitter’s X I’m on the Instagrams and I’m even on Tik Tok now because again you got to diversify them content you don’t know what’ll happen you never know what’ll happen got to open up to new audiences everywhere has rigged uh we um for anyone that is new

We have an awesome Discord too we would love to have you um also friends let me know um mods I’ll talk to you guys about this later more privately but um let me know if you guys ever get any sus DMS from people uh including people trying

To Leech from my community I don’t really want that I’ve noticed that in the past as long as it’s natural I don’t mind but I don’t like finding out that people are trying to like steal viewers away from my my community if that makes sense and by that I mean like hey I’m

Live come hang out in my stream right now I’m much cooler than chica that is what I’m talking about specifically um like I don’t I don’t like people who manipulate others or just get close to people for the sake of clout or whatever else they want

Um like that’s what I mean if it’s organic friendships I want my friends to support each other I shout out my friends cuz I want you guys to follow them and support them but I don’t want people like manipul Ting manipulating or spamming you guys and we’ve had people

Join our Discord that I don’t I haven’t vetted them fully sus DMs I get all the time from this community not yet okay good I just want to make sure there’s none of that nefariousness happening cuz it’s like I don’t got time for none of that business but so far I think things

Have been very nice we have a very good community and I want to keep it like that that is very genuinely supportive um always looking to make new friends always wanting to drop some love in fact speaking of dropping some love should we try to

Do I think I might be able to do like my first like raid here on um here on YouTube you guys want to try thank you guys so much for the 24 likes let’s go thank you friends thank you thank you you guys are awesome all right sh [Laughter] Legends Um hold on let me check something real fast friends he child exactly hold on what are you streaming my friend okay uh do you guys want uh modded Minecraft or do you guys want actually you know what hold on hold on I’m I’m choosing for y’all because they’ve technically raided me

First so let’s go ahead and do that let’s go ahead and do that I’m going to see if it works y’all let me know I have never done this before I’ve never done this before hold on hold on hold on meanie hold on don’t don’t prematurely

Leave yet cuz I really want to try something so for those who can stick around for just like the next minute or three I would really appreciate it for this reason because I really want to see if I can do this I remember it was like it was like edible TR

Solutions where is it where you can um what is it called where you send people over does anyone know what it’s called hold on hold on does anyone know what it’s called like you you um I saw it I saw it I saw it I saw it it was called like

Um it was something with the D I thought like it was like or send people through or something like that I saw it it was an option when I went live raid yeah it’s like a raid but you have a version to do it with with um whatever it’s

Called is he going off I think he might be going off no I was going to raid him but I know there’s a way to do it dang it Jason add this to the list of things that I need to look into please um where you can send people you can

Send people to to raid and stuff like that um it’s like um he just did it he just did it hold on hold on hold on hold on don’t miss out people are going to go watch some something from hide yeah he just did it right now he just did it

Where you send people over he just did it oh my gosh he just did it Forward viewers yeah yeah you can forward your viewers over to there interesting okay but there is a way I’ve seen it I’ve seen it before like I promise there is okay well until I get it to work

Properly if you guys want to do me a favor uh just copy this link for me right there you can click on that we can go do like um a broken raid I guess over to Super Hobbit um but I I did see he was able to S send

You guys over to my stream uh will de is his name so I want to make sure I can figure out how to do that someday all right friends I got to head off now but um go ahead and click on that link if you guys want to join me you guys can

Say hi um but I know there’s a way and I I have I have premium so I can do it too where you send people over um but yeah um I will I will most likely be live tomorrow I’ll keep you guys uh posted I will be making an announcement

If I don’t um like I said this is going to be a little weird with everything happening um all the transitioning Etc um but if I do it um it will be variety Fridays I don’t know what game I’ll be playing yet I might be doing some uh

Persona 5 or four I don’t know what’s on Game Pass I might be doing some more uh start new Valley we’ll just have to see what I’m feeling I feel like I don’t want to play a game though requiring me a lot of brain power so I might play a

Game that’s like really story centered so I can just sit there and we can kind of watch a movie slash video game game you know world together is what I want to experience tomorrow because I don’t want to think about anything I just want to be able to Vibe with y’all and have

Good company uh shout outs to sanity as well as um to CAD daddy you guys are absolutely legendary Minecrafters and thank you as well Tomy for joining me it was super lovely um thank you so much for supporting me on our partner push like I said I’m taking it easy I’m not

Trying to stress about it too much I hopefully we can unlock it by next year but it’s no biggie thank you guys so much for supporting me on any platform no matter where it is I love you all so freaking much um remember to always be awesome and I’ll see all your taters

Laters take care of yourself out there you’re only one of you in the world remember to love and give without um any regrets and yeah I’ll see you guys tomorrow hopefully if not Saturday my friends more Minecraft Shenanigans have a good night bye guys have a good night stay safe everyone

Youall are awesome you’re all the best and thank you again for all the likes thank you for all the support and thank you for being super patient with me thank you so much good night byebye bye-bye

This video, titled ‘You CAN’T Handle The HARDCOREl! | Minecraft Hardcore +30’, was uploaded by ChicaDeAwesome on 2023-12-15 04:49:29. It has garnered 126 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 05:30:39 or 19839 seconds.

Let’s make the most of this long weekend! All the fun times and good vibes galore 🙂

It’s Day 30, the new hardcore world can’t touch us! Hardcore will never take us down again, though. The hardcore challenges get harder, but we get better! Will you be able to handle the hardcore? It won’t be easy, but we’re SO AWESOME! Together we’ll overcome Hardcore Java Minecraft. Afterwards we’ll chill with some cool friends and play with some other viewers! Let’s see what happens next! 🙂

It’s not Bedrock Minecraft, it’s hardcore Java Minecraft. The challenges will be intense as I experience hardcore mode for the first playthrough as a noob. Woo!

#minecraft #minecraftstream #minecraftsurvival #multiplayer #multiplayer #playswithviewers #playswithfollowers #minecrafthardmode

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  • Vivilly – Minecraft’s HORROR CREATURE Revealed!

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  • COTO-server

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  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

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  • The Start of a Mighty Adventure! – Command Craft #01

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Clutch! #Shortsfeed #FYP

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  • Uncover the Mystery at Holiday House 370! 💀🔪🐻| Pandy351’s Minecraft Fnaf Rp

    Uncover the Mystery at Holiday House 370!  💀🔪🐻| Pandy351's Minecraft Fnaf RpVideo Information oh hey y there make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell icon so you don’t miss any videos anyways I hope you enjoy the [Music] video oh boy oh uh David wake up David H hello how are your eyes is done well let’s see a lot better A lot better that’s good that’s good Autumn was a bit puffy that we should stop causing physical damages to each other I I think out of everybody here I you were the only person who has gone to maintenance more than me I know you sent Sonia there… Read More

  • Giza in 1 Block! Mysterious Minecraft Adventure

    Giza in 1 Block! Mysterious Minecraft AdventureVideo Information みなちゃん こんばんは よおやっほー ども ヤッホー こんばんは ヤッホーていうことで今日はえ天気ら ちゃんと一緒にワンブロックマイクラで 遊んでいきたいと思いますあのね実はこ 配信の前に集合してずっとここに今立っ てるんだけどこっからねワンブロックの 世界に行くんだけどなんかこのラコが入れ たこのMODMODっていうかこのやつさ ワンブロックのやつさなんか何分かに1回 レイドっていうのがあって さなんか多分ワンブロックのワールドの方 に飛んだらさ敵がめちゃくちゃ湧いてると 思うんだけどそれちゃん知らないんだ 大丈夫かなまあいい か超絶悲鳴が聞けるかもしれない回しから こんばんはていうことでねえっと皆さん 今日は来てくれてありがとうござい ますセンキューライちゃんとラコで2人 ギバコラボやっていきたいと思いますの前 にお名前呼んじゃおうかな えっとねえやさん待機ありがとうサムネ良 すぎるこのサムネなんか人気だな ありがとうございますえいらっしゃい ありがとうえたく待機ありがとう いらっしゃい切り落とし待機人気だな待機 かか待機ありがとう来てくれてありがとう バトさんいらっしゃい来てくれて ありがとう大ありがとうほげほげ待 ありがとうありがとうえあさんカチカチ いらっしゃいあさん来てくれてありがとう ありがとうちゃんちゃんこんな子こんな子 来てくれてありがとう大型ありがとう えっとガサガサまちさん大型ありがとう 抱っこ来てくれてありがとういらっしゃい ビビオびびこんまか大丈夫じゃなさそう ワン ブロックどうなんだろうわかんないえワン ブロックかもわから んちゃんとワンブロックになってんのかも わからんえ先の準備しといてください ドッキリ待機ちょ言わないでおこうかな 2人のサムネの温度さでができそう言わ ないでいいかまあいいかていうことで早速 まいちゃんと合流し ます永遠の謎のままやね やま聞いたらすぐ答えてくれそうな気する けどお来たあこんばんはチ こんよいしょ何をおいしょ何がなんかや 467ってんだろうかんいたうえええ え [音楽] えでもこっちもサムネで突き落とされてる から なバレ た46じゃけこんねなんでなんだろうね なくもわかんないあなるほどね適当につて あなんかえまたえちまったレイド敵来る 分かんないここにはいないねここおらん ない泣いちゃっ た泣いちゃったくよし行くかじゃあ移動し ましょうワンブロックマイクラワン ブロックなのか果たして果たして行けせー の え うわええ えちょちょちょちょちょ ちょっと待ってやばいレイドがレイドが ちょっとちょっと待っ てレドがレド が何これ レイドが始まってうわ 鼓膜鼓膜あ鼓膜ごめんなさいごめんなさい ごめんなさいあちょっと待ってちょっと 待って下げといた 危ねえワブロどれこれこれだあこれやああ びした焦ったそうなんかちょっと開始直前 にさうんあのラコのリスナーさんたちにも 言ったんだけどうんななんかこう何分に1 回かレイドみたいのがあって敵が襲撃して くるんだよねなるほど勝ちあったんやね えっと勝ち合ったって多分ね集合して ずっと 浮島あそこにいたからああ溜まってたんだ と思うずっとずっとずっと溜まってたんだ と思う嬉しくないなくグっトってなんか ちょっといい意味な感じあるけど ああちょっとそわそわするからさ うんこいのやっぱりちょっとずつ広げて おいてえいっていうのがもう使い切った ちょっと土出しな出しな石を出しなあああ はい トントントントンえンンン落とすなよ落月 出しなさい出しなさいお友達量がち出し… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wool Hack Exposed

    Insane Minecraft Wool Hack ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wool being op frr #minecraft #trainerdario #technobladeneverdies #viral #ytshorts #shorts #lol’, was uploaded by RelevantLamb on 2024-01-12 15:33:08. It has garnered 448 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. glad u enjoyed 😀 Read More

  • Hindi Gamer Destroys World in EPIC Survival Adventure!

    Hindi Gamer Destroys World in EPIC Survival Adventure!Video Information हे गेमर्स इट्स मी मिस्टर नाचोज एंड गाइस आज से मैं शुरू कर रहा हूं माफ्ट की सर्वाइवल सीरीज एंड भाई आज इस सीरीज की पहली वीडियो है सो वीडियो को एंड तक जरूर देखना एंड इस वीडियो का लाइक एम है एक लाइक का मुझे सिर्फ तुम्हारा लाइक चाहिए सो जल्दी से जाके वीडियो को लाइक कर दो एंड अभी चलते हैं अपना सर्वाइवल वर्ल्ड क्रिएट करले तो अभी अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखते हैं लाइक नाचू एंपायर यह नाम मैंने बहुत टाइम पहले से सोचा हुआ था एंड अभी देख लेते हैं सब सही है ना… Read More

  • SimulationOP

    SimulationOPSimulationOP is a Semi-OP Server, You Get Most Permissions That An OP Gets, And You Can Have Fun With It, With The Very Active And Helpful Staff, Your Experience On This Server Is Unlike Any Other! (In Developement) simulationop.xyz Read More

  • Rigtopia Semi-Anarchy Bedrock 1.20.73

    Welcome to Rigtopia! Hello, I am the owner of Rigtopia, a semi-anarchy Minecraft Bedrock server for fans of twitch.tv/rigbydawg. Rules: Griefing and duping allowed. No hacking or lag machines. Current Status: 5-7 consistent players with more inconsistent players. Ender dragon undefeated. No cool base yet. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Wjuf7cYs Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Git Gud, Casuals.

    As a non-Minecraft player, I have to ask – is there a support group for these “lazy builders”? Read More

  • Crafting Skies: Minecraft’s Flying Machine Surprise

    Crafting Skies: Minecraft's Flying Machine Surprise In Minecraft, we craft a flying machine so grand, With Pistons and observers, we build on demand. For Java or Bedrock, it works just the same, A realistic creation, in the game we claim. Honey blocks and slime blocks, we place with care, Redstone connections, flying through the air. A boat with a chest, for loot to bring, Our flying machine, a majestic thing. Turn on the lever, watch it take flight, A traveler’s craft, soaring with might. For a faster machine, check the link below, In Minecraft, the possibilities grow. So build and explore, in this blocky land,… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Spicy Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • 43 Hilarious Minecraft Fixes

    43 Hilarious Minecraft Fixes 43 Unexpected Minecraft Hacks Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new ways to make the most out of the game’s features. From turning seemingly useless items into valuable resources to finding creative solutions to common problems, the possibilities are endless. In this article, we’ll explore 43 unexpected Minecraft hacks that will change the way you play the game. Dying Is Good Dying in Minecraft may seem like a setback, but it can actually be beneficial, especially in speedrunning scenarios. By strategically setting your spawn point and using a bed, you can reset your hunger… Read More