Unbelievable Hive Stream with Paithal!

Video Information

Hello hello hello hello hello oh my gosh I’m back again who would have thought all right hello guys welcome to stream welcome to stream uh Crown Dan’s here hello Crown Dan welcome to stream let’s hope my internet doesn’t act like yesterday if my internet starts freaking out I’m going to

Cry uh I should be doing homework right now but I’m streaming and playing Minecraft instead being very valuable with my time currently all right guys it’s time to play the Minecraft video game so I can get warmed up and then we can do some cs’s I got the Christmas Nintendo music playing right

Now Okay all right guys I have nothing to talk about right now I spent 3 hours uh rolling villager trades I’m in pain wait on the server why I need to well I play on there but not I I you know not that much maybe like a couple times a week but no one’s

On whenever I get On no one else plays on there all right guys you brought us see the best gameplay of of your life watch watch and learn never mind okay um anyway chat how was your day I don’t I I normally don’t say that cuz I don’t

Know why but I am I have no subject to talk about at all so how was your day chat I don’t Know jeez Louise oh I don’t know if I I wanted to do cs’s this stream cuz you know it gets like viewers but I really don’t I don’t know I’m kind of sick of cs’s I really am they just never work out and this guy’s lagging I’m hope my internet doesn’t

Freak out again like it did yesterday maybe I should change the title I always make it the same thing it’s always Hive live with you maybe I should just make it like maybe I should just make it chill Hive stream I don’t know I just want to play the

Game and this guy thinks he’s playing fortnite like please dude why do you play like this here guys I quit oh my it’s super Anno uh annoying to set up a CS well the Cs I think are easy it’s just like the people you know it’s either there’s not enough

People to do certain games or it’s just dude dude wait one second I’m joining the game and then I take 10 minutes and then it’s just I feel bad for the people that already joined the game yeah H all right Um uh low key sometimes be me though what do you mean oh wait yeah you can’t get on uh I have nothing things to talk about I don’t even care uh like what bro chat when did I get so bad at the game man like Chad you can’t just like oh Oh my

Days chat when did I get so bad bro oh I’m your past the Everlasting what all right is this music too loud I feel like it’s too loud there’s no way this music isn’t too loud and volcano one the worst map of all time chat I have nothing

Recorded it’s been weird these past couple of days because I’ve been uh devoting my life to this um I’ve been devoting my life to this one video for like forever and now that it’s finally done I just like I don’t really I I don’t have anything else

Recorded what I should have done is while editing I should have started recording something else so I could edit it after I have ideas I just need um I just need to get communicate with some people uh all I need to do is wait give me a

Sec geez gez Louise all you need to do is grow more uh is better thumbnails if you could grow if you get if you got that you grow very fast I think I have been growing decently fast recently wasn’t I only at like 220 Subs like like two weeks

Ago by Hive standards I think I’m growing decently fast there’s this one guy what’s his name oh full diamond there’s this one guy his name’s like officer something like that he was at 200 something subs and he he literally uploaded two videos and now he’s already at 500 like there I

Just okay bro come come here bro bro okay I’m not messing with him dude not until I get pearls kid just leave me alone man there we go uh okay they don’t really have anything no wait this is guy with the Nemo okay no no watch this play chat watch this

Play get out get out no he’s lagging please just stop please please please just let me live no okay bro I hate Nemos bro oh my I only hate Nemos when I’m not the one that has them all right why don’t we vote Grove uh

Okay yeah I do have some ideas I think so I’m going to I was supposed to record with someone today someone I always say someone you guys already know who it is it’s the only person I make videos with I was going to record with Camilo today

And then he just kind of like I don’t know he’s too inconsistent on the game he’s like yeah I’ll record tomorrow and then he just disappears for like two days it’s really great I don’t think I’m going to I’m going to attempt to not record with him

Anymore I hate Nemo users that never uh will just fight or yeah yeah they always wait for you to go over a bridge or something no no no no no wait I could kill this guy come here man okay bro wait I’m not doing that much damage to him I just realized never

Mind uh all right guys watch this watch this where is everybody okay okay okay oh I’m sped bro there’s something wrong with me uh can I snipe you you know what sure guys if you want to snipe go ahead snipe you guys can snipe if you want to I’m very

Bored guys if you want to snipe try your hardest okay kill me I want you guys to kill me all right if you guys are able to kill me I’ll give you 100 bucks I’m capping but like just IM imagine that you’re getting a 100 bucks if you kill me what

Okay there a guy over here all right um there we go okay there we are bro why I’ve rented to three people now that have just been doing this like Get Down what bro okay all right GG but uh bro my tummy hurts so bad what um yeah but like this this this

Offy guy I made a video with him or I’m going to be in his upcoming video so you should probably should probably look out with for that probably only going to be in it for like 30 seconds or maybe like a minute but I’ll still be in

It grcraft grcraft players came to the hive what I’d say so my thumbnails this is random but going back to what the guy said earlier I don’t know if I’m pronouncing your name right I’m aware for you are I just I’ve never known how to pronounce your name it’s like my thumbnails I

Think I could do better on them like my recent one I’d say is probably better than all the ones that I have on my channel and it’s not even that good either but I have a whole bunch of Hive cow yep that’s what I am you

Idiot but like I have people who could make good thumbnails to me I just don’t reach out I never reach out I know so many people oh my God oh okay I’m so dead please stop please stop please stop guys let me know if the stream’s lagging cuz last stream it was God

Awful like the last stream was lagging so bad I don’t know if my internet’s fixed or not uh what name is so crazy it can’t be pronounced it can be pronounced I just can’t pronounce it I’m too scared I’m going to miss say it oh

All right we got to go the Destroyer we got to kill the Destroyer where’s he at what what what bro uhuh uhuh uh-uh please stop please stop oh Jed I’m crazy who watch this play watch this play WHYY Pearl stop stop oh my God oh my God oh my God tr’s online that’s

Strange C we’re supposed to record today you idiot but basically the videos until I have like the best ideas like ever I just can’t release them like right now I’m just focused I’m failing all my classes bro I’m not going to lie I might have to take a break from YouTube I’m

Failing Oh my days please just die just die just die yes no I have no loot oh my God oh my God oh my God okay okay I forgot how cracked I was at Hive SkyWars I’m not going to Lie all right I think we have enough people to do a CS if you guys want to type in chat if you guys are on we we can do a CS but we’re not doing no goofy Sumo is the first thing that we do cuz Sumo is

So annoying we’re definitely going to do like death tag or something oh my God he can’t even hit me all right GG no you don’t know what you don’t want to do cs’s okay we can do we’ll do a CS eventually that’s only one of you that

Said no we’ll just keep playing SkyWars I don’t know um okay wait did I even ever finish my sentence I said this like four times now I don’t even think I finished my sentence anyway I don’t know but these next couple oh try I God everyone stream

Sniping bro that’s one two and try that’s three stream sniper oh my okay all right this is going to be fun I’m not teaming with any of you if I the first I’m going to kill you guys like if I get the opportunity to all right but basically these next couple of

Videos are going to be like filler videos until I can get something good out they have to be filler videos I just can’t I don’t simply don’t have the time right now to upload like a major video and also my freaking it’s like I need to be more consistent and if

I spend another month on a video then well obviously that’s not consistent bro I lost this game I lost I lost oh snap this guy’s drag clicking bro bro stop please oh no no no watch this play he’s cheating stop oh oh my God yo yo the extension yo you guys

See that I’m crazy bro yo chat clip it clip it upload it to the Clips in my Discord jeez bro cracked like I I haven’t I haven’t played SkyWars I in consistently in eight years and I’m I’m just a goat yes sir jeez Louise all right who is still alive in

Here I don’t even know I maybe did all the stream snipers die team up against Orange you know what I am it might get me banned but I don’t care I hate these these cheaters watch this play I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m so

Dead why did I push it why did I push it all right I have three pearls I might be able to clutch if I fall off stop stop stop and I’m dead yo P so long time long and girthy time no see you didn’t have to add the girthy part

Bro you didn’t have to add the girthy part should I just make should I change the stream snidle snidle should I change the stream title to like stream snipe me or something like that I don’t know I wanted to do a 1 V one stream eventually but I feel like I wouldn’t

Get enough people or it’ll only be like 30 minutes long or something like that cuz I would have already done everybody in the chat new mic wait is it worse or better wait one stream is it I didn’t get a new mic but oh my God funny

Story my um my cat basically I was sitting at my at my desk and I was on a call with a whole bunch of my friends and then my cat jumped on my desk and I was I wasn’t at my desk I was like I

Went to go get something and when I came back my mic was on the floor and she snapped the freaking pop filter in half like the part where the pop filter gets like added to the added to the um the mic so like it doesn’t I can’t put the pop filter back

On so yeah it’s going to sound worse she just broke my microphone I’m probably going to buy a new one I don’t know if I’ll get like a completely different type of mic or if I’ll just buy the same one so oh my days okay I thought he was

Going to clutch everybody in Skywars knows how to clutch now yeah it’s yeah it s pretty bad I just I just turn up my volume it well it doesn’t sound bad it just sounds like a lot worse classic cats yo she also broke my freaking my keyboard too but I’m getting

A new one of those right now I’m using my brother’s keyboard cuz um my wires go behind my desk and randomly like black fine ignore me randomly like around around like a month ago she just started going under my desk and pulling out the cords and like knocking everything off thank you black

Fine okay no teaming that’s fine I get it I got it black line I got it Jeez um but she she knocked she kept knocking it off and I was worried she was going to break my mouse my mouse is like $50 but she broke my keyboard but it’s not a good keyboard it’s like a office keyboard I’m getting an actual like good

Keyboard pretty soon and I’m going to buy a new mic hopefully I just have to i’t I’ve been looking for keyboards I already found a good one I just have to look for a mic now I haven’t I haven’t been looking at all but this is probably going to be a

Pretty short stream because I have to do homework and oh my God I have so much of it like it’s not even funny I’m H it’s cuz my stupid math teacher they give homework every single day and um you know just like all the other classes and I don’t understand anything

In that math class so I don’t even know like what I’m supposed to do probably just going to like get it all wrong and submit it okay bro I’m dead to Trey oh never mind bro this Christmas music is such a Vibe oh my God I’m done I’m done I’m so done

Bro oh my my God bro I don’t understand how I can make plays like this and then just like and then just like walk off the map completely here we go let’s make this harder for you guys oh I wish I could Nick bro I can’t Nick I just slash

Tubbed I meant to do SL costume oh my bro what I’m spelling costume right there we go I wasted my money on the ice Bloom well I didn’t waste it I like it but I spent money on this I spent I think I spent like wait that’s like $2 and I bought four

Emotes and then plus this but this was $2 no way bro I spent so much money bro on L I literally Lally bought this costume and I bought a whole bunch of the emotes cuz the gritty came out and the floss oh my god I’m an

Idiot uh I don’t like math uh but something that rhs with it what all right Blue Cow is worth it because it’s cool yes it’s very cool um I was going to buy the uh like the normal cow the normal cow like Hive costume but I decided to go with this instead because like I don’t know I just like it more but like the freaking um

What is it the guy what’s his name I love him so much nerd for bird I love nerd for bird so much and I feel like if I started using that all the time it would just be weird that’s his skin bro I wish I could play with you but I’m sick

A oh no one even got into the game I don’t even think you guys realize that I died oh my guys if you ever want to do any cs’s just let me know in chat cuz I uh I’m open to doing them but I’m kind of having fun playing SkyWars I’m not going

To lie unless we do like death tag or something cuz I I’ve grown to hate Sumo I used to love playing sumo but I’ve just grown to hate it streaming completely ruined Sumo for me unless I like get on Zea to play boxing at what is your math level uh like a

250 million billion that’s not even a a thing but I’m just so smart so jeez you know what I feel like it’s happening so I used to binge watch Hive content and it’s comes to the point where I’ve watched all of the videos or or all the videos that are like good at

Least and I feel like no one uploads anymore and the people that do upload they upload like some people upload like the best content ever and like but the thing is they just they don’t upload consistently at all like they upload like once every two months

Bro and then the people that do upload consistently it’s just commentaries and I I I mean I like commentaries but respectfully their commentaries are trash like they they’re not it’s not even a real commentary they’re not talking about anything they’re just like oh I’m going to kill this

Guy the only like kind of commentary that I YouTuber that I watch is like uh this guy called defect but he he’s not even really a commentary YouTuber he’s like a content type of YouTuber and he just like except the content has no theme so I guess it’s more com

Commentary what about treasure Wars free shop um uh yeah we could do free shop I guess I would have to change the map of course I’m getting kind of sick of playing the same Maps uh yeah sky death tag I want to do

That so bad that is so much fun I did it yesterday on stream we did it like like two rounds I think we did that was so fun oh Camilo I don’t know if you’re still here but I I don’t know I don’t think he is no he’s not but I got raided

Yesterday oh he’s he’s in the game so I assume he’s in the chat but I got raided yesterday literally just like as you left like like like a I think like a minute after I got raided by my friend uh Breezy or not my friend my I he’s he’s an

Acquaintance I’m starting to get to know him I don’t really know who he is he makes pretty decent content but I’m salty cuz he put me c tier on his tier list uh cuz he he watched that one stream and that’s the only bit of content that he watched for me so he

Raid me c tier I literally typed in the chat when he was doing that live stream I was like have you ever watched any of my videos he was like no you’re just a live streamer oh my streams aren’t even like good quality oh good play bro

GG uh it takes at least 3 minutes at a time to set up a match well not for him cuz he has so many people uh P solid High B tier that’s what I’m saying bro I thought minimum I know like that’s that’s like biased cuz

I am me you know obviously I’m going to like me more than anybody else but I’m aware of what I’m good at and I’m aware of what I need to work on like that new video I think it was good good yes I have utters black fine

But this is just a costume the real me is still underneath uh but like like I think the the new video it’s like it it’s a good video don’t get me wrong but I think everybody has like too much of a short attention span The Hive is very like split up when

It comes to content either you have the best attention span in the world cuz you watch commentaries were the shortest attention span in the world cuz he watched like it’s Blues YT or defect and mine was like an in between mix where the fights took a long

Time or and Al but at the end it was like really good with storytelling so I don’t know I don’t know I think if he watched my content he would put me a tier cuz he put people a tier that I’ve watched and I love their content but he put there’s a YouTuber

Called uncut Bridge he put him like at like I think it was like a tier or something like that and oh my God that made me mad I have so much more I have so much better videos than him he doesn’t even upload I’m dead guys after this go look up uncut

Bridge and watch his videos his videos are good but like you can’t put uncut bridge above me on a on a tier list you just can’t imagine Breezy started watching stream am I the one that’s lagging or is it just everybody around me the Tik Tok brain rot people yeah

Exactly sup P hello Sam the goat welcome back to stream God oh my like I’m so good but jeez uncover brid is decent I won’t say a tier because he doesn’t edit yeah that’s the thing oh hence the name you’re correct uncut Bridge that’s not really

Like he his channel used to be uncut Bridge he just like um he he changed it after a while to edit his videos more but who’s another example of someone that he put above me uh icy craft I like icy craft though he he’s maybe he does make better content than me icy

Crafts who’s someone else I’m trying to think I don’t really know much of the people that he put up there I only know like old gen Hive YouTubers hi hello welcome to the Stream axle Jeez okay this guy’s still in my game no Tre is not in my game Anymore okay I I uh what region are you I’m na you guys can snipe if you want in fact I want you to snipe I’d prefer you guys to snipe my Minecraft video game okay should I make a tier list I feel like I I don’t want to make a tier list not

Like as a video that video would flop so hard it would definitely get like 100 views Max or like 200 Max um dog I watched Osio blades video for the first time and it uh and it hit the same as the first like the first time you watched it

Yeah I I miss ignasio bro that was actually Osio is one of my one of the reasons I started YouTube when I started YouTube I was like I wanted to be like him so bad I love ignasio blade he was my favorite Hive YouTuber at first I was trying to go for

Like similar content that Osio made and then I just kind of did my own thing now if you if you ever watch if you’re ever going to watch a p video it’s either one it’s going to be spam with meme sound effects or it’s going to be like storytelling probably going to do

Storytelling from like here on out because I feel like it would do the best in YouTube but I don’t know hear me out but best tea toer list guys which do you like more tea or coffee tea or coffee if you if you say that you like coffee

More than T there there’s something wrong with you uh okay I’m off cathine all right black F doesn’t get to vote T is better yes you’re correct that’s factual information best te I think I would go I don’t know I don’t know it depends on like it

Depends on like if you’re if you’re making the tea or if you’re like buying it from a store I don’t know why you would buy it from a store I feel like making it is just better but who wants to taste something bitter every day like

Uh I don’t know I don’t I was going to I was going to do it oh jeez I was going to do a bit but I just like went off I don’t even know what I was going to say yes you can One V one me now I have nothing else to do

Ah get me up please get me up okay I’m good oh where are these last people after this game we can One V one oh there is someone is oh my god dude what is it with me almost killing myself what is it I just almost did it again

Okay thought this guy was AFK what the okay you’re shark bait right no that’s not you I remember your your username was like the same as it is on YouTube I think I don’t remember uh bro I had a peach and cinnamon tea the other day day and God damn it

Slapped Peach and cinnamon I’ve never had Peach and cinnamon tea before I was re-watching old Hive streams and it’s so crazy people back then used to be able to pull over a 100 viewers like consistently I was watching like a old ignasio blade stream and it was literally like oh we’re at 100

Viewers and I was like dude what how I mean I know evidence still pulls like over 100 but one I feel like a lot of the people are just from back in the day and a lot of people that just like don’t play Hive anymore and just still watch

Or they are they don’t play Hive cuz event isn’t really a hive YouTuber he’s he’s really not he’s a Minecraft Youtuber he just uploads Bedrock Edition and streams The Hive he’s more of a hive streamer than anything uh hey can you do a CS I’m feeling

Better now you you felt better in like 30 minutes yeah we can do a CS we can do a CS he’s hiding a oh yeah I was just like I was just like walking around I don’t know what I was doing is this light blue or is this uh what team is

This I think this is light blue do I have a compass yeah this is light blow all right I’m going to One V one this one guy first and then we’re going to set up we can set up a a death tag CS I think that’s what we’re going to do

Not going to lie I haven’t even attempted to join an evident stream well his streams are it’s like his streams are good but his chat is just crazy bro it’s just this chat is just filled with a whole bunch of like little kids where is this guy is he in the

Back in the back oh my is he up I don’t know I feel like his his videos he stop oh his videos what evident does nowadays is his videos he used to like show his like personality a lot and I feel like his videos now they’re just kind of they’re

Kind of fake like it’s he’s he it’s not even his gameplay he cuz he just he just hosts tournaments and does challenges and stuff and the whole time he’s just like narrating you know you only really get to see the real evident on like his live streams or if he’s doing an extra

Evident video my chat is lying to me again it always does this it either says I have more or less viewers than I actually have okay we can set up a CS for this uh one guy or actually was his name shark B I don’t remember who it

Was all right if you send me another invite I will join it so the next one I get i’ll that’s the one that’s you so I’ll know it’s you I don’t want to set up the preset because I don’t know if you have your own or

Not bro why did I spend my money on this it’s not even there’s a texture pack where you can do the gritty and it’s literally better too can’t do the floss though also you can’t do the Sid Dance oh yeah I invited you all right gotcha uh oh it’s SL

CS this is shark bait uh you have to send me another one cuz this is a different guy maybe it is him I don’t I don’t know yeah let’s try it let’s just join um so can you make it the Cs yes I can make

It I don’t know if this is him or not not going to lie Bedrock is compat um not going to lie this Bedrock compatible server com compatible server hits different right now the one you’re playing Sky AFK what is he doing let’s just Spam him oh I didn’t

Um my Discord server I’m kind of an idiot kind of a stupid dummy aren’t I I guess we can do it at everyone while we’re doing this uh boom uh there we go okay I don’t know what this guy’s doing I I genuinely don’t know what this guy’s

Doing here I love your videos thank you thank you here I’ll just make the Cs and invite him um there we go Uh game setting wait what am I doing right now oh there he is finally bro finally five extra lives that’s I don’t you know what that’s good stream content I guess why not why not guys I’m sorry after the Cs I will do it and it’s this map cuz everybody picks

This map I One V one on Castle all the time and get hit better clutches on there everybody used to One V one on Castle but then all of a sudden like everybody just started doing it on here or or at least like in YouTube videos Everybody One V one on Castle

Okay let’s grab that that that my RGN my Ig my my luck is crazy overrated map this is like I feel like it’s annoying when you’re in an actual game at least every time I play this map I just get like cornered in the freaking basement and I get killed Okay he has full diamond what okay I need boots RNG yes I said RNG but I just feel like it didn’t sound right all right we’re going to be a little rat and take all the resources from this base too we need as much advantages as we

Can is there any loot that spawns down here I don’t remember oh yep there is and there’s nothing good wait I can be annoying um all all right I’m completely ready hey there hello welcome to the stream guys I’m going to create a CS right after this I’m just uh One V

Oneing this guy I have no clue if he’s ready Okay all right chat let’s go let’s go is this CS well it’s a CS with a one viewer right now I’m One V oneing him kid where’s my arrows going uh if I had money I would donate you I don’t even think you can donate on here you have to be monetized for

Donating I’m not sure how this works he is destroying me right now oh maybe I can pull it back I don’t know actually I don’t know if it’s it’s worth it all right I think what I’m going to do is I’m just going to get my stuff

Back up I’m just going to loot up again and then I’ll go back after him no mid no mid chest uh well like I kind of got it here I’ll drop all this stuff that I got what did I even get I didn’t even really get anything I just got a sharp

Sword which does the same damage anyway all right I think I’m I’m up a couple hits yeah I’m I’m winning right now all right gg gg he got me low he was winning that at first but I was able to get away from him

Uh hey is it just me or is P’s aim Godly today I think my aim’s worse I’m not going to lie my aim has been like well ever since yesterday I like upgraded my sense so I could uh hit 360s easier while comboing and it’s like I

Feel like I haven’t been able to aim but I don’t know maybe it’s better I have gotten used to it I feel like if I go back down to 17 I can’t even play o o oh this is close come on oh my okay oh my God bro wait you let me Gap

Oh what the what the no no no no no no no oh oh yeah he got me we got to say GG we got to be Nice I wish you can make SkyWars matches last longer I know some people can do it but I think it’s only if you’re like a partner or something cuz I feel like I don’t know how you can do it I don’t know if he’s ready or not he didn’t say he wasn’t

Okay he’s five oh no way he actually made that no no no no no oh my oh my oh my God oh my God oh my God please okay okay okay jeez man jeez okay how do I still have this many projectiles I made a mistake dude I

Thought he was like way lower than he actually was I’m already like please bro please please please please just get away he’s six this is Wable oh my oh my yep I di it fall damage Mega clutch from paal shees I know I’m goated I’m goated I have one minute to kill him again I want to make the score even at least uh no God no what scrubby rat what are you on about bro

Wait how’s he so much higher Health than me what nine you’re joking what did he use bro no no no no no no he had to have he had to at like a gaple to he peed again oh please ah no bro oh my God P I have a question what’s

Good all right bro yo scrubby as soon as scrubby joined he like corrupted my chat bro scrubby GG yeah GG I made a couple bad plays I think I could have done a little bit better but yeah GG uh OMG you were so good I wish I was as good as you

Wait did I win or lose that I only had one kill he had like two or three I think and it said that I had the most kills in the game so I’m confused all right guys we can set up a CS now we are going to be doing a death tag first

Because death tag is fun if you didn’t know and I’m here to have fun all right guys I’m setting it up I am setting it up slcs create server SkyWars boom uh let’s just invite all the people that are on currently yep CS time time I’ve been playing SkyWars for an hour now

Wow all right uh manage presets save presets oh wait no featured presets why don’t we do oh wait what was I doing death tag Confirm code only guys if you would like to join the code it is on screen now hello Abel gaming if I pronounce your name right I think I did hello welcome to stream when did the music end it did restart it all right there we go I got my Christmas playlist on right

Now uh we be collecting green blood Stack Up on the rack bro dark Ron bro oh Okay we have one two black feline then me we have I joined your Discord all right thank you if you want to get added you can uh get added uh hexagon if you hexagon if you’re in my Discord then I will add you I don’t know if you’re the ones that joined or

Not someone joined yesterday and I added them but all right we have a decent amount of people here 1 two 3 4 5 six seven yep we have seven let’s go Prest as an L YouTuber I don’t know his YouTube channel Preston plays he says his name

Is this is Preston fan uh can I join the Cs yes you guys can join if you guys um if any of you want to join this is free for any of you doesn’t matter public public CS uh please please yeah I’ll add you if

You if you joined I I would add you normally but like I’ve added already like it’s closing in on like 70 people bro I’m not going to lie and I just don’t want to have um my friends list be that clogged here we can wait for this one guy guys

Let me know if you’re all in everybody type in chat if you guys are in or not I don’t know if any of you if all of you are in I don’t want to like start the game try is better than P for real I

Mean he did kill me in my last two challenges I’m not going to lie he did you guys have seen my gameplay and you’ve seen treesy if you have a brain you can see who’s better respectfully respectfully please bro I will be so happy well you’re already happy enough whenever

You’re not sad so wait what I don’t know what that means I’m in all right is all of you guys in I’m going to start the game 10 n 8 7 6 5 three dark Ron’s going to stay in chat wait I went from 5 to three four

3 two 1 all right guys I started I started the game I started the game I want to play too bad you don’t have a Microsoft account jeez Louise wait why am I going after chest can’t get chest in here IGT turbo said he was going to post

Daily and then started uploading YouTube shorts shorts like geez Louise man she he’s not even streaming anymore either I wouldn’t blame him I kind of feel bad he like lost all of his viewers when he streams he nobody shows up cuz he like took a break for 8 million

Years uh I’m going just watch this one I’ll play uh what does that say this one I will play Oh I read it anyway all right oh snap it’s FTC hyper the best player of all time ah I killed the best player oh I’m so

Good oh and I killed I killed the best player the the worst the worst player he got his revenge okay um all right I need to play cautious this time cuz last time I was like rushing everybody and I was like the first one to die okay Um truce you guys are forming alliances now truce truce come on chesy yeah let’s emote all right after this bro this kid is building a tower you guys know that Meme Fort Squidward such a wannabe bro all right chy my friend I love chesy your mic sounds better it’s just kind of soft

Now I don’t know I still my mic originally wasn’t even the best anyway it it was good but like it could be better it’s it’s fine for now it’s not like I really need a new mic you know I definitely do need a new monitor eventually cuz my one monitor is like

Bad y I don’t trust you bro I don’t trust this y why is everyone here bro why is that I killed him I didn’t mean to and tr’s dead oh my oh okay how many lives do I have left I think I died three times or four times I die if I do

This all right icy bridge I’m dead to fall damage oh yeah I’m too crazy what what oh my okay bro uh Sumo XTS bro why why don’t we do what about SkyWars SkyWars XTS maybe I’m kind of sick of sumo guys I don’t trust try I wouldn’t trust him

Either I would never trust try except for right now but only if you’re me though and you guys aren’t me by the way I don’t know if you know but you are me kid it you’re not playing Survival what are you doing bro what the oh he’s building a sky base

Okay this is very entertaining content isn’t it guys this is my favorite emote bro this is the best emote okay Um I’m so bad bro is the goat no no no I’m on my demon Arc now you guys are all dead you guys are actually all dead come here ft fct hyper hyper you’re dead hyper is my first Target bro all the sweats need to die um bro

How am I going to say that and then I just okay bro I can’t no no no I’m on my last life now blue is the goat yeah that is factual cuz I don’t know if you know this but I’m actually blue team so that would mean that I’m the goat or or

Should I say the cow because you know I’m a cow oh I’m so cringe all right bro got humbled yeah I did all right guys no more playing around what is this guy doing all actually I’m oh no hyper leave me alone pper no I have to kill these people Eventually uh can we chat in your Discord yeah that’s the whole reason I made it you guys can chat you do whatever I want it to be more active so if you guys like you know actually made it more active that would be kind of cool you

Know it’s kind of why I made it what is happen oh oh I know what trees’s doing I remember he did this when we were trying to record that one video he just like kept going up Here don’t I have an axe you know I’m just going to commit wait what where’s it at is it up more wait did I fill it in there’s no way oh you want the you want the Discord to be more active violence can help with that no guys

No we already have Chrono in the Discord server that’s enough bro I actually just got jump scared all right who is left we have treesy 9599 we have U we have Preston fan I think Preston might take this I don’t know how many lives he has and I think treesy only has one

Left or Camilo wait krono I’m joining today why are you a big fan of krono krono gave me my ways what bro what what does that mean krono gave you your ways okay guys I’m at 269 subscribers oh my gosh I think I need to get to 270 I’m not going to

Lie guys you have a minute left you have to fight yo JY oh jeez oh bro me and Chrono uh Loki want violence the wait wait Loki was the violence Duo I don’t know about you I’ve never seen you do anything violent it was krono bro

He would always C clip things out of context like I think the first message in the Discord server was literally was literally just freaking like him sending up a video of me um making a noise that was completely uncontrollable cuz it was a natural reaction okay uh I’m your 270th sub wait actually

Let me refresh Let me refresh we’re at 271 thank you guys thank you for subbing thank you 300 300 by by Christmas that’s not happening oh uh do your CS oh yeah my bad guys uh create server why don’t we do here why don’t we do join talk one I

Can talk to you off stream to get like used to you a little bit I don’t I don’t I don’t join uh calls with people that I’m not that I don’t know while streaming and we can do treasure Wars free shop here actually why don’t I run

A poll chat I’m going to run a poll yes you’re correct Darkon Sumo sum guys I hate Sumo I hate Su all right we might do Sumo if you guys vot it I’ll put Sumo on the thing I know it’s going to win uh and block

Drop uh what’s another thing we could do actually let’s get rid of bridge and then we can replace that with free shop spell free shop wrong nice there we go guys I started to poll whatever CS you want to play go ahead and vote up free shop is better than Sumo I think

That is kind of true I’m not going to lie I used to be a big fan of free shop but then I just kind of I figured out that some players are like actually good at a free shop and then and then I just quit at P you can’t run from

Combos in Sumo yeah OB obviously only if you’re playing you can vote that is true if you guys aren’t playing then well don’t vote I guess why is no one in the hub you know what I realized they didn’t they didn’t update they didn’t update uh the SkyWars hub for Christmas that’s strange

Um what’s a good costume we the replay raccoon I also hate Sumo oh let’s let’s check the pole uh and sumo’s winning all right we have 10 votes all right we’re ending we’re ending the poll we’re going to do a sumo uh create server and treasure Wars

Solos wait actually what are the custom presets For oh free shop is a custom preset I never I never look at the uh at the featured presets I always just like make my own all right well that’s and we get a random map too this is good L sumo1 yeah this is tragic information let me start up the

Code oh actually let me invite people there we go guys code is up code is up now if you guys want to join a Sumo game uh there you go some maps are kind of bad for Sumo actually now that I’m thinking about it maybe I should

Wait this is free shop I’m an idiot manage presets save presets let’s do that we always do library we always do library all right hexagon’s in here felon’s in here Hyper’s in here Preston the Preston gu is in here trees’s in here cow hiive bro all right is this

Everybody uh it’s a raccoon Hive today yes it is yes it is here let me check something real quick um bro why is your name High spit on the car in Discord bro he joined the server and it gave me a notification can I lick bro black fine what that is so out

Of pocket coming from you bro why did you okay what region are you in I am in na region all right this guy joined I am na region we’ll give it I’m pretty sure this one person more is going to join so I think we’ll give it like 10 seconds all

Right po POV 10 people voted but five people uh wait I can why can I never read chat show up one two three four five six Actually it’s seven wait you can’t count me or black feline are you a French raccoon no I’m a replay raccoon how does it feel being a cow

Walking with two legs kid what all right guys we’re starting we started the game I don’t know bro but actually watch I can actually walk on a four legs you idiot so I don’t know what you’re talking about I just choose to walk on Two all right what base Tools in Sumo to break I should probably remove it I should probably remove I don’t I feel like one of you guys are going to be weird I’ll remove it I’ll remove it eventually what base H what base should we do that uh well blue is already is

Blue already making it people F to kill yeah probably eventually eventually um maybe I feel like I trust most of the people that are in here there’s some new people but most of you guys I’m I know at payal base uh I don’t know why I’m doing it at my

Base because that is probably a not very smart move but it’s whatever all right guys it’s time to get it set yeah this is why I added tools bro uh hopefully I can stream this Friday and this Saturday and also maybe this Sunday cuz I used to do this thing where

I had a schedule and I and I wanted to make it Friday and Saturday cuz that’s when I like didn’t have school the next morning but I don’t even really stream till that late so it doesn’t do like matter anyway uh I do have to work on so much homework assignments after

This oh this is enough for him you want to go hyper let’s go I’m going to get absolutely spit on but what the yep H has got me in a combo who would have thought damn it he got me bro I can’t I think it’s cuz I’m not uh W

Tapping like when I get people in combos I just forget to W tap I’m not used to Sumo at all I’m a SkyWars player man we don’t do that in Skywars nobody likes homework yeah and it’s my goofy math teacher they are the only one everybody every other teacher just like agrees

That homework is stupid except for my math teacher and I don’t know the work because she hardly speaks any English cuz she’s from Korea so it’s like I I don’t even know what I’m learning so I don’t know what the homework is bro what the heck dude you just like teleported up I

Swear yeah guys if you guys are placing blocks please don’t that’s kind of annoying let’s go out here more no placing blocks I’m kind of glad I added tools but I also feel like someone’s just going to be a rat one day and kill us uh uh my bad I was reading chat

Hyper I just want to I don’t want to this is what the thing about Sumo I have to like put my whole entire dedication to playing it and then I just like I out of the corner of my eye I see like chat moving but I don’t know what it’s Saying guys I’m flying right now this isn’t even funny bro like this is this is this is awful I P Sumo you yeah I’ve been fighting you enough here who can we fight we can fight oh I guess we’re fighting him now hyper is super mad sweating yeah he is super mad

Sweating it doesn’t help that guys chat look at my aim bro look at my aim I don’t understand I was playing SkyWars and you guys were like oh when did pel’s aim get so good man and then I hop in Sumo and my Crosshair like 90% of the time is aiming at the

Floor like what is this bro and this guy doesn’t know how to play Summa okay Um sheesh sheesh we’re fighting Trey we’re fighting Trey come here big boy all right I guess we’re fighting Preston instead oh my oh my bro what is this lag guys I need to start playing Zea more I used to be like a goddess humo and now I’m just like so Bad um okay all right all right I’m not fighting you anymore bro you’re lagging way too much oh no bro I I just started fighting you like chill chill I just started fighting you bro guys Sumo is not my main game I repeat I repeat Sumo is not my main game he still

Beat me in Skywars but like it it was close it was closer I should say I’m done I’m so done bro what is this guy what why is he third part okay what is this oh oh my bad yeah we’re sing I was this oh my

Days bro I swear every single time I I I jump reset it doesn’t do anything hello clicks welcome to stream every single time I jump reset it literally does nothing like like what I it’s just getting me in these combos like all right I I need to I need to go

Look up a jump reset tutorial on YouTube or something because Geez I’m crying right now this is really great commentary right now I’m just like not even talking all right bro we get it I can’t be bothered I can’t be bothered I cannot be bothered right now all right there we go okay uh I’m a go thanks for letting me

Play all right I’ll see you later hyper thank you for joining the Minecraft game what the why did you make a math problem bro I’m not solving that I’m too all right all right where’s where is this where’s Trey at where’s Cameo bro wait actually I have an

Idea I actually have an idea give me one second give me one second uh guys I will be back I will be back I have to go grab something real quick I will be back for oh my God yeah I’m back all right I bet

Pon went to go get a uh a pencil and a paper I did not bro I didn’t I want to go get something else which I actually couldn’t been find mind yeah I still don’t know where it is Um sorry chat give me a second I’m getting a whole Um no jeez bro chat my bad my cat my my goofy stupid cat did you go out to get these nuts yes I did actually that’s what I did chat how do you know that that’s what I want out to go grab you guys are so

Smart yo he’s backing out bro uh black feline I actually don’t know the answer I’m not going to lie isn’t it like is it 500 or something I don’t know bro I have no clue all right guys we’re resetting the Cs cuz I always do this if our treasure

But I I I do it until our treasure gets destroyed I’m resetting the Cs all right what was second in line that won what won the poll after that all right it was free shop after that guys we’re going to be doing a free shop CS create Server um oh oh oh oh what am I doing guys guys guys I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m like keep dozing off CU I keep looking at chat my bad my bad uh save presets or actually let’s do a random map so manage presets feature presets I’ll wait for try to join cuz I

Know he’s not all right he has to do the code he has to do the code he didn’t join Instantly um okay all right if you’d like to join we are doing a free shop game now so I don’t know I don’t know join up join up I know oh my God I know what ch’s doing bro all all Camilo does is he’ll he’ll he’ll like he’ll stay in the game

Or something like that cuz he’s an idiot he’s like I got to kill this person he always does that I got to kick my cat out of my room cuz she’s knocking my keyboard off the desk Again Cat equal best yeah cats are cool except for when I break your mouse and your microphone all right well the thing is about my cat is like they’re just she’s nice at night time like she’ll cuddle and she’ll like sit with you and she’s like all friendly at

Night time but during the day she just she just she’s she’s not mean but she’s annoying like she’ll just annoy you Okay oh um okay have you played laa company lethal company if that’s what you’re talking about uh no I haven’t I’ve seen I’ve watched a couple videos on it I watched Crown Dan video on it if um if you guys saw I just listened to some racist jokes

Do you want to hear some preferably not preferably not in the Stream well I mean preferably not at all preferably not at all yeah yeah but like definitely definitely not in the Stream though one two three four five that’s five people I feel like third partying doesn’t really matter that much in free

Shop cuz I feel like if if you if you can just like Pearl or boom box or Co fruit out of any situation uh I would have to time you out yep they’re funny though why do you type G in the chat because I like the letter

G l not uh L guys I’m not going to lie I recommend you play Terraria it’s kind of chill dude I’ve I’ve played Terraria like a couple times I never really got into it I know I know black feline likes it but like I’ve seen what you can do

Towards like the end of the game and it just looks crazy bro have you played Lethal company no I’ve watched a couple videos I watched Crown Dan’s video which you guys could uh you should check out he post it in the self promo promo channel in my Discord where you could

Just look up his name uh okay we’re going to start up the game um I think I already did this but we’re just going to make sure all all right we’re starting the game and mushroom one fight at 2 two there we go we’re going to fight at 22 minutes guys 22 Minutes it’s so fun yeah I never got into Terraria I don’t know I I assume it would be it seems I I’m into those type of games so I assume I would have fun if I played It Okay What else do I need bro I haven’t played free shop in so long I actually forgot what stuff you need oh arrows oh my God why did I I always do this I always buy swords okay I also don’t need that many arrows I got kicked for

What yo I’ve been this is cringe this is so cringe but I’ve been playing Lego fortnite okay I’ve been playing Lego fortnite and I’m not going to lie it’s fun it’s actually fun if you have like people to play it with I haven’t played it in a couple

Days but I have been been playing it I started a world with Camilo but I I play it more by myself I’m I do with him um it’s l Lego fortnite okay bro may I think in some aspect not enough content that is true but you can do like a lot of goofy

Things Though dang it oh wait I forgot to buy the chors fruit oh there’s no way I didn’t buy boom boxes bro oh there’s no way okay right we got to buy those I was placing blocks yeah maybe we’re placing them weird I don’t know I’m going to check my mic after stream

To see if it’s really that bad according to you guys it’s not that bad but I do need a new one cuz my other it broke it still works it’s just I don’t have a filter for it I can’t put the filter on cow hello Raz welcome to stream I’m not

Going to third party that because I feel bad try 9599 come here what what the heck is he do okay come here JY try get out of here bro what are you doing try you’re selling what are you doing oh he course for like just in time oh my green was

Eliminated there’s a glitch on hive if you build to build height and try placing blocks higher you get kicked really can you drag click yes I can drag click but it’s not even it’s not really that good what’s my mouse I have the Glorious modeled o and what I have uh

The glossy White Version the wired I’m drag clicking right now I I I feel like drag clicking I only use it whenever I like need to clutch or something why didn’t we have beds though cuz I set it to like the actual free shop in real free shop you don’t have

Any well it’s going to be beds in like less than a month anyway so oh I’m sorry bro I’m actually sorry I feel bad for that one he wasn’t even paying attention I’m sorry oh my God all right midf fight uh we’re going to run another pole and then after that we

Can we can check it we can do a midf fight all right well well if midf fight wins uh here let me set up a YouTube poll so you guys can vote uh we could do midf fight I’m trying to think of games that we didn’t already do

Op op SG that’s a good one SkyWars and midf fight and next PLL we can add like block drop or something Ground Wars grinding oh my God bro I would get negative one viewers if I did that uh there we go bridge bridge is fun

But I feel like we have too many people for bridge I think the max is eight for bridge we have 12 people watching I don’t know if 12 people would join but I feel like only like I feel like eight people would join or like seven or something dude Simon says

We did uh two midf fights wait did I do midf fight twice oh my bro all right well there’s two midf fights so I could have added block Chopper Bridge uh can we do SG we so what I do is I I normally do whatever one wins and

Then I do the second place winner and then I start a new pool after that um can we do paal says wait or wait did you say Simon says or something like that I don’t remember Simon says so I actually did Simon says uh one time on my one stream

And it just like my stream delay was too bad to where it just like didn’t work we have nine votes right now and midf fight is winning we will do OPG after the midf fight all right oh I’m an idiot I’m so bad at this treasure Wars custom server trios

Camilo got off I’m pretty sure all right guys here’s the code if you would like to join there you go I’m going to get tossed I don’t know why but I feel like I do better in midf fight than I do in Sumo and it’s literally the same game except you have health

Oh yeah okay okay uh we have enough people is black F line joining back black F line are you joining back cuz you got disconnected and jelly got disconnected too we do have a decent amount of we actually have a pretty decent amount of people in here all right I’ll give

It I’ll give it 10 more seconds for for you guys to join my sore throat hurts tragic black F line isn’t playing I’m going to assume they’re not I feel like they would have joined back by now okay I’m going to start the game oh oh oh oh I got to set the

Rules you can be yellow you can be red cuz you know you’re red feel like you’re red for some reason I don’t care for midf fights oh okay you can be blue you can be yellow uh you can be yellow and I can be blue so is

This this guy’s going to be by himself uh actually I can make myself by myself here I’ll make you blue and then I will make myself green all right there we go you’re here you’re in um let’s just make sure the thing is set up all Right I wish there was a way to disable bows but it’s like this is not going to happen okay what oh I just lagged I just lagged I just lagged I just lagged I just lagged oh my God bro what the heck what the heck bro he’s chasing me I lagged

Jeez I just like froze bro okay I’m full enough h I swear I cannot combo people with these skins or or it just looks weird when to combo them like I can’t even tell if I’m doing it or not all right I’m going to void okay Okay all right I guess I’m fighting raspberries oh my God the goat I love this guy because he’s so cool and raspberries wait why is everybody using bows what bro it’s midf fights Oh my he just you just stopped fighting you just stop fighting back you just knew it was over GG

Raspberries no no No oh what what he lived but he jumped off okay my bad I’m sorry raspberries red Osio blade he’s he’s always in everybody’s events I remember seeing him when I joined a couple events he’s always in everybody’s events all right I still have my thing all right I

Do oh my everybody’s fighting right now I don’t even know who to fight oh wait this one blue guy is not fighting oh okay oh I’m an idiot actually I might as well buy tools cuz I feel like someone’s just going to place blocks there is already like a piece of

Endstone at Mid I’m just going to buy some to be safe let’s buy this this this there we go there we go did the stream did the Christmas music end again oh my Sumo you’re joking well there’s a block here wa bro who’s spamming that

Bow they all just went uh can I stream snipe if I go into a normal game of SkyWars you guys are allowed to stream snipe but right now we’re doing cs’s uh my birthday is in 4 days I’m feeling old happy birthday happy birthday dark Ron am I fighting raspberries again gg gg

Raspberries raspberry V is better than me okay guys at Spirit he is better than me I’m not going to lie hexagon is spawn killing he is ooh okay I I don’t know I can I can kick him but what one more chance one more chance I’ll kick him if he keeps doing

It what is the command is it like slash slash player SL SL ban slash menu I don’t know what it Is I don’t know if this guy wanted to fight oh Sumo okay oh oh I I don’t know what’s going oh okay let’s go over here oh SL controls thanks guys thanks SL controls all right I got to remember that all right let me guys let me know

If he if he uh if he keeps doing it please don’t ban me all right we just don’t do whatever you were doing then gg gg slash menu to go to the restaurant on go bro I I thought it would be slash menu okay stop using the bow you’re cheating man Bro bro what is going on all right I’m what the I’m pretty sure he just like the all the why did all the people just like randomly third party all right six more minutes at 10 minutes I’m going to do another CS OMG potato is there who’s

Potato all right bro no no no no no no no come here I’m not suing you kid this is midf fight mm I have shears right I Do oh okay I don’t know what’s happening I’ll fight the fish bro what the I I don’t know what’s going on anymore guys um okay bro what is happening this is not even this is not even guys this isn’t even Sumo anymore or midf fight oh oh my

Okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you freaking cheater man dude why are you third partying I can’t believe this guys get out of here bro wait watch this watch this um give me one second why am I full boxed bro what is happening

I don’t know what’s going on anymore did he ban me uh no I didn’t ban you I think you just got kicked bro oh respectfully I’m leaving respectfully I’m leaving the Cs anyway it doesn’t matter just don’t guys don’t use bows or anything in um in in midf fights anymore

Cuz I’m not going to lie they are very annoying and don’t third party that’s that’s worse than the bow that’s that’s why you got you got banned for the third partying if anything all right all right you can join the next one if you want but all right guys I’m resetting the Cs

I’m resetting the Cs I’m going to do another one because I am tired of that I’m tired of that game it’s just like SU but on steroids uh what are we doing now we are going to do SG I guess we’re going to do op SG uh isn’t there um featured preset yep

OPG do bridge all right I I’m putting bridge on the um the next uh poll that we do all right guys here’s the code if you would like to join OPG there you go it’s on the screen now SG is cool that is factual I need to

Change this uh black feline typed it the code in chat cuz I’m going to be in my menu right now I need to um I’m going to just delete that one there we go but we have the the featured one wait there we go uh such a cool concept for a game mode

But uh people just kind of got bored of it so SG had potential well S I feel like if they update it SG would like explode SG is so cool there’s so many things they could do with it too like I could think of so many updates but they just they don’t

Update it it’s like they accepted SG is a dead game I didn’t really I don’t really play it that much so as you can can tell by my level thanks for Banning me well that’s it’s not my fault bro basically just make it fortnite okay all right there we

Go one two three four five I feel like a little bit more people are going to join I don’t know we lowkey need guns on SG exactly we definitely need guns on SG actually no no no no cuz the bows all everyone does in SG is Spam bows it’s

Literally like like we have guns you’re like 99% of the time when you get into a fight with SG and it’s like end game you’re not even going to be like doing melee damage it’s just bow spamming and boom box spamming hello blue guy oh my gosh blue guy dude

I haven’t seen you in forever you commented on my one video like a couple days ago and that’s like the only thing I’ve heard from you since hello blue guy welcome to the stream black feline’s like been my only moderator that’s coming to stream and like when or or the only one

That like does anything at least like like tresy will be in the Stream but he just doesn’t do anything he actually only really has mod cuz he’s my friend I think that’s the only reason he has mod imagine you run in a room and someone throws a grenade at you bro uh

Grenades would be cooler than boom boxes yeah that would be cool but the problem with that is it would just be like I feel like you wouldn’t notice it it would be like they would have to make him small or something because I’m goated yes you are

Goed you should mob me for real dude respectfully I think you’ve only been in like three streams I normally wait a couple months and I have to like know who you are I have stream with you yes that’s it’s literally every single one of my titles recently before I just used to

Make them random man I used to make them so Random all right we can start the game so I’ve been working on my second Channel I have over 1,700 subscribers I’ve been in one what 1, wait what’s your second Channel I’ve never seen it before oh snap I’m going to get

Targeted I’m so dead bro this guy’s going to kill me guys help me oh no he’s teaming he’s teaming hello no no bro guys stop following me bro get out of here get out of here I don’t want your presence I got kicked what why does everybody get kicked I swear this

Happens every single game we play and you guys will just get kicked I feel like you’re Banning yourself on purpose oh snap kid bro I don’t trust these people man I might get on okay blue guy oh I’m sorry Cal I had to do it to

You oh thank you I mean I got some from the cow but thank you guys I’m not teaming I’m not teaming get away from me guys I do not want to team like at all all right I’ll give you like 10 seconds oh blue guy got on and this

Guy’s stuck in cob bles over here bro they’re teaming get me out okay okay okay okay okay okay Okay no Okay he got away dang it bro I wish I could get better loot can you do a normal game like a normal game of SG I like doing

OPG if it it lasts a little bit longer oh snap you know what we’re fighting Preston bro I want that helmet give him the helmet oh No oh oh my God bro bro I’m not a fan of my loot right now thought I killed this guy oh he got away I remember he’s dead now I think yep okay gg gg gg uh who else has left black feline still alive and this Preston guy’s alive

Preston has the best loot wait no maybe black fine does I’m the most undergeared here uh use the flare for iron chest plate wait what bro I think he said that ages ago and I just tried to put a flare on as a chest plate I’m actually a bot bro what am I

Doing how can I have this many exper how how can I have this many years of experience while playing The Hive and then try and put a flare on my chest all right I’m not going to third party let’s just watch this fight yo yo yo yo I’m just a spectator

Bro I’m just a spectator okay what can I do here I’m the most undergeared I just I think I just got to clean the I don’t want to be the one that gets cleaned bro I really don’t 10.5 no I went back to HUB too oh my God El D

He could have dropped the flare and not put it on your well I’m not going to do it in the final game okay I wonder who won that bro cuz I accidentally left the game at the end ah all right all right I’ll join the next one

Wonder what game we’re going to be doing next okay black F land let me know who won that CS uh oh actually let’s run a pole uh start pole okay let’s see yes uh so what can we do bridge we can do a bridge uh what else can we

Do everyone I think like two people said normal SG so why don’t we just do SG um block drop and you know what why don’t we do I don’t know the settings for dirt hide-and-seek I hope why don’t we just say hide-and-seek for now start pole there we go all

Right well they move the quest Master cuz that cuz they put the presents there all right what is winning right now now we have bridge is dominating all right you know we might as well I think we do bridge and we’ll do hideand-seek and then we’ll also do a block drop CU I

Love block drop I think that’s what we’re going to do and then after that I’m going to end the stream because I’ve been streaming for two over two hours now and I am getting kind of tired and I like like I said I have lots of homework to be

Doing all right looks like we’re doing Bridge where is bridge at uh I feel like I passed it guys I’m blind it’s called The Bridge guys help I’m actually I’m actually blind oh my God I need glasses it’s right in front of me isn’t it where’s that bro it’s not on

Here bro bridge is not on here you get where is bridge at skywar War block drop murder mystery Death Run gravity hide and seek Survival Games capture the flag just build oh yeah my bad all right I’ll give that like a second one two three four five and start Cod there we go

Uh please wait for me I need to go pee all right I will wait for you um oh yeah I need to change the uh how many players there are game settings uh what is it maximum players set it to eight submit there we go all right guys there’s the code

Um yeah I feel like that’s everything okay where’s the max players at yeah I said it to eight all right you guys can join up oh what didn’t get set up there we go there we go if you guys would like to join a bridge CS then you guys can I’m

Just going to it’ll just be completely random teams oh wait is everybody in oh snap everybody’s in my bad guys my bad uh raspberries rate your skin I think your skin is a solid where even are you oh it’s a Christmas ignasio blade who would have thought um like a like

A a a 10 out of of 10 cuz you bought the gy emote money well spent money well spent all right let’s set up the thing you can be red uh raspberries can be red obviously blue PVP can be blue black feline can be blue um Preston can be red I can be

Blue uh you can be red you can can be blue is there anybody else so that’s one two three four Reds one two three four blues all right yep teams are even I’m pretty sure all right start of the game that’s four of us and there should be four of

Them over there yep there is let’s go guys we got to win we actually got to win try hard like genuinely try hard I would get on my intense music but I’m just going to be trying so hard no I have keep selected I’m throwing oh my all right well looks

Like I’m rushing this game yes sir come on yes sir hit the gritty hit the gritty every single time we score we got to hit the gritty guys I’m about to go off we need a whole bunch of people to stay back and defend come on come on

Bro damn it all right no they’re doing Top Hat strategy bro they’re making this goofy a bridge oh I wish I had snowball kit no raspberries get out of here oh okay no no no no no black fine yeah you guys got that okay okay okay yo they’re not paying attention

Gritty gritty gritty yes [Applause] sir no no oh my God I wasted my LEAP all right Raspberry’s got that all right H I don’t know if the teams are even but I don’t know we have a couple bad players on our team and we have a couple bad players on their Team actually I don’t really know who’s bad’s on their team [Applause] all right it’s 22 no they’re making a comeback bro oh my God they’re making a comeback this is not good bro this isn’t good please this is not POG man I’m scared Preston bro bro we got no no no we got

To do a rematch bro this is we got to do a rematch if we somehow manage to lose this we need more defense I think I have leap though so there’s no way I’m defending I think I made that come on yes sir yes Sir second goal was goated every goal is goated okay bro o oh oh that’s me I’m in yes sir I’m back you bozos Chrono you’re a bozo got to hit the gritty Bro think we won we’re in we’re in yes sir [Applause] GG’s going hit the floss

Too rematch you know what guys we’re doing a rematch we’re going to do a rematch we can do a rematch that was fun um okay uh all right guys there’s a new code if you would like to join black why you target me I think black feline was defending the whole time right

Crono I don’t know if you can join dude there’s already enough like people there’s already like I wish they would make Bridge like have more players but like eight is the max sadly I don’t know if they’ll be able to make it okay this guy joined this guy joined

Okay all right krona joined K’s level 20 oh yeah I remember he was level 20 I’m Rusty to be fair all right cron you’re going red team anyway and Raspberry’s going red team and I don’t know how many people are in one two three four 5 6 78 all right that’s the

Max let set up the teams uh so raspberry going red um Chrono you’re going red feel’s blue I’ll go Blue who else was on our team that game do you guys remember I have code wrong I don’t know I don’t know you might just not be able to join

Anymore oh yeah blue guy’s not in blue guy’s not in that’s who I remember yeah blue guy’s not in all right um all right so we have one two three four all right blue team is done let’s just set these to Red uh that’s also red all right that’s the whole teams

Everybody’s everybody’s nobody blue guy wasn’t able to make it in that’s kind of tragic I’m sorry blue guy you can join the next TS the max is eight players so it just doesn’t let you my bad hello welcome to stream hello hello uh all right boom we started the

Game we have this Pink Panther guy all right remember we got a gritty every single time we get a goal No a I just wasted my LEAP oh my God I’m actually I’m actually atrocious no way I make it past them right no way no no I could have made it in bro oh my jeez this is not pogers I’m selling and I just said pogers I’m actually

Cringe come on no no krono get out of here oh someone did it some someone made it in gritty yes Sir okay I’m going from the side wait I think they got that I think we got it yep we got it we got it let me Emote okay I’m bad I’m actually bad yes sir no one’s paying attention no paying attention oh my okay [Applause] Okay this team sucks guys guys you got to believe in yourself man believe in yourself and your dreams will come true I don’t know what I’m talking talking about oh we did it Again gg gg the walkr you did on R was funny I got kicked wait what oh my bro why does everybody get kicked all right we’re done with bridge for right now not fair Team guys respectfully I do not know how good you guys are so that’s not my fault

Bro I kill myself eight times I leave for in like two weeks and I’m trash uh all right what are we doing now I I said we were going to do something else we are going to do hide and seek maybe dirt hide and seek if it’s a a featured

Preset uh where is it at yep there it Is and then there’s block Chase hide-and seek but there’s no hiding H what is that all right um there we go guys here’s the code if you would like to join dirt hideand-seek there you go you guys can join up can we do Sumo we already did Sumo like a bunch I don’t

Know uh but I’m going to have to go good night all right good night I will good night raspberries thank you for joining in the Stream okay okay um well uh can we One V one um I actually might do a 1 V one stream tomorrow if I can stream

So maybe then or maybe off stream we can I don’t know if you join the Discord server I can add you and then maybe off stream sometime but probably not right now I if I if I do like one V one it wouldn’t be fair to everybody else so I’ll probably just

Make a whole stream dedicated to One V oneing bro the code is wrong it’s wrong let me check it’s right yeah the code is Right One V one all of us at the same time you know honestly I could pull it off bro I’m too good I’m too good the

Only people I really have to worry wor about is like let’s say I get like let’s say like um we all have like one life or something I I’d I just have to take out like all the good players so I’d say like the only people I’d really have to

Worry about is like who is in stream chat right now H maybe like black feline and Mox and I don’t know some of the other people I feel like that’s the only people I really have to worry about and even then black felon doesn’t really play the game

So I don’t I don’t think I have to worry about them actually I don’t know how good MOX is so I don’t I don’t remember who that is like I remember their username and playing with them but I don’t remember what person it is like how skilled they are

What do you have against me I have nothing against you black feline you just don’t play the game Chrono is Rusty so it wouldn’t be fair well I’m aware of how good krono is but even when krono like wasn’t Rusty we uh set up like a whole One V one thing

Bro are you still alive yes I am still alive is everybody in yeah everybody’s in all right boom I didn’t check I didn’t set the Seeker to be me wait who is the Seeker this game wait who is the Seeker why me oh no wait not me P oh my bad

Um well I will kill you all dude do we do another dirt hide-and-seek after this I messed up bro nah bro I’m going be out yes sir oh oh crap wait actually I want to be a Seeker anyway so this is fine kind of too crazy

Though too crazy you can’t even get me out oh my God bro oh okay okay all right I’ll help you guys seek get me out of here now where could these dirts be hiding at H where are these guys hiding oh crap come on bro who was that that was black feline I I thought it was black feline like I had a feeling it was black fine hello Coro cor I know I pronounce your name wrong but welcome to stream

Bro why does dark Ron know every wait does do you know them wait I’m not even looking what am I doing um no no one’s up there where are all of you guys oh wait yo get back here bro oh that was blue guy all right who else has

Left well no one’s hiding in there um wait there’s still two dirtless who is still the dirt it’s me sketchy oh that’s you well hello sketchy welcome to the stream is that your all or something or did you change your name wait can I um taunts don’t work well don’t taunts

Like give you XP or something I I don’t think it would work in a CS then I don’t know I think we got to do another one after this but it’s like not going to be scuffed I I’ll be the uh I’ll be the Seeker this time I forgot to set it to

Me being the Seeker bro where are they at yeah I changed my name okay do you want me to call you your new name or I don’t really know how to pronounce it cuz I’m cor Coro oh Coro that is there’s no way that’s how you say it

Uh can we do that no hiding one I don’t know what that is but yeah I guess we could try it it’s Hiding Seek but there’s no hiding I don’t even know what that what is that oh crap it’s just this guy left but he does have a Seeker beater oh my God

Yeah that’s how you say it oh okay Coro Coro Oreo Oreo GG boom all right we’re going to try the hideand-seek but there’s no hiding I want to try that I want to see what that is slcs create server do dirt again guys should I run a pole I’m going to run a

Pole let’s start a pull what hide and seek dirt Uh um and then bro really called me oreo I was I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what I don’t know all right what are we what’s the other one it is H wait what was it it was like you know what we’ll just do dir hide-and-seek why

Not why not wrong code did Black F type it in wrong no I mean is it just that the the K is not yeah it’s capital K guys you know you can like look at the code on the screen too you don’t uh the it says it’s only in the chat for like

If you can’t change my stream quality or if I’m have my menu up like this which a lot of the time I do have my menu up because I’m doing something on my second monitor yeah Coro got it wait a second didn’t I get gifted this

One oh it was this I want to use this so SL costume and it was like yeah the dog the dog Doge skin someone gifted me this on stream oh and it matches too that actually I mean it looks a little bit scuffed but that kind of looks like normal

Strange very very strange all right uh how many people are in manage presets feature presets dirt hide and seek um set rules a Seeker boom everything is set up can’t get in I mean are you just spelling it wrong guys do you actually have a problem to uh I gave

You the wait blue guy that was you I never remembered who it was that was you I’m controller it’s dirt hide-and-seek bro furry cow on all fours live okay bro oh monkeys joined oh my God I haven’t seen this guy in a little bit guys just play the game yeah dude

Stop arguing in chat man just just chill your beans what is wrong with me okay we are going to start guys 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 why is terra cotta pot an option all right well I guess terra cotta pot is an option for some

Reason why is terra cotta pot an option okay this looks so scuffed bro what is this what is this bro and bro who is this right here dude oh my God my aim that’s actually trous all right I killed them who else has left um Guys what are you guys yapping about in chat man quit your yapping Sigma this is not Sigma I don’t know why I’m even what I’m talking about wait I have to look for pots too okay wait there’s only 3 minutes left we’re actually going to lose there’s still four dirts left what

Wait there’s no way there’s no way we lose all right black feline got found um guys what is going on in chat right now guys calm down calm down yes guys everybody chill eat an ice cube unless you don’t have teeth cuz then you would probably die cuz you

Would you would you would choke on the ice cube I don’t understand where are these people at we have 2 minutes we’re going to lose I bet I walk past one of you guys like a million times and I just haven’t noticed you did oh

My I think it’s cuz I’m just an idiot okay Bro well there there’s two there’s two left we have we have a minute and 20 we have a minute and 20 seconds oh he qued himself yes okay I don’t know what I’m doing right now yeah there’s 50 seconds left oh my God bro how have we not found them bro

Whoever is left is actually a rat where are these people at no can you guys actually be a pot or did it just say that confetti got on dude this kid I thought this guy was dead again I haven’t seen that guy in forever I feel like black feline aren’t you like

The only one that like remembers him oh come on you’re joking you’re actually joking wait what where where could they have possibly been bro what it was Preston that was left where was he at bro where was this guy at all right do you have replay yeah I do have

Replay that’s how I get all my cinematic shots I’m going into replay guys I actually want to see where he’s at okay okay there we Go all right where is this guy at let’s just fast forward a whole bunch he was hiding in a corner what you’re joking you’re joking that’s where he was hidden wait I walked past this spot I think like oh my God bro there’s no way this is where he’s at

Wait yep that’s him right there this this stupid silly little dirt I know that spot too bro oh my okay we’re doing a new game guys chill out in chat just chill out in chat let’s just drop it just like it doesn’t matter anymore happy Winterfest oh my

God I want them to add the SkyWars Maps back already and the treasure Wars Maps okay um block drop yeah we were going to do block drop let me see what else was on the pole I think this might be our last game it would be block drop and that’s

It uh let me check the pole hide-and seek Bridge we already did uh yeah block drop that’s it guys it’s going to be our last game we’re going to do a block drop then we’re ending stream SkyWars all right so I think we should do we’ll do a SkyWars and then we’ll do

Block drop as the final thing is a new present out yet um I don’t really know oh my God why is there so many people oh I guess it is out daily gift what is it uh Teddy death marker in death run so I have to go and death run for it

Okay actually should I just do that why don’t I just go in death R what do I have to do you’re not going to play okay okay how does this work so you go into death run and then do you just like get it automatically I’m I’m confused oh

Wait I’ll figure it out after stream let’s just uh let’s just get this set up okay SL CS create server we’ll do SkyWars Solos uh all right guys here’s the code there you go it’s in my locker okay okay wait what was the one thing to ban people I’m not going to do it I just forgot again because I’m an idiot slash it’s not bro what was it I actually need to like get that

Stuff stuck in my head ex I’m going to be making cs’s I need to remember it block drop yes we are doing block drop right after this SL controls okay yeah I can’t remember That wait what the what is going on in chat right now bro jeez geez all right is everybody in I think this is everybody Yep this is everything let’s confirm that one more time all right I think that’s everything what in the world was that noise did you guys just hear that what

Was That um um not going to lie got a SL K uh got a bro not going to lie I got to try SL menu because the restaurant sounds Exquisite guys I did not mean to type in slash menu last time I was just guessing all right all right I’m going to head out

All right we’ll see you later sketchy or I’m at I’m actually bad guys let’s team no teaming and I swear if one of you try and do Sumo bro I’m going to start crying cuz this is SkyWars it happens every single time everybody’s just like starts punching me and then they get mad

Whenever I use my fist like or or My Sword like it’s SkyWars bro I have no armor right now oh thank you oh all right I’m just going to let you guys handle That blue guy okay I’m alive bro bro I don’t have full diamond please just let me be just let me be man I have one snowball and not even full diamond I’m so dead Oh all right and I’m set I actually won it’s actually over I just need to get a little bit more arrows okay bro why am I just getting freaking blocks I need arrows all right I have 12 I guess that’s a decent amount guys no targeting unless they’re like being

Annoying if anything I could just like ban them there’s not any point in targeting is this guy alive oh snap he is oh my bro I feel bad he was trying to show off his icy oh jeez jeez 8.5 you’re trolling confetti is here hello confetti

I know you typed that ages ago but I thought it was my little brother please chill chill bro chill oh my God oh my God let me read what they’re saying coming around and every once in a while still haven’t played in like a year that’s crazy man okay I’m dead ah

Welcome to the stream confetti I will see you probably in a year from now once you leave guys this is confetti yearly visit bro what is going on I don’t know what’s happening blue guy get out of here bro okay trying to party uh I’ve been streaming for like two hours maybe maybe

We can party we’d only be able to play for like a little bit though cuz I actually have a lot of homework to do uh I want to see if I’m still okay at the game we could test it by a 1 V one if you want

I’m I’m still I’m going to get spit on bro I’m actually going to get killed oh my God just leave me alone oh my bro dude I’m playing Call of Duty zombies right now what is this Uh Halo Town welcome to stream hello hello uh eat the mic I don’t know how I don’t think it’s edible BTW you know I don’t think it’s edible all right I’m actually an idiot bro I just said BTW m- mm- what the what bro I’m getting full box right

Now and I’m come here bro like I’m over here reading chat to see what you guys are saying and I’m getting full boxed by a fish ah stop stop stop uh at P your mic sounds completely fixed what in the world wait it sounds fixed what my filter broke my cat broke my

Filter I don’t have another one on yo get out of here bro I don’t have what is happening wait what is going on oh okay yeah I’m dead all right what you’re joking oh my God bro who built this actually who built this bro oh my mm- what is going on

Okay there’s 40 seconds left I might as well just might as well just I don’t know I yeah I’m not even even going to there’s like so many people I don’t know what’s going on oh I lived okay all right guys what are we doing

Now what are we doing now I said I was going to party with confetti but I also said we were going to do a block drop game okay you know what we can do the block drop game and then I guess I’ll I guess we can do I’ll win like one

Game with confetti and then I got to get off cuz I actually I actually need to get off I’ve been streaming for 3 hours that is not good all right let’s get the block drop set up block drop um wait I have that manage presets what

Is a featured preset no they don’t have any you know we’ll do we’ll do this no actually we’ll just do normal block drop let’s just do that I’ll do a block drop and then I guess we’ll I guess we can I’ll I’ll play with confetti for like one round

And then I literally just have to get off if confetti still wants to why is my mouse like this okay it’s a little bit better oh wait my bad guys I forgot to set up the code there we go there we go guys my bad my bad my bad there’s the Code wait watch this wait wait wait watch this confet look what they added bro look I don’t know what Minecraft has become I don’t know why they would add this oh they also added this too okay uh Let me refresh this um okay this guy join too

Oh this guy joined too I didn’t think that many more people were going to join I was getting ready to started all right I’m starting in three two one Boom the block drop game has started I should have made it op we have a lot of people for op but I just made

It normal H it’s fine we can keep it normal normal is still fine this game is going to go by quick though cuz we’re all just going to like break every floor oh my oh my well it’s already almost it’s almost 9:00 for me Jeez um okay I’m actually bad I’m actually I’m actually God awful that’s not even funny what I just did bro oh my what did I just do dude oh my gosh I still have a slight chance at winning it’s 9:40 for you for me it’s uh 8:40 or technically 8:42

But Le back up I don’t want to waste them I feel like if I fall I want to say be able to save myself I I’m actually tired bro I I don’t have any more energy I said at the beginning of this stream this is going to be a short stream I was planning to make this stream like an hour and like 20 minutes and even then that’s still a long time and it’s been 3 hours

Oh my gosh okay I’m alive uh are we doing treasure Wars well treasure Wars Duos no not there’s no way I’m doing another CS I cannot we might not win though that’s the thing I have not played treasure Wars in months cuz bedw Wars was like

We’re going to bring out bedw War soon so I was like well there’s not really a point in me playing Treasures I just want to wait till bedwars comes out and it’s been like 3 months bedw Wars was supposed to come out like Midsummer I think the middle of

Winter do I friend people uh yeah if you join my Discord server I will probably probably all right who’s left we have blue blue guy is here monkey is Here okay bro I didn’t I genuinely did not think the game would last this long I thought it was going to be be over so quick cuz how many people we had in it oh wait it might be over yep monkeys took it all right guys I’m going to do one

Game with this this person and then I will uh I’m going to do one game with this with this person and then I’m going to end stream because I’ve been streaming for over 3 hours and I have so much homework to do and I’m tired and I am I I don’t don’t

Know I’m in his party right yeah I’m in his party he’s party leader uh I’m going start streaming actually uh we could sky or treasure let’s do SkyWars um oh we could raid someone actually I might well to start looking for people to raid uh driving plays I’m not raing driving

Please this guy is live oh yeah I’m not even sorting by live okay kid I typed in Hive live and it’s this video is about like bro this is not Hive what the what is this okay bro who is live right now we have driving please we have myself there’s this

Guy oh my bro his keyboard is so loud there’s no reason for his keyboard to be that loud uh okay oh my God it’s why are you a default Hive skin all right guys this is the last game and then I’m going to end stream all

Right sheep hello blue Galaxy cat 76 oh my gosh that is so crazy you’re streaming right now I could raid you I don’t know I’m I’m looking for someone to raid if you’re streaming hi I’ll read you um oh my almost got full diamond okay all right let’s kill this stupid idiot

Gg gg boom boom boom boom boom all right um dude these guys need to chill out man you’re not killing me okay the chances of you killing me are the chances of uh I I don’t know but oh you already killed them here watch this guys watch this uh-huh yeah watch this mhm

Mhm oh never mind all right I’m still alive I don’t have any blocks okay there just these people left and one other team but they’re all like God awful bro confeti clutched after not playing for uh eight years that’s crazy wait I’m actually bad oh my God I’m actually bad

Oh I want to block shot this guy gg gg and yep we won all right gg gg all right let’s look for someone to raid do we even have enough viewers still or did everybody leave I don’t know I don’t know there’s this guy I don’t think I

Want to raid him him not many people are even really streaming um there’s only like one guy streaming and I don’t think I want to read him uh here let’s just do this yeah there’s not really anyone streaming okay I’m going to go back to Lobby

Uh okay thank you guys for coming into the stream uh this was really fun I might be streaming tomorrow I don’t know but if I am I will see you there and uh yeah goodbye everybody goodbye goodbye goodbye uh I will see you next stream I

See you in next video maybe I don’t know all right see you

This video, titled ‘Hive Stream with YOU!’, was uploaded by Paithal on 2023-12-15 15:12:54. It has garnered 136 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:23:30 or 12210 seconds.

#Minecraft #Hive #PvP #hivelive Playing The Hive With You!!! Discord: https://discord.gg/2keuUfQa

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    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Crafted Gratitude: NEFFEX’s Minecraft Groove

    Crafted Gratitude: NEFFEX's Minecraft Groove In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our news reporter shines like a gleam. Crafting updates with rhymes that ignite, Bringing joy and laughter, oh what a sight. With a grin and a spin, the news is told, In rhymes that are crafted, so bold. Each update a story, each line a song, In the world of Minecraft, where we all belong. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For our favorite reporter plays a part. Spinning rhymes with finesse, let the truth take wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Symble Raid on June 13th. Intentional?

    I guess you could say they really “crafted” that date on purpose! Read More

  • Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure!

    Minecraft Hide and Seek: A Pixelated Peek-a-Boo Adventure! Leap into the verse, where Minecraft news unfurls, GeminiTay’s hide and seek, with twists and twirls. Scott, Jimmy, Shelby, and Joel, seeking with might, In Gem’s intricate plot, hidden out of sight. Underwater caves, a challenge to explore, Scott dives deep, seeking more and more. Jimmy follows suit, but takes his time, Double the effort, in this hide and seek climb. Shelby and Joel, in the porch they roam, Searching high and low, for Gem’s secret home. Joel struggles, feeling lost and cursed, Gem’s hiding spot, the hardest, unrehearsed. Gem’s plot, a masterpiece, a true delight, Torturing friends, in… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! “I asked my friend if he wanted to play Minecraft with me, but he said he couldn’t because he was ‘mining’ his own business. Guess I’ll have to go solo in the virtual world!” Read More

  • Crafting Iron Armor in Hardcore Minecraft

    Crafting Iron Armor in Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft Hardcore Series: Crafting Iron Armor Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft as our protagonist dives into the Hardcore series to create Iron Armor. Join the adventure as they navigate through challenges and triumphs in this survival-based gameplay. Exploring the Hardcore Series The Hardcore series in Minecraft offers a thrilling experience where players must survive in a harsh environment with limited resources. It adds an extra layer of difficulty, making every decision crucial for their survival. Crafting Iron Armor Iron Armor is a vital component in ensuring the player’s safety against hostile mobs and environmental… Read More

  • Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viral

    Gamers uncover shocking threat in Minecraft world #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by This is gamerz club on 2024-05-11 10:11:42. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. So this is me a.k.a GAMERZCLUB from this side you usually know me i try to make best content as possible in my reach so i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to like and subscribe and BYEEE Is my world in danger I Here what’s happened #Is my world… Read More

  • Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18

    Castle Build & Spooky Moments! | Minecraft SOS #18Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Build a Castle & Scary Moments!!! [Minecraft SOS – Ep.18]’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-17 14:00:41. It has garnered 42662 views and 3411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:49 or 1909 seconds. In today’s episode of Minecraft SOS, a Hardcore Minecraft SMP, we’re taking on the great hole challenge!!! The First TEAM to dig up a chunk wins…but then CHAOS HAPPENS!!! After the events of the hole, we’re building up a brand new Small Castle in our base!!! ==================================================== MY LINKS BELOW: ►Twitch ➜ https://www.twitch.tv/mythicalsausage ►Youtube Member ➜ https://www.youtube.com/TheMythicalSausage/join ►Patreon. ➜… Read More

  • Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival Movie

    Insane 50-Hour Skyblock Minecraft Survival MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS In Skyblock Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Moguin on 2024-07-04 15:30:10. It has garnered 49227 views and 764 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Social Media: Discord: https://discord.gg/WueYfurEDv Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/moguinyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoguinMo Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moguinyt Music provided by: @lowresbones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoGKcAvlhH0 @epidemic sound https://share.epidemicsound.com/tqbrow #minecraft #100days Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insane

    EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me vs Yoizol (minecraft skills)#shorts’, was uploaded by NGUYEN JD MC on 2024-01-15 14:03:09. It has garnered 763 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Me vs Yoizol (minecrft skills)#shorts =============================================================================== Discord: nguyenjdmc Donate: https://playerduo.net/64f4146f14e5671a9f380c0a Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nguyenjdmc Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086377661135 IGN: NGUYENJD1234 =============================================================================== Pack: Dewier 5k =============================================================================== Recorder: OBS 30.0.2 (60FPS) Video encoder: x264 Rescale output: 1280×720 (720p) Rate control: CBR Bitrate: 30001 (my setting) =============================================================================== Edit: CapCut (mov) File video: 0114 – blur ~ 60fps (1440, 1.3).mp4 =============================================================================== Specs: Windowns 11 Version: 10.0.22000 Build 22000 SSD: 137 GB… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

    Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-05 20:09:03. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:37 or 7117 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip @Dolt_601: https://profile.turnip.gg/BMNi4UxVRETRcMLfA Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/sweetin-in-pvp-16x-cute-pvp-texturepack-minecraft-bedrock-noraiy/ Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@Lillvy. My discord server: https://discord.gg/d2pF3s7SyV My second Channel with other games: https://www.youtube.com/@UC62sXHjU8ZANvGQuCWGOYeQ Become a member here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF-kZ-Lic3CSQ5KZg0y_L9g/join Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/pinkman294 Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: https://www.patreon.com/TheOrderOfSapphire?fan_landing=true #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Voidedmc.net Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): https://discord.gg/qbdA4Gs3f8 Online In-game map: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

    Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Alarm Charade In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts tales that bring laughter, day and night. His channel is a haven for kids to explore, With content that’s safe, and so much more. Each video a gem, filled with fun and delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. So come along, join the fun and the cheer, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, have no fear. For in this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, He’s the storyteller who truly thrives. Read More

  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Tutorials be like: "How to Die in 5 Easy Steps" 😂 #shorts Minecraft Tutorials be like: Step 1 – Punch a tree. Step 2 – Build a mansion. Step 3 – Get lost in a cave for three hours. Step 4 – Accidentally blow up your house with TNT. Step 5 – Cry. #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💣 Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! https://tinyurl.com/JermsySub Donate to the channel: https://paypal.me/JermsyBoy?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCICnSwa3x5sHTWmTP6YO30w/join ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC: https://dedimc.promo/JermsyBoy… Read More

  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpoNseXJmTHGnsttTuUEPYQ?sub_confirmation=1 —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/dazzy4 Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ Swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! enjoyfriends.apexmc.co:26146 Read More