Unbelievable! I bought rare Minecraft horses!

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No you know who he is you guys he’s Spartan I got to buy this horse it’s obviously Spartan hello everyone I’m so happy to see you again obviously I’m on Ranch of rivers shine again A lot has happened since my first video I’ve put in 35 hours and I just unlocked the rare

Auction I was like okay I got to get this recorded now because the rare auction is where I have a chance for blue rones so if I find a blue rone mare I’m going to be so happy I’m going to catch you up on kind of everything

That’s going on and then we’re going to go check out the auction and Let’s cross our fingers for blue rone before we get started if you’re new to the Channel please consider subscribing because I would love to have you and let’s go all right so to catch you up when I left off

Last I had kiwi and Sam my May and my stallion I’m going to show some footage right now kiwi did have her full he was a little Colt cute little ba um but I ended up not keeping him because he was just just the normal Bay

Coat and I’m looking for the more rare coats in my barn so he did grow up I trained him a little bit and sold him too early I’m that was I’m still learning mechanics of the game and sadly I did sell Sam and did sell kiwi it was a really hard decision

But I haven’t been able to unlock the retirement pasture and I needed to get them out of the barn to get other horses so I really wished I could have kept them in retirement I would have kept them forever but that just wasn’t the case karma is the horse that I caught in

My first video The Wild Horse her potential has been fully gone I might keep her to breed her a few more times cuz I’d like to get this Splash pattern with a different coat color okay enough of that we need to get to the auction house I have

$777,000 saved up if that doesn’t buy me a nice blue rone I don’t know what will gosh I don’t even know if we have stable room I might have a full stable right now and if that’s the case then I think silly squirrel is going to have to go without any

Training okay so silly squirrel is going to be sold early I wanted to put some training on him but I need to open up space so hey you know what 3500 for a completely untrained Colt is not bad let’s see what we get for this guy yeah come on bring in those bids

Really just one rare horses is my first time seeing them first time we’ve got 24 to sort through it’s a pretty M perfect ocean but not what I’m looking For oh I have plenty of money wow ooh this is the first rone I’ve seen so he is a light Bay rone OVO that’s really nice but I have a very specific coat in mind a blue dun okay pretty horse but we’ve seen it before their stats are really high wow

Black snow that’s interesting blue Ron Mar oh my gosh oh but I wonder if it would be possible to get one with the marking on the face she’s also got a lot of flexibility which I really don’t care much about big part of me wants to pass on

This horse to see if I can get another blue Ron M with more white on the face this would be a nice time for a live chat to tell me if I should take her or not I’m going to pass worst case scenario I’ll come back tomorrow and hope there’s another one

See this face marking is more what I’m hoping for on the blue rone it’ be better if it covered the eyes too but I don’t know I might be asking too much oh no we are running out of horses buttermilk done that’s one of the coats I really want I love the

Buttermilk duns they’re so nice this actually looks like magic from Minecraft and he’s a stallion guys I think we just found Magic on accident so we came for Venture I think we’re going to be going home with magic though I’m going to bid on this horse nice

Okay all right that works so we’re going to look for Venture still but hey you know what I count that as a win where you at where you at there he is oh he even has the little white snip on his nose does he have a star on his

Forehead if he has the star on his for he does you guys it’s totally magic he’s got the stripes on his legs the black man and tail the dorsal stripe everything oh he’s perfect so you are no longer Ace Mars you are magic and you are not going

Anywhere good sir I will stick this horse in the retirement pasture once he’s fully trained and not usable he’s not going anywhere That’s so exciting okay so I’m going to just spend the rest of this day taking care of the horses and training and then tomorrow we’re

Going back to that auction to look for adventure so I’ll see you guys then I’ve been racing with magic and look how high his stats are with the training and everything he still has 12% potential left too so he’s going to be really high in stats by the

End of his potential oh and I open the opportunity to get the retirement pasture so I’m kind of considering just retiring Karma instead of selling her because she was the first Wild horse I caught in my first video and I don’t know I’m kind of attached to her let’s

Go to the auction house and hopefully we can find Venture all right we got $86,000 I think we can do a lot with that okay we’re not going to sell any of these three we’re going to look at the rare horses so 28 chances perfect buddy a I love this

Heart coat it’s so cute but not right now ooh flaxen liver chestnut with that really cool Badger Mark I I like liver chestnuts anyway I think they’re really pretty and I love the flaxen on it but I’m going to pass it for now eventually I do want to get a li

Liver chestnut though cuz I like them they’re nice oh here’s a blue rone stallion unfortunately oh I’m regretting passing up that other may but you know what but no because I passed her up I bought magic so it’s okay we’ll find her eventually black ran that looks a lot like Venture 2

Honestly but technically in Minecraft it specifically says she’s a blue rone so I’m going to pass on her do none of them just have a white face is it all the badger Mark oh other than like this I guess this is the closest to the white Mark

The full white face that we’re going to find all right this is the last horse oh no oh well going to have to try again tomorrow a part of me is thinking I just kind of want to restart my whole herd sell all the horses I have except for

Magic obviously and just start fresh and then maybe retiring Karma because at least when I caught Karma I had Sam and it’s kind of a connection to him and to Kiwi I really wish I could have just retired them maybe I can just kind of role play and buy Sam

Back go back to the common horses and buy him again and just tell myself oh my gosh Sam I’m coming to check and see if the statue it looks ready um to give magic a boost and endurance so let’s hope it’s ready yes it was okay so 5% extra endurance I still

Need to go to the auction for today and see if we have any blue rone mares I didn’t realize how lucky I got on that first go that we had one so if I find one today regardless of the markings I’m probably going to buy it okay into the auction house we go

Better luck today please pleas okay more chestnuts so many Chestnuts that’s a really pretty gray D I kind of like that this horse is almost solid cuz there’s a lot of patterning on these horses one thing I do wish too is that the mains and Tails had different colors especially in the paint horses have a

Little bit of black at the bottom or a stripe of color would be nice that’s pretty of course cuz it has the flax and M in tail oh this face marking is the closest I’ve seen to Ventures other than the white ear but that’s very close I like this ovaro patterning than

The other one this looks more natural the other one almost kind of looked like just kind of went sh that was it I had a lot of speed too we are not having any luck again I feel like I’m never going to see her again this white

Leg is interesting think I’d like the coat better without it we’re running out of horses again I have a feeling oh why aren’t you a stallion that white face marking would be really nice wow who would have thought it would be that difficult to find a blue ran I had no

Idea I guess that’s what I get for being a noob at the game so we just got to keep checking I’m almost tempted to purchase that uh upgrade from her that brings more horses a day but I think it’s kind of expensive yeah 72,000 that would make it where I can’t

Even afford the horse and I have a lot of other upgrades that are a lot more important so I I got to wait but oh it’s rough okay I want to try the new race oh Magic I noticed that if you slow right before the jump you’ll gain more um stamina because

You go over the jump at the same speed regardless of your speed so it helps you to generate stamina faster if you slow right before you jump and then speed up again just a tip for anyone else that plays the game I think I could have galloped through most of this pretty

Easily I think that was a really easy race thankful for that definitely need higher train wow that was a lot of money so I could technically feed him an apple and do another race but I want to go turn in this Quest and of course go to the auction house which

Is turning into an everyday thing I bet you when I find my Venture when I breed her in Magic cuz you know I’m going to do that they’ll probably end up with like a blue dun that’s my guess okay magic let’s see if we can find your Venture maybe now’s the

Time flax and dark Chestnut done this is exactly what Iona is my Colt and he’s not going for a whole lot darn I thought it was more rare than that that’s a lot of things flaxen light Chestnut Ron oo that’s a cool mayare I think I’m

Going to buy her he’s really unique I’m going to go ahead and bid low of course the bids are climing I think I could make decent money back on this horse oh my gosh yeah she’s really pretty I like her I’m going to go back in and finish the auction oh shoot I

Can’t now my stalls are full again maybe I’m going to be selling aona sooner than I thought 5,000 it’s not great great but I’m going to go ahead and sell him especially since I saw you can get the exact same coat color in the auction all right now let’s finish the

Auction oh it’s a black rone it’s not a blue rone M she doesn’t have the she even has the hind leg markings too do blue rones exist did I actually see a blue rone I don’t know if I did or not I’m going to look it up does blue rone exist in this

Game okay I looked it up blue rone does in fact exist so I’m not going to settle I need a blue rone okay after this horse it’s our very last one so let’s see what we got ooh beautiful buttermilk done I really love that color very pretty all right we did not get

It I want to go home and name the new mayare and I actually got a name suggestion on my other Ranch of rivers shine video someone was asking me to name a horse after their friend and it is a girl’s name so I think I will name this may after that

Friend where is she there she is very cool looking horse all kinds of things going on here she’s almost got a Medicine Hat okay so the comment was from Tracy and she asks to please name the horse after her friend Delilah because she’s no longer at school and

School just isn’t the same without her Delila is a really really pretty name and this is a very pretty horse so I think it’s very fitting that I call her Delila thank you for the recommendation it’s very nice and I hope that things get better at school for you okay

Awesome so I have two horses now I can do these Advanced um races on it’s going to take a while to get up to the 250,000 I need for the barn but I will do it because I’m dedicated so I will check back with you in a

While a couple of days has gone by and I am going to head to the auction house again to check I’ve been doing some races with magic and doing some training with Delila here and I’m really I’m really getting attached to to Delila she’s a really sweet

Horse and I’m excited for her and tail to grow out too look really pretty when it’s long okay let’s see can we sell Rusty yes we can goodbye Rusty we did a lot of races together all right raise that bid raise that bid all right 20,500 not bad all right rare horses

Come on Blue dun or not blue dun blue ran dark biscuit oh it’s the heart coat in a Rome that’s pretty gray D that’s really nice coat there a lot of Grays this is an this is the highest I’ve ever seen the bids on a horse so

Far so this must be a somewhat rare coat I don’t know if that’s true or not Divine muffin we’re running out of horses again I don’t think it’s going to happen H another blue dun why not a blue ran why are you doing this to me game no luck again

Today to try again soon back to training I gave up recording going to the auction house because I was just not finding a blue rone and look blue rone healthy adult mayare so this is going to be Venture she’s missing the white face and the White markings on her legs but

Seriously I’ve been back at least three or four times no blue rones at all so definitely going to buy this may um she’s not very expensive either I’m just going to bid low and see what happens okay there we go so we now have Venture and Magic together perfect exactly what

I was hoping for I’m so happy so what I want to do now too is try to get venture to look even more like Venture so I’ll probably try and find a stallion with the the marking I don’t know how the breeding works in terms of

Is it more like uh Wild Horse islands where it can just kind of adopt one coat or the other from the parent or do the jeans actually mix and match so uh I don’t know but we’ve got to go name Venture right now where are you there’s

Magic there she is no you are not shiny amethyst our Venture whoops oh it’s so cool I didn’t even see her stats oh she has a lot of flexibility we need to work on jumping definitely and then endurance and speed oh my gosh I cannot wait to breed

Her and Magic honestly I think I’m going to sell this stallion since I already have it done technically with magic he’s so pretty I love his flx and man and tail but Delila has a flx and man and tail too so I think I will sell

Him and go toward my funds of getting my barn upgraded I’m 100 Grand away so much work to do okay I need to stop wasting time I guess I am going to train actually okay I’m going to finish some races and I’m going to start training up Venture so I’ve been slowly

Training Venture up and I got prompted that I unlock to Legendary horses in the auction house I figured this would probably be a good time to record more footage because I have not seen them yet and I think that’s where the Appaloosas come from now if I suddenly get a blue

Rone that’s higher level and looks more like Venture then Venture one might have to just go but we’ll see I as you can see I’m 216,000 I’m very close to my barn upgrade and these horses are probably not going to be cheap and then Victory Olive I think I’m going to sell

Him he’s really really beautiful but I don’t know having two duns so let’s see these legendary horses oh 23,000 it’s already expensive look at these stats though wow we’ve already seen Bay rones flax and Chestnut ran that’s pretty dark Chestnut rone OVO that’s a very expensive horse it’s pretty very

Pretty but um Appaloosas I want to see some Appaloosas ooh silver black Appaloosa oh that’s cute oh he’s so cute this is the first Appaloosa I’ve seen in the game it’s a it’s a nice looking coat I guess he’s silver because of the Main and tail he is very cool red rone

Apple oh blue rone wa he is cool looking I think I should buy this horse I really think I should buy this horse he is really neat I’m going to buy him he’s really cool gosh that’s a lot of money oh my gosh and it’s going up and up and up

Seriously okay there I’m sorry but that’s just such a cool coat I can’t pass it up I do want to see what other horses are available for the day though so I’m going to go back in his name is super butter what the heck here’s a Bayon another really

Pretty coat I like that not as cool as the horse I just bought though he’s neat and just a plain old Chestnut lot of endurance though my goodness boy could Gallop forever $222,000 horse he’s like Black Beauty he only has the star on his head and he’s a

Stallion no you know who he is you guys he’s Spartan I got to buy this horse it’s obviously Spartan I’m G to go broke I’m trying to save up for a bigger barn and I guess I shouldn’t be looking at these horses it’s a really bad

Idea okay so we got him we got Spartan now do I dare continue looking oh gosh so here’s a gray rone with the badger Mark that’s nice blue dun Appaloosa I don’t like how flat this D coat looks oh this is like the the sky not

Sky like the the night sky coat that’s pretty oh and then here is Noel oh my gosh do I dare do I dare Buy I mean I just bought Spartan I have Venture and magic and then I bought that other oh my gosh okay I’m buying Noel

Now wasting all my money it’s not wasting it’s just I’ve been saving and saving for a bigger barn and I’ve spent a lot of money on horses now but my goal is to get my Minecraft horses I can’t have all of them obviously because you just can’t you can only have 12

Horses all right I am leaving I’m not going to see what else there is oh my gosh I lost so much all right we’re going to go back home and check out our new horses and give them their names cuz we also still have to have room to breed and I need to

Buy the the retirement pasture so that I can retire Karma cuz I feel really horrible about selling kiwi and Sam so here is Spartan okay so he is named and then here is Noel and oh yeah our new boy he is so cool he is so cool oh and he has blue eyes this is going to be a fun one to breed like him with Noel or him with venture or Delilah o that would be a good pairing

Actually okay so we’re going to need a name for this awesome looking horse I could look back in the comments for a name unless you guys just want to comment some more either way works okay guys that’s going to be it for today’s video I’m going to continue playing finally

Upgrade my barn all the way and then we can get to the fun part of breeding I have three of my Minecraft horses I don’t count Venture quite yet because she’s not close enough to venture but I do plan on finding a stallion that I can

Breed her with and see if we can’t get a more correct version of venture so if you’re interested in seeing that please let me know down in the comments and if you enjoyed this video please tell me that as well thank you all so much for being here I appreciate each and every

One of you and until next time bye Guys a

This video, titled ‘Buying my Minecraft horses on Ranch of Rivershine’, was uploaded by Unwind with JD on 2023-11-17 14:50:17. It has garnered 14774 views and 422 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:31 or 1651 seconds.

I’m finally back on Ranch of Rivershine! Today I catch you up on what I’ve been doing and try to find some of my Minecraft horses in the auction house. I plan to breed them eventually and get some cute foals! Which one of my Minecraft horses should I look for next?

#horsegames #steamgames #ranchofrivershine #horses ………………..

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Unwind With JD PO Box 9935 Bakersfield CA, 93389

Follow my TikTok: @unwindwithjd Follow my Instagram: @unwindwithjd Email me at [email protected] with any business inquiries

Support the channel on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/unwindwithjd …………………

Microphone: Shure MV7X XLR Screen Capture: OBS Studio Video Editor: Adobe Premiere Pro Thumbnails: Canva Music: Youtube Creator Studio Sound fx: Freesound.org

Game: Ranch of Rivershine: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1559600/The_Ranch_of_Rivershine/

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    Unbelievable Minecraft Lore Revealed! #DrauviaMCVideo Information nos parecemos bastante No ambos rubios de hecho diría que te pareces también a ciertas personas a quién me [Música] [Música] parezco que me recuerdas a mi amada ella me está esperando en casa y yo muriendo por volver This video, titled ‘𝕄𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕦𝕖𝕣𝕕𝕒𝕤 𝕒 𝕖́𝕝… #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC’, was uploaded by Daya Lore on 2024-03-29 05:56:33. It has garnered 614 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #Skins #Lore #Minecraft #MinecraftRolplay #Rolplay #MinecraftLore #Drauvia #DrauviaMC Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 🐕🔨 #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Dog House Build 🐕🔨 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cute Dog House Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Sunfy Shorts on 2024-01-04 21:15:00. It has garnered 10974 views and 358 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilding Hey there, welcome to Snufy! Your go-to spot for cool and simple Minecraft builds! We’re all about making your gaming experience better by sharing quick, awesome building ideas that you can easily try out in your own world. 🏡 Build it fast and easy: Check out short tutorials to create stunning structures without breaking a sweat. 🎨 Unleash your creativity:… Read More

  • Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :O

    Dansk YouTuber Blows Up House in Youtropolis :OVideo Information This video, titled ‘💥Eksplodere Starvys Hus I Youtropolis :O #dansk’, was uploaded by EliasHau on 2024-01-13 17:52:49. It has garnered 4407 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #minecraft #danskminecraft #dansk #youtropolis #funny @StarvyDK Join My Discord Server Link In Bio Read More

  • INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)

    INSANE!! COD Zombies in Minecraft (BO3 Custom Zombies)Video Information since the literal Stone ages of custom zombies maps there has been one thing that has made its way to every game that has custom zombies and that is Minecraft whether it be an original map or the tutorial world or a remake of an actual map Minecraft has been part of custom zombies since World at War and today I’m going to be playing zombies maps that have been fully recreated into Minecraft versions but without further Ado let’s get into the first map with the first map being knock dur un toen I haven’t played any… Read More

  • CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shorts

    CRAZY Minecraft Anniversary Surprise! 🎉 | Viewer Realms #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how’s it going everybody Welcome how’s it going Brian Elijah Charles uh one player G Michael towels Orville beatcraft we got bacon in the house zichi Ethan wper how are you guys doing today also Christopher Carter welcome manand drut like gazer and milk Domino’s nice to see you again and papa little tiger yo Eevee fanatic… Read More

  • “Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!” #minecraftserver #minecraftpc

    "Unbeatable PvP Server for Cracked Minecraft Players!" #minecraftserver #minecraftpcVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best server for PvP (Cracked) like stray | #minecraftserver #minecraftpc #minecraft’, was uploaded by Harish on 2024-01-19 03:14:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Best server like stray for cracked java+pe best cracked server for 1.19.3 best cracked server for 1.16.5 best cracked server for … Read More

  • Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fyp

    Fret: Creeper Revenge?! Minecraft Memes! #fypVideo Information creeper always creeping what do This video, titled ‘CAN THIS CREEPER GET REVENGE!! #minecraft #funny #memes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #fyp #mobs’, was uploaded by Fret on 2024-01-15 17:44:43. It has garnered 12 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the permitted modifications guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • The Crazy Spacy Vanilla Server

    The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerWelcome to The Crazy Spacy Vanilla ServerAlmost a 100% vanilla feel (no plugins, no mods, no datapacks)Settle in and become a seasoned veteran on this new minecraft server that is in desperate need of new players!Seeking staffPreferably looking for people with skills on how to setup a small discord server that would be attached to the minecraft server.Just be friendly and respectful to the other players around you and you should manage very well with the server environment.Hoping to see you on the server!- Graph01 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft Heat

    Minecraft Memes - u/EnturpuneurUnusual6 with the Minecraft HeatWhy did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More


    TNT CLUTCH EXPLOSIONS! 🔥😂 When you accidentally blow up your friend’s house in Minecraft with TNT and they say “I guess you really dropped the TNT CLUCH on that one!” 😂 #minecraftfail #oops #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Roblox Death Ball: IanBox’s Masterful Gameplay

    Roblox Death Ball: IanBox's Masterful Gameplay Minecraft Madness: A Tale of Adventure and Survival The Beginning of an Epic Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, two brothers, Ian and Ethan, embark on a thrilling adventure filled with challenges and excitement. As they navigate through the game, they encounter various obstacles and foes, showcasing their skills and teamwork. A Battle for Survival Facing off against formidable opponents, the brothers demonstrate their prowess in combat, strategizing and fighting to emerge victorious. With each encounter, they showcase their determination and resilience, never backing down from a challenge. Building a Fortress In their quest for survival, Ian and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Builds and Demolitions! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of creating your own unique builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of completing a new project and demolishing the old to make way for something even better? If so, you’ll love what Minewind Minecraft Server has to offer. Imagine a community of like-minded players who appreciate the art of building and crafting in Minecraft. On Minewind, you can showcase your creativity, whether it’s through intricate exterior designs like the ones in the video you just watched, or by adding cute and unique decorations to your creations. Join us on Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Piston Extender Guide

    Ultimate Piston Extender Guide The Power of Double Piston Extenders in Minecraft Bedrock & Switch Redstone contraptions in Minecraft Bedrock and Switch can reach new levels of complexity and efficiency with the use of Double Piston Extenders. These essential components allow players to push blocks further than a single piston, opening up a world of possibilities for creative builds and mechanisms. Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Double Piston Extender Creating a compact and efficient Double Piston Extender requires careful placement of redstone components. In Bedrock and Switch versions of Minecraft, Quasi connectivity is no longer available, so repeaters must be used to space… Read More

  • Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥

    Hanuman ji pixel art in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😈🔥Video Information हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे बके ट्रांजिस्टर य सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन [संगीत] This video, titled ‘Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by WAR 99 on 2024-04-30 04:00:58. It has garnered 549 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Hanuman ji 🚩🔥 pixel Art in Minecraft 😈😱 | Pt.89 | #shorts #viral #minecraft #shortvideo #ytshort #yt #ytshortsindia #ytviral #ytviral #yt_shorts #youtubeshorts #youtuber #youtubeshort #viral #viralvideo #viralshorts #viralshort #trendingshorts #trendingshort… Read More

  • Avocado’s Hardcore Season 2!

    Avocado's Hardcore Season 2!Video Information [Music] e [Music] down down down [Music] down [Music] [Music] woo wo woo [Music] woo [Music] d [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hello everybody wasn’t that the most stupid intro ever okay should be able to hear me tell me if it’s too if it’s not good okay there we go all right so today is the start of Hardcore Season 2 uh old one or the old hardcore world it was oh yeah I should start stream music actually okay so this is my first time doing like all the stream… Read More


    TheMaxlop - INSANE CHALLENGE COMING TO MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21Video Information es oficial el modo Hardcore llegará a Minecraft bedrock 1.21 entre las noticias más recientes de Minecraft se ha revelado que el modo Hardcore llegará a la edición de bedrock en la próxima actualización This video, titled ‘EL MODO HARDCORE LLEGARÁ A MINECRAFT BEDROCK 1.21 UPDATE’, was uploaded by TheMaxlop on 2024-04-06 01:25:14. It has garnered 484 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft The hardcore mode where you only have one life is coming soon to minecraft bedrock!! :0 ⚔️SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 9000 ⚔️CURRENT SUBSCRIBERS: 8722 Read More

  • Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji Fushiguro

    Insane! Beating Minecraft as Toji FushiguroVideo Information it took just 24 hours for us to lose control of the city tonight Gotham’s relying on one man to save us all today I’ll be playing as toif fushi girl the stain of the zening clan who has no cursed energy but an amazing hand-to-hand fighter finding the truth about his son destroying the zening clan and attaining Heavenly restriction are the main objective also in order to make the run more entertaining I’ll add special chests around the city training gear for every advancement I make as a sorcerer I spawn in and as you can… Read More

  • Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!

    Trolling a top youtuber on my Minecraft server!Video Information me encontré a este youtuber famoso que estaba jugando en mi server de Minecraft sinceramente me sorprendí mucho así que me puse en modo espectador y decidí spectar lo durante un rato momentos más tarde Me lo encontré en la mina había encontrado muchos diamantes literalmente ocho menas algo que no suele pasar en Minecraft horas más tarde me teletransport a él y había hecho una casa muy bonita En ese momento pensaba que estaba grabando un vídeo instantes después el youtuber fue al nether y me salían muchos reportes de que estaba consiguiendo muchos bloques de netherite… Read More

  • INSANE! Ibrahim’s EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!

    INSANE! Ibrahim's EPIC Hindi Minecraft Animation Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Animation Life Hindi Episode 1 Minecraft Animation Series’, was uploaded by IBRAHIM GAMING on 2024-03-07 06:34:12. It has garnered 20 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:25 or 85 seconds. Episode 1 – Prologue (from “The Animation Life Hindi”) | The Expert Gaming Hindi ” The Animation Life Hindi” is the Dubbed Version of Original “Animation Life” by Black Plasma Studios @SquaredMediaAnimations Episode 2 हिंदी – • The Animation Life Hindi : Episode 2 … ____________________ About Episode (Hindi) – In this episode you get to see how an animator… Read More