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This is my brother Adam and today I found out he’s been stealing my diamonds for the past few days I’ve noticed every time I get a diamond it goes missing oh door’s open that means Open Access oh diamonds 18 times I’ll take that oh I’m going to leave him one oh we

Got wooden ples to okay take all that he’s so dumb I’ll never know it’s me let’s go so today I installed the Herobrine mod to get my revenge here’s how I did it welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the dirt boy Beck bro survival world our

Friend Alec has been streaming a lot on his channel so he hasn’t really had time to play Minecraft So Adam and I decided to start up our very own survival world just me and him over there is my brother dirt boy Dirty Mansion and I have a

Weird feeling that he’s been stealing my diamonds every single time that I go into the mine and gather some more diamonds I bring them back home and put them in my chest and then out of nowhere they go missing and I have a weird feeling I know who’s doing it but the

Thing is he keeps denying it let’s go see what Adam’s up to new batch of diamonds baby let’s go oh yeah we got another Diamond ho let’s go okay we go down to the basement oh my gosh oh you siren you guys scare me silly silly C

Get back down in the dungeon hey what’s up guys the whole C family’s here as you guys can see I’ve been working on a little project this is dur Boy Nation we love to do one thing we love to collect and make diamond hoes oh hell Diamond

Hoes all these diamonds by the way te are not from me I don’t know how Jack hasn’t got on yet I’ve stolen probably 18 stacks of Diamonds by now for now let’s just throw the diamond hose in here lock them up we have no evidence in our inventory right now everything’s

Locked up in the diamond hoe Palace so yeah let’s get out of here wait where’s Adam coming from he was just underneath his house hey ad Adam oh hey what’s up how’s it going it’s going great that’s good you know me I’ve just been mining

Or way hey hey chill chill read the sign only dummies allowed it’s it’s der boy it says only dirt boys allowed oh I forgot you could read and Cen he he’s allowed to stay too wait where’s Cen I thought Cen couldn’t play with us back up back up I thought Cen was streaming

No C’s in here with me oh I mean yeah I guess this kind of does look like siren why do you think I have two beds um well I mean yeah one for you one for siren but Adam Adam Adam do you know how my diamonds have been going missing yeah I

Yeah like what’s have you figured that out yet I I think I mean I have a couple ideas you know I just wanted to see and get your thoughts on you know where you think my diamonds are going I I had some thoughts actually from the last time you

Brought up okay I researched something that said that Enderman can hold stuff in their hands yeah so I think that the Enderman have been stealing your stuff the Enderman have been stealing my stuff yes I’ve seen them there’s all these Shadows around my building it’s actually really scary oh yeah wait oh there’s

Actually one near my house right now so you’re telling me that that guy over there is stealing my diamonds yes he’s probably stealing more you should go right now you should probably leave here never come back all right uh see you okay bye all right so you’re saying it’s

Not you no it’s not me it’s okay go he’s stealing your diamonds what are you you’re wasting time okay all right I’m I’m going to go get him I’ll check back in later yeah all right see you or not you know all right all right bye bye I

Know it’s him I freak no it’s him and I’m going to prove it he says it’s an Enderman Enderman can’t go inside chest Adam is so dumb that was close that was a close one oh my gosh he almost saw me coming out of the ho dungeon Cen you’re

Supposed to warn me you’re guarding the window okay I think the Enderman should distract him for a while for the time being I have to pretend like I’m actually earning these materials by myself so I’m going to go to the mine ladies and gentlemen I’m going to set a

Trap every single time I’ve been putting my diamonds inside this chest now I am going to go ahead and put not just diamonds in here I’m going to put Diamond axes I’m I made all of these Diamond hes so I’m going to plant them

All over here now I know for a fact that an Enderman isn’t able to touch them so if they go missing I know it’s Adam oh wait I don’t even have a m I’ve just been stealing his Diamonds the whole time I have to create a dime

Uh did you guys hear that what the heck was that okay I need to make it look like I’m leaving my house because I know for a fact Adam is watching me yeah okay let’s go back to the mine this is where I’ve been the past couple days oh yeah

Mining what the heck dude oh I think Adam’s down in a cave oh this is my perfect chance oh I know what if I find diamonds myself then Jack will never be able to blame me again because I have proof only dirt boy allowed my butt suck

At dirt boy what the what is Adam up to why did he name a bunch of snow golem syen and then there’s cen’s Dad oh we got a cave you want a bow battle let’s go yeah yeah what why does he have so many any

Iron hose I bet you we did that by accident Adam has no idea how to craft ooh golden apples uh does he have a diary I love dirt dirt is my friend dirt tastes yummy Alec has giant forehead Jack is stupid I’m hungry dirt is tasty I farted what is this thing Bedrock

Diamonds Bedrock equals diamonds I I think I don’t know I never actually found a diamond myself I’m getting nervous now I’m getting real nervous I just need Jack to leave the server he’s getting way too suspicious there’s got to be something else over here uh oh

There’s cake over here wait wait wait a second I saw that get out of my way get get out of my way oh my God what look at all of the diamond hes and what is this more diamonds these are where my diamonds are going thir boy equals King

Of Diamond hes all hail Diamond hose I am done with dir boy no no no he can’t just get away with this ladies and gentlemen I have a plan crap my pickaxe broke and I don’t have a backup one okay it looks like I have to go back I knew

It was dir point and that is why I installed the Herobrine mod now Adam doesn’t believe in Herobrine but if I go ahead and put in this command here that will activate the Herobrine mod so it looks like I have access to settings and right now the sighting chance is very

Rare we’re going to up that to extremely common and we’re also going to change the haunting delay and if I did that correctly Herobrine should now be Unleashed in our world dirt boy doesn’t know what’s coming that’s okay though what was that hello let’s go ahead into spectator mode and let’s go

See what my brother is up to he’s in a hole of course he is I’m going to join his call one more time and see if he’ll come clean hey Adam it’s just me it’s just me is that you are you a full zombie now you transist into a full

Zombie no I’m not a zombie no I just joined your call I don’t even know where you are oh okay I thought you were trying to give me a hug Adam where are you right now I’m I’m in the mines I’m I’m looking for my first diamond ever

Wait your first diamond ever what are you talking about I haven’t found any diamonds you haven’t found a single Diamond no it’s only iron for me that’s why they call me Iron Boy so you’re being serious that you’ve never stolen one of my diamonds because I I had a lot

I had a lot of diamonds how many I don’t know maybe like 7,000 what yeah okay you had 7,000 stolen from you maybe not 7,000 but at least like over a 100 wow wait that’s a serious crime that’s what I’m saying that’s what so you don’t think anybody else has been in this

World but me and you did you figure out the Enderman situation H killed all of the Endermen Yep they’re gone I don’t know if it was them though huh yeah it’s just It’s Tricky I know so all right so so you’re saying it’s not you right no

It’s not me I’ve been in the mind 100,000% you’re 1 million pillion clian per on your mama on your mama it’s not you on my mama so it’s not you no it’s not me okay all right no no all right I believe you I believe you I all I do all

Day is I collect dirt and I mine and that’s it and I spend time with the sirate inside all right cool I’m just I’m going to go back to the mines and uh I’m just going to keep getting more diamonds I guess but this time I’m going

To I’m going to hide them I think where do you even find diamonds cuz I was looking and I can’t find any diamonds you got to go real deep down into the Cav but I I actually just got back from my uh from my mining trip and I found I

Think like 40 more diamonds wow you you should hide them where do you even hide them from the Enderman I keep them like next to my bed so nobody would dare touch those yeah okay yeah they’re probably pretty secure all right I I’ll yep I’ll see you all right good luck

Good luck I’ll be in the min so don’t be looking for me don’t join my call or nothing all right later see you this guy is a liar and I know it okay before Herobrine comes I have an idea not only did I add in the Herobrine mod but I

Also added in a couple others to help me scare dirt boy he’s got to learn some way or another I always could hold it in he has 42 diamonds how does he find these diamonds he has 40 new ones and he’s going into the mines doesn’t that feel

Like a trap nah I’m overthinking it I’m over thinking he’s definitely going to the m M Cy Cy Cy cen’s Dad if you guys see anything you tell me you come to me directly all right here I go stealth Mission get the music I just got to make

Sure Jack’s truthful about what he’s saying that I could go in sometimes he’ll disguise himself as different things Jack are you this pig it wasn’t Jack so what I could do is go ahead and add in this thing called The Man from the fog I’m going to put it

Right over near my base look at this thing it has such giant teeth thoy is not going to be ready parkour dang it we almost made that here’s the Sheep Jack is this you okay it wasn’t Jack it could have been one of his spies though I’m quiet

I’m like a mouse Crouch mode activated we’re going up to his room I know exactly where his bedroom is I’ve stolen so many diamonds from this room door’s open oh gosh wait do you hear that noise is that some sort of alarm oh I got to

Go I got to go is Adam up in my base I think he is no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on attack do something I got to empty some stuff it doesn’t fit all the diamonds Adam turn around why

Does he make so many Diamond hoes wait is he also a fan of diamond hoes we we should probably talk about that no time no wait what the heck no I knew it was a trap no no oh my gosh it killed Adam what was that guys the doors are wide open what

Is no no no no no no no I told you siren to warn me if anything was coming oh my gosh this is not a drill this is not a drill what is going on oh my God and there’s four I don’t know if you guys noticed that but in the distance

Herobrine also spawns in different biomes this is my safe space this is my safe space nobody comes in my safe space I think we’re safe down here oh my gosh why did I do that I had all the diamond hes in the world why am I getting greedy

Did Adam actually steal my stuff he did he literally did and he left a bunch of his own stuff oh no I am I am done I am I am so angry at Adam right now Jack Jack is he still mining does he not even

Wait he might not even know this this is going on wait oh gosh Jack’s staring right at me I see you Adam I see you jack hey Adam oh hey see I I just got back from my trip and uh I have a couple more diamonds but no no dude I know what

Happened all of my diamonds just went missing did you see what’s going on real fast no I didn’t see anything no no I no no it’s not me as soon as I walked into my house there was some sort of glitch I there was this guy and he had 18 teeth

For a head and he got me 18 teeth are you talking about the Enderman again Adam I know it’s you and not the Enderman it’s not the Enderman Jack it’s not the Enderman there’s something else out there and I think it’s stealing your diamonds what are you talking about what

Else is out here it killed me and it touched me it looks like an Enderman but it’s not an Enderman its face is different Jack you need to go back into your house right now and you need to shut the door and leave the game Adam so

You’re telling me if I come if I check your chest right now there’s not going to be a bunch of diamonds check all my chest Jack I have nothing I just got got violated okay all right I’m just I’m going to just come check a couple chests

Nothing in there why do you have so many iron hoes whatever I do on my free time is none of your business what what do you jack do you hear that no this is what I’m talking about I think he’s coming back leave now I I see him I see

Him look outside look outside right now look outside right now I don’t know what you’re talking about I don’t see that what what is are you serious I don’t know what you’re talking about no you got to go you’re bad luck or something you do not see that no dude what are you

Looking at sh get staring at us there is literally nothing there all right go outside then what there’s nothing there go outside then there’s literally nothing dude go outside then if there’s nothing what are you talking about wait what there’s nothing Adam what do you

Mean no it was right there I’m done with you I promise you you need to see my screen there’s nothing there no there was something there Adam just admit that it was you and we’ll just call it even we’ll call it even I’ll take my diamonds

Back and then it’ll be fine there was someone out there I promise keep telling yourself that but there was nobody there oh my gosh I think I’m going crazy you’re making me go crazy all right Adam well good luck I’m going to go mine some more diamonds okay watch out for that

Guy though I think he only comes out at night all right well good luck I’ll I’ll check you later okay see you it’s working okay Adam is slowly and steadly going to go insane oh my gosh what is going on what is going on I know

He saw it I know he saw it it was oh hey waa siren you know you’re not supposed to get that close to except for bedtime wait did Jack say he’s go back to the mines oh my gosh this could be my perfect opportunity to take more diamonds one cool thing about the

Herobrine mod is that every single day that passes it he gets more and more Angry so what I could do is set it to night time and then we can set it to daytime what if it was just because it was night time this could just be a new

Mob I haven’t been playing Minecraft for a bit oh my gosh is it night time right now okay okay it’s not night time it’s not night time and then we can just keep going back and forth to make the days go by even faster wait is it night time oh

No it’s daytime my screen is is glitching out night time daytime night time daytime as long as it’s daytime I should be safe is it daytime or not I I’m freaking out is Adam going back to my house okay I’m setting another trap we’re putting more diamonds in here and

That way the next time Adam comes back I’m going to know and I’m going to set up a trap we’re going for it we’re going for it we need more diamonds I have a serious problem I can’t help myself let’s TP to dirt boy and of course he’s

Right outside of my house going right up without a care in the world wait I think that door might trigger something so I’m not going to use that door oh my gosh I’m so smart sometimes I’m just so flipping smart the heck is he doing Adam what is wrong with you parkour let’s

Build up here we got to go quick though you going up on my roof then I’m going to dig out from the roof just like this you’ll never suspect the thing I don’t understand how this changes anything yes I avoided the Trap let’s see oh my God

How does he get a full stack of diamonds that quickly and what do you know there’s the diamonds and now they’re gone all right we got to leave quickly how is it night time already we have to go I can’t be here when he comes back another really cool thing about the

Herobrine mod is that you can build a shrine to make Herobrine really angry so I think we’re going to build that right next to Adam’s house we got to make it back come on come on come on I hear it I hear it I hear something I hear

Something what is that noise we’re so close come on come on Yes we made it back oh we’re safe we’re safe now oh woo that was close first up we need to grab ourselves some gold and also some Netherrack and I think the only thing we

Need to do is have some flint and steel to set the Netherrack on fire and I’m going to build it right on top of Adam’s base you guys are useless you guys literally stand in the corner and shuts each other all day do something you’re supposed to be protecting me so we do

Two gold just like this two Netherrack and then we light it on fire it got electrocuted and Now ladies and gentlemen we wait who did you guys hear that what was that Adam’s coming back up I swear I heard something H must been my imagination ah what the heck someone throwing

Snowballs siren what was that wait what’s going on oh my gosh yo Adam just got poisoned I’m trying to summon in the eyes but I don’t know if they show up unless it’s super dark but the snow golem still go after them what the heck Alex’s dead what is going

On it’s working dudes Adam’s going to think he’s going crazy I need to get back in the bunker I got to get back they’re like little girls laughing what popped up on my screen what the heck I’m clearing out all the the snow those Snow Golems are no longer my friends and

Another thing that I know Herobrine does is break torches as long as I’m down here I am safe as long as I’m down here I am safe safe what’s going on with the Torches hello break this one break that one break this one that one this one

Whoa nah how’s that happening what is that noise he’s trying to put up more torches and I just keep breaking them stop who who’s breaking the Torches now I can I can play this game game all day you want to take out the Torches I’ll go

Two times on you dummy he just keeps running up more how many torches does this guy have okay I’m going to summon in one of these things a weeping angel read the wall it says their boy this is my house this is my what is that hello

Oh my goodness he’s staring right at it time to break your torches dirt boy okay listen listen I’ll make a bargain with you all right all right hear me out I’ll give you four diamonds Four Diamonds okay the best part is he doesn’t even think Herobrine’s real he’s

Probably pooping his pants right now all right it seems like a deal no okay 10 diamonds 10 diamonds if you stop bringing torches okay once I got all of the Torches deleted can do slash summon the eyes 10 diamonds okay I’ll give you the whole fliping stack okay fliping

We’ll call it we’ll call it a truce what do you want I gave you a whole stack of diamonds okay I’m just going to start replacing them ah what the heck it’s teleported at him let’s go where did he even go oh my goodness he got teleported

All the way over into the Herobrine Village oh that’s not good for dirt boy why are all the tops of these trees cut off where did I just go did that angel just teleport me guys guys whoa wait whoa whoa what did I just walk into all

Right anyways guys where am I Adam is hiding out with three of his long lost big nose cousins oh my gosh you guys are useless you’re supposed to be my family I thought we were the nose Brothers we were supposed to be the nose Brothers

But you guys give me nothing oh my gosh this was not the time to be teleported to a random spot there’s Jack’s house oh maybe he’s still in the mines I wonder if I can steal more stuff I think Adam probably sees the Flaming Shrine on top

Of his roof by now the question is will he do anything about it wait this is actually kind of perfect I’m glad they teleported me now I can steal more Jack stuff why is he going to my house okay wait I’m going to be here this time

Please don’t be home please don’t be home okay if he is home I’m just going to say I’m bringing him a gift then I’ll bring him the uh the raw copper oh yes diamonds diamonds diamonds Adam oh hey Jack hey I was looking for you what’s

Going on I I I was downstairs and I I heard my door open and I you know I’m actually here to drop off a present oh really what’ you what’ you get me I found a diamond yeah all right let’s go thank you yeah I KN I know that people

Were have been stealing them a bunch so I figured once I found it I I would give it to you I’m just I’m trying to be a nice guy W so so you actually found your first diamonds yeah wow okay I’m so proud of you you did so good hey thanks

Man uh by the way have you have you noticed anything weird going on uh not a thing what I mean other than my diamonds disappearing no I mean everything else has been pretty normal you haven’t seen any creatures or anything like that nothing weirds happening to you’re on

About the creatures again Adam we talked about this you’re it’s a it’s in your imagination it’s all in your head are you sure yes you haven’t seen anything literally zero things is there anything you want to give to me cuz I just gave you the diamond oh I didn’t realize this

Was transactional um I I I got some bones you know I can I can bone you up okay um oh you don’t want them oh okay I’m just GNA go all right well I’ll see you bye see you later this guy is insane he literally was in my house while I was

Here did he steal more diamonds did he he definitely yep yep yep all my diamonds are gone just like every single one of my diamonds I I don’t I don’t even care I’m putting all my stuff back I know exactly where it is so if I ever

Want to go get it I can except it’s going to be a diamond hoe I got to make sure everything’s good in the basement please please please please please No Angel No Angel No Angel No Angel yes okay I just need some torches good thing

I have a whole stack we are back baby let’s go guys Herobrine is right on top of Adam’s base Adam has no idea all right I’m feeling good Jack might be right I might just be going insane I got to face my fear sometimes I’m going to

Go out on a night stroll and I’m going to explore a little bit that’s the first time we’ve actually seen herob bride in the world and as soon as you see him there’s no going back their boy has no idea what’s about to happen I want to

See what the heck this was all about over here I forget if it was just a dream or not Adam’s making his way into Herobrine’s Village good luck dirt boy there’s no way Jack doesn’t see this look somebody put a redstone torch there that cannot be by a villager that has to

Be man-made there’s somebody or something in this game now do I feel bad about trolling my brother kind of but it makes me feel a lot better knowing that he’s the one that’s been stealing my diamonds he deserves this all right I fa my fears there’s nothing out here I

Might have been just going crazy because I’ve been going through the cycle all I do is I steal diamonds and I make diamond hose and then I I stay inside all day and hang out with Alec and Alec’s dead this is making me realize that I was just seeing ghosts this is

Just wait am I hearing am I hearing something good luck okay we really do have to find the swords of this there’s some noises now when I go down into this cave it’s it’s a new update Adam it’s a new update oh Adam I would not go into a

Cave that is probably the last spot you should go when Herobrine is about to get you just a show that I’m not afraid I’m going to take out this Enderman one of the scariest mobs in the game I’m not afraid of you I’m Not Afraid yeah oh my

Gosh what was I even worried about I might just go back to Jack’s house and raid his kitchen I’m going to steal everything all his cookies all his diamonds he’s probably back in his mind collecting more diamonds for me to steal what is that hello that sounds like a

Jack In The Box what the all right yep I’m going back home I’m not scared or anything I just you know I I did what I I I wanted to do and I’m just going to go home I’m just going to go home another Herobrine spawned in I don’t

Even think Adam notices it there’s one right on top of his house oh Jack what’s my present for him this time just in case he’s home I think I’m going to give him an egg I’ll give him an egg in case where is Adam going oh of course of

Course he’s going right back to my base who what was that I’m starting to get kind of spooked out because I’m not doing that I don’t understand how dumb somebody can be I still hello was that okay I’m going inside I’m going inside I’m going inside I’m going inside I’m

Going to go inside I’m going to go inside oh what was that oh I should probably get rid of this this is evidence he knows my trademark is dirt diamond blocks now and a diamond oh wait that was the one I gifted him no I don’t

Even care I’m going to steal it all right let’s go back home quick before he gets home oh my gosh it’s on fire it’s on fire oh my God oh my God my house is on fire Adam what did you do no way he just did that there’s actually no way

He’s burning down my house no that that was not me I got to go he’s going to think that’s me if I’m I’m if I’m around oh my God wait is that Jack Adam did you burn down my house bro why is my house burning down Jack wait if you’re there

Then who’s that who is who Adam who are you talking about who’s that is that herob bride what are you Adam there’s nobody on top of my house right now Jack shut up just shut up and leave before you die I got to keep lying to him I got

To make him feel like he’s going crazy dude why is my house on fire Adam seriously bro why did you set my house on fire do you not see that man on top of your house who are you talking about Jack ja back there’s nobody up there get

Away from me get you’re a curse or something you’re a curse what are you talking about no he definitely he went in there and he he probably also stole your diamonds but he’s burning your house and I’m scared why do you keep making up these creatures and Herobrine

And stuff like that Adam they’re not real Jack I’m being serious right now do not come in my house because whatever whatever curse is on you you’re going to bring it into my house and you’re going to spread it so get it the flip bag no

No no no you Adam Adam you literally stole my diamonds you burn down my house you got to explain yourself do not come in here I just told you no you got to go you have to go now go all right all right don’t kill me you’re going to

Bring the curse in here you probably already did oh gosh oh gosh why what are you talking about now I got to build a whole new house Adam I don’t care we have bigger problems than that whatever all right I’ll I’ll I’ll see you later I might come back later asking for some

Blocks cuz I I’m going to need them don’t come back in here it’s working oh dirt boy or should I call you Diamond stealing dirt boy he’s staring right at me wonder if he knows if I’m here oh no not the music not the music oh no is

That an Enderman what is that I have to go back in my my in my safe space this is my safe space my safe space my safe space what is Adam up to now there’s a hero R right behind him grying he is literally grying I’m just going to forget exactly what’s outside

And I’m going to pretend like it’s not there cuz I might start crying ah ah no no no no no oh my God what the heck I can’t believe my eyes I didn’t even do that what was he doing with his hands look he was giddying nah Jack brought him here I

Told Jack not to come in my house no we’re going to have to move everything now I don’t know what kind of virus I installed but I have no words maybe he’s just following me if I can run away I can save the diamond hose I think it’s

Me he wants it’s me or Jack oh no it’s night time I have to make sure my diamond whole collection is protected we’re going to go ahead and Surround Adam with a bunch of weeping angels okay we’re safe here no no no that was the thing that teleported me earlier oh my

Gosh I accidentally opened the door this one even has a Christmas hat on oh oh they got Adam what the heck what the heck what the heck why is it bike what the heck dude there’s a whole graveyard of them and oh my gosh where

The flip am I I just got to die if I die I spawn back in my bed what is he doing oh he’s trying to build up to see where he went oh my gosh look at how many of them there are if I just die right now

They can’t follow me see you later suckers he jumped off so he would die and then spawn back in his house honestly kind of a smart play out of dir boy oh oh it worked it worked I’m back I’m back I’m back oh my God that was

Just a nightmare that was just a dream please just turn daytime yes I’m so flipping smart let’s go all right let’s just check that everything’s good as long as Herobrine didn’t come back down here again we should be fine and chilling oh let’s go oh my gosh they

Boy everything’s getting hold right now we are on a victory ho at I think at this point Adam has probably learned his lesson but there’s still one more thing I want to do no no no guys guys okay oh I got to leave I got to leave

Yeah no actually I have to defend the whole nation hey don’t don’t try anything you see how many times I have I can kill you he’s trying to fight hero friend oh god oh oh God he’s Invincible listen there’s this guy big brj he’s right down the street he has

Way more diamonds than me okay he’s the one that you want this is what you get Adam for stealing my diamonds I’m taking as much as I kid we’re gone we’re flipping gone we got to go we’re gone you can have it all R in the ground no leave me alone

You can have the diamonds I don’t want them siren get him get him he keeps trying to fight Herobrine oh my gosh they’re useless oh my gosh they’re flipping useless Herobrine keeps following him this is too good barricading the door he’s not allowed back in you just

Been blocked son you are no longer allowed back in the dirt Nation Hut I got to block every window I’m just done I can’t even look at him anymore okay I’m going to get rid of the Herobrine I think Adam’s probably had enough Adam I

Think I’m going to log off for the day Jack Jack Jack uh I fixed up my house a little bit and uh yeah I honestly I got to I got to head out Jack don’t leave me here don’t flip and leave me here hey what what what’s going on no you don’t

Even understand Herobrine is here and it’s not just him there’s other stuff and you know you know I’m not crazy I know you see what I see I didn’t see anything bro what are you talking about the only thing I saw was that my diamonds literally go bye-bye and then

My house got burned down by somebody and who else could it be but you it’s not me okay Jack if I admit then will you believe everything else I say uh maybe it depends what it is okay when I I did go into your house uhhuh and I did steal

But I didn’t steal any diamonds I stole this what did you steal that’s it that’s it you stole two raw mud I don’t even remember I don’t think I even had raw mutton what are you talking about I was a hungry little boy you see and I just

Wanted some foods Adam Adam okay you have to admit you stole my diamonds just say it with me I stole your diamonds you stole my diamonds no no no no say it with me Adam say I you I you noow I you I you oh my god Adam literally stop just

Didn’t me Adam Adam Adam explain this then Adam explain explain what explain this no no no hey hey explain this Adam no no no don’t go down here Jack it’s evil it’s evil stuff you don’t want to see this what is all this Adam where did

You get all of these Diamond wao what is this Jack explain yourself right now what is this Adam this is right below your house bro all right fine it was me I knew it I freaking knew it and I’m keeping it I’m keeping it I knew it it’s

Over for you Adam it’s over whoo whoa wo where’d you go where’d you go hey hey no no no no wait it was you no no don’t take my diams I earned these I earn these by stealing them yes no I’m leaving you’re mean suck

At dir boy that’s what you get just say it with me I stole you are stupid oh whatever ladies and gentlemen if you guys enjoyed make sure you guys leave a like on today’s video and click this video right here to watch me troll Adam again

This video, titled ‘I Fooled My Brother With HEROBRINE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by BeckBroJack on 2023-11-25 18:31:09. It has garnered 428953 views and 9926 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:02 or 1862 seconds.

Today I Fooled My Brother With HEROBRINE in Minecraft…

👕 OFFICIAL MERCH – https://beckbrojack.co/

👍 FOLLOW ME! 👾 DISCORD – https://discord.gg/SmnQZKd 🐦 TWITTER – https://twitter.com/BeckBroJack 📷 INSTAGRAM – http://instagram.com/realbeckbrojack 🌀 FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/realbeckbro

Herobrine Mod: https://lunareclipse.studio/creations/from-the-fog

Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/

  • Shocking Minecraft Alpha Footage by Tommy Horror

    Shocking Minecraft Alpha Footage by Tommy Horror The Unsettling Mystery of Minecraft’s Lost Alpha Videos In a bizarre turn of events, YouTube channels “F1Lcer2287,” “mcpickaxe15,” and “ihatemobs” have been reuploading eerie footage from old Minecraft versions, particularly Alpha and Beta videos. Something sinister lurks within these worlds, as viewers are introduced to a strange entity known as “000..jar” with a cryptic agenda. The Creepy Footage Viewers are taken on a chilling journey through corrupted videos that showcase anomalies never seen before in Minecraft. The distorted visuals and unsettling atmosphere hint at a deeper mystery waiting to be unraveled. The players behind these channels seem to be… Read More

  • 24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains?

    24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains? In the gym for 24 hours straight, Pushing limits, feeling the weight. Stretching, cardio, feeling fine, Ready for this marathon, feeling divine. Energy bursting, two hours in, But the challenge is about to begin. Fatigue setting in, feeling the burn, But I won’t stop, there’s more to learn. Maintaining energy, nutrition is key, No time to rest, let’s continue with glee. Second wind, feeling reinvigorated, Ready for more, feeling elated. Hitting a low point, this is tough, Praying for strength, feeling rough. Every muscle aching, but no giving up, Pushing through, filling my cup. Steroids giving me the boost… Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Reeling in Pain with Fishing Frenzy

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  • Uncover Minecraft’s Sky Height Limit!

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  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Speedy Iron Forge: Minecraft’s Fastest Form!

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  • DIY Wind Fan: Minecraft Edition

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  • Block Buddies: Minecraft Mix-Up Madness

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  • 100 Days as Puss in Boots in Hardcore Minecraft

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  • 25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Animation: Herobrine vs Bucky Barnes!

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  • Mandos Paradise SMP

    Mandos Paradise SMPMando’s Paradise a NEW 1.20.1 Bedrock & java SMP server with a friendly and welcoming community every time you join Mando’s Paradise you will have a interesting time. Read More

  • Just Bucket! 1.20.6! SMP, McMMO, Economy, Jobs, Tournaments

    Introducing JustBucket Minecraft Server: Where Community and Quality Meet! Are you tired of hopping from one Minecraft server to another, searching for that perfect blend of community, quality gameplay, and professional service? Look no further because JustBucket Minecraft Server has everything you’ve been dreaming of and more! A Home for Every Player At JustBucket, we pride ourselves on fostering an active and friendly community. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your Minecraft journey, you’ll feel right at home here. Our dedicated staff ensures that everyone feels welcome and valued, creating an environment where friendships are formed and adventures… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MC Edit Gods crafted this!

    It’s impressive that this meme was made in Google Slides and still managed to score a 410 – maybe Microsoft Paint has some competition after all! Read More

  • Crafty Cartography: Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Map Masterpiece!

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  • Minecraft BILD Meme: Hotter than a lava pit!

    Minecraft BILD Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! “I asked my mom for a Minecraft bild for Christmas and she got me a picture of Steve holding a diploma. Close enough, I guess.” #minecraft #memes #bildung Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft with Hocam – Funny Gameplay

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  • Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins!

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  • Minecraft ATM9 Stream 6: Journey to Pretty Purple Mesa!

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  • Minecraft Seeds Debunked by PrestonPlayz

    Minecraft Seeds Debunked by PrestonPlayzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Busting Scary Minecraft Seeds To Prove Them Fake’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2024-06-15 14:15:01. It has garnered 918762 views and 16922 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:27 or 1287 seconds. ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – http://preston.gg/subscribeplayz 👕 FIRE MERCH – http://www.firemerch.com/ 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – http://firemerch.app/download 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@preston ☛ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/prestonplayz/ ☛ Twitter – https://twitter.com/Preston 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ https://fire.vip/discord —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR If you believe your copyrighted work was unintentionally used in this video… Read More

  • 💥 BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Public SMP Launching Soon! 💥

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  • Unlock Secret Monster Koala Dimension in Minecraft PE! 🐨🔥

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  • “Can YOU Save the Chicken in Minecraft?!” #clickbait #gaming

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ Survive in Cube World!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ Survive in Cube World!Video Information This video, titled ‘How MIKEY AND JJ SURVIVED IN A CUBE WORLD in Minecraft ?’, was uploaded by Maibek JJ on 2024-03-19 01:56:54. It has garnered 5435 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:12 or 492 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with V-tuber Himari! 😱🔥✨

    EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with V-tuber Himari! 😱🔥✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】BED WARS WITH CHAT ✨ V-tuber ✨Discord ✨Chill’, was uploaded by Himari Ch. かぜみひまり on 2024-05-27 18:00:24. It has garnered 119 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:24:15 or 15855 seconds. Rawr! AWAAAA IT’S KAZEMI HIMARI DESUUUUUU Hello! I am Himari, the Beer Dragon Vtuber. I am a variety streamer and I play whatever is fun. It makes me happy to spend time with you, my favourite peoples, and here’s to having LOTSA FUN together mina-san!!! Join the community https://discord.gg/nBWcwhrrvg Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Fortnite Cone Build Tutorial!🔥

    🔥Ultimate Fortnite Cone Build Tutorial!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build a brick cone in Fortnite #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitememes #fortnitemechanics’, was uploaded by ManneraikaL on 2024-04-07 19:28:40. It has garnered 485 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. How to build a brick cone in Fortnite #fortnite #fortniteclips #fortnitememes #full180 #minecraft #music #cones #fortnitememes #fortnitemechanics #memestiktok #fishy #fishyonme #minecraftmusic #tutorial #fullbox #mongraal #mrsavage #building #fortnitebuild Read More

  • Get Ready for Crazy Minecraft Symptoms! 😱

    Get Ready for Crazy Minecraft Symptoms! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:你什么症状!《方块轩热梗合集》【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-27 09:23:22. It has garnered 1910 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:47 or 227 seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating popular Internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of Fangkuaixuan. Videos posted on other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 We update wonderful original videos every day. Come and follow us to save unhappy moments… Read More

  • Play-Cubes

    Play-CubesSite Web: https://www.play-cubes.net/ Ip-serveur: play-cubes.net Version du serveur: 1.8 a 1.19.4 PVP 1.8 – 1.12.2 FACTIONS 1.12.2 CREATIF 1.19.4 play-cubes.net Read More


    🎮 Calling all Minecrafters! 🎮 Join me on BlissSMP, where authenticity reigns! Our vanilla server boasts just 2 plugins for a genuine Vanilla experience. But act fast! We’re keeping it cozy until we hit 15 active players, then it’s application-only. Secure your spot now! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “You think you’re clever, don’t you? But you can’t outsmart me”

    Minecraft Memes - "You think you're clever, don't you? But you can't outsmart me"Well, that’s a pretty high score for a meme. I guess it’s officially in the meme hall of fame now! Read More

  • Mine a Tooth: First Extraction in Minecraft Block Xuan

    Mine a Tooth: First Extraction in Minecraft Block Xuan In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Fangkuaixuan’s animations, laughter all around. No worries here, just joy and fun, With tooth extractions, even that can be spun. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries of harm, just happiness found. Every day a new video, a smile to bring, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, let your heart sing. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so bright, Minecraft news with a playful light. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a gem to behold, In the world of gaming, a story told. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme 🔥😂 – #viral #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme 🔥😂 - #viral #minecraft #memes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown

    Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown Minecraft: MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE Are you ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft? In a recent video titled “Minecraft ama MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE,” the popular gamer Daghaninho takes on the mysterious Herobrine. Let’s dive into the action-packed adventure! The Encounter As the video unfolds, Daghaninho stumbles upon Herobrine while exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft. A tense exchange follows as the two characters come face to face. Herobrine, known for his enigmatic presence in the game, challenges Daghaninho to a game. A Risky Deal Herobrine proposes a dangerous game to Daghaninho, but our fearless… Read More

  • Uncover Marcaras Secret with Boubous Klötzchenbande! #minecraft

    Uncover Marcaras Secret with Boubous Klötzchenbande! #minecraftVideo Information einen wunderschönen gute Arbeit es ist das Pixel time y und ich ein bisschen Level machen ihr seht schon die warten schon die warten hier [Musik] mal gespannt ob [Musik] ma okaych komisch Stein okay eine mararen haben wir schon eine MAK eine mag maraka so ich hab es da oben falsch geschrieben hallo wi es ist mircht so kombifleisch Kön Eisen nehme ich mir allerdings mitisen immer so da kommen schon die nächsten Herrschaften wde wieder zu doof daadurch die also wie gesagt ich Brau ja noch ein bisschen weil wir wollen ja den diamantenrucksack wieder aufmachen… Read More

  • Clueless Gamer Tries Minecraft Pixelmon!

    Clueless Gamer Tries Minecraft Pixelmon!Video Information C [Música] [Música] oh [Música] [Música] l [Música] C [Música] [Música] [Música] C [Música] [Música] er coloquei na tela errada B Bom dia tudo bom podia vir rockar tem um ro aqui mas não sei se eu posso escutar normal de boa sem problema nenhum Talvez sim idos enquanto eu grito sem saber o que fazer Quem irá me ver de verdade quem vai é mas eu ainda cantarei as estrelas vão revelar uhum C AB no jogo Eu me atrasei um pouquinho porque tava fazendo algo quando uma corda começa Eu nem sei como tá minha voz… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks! #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks! #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Cherry belt [Music] hat subscribe This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by ͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏͏ADRmx123 on 2024-01-13 12:00:06. It has garnered 11215 views and 201 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Minecraft Cherry Build Hacks #shorts #minecraft ————————— Subscribe!!! https://youtube.com/@adrmx123?sub_confirmation=1 ————————— Please watch until the end… Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share because it makes me even more enthusiastic about making videos other interesting things… And see you in the next video, bye.. ————————— Tags: Minecraft Minecraft 100 Days Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Pocket Edition Minecraft Bedrock Edition Roblox… Read More

  • Unlock Flying Powers in Dawncraft Ep.15!

    Unlock Flying Powers in Dawncraft Ep.15!Video Information hello guys welcome back to the channel welcome back to a brand new episode of dacraft of course it is dacraft because because why not because we love dacraft and that is it I want to say you something guys if you remember in the last episode well last episode we were in a village and that Village was really bad with reputation so I couldn’t do much but to find a new place and that is what I did and like the habits I had this beautiful Village out there but I found this Lighthouse right here… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Potion Trick! 😂 Watch Now! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Potion Trick! 😂 Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘potion using right way 😂 Minecraft moye Moye moment 🤣#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Ultra Gamer on 2024-01-15 13:10:26. It has garnered 6747 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. potion using right way 😂 Minecraft moye Moye moment 🤣#shorts #minecraft#trendingshorts#pain Minecraft potion use Moye Moye i hope you will enjoy this video please make sure subscribe and like friends 😉 Read More

  • 💥💥 Epic Chaos in Minecraft Earth SMP!

    💥💥 Epic Chaos in Minecraft Earth SMP!Video Information mic gaming I beg of you to still at paper 1.4 what the [ __ ] oh my goodness I got to go all the way back and I got a [ __ ] around with a new installation because I’m a stti I thought it would solid is not making me Rock Solid right now you gone mental I beg of you to work sir dark you D yo it’s toxic Maniac this this Maniac is quite toxic not going to what uh toxic you know you can join the Earth SMP right it’s bedrock and Java… Read More