Unbelievable: Minecraft’s Hardest Death Message Revealed!

Video Information

With the release of 1.20 moang decided that there needs to be a new death message dying to the world border when it used to say suffocated in a wall it now says player left the confines of this world probably the hardest Standalone death message but every Standalone death message has the whilst

Fighting variant so what’s the most difficult mob to take damage from within 5 Seconds of dying to the world border it’s this thing this idea was given to me by my friend fham who linked a video from Cobalt on the new death message so thanks to them and also subscribe and I

Might do some more actually cool stuff step one is pretty simple the first thing you got to do is just beat the game so I’m just going to start a world go kill the dragon and then we can get into all the fun stuff where did I spawn

Again like here it’s probably not a big deal right these guys buried their treasure on the Shipwreck okay my main priority right now after rushing the end is to get Shuler boxes because I’m going to need multiple different inventories for multiple different setups to make this work after killing the dragon I

Plan to use the setup that I saw from jelly Meep and Ray Works where essentially I need to build up into the sky place blocks at certain coordinates and the dragon just breaks that’ll make sense later okay cool why did my portal spawn here why did my I was just trying to

Measure my eye so I knew where to how to get to the stronghold okay this one will be safer right all right nice all right I hear it I see it I’m going to need to come back to the end because I need um I need gas tiers

Anyways to make crystals cuz respawning the dragon is going to be another whole issue the reason the dragon needs to be killed when the first place places to open the end gateways and using that setup of blocks to break and freeze the dragon you essentially just push the

Dragon with pistons and it fits into the end Gateway priority is going to be getting shulker boxes cuz after this point my inventory is going to start getting completely obliterated I might have made a few too many beds but it’s fine something else that’s going to be important is I will

Need a lot of endstone presumably I’ll just be able to get a good enough pickaxe to mine that much endstone through an in City what oh there’s not even a ship never mind oh there’s my pickaxe thanks okay I finally have a form of inventory Hey I

Was talking I finally have a form of inventory management now the only thing left is to find an elytra which surely will not take too long right oh that looks like the solution to all my problems I probably shouldn’t be running around zoomed in like that I’m just going to fall in a

One by one thanks okay now it’s time for me to get gas TI to get leaves to mine endstone I’m sorry I haven’t used an end Gateway in like 20 years were they always this bad okay well my boat’s gone now shout out to end Gateway time to take a break

From all the annoying stuff it’s time to trim some Hedges and I think there’s not a worst biome I could be in right now to gather leaves in okay I got my leaves that’s probably enough Stacks right the forest looks horrible it’s a new moon you know what

That means it’s gas hunting time wait what’s happening Am I Dreaming how do you make netherite tools oh you need an armor trim okay well it’s I don’t I didn’t really want netherite anyways it’s stuck what’s a ghast with no tears got it oh I got it okay it’s

Fine oh perfect am I forgetting something oh yeah the tier there four crystals Next Step I’m going to need a lot of redstone so I can make the chunk loaders so I can make the Pistons to move the Dragon and also I just don’t have any coal using furnaces has been a

Pain in the the ass yeah I’ll make a so I’ll make a Shuler specifically for Redstone and for Redstone I’ll make it blue oh hey man stuck in purgatory forever okay now I can go back to the end okay this should be enough to scaffold and block all the nodes up top

I’m going to get more endstone while I’m here to actually get the respawn Dragon into the Overworld you need to build up to y 200 and place endstone over the dragon’s nodes and the nodes are basically where the dragon heads to to give it that sort of pseudo random

Pattern when flying in the sky and when you cover up all of those nodes and break all the crystals the dragon doesn’t know what to do and it just freezes midair so from that point you just use a bunch of endstone to push the dragon into the gateway may as well make

Use of all this Mining and dig out a house yeah what do you think of the place Patrick Star Style okay that was not nearly as hard as I thought I had just enough leaves to make that happen oh I guess there’s nothing left to do let’s get this over with okay

I just have to treat this like a normal ight until the very last Crystal okay I just need it to perch now now it’s perching okay I thought it wasn’t working look at it it can’t do anything I shouldn’t have stood over here I could have just ran through my

Furnaces and now with that out of the way it’s uh time for the more tedious part where I get to push it over and over again with a piston all the way until there I can comfortably say this is something I thought I’d never see in my time playing Minecraft look at this

You can just push her around ow I need that body hit box to be lined up with that Gateway sending the dragon through a Gateway causes the game to spawn a new Dragon so essentially it’s going to dupe the dragons where one is in the end cities and one is in the

End Island and we need both dragons so that we can kill one and open the end portal and then put the other one into the end portal once it’s through the portal I need to go all the way up to those sticks and break that block 040 is it lined

Up oh it’s gone the game’s freaking out it doesn’t know where the dragon is so it’s going to force respawn the dragon on this island okay 040 is gone that end Gateway is going to be opened I can bring the other dragon that got sent through there

Back to this island and then bring it into the open end portal frames okay there it is it’s stuck it doesn’t know what to do okay it’s alive again I got to go back and get my dragon back let’s go oh my God the in City no okay well I’m flying it’s leaving

Come back here we’re going back to the end Island this is kind of magical isn’t it sorry I meant that to sound a lot more ironic but whatever okay it’s going to get stuck onto the island for a bit wait for it oh okay it’s coming up oh that’s so

Weird okay this is where I need to build up since all the items dropped here this is where the dragon is going to spawn in okay I’m just going to go back to the end now make sure the dragon froze hey what’s up why can’t you move this is

This is exactly what we need step two uh I just got to squash the dragon oh I didn’t I messed up I didn’t mean to do that I placed the block directly on z0 and the dragon started pathing to it I’m so stupid oh hey I see it’s

Foot oh I’m sorry pretty sure I did this right um I I never actually planned how I was going to get back into the uh end portal but I have an idea what if I just tank it yeah oh it doesn’t matter okay no it worked it’s here it’s going to it’s just

Going to circle around that pillar for eternity it’s fine right why can’t can you get an Ender Dragon in survival why did people make tutorials for this night bro I’m going to bed with the Ender Dragon above me there wasn’t actually a setup for this I just kind of Jerry

Rigged it now it was time for the most brutal part of this journey which is getting to the world Border in survival okay so plan a is I’m going to get on the nether roof Sprint hit a boat so I can Sprint forever never out of hunger and then just AFK to the

Roof yeah I think I’m going to head um positive X so I can travel 40 less blocks on my 3.7 million block journey I think I’m just going to let my Minecraft instance sit here while I have a bottle of Tabasco on my forward key and I’ll check back uh

Overnight okay it seems we’ve only traveled 178,000 blocks we’re going to need to change of plans I I didn’t do the math on this at all I didn’t actually know how long this was going to take I think it’s a f able that I build

A creeper farm and a sugar can farm so that I can elytra around so then came Plan B I needed to build an entire creeper farm and sugarcane farm cuz the only way I’m getting to the world border is through flight oh yeah I’m going to

Need mending too cuz my elytra are about to go through the most exhausting adventure of their lives wait you can use snow golems okay these will be my two workers unpaid workers that don’t want to work day 39 the world border is still nowhere in sight I’m sitting here

Killing cows and Gathering sugar cane to make books I’m glad I decided to do this on 1.20.1 if I did this on 1.2.2 with all the Villager changes I think I would have just uninstalled no somebody save the Golem um bye I guess 26 emeralds that’s ridiculous

Okay there’s my elytra the elytra are done looking back at it now I should have brought more Shuler boxes with me I only brought three which obviously was not enough because the amount of firework Rockets I ended up needing for this trip was in the five-digit range okay after successfully deforesting an

Entire Birch Forest I now have 28 stacks of birch logs which will be enough to make the trap doors for my creeper Farm I like to think there’s an alternate universe where moing actually added the wood cutters I might have overestimated how much what I actually need for these

Trap doors I have all the trap doors placed now and I still have 15 20 stacks of logs left over okay well that might have not been great for the environment it’s going oh my gosh it’s going I don’t think any mobs are going to get to me

But I’m going to build a I’m going to build a little a little hidey-hole anyways so I let that farm run for quite a while and I found my own ways to pass the time okay I should have enough gunpowder now I maybe the four double chest was a bit

Overkill but I got the gunpowder and paper I need for rockets and I think it’s time that I leave this Netherrack Abomination behind I got as much as I can carry I would love to have more shers but unfortunately I am 1 million blocks out that was the start of the

Hardest part if I go I guess once again I underestimated how long this would actually take so I tried flying with one rocket at a time and yes I could get to the world border that way but it’s just way too high maintenance for how long this takes now for the fun

Part I get to take a pit stop and repair my elytra after flying for long enough I found out that with two Unbreaking three elytras you can get about a 80 to 990,000 block yield out of both combined which means out of the 7.4 million

Blocks you need to travel to make it to the world border and back you’re going to need to take about 90 to 100 brakes to repair your elytra I’ve been flying around the nether for enough time now where I know that if I fly to around y

6000 I can soar down at 20° angle so that my elytra has just enough durability Not To Break while I’m in the sky and when I do land I’m at a shallow enough angle where when I hit the ground it doesn’t do any damage to me so I can

Soar for 30 minutes with zero maintenance I actually have no idea if those angles I mentioned are optimal for elytra I kind of just tried some angles and made it work and then I’m just using them from now on probably the first and only time I’m going to travel a raw 1

Million blocks in Minecraft I mean yeah going through the nether portal puts me 8 million blocks out but that that doesn’t count yeah Pit Stop number uh I already lost count oh God I haven’t done this elytra jumping since like 1.13 that’s the one millionth block it

Really stands out from the rest huh only another 6 million blocks left to complete the round trip something really interesting I noticed when I reach y 256 my day counter just disappears can somebody like comment why that actually happens I have no idea currently on day

111 which is I’ve spent 36 hours on this world 2/3 of that probably just flying oh that’s a monument what I was just digging out of my spawn portal okay I’ll just go move my portal then a simple no would have been fine okay fixed it was at this point I

Finally found a comfortable routine and it was only a matter of time also I was wrong earlier the best Heights and angles that I found is using rockets at -27° all the way until y 4800 and then gliding down at 15° and then you have to

Do that for tens and tens of hours okay once I land again I’m going to take a little break because I need to see how many Rockets I’ve gone through so I can judge how much I need for the rest of the journey if I go in my stats I have

Used 2400 Rockets essentially which means I’m going to need to use another 7500 Rockets which means I’m going to need 40 more stacks of each gunpowder on paper and if I take a look I probably only have about 20 stacks of each world record for loneliest Iron Golem in all

Of Minecraft 23 million blocks out okay that’s all I’m going to go repair my now should at least give the gollem a name right uh Greg okay bye Golem okay I wasn’t recording but somehow this is the second time I’ve built my portal and spawned

Under a monument so I will be moving my portal again oh this is new okay this is my last descent before reaching the Border this is where my Minecraft career Peaks right in front of me there it is live making it to the world border meant it

Was time to set up the Pearl stasis chamber but you can’t just build a pearl stasis chamber at the border and expect it to work you need to use a chunk loader and if you want to use that from an indefinite distance you need to use chunk borders to keep the Pearl loaded

In the stasis chamber but the fishing rod bobber in unloaded chunks when you put the Bobber of the fishing rod in unloaded chunks like that it allows you to pull the fishing rod from any distance I’m going to actually move this portal oh that’s perfect there’s ocean

Right next to my portal can make the creeper Farm oh yeah I had to build another creeper Farm because my three shers were not enough surprise hey can someone explain why there’s three pieces of orange terracotta past the world border with no Mesa in sight okay I’ve been leaving the creeper Farm running

For a while I also moved the sugarcan farm down there because when I had it over there previously the sugarcan was just not updating and while this is running I’m going to go build a chunk loader over there so that I can do the Pearl stasis chamber okay I’m smelting a bunch of

Iron now because I need to make a bunch of mine carts for the chunk loader design that I’m using basically the chunk loader is just going to dispense furnace mine carts into the portal over and over again forever okay it’s running see the item going through the portal I see the mine

Cart going through the portal so I need to put the pressure plate outside of this chunk because this chunk will be unloaded but the Pearl in this chunk is this chunk will be loaded and once I inevitably leave these three chunks that the loader keeps loaded my bobber is

Going to stay here forever until I pull it I offhand my rod leave the Pearl right here and now I can go as far out as I want to for example 30 million blocks and teleport back in an instant this is the scary part I have to keep

The rod in my inventory and never touch it I cannot touch it if I touch it it updates and it ruins everything and if it’s working I can just do this yep and I’m at the border I just traveled near 2,000 blocks in the pole

Of aad Rod okay I have now fully reared up I’m ready to fly all the way back which is the scary part which means now I have to fly back with no mistakes no dying no logging off and no touching the fishing rod all right got another 30 hours ahead

Of me it did not take 30 hours to get back to 00 it probably took more around 50 hourss there’s only so much content to be had when you’re just kind of flying on the nether roof for 50 hours so I don’t have much more to show and

Like 99% of the time while I was flying I was just tabbed out not even playing Minecraft since I wasn’t able to restart my Minecraft instance for the whole travel back as that would break the fishing rod I changed my render distance settings to be as little as possible to

Avoid the possibility of memory leaking and then crashing my instance which worked thankfully currently past the 2 million block Mark now I’ve just been bored out of my mind I I don’t even know what to show anymore there’s no content left until I get back home home okay

Only 1 million blocks left before I make it back home oh it’s the first Mangrove I’ve seen I forgot I’m I’m playing 1.20 is this biome really that rare can someone tell me what’s wrong with this guy why was he doing that in case anyone

Was Curious by the time I was about to make it back home my world file reached a size of 70 GB 100,000 blocks left we’re on day 329 it’s 300 p.m. and I went to bed at 9:00 p.m. day 1 million I’m building my final nether portal to repair my elytra

The very last portal oh my God I’m actually getting nervous I spent so much time on this and I just don’t want to mess it up I’m genuinely just like jittery right now oh my God I made it I didn’t actually remember my my Z coordinate okay the dragon has moved

Significantly okay I just need to make sure the boat actually uh should be a fine place to put the boat right I have my notes ready I need to change to normal I need to wear nothing except for an iron helmet I don’t have pearls oh there we go the last thing I

Got to do is just make sure my Hunger is low enough so that I don’t get saturation regen okay I guess I just hop in hit me already oh there it is xylx left the confines of the world whilst fighting Ender Dragon oh my gosh I’m never doing that again I just

Spent I don’t even how know how long flying 5 and a half days and if I had to guess maybe 80% of that is just flying so around 110 hours straight of just elytra gliding 15,000 kilomet times used my fireworks are right at 10,000 so you only need 10,000 firework Rockets to

Make this happen gosh I can’t remember the last time I felt this nervous over something in Survival Minecraft again I want to thank FM and AM Cobalt for the inspiration this video took so much work subscribe okay bye

This video, titled ‘How I Got Minecraft’s Hardest Death Message’, was uploaded by zylenox on 2023-12-02 18:02:55. It has garnered 65010 views and 7229 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:32 or 1352 seconds.

Okay maybe minecraft 1.20 has some cool changes SUBSCRIBE ❗❗

Tutorials I used – Ender dragon freezing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cit2oPVfrGw&t Ender dragon in the overworld: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4VRd7TL-Tk&t Creeper farm design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYp3C_0Qqdo&t Chunk loader: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLdQ6nlJNjk Fishing rod travel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoZEPcC8t9o&t

seed if you want it: -1311750654716589268

Thanks for watching infinite speedruns – Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/zylenox

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    Unbelievable Minecraft Vanilla+ Gameplay by Ursa UMi Ch.Video Information [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hi guys I’m I’m not going to lie I like I held the mouse for like a few seconds and was wondering where my burst was says alive yeah he is he is how are you guys how is everything does the does the audio need to be bumped up a little bit I um what is it I had to like lower Minecraft on my end because like my ears are kind of being like Sonic blasted right now you you… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPD

    SHOCKING: Hood Baby Goes Crazy on NYPDVideo Information [Music] bag um the CV gave a description of a female black with long with white what classes did I steal from M CL Mommy I know who it was what classes did I steal thank you stop recording it now you should not be recording it without our permission my safety thank you my aunt don’t glasses and what her do she have a [ __ ] white t-shirt on no no no my leave my mother alone I don’t have this is crazy my dad father she don’t have nothing K somebody [Music] in the face… Read More

  • JustAxstler’s EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraft

    JustAxstler's EPIC Bedwars RAGE QUIT?! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Did He Rage Quit? #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #pvp #minemen #minemenclub #bedfight #fireballfight’, was uploaded by JustAxstler on 2024-05-09 21:07:57. It has garnered 9649 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shorts

    Minecraft's Secret Meme Revealed! Watch Now! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Historical minecraft meme #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-29 06:27:14. It has garnered 701 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Historical minecraft myth #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft @Reedop_Gaming Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Reedop Gaming 1M Likes 20,209,364 Views Feb 24 2024 Share with your friends🙏… Read More

  • Free Will

    Free WillClan SMP with a limited world border. Has a focus on pvp and is very competitive, with clans tryign to eliminate each other at every step. Free_Will_PVP.hosting.ethera.net Read More

  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired Whitelist Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer. Community input is valued, and all players have a say in server decisions. Quick Links Website Dynmap Gallery Player Statistics Our Values Community – All player suggestions are considered, and decisions are transparent. Welcoming – A diverse and inclusive environment for all players. Stability – Top-quality hardware ensures a stable experience. Updates – Regular updates keep the experience fresh. Some of Our Features – User-friendly claims plugin for land protection – Vanilla Tweaks like Armor Stands and Mob Heads… Read More

  • Levelup MC

    Levelup MC🌟 Welcome to LevelUp MC, where survival gets an upgrade! 🚀 Join our cracked-friendly server and dive into the ultimate multiplayer experience.Since our launch in September 2020, we’ve been on a mission to redefine survival gameplay. Enjoy a vanilla-esque feel with a twist of excitement thanks to our carefully curated plugins.Discover thrilling features like:⚔️ Custom Enchants🏝️ Land Claiming▶️ Player Warps🐶 Companions👨‍💼 Jobs🐣 Upgradeable Spawners🌎 Resource GalaxyWhether you’re a lone wolf, a team player, or a social butterfly, there’s endless adventure waiting for you on LevelUp MC. Join now and level up your Minecraft journey! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trapdoor Shenanigans

    Minecraft Memes - Trapdoor ShenanigansWhy did the Minecraft player get kicked out of the restaurant? Because they kept trying to connect (trap)doors to the bathroom! Read More

  • Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft’s Mightiest Fight

    Strong Allies for Herobrine: Minecraft's Mightiest Fight In the world of Minecraft, where heroes shine bright, Herobrine needs help, let’s give him our might. Strong people unite, let’s lend a hand, Together we’ll conquer, in this blocky land. Super Mario and Herobrine, in a pushing race, Who will win, who will embrace? Noob joins the fun, with a funny twist, Laughs and cheers, in this gaming mist. Let’s support Herobrine, with all our might, Click the screen, show your light. With a billion power, he rises high, In the world of Minecraft, we reach the sky. So comment below, who joined the fight, To help Herobrine,… Read More

  • “Minefart: The Explosive Edition” 😂 #minecraft #memes

    "Minefart: The Explosive Edition" 😂 #minecraft #memes When you’re playing Minefart and you accidentally unleash a deadly gas attack on your friends in the game. 💨💀 #minecraft #memes #funny #meme Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Survival Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of epic adventures, survival tips, and building tutorials in Minecraft? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video showcasing the creation of iron armor and a wheat farm in Minecraft. The dedication and creativity displayed in the video are truly inspiring. As you watch the player craft their iron armor piece by piece and set up a sustainable wheat farm, you can’t help but feel the urge to dive into your own Minecraft world and embark on similar adventures. The possibilities in Minecraft are truly… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2 News

    Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2 News Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 2: A Comprehensive Guide to Changes Portal Changes In the latest Minecraft 1.21 pre-release 2, several fixes have been implemented for portals. Now, using an ender pearl to leave the end no longer skips the credits, and entering the end portal plays the portal sound once again. Additionally, issues with the obsidian platform spawning inside terrain have been resolved, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience. Enchantment Updates Soul speed enchantment now activates immediately upon landing on soul soil or soul sand, and ceases to work when landing on other blocks. Ranged attacks no longer trigger the Wind… Read More

  • Medieval Minecraft Madness: Lindough’s Epic 200 Day Survival Story (FULL MOVIE)

    Medieval Minecraft Madness: Lindough's Epic 200 Day Survival Story (FULL MOVIE)Video Information I survived 100 days in Cisco’s Medieval Minecraft this mod pack turns Minecraft into a fantasy Medieval World it has classes brand new and unique weapons and gear custom bosses and a lot more in these 100 days I collect the powerful weapons fight powerful bosses and explore new structures this one was a really fun one so I hope you guys enjoy all right choose your origin there’s too many there’s like 50 things to choose from um I might do the shock cuz again yeah cuz it’s simple and it’s kind of useful it’s like having… Read More

  • I Cheated in Minecraft Build Battle

    I Cheated in Minecraft Build BattleVideo Information my robot Guido challenged me to a build battle where the winner gets 10,000 diamonds but what he doesn’t know is that I can use the slash myth command so the scariest myths in Minecraft can help me win those 10,000 diamonds are going to be mine the theme for your first build is house good luck Steve yeah yeah whatever Guido he doesn’t even realize that he’s the one that will be needing luck because I prepared a little something earlier under this x here I’ve hidden myself the blood Summoner this is the first step on… Read More

  • Insane Vanilla Minecraft Chaos with Crowd Control

    Insane Vanilla Minecraft Chaos with Crowd ControlVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Vanilla Minecraft w/ Crowd Control | Part 01’, was uploaded by MattMightCraft on 2024-03-28 07:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thank you for subscribing and liking the video! Without you, the streams and videos would not be possible! Thank you for doing … Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Builds: 5 Powerful Beacons

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Builds: 5 Powerful BeaconsVideo Information ah Jesus Christ so many problems today oh my God headphones decided they were just they didn’t know they didn’t know my computer anymore they’re like I don’t [ __ ] know you and then I had to come in and mediate like bro y’all have known each other for a while man chill chill [ __ ] out oh I need music give me music or give me death I got to work on getting all these skulls and then maybe a better entrance to the farm maybe try to figure that out why am I hear… Read More


    ULTIMATE GAMER JOURNEY: RODE TO 10K SUBS - Minecraft PAKKOUR BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘RODE TO 10K SUBS Play Minecraft PAKKOUR Bedrock’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 2.O on 2024-03-17 15:14:25. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:33 or 273 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft Pe 1.20 Survival Series Minecraft pocket edition Survival Series Minecraft Pe 1.20 Survival Series In Hindi Tags & Keywords🔖:- minecraft minecraft survival minecraft survival series minecraft survival series in hindi minecraft best survival series minecraft lets play minecraft 100 days minecraft pe minecraft hardcore minecraft pe survival minecraft pocket edition survival series mcpe in hindi minecraft hindi minecraft… Read More

  • Dino Pranks Friend as CAT in Minecraft!

    Dino Pranks Friend as CAT in Minecraft!Video Information my friend flaky is currently trying to beat Minecraft but little does he know that I installed a super secret morph mod which lets me morph into all different kinds of creatures and check this out guys by the end of this video I am even going to transform into a freaking lion but now let’s see what Floy is up to okay there we go hey little kitty are you hungry you got to be well fed because we’re going on a big adventure today okay you know what I’m going to get you some food and… Read More

  • Insane ROBLOX Gameplay! Join Rayo ProGamer LIVE!

    Insane ROBLOX Gameplay! Join Rayo ProGamer LIVE!Video Information Hola buenas buenas Cómo estamos chicos listos para el roblox la gente qui roblox y roblox les voy a dar a ver chatos listos vamos a empezar Ya ya este ya acepté a todos los que me agregaron eh a pato y alguno que otro por ahí así que atentos para empezar el primer mapa que vamos a jugar primer juego Qué es Hola hola pequeño masi Hola jl cómo estás Qué tal hermano Todo bien puse el speech pero no saluda No sé por qué A ver vamos a ver actualizando Hola Nova pura mojarra Dale Nova… Read More

  • Schockierende Minecraft PVP Challenge Online! #Malganzehrlich

    Schockierende Minecraft PVP Challenge Online! #MalganzehrlichVideo Information Freunde neben highpixel g HD und R piixels gibt’s noch viele unbekannte skywars Server und genau so einen testen wir heute wir haben das ganze schon mal gemacht allerdings mit badws und das war sehr sehr unterhaltsam deswegen machen wir das ganze heute noch mal aber mit skywars okay fre jetzt ma duels diger die Runde beginnt ich bin allein oh oha okay ich ich ich mach das was du machst okay ich helfe dir ich helfe dir nice haben wir haben wir pass auf oben oben da kommt jemand okay haben wir ey wir schaffen das okay… Read More