Unbelievable New Minecraft Update ЁЯШ▒

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Yeah you hear theep right all right we need to like make it bro bro this this guy what the [ __ ] is happening what oh [ __ ] look what we found I think this is part of one of the mods I installed Chad we’re in a dungeon what the hell is this actually

Though I actually don’t know it’s like oh God go go go oh my God run oh my God gr Gren he’s like Frozen get over here block off block off you me in here look him up he’s hitting me he’s H me ow ow ow ow where are you where are

You where are you oh he’s through the wall he’s just sitting here what a way to start the video oh [ __ ] I think he ran I think we’re good I think we’re I think we’re chilling I have two steak don’t give me my [ __ ] steak back you [ __ ] okay now let’s explore

This area oh you can open this [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] is that dude does he hurt us oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the oh I’ve been muted oh yeah that’s probably why oopsies chat I need a torch I I got I got something called corruption in my inventory yeah I don’t

Know what that is I don’t I don’t know what any of these mods are cuz I found this mod pack okay so I found this mod pack and it’s like it justed like hor [ __ ] and I added it I didn’t put this into my mod folder yeah I don’t know

What this is I just know that it it was part of it oh [ __ ] this crack a dead oh that’s why I was lagging why am I lag are are you like laggy over here a little bit yeah oh why my bad guys did you just moan there must be something around here

I don’t want to go over there then [ __ ] that I’m not trying to die there’s a man moaning at me it’s hurting me on a little bit he’s getting louder bro he’s getting louder not [ __ ] cool chat which one is that one that’s the that’s the man of the fog that’s a

Tall dude that dude that just chased us was scarier than the man of the fog I know his face is scary bro how do you do that it’s like a chest yeah but how do you how do you I heard the cave dollar again but I

Think we’re okay but look I got dark iron ingots iron but dark yep I think that’s it I don’t think there’s anything else over here should we just leave B voage yeah I’m going to go back in my well we were lagging over here so there’s got to be something you think

There’s mine around there let me I’m come with I’m here cracker wait where are You where’d you go oh why you to scare me dude why are you doing that to Me is it above us oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] I swear we never heard that one before that’s a different noise a mix that sounded like a mix of man from the fog and uh oh what the hell is that thing okay okay okay okay oh what does

That sound I don’t know dude this fire and scary noise okay okay yeah uh uh let’s not what the [ __ ] oh dude these RS are jump scaring me D look look what spawned over here you want to fight it you only live once King okay what the [ __ ] why is he so

Fast we’re not going to win this fight Gren well hold up break it break the break the spawners break the spers oh I’m going to die oh God almost I got stuck oh no they’re smart oh my God oh my God what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] where am I okay where am

I dude I don’t know where I am I’m at half a heart where are you I’m in a mob spawner there’s a mob spawner inside the thing wait wait I’m figur it out figured it out oh my God oh my God I’m suuck in a cobweb oh I’m suuck in a

Cobweb green I’m stuck in a cobweb yeah me too that’s why I can’t escape oh my God half heart I lived chat I’m on bedwars practice I’m mining out the the spawners dude great we figured it out where’d you go wait how’d you go that high you just St up keep climbing you

Can just keep climbing the stairs bud oh there’s a whole staircase right here bud oh [ __ ] my bad oh [ __ ] my bad oh I don’t I think the people that are growling are just these guys flame this giggling monsters dude what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was

That why was it red they’re normally yellow that’s what I’m saying that’s what what the heck oh what it is is new look at this o that’s also new let’s block up the door grenen ookie oh oh my god oh wait the surface is like right here I am out this

[ __ ] sh said Gren grden grden Gren come up here right now come up here right now but look look look oh yeah uh I think this is why we were lagging what is this what is What [ __ ] what is this I don’t know they like oh [ __ ] GRE green chat it has your torch Chad yeah it took my torch wait wait wait wait wait I jumped so hard my torch stayed there wait wait jump come up come up here come up

Here run run oh dude if you don’t look at them they follow you like look ready both of us turn around now look look they Moved oh can you kill him wait you just okay okay it hit me CH where’s my sword chat I might what chat my sword is gone [ __ ] god try to hit it bro they don’t die what the [Applause] hell go back just move back walk back walk away we

Just dude dude dude just hurt let’s just walk away away politely we’re gone we we we’re gone so they’re not even here oh no gr you’re wrong they’re following us I see them out of the corner of my eye so maybe if we run fast enough you think they’ll leave us be the

[ __ ] what’s that noise did that just H walk in yeah good SP you see that [ __ ] it’s not even like by a village there’s just Redstone in here a redstone torch the redstone torch yeah isn’t that noral was that oh oh oh okay I think I think I think it follows us

Everywhere dude this oh where did you go where am I where did you go take my sword did SW I’m I don’t know where I am where are you middle of forest I’m in the middle of a forest where I don’t know where did it take you my cord’s -200 99 what’s

Your why 72 yeah dude it’s chasing me it’s [ __ ] chasing me why am I in a forest and my sword’s gone bro where am I SW 208 what’s your second cord 6 or 7600 5 76 105 yeah he teleported you like hundreds of blocks away no I’m at – 2113 what

7084 oh oh what the hell is that oh my God oh my God I’m getting chased I’m getting chased I’m getting chased oh what the hell is that dude you’re like dude you’re like getting teleported constantly what’s happening to you wait what’s happen Chas by like purple lizard monster dude what do you

Mean dude I’m over here bud you were telling me this redstone torch was inside the igloo that must have been that must be Heron’s iglo then I thought that was normal is it normal I think it is I don’t know it’s kind of sus I don’t

Know much about M I was I was just over here and this [ __ ] started chasing what why did you have to come over here he’s right there he right there get away we’re not going home by the way oh wait dogs I have bones I have bone meal cuz I turned to

All the yeah cuz you want to nut so bad have some for a dog yeah see when I got teleported my [ __ ] just disappeared whatever’s in my hand just disappears oh did you tame all three dogs no this one hasn’t been tamed I didn’t mean to Village no I think it’s a lava

Pit Gren I see the man from the fog at the corner of my eye where look look to your left I mean like glance don’t look over but like you see him he’s like right there jump a little bit oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I see what if I just like take a

Little cheeky look at him don’t don’t don’t don’t if we look at him we’re going to [ __ ] die yeah we have no cover right now hey yo look at that wait there’s another little thing over here no what the what is this oh raer find it up

Boys oh I feel kind of bad doing this oh he’s dead so it doesn’t really I mean you got a point is this more doggies doggy doggy Nation CH we have no clue where our old house is um we didn’t sa cords or anything so yeah but it’s

Okay it’s okay we didn’t even have anything useful and it was a dog [ __ ] house and the movie was Oh Village W let’s feed this dude bone meal maybe he’ll grow I’m making I’m making this for a new base this is where we [ __ ] you

Dude oh my dog just fell into the water thing this little silly gber he’s not here we good oh oh my God he’s over there okay I didn’t even look at him all my life I didn’t look at him all my life I didn’t look at him block it Off yeah what is he doing why is his head on upside down we need to make all our walls glass so we can just see him yeah my dog’s pissed bro my dog’s piss how do you make glass pains it’s like six glass you [ __ ] I made it last time I

Had to explain it to you that time too this is so ass this house looks atrocious what are you talking about gang the roof is like Lopsided can you stop all right that’s all I’m hearing right now I’m sorry oh no no I’m sorry I’m sorry okay don’t kill my dogs no I’m making him sit I no wait what if you unsit him no no no bro I’m sorry I have to

Let me put him down let me put him down this is this makes me feel sad oh oh oh my oh what he’s alive attack him if he hits me I’m killing him attack his [ __ ] ass left hook right hook bang why is there villagers in our

Bed oh you notu two of them sleeping in the same bed oh my God I have a massive [ __ ] headache that’s all right be fine ow I’m going to kill myself it’s okay dud suicide is never the option my [ __ ] head hurts and I have no food so I’m

Going to eat this and get salmonella poisoning oh look Chad another dead man another man that’s dead yep rotten flesh and leather just as I expected blood is not in Tokyo Drift anyway uh found this yeah there’s a lot of dead dudes around here dude a no one

Cares if you died chat no one cares yeah you’re getting M yep yeah [ __ ] your house [ __ ] everything yep yep where’s my TNT yeah CH no one cares about your house Bud rest in peace y’all seeing the smoke right here you seen this yeah wel what did you what is that

Obtain a coffin oh I have a coffin in my inventory oh uh am lagging and it’s raining cuz another wait we can loot it maybe get some obsidian from it yeah should we go to the another we need to soon oh look two obsidian right now look at

That what’s that [ __ ] you see that there okay yeah I see something but did you see that is that I don’t know oh yeah what is this dude look at it what is this someone’s house oh and I my yeah my what the [ __ ] just happened

It’s a graveyard oh it’s like a Flatout graveyard in the middle of the snow that’s normal yeah just like in the middle of nowhere just a graveyard it’s just all just oh there’s actually stuff in here look this helmet this one has a [ __ ] ton of

Pumpkins for some reason I just got 26 pumpkins I’m taking this Cobble oh you cannot is this a what Oh I thought it was a sideways slab you sound like flabbergasted it’s just a sideway slab oh wait where’s our house we are going way too far away wait wait wait we

Got to we got to R trase our steps guys this isn’t snow this is uh me my bad guy this is a SE what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] gr grden something chasing me there’s something chasing me there’s something chasing me

That’s the dude we saw earlier get your [ __ ] ass over oh he does not take damage is he actually not me now no okay not cool Bye Gren what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that look look in that direction oh it’s gone gone I saw that for a split second did we travel through the water wait maybe I think we went I think we came from this week gr oh

Oh that [ __ ] came out of nowhere why is it green oh why is it dark why is it dark what is happening what’s happening why why is it Pitch Black

This video, titled ‘Minecraft just got even more TERRIFYING…’, was uploaded by WetPlank on 2023-11-11 18:00:34. It has garnered 4485 views and 231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:54 or 1134 seconds.

#cavedweller #minecraft #fromthefog #herobrine

Get ready for a spooky Minecraft 1.20.1 adventure in ‘Escaping the Evolved Cave Dweller…’ Explore hidden caves, face ‘Man from the Fog,’ and dive into a terrifying Minecraft mod ‘Midnight Lurker’. Encounter Herobrine and venture into the world of ‘Cave Dweller Gargin’ in VR. Join ‘Night Dweller Minecraft’ for an eerie and unique journey!


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  • Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Blaze Portal Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure? Join UzeMing as he delves into the creation of the Boboiboy Blaze Portal, a unique addition to the Minecraft universe. Follow along as we explore the evolution of Boboiboy Api and witness the power of Boboiboy Blaze in action. Materials Needed To create the Boboiboy Blaze Portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, Flint, steel, and magma blocks. These materials will form the foundation of the portal, showcasing the strength and fiery essence of Boboiboy Blaze. Building the Portal With a 4×5 layout, UzeMing constructs the… Read More

  • Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained

    Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained Exploring the World of Minecraft Anarchy Servers What is Minecraft Anarchy? Minecraft Anarchy is a unique form of gameplay within the Minecraft universe where there are no rules. Players have the freedom to build, destroy, and engage in conflicts with one another without any restrictions. It offers a truly chaotic and unpredictable gaming experience. Server Spotlight: Strad One of the servers that embodies the essence of Minecraft Anarchy is Strad. Here, players delve into a world where creativity knows no bounds, and the only limit is their imagination. It’s a place where alliances are formed and broken, where epic… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: AlmightyNibble’s INSANE Survival Stream!

    UNBELIEVABLE: AlmightyNibble's INSANE Survival Stream!Video Information on Twitch for 27 minutes without realizing that I was streaming on Twitch I’m back 6 months we’re here playing Minecraft we already got a little far we have add-ons [ __ ] I had to stop streaming because I realized yep uh I’m not streaming on YouTube we only have a little uh a little bling I need to see if we’re live one second on YouTube because I couldn’t figure out what I was streaming on I was okay [ __ ] wait oh my God I was streaming on Twitch well at least I did… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of the Haunted Island

    Unraveling the Mystery of the Haunted IslandVideo Information рдУрдо рдорд╛рдо рдорд╛рдо рдмрд┐ рдмрд┐рдВрдЧ рдмреВрдо рдУ рднрд╛рдИ рдпреЗ рдХреНрдпрд╛ рд╣реЛ рд░рд╣рд╛ рд╣реИ рдУ рднрд╛рдИ рд╕рд╛рдм рдпреЗ рдХреНрдпрд╛ рдЖ рдЪреБрдХрд╛ рд╣реИ рднрд╛рдИ рдпреЗ рдХреНрдпрд╛ рдЖ рдЧрдП рдХреНрдпрд╛ рдп рдХреНрдпрд╛ рд╣реЛ рд░рд╣рд╛ рд╣реИ рдУ рднрд╛рдИ рдХреНрдпрд╛ рд╣реЛ рд░рд╣рд╛ рд╣реИрдпрд╛ рдХрдм рд╕реЗ рдЪрд▓ рдХрдм рдкрд╣реБрдВрдЪреЗрдВрдЧреЗ рдЕрд░реЗ рдпрд╛рд░ рдкрд╣реБрдЪ рдЬрд╛рдПрдВрдЧреЗ рдмрд╕ рдХреБрдЫ рджреЗрд░ рдмрд╕ рдФрд░ рдЬреНрдпрд╛рджрд╛ рдирд╣реАрдВ рдЬрд╛рдирд╛ рд╣реИ рдмрд╕ рдкрд╣реБрдЪ рдЧрдП рдЕрд░реЗ рдпрд╛рд░ рдореИрдВ рддреЛрдп рддрдХ рднреВрд▓ рдЧрдпрд╛ рд╣рдо рдХрд╣рд╛рдВ рдЬрд╛ рд░рд╣реЗ рдереЗ рд╡реИрд╕реЗ рдХреНрдпрд╛ рдирд╛рдо рдерд╛ рдЙрд╕рдХрд╛ рд╣рд╛рдВ рдореЛрд░реЛрдХреЛ рдЬрд╛ рд░рд╣реЗ рдереЗ рдпрд╛рд░ рднреИрдпрд╛ рдЖрдкрдХреЛ рдореИрдВ рдХрд╣ рд╣реА рд░рд╣рд╛ рдерд╛ рдХрд┐ рдХреНрдпреЛрдВ рдирд╛ рд╡реЛ рдлреНрд▓рд╛рдЗрдЯ рдХрд░ рд▓реЗрддреЗ рдЖрдкрдХреЛ рдЬреНрдпрд╛рджрд╛… Read More

  • Build the ULTIMATE mansion in Minecraft Skyblock! ЁЯПаЁЯФе

    Build the ULTIMATE mansion in Minecraft Skyblock! ЁЯПаЁЯФеVideo Information рд╣реЗрд▓реЛ рдЧрд╛рдЗрд╕ рдХреИрд╕реЗ рд╣реИрдВ рдЖрдк рд╕рдм рд▓реЛрдЧ рдЙрдореНрдореАрдж рдХрд░рддрд╛ рд╣реВрдВ рдЖрдИ рд╣реЛрдк рд╕рдмрдм рдмрдврд╝рд┐рдпрд╛ рд╣реА рд╣реЛрдВрдЧреЗ рддреЛ рдореИрдВ рдлрд┐рд░ рд╕реЗ рдЖ рдЪреБрдХрд╛ рд╣реВрдВ рд╕реН рдмреНрд▓реЙрдХ рд╕реАрдЬрди рдЯреВ рдореЗрдВ рдкрд▓реЗ рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдореЗрдВ рдмреЛрд▓рд╛ рдерд╛ рдХрд┐ рдореИрдВ рдПрдХ рд╣реИ рдирд╛ рдмрд╣реБрдд рдмрдбрд╝рд╛ рдШрд░ рдмрдирд╛рдКрдВрдЧрд╛ рддреЛ рдЖрдЬ рд╣рдо рдмрдирд╛рдПрдВрдЧреЗ рдЕрдкрдирд╛ рдкреНрдпрд╛рд░рд╛ рд╕рд╛ рдПрдХ рдШрд░ рддреЛ рдпрд╛рд░ рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдореЗрдВ рдирдП рд╣реЛ рдирд╛ рддреЛ рдкреНрд▓реАрдЬ рдпрд╛рд░ рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдХреЛ рд▓рд╛рдЗрдХ рдХрд░рдирд╛ рдФрд░ рдЪреИрдирд▓ рдХреЛ рд╕рдмреНрд╕рдХреНрд░рд╛рдЗрдм рдХрд░рдирд╛ рддреЛ рдЪрд▓реЛ рдпрд╛рд░ рд╡реАрдбрд┐рдпреЛ рдХреЛ рд╕реНрдЯрд╛рд░реНрдЯ рдХрд░рддреЗ рд╣реИрдВ рдореИрдВрдиреЗ рдСрд▓рд░реЗрдбреА рдСрдлрд▓рд╛рдЗрди рдмрд╣реБрдд рд╕рд╛рд░реЗ рдкреЗрдбрд╝ рдХрд╛рдЯ рд▓рд┐рдП рд╣реИрдВ рдЖрдк рджреЗрдЦ рд╣реА рд╕рдХрддреЗ рд╣реЛ рддреЛ рдореЗрд░реЗ рдкрд╛рд╕ рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рдкреЗ рдЪреЗрд╕реНрдЯ… Read More

  • “Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!” #minecraft #moddedminecraft

    "Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!" #minecraft #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gotta Catch Em All!! #minecraft #moddedminecraft #cobblemon’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-01-31 18:00:03. It has garnered 2506 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, some 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the… Read More

  • DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE ЁЯФе

    DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE ЁЯФеVideo Information рддреЛ рдЧрд╛рдЗрд╕ рдХреИрд╕реЗ рд╣реЛ рд╡реЗрд▓рдХрдо рдмреИрдХ рдЯреВ рдЕрдиреЗ рд╡рд╛рд▓рд╛ рд╣ рдбреЙрдХреНрдЯрд░ [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рдЕ рдЪ [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рднрд╛ [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рд╣рд╛рдЯ рдПрдордкреА рдСрди рдХрд░реЛ рднрд╛рдИ рдареАрдХ рд╣реИ рдЖрдк рдЖрдк рдЬрд╛рдХреЗ рдЦреЗрд▓реЛ рдореИрдВ рд╣рд╛ рдСрди рдХрд░ рд░рд╣рд╛ рд╡ рди рд╣реИ рдпрд╛рд░ рд╢рд╛рдпрдж рддрдХ рдореИрдВ рдЕрднреА рджреЗрдЦрд╛ рд╣реВрдВ рдЫреЛрдЯреВ рднрд╛рдИ рдЦреЗрд▓ рд░рд╣реЗ рдереЗрдо рдореЗрдВ рд╢рд╛рдпрдж рдУрдХреЗ рдСрди рдирд╣реАрдВ рд╣реИ рдЪрд▓реЛ рднрд╛рдИ рдореИрдВрдиреЗ рдСрди рдХрд░ рджрд┐рдпрд╛ рд╣реИ рдУрдХреЗ рдУ [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рдпрд╛рд░ рднрд╛рдИ рдмрд╣реБрдд рдЕрдЪреНрдЫрд╛ рд╣реИ [рд╕рдВрдЧреАрдд] рдЖрдк рд▓рд┐рдпрд╛ рдХреИрд╕реЗ рдХреНрдпрд╛ [рд╣рдВрд╕реА] рдУ рдорд╛рдп рдЧреЙрдб рдХреНрдпрд╛ рдЦрддрд░рдирд╛рдХ рдб рднреА рдмрд╣реБрдд рдХрд░рддреЗ рд╣реИ 80 рдирд╣реАрдВ рджреЛ рднрдЧрд╛рдП рдпреЗ рдЯреНрд░рдХ рднреА рдирд╛ рд╕реНрдкреАрдб… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!

    EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!Video Information Minecraft Manhunt but I get to play as overpowered superheroes I put together a special movie just for you guys to Showcase my best superheroes that I’ve ever morphed into so grab yourself a cookie and find a comfy spot because you are about to watch the most epic superhero Manhunt in Minecraft history it’s hunting time siren let’s get him atam we’re the Scarlet Witch my friends are hunting me down right now as two women where is he we got to get a wood and we got to get out of here quick click take all… Read More

  • INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO – MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayer

    INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO - MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘how girl build house and……….#minecraft #demonslayer #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WITH SADDIN on 2024-02-17 12:23:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft – Omz Roblox Exposed

    Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft - Omz Roblox ExposedVideo Information today me and my friends are going to be trying to beat Minecraft but what they don’t know is I have access to all commands like game mode creative and I’m going to be pranking them with all of these awesome items they’re going to have no idea I’m cheating so are you guys ready for this awesome survival Minecraft enjoyable experience sersi I’m already on my grind getting some wood yeah everyone we have to get some W Heather buy the wood Alexa buy the wood I’m going to go into this villager’s house and see if… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2012 VS 2022’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:41:07. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More