UNBELIEVABLE: New Super Processors in Modded Minecraft EP57

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I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get creative with create hopefully you guys are ready now jumping back into some more all the mods 9 today we are going to dive into even more creative items these items are going to be more around the

Tech side of things and well I’m going to be setting up some insane create Farms now just to recap the almod star is insanely difficult to craft in my opinion it takes a lot of hours to get everything required for it but is incredibly satisfying and fun to do

Especially in a pack that’s considered a kitchen sink pack something that’s really accessible for everyone now I have been on the hunt for all of the creative items this is the creative chapter in The Quest book here and we have had everything made except for the pressure chapter which I is Tech and

Then also the creative which is Tech or the create creative getting creative it’s kind of funny um the side of things right and I want to focus right now on getting the create stuff set up and uh that’s because the pneumatic craft is going to take a little bit of time to

Sort of get going but the create getting access to a creative motor is insane and also a blaze cake is insane blaze cakes are so nice now the creative motor is going to give us access to infinite stress units and we can adjust it to

Whatever we want to set it to speed wise so this thing behind is producing uh several it’s producing like over 170,000 uh Su and that’s stress units right and we could essentially set up infinite amounts of stress units with just one block space with this creative

Machine and the blaze cake lets me do something even more insane down under here we have these Blaze burners that are essentially heating this tank and if you rightclick up one of those Creative Cakes onto a blaze burner it lets you toggle the state the heating state that

It is in allowing you to set it to superheated or you could even set it to any of the other different temperatures uh including not on just regular heated or super heated now out of those two creative items this one is actually a little bit more difficult to actually

Achieve now we do need to make ourself a blaze cake um so there’s no getting around that and we’re also going to need this Tre leech cake right here which does require a few farmable items that we have access to now let’s first start with uh getting that cake right here so

This cake seems kind of insane honestly to get and uh it does have huge huge saturation on this 20 hones worth that is a ton of saturation so this is definitely a top tier food in my opinion um and making it just requires us to buy a couple ingredients from our little

Market guy over here so we’re going to need vanilla beans um so let’s go ahead and buy those and and then we’re also going to need soybeans so we can search in here for soybeans and there we go we have both now these are uh easy to farm we just

Need to Bone maal them on some Farmland Boop and Boop and then we just bone mail them a few times we don’t need a lot of this stuff because we really only need one U of these cakes in order to get this Blaze cake so here we go we have

Ourselves some whipping cream and then we are going to need some flour it looks like now this is made inside of a milling machine this probably the easiest way to get it is by just setting up a millstone and then doing this by hand with create or we can tap into any

Of our power that we have over there that could also work um so we just need to probably use a gearbox if we do this but if you do it by hand that is kind of easy you just need to use a hand crank

But in my case I should be able to use a gearbox here with a cog on top and then just tap into a millstone right here and I think we can take wheat and just drop it into the top H if I remember correctly yes this works just like a

Hopper and that is producing wheat flour now to obtain molasses it requires us to have a campfire uh which is kind of interesting so we’re going to place down ourself a campfire here and then we’re just going to cook some of this on the campfire to get molasses funny thing is

I’ve actually watched the process of molasses making and it is such an oddly satisfying thing to watch man I just seen in person and then just getting oh man it’s it’s fantastic to watch honestly like the production of just all of the sugar related stuff in general is

Pretty satisfying now we get to use all of this to make rum one of my favorite alcohols believe it or not I don’t really like alcohol but rum is got to be one of my favorites and then without further Ado we should be be able to

Craft this cake looky there now to be able to make the blaze cakes I am going to need a crushing wheel or you can use a pulverizer from thermal uh I do want to use the crushing wheel so right here I have some encase chain drives and

We’re just directing some of our Excess power over here and I did see that this is going to need to be rotated with a gearbox to get it going in the right direction and look at there these are spinning in the appropriate Direction with just a gearbox here gearbox here

And then I have a chain drive running down the middle and I could set the chain drive which is down here I can have this also sort of hidden as well if I really wanted to um just like this and have that going up the line and then I

Can place my two wheels and get our pair of Giants going look at that now the compacting of the blaze cake requires Cinder flow and to get Cinder flow that’s just Netherrack so let’s drop some Netherrack in here to get ourselves some Cinder flow and also try not to

Fall into this thing as getting trapped in here will kill you and I think it will kill you no matter what armor you’re in even if you’re in mechanisms armor so there we go the two giants has kind of pooped out a little bit of Cinder flower which you got to love so

After that we just need a press that’s going to go into a basin and then we just need to toss in our egg sugar and Cinder flow and that that is going to press everything in there and we should get ourselves hopefully oh not sugar cubes we’re going to need something

Specific I guess with the sugar maybe if we set this in one at a time it will actually Craft um that’s something you have to do with create right so this will do one at a time and now that we have the product you can set it as a

Recipe filter and then you can just toss them all in and it should all work just like well not if you put the right ingredients in just like this there we go and then it will only give you that because this process right here can also

Compact 2x two based recipes and then we just need to give it some lava so a couple of things we’re going to need for this is we’re going to need a uh spout so just a simple spout on top of a Depot for example or you can use a belt it

Doesn’t need rotational power or anything for this to work we simply need access to Lava um so we could set this up let’s actually grab that tank place it upside down make sure it’s set to our lava Channel there we go and then we just

Need to pipe it in for example with the pipes mod that absolutely Works um and I’ll just use whatever upgrades actually we don’t even need any upgrades this should just work without any upgrades and then we’ll set that to make sure it fills the spout and then we just need to

Right click these on here and that is going to make blaze cakes for us look how cool that is so now all we need to do is change this over to a mixer and to be able to change it to a mixer we’re going to have to kind of rotate our

Power a little bit and uh finagle this a bit and also we’re going to need to superheat a blaze burer so to get our mixer up and running I’m going to go ahead and place myself a vertical gear boox running off of this with a cog and

Then I’m just going to place this into the Basin just like that and now our mixer is up and running ready to go now I know this might seem kind of crazy since I did just make blaze cakes and I could just super heat the blaze burner

By just clicking a blaze cake on there but I do want to show you another way that you could potentially get this going if you just wanted to make one Blaze cake and that is you can actually get it to super heat with this setup right here so this is biofuel that I’ve

Just been kind of casually producing over here and this is just a bioreactor and I’m just feeding it wheat seeds and saplings giving it a 33% efficiency not that great and also giving it some water and this is producing this material and the cool part about this particular

Biofuel is it will actually super heat the blaze burner if you have it converted over to the straw version so when I say straw version if I give this a straw from create crafts and editions it will then turn into a blaze burner with a straw and then we can just click

A bucket of bio on here and that is now superheated isn’t that crazy so now that it’s super heated even though I could have just clicked a blaze cake on it we’re going to toss this in and the cake and then the star that is going to mix

Together to give us a creative Blaze cake that is ridiculous now the cool part about the blaze cake is if we break this Blaze and we just place it anywhere we can now toggle it so this is what I was meaning by toggle this is now infinitely going to burn like this it’s

Also going to stay infinite on this version as well um and these all act in their own different ways um and you can kind of see this acts as like a soul fire this acts as a normal campfire and they will work with fans so there’s still another creative item that we need

To make and that is going to be to create the creative motor and it’s honestly pretty straightforward and easy to put together so all I need to make this is technically a 3X3 crafter we’ll have large cogs on the top and uh the bottom like this making a triangle and

Then we’re going to have two shafts on the sides we’re going to have a gearbox in the middle two Cog Wheels on the top and then in all the mods star in the center and last but not least we need to activate it with some Redstone and this is going to make our

Creative motor that is amazing and it’s right here inside of this Barrel ready to go this feels so good now we’ve got to use this thing because what’s the point of making it if we’re not going to utilize it so I want to make an insane smelting haunting and washing Farm using the

Create mod now for these super smelters I want to build out a prototype and this is going to be great in multiple different ways um one of them is the fact that I can make a schematic and actually share it with you um and you

Can use the schematic in to paste it in but also I can copy that schematic and I can paste it where I want it uh which is going to be very helpful now I’m going to be using these smart shoots just like you see here and the idea is that we’re

Going to have these Depot that are on top that are going to have items dropped onto them then we’re going to use fans to blow across these Depot all of our different sort of materials and we can take a look at the encase fans and create adds all of these crazy recipes

Here everything from uh blasting which is going to be like a furnace to haunting which converts a lot of items into different kind of items and then we have cooking which is for food related items and then we have washing which is all kinds of items and I really want the

Washing one specifically because it allows me to make oxidized copper Rel relatively quick now I’m going to be building this out in a 3X3 but you could honestly probably build this out in a 2X two and even a a single if you really wanted to all right so I expanded this

Out just a little bit but just to kind of let you see what it’s actually going to look like it’s going to be like this now I went ahead and built the item vaults out like this because when it’s as one unit like this it will evenly distribute what’s inside automatically

Onto these bottom slots which is perfect because this acts as one whole inventory and the same thing is going to have to happen down here and so what we should have happened is we should have our items drop onto the depot they will then process and then we’ll get shooted down

To the item vaults and this one spot will have this F blowing on it it’ll have four vans essentially blowing on it which should be very very quick and that goes for all of these slots now you may be thinking chosen well how do you contain the liquids if you’re going to

For example use water and you’re going to for example use lava for the blasting how are you going to do that well let me show you something Blaze burners can actually act as lava so if we go ahead and we make sure these are heated it can

Actually act as lava so this is now blowing right now it’s actually acting more like a campfire it will actually cook food but if we put it into this state it is now orange which will then start to melt items look at that so this I mean it went straight in here we’ll

Set up the filters in a moment but you can see right here and even this version will also do the same thing um now as far as water goes what we can do for water is we can place a leaf in here and this is available in this version which

Is 120 uh you can’t do this in like prior versions this is something fairly new but you can place water logged leaves and this will fan right through it containing the water in everything just like that I love this new feature then the idea is to have a crafter up on

The top that is essentially going to send out all of the items that are going to be required and then we’re going to have an importer at the bottom that should be able to pull the items out of this setup now if you want to build this

Out for the power to be able to feed this and make these go forward I’m using encased chain drives on the back here then another chain drive right here just to Simply carry the signal you can use a shaft if you want and then two gear

Boxes to make sure it flips the signal and then we have it going back over here uh and that’s going straight and just continuing to repeat this process by placing this here and two gear boxes side by side just like that and there we go this is blowing quite a bit here and

Uh that is fantastic that was a bad pun I can’t help it sometimes the like Dad in me just just leaks out from time to time now just to make it look good I went ahead and just added the rest here but it’s not necessary so now that I know

How big this is going to be I think what I’m going to end up doing is I am going to create a schematic for this now to make a schematic we’re going to make a schematic and quill and this is really really cool we’re going to click this

Location here and then up top I set another leaf and then I just connect those and this is now going to be contained inside of this area so I can go ahead and leave this and I can break these and this still is going to contain

That bounding box so there we go we have it now selected now all I need to do is right click and then just name it we can just name it super processor here we go super processor and then we hit save now this is going to save to our schematic folder that is

Inside of our instance that’s pretty darn cool and you can actually share those files I’m actually going to have this posted on the Discord so be sure to check out my Discord I will have it actually pinned in the general chat if you want this schematic be sure to get

It there I’ll have it like I said pinned in the top right of the general chat so now that I have that file saved we can actually access that file and we are going to need a create schematic table to do this so we place the table down

And then inside of here we can see all the schematics that are inside of our schematics folder including the new one and you can actually click this button to open up that folder so if you want a quick access to that folder and you would just downloaded it from the

Discord all you going to do is click this and that’s going to open up the folder where you can put it in now we are going to need another thing that is going to be called an empty schematic which is what you need to use to make

The schematic in Quil and then we put this inside and then we just simply hit the button bam now we have oursel a schematic and this is ready to go inside of a schematic Cannon but what’s really cool about this is you can actually use

This to size things up so if I click this down we can see this in the world and if I hold down alt I can change modes such as my position or my movement on my X and Y or my y level and so on

And so forth and then while I have that selected I can hold down control and scroll wheel to move it into position this is so cool and that includes going in different directions um so if I want to for example move it left to right I

Should be able to do that by simply changing directions like here is another position you can just just change the whole placement of the whole thing you can even rotate it in different ways which is just amazing looking when you see this um and uh yes there’s even to

Mirror it uh you can do that as well but I believe on the horizontal just depends on what direction you’re looking um so to change the direction you just need to stand in that position now for me I just want to kind of use this as a

Way to see where I want to place these things um do I want it level with the floor I really don’t know just yet um if I go ahead and play around with this I can just see it visually so let’s take the Y level down and see what it looks

Like in the floor you know what I don’t actually hate that uh with it being in the floor and we might be able to see it a little better or even yeah I really actually I like it in the floor like that 100% having this placed in makes it

So much easier to figure out exactly how big this room needs to be and how much space I’m going to need now the cool part about this is I actually don’t have to dig down because of the way the schematic cannon works I should be able

To just place this like in the center of the room just give it some Gunpowder and it’s going to just go up and running um so it’ll fill up with gunpowder just like that and then I have my schematic technically in place this is kind of

Where I want want it and so if I put that schematic in here it’s going to say ready however what I want to do is go into the printer settings and I want to set these very specifically so you can say don’t replace solid blocks you can

Say replace solid blocks with empty and I I think I kind of want replace solid blocks with empty and there is replace solid blocks with solid um and if I do solid blocks with empty like that then what it’s going to do is it’s going to

Any of the empty blocks that we had set it is going to go ahead and break them um so if we put a barrel it does that should be plenty for us as just a regular Barrel um next to this or a backpack or really anything then we can start to detect the

Inventory and so we’ll put a clipboard in here that clipboard is then going to give us a material checklist and we can see everything that we’re going to need and the cool part is it will update so as we put this in here and we put our

Item vaults in and so on and so forth and we go in with create and let’s put our casings in in let’s see what was some other things some Depot um I think fans we can put our fans in there um and just having all of these ingredients

Inside of here is going to allow this to work I think uh gear boxes right was another one so all of these items going in and then we can just put our material checklist in again going to re-update and then we’ll be able to see okay we

Have everything so now that we know we have everything and we’re ready to go we just hit ready and it should just build it and it may seem like it’s not working but it is going to be clearing out and a cool thing you can do is you can

Actually use a time in the bottle on it it’s not crazy fast um and it is a really cool thing to actually watch work and you’re going to see down here it is currently placing in the blocks um it doesn’t look like it’s clearing out all

Of the air blocks I have I can’t really tell just yet but we can accelerate it and make it go a bit faster oh it is clearing out the air blocks okay so that’s exactly what we we wanteded we want all of these air blocks

To be filled in uh with with air or all these solid blocks to be filled in with air but you can make it ignore the air blocks uh which is also really nice if you’re trying to put this into like an area that already had a build or

Something but there we go so I can accelerate this quite fast and it will almost instabil the thing I mean if I had this all the way up it would definitely instabil but watch it it’s just printing it how cool is that now this is a visual bug we can

Actually go in here and fix that this should fix itself there we go and the bottom one might need to be done as well but we’ve essentially got this all set up now look at that they place all of our blocks in and we get to just do this again so um I

Should be able to pull this out it is now an empty schematic and I’ll just put it in here and just rinse and repeat we’ll put our processor in here I’ll click the ground finding out where I want to place this one and then just

Simply move it around so I can move it on the Y for example placing it just like we want and I want this three blocks away from the other one we’ll move this one again and this is just so fun I mean I I love this and we just

Want to get this lined up just like that one and then this one’s also ready to go so all we have to do is just put it in here and rinse and repeat now after a lot of building I now have somewhat of a template set up and I think it’s

Beautiful but it is missing a lot of stuff including all of these copper blocks but notice these are oxidized because of the time spent because we have this set up we should be able to basically oxidize copper insanely fast now and the cool part about this whole

Setup is I am just using this I mean you could power this technically off of like a a windmill or something or even a couple of water wheels um you don’t really need a lot of RPM this is only spinning at 16 RPM very very slow flow

And uh it is powering all of this um notice I just carried my signal basically I guess you can call it a signal our stress units we got it spinning all just rotating right along they’re all connected and all spinning in the appropriate Direction which is

Exactly what we want now on the top I did go ahead and decide to use shoots instead of the uh or sorry funnels instead of shoots but down here we are going to need to set up all of our shoots but first we need to figure out

What each of these are going to be now to do this all we need to do is setad of our attribute filters this is what’s going to allow this to set on the depot while processing and then automatically pull out the final product and this is

Actually kind of simple we just need to use this thing called an attribute filter from create and this allows us to essentially use tags inside of create so let’s go ah and set up our smelting setup all I got to do is put an item that can be smelted in this case and

Select the can be smelted right here and then I just need to add the attri attribute to the list and you can see this says it can now be smelt and you can add multiple attributes technically to this list and you could even sort um whether it accepts just one of those

Attributes or accepts all of them or needs all of them and so on and so forth but what we’re going to do with this is basically tell this whole filter set that we do not want to let things that can be smelted through so I am going to

Make a deny list from this so now this is essentially set up and checking can it be smelted if it can be smelted do not let it through and then whenever it turns into an item that can no longer be smelted uh in this process then it will

Just flow right through and be a finished product now the same thing needs to happen for example on the raw Cod this can be set to can be smoked in this case and then we want to add the attribute and then deny list and accept and then same for this filter set except

This is going to actually be can be haunted so we’ll add that deny make sure you are clicking the ad I’ve actually messed up a fair few times where I thought I had the filter in place and then realized I did not now this one should have a can be washed I believe

But I noticed this actually doesn’t have that can be washed but I I’m almost positive there is a washing feature or at least there was a washing feature um oxidized I am almost positive we had an oxidized huh it’s actually through weathering I guess oh man I was hoping I

Could oxidize this way but I guess not that really should be added to the create washing honestly but we can use sand instead and this will have a can be washed so we’ll go ahead and set that and keep in mind this isn’t saying sand is the filter it’s just saying what tag

Is associated with you could even say is tagged sand color to to add like an entire list of sand technically to these filters and they will work as filters in all of the create machines and then down here I just need to get all of these

Placed in and and they go inside the filter slot for example this one being smelting so just like this I have just about everything set up we have our cooking over here and then we have our haunting and then we have our washing this one needs to be our blasting so to

Be able to make it actually blast we are going to use our Blaze creative cake oh man so create and then I should have that creative Blaze cake in here it feels so weird honestly doing this I’m also going to set these uh I accidentally plac it inside of the

Bottom down there that is kind of a problem I’m pretty sure I put that in here by the way we can just simply get things out of here by placing that on the outside and that allows us to pull things out but we can also pull things

Out as you’re going to see here in a moment with uh with other means but let’s go ah and set all of these to superheated just for the luls I think it just would look cool just having these all super heated and there we go so now

That is blast you can see that is red hot in in there and then over here this is smoking hot and then we have the the ghostly hot I honestly don’t know what temperature that would be and then we got the wet that’s just yeah that’s just

The moist right here now I haven’t been able to test this but I do want to sort of run this as a my initial test let’s go ahead and do like a bulk haunting and I want to use a netherite crafter to make sure that we can send the items

Incredibly fast into the Vault um and then I’m going to rotate this and I just want to see will the crafter automatically insert into the item Vault cuz I know we can use like exporters to send items into the item vaults and I think we can even HPP her into an item

Vault so I don’t know why the crafter wouldn’t be able to insert into here but we’ll see how that goes so let’s go into refined and I guess Moment of Truth testing this all out to see if it’s going to work ooh that’s going to be

Interesting okay so that is in now we just need to make a pattern that’s for haunting so let’s do this we already have a pattern for making ink um I don’t know if we have an AutoCraft for ink we do okay so we’re good there um but I can

Actually make regular ink turn into Glo ink from Haunting so let’s set up this recipe now I don’t know if I want to leave it like this by default I think what I might want to do is actually set this to 64 64 instead of default that

Way when every time it CRA creates the operation it’s going to send a stack at a time uh as a minimum and so there we go we’ve got that proc we could probably even set more than that um if we really wanted to probably the best bet would be

Doing nine since we do have the operation to be able to do nine at a time but I just want to make sure that this even works in the first place let’s place this in and then let’s go ahead and request I don’t know

256 and let’s see is that going to go in there so I am noticing that has gone in and is being processed um so that must mean that it did send it as intended very interesting and I think it’s already done no oh it is already done however we don’t have an importer

Down here just yet so that was how quick that went in we already have 256 inks saacks uh that was insanely fast I uh we need to get importers now hooked up to the bottom of these so now that I have all of this up and running and I have

All of my importers on here I think it might be time to actually set up one of the craziest parts of this and that’s actually processing some more of our material from our original mob farm uh this has been able to produce a ton of resources from our Crusher setup over

Here that is just absolutely Insanity uh but there’s still way more resources than we know what to do with and what I want to do is I want to see how crazy this can actually produce something like copper for example so let’s take a barrel and let’s go ahead and get a

Filter set up so we have copper in here I have a a a little bit of these copper raw blocks but we have tons of those copper raw blocks elsewhere so if I go ahead in this filter and I set this to make sure to only pull out with a

Creative upgrade by the way we set this to only pull out these blocks then we should be able to send that into this chest and then we can of course add any other blocks down the road but that should now be stored to this filter um that’s kind of a nice way

To do it is just by placing it down and storing it by hand and let’s go ahead and head into our other dimension and I just want to see how fast this is going to start producing copper blocks you can see we have 361 and this is really going

To I think show off the smelting capabilities um so let’s head into what was our Corey area and back here like I said we have so many copper 219,000 copper and uh I want to start processing all of these by blocks now and I think that’s going to be fantastic

Let’s go ahead and put a universal pipe in and then this is going to fill almost instantaneously it’s going to be kind of ridiculous um so let’s go ahead and do that we will wrench this make sure to put this upgrade in and now that should technically not be filled with anything

Else uh this should be under whiteless mode I don’t know why it did fill with other things maybe at first it doesn’t detect that it has a filter hopefully that’s not the case um let’s see if I pull out all of this and put it back in here okay now it

Looks like it is working that was just weird that it initially didn’t follow its filter but if we head back to the base the goal is to make sure that this pipe sends these items in oh boy um okay so let’s go ahead and set this one now

This is going to start sending in the items initially so we should have items dropping down there but if we put this upgrade in in that should start sending this and this whole thing should start to be loaded with these resources now I’m it’s

Only got one in here so I don’t know oh nope it’s filling up there’s 10,000 12,000 blocks of raw copper being stored in here okay that is a lot of materials by the way and those all should be dropping down and getting processed and we can

Look at how fast this is operating right now just look at this these are producing blocks of copper this fast we’re about to hit three we’re at 3,000 blocks now we just had 300 yeah this right here is a processing Beast now is this faster than using the

Actual Al the modium furnace well the unobtainium furnace uh probably not this is probably nowhere near as fast as just dumping this into that however this is way more fun and I think way cooler and you know sometimes that’s just what makes this game fun and that’s what

Keeps me motivated so if you enjoyed today’s episode and you learned something new be sure to click that subscribe button if you haven’t already and give this video a huge thumbs up and guys it’s now time to thank the amazing supporter of today’s episode and that

Huge things is going to go out to pickles thank you so much by the way for supporting me over on the Discord and becoming a Discord premium member and supporting me in one of the best ways possible getting access to those world downloads and all that fun Jazz guys

I thank you so very much and I hope to see you and as always thanks for watching Bye

This video, titled ‘All The Mods 9 Modded Minecraft EP57 Creative Create Super Processors’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-02-14 17:00:37. It has garnered 26900 views and 1123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:45 or 1965 seconds.

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All The Mods 9 Modpack Download ► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Minecraft World Info MODPACK STARTING VERSION 0.2.25

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— World Downloads — Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/ChosenArchitect They are located on the World-Downloads Channel and are posted every 10 episodes. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ THANKS TO ALL THE SUPPORTERS! YOU MAKE THIS POSSIBLE!

► Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ChosenArchitect ► Join The Discord – https://discord.gg/ChosenArchitect ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChosenArchitect ► Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/chosenarchitect ► Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChosenLIVE

Get games every month with HumbleBundle: ► https://humble.com/monthly?refc=FWUQuh ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► PC Specs: https://goo.gl/HnWcYo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Music: YouTube Audio Library ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #ATM9 #chosenarchitect #minecraft

  • Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack Minecraft Life Hacks that Everyone Believes In Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for some fun and useful life hacks to enhance your gameplay? Look no further! In this article, we will explore various popular Minecraft TikTok videos showcasing tips, tricks, and life hacks that claim to improve your Minecraft experience. Let’s dive in and see if these hacks are truly game-changers or just myths! Jump Boost with Crossbow One of the intriguing life hacks showcased in Minecraft TikTok videos is the ability to get a jump boost when holding a crossbow. The command to execute this hack is:… Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr!

    Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr! New IRON Farm In Minecraft – A Must-Have Addition to Your Survival World! Looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further than this new iron farm design that promises an impressive yield of 1300 iron per hour! This fully automatic farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, taking under 15 minutes to complete. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is a game-changer for your survival world or server. Farm Details Farm Performance: +400 to +450 iron per hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java… Read More

  • Dino Invasion at Bear Hill – Minecraft Mobile Game

    Dino Invasion at Bear Hill - Minecraft Mobile Game Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Tales and the Legion of Tyrannosaurus Rex Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where adventure and creativity collide in a pixelated wonderland. In this virtual realm, players can build, explore, and survive in a vast, procedurally generated world filled with endless possibilities. The Enigmatic Bear Ridge One of the latest updates in Minecraft introduces players to Bear Ridge, a mysterious location shrouded in legends and myths. As players venture into this treacherous terrain, they will encounter new challenges, creatures, and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Key Features of Bear Ridge: Unique biomes… Read More

  • Jagatbhaiya’s Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit!

    Jagatbhaiya's Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit! In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Jagatbhaiya op, shining bright in the light. Crafting news with rhymes, a true delight, Keeping the viewers hooked, day and night. With each update, a grin and a spin, Delivering facts with a playful spin. Engaging the crowd, drawing them in, In the world of gaming, where you always win. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Eating in Minecraft = Free Items?!

    Eating in Minecraft = Free Items?! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their creativity and explore endless possibilities. From building intricate structures to surviving in challenging environments, Minecraft offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where players can mine resources, craft tools, and build anything their heart desires. Whether you’re constructing a towering castle or delving into dark caves in search of valuable ores, the possibilities are truly limitless. Building Your Dream World With a wide… Read More

  • Surviving Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!

    Surviving Hardcore Minecraft Challenge! Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Embark on an epic journey as our fearless gamer attempts to survive 100 days in hardcore Minecraft. Join the adventure as they face challenges, gather resources, and explore the vast world of Minecraft. Day 0: The Beginning As the sun rises on day 0, our gamer spawns into the world of Minecraft. Armed with nothing but their wits, they begin their quest for survival. With the clock ticking, every decision counts as they navigate the dangerous terrain and gather essential resources. Day 8: Building Shelter By day 8, our gamer has managed to… Read More

  • Lost My Minecraft World to the Ender Dragon!

    Lost My Minecraft World to the Ender Dragon! Lost My Minecraft Hardcore World to the Ender Dragon! 😱 Almost Close Call! Minecraft Fails 1000 Days In a heart-pounding showdown with the Ender Dragon, a Minecraft player came dangerously close to losing everything in their Hardcore world. The intense battle unfolded, showcasing a nail-biting moment where disaster was narrowly escaped. Will the player make it out alive? Let’s dive into this epic gaming moment! The Battle with the Ender Dragon The Ender Dragon, a formidable foe in Minecraft, poses a significant challenge to players. With its powerful attacks and ability to regenerate health, defeating this boss requires skill,… Read More

  • Hardcore Island: 100 Days of Mobs Madness

    Hardcore Island: 100 Days of Mobs Madness In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, Our hero braves the dangers, for all to see. Living hardcore for a hundred days straight, On an island where survival is the ultimate fate. With skills and wit, our hero thrives, Facing challenges that test their lives. From creepers to zombies, they face them all, Crafting, building, and standing tall. Subscribe to their channel, for more to come, Witness their journey, under the sun. Minecraft adventures, in every rhyme, Join the fun, it’s gaming time! Read More

  • PondFairyVods: Outrageous Shenanigans

    PondFairyVods: Outrageous Shenanigans Minecraft Puzzle Adventure with Pond and Majikz Embark on a Challenging Journey In the world of Minecraft, Pond and Majikz dive into the intricate world of puzzle maps. As they navigate through the various challenges, they find themselves faced with mind-bending puzzles that test their problem-solving skills to the limit. 🧩 Unraveling the Mysteries From deciphering cryptic codes to navigating through labyrinthine structures, Pond and Majikz encounter a wide array of obstacles that require both wit and teamwork to overcome. Each puzzle presents a unique challenge, keeping the players on their toes as they strive to unravel the mysteries… Read More


    ANOMALY FOUND IN FANTASY MINECRAFT WORLDVideo Information This video, titled ‘[DUNGEONS HEROES] ANOMALY TERJEBAK DI DUNIA FANTASY DI MINECRAFT #1’, was uploaded by Bangdaap on 2024-08-26 15:50:14. It has garnered 67 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:49 or 9769 seconds. JOIN MEMBERSHIP GET MANY FEATURES Don’t Forget to Support Me at Saweria https://saweria.co/Bangdaap Join the Fourmalin Team Discord for various information https://discord.gg/GazVMt9Dpk Join Saluran WA https://chat.whatsapp.com/DgNFfM4Fm8nLsv256NYe6H Don’t forget to subscribe, guys. Don’t forget to follow my Instagram social media ►https://instagram.com/bangdaap12 TikTok ► https://www.tiktok.com/@bangdaap For Business Emails, You Can Enter Email ► daftra12@ gmail.com Thanks For Watching And Subscribe Guys….. Command… Read More

  • Revolutionizing Minecraft Horror Gameplay

    Revolutionizing Minecraft Horror GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Do We Make ‘Horror’ Minecraft ACTUALLY Scary?’, was uploaded by kihec on 2024-02-13 22:03:32. It has garnered 99634 views and 4739 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:44 or 404 seconds. #cavedweller #fromthefog #creepy #minecrafthorror #horrorgaming #minecraft100days #kihec #minecrafthorror #minecraft100days #scary Last time I made a video talking about the current state of horror Minecraft, and people asked me, how do we fix it. So today, I’m here to present some ideas. JOIN OUR DISCORD: https://discord.gg/Jx94XeSNMv #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #rlcraft #horrorgaming #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #herobrine #cavedweller #caves #minecraftcaves #scary Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: SHULKER Farm in UFO!

    Insane Minecraft Build: SHULKER Farm in UFO!Video Information This video, titled ‘I built a SHULKER farm inside a UFO in Minecraft hardcore’, was uploaded by aGolemBoy on 2024-08-16 05:57:08. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:36 or 516 seconds. I built a SHULKER farm inside a UFO in Minecraft hardcore. Check out: Episode1: • The Perfect Start in Minecraft Hardco… Season1: • Minecraft Hardcore S1 I choose MUSHROOM ISLAND for my BASE, because HOSTILE MOBS can’t spawn in MUSHROOM BIOME and I don’t have to light-up every single corner, some builds look’s AWESOME IN DARKNESS. World name: Golem… Read More

  • Etho’s Minecraft Chaos Transformation!

    Etho's Minecraft Chaos Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 586: Chaos To Order’, was uploaded by EthosLab on 2024-05-22 19:08:06. It has garnered 543907 views and 34355 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:04 or 2464 seconds. We return from a 3 month break to take on the colossal task of finishing up the Endless Storage Room. Today we work out the shulker loaders, storage minecart controls, water streams, item locations, and then do a massive clean up around the world to fill the system up with items. Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/EthoLP TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/ethotv/ World Download (550): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aJ6we_pq1pqU_4ofgXD3ACfEGasBNBQn/view?usp=sharing Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE $$$ OP PICKAXE! GET RICH FAST! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘THIS *ULTIMATE* MONEY MAKING PICKAXE IS *OP* ($$$) | Minecraft OP Prison | OpLegends’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-08-04 22:59:23. It has garnered 3844 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:35 or 1235 seconds. THIS *ULTIMATE* MONEY MAKING IS PICKAXE IS OP! ———————————————————————————– Server | Royal.Oplegends.com (Prison Neptune) ———————————————————————————– Texture Pack: Stimpy Eum3 Remake ———————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Prison! ———————————————————————————- Community Discord : https://discord.gg/kWZCNx5 ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – http://www.twitch.tv/royal_k91 Twitter – https://twitter.com/R0yalMC Read More

  • Epic Minecraft madness with friends live now!

    Epic Minecraft madness with friends live now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with friends_A nice long stream’, was uploaded by SmokeyGames on 2024-04-09 15:16:37. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:26 or 18026 seconds. IF it doesntt crash Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trial Chamber with Hololive!

    Insane Minecraft Trial Chamber with Hololive!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】フレポルでトライアルチャンバー行ってみる!【不知火フレア/尾丸ポルカ/ホロライブ】’, was uploaded by Flare Ch. 不知火フレア on 2024-08-27 18:37:38. It has garnered 142377 views and 8208 likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:04 or 19084 seconds. This is Flare Shiranui, a 3rd generation member of Hololive ~ @OmaruPolka It seems like the collaboration between the two has been 10 months ■Hololive official LINE stamp “Shiranui Flare Vol. 2” is now on sale! ✨ https://line.me/S/sticker/27443237 ■Shiranui Flare 5th Anniversary Goods Until September 9, 2024 18:00! https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/shiranuiflare_an5th ■New single “Marble Saeru” MV now available✨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGG3S3iqjlg Also available on iTunes, Spotify, etc.✨ https://cover.lnk.to/YnNxAz ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■Shiranui Flare… Read More

  • INSANE ASMR: Building Mini-Wonders in Minecraft | Whispered

    INSANE ASMR: Building Mini-Wonders in Minecraft | WhisperedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Designing Micro-Builds to Add Life | Better Minecraft ASMR #40 | Soft Spoken’, was uploaded by Void ASMR on 2024-07-23 21:00:05. It has garnered 248 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:02 or 3602 seconds. The design process exposed Modpack: Better Minecraft [Fabric] v20 #minecraft #asmr #softspoken Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft FAIL: Warrior Disaster💀” #shorts

    "EPIC Minecraft FAIL: Warrior Disaster💀" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment Before Disaster 💀 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Warcraft Warrior on 2024-09-16 15:22:55. It has garnered 11186 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft Moment Before Disaster 💀 #minecraft #shorts minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush b minecraft banner bionic minecraft bbs minecraft best… Read More


    Welcome to A New World Explore a challenging version of Minecraft where survival is a triumph. Start from the Stone Age and progress through different eras, tackling new challenges and discovering new mechanics along the way. Join our Discord server here to start your journey in A New World. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “That which takes the image of an angel becomes an angel” in Minecraft

    Looks like we need to start a Creaking image purge before they take over the world as angels! Read More

  • Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft’s Melodic Mix

    Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft's Melodic Mix In Minecraft’s world, the rain softly falls, A peaceful melody, as the night calls. The air is crisp, with a hint of chill, But in this moment, time stands still. The music box plays, a nostalgic tune, Bringing back memories, like a balloon. The crackling fire, the gentle wind, In this moment, peace we find. So close your eyes, let the stress unwind, In Minecraft’s world, tranquility you’ll find. Listen to the rain, feel the air so sweet, In this peaceful moment, let your worries retreat. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it’s LIT!

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it's LIT! When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but at least you can say you went out in style with this meme. #minecraftfail #hotstuff Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 Welcome to Episode 6 of the Minecraft series on Spanish Boost Gaming! In this episode, viewers will continue to explore, gather resources, and build new structures while practicing Spanish through comprehensible input. The host speaks slowly and clearly, making it easier for Spanish learners to follow along and pick up new vocabulary while immersing themselves in the Minecraft world. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate learner, this episode is perfect for improving your Spanish listening skills while having fun with this beloved game. Watch as exciting adventures unfold and new creations are crafted,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide Exploring the Snifferent Mod in Minecraft 1.20.1 Embark on a new adventure in Minecraft with the Snifferent mod, which introduces exciting new items that can be unearthed by the mysterious Sniffers. Let’s delve into the world of Snifferent and discover the wonders it has to offer! Club Moss One of the intriguing additions brought by the Snifferent mod is the Club Moss. This unique plant adds a touch of greenery to your Minecraft world, offering a refreshing change of scenery. Globar Tree Step into the enchanting realm of the Globar Tree, a majestic addition that brings a sense of… Read More

  • Mall wizard’s hilarious antics in Minecraft!

    Mall wizard's hilarious antics in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘little green mall wizard #minecraft #memes #xd #funnymeme #humor’, was uploaded by Juano Games on 2024-07-11 14:38:46. It has garnered 569 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE 1.21 – FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY STREAM!! – DAY 3’, was uploaded by Robotic Crafter on 2024-06-22 20:56:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:30 or 10050 seconds. Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/Q6x79ZBaY8 Sub to my friend from real life! TheGrayEmerald: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUD4DHrZx8LnL88SE5O8t4Q My sister’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_0BNR29GPjHQsUxKzqfzog Tweet me! https://twitter.com/Robotic_Crafter Follow me! https://www.instagram.com/robotic_crafter/ Read with me: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Robotic_Crafter Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Amarkiastory Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Robotic_Crafter/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/dallastwister?si=ed388774326143ec Outro made with Panzoid (Outro came with music) NOTE: This video and its content is intended/directed towards a “general audience” or “family-friendly”, which is… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel – The Minecraft Prodigy

    Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel - The Minecraft ProdigyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How He Became a Minecraft Legend’, was uploaded by DeadPixel on 2024-09-27 18:42:36. It has garnered 260 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. We talk about FitMC and how he became a Minecraft Legend. From 2b2t to QSMP FitMC has seen and done a ton in the Minecraft world! twitch.tv/deadpixel685 If you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe for more! – – – – – – – – #fitmc #minecraft #2b2t fitmc, minecraft, minecraft youtuber, 2b2t, qsmp, 2b2t historian, anarchy server, fitmc 2b2t, fit 2b2t, fit… Read More

  • Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshorts

    Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘sigma baby villager | pillager is good | they kill villager to survive# minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by New Generation of gaming on 2024-05-10 17:37:18. It has garnered 4251 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-04-17 04:53:26. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65rezUIhHUhdzGxCQyHGLQ/join Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/freezn.gamer_96?utm_medium=copy_link Discord- discord.gg/6DugZAcfYH Facebook- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078205758862 Twitter – twitter.com/GamerFreezn Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore… Read More

  • Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Age of Engineering: Old but Gold Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Max Fox on 2024-07-29 02:26:54. It has garnered 167 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:20:23 or 26423 seconds. Well, what do we have here? A pixellated Fox on an adventure in the world of Minecraft, but this time not in just any old world. We’ll be diving into Age of Engineering, an expert mode tech-focused modpack with a couple extras! Modpack: Age of Engineering (davqvist) Additional mods: Realistic Terrain Generation FastLeafDecay Diet Hoppers MoseTweaks Texture pack: Sphax 64k Follow… Read More

  • 🌴 PinkpalmPuff’s Preppy Beach Love💖

    🌴 PinkpalmPuff's Preppy Beach Love💖Video Information This video, titled ‘#preppy #viral #aesthetic #happy #love #beach #subscribe #blowup #like #onthisday #viral #shots’, was uploaded by I♥️PinkpalmPuff on 2024-07-09 22:10:24. It has garnered 10 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #aphmau #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmods #minecraftaphmau #aphmaupranks #aphmauminecraftpranks #aphmaugaming #aphmaugames #aphmauplayingas #normaniwildside #normaicardi #cardiwildside #wildsidemusicvideo #normaninewmusic #normanimotivation #cardiup #normanicardileak #normanilive #music #webdev #appdevelopment #lesson #tutorial #bertrandchameroy #fabienroussel #jeans #lfi #lorrainsénéchal #mohamedbouhafsi #nfp #alliances #dbillions #kidssongs #songsforkids #kidsvideos #sing-alongsongs #dance #daysoftheweek #gracescorner #letterd #letterrecognition #dsound #learning #6×1 #seisaum #cruzeiro #notíciascruzeiro #seisaum #notíciasdocruzeiro #gremio #cruzeirogremio #gremiocruzeiro #cruzeiroxgremio #cruzeirogremiogols #crazyfrogaxelf #crazyfrogdance #crazyfrogcover… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Best Survival Builds so far! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-02-16 22:00:00. It has garnered 196 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. A snapshot in to our little survival world. My 4 best builds so far! Enjoy 🙂 Song: Today Is The Day – Mark July Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2 In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia focusing on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and preferably 18+, creating a chill ambiance. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods like “Ars Nouveau” and “Mystical Agriculture” for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to useful commands like /home and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community building through town creation. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons with rewards, regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!"Falling in Minecraft be like “Oops, I guess I’ll just respawn and try not to embarrass myself again!” Read More

  • Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life

    Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life In Minecraft, a life from child to adult, Growing up, getting married, it’s a result. The journey is long, with adventures to find, In the pixelated world, let your imagination unwind. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, the future is bright. Explore new realms, with Super Ngao in tow, Minecraft stories to share, let the creativity flow. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, To Super Ngao’s channel, where Minecraft vibes thrive. For updates and news, stay tuned in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Hot Date Night” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Hot Date Night" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend so much time playing Minecraft that even Herobrine is like, “Dude, take a break.” #minecraftaddict #herobrineconcerned Read More

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More