Unbelievable New Thaumcraft 6 Discoveries in Minecraft!

Video Information

Welcome to the mischief I’m Belen and this is minecraft 110 – where I will be given a go on a self-made really quick thrown together foam craft 6 experimental mod pack style I mean I’ve got a few quality life mods in there if you just standard join in

Mods + I also have astral sorcery in there because I just can’t ever give that mod up but hello everybody and how you doing tonight I see that chat is scrolling way too fast for me to actually keep up with it but I’ll say hi everybody and this is minecraft 110 –

This is not 111 this is not 112 this is a beta version of thumb craft 6 it just came out earlier today if you’re interested in checking it out go to the youtube link if you’re on twitch if you’re on youtube check the description and there’s a link there also if you

Scroll up and chat I believe Robin posted that there and thank you Robin for always being a very good mod for me but let’s start this off actually hold on a second let me turn my volume back on here I had two things turned off for

The startup hey boom flex eye Robin high blood rose couch French imagination je pam pam Colin’s Kathryn vogue question mark so nur Hecker ago oh my goodness everybody’s in there oh there you go thanks Robin tossing it over in the twitch dead me how’s everybody doing and

I do have the music turned on in here so it’ll be in there rip face cam is freezed oh hold on hold on I can fix that there we go should be better now and so yeah the stream is late reason being and a hi Reaper how’s it going it’s euro

Fuma squid crafter Celtic Raven uh this is not teeth it’s water because I opened up the fresh bottle of milk only to find that it had spoiled probably several days ago after finishing off the previous one I was so terrible so terrible but I am going to be playing at

Survival I’m not gonna be like just going straight mining every single thing or something like that you know I will do a little bit of survival stuff in here actually probably a majority of it but I will probably be like kind of jumping ahead just so we can try and

Mess around with this a little bit and I’m gonna go with the realistic one we’re just gonna go with a random one here and we’re just going to call this one world 1-1 in honor of Mario so we’re gonna do that Saur Saur osaka hello yourself I had to

Think for a second on how to pronounce that oh my whoo water no vodka I do have some downstairs but sadly this is just some water I figured I needed to really keep my head I already had a glass of wine today why am I looking at

Myself why did I spawn into the world looking at myself this is really creepy wow that was really creepy okay okay that’s a really really creepy stare don’t forget rule number one scan all the things yeah indeed so as you can tell I’ve got the one probe in here

We’re gonna just click that not needed I think I already had that in the settings I’ve got trash slot I’ve got a few other things like what’s in that slot is in here a tinker is an astral sorcery etc just a few things but I also have a

Bunch of quality of life mods in here too so let’s actually get a good view of where we’re at oh look we’ve got the Great Oaks as before bitter black fruit yeah I did try drinking it and it is bad oh hey that looks like a perfect spot

Right over here we’ve got a silver wood nearby we’ve got oh yeah look at this we’ve got a salt salt lake bed here I’ve got some ponies tree I’m liking it I’m liking it today i buyed a set of pug mugs melon you should have checked out that

All the mods 110 – new version that came out a couple hours ago as you made a new update with lava craft well I would have but as it’s in all the mods version of 110 – I would imagine it would be a little bit heavy and I’m not running it

On a server this is just like about 20 mods I think that I’m running on my own computer so I don’t have a server space to run it at the moment so I was just going for lightweight options but that is a very good point people there is a

Brand new version out there actually turn that volume down a little bit for all the mods on 110 – if you want to check it out yes I’m grab 6 that’s right look look and if I hit here mod options you can see I think somewhere along here

It says that it’s minecraft I can’t remember where it is somewhere in here let’s let’s like minecraft minecraft there you go and yeah that that doesn’t actually help any because I can’t see anything with my little thing in the way that doesn’t help at all it was at the beginning you

Guys should have been when I logged in it said minecraft at the bottom left corner but look I’ve got our silver woods and of course we’ve got our little little shimmer Leafs here I wonder I’m in creative that was a mistake let me click one of these I thought why did I

Start and creative as well it’s so weird alright put some of those back down and what happens if I game-mode 0 put this up here yep turns in Quicksilver just like before but for now I think I’m just going to replant it we’ll leave it there

For now and I’m going to start off with the traditional stuff which actually I just realized I just flew away from my starting spot which well I know how I can get to it really quick so I don’t know where it was but this should probably work there we go the respawn

And near here should be really did I die right on top of where my spawn area was that’s pretty pathetic I thought I turned on I did there it is the chest over here so I can just kind of grab this and start some things

Hello Z hands ooh oh look at all the stuffs all the stuffs in the starter chest that I started up on here what did I start I start with salt from the salt mud which I could probably salt up let’s actually do this and get myself something a little bit better now it’s

Gonna take more than that I’m gonna have to like surround it with salt or something but that’s alright I have enough materials to do a crafting table and then I could put this down and start salting my food there we go you know how many does it take to salt there it is

Three got a salty salmon that that should start me off a little bit aunt salt bread I could do salt bread that’s gonna keep me going for quite a while and there’s my weapon and we’re gonna equip this come on little little leg there high stable

Drake how’s it going haven’t seen you in a while so of course there’s a dark wood forest over there oh and that’s a really cool biome over there too but I think I’m just gonna head over here and oh look at this we’ve got silver wood let’s

Let’s check out the the the textures for the silver wood now this was something I knows I did like start this up and everything just to make sure everything was gonna run and this is something I noticed too and I think I might have to

Report it already as a bug but yeah it I I don’t have any lag going on I mean I I’m fine right now but for some reason it like takes a for it to actually allow me to like it chops and then it pops and then disappears but hey you

Know it’s beta this stuffs gonna happen Makemake blocks what we’re hey Valen happy the dev was able to do this hey Pokemon power well there’s a lot of lot of fans out there for the thumb craft stuff and I figured you know there’s a lot of people

That are interested came out I’ve got a stream coming up tonight I wasn’t really sure you know that I actually do have an idea what I was planning on streaming tonight oh and I think I forgot I’m sorry boom flex I should have posted I didn’t change my tweet so it would still

Be the original intent I was gonna stream all the mods tonight so sorry about that didn’t mean to tweet at all the mods with that but still there is thaumcraft six is now in the knew all the months update on curse so you know you got that

Going for you and no there’s no order notes anymore looking at the delete the when was it released in the today it was released today a few hours ago in the release notes it talks about the there’s no more aura notes for now because they

Were just kind of what do you call it dumb they’re too laggy I guess and they they didn’t really add very much content anymore such a small amount of content that it wasn’t worth his while it’s like huh interesting but he said he may add them

In later on again only reason I am here but a big fan since before a TC hey did you hear about the successor of witchcraft which meant no I don’t think I have heard of it which meant that’s that’s an interesting title though it sounds very interesting

Edie Falco carrion warfare I’d it’s a little bit much to go with something like that but for now I’ve got a whole lot of silver wood a whole lot of silver wood in fact I realized I’ve got oh it doesn’t work it doesn’t want to work I wasn’t expecting that

Oh there it is okay I have our minor or vein minor in here so I was prepared for for harvesting a lot of stuff let’s do this and get some tools make a bunch of sticks there we go get out of here get drop that drop it

Bad come on wait what why why why is that not a thing drop clear clear the grid okay sticks oakwood no no don’t you don’t want to I had this working before I don’t know why it’s not giving me there can be an axe all right let me try a pic and see

If it actually will build a pic no it’s not what the heck I don’t think this isn’t I think this is my mod conflicts is what I think this might be what I’m going to do oh wow look at that maybe it’s just a bunch of lag that’s going on

That I have with some of the mods I’m wondering now cuz it’s not that many mods really it’s just a few basic ones yeah nothing there you know about the fact that there will be new machines and a harvest craft due to my donation drive that’s going on I was joking the villain

Was going to have to make a new video for their HC soon for harvest be posted as a pod yep they exit nicely hey oh yeah I don’t know what the deal is with this maybe I can still find some stuff maybe I can make some stone tools I don’t know I’m a

Bit worried at this point that it’s not gonna work I might have to uninstall a few mods and re reattempt this do I not have stone nearby no there is no stone nearby that’s very disappointing alright so let’s just do your traditional method then now looking for some stone

But I can mine up the pig maybe I could find a different material there is starting to get worried oh and of course it’s like diorite that’s not encouraging at all but let’s try a little bit of this see if I can actually make myself a

Pic or an axe or whatever if I if I have to oh you know I put tiny progressions in gym maybe it’s disabling the standard recipe maybe for that and I didn’t realize it I think it is I think it is excuse me so I’m glad I started with

With other tools at this point because I think tiny progressions I thought I had it on by default where you you could actually have other stuff but I think flint tools are the beginning level for that or bone yeah yeah it’s got its own wooden versions of some tools but see

The you can’t make them like that so anyway I do have stone so that’s that’s the thing at least and then I can just continue on from there it shouldn’t be too bad oh wow that was that was a lot of stuff and oh that’s what I’m looking

For okay so here we go right here amber bearings don’t notice in the top left corner it says that i can actually mine this and hi buddy Trueblood how’s it going what are you playing thumb craft sakes it’s in the title so let’s – up and

You’ll notice that I have a hamburger I have a amber it’s like that’s curious can I can i no there’s nothing there it’s not letting me do it I wonder if I already have things unlocked because I I did this already I played a little bit

And then I deleted the games and I went in and it kept all the settings just now which is very strange to me dude I know a bit of thumb craft I don’t know everything about thaumcraft and this is Dom crafts 6 which is going to be very

Different and if you look actually I have pressing shift you’ll see the different properties of some of the stuff Woods got chests diorite jungle wood stone pickaxe etc interesting I’m curious now if I get a thumb nomicon which I shouldn’t be able to get yet because it’s supposed to get me an

Achieve did I already get that there’s no achievements list yeah it’s just mine crafting the achieves on here so I can’t really keep track of it to find out that’s really sad hmm we’ll go back to game for now because typically what happened before is I found a piece of

Amber and I reckon it had like little runes on it and I clicked and then it let me like start thumb craft but it’s not letting me do that this time so I’m curious if I’m still going to be able to do this or not let’s just continue

Mining downwards an angle perhaps we’ll find some other interesting stuff and I will get myself more torches in the meantime because we it’s not letting me do that true-true done okay my torches are replenished good hello and greetings yourself a bit new to this twitch stuff

Yeah me very very much so new to this twitch stuff but I I’m streaming on both YouTube and twitch right now reset the config is there an option in-game for me to do it or you just talked about me deleting it I think you need to make the

Sale this Mundus yeah I think so too alright so let’s actually save the game hold on a sec it’s a very light pack so it shouldn’t take very long in fact I might turn the volume down on and we’ll turn that in the background while I

Change this hold on a second here and open up my twitch launcher and we will do a reset on the convicts like you’re saying that’s weird that it would go across multiple saves shouldn’t have done that but it’s right I had the twitch launcher closed so I have to reopen it anyway

All right thumb craft six you guys can’t see what I’m doing but I have some other stuff going on here open folder config we’re just gonna delete the convict done hit play and no it’s it’s not like the coast though where he just like clicks a

Few times give him like five seconds and he’s got everything roughly running I don’t know what the dev environment is just like amazing to me like that break the rules of Minecraft kill himself to find his own spawn point yeah which was actually like one block away from where I died

Sallis mundus is not too late in game it’s actually uh like one of the first things you make now yeah if you see the my camera stutter or something like that right now it’s probably just because the startup always takes a bit of extra effort hello serious creeper these crystal actually get started

You know that that’s true but I actually got a notification when I found an Amber bearing stone first or lodestone or whatever those things are called and then I had another mention when I found those I was curious though cuz i just right-clicked in it I did I think it

Didn’t actually do anything all right well anyway we’re gonna go back in here and do this no more wands what that’s right then no more pies well there is a pitch wand but it’s it’s a patches one so or Peck however you want to call them

All right so it’s am i flying right now no it was just taking a second to load to all the terrain around me there we go phone’s almost dead all right it’s gyro we’ll see you later it was because he had a torch in your offhand now actually the the amber had a

Rune on it before it’s really weird amber yeah it’s not even in the I swear it actually had like this little scribble on there maybe it’s something like per your account you know like I don’t know or maybe something completely different oh and just in time one music stops the

Other one starts but we’re gonna work our way down and I’m already seeing on the mini-map which I don’t even know if I line up with it or not but let’s see here yeah there’s stuff to the left and right of me like jokers whatnot take the

Torch out what the torch in my off hand why what difference is that gonna make it there I took it out now put it back so I could put it back down greetings uh Sarah are you doing oh and I broke my bag I still have this pick I have enough

Materials I can make myself another crafting table here so that’s what I’m going to do and we’re going to use this to mine into the side we put new one down and then we’re going to build ourselves a new pick and in fact I think I can make not

That there’s no what does it does spear spear stone spear is oh the other way and it’s it’s smooth so that that’s that’s fine I’ll go with my standard ax approach because it it often will allow me to to shot things which is always good to have so let’s just you know I’m

Gonna bring this with me hi Koshka how you doing oh and I didn’t I didn’t put the pic in my inventory there we go so working our way down I’m currently at Y level 39 face cams dead again doc on it what is with that thanks

For the reminder just let me know if it dies again I think it’s just because I was restarting the client and it just required a lot of memory to boot up its 110 it’s it’s not the most optimized magic fist yes yes it is magic fist all

The magic a custom pack after seeing this hard today hey I’m sure that there’s going to be tons of them out there but honestly just go with the old Amundson and I’m sure you’ll be set there’s there’s some clay there that’s encouraging I hear water

Actually I see water on my map am I going to mind my way into a lot giant underground lake system or something I hear a lot of water I don’t see it here but I do on my mini-map that’s weird cuz I don’t know if you guys can see behind

My head it looks very blue magic Infiniti call it something like that something like that see if I can actually get down here nice you know how it is when you’re like first testing something out you’re like oh actually everything seems to be running and then you’re like okay let’s let’s go show

This to the clients and then nothing goes right well guess what’s happening to me right now I’ve got some under or in the way actually what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna head over this direction because that looks like it’s heading towards the lava and perhaps a chasm which is going to

Help me find the ores and crystals and stuff that I’m looking for one gem perk or whatever is called at a time all the mods is running this yes it’s they just got updated as boom flex was saying a few a couple hours ago so they just

Popped it right in there and it’s good to go not all the months that we’ve got for 112 mind you it’s it’s all the mods for 110 so that’s it’s the different versions there yeah I just can’t wait for him to get to that I’ve seen higher

Key place in the beginning but that’s all so big its weight so some beginning what you talking thumb craft I’m at white level 9 now this is getting pretty deep hey there’s lava okay so let’s put some dye right down wow I’ve got a lot of diorite let’s put this hey here I’m

At y9 that’s pretty good I was aiming for a lava lake but not quite in this way no redstone I don’t I don’t have the access to get that because I haven’t found freaking iron yet oh come on really running into walls of cores that I can’t harvest thumb craft don’t give a

Rat’s about what first it’s just the object it’s alright I mean you guys I’ve hack I remember a time before whoo before things got you know not long ago thumb craft was oh my gosh how much lava is here I thought that let’s take a look

Here where am I I shouldn’t be running into lava but I just did murmur alright well continue heading this way then whoa you know let’s let’s just uncover this Lake here let’s see what there is here because it’s just coming out of the woodwork put that down going I’m gonna

Need to make another pick there’s bedrock right there and I’m at 1/6 all right put this down some sticks more this pickaxe and regular eggs join the dark side of the force couch all right so where does that die right put that down continue mining in this general

Direction and I keep finding more redstone it’s you’d think that I might potentially look I’ve actually gone around it at this point it’s over this way I know it is you can see it on the mini-map doc got it fine I will mine up that because apparently I’m too low that’s the

Problem will I burn from here no I won’t okay so let’s put a torch here is gonna be like the most convoluted mining run I’ve ever done that was a mistake actually let’s just go straight forward at this point and hopefully I’ll run into something here I was hoping I’d run

Into one of these chasms aha I think I found it okay so now just to head up walk down there we go yay and I see crystals I see the first signs of thumb craft six all right in fact there’s multiples here so let’s go like this and make myself a little bit

More fearsome with the axe I’m gonna leave that death point there because that’s at whoa hey look at that we found crystals and I should probably leave some to regrow and stuff like that if anything like contra five whoa that got dark wow I had no idea they were

Giving that much light but I’m gonna take them with me because I’m sure I’m gonna need them early on there’s some cinnabar no spoilers on how to do stuff unless I get stuck otherwise yes please no store no sports oh whoa whoa oh this is not gonna go well I want a frickin

Sniper dudes hey that actually went really well no no no baby zombies no baby zombies you don’t really need that right now let’s like things up a bit I should have well I can’t make a shield because I don’t have a shield yet this iron thank goodness so I know I’m gonna

Need this to make some metal plates and stuff isn’t it vanilla this h-town all air is replaced with lava well I don’t know you’ll die due to lack of I quite possibly yeah all right let me put down this and lock myself up no ah

There we go and I need to make myself furnace okay got that then I need to put some materials in here and smelt up some iron in fact I would like to burn that wouldn’t pick because I think that’s gonna be useless could burn this out

Chest if I wanted to shouldn’t you keep turned keep inventory on yes that’s a good point actually I fully intended on doing that keep and when to another game rule game rule game wrong a game rule I keep inventory true there we go been ages since I actually caught one of your

Streams hi hey B Jones how’s it going hmm that did not last very long all right let me put in sticks and the oh I didn’t do there we go tool tips I turned them off it still has some of my previous settings on there kind of cold

Just behind you that’s true but I also didn’t want to die actually we put this back down grab these and make myself the most important thing to not die when first starting off and running into skeletons is the shield so there we go put this close to that actually here let

Me just sort this a bit cuz I’ve got a big mess going on and I switch these two around there we go and keep the food down here there we go and that’s a little bit more sorted okay I can take this with didn’t get very

Much but I did get a little bit and that’s more than enough actually that is more than enough I needed three for a pic wait I don’t have any sticks mate there we go that’s better Dada and now I just mind this up all the tech Raven

Even I was raving in here – yes yes Celtic Raven is in here – excellent alright ok now I have my own little set to go alright and we’ve got more they’re the same ones though I think we’re gonna run into different ones in different areas let’s actually light this up a

Little bit over here so I don’t get too swarmed yeah a little bit more iron make myself some armor while we’re at it and try out getting some of this stuff because I’ve got these crystals but it didn’t tell me that the usual stuff that I should I’m thinking I need to delete

More than just the convicts in this case in order to get the proper stuff because getting what should happen is first I got an amber chunk and then it said oh this is interesting and then I got like my first V crystals it said oh this reminds me of something or whatever and

Then it says I should probably sleep on this and then you basically have to sleep before you can unlock the next part so I don’t know why it’s currently being so difficult and not going along with that but I need to probably report that as an issue going through a second

Time it keeps all the old information let’s just do this I see a creeper that’s kind of scary we’re gonna put this stuff back out of here to get rid of the diorite first put that up so the creeper doesn’t come through and I’m gonna see about a spear what do we got

Stone spear golden spear iron spear that’s only one iron ingot I have none at the moment but I could easily put this down and start making one let’s put the rest of this in here and smart dark oak why not let’s just burn that up and see what happens

Give me this is the same time keep that down there we go a few mods that do that problem is the sleeping is in my packs I tend to turn off sleep so that doesn’t work might be attached it might be found like science GMG is it public thumb craft is public

Right now it’s in a beta public for one tenant there we go so no but this like myself iron spear I don’t have any sticks I got it now I’ve got sticks no wrong way wait recipe for this recipe complex and I didn’t have the input craft weaker in

Here to offset it so at this point that would be a diamond wand that would still be a spear and that would still be obsidian so I will I will have to watch for those at this point but I will just make do with my hatchet I love the crystals thaumcraft six adds

I like the sound the dance hello creeper buddy how’s it going you go ahead and explode just need to try and get out of eyesight and then he should not blow up on me hopefully okay and there’s a spider and a skeleton how wonderful and I come here you

There we go got him hello skeleton are you coming to get me now No and I see a zombie coming – oh it’s a special zombie and look there’s new courts or as well see angry zombie is special because he’s angry why you take

It oh man he’s got a lot of health all right that took a lot of chops let’s head over here get a little bit more iron and some more these crystals get a second set of crystals all the sounds are good pick him up because we’re gonna

Need all the different kinds of crystals ultimately and other things as well perhaps some of that grab some of that Get the iron I don’t see anybody coming close to me at the moment when his mind not up to mischief he wasn’t too happy more surprised this is true this is true I misfit I make mischief it makes sense sword isn’t better and so you get at

Least iron well that’s if you still like the the sweep attack I prefer the single because often I play on a server and if I use a sword I’m swiping people that are next to me aka Koshka so it’s best if I use a single attack I don’t like this and it’s

Probably best like I said before not to harvest these so that they can regrow or something but yeah this is probably just a one-time play that we’re doing here so let’s grab this give me that get some more iron how we doing for iron I have 17 yeah I

Threw together a few mods here just to make it a little bit easier to get places and what I should be doing is this there we go that was much easier gosh I wonder if oh it works I’m a miner works on the crystals that’s great oh

Hey he wasn’t expecting that oh come on you know you’re not here with you cheap arrow shots so I hear a witch there we go got him alright and now a little bit of light on the situation there a little bit of bread you’re forgetting vey minor yeah yeah I

Totally was forgetting vey minor I’m gonna need to make another pic cuz this one’s about to bite the bullet let’s do that gonna make let’s make another iron pic so that I can mine through stuff and a stone one so I can just use that for

Like cheap stuff okay there we go and I don’t think I have any space my inventory now can I sort everything get rid of the zombie flesh there we go good and got a couple iron I see this stuff up here come here you I think it’s just

The one of each but I’m gonna need those bones the string and the wood let’s just get rid of some of this I don’t need all that I could actually use this down here okay and I think I’ve got I’ve got four arrows so I actually have a ranged

Weapon now as well oh I see some blue crystals and fire and I hear a zombie oh there he is alright there we go we’ll see you later Pam no problem hope all goes well for you take care all right and so oh look we’ve

Got Dark One’s I did not see these how it got dark they are dark ones after all oh that was a mistake I shouldn’t have done that I fell down oops accidents happened the light here there’s more iron more this I think it’s just the one yeah yep do you have embers

Or other magic mods to look at in the similarities I currently have Astro sorcery in here right now let’s see and I could probably answer any questions you have about that for the most part as I’m fairly familiar with Astro sorcery I have done a couple playthroughs on it so far more blue

Crystals did I get that last crystals those dark ones I got the Dark One’s design have I been not picking these up because my inventory is full I’m worried now I See my pile of stone rotten flesh okay yeah I’ve been picking this stuff up the place is pretty good picked pretty clean as I’m going through here actually I’m rather surprised that I’m doing such a good job there are a lot of similarities through blaze though blaze king there

Are not a lot of similarities that is correct there are not a lot of similarities there are very different magic mods and I think they work very good together in a same mod pack I don’t see why not let’s see no tools you can hardly choose by hand if you want oh gosh

Keep getting how dark it is alright let’s get rid of Gunpowder okay I just keep on throwing stuff away right now and the end of the line that’s fine plenty of other directions I was going to go so let’s do that now did I yeah I fell down in there let’s go up here cuz

I saw some blue up here oh and I never harvested it that was it okay I need some blocks on my hot bar please looks but I hear two zombies you must be above me I don’t want to burn these crystals up so let’s just kind of do a bit of this

Oh my go away can i I can’t reach that that should help hey zombie there we go thank you for your donation hey look at this we got an Amber bearing stone underneath that’s convenient and some cinnabar but first we make it dark and then I harvest this stuff up I think I

Could just use my yeah I can use a torch for that I don’t even need to use the other stuff there we go and I know that I’m gonna need some redstone I saw some at the original entrance Oh pickaxe diamond level there we go cinnabar I

Can’t pick it up because my inventory is full so let’s get rid of this one torch is gonna get combined with the others have you slept yet who are you talking about me you missed some blue crystals did I I thought that I harvested them

These ones here oh I did miss the sand preparing stone though there we go and I could just put this down grateful more space by making some more with the planks – that’s true it’s true I’ve got all this silver wood logs there we go and we’ll just do that now we’ll save

The other planks for that there we go now I’ve got more torches and actually look at that we’ve got some more this I think my problem is going to be whoops I hit the wrong button for mine wow that yielded quite a bit I’ve got 48 iron ore

Now that’s pretty impressive oh my goodness I was running into a shortage before but no longer my friends Wow they like shut off the ground there all right torch and actually I think I’m going to put this in my hand and run around with the pic

For now girly text see if there are any difficulties running phone craft with other magic mods hope I don’t crash for whatever reason well I currently have astral sorcery in here like I said so that’s the thing torch up I need iron pick iron pick and now to head back and

See if I can actually retrace my steps and get that redstone at the very beginning and I’m out of food as well except for zombie flesh I guess so I could put this down here rotten flesh is something oh oh oh I’ve got I’ve got enough salt I could turn that into

Corned beef hey hey alright so let’s let’s do that turn the salt into this rotten flesh into food Boop okay that’s gonna give me some food Balin lag there at the very beginning curly I love parading around with an army of customised attack golems ineffective but fun they are fun the golems is

Probably one of my favorite parts of those crafts original and Mayan there’s no such thing as valent like there is currently YouTube lag and that’s what I’m gonna blame it on so just deal with it I used to see symbol in front of Marvel’s name was wondering where he was

Huh that’s a while ago though not too bad compared to skipping people you’re eating people no not there zombo’s samples aren’t people they say no more they’re a bunch of nobodies they’re tasty people and apparently I’m making corned beef so they’re beefy people wow that was a really big maze like the vein

Of ore I don’t really want the end or that’s not needed oh look at Enderman crap Cork is in here I don’t really want to fight him so let’s just continue moving on there’s more of these crystals over here take that die right and use it to build a bridge fridge building time

Friends gosh guy just seen it on the tooltip wait what symbol in front of my name I don’t see any symbol in front of the name okay where is the crystals I saw our way up there so let’s just do this this oh I see Skelly

Of course of course I see a Skelly and let’s just wait put a torch and I don’t have my shield equipped there we go see if I can actually get over here to this guy out of here I got it quit it trying to harvest the crystals

Just trying to feel that the soul of the world here leave me alone dude what’s your problem so I think different biomes are going to offer different crystals and you’re gonna need different crystals with the research mechanic that’s in here now which is very different from what it was before

At least from like my first impressions or inspections of it let’s go up here yeah here you’re gonna drop me anything good no okay and let’s just kind of clean and that’s the end of the line that oh and the line there nothing good up above oh oh oh white

Crystals alright now we’re talking and I hear some zombies and there’s some great crystals and some green crystals okay this is oh and a skeleton the first thing I do where’d he go did he fall through ha take that you you went around kind of

In a way so let me grab these quick could always use a little bit more iron I don’t want the Ender or I don’t think I could reach those without a little assist get those on yeah and there goes some of the crystals thanks dude that was awesome

Jerk freaking jerk let’s get rid of the chest I can make one from trees well I lost some of the crystals I don’t remember which color although there’s green up there alright can I did I get it no I did not come here I don’t have

Space in my inventory for it gosh Johnny uh like they’re popping out of the woodwork here there’s a string there’s a creeper there’s blue crystals yellow crystals red crystals I don’t have any space for red crystals oh my gosh alright let’s get rid of some of the

Rotten flesh I know it’s my only food source but I don’t care it’s too late great crystals getting all the crystals it’s a good start I’m actually getting a lot of crystals I was just hoping for more variety than what I’ve already been getting I did did I get yellow there I

Just got yellow I am NOT gonna be able to find my way back up by the way so that’s the thing salt or there’s two witches I’m out of here okay bye bye bye bye bye no no no I don’t think so I will however grab this if I have space where

I don’t have any more space for those that’s impressive actually let’s see I guess I can get rid of the dirt because this is more more important than dirt right now yeah I hear you’re whichis red and like these collect though creeper and I think that’s pretty

Much it I’m gonna try and find my way back out if possible grab this cinnabar I don’t know what I’m gonna use that for if I’m gonna use it but I’m gonna grab it anyway see if I can get out of here now which I’m not gonna

Remember the way back by the way so yeah that’s that’s just a thing I’m gonna kind of wing it here and then we can start getting into actually applying some of this stuff I am going to need some of that oh oh I did skip some this

Okay do I have anything of so any kind of food a spider I I have a freaking spider I get it get out of here I don’t want to spider I I’m not going to run anymore because that’s just going to kill me now this is

Actually very close to the way that I came in I think it’s down here is it over here I think where it all I see diamonds that’s something I’m gonna need to so I might as well go for that while I’m here if I can I still have to find

Redstone which is at the very entrance though if I could find my way back out alright so let’s grab some of these maybe maybe I am gonna need a piece of Flint I’ve got plenty of the different kinds of wood let’s just get rid of those and hopefully get some timings for suicide

Chump it’s getting close it’s getting close to a suicide jump oh there’s gold I am going to need gold as well crud suddenly it’s like I’m finding all the things that I need as I’m trying to leave this isn’t going to make things much easier there we go and

Now to get rid of something else jungle wood right so I’ve got all the silver wood and it works just as good as regular wood does right now I should be using or miner but I did not okay now I did all right so we’re all where was it

That I came in oh there’s green crystals up there doggone it thank you I can’t see there we go now I can see um so where was it that I came in not that way cuz that’s dark I see it below me the path actually it might even

Be above me for all I know maybe if I just start mining up kind of a spiral I should eventually run into it easily but it’s maybe so I need to go kind of this way and I need to equip this and there we go oh hey look tired hmm

Creeper feet oh my gosh I thought as in our abandoned thumb grab six well he he was considering it because his life circumstances were getting a bit Let’s run out of here and get the axe there we go got it okay and I don’t think this is actually going to take me where I’m trying to get to yeah and there’s so much so many ores all of a sudden okay well hello creeper dude how’s it going

Do I have any arrows left I do I’m just gonna shoot you for as many arrows as I have until you’re dead okay that works oh no wonder he couldn’t get past the crystals which there’s a lot of dudes over there okay so I made it up here but

This is not taking me where I need to go yeah hey guy how you doing you’re gonna dance for me too I’m right with that oh he dropped brains well I’m hungry enough I guess we’re gonna find out what happens so let’s try eating some zombie brains

I think I got lucky I think I got really lucky and put a torch down grab my axe grab these oh I didn’t think he’d see me okay he’s probably gonna come on over this way or not I don’t know your gums I missed there we go

Don’t give me that crystal worked out pretty hard read the chat you fool go back to lava where you found gold I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going you forward fly you fool all right where I found gold I’m guessing that was down here cuz I found

The gold there and I know it was close to here I could even see the thing on the map but was it down on this side yes it was no this is where the diamond was okay so it’s got to be close to here good thing that I always clearly mark

Where I am going and have been in in these things what is weird is that I just thought about the home craft six few days ago went on a hunt for like two hours to see what was going on only to get disappointed too now this I’m so

Happy right it’s under the die right you place down I placed I write down this stuff here oh oh I like sealed my way oh my gosh well done sir I forgot that I came up this little tiny pathway and there’s the redstone I was looking for

Let’s just say my net I can’t pay in mind it because I have too much crap in my inventory I am going to need the gravel because I want the stuff from it so uh so out of its is i it’s the lack of tea I’m telling you I’m blaming the

Lack of tea and I’ve got to make it up all these stairs without any food good thing I made that zombie brain he started his patreon back up but I didn’t expect to release that uh burb hi 103 683 II how you doing smell 3 I could

But I’m trying to stick away from that just because I want to get into the thumb craft stuff oh okay so oh oh and I forgot here we go let’s see if I can soup get any Silverwood saplings or not maybe oh did it just drop regular ones

That’s kind of disappointing or it had other tree saplings nearby that’s what it was but if I chop these maybe I can get some apples maybe there goes the there goes the hatchet so let’s oh I do see a silver wood sampling over there so let’s actually take this is there there

Is chests okay so chest one chest – yeah all the stuff put down a second one of these because why not and I’m gonna pick up all this junk that I got sitting around I can get this silver with sapling oh yeah oh yeah I wonder if it’s just a tone Apple

Oh thank thank the gods an apple let’s put it there maybe it’ll grow maybe it won’t I figure a bit like drapes into the water that would be kind of cool we’ll see maybe I should probably eat some food but for the moment I’m also thinking

That I need to make sticks for handles of tools I could make diamond – axe that might be well worth it at this point just because I’m gonna need a lot of wood and that’s a good way to go chop that if I chop all the surrounding trees all of the silver

Wood should go Oh paper Oh perfect perfect perfect I’m gonna need paper lots of paper oh my gosh all the paper is needed chop all these birch saplings we don’t need them around here just chop all this stuff down am I getting apples I have an apple so if I start starving

To death I can just stuff that in my gob real quick Gosh you should probably put some tea into balance if he doesn’t sleep away no it’s not gonna work because we’re not having in the house at all that it’s well we’ve got tea we just don’t have any milk which we we demand milk for our

Tea it’s not gonna work and I was like oh I don’t have enough time before the stream cuz I even tried drinking it without it it did not go well did not go well there’s still a bit of wood here there we go the last

I can hear my heart beating can I like do something I don’t have cyclic in here else I could probably like do a cooked Apple or something for now what Apple will have to do and I’ve got some bone meals so I could probably break a bunch

Of grass and get some seeds and bone head and quick let’s just break more grass in food dude I could probably make myself a fishing rod and get food faster and then like salt it up or something actually that’s not a bad idea I throw away the only string I had that’s a

Terrible idea I see some friendly mobs over this way if they’re wolves I’m screwed I just drink milk it tastes better than the tea I got an apple oh it’s a wolf that’s not gonna be helpful I don’t even have any bones with me you guys get out of here yeah you’re just

Eating all the livestock all right I see some pigs that should save me okay hi excuse me pineapple thing do you have any pant in the house good for tea pant in the house I don’t know what pant in the house is I don’t know what pant is pit where oh

This is lastly for a while especially if I salt these we should be good salted pork was that pig coming back to headbutt me or something what was that what was that about that was interesting gets out I see some friendly mobs gets out ax indeed I don’t

Have any way of sleeping through the night yet that’s gonna be regrettable because I need I needs to sleep that is required in fact and a very sad thing indeed let’s put a perimeter real quick just to kind of minimize is the damage I’m gonna take let’s hit

F7 here and see how bad this looks this looks really bad but at least I’m making it slightly better and I’m gonna be in this area so they shouldn’t come from the water side Oh that’ll have to do I guess so furnace did I bring it with me yes I did

Put it down I’ve got cold put this in here and start making the food grab the salt no in fact I’m gonna grab that too we’re gonna grab a whole bunch of iron and I might make another furnace what I do with that cobble I’ll just I did

There we go one two I’m just gonna do two for now no need to go too crazy I figured two is enough let’s grab half of these put them in there put them in there put that in one side and that in the other now down here

We’ve got cook pork chops and some salt it’s gonna get me some food oh thank goodness yeah I just put in some quality of life things so that I could actually not worry too much ah about some of the other stuff and I could just kind of try and go screw into

The thumb craft stuff so I do need books I do need paper in fact I’ve got my waypoints over there let’s let’s get rid of my Waypoint remove we’re gonna create a new one home save that and what I’m gonna do is I’m going to go into creative game-mode one

And I’m going to speed the search for a town that way okay got it so that was much easier than I thought it would be okay and as it’s nighttime I don’t want to go over there and get the villagers all killed so I’m gonna stay right here while this stuff smelts up

Get myself some armor and stuff let’s start off with a chest plate and one of the things that I know you can’t already make is going to require three iron there we go is this iron plates what and I’m gonna need to find rabbits rabbits are very important no apple skin

I see no and I’d say like I said I just threw together something really quick mmm hail some kind of tea go really well with milk others do not so much well that’s the thing is that I have a chamomile downstairs but I think we actually finished the chamomile tea and

That’s very disappointing in in multiple levels now so there’s like no tea options at the moment unless I go out and I imagine I think that the gas station which is really close to my house I get just like run over there and stuff but I didn’t think about that

Until I was already up here starting the stream up so whoops setting from base near a village of bad thing no actually it’s a good thing but at the moment I I want this stuff to grow too so actually I should grab this start making some

Torches and stuff so I can put these around the perimeter more like this get these growing in fact I’m not needing the paper at the moment and I can always find harvest the sugarcane so I might as well see if I can get more of them to

Throw in the meantime while I be waiting there’s that tell us more lights around the perimeter I can already hear a skeleton shooting at me whoa that was a close shot but he missed I’m just gonna keep on trucking hoping he doesn’t hit me too bad I see a creeper now yeah I

Just need to get a perimeter so that they don’t spawn too close and I see a spider now alright get out here No thank you for the string I do need that that gives me the secondary food source now right that skeleton go I see I see a group of them

Over here okay – skeleton three skeletons oh boy they’re shooting each other all right with that wait no don’t want any no no no torch oh and that was the last of my torches all right how are you gotcha all right feeling pretty good about this

Now I know you got like a little bit of a brown spot there but you know what I could probably open that up a little bit get a little bit more wood there we go and apples oh yes multiple foods a little bit of pork chop

A little bit of apple sauce it’s good uh all right so why is everyone treating Qashqai like a secretary now what she’s not a secretary she’s my wife and I’m her hubby the girl faster on snack Oh that is something that I did make Thank You Robin or did include in here

And that is SNAT so let me grab some of that right now really get out here dad zombie those will pick this up hello squid oh oh oh oh I need your ink come here the ink for making the the starting table so actually let’s take this snag there’s six bits right there

One two three four five six there we go now take this one with me put these guys out on sand and this is basically for lifes and for those that don’t already know shoot me this I still have two more left okay double that snare good to go hey

Switch here here and then plain there there there there now then I kind of planted it out here looks like a give a good white light spot I guess Hey yeah it doesn’t matter it’s done oh and the silver wood grew excellent pork chops and applesauce so confused though

Is this all the mods are a small custom pack small custom pack though it does the new 110 to does have or for all the mods they just added it like an hour to ago intestinal health silver would grew at night yeah well they had they had

Light on it and they had all day to grow mr. bell on your coffee is ready organized papers on desk yeah without any milk bleh torch was enough light by oh you heading out wolf fires we’ll see you a high real pass rate how’s it going well we’re getting everybody visiting us

Tonight it’s a good night a bunch of this junk again yeah okay so zombiebrain see oh hey look I’ve got stuff that I want to scan so I need books as I said before and I’ve got that village over there the Sun is just starting to come up I think my pork

Chops are about done so let’s get the last of my armor set and then go ahead out to the village I’m gonna need some trousers some boots I’m gonna need a hat and there we go that should be good and that’s right I found Dino that’s gonna be diamonds

Can’t make a diamond spear yet nope nope nope because of the recipe conflict and I did not install frog robots no worries put the rest of the iron away for the moment I don’t think there’s anything I really want to take with me here I’ve got 11 cooked pork chops and none of

Them resulted I’ve got the wrong pork chops on 2/3 take the salted ones with me maybe I’ll run across some more salts because I did see some early on when I started see if the video reminds if I pour thumbing cuz usually recommended small towns together thing no change is

So neat no need to honesty let’s turn this off finally the latest thaumcraft is on a version with other mods true enough oh I didn’t make a bud look at that that would have been a great little base little tunnel right there behind a waterfall that’s pretty cool that’s

Pretty cool I like that I like my coffee like I like my women [Laughter] alright let’s do this you know will you do a bit by bit on this once it’s more updated I do plan on doing a bit a bit by bit on this and it’s it’s raining

Another reason why I need roll or some kind of string oh I miss that’s it big Bobby Mir you’re a food source I don’t not get a crit on that one I don’t know oh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay was not expecting this

Hello hi go away get no get leave me alone I know that there’s two of you I don’t care go away no no no no jeez did you see these guys throw out the portal what the heck I did not I I mean I’ve seen them before but I wasn’t just

Expecting a random portal by the village okay there’s one come here you ow dang Oh what I get what I get gold nuggets eat those seeds crimson rights what knowledge does this hold hmm oh you’ve gained temporary work that’s interesting okay oh so sorry about this petite bullying

my Maria is low I can’t what I just need it no there we go I think it just got caught in a loop cover the portal it’s not nurse I feel as if I now need to get myself cosmetic armor and thumb craft six oh crap here comes another one

Another one he was getting shot in the back by his own mage no I want you guys between me and the mage now get oh wow okay run running running running dude you’re awesome bless you thanks a v8 a I’ve currently rut egg wow that’s an awesome scenery in the background

Hello villagers does the mage is covered for me I’m gonna hide back here maybe I could surprise him around the corner oh man that was laughing oh oh rip okay okay Wow give me to give you those dark rites wait there’s another one over there I

See you oh yes there is an astral sorcery temple in the distance and there’s this one right here in fact um I I might just mine underneath here real quick which one’s northeast this side here gold and cool done I hear you zombie go away this darn rain is not

Helping things does this town have two blacksmiths that’s convenient I’m just gonna let that zombie go after the villager diamonds spread another pickaxe perfect that’s awesome okay and now books anybody got books no you got anything good back here no you don’t what you got what you got do you have

Books in there I bet you do I bet you’re hiding but you’re keeping them from me okay maybe not floating island that’s the waterfall yeah this is a really good setup this is actually um quarks realistic setting for the landscape right now hey zombie give me that brain to

Blacksmith no I don’t I I I’m probably wrong I probably just saw the same one while I was spinning around fighting the other guys that’s a nice house up on the hill but oh there’s another one up there I didn’t see if there was two houses

Above the one that I was at already not freakin mage oh he’s locked onto me time to go time to go just remember you just need to run faster than the guy next to you right okay is he coming around the corner when he comes I don’t know but books ah that’s

What I was looking for all right perfect that doesn’t sound cooked roses right I would not be coming on to the stream and playing tonight there was bucks now they turned the Stars a thaumaturgy died out but now that has returned the Stars no longer hold sway yeah they do ask the sorcery

Still rules the house has books go back over there both mods are different there’s no need to compare the two funny how all caps doesn’t make Valen read chat faster nope it does not I did oh-ho triple crit Hey I should have done the spin to take him

Out on that last one do like a 360 no-scope or something that that distant island is pretty darn cool looking over there I will definitely agree to that looks really slick I kind of want to check it out a little bit I know it’s raining in there zombies and all but there’s also

An astral sorcery tower I could pillage for some more goodies and a pig things are always worth it right oh and a pit of despair let’s run er oh oh is that sheep for these sheep I think there’s your sheep Oh sheep give me give me the noms I need

The wool oh no I think we can start this is good cuz I know that you need to sleep and besides I want to set a spawn point but yeah it’s just a little floating island up there that’s pretty cool I think it just looks really good

The distance this came couldn’t handle a 360 you’d be surprised alright see what kind of goodies are in here today Oh lots of them in fact glowstone perfect because I’m gonna need that for one of the first things that you can make and a pearl bones emerald there’s

The first beer good to go alright and then I can do actually I will keep this here and we’ll make that spear when we get back give her this okay fence there Oh oh-ho hey lookee lookee I found a cookie alright let’s make ourselves at spier now cuz we just

Found another dungeon area from craft the little haunted barrows don’t have any more sticks nope but I will in the second give me that okay turn this into sticks and then go with what is it this this and that yes emerald spear perfect good haul I was praying floating island already

Picturing a basis no what did they bring it back today today my friends today is thaumcraft six oh there’s lots of bunnies in here hey how’s it going get out here no no wanna get the Spears is strong did I not bring any torches no I did not

Meet tortoises how could I do this without any torches oh wait a minute wait a minute I know how I can do this without any torches I can use coarse quark logic works for me doesn’t it ah this is because the shield no let me it won’t let me

Okay I thought this is 110 this isn’t 112 alt f4 yeah alt f4 gets it gets you cookies that’s how it goes at least there’s some grass up there head on down here hey skeleton how’s it going Wow oh boy there’s a whole lot of them oh

Boy what have I got myself into now good dad not me you die go away oh boy this is hurting a lot okay let’s eat some food but it’s taking too long ah I need to destroy the supporters okay ah disgrace boner got it

Next one got it and now I know I don’t know if you guys can actually see much besides just these really white arrows around here oh wow how many skeletons are shoot em he got him oh there’s one down below that’s what it is okay and there’s urns down there

Interesting but I’m out of food so let me know no food I’m a potato make a glowstone block with it with four I guess I could yes I could that’s a good idea oh good call oh I feel like I just woke up okay and I put at the top of the

Ladder which is perfect good thing about this is that I have range with this spear are you good at redstone I like redstone I’m good at it cut more this salt wards yeah I might as well just take all the stuff I got a little purpley looking things the primordial

Moat we only can carry one at a time that’s new uncommon crate a bunch of those cool that was neat okay now to just break this and head out of here let me eat a little food again alright it’s gonna get dark kinfolks sorry but I do need this stuff there we

Go I hear a cow hopefully that’s not a Minotaur and it’s just a cow whew and it’s nighttime alright let’s head back to the village and then from there head back to our original spot here now actually let’s just head back here that way we don’t pester the villagers with more samples

Ouch I also have swing-through grass in this little knob pack just so that I can kill things easier in the grass there’s a skeleton right there oh and that frickin portal oh my gosh I’m just gonna get rekt I’ll just stay underwater and walk along

The bottom for a bit this is like the worst spot possible to jump in the water oh my gosh I’m getting shot at by skeleton I’ve forgotten about the urns existence yeah where all the structures we see thaumcraft related no no I have a Astro sorcery is in here as well I’m getting

Shot in the back by this guy is Joker here get out of here get out of here I am NOT oh wow oh oh wizards wizards are setting me on fire I’m running creepers oh my gosh right now crossing the river why is why is the grass on fire over here other wizards

Over here – oh my gosh or the warlocks or whatever careful the cultists yeah no kidding scene changes from the old pond crap yes definitely oh there’s Enderman I am not messing with those guys there’s a bunch of them yeah they they will mess me up unless

I’m standing in water in which case I got you I just take some more into pearls there we go okay was not expecting for zombies to come at me while I was in the water though okay get out of here oh my gosh there are so

Many I didn’t get a chance to eat that bread or I did and nothing happened okay there’s the other the other Enderman come here come here come here oh oh he hit the water hi thanks for the present where’d you go that’s something you’re not you’re not

An Enderman out here that underpins like teleporting around in the lake now what are you doing come here I got a present for you oh you just kill yourself in the water really okay here’s our house we’re almost there in a little bit of food okay

I was a lot more dangerous of a trip than I had originally planned whoo okay I hate the new combat update thumb craft six would be the only thing that makes it awesome what cut you’re still stuck on the combat update wow that’s wow come

On man it’s I’m so used to it by now I don’t want to go back so yeah they’ll get used to it and I just put the same thing again I just took this here there we go put that there make one of these quickly please

I swear I saw a skeleton just now I’m paranoid okay sleep sleeping I’m sleeping whoo Enderman do not like water no they don’t thankfully he was on fire Vallon oh I did not see that okay he must have walked through that fire area then well well caught strange dreams

So by sleeping I unlock stuff because I harvested a bunch of the crystals and then it gives you a message which did not actually show up but it says you know hey horse if I sleep on it you know things will go better you know and and I

Can proceed with doing stuff and things let’s move all this stuff out of here put this in here and there’s another mechanic that I really like that I’m gonna show you guys to about this okay so strange dreams ready hit spawn to spam sword when I go what far I only saw

The rates coming from his head due to Vallon being me they will attack you in water yep but they can’t get to me as the point find at the combat update is a concept but it’s so unpolished still no I think it’s fine but they are with 113 I think

They’re really gonna take a lot of the slowdown and lag out of Minecraft is what they’re trying to aim at is my opinion but they’re there now combining both 113 and 114 into 113 now and they’re delaying 113 so yeah here we go I had the strangest dream last night in

The dream I took three of those strange crystals I’ve been finding ground them with a handful of redstone in a bowl using a piece of Flint let’s do that I know that there was more pages but let’s do that we’ve got Wow one two three

Let’s see if it’s all three of the same kind or if it will let us do something else let’s take one of these for the bowl okay this wood there we go a bowl and it’s a shapeless recipe from what I understand this this this and then three crystals okay three different crystals

So let’s grab orange and green as we put this in here and this in here there we go Sallis mundus and actually what I’m gonna do is try and make little more – is it orange green yeah orange and green there we go I think I’ll put those in there those there we

Go I’ve got a bunch of salus – reason being is that I’m gonna need it for multiple steps at some point there we go so it says that size seems polish to me just slow so what’s going here opinion what a nice dream dude grass for one but

They are self conscious so don’t look why don’t I get dreams like that agree on the grass is that 112 no this is 110 this is 110 – it just came out today thunk rf6 so I had the strangest dream last night etc we made it page to the

Crystals had to be of different types see read the freaking manual before you start acting valent but if I did it properly then the result was a strange glowing dust Salas mundus in the dream I took the dust and sprinkled it on a bookcase but the dream ended before I saw what

Happened make a bookcase sprinkle the dust I wonder should I should I do what the dream showed I have the impression the dust was going to reveal something wondrous but dangerous it’s true yeah I see that I just used swing through grass which should be in vanilla is that it

Though yep the dream is fine this is a world basically made out of 8-bit Lego bricks we should be glad the dream didn’t sing everything is awesome alright so I need a little bit more wood so I can make this um there we go the book myself and I’ve got books from the

Village hold on a second this thing’s annoying me being at the side turn that off there we go books from the village I thought I deal with all the books did I not pick the books up hold on a second here I’m probably just not seeing them

And everybody’s like seeing them in chat oh there there okay see I’m looking at like the main inventory and out at the lower part being in a dream in Minecraft small world after all seriously villain yeah yeah it anytime that you’re streaming or whatever you’re not gonna find it but if you’re watching

Someone else you’re gonna you’re gonna see it before anybody else does it’s just a fact I don’t know why it just is try it try it I recommend you try it it’s just good to happen okay three of these three of these oak bookshelf alright and put it

Down and here we go everybody ready for the particles ready for this I do love the sound effects of thaumcraft they are very very high high quality stuff alright hi I did it all the time it’s a bird it’s played yeah yeah I don’t my horse bullfighting strong enough streamers selective blindness

Indeed it’s a syndrome it’s incurable and it’s fatal at times save I love the sound so he’s always been quite good with the FX yeah you’re a wizard Airy alright we opened a book first steps you have not yet begun this research I now have wood who would have thought that a

Few sprinkles of dust could have created this marvelous book it is mostly blank but it hints at a powerful new form of magic thaumaturgy firstly I will need to study the magical world that has been shown to me for that I will need a tool a thermometer the book calls it a normal

Crafting table won’t do however since the magical energies I need to channel while crafting it are quite delicate sprinkle of Salus mundus on a mundane crafting table should solve that the book has taught me the proper incantation to use so it should be a simple matter to keep myself on track I

Will make a list of all the requirements that need to be met on the first page of each new entry and look there we go and it’s done there so then we can make an arcane workbench is the next task yes there are other things here types of

Knowledge which goes on something else completely but arcane infusion eldritch by the way it should be noted as Nora has not developed the eldritch stuff in this version yet everything else he said it’s pretty much done so he figured why not release it into beta so he did enter

Well if you do wait you can’t stand you too for what I am streaming on Twitch if you just wanted to watch then yeah go on over to twitch dude it’s like twitch TV yeah twitch.tv slash mischief of mice it’s pretty simple stuff come join us and try putting a bunch of different

Items in a chest and then scanning the chest shed chill dude I haven’t even made the thermometer yet come on man wait for me to fail before you start telling me how to correct things what the heck that’s it I’m out of here I’ll see you guys later I’m done

I’m kidding okay so let’s continue found with the research it wants me to make the arcane workbench I haven’t made a thermometer yet dude stop with spoilers man come on so we are going to need to sprinkle on the regular crafting table not these tinker boats so let’s put this

Over here and look quite an exit all right so we’ve got this and now this has different slots for the different types crystals that we gather which actually I might as well just gather those right now don’t you do I think that’s violet I think it’s more than I miss it I’m

Missing green there we go got it and I’ve got excess of the others so I know which ones I need to use more of now these ones the Ordo and ignis Oh more magic just Pam your mouse from wherever clicks the fastest way whatever I’ll

Never get used to that it’s like an old Disney sound like from like the Black Cauldron or something like that it’s it’s good stuff all right so I made myself an arcane workbench so where’s my thumb anomic ah clicking here I now click complete and observation fundamentals doctor thermometer what oh

Look at this last pane and gold I need some sand I need to make sand into glass I’m gonna need more than one piece though and this is great because I’m gonna need all I don’t have like a reverse crafting bench to make to like undo those books so I’m going to make

Sure to do that and in fact I think I might make some more books let’s put this in here I’ve got these I need a little bit more here I’m gonna make some bookshelves just to put around because I wonder if they’re gonna give me a bonus

Of some sort I don’t know I just want to find out there we go and then just clear the grid gosh man I love those tweaks so we’re gonna put this I don’t know if I can put it here can I put it above the chest with that and still nope that was

A waste all right so I’ve got two bookshelves I’m gonna put them here and here make this really weird wonky looking thing here cuz I figure went up but knobs of broomsticks yes yes that’s that’s a perfect example of the types of sounds alright so then next to do

Actually I’m gonna put this book in here put this in here leave that but those over there in fact I’m going to leave this this and redstone redstone in here for future use let’s sure canes in there sand I did not finish harvesting seems I’ve got a

Shovel for this stuff what am i doing oops that was dirt that wasn’t there was the sand so let’s just grab this stuff swim back up and starts melting this I’ve got eight of those and five and I’ll grab three more real quick so that I can use that properly run over here

Quick throw it in sand okay dirt over there okay still love that moody movie we’ll see you later Jesse Smith have fun with the Roman Empire research ripped bookshelves twenty eighteen to twenty eighty I don’t pay attention suppose one wanted to see it as Valen did get another chest oh I will

I’ve I’ve got wood to make more chests I’ll be I’ll be doing good so he already knew we need a mod to animate your own magical empty armor and army and flying bed other brother where’s my my book here and actually it’s it’s nighttime let me

Sleep I don’t want to get it as like spammed with creepers while I’m trying to set this area got a kill strike on bookshelves empty armor new golem alright wait there we go Tama nomicon it says I’ve placed a bookmark in a thermometer recipe so I need gold blast

Pains it was the glass panes I was waiting on got you that’s more than enough you one of those and I’m gonna need something gold one two three four these away I I don’t know what the primordial moats are for I’m gonna try right clicking with one taking my shield

Off no no okay maybe I need to study those more can I just threw my shield on the ground and a fit of anger rape alright I’ve got the four this is not the right crafting crib hold on a second here this is the one I need to put it in

One two three four this here but uh and look twenty V is the cost out of three hundred eleven available in the area I don’t know if it’s when I first tried this a little bit I only have like a hundred and forty something in the area

So I think each chunk is different and actually let’s see there is your chunk boundaries right now so we’re in this chunk here I wonder if if it’s better in this chunk or something actually it has books and this tree and it maybe those are increasing it I don’t know I don’t

Know at all it’s worth experimenting with but there we go Oh check this out it’s in my off hand so I can actually run around with an axe chopping things while looking at them through a thermometer I mean how awesome is that and when I look at stuff it tends to

Like sparkle or glow if I haven’t actually studied it yet like that ooh pretty isn’t doing a serious playthrough hey yeah I kind of yeah I mean they this is just me messing around with um crap we’re trying it out testing it you have learned something

New now here’s the really cool thing is if there’s an inventory this thermometer will actually scan all the items inside so right now this by shift right click shift right click should scan three different things there are four different things hey there we go yep it

Worked now if I scan the chest there we go you have to scan both sides just to be sure bookshelf we’ve got the different stoves oh all the research is good scan the bed grass torches leaves Oh water can’t forget the water sand I wonder if sad counts I don’t think it

Does sugar cane should and critters can I get over here to this guy I probably should have like thought that through a little bit better get that grass while I’m at it and he is swimming away faster like ketchup joke come here got him and I see a wolf too so I might

I might just try swimming over here to this wolf and try getting him cuz wolves are not exactly that common got him okay and what does this do I have no idea it just tells me that I should be skinning stuff for the skin those scan those wait

Was that was there something else glowing around here that is so much easier yes scanning is actually kind of fun now I mean yeah it’s easier to see birch leaves I was like why are those leaves like the Oh roses roses Moses supposes his toeses cirrhosis Moses supposes indefinitely alright so um now

Oh Lex there we go and there are certain things that you should make to try and research things now actually some of it I dunno why you need it excuse me first let me this hmm pardon me so got that let me open up a book click here and we completed that

But if you look on wait a minute is it here yes you see all these things here different things that you need to learn about we’ve we’ve learned some of them we have like six of alchemy four of our Mansi eight of the fundamentals for of arcane infusion and so on Gollum ANSI

Eldritch all these things we need to try and find items that we can scan in order to learn about them and in fact I don’t I don’t think I scanned smooth stone there we go because that is something that I have not made in here but all this stuff is

Now scant all these really cool things let me take one two three four five and have other chests in here I don’t that’s all right one two three no I don’t need three just two so I can make a hopper because I think that is actually a

Machine type item here should work we could toss this just we can leave it in the table actually I think and it should I have learned something new because I think that the hopper now is already scanned yeah it is or else it would have been there let’s toss these on the ground

I can only scan one at a time because they’re all in a pile but what I could do put them all in here and then scan that that makes it so much easier to to work with Wow my armor really took a beating toss this on the ground scan

That so there’s all that I don’t even know if that’ll work oh I guess did for a minute I thought it was going to let me just constantly keep rescanning it I could toss the shield on the ground this on the ground oh there we go oh of course

Some craft book I always got a skin book bow there we go and yeah I think that covers everything that I’ve got I’ve did all the stuff that I had on me so that’s that’s about right okay cool but maybe I should learn more eldritch install

Abyssal craft this is so cool even the prior versions of thumb craft I was so glad it got rid of the researchpoint grind from the older versions well there is a replacement mechanic it’s very different I’m about to start that up his inventory scanning available it is I

Don’t know how it will work with something like RF tools or you know like that or like applied energistics or refined storage I don’t know how it’s gonna work with like the machine storages if it’s gonna scan all the contents and that that’s that would be

Really impressive if it did but I don’t know I don’t know I need food right now so let me take a look here I don’t think I can make salted zombie brains but I can cook up some more of these pork chops so that’s exactly what I’m gon

There we go and then I’m gonna use do I have I used all the salt that’s alright pork chops are still gonna be good my dreams have been trampled underfoot I still scan them oh yeah I already scanned the oh no wait you’re right some

Of them are not in there did I scan this table yes I scan this table already so got all the stuff in there there we go get some noms to me kind of been hungry there oh I don’t think I scanned the Silverwood leaves there we go learn

Something new they’re cool all right so oh we’ve got the dark oak over there we’ll have to go scanning like maybe run into the village in the scan of villagers as well I’m digging the Robin Hood very key is it or no Rose likes musicals but she is clearing an area for

Me I love singing in the rain yes singing in the rain is one of my favorite movies of all time wow the way the book flips pages when you complete a new segment that’s awesome it’s it’s got lots of things here so alright so complete first steps the strange wonders

Are being revealed to me peering through the lens of the thermometer shows me a world coursing with magic V as the books call it normally this energy is a pure ocean of magic that herbs and flows but it also permeates all things both animate and inanimate the book’s calls v

In this state essentia where V is formless and pure essentially is more rigid in its nature and falls into a multitude of clearly defined types each mixing together with others to form greater and more complex types of essentia I’m not quite sure if the matter it is bound to give us a sense

Its nature or that the very nature of matter depends on the essentia it contains this bears further study I am keeping a log of all the types of essentia I discover a bookmark on the left will show my current knowledge for now I need to focus my energies

Elsewhere studying essentia might be a good place to start so aspects of essentially these are all the aspects that I have unlocked so far I can scroll through you guys probably familiar with most of them some of them are different some of them are new but

Most of them are the same they say actually no maybe they’re all the same as before I swear I saw something new that I had never heard of before eggs animus I don’t remember it being called that so maybe the name changed on one okay so

Maybe they are all the same oh there it is alchimia so that’s that’s the new one there might be some others that I haven’t yet but you get the idea we’re done making that done making that on to the next section so we’ve got Theory crafting and it’s it’s nighttime I need

To to get asleep and we’ve got the other stuff to start working on to is the four is kinda doesn’t show shift hovering over items show their shift hovering over items I’m shift hovering over oh oh you mean like in an inventory yes yes I showed that earlier in the stream yeah

I just put that on the left side here down on the right so I can scan and shield at the same time what’s it look like well I’ve got it like this I’m just holding it at the side all right weird amber thing you found earlier was called preserved curiosity once obtained

You’re able to do something cannot spoil unless you give permission no go right ahead sir blaze King because I was supposed to actually have done that earlier but it did not work how do we have to find them out again thing that composes them are much simpler just use cheat sheet mods

They’ll be back last I saw you was replacing ones with a sort of magical power glove yes which is the next thing we need to do is find rabbits I believe so discovering new stuff discover alchemy oh no no it’s actually the cauldron and then rabbits bring simple

Potions as its uses betrayal chemical interactions require more than mixing a few monster parts together I think essentia holds the key to a much more sophisticated way of manipulating manner I should try and learn more about alchemy and how it fits into the magical world armed with that knowledge and a

Little bit of inspiration I’m sure thought motoric alchemy will be within my grasp which I’ve already scanned a crap ton of stuff so complete now crucible is the next thing my recent discoveries have given me a new insight into how the world is wait oh yeah here

We go insight into how the world is put together and I think I might know a way to transform matter by altering its essentia this will require experimentation and something to hold the alchemical substrate a simple brewing stand will not do what I need is a mystical crucible a cauldron is the

Right shape and size but what is effectively a big metal bowl will never be able to hold the magical energies I wish to manipulate once again applying some Salas mundus to a cauldron should resolve my problem so caldron it is we’ve got a bunch of iron we just craft one up upside down

Pair of trousers done and this away put this down over here actually hmm wherever I put it I’m gonna want to surround it with stone and stuff because it’s a cauldron and it’s go burn thing so we’re we’re gonna kind of do this here thing there we go and then I’m

Going to get a block off the sides as well there set it up there for now I think and here’s where I’m gonna cheat because it’s best I could I don’t know why I’m not gonna cheat I’m not gonna cheat I was thinking I could just like

Go into the nether and get myself like a piece another rack or something or just spawning a piece another rack but there are other ways of doing this and I should be experimenting with some of the other ways and that is a log-log it’s better the bad is good let’s take two

Just in case I’m going to need an iron ingot put that hopper away in the dirt and a piece of Planets but I don’t have it so I’m going to make one because I’ve got tinkers construct in here haha well version of Minecraft is this as everyone says that is one point ten

Point two now I can make myself flint and steel and I can light up a log underneath this to try and heat it which should last long enough I am going to wash a bucket one two three as well so that I can bucket some water in no I

Don’t have any golems or anything yet it’s still early days there we go and I might actually just make myself a little little something right here so I don’t have to run back and forth not like it’s that far but it’s it’s right there now so I’m good

I don’t have any trees too close to catch I don’t think just to be sure now I’m sure okay actually I might grab these might need them for something I don’t know what do I have yeah those saplings are in there yep got it okay so then I like this and the

Thing is I can do this but before I do I’m going to want to turn it into a magical cauldron with some sailors notice all right everybody not sure why he doesn’t want to make it into the proper form I’ll scan the cauldron that’s good

Idea thank you 110 – ha I got something to look into when I’ve got time and energy then thanks still in normal cauldron not anymore it’s not I love the sound effects alright so get my bucket in the water toss it in and watch this it only takes

One so no it is smaller now but yeah oh my gosh everybody’s catching up to where I’m at oh no oh no that’s right we’re gonna do this and actually what I’m gonna do is put the back out and read this first and it says you know complete

Yeah we’re never right thing now we get into alchemy yellow Knight Tori here’s the funny thing it says it doesn’t really tell you specifically what to use just gives you kind of an idea reading through this thing which actually I’m gonna kind of skip but it says yellow

Knights are you need ten Ignis 10 light or Lux and energy and power you need 10 of each of those the recipes for the stuff it’s actually changed a bit so I don’t have any torches but if you look at coal it’s got energy and fire I also

Need oil wait what was it and she Ferro light which what gives light glowstone does as well as do today but that also gives like the little owl icon there I could also do torches and I need to make torches anyway so let’s grab these one two three four five put

Them in here I could have done my own inventory but oh well here’s the thing torches our five one one and I’m actually gonna throw one on the ground I’ve already scanned them they’re five one one which is gonna be a bit weird to make yeah so

If I toss in two of these that gives me like ten light and two and two so it’s it’s kind it’s kind of weird especially if I mix it with like coal because then those are like ten and ten so you have to toss in a whole lot in order to get

It to come out even without any waste but for now because I’m not trying to do that and I only need 10 of each let’s see what it oh I guess I could use the crystals themselves but that’s a bit that’s a bit much census yeah you can do

Five torches and five coal yep yep and I think I don’t need to do that actually I think I need two torches see this you’re thinking old school and one coal I think will work now just to get it minimum but first we’re gonna light this up put that down

Wait for this to bubble and boil I don’t know if this actually burns me anymore I’m gonna stand on top and find out come on come on you know you want to cook while you’re not cooking does it have to be another rack is it too far down was

Was it burned it up okay alright try number two it looked like it was too far down maybe it had been burning for too long or something so we’ll try this again Jesus can’t torches yo a iScan torch this is one of the first things I’m good yo thanks

Glitch what does redstone having it that’s a good question and I’m burning those up and they are not lasting like they’ve just got straight-up energy so that’s pretty good too but yeah might as well go with the one that has fire those don’t have any ink diamonds wood whoa

Look at all the cinnabar Wow ooh that hopper was good so this is where I’m actually going to kind of cheat obsidian as much as I could go down to the lava pour water on it mine for like about 20 minutes and then make myself that that

I’m just going to spawn some int because like I said we are just messing around there we go that should do with this mod today and we are here to try and see stuff happen this is a little bit close I don’t wanna listen to this thing going

Mmm in the background the whole time so we’re gonna put it over here and let’s dig one two three make it nice and wide one two three and then I’m gonna put a block and one two three one two three light it and then I’m gonna go and

Actually go get another rap reason I’m doing this because I’m sure I’m gonna need to actually before I do scan that and I can’t scan it or anything okay it’s opposed to one piece of nether I know I know but this is the whole point of I’m just it’s within my

Grasp to do so and I could do that but I wouldn’t have the portal up so I might as well go through get the achievements follow the time the sequence of events because for all I know this might actually play into the mob I hear somebody shooting at me right

Where where is he don’t blow up my portal please scan that I could scan pigmen see there’s this all sorts of interesting I don’t think I’ve scanned fire yet maybe I did okay well there’s so much stuff floating in it was kind of chunky there I don’t know that

They thought it’s gonna have anything I was still scan it anyway or like tinkers construct doors like cobalt no you cannot learn anything from that oh my gosh that that looks like a fire bat what in the world that that’s different hello Pigman I’m very curious knit Wow

Okay it’s quite a quite alleged come here fire bat I would like to find out more about you can i scan you place now oh yeah now out okay I’m done I’m done get out of here oh my gosh that bad rude what the flap is that so sad you must

Get it I agree I just need to fight some first oh my gosh maybe there’s some over this little horizon here or it’s just yet on the other side oh there’s a blaze that would work we should scan him scanned there’s two of them and I think more

Just showed up yeah there’s another one oh my gosh everything’s gonna be on fire there we go got him I got blaze rods out of that I will scan the blaze rods – don’t worry scanning the mushrooms oh my gosh all right no soul sand yet oh gosh

I keep hearing them but I don’t see them I guess that’s probably still a good thing where where is the soul sand is it like way back down there oh it is way down there oh my gosh it’s cute can we keep it firebats that yeah that fire bat was

Pretty cool I will definitely create that was really good okay that was a mistake now he’s got the upper hand but flying whoa it was close getting out of here okay there’s no no good soul sand spots over there wait whoa where’d you come from

And I’ll just say the nether there we go got him I love how you asked and there it is like I’m so much better and scarier with taint among other things Oh teint teint mechanics taint is spread by Tate seeds down which then have a radius that they could feasibly infect

Other areas with more taint seeds so if you want to remove taint you now just need to destroy the seeds okay yeah look at that that is I’m gonna get knocked off and die okay who’s shooting me you are you want some of this okay where’s this I’m hearing somebody

Shoot at me oh my gosh all the blazes what the blazes I need to get out of here just skip soul sand let’s go we got what we need almost there we go that’s what I came for not a head back through who is I don’t think I brought any food and I’m

Almost dead mommy plays in a daddy bit nice Koshka very nice I need to I need to sleep need to sleep baby sleep baby shape I need to sleep sleep I don’t want mobs to spawn too close a cork might be that yeah paint is linked to seeds now sad face

But no no it it’s it’s still spread but if you want to destroy taint you you pretty much look for seeds but it’s not it’s not as easy as it sounds you pretty much just gonna have to destroy the stuff as much as before but it helps it so that it’s not like

One block it’s not like every single block is generating something in each one instead it’s a seed that block is what’s causing you know searching and stuff so it’s a little bit more server friendly I guess is the idea oh all that just for that there we go

Now I think it wasn’t going to allow me to do the the log thing it needed something else so let’s see what else did I get here nothing really much I think it was all scanning the rest of the guys that were in okay that was

Actually that was quite a bit there we go now I need food that’s glass that’s food kind of wait for tomorrow’s his incense just knew you would forget the nether racket I didn’t I brought back to one piece that I needed I almost did it sure places gender is fire that’s close

So the seed is the source it is yes have you scanned the flint and steel yet no I don’t think I did that oh I did get it alright so I learned something new for me it just takes a second for the sparkles to go away after

When you first discover them gosh I really like how everything looks in the distance all right so it’s working it’s bubbling and I put everything away that I needed which is going to be where we got two torches I think yep that will get me at least 10 lux I’ll have a

Little bit of waste but that’s good so you guys can see what the waste looks like so you I need one of those yeah one of those so we’re gonna stand over here I’m gonna jump on top see if it burns oh no more burning that neutrality is

Struck again that video is buffering so sorry to hear try going over to twitch and try it there you’ll probably have an easier time so here we got tossing these two in this nut kicked up bubbles and there you go everything’s good alright we’ll see you later Jack green adapted to though it’s

Just about to say that sounds better for lag but then you ended the sentence with server friendly and basically said what I wanted to say all right so now to activate this what it said in the book which I don’t think I read it to you

Guys was any glowstone which it’s a good thing that I got some of the villagers I didn’t grab me while I was in another hmm there we go I now have yellow night or which guess what means that I can go with safer better stuff oh so much better and

There’s still some left over in there so what I could do is continue using this you fifteen fire five energy interesting I could keep going with torches do I have torches I will soon let’s grab these make some torches torches there we go sticks wow I just can’t place things

Today and I can make myself a whole bunch and at night or if I was looking here they had multiple recipes for it you could add in other colors I don’t know that I have any other ingredients for other colors yes I’ve got an ink sack but I’m gonna need that for

Something else in fact one two three this are going to be needed which and I left them here put them in my inventory need bottles and this and I haven’t I haven’t found any chicken I don’t have any friendlies nearby do I not really I probably should

Make a boat let’s make a silver would vote no it’s not a thing it’s just we do have the civil word planks which actually it’s saying the connected textures mod if you want to use it it does work with it if you – if you install it but it’s a separate mud but

Only to a point so if you start like kind of spreading it out a bit much it’ll start separating again so it’s it’s kind of weird like that let’s put one up here there and you can start it’ll actually like make a circle in the center so it it’s a very limited texture

But there are other things in here that will allow you to you know use connected textures with it and he actually broke out a lot of the different types of blocks from what I was reading I tried reloading I live in the blatantly silly hope he would read it

Before making more forever up to his lung way worried cheers Thank You glitch hey watch my whites stop and start it again Oh imma go now goodbye we’ll see you later truck it just happened to me – have you tried turning it off and on again wow that looks great

Look just because I got my a plus in addition to the ad pocalypse youtube streaming his jank as heck it can be others but it’s infinitely better than what mixer was for me at least other people have not had a problem with mixer me I had a lot of problem with

Mixer so I think that the stuff that was in there has boiled off at this point I just kind of sad but we’re just going to do I have those torches I do have the torches I need to pull one – let’s see each one of these

Is gonna give me so there’s one two three four let’s do four of these each one of these is gonna be one so there we go I’ll get me four that’ll give me four each that’ll give me eight each so actually I could for I can work this out

Hold on a second here we’re gonna do that that’ll give me ten extra of the others oh yeah sure yes so that’s gonna be enough for five but I actually have enough for a fifth one at this point or do i or do I

I don’t know I I I don’t know I’m just gonna toss these in I think it’s ten torches and for coal there’s what I’m gonna guess Hey ten dead oh don’t tell me that that was the limit was no it just didn’t want to work okay so now I

Just need to toss in a bit of glow stone poof one yellow night our Oh / okay hold on I’m not gonna run around in the nether – for this so and there’s still some left and it’s still some left that was five I think that’s it

Yeah there’s none left now the same as before you can shift right click to empty out the contents yep and there’s none in there or else it there goes yeah which that’s actually good that was good so now if I take buckets fill it up again toss something else something

Random in there like let’s toss one of those glow stones in there there we go and then I do yeah I see that that’s a little bit of flux going into the sky Oh what just happened here oh I got hold on a second my my my system

Here is is not working properly Thank You Pokemon power for the sponsor apparently my chat suddenly stopped scrolling so thank you very much that was very nice I did not see that appreciate it this is modded star star fruits let’s see if it actually keeps it coming new messages

Alright say it’s saying I’ve got new messages but I think I’m okay oh I can actually type in here to reply to all chats I did not know that oh my gosh this thing is really cool alright and yeah it’s now working again thanks cool bye couch we’ll see you later and

That’s just too cool alright so if I hold control oh I’ll just happen okay sorry I’m still messing with my chat thing here it’s new it’s an overlay it’s it’s allowing me to keep up with chat a little bit better but yeah anyway that was flux that went into the sky and I

Think if I have my thermometer yeah I’ve got a meter over on this side here on the opposite side of the screen you’ll see the little pink that’s the amount of V in the area now V and taint or not taint flux will compete for the same maximum

Amount in that area so if you have a whole lot of flux in there you’ll have less V that’s all there is to it really but it will slowly you know drown or like drop out over time break that to like even out in nearby chunks so if you

Do a ton of stuff though it’s just gonna take a while before it can come back not the combat update you have to keep unequipping shield to do stuff though well actually they’re talking about taking off the whole shield in the offhand functionality or something like that I don’t understand what but they

They were talking about that alright so I now have here let’s let’s light up the table that is so cool that’s actually a really nice animation look at that I’m burning my eyes out okay that was really that’s really cool actually I’m pretty happy with that I’m gonna put one

On each table that just looks really cool put one above and we’re gonna put one at the head of the bed because why not it’s just really cool stuff looks pretty all right yeah V is V and bye-bye it’s like the S is silent it would be

Amazing and twitch of the Magi never listened to me during a stream you’ll understand grammar issues for you our what Oh daggone it whoo Chad Chad is not letting me do it see if I can actually scroll up no there we go you’re listening me during a stream you’ll understand grammar issues

Where you are not too bad likes bringing paint made long after pain if you wanted a permanent thumb craft bass though no I think it’s something that you might find out in the world maybe maybe it’s over by that village there I don’t know I

Need to I need to do a sleeve quick God does Widow Valen need a nightlight of course I do they’re pretty I like me some pretty night lights all right so let’s continue on with the thaumcraft a non-medical crafter nomicon discovering alchemy I have my crucible now I need

Something to experiment with and I happen to have the perfect thing I’ve spent many in late night studying thaumaturgy and flickering torch light yes I already did this actually this was great Crispo will render them down to their constituent essentially I might not be able to gather the exact combination

Since you two require but if there are enough of the types I need everything should be fine actually if yeah that’s the same thing there so this is completed now we can move on to the other ones discovering artifice and infusion discovering ah romance that you

Have not yet begun this research and now you have begun this research which is good newly discovered research theory crafting this is the the old school research remastered it’s it’s kind of it’s kind of crazy it requires a wood table so we’re gonna make a wood table and just for immersion sake actually

We’ve got some here we’re going to use the silver wood to make it more that much more magical even though that has no bearing on it whatsoever it’s just oh another wood so I put this down I put it over here and it’s a boring old table

Yep yep yep yep I need a chicken feather now as much as I could run across the entire landscape looking for chicken feathers I don’t want so we need a feather OOP got it now if I take crafting table feather ink sack and a bottle there we

Go scribing tools it’s more difficult to to do things reducing the power you can draw from didn’t actually make infusion super costly though or is that just a good idea that never happened what is it you’re referring to I miss the context there did you go into

The config and make a lot of these things true if you haven’t already may make the experience more exciting oh yeah there are plenty of comping options for thumb craft actually let me bring up mod options click over here and do oh hold on I just lost Chad everybody let’s

Try try minimizing and bring it back up oh yeah I totally lost Chet hold on a second let me let me reboot chat here hopefully all will be ok and returned alright so I’m clicking through it right now but I don’t see anything on chant oh there it is it’s back ok sorry

All of Chad is completely wiped for me sorry about that so here we go we’ve got a thumb craft and click on here oh no they just didn’t ice up okay thank you stuff roots thumb craft and then you can click come back you can see all this is spawning reasonably

Spawn elder creatures spawn fire bats patches or pecks tank tickles wisps amber or aura nodes cinnabar aura nose really I thought that was off by default he said that he disabled those and when I looked last time they were off no aura nodes are off but generate aura nodes is

True hmm interesting so I guess then if you change this to true it would just turn them on and they had already generated okay and it’s got the rarities and stuff research difficulty etc all sorts of really cool stuff but here we are with our new table and thankfully we

Have a lot of paper that we have been growing on Stan let’s see look at all the sugarcane we are good to go OOP 45 pages that should be a good start put that up here now we’ve got our scribing tools which has like I think a

Hundred uses and I think I lost my page here let me bring them back this alright and we have the besides the script you have ideas these this is your amount of like patience that you have before you finally go I’m done with this I’ve come

To a conclusion it’s done and this is a course paper that you’re gonna use create theory this is your deck of cards that you’re gonna deal with it’s it’s a card game now and it’s um it’s kind of like I can’t remember the name of it

Where you’ve got like one of the other cards to choose from and then random things happen it’s it’s clear let’s just start this so we’ve got two options here study alchemy a large part of research is simply hitting the books and putting in the work you study alchemy and gain

Ten progress which we need progress because we need to actually complete like studying these projects experimentation you perform some random experiments to see if something could be discovered you gain ten to twenty five progress in a completely random category so we either do ten and alchemy or ten

To twenty five in a random category can you may also gain a little bit in alchemy at the same time carts can see manatee not quite if you someone makes a dime deck of many things that’s more like if we’re gonna go with experimentation and that used up one of

My little like idea bulbs we got 13 in eldritch with a plus 3 for some unknown reason I don’t know why some some outside influence perhaps and 5 on our fundamentals research so next we click the deck again each one of these is going to spend some of our ideas we’re

Not we’re not making good progress when I said she combines to form more complex forms a number of interesting and good reactions take place you will learn much by combining a pre can’t a she o a censure with air essentia and then studying the resulting combination

Game 30 alchemy so then in unknown item I need to actually have scanned this unknown item for this one to actually work so I’m clicking on it does not work and if I had these in my inventory and that was the only requirement it would actually use up those V crystals I play

Blue-eyes White Dragon I connect my counter I use the magic gather just I use a counter he’s dead cuz you’re crazier very very bad researching a thumb craft as soon as you get decent at it it’s suddenly completely different that being said I enjoy that to be

Honest well this one it’s a lot less memorization which i think is good experimentation you perform some random experiments it’s basically the same thing again 10 to 25 random let’s do that that was actually awesome we got 25 and fundamentals alright reactions studying the reactions so this

One’s gonna cost Orem and alienness and I don’t think I mean we’ve got the base ones here which none of those are plus we had what more of the Ordo and ignis now to use these I can make arcane stones that I didn’t actually realize that that’s pretty cool

Hitting use just to see what I can do with those what can I do with arcane stones Oh dice our King stone bricks those looks slick okay so we can continue with inspired inspired by the progress you have made so far your mind explores paths you have

Not yet considered before you gain 25 fundamentals which is cool that would put us up to at least 30 or at least 50 and if I had these crystals it would use them but I don’t have those crystals I don’t even know how to make those crystals yet so far I’ve only finding

The core ones which we use inspired 55 Pokemon power do you just play a card without sacrificing enough monsters that’s against the rules no I tap I tap mile and I play death way so interesting yeah I suspect the Crimson rights give you an eldritch bonus bonus which is nice nice good

Point counter target creature indeed alright let’s let’s open the next one I’m almost out of the thought ideas here though so study alchemy a large part of research is simply hitting the books actually I didn’t know if it was nice it’s simply hitting the books and putting in the work you study alchemy

And gain 10 progress though because neither of these are alchemy so I don’t really think that rethink you take a step back and reassess your findings you get rid of invalid conclusions and proceed with fresh understanding lose 10 to 20 progress divided evenly between all current categories but you regain

One inspiration you may only gain a bonus draw you may also gain a bonus draw so basically I regain a thought bubble I lose progress on these and I might get an extra card or I could gain 10 on something that I’m not even

Studying so I don’t like to do it but I think I’m gonna do a rethink because I’m not really worried about eldritch and I don’t think I’ll even if I lost 20 on fundamentals I’d still be at better off than I was before so it’s not that bad

He should play it the end is cuming slime rancher oh I’ve seen a lot of people play slime rancher g’night valent Koshka and all I need to call it a night due to pain of this the two teeth pulled help see you Friday take it easy Celtic

Rave and I hope you feel better rest up gargle some salt water I missed my one by two research table from the thumper at four I want it back and I hope you feel better soon Raven alright let’s do a rethink so I got back an idea

Owen I barely lost any so that was actually really good I lost some Eldridge but like I said I’m not trying to unlock the LP and I did get that extra extra cart so I now have three to choose from reactions which is victus and freaking tatio I don’t have both of

Those so not doing this one ponder this is to thought bubbles carefully consider all you have learned so far gained 20 progress divided evenly between all current active categories which is really good but it uses to come on universe theory a moment of Revelation shows you the common links between all

You have been studying your total progress is split evenly amongst all currently revealed invalid categories this one is terrible and I’ll show you why so let’s open the back up yeah I had six percent for Eldridge forty-seven percent for fundamentals if I want to get fundamentals up this is not the way

To go because Universal theory is gonna split the difference between the two it’s gonna bring it down to like 24 or 25 or something like that ringings have underhand might be a lot more amusing for me compared to focus for is research uh alright so I guess

I’m gonna go for a ponder and hope that the last one gets me something good I want to get to hundred percent but it’s it’s not gonna happen at this point so might as well just try and get as high as I can Universal theory total progress is split

Evenly or synthesis which is ordo and Ignace oh oh oh I have those or two enigmas I actually have them in my inventory let’s click this alright unknown item when essentia combines two for more complex forms a number of interesting and intricate reactions take place you will learn much by combining

Them and then studying the results come the resulting combination gained 30 alchemy so I need to combine these in in here is that how I would combine it because I don’t think I can combine them in my inventory no no no no nothing there and it doesn’t list you any kind

Of uses besides like arcane stones I don’t know but why but this reminds me of gem craft good night blood rose excuse me I came thumb CRIF right guys heal up so you can enjoy everything you get indeed all right let me get a sleep in real

Quick so I need to oh I need to probably stop because it’s like 1:00 a.m. but I need to try and figure out I am going to try one thing and that’s this all right combine the two and we experiment oh it wasn’t boiling yet kind

Of wait for the boil okay and then glow stuff oh crap dad that didn’t work that’s one of Ordo and one of fire hmm how would I combine them in here yeah maybe no doesn’t go that that’s an output maybe if they’re the only ones no okay the sleeping give back inspiration now

Does not good question though weird I tried that in single-player but it didn’t work didn’t our Google overlords decided to desync the audio again oh now be nice if it worked that way IRL you know what just in case I’m gonna refresh my camera again just in case that was the cause

All right let’s bring this over alright everything seems to be all right on my end at least showers do though alright so I don’t know something to ponder about people oh I can actually fit inside this thing um something to ponder about people is how to actually combine an experiment

With these crystals I don’t I don’t know how to do it actually unless I’m able to like click them together I don’t know I can’t exactly plant them I did try planting them on multiple surfaces and I have not been successful in the past yeah I’m back so what’d I miss

Valence soup well Valen wants to be cooked need a sink issues all right get a water proof whiteboard all right so I think mm-hmm with what I have at hand because it doesn’t actually tell you anything about it synthesis when the sensor combines to form more complex forms a number of

Interesting and intricate reactions take place combining these and then studying the resulting combination gained 30 alchemy huh can you smelt them that’s a good question not that one not that one either maybe in a different way maybe I’m going about this in an incorrect manner so it looks like Gollum antsy

Artifice and infusion or oh man see so maybe this is stuff that I’m pursuing but I can’t actually get to yet so let’s just do this Universal theory complete theory call it it wasn’t enough to do it anyway but it gives me XP I think no no not

That that’s not what I wanted very crafting no no these aren’t the things that I wanted types of not there we go all right so fundamentals or get we’re getting there looking at that that’s pretty good theory fundamentals observations of fundamentals oh and epiphany okay so we’ve got different

Versions to do oh and our man C is almost done if I can get aura man C maybe I will try forearm you see if that’s a possibility reactions alchemy [Applause] alchemy rethink crud they don’t have those other crystals experimentation or census we don’t have census so experimentation alchemy alchemy lose and

Gain a bonus hoof well do your current research you will not gain any more progress in rail can here draw any cards related to it you will not lose your current progress reject alchemy findings yes I want to go with other stuff fundamentals if possible or something I guess ponder

Twenty progress divided evenly oh that’s really good oh that’s a double but it is among multiple things and everything let’s do ponder there we go so that’s Eldridge and fundamentals and then last one I guess its rethink because I can’t do inspires I guess I can it uses up the

Last of it anyway complete theory I got something out of that so I think if I check this now there’s a theory artifice Theory fundamentals and they don’t look like they’ve moved any for me maybe I need to complete them Robert are the cauldron while they’re in there my only

Guest thermometer the cauldron oh that’s not a bad idea let’s try let’s let’s try that I’m up for that I got plenty of these crystals and I’m in you know survival testing mode here so toss one of those one of those that didn’t work at all because

It’s not boiling yet we gotta wait for the boil there we go now I didn’t press shift there we go until repeat by mistake Oh rip thermometer oh that was good that was really good all right I just want to check the levels in here now and

See if that actually changed anything oh look at that artifice just completed so yeah these are all things that I just scan this is nothing that I’m researching unless theory observation is things you scanned theory is this and what was the last one and epiphany are

Things that I just happen to cross I still them out of combine those crystals together but that works oh okay textures bag maybe there is some type of blank shard to use as a reagent maybe it was saying that the only thing was that I had learned so far was that you know

Glowstone dust I cannot grab this yet it was the activator reagent which is why I tossed that about Oh firebat wait a minute there’s something else I’m missing on here I did not see the fire bat little sneaky here fire bats or hell bats are usually found in another engulfed in flames and

Reasonably aggressive perfectly suited to the environment they live and they also have the alarming tendency to explode when attacking one wonderful possible evolutionary advantage exploding gives them as a species but the same can be asked of creepers okay so it’s just a little heads up about

That and yeah we could we could always do this as well complete this discovery artifice and infusion goggles of revealing which we would have to create that now when I looked at this before it actually had rabbits rabbit fur and here’s the alchemical brass ingots I

Don’t know how to make a chemical brass ingots look at this small coming off this flush that out it’s after a thermometer no F just changes my hands Shh no more taint looks alright so I think I think we’re gonna stop there and I hope you guys enjoy just kind of like the

Beginnings having a look at thumb craft and some of the theory crafting literally that this thing has is ridiculous some of the tables and stuff that it has created creating theories playing a little card game that it has it’s really cool don’t really know what I’m doing in

It yet but it looks interesting I’m willing to give it a try and mess around some more so if you guys enjoyed your watching on youtube be sure to give a like comment subscribe hit the notification bell so you can see when next we’ll be streaming if you are on

Twitch be sure to give a follow to the channel if you are looking forward to more a minecraft or and or other content in the future I will probably on Friday be continuing with all the mods three four one twelve to so there will not be

Thumb craft on that one I will probably take this into my own private workshop here and start messing around with this to see what I can do to get a bit by bit on how to progress and and stuff like that for you guys out there so I guess

That’s about it for those on YouTube I’m gonna say goodbye for those on Twitch hang around and we’ll see if we can hit somebody up for a rate so for those on YouTube I’ll see ya

This video, titled ‘Stream – Minecraft: Thaumcraft 6 – New stuff to try!’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice on 2018-01-25 02:11:37. It has garnered 21575 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:52 or 9772 seconds.

Join us for the Mischief as we jump into Thaumcraft 6 for a test run. This is a creative/survival mix where we will be messing around with Thaumcraft 6 (primarily) to see some of the new content and learn the new version a bit. Get the mod here: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/thaumcraft

More Mischief of Mice: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefofmice Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mischiefofmice Discord chat invite: https://discord.gg/5VcNEzj Minecraft Server Hosting: https://www.bisecthosting.com/clients/aff.php?aff=1921 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MischiefofMice Reddit forums: https://www.reddit.com/r/MischiefofMice Google+: https://plus.google.com/+MischiefofMice Twitter: https://twitter.com/MischiefofMice1

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    lifesteal8Klifesteal smp with tpa no netherite and no elytra world border of 8k blocks so there is lots of fights (server starting on friday 13th) Read More

  • UneasyVanilla – Semi-Anarchy 1.20.6 EU No Hacks No Reset

    Welcome to UneasyVanilla IP: uneasyvanilla.com Version: 1.20.6 Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Join our vanilla Minecraft server today at UneasyVanilla.com Server Features: Tight knit, relaxed community 4+ year old world Anarchy and survival gameplay Active staff to maintain fairness Rules in place to ensure enjoyable experience Join Our Community: Join us now, you won’t regret it! Visit our Discord community here Explore our website at https://www.uneasyvanilla.com/ to learn more about our server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – YOUR MINECRAFT DESTINY?

    I bet those 13 people would choose diamonds over coal any day! Read More

  • Crafty Modding: Minecraft 1.21.1 Fabric Help

    Crafty Modding: Minecraft 1.21.1 Fabric Help In the world of Fabric Modding, questions arise, But how you ask for help is key to your prize. Provide details, be clear, don’t be vague, So others can assist and your issue engage. Start with a greeting, a polite hello, Then state your problem, let the information flow. Include your setup, versions, and mods, So helpers can pinpoint where the issue trods. Be patient, be kind, as you wait for a reply, For the community is here to help, don’t be shy. And remember, in the world of modding Minecraft, Asking for help with respect is always a… Read More

  • “Fireproof Friend Dodges Deadly Traps in Minecraft Ranks” 🔥😂 #shorts #meme #minecraft

    "Fireproof Friend Dodges Deadly Traps in Minecraft Ranks" 🔥😂 #shorts #meme #minecraft “Who needs luck when you have a friend who can magically avoid all the traps in Minecraft? Must be nice to have a personal trap detector!” Read More

  • Breaking Mojang’s Rules: New Minecraft Update Leaks!

    Breaking Mojang's Rules: New Minecraft Update Leaks! The Exciting New Features Coming to Minecraft Introduction Mojang, the creators of Minecraft, recently teased some exciting new features that will be included in the upcoming Minecraft Live Event. From a new wood type to an overworld biome and even the possibility of fireflies, players have a lot to look forward to in the next update. The Minecraft Live Teaser Mojang accidentally leaked some details about the new update, sparking speculation and excitement among the Minecraft community. The teaser hinted at new additions that promise to enhance the gameplay experience for all players. Are We Getting a Horror Update?… Read More

  • 🔥💵Minecraft Survival #2: INSANE RICHES Await!🔥💵

    🔥💵Minecraft Survival #2: INSANE RICHES Await!🔥💵Video Information This video, titled ‘💵 Minecraft Survival #2 | mokix2dev 🔥💵’, was uploaded by mokix2dev on 2024-09-16 11:53:12. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. Siema! Dzis Nagrywamy Odcinek Minecraft Survival #2! wiec zachecam do Like Suba oraz Komentarza : ) ====TAGI==== minecraft skins minecraft movie minecraft za darmo minecraft launcher minecraft net minecraft film minecraft story mode minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft classic minecraft mods minecraft wiki minecraft premium minecraft skin editor minecraft download minecraft 1.20 download apk minecraft education minecraft java minecraft seed map minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Collab: Z-Club Hangout Part II

    Ultimate Minecraft Collab: Z-Club Hangout Part IIVideo Information This video, titled ‘Z-Club Hangout Collab While Playing Minecraft PART II’, was uploaded by Zman’s Edits on 2024-06-10 12:07:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥

    Unbeatable PVp! SHOCKING tactics 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘𝐏𝐕𝐏 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 🔥’, was uploaded by OP GOD YT on 2024-08-11 07:30:06. It has garnered 405 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #pvp #video #lifestealsmp #trending DISCORD:-https://discord.com/invite/FDhaQhHX INSTAGRAM ID :-https://instagram.com/hussainkhan683764?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== tags :- minecraft 1v1, Niz Gamer, Lapata SMP, Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Smp, Minecraft in hindi, Minecraft Live, Technoblade, Indian dream, Smarty pie new manhunt, Dream, lifesteal smp, Minecraft pro player, pvp, savo demon, ,, youtubers pvp, youtuber pvp minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft, senpaispider, senpai lapata smp, senpai spider, senpai vs savo, pvp show ep 2senpaispider,… Read More

  • HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrine

    HEROBRINE RETURNS?! Deadly encounter in MinecraftPE! #minecraft #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Horror invisible HEROBRINE try to killed me in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #herobrine june 18’, was uploaded by KILOBRINE on 2024-06-18 02:00:30. It has garnered 81 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:10 or 370 seconds. Horror invisible HEROBRINE try to killed me in Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #herobrine Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch stepping… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywars

    EPIC PvP Showdown: Our Bed Destroyed! 🚨 #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘QUEBROU NOSSA CAMA E FOI COMBADO ! #minecraft #mushmc #skywars #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mine’, was uploaded by Stompeyyy PvP on 2024-02-19 21:00:03. It has garnered 770 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. ✨Open the description ✨ 👇More information below! 🧭 Righetto Discord: https://discord.gg/yjdNS2bP7Z 🏷️ Yuri Righetto: https://www.youtube.com/@YuriRighettoZ 🏷️ Danyloww: https://www.youtube.com/@danyloww5899 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🎲 Version: 1.8.9 🍃 LIKE GOAL= [QUANTIDADE] ➡️ SERVER IP: loja.mushmc.com.br 📩 Professional Contact: Discord: Stompeyyy_ __________Recorders/Editors__________ Recorder: Action Editors: VEGAS 18 Pro ____PC Settings____ Processor: AMD RYZEN 5 2400G Ram: 16 GB Video card:… Read More

  • EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!

    EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-27 22:00:17. It has garnered 14842 views and 672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:36 or 2136 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs WITH A NEWLY UPDATED ONE PIECE MOD! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 1 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members… Read More

  • Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraft

    Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sale cangurito pa? #twitch #minecraft’, was uploaded by ARKE on 2024-01-04 04:00:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

    StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Insane Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight With Group Of Friends “Destroyed The Ender Dragon”‘, was uploaded by StreetBallNinja on 2024-04-20 15:37:00. It has garnered 61 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds. Hello everyone I know it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a full YouTube video but I’m back and am going to show you guys this crazy ender dragon fight in my Minecraft world with my closest friends and show what I’ve been up to lately. Discord server: https://discord.gg/ZThV6UBC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/streetballninja_23/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/streetballninja_23/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/StreetBallNinja StreetballninjaMusic⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0F3C462bjJmkIIkqpPyeGw/channels… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

    EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎Video Information This video, titled ‘ماينكرافت : ولكن تحدي العثور على الموارد الأسطورية تتوقعون إيش صار😱 ⛏️💎 ✨| Minecraft’, was uploaded by Brothers A&F on 2024-01-12 13:06:51. It has garnered 53 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:05 or 1445 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_survival #minecraft_mobile #minecraft_mobile #minecraft #minecraft_diamond #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftdiamonds #gaming #game #trending #like #alhilal #subscribe Minecraft, Minecraft, minecraft, Rich and Poor movie, movie InCraft, the film of the rich and the poor , Minecraft movie, Minecraft games, Minecraft game, modern Minecraft, Minecraft link, Minecraft game, Craft games, Minecraft for free, games, game, Saudi Minecraft,… Read More

  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

    Welcome to Melios SMP! We are a whitelisted survival Minecraft server on JAVA 1.21. Our focus is on providing a vanilla Minecraft experience with a strong community emphasis. Here are some key features: No teleportation or warps No land claiming system – trust-based Custom world generator: TerraformGenerator Diamond-based economy and shopping district Long-term world without resets Regular events Our philosophy is to keep the core experience vanilla and prioritize community interaction. If you’re interested in joining our active community, whether you’re a builder, technical player, explorer, or a mix of playstyles, you are welcome to apply through our Discord: Join… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

    Minecraft Memes - Where's that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?It looks like Bryan is really slacking on his supervillain game if he can’t even keep track of his creations past number 303! Read More

  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

    Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise! In the world of Minecraft, a giant mushroom grew, Secretly raised by a player, a sight so new. With zombies and plants, a battle ensued, In the realm of gaming, where fun is pursued. Subscribe to Z_Phragmites for more gaming delight, Updates on Plants vs Zombies, a thrilling sight. With each video, a new adventure takes flight, In the world of gaming, where dreams ignite. Read More

  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

    Villager's Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme Surprising Villager Logic: "I’ll trade you 20 emeralds for a piece of rotten flesh!" Oi Oi Oi Sleep Reaction: villager falls asleep standing up Minecraft logic at its finest! #shorts #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More