UNBELIEVABLE! Nugget City ep 58 LIVE with viewers – all platforms

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E All right what is up everybody hello welcome everybody to another episode of the one and only nugget City uh what’s up who do we have a chat today we have Damen nogs welcome welcome beta waffle welcome darkar uh welome blazing mellow welcome to the stream man George Jordan hey

Welcome back man good to see you here unknown welcome man Parker I’ll join okay uh nice Parker it’s going to be nice to uh see you I did not add your image yet by the way Parker uh I didn’t really have time to I had to shave if you guys you

Know couldn’t tell you know what I mean uh so yeah I kept the I kept the little stuff up here I like to feel a little bit uh little bit more you know manly you know what I mean you know what I mean uh so anyway yeah let’s get into it

Guys we’re going to going to be on uh nugget City episode 58 which is crazy that we’re on episode 58 already I feel like episode 50 was just one week ago oh wait it was cuz I’ve been daily uploading who’s here loving the daily uploads CU I know I am all

Right what’s up Bayer what’s up man welcome all right guys let’s uh switch over where is my face cam that would help right oh there I am all right so I looked down my streams I should probably like upscale this just a little bit more and then push it

Back like that because like I was looking at my streams I was like dude like my face cam is so much like just it’s just smaller you know uh but yeah guys we’re going to uh make a copy real quick uh game copy World there we

Go daily uploads are fire right I would do some unspeakable things to you and that baby face I don’t even have a baby face man my face is just naturally gorgeous what can I say what can I say you know what I mean uh what do you

Mean what’s up Bradley welcome to the stream uh yeah nice to see you guys all here uh do not forget to leave a like by the way oh my God 500 and we’re close to episode 60 already which is very weird uh all right let’s

Uh let’s load let’s get in here uh I’m going to actually create a poll real quick just so everybody you know it does remind everybody so I don’t have to to there we go so now the pole can go up uh I’ll be right back let me grab my phone

Actually it’s right next to me I don’t have to be right back I lied let me uh let me pull up the chat here all right there we go now naturally chubby chubby cheeks all right man guys I’m ending stream no all right let’s uh let’s do it uh SL

Set max players 30 let’s go man let’s have it all load in all right so I for one will be working over here today as normal uh yo I can’t join it won’t let me uh I should let you in now I had to

Uh set max players so what did we do in the last episode we got some buildings done by the way did everybody like the short by the way I got some weird comments on Tik Tok though man I’m telling you man I got some weird comments on Tik Tok

Dude like some strange comments man the comments were not it dude the comments we not it on Tik Tok uh trying to get more work done on my hotel yes dude yes your hotel is actually like I saw the picture dude honestly I think it’s turned out pretty well they said weird

Things right you saw you saw what I like you saw it right if you guys don’t follow me on Tik Tok you guys can it is just my username or not my username my my YouTube uh name uh but yeah this is what we will be

Working on today we’re going to get this finished for sure uh you know get it all done uh nice and finished and uh yeah uh so yesterday we did some interior everybody told me they love the floors which is really nice of you guys uh we got a nice little

Bell look at that who doesn’t like a nice spell man I know I do but uh yeah we’re going to be working on the up upstairs today and then a little bit more down here I think I’m going to redesign the kitchen just a little bit I think it’s just

Too it’s just not really it uh so yeah I think that’s what I’m going to do change out some things other than that that’s pretty much it man you guys can all join in build your beautiful builds as normal can you tell me to yep I got you there you go uh dang

Uh yeah I like the short thank you so much B waffle let me can you invite me it should let you guys slash set max players 30 I can invite you guys I guess uh it let me it make sure your thing is online set online guys you tell me you something wrong

Wait what did I wait who asked for it I’m a little slow oh thought purple asked for it my bad that’s my fault there you go mine is online are you sure you you can’t join in dude do you have like Xbox go or something isn’t like what you need

To join if you’re on Xbox or Playstation Plus uh yeah D I don’t see you here man we got Blab yeah I don’t see you man all right all right I’m going to start working on you know what guys before we start anything I’m just going to do myself a solid and just there we go that way so when everybody else joins people just can’t have it I don’t think

It’s anywhere else I think I think we’re good there we go no more Cory’s face on the world man unless there’s like a hidden Hidden Gem which there probably is I would imagine Dark Star uh amazing today was last day before winter break nice dude we getting

Rid of it we we get it we get it out of here man we I’m turning back uh time before I added it all right guys so I’m going to be working on the living rooms right now for this floor so there give me this I’m going to

Get a bunch of different walls so every room kind of just has its own actually you know what nah they’re all going to have the same uh let’s do like a nice gray Crouch I think gray fits this building man all right so front door living room right here like

This and I really like this whole like couch design like this man I don’t know it’s really basic it’s really easy to do uh can I make a hotel uh yes you can uh yes you can uh I’ll give you a plot of land once you join in uh this is

Glitch it’s not letting people join okay I’m going to uh you let Dark Star in right let Damian in people are getting in I don’t know if it’s just restart your game unknown try that out man because I really don’t like to restart the world if you guys know me man I really

Don’t like restarting the world there we go let’s get uh J actually uh what is it called it’s not a juke box is it like yeah not block my bad get a couple of those I’m going to go over into this part and grab the TVs from this one there we go all

Right uh I restarted three three times uh can I make a hotel I am in Okay uh Hotel let’s see where you can build a hotel at honestly let’s have you build a hotel right here teleport blab over to me there you go you build your hotel

Right here uh just be careful don’t kind of like cross over to his building area uh G dogs uh du has Pro one two three oh it’s your different account there you go that’s why dude it’s your PlayStation one I don’t know which other one I added all right let’s add this here

Now there we go I’m going to take my time and actually do these pretty well here cuz like if people are flying over I want them to kind of see like a nice room for all of these you know maybe add a little bit of details to to them you

Know uh nugget hey what’s up G dog you see you guys you say their name and they join stream man now watch this Mr Beast and then watch like Mr Beast joins donates me like $10,000 in this video I’m giving Minecraft youtubers $10,000 uh all right let me go do the other ones

Now so wow this is a maze okay so you got this one this is going to be the living room for this here there we go a little bit of this a little bit of this I am Mr Beast hey what’s up rexa welcome to the stream man Mr Beast hey Mr all

Right hey what’s up rexa how you been man all right that’s that one got a living room here wow this living room’s big uh you know what just so they don’t see like the outside walls I’m going to just fill this in like this there we

Go all right uh I’ll add like a little carpet here maybe like a little white carpet you know something like that something like that uh Mr Beast has to go all right bye Mr Beast all right uh let’s see let’s add the couch right here that all

Right uh we could probably add like a nice little shelf right here I have a copy of your head BR uh let’s see if we can do something this I saw something like this on Instagram once it was like something like this then they had I don’t know what they

Had think they had something like this then dark yeah they did something like this yeah that does not look like what I saw we’ll keep something like that it’s nice little shelf I guess all right uh and they have a nice carpet let grab a nice orange carpet I

Guess do actually orange won’t look good in here let’s do a nice uh light gray light gray carpet goar there we go we add like one that goes this way that looks kind of bad all right we’ll just keep it like that that looks good uh let’s see all

Right see the living rooms are coming along all right so this is a bedroom this is the next place we’re going to have the couch kind of like go like this so it’s like kind of like out there we’re going to do something like this a little something like this there we

Go uh all right that one pretty much done I think that’s all the living rooms that we have for every place I think that’s it Oh no just this one uh walk in living room right here I guess there we go we have this nice good dude I I swear like Interiors

Are like should just be a whole stream by themselves ters go hard man all right there we go all right that’s pretty much all the living rooms let’s start working on the bathrooms now I’m going to just go grab pretty much everything I did in this bathroom over

Here gra that grab that grab that grab you grab you grab that and then I need the banner which I don’t even know why there’s not a banner on that wall uh does this one have a banner H let me grab water I got to go down to like the first

Floor did I replace that one window I think I did all right yeah I got to go down to like these right here the fancy ones uh over here where’s the Banners at what okay I’m going to just uh let’s see what everybody else is doing what are you up

To oh you’re building a house all right we’ll see how Damian’s coming along what’s up Damian lot of Windows huh I think Plum is over there let’s see what I think you’re doing your tomato right yeah you are all right waffle what are you up to oh you’re starting your next build all

Right that’s babbly right there I don’t don’t know why I was going to teleport uh me too see how dark star’s doing oh you’re just doing your interior work that’s a lot of it’s a lot of me all right uh let’s go around here who’s next the unknown okay unknown’s just

Chilling all right you got then g dog g dog you were just working on your Chrysler Building which is looking pretty good by the way man may I say looking pretty nice dude looking pretty nice all right time to work on the bathrooms I just found a mouse in my

House oh my God I’mma sell them too that’s crazy you’re earning a profit of my face it’s crazy dude all right let add that I need a slab smooth slab toilet there we go all right pretty much the bathroom done I mean that right there and that right there and it is pretty

Much it’s pretty much done there all right add a basic bathroom around uh this is a little bathroom there you go we’ll add that that’s pretty much it uh can we squeeze this out just a little bit I guess we’ll just add this to be tight

Fit there we go that’s okay all right um that’s that bathroom kitchen bedroom wait this is the bathroom there we go hook up there and toilet right here water there we go uh what else bathroom bathroom I need this one over here which is another small bathroom which is always

Fun that’s crazy you’re going to earn a profit off of me like that there we go all right bathroom there bathroom there what about this place think we’re have to divide this wall up just a little bit here there we go BR out a bathroom in here there all right there you

Go uh I’m going to make a secret stash of nugget face Damon you should see how much I have dud it’s like a drug dealer but like for my face this all right uh hey crafty’s back let’s see here uh I need to get the kitchen stuff that’s

Right out of chips building up here I like this little thing he guys here anyway yoink how did he do this oh he just stacked it there we go uh I already kind of have a sink but grab it anyway all right and we’re out of here I’ll replace that actually I’ll replace

It uh it’s just somebody doing the command or not command but like somebody just saying that is what up craft all right um all right kitchen of a There put this stuff up there we go have a little thing like this that might that that iron block I know a good toilet design you can use you can show me it you can show me it Uh move in there there uh all right yeah Roman’s moving to Texas the tx’s uh there we go does this one even have a sink there we go oh that’s how you do it there we go okay that makes sense did you just see the buildings just it’s like getting built around me

Right now don’t worry I’ll get that high at one point all right he’s not uh doing command he just places a dog name just oh my God it’s actually kind of funny I’ll keep it for now but it’ll get destroyed later all right and just a little bit of a white

Carpet here that’s good there I think that’s all the kitchens never mind uh kitchen here sink goes here uh there we go let me do this and this and this that uh that’s pretty much it all right uh can I make a train station uh we already have one of those uh

MC yeah we already have one of those already man all right I got to add a fridge to all these keep forgetting there we go I need a fridge in here so go there there we go all right uh nugget what happened to last stream uh last stream my internet

Turned off and then like right on again for some reason um and so it kind of just crashed stream out which is weird that literally never happened to me before uh but yeah that’s basically all that happened last stream all right now we get to start working on the bedrooms even more

Fun uh all right let me grab nice gray bed a juk box an anvil I guess uh bookshelves let me add some paintings uh uh what else an armor stand I guess yeah can add an armor stand think that’s pretty much it oh yeah and

TV there we go why lag so much uh because there’s all these people on the world right now there we go there we go uh at some point I’m going to like uh put a screenshot of like one of my streams so I could put those up on TVs I

Feel like that would be pretty cool uh I feel like that would be pretty cool oh nuget I’m on keyboard mouse so I’m not going to build right now okay that sounds good dude you’re all good you’re fine man uh impressive City you guys uh got going

On yeah dude uh we are everything is fully interiored uh some buildings that are not yet uh are getting made like you could see so every building here will have a full interior uh to it uh but yeah everything’s uh everything’s pretty much it’s probably I

Would say like the city is like probably like 90% fully interiored uh cuz like all ongoing buildings have some sort of an interior going to them yeah dude thank you thank you so much dude uh there we go all right there you go you know one day this is

Like the best I could do for like interior work right now but I’m sure at some point in the future I’m going to come back to this and be like yuck dude uh nugget my username is spawn point all right let me uh get you in here dude uh

Make sure to join the Discord if you haven’t already dude uh spawn is that two eyes spawn point like that 2670 let me add you in here there you go spawn point uh my username is right here if you want to uh want to uh add me there it is

You guys want to see something cool dude look at like my color in the background like go completely off when I turn on my actual light look at that this is like my actual Streamlight that I don’t really use anymore and then watch when I turn

It off I don’t even have the controller in my hand watch this it I don’t even have the controller in my hand guys watch this oh look at that it’s back to you you Know the only reason why I haven’t had my actual stream light on for the past couple of days is cu like my right eye started hurting like really badly from it oh not from like the light it’s just looking at the screen and then also the Light doesn’t

Help uh oh I didn’t add the kitchen into this one I’ll do that one last I guess so we got a bedroom there this is going to be the kitchen this is the dining room so bedroom’s in here oh this is a weird little box ain’t it

Uh honestly I might change it up this might have to be the bedroom this is uh actually there could be two bedrooms I guess I’ll make this one like the main one though there we go so many innocent dogs hello salty how’s everybody’s day been man all

Right yo I got that 2015 setup what you know about this man what you know about the best with the bookshelf right next to it man you guys know about that uh all right close that off this I I’ll add lights in it and everything layer uh all right so bed

Here actually you know what I can just close this part up like that we can have uh oh my God is that the hit Minecraft streamer from nugget City I can’t believe it I’m here hey what’s up Freddy welcome to stream man what’s up Freddy how’s your uh you want to add those

Around there we go it would be kind of cool if like the like things would like pop up by the way there’s still like a little chunk of whatever that is so I’m not sure because it only you can only see when you get close to it quick shelf

Here uh came second in the tournament one goal lost ah dude that sucks man uh is it uh like video game tournament or is it like a actual like tournament in real life that you get okay you know I’ll just keep it I accept the the defeat there we go all right

Okay that’s a lot of me though I’ll have my face on one of them I would appreciate you guys do not mess up the TVs I really don’t want to go back and add all the different thing that’s funny okay yeah I’m definitely going to add different images

Uh it probably got destroyed if it wasn’t like up to par probably got destroyed all right bath bedroom back here there we go for all right uh bedroom sorry for uh nugget needs to go downstairs show up a lot this prob nothing down there sorry it’s all good

I’m joining right now let’s go Parker let’s go Parker Parker joining in what’s up spawn point oh spawn Point’s just checking around the city spawn points just checking around nugget your hair looks really nice today thank you so much I used a lot of conditioner today like a little bit too

Much in my opinion a lot of conditioner today I think I put more conditioner in my hair today than I did shampoo which isn’t the best thing to do but you know uh guess we’ll add like a little uh actually maybe this one doesn’t have a

TV maybe he’s not much of a t maybe this guy’s old you know and he doesn’t really like TV he likes newspapers and you know just you know maybe I don’t know but he likes armor stands to put his like clothes in stuff something like that uh okay that’s probably that’s yeah that’s

It all right uh let me start adding the lights I think that’s everything besides this back one right here I got to add the kitchen that’s the only thing I’m missing and then I’ll add the lights and I can just do the next floors and then

After I do this floor I can just copy and paste it up uh yeah that’s pretty much it uh my Minecraft isn’t working I’m restarting my console okay okay can I practice a building that you could destroy later yo you got still on my face how much is yeah yeah no nuh-uh all

Right let me grab the kitchen stuff again you you you you you you you there we go here we go uh sorry WiFi just going to it’s all good dude is your hair natural Tre you like that or did uh you put some product into it to give it that

Sharp uh I it’s natural it’s natural you know everybody likes to think that you know I got it done but dude they don’t know what’s up man it’s like you know they don’t understand man all right let me teleport around guys uh let me go check on how you’re doing hello hey Freddy

Joined what’s this this needs to stop all right let me check out some things how you doing how’s your house it’s weird seeing things not loading all right oh you’re still working on your Harley store I forgot we go teleport to Damian how are you doing Damian you got any help over

Here oh no you just got a flat wall okay looking good man looking good uh beta waffle how’s beta doing oh wow okay you got a nice little building going I like it I like it uh Plum how’s Plum doing Plum you are starting on a build yourself what is up uh Dark

Star close close okay he’s just chilling all right we got Noob how was NB okay ow uh the unknown I just check out this building I know I got to copy and paste this building up crafty what’s crafty up to oh you are building a sort of wheel house thing

Thing never seen something like this before uh let’s go to Freddy Freddy how you doing man oh yeah I kind of did I kind of helped out look what I did man I helped you out with the streets dude but then I realized I messed up and it was

Supposed to be 4 um so yeah you’re going to have to go around and fix that yeah I tried to help out there you go uh I also helped you out over here uh yeah follow me okay he’s not following me I helped you out over this way as

Well on the one curved Road I did it when you left trying is better than not I me nice dude uh yeah so I helped you out over here look what I did for you man look what I did for you I did the little whoop now and I also replace these over

Here so you’re good to kind of just go down the road here and do it so good job man uh I’m going to just help you out and teleport you down here you know get you just get you here faster there you go man there you go start working on that all right

Bye oh you’re over here by the skull uh okay let teleport to g dog he’s like right next to my building this is turning out really well man I like it nugget like the road Network yeah uh okay nugget likes being all natural yes dude

Yes welcome Grizz L to the stream by the way could at least finish the road nah you’re the one that took on that task you know guys let’s try to get the stream up to at least 40 likes man 40 likes today dude I think we could do It all right that’s good got the bedroom modern day later uh no cuz you guys are all here by choice we do not support that on this Minecraft server all right uh let’s see I’ll add the doors later I’m going to start going around and adding lights feel like that’d be very

Important uh let’s do sea lanterns there we go uh then I’ll also grab this flooring there don’t I’m going to cut this up this is just kind of like the look at how perfect that is dude you can’t you can’t dude if it goes perfectly lined up by fours dude it was

Meant to be a well I guess I it doesn’t really count it would have been right here but yeah still dude look how perfectly that corner lined up man with a four that like that’s you can’t make that up right there man that’s that’s a

Genius I just agree if uh I left right now you’d give me money to come back wait and now you see there we go all right we got the h hallway lights actually this is needs to be like 6 W all these so I went on the city with RTX it

Looks pretty good over here guys definitely looks really good in RTX there we go all right right those that one here uh add some like down this hallway if you guys do want to join uh make sure to drop your Microsoft username yeah it’s around like 15 sometimes it goes lower though it’s

Not that bad dude 15 seconds ain’t that bad I know people that have a lot worse man a lot worse there we go we got a light there so have like a little one right here as well there we go uh dude lights are just so

Boring the only reason I add them is if somebody has like RTX on and stuff that the building actually lights up either that or I would have just done the uh the light block all right there we go I think got all the lights besides this bathroom there we go all right never

Mind this whole apartment use it but then we can fill it all in with wood which is even more fun here we go I just realized I don’t even have anything here what is this supposed to be another bedroom maybe I don’t know what I was supposed to make this I’m

Going to just leave it blank uh yeah there we go all right come on want to build a house for yourself okay okay follow me I I know that’s not about to be my face there right like that wouldn’t that wouldn’t be my face on the disc would it where’s the uh

Thing you got to be kidding me you have to be kidding me it’s like instead of like a light pollution going crazy all right we’ll add a house over here uh Parker what are you working on today man for your uh place spawn point if you blame me actually was the one

Who who gave them away dude uh I found something under app’s house it’s backs covered yeah oh my God hi nug hello there you go this is crazy this is getting out of hand man mobile controls suck yeah oh my goodness it’s just so much me yeah it’s all

Right so it’s pretty good oh my God that thing is in my nightmares dude what about I’m adding a bit of design on the wall do you think it’s good D sir what about you let me see let me check it out what is this it’s just my face all right uh I

Like oh over here yeah it’s pretty good man it’s pretty good you know especially for your first time trying to do something like that looks pretty good man keep it up dude I made a short about it that’s how much I’m regretting my decision I feel like I just made it worse

Uh no you don’t appear in the short man I do I do want to make more shorts surrounding like nugget City though dude on Tik Tok it did really good I actually I want to check on Tik Tok right now how many likes it has uh oh waffle boy follow me on Tik

Tok uh it has 4,000 views uh 83 likes and four well three weird comments so I consider that a w in the Tik Tok uh Community mid short Freddy you’re mean you know what I’m going to do just wait man I’m going to add deny blocks in

This so nobody with regular member can build on it bro back off my building I will give you guys literally visitor uh n you’re a nice guy Freddy you’re a nice guy uh make it out yeah making out the trying to make it out the

4K trying to hit 5K honestly it would be pretty cool to hit 5K before the end of the year that would be possible like that’d be pretty cool we’re only what 400 Subs away I think it is which isn’t too bad one really good video could probably do

It I want to start making a how to videos as well like how to build like certain like buildings and then use nuggets to as like the plot of land stuff you know I feel like those would do pretty good I feel like howtos are really nice to

Make D I could tell the server’s lagging just a little bit just by the like block placing has we have a lot of people in here today guys so I’m sorry if you guys are lagging a little bit man uh if you were if you were more

Consistent of the rest of the year maybe you’d have 5K yeah well if I wasn’t working a job that I hated uh maybe I would have done it oh ller joined Tyler I mean I’mma be back right now I’m moving the PS5 to room all right dude I got you what’s up

Tyler hey another guy followed me on Tik Tok uh I’m always lagging so I’m used to it but that’s probably because I’m on switch dude for Christmas man you need to get a PS4 or something a PS5 man something not the new Switch bro there we go I hated playing Minecraft on switch

Didn’t like but you guys got like some uh cool skins when it first came out on switch though you guys got like the Mario bundle and stuff you know which like we didn’t have on like PS3 and all that so I mean that was honestly the upside

I’m not a PS5 type of guy or Xbox yeah well you should really try to man cuz I feel like it would serve you way better can you T me DOI command please uh yeah let me just finish my stuff right now dude I’ll uh I’ll head over there and help you

Out yeah but I can’t use the switch when I’m done yeah what oh when I’m online yeah uh for hello okay yeah use the yeah but I can’t use the Skins when I’m online yeah that’s weird man hello no no oh my goodness then I go to page two to sign

Up the team team face it don’t sign if you want to be start from destroy face sign yeah that ain’t happening all right uh let’s see so the stairs are going to be changed around so I want the stairs to be so out through here I’ll have the next stairs be like right

Here like this I we do there we go I have it like this uh yeah I got you uh two Plum whle hello uh made a slash F that slash Phill 89 8 3638 there I’ll see how far I can get I think it’s going to be like out world or something like

That on we’re good there you go I guess I’ll uh there work on that one is this like a whole map itself yes it is okay you want me to slash fill all this son guessing slash fill 894 36 39 air no way you just SL

Air what do you mean he didn’t say add a color I don’t know what color he wants I just I’m doing what he asked me to you know Plum do you want me to fill the color yeah okay my bad all right I he listen okay guess I’ll slash F the color in

Here too uh this might build look good t Okay one at a time one at a time all right one at a time guys one at a time uh let’s see here uh go up to the first one blackcore conrete nice there you go and now fill this one in with whitecore

Cre there you go and then you want another white here see Hello Freddy Dio from you KN what do you mean I didn’t know I thought they just they were G to change up the colors you know I didn’t know that they’re gonna have it all black and white then black again you

Know my bad 899 3643 whitecore conrete there we go so hard half of the chunks aren’t loading can’t see dude it’s a lot of people in here today there you go I’d imagine you’re going to use this for like a kitchen floor right that’s like your your plan

Use this as like a kitchen floor so it’s like smaller squares that’d be actually really smart slfi 8 95 3 643 uh blackcore there we go I just saved you 500 bucks whatever he says saved me 500 bucks there you go man enjoy byebye no problem all right let me now

Teleport to somebody else who said nugget I need you want to buy this nugget okay salty now salty I got you yeah looks good dude looks good man hey I’ve been in traffic for three hours now I will see if I can get on later but probably won’t stay in chat the Wi-Fi

Sucks okay we’ve improved our mobile app choose themes let’s go we can choose themes hang on guys I’m I don’t want to change anything right now oh wow dude they updated a lot bro what yeah they updated a bunch dude like everything’s just looks different what dude that’s crazy it’s

Like weird seeing how like different it is it kind of look gives me like an Xbox app sort of like Vibes now you guys seeing this man it looks like just completely different you got like all the different like things at the bottom there now that is weird dude I mean it’s not

Like too different it’s just it’s weird seeing it come look at my building nugget okay okay uh when I build house all right Damian yeah dude it looks good man it’s looking good dude this building is looking pretty good too I am [ __ ] it looks good man

Teleport me to scuffy I’m going to go check around see what everybody’s up to all right scuff is just chilling over there me to Beta waffle boy how how you doing waffle boy look at that man look at me helping out like a like a good friend you know check me out

Man he’s going to come back and be like wow thank you so much nugget you save me 500 bucks it Al nice to just take a break from my building look at that man I’m a w all right let’s see how this is going okay we got a building going on here got

A different sort of building going on here looking good looking good uh yeah of course you’re GNA say that fre since you me bro Discord barely updated what do you mean it updated a lot man yeah like themes and stuff now got a bunch of stuff dude got a bunch of things all

Right all right now let TR the stairs to the next floor and up all right so I don’t think I’m going to make this the floor I think I’m going to add another layer I have this be actually you know what I’ll make this the floor I really don’t

Mind all right let me uh least make the little thing here because this is the part that gets copyed paste it up but I have to go to Google Maps so I got to find the same place cuz I closed out the tab I think for it so now I don’t really

Have it on uh my thing which sucks Google Maps I hope they got it on here like it’s like saved or something I can probably find it I’m really good at that I’m good at finding my way around here okay maybe I’m not yeah I can’t find

It all right I’m going to have to go off of memory now which I’m not very good at that either but we’ll see want help who are you asking all right let’s close this off like last time here close this all off uh when does the next like yeah

Tomorrow tomorrow at 400 PM central time that’s always I got to edit more of the uh video tonight it’s kind of like I want to say it’s halfway done but it’s like 1/4 way done I think four fours of the way done is when I start adding like the text and

Everything yeah the music and let me just make sure this works Here we do something like that there you go dude all right now we just got to do the outline for all These all right uh so I think this is apartment opening here apartment opening here I think that’s the living room right here right or is this the bedroom that is the bedroom living room’s right here all right uh let me add the windows in first uh I did something to my hotel

Nice uh dark what up man oh you got like a little thing that I can actually like that’s actually really cool that’s actually really cool man stuff dude uh how’s black do coming along pretty nice uh let’s go to g dog oh that’s my bad nice Che on you got people helping

You as well dude it’s a w you man it’s definitely a big building man thing’s huge massive man all right I got to start adding all the little windows in yo what’s up exotic welcome to stream man welcome to stream dude all right uh so yeah we got to add like all the

Windows in here there we go we’ll do it like that we go let me see how all the floors are going to be here floor is going to be like sitting up here so gives us a lot of room uh I’m also going to I’m going to

Start out lining this so people don’t see the outside exotic are you uh going to join in today or are you chilling out man I’m always happy to offer helping hand I’m already in oh you are oh you’re helping him I was like I thought you were like asking something

Youself not that I was going to ask you for help or anything uh all right this one two one two one two there we go then this needs to get copied up all the way to the top like once we get this done I’ll copy it up

That should be pretty much that let me get these windows in so see one two four and then we’ll skip two and we’ll do one two three four again like that uh no no you’re a good Builder nugget you got this thank you sup nugget hey what’s up man welcome to

Stream uh braxon Braxton welcome Braxton hope your day is going well you know Freddy it would be a good gift for Christmas isn’t that what the kid says be a good gift for Christmas uh let see uh nug what’s the biggest building you’ve made before uh biggest building

I’ve made I mean in the city like that I’ve actually just fully done myself would have to be the Nugget Tower right here which used to be the tallest building in the city until the 4,000 uh building took over but yeah this is probably the biggest building I made would be this one

Uh fully interiored it’s a casino SL hotel that that’s probably the biggest one or this one this one’s also a big one it doesn’t have an interior I’m definitely going to do that at some point probably in the 60s stream I’m gonna add an inside to that but uh yeah that’s probably

It nice yeah dude uh would you like to join in by the way uh would you like to join in and uh help the city get built there we go I can’t oh man that sucks uh do you have a Discord at all you could uh probably join the Discord server

Dude uh for any future streams that I have because I don’t have Minecraft oh dude that sucks man uh nuget can I build a cane somewhere if so show me where I can all right dude yeah I got you man you can build a canes we actually need a canes

Which is kind of funny hi what’s your Gamertag I want to join all right uh red arch flash uh let me get you my username here in a second dude welcome to stream by the way hope your day is fantastic uh it deletes within a week

Okay uh yeah let me get you a spot exotic uh there you go over to me there you go this where you can build your canes at man uh my username is right here make sure to join the Discord if if you are going to join I would appreciate

That trying to hit 350 members uh but yeah right here uh that’s my username uh one of the mods also we need a Wendy’s do we need a Wendy’s I thought we had one over by the uh disc shop all right guys this needs to stop I can’t keep going around destroying this

Uh for Real uh oh somebody’s building a thing over here this is somebody’s restaurant down here man this is pretty oh it’s little it’s a little Freddy’s man it’s a little Freddy Freddy FB Bears man it’s actually pretty nice oh I see now why you guys had that as a

Thing nice guys nice hey let’s go 4.63k let’s go man thank you guys thank you guys all for subscribing all right let me add this this there we go uh let me add some design to it so it’s not just basic me I’ll probably do just regular

Let’s just do regular glass don’t have to get fancy something like this something like that there we go uh can anyone help else help with the Chrysler Building it would be greatly appreciated I’m almost done with the new attraction nice dude can’t wait to check it out

Man uh how did you get your subs that high I only have 5 uh I basically just streamed a lot uh well it all started back in 2020 uh no but actually in 2020 uh I was doing a stream for 500 uh subs and then uh I guess somehow I got onto

The uh recommendation page people started joining in and then I got up to a thousand then from a thousand I got a lot of motivation so I kept streaming every day because there was nothing else to do in 2020 uh I got up to 2K and then I took a

Five month break then I came back started this city then I got to 3K now I’m at 4K you know lot of lot of hours put in a lot of not going outside pretty much you’ll get there man I that was actually really loud then you met me then I met Roman

There’s a lot of little details I left out you know a lot of lot of iny details I left out uh I don’t know who this is I’m going to just kick you gamerade you’re my friend so you say oh sounds like oh wow I just kicked

Somebody oh no what did I do I just kicked his friend his old friend I am so sorry gamerade I’m sorry gamerade I don’t know who you was man ah I can only stream when I hit 50 Subs oh yeah that’s a thing right you can’t like stream until

You hit a certain amount of Subs you yeah all right let me start adding some more design to this I need help how would you texture texture a brick wall like I just need it from here down to there because I’m going to just copy and paste it

Up but how would you how would you texture this wall right here like all the way around and stuff like how would you texture it okay okay wait let him cook let him he’s cooking he’s cooking okay so you just keep doing that or M used to stream if you did have

50 subs and I can’t but I only for a minute and 40 seconds if I set it to Premiere you know you can like go down with it like this oh look look joined uh terra cotta would help if every block I plac didn’t delete itself okay

See look at that man then I’ll just copy and paste that around so let me grab this block here there we go yeah that’s pretty good then we just just got to do it to the other one please leave my build I’m for real please do not do

That uh and try to avoid uh loading SC next to each other all right man there you go something like that man then you can kind of just do whatever you want with this wall man these walls can just kind of like be random seriously doesn’t matter what these walls

Have I mean it does CU I’m not going to copy and paste it up though so like whatever is here is just kind of here uh see my texture skills are top class exactly exactly all right he had another block pretty sure yeah this they add some of this around here

No uh Cory uh text string is all I have for core what happened I’m done but I’m not proud of it oh wow okay let me come check it out Forker all right man let’s see it oh oh it’s a little golf course it’s little it’s a little it’s a little mini

Golf course man it’s cool does it actually collect things so if I were to like it it doesn’t collect anything oh it’s right there so like if I were to like all right let’s play Parker let’s play Ready oh wait start right there that’s the start ready all right where’s this going to

Land that’s pretty cool all right next one now you try you go now I got that in two I got that in two all right hang on guys my father is calling all right guys I’m back my bad uh so is this Bedrock uh yeah this

Is bedrock all right so you got it in two two okay now this course all right that’s one that’s two that is three and that’s four all right I got in four you go all right that’s one that’s two that is three oh wait wait let him cook let him cook oh

Rip all right that’s four all right we’re pretty much died man all right that’s one oh that’s not what I wanted to do that’s two that’s wait hang on it’s still cooking all right that’s three and four wow five that’s five all right seven eight 9 10 we’re I’m at 10 right

Now hang on let him cook let him cook real quick all right that’s one he got one he got one all right all right he got one yeah it’s bed rman all right hang on and he got two okay two two two he’s definitely beating five I don’t even

Know how I got five it’s two all right three three wait he could miss he could miss he could miss four he wins he wins he wins it nice man all right head back over to the city scuffy all right I’m Back how you doing BL all right uh all right back to the bu back to the building uh all right that’s pretty good there we go there you go all right uh I built a city named uh highville and there’s buildings that’s 22 floors tall each floor being three blocks tall that’s pretty good man it’s

Cool that’s cool man well I hope one day you get to join dude you know be pretty cool to see you man there we go turned out pretty good man I think this is turning out pretty all right all right uh I’m gonna go bye nugget all right see you

Bradley I’ll keep your building there stuff so when you return you you still got it all right uh how’s the Chrysler Building coming along it’s turning it’s pretty it’s going pretty good man C building is going pretty good it’s really tall D I wonder what it looks

Like from the stadium once it’s done dude because it’s going to be at least like this tall man once it’s done it’s be one of the tallest buildings one of the tallest uh legitimately because they look out of place when is I hate building anything bigger than eight blocks

Toall yeah dude I mean I guess you can kind of see it if you back up from the stadium like if you’re in the stands like yeah you can definitely see every that’s kind of what I wanted like I wanted like building to like wrap

Around so like you can see him from like just sitting around here like especially like from this back view you know so from like right here like seeing all the buildings that just kind of pop up you know I think it’s going to look pretty good uh I’m very proud owner of my

Casino it’s going really well dude it’s going really well man I’m excited to see what so is it going to be like a casino at the bottom Hotel on top is that what it’s like going for you know cuz I can honestly help you with the interior of a casino

Man honestly interior work bro you get the out outside done dude I can start working on the inside for you CU I can already see things happening in here you know have like a little dip in the floor right here have like a little circle

Like a big circle that has a dip in it like one block deep and then have like things around it cool we get like bar areas and stuff like honestly like and then like we can have like Hotel rooms at the top you know like if we use let’s

Say like we have like two floors this right here could start where all the hotel rooms are and stuff like honestly I could see it yeah I think it needs a little bit like like some pillars for the outside I know it’s flat in real life but I don’t

Know maybe maybe it’s okay being flat like that like it’s different you know now all right see here all right I’m going to start adding the windows on this side one two two two two there we go something like that and if I did another one right here it wouldn’t line up I

Think one of these need to be like a smaller Gap actually I think it’s all right it doesn’t matter really all right okay yep yep I caught you I caught you gamer caught you lacking this is looking pretty nice in here man looks pretty nice right here okay yeah it looks pretty good Here yeah I saw good thing looks pretty nice I actually kind of like it I wish it was a little bit bigger to be honest if it was a little bit bigger I feel like it’ fit way better all right let me go to uh how you doing man hell

Up hey what image do you have in your hand what was her username something gamer something let me see here uh REI REI 2011 REI 2011 there we go nice well once again okay oh uh what image is that we both have our good look charm in our

We th back to when gr Scrat the BS [Laughter] that’s funny what is this all right did not mean to sorry it’s all good uh how long do they stay in prison for forever I don’t I’m not really like most people don’t really get Second Chances um um

Really uh too many people work hard uh in the city to build what they get you know so yeah I don’t really give too many Second Chances uh every time I’m slacking from roads I see nugget giving me dirty look on my left that’s right man you got to get them roads done

Dude I don’t know what even what is is I just don’t I want the window there so I’m just do something like this probably add like a little bookshelf or something for free books all right that’s basically what we got pretty good all right let me start

Texturing uh how do you guys get the images uh you just give me images that you want and I’ll add them he he wanted that last night no get unanswered question uh uh what question was it uh BRB all right imagine if I was a griefer and then turn

Into uh all the roads will be done just taking and slow so I don’t burn out and then do not do any more of them you know yeah I got you you’re good all right this here this going to be the kitchen hey gorilla tag thank you for subscribing thank you for subscribing

Gorilla tag thank you so much large that just a little bit it looks a little smaller on stre probably enlarge the cat there we go that looks good maybe I finally subscribed to the Chan right a you’re good move these windows over just a little bit there we go that looks good

In the future I’m going to make Gokarts for the park all right nice dude yeah I’ll definitely be working over there at some point you know trying to help out as much as I possibly can uh but yeah go are the buildings with deny blocks under them like Landmark buildings uh yeah

Pretty much I mean if you want a if you want it underneath your building I can definitely like give it it to you and stuff see you I’m feeling a bit uh tired see you in the next episode I love today okay see you oh it sounds like I’m screaming at him see

You uh see you man oh it’s just her how did she join back they literally kicked you be gone I will just do that just in case some else I was like how do you join back I literally Ked you uh nugget I built a very familiar uh Cory Brown which one are

You are you guys guy oh yeah you left okay then they just take it away guys if you guys keep pulling out TNT I swear okay let me uh tell around to isn’t this the Breaking Bad one is this the Breaking Bad one it’s pretty funny it’s cool I like

It I did it again BR how do you accidentally pull out TNT uh read my last Freddy now that You’ done the front are you just freehanding build the walls Etc like from your imagination or such yeah pretty much uh I’m texturing up the walls around here uh doing all

That yeah that’s pretty much what I’m doing that’s what I like to do I get the uh build layout uh from the front your idea and then once I’ve got some design going I start changing everyone freeing yeah pretty much that’s what I’m doing right now

Uh well I lost the Google image map the Google Maps image so I don’t know if I’ll ever find it again all I know is that after the fourth window up there’s like a Sandstone line whatever so that’s what I’m going have to do see yeah right now I’m just kind of

Texturing it up so it’s not just a plain brick wall uh nuget what’s your favorite uh design Min is go I’m not really sure I’m not sure man okay but but be quick I got to go yes can I build a car shop uh where can you build a car shop

Uh you can build one here I’m going to get rid of this I don’t even know what this is was it you that asked pretty sure it was you that this has yeah you get rid of this you can build your car uh right here there you go

Uh yo net can I send you an image you can put in yeah dude go ahead for go for a man bro I can’t get this do the lights actually work oh is it like do they only work at like night time yeah I have a couple images I have

To add into the city uh how’s this coming along good dude looking really good it’s definitely one big building yeah dude that thing’s going to touch the clouds man it definitely passed the Nugget Tower but I guess that’s okay because it’s not really that like area anymore very it’s sick up here

Though looks really nice up here uh about to hop on nugget City let’s go dude let’s go man it’s about time dude about time all right uh this here got this that way remember all this is just going to be copy and pasted up so all I do is just

One floor I’ll just copy and paste it all up yeah that works all right got that got that room got that going there bedroom there this here I’m going to make sure I design these where’s Eddie uh I’m not sure Eddie Eddie was playing uh some

Game Gio the boss hello Gio oh Damian dipped oh Gia’s not even my friend add it I could have sworn Gio L added my friend I know all right so add this here nug can you rate my build uh yeah give me a second man I’ll be right

There let me just uh plan out where all these rooms are going to be I’ll come around again all right so there’s that I don’t know what this is supposed to be just going to keep it like this uh this going to be a bathroom I guess I’ll make it a

Bathroom then this is going to be a bedroom here our cars are going to be added back to the game uh probably not for a while I’d imagine not so yeah I’ll add carpet around so yeah that’s basically all the room all right let me see crafts build

Here oh it is a little trans thing I see a little all right I mean I guess we’ll do it I mean you know I guess so trains got to go you know I guess we can add that in uh I know there’s going be a road that goes

Around so I don’t know how we’re going to do this uh I’ll keep it for now I’ll see if I have anything I can do I don’t know who started this build up here what the heck why is this all just kind of like messy over here oh that’s bizares all right

All right man uh bro I’m getting an update for Minecraft nice dude what color carpet do you want I’ll add some uh whatever you think looks good dude I don’t care uh I’m gonna just go through and start a uh start it up do you know who dream machine is Cory I do

Not feel like I heard it before but I don’t think so uh you can honestly if you want to start on the interior Freddy uh I’m going to go around and do texturing on the outside okay if you could do that for me that would be appreciated all right so one window here

One window here let’s do like four windows again one two do another Four there we go one two for never mind that’s just GNA have to be a three okay there you go now I just start breaking it up uh me interia you know I think my internet turned off right come on come on Freddy you don’t have to do it all just

Do some while I do this if you want to help me or you don’t have to doesn’t matter There we go uh do you read my last all right I gotta go get going I’m sticking stream but I got to go somewhere okay dude you’re good we uh come here and choose a color okay give me a second that’s what I’m missing I’m missing a couple of these blocks

Here there we go uh nugget check out my building all right man just give me a second dude trying to finish up some of this stuff here all right let me come check out all right uh Freddy wants me to choose what color get go play a different game all

Right man hey you’re good man go take a break dude it’s all good man so oh what color do I want I think a blue looks good I like blue yeah okay yeah let’s get a nice blue I think blue looks really nice yeah I just got to go out and do uh

Do this stuff here think I’m gonna add like pipes on this hi nuget hey what’s up Mr Cameron man welcome to the stream dude welcome welcome all right uh that’s pretty much that there we go all right I can start on the actual interior now I got all the windows uh

Placed in and good to go uh let’s see here we got some let’s do cyan I feel like cyan’s going to look good in here let’s do all the living rooms first let’s do all the living rooms uh what else you can do these as like tables

Let’s get like let’s do some like actual pretty good interior work here man so let’s grab some like pots there we go we also got these I never used these before I don’t really know what you could put them put them in like put them for all right uh yeah let’s do something

Like this like a right here let’s get a bookshelf thing get item frames right here here then we’ll go downstairs and we’ll grab the grab this there we go something like that add like a nice empty shelf or something here uh place this down here cover

Up like that uh Cory when you get a chance can you help me make uh my haunted house/ escape room I already have the pallet in the shape is down all right dude I got you will do man will do let me grab carpets nice blue carpet down right

Here just like that that looks pretty good right good little living room nothing too much all right uh let’s go do the other living room so second I actually like this color all right this going to be the living room here like that sad little shelf here uh couple couple of these

Here uh it’s half past midnight here so I’m going to head to bed sir I haven’t been too productive today not feeling the greatest due to reasons that you know I’ll do more next stream all right dude I’ll see you Freddy thank you so much man for joining in dude our guys is

Excited for version 1.21 what comes in 1.21 I’ll be right back in five minutes all right I’ll see you uh in five minutes night see you Freddy have a good night man hope you feel more productive man in the next one dude get some rested there we

Go so I think I’m just going to add this all in here so I can just cover up that light all the lights all right it shouldn’t be too laggy now we got a lot less people in here just always nice uh okay got that let’s put up a couple trees

Nice all right uh what next we got to do the kitchens after I do these SL rooms uh playing something else all right hey what’s up NS welcome dude uh yeah Eddie’s out playing something else right now Dude dude that looks really cool there we go kitchen bedroom with a bathroom inside this all right let’s go see other living rooms oh this is one hole oh no it’s not it’s not supposed to be at these this is supposed to be a whole separate one yeah

This there go living room kitchen bathroom bedroom this one all right let’s geted sorry uh nugget TP to me all right what is Eddie playing I don’t even remember the name of the game why is every so interested in Eddie today yeah I’m not sure man there we go add like a nice

Shelf maybe like right here all right I think that’s everything from each one never mind I lied uh this one wait for some reason that one just kind of wraps around this whole thing okay never mind i’ get that one this one needs to be done there we go all right grab this

Okay uh next is Kitchen designs so that’s always fun I’m going to go down uh break down through this one gra oh this is a not a kitchen this is a kitchen okay there we go let me grab a hook uh I have about a 100 views on my

One of my videos nice dude bro I also watched your history of nugga city and it was great so nice job on that thank you so much dudee uh which one did you watch the one year or the twoyear one or both both are pretty good I do like the

Two-year one better though the editing skills got a lot better dude this building is nice g dog I like the top of it dude looks nice I’m excited to see it inside in it I’ll definitely help out if I can because it is such a big building

But dude it’s definitely a w I want to see how high it actually is though to the very to top D this roof is really nice man couple diamonds like that is such a w man it is 202 blocks tall I think that’s almost think that’s a little bit lower than the 4K

Building no the 4K building’s massive but dude that building really sticks out a lot which I really like it’s definitely a uh W build man look at that man uh I I don’t know the beginning of the city uh so since you know you had two cities uh

Yeah um well it was for the two videos that I made it was the same city same one uh the second one that I made I talked about the old nugget City that got corrupted but then your life got corrupted your file got corrupted I

Think you said life I was like dang uh yeah my files got corrupted man that was a sad day but if that didn’t happen we wouldn’t have this awesome City so I guess it’s a w at the end okay uh that’s good this is just kind of like

Where you take off your shoes kitchen okay let’s make this here oven’s going to go here sink goes there there we go go sink cook uh there we go how do I do this I don’t know all right we going to stay like that all right like this uh oven here sink

Here this this this this I got a Chick-fil-A nice dude I got Chick-fil-A W man got that one done let’s go here to this oh I keep dropping keep pressing Q uh upov here sink here actually let’s have a sink here this this there we go all right we go that work

Works uh let me have some okay all right kitchen over here are you cheating what do you mean uh for kitchen counters put Spruce slabs against them it’s really good man uh yeah this is just kind of like the design that I know how to do really fast

Uh it’s a pretty basic design nothing too crazy so so I like to do it all right this there we go like that all right I think that’s all the kitchens uh never mind I lied this one needs one actually got a l lot of room here so that’s pretty nice that there

Cauldron add this is pretty easy uh yeah have you gotten rid of the weird blocks that when you step on them the game crashes uh yeah I have those are all gone at least as far as I know all right I think that’s everything all right uh next is the bathrooms veryl

Here I don’t think that one needs one uh I’m going to grab the materials for it slab the hook uh get this for the toilet might need a cauldron there we go all right bathroom time like this slab slab I need water there you go like that then back

Here have that the toilet’s going to be right here take that as well all right give me uh me get blue carpet like that all right uh that’s that bathroom let’s go over here this is the next one pretty much all the same design there you go br that’s pretty

Cool I like that never done that before uh okay I’m back hey welcome back man uh have you got yeah I did all right I already read that all right uh let’s see all right bathroom I need the bathroom in here now done this what this to here good hook

Here that’s good man we don’t need to do anything else uh that’s done I need the small bathroom in here need to set up in my chair uh give me a second one sec guys somebody’s calling all right guys my bad I’m back all right uh getting a lot of calls today

Uh there we go okay I think that’s everything this side uh bathroom all right that’s what I was working on this small little bathroom here the little sink there we go dude that sounded like that Mar the Mario theme dude you heard that sound like the Mario theme uh

There we go all right this is what we got for all of them so far I need to work on this the bedrooms next I’m pretty sure yep that’s all I got to do it’s just the bedrooms guys and then we’re pretty much done there uh let me grab

You uh I’m going to grab these for later need you paintings I need a why is there no roof what if it rains uh I’m adding the roof here in a bit if I added the roof uh while I was building it dude it would just it would be so dark in here

Uh paintings bed actually let’s change the orange bed out let’s just do blue because we’re gonna have blue carpet anyway all right let me grab TVs here oh you got a nice redoing the honestly you should do the ones up here this is the one that’s going to get copi and Pasted that there you go like a nice little painting right here there we go okay buddy uh there you go all right there’s that bedroom I’m not going to spend too much time on the bedrooms I’m going to just make them all fairly the same how much

Longer are you doing uh the stream for we have one more hour basically an hour and like three minutes I end at eight I do four hour streams stuff so it doesn’t uh so I don’t get burned out uh let’s see here but I also have like time

Afterwards to get something to eat and also like work on videos and stuff so that’s pretty much it uh hi Cory do you remember me it’s been a while we were good friends Marcus Richie uh I don’t remember us I don’t not remember us being good friends you have like something you

Know they have like some sort of like time or like date or something like that I don’t really remember you too much I remember you were in chat though like I remember that I don’t know if you’re talking like anything else but I is what I do remember it’s been a few

Months yeah D I don’t know if I remember you oh yeah it’s okay because I’m GNA go after a bit so I can make a video on history of hille nice dude that’s what I meant yeah yeah I remember you dude hi dude uh let’s make this like we can do like a

Bigger bed I guess actually no just keep it like that we’ll do this though there we go all right that’s bedroom bedroom done there done I need this bedroom done and we’re pretty much done with the bedrooms finally then I can just copy and paste everything out

Dude no I’m not going to get lazy I’m not going to get lazy on it I’m going to go over here I’m grab the right stuff that I need make this look good there we go this here this here there you go all right that’s pretty much

It I can add like a little bookshelf there all I need to do is add the lights in and then we’re pretty much done everything now I just got to copy and paste it up dude this looks fire thank you I try to do good on my

Interiors uh nugget can you come copy this up for me I will be there in just one sec let me add the lights in to here um and I will be right there add this hey nugget do you think you could help me with my pictures for my canes after stream or

Whenever you can uh sure dude yeah I got you I’ll add uh pictures of like canes and stuff you know into the city I got you dude oh wait I should probably add the lights in first for doing all that all right all right there’s one light there

Uh add a nice light right here add a nice long one over here can break it up that one that goes here uh yo nugget I’mma Be go uh be back in three minutes all right dude sound good Cory if I was allowed I would donate 500 L hey I appreciate

That uh I may or may not have snuck a few pieces of in my mouth isn’t it that like the one that comes like the little bag like it has the it’s like the little circle ones I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s the chocolate you’re talking about from my

Grandma my grandma always carried around like uh raisins or not like raisins but the it’s called The Chocolate I think that’s the brand that’s the candy my grandma always carared around she would always have like those are Heath heath bars I like uh let’s see all right that looks good that

Looks good that looks good looks good that looks good let me add some lights in here like that I’m going to show you guys at the end of the stream what RTX looks like something the city by the way I’m sure you guys want to check that out

So I shall give it to you guys uh there we go uh by the way than you the phone nugget all right gotcha uh heath bars are good how do I join you uh Marcus all you have to do is just put your Microsoft username and also join the

Discord uh are any mods in chat right now I can put the Discord Link in uh if no ma are in chat to put the Discord link uh you can always click the uh Link in the description uh that always works uh just join the Discord and also

Drop your Microsoft username it’s the username that you have right here when you load into a game you can also stop and add me as well but after that did I can just add you and I’ll be under your friends tab you can just join photo not phone I I knew what you

Meant dude I knew what you meant I don’t got Discord sorry bro it’s all good uh you can still join in you don’t have to have Discord to join in I just I would appreciate if you ever got it to just join the server because I’m trying to get

To uh 350 members we’re at 310 I think right now something like that um so yeah I would appreciate it if you were to get it to join the server stuff but you don’t need it just tell me your Microsoft username for had friend Mr marus Kat there you go oh we’re already

Friends look at that Marcus we’re already friends make sure to have your thing set online and then you can join I should be on your friends tab we’re already friends Marcus look at that I think adding lights are like my least favorite part of any build just takes so

Long there you go I mean it looks cool once you’re done with it does look cool all right I think that’s every room there we go all right I think we’re good all I’m G to do is add a little light right here on this hallway Let’s Do by two like

That and we just fill it all in then we can copy and paste up we should be good on this building at least almost good uh let me see uh hey nuget I’m gonna go for now man just give me a call on Discord when you’re able to help with photos see you

All right dude I’ll see you man have a good uh time I’ll text you later all right man when I’m available thanks for uh stopping by today man it’s nice to see you in the city we miss you man yeah I just start filling this in that was Waffle I don’t see you

Uh I’m going to restart the world it may have glitched out cuz we had so many people Cory what’s up man yeah I’m restarting the world up are you an Elvis fan no I don’t really rock with Elvis I am a Beatles fan though I do like some Beatles uh

There you go try again I made progress if you want to see yeah dude definitely I’ll check it out man definitely bro let me see where this Lin’s up at okay back to this corner then if we follow this line it should be perfectly lined up this

Here so it all be it could cut C up by uh 2 by tws there we go one thing I do am worried about though when I’m copying and pasting are the stairs man I hope they don’t get all messed up there we go bro

Uh yeah I don’t see it uh did you make sure to add me back by the way just make sure to add me just double check just add me as a friend is right here you can stop and take a screenshot of it but make sure you have me added all

Right all right then I got to just add doors everywhere give me one sec make sure that every room has doors on it like so dude this is actually a really cool good place I think I did pretty good with it man I think I did all right I

Don’t think I did too bad this is just yeah yeah I think I did pretty all right man honestly uh waffle do you think there’s anything we should add like in the hallways like anything at all hey there you go you see worked I added you see that’s all

You had to do welcome to the city I’m in yes let’s go I’ll give you a plot of land after I finish up this to uh build a house stuff you know all right that’s pretty much it man why bro all right okay can you TP to me yeah I got

You all right so now I just get to copy and paste this up slash give should have to add s strore block then I go out to here and I grab that up until it hits the next line which is perfect right there think I might have to add it one lower

So it gets the hey um so if I’m doing this do I have to like go one lower and grab the floor like underneath it or is it okay because I have the floor on top of it is that okay right I think it’s

Good right like I I do it like that let me know waffle in the chat 60 oh perfect dude it’s actually right on 60 by I’m guessing 60 yeah there you go it’s perfect so yeah is it okay cuz like I don’t like I have that but I don’t have

Like the floor from the bottom of it sorry Corey what did you say about my last question I don’t think I what time or what day is your next live because I got to go to my auntie’s birthday party at like 12: if there isn’t bad weather um hang on

Uh okay uh so is it okay waffle like if I have like that uh yeah dude you’re good man uh you’re good I think you might need the floor below but I think it’s fine okay let me just I’m going to just try it save s save so if I

Go out like this one two three do it like this so cuz that floor is going to catch it all so I think I should should be good so load sh your name t okay hang on I think everything’s good let me check it out though let me go inside

Here and check it out let me make sure the stairs are all good please be good all right there’s that there’s that so this is the floor I copied make sure there’s nothing like going on wrong here wait this isn’t the floor I copied wait hang

On give me a second just makeing sure everything’s okay so everything’s good here oh oh yeah because this okay so that only goes up to I forgot you got to go over there for more stairs okay let me see if everything worked out out fine right there’s that

Floor then this is going to be the copied one there’s that floor all right I think we’re good dude I think I did it I think I’m all right which is good which is a good thing all right dude everything’s good load T load t oh wait one thing is messing up it’s

Like it’s adding two of these to it man it’s okay I’ll fix that later let me just make sure everything’s good here I think it’s good I think everything’s fine I think it’s just the outside side it’s kind of like messing up that’s okay load

T uh the your stream the way so it takes a while for me to answer you know it’s all good I get it that’s why I kind of wait a little bit T see me just keep adding it up load t there we go all right how’s that seems pretty

Good to me that’s a good height I’m not trying to not trying to beat any buildings around here you know what I mean I think one more and I’m done there we go all right there we go one two three four five on the fifth one I need stairs

So this is supposed to be like at the top as well so I think I’m yeah so these are supposed to be at the top right here but I don’t think I’m going to do that amazing thank you so yeah I think I’m going to keep it like that I think I

Kind of like that it’s like not all same yeah there’s that uh this is a w g dog I like this build as well man I’m excited to see how it turns out to be on the inside with the interior and everything man excited to see

That I think I’m going to texture up the backside here or add like pipes going down it I feel like that’ be pretty cool looks quite nice thank you uh yeah let me uh finish up the top here then I got to uh go uh go work on uh the roof

Here there we go add getting all the blocks that I need all right so one two three four five there’s supposed to be like a line that kind of goes like this on it like that all the way across sort of like this then but I don’t really think I’m going

To keep it like that I’m think I’m going to change it up I have my own thing to it uh so yeah it’s supposed to be these top ones that kind of have the same thing as the bottom ones but I think I’m just going to add the rooftop to it there we

Go yeah there we go so something like that can add like a nice uh design to the top I think I’m going to just add it like this and build the top of it a certain way kind of like this hello yeah then I’ll do the end the top of

It I’m happy that I got it done today though happy that this building is done and complete like that uh almost almost done and complete it’s not done yet all right time to do the texturing which is always fun I’m going to do exactly the same thing I did over

Here uh I’ll build up the little roof here as well got all the blocks it’s me yeah it’s you so something like this there we go sort of like this there you go all right time to do the texturing basically it’s just placing random blocks everywhere getting off all right man I got

You I’ll see you Parker thank you for uh stopping in today man I’ll catch you tomorrow probably bye nuget I’m going to record all right I’ll see you man there we go all right we can add these around a bit texture this up yeah dude it looks like a pretty good building

Man Cory can I get a screamy uh yeah you can where are you there you go good all right uh all right now we got to add some gravel in here get more gray wool right here just a bald spot of No Gray the middle here there we

Go let me grab some gravel fill in some things here don’t worry about this man I got this i got this stuff man it’s not good all right yeah you just you just got to place around Rand randomly dude that’s basically all you got to do there we

Go all right let me add the next block which is this here this one is going to basically be the one that fills it all up at least most of it let’s add like some gravel here or some Cobblestone and we’ll fill it all back in with that

Stuff I’m lagging so much little yeah it’s the server is a little laggy today we had a lot of people jump in stuff it’s the weekend there we go all right uh you good all right man yeah uh we basically just fill up the rest with this

Here basically what we just fill up the rest in all little patches man this is all that goes in it basically the final part to it all why is there so much Cobblestone around here there we go yeah it’s lagging pretty bad you know what bad when I’m like I

Wonder if it’s just we have so many builds now that actually have like Interiors like there’s a lot to this place around here you know a lot of blocks placed uh I didn’t do the cow I there you go you guys get the rest of that filled up

I’m going to do the top of this one here there we go need a slab I already have it there we go there we go uh let me make sure to add it’s not good all right there we go uh that’s pretty much the roof done besides the little things that I

Had like this this stuff here what up I need the iron box when are you going to help with my waterer uh I’ll help you out here in a little bit uh well yeah we have a little bit left for stream I’ll uh help you out in a

Bit hey Dark Star join back welcome back man there we go all right then we just need a little bit more over here then we can update the map man all right that’s pretty much the building guys we are officially done with it this is what it looks like I’ll

Probably add some things to the back but pretty much this is the building man we got it done dude we finally did it great I gotta go all right I’ll see you Marcus thank you for stopping by though I’ll see you tomorrow uh yeah this is The the place man looks pretty good dude see you have a good one the back Deeds uh stuff on it I’ll probably texture it up as well off stream uh but yeah I’m GNA go update the world map now with all the cool things that we have got added to the

City by Cy it’s okay I’ll see you tomorrow okay Marcus have a good one but yeah dude looks pretty cool over there I’m gon to uh go update the map see what’s what’s up everything uh all right so we got this part to update definitely this part then this part

Uh did I already get this map no I didn’t got that to update uh I don’t think we have to update this too much I think there’s some parts here that need to be updated uh nothing got really done over here I’m pretty sure uh so I don’t really have to worry about

That I think we really just worked over on this area today man we’re really making this area look good over here all right let’s go update the map let’s see my building get finished here where it was look at that man there we go there’s that let’s get these builds

Uh on the board here here we go update this cover up all that there we go got that got that started all right oh this is a nice building by the way I like the I like that it’s a nice little building all right W building for

Real it’s nice nice building all right uh uh we got that got that let’s go check out the map hi I’m back also when will stream end uh in about 20 minutes or so a little bit less all right Damian I gotta update Damian’s thing here yeah this is pretty much what I

Got going on looking pretty good though man that area is looking really nice uh once we get this to connect to here we’re probably going have to move that back a little bit or destroy it but yeah that’s going to go to there that Road’s going to go out at some point uh

Out to that way same with this one still going to go that that way that’s going to go down uh but yeah once we get this part filled up man we’ll start working uh up here and then once we get that part uh we’ll start working out this way

And stuff you know uh once once we get that filled up this will probably be around episode 100 I imagine we get this filled up we’re going to be working over here by like episode 100 I’d imagine for 60s we finished this over here maybe like up to

66 then from 66 to 75 I imagine we’re over here building skyscrapers and stuff like that then we’ll be doing the same for this over here from 80 to like 90 it’s a lot of lot of stuff to do over here uh also housing you know housing

About then the rest will probably be after 100 we’ll have this all filled up by episode like 110 I imagine we have the whole map filled up but that’s still a lot of hours lot of episodes yeah uh let’s go update Damian’s map here there we go Damon got his outline

Done that’s pretty nice all right then we got this water elevator here that he’s help working on it’s from down here down why are there buttons does water not go past the buttons or something so basically uh you grab water then you just kind of go up with it

Then yes you see so you just hit every block here make sure it all works out uh you also kind of want to make sure you have Windows everywhere or glass going up until each floor for now like you can just do this for now but yeah basically all you do is

Just Add Water man building is huge there you go then with each floor you know uh you just get it like that man see to make sure like sucks you down see you go dude and you just go straight up with this that sound there you

Go then wherever there’s a hole you just have two buttons to it it should work out perfectly that and this down here add a button here a button here so if it’s not working up to a certain point it’s cuz you like block see it’s probably because you missed the block

Water other than that that’s pretty much why all right uh we got to do something about that uh we’ll do something like this there you go do something like that uh same thing for like down uh if it’s not working it’s cuz I probably missed the

Block so yeah we’ll find a spot where it does work and I think I fixed it yeah everything it should drag you down now uh this has a hole in it thanks no problem man it’s all good dude yeah it’s pretty cool from up here man see the whole stadium dude pretty cool

Man keep up the good work man you’re doing great yeah dude that’s pretty much All oh a what’s up Aaron hello yeah dude looking pretty good all right uh this needs to update I got rid of this parking lot right here think I just did it there we go all right probably add some trees right there or something all right that’s pretty much it

Man pretty sure it’s everything I think you this but there’s now more buildings what is your favorite build uh my favorite build without saying my own I I mean there are a lot of good ones I got to say I like this one that you made right

Here I think that’s like definitely my top five I know it doesn’t have too much of an inside but it’s pretty good looking uh if this building gets fully finished I think this will probably be my number two uh my number one has to be the the the 4K uh place over here

Dude you know got the statue got the you know names of everybody you know that joined or or in the Discord server you know uh I think that’s probably my favorite one man right there it’s hard to beat that because of how much it means uh is Big yeah the map is huge

Man well you’ve been working on this I’ve been working on this for like what two and a half years now so we’re only on episode 58 so yeah you know we’re good all right guys uh I think that’s gonna can I send another image yeah dude send me you guys

As images whatever you need for like your builds if you guys are making like a restaurant or something and need a sign but I think I’m gonna call it guys I think that’s it uh sltp shift at a to S uh thank you guys all so much for

Joining in uh I’m going to end stream here guys we had about like what peaked at like 24 viewers today uh I hope tomorrow we can hit at least 30 uh but yeah I will see you guys all in the next one thank you guys all so much for

Joining in man it means a lot I’m going to close out that once again guys thank you guys all so much for joining in I love each and every one of you hope you guys all uh have a good night’s sleep uh yeah that will be it bye guys have a good one


This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – Minecraft Nugget City ep 58! Playing with viewers – xbox/playstation/mobile/PC’, was uploaded by Nugget on 2023-12-16 20:42:20. It has garnered 282 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:11 or 13571 seconds.

In todays stream ill be Playing Nugget City with subscribers! Make sure to like and subscribe if you’re new.

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  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More