UNBELIEVABLE! Playing Minecraft Jurrasic World

Video Information

This is a brand new and exciting day because Minecraft just surprise launched a brand new piece of Jurassic Park DLC or Jurassic world DLC Rober they actually already had one and this is a brand new second one but it is here and we’ve got some content creator friendly

Audio so let’s jump into it and play it do we just walk through this maybe or do we oh there we go we got to remove it and there we go Jurassic world and oh fancy Minecraft map I’m excited to play uh this today because I really am not

100% sure what to expect in terms of gameplay or challenges but I do know we can expect some pretty fun visuals and indeed things that belong in a museum speaking of that Dr Alan Grant is here to tell me oh I get to be I am Dr Alan

Grant as it so turns out or maybe I could be Owen Grady or maybe I could be all of these people I think instead you know actually I I’ll be Dr Alan Grant he looks like an explorer to me and he likes bird watching who doesn’t so with

That said let’s select Alan look at look at me I am Allan now oh that’s weird but let’s play some Jurassic world maybe hopefully by the way do you like my my my my costume today I think it’s wonderful I hope uh that you like it um

It’s actually a it’s actually just a hoodie so it has a hat that comes up as well I don’t think that’s what Els look like though anyway I’m excited um to jump into this uh because I I feel like the big budget Minecraft DLC TI tians can actually be really fun there’s some

Other party that’s like invested in making sure it’s great and so it goes real well so anyway we’re in Veta in Malta and we’re got to go speak to our contact should be fun so I’m going to jump on this bench and then jump on the

Wall and then go find oh look so this is something fun they’ve added a uh like a like a compass to the top of the game all the time you know almost feels like an add-on but as a Minecraft map it’s not just a world there’s all sorts of

Extra things added like lighting this thing the quest system and seemingly my lack of hot bar look at me I’m just I’m just a guy walking around trying to get a conversation gun and maybe punching a stranger on a bike oh hello oi I was about to give up you’re pretty late the

Name’s Nick I would say o is actually spelled by the way there’s not many as well qualified or have lived to tell the tale uh anyway omin we need all the help we can get to save the dinos you’re going to fly out to the dolomites that’s

Where they’ll need you most there’s a plane leaving soon you need to catch But first you need to go to the black market is this a West End of town you’ll need a password um every Hollywood movie has the market scene where it’s like play some forign sounding music there’s some intense chase

Scene there’s going to be a chase scene through the Mark isn’t that she’s got something you’ll need sounds good to me Nick and thanks again they’ll really need you out there thank thank you for saying Okay so I uh I think this was a bit of a weird

Weird thing to have like a full-on dialogue scene in Minecraft but again the the quality that people or the the details that people can put into uh Minecraft maps to make Adventure experiences are pretty wild now like at some point this doesn’t really look or feel like Minecraft but that is

Something that is helpful to the people making it you might argue so yeah we’re just going to walk around this if we can okay that’s that’s a dead end that the the game is is not trying to tell me to go that way instead we’ll jump on a bike

Can’t do that can we jump on a regular bike no let let’s go um so uh yeah you look like a green pepper thank you you know I’m sure you’d look like a green pepper uh one day if you if you tried your hardest to also two days earlier oh the scream

Wow there’s rwhere so there are some Raptors and they might be eating some people and uh on the web this is this is wild look at this on a website they even reported it also children must stop riding baby dinos so uh yeah that’s fun was a bit

Random it it felt a bit jarring but the fact that you know this all happens to me is something there always worth paying attention to as you look at a map like this the the things they can pull off speaking of things being pulled off

I have a passcode that will let me get into the the secret dinosaur Market what are you looking at huh ah first time you’d better be careful in there what’s the password uh it’s it’s oh no oh no I wasn’t I assumed I didn’t okay you know it’s Dino

Snacks a lucky guess it was a lucky guess thank you I’m glad you now I uh have you watched the movies says tctc I I think a lot of people really love Jurassic Park and the Jurassic world Etc um it’s not it’s not my I love

Dinosaurs as a kid but I just never fought the idea like was compelling it was like you know I I I I I have the same experience as anyone who’s seen memes of like we spent too long working out uh you know whether we should whe we

Could and not enough time working out if we if we should and so on and so forth there you are you made it I was beginning to wonder if you would I’m Kai hello I’ve got something special for you we got this PDA from a bioin employee don’t ask me how we got

It but it’s going to be vital to your survival here you go right now all you can use is the scanner let’s make sure it’s working try scanning some of the dinos here to calibrate it select the bioc scanner app then aim it at a dyo hold down the

Button to to start the scan it’s a very very intriguing map also the fact that there’s like loading screens too right very very fun but yeah let’s uh let’s open up our app where’s our app is this our app so we got to okay no that’s not the app either so

I’ve got okay here’s my PDA oh there is hey thank you Chris H for gifting memberships uh five people including poly and and confuse seven officially I now channel members and can watch me bathing an I’m so the scanner’s there but I’m doing it wrong okay there’s the scanner wait I

It’s it doesn’t want to play over controller well okay there we go scanner so then we’re going to scan It now we’re going to scan this guy okay scanner time let’s go scan scan scan okay we did it and now we’re going to do it again Target scann I already scanned that one where’s the last guy I’ve got to scan that is he in here

Somewhere oh there we go found him so yeah there’s lots of dinosaurs in cages which is good if you don’t like dinosaurs I’m I’m all I’m a Believer in dinosaurs being able to roam wild though um great it’s working okay you better get going that door leads to the

Outskirts of town get a ride to the air strip good luck so I’m guessing this is Jurassic par Jurassic World Adventures um I’m guessing that means I’m going to have some some decent time it’s going to be spent you know maybe being in a world filled with dinosaurs

And that seems fun also do you see the car do that okay let’s let’s get in let’s have a good time and we didn’t have our black market scene inste the black market seem to just be a building yeah let’s get inside I can walk inside but I can’t get

Inside till now yeah look at that that’s that’s how cars move yep that’s that’s how cars move we all know it we’ve all seen it and now that I’ve done that I’m at the Airfield so I’ve been to Thea’s airport before let me tell you this this not only is

This not what the airport looks like but also if an airport was that small nothing would ever take off but I’m not going to not going to be mad I’m just going to jump on the plane uh and see what’s happening back here oh am I doing that right there we

Go um this map has been on my wish list since it’s released so excited to see my favorite Minecraft Youtuber player PS love the ultrat survival map uh it’s my most recent Obsession I’m glad you’re liking it Nix and carate oh are we going to take up wow

You know I guess I guess I was wrong about it not taking off I clearly got things wrong there but yeah this is a um this is ultimately oh where are we now the compass has been updated Welcome to the Real D we’re not in we’re not in

Veta anymore we’re in the Dolomite mountains oh there’s no Jurassic world here either see I I never watched the movies it just the the premise never compelled me enough um I feel like basically I I think everyone has a major franchise or two that they’ve never watched despite it being wildly popular

I think this and um Indiana Jones are mine like everyone knows it it’s culturally referenced as if it is just everyone has seen it but I have I have no clue about these things and so I’m going to learn about it through Minecraft maps as you

Do it’s going to be fun it’s going to be a lot of fun so no way back now I mean I don’t I don’t want to be a picky here but is that really no way back like I guess okay yeah I guess these Leafs are

Here there’d be no way to get through those leaves uh but I mean you know if I really wanted a way back I feel like I could jump up to that block let’s do it let’s show you okay no let not clearly no way back it’s over I mean the river

Wouldn’t be entirely blocked or the river would have to start like overflow you but again these are issues for another time the issue for right now is getting back onto the water and heading to the Ravine so uh yeah the Dolomite mountains in uh Italy I always assume

Was like doam or something it’s fun to hear it out loud see I’m learning about Jurassic world learning about mountains and Italy it’s a good time like although I’ve got to watch out for rock slides remember I can’t go back one also what is this me what is this doing here are

We on a hiking trail right now I mean I guess there was an air strip so it doesn’t seem that offbeat but it’s oh dinosaurs okay so yeah I love me some dinosaurs and I’m going to take pictures of these guys cuz that’s the thing that

I’ve learned we can do I think we’re going to have to just use use a mouse for this okay so we’re going to take a picture of these guys uh or maybe we’re not no keep subject in frame okay okay I’m trying my best I’m doing I’m doing all I can but

He’s walking around too quickly this is you you’re being erratic friend you know okay so there’s no way that’s going to work for me so I’m going to take I’m going to put this back um no I’m going to emot I don’t know how to undo this oh

It’s trapped on the screen um okay so I’ll just I’ll just leave it out until I next see a dinosaur see this is everyone always says when you’re going through something magical you want to experience it for your camera lens not your realizes people always say like you know

Get the camera out you don’t want to witness this for anything else and so let’s enjoy that today let’s go for a Sprint I wonder uh what I have done here it is in fact doti in Italians oh look at me I know I know my languages or I’m

Accidentally right one of those two so so there is a locked entrance to the elevator I like I like a game that actually says like look you could go in there but you just can’t okay oh there we go I’m out it was I just had to

Unhide it from my thing can’t trust our eyes the camera won’t lie to you I mean the oh no I’ve got to I’ve got to be in here I mean the proof of that is the fact that the idea of like Sasquatch and yetis and the Loch Ness monster all

Suspiciously went away the moment we got good camera phones it’s like they knew it’s like they somehow what did I just do there I lowered this it’s like they somehow knew same with Dinosaurs you know we we had all these Beres I I okay there we go so

We got a it’s a weird ladder but I can climb it and now let’s go inside so yeah this is uh turning Minecraft into an adventure game is surprisingly oh good good fun so you made it to the first Outpost I’m Dr Jones I’ve been given access to each

Outpost communication systems so I’ll be right here to guide you now get to the controls and raise this bad boy to the clouds okay let’s raise it to the clouds cuz I osaurus and a T-Rex are not what I want to be near you think I can take things

From here do you think I can use the microwave do you think I can use the bed yeah let’s do it I should wait till night okay that’s that’s reasonable so let’s uh instead use the controls let’s do the beep boop until we get raise up a deck yeah sounds

Fun so did I do it correctly I don’t think I did research position and locks Outpost be fully operational yeah do it um I’m clearly doing something incorrectly or maybe I’ve got to like then go upstairs is it already whoa look at the dinosaur over there he could crush a car

Without even thinking about he could probably destroy this building if he felt like it I’m glad he doesn’t Okay so this is definitely The Outpost controls and that’s definitely raiseed the upper deck I’m going to going to use a mouse maybe see if we can change

This oh yeah okay it just it doesn’t work on a controller useful thing to know got to use a mouse and keyboard for UI in this game Terry xenosaurus ter neosaurus it’s a ah okay power’s on more PDA apps should have been unlocked you should be able to

Access the map the dino Data Bank dat that’s fun okay so area scan system should be online now a TR that baby up at the controls and let’s see what’s out there the vi the results of the outposts area scan through the tasks app okay let’s let’s get back out with

That I do not want to be near that guy actually no do you think I can tranquilize him okay so I I can pick up some flares there there’s a lot of stuff in this Tower this this is a here’s some stuff I can in back take I looked at it

Earlier and I was like oh it’ be fun if I could use that and I can there’s some bandages some medkits we’ve got everything we want and now we can scan and see if there’s things in the area so again very wild what you can do in

Minecraft but you have to use a mouse for this apparently very wild what you can do of this um within Minecraft I I I’m going to say this a trillion times but look at this it’s a cutscene with things drawn on the screen it’s a it’s a impressive good chances sasquatches are

Just grizzly bears standing upright but people couldn’t figure that out and immediately were like Sasquatch no no no they’re real and they just stopped being easily F oh who what’s this okay so I’ve got myself a stun baton will be very useful for a dinosaur I’m

Sure so now I’m going outside and I’m just going to scan some dinosaurs is that the goal yeah that seems fun it’s an open world game not what I expected but I’m on board of it so there’s a map oh wow um there’s a map and what else

Have we got well you know let’s just let’s go scan those big dinosaurs and maybe let’s stun the ones that get scary too if he gets too close I I’m not you know I will I will say that he’s got to stop resisting but for

Now oh yeah he’s a big he’s a big one he’s very big what was that will it tell me you know okay you you got to you stop being so hostile here friend I will tranquilize you oh oh how do I shoot it there we go so now I’ve tranquilized the

Big dinosaur is he just going to stay still I mean I would expect okay let’s stun him a little bit maybe this is not very useful this is this is very counterproductive this is not how you make friends with the Dinosaurs so um yeah the Baton seemed

Like a good idea apparently not actually a very good idea maybe if I just shoot him in the face yeah that’s should solve my problems maybe the tranquilizer just didn’t go oh no okay he’s he can dodge these so there’s a lot of big guys here

And I think I should accept that this isn’t going to work so let’s instead get in this car damage oh lots of damage instead get in this car two damaged we could probably fix it but I’d rather I’d rather go out and foot and see what

Dinos we can find so the main point I assume is to let’s go look at our tasks we can poacher Camp the poachers have set up a camp nearby to the West oh you pick your own you pick your own quests it’s it’s like almost open world and

There’s stealth which will keep you quiet and noise will oh you can crawl on your knees ah okay I’m I’m interested I’m in toy cat do you have any plans for when December realview will be announced are you waiting for a particularly slow uh week for Minecraft

News so the way it actually is is uh yeah like every week I have like a batch of videos I try to record and when there’s no when when I have a gap in what I need to do I’m like okay let’s review some Realms um also look how tiny these guys

Are there’s no way a dinosaur looks like this but if it did oh if it did it would kill me apparently okay just going to just going to scan you oh no no no just just scanning one dinosaur that’s all I want to do I’m going to do it I’m going

To do it no no no please stop I can do this I can do this I’m going to scan you all away yeah okay so I don’t know if we even want to scan all the dinosaurs there’s just this Instinct right the game tells me like got to catch them all

And I’m like yeah I do want to catch them all so we’re going to walk past the oh what who are you are those villagers or bows uh I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to tranquilize one just to see how that goes oh no no no no no no no no

Okay I’m dead I’m dead I regret I regret being here okay I was slain by a caurus wow that was interesting maybe don’t that way again yeah okay thank thank you for the advice I should have gone to sleep there’s too many dinosaurs at night but um Let’s ignore the vehicles

And go on foot nothing could go wrong the vehicles are broken I don’t know why they’re broken but I’m not a mechanic if I was a mechanic they wouldn’t be broken I guess I uh the man can be beneficial for farming if they never want extinct yeah I guess inside of they

Probably got it’s the interesting thing about like uh discovering wild like old animals is like even just what they ate would be interesting if you could take a dinosaur from so long ago to now there’d be so much in there that’s valuable outside of what you would assume so let’s go to

Sleep am I am I am I sleeping there we go um here we go yeah some people were clearly Dino kids say dark detective yeah I was a dino kid I I I love dinosaurs as a kid big big big fan it’s weird cuz it doesn’t even make any sense like why why

Are dinosaurs so interesting to people like you know as someone who was interested in dinosaurs it’s like like you could be interested in rabbits it’s got just about as much application to your day-to-day life there’s something about dinosaurs where you’re like yeah they were they were cool they were

Big there’s like certain big things that interest all people of like or interest large number of peoples at certain ages like the IDE that like I don’t know it’s a it’s a very common thing that like as you get older you you go and look at

Trains oh God it’s the same guy it’s the exact same fella so I’m going to pick up my stuff and then run away from this everything’s going to be fine I’m going to be great and uh please kill each other don’t kill me oh no I said don’t I

Said one thing and it was not to do what you are currently working on okay so my inventory is now a bit unorganized but I’m going to find these poit this is going to be great so um yeah we had Dino posters when I was a kid but it didn’t

Extend past that I memorized all the facts Etc about there from it yeah I I had dinosaur books I had little dinosaur toys I I I memorized all the facts back then but like I had a favorite dinosaur or something oh Target wait I’ve got to

Crouch or they’ll hear me so I’m going to load up a tranquilizer and just shoot them yeah I mean like okay so there there’s I’m think I’m meant to sneak through the long grass here okay I’m going to crawl through oh no no you didn’t see me you didn’t see

Me okay we’re going to stun baton you okay flare him maybe okay no no one sees me no one sees me I’ve stunned him to death I mean stunned him to sleep and now we’re going to keep on crawling I am well hidden back here so this is fun there’s like a

Stealth oh no a stealth mechanic functioning right here in Minecraft oh no okay so I’m going to make him go to sleep and I’m going to stun them just just stun stun stun stun you don’t see anything oh what’s that a trap oh a bear trap wait are they poaching are they

Punching Bears I feel like that’s that’s beyond my remit here Al see I’m just going to slowly tranquilize them all and once they’re all tranquilized they’ll go to sleep right maybe not chat how did tranquilizers work I thought they I as someone who watches movies I thought

They put people to sleep and as a teenager I can tell you they put people into a very fun sleep um but as an adult I don’t actually know I just think I know you know I think there’s a lot of things everyone has like that where it’s

Okay just everyone is stunned the task is complete and my reward you’ve got this hey I got some arrows wait do I want arrows that oh I got a real bow here I can actually kill people now that’s great I I was starting to think to

Myself H am I not being a bit of the square being a little bit boring here like just you know tranquilizing people putting them to sleep I’d rather put people to sleep if you know what I mean so we’re going to now be able to do

That so I’m going to go back to my phone my phone is over here going to load up another task and we’re going to see what we can do to heal a dino or rescue it I’ll heal the dino I guess there’s an injured stegosaur nearby use my PDA to

Scan him for injuries and then apply band you know I feel like a bandage on a on a dinosaur is a questionable strategy but yeah I’ve done more questionable things for now let’s shoot someone is are they are they bad they are bad let’s

Go oh let’s go oh wow it takes a lot of arrows to kill a person in real life would not recommend stick stick to using your your stun guns I guess o can we pick this up you can so yeah they’ve changed so much about base Minecraft

Even like the arrow mechanic you have to like change your backpack using this you have to say like what you want in a given slot there’s a lot going on so one weapon two Arrow bag three Arrow slots experiment using different Arrow types for aranged weapon so what I don’t I

Don’t understand what this screen means but I guess just put the put the Tranquil you know I’ll just put these in my off hand no I won’t I’ll just put them over there or over there I don’t know that should be good enough for now and let’s shoot a

Deer is that a deer I think that’s a deer we’ll find out if it drops deer meat I guess okay can’t have been a deer would have dropped some meat if so um dear good so cat’s getting real dangerous honestly sometimes I uh I don’t think you want to know what you

Mean so cat I I mean the thing is right almost everything that we work out is really useful for one thing we spend a lot of effort trying to work out is it also useful for this other thing and that also applies to things that could tranquilize something the size of a

Horse I guess okay so this guy is looking pretty injured if only I had a magical app that could heal him yeah you better believe I do you know people say that technology is all bad and that phones are dangerous and they’re killing us all but clearly

They allow us to do things like heal up okay so use on use the bandage on him is is he good now scan for oh here we go we got to heal him over here too and as we all know put some bandages on a Dino and everything goes away maybe

Does he does he need more do you want my medic kit yeah it says zero out two bandage injuries on Dino so what do we do now do we heal him again yeah you know why not or scan him again see if it helps see if he’s feeling feeling under

The we in any other way um bandage injuries oh do we actually just keep scanning over and over again maybe and we’ll continuously find more yeah I’m sure that’s how it is so let’s just keep looking I see nothing I’m out of bandages oh I’ve got rations

And I’ve got a medkit what do you think will work better I don’t do how do you think I’m going to find some bandages in the middle of a forest for a dinosaur I just I just never thought about this it’s one of those issues you never have with Minecraft Legends being developed

In the Bedrock engine it’s interesting to think about what the future might hold for Marketplace content um yeah I I think that’s basically been their goal the whole time too also o we could drive a we can’t drive it why why can’t we drive it do we not have the keys

Disappointing so uh yeah I’m looking for bandages do you think do you think a factory in the middle of a forest would have bandages like what if their employees get hurt they would have to also oh there’s a lot of people here lot lot of people they might drop bandages

If I kill them you know which is a valid reason a valid self-defense um will get you off in any good court if you say well your honor I figured the murder of these people might help me find some bandages that I could use to heal a dinosaur it’s uh it’s had

Oh there we go and it did it did 100% success rate in my experience but yeah I think uh the the the power of the the Bedrock game engine really is something that they’re like kind of lowkey working cuz if they you know if they’re like if they tell you

Too loudly about it I think people like would be more concerned would have like issues or feel different ways whereas if you’re just like yeah this is exactly what we’re doing and it’s great oh ouch no no no no no I’m helping your friend don’t be mad with me cuz I healed a

Stegosaurus that’s fun look you should be grateful to me now I healed you I made you good friend also wow don’t don’t be mad at me I made your wife better if anything you should be paying me right now give me give me all your dinosaur currency get this is a

Shakedown this is a I’ve got I will shoot okay he doesn’t care dinosaurs do not have a concept of extortion but what dinosaurs do have a concept off is apparently the ability to be rescued because this one has put a message on the app that he needs to be a micro

Seratus needs to be uh put back into the wild so let’s go towards him next next and see what spot I um but yeah I think uh I I think the crazy thing about the Bedrock game engine is how versatile it can be also ouch don’t really want to be

I guess I can just heal myself right yeah great and now we’ll just shoot these guys from a distance oh this actually is probably the camp so yeah we’ll shoot them and before they even know who’s shooting them they’ll be dead how wonderful it feels a bit cruel to shoot them from

This far away but someone needs to put them in their place and if it’s a guy on a hill it’s a guy on a hill so now I’m going to punch them to death just to see if you can oh yeah you you going down friend easy and just like that we got

Some rations do I need any I’ll a ration yeah go on and I also got some energy bar a bear trap yeah I’ve already have the bear trap and a can drink so that’s nice so to rescue these dinos we’re going to do the oh okay that was easy

You just have to open the cage yeah task complete that was much easier excellent job I’m much more comfortable with murder uh than having to having having to like open up a dinosaur cage and look at all these arrows we get in exchange I got I got plenty of these now so it’s

Like a polar bear in Minecraft attacks you if you attack it or there is a baby nearby oh that’s fun uh Rango I guess so if it’s like a polar bear in Minecraft though we better watch out because they might go invisible if we’re not careful

So now we have done all of the tasks we’re going to have to go back to the Outpost and then presumably we find more tasks at different outposts I I assume so and my favorite can drink don’t you love going to the store and and you know

Like it turns out you’ve been lucky because you get there and they have that’s right can drink what does it taste like colala it doesn’t have any sugar there honestly the the funny thing about being out in like the wild or you know if if you were to go into an

Isolated control place like this I feel like you would want full sugar Coke I feel like those extra calories might go a long way might actually help you quite a bit speaking of full sugar Coke I have uh I have Pepsi Max here with no caffeine no sugar

It’s been such a such a game changer to me to find no caffeine uh drinks means you can means you can have it without worrying about what it’s going to do to your insides if like me your insides are very very sensitive to being uh poked

Anyway so um yeah I guess we’re going to go back into the thing and we’re going to see what the machine tells me now that I have done all your tasks machine what now oh there’s there’s nothing left in here so instead we’ll read the PDA

We’ll see if the map has anything for me yeah we can scan it oh it’s big I’m guessing we have to no we can’t so the map is just telling me there is more stuff here there’s something there and way down there there is also something

So that’s that’s good also I guess I’ll pick up another stun baton just seems logical to me and I guess we’ll also go out to the Top Again look at the view from up here it is very nice I I wonder if that actually is down

There or not oh it must be because the way it’s rendering that’s very Bedrock style rendering where like the car is Vanishing because I’m too far away from it it’s like an entity thing but yeah let’s get down from this and then let’s go find another Tower sounds good to

Me I I think uh mango disco Fork clip juice or whatever it was says scoopski cat oh man mango disco forklift juice oh the the vehicle works so move forwards left right what is it telling me to do um not all vehicles are suited to all

Locations in terrain if you go up a meter at a time you’ll hit a wall so I need to know what that’s like so we’re going to do that right now internet I’m just going to walk into this wall right here and see what happens oh okay yeah

That’s that was bad okay that was very bad don’t do that that’s a lesson so we’re going to go for a drive now and go find some more dinos find some more tasks and see what the map really has inall me I do like that it’s got like an

Open world vibe to it the closest we had to this was the Star Wars map uh where it was like do the missions in the order you want uh but it feels like Minecraft is kind of working out like getting on its feet about like should it be Choice

Based content like Minecraft is or should it be a well curated do a thing I’m glad that even though they’ve got these tasks it feels like you’re kind of choosing on your own how or when to do them so over here there is huh interesting there’s a whole area that

We’re not meant to go into and so I shant it’s crazy how many hours it must have take to even make the background for these worlds yeah it’s the interesting thing about Minecraft map building is at first the people just started being like look this is a beautiful Minecraft world that we built

Okay let’s run these people over oh that works I love that that is a good detail if they can hurt me in this vehicle I’m going to I’m not going to enjoy that but I am going to run someone over to death if you can do any Minecraft map where

You can run someone over is a good Minecraft map to me oh he died yeah see I’m the good guy though because I like dinosaurs and they’re the bad guys because they want to survive those monsters so let’s get out let’s get on a motorbike now if we can yeah let’s

Go so I’m just kind of looking around vibing way around the island and presumably found finding another Tower it seems to imply on the task list here it seems to imply that you go to another Outpost and then you get more tasks I could be reading that wrong could be

Misunderstanding entirely but yeah that’s that’s why I’m feeling out right now and so we’re going to look around the world until we see something that indicates that also we can still hit people with this bike which is nice okay so would you drive that car in

Your survival world I don’t think I have any half block gaps for it to drive up it’s uh it is funny how long there’s been cars in Minecraft maps but they none of them feel any good like you’re in this I’m in this right now it doesn’t

Feel good it feels like a faster form of transport it feels like a less fmatic horse that also can’t guard pills so yeah even less fmatic horse I feel like in the wild west maybe horses gain their value again can’t find gasoline but you can find crops everywhere but yeah instead we are

Roaming around the world at the speed of sound got places to go got to follow my rainbow I’m assuming this will also crash if we hit a wall yeah there’s oh no okay I’m sorry did not mean to offend you fellas so this is a corner of the world

Oh didn’t didn’t want to hit the deer either so this is just a corner of the world oh no okay the bike’s gone the bike has fallen into a gap I can’t get it out sorry bike Goodbye Oh there’s someone in whoa there’s other people in

A okay oh okay that’s scary so you find people and those people will okay I’m just going to stun you I’m just going to stun you you’re going to you’re going to have to go down I don’t like that there’s dinosaurs and people right now

But you’re all going to have to die for the greater good I need your vehicle and again I’m a good guy because I am trying to help dinosaurs who I’m also going to stun but only because I’m a good dinosaur man anyway let’s get into the car here

Go see if we can’t save ourselves so yeah it’s very very very thematically interesting with a big IP behind it oh there’s a whole another vehicle full of people strangely all people are hostile and most dinos are passive I mean teaches you a lot about the real world right we all like to

Pretend that it’s the people that are it’s the it’s the world that’s the problem but maybe it’s the people we should worry about in every Zombie Apocalypse movie something you’ll notice is the the compelling stories always come from the survivors interacting with each other like every every Apocalypse

Movie is actually about how people Deal With Disaster because that’s our biggest spere also I think I found another Tower it took me a little bit but look at that I got a second one this is Outpost O2 and there is a big old Dino out here

That I don’t need to worry about too badly right now for let’s press a button over here see I’ve learned how to do this now we press that that brings down the ladder climb up said ladder and then we go yeah and inside we can say hi hi hi

How’s it going speak to the machine what we got to do we got to raise the upper deck and then scan and see what the problem is so I’m guessing we just do all of the towers and that is the idea of the map is we you know we’re slowly

Reclaiming the land and making it nicer place to be in the delites or the doite mees the car’s floating look at the shadow if you think about how cars in this game work if you think about basically anything that we’re doing right now too hard it’ll break you

Suspend your disbelief for the fact that cars go on the ground in real life have you ever been driving a car and seen the distance between the tires and the ground your car could be a hover car and you wouldn’t even know it see now got a

Whole bunch of tasks from this Tower oh there’s a lot too oh there’s just four but I’m going to go find a another one too oh wow o interesting yeah I think it’d be I think it’d be fun to go do the next Tower already like get those quests all

Lined up or maybe we’re meant to treat this like it’s also let’s grab more medkits oopsie my bad didn’t didn’t mean to grab the field supplies grab any any darts if we’ve got them lying around flares I don’t know if the flares will ever be useful but I like to believe

That they could be and now let’s go what what actually what what are the flares for oh you shoot them at things and then they they go red it’s handy that they exist but I also don’t see their value but maybe one day that’ll change so for

Now let’s get on our first task uh we have to I like the poacher Camp honestly let’s do it so stop the poachers before they can cause harm to dinosaurs in other words let’s go run some people over in the name of helping dinosaurs you know I think there’s a lot

Of people who enjoy the idea of doing bad things but so that they can do good things you know you know there’s some there’s some bad stuff inside of humans and if we you know if we find out that maybe we can use the bad things they do

Good things you know not not have to worry about how you sleep at night I think a lot of people jump at the opportunity and that’s definitely not me right now because I am just a good person doing a good thing oh no there’s a hole okay I’m

Just going to get out do the rest by climbing don’t want to deal with you fellas you’re too scary and I would rather have a good time up here but yeah the idea that there are actual stealth sections is real cool also yeah this doing this in a car seems silly almost

The the road is too too switch backy and I can’t do that dinosaurs hate flares apparently okay let’s let’s find that out for real let’s shoot a flare at the next dinosaur we see and see how they really feel about it so this is a camp you can see

They all spawned in as I got here I’m just going to fire a flare over there and see what that does to them see they’re not distracted by it it this this is very early stuff you know one day they’ll be impressive and it’ll be like wow how’ they even do that but

Yeah for now we’re just charging in you think you got got me but you don’t got me uh make sure oh ouch so okay that you don’t you don’t really have that much health in this it’s uh relatively low Health situation and also just you if

You want to charge towards me you can but you’re going to get buzzed you’re going to get buzzed real hard and there you go we’re dead do you think a bear trap can actually be used on a enemy here oh that’s cool that’s very cool

Let’s let’s let’s let’s trap some uh I I want to Bear Trap the next people I come across again feels cruel and unusual but it’s fine it’s not it’s I’m I’m a good person so I can’t do bad things that is that’s just the universal truth trust me

About that also it only Stacks up to 10 in this and other things stacked to 16 very un minecrafty quite like Zelda of the towers yeah I think um a lot of games did the tower thing before Zelda like Far Cry is what comes to my mind uh it’s

It’s a valid way of doing gameplay to be fair so now we’re going to go on poach a patrol a poach Patrol has been spotted in the area find them and defeat them before they capture any dinosaurs so I would sleep but I’m currently just in a

Camp let’s get back over there and let’s fire some bear traps on people it’s going to be real satisfying also first I need to drink my colala my favorite band brand of uh drink let’s go oh yeah Cola lot is healing me up no it’s not it just makes

Me hunger go down oh okay so while you’re full hunger you heal wow that sounds familiar doesn’t it that’s a cool mechanic so yeah now let’s get down I’m I’m I’m so excited to use bear traps I know it’s not going to be as satisfying

As I want it to be but I I just hope if I believe that you know I I’ll have a good time also ouch probably didn’t want to do that probably not a good thing so let’s get in this car if we can we cannot there are just some some vehicles

That are usable and you don’t know which ones which ones are and which ones aren’t until you get close to them this would be a really cool thing I would run people over and it’ be so good but sadly can’t do that instead let’s shoot another flare at a dinosaur yeah dinosaurs hate

Fles understandably and also they provide light so it’s kind of like a torch if you will but yeah let’s get out and out there let’s go to sleep because it’s too late for my liking and let’s deal with the these poaches in the morning so in the films the flares

Distract big carnivals like T-Rex like how the Snowballs can be used to distract a warden but gdg so have fun L by thank you Rivero uh hope you have a good good time wherever you’ve got to go I um I don’t think poachers are dinosaurs uh toy cat no poachers are

People going after dinosaurs although if you think about it on on on all people kind of like dinosaurs we’re all we’re all life on this planet which means that we have a a common ancestor of dinosaurs and so therefore logically if we’re dinosaurs we can’t poach dinosaurs but since I’m an Explorer I

Don’t think I can have these opinions I’m going to hide them and I’m going to pretend that I’m in this for the the saving the poaches okay this is the group we got to do it okay okay so I’m going to throw some bear traps down I’m

Going to see if I can’t okay just run into the bear traps please do it oh it did not work this is not working what’s at all come on run towards me get yourself in the bear trap you know you want to so yeah this is this is uh it’s not

Oh there we go it it does work just not as effectively as I would like ultimately you’re probably better off oh okay yeah you’re probably better off just shooting people Andor stunning them in the face okay so run run run run kill and we’re going to pick up the first bow

We get I’m irely out of bows so I guess we’ll use the Tran shooter and I’m just going to Tran shoot him from a distance till he dies slowly and tranquilize which is honestly not a not a terrible way to go task complete look at me ouch

Also Pro tip try not to fall into bear traps this is one of my biggest nightmares I I’ve only ever seen bear traps from horror movies I don’t know if bear traps would even help with a bear but they they just look like they would ruin your life right it just it just

Looks like you’re having a bad day uh probably oh no I didn’t want to do that okay so yeah tell me if you think I’m crazy I hat cat in the F by by the way speaking of Hat toy cat only slightly over two weeks until Christmas my daughter and I bought put

Up and decorated the tree last night Christmas tree I mailed my Christmas cards today instead of in January festive snack fund hungry face so I I’ve been eating some crazy my my favorite thing that I found this year is uh everyone’s fing with pigs and blankets

Big big big part of British Christmas I found pigs in blankets but instead of sausage in the inside it’s cheese so it’s just cheese WRA bacon any other time of year you’d be like that’s ridiculous you’re just you’re just killing your heart health there toy cat but since it’s Christmas it’s like I’m

Just eating the festive food that’s all I’m doing nothing else and boy is it delicious um I mean I’ve been enjoying them a lot um but yeah I uh congratulations on putting up the tree I put mine up too early cuz I’ve got this uh weird belief that if you’re going to

Do something as annoying as put up a tree do it early right like there’s no there’s I I I I when I during my childhood I had a full year where the Christmas tree stayed up because by the time you get you know like if it takes

So long to put up anywhere if it’s a lot of work and it’s a whole thing then you might as well get the most value out of it imagine bring a Christmas tree up for 6 hours people would say that’s insane just don’t bother imagine being a

Christmas tree up for a day insane don’t bother the longer you do it over the more reasonable and sensible it gets also um I I think uh the important thing also I had this uh hot dog at the pop-up stand there was no sausage just Lumi it was 8 but worth

It why do hot dogs cost like you know like street food is one of the most one of the most intriguing things to me also tranquilize Target oh there he is okay so I’ve learned they don’t like flares I’m going to use that to my advantage yeah watch out there’s flares

There friend oh no no sleeping like a baby oh I’m sorry okay he’s is that is that that’s fine he’s he’s doing great I’m going to scan him real Quick’s what’s he doing what is he Yep this is what happens when when you get tranquilized your body just starts moving around without you

Um but yeah I uh I’m going to I’m just going to continue tranquilizing him maybe throw another flare at him is he sufficiently flared now I don’t am I am I doing it wrong Mark him with the [Laughter] flares what happened how do I am I what

Am I what am I doing incorrectly with this with I’m trying my best I don’t know how to mark it okay so I’ll get them over here maybe to where the green flares already are is that the secret I you break it you buy it you

Know I guess this is my dinosaur now also I want to scan all the dinosaurs I ran across let’s see what oh no I didn’t mean to punch you I was trying to scan you friend oh no okay just just let let me scan you you good with that now

Okay’s he’s getting scanned he’s getting scanned come on yeah there we go we’re good yeah so I’m I’m assuming he then goes into my dinosaur scanless and I can slowly scan all of the species got to catch them all but yeah as for the the

Big dinosaur I have no idea how I was meant to actually Mark that thing I think you’ll come back to this later you know I’m allowed to do other tasks so I’m just I’m going to go retrieve those samples now okay so head towards The Marked area and let’s just believe that

None of this ever happened I I I was enjoying running across the grap Vine to be fair it’s great uh it’s bugged yeah that some something went wrong with that dinosaur and I am very amused by it I put up our thick tree last night it’s very pretty

Says Hannah Joy I’m glad you I I I think a Christmas tree is a Christmas tree I I’ve every now and then you see a really big one where you’re like oh I guess I guess you you are willing to put a you know a dollar amount on the amount you

Love Christmas very very proud of you for that but I feel like the the important thing is everyone just feels Christmasy when there’s a tree with lights on it in a house and the more you think about it the less it makes sense

So try not to but yeah I I love the I love that is festive season which is why I’m dressed as an elf I’m here to make toys for all of you uh you know I the these days eles have been doing the maths and making toys like you give one

One one child Joy right but if I could just also oh there’s a car full of people again if you think about it uh if they just made you know child centered Minecraft videos uh they can bring joy to more people and uh I actually you know do

Eles only make toys for children I don’t know the I don’t know the situation I feel like it made I feel like the idea of even making toys is a little bit silly like are there eles developing video games it’s uh you know I I I it’s it’s an

Interesting problem to to think about but anyway so uh did the eles make toy cat the elves made me uh so I could so I could scar children with Tales of what happens when you take tranquilizer uh and indeed also I think the reason some people buy street food

That cost so much is because you’re directly talking to benefits on the food so you feel better from what say sacrificial L but I I feel as though um because it’s so direct a lot of the costs should be reduced is my is my thinking is like yeah if you’re

Buying from a restaurant they have so much overhead there’s so little overhead with street food and then it somehow is often more expensive also do you think you can drive this through water oh no you can’t that was a that was a wrong idea and also there’s a vehicle here

That’s definitely filled with people I’m going to Bear Trap the vehicle see if that works in my favor okay let’s go okay let’s let’s let’s go and let’s go that that did not work as well as I wanted it to so I’m just going to get my

Stun gun and go for it from a distance oh yeah you oh no this this is terrible they have so much health now I don’t I don’t know what to do about that they’re running so poorly again that they are Minecraft Mobs with you know

They they do have some AI in there they just haven’t haven’t finished those last important steps also do you think we can combine stun bons like their swords I hope we can yeah we can also six attack damage we should enchant it maybe but um scar children with uh tales

Of the Mexican buses uh not the Mexican buses I’m I I the the Mexican bus story is a is a once in a lifetime story glad you all got to hear it but it’s over also toy cat says GE Productions you’re right that’s that’s what I that’s what I

Make in the factory I make little toy cats for everyone to enjoy I hope that you enjoy yours but the the the the goal of uh the goal of today we getting these dinosaurs all all all tased is it is a it’s a very interesting one when it comes to like I

I know I’m making all these jokes about like it’s okay cuz I’m the good guy but there is a an underlying point about Also let’s eat some energy bars there is an underlying thing about how like every movie and video game has you just kill like people and then

They’re like no trust us those were the bad people and you’re like why am I assuming that and it’s like well if they weren’t the bad people you wouldn’t be killing them it’s like a circular logic and it kind of shows the protagonist bias we have in you know like movies but

Really in society like we assume When someone tells us a story that that person is probably a good person like if they had to do something bad it’s probably because they were doing it against bad people also we’re finally here I found my way to the I’ve got to steal

Some eggs am I a poacher now I think I must be actually I think Street vendors have to pay more taxes or pay for some licenses to sell on a stand yeah you do in general have to uh for what it’s worth uh it’s not that

It’s free there but it is still cheaper than a restaurant uh in terms of just less rent less electricity fewer stuff like it in general uh but it seems as though prices are not much lower uh because maybe that’s not most of what running a business is like a business is

Not just overheads eal price of food you’re kind of paying for an experience and a lot of people love that experience of being in front of the person who makes something for them also yeah there’s one more set of eggs I think I might have walked past it maybe uh was

It over here did you did you see some eggs there are the eggs oh look it’s the it’s a it’s a new dinosaur it’s very broken look at that dinosaur uh but yeah let’s let’s grab the egg and let’s place the eggs in the incubator right after I scan this guy

He’s helping me get my scan done oh no don’t look at me don’t look at me no I was so close to scanning you okay he’s Trapped In The Wall again he’s like a phantom just let me finish you before you’re done boom new dinosaur is found so we have to go back

To our Outpost um oh it literally Outpost two I was going to say we could go to another one but no we got to go back oh the way it’d be nice to have a vehicle at this point although even then we can probably just walk down the hill easier than anything

Else I um also uh one of my favorite characters is a bad guy he’s much more relatable says Jamie I mean I don’t know if I’d go as far as to say that bad guys are relatable um but I would say that in general we all find it too easy to be

Like oh yeah person tell story is good and everyone else be bad um when maybe we should have also there we go I feel like we should actually have a bit more of a understanding that most people do both good and bad things level people who you think are great can do bad

People who think are bad probably did some great things at some point also seven more days until I drive for 9 hours and stay home for 2 weeks and can’t wait to play more Minecraft with my fan Lando Lakes hey thank you Lando Lakes good to see you by the way hope

You’re doing wonderfully today um oh look at this weird lighting that follow oh I guess cuz it’s got headlights oh it’s got Dynamic lighting it’s like having a torch in your hand if Jurassic world can do it why can’t you Minecraft but um yeah I uh I’m I I I

Think that’s the cool thing about December is getting to spend more time uh with the people you care about it’s an interesting uh the roots of It kind of go back to the whole idea of like well it’s the dark season you know winter solstice like we’re all going to spend

More time inside might as well spend it ideally with people that you that you want to be in there with um like the roots are very interesting too don’t get me wrong got this but uh the the thing I find kind of charming about it is that

Like yeah it’s it is semi Universal and maybe that’s just me also are there any more flares there’s not so we’re going to go to sleep and then we’re going to hope that the dinosaur from before has stop being bugged and if it hasn’t then we just hope for the

Best also vast from Far Cry 3 is still one of my favorite Far Cry characters ever one of my favorite far C cry characters ever I I can’t I can’t not talk about this but it is my favorite thing that there is a Far Cry game uh I

Think it’s Far Cry 5 and there’s a guy who seems like he’s an evil villain like he’s kidnapping you um and then he’s like just wait uh I’m going to I’m going to go get something and then we can speak to your uh you know we’ll speak to

Your parents we’ll make it all right we can we can help your mother you help you if you’re burying your ashes or whatever and then you’re like you leave and you do the whole game and you eventually like go back and kill him or something but if you just wait 10 minutes like

Doing nothing he comes back and he’s like yeah let’s help you spread those ashes game just ends and it’s like oh yeah he wasn’t a bad guy it makes sense in The Narrative of a video game why you had to assume he was a bad guy maybe you just have faith in

People actually most things go pretty fine so let’s go subdue that dinosaur with some flares or Mark him with some flares and hope it goes well for us I um a 75 passenger 150 passenger 25 chickens okay I have no idea what I just read there get in the car it’s good to

See you hope you’re doing wonderfully I um Ender end enderium Smith uh also good to see you dark detective this is a little shanky for $12 Minecraft DLC oh I forgot to mention at the start of this this is one of the most expensive Minecraft maps I’ve seen um I it was

£7.49 so I think like9 maybe $10 but yeah I’ve I I had not seen a Minecraft it it is interesting the standard for pricing is going up and up and up I wonder at what point that causes issues seemingly not right now also oh a pickup truck that’s good yeah

Calling people lies are even acting like they might not be telling the whole truth upsets people quite a lot and is hard to prove so we don’t yeah it’s something I try to do I’m like I try to emphasize with what people are saying but then also be like well you know why

The PE the reason the people in your story of being that way is because blank blank blank and it is a thing where people are like yeah I know that but I’m here to complain I’m not here to actually talk about something also the dinosaur is gone chat uh I think this

Mission is now uncompletable the it’s it’s pointing me towards something which does not exist the dinosaur has gone missing and whoopsie okay let’s get back in the truck let’s hope that that’s not required to make any more progress cuz I think we’re screwed if it does so let’s

Go for a drive around the uh around the grapeyard most expensive I’ve seen was $12 for one map oh you can get more expensive than that so just to show you on the marketplace right now just just taking a peek right just a little little

One right here if I if we go to Worlds I guess we go to yeah we’ll go to Worlds and then we sort by um it’s it’s kind of hard we get to search and then we go to sort by and we go from Price high to low you can see

There is a map called dinosaur adventure cashing in on the Jurassic world thing and you can spend what is that £16.74 just under $20 uh which is honestly not that High um and anime Legends is oh this is a this is a skin pack you can spend also £16.74 and a

Skin pack or random block sky drop I’m guessing this is the cap they’ll let you charge now based on the fact that there’s so many Maps there uh you can buy a lot of questionable things if you’ve got the money should you that’s a different question I don’t know the

Answer but yeah we’re going to go uh oh ouch we’re going to go drive and try and find uh the next Tower and just hope that that dinosaur isn’t necessary I ask people to reconcile their lies with the truth leely back down I think that like there is a certain element of

Like understanding that yeah people do have needs to also whoa a helicopter and I can get in it heck yeah I want to so first things first kill the people with the pickup truck sorry friends okay I’m getting out of you um yeah I think uh like sometimes people are you know like

Trying to just be like yep I have a problem my problem can only really be solved through complaints cuz yes I was not very good in the story too uh oh no I just beat the car until it exploded well I guess I have to get in that helicopter

Now all 16 quid for a map no thanks uh they can sit on a large Cactus well I mean you could buy yourself a large Cactus and sell it for that price I guess uh so yeah I can now go to USA lock Mana which I believe they said I could

Do so let’s do it let’s Travel so that’s interesting there’s a the missions were just kind of like there since C by ha 1 MC bad news is I’m not oh and we’re back here now look look it’s me it’s in the place from earlier also yeah I I didn’t set this up

Correctly so we set it to high so we set it to medium I’m not even sure um by the way uh hello everyone says draon Empire hello draon Empire hope you’re doing wonderful today thank you for the tip hope you also should we should we change

Character you know let’s do it I I feel like we should be CLA dearling she’s a dinosaur protection group that’s a bad hobby that’s your job that’s not a hobby uh you know who who are you me anyway there’s a collections room here oh I’m guessing as we slowly scan more

Dinosaurs they’ll show up in the collections room so I’ve scanned five dinosaurs oh no no that’s not how this works it should be how this works though right if I was in charge of a Minecraft map with a collections room that’s what I would make it do but yeah we’re going

To now travel oh it’s just we can only go back and forth to Italy or change our settings or read some info or or go to audio music set to 80 audio to 100 and actually you know should we climb these stairs we cannot should we sit on the

Bench look at some art so yeah this is uh just to look around make sure we didn’t miss anything this is in fact the the the map as it exists and so I guess we’ll we’ll fly back in now now that we’ve done our traveling let’s go back

To Italy helip P see what’s happening there I guess I know what’s happening it’s a shame I I figured the hel would be a fun opportunity to fly but also I appreciate that if I did fly a helicopter I would very quickly realize that this you know I feel like every

Time there’s a helicopter in a map it’s cool for 5 seconds and then also the helicopter landed inside that’s a good point yeah why do we have a health hat there here but not over there also how did the helicopter take me to the USA Italy to the USA is not a

Helicopter Journey okay which but it’s fine we don’t we don’t ask these questions we check if I’m for Cliff certified I’m not sorry sorry inet I should have done the qualifications uh but I just didn’t and that is my problem and now we’re going to scan this dinosaur through the uh oh

Okay there’s one here Andy going to scan the dinosaurs uh while we can am I going to die yeah I’m going to die so I’m going to bandage myself up is that how bandages work okay and then we’re going to get back to scanning ideally from a position

Where we don’t get hurt back man these these guys are are going crazy let’s flare them dinosaurs don’t like flares I learned this lesson okay scan scan scan the din I am going to die I am at the top right here and now I am oh yeah yeah yeah we got it scan

Another dinosaur I am basically dead though so I’m going to get an energy bar in me and then I’m going to run okay there’s a car park that is a drivable vehicle right no it’s not damn it it’s it’s hard to tell by looking see

Why is this one drive oh this is a Jeep again but let’s get in it Go ouch oh they can hurt me even when I’m in a vehicle oh no okay we’re great so let’s go find the third tower now I’m guessing actually we unlock a new destination

After we Mark the dinosaur with flames but uh yeah let’s turn around and see if we can’t do that um maybe the scan dinosaurs are supposed to sh on the pedestals yeah exactly that’s what I meant that that was my guess is like you scan a dinosaur it shows up somewhere

Like that but that is not true also oh no oh okay these guys are still following me I just want to scan some dinos you know there’s 23 of them I’ve got to see them all and yet I cannot oh there we go he’s back okay so he’s

Still this is the funniest thing in my opinion I I don’t know how they they seriously made this happen happen I guess it’s not it’s not intentional also I guess I’m going to have to kill these dinosaurs here death Dino I’m going to beat you to death actually you know he doesn’t look

Like he needs to be beaten yet so we’ll just scan him he’s been scanned already have you been scanned okay he’s good I love that it looks like I hit one in my car um everyone agree if you hear about the dinosaur police if they ask what

Happened here uh the dinosaur was dead like that with the time marks before before I got here okay I can’t do any time in dinosaur prison it’s not okay yeah out let’s get that let’s also uh that red dinosaur wherever he is I need

To find him and I need to oh there he is okay we’re going to scan him while he is non hostile like this so just scan oh he’s been scanned already so now we’re going to throw flares at him and we’re going to see if that marks him

Maybe can I punch him maybe it’s like Bon him yeah while he’s sleeping I can’t do anything I can I can try but he’s he’s too asleep how do you bring a dinosaur back to life if the if this doesn’t work what can I do cuz I the answer seems to

Be maybe maybe I’ve got to like left trigger right trigger we’ll find the option yeah I right right now I can’t do anything a med kit maybe yeah let’s give the dino a med kit oh okay there we go there we go okay yeah let’s just let’s just beat the

Dinosaur to death that will achieve something right at the very least we’ll fail the mission and that would be progress in my opinion so yeah I I hope he’s still moving that the people say you you you should stop uh you know beating dead animals but I’m learning that maybe

You’ve just got to try harder I’m going to throw one more flare now okay there we go and then we’re going to see if if we can’t maybe trick him into going into the flare it’s weird cuz he is following me right also has he stopped moving no he

Hasn’t he just he’s rotating like crazy he is it’s like he’s tied to me in a lead so is he is he following me anymore nope he’s just going that way um so yeah we’re going to use the tranquilizer maybe um Mark tranquilize Dino with

Flames yeah I I I made a mistake and I don’t know what to do he doesn’t want to wake up I I’ll put him in my car maybe will that solve my problems yeah it should solve okay I can’t get up there actually I I want to but yet I cannot so

We’re just going to believe that everything’s okay I’m going to try and find a third Outpost and if we can’t find one then this dinosaur might have ruined my entire experience look at him he’s climbing up the mountain while he’s asleep you don’t have to keep pretending

Buddy um you don’t have to pretend asleep you’re cooking him yeah I mean maybe that’s the way he wants to be cooked al so OU okay we good drive driving cars in this experience in this uh on this dirt path not very fun by the way would not recommend oh big gold

T-Rex not a concern for me though oh yeah it is a concern for me it is a concern I just want to I want to drive up the hill sir there we go yeah very very janky vehicle controls and I’d understand if the the vehicle controlled well otherwise but it doesn’t

Do a great job at the best of times oh it’s this uh it’s the camp from earlier so yeah we’ve seen this whole area now I think so we’re going to drive backwards if we can the maneuvering just doesn’t make any sense uh ibx what’s your favorite

Dino also um I I got a tip that was um I have my own Mexican bus experience 150 people 25 chickens uh two Mari and a migraine all the way I you know I I I’m sorry that you had to have a Mexican bus experience of

Your own get in the car that does sound terrible um also uh yeah I uh by I don’t really like dinosaur says Red Sox 2 three there’s a person who knows what they want I think I think that is an understandable thing to like know yourself well but

Also I feel like Jurassic world isn’t really about the dinosaurs right right it’s like again it’s like I was saying about Zombie Apocalypse movies aren’t about zombies they’re about the rest of humans same is true for Jurassic world the the dinosaurs are there yeah like if you

Were a dinosaur kid you’ll love it I’m sure um but I think no most pieces of media have a setting and a theme and the two aren’t perfectly linked is usually the case at least see I’m just going to go inside get some sleep and then see if

Maybe the map will help me work out where to go tomorrow cuz I definitely can’t do this also this isn’t encouraging me to visit Mexico yeah the lesson is if you’re going to go to Mexico don’t get on a bus oh I saw my first dead person in Mexico on a bus

Actually that was that was an interesting time I uh I’m sorry for your lost says stab aser thank I’m I I’m I’m sorry that I’m lost to sure would be nicer if I was if I could see thing oh no okay we let’s let’s go up actually let’s see if the

Computer has anything for me it does not I I’m sure that the the game is going to give me like something I can go do like there’s a tower here there’s a heliport there and there’s a task over there but is there anything else so if I look rather than

Going uh to towards where the direction was we’ll go the other way kind of South towards the manor over there or maybe we go south that way and we’ll find something down there or maybe we go up north past this helipad and see if we can find anything in that

Wild yeah I’m sure that’s what we’re meant to do we go over that mountain there and then there’s going to be a tower in the top left maybe or maybe again we have to do this mission to get through I uh but you’re still very interesting I want to leave and stay at

The same time you know okay let’s I I’ll help you I’ll help you achieve your goals how do you leave and stay um at the same time well I would would say also yeah we’re all out of fles we literally have no more the game

Is telling me to use flers I don’t have them we might we might be we might be peral locked it’s sad to think but we might be a so I’m now going to switch out from my standard arrows to my lure arrows and yeah we’re going to get we’re

Going to be we’re going have a good time it’s going to be wonderful um yeah the easiest way to stay and leave at the same time would be to switch to audio only only listen to the stream or you could open the stream in one Tab and then open the stream in

Another tab pause it in one of the tabs or like start doing something else in that and then also at the same time you could spend some time doing something in the other tab that those are my two best stay and leave at the same time

Solutions but yeah all I can do now since the main quest is bugged is I can go scan all the dinosaurs but if there are multiple there’s no guarantee I’ll actually find them all over here like we have so far found eight out of 23 dinosaurs which is cool by the way

That’s it even tells you what they will eat but let’s see if we can’t find the rest yeah I guess that’s I guess that’s what we have to settle for if so um do you think we could scan the car like how do we know the car isn’t a type of

Dinosaur until we scan it just to make sure also is that a new dinosaur let not we’ve scanned that one is this a new new dinosaur that’s not I’ve scanned this one before we just got to keep driving around until we find out your temper might start flaring up soon could that

Work it’s it’s entirely possible maybe that’s what they really mean also maybe I meant to go inside this cave oh yeah look at this maybe the cave has all the secrets or maybe that was just a shortcut so I’m going to scan this dinosaur next I feel like I might have

Already done it but it’s still worth trying get the scanner out and oh it’s mad with me what did I do to hurt you friend I’m just I’m just doing my best what more can you ask from a person do you think it’s uh looking after his child again

Maybe so scan the dyno okay I’ve scanned this one and I’ve scanned this one yep perfect so we’ve now scanned according to that nine dinosaur yeah we got we got nine of them on the but okay and we got to scan the little guys they’re so ridiculously tiny okay he’s being scanned

Too and the goal is to just get as many dinosaurs scanned and then maybe if we do that enough the dinosaur will realize that he isn’t asleep and the game won’t be unbeatable if we just believe in ourselves you know also oh this guy yeah

Let’s let’s do it let’s do it scan go oh oh no don’t kill me don’t kill me oh I think I did it I’m almost there he can’t hurt me okay yay yeah nice okay so he’s probably just destroyed my vehicle goodbye was was nice to have you

Vehicle that and uh yeah we can go scan all the other little things around here a little red Dino there oh that’s a cute little dinosaur why didn’t I scan you already I did okay that’s I that’s that’s why I didn’t I didn’t not do it because I already did do

It uh do you think there are sea dinosaurs chat do you think do you think if I if my goal is to do everything I can in this map like I’ve got to do that or do you think I could leave and then come back maybe yeah I think that’s a valid idea

Also look there’s there’s different colors of people and they attack each other seemingly nope they don’t okay I outside of finding a third Tower which is now harder cuz I don’t have a car I think finding I think restarting the map might be the best bet sea dinosaurs I’ve already seen them no

Thanks good night I hope toy cat will finish the map I hope so too I it is fun that like to get through this I have to do some like troubleshooting like okay I can’t do the game as intended so what can I do oh is that a

Tower there no that’s just a it’s it’s a cute little Italian Village I’m realizing now everyone moved out when the dinosaurs came in big mistake think about how much your property value goes up if you know dinosaur tourists can come in spectate your you know it just

It just doesn’t make sense if you ever if you ever notice there are dinosaurs in your area sure you should move out but make sure you don’t uh you know like don’t don’t make the place get dilapidated cuz there are going to be people who want to live there having an

Airbnb in this place would be killer right now a place to rest my head I pay money um but yeah I also I think sea dinosaurs are more like modern sea creatures I’m sure everyone’s heard the theory that um birds are like more closely read to

Dinosaurs um than like any other form of life and it’s it’s an intriguing thought because it makes you realize that the very specific path that humans have gone down we we kind of assume it to be the default like yeah of course humans are the default because we’re humans but

Actually it’s kind of not right like there’s a lot of valid ways that you can be intelligent there’s a lot of valid ways that you can you know exist in the world I think it’s um I I find it fun to reckon with at least because also I’ve

Spent all day uh watching your videos and they’re too awesome to stop that’s awesome Red Sox you know you don’t have to watch this one there are many great videos including the worst ideas of 2024 2023 sorry I’m I’m I’m preg getting used to saying 2024 and so I messed up my bad

We’ll never we’ll never be this bad again but um yeah I uh um I think the one of the one of the fun videos you can look forward to is is uh the worst ideas of the year it’s one of my favorite videos to make each year this year is in fact

No exception Alo I missed it it was back this way oh there he is there’s there’s the red dinosaur so I’m going to go I’m going to leave the game and I’m going to rejoin I’m going to see if that makes everything good also I agre need to get

Up in 5 hours but I can’t stop watching say stab aser that sounds like a concern you need to talk talked to son about that but yeah I hope it’s good also Che can be copyright infringement if I copy builds from a Marketplace map into a survival world and post Let’s Play

Videos be pretty funny if so um it’s uh I don’t think it’s uh copyright necessarily it’s uh there is a phrase for it like uh works wi or something but ultimately it depends not on whether it is or isn’t but on whether someone sees it that way or not yeah so

I’m hoping I left the world I came back that red dinosaur better be alive again you better you better give me a way out for this cuz if he hasn’t then you know it’s impossible no he’s still dead Okay chat this was fun I could probably beat

Him a few more times maybe maybe charge him maybe shoot him with some tranquilizers just just what what do I have to do tell me dinosaur just yeah he’s he’s become he’s become unbeatable maybe maybe if I scan him now okay scanning helping scanning scanning

Scanning yeah he just he he will not be he will not be turned into anything and so as a result I think the map is unachievable but I’m going to do one last sweep although actually no this is the wall this is the yeah there’s a big magical wall

Specifically to stop me doing what I think I need to do however I’m going to try and get past it so I want to get over that wall right and the game thinks it’s being clever by making sure I can’t do parkour to get up but they don’t

Realize that I can do parkour real good and so I’m going to keep on climbing and there we go I climbed over the wall and as long as there’s no invisible barrier here oh God damn there’s an invisible barrier here chat um but I’m still on the wall and I

Should have to find any place where there’s no barrier and if I can do that I’ll do great maybe over here okay so where the wall is I’ve just got to find some Gap in this barrier there’s got to be one and then I can find somewhere

Better that look you can see there’s roads over there so you know it’s you know it’s going to have some value we going to keep on walking along the on on the wall keep on walking and then yeah this is this is doomed cool idea uh you could probably

Scan all the dinosaurs but as as my world exists I would have to give up and start again it is a bit of a bummer when you pay um as much as these worlds cost and then this happens in my opinion but ultimately that is uh a part of the

Marketplace experience it is still early days on the marketplace uh and so some of that means that yeah the the Finer Things of bug fixing and of uh fixing stuff is very hard to do they don’t have the Minecraft thing where they can put it out uh and

Then like release something a few days later indeed uh but for for what I did today this was a lot of fun uh it’s a shame that it broke but oh God by the way that’s very scary it’s a shame that it broke it’s a shame there’s no way to get

Past the fact that it’s broken but I had a great time anyway and if you enjoyed today’s stream make sure uh to come check out tomorrow or rather Monday the next day of streamers I’m going to go cing tomorrow it’s going to be a lot of

Fun but um make sure you check out the next day of streamless it is happening on Monday today and also if this isn’t enough toy cat for you if you’re the stream’s ending too early you’re feeling a bit bit abandoned here uh check out the worst ideas of the year it’s going

Live right now uh it’s one of my it’s one of the more fun videos uh you can watch okay thank you for watching hope you all enjoyed uh oh wait watch it all the way through if you want to if you want to really help out your boy something something watch time something

Something click through go find it on your homepage go click it go watch it th those are the only metrics YouTube measures Me by and uh yeah it’s just just as valuable as a tip if you can give YouTube the signal that this is the best video ever and that more people

Should in fact watch it anyway yeah speaking of more people watching hope you all enjoyed because I’ll see you in the next one when it not horribly broken bye wait I’m going to shoot you now chat yeah thank you for watching see you next time

This video, titled ‘Playthrough Of Minecraft: Jurrasic World Adventures’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-12-09 22:18:25. It has garnered 6317 views and 329 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:15 or 5055 seconds.

This is a new DLC for jurassic world, I had a code provided to me so I figured why not see what’s going on?

Hello I’m ibxtoycat and you can tip to show up on screen at: https://streamlabs.com/toycat

I use elgato stream equipment for my capture card, webcam and lighting. You can find it here: https://amzn.to/44OqVDd

Live stream descriptions are usually too long so now I just remind you that subscribing and following on twitter @IBXToycat is how you can see more if you liked this. Or you can check out the unlisted streams playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe8AZ2rjfkpy-oDL1K5KTkOOnS1xkO-Mz

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  • Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya’s tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya's tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes “Jack Bhaiya trying to choose between building a house in Minecraft or going on an adventure is like trying to choose between diamonds and dirt blocks.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

    Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4 Minecraft Adventure with Dziru! A Fruitful Expedition In the latest episode of Minecraft with Dziru, our intrepid explorer sets out on a new adventure! While the journey may not have been long, it was certainly fruitful. Back at the home base, a new companion has joined the ranks – a trusty weapon-wielding ally. And to add to the excitement, the skilled craftsman Andrzej pays a visit to offer his services! Interactive Experience Dziru encourages viewers to engage with the content by commenting and sharing their thoughts on the gameplay. Suggestions for future games to feature on the channel are… Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem: A Clash of Titans Get ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft! The Warden, a fearsome new mob introduced in the latest update, is set to face off against every type of Golem in the game. Who will emerge victorious in this ultimate battle for supremacy? The Warden: A Formidable Foe The Warden is a powerful new mob that lurks in the deepest, darkest parts of the Minecraft world. This blind creature relies on sound to detect its prey, making it a formidable opponent for any player brave enough to challenge… Read More

  • Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!

    Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition】The block game sure looks different today…【#1】’, was uploaded by Nurl Whurl on 2024-09-19 16:00:38. It has garnered 102 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:01 or 9301 seconds. Originally streamed on September 1, 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/nurlwhurl Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10Video Information This video, titled ‘Rate this 1 – 10 💀⚠️ #minecraft#horror#shorts’, was uploaded by GJ GAMER on 2024-06-18 00:35:21. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – Part 21 – RTX ON!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay - Part 21 - RTX ON!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 21 – RTX ON’, was uploaded by FaHaDDxHR on 2024-05-26 12:58:45. It has garnered 1272 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. Keybaord – Redragon K552 Mouse – Glorious model o – Like and sub – PayPal Support me : https://paypal.me/fahaddxhr7?country…. – Server CubeCraft Download on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/de… Download on App Store – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minec… ( What is Minecraft? ) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Traveling Into A NEW DIMENSION In Modded Minecraft! (SILLY SOULS MODDED SMP #16)’, was uploaded by enduurrrVODS on 2024-04-13 10:44:13. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds. In this video the adventures on the Silly Souls Modded SMP continues with the defeat of some Minecraft Bosses and the exploration of numeral new dimensions- one of these being the Otherside, a horrifying trip into the world of sculk. The Entity SMP Finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7b6ciq_I7g ►CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL! https://www.youtube.com/@enduurrr3433 ►CHECK OUT MY TWITCH! https://www.twitch.tv/enduurrr… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

    Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVALVideo Information This video, titled ‘NUEVO SERVER FACTIONS para MINECRAFT PE 1.20.51 | SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Alex Workout on 2024-01-17 22:00:08. It has garnered 448 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. 「✨When to the description! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqMu_5oE5Adusq4q9anUHw/join ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 📜『SERVER』📜 ➡️ MystiCraft IP: PUERTO: 25591 👾 DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/3py85sYkmw ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 👑『Social Networks』👑 👥-Facebook ➜ https://bit.ly/2zNbqCP 🐦-Twitter ➜ https://bit.ly/2z9jzl7 👾 Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/pB2qPwWDTj 😍-Gamertag (MCPE) ➜ Alex Workout574 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 💎DO YOU WANT ANY REVIEW/WORK?💎 Channel Promotion, Banner , Miniatures, Logo , Custom Designs, Overlay, Animated Overlay, AND MUCH MORE… ASK FOR PRICES and place… Read More

  • CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!

    CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Hardcore In Less Time Than IShowSpeed’, was uploaded by MythicalTimmyLive on 2024-08-22 23:27:00. It has garnered 483 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:19 or 12859 seconds. https://twitter.com/mythical_timmy https://streamelements.com/mythicaltimlive/tip (Donate Here) https://www.instagram.com/realmythicaltimmy/ #kaicenat #mythicaltimmy #ishowspeed Read More

  • 🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥

    🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘どれだけスピードアップできる?【パロッター日本語アニメ】Study Japanese in Minecraft! @SakuraMiko’, was uploaded by パロッター日本語 | Study Japanese & English on 2024-09-06 08:00:19. It has garnered 15898 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. My music stream → https://linkco.re/3zFvc7uC My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. let’s check it↓😊 My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. Please check it out! https://www.youtube.com/@hololive https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji Let’s Study Japanese in Minecraft! main ch↓ https://www.youtube.com/@parotter #shorts #minecraft #anime #education #language #Minecraft #Game #Education #English #Japanese #hololive #hololiveen #hololivejp Read More

  • “Shocking: I destroyed my friend’s Indian SMP in Minecraft” #gaming

    "Shocking: I destroyed my friend's Indian SMP in Minecraft" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Why i destroyed my friends Indian SMP? #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #smp’, was uploaded by garvwasthere on 2024-09-26 07:45:05. It has garnered 910 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:24 or 2064 seconds. This video is not scripted at all I made the owner / operator user to do it with greed and he did it and we destroyed whole smp nothing was scripted neither my friend did knew. Want more spoiler? Nah just watch the video. minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft seed,minecraft funny,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures on Isles SMP – Stinging, Temples, House Cat

    Insane Adventures on Isles SMP - Stinging, Temples, House CatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Isles SMP: Stinging, Temples, and… House Cat? (Contiued)’, was uploaded by Balancer Productions on 2024-08-30 00:40:30. It has garnered 330 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:16 or 9556 seconds. She is a house cat, ya gotta believe me! #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftgaming #dragon #httyd #smp Read More

  • KapiCraft – Smp

    Join Our Private Minecraft Server! We are a small and cozy server with mods, looking for active players to join us. Requirements: You must be over 18 years old You must be an active player You must enjoy building What We Offer: A free world without plugins A server with 70 building mods out of 100 A great community atmosphere Responsive server host Thank you for your interest! Join us on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Hype!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Hype!Looks like this meme is leveling up faster than my mining skills in Minecraft! Read More

  • Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3

    Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Rush of Kings brings a new game to our lives. ScrumpeyB0ttle and WaterB0ttle, ready to play, In this Minecraft world, where they’ll have their say. Pirates on the high seas, a thrilling sight, As they battle it out, with all their might. Each turn, a new challenge, a twist in the tale, As they navigate the game, without fail. With music to set the mood, and keep us engaged, The players make their moves, on the stage. In Rush of Kings, the competition is fierce, But in the end, there can… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes!

    Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes! “Why did the Minecraft Villager go to therapy? Because he had too many ‘villager problems’!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #gaming Read More

  • Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft

    Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft The Most Evil but Most Moral Mob in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of mobs, some friendly and helpful, while others are downright menacing. However, there is one mob that stands out for its unique combination of evilness and morality. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Complex Mob The Enderman is a tall, dark, and slender mob that teleports around the world of Minecraft. Known for its eerie purple eyes and ability to pick up blocks, the Enderman strikes fear into many players. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Enderman has a surprisingly… Read More