UNBELIEVABLE! Realistic Blocks in Minecraft!

Video Information

This right here is my cow Bessie Bessie you’re looking nice today oh Bessie you’re looking different today what’s going on Bessie did you get a haircut what is going on oh that is weird that is weird I don’t understand what’s happening today I found the most realistic Minecraft videos on all of

YouTube the last time we did this the video got 69,000 likes I think we could beat that in under 3 days if you guys are real go ahead and hit the like button to help us out is there a gravel block oh that is not a normal gravel

Block that thing just got turned into a million rocks that’s crazy wait he’s actually pushing around the gravel okay we’re just jumping on Sand this is too much for my brain to handle wait is it rocks or is it sand he just placed down gravel on stairs and the entire thing just

Crumbled down this is exactly how I feel when I open a bag of cookies the entire thing is just all crumbs oh okay that was crunchy he’s going to push sand and gravel together oh it looks so realistic and they just mixed together what is happening whoever

Is running this has to have the most God NASA level computer to be able to handle of this oh my God so many blocks just came out and then it got showered with water there’s more blocks coming out this is just so much happening at once I can’t even comprehend every single block

In Minecraft is currently shooting out of this random circle in Minecraft which we haven’t even talked about that is cursed Minecraft can’t have circles but apparently realistic m crap K I don’t understand how he’s doing this but I want to figure it out if you guys know

Leave a comment down below we just use bone meal in order to create grass what how how how is it it like sounds like grass too it’s not even look it’s not even on the normal dirt blocks okay he just used a piston he shot up the grass the grass literally has an

Afro why does a grass block look like a surfer bro okay we’re going to place down a honey block and then I guess a realistic honey block on the left oh this is weird you can see the difference too the realistic honey block is just so stretchy okay this is the realistic

Honey block and we’re going to pull it apart do it do it oh snap that’s good oh my gosh look at it jiggle wait the Pistons are going like really slow too oh my gosh that looks like some really delicious honey but that is not how it should look in Minecraft Let’s

Place down our cauldron and then I guess we could add some water to it that is not how water should be added wait we’re just tossing in realistic 3D items we’re making some sort of witch potion right now the okay we made acid it literally just melted The Cauldron which is made

Out of pure iron and now we have turned into Thanos with the reality gem we are just changing reality in front of us right now this doesn’t make sense did a warden just summon in who is doing this oh my God imagine if your Minecraft world actually had that happen happen

Also I quickly want to mention that I just started my very own reaction Channel you guys should go subscribe to it I’m going to leave a link in the description where you can go check it out if you guys subscribe you might get a free cookie in the mail you never know

All right let’s go ahead and build an iron golem we’ll name him Jeffrey Jeffrey turned into liquid Jeffrey what are you doing oh snap Jeffrey is currently morphing is this what happens it just is in like slow motion and then we don’t understand that it is just a

Blob that was the most confusing thing ever there was magnesium liquid magnesium that just formed around Jeffrey my brain is having trouble comprehending this okay this right here doesn’t actually look like normal Minecraft it almost looks like an animation wait are these all just animations this is definitely just an

Animation right why am I just realizing this now oh my gosh but it is so cool I don’t even care if it’s not real if somebody can figure out a way to actually turn Minecraft into like a realistic version please let me know in the comment section down below because I

Would love to try it out hey how’s it how’s it going okay you have a realistic bucket you have water in the bucket what are you going to do with that water there pal you’re you’re currently leaking water everywhere do want you want to want to maybe stop you you want

To stop like squirting everybody with your water yo look at this juicy melon right here oh we’re going to break it oh oh my God I am extremely confused right now we just placed down a diamond or block but this is no ordinary diamond or block the entire thing is

Transforming we have found op is prime block it is literally an Autobot it’s it’s liter look at it it’s going around the entire area and there’s like some sort of magic power that is making it just move all over the place you just broke it into a million tiny diamonds

Wait that’s insane it looks so beautiful it’s so pretty there’s a copper block and then a pumpkin block on top wait did you guys just see that let’s rewind watch it happen watch there’s like a little glitch effect do you guys just see that and then it changed the texture

Of it everything else stayed the same but the copper and the Pumpkin completely glitched out for a second and I guess that’s the magic behind it but like oh my God wait is it making a copper Golem is it actually wait no way I think it is that is the cutest thing

Ever look how tiny it is all right we’re going to just we just made fire oh yeah if you guys couldn’t tell I might be a pyromaniac oh my gosh look at the smoke it all just looks so real okay can we can we make more fire like more things

On fire yo that zombie maybe has negative brain cells I know that they’re already pretty dumb but he walk directly into the Flames can we make a bigger fire maybe okay we’re just going to clear out this area we’re going to add in two dispensers uh we’re going to turn on the

Dispensers and we’re going to oh I do not remember putting Orbeez in my dispensers I’m 99% sure I put water but I guess Orbeez Works can we fill up the Orbeez with water and then we just watch them expand that’s like my second favorite thing to do my first favorite

Thing to do is probably to put carrots on my [Laughter] nose wow that was beautiful okay now we just have a diamond or block that’s a lot of lava that might be the worst luck possible every single time I mind a diamond door block I have to make sure

That there’s no Lava nearby normally you can hear it wow okay wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa wait did you guys just see that with his hand hold up let’s rewind look at the hand look at like it like glitches it goes back from like a normal

Blue skin into like a Steve skin okay we’re going to write that down we’re going to we’re going to try to get to the bottom of how this is actually happening I feel like I’m a detective now that is just extremely weird we’re we’re emptying out a chest right now

That has tons of cobblestone but it’s like it’s item version of cobblestone it’s not even like the full block version and we can just move it around with our toes if you guys haven’t left a like already go ahead and grab a toe and smash the like button with it preferably

Your pinky toe realistic Thanos in Minecraft we have all six of the Infinity Stones and we just turned the zombie into dust wait let’s do it again let’s set this out on a stone block I can’t go over the fact how real everything looks in today’s video like

Look at that it just turned into dust okay the Iron Golem looks a little bit scuffed I’m not going to lie but the fact that it literally just turns into into into little tiny particles and then just floats away is amazing before we move on I want to give a quick shout out

To all of the amazing creators that actually created these videos on YouTube make sure you guys check them out in the description below realistic snow in Minecraft oh my God that was realistic that was beautiful okay let’s go ahead and we’re going to place a snow block at

The top of this weird staircase and we’re going to see what happens yo I kind of want to sled down that that looks nice we’re going to use a snowball on my house oh imagine if that’s how snowballs actually worked in Minecraft that would make it so much more fun

Right now the only reason to get a snowball is to either annoy your friends or to use it in order to kill blazes that’s like the two function but now you can actually use it to just wreck your friend’s house that would be amazing oh

It would be even cooler too if you could dye the Snowballs and then just like paint your friend’s Minecraft house like paintballs Mojang if you’re watching today’s episode and you end up using that idea you owe me lots of money this is not normal Minecraft they have RTX

Turned on this is normal Minecraft we’re just going to jump up here and mine the brand new diamond ore yes give me all my diamonds pick up the Diamonds oh my God he just did not pick up any of the D he picked up he left the one Diamond okay

This is real life slime and a dispenser oh what the heck was that okay this is just normal Minecraft slime you have a bunch of slime balls inside of a dispenser and that’s what’s supposed to happen just slime balls are supposed to plop out and just kind of flop on the

Floor this is oh real life slime oh my God why does it look like Flubber it just travels everywhere why would you do that to the poor sheep it’s getting slimed and it can’t even Escape but this is what would happen in normal Minecraft so we put a

Bunch of slime balls up on top of the house and yeah you kind of just uh collect the Slime balls because slime balls don’t actually create tons of Flubber that go everywhere it’s not real slime the Sheep has been saved okay we’re going to go ahead and

Mine this one block we’ll plop some water inside this is supposedly realistic water though oh wait we just like tossed down the block oh my God wait what that okay all the blocks are kind of just like they were just bobbling around in there but in normal

Versions of Minecraft do we throw out all of the items and then we place down the water bucket they’ll kind of just stay there they don’t do anything special blowing up a TNT mine cart with realistic water in Minecraft that sounds flipping awesome oh yeah I’m excited

Let’s see it okay it’s lit up oh my gosh look at the water effects oh wait it actually created a little tiny wave pool that is so cool oh my gosh wait that was that was amazing hey did you know this video is VFX trickery

It took 20 hours of work it took 4 hours to render oh my God wait this dude commits himself he knew the assignment and absolutely aced it we’re in a pond slashing around with some realistic water there’s a dog nearby I have a bad feeling the dog’s going to have some bad

Oh the dog just got splooshed oh that dog is angry this video took a weirdly Dark Turn did the dog trap us inside of a hole there’s just water slowly filling up the hole am I going to die no we’re fine I paused the video so the water

Stops oh it’s a beautiful day in Minecraft again we’re going to build a nice little house that doesn’t have a roof we’re going to place down a water bucket oh oh my gosh wait one water bucket creates infinite water source that’s not how this works and it came

Out of my door when did Minecraft get a water update all right we’re just going to place a TNT inside of a wishing well maybe wish for some cookies or maybe infinite money or it’s going to create realistic RTX Minecraft oh let’s do it again yes come

On that never gets old that is the most satisfying thing ever let’s bring back Jeffrey the Iron Golem everybody give it up for Jeffrey welcome back Jeffrey yeah put that car pumpkin on top and then we’re going to burn Jeffrey apparently oh my gosh wait he’s turning red hot

Right now oh we’re going to unleash Jeffrey he’s not taking any damage from it but his body is glowing Jeffrey you’ve never looked better I have a good feeling this one is going to be super satisfying there’s water on the bottom lava on the top oh look at that steam it

Looks like a nice Spa oh that is some good stuff oh snap let’s fill up this little pool with water so that I can invite all my friends over and we can have a nice little pool party I’ll bring the hot dogs oh we can just place a

Sponge I guess no more pool party but that that’s that’s okay that’s fine I didn’t even want to have a pool party anyway we’re yeah we’re just going to absorb all the water in the sponge so we can play with the sponge maybe um or or we’re going to place on a piston

Actually and we’re going to hit the piston so that the sponge flops against the wall well guys would you look at that it’s my friend Pongo nope not today Pongo Pongo you’re way too realistic I’m not dealing with you oh this grass Looks So Soft I would literally just run

Through this grass I would Frolic through it with my bare feet and let my toes go into the grass and it would get stuck in between my toes and it would be a beautiful time and I would be in Block World now look a church let’s blow it up with TN

Because that’s what everybody loves to see oh my God that thing just got deleted look at it it’s on the ground look those blocks just flung off randomly at the end they said oh snap one time wasn’t enough we’re going to go ahead and harvest the church again

No it looks so good though but it feels so wrong so it looks like we’re about to venture into The Nether should be a fun time I guess it’s uh you know it’s a good time to get some maybe some blaze rods maybe some ender pearls while I’m

There maybe trade with a couple piglins that does not look like the nether portal I remember is that a car that is not just any normal car that is a transformer in Minecraft first up to realistic Minecraft water we’re going to be rating these on a scale of one being the least realistic to 10 being the most realistic let me know what you guys think in the comment section down below this is pretty realistic but honestly I’ve seen more realistic Minecraft especially

Water videos it looks cool I like it but I think I’m going to have to give this one a four out of 10 too realistic Minecraft milk who wants this in their Minecraft world who had the great idea of oh let me just add realistic milk into Minecraft totally not me I would

Hate this this this would be so bad definitely wouldn’t want that all right that last one’s probably like a five out of 10 this one is two realistic Minecraft slime which I am already liking better than the water and the milk it’s all happening so fast wait oh that is

Satisfying oh oh okay wait this one might be an eight I’m locking it in dude that’s an eight out of 10 oh my gosh the only thing that that I don’t really understand is why they’re placing down a slime ball instead of a slime block other than that this is

Amazing it doesn’t take away from how satisfying it is I can watch this all day is this still slime oh wait there’s just a pile of slime oh oh wait can we get that again that was that was amazing the way that it dropped in was just chef’s kiss oh my gosh you’re

Inside of the Slime I would love to jump in that slime next up is two realistic sand and gravel H interesting eh I don’t know about that one honestly guys that one maybe I’m going to give a let’s go five five out of 10 all that was that was

Actually that’s going to bring it up to a six let’s see about this next one so far we’ve seen sand and gravel together I’m bumping it up we’re going 6.9 for the sand and the gravel combination what about this one oh you just are you’re

Going to jump on it oh oh big beefy boy oh my goodness bro you destroyed that sand two realistic Minecraft explosions wow oh my gosh dude n out of 10 I don’t know if you can beat that it combines my my two favorite things explosions and

Explosions look at this look at all that destruction that’s about to happen whoa that’s good that’s hot that’s some good stuff right there wow most realistic Minecraft water we’re back on water maybe this water will be better than the first water that we saw the first water was good you know it was

Pretty wet what about this water oh wait a second that was actually super satisfying I’m going to have to give this water an eight out of 10 that is amazing oh my gosh dude they should have done that the first time around oh yes more water oh they made a

Waterfall it just I don’t know what it is about this water and maybe you guys can let me know what you think in the comments down below but it just looks like you could drink that water and you would live forever it’s like the waterfall of Youth how do they do that

They did realistic water on the left and then normal water on the right I guess not normal water just like normal Minecraft water that was okay that is amazing I am thoroughly enjoying this video wait what they made a wave pool in Minecraft okay wait a second this is

This is an 8.5 now how I know that these are animations we’ve already debunked that these aren’t technically like Minecraft mods but still like that’s impressive what was this one realistic Minecraft boats all right well that’s not realistic at all that that’s looking a little bit more realistic I’m not going to

Lie oh my gosh the little water droplets are really just making this video the best thing ever wa I will never get tired of realistic Minecraft videos if I actually tried to do this in Minecraft my PC would be smoking it would be a realistic Minecraft Explosion nah that’s not good yeah that’s what we’re yeah that’s what we’re talking about oh my goodness I don’t know why but it’s just it’s making me really excited that is so cool I know that there’s some some mods that can make realistic water but I don’t think it’s

Ever going to be that good that would break every 10-year-old’s computer if that water was in every Minecraft world wa maybe in Minecraft 2.0 maybe they could add That what’s this next one I like how they do the normal first so then I know what it’s supposed to look like and then they add in the realistic water oh my Gosh I might need a [Laughter] minute this is good that is good too realistic slime oh slime has a chance to top water now I think explosions are in first place with a 9 out of 10 but this this might take the cake oh I don’t know if I like it the

Slimy sounds really made me feel uncomfortable okay that didn’t work but this will oh wow it just looks so real can they spam it I just want it to go like back and forth okay what about this one oh wait you’re going to push the Slime through the

Fences no no no do the real one yes yes it’s kind of weird but also really satisfying oh wait yeah put the Slime up there oh 300% speed okay yeah I guess slime does take a lot longer than water to move that was pretty good what about this one oh oh oh

Oh realistic water physics in Minecraft okay I’m going to give that slime an 8.5 I still haven’t seen anything that’s better than the explosions that we saw at the start of today’s video but that was actually pretty cool the way that the blocks now have realistic physics is is nice that is

Satisfying what’s happening here oh just an instant replay I do like my instant replays what’s this one okay more water oh wait they have TNT okay normal TNT in normal water not going to cut it normal TNT in realistic water 10 10 out of 10 10 maybe 11 dude just

Take my money how do I get this take all of my money oh wait a second this one’s going to be the best one yet drop it in oh oh my gosh wow all right yep total 11 out of 10 that was the best one yet what is

This more realistic water this YouTuber beef is a he is so obsessed with realistic water and I am I am okay with that honestly I’m fully fine with watching these videos honestly I could sit here for maybe 1 hour maybe 2 hours potentially 10 hours honestly if you

Paid me enough money I could sit here for 10 hours and watch these videos oh my gosh that is amazing there’s just something so nice about watching water flow down I just can’t put my finger on it but just look at it oh wait what’s happening here oh on the glow

Stone the way that it just Glides off I can’t believe this is real wow that is good oh another other maze yep we’re going to watch the water flow down that is some nice slimy looking water again I don’t know what it is about this water that makes me want

To drink it so bad I think I would die yeah wait actually this water kind of looks more like black tar now that I’m looking at it a little bit closer so maybe don’t drink this Water oh it’s going to fill up the bottom oh my gosh it started to overflow too what is this next one you had a light oh Wow that is a gorgeous gorgeous Fountain right there or I guess it’s a little pond with a waterfall oh my gosh dude slap some koi fish in there it’s it’s perfect I would live there all I need is maybe a sleeping bag and I would stay there for at least 7

Days realistic water versus realistic lava I don’t think we’ve seen lava in this video yet oh oh oh yes bro that is amazing can we do that again oh my gosh dude yeah fill it up with water yes yes that looks insane I’m giving this I I

This is number one now if they could explode this it would it would be like a 20 out of 10 and I know that we’ve really just gone off the scales here but these videos have seriously outweighed my expectations wa that’s not supposed to happen can we uh can we fix that up

With some realistic things oh there we go oh is it going to set fire to the fence it totally should I don’t think that it is but that would make a little bit more sense if it turned the the fence into more lava I guess because it would melt it down but

That looks good especially the steam that’s probably what their computer looks Like so right now the world is incredibly unrealistic I think everything is literally one is this grass this is a flower here take my flower be my friend you like my flower what is this it’s a green sheet of paper what’s wrong with my flower huh get

These sheets of paper so we can finally eat so you guys heard the intro today my friends Adam and Alec are trying to beat Minecraft I’m going to need your guys’ help to keep an eye on them today because every time they take damage I will be making Minecraft more realistic

We’ll be adding in mods resource packs and also shaders to make the game just like real life if they’re able to beat the game they’ll each be getting $1,000 dude look at the crafting like how am I supposed to craft things dude oh my God it’s blank yeah there’s no crafting like

Squares I can’t see oh I’m grabbing some torches too we’re going to need them apparently I made a pickaxe and I also made an axe lovely jubly so our objective I think Adam said it earlier but we do have to beat the game Alec I found something that could help us get

To the port what dude I just stepped on something that like burnt me I took damage I don’t think Jack saw me I think we’re good Jack is like the game master if he doesn’t see us take damage and doesn’t count oh this is probably like those those lava blocks yeah we can’t

Step on that yeah I just stepped on one and I burnt my foot oh would you look at that the boys also found a ruined portal they might be able to use this later in order to get to the nether even faster that is really good though I think that

I’ll be able to make a portal out of that nice but first go swim dude go look how how cool it looks when you swim yeah this looks so weird I think it looks cool bro I’m not like I actually kind of like this kind of like how simplistic

Minecraft has become well I feel like Minecraft like 30 versions ago used to look a lot more like this now it’s like there’s too much going on oh what the heck is this oh oh wait a second Adam just died he took damage no she got slapped we can’t hide

That one Al I saw that there’s no getting away with that one Adam why would you attack an iron golem boys Minecraft is about to get more realistic in three 2 1 boom Oh my gosh dude what welcome boys it’s gotten slightly more realistic slightly oh my gosh this is

Crazy and good look okay um it definitely still doesn’t look like too realistic if I’m being honest but it definitely is quite a big change from the last one like I I can at least tell what things are now yeah it’s starting to look more like Minecraft Alec I’m

Sorry listen we all have our bad days yeah I didn’t know what that was I really can’t comprehend how you don’t know what an iron golem is but that is okay so now everything is a little bit more recognizable you can actually tell that that’s an iron golem that’s a pig

And there’s some cats the animals have faces again so they actually look pretty cute let me see they’re kind of kind of adorable I’m not going to lie a look at the Derpy looking Pig if the boys keep taking damage which honestly let’s be real they are going to take more damage

Minecraft will become more realistic than real life okay I might be exaggerating a little bit but make sure you guys stick until the end to see just how real it can get I’m going to kill that Iron Golem and I’m not going to take any damage no actually don’t don’t

Don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t wait why you’re going to die you’re trash do not if I can’t do it though we get iron and then I can make a bucket and we can go to the nether like right away the nether though like there’s gas there’s Blaze we

Have to do that though in order to beat the game Adam’s actually being kind of smart and collecting all of the Torches wait I’m going to try to kill this thing dude for real don’t let it hit you oh Alec is a nut job I think he’s actually

Going to try to fight the Iron Golem I hit it oh he’s right next to it I’m killing it die you stupid Iron Golem that’s pretty cool but don’t get too close it’s going to hit you bro don’t P him oh he got hit he got hit he got hit

He got hit you’re so dumb I didn’t even touch you why would you put a block down wait it jumped on the Block it was a crafting table oh my gosh I’m sorry I didn’t know welcome to stage three in 3 2 1 boom what oh my gosh welcome boys to

More realistic Minecraft I’m upset that you just did what you just did but at the same time like this is kind of sick like this is actually pretty cool dude this is sick you kill that Iron Golem I’m going to make some weapons I won’t do anything dumb like that again just

Stay away from me oh my gosh wait the food like plops out all these blocks this is so cool so the boys have officially been introduced to shaders right now we’re using a 32×32 resource pack but by the end of today’s video we’ll be using a 248 resource pack that’s 64 times more

Realistic yo look at the Sunset and the best part about this is that once it gets to be night time they’re not going to be able to see wait that’s not good actually you know what happens when the Sun goes down yeah but I I have beds so

We we can sleep it’s okay you can’t place torches on the ground yes you can you just can’t put it on the dirt path you ding nut okay sleep and look at that the boys actually survived their first night that villager watch us sleep what

A weirdo no dude he was just standing on my bed relax dude like how do I be that villager okay I want to go kill this stupid Iron Golem once and for all I killed him I killed him I killed him I killed him I killed him I’m actually

Starting to get a little bit worried that they might beat the game and that means I’m going to have to give them $1,000 there’s a chance it doesn’t drop three iron it dropped five okay perfect let’s go I can make a bucket and we can hopefully get to the nether relatively

Soon I can’t tell what any of these blocks are I made a shield for you so that if if anything happens you can just hold your shield down and I don’t think you can take damage so ooh thank you no problem guys I know I need to watch the

Boys but I just need to take a second to just look at this was that a dolphin jumping out of the water what’s your materials looking like what do you need from me um I’m kind of chilling I’m going to try to make the Nether Portal

Now if you can get a flint and steel actually that’s the job I will assign you make a flint and steel all right I’ll try and find some gravel in between grass and sand it looks so cool it like meshes together did you look at the obsidian too the obsidian looks sick

Dude make the the flip B bort sorry sorry sorry you’re going to start making out with the ground come on I know it’s cool and all I’m trying to win money that’s true actually when money’s involved I need to focus up he’s trying to trick us with all these cool resource

Packs so while I was admiring realistic Minecraft it looks like Adam dug underground and Alec was busy looking for Treasure like I actually need to focus cuz I always forget how to do these stupid Nether Portals he’s getting awfully close to that lava there it’d be

A real shame if you just touched it hey Al like I I’ll I’ll make a proposition for you what’s up I’ll give you $25 if you uh jump in that lava there why would I do that dude there’s one offer it’ll it’ll expire in 10 seconds I

Feel like you’re speaking to me Jack what’s the offer if I push him in Adam Adam Adam Adam I’ll give you $40 if you push him into the lava right now no no no Adam no Jack suck my butt I’m winning a $500,000 that’s right that’s my teammate

That’s my teammate right there heck yeah also for those of you guys that are kind of curious like why Adam’s name is actually just like my name except with a with a zero his account got hacked and he’s using my all account right now and the best part is Alex account also got

Hacked somebody changed his name to litic 135 all right on the mission I got to find some gravel no no no no no no Adam I think I’ve just soiled it no yeah how we have half of a nether portal now oh wait okay so we just need a few

Blocks but that means we have to find diamonds and get diamond oh my gosh dude that’s okay cuz you’re the diamond sniffer right all right I’m fine I flipping Diamond there don’t thing straight down that’s all that’s all I asked I swear this is Adam’s favorite thing to do and

He knows that you’re never supposed to do this he’s been playing Minecraft for at least 5 years now and he still digs straight down did you ever get that Flint steal by the way no I could not find it I was scared you should go find

That I took I got to go I got to go no way are you okay did you take damage I don’t think Jack could follow me that quick I fell to like 18 block by filling water this is why they say don’t dig straight down kids but you didn’t take

Damage though right no did he he take damage though Minecraft is too realistic I can’t see if he’s taking damage oh my gosh this lava is crazy I got to put down some torches I cannot see anything I found unlimited source of lava if you

Can make a portal out of this is it safe to get to though how do I get to you um you you’ll see in the mine there’s a huge drop if you can somehow find a way to not drop oh my goodness look at this

He’s right next to Lava what is this man digging for it’s almost night time so how about we both sleep yeah this villager stole my freaking bed that’s my bed bro what are you doing all right well this might be the most boring thing to watch since uh I watched paint dry

Earlier today okay it is a beautiful next day I’m going to try to get to you now I’m coming down now you can drop there’s a water so you won’t take any damage but as soon as you drop I would start building cuz there’s a Skelly there

Let’s uh let’s cue the epic music because I’m about to do some MLG plays here and it’s pitch black I can’t see I can’t see what am I looking at right now this is weird where where did you drop did you drop I yeah I’m down oh I see

You I see you where are you I see you I’m coming oh the boys are back okay we’re safe in here you see that lavaa still oh my God yeah that’s sick okay that actually is really good wait why is he saying my name I’ll give you $1 you

Spank me don’t spank me bro I can’t if I spank you that means you take damage he trying to trick me cuz I just want to touch your butt he knows I do okay he’s not even going to respond okay can I have your Cobblestone by the way I need

It to like set up my my portal there just going to be like some I’m going to up the anti 40 bucks Adam stop don’t let him don’t let him tear us apart oh they’re right next to each other tensions are getting high think of the

$1,000 that we’re about to earn think of the 40 bucks $50 you should just turn off chat it’s not good for your health Adam hello Spanky Sirus Spanky Spanky Spanky yes you get $50 butl that’s 50 bucks baby Minecraft is turning more realistic in 3 2 1 booyah oh oh my

Gosh I maybe took the uh the cubes out of out of the game that was definitely worth 50 bucks sorry Alec I had to do it you didn’t have to hit me that hard though Adam like you had like you should have relaxed a little bit there how do

We move I feel like very claustrophobic now this is definitely real look at this I don’t even know if their computers are able to handle this yo these minerals are crazy oh my yeah wait this tot looks sick also the resource pack that we’re using now is 512 x 512 pixels that means

Technically it is 512 times more realistic than when we first started you have to somehow make an obsidian portal we have to go to the nether we can still beat the game I don’t know bro I think that we live like one more life pretty

Much well I don’t know how we can get even more realistic than this there’s no way neither do I this doesn’t feel like I’m playing Minecraft anymore oh my gosh Adam what what what what I need to focus hold on oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh

There’s a skeleton that’s just right there okay are you wrecking them oh I found diamonds yes I guess I shouldn’t fight this thing anymore then wait wait it’s just one so far I’m going to see if I can find anymore my gosh yes oh no way he killed it let’s go zero

Damage zero damage baby dude it’s three it’s three if it is diamonds no way he found diamonds Perfect Dude oh yes we’re going to win the money oh my gosh obsidian looks insane what how does the lava look lava actually looks like normal Minecraft lava I’m not going to lie wow

Oh yo gravity is real what do you mean yo there’s like some kind of physics mod the diamonds just fell Alec is standing awfully close to Lava There’s a Zombie behind them but the zombie can’t figure out how to get through the water all right keep that in mind there’s physics

Enabled we are officially we have gravity in Minecraft what the flip wait I just realized I can see my own body Look Down yo what the heck excuse me but I just put a block down and why does it look like that I also forgot to change

This one quick setting uh to change our texture resolution to 512 and now the blocks don’t look so weird this cave looks real like it looks like a real cave what the heck is this oh wait it is iron ore let’s go all right I’m I’m

Getting the diamonds for you if you like it or not no I it doesn’t really matter to me but you do whatever you want to do bro 1 2 3 4 5 diamonds let’s go there we go a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword

So the boy spent a good bit of time in the cave Adam was able to mine those diamonds from earlier and Alex started to try to figure out how to build a nether portal even though there were no blocks left in the game and at the same

Time Bob the zombie kept trying to get after the boys but couldn’t figure out that he needed to swim okay where’s the obsidian I can mine it up I already made the portal it’s right here we just need a flint steel wa this looks like diamond

Blocks while the boys were in the cave I decided I should check out what the surface looked like look at the grass I could just spend so much time looking at Super realistic versions of Minecraft look at the way that the sunrays come through the surface of the ocean it is

Magnificent I wonder what my roommates are up to too I may have taken damage and I I don’t think Jacka don’t say anything all right shut your mouth oh a skeleton just jumped down wait is he taking damage he took damage he took damage I saw that I

May have taken damage again again I’m going to wait until Adam takes damage again I know that Alec just took damage you guys will see what the next realistic version looks like but I need Adam to take the damage hey what’s up boys hey I was just checking out like

The Overworld and it looks crazy cool up there yeah yeah I’m sure yeah it probably does all right I need you guys to be honest with me like while I was up there for the past like 5 minutes did you guys take any damage why is there so much silence I

Think I cut out absolutely not Alec what’ you say what’ you say I don’t think I stutter did did my mic cut out boys because you guys took an awfully long time to like even respond to me there I was saying that I was up at the

Surface like for the last 5 minutes and I was I was just curious if you guys got damaged at all Adam what about you personally I did not okay why did you say that Alec Alec what’s going on as of late I’ve not taken any damage now what about as of

Like the last 5 minutes I cannot say I can’t I can’t remember why can’t you say Alex doesn’t remember let’s just cut it out all right all right I’m dropping it oh my god dude he’s so dumb he’s so dumb what an idiot what an ner yeah you took

So much damage I took damage twice he has no idea we need gravel though we’re like we’re down bad he’s lying he’s a dirty liar and he knows it we’re not going to do anything though because I guarantee you that as soon as they get

To the nether they will take damage oh I found a cave be careful oh I see a zombie I have to kill it I have to kill it 1 2 three let’s go Adam you’re crazy more diamonds you know I sniff those out you know tell me who’s the sniffer

You’re the diamond sniffer I’m making you a sword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight oh wait no I only got seven I must have counted wrong so for the next little bit Alex just decided he wanted to dig all the way back up to the surface Adam looks

Like he’s trying to light the nether portal using a bucket of lava and also a wooden plank no no I did it don’t gravel yeah yes get your butt back here ah another portal in three two 1 wa oh my God yeah it actually looks so cool

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the most realistic version of the nether that you’ve probably ever seen oh my gosh we’re right next to a lava pool oh my God oh my gosh what the heck oh my gosh we got to get out of here bro I’m looking for another Fortress I don’t see

Any anything but this place is sick ah wait that was a piece of cobblestone how did it fall one of the mods that we added in makes Minecraft gravity just a little bit more realistic we’re in like the worst case scenario this is so hard how are we supposed to

Find anything at this point the boys didn’t know where to go they crossed over lava waterfalls scaled down huge nether mountains and avoided every mob in sight oh oh is that what I think it is Adam Alec you’re a flipping genius dude yeah I think that this is a nether

Fortress right I can’t believe it they found a nether fortress okay here we go a terrible Fortress I’m hearing a lot of things I’m kind of scared oh dude this is terrifying oh gosh oh gosh there’s with skeletons on me Adam help wait wait wait what I can’t just jump down don’t

Take damage build down or something build down or something okay what do I do I don’t know I don’t know what you do I’m going to try and hit their heads yo there’s no way surviving this help okay I’m going to burn him in lava no no

No yes it broke Alec it’s time to turn Minecraft more realistic 3 2 1 bam oh my gosh dude what this just looks like real life look at the grass this is crazy oh my God this is one of the most realistic Minecraft can get no wait come here no

Actually come here come here come here come here no you come here why the flip did you take damage yeah I mean I’m going to be honest there’s no way we make it back to the nether like take a second to appreciate this this is real

Life yeah how can you be mad look at this though like look at how beautiful this is if the boys take damage one more time and they lose the challenge but they’ll be able to see what real life Minecraft crap would look like this is pretty much realistic Minecraft so once

You die I don’t think you’re going to respond this time buddy why are you saying like that you cost me $1,000 hey you messed up a couple times too that was the most important time and you flipp and died you watched me die yeah you like the top of that mountain

How do you like the bottom Adam oh my God wait a second why are they fighting I don’t care about the money anymore yeah bro what was that Adam’s G Rogue we were never getting back to the nether wait boys that means you get to witness the most real real

Istic version of Minecraft I thought this was it 3 2 1 boom wa oh my gosh what this is crazy this is like actually real life what is happening this is the craziest resource pack I’ve ever seen it just looks just like you wait yeah get

Some get some wood for us ow ow that kind of hurt wait wait wait I have an idea I have an idea hang on hang on check this out dude I have an axe hey let’s go baby see if that works any better okay that still kind of hurts

It’s not breaking though you’re doing great I don’t know what to do what do you don’t know what to do now let me show you what to Do this does not look realistic yet guys water oh that looks water why does he do that why want Oh My it came out the door bro nah he’s going to do an explosion that was like the most watery Water I’ve ever watered in my life is that actually

Real Dr maybe me want to drink it are you guys think if I drank that water I would like I would live forever seriously it looks like holy water we must see the water my God it’s actually hitting the edges of the wall it looks realistic dude it sounds good too A W

Inside it makes me want to pee a it’s so satisfying that was so good that was the first it only get better wait till after the video look at this real this when he poop o wa that’s for sure Al when he poops look at it that’s like nucle bomb incoming

Are are you telling me that you’ve never pooped and had it Splash right back into your bung hole that happens to me all the time I had have some water D It’s kind of it’s kind of nice it’s kind of nice I’m not going to lie you guys ever

Been in those toilets where like uh there’s a button you can press and it shoots up water a b day and yeah it your butt for you that’s what that my dad has one those things got pressure bro they got pressure okay guys guys guys we’re we’re back to realistic Minecraft yeah

Okay well that’s what it’s reminding of the realistic water oh okay so he’s getting rid of the ceiling now wow this is really going to explode wait this is actually going to be sick this so wait how do I even do this PO this is an animation

Right this a volcano dude what that was some serious following actual physics yeah that is crazy here’s more water stuff oh I could wash this all day it looks like Minecraft but it’s not Minecraft but it looks like Minecraft but this for mcraft but it’s not they just modding it gosh I don’t

Even think that it’s mods I think that it’s like 3D animations I think we’re I think we’re up to Lava now let’s see if laa can top water oh oh my gosh that is Alex poop for sure bro what is going on wait wow I thought that that would move exactly how the

Water move but like even you you could tell that it’s more dense and it’s thicker cuz of the way that it drizzles down they spend so much detail on that thing is it just me or does anybody else want to touch that I want to eat it bro

It would be kind of it’s not a laffy taffy it’s lava seems like it would be laffy T it kind of reminds me of those like Tik Tock candy videos where they’re like making the sugary candy and I want him to put I really want him to put

Water on it not edible Jack Jack those are also very hot do not eat do not children do not eat people does anyone else want to see him put water on it or is that just me I kind of want to see he will all right yeah let’s keep yeah let’s find

Out it kind of form into a pancake okay I I would eat it if it turns into a pancake okay I think Iron Golem yeah but then put lava on top of it a that is torture bro wait wait that’s actually crazy it’s turning into molten iron oh he’s getting stronger

Wa How does it go around it so perfectly free it looks like you up that’s amazing W that is so sick what no that was actually so cool what does he got now oh he just turned that into lava and it goes through the fence through the fence

Usually it gets cap it’s like slime bro it’s literally slime I think they added this in the latest update no way you’re lying dude that looks a okay now dump water on it I would put my head under that oh here we go I see lava and water

In his you were right you were right let’s see what happens didn’t does it make obsidian going to do it he water down there he’s got water now what and then lava go here we go here we go oh my gosh dude what do you think’s going to

Happen no why would you stop it a really good spot to come on we should screenshot I’m so ready wait tell me what’s going to happen I don’t know guys I don’t care bro let me watch and find out you know want to put your predictions in I think that is probably

Going to touch the water I think it’s all turn a cobblestone I think it’s going to explode all right we have our predictions let’s see what happens okay we were all wrong that is Obsidian OB SM is sick though oh wow there’s steam coming from that thing

I will say a little bit unrealistic because the water should be like boiling hot it should be like bubbling it’s not bubbling it’s though so it’s it’s turning into obsidian instead of bubbling I guess but I don’t see any bubbles in here it’s not block that was still really cool

That was sick yeah that was okay we got a water bucket and a sponge see what he can oh this one’s going to be awesome realistic water okay an actual sponge can’t suck up that much water I want that so fast [Applause] oh oh my gosh nah he just turned

SquarePants n dude I’ve never seen something suck so good that is the silkiest sponge I’ve ever seen it’s probably got a black hole inside of all right I’m checking on Amazon Spongebob doesn’t stand a chance can can we buy that I don’t know if they sell it in

Stores I’m about to sleep next to that thing I’m pretty sure that’s in like Area 52 only NASA has access to that oh yeah it’s probably military grade sponge at least that is Mr SquarePants himself wait can he bust it open now whoa whoa wao what is he doing with that piston

Oh dude look did you guys see that thing jiggle dude that is jig than that thing’s definitely sleeping next to me now I was just joking before but oh my gosh it would be nice to cuddle with that thing I’m not going to lie a little

Squishy plushy it looks so good and if you get if you get thirsty you just just suck on it a little bit a little kiss oh yeah like yeah seriously just like that might it might suck you up instead that’s true that’s true and if you have

To go to the bathroom I might be all right with that play the that’s wait wait hold on hold on hold on hold on way Adam mom Alex mom is making a guess I knew it was coming Alex’s mom bro she looks so much realer than I

Remember her so good this is so realistic Alec your mom looks insanely Goode you can even see her nail polish on the on the toe wow dude she definitely got a pedicure what does your mom get a a tail she looking like a snack oh yeah dang my mom’s got a dumpy

On her though there she goes there she goes he just smacked your mom what are you going to do my mom is pretty good at racketball and pickle ball what do that after she’s agile we saw how she moves okay okay that was a stretch my gosh that is so luscious that

Might be my favorite thing so far that that’s what Alex har used to look like 10 years ago Dude okay you got to relax relax bro he’s coming at you today that’s realistic it’s so good looking that was like a a tickx POV in Alex’s

Hair what does that even mean oh a tick po yeah I don’t even know why Adam went there but yeah or like fleas or uh lice I did have lice as a kid and my dad shaved my head yeah dude that’s actually the best thing that you can do I was

Like it was like a buzz cut and then he put vinegar in it oh okay then that got rid of the fleas vinegar that’s that got rid gets rid of the life yeah that’s yeah it’s pretty good so if any kids out there if you’re watching this and have

Life try putting vinegar on your your head that was snow w Wait wait more snow more more snow coming p a snowball fight oh oh yo that looks like perfect snowball snow how does that how how do they do that go it’s like so powdery I love it that is

Perfect snow oh here we go snowball that’s what you’re talking about there we go oh looks like confetti that is sick I need this now I take my money bro yeah dude imag it cost cost wait what the my God Jacko take it you have so many

Huntets take all my money I know where I’m going scun Adam don’t steal my money you won’t even know that is so cool I could watch this like all day it is so satisfying gosh look at the tiny balls all around oh my I love the tiny balls I’ve never

Seen tiny balls that tiny I want him to throw it at another player face oh my gosh dude that house just got hit by so many balls there’s no way he’s topping any of that stuff wait there was something floating on top of got now oh oh MLG realistic Minecraft you can still

Okay in realistic worlds that is not realistic how realistic is this getting okay that doesn’t that doesn’t look like snow let’s be real I’m just if we’re being real that realistically doesn’t look like snow it looks like tiny sugar cubes yeah but if we’re really being realistically real like that really made

Me feel really good is this like the make you feel good video or is this the realistic video if we’re being as realistic as possible I really have to take a dump it really does not feel like a like a really good time to do that so

Maybe just Chief hold it in you can go right now but you have to stay on camera I’m okay just imagine that sponge is in your stomach and suck it back up look a vacuum good yep keep that brick up there now Alec is officially red everywhere is

Vacuum there is no place he’s not red I think we all knew about that I am vacuum sealed right now oh all right the snow’s getting unrealistic yeah wait that this is becoming more and more unrealistic really let’s see you better top oh I

Want to see slim oh here we go here we go he’s back everywhere that’s like Snot Bro e I would I would want to play in that honestly it’s going through the fence bro yeah wow yeah that would be fun to play in slime room theer after go guys if this video

Gets 20,000 likes we will make a slime room that looks awesome dude we say we have so many like goals all the time that we probably hit and then never do guys if this video gets 20,000 likes I will prank Alec with his room filled with slime yeah bro okay it’s going to

Hit it we guys we keep forgetting this Channel people actually watch people actually watch these videos bro stop yeah we we made those Legos earlier on when nobody watched these videos yeah oh dude look at this sheep such an innocent looking sheep oh it’s about get SL GG’s it just wanted niod

Chice it’s literally going to suffocate slime that might be the worst way to suffocate cuz if you think about it if you think about it if you drown in water at least you’re like being you get to drink water when you go but in this case

You can’t even drink water you just die to drinking slime that’s so much worse like at least like as you’re dying to water you’re like wow I’m so hydrated that was awesome but when you die to slime it’s like I’m not even hydrated and I’m still

Dying you know it’s just worse it’s a worse experience and that is what the Sheep is going through so I feel bad for the Sheep is what I’m saying I have to poop let’s continue I just Al Al got rid of my brain cell my IQ is lowered realistic D this is actually

Going to be sick I think this whole building is going to fall down wa that is not what I was expecting we need a replay we need a replay wait that’s the coolest one yet coolest one yet that’s my favorite fav 10 guys comment which one has been your favorite today so far

Mine has been this one it’s either the the Tini ball snowballs or this one for you yes my mom is not in their top favorites guys let’s go bro she’s number three she’s she’s definitely top three she’s number one on my heart and now on my plate little

Bakon I love a little Alex mom Bing okay I shouldn’t have said anything bro yeah that was your fault oh let’s see the house fall again oh my God watch all day it’s so cool wow that’s amazing this going to change the game oh

He BL this one up too we go I could watch explosion videos literally every single day bye-bye Cobblestone bro if this is a mod we have to find it we have to find it that is so there’s a mod that’s kind of similar to this but I’m

Pretty sure these are animations oh wait what happened to that did you guys see that yeah just that like random block that just danced away it might have been Herobrine well how is it an animation if they’re like flying around it I think it’s a blender animation yeah but how

Are they flying around it I I I think that’s just the animation okay you’re joking you know how like you know how like they make dinosaurs look real in Jurassic world kind of like That welcome boys to the Minecraft creper facility follow me why do you have a sledgehammer in your hand bro looks like you’re about to hit us what kind of tour guide are you I’m going to take out my everything here is extremely expensive please do not blow blow up

Anything all right I’m going to have to BU you for it I do not feel safe you already blew up like a side of the house just guys don’t blow up anything okay whatever you do don’t do that oh my God don’t do that BR kind of reality is this

Dude there’s a creeper room Adam come on over here to the creeper room we need to use your body for experiments I don’t want to go in there someone else can go in first Jack look up there’s the big explosion I think that’s where your body creeper yo that thing’s huge Jack his

Name is and he’s very friendly he doesn’t look friendly he doesn’t look friendly guys guys guys I don’t even think it blows up I think we’re chilling yeah everybody here everybody give him a hug in realistic Minecraft you can hug creepers go ahead my hey see look yeah he’s

Like Anyway Boys Everybody follow me around uh over here this is the creeper facility that uh if you guys didn’t know creepers actually started out as pigs fun fact for you I don’t want to worry anybody but it seems like the pigs are breaking loose look at the walls dude

These are ginormous pigs and wor about the pigs all right that’s why I invited you two here today to help me contain and protect the pigs you stupid Pig what are you doing all right we might as well make pork chops hey yo I’m lighting up

His butt we’ll be in some big old bacon tonight yo yo Adam come here Adam come here bend over let loose oh my god dude I squeezed one out all right well yeah uh this is the pig part of the facility um but there is a bunch more so keep

Following me around guys keep following me aimlessly come on yeah yeah yeah yeah following you all right cool yeah Follow Me Adam Alec can you uh hold Adam he kind of maybe had a little bit too much explosions make sure you guys are following me okay why do you keep saying

That wait are you guys you guys yeah you guys cuz you guys don’t follow me that’s why I keep telling you to follow me all right cool all right guys so come on over here it says danger beware zombies do you guys know what a zombie is I

Didn’t read anything I can’t see anything Adam we’re fully aware you can’t read oh my God what’s happening all right we’re going to break him we going in what’s happening wait what’s happening with Alec Al are you okay I’m going to need help with Z the zombie I

Just got attacked I think he’s got the Cheese Touch stay away from Alec yo this Zombie’s huge he just killed someone get away from me Adam in Adam in Adam in wait wait I want to try the rocket launcher have the zombie touch ready three 2

One I blew it up I’m hiding Adam has a cheese touch I don’t think he’ll ever find me down here I’m going to have my T my throw TNT out if I ever see him I will unleash Havoc wait you killed him yeah I blew him up he’s dead he was

Trying to crawl through the wall and then leg you killed my buy Zach yo we go we go back man we went to college together it’s a flipping zombie I was sprued to kill it it did not say on the sign up there to kill a zombie I was

Avenging you it killed you you should be saying you’re welcome we kind of had a falling out he has anger issues oh is this your is this your house well this is uh yeah Zach’s house but since you killed him it is your house now zombies

Have houses okay do you know if this is active is this it’s not active you can’t have active I hear explosions they must be fighting this isn’t good this isn’t good this isn’t good you just lied to me rule number two never listen to me that means I’m

Supposed to break things chill chill where Alec go yeah that’s what I was just about to say Alec has been Unleashed hiding in the corner what y he’s trying to blow me up where’ you boys go he just I think he just killed himself I think he’s gone Rogue Jack Jack watch

Out he’s coming for you Adam I have a crossbow and I’m not afraid to use it how did you fit your body down there Adam do you still have the Cheese Touch No I gave it to Jack wait Jack has a cheese touch no got oh oh I didn’t have

Any cheese today I don’t know who was a Chee tou but you oh my God oh my God run I got to get out of here I got to get out of here Al where are you I don’t want the cheese touch dude one of

You guys has it it’s not me it wasn’t that deep go I got to run they’re going to team up against me I got to go I got to go I got to go Adam can we have a sidebar what’s this what’s the what’s a cheese touch well you see it’s when

There’s like this piece of cheese and you touch it it’s so icky and gross you don’t and then you pass it on I have a confession to make earlier today I saw a piece of cheese and I touched it Al your gunshot oh my God where am I

I think I break it loose I’m outside the facility I’m running no no we have to get rid of this cheese touch for good wait did tou oh oh my go he’s so good I hear gunshots I will Camp up here the second I see either of them I will shoot where is

Alec okay we this oute touch wait no I Alec had the Cheese Touch actually you just said you had the Cheese Touch I have the cheese wait he’s back there wait no that’s you wait what that you just played down a bomb no is there anything else in this lab uh

Actually yeah so keep following me yo there’s bathrooms I see Adam’s name I don’t know if you saw me or not okay let me just take a little Peep Peep oh I see Alec Adam do you want to go say hi yeah oh no I stuck it to

Myself that was a big explosion Ah that’s going to set us back about 20K but that’s okay yo CH chill Al you a hoe get away you shot my hoe die get him get him oh my gosh hide behind the truck this do not miss Tak

The vehicle I’m ging him down atam oh my God I’m crashing into him no he broke my vehicle why is he so good die I play video games I play so many video games you can’t touch Me it’s at him relax get me out of here run I keep hitting myself where is he where the cookie man going on a hunt for Alec I refuse to die where are they die he’s like throwing grenades at me oh my God one oh my God he’s quartering me how have you

Survived EA it explosion where is he I don’t even see him there’s so many explosions bro he doesn’t see me behind yes got me I red the world of the cheese touch and Alex the cheese Man is dead you guys want to play Rock Paper Scissors Shoot yeah let’s play Rock

Paper Scissors that was fun though I I I think I have the cheese touch right now but that’s okay we can still play okay what’s Rock what’s paper what’s scissor what’s shoot um Adam go ahead and dig straight down for me it’s the first rule of MC Scissors Shoot Alec you’re on fire

Yo there’s dirt now we bury him wait what guys uh just like grab some I can’t even I can’t dig any further down I need a better pickaxe grab some of the dirt and we just going to f it over just going to pop that there drop that down

And don’t worry about this atam this is perfectly cool calm and kosher oh I can Crouch down oh my gosh I got a little cubby here yeah there you go get get down under there yo this is crazy my God you’re like a little mole

Oh my gosh I have a fort I want to come down there no get out of my fort no one can come in here it’s my fort you want to play Dy Mo with us back up why would you kill me I can kill him whenever you

Want Adam or Jack just give me the word Adam when do you want want to die I’m going GTA mode he can’t kill me oh yeah you can’t touch me I’m the G preg all the TNT Jason born Al he’s called God mode he’s cheating you can’t kill me no you

Said rule number one was not to destroy the lab yeah guys I think we might need to uh flee the facility before the cops show up hey boys you down for a round of hide and seek yeah not it yeah not it not it uh it you sm all five

Four two okay okay don’t panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic Don’t Panic hello why you go for me I found you so am I out or what what happens now no now you join my team now we go find Alec I hide behind sugar cane seemingly very nipply sugar cane which

Is nipple is is this nipple let me test that is not nipple okay new Mission locate sugar cane and nipple Adam these villagers saw Alec they know where he went let’s interrogate them hey there pal my my my buddy here he’s got anger issues you don’t want to mess with a boy

With a blowtorch you’re telling me where’d he go where’ that red haired Freo look at that block face all right if you don’t tell us where he is in 3 seconds we’re going to pick your nose off your body 3 2 1 AD do the thing do

The thing do the thing get him get him get him Adam you weren’t supposed to kill them now they can never tell us where the body is oh I got a little carried away I’m sorry oh gosh all right that’s fine that’s come here though for a second

Look ready 3 2 1 oh is that kind of cool oh wait you go you go it’s so realistic oh my gosh okay yo over I can pick it up look wow Adam I have a good idea you want to hear it yeah how do we find him

Let’s go find Alec and then let’s throw like the biggest thing that we can find at him maybe your body I’m not sure oo that looks like nipple to me that seems to be it that’s the one okay mission number two um hide from Jack O Adam these cows probably know

Where Alec is they’re looking awfully sus over here Mr villager would you know where where Alec is okay I got to let them like give time to respond I’m just shooting people I’m getting you’re literally just exploding all right here Adam try again with these cows oh my

Gosh wait it’s Bessie but there can only be one bie Adam we got to figure out which one’s the right one I know which one it is 5 Seconds to guess four okay whichever one is the real Bessie will Dodge his B zero who’s the real Bessie boom you were wrong they were

Both fake dummy wait no wait one survived wait it’s pointing over here Adam oh wait that could be where Alec is get your guns ready what a beautiful view one of these days I just want to get a floaty and Float off into the distance never be

Seen again all right it’s it’s been quite a while I wonder if they’re ever going to find me I mean sugar cane is is pretty seethrough so I don’t understand what the big problem is here worse comes the worse I just jump in I don’t really

Know how to swim though so that could be an issue I do hear some things happening this could be a Mexican standoff no Bessie would she lie to us I think she lied to us are you serious you dumb cow I’m going to throw a panda at you this

Is why pigs are my favorite I’m want to eat you like a piece of French toast I can’t wait to eat steak later all right Adam we got to focus up here we’re running out of time there’s only 3 minutes left before we have to find oh

Gosh all right I’m just going to start shooting villagers tell us where he is hello Mr villager where is the sir get you put out of there you in here son cookie cookie lasagna dude you’re creeping me out where are you we only have 2 minutes now I see you

Guys okay that means he’s somewhere High Jack I have a good Vantage Point okay look around you have to just start blowing stuff up to warm out all right oh my god look they blew up that house they’re just blowing like everything up

Now oh oh my go oh my god oh he’s right there oh my God you think he was up there he’s definitely not up there anymore I saw someone up there might have been a villager where’s my where’s my nipple sugarcane here it is oh my lovely nipple sugarcane oh is he flying

But he’s flying we only have a minute left we got to get him what where are you dude this Village is not that big bro you can’t fly you cheater where is he where is he where is he oh he’s hiding in the water oh we got him guys do you see me

Right now am I picking up something right now for you guys you sure are picking up a villager who seems to be sleeping guys I got a really good idea Piñata Party nice oh my gods out oh my God what happened oh no no no Adam it’s your turn

Oh my gosh his face is stared at me he a flipping skeleton that is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen I got a pig Piñata for you get all the bacon make sure yeah you get all the pork grinds from his body guys guys keep it down I’m trying

To sleep Adam we’re skinning a pig it looks like a fish now don’t come in here guys it’s I’m going to close the door actually uh what’s happening in here do you have any girls got cookies open up FBI FBI Federal B projack Investigation Unit I was trying to sleep wait wait wait

Wait don’t kill the Villager this is Tim TBO please don’t kill him he’s my friend Adam I’m just going to take him to a safer area no no Adam Adam Adam shut up you got to trust me okay Adam I am a certified FBI investigation unit okay I

Am the unit why is he under investigation it’s he’s not under investigation okay somebody’s coming to kill him somebody is is coming to kill him in the next 3 minutes all right we have to get him out I just need you guys help just like help me get him out the

Door all right I’m going to make some room for you yeah make some room for his fat butt Adam grab his flipping legs I’m trying grab his legs grab his legs at him okay I think that worked I’m holding him by the temple all right all right

Take him through don’t worry Tim TBO it’s going to be okay okay let’s bring him to a safe location safe safe location inbound guys don’t kill him though don’t kill him though safe location don’t toss him around like that how is this safe he’s outside the Border

I can’t get him Tim Adam he’s safe now from everybody Tim nobody can touch him anymore if I can’t have him nobody can oh my God Sor I’m sorry Tim the silence was so loud I’m going to try to dig straight down boys let’s see what’s at the

Center you’re doing this way wrong jack all you got to do is a little bit of this oh little sticky actually I see I see what about this what if you just and Adam’s dead hands up enemy h130 above can you stop killing me oh wait

Guys kind of need another ac130 over at the desert temple we haven’t really explored that yet I’m on it enemy is see 30 above did I get it yeah I think so all right you can land the plane and come back down I just got sniped sniped them

The fire is spreading Adam can you go check that out for us guys there’s chest down here um Adam please don’t step on the pressure plate o we got some bones in here burn burn talo come down here C that’s one way to do it Alec your dead body just

Hit me directly in the cranium Adam I think there’s only way or one way for us to get out of here we’re getting sniped how okay what’s the way we got to get out of here quick hey nice TNT hole oh my gosh I’m getting buried I’m getting buried o Alec let’s

Bury Adam help me aleec knock down the entire structure on top of Adam then he can never escape on it this pickaxe is not working Adam we’re going to bur you alive for 24 hours Mr Beast challenge style everything’s black oh I’m turning to dust ah I blew myself up I like don’t

Worry I’m bringing the bones of my enemies over to bur get out of here we go wow cave in the walls but don’t let him oh oh my gosh it’s like a war seed enough is enough ow ow you’re going crazy did I get him the whole top PID

Just fell in enough I think I just exploded him he just killed me I’m going to go down and check the damages yeah boys we’re going to need some insurance you boys ain’t from around these parts don’t you move don’t you Mo musle S I think down down everyone settle down

Everyone settle down everyone settle down everyone settle down okay sustain everybody settle up everybody settle up everybody settle up everybody settle up I do not want to fight are we at an auction what’s happening hey put that up everybody shut up everybody shut up everybody listen to me God oh God okay

All right Adam you have you have the floor you have the floor I would like to say that I love you guys Bros and I’m so sorry I had to do this oh win standof the G oh my God that’s to a TNT fight idiot I think I

Won smash like And subscribe or else I will come to your house and eat every single one of your cookies

This video, titled ‘I Added REALISTIC BLOCKS into MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2023-11-26 19:39:03. It has garnered 142889 views and 9330 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:33 or 4353 seconds.

👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► https://beckbrojack.co


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  • Glorp Junior High School

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

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  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

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  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

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  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

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  • Dangerous Muslim Kid’s TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥

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  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RTT4QNYKqA –~– DONT CLICK THIS – http://surl.li/qwdoy MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at play.xgaming.club for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: https://www.xgaming.club/ Ready for a gaming revolution? Join play.xgaming.club and redefine your adventure! play.xgaming.club Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Called it! 😂

    “Looks like someone’s Minecraft predictions are as on point as a creeper exploding in your face!” 😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit When you spend hours meticulously crafting the perfect texture pack for Minecraft, only for your friend to say it looks like a potato threw up on the screen. #fail #minecraftprobs Read More