Unbelievable showdown in FableSMP S3 EP 59

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That let’s talk about what happened last time on Fable SMP last time was the festival of light uh in the beginning wolf started by the Neta portal waiting for everyone to show up eventually seeing soss arriv and Ray and oi East in quite a fun outfit even Fable came and

They all made their way through the portal to go to the Festival CRS that Ray wolf have been working so hard on it went well it went well the Halloween event went well the bamboozling and shocking truly um everyone had fun and despite Wolf’s like apprehensiveness and fear of how it

Would go it went good he got to dance with Coss and Ray and then at the end of the night he hadn’t made a wish in the well like everyone else right before he could though a music disc appeared called Guiding Light and he went to go

Take take it to the empty dance hall and listen to it immediately starting to break down and cry because it was a duet that him and mesh had written and played who knows when some time ago looks like Ray and centros had stuck behind seeing

Wolf and came and sat with him and just for a moment he was kind of with all of his Partners it was pretty great even if it hurt so that’s the last time we left him let’s go see uh we are doing a fun start today of starting together so let me

Play no not that one sure that’s that’s that’s a PO one so that’s where we left off and time for more let me see I’m going to VI here own def until this until this guy rolls back up yeah never happened last wolf to be

Oh hello you’re done ah ah no there’s no sh hello hello were you sitting I’m waiting for you to be done yeah bruh BR bruh I thought you were listen shut up you shut up okay are you ready to start I am yeah I’m ready okay leave here can just

SC hey what what what are you doing what I didn’t I didn’t mean to wake you up I’m sorry why are you why are you getting up it’s like late um I can’t sleep B oh I was going to go I I didn’t want to wake you up I’m sorry I was just

Going to go go out out and look for some lops or something oh well I I got a better idea come here come here oh hold on I forget how to work doors when I first wake up Le sorry I didn’t you can go

Back no no come come on come on come on where where where though where come on come on where what is this idea where are we going no come come here I’m here hey hey now you’re not going to get me you don’t even know where I’m

At I I lit I literally no you can’t no you can’t you can’t no nowh nowhere BR bruh where’d you nowhere no are you by the tree oh what is this mountain where are you where no way you are no way no no no no no

Ow yeah now it’s your turn oh yeah fine I chase you this way mhm no I almost I actually almost just lost you wa now hold on no no come back listen you want to start this game I got you no well yeah listen come here come here come

Here no come here n where’d you go you just disappear from sight no there you are I see you no I missed I missed you wanted to start this you wanted this it’s fine I’m going to get you it’s fine I I see you do yeah I’m coming up

On you it’s fine listen I’m right here I’m right here I don’t believe come here come here come here come here come here no no got you where are we I don’t uh I don’t know nowhere that anyone’s been probably something tells me mean it’s the other side of the

Ocean well yeah I didn’t I don’t think we’ve like explored this way well is music okay prettt just you know in the town I don’t think there there has to be any exploring I mean now I kind of want to though cuz now you mentioned it now I

Just kind of want to go sail off into the distance and boat and then just see like what’s out there one massive boat with some cannons that’d be great what we don’t have what you don’t want cannons what do you what do you need I’ve wanted cannons since forever okay I

Think cannons would be great since forever yeah since forever oh like I would I don’t know about my whole life like I don’t remember bits in details of it but like I definitely I don’t know I wanted a cannon way back beforehand and now I still want a cannon

I think that be pretty cool you tell me you wouldn’t want a cannon you just want to shoot some [ __ ] lead at somebody uh you know wasn’t really my super intent in life he wasn’t like big big well I’m not sitting here like trying to

Make it happen like my entire my I’m not like oh that’s all I want in my life is a cannon I mean I think I’d be happier with a Canon let’s be realistic here but like You’ be happier like you’d be happier than you are right now if you

Had a Canon okay well I am very happy right now okay shut up but listen keep me it’s not doing much I know you’re like [ __ ] like I don’t know you’re like solid as hell like I can’t can’t do anything to you it’s kind of weird I told you it’s a bad

We used to be on the same level but now it’s like damn I’m falling behind I don’t know if I like this trust me if I could I would be now I was guess that’s what I meant I don’t think you’re any different yeah I think so Aris said you called it a

Curse that’s what it is yeah I mean I don’t think so it feels like one I mean I don’t think there’s a nicer word for getting turned into a for who knows how many years unable to be near anything that part that part is the curse I think the

Wolf Part was the curse but I think the aftermath is like I’m still wolf that’s the thing I mean you don’t look all that I mean you got toe beans but like to beans and Claws and teeth Still Human more human than a wolf is I mean come on

How many pharoh wolves do you think would just not attack me as I’m standing here looking you know unsuspectingly out to the ocean mhm so unsuspecting so unsuspecting just so [ __ ] unsuspecting yeah yeah you have no looking out into the the diff the D into the like just right out into the

Sea The Horizon is I’m looking for you know I’m looking for Kai oh look there she is oh look hey what’s up what’s up Kai remember the first time being told that K is the ocean and me just going this you it just look it’s pointing to the

Nearest body of water like how much of this is you is that right there is this you is is this is this you is is is this over here you it’s a valid question it it is I I don’t know what the answer is Guy won’t tell me

I don’t think they know I don’t think we’ve we’ve got signs on that yet well yeah no I’m too [ __ ] lazy to look for a sign on it I’m too lazy to look for most of anything no that’s fair I think it’s one of those things we can just we can just

Leave it while alone yeah a little bit I think so it’s lava but no I’m sorry just like gently smell now now I’m going to go now I’m going to I know just like NP I’m going come with me it’s lava I can smell it it’s lava is it I don’t know

Yet get out of the lava get out stop it stop it it is quite much lava stop I’m immune but it’s fine out get out get out ceas it’s definitely lava you’re right give me the sand I was going to fix it no I was

To I was going to I was going to jump on that block thank you trying to plug it out so you stop trying to swim what do you mean I want to swim stop going to get crispy I you know a slight crispy centros is good okay listen I don’t

Think you need to be crispy at all why why not why why not not crispy why I I why I think being crispy is fun form is being not crispy a a little crispy and a little you know blood soaked is fine no no I feel like those go hand in hand

Some oh sheep the hell well um that’s that’s that’s well of course of course we could we can’t we ever just have anything like nice like like can we just have one nice night I ever without some [ __ ] [ __ ] pulling up maybe maybe it’ll be okay sometimes they’re okay sometimes

They’re my experience is they’re never okay but I I maybe I’m biased slightly oh this is a big one there’s yeah wait five five why are there so many okay well there we go this will be fine dad’s worried keeps pacing around we’ve got some small farms set up in the

Mansion to get through slower periods but it’s never been like this before we’re still missing four patrols the last two raids failed a world Soldier showed up in show showed up on the last one too which all but confirms we’re being targeted it’s a stalemate uh they’re not

Distracted by the end in the nether now we’re not just a little problem to place on the back burner or front and center dad says we have to pull back lie low until the war kicks up again I’m trying to look on the bright side more time to train up work on my

Non-existent dodging skill my shoulders finally he up at least stuff like that but all I can think about is dwindling food supply in the winter her ahead all from the sound of it dad’s it’s all dad can think about too I think I’m might be losing my mind I heard it

Today not sure where from which is only making me more nervous about it but I heard my siblings and it wasn’t something that I could have mistaken either I know it’s been a while but I know their voices anywhere that wasn’t something that just kind of sounded like my siblings that was their

Voices but that’s impossible it has to be impossible they’re they’re dead they died with home and with Mom and I know that and of course I know that I’ve never stopped thinking about it writing is notely I can’t tell Dad he’ll think I’m crazy he won’t say it sure he’ll give me that

Look I heard something I mistook it it’s a natural mistake to make I’ve been stressed lately this stalemate is is taking a lot out of us all maybe I don’t need dead that’s everything he’d say right there I’m not hearing things it came from the basement I’m

Sure of it this time the only problem is actually getting down there to find out what the hell is making that noise ways to get to the basement steal invisibility potions distraction let a ravager loose what the okay wait till Nightfall no there are always evokers down there

No matter what time it is make up an excuse dad sent me they believe it dig through the wall takes too long too noticeable can’t set a fire whole place will come down ask Dad about it that idea oh this is AR us even title the journal

I mean this I already mentioned the war when I was speak she had memories of of but I she came by and showed me her her training she made like a training ground and had like just a lot of knowledge that I guess only need someone during the world from time with

No I I talked to I mentioned it and she kind of shrugged it off but I I had a feeling that she was a soldier of sorts so I guess it’s it looks like during the stal mate she was with the pillagers right and her her dad

And I don’t know if she’s ever talked about having a dad to me well maybe not to us maybe not to you especially not to me but maybe there’s memories in there somewhere yeah that’s I imagine it’s someone from the camps I don’t yeah no I I mean

I I think it would be easier just to give it to arisana more than anything I can do little I do feel a little weird just you know reading through yeah it’s book GI we can go bring I’ll read this one yeah go ahead please do my

Voice is killing me now trying to learn to read you can read I can kind of read a little bit it takes a little bit of seconds August 28th I met once again with the crew of the saraso and DED with my old friend Captain Roberts in return

However I have also had the miscounting of dining with the sniveling eag whom Roberts has brought upon his crew they have dressed the man a wait wait go back on page two called a man if indeed he can be called a man in finer clothes than he wore when he was

Dredged from the ocean that cannot hide his inhuman Visage I do not know what he is but I know he is most definitely not what he says they must be well educated Beyond his medical knowledge he jokes of being a telen and those jokes fall on death

Ears I’ve only ever heard I only ever heard Scholars discuss such hysteric creatures and those in the shipyards may be superstitious but they are not stupid enough to believe such excitant lies he ACC and betrays him as one from the south though he definitely denies it admin Robert claims he’s learning to be

Cartographer though his hand shake too much to hold a fork steady let alone a quill what inss me most is the Fain front of friendship he presents he appears to kind if there was something behind those blank bulous blue eyes which unsettles me as of everyone he

Looks upon a simple meat ready to be dissected he’s examining us for the next best part of Flesh to claim I do not know what he is a monster a demon a killer or a spy I know only know that I consider myself lucky that I will not be present to suffer the

Carnage that saw the family doctor canonically there’s a word there but see Minecraft books are rude they are they are I agree they do don’t even don’t worry about it that’s that’s ulyses isn’t it it is that well I don’t think this is ulyses but I think it’s definitely

Referencing hold on don’t mind I’m just oh I I meant the doctor person in the B I don’t know who the hell wrote it but somebody I me casually fixing that boom there’s words there drops wow there was oh oh oh let me read them with my illiterate eyes

Yeah oh damn it it went away again okay I can’t I can only do so much here doing my best okay what are the words there what did my special eyes see the word drops the last line is uh when that facade admirably drops okay a sniveling

Eel I mean he was not dis he was not liked by somebody that’s for sure very much so seems to be a very common thing for ulyses to experience of a trend yeah I know I mean I like the guy like let’s be realistic I like him a lot and also he

Makes some pretty good uh you like you like his alcohol Hey listen I like him as a person too I know but I saw we get along quite well yeah I don’t remember much of it I remember I remember quite a bit actually but no is I I think people make

Him worse than he is in their perspective know I agree okay so we take that to him oh no I may be a second one to him experiment uh c21 entry 4 creatures become volatile some alteration to genetic material has corroded mental processing as outlined in entry 3 subjects exhibits increased aggression

And violent tendencies even towards other experiments in inability appears to be spreading between subjects numerous experiments have been quarantined to prevent the further spread of I maybe we don’t finish reading that that’s it’s a lot yeah yeah maybe maybe we just take take take that

We we just hand it over we go hey bud um burn it maybe and hand it to him you know like yeah I don’t know I I don’t think that’s going to help people like him all that much um let’s let’s read the next one okay this this is turning out to not

Be a great time this one this one will be yeah yeah this one will be just manifesting it okay Mom please please listen to me the nether isn’t safe and we need you here we have an expecting mother Vera srest she’s sick something could be wrong with the

Baby and you know I was never good with medical stuff my skills are in machines not people we need a doctor please if you get this meet us at camp at Pegasus G Gemini Orion blue wall 1610 67233 love Adara Adar that’s that’s myons that’s Pegasus Pegasus 4 Gemini 2 Orion

Three all blue all positive those are what did you just say I didn’t understand anything you just said that’s the the the the M they’re an organization that lived underground um they were hel they’re the ones that um Addie lived in the remnant of we found they have this star code

That is kind of a a secret to how how how you get to their places Pegasus is it’s how many like major stars are in each of the constellation so Pegasus four Gemini 2 Orion 3 that’s how many numbers are in each one of the chords blue is positive red is negative and

Then the full set of numbers so you kind of separate it out that’s that’s soul CR that’s that’s caspian’s last name that’s got to be someone caspian’s family someone to caspan she’s sick a baby she was well then we we we hand it over to cie yeah t that was ador’s

Mom okay sorry I got I I am trying to follow 100% don’t know what it means at all I’ll yeah yeah yeah we can we’ll definitely leave that one to C maybe I’ll leave because I kind of I mean if you you can unravel the the the coordinates then you

Can you can go there oh there’s a compass oh it’s spinning oh it’s was sector what wait wait wa sector 06 the [ __ ] does that mean overw at 0600 on the 27th cycle since a fortress settlement attack on the instigated Bastion [ __ ] to the north how come successful losses

Negligable previous attempts from of failure and regards this particular battle however with the use of the recent Undead recruits and improved tactics victory was Far easier terrain Pro fuul with a decrease in ashstorm presence on the state allowing for ease of visibility allowing for range attacks position Northwest of the settlement with the

Windflow footmen approached from the east and south at varying altitudes casualties lost 67 38 major injuries 28 minor requesting portal transport to bring the dead to the Overworld for burial and major injuries accounted for with medical attention to returning prior to returning to the base enemies Left Alive

Zero no prisoners taken for further questioning due to previous failing I saw a fit ended swiftly little they could say would prove useful a request for more soldiers will be attached to this correspondence in addition to upgrade training regimen guidelines for approval use with extended heat exposure prior training prior to Nether transfer

Needed for prolonged temperatures due to Fortress location I would suggest the use of Netherrack for prolonged heat exposure and training additional CEST further supplies of mining materials over minerals and fruit preferably hydrating in quality to downsize the inconvenience of heat impairment among monst new recruits not yet

Adjusted allowing up to five cycles for restock and rest for greater Camp will begin sending scouts out two cycles for further information further reports will be sent as Protocol I was she faring any updates from the doctors in previous writing the fear are back the TR was taking his to I’ll bring any potions or ingredients and I’m able to return Alchemist could Brew something to assist I have not stopped looking for ways to to help from here I will WR Home hey Um okay that’s a long time ago it’s still me yeah I my handwriting looked very similar to yours so yeah was it you was sick I don’t I don’t I okay okay I later [ __ ] sorry sorry I that just really really really didn’t want to see no that’s that’s fair this isn’t the

Greatest of uh doesn’t this this place is not the greatest Library I got to be honest it’s a fortress in the nether well we don’t need to go looking for it today it’s still the middle of night yeah yeah yeah yeah like let’s let’s maybe let’s um go

Take the books to people and go go home I don’t I don’t even know I can’t I how about we go home first wait I you can worry about taking books in a bit I can’t I can’t I can’t rest I can’t I can’t um oh I didn’t say we were going to

Rest so we’re going to go home here come on I I I’ve been meaning to implement something anyways and I think maybe maybe this will be the most appropriate time to do so mhm so come on go home yeah home home is better well and then we can we can deliver these

Um these lackluster memories to people I don’t know if anyone’s going to really want them back but I don’t think they’re going to really appreciate I don’t exactly want to keep them service yeah I don’t think our mail service is going to you know turn over

Well this time around I don’t think it’s going to be a big hit with yeah I I think we might get some complaints some one Stars you know maybe that’s a business it’s good thing we don’t have a it’s a good thing it’s not a business

I should we should not make it one this kind of sucks yeah I I I think this is a really shitty business to be fair and I don’t want to do it on what do you have in mine come here come on come on I got I got plants wait

Actually hold on I need those pumpkins hold on I’ll be back M don’t don’t worry about it it’s listen it’s fine I I have a plan okay all right I have I have a I have a plan and besides I we have surplus of the materials so it’s fine mhm I’m I’m

You got shears on you mm you want to grab a pair real fast mhm I can make you some yeah yeah yeah yeah why are we and then and then come into the basement I think we’re past the season for pumpkin carving I’m going to be real yeah don’t worry about it just

Just just I promise I promise I’ve got cheers where am I going where’ you go uh I’m I’m in the basement hello okay hunt him over there you go oh don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about it okay cool cool uh I need wood

M hold on hold on time out I got this don’t trust the process okay trust the process process is a little confusing but I’m going to trust I trust you trust the process trust trust the process I promise I did a little bit out of order but it’s fine don’t worry about it

Okay went further away crafting table well yeah hi well because we’re coming down here come on come on come on on don’t trust the process damn it mhm okay oh there were chests right here I I could have just it’s fine don’t worry about it come on come on

In I mean I guess good fight mobs and oh oh don’t worry about it don’t don’t worry about it don’t did you want me to start finding the skeletons in here or no no no hold on hold on don’t don’t I forget how to do this that’s not it hold

On you’re trying to make a Golem maybe you wanted something that’s tougher to fight so zombies and skeletons are a little uh easier to deal with you know what you’re so right you’re so I mean look at him look how pissed he is he’s just angry that you exist you

Just [ __ ] rip his face off do it I’m almost and it’ll take him he’s a he’s a pretty tough guy I’m I’m kind of feeling like he might take me out a little bit I don’t even think you need the sword right now hun all right try

It besides if you need help I can help he’s like he’s just chilling he does not mind oh he doesn’t care why don’t you care friend do you need some help with that do you need some help with that if if you want to punched the [ __ ] out of him

He’s he’s kind of cing oh there he goes okay that was much eer than I expected it to be I’m going to be so for real I don’t know why he wasn’t what if I just yeah yeah that real what he he does not mine he’s having a he’s having a fine

Day oh hold on hold on we might need to cure Hubert why cure Hubert I I think I think maybe he’ll be pissed off if if it looks like we’re we can uh almost kill one of one of his dudes one of his little guys too scary

Cuz he’s supposed to defend them and I don’t think he yeah maybe we just go outside oh I’m getting different notes hold on time out we fly we fly again we fly again don’t worry about it uh-huh I’m with you okay where are we going just out

Here oh no this way uh towards the village the the one by the star yes mhm mhm I’ve been I’ve been the souls have told me that apparently there needs to be a village near them oh don’t mind me went the wrong way a little bit it’s cool I found the

Star I I also think I went the wrong way just slightly I’m here okay I I am also here where I see you okay now do it the slow turn to me the slow turn to me why why are they noted I think he’s just chill maybe he’s just scared of me I

Don’t but you are pretty terrifying I’m I’m a little sad now why why looked at me why won’t you attack me I don’t think he’s mad I think his life is fine maybe it’s cuz you made him like he’s he’s like your baby so he’s like dang oh hit me hit

Me nah no he doesn’t care but if I hit you no he doesn’t care he does care he has no care in the world this is fine apparently they have to be naturally spunn he’s got to be a natural well that is foolish and I hate

That that that upsets me just a little bit I’m sorry have to villager first listen I think it’s cuz we made him I think it’s cuz you tried to make him with your bare hands well okay we should just fought skeletons in the [Laughter] pit well we can go back and fight

Skeletons but I was listen I wanted something a little harder for you to fight that’s all you spawn another one kill him him in Cold Blood no this feels like mean it’s just he’s not even fighting back it only takes like look at him’s I’m just I’m hitting with my hands and

It’s like five HS you are just ripping into them with your claws and it’s a little bit terrifying not even ding them like this is this is just upsetting this is just that is look at look at that I’ve caught a flower from him and everything that’s just

Sad well I my plan failed and I’m so sad now I was like we’re going to put a bunch of golems in the basement and then when you when you need to rip something to shreds you you just fight a Golem goem about it yeah I mean I did fight

Some Golems about it they just didn’t hit me back well yeah no I think you ripped them to Pieces period that’s it that’s all that happened they let you which is weird and I’m not I think that maybe is something about I don’t know Predator things or

Something oh there’s a guy wait he’s naturally there I hit him are you mad ow he’s mad oh it does have to be a natural guy wow this is does nothing to me this is this is nothing you are you literally aren’t even like being acknowledged

By you have no wounds what the what is this not even I can take a hit from a Golem and just walk away willy-nilly yeah that was pretty that was easy let me look for another one I’m going to find another Golem hold on off my toes uhhuh I don’t think

There’s any more guys I think it was just him I think I think it is just him I I don’t even think there are villagers here wait what happened to all the oh I found one his door is wide open though surprised he’s alive uhhuh I wake them up I think I

Demand you to make another Golem I don’t think they’re going to do that why why is the house just blown up it might have been we raid things I don’t know oh that’s fair oh that’s fair we should find a raid I don’t think they would Faire very

Well well yeah but I think you would have a grand time I don’t know if I would describe it as a good time well I didn’t say good time I said grand time okay of course I think it would give you that’s what I’m going to I’m I’m going to set

Up I’m going to set a place that we can start raids and you can just do raids all the time would hit hard I imagine oh I I feel like that would be painful along with you know the the the spellcast you guys the vexes I think I have I did do

Like a mansion raid with arsa and that was kind of like the first time I like just I don’t know I don’t know what to call it was feral saw red near people she had to hit me to snap me out of it but I killed most all of them in there

That’s we didn’t let him out I don’t think Ari wanted to risk it well now I’m kind of convinced you can take it no offense you did just fight a Golem with your bare hands and just rip it to shreds in front of me got to be honest that’s a little

Terrifying also a little hot like you know I prefer that over terrifying I don’t I don’t want to be scary you’re never really scary wolf at least not to me it’s no different you’re still just you with a little extra strength you know little extra Pizzazz on top of it I

Guess the pizaz is fine as long as it doesn’t get anyone hurt I mean I’m standing right like you haven’t hurt me yet and I kind of sleep next to you often so like I should be the first person that ends up getting hurt oh don’t don’t even don’t manifest that

Energy I I I’m just saying like I I I don’t even know what I do you’re not gonna you won’t I can’t really know that I can mhm yeah you definitely don’t kill me that’s for sure I don’t think the worst thing I could do to you would be killing you like

This to me oh weirdly enough I think I think now death is a death is the worst thing to happen when it comes to me cuz then I got to leave you I going talk like that well I’m not going to leave you willingly that’s for [ __ ] sure talk like

That now we got a bunch of [ __ ] weird ass books to I’m getting a little sleepy let’s go take those I was going to say do we do we want to go do we want to try and drop these off and just pretend that we’re not we totally didn’t read them

Mhm let’s fly back cuz like we only read part of the experiment log I don’t know if I want to finish that ever I started talking about like possible diseases and you know I was like you know what see you can have your book back like I’m I’m okay without

Reading that mhm here let’s let’s take them color me we could start with maybe start the furthest and go to give ulyses okay and then we can caspan and then also can go through the portal to take it to Ari yeah okay I figure I know there’s

Library but I I don’t put put I I I was going to say I think these are their books I think specifically these are books for them and if they want to put them in the library they totally can but like I don’t think it’s my place to put

Especially none of uiss books in there okay I’ve got let’s be realistic this one here can you put that in there and then do I have any blank books you got an anvil I got if you got an anvil okay I have some paper that we can write

On I’ve also got some blank books that we can just be like we found this well it’s just it’s for you little Uzi that’s what the notes is there’s two notes one just says for you little uzy and the other one is like hey bestie I found this

Thing we both have different notes for you little lucy I like this I spelled to Lucy’s name really wrong I’m going through it I think I spelled Uzi right I don’t even know the not’s a little too lighthearted for what that book is I’m be real honest it

Doesn’t even match it doesn’t even match oh L is like you think this is funny and I’m like no I promise I don’t but I also don’t know how to respond I promise I don’t it’s like that was not the intention of the comment I swear books warning they are a bit

Heavy um the note for arisana for you medium for for you Susan that reference to the [ __ ] tunnel it is listen I made the funniest joke did you yes Susan just just imagine the jokes you can make with a tunnel called Susan hey you going down Susan arey you going down on Susan

I’m sorry I’m like typing and I just hear you say that it’s like please hey hey do we have to go drop off the note through Susan for you little I I think I think I single-headed have made Aris want to change Susan come on let’s go to let’s go to go

Drop this we’ll go to raay and portal okay okay okay that’s fair it makes sense the longer time I have to think of puns to make with Susan away from Susan y we’re not going to Susan but I want to be in Susan do I have arook or do you I I have

I have I have Aries okay uh oh I also didn’t drop off the other book hold on I got to drop off the other book to uses I’ll be back I was too busy making I was too too busy making jokes about Susan that I forgot there’s like negative2

Brain cells I have no brain cells now I listen I I first write my little note yeah I got I got to put a a note to medium uzy was well spent level was well spent I mean I think I think cen’s note was the nicest out of all of

Them hold I’m just writing that’s fair I don’t oh that’s flesh delivery okay okay uh for you medium [Laughter] Uzi put in there nothing I just have one specific uh soul that is making me [ __ ] lie just die might be a soul that is slightly uliss

Shaped this joke kills me it’s great I wrote thing medium is this the book this is an empty book do I have the book I have have the book you just put an empty book in there no that book was there oh that book just went there that was just an

Empty one in there yeah I just left it I just put the note I’m okay I’m taking it it’s my book now we’re pillaging come on go to the port go to the you okay okay we going we’re going on Susan we going in

Susan I don’t know if I want you now you you’ve made this I don’t know I’d like to change the name I think we should just not call it oh a this is Worse absolute idiot I’m I’m going made it nice they did Susan is such nice this is such a nice tle I’m going to leave you going to make you sleep on the couch I don’t remember which one’s which I think it’s this one okay get out of my [Laughter]

Kid uh AR doesn’t have a barrel is this the barrel should I put it here do you have a barrel can you put a new one like right here we put a jack Lantern and then put it like right here so it’s like noticeable like right at the

Entrance right wait hold on um I don’t I have a Jacko lantern that is it do you have a barrel I might steal some wood I’m going got wood don’t steal Barrel mind ion Ste purple guy he I think he holds all of my crafting things okay oh there’s a barrel there you

Go we’re going to confuse our son so heavily [Laughter] I’m just seeing you giggle writing this like nice myom you totally are and I just have for you [Laughter] Susan I feel like you need to sleep on the couch I don’t I think I’m single-headed pissed off of all

Contributors to the the creation of Susan now it’s going to be rened next time I come to it it is Con for your troubles I’ll give you some carved pumpkin heads for the ones that are heavier like label my book saying read me first so I can put a a warning on oh

Wow okay all right hold on do I have way to make this better dang it I don’t have a lantern if if I had like a a a torch if we got a torch we can make him glow which I think would be kind of kind of

Funnier also do you want to snack wait I have something for you I have a I have a lantern that doesn’t work wait maybe it works I don’t know you got to put you need a torch and you got to put it in the crafting inventory with

It so we need like apparently I have a torch somewhere I don’t know where my torches are but oh wonderful what is this sunbe that’s yours yes it’s your take them on let’s go back okay we’re done we got to go through Seas we shouldn’t be allowed to find

Li no this is why I shouldn’t be allowed to BU Library come on I was going to give you something nice but I’m not going to give it to you until we’re out of here what you don’t want to give me something in Susan no go go home go home go

Home oh gosh okay listen this is this is not even my fault I you know what they named it Susan just like they should have been prepared for this we can’t can’t take you any where oh where am I oh I’ve went into the corner of the nether portal that was

Weird oh what you were up high oh hello okay now that we’ve left here for [Laughter] you amazing with left you a bunch I like them I like them so much they’re so good I’m I’m glad that I that that I murder Uncle get smoothies smoothies and cookies and

Cookies let’s go home I this is the mailman activity is enough has make me tired also you don’t to travel through Susan again in the house in the house with you it’s just very quiet Giggles like it’s endearing but I also want to like whack

Head I love your laugh I really do but I also feel the to whack you over oh I think I think I think collectively the entire server wants to whack me over the head right now it’s rightfully so yeah also do you want any other snacks

Cuz you know what I got no some some some some just yo wait a minute hold on I started carrying things I can see that I’m going to leave smoothie for Oscar and Jerry Jerry don’t give [ __ ] no don’t take from Jerry don’t take from

Jerry we still got to give him his pants I have his pants sitting here somewhere and I don’t know where the [ __ ] they’re Atuh I like no we made it I made him armor remember I remember I remember you saying you had to make him armor I don’t remember where it’s at I have no idea where it’s at I guess I should lay down or something I mean yeah if you’re going to go to bed

Finally mhm sorry sorry I kept you up and took you on just kind of like not great accidental Library Adventure I mean Adventures are not always fun but I enjoy them with you so they’re pretty fun even if you know the books are um the shittiest of books like I’ll be real honest

Yeah yeah we’ll talk we can talk about yours would you’re ready maybe maybe not today I’ve been really well yeah that’s kind of why we you know went through Susan we ran a train on [Laughter] Su I was going to like very lovingly say

I adore you and I love you and then I kind of felt like I you know what if I get you to if I can get you to laugh that’s all I care about you do a pretty good job of that maybe maybe all the books can be another another day’s thing

Yeah PR for now maybe another day good night L good night

This video, titled ‘Chasing an Afterthought { FableSMP S3 EP 59 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2023-11-25 21:02:17. It has garnered 250 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:55 or 3415 seconds.

Hi Hi! This is Episode 59 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Wolf has a hard time sleeping and Centross does his best to help.

Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade

Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Season 2:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list

Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@artfulrenegad

Twitter: https://twitter.com/artfulrenegade?re

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artfulreneg

Alright that’s all from me, see ya next time byyyeeee! :]

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  • Starlight SMPJoin the discord to join!

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  • Game Academy Time Travel Prank

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle’s EP1 Minecraft Craftoria Adventure

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  • Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft – One Run Challenge!

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  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

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  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!

    Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arcane SMP most MID application’, was uploaded by slzuglez on 2024-09-02 03:54:22. It has garnered 144 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. this is a Application to join Arcane SMP, its been a while since ive uploaded a YT video (2 years ago) hope i get in #minecraft #youtube #mc #application #applications #video #videos #videoshort #videoshorts #youtube #youtuber #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #arcane #smp Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit… Read More

  • Gingershadow’s Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22

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  • Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŽฎ

    Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with Viewers ๐Ÿ”ด (VOICE) ๐ŸŽฅ’, was uploaded by Hurnox on 2024-09-22 00:16:13. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:31 or 2191 seconds. Welcome to our live stream! Today, we’re diving into the action-packed world of minecraft, and YOU can join in the fun! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer looking to learn the ropes, this stream is for everyone. Get ready for epic battles, strategic gameplay, and lots of laughs as we team up and compete against each other.we will also play minecraft… Read More

  • DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญ

    DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heartbreaking Story of New Rank Season๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ’, was uploaded by DEVSH FF on 2024-06-05 11:21:46. It has garnered 35 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Welcome to DEVSH FF! Dive into the exciting worlds of Free Fire and Minecraft with us! Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a curious newbie, our channel offers epic gameplay, strategic tips, and thrilling adventures. From intense Free Fire battles to creative Minecraft builds, we’ve got something for everyone. Join the DEVSH FF community and embark on a gaming journey filled with action,… Read More

  • Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock – Easiest Tutorial Ever!

    Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock - Easiest Tutorial Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by hpMC46 on 2024-09-15 19:11:04. It has garnered 198 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock minecraft minecraft 100 days minecraft house tutorial minecraft hardcore 133,000 +49% $0.05 1 (Low) minecraft civilization minecraft music minecraft house +22% minecraft song -100% minecraft horror +123% minecraft builds +49% minecraft movie -100% minecraft story mode +83% minecraft arg +1,558% minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr +22% minecraft adventures +125% minecraft automatic farm +83% minecraft addons +49% minecraft… Read More