Unbelievable Skyblock Grind on SB737 – CJSgoose

Video Information

A Go helloo it is I CJ’s Goose we’re having some issues I don’t quite know what’s going on here um according to let me just turn off the slideshow thing according to everything everything is working but it is not actually working properly so I don’t understand what’s

Going on I’m just going to quickly go and grab a cup of tea and see if this fixes itself um it appears to be working again now but it does keep looking like it’s buffering but it’s a bit random because the buffering doesn’t seem to be happening

On YouTube just on the YouTube Studio thing so let me just see if you see some slimes I’ll go look on my PC yeah if you didn’t mind that would be great thank you my boy’s just going to go and have a look and see if he can see it but I

Can’t seems to be wrong on the um on the YouTube Studio but everything seems to be right actually on the stream itself so I’m a bit conf fuff oh I’ve just unlocked T3 skeleton Mastery it’s very confusing seems like it is working if anyone can let me know if it is or not

Thank you for the like for this one um that’s really it looks fine does it just me slaying skeletons okay so what am I slaying now if you just watch it for me just tell me what I’m slaying Yeah it’s quite a big stream delay going on at the moment thank you for popping a long we’re struggling to get the stream to work again properly don’t actually have any idea what is going on let me just refresh YouTube slimes yeah now chickens ah okay I seem to got it back

On oh nothing nothing so we need to get the Mastery level up on the level two pet things so that’s the slimes and the rabbits That we should have look All so they will automatically sell out of there oh figure out the command to give yourself a command block and have command blocks are amazing I love command blocks and um yeah they are really really fun um um yeah I really love them and um I’ve got some games that I’m trying to

Make actually um when I get my head working a bit better I’m going to try and make a couple of games I would love to put in the marketplace if I ever could so we’ve got some heads here put those there oh I don’t suppose they put the heads in they

AA right I did want to just quickly go oh there there’s people on here so I’m not going to go for a quick break I’m going to just stay here for a minute yeah it looks fine now thank you I’ve just had to completely reset the whole

Thing um if you can hear screams and shouts in the background I’m sorry that’s my daughter who’s playing on a game oh they keep shuffling my Inventory yeah actually I was just looking at that I might keep that on when I’m doing this one no I normally use that um for my picture um we’re talking about the yeah so I think I might do that oh that’s that’s um D that’s not a ink it’s not even d Yeah okay the boys come up with an idea that I will not have any idea how to Do water healer hang on water healer water healer uh who are you hold on he’s got no te what water healer 5917 5 917 T1 oh hang on b r o r s n l is thank you cuz she’s getting very carried away then the dog go thank you

Hold on I’m going to come out there I’m just trying to read these things I’m getting very confu I really need a cup of tea tell you can tell me so um I think what you should do is you should host a competition and see who makes you the

Best skin host a competition to who makes me the best skin yeah and then whoever the winner is you have to use it for a live stream I have to then use it for a live stream but I don’t get don’t get to I don’t have to keep it no well

No okay well you can if you want to but you have to use it for one stream what’s that oh we got another Auto cell chest comp starting what’s a competition and made shout yeah I quite like that idea we’ll have to think about that at the minute

We don’t have a lot of people so it’s a bit hard to do things um that one that one that one oh let’s just the skin you made for a streer in a live kind so they’re kind of good PR competition is starting I want to find out what this competition is IDE

I do like the idea maybe we can do first second third place just trying to find out what this competition is oh we’ll have to sus it out Daran there there a lot of things no that’s not helping what is the what is it for is it

Mining if it’s mining I want to try and do it pumpkins can’t do pumpkins you get look how much money you get get Sky coins 25,000 Sky coins and 500,000 if you win now one of them we saw was mining so I keep looking out to see if

There’s a mining competition but that’s no use to us that one let me grab we trying to make this die so let’s do that and then um moo I found another person to go and visit I’m just going to go and have have a look um Mo was looking for we think

It’s a Wandering Trader Place uh Place Spawner uh let me know what you think about the oh hang on I still got technical issues on there let’s turn that off right uh let me know what you think about the blue border I think it looks quite nice for this um thingy sorry we’re not going to get real

Words out again we’ll just get pretend words I’m a bit concerned that things are not working I’m sure they must be this one take these Down and then we’ll go when we when we just got down here we’ll just place a little bit of this then um this wall then we Can go and have a look at this other person’s whatever um person oh we just missed a BP ien got my hel I haven’t got my helmet on I haven’t got my headphon on never mind catch him every time funny didn’t actually want to be what

I’m trying to do is little bits every time we’re doing Something we collected a lot of things then okay let’s just look at one item we got 15 blocks of copper I know what we could do we could just move these this whole row down one and if we get items back in that top we know they’re working up there a bit concerned

But not actually getting items I think they I wasn’t actually going to this because I Just who been a coconut Lord did he have one this mob spawner thing after In my normal CJ’s Goose world uh Goose bopis I have actually started to work on my church finally uh we started building it actually about a year ago um hopefully we’ve been collecting lots of things in here too I seem to be up a little Bit now what I want to do here is I don’t want the very outside to be white so we’re going to uh oh can we go one more we can actually hold on it’s so we want the very outside to be black and the reason why is because I

Don’t want white showing if anything shows so I want to put black all around the outside so we need to go and find another squid spawner and then we’re going to fill in this whole thing with this white wall so I was using the let’s see if we can place these

These are really tricky to place Here really do not like being placed in the corners I have to just leave that I can’t get that in ah I’m Stuck Um yeah I don’t want to have any white showing on the outside just in case we can see the blocks I think we lost those and then we can get plenty of Um squid because there are people out there that have squid head uh squid spawners so that means we can easily do that oh turbo Thompson turbo Thompson 420 turbo Turbo Tom S Tom 420 and he had T1 to T5 I think so that’s trying to work out the

Different mobs oh thanks for the likes guys um that they have I know we haven’t really done anything very much at the minute and I’m still trying to figure everything out and I know that I’m so much slower than most people so I really do appreciate you bearing with me and

Especially when I’m having migraines and getting very confused I tell you what we’ll do let’s pop all of this away for a minute and then let’s go and look at these two places and then I’m going to take a quick break quick this hasn’t reset that’s fine he’s

Still working hard over here which is lovely and so let’s go to slash no is visit first Sky Wass b r o r s n l so we’re going to try and do something like this teleporting in a few seconds um I want to do something like this oh what they done

Here oh he’s got every 17 hello um let me find the sword what does he have here tier four uh tier five what are the tier fives so he’s got villagers so if you do the villages you get lily pads oh actually one of the things I was

Going to show you as well oh Top Pot hello how are you we’re trying out this server well I’m still trying to get my the hang of this server I’m getting there with it doing much better this is what I want to do I want to

Figure out how you get the spawners so that they can drop down like this I really like this idea whenever I’ve tried stuff like this before they all sort of pop out all over the place I just want to fill this right up for a second and these ones fill up really Fast um oh Hy we got silver fish here what do they give I don’t think they really give anything you’re doing all right there oh they give you gun powder that’s different um oh these guys are good so if you get the Wither SK skeletons you get Coal oh right so we’re in my overflow backpack now so if we go to these and we do all of this oh actually we just uh let’s leave those in there and then just go straight into the Overflow oh I don’t want to sell that

Though oh we got an infused one don’t I can’t put them in no so in that case I’ll have to sell some of this so if we go sell all on the coal we got 320 coal gives you $3,400 which is amazing so now what we

Want to do is I go back into the Overflow I don’t want to sell my infused head so I want to keep keep that but if we press the diamond anything that’s in here if you press that one it will get rid of all of it so that’s really useful

I want to put that over here um what else does he have oh spawn spawner generator oo like the idea of spawner generator so we get cols I found them not very good yeah look they don’t really give you anything you bash them and they don’t give you a

Lot but if you bash these you get loads of money very quickly so you have to do a lot of this Grinding got another couple of skulls there so if I just go back into my Overflow what do we have this time so we’ve got $77 coal we do that and it’s at 2,000 which is amazing so what else does he have here so that’s his tier five

There’s the tier four I like this he’s done he’s made this look quite nice tier fours here those got creepers Ender know there’s not actually any here how many SPS we should have there Guardians get yeah the guard obsidian is it obsidian them get powder and something else see what that Redstone yeah

Gunpowder and Redstone oh one thing I did with command block was that I spawned Withers us and repeating command block and kill them at the same time also while using repeating command block yeah they are really good one piece of advice if you’re doing anything um give us before you if you’re

Doing something with repeating ones big explosion that’s really funny if you’re doing anything with repeating command blocks always always always always do it so that you can have a kill switch that you can step on that you don’t have to touch So like um a pressure plate or you have

A backup world so that if it goes wrong you can get your world back I’ve actually got stuck in a loot so many times because I um haven’t done something and you get stuck in a loop and there is nothing that you can do about it um

Unless you know the coordinates of that block if you know the coordinates of the block then you can um Place air in that block instead but they’ve gone down like I’m doing but they’re they’re not doing it in the same way got all SS ofu oh

That’s spiders or squidy We need oh he’s done it so that they stay alive how do they keep them in the same place that’s interesting oh we got cod as well got quite a few heads um thing on heads on here today we get 25 no that is not something that I would

Have even thought of looking at what is it skib toilet moo have you ever watched skib toilet series have you ever watched a skib toilet series and the Muk says they’re kind of bad right so they’ve got oh and we’ve got slimes here add a bit more Twi I don’t know how

They manag to keep them all still like this andb hold on let’s go that one keep talking about all these condensed coals and condensed wither Stars I’ve got absolutely no idea what they’re talking about but hopefully we will get there eventually right so we’ve seen what we need out of

Here um let’s go back to here that hasn’t got what we wanted oh I see I could have gone to something else we’ve going to look at this other guy’s place when I say guy by the way to me a guy is uh when I say guys means a boy or

A girl because I don’t know who they are and I just always have done to talk about oh come on you guys that kind of thing um and it could be anybody so please don’t ever be offended uh right so now if we go into our overflow take all these out

No I want that I want that that’s a lot of so I don’t want any of these so sell all we got $6,500 for that up and then we’ve got oh I didn’t I think we had any witch heads and we didn’t have an infused squid either I’m not sure what

We do with all this obsidian another creep as well so let’s keep all of the die for a minute because we’ve got a lot of black to do right um okay have we got anything that we can do for a second he can just carry on ticking

Away oh we were going to just go and look at this other person is visit no visit it doesn’t Tom 420 they not found maybe they are on Bedrock if they’re on Bedrock you have to put a star Maybe I’ve spelled it Wrong is it 20 have you heard of someone called turbo Thompson have you heard of someone called turbo Thompson no I’ve done that wrong uh there was somebody on here and I can’t find I get so confused trying to read back through everything just too old flashy for

Me see if I can just see Unlock tier five want someone that’s already got tier Five are you able to scroll up through the chest that’s through the text cuzz I get stuck oh you said about going to the beaconator we didn’t go to him back let’s try is visit the on a tour I didn’t go to him yesterday not found here play not found

Oh oh he’s the beaconator hold on that’s it oh my um thing seems to be bucking but this one seems to be working so what is this one I think these ones I have to have oh these are the Daily i’ got 22 out of 25 for that one I just need to get a little bit more spend $25 I haven’t spend any money oh I’m not doing oh I won’t be doing that so I might be able to get the mob heads and then I can spend some money

We can spend money shops so they’ve got shops in here it’s all very nice and organized I do like it when they’re organized don’t know anything about the shops right that that it’s very dark down here a little bit light with I just tried to get just a few here might only have these I don’t Know we need to get was it three more Ms uh we also need to f i was again do Is very poor at the Moment understand I think the the stream looks like it’s holding up I put it on a different screen so I can see oh someone’s purchased access to fly that’s what you want isn’t it m some of these access to fly yeah that’s what I Thought I don’t know how people answer these questions in 1.83 seconds Got a head oh I completed the daily mission yay uh is it daily yes here we go Okay so collection never think I maybe it just gave it oh these on are One um I’m just going to sell my car because it’s definitely worth selling 19,000 goodness me and then if I go into my overflow and then sell one of those it’s another 3,000 not bad at all is it buy rabbit spawners uh there shops is that it Oh I

Thought oh I’m a bit disappointed actually I thought we said it was much better um right let’s go and have let’s go back home oh always touch the house as soon as I do it it says do not touch do not move and then the first thing I do is

Try to move it every time okay then oh we need to fix our sword we better just do that first um walk prair because we don’t want to break the sword like I did yesterday I’ve actually lost one of these completely right so what I’m going to do

Is I’m just going to pop back and I will be I will be back in a minute I must go and get a drink And I still haven’t figured out that daily and that daily login daily it’s got oh and we got to buy something haven’t we what do we see oh that’s weird um I put these away just getting kind of stuck in a bit of loop here okay right I’ll leave you watching this

Little guy no I’ll leave you with my um goop images my slideshow there we go so this is My quick break and hopefully you can still hear the Music That’s better right I shall leave you with that I’m just going to put the mic on mute for a minute and then I will be back shortly take care bye Bye Foreign Foree Foree spee AE fore spee For spee Spee Pap For Forch speech Foree for speee spee Foree Foree for spee Foree Speee foree Speee Hold can’t stand Up heart I but You feel taste I know con O Late but so everything is all Hello I’m back my YouTube Studio thingy is still being very annoying uh I can’t tell if um if we’re W or not to be honest I think we are oh sorry for the bang that was me hitting the headphones while the headphones hitting my desk I’m going to just um just carry on

See what happens looks like we on just that the the thingy is very confusing and I don’t understand if anyone can just answer and just put in chat if we’re actually on it would be great um I’d really appreciate it oh we’re on a we’re nearly on a

VP let’s just keep an eye out for that and um hopefully we’re actually going to start having some things to organize soon um I’m sorry I’m a bit slow at all of this stuff it’s all new to me trying to figure out what to do oh 1 th000 Sky that’s great oh we

Were going to spend some money weren’t we you switched my stuff again what was I going to buy there was something that I was going to buy I don’t know what it Was uh we have a look at these or something I’m really not sure if this is working we’ve got a massive stream delay going on and everything oh we got V key oh it’s showing that we’re YouTube looks like it’s working just I don’t know just confused I’m

Really sorry about one of this non in there uh VP egg let do the VP egg see what nice goodies we get from that what was I going to do I was going to do something I was going to look at buying something bers not not nice lot of nice money

There these BP ones are really worth it you can get them at the minute we just need Sky coins more than anything that’s what everything cost Sky coins uh from what I can see the way that these work is the more spawners you have the more the animal can

Hold so you’re a pig spawner there there’s 42 43 44 got 44 there now so we want to go and use the boat crates no walk crates even crates I think it’s that yeah we can see that it’s on there all I’ve got on my YouTube studio is just a spinny Circle Quick nice gold Okay I want to go back Home right there get that one in here that one and that one uh right let’s try and go back down to the thingy again then see we can get some of this base done that’s not going in there something isn’t something’s not working properly I’m wondering if

We oh you can see where we’re building did we kick all of this stuff out up here think we did here I wonder if we’re out of the chunk um just go back da for AE they changed one of the things if it’s money it’s not too bad it’s if

It’s Sky points then I can’t do it oh 120,000 XP yeah you’re we can do that one 20,000 please oh we can do that as well hold on let’s do that is that one this is the only one I think I found for XP increases the chance of better ORS nice

Do that one then that’s 160 XP now did we have XP in our 116k so we haven’t got anywhere near enough in the bank then we went into snow SL I’ve done that bit as well so a lot of these we have to wait for we just need so much more sky coins this is the one that I want to do I think this one is on those books so I want to upgrade that as much as I can

Before I use those books and we’re on I haven’t got enough money but I’ve done I’ve upgraded to 14 with a lucky block Yeah and if you want to stop your items from destroying on the books as well so there’s two things on the books to do let’s try and move this proper then and see if we need to move it oh that was Sil [Applause] cuz the Boost is a bit silly at

Times that back you This she’s got so many things chests everywhere it’s bit like my normal World till I get everything Sorted Let’s just Add so this one is empty then we can see if we get anything in it and Want and we want to lower this do Down do that there not too many things come back in Here right let’s go down I really actually want to do I want to find out how you get another service as well can’t remember what you have to be on to get it you have to have certain levels oh let just there let me just see they had a thing about servants here we got a soul shop as well about that Soul Sh like 600 786 done 786 Souls maybe it was one word yeah 1,500 Um yeah so that was one thing then what was the other thing I was trying to do I can’t remember what I said we can have a look at is I don’t know how you get crying obsidian or the load Stone I tried to make a load stone and you

Can’t so all of these have values and I want to see if you place them down um and cover them up if they still have that value okay so what is our value at ah our Island value is at 1,000 right so now it’s at 1, 15 now I want to know if you cover them up completely does it remain at that value yes it does because what I want to do is I want to make my Island nice but also valuable so trying things out where did it put my stuff might have put it back up there

Somewhere and now we might be able to mine this because I think we broken through into this section um this had all spilled over so we couldn’t actually access it Before so if you look they’re just Vanishing so they should be oh and if look I’m taking my uh my value of my Island is Deing so sh the lapis doesn’t work so this is why we’re keeping all of our blocks I’m not doing anything with them the Muk is selling a lot of his stuff oh I found a pet egg woohoo so thank you very much well there’s also an auction thing I think it’s SL A there it is um and you can buy things um 2,500 500 500,000 in money is it how much is an Ender spner can we can we check on That not one of them 2,500 hang on I hope we’ve got enough money we just SP we’ve got enough money if that’s correct and hang on it moves too fast did We purchas one 500,000 money we ourselves an Ender spawner yes woohoo hold on just check that again 2,500,000 and we got one for one uh for 500,000 um it doesn’t count towards my P ones though which is annoying oh that’s amazing let’s see how much money have we got left only 101 51,000 that’s really good so actually then it is worth um it is worth getting some of these ,000 wor keep move on to the

Pages hang on next Page oh look got skull oh hang on everything moves I suppose it’s if someone’s I find that really tricky that everything keep Moving I’m quite interested in of These 750 ,000 for a zombie spawner 550 okay so we really need to have a look at in here for spawners beac I don’t know how you get the Beacons a lot of books in here an auto self 1 million block of diamond oh it just moves so fast Guardian head Enchanted Cactus 10 million Goodness Me Oh that was a fancy block there I don’t know what that was um 6 million 1 million 50,000 a lot

Mark 700,000 for a blaze spawner let’s just see how much Blaze spawner is I haven’t got enough money to buy it but it’s just interesting to see how much all of these things are for so let me just uh put in here spers again and what level is a blaz

No maybe I should write down one I’d quite like a guardian CU then I can get the blocks not BL that’s a BL a 750 so you do need to watch what you’re getting just finish yeah you s like a St oh you uh I tell you what I Haven bring a little

Bit I don’t really like so we want to we manag to ra the land earlier a the black market thing has just gone mind you used a lot of our money I never see that he’s in there I only ever see when he’s left I never see when he’s arrived I don’t know how you buy another one think you you have to reach a certain level and we are not at that Level and sometimes one of the things that I have noticed is it’s actually better to keep your items um so for example in in normal world we would leave Our um if you the words out again City M yeah if you um try to sell um the leather for example that that’s fine but if you have rabbit hides and if you were selling the rabbit hides normally in the normal World rabbit hies you need four to make one

Leather so you’d automatically think that they would be cheaper but they’re not if you lose if you sell the rabbit HIDs as they are they’re much more valuable then and you use four of those for one leather so they’re four times more Valuable I can’t ever work out all of these um jingly jangly noises I’m not quite sure what the how you get the sols but I’ve seen that you need quite a few to do different things so every time we come down I break one of these Lots no is it

Here here so this was um that space up there that was our original size that was the 50 by 5050 this is now the was it 100 by 100 What we’re doing is I want to fill up the whole Space resolved I don’t know if it’s just a joke between people or what is um yeah and as we’ve got all of this W from these sheep and it’s so easy to get much easier to get than the um the Cobblestone now and I want Cobblestone

For my build so we’re going to put this around the outside and try and fill up the whole thing but it’s very tricky building right on this borderline um cuz it kind of blocks You like that hang on that’s a bit Confusing got nothing in my hands so people go in and do there’s a you can do bosses fight bosses and all sorts of stuff uh dragons so much to do on here I never I never knew I for me I just thought um the a Sky Block world is you just

Play on a Sky Block world that’s all I was expecting I didn’t expect all of this at all and as you can tell I’m still very bemused and confused by all of it I’m trying to get there it will take me a while I just hope that we can actually

Do some of what I want to do and I would love to try and be a rich person on the server but one seems to know what they’re doing and they have lots of things to do selling things and all sorts I haven’t got a clue about any of

That no I don’t want light I don’t quite know how I’m managing to do that I think I must be accidentally picking the block as I’m placing it oh I think we’re nearly at that corner we are let’s just pop that in then now we couldn’t do the full corner

Last time caused me a bit of trouble does not like it at all I don’t suppose I can get one in there can I It going to put white in here because I don’t have to get so much of the um squiding although it’s it’s not very hard to get so uh I need to buy PL I’ve been keeping B Meal so that’s quite good so hopefully we can make the plants although sometimes things don’t work quite the same we think you’re going to do it in one particular way and then it doesn’t work I just got an Enderman spawner for 500,000 right and they are normally 2.5 million in the auction

House all right you could pay the full price uh yeah hold on I’m just going to put the microphone on mute cuz mil needs to talk to me Confidence I without and then Fall fall to Pie fall pie oh we fallie fall hello ho I’ve just been scammed out for a pound apparently he can turn his wrist without turning his wrist didn’t know that was a Thing came Down no idea if they’re being collected really hope that they’re all being Collected inside there then it gets confusing we got quite a big big piece of land now not it’s not big enough so I can’t start building until I’ve filled all in and I need to finish buying the next one um but I’m still working on the ideas on

How I’m going to do it I’ve thought of a couple of really nice things which hopefully you guys will like and I’m trying to do it a little bit different from my Goose vop this world as well so um and what I’ve decided is if we don’t manage to finish it because I

Don’t know how how long the season is I think it only started a few weeks ago though so that’s a good that’s good um ah it’s got t1s to T oh that’s Hansen aable yeah we’ve been to him quite a few he’s quite good Hansen aable it’s very difficult putting the black in

On the End how far we got to go a little way yet be really nice if we could just see the outline of what we’re doing blocks down very easily 110 spawners on wither skeletons done can’t do that on this B no no no no get out I got Stuck yeah so good news in my um I’ve been working on my church today I did quite a bit actually I’ve um finally had some inspiration to do it and um been working out some of the Kinks that I’ve had I’ve had a lot of I

Had a lot of things to try to figure out with it and um I’ve been figuring them out uh it looks quite awful at the moment the inside’s looking quite good the outside is looking very mediocre and pl but we will get we will get it done

Um I just need to figure out I needed to to see what it was I was trying to Achieve So we’re just using random blocks and we did discover as well that if you’re someone that likes to plan it all out first especially if you’ve got a beacon a really good block to work with is tough instead of using um that instead of using dirt and risking the Ender taking it

Work it out in tough because tough breaks super fast and Um ah the end on yeah it work um it seems like it could be a really good block to work with although I’m going to need so much with the new blocks that coming out can’t wait for those I’m really excited so far when I first saw the update live

I wasn’t that fussed I’m not fussed by the the PVP thingy at the bottom of the world um but saying that I um can’t wait to find it so I can steal all those copper blocks that’s what I’m after and the new copper box look amazing and that crafter I can’t wait to

Get my hands on that the potential is astronomical um I’ve seen several YouTubers coming up with different things I will I have watched them I watch Zuma void silent Whisperer and um mumbo jumbo has been quite interested in seeing what they’re coming up with at

The minute let me go this way I think I can do it from here um so it’s been interesting watching what they’re coming up with what’s that what I don’t know what cth is that’s bizarre um but I I know the kind of things that I want to do and I will give

It a try first and see if I can come up with what I want to do sometimes I’m not brilliant At Redstone I don’t pretend to be um I will have to look if I can’t figure it out myself then I’ll have to look and get some

Help but I really really really really really really really like the look of that it’s going to be my best friend I love the way that they’re all going for dispensers that so far I think all of them have found way to AutoCraft a dispenser I don’t really see the

Problem I get that when you’ve got to do a lot of them It’s tricky because the bows don’t stack but it’s quite funny watching how everyone panics over those fell down again where are we on on our block still 14 oh another copper block that’s nice let’s go and do this

See what goodies we get Mone and an epic money not we’ got a 20,000 a 50,000 two 10,000s and a 5,000 that was nice Uh iron we should have more W here somewhere here it is and then let’s craft up all of these oh sounds like we’ve got an end there I can’t believe we managed to get an Enderman for just 500,000 I’m going to really keep looking out on the

Auction house then I thought when I was looking yesterday um I didn’t really see very much but it’s always tricky because um it’s hard with I don’t know if anyone else has migraines honestly it’s just so difficult looking at all of the flashy text and when boxes are moving and

Pictures are moving all over the place I just can’t focus on any of it and then it just makes me feel really uncomfortable and Queasy so I just have to come off them I’m kind of getting the hang of all the Texas on here at the

Minute I will remove some of these text things you can take some of them off um but at a minute I’m leaving them on because I’m finding them kind of helpful because I don’t really know what I’m doing and also for you guys if you want

To have a look and S of see what’s on them and don’t forget I think that the the server is open to everybody so if anybody wants to come on go and have a look see if just check out the rules and see what they say that you have to Do and if you need cheep blocks look get your sheep this has been really helpful let’s just we’ve got four end here they don’t kill very quickly like the others want do the slimes and the bunnies where are they I’m always losing the bunnies here they are so we trying to

Keep we got to get oh they disappear look after a certain amount of time maybe uh we’re trying To in here um oh actually I wonder if hold on let’s take those out the Hoppers do F right let’s um no I want to keep the bun I don’t know what you meant to do with those let’s put these in our Auto cell

And then what I was going to do was just leave it up with um wool let’s see if we can block it so we just collect the wall that’s what I’m wonder if we can do you can get these quite organized really I think once you understand what they’re all doing

Once I understand what they’re all doing I think it’s really I know I put anything in the hopper yay okay right so we can put those in there now I want to fill all of This oh no of course we tried that before that doesn’t work um is there something else that we wanted to keep funny hold on no that’s going to go straight through hold on Oh it’s coming through from There oh in there Anything I want to keep the obsidian do that um and then I don’t want to keep the slime if there’s anything else I want to keep hold on let’s just I don’t think I’ll get all of those let’s just put that in there no no that won’t work do a piece

Of Le okay so then hopefully everything else that we bash will go straight over here he’s going to fall no that’s not helpful fun sorry I’m just trying to get myself just trying to figure out what I’m trying to do oh we got rabbit Mastery I don’t really know what they

Mean but I think you just get you get better perks each time everything’s working and doing Things right so now should they should all still be the same ah and look all the rabbit hides have gone straight over to here brilliant and then he’s just going to disappear isn’t he yet that’s not very helpful yeah I’m actually stuck when I do that now still on 14 ah

So we want try and keep him trapped somewhere we just get this so if we just do little bits often then hopefully I don’t know what that means what are condensed with skull I don’t know how you do that there we go and then all of these oh hang on they’re going to go look they should all disappear in a few seconds yay oh I know what we should try to do oh rabbit spe stayed in my uhoh oh no I thought it had

Broken maybe we should put the mob heads in no that’s not going to work is it we have to keep one of them out because otherwise it doesn’t work otherwise the wall can’t fall in let just double check I don’t know how we double check basically if it’s not in my

Inventory I don’t know if that will actually work no the Wall’s going straight through we don’t want to sell the wall okay we’ll figure it out we’ll do something with it okay right let’s just B him again this is you oh you come back straight away um maybe it’s because they’re in here

Maybe you can’t have them in that Bit you maybe they can’t be in there how many 20 and Get right we’re just going to go and try and get the thingy that base the bottom bit drawn out no it all gone back in here Again okay I’ve not got it working at all now mied everything up I’ll try to figure it out later I don’t know how You BL something That no unknown Command wanted to see we have had things go in here oh and what we do on here kind of see we kind of filled it up ah yeah the stuff’s going in here so we’re not losing anything just that we’ve got all of these bits these poppers everywhere

So it’s all working let’s go down and do this again oh we can really see the size of the base now We’re over there let’s go this way Then I think what I’ll do is I’ll go this way and then come back the other way I find it easier So we’ve got 20,000 Sky coins we may still have a few more looking for a team who must have 10 million in Balance how on Earth do you get that amount of money oh here we go at the end um the thing is I am spending all of mine

So and I’m not selling any of my valubles because I need them show the Way my island is not worth very much be interesting to see how much it will be worth once I’ve put everything down that I’ve got so I actually have quite a lot of goodies but I want to do it in a particular way and I need to have a look at how you

Get things to fall in uh the mobs to fall into a one space hole I really want to be able to do that I really like the idea of letting people come onto this this world and using the mob spawners just got to learn how to do it all that’s bit dark this Be interesting to see where we then go out to and also I want to see how tall this is playing people to play Cactus one Milli per let’s do 10 plus something it’s really funny my boy does not like doing um things but because he’s being

Paid to do stuff he he actually goes out helping people a lot that’s how he keeps getting Money I don’t want the white one on the end One lava fishing lava fishing what’s that I have done a little bit of fishing you can get fishing nets which I really want to do but everything costs a lot oh yes yes Okay let’s just go and have a look at that is visit not heard that they’ve got tier one to tier six mobs them oh noine this is one of the the only problems I’ve had with this server is that I keep being kicked all the Time right let’s try and log back on we might not be able to oh loading resources maybe we can and then we’ll just try Again we just try again if not we have to come off the stream um something going on again Let’s give it another try fingers crossed and we do comms from here let me just try and go to from Here okay I think I’m actually at as he reads Place go and buy all of those spawners I don’t know what’s going on though if anyone has any ideas that be really interesting to know I’ll just try it once more and if it doesn’t work this time then I’ll have to just come off a Bit Got a little bit of an issue going on it keeps crashing and I’m trying to get back and yeah but if you look hang on then it kicks me right out yeah um guys I think with that I think that’s just like um let’s finish it off

Um so what I’m going to do is I’m going to toddle off there’s not a lot I can do um don’t forget you can come over and um have a watch on my normal world uh Goose vopos as well um where we’ve got some really cool things let’s just have a quick check

Where’s just for a second and then um I’m going to disappear just make sure that Minecraft is actually working and it’s not the server I don’t think sorry It’s is it a thing with a bed boxer could you Think very funny just buying Minecraft at the moment yeah but you can buy both now so look we did did all of this earlier on what do you think of this bit Moon inside my church maybe I haven’t finished it off yet it’s going to have Windows and stuff in it

Looks ugly thanks that’s just because I haven’t I’m just put basic boxes my so this is my Goose of this world um so we’re just getting the basic shape of the church in um which is nice cuz it has just been sat here for such a long time with

Nothing on it here’s my Lake here’s my River look oh messaging your friend this is my River I made made this you don’t like my River what what about my Cliff do you like my cliff hang on let me show you my Cliff no you haven’t seen it yet you can’t say you

Haven’t seen it you can’t say you haven’t liked it there that b that’s the whole thing thing so when all of that is done it’s all going to be like that three out of 10 gosh he’s harsh what about one of this got underneath Here what do you think about my Underwater 6.5 what out of 6.5 oh you’re just so hard 6.5 out of 100 you’re mean right guys I’m leaving cuz you know my boy mean to me I am I’m coming off now right now thanks a lot take care see you later byebye

This video, titled ‘retry? SKYBLOCK ON SB737 SERVER – MORE GRINDING AND LAYING THE FLOOR – MINECRAFT BEDROCK – CJSGOOSE’, was uploaded by CJSGOOSE on 2023-10-30 06:59:57. It has garnered 47 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:47 or 6467 seconds.

Weirdly my stream stopped working, but everything is working, lets try to reset it! Yay, I am beginning to understand this game a little more and found a tutorial, I will try to take you there. Still lots to do, and I am hoping to lay the floor on the base of my build. I have been thinking more about what and how I want to build it, plus we need to work out how to place the blocks so the plot of land can become rich, but not boring.

Let’s fly on into Skyblock!

Take care & stay safe everyone, Carrie Brady ‘aka’ CJSGOOSE / CJSCRAFTS ——————————————————————————————————————————————– ]USEFUL INFORMATION [ DISCORD – CJSGOOSE#6604

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MERCH – CJSCRAFTS.redbubble.com ] CJSGOOSE & AJMOOC official merch[

And for all those that love Craft as well as Minecraft, you can follow my Craft business here; https://www.cjscrafts.co.uk/

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  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Java vs Bedrock PvP!

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Java vs Bedrock PvP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java PvP vs Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by BitsMC on 2024-03-09 16:44:11. It has garnered 177 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:53 or 353 seconds. Subscribe! Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/sFk6hPATdW Read More


    INCROYABLE MOD CHIENS pour MINECRAFT! 😱🐶Video Information This video, titled ‘ce mod pour les chiens dans minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by royal Natoux on 2024-05-29 16:52:41. It has garnered 1633 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Read More

  • Watch NOW: Astrea Follick’s Epic Viral Gacha Edits!

    Watch NOW: Astrea Follick's Epic Viral Gacha Edits!Video Information This video, titled ‘#gacha #memes #trend #shorts #roblox #minecraft #viral #edit #gachatrend #gachaedit #fypシ’, was uploaded by Astrea Follick on 2024-01-12 13:39:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ever wondered what happens when a weird strict dad enters the Roblox universe? Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as we … Read More


    INSANE NIGHT WALL PVP MONTAGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PVP SHORT MONTAGE | HYPERSTEAL|’, was uploaded by NIGHT WALL GO on 2024-05-31 16:24:08. It has garnered 15 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. MINECRAFT PVP SHORT MONTAGE | HYPERSTEAL| #music #edit #firemc #minecraftlifestealsmplivestream #sigma #song #comedy #entertaining #funny minecraft,minecraft pvp,montage,cpvp montage,minecraft montage,minecraft crystal pvp montage,minecraft combotage,pvp montage,minecraft crystal pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,minecraft combo lock,minecraft sumo pvp,minecraft sumo,sumo minecraft,smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft pvp montage,minecraft smooth,insane minecraft,minecraft sumo 1v1,sumo 1v1 minecraft,crystal pvp montage,minecraft combo,minecraft hacker,minecraft sumo tournament,minecraft 240fps Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 – Balance of Power Ep. 27

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 - Balance of Power Ep. 27Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Balance of Power (Season two) episode 27 – The return of Ultra Steve’, was uploaded by DarkLight on 2024-02-15 03:29:39. It has garnered 250 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:17 or 2657 seconds. join the wolf pack Discord link https://discord.gg/P4wpnbA4UD Instagram link https://www.instagram.com/_itsdarklight_/ TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@itsdarklight_?lang=en Credit @ChaosProductionsYt @SpringStudios1 @kams3679 #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftRP #MinecraftStory #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftSeries #GamingRoleplay #RoleplayCommunity #MinecraftCharacters #minecraftstorytelling #minecraftroleplayseries #favremysabre #favremysabreart Read More

  • Imagine Pvp

    Imagine PvpThis is a 1.8-1.19.4 Minecraft server that will be releasing this summer. There are a BUNCH of cool and exciting features and an amazing PVP system. ImaginePVP.join-mc.com Read More

  • 🐚Hermit servers: SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Hermitcraft-inspired, community, Whitelist, Season 9

    👑 Hermit servers season 9 – New season! 👑 Best time to join – NEW SEASON Bedrock and java (including Playstation, Xbox and Switch) Hermit servers is back for a 9th season and is looking for members. We are a Hermitcraft themed server that follows many of the things they do. Hermitcraft inspired gameplay Shopping district, business district and more Mob/player heads Visual/fun add ons Major player events all the time Elected positions including mayor and king Tribal towns where players work together Player made mega bases Weekly builds Whitelisted server Active community that help each other For more information,… Read More