Unbelievable Solo & Duo Challenges – Minecraft & More!

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Yeah yes sir impure fools Oh we been Jack too damn [Applause] I fight for a brighter tomorrow Is is our future will be bright transformation Complete I will light our path without fear Minions I’m always ready never a wrong step time to make a stand I’m learning so it’s okay on the Horizon Our future will be bright let’s just to move a little bit faster than gotten this one I should have ghosted right away that’s my fault cuz then he would have been able to run away now he gets a full back full HP it’s okay though we get to focus on

Csing I will light up path You’re I’m always ready Wait how did that I’m so confused wait what that was weird huh all right well it is what it is pave the way transformation complete time to make a stand I couldn’t move like all the Minions crowded around me so I just got locked couldn’t move on the very sad it’s okay we’re

Learning I don’t have ghost thing so I can’t run through the minions unless use my ghost our fut will be [Applause] bright I will oh 115 and he hit me from that distance too that’s insane oh well we’re learning I don’t play Jason this way much so I don’t know this match up

Without fear we’re learning our way to Masters that’s the goal not getting frustrated what the he’s greeting ready no way oh my Lord that was really sad oh my god dude 6C cool down on switching between forms now I know I would have gotten a free kill on Swain but it’s okay I

Didn’t know next time we see that not doing that again that was moo depresso oh man I don’t even know what that was man man never look back why why can’t I move every oh my God I’m like cced forever man oh boy another pie uh-oh he missed the B

Oh eyes on the horizon Powering up our future will be bright [Applause] why can’t I move oh my God he moves so fast he has completed boots so it makes sense he has completed item too oh man I don’t know how to how to play in this way here man I don’t know how to

Play Vin top that’s it Vin top is like I could play Vin top into anything I just wish I you know could play other Champions into that swing top who could I beat him with who’s he weak against vain obviously will up maybe I just learn how to play trir

Again just get all my health back you know without [Applause] fear f I can’t even so I just cced Forever how team carry me in this game never a step complete PVE the way time to make a powering up our future will be bright I just let these people say stuff it’s whatever I’m just visiting their ELO that’s all I don’t know how to play Jason the

Swain this is my first time in a long time [Applause] I can’t dude he’s so fast dude I don’t know yeah I don’t I don’t think jaay is the move who can I play into this guy I like fighting I like Melee Olaf I mean I could go kale but it

Takes so long for her to scale like vanay I can fight right away I don’t know man maybe kale is the move always ready Jax is fun but I don’t know never a en engaged never okay I’m just not good with Jace enough yet got to keep practicing with Jay and

Jack I get really good with him like I am ve even more than I gete L I see for yeah I had a four man surrender too engag got her yeah I learned that you can melee three Auto attack with Jace is pretty cool for am I close

2150 I only have 1400 I’m so broke man did someone say anti-heal uh I don’t have enough money will be bright we’ll get it later is getting huge we can kill everybody else besides the Swain we should be able to win that’s Wayne it’s Echo ah the Canon minion Rino without fear don’t get don’t wa Never look back I finally got an item oh yeah how’s work Tesla you having fun the hell a stand damn damn CID got anti-heal that’s funny LW man you really want to set up the mod server for the 31st huh I’ll probably play on it more after this so apparently according to what

I’ve read the new Season’s just going to begin right away for League there’s no waiting period it’s going to be year round ranked so when the season ends patch 14.1 is going to come out right away that’s good I don’t have to wait at all just start playing right

Away uh sure but before the new season begins I want to challenge myself to try to make it some Masters on this uh scuffed account will be bright if I can do that then I’m done we can just have fun I’ll just do uh a grandmas grind on

The side and then I’ll just be playing on my alt accounts cuz I already proved everything I needed to do I took a fresh account from Iron to Masters so there’s like no way you can dispute that I’m a master at least the low masters player got him I’ll take

One yeah the infernal Dres going be really good for us cuz we have cast and stuff yeah we have until the 10th so my goal is that in like 12 days I’m going to make it to Masters without fear Always never a wrong step Never look Back bring down the hmer that’s a good blink couldn’t reach that eyes on the horizon teesty powering up they oh there’s an Oriana waiting for me nice all right I got Ash slow now I I’m just having fun if we win we win my team will carry me that’s

It I’ll do my job when I’m when it’s necessary and I’ll just sit back and relax and enjoy my vacation when it’s not Dude I don’t eat Honey Nut Cheerios anymore I will light Our you know what I do have though I have water good old water okay Just walk at it why are you guys just walk at it literally you guys have nothing that’s stopping you just two people that’s it just don’t get tagged by the slow and you guys win that’s it yep Easy carry I got to worry about anything nice good

Combo what the hell my YouTube viewers shot up to eight I guess we know who’s watching on YouTube right now what’s up guys all good in the hood good time for me to practice my uh mental it’s 714 right now we’re just chilling I’m not playing the best but

That’s okay we keep our head right as rain that’s it it’s all we got to doag don’t take my stuff listen what oh I didn’t switch my form yes I don’t care I care enough to explain that I’m already master so like playing this game is no consequence to me the only thing

I’m doing is that I’m just spending time learning I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying that like if you’re not going to respond to chat like why even have it on in the first place right so then it’s just the only other logical thing is just turn it

Off but for me it’s like you know I keep chat open because it’s entertaining for the chat that’s all all right next game oh wait I didn’t paste my link whoopsies uh everybody’s gone already yeah see Tesla I need that better computer so I can post my link after the game’s over

All right let’s go I think I should put some more info let’s see yeah let me edit this so people understand yes sir There so people know I’m in a queue it’s better if I like squeeze that all together into like one line don’t you think That should be good all right let’s See The Willer in special that’s funny man Liam movement speed uh let’s see man this te is not that happy Darkness I think you’re just go with movement speed all right we’re going to mute belth we’re going to mute Swain okay somebody dodged interesting I’m going to cancel Q because I don’t want somebody to ban my vein so we’re

Just going to chill Look Yeah I think my worst is like a three game losing streak two times in a row have I had any other losing streaks n just wins yeah let’s see we started doing the rank games how long ago 16 days ago one two three losses and then we had a couple spittle

Of losses I think now we should be directionally correct and heading back up up the slope so should be all right now we got a wind blowing behind the box yes sir Oh d I know I was a little toxic saying that but like come on dude let us hunt those who have fallen to Darkness it’s chath top and nocturn top oh my God they have all the CC all right well I’m going anti-cc then definitely want uh what’s it called

Unflinching just bone poting for the burst Damn I just want to get into a game man dude I can’t wait till I have a computer that’s strong enough to just run Minecraft and League at the same Time oh and like two other monitors so I can have like my chat or I can have like a monitor right there where I just sit back and watch anime up top I can just sit back and watch some anime I can run my live stream with no Issues all right I think I’m going to go take a leak while we’re queuing it for a game chair is not set up properly there we go Yes sir Let us hunt those who have fallen to Darkness For For On wngs at night cringe ADC top L range top cuz you’re bad evils around corner Second an ally has been SL because a lot of people from India are watching it the Shadows are to Feared I hear the innocent C They will be purified I smell Magic f in the dark always is laid the dark should fear me I release them from their pain no clue what that means evil lurs around every corner On Wings Of Night I I smell black magics in the dark all made there I pass the judgment Beware with Silver the dark could fear Me on need of night evil looks around every this guy is super entertaining I’m Faker and you’re trash these are like those kids on like the playground don’t play top to this is probably one of the most entertaining people I’ve played against today I too love autoing oh I’m

Glad he spends more time typing than actually playing the game that’s when you know somebody’s like you know Coding overloaded I’ll just take the first Tower Yeah I can’t wait to upgrade my PC the dark should fear me yeah uh Dixie this is going to be a fun climb once we make get the diamond again it’ll be smooth sailing to Masters honestly it’s been a while since I V visited the uh low M

Marus so it really has the rift TL oh they sent three top oh man LW whoopsies I knew they got Harrow but I didn’t think they were just going to like Bush and wait for me that’s my fault oh well I only use Al so it’s not bad Ramis uses Al l

They having trouble with the tower oh I they have minions coming up never Mindy blood Now I’m level 11 he’s like level eight actually I’m going to go walk over and steal blue okay oh shoot that hurt you guys take care of him I’m just going to chill out over here and get my health back don’t mind me The dark should feel me around oh Jesus he came up looking for Me I I’m not actually trying to join the LCS by the way I’d much rather be a streamer I think streaming is a lot better oh my gosh you’re so right how do we give a really a Kill they will be I hear the innocent fire all is

Laid I don’t think I can do it in time if I started I only have 20 seconds I don’t think I can do Herold that fast so I’ll just go for the next best thing ear reset herself on gold so it’s worth to kill her if I can grab her oh wait

I have ch I smell like magic pling blood with silver the Shadows are to be feared on never mind Then beware in the dark all is laid bare I will release them from their yo what’s up rich what’s your question oh 400 damage L whoopsies I have wison now but don’t tell anybody we’re limit testing that’s funny I mean they’re not really threatening on that

Team I think I want to go Shield B what they stole Baron bar Ste what’s going on get for next time I smell black magic just got to keep farming get big that’s it Huh ah 2700 man really close we almost got it yeah I’m going to get a spirit vage like 2700 2200 damage man Jesus you killed me over 10 seconds like I couldn’t kill her in 10 seconds it’s crazy oh well we got ocean soul this game so Spirit visiture definitely help me

Out a lot so cat on cat Action I hear the yeah sure why not Rich I’m calling it early Of Nothing evil looks around In the dark all is laid die is cast what oh he can leap over that area that’s crazy h all right there’s Ramis and people I smell black magic ah I didn’t think Ramis was going to have Al up that soon so that’s my fault that’s that’s my fault I know we

Lost saw the mid they transition the top pretty Quick a re dark should feel iar the in and what’s up holiday the suit gives me dopa Vibes I didn’t know that dopa wore a suit but that’s good to know I need one more win and I’ll be in gold one I like how the game is going back to

Giving me like 40 LP per win like Jesus they’re like all right all right all right you’re a Smurf okay okay okay Jesus we don’t want you here get out of here 40 LP man I’ll take It it’s 34 wins 89 LP I’m assuming that puts us at 70% win rate I could be wrong though anybody want to check the math I’ll check it right now let’s update the page uh how was placements it was all right I mean I’ve just been you know

Winning and losing Gam game so I don’t know I don’t know it’s just League I don’t know what to say Man yeah we like that right yeah I mean it was okay I mean let’s go see yeah I won four and I lost my final placement game so it’s all right yes sir Holiday I just want to let you know man I appreciate you hanging out no I’m trying to learn uh jackon Jace right now those are the two Champions that I play but I do you have my stream open on YouTube holiday just in case you get hit by ads cuz you know

I know I run ad a lot of ads So Okay cool let us hunt those who have fallen to Darkness you have YouTube premium that’s interesting it doesn’t matter man either way you tuning to my stream makes my day thank you for lurking man anybody that stops on my streams and watch my ads is going to help me make so

Much money like you have no idea like I can actually do this like for a living if you guys actually like lurk My Stream and that’s how crazy this is so we’ll see over the next month I don’t know yet I was supposed to make a phone call today

[ __ ] I’ll make the phone call on Tuesday the week before I need to drop out of my classes because I I’m going to really focus on streaming this guy is going That Huh you know what I want to try I want to try the uh the VIN top build the new one that I’ve been learning with Tesla evil Around nope it’s going to be storm razors you’re going to see in a second here this build’s actually kind of nuts for vain The problem is that I’m not going to have the attack speed prowess that I want so I’m going to be a one shot vein it’s going to be kind of bad cuz most of these guys are Auto attack based but you’ll see all right here we go going poke this guy down

In the dark all On Wings Of Night the dark should hear me beware I smell the lack of magic Shadows are to be feared all right well I get the reset I got boots and I’m coming back to land like full HP so we have a slight advantage over

Him he has to recall at some point oh no he’s just going to heal all his health back up I hear the innocent cry out damn he’s back to full HP Already I do a lot of damage though so we’re good oh my God you got to get up here faster man you can’t be waiting that long iswan yeah that cost us two deaths now oh you got baited that’s funny the dark should fear me you didn’t get the kill though Bel I

Got it what Ela are you in guess I’ll have to stick around and find out cuz I don’t know Myself in the dark AR all is laid Bear I SM Shadows are to be so onean is taking all the kills though it’s not good she starving your teammates I hear the innocent Cry I don’t have boots of swiftness is good here feel like merre would be better because you’re up against like CC and like two HP or AP matchups we learn we see on of night should me I will them from their pain I switch death shads are to be feared Purge with silver I you can go even in CS is not bad you stay for one extra waves I have a slight lead over me I mean this build makes the uh Mash versus uh Vladimir bearable that doesn’t really win us the later part of the

Game cuz I basically become a Caitlin I don’t do damage over over time BL So see the Shadows are to I mag On Wings Of Night I hear the innocent cry out hello Tesla evils around every corner I’ll go for project management if I can’t make it as a twitch streamer dude Tesla if I make like 150 Grand from streaming and all I do is just play

Video games right so like you know again it’s like once I make 2 million it’s like I don’t have to work ever again you know 5 million like I don’t have to ever really worry about money you know but you know again I will go to school if like twitch stream like again

I don’t want to have to work a part-time job just to go to school I’d much rather just get 20 grand and then just do school on my stream you know I like it only would cost me $20,000 to finish my college degree that’s it like that’s that’s all I need Tesla

To finish my the rest of my college degree I just need uh $20,000 and I have to spend either 18 hours a week or uh 36 hours a week at 3.3 years or uh of course she’s there on time that’s my second death this game I don’t give this Vladimir any

Kills yeah actually this build’s actually really good into Vladimir it’s not bad at all I like it usually Vladimir matches are just annoying for me because I can’t stop as sustain but this gives me500 HP so I at least have something for auto attacking you know I

Innocent why is this way exploded yet it’s crazy okay well the Blanc is chilling out here so like they’re just going to get my tower for free it’s a they have a lot of CC so it’s not like I’m going to break through that easily they even a controler

Here yeah it’s just one of those matches just going to have to hope all the time that Sani spent taking all those kills for herself cuz there’s just one s kills it’s going to be worth it for us in the end so we’ll see I the dark

Should okay so he flashed for that and and can we like do something here three top there’s Bard oh boy the Lux is not really a high priority Target but it is what it is all right let’s work on getting this item next Shadows are to be

Feared I know we have Tesla on our team but instead of Tesla playing udor we have a Sani that has all the kills cuz you know sichani 80 carry it’s the new meta they’re you know bro I changed I give you the kills yeah last hting with this

Is you can’t say otherwise I can why do you think by default my brain thinks that you’re going to chaos I wouldn’t be making these Tesla references if that wasn’t the case just need some more time that’s it and then things will change how much health did she get back

From that she a lot my first kill this game I killed Vladimir too pretty good I don’t know maybe blade of the Ring king would have been better cuz at least I could be dueling them later on that the down side of going this build of Bin is that I can’t

Duel you don’t have BL yeah well this is the MMR we’re playing in okay let’s get this yeah let’s go can we like go in there it’s not really that difficult to kill them more right here oh my my God I do no damage either how awesome is that man okay thanks

Guys yeah I do no damage all right not touching this build again dude I do no damage oh man this is especially when I get like ganked by like bath I I don’t know that man yeah I’m not Challenger enough to know how to use this build I’m just going to

Stick to my brain dead build where I just Auto attack people to death can we like do this if we’re not going to pay attention to this they’re on it wait yon it y it steal it why didn’t you just steal the baron oh she got the last it on it my

God well they just gift her out the rest of the baron so let’s take that I don’t do any damage what the build with vin no this isn’t good because I don’t do DPS if you’re going to front line I might as well just go full attack damage like sorry not

Full attack damage full uh Dam or you know just normal vein like this build makes sense if you’re playing solo Oh one anime teacher comes in mind to me that I like a lot uh gr teacher onuka that’s the name of the anime but I’m not you know a former gang member

But dud I watch G Ka only season one not season 2 oh they’re just giving this to me that’s good they’re all over there oh belth didn’t take a red buff yet can I get it and leave hope she does kugs first no bye-bye oh all maybe this is a split push vin

Game while they’re all team fighting I just go take their base I’m already going this build already yeah what definitely get against Vlad and stuff that’s can’t just take it in the RAS that’s exactly what I wanted to be doing but it’s okay she manag to pull it

Off H she died for it though a locks three five not too bad On Wings Of beware Me I hear the in C evil lurs around every corner St I smell lack magics is oh Le Blanc ran away a that’s okay and a lot of gold they go Blade the r King now Jin might be doing a lot more damage Rand doing maybe let’s get some more attack speed first steal th AP oh she pops wait he’s going to suck

Your health up oh 569 it’s crazy Oh my God what is this guy doing oh wait nobody’s here it’s okay I wasn’t paying attention to the map I wanted to go Top Lane because I can solo anybody in their team but it’s okay I think I’m just going to AFK play this game now I think Caitlin’s

3 seven so she’s like I think she’s tilted so she’s not reading chat so it doesn’t matter if I ping her yeah I don’t know why she’s just splitting Top Lane when I should be the one doing that but it is what it is we might actually be giving them soul and

That’s going to be bad because they have so many people with healing on their team the belth that heals with their alt the Vladimir it’s not good should be looking for a way to put this game away but our sitani is like 12 kills missed now it’s time to back

Off it’s really time to back off now oh my God the Wayne is going all he’s two and 10 this guy’s is inting oh there we go that’s big I’m going I’m going I’m going to ghost now I’m ghosting now how did I not kill him on that it’s in the game

Oh block block oh my God that connected please don’t give them soul is my music done oh wow I made it through all right Reshuffle K’s this AFK Top Lane again guys get a third Baron coming up in the dark all is laid static Shi it’s all right yeah but that would only work against the Squishies it’s not really going to do that much I smell all right we should be

Looking for a pick here oh you missed better not be some in that bush this Kaitlin is stupid man can you like leave like I can’t use this if you’re here the dark should me I’m just going to end the game actually I hear the innocent cry out I don’t

Know they left their Nexus open like what do you think I’m going to do you think I’m just going to go and join them into the 3v3 M we take those LP you know how we do it in here Tesla I’m not honoring this stupid what gold one I lost the game

3516 I don’t remember this oh probably cuz the uh the Remake game doesn’t count so but it counts as a loss though all right let me go and do That yeah whatever all right gold one 29 LP I just need two more wins and I’ll be in plat uh bad you think it’s supposed to be good Tesla my MMR is going to be any good it’s pretty bad pretty trash oh yeah we’re up against wad so yes sir Yeah this is going to be one of those games where I have to actually Auto attack Tesla oh be able to go Fleet this game let’s hunt those who have fallen to dark we want this unflinching because noct’s going to press R they have like multiple CC’s on that team Gwen’s AP so

We’re going to take magic resist she is going to be tanky cuz she’s going to build that Rift maker item nah I want ghost I I I don’t care if this guy comes after me that’s fine that’s why we take this the Shadows are to be feared seconds to yo nib

Knob yeah niba I know what it feels like well at the end of the day only you can determine whether you are right or wrong on the things that you want to do with your life so if you have any just make sure you don’t do anything that you have any regrets

About evils around yeah welcome to the club of family disappointments and Whatnot dark should Me On Wings Of Night beware I pass Jud an ally All is that’s good I would love that for streaming I black magic have this guy playing in the back foot now he’s on 300 HP I the innocent need to burn a second potion yeah then if you have no regrets then don’t worry about it niba Evil like I can understand the the frame of reference that your family is coming from but again it’s like you know I had to deal with a lot of that at the same time I also wasn’t born female so it’s like you know I can’t say too much on it

Like if I had it okay the dark should fear The Shadow I bring death yep yeah I know everybody’s disappointing me for deciding not go to college but you know what’s going to be greater than that [ __ ] when I make like 150 Grand from streaming despite everybody telling me that I can’t be

Successful doing YouTube and twitch just like how people told me i’ never make its Masters in League I don’t know I just I just feel like that like that’s enough for me in the sense that like you know that’s my energy like people telling me that I

Can’t do something and then me coming out on top and pulling it off like that is fun for me because so many people are inspired by that you know but it’s not like I’m doing anything crazy all I’m doing is just trying to make it to you know just

Trying to live my life like this isn’t like a relationship thing like this is like what I want to do for life at the end of the day like I have to live with myself you know so hearing all my family like being disappointed with me for dropping out of

Like a good like the best pharmacy college in the United States again University of the Sciences is the number one like everybody’s like oh my God I became like immediately became the black sheep of the family it’s okay I’m patient I’m 25 or 24 years old I know know they weren’t paying for

It I know I was paying for it it’s 40 Grand luckily with all my uh all of my uh scholarships and stuff that managed to go down to uh what’s it called to $10,000 I only owed the college $10,000 and I dropped out of college and I paid it off uh after working Parttime bro how many $1 million contracts is kicking to give out like that’s a limited number man not everybody’s going to get a million doll contract to stream on Kick and the fact that kick is doing that is because they’re desperate to get streamers to stream on their platform to

Get more people to watch on their platform that’s it like if you know how to use a million properly you’re set for life like you don’t have to work again but it’s okay I’m going to make my first million from streaming every single day I’m putting

In the effort to make my stream better and get more people to watch My Stream that’s it just asking everybody I note alert yeah of course thank you Rich I appreciate it I’ve got you I’ve got [ __ ] in my corner oh my God I had no Mana I wasn’t paying attention how much

Mana I had I burned my Summoner spell I just tried to get away from this Glen and failed it I double CS it’s all right but but yeah nbba feel free to type away I’m gonna reply to everything that you type because I know how it feels to be

Alone espe when you got family doing that kind of crap and it’s like can I blame them for feeling that way no because if I were like again oh my God man I innocent C out yeah we’ll make it through together niba [ __ ] if I get enough people

Watching my stream I’m definitely going to need your help managing everything and it should be really simple like I’ll give you like the ability to just manage my streams and Stuff I will release them from their pain The Shadow oh she can block that that’s crazy I didn’t know she could Block C Thea sure Rich I just don’t know how fast I can act on it ah I need Blade the Run King before I can finally chunk this freaking

Glen let’s see I’m running I am running magic resist but she still does a lot with her R she’s also running her passive so she’s Sni me for a lot of damage the do should fear me yeah dude if I can just make make a c

So here’s the I did the math Tesla at a minimum I’ll be taking home like 56% of however much I make on Twitch so for every dollar of AD money I make on Twitch I get to keep 55% of it basically that’s a all right idea I

Guess I don’t know though I don’t know how I feel about you know doing merch right now with how small I am as a streamer I smell black magic oh he’s worth gold the hell how’s he with 300 again who’d he kill he must have got an assist

Somewhere I don’t know the nooo came out into my lane like he was something out of like Crash Bandicoot he’s like one of those obstacles you have to overcome can I get this first Tower yeah let me try to get it for the turr Plate Falls there we Go’s bot right

Here yeah I think the League of Legends game play is going to be the Crux of what we do here on this stream I think you guys are going to like it now that I’m going to be you know more calm and control niba during this entire time

You’ve been sitting in the call with me no r right it’s been pretty calm I got this new laundry detergent smells so good I can’t wait to use it for my laundry the dark should fear me I them from their pain oh she got one more Auto attack off on me unfortunate

Careful cuz GW knows that you’re doing that this carus is the smartest guy in the world he lost his stacks for that I guess he coup some he’s going to eat it oh smack the eye there you go all right I’m on the way to get it come on It I hear the inocent Charge with silver three Med no idea where Ash Is what’s up nib can you hear me please stop her back come on Shelly right stop the play by putting on my ghost he’s over here go this way hopefully I don’t get hit by an ash Arrow the hell oh see if n comes around the corner I’m ready wonder how fast he

Moves yeah you can ask a personal question n what’s up box in AI don’t I do that with chat GPT though they’re too busy typing they don’t want to actually win the game so I’ll put them out of their misery all right well we got this coming

Up oh you know I was telling uh I was telling uh you know who Lobster person about you the other day and they were like you know if if you’re talking with somebody you know then you know I would prefer it that you don’t talk to me and I was like niba you

And me we aren’t a thing but anyway continue what are you guys doing guys oh my Lord I am feared forever oh my gosh she dies the Bur wait is that what happened Nia L I mean I I don’t know it depends on what your moral compass is I can’t tell you what’s right and wrong oh wait oh okay well hope you guys got the baron I bought us some time go minions beat that Tower 8 seconds can they get it there two super

Minions oh the inhib came back oh no the time The should fear Me I’m a knes type of guy well what are you saying L well niba I was just surprised like if that’s what happened then like I mean can we really blame them for reac in the way that they did yeah well you went through your

Rebellion uh phase but I don’t know I I don’t know your situation it’s too it’s too hard to say it for sure dude I need qss this is terrible man oh my God that fear lasts way too long I’m getting qss early yeah nocturn fear lasts for a long

Time 1.87 seconds is a long time it’s literally like what’s it called po Auto attacks I could have gotten in that would have killed him I mean considering your situation NBA I can understand why you did what you did but I I don’t know what you expect me to

Tell you from like like you want me to answer whether you know it was right or not for you it makes sense but I don’t know I just if I if I do something I try to be as honest as I can even if people are going to reject

Me for it that’s just how it’s been most of my life like sometimes obviously I’ll do like a white lie but oh well that’s funny yeah neba um I mean the situation that happen between you and your family is two-sided like there’s your side that you’re responsible for and then there’s

Their side that they’re responsible for so I can understand like your parents or your family the way that they behaved like ended up making you have to do this so you can go hang out with you know who but does it make it right well I don’t

Know not’s dead so I’m just going to keep pushing why I got to turn off text the chat cuz Tesla is just spamming it again there there going have to clear the entire chat now CU Tesla decided to spam it and ruin the fun for

Everyone nah he can I just have to have it off nah evil looks around every corner Heaven exists in Minecraft on wings of they call it the ather or they call it all the mods that Tes is going install smurfing is lame yeah but again if I want to make

Money got to show people how I can make it to uh what’s it called X did Nia text me let me see if n texted me yeah nea I don’t know if you feel comfortable with the decision then don’t worry about it all right one more win we’re gold or we’re

Platinum oh Tesla gets off of work soon I’m going to try another late night grind but this time let’s try to not fall asleep while playing League we get to what 72 LP was that what that was let me see gold 172 LP uh I fell asleep and I got a uh

Punishment for it yeah I actually fell asleep so the game was a remake that was the Jace game right here I tried to play one more at about 4:20 a.m. and I passed out I fell asleep during loading screen and so I woke up to uh it being a remake and uh I

Lost 20 something LP and then even though I won or I lost the following game right so I lost that minus three more LP but it’s okay because you just won six in a row so it is what it is again all that matters is that we’re directionally correct it doesn’t matter

We’re going to get there anyway how you feeling niba you know I’m here supporting you I hope you know that despite like you know what I said you know I just want you to understand like you know I I I take a objective perspective as well but like

You know I’m not going to be like you know I’m not going to be like oh my God niba you showed your parents it’s like oh my God look at you you’re such a good rebel like look at the end of the day we all got to survive right like niba I

Understand that you have to make decisions all I want you to know is that you know whatever you decide to do like I’m not going to bash you for it that’s not my goal all I’m learning is that I should never put my daughter in a position

Where she has to sneak out to go spend time with people it’s like no like I don’t understand how it gets to that point besides that the parents don’t understand how to establish healthy relationships with their children cuz you know growing up as a

Kid I snuck out of the house too like I wasn’t allowed to have friends over so you know what I did when nobody was home I would leave and go to other people’s houses that was back when I was like six mind the Skippy whippy just followed whoa somebody just followed who’s this

The Skippy whippy doggo oh you made an account back in August okay maybe not a troll account but it’s probably an ALT account because he does want to be tracked his main account what’s up dude welcome to the stream yeah I can’t tell him from the

Last game so he definitely using an ALT account like on Twitch the Skippy whippy doggo all right so we made into Platinum the goal for today yo Tesla I think I’m going to keep my iPhone for another year oh by the way you can’t see Baron kaisa Pike and a silver

One you know the silver one level 34 Echo is an ALT account right like that guy’s on a Smurf account yes you can you just proved like why you could it’s okay though game’s over man that’s from like how long ago is that yeah uh actually you know I did a

Research I’m going to put together a video for YouTube what the hell what do you mean Tesla what’s going on yeah I actually am going to upload a video to YouTube talking about the uh the iPhone research I did why message oh that guy yeah

Yeah here so I’m going to put together a video telling you guys about uh like is it worth it to upgrade to an iPhone again this is coming for me who has an iPhone 6s so I did the comparisons to see all the different stuff

Cuz love has no limits law oh yes we’re playing Vin’s Jack perfect hackim bone plating would be good unflinching it’s like armor cut down will be good chop his HP off I don’t need Cleanse This will be a ghost game we’re going to kite and kill both their

Mofos are we get 37 wins is that what it is okay no it’s okay my account’s not Masters yet so he has every right to make fun of me ring ring the trolls are here that’s funny dude buddy I Smurf your Peak little Noob oh is that why you’re playing at my MMR

Makes sense gotcha he also banged all our moms l oh that’s funny man yeah this guy’s like this guy’s the keyboard warrior king he’s coming into the chat on like he’s coming into this chat hot how was the ringer with almost 20 kills oh he was the guy that’s calling

Me dog whatever man I Smur if your Peak okay good for you man this is just a video game he has to yeah big ego plat player yeah probably I don’t care man the guy’s worried about a game I don’t even remember that that was like what three or four games

Ago he can’t even use his real Twitch account hold on two I get the auto uh you did typee that game I have it all on stream you type more than a word all right stacked up the minions a bit delayed them from hitting my other

Minions he’s going to chunk his HP out I think he put a ward in the bush that’s why the minions are following meing blood there we go got the auto off just got to top off this help a little bit bit by bit going to miss that one for a

Bit sft death he’s going at level two oh I can’t kill him even if I condemn him so I’m not going to use it yet silver of the Moon got to put a w out for Hecker damn it Man got both of them wish I could have got one more minion for completed boots it’s okay Shadows are to be feared I have to wait a little bit more gold just tumbled the entire way there cuz we had blue buff tumble tumble tumble tumble tumble let me through no

This mother about to smack my tower get off my tower Never what do you thinking about yeah you know what Rich I’ll leave you in charge of uh running the clips you know you can clip and put them on like YouTube and whatnot and then I’ll just upload them to YouTube I’ll reupload them and stuff I don’t mind man

Especially if you don’t mind like uh like honestly dude if you make them really good and you can actually like make money for the channel I’m happy to split the profit with you you know we watch anime so you know already like you know how I am anime

Mentality if you make if you make the clips I’m happy to give you uh you know if you put in all the work and I don’t have to do anything I’ll give you 51% I just take 49 cuz I provide like the clips because you know I’m the

Content creator but if you put all this stuff like I’ll give you 51% I don’t mind I Rel them like so for every dollar we make you can have a 51% I don’t mind cuz I’m not putting in at any time to like record stuff you know or or I’m not

Putting any time to edit especially if you only put on all the work why do I wear a suit by the way I love wearing a suit look if I want you to remember me by uh by anything at all Skippy whippy just the fact that I’m a guy that wears a

Suit while playing leag that’s it cuz that stuff sticks he’s just trying to the me against heck try to not use Mana here he’s dead so I can keep going top I wasn’t paying attention to where Pike is well Skippy I’m happy hear your opinion I may have been very bad in our

Game that we played but uh what’s it called uh what do you think of the pit Tire do you think it look bad in N I’m not happy to hear your uh your thoughts feel free to let me know you know what’s on your mind yeah this is why we take bone

Plating so even if he does Chomp on me it’s not too much once I get Bu The Run King this will be a lot easier to fight him I smell black yep that’s exactly why I want to wear the suit I don’t know man I just like

Wearing a suit I always grew up like wearing a suit as a kid and was always fun for me I release them from their pain ch’s thing with like low HP I don’t know if he’s baiting me for HEC buying time for he to get up here you see Pike Med

You know based on the renar’s age I think he’s like younger than me cuz like I’m 24 like if here’s all some down yeah if you ghost I have the ghost come on a he survived on 10 HP I’m so sad I gave him 300 shut down gold to d i I

Messed that up I actually could have killed him there I misplayed that that’s on me damn and he gets all the plates too damn I played that poorly I could play that a lot better I was talking too much no less than 30 with that hairline

Oh he thinks I look less than 30 well obviously it’s cuz I haven’t showered my hair so my hair looks pretty bad because I haven’t washed it in a bit so I can agree with the hairline looking bad or whatever I’m glad that he thinks I’m 30

Thank god dude that means people are going to think I’m more older more mature that’s perfect if I look young like you know H well I guess Skippy forgot to uh read the message saying how you can skip ads or you can just pay $250 or $5 it’s up to him you guys can type that to him in the chat if you guys want I don’t have time

To explain to him I don’t know he comes into this chat not really being friendly he’s not really friendly so I don’t feel like I’m obligated to have to tell him how to like not watch the ads I hear the in C we’re learning how to play Lilia evil Works around every corner Uh top three ve tips for bot Lane CS Cs and CS what’s up like the thing about playing vain in ADC is that you have to be very patient like the thing like you can do well in laning Phase but if you’re playing solo Q vein as an ADC like

You’re really dependent on whether you have a support or not and if you don’t have a support you’re just going to have to play the patient game where you basically wait for the game to come to you like you can’t risk like overextending yourself because the

Problem with that is that if you coin flip the level two like you basically just oh Man I show that sucks I was hoping I was going to be able to destroy the tower First Tower a too late I’m going to die for it release them from their Pain I think I want HP uh yeah Skippy um my only advice for Vin ADC is that you just have to survive long enough till you get your items so that’s like getting to the 20-minute Mark so not dying and just farming whatever you can if you have a good

Support and you have a good jungler you have a good mid like you’ll have a easy game but if you don’t which most of the times I don’t usually have an easy game it’s just you have to farm whatever CS you can like it’s difficult for me

Because I’m so used to playing Vin top where I can just fight as much as I want but ADC is just so restrictive just simply because like again you don’t have control over what match up you’re going to end with bot Lane you don’t have any control over the teammates that you’re

Going to have so you know I like playing V top because I just have more freedom I’m ready for the heer come up here he want to fight me I’ll kill him too CH Zer and five he’s not really worth that much he’s like 220 but the

Ghost is on 4 second cool down or four uh speaking of heck room there he is again here again and gone again I wonder if Pike’s going to roam over no he’s not the the glazing you mean kiting he is he trying to say kiing I’m sure this guy’s trying to say kiing

Right I like glazed Donuts I really you know I can eat any kind of doughnut but like I like the Le I I just like old fashion donuts oh hey lemon what’s up racist lawyer wait what did I say that was Racist if it’s something from my past I can’t you know if it’s in my past like oh well but like what did I do recently that was made me racist L Vin top wait wait but how is Vin top racist isn’t Vin top a minority wait wait but Vin top is not a

Popular pick so doesn’t that make her a minority so aren’t you being racist towards me being a minority player so is this what they call Reverse Racism he gank brutality I love it I no she still with her bowling ball brutality that’s actually really good Rich that’s actually really

Funny I got to check on [ __ ] [ __ ] disconnected from the Discord call a while ago think I’m going to reset while messaging niba oh I can advertise sorry I can’t honor anybody because I got to quickly advertise my stream all right cool yeah you know when we’re playing

These games like this match right here like this what’s been going on in particular is a really good lesson cuz the thing is that I can’t be bothered to worry about what other people’s opinions are of me if they think I’m trash at this game or not like who cares because

Again at the end of the day like you know you’re going to have good games you’re going to have bad games and so if I end up doing poorly in one game like does that necessarily mean I’m bad at this game no I just suffer from the same

Stuff that everybody else has to go through like not everybody you’re going to meet on the street has 100% win rate in League of Legends like that’s just not the reality so if I lose like you know if I lo like if I’m not doing well

In one of my games it’s like you know should you worry like as a as you guys personally should you worry that much no why because everybody has a bad game it’s like who cares like move on next is the music level good I think the music level’s good right all right

Cool oh the HEC left the game okay I mean we kind of did kill them a bunch yo Rich did you uh you said you took uh screen or what’s it called Clips right I’m happy to take a look at some of them on stream for

Us oo I got to take a leak let me queue up use my phone and we’ll go take a leak yeah it’s like a bit Ah don’t worry about it it’s Okay let use the bathroom real quick Yes Sir Boy do I love being a to pick my Champions while I’m taking a tinkle I no kitty KY okay now that we’re finished charging my phone I’ll toss the cable over here switch this off my earbits back in all right good to go imagine if I just win every single game you

Know that’d be great that’s not the reality we’ll make it there let us hunt those who have fallen to Darkness yeah you know I think one of the first things I’m going to do I’m going to earn money for my streaming and then I’m going to put it towards uh

Building a brand new pc oo set why did he pick set who is this man this guy’s Brave everybody put a salute in the chat to this man for picking a set top into me now watch me say that and he’s going to kick my ass this guy’s gonna like whoop my

Keyer oh Public Service Announcement I don’t know if I said it yet but yo if you guys have to go take a leak like go take a leak please don’t hold it in like the worst thing you can do to your bladder is hold your p in and then when

You get older you basically have to use the bathroom like every like hour cuz you can’t even hold your urine and that’s a sad Life to Live is everybody E4 E3 yeah I just need 10 wins through Platinum so it’s not that bad it’s 40 LP for thing right so dark should fear

Me oh if uh Skippy is still here um what’s it called Skippy what do you like what do you think about my my webcam background do you like it I recently changed my setup so I put the things that I associate with myself range top moment in the all is made

Oh he’s just pushing the wave I hear the innocent cry out on wings of I smell beware evil looks around every corner in always sh the dark should feel me they will be purified I almost killed both of them that’s was how close that fight was I I hear the in C a

Cleansing blood of Silver this cosics is not that good all is Should Me On Wings Of Night Breer I passive judgment they will be Shadow I don’t know the direction this game is going it’s looking like the enemy team’s in favor so I have to get as big as I can to win this Ross it Rhymes well true I smell black

Magics I need to buy HP this game so I can survive against the Rengar trying to one shot me it’s going to be all people God we missed That BL that’s my fault for saying too little HP it’s my fault I should have compromised for that it’s okay oh y’s cleaning up in the all is what am I thinking about I got to write a stream description that’s okay if we don’t win should fear me if I don’t win then

We learn that’s it this account’s going to make it to Masters eventually unless I decide that I don’t want to play it on anymore On Wings Of Night evil around I actually using their health interesting the butterfly W well we get the turret down to 1/3 Health Left the Shadows are to be feared need two of these our teammates are Angy the should fear me a evil I smell black of Magics Do I The keep Woodson for the people and then we get randin should we get to go I used to be like that asreal this no more oh n texted me back evil around ch loaf of cheese thanks for following man fun how are you doing man

SM you might be from uh uh lizard’s uh cheese cult n this is an old viewer of mine that had a cheese cult this is funny pretty great pretty great LOL freaking grated cheese I don’t know if that was supped to be a typo or that was

Intentional yeah was uh some young one of my younger viers was a part of this cheese cult I the in cry out shadow why is he on a kill stream I can’t do anything with that oh well L ringers is sitting our guys you don’t should fear me Me I lost all of my HP by walking to that that was terrible wow I should not have done that that’s my fault yeah I know but it’s not going to be that much because yaso is there stop it I don’t have ghost for a bit I just

Need my items so I can one v9 them on I have my items you should be good to go I I’m going to get randin so I can survive their ad randin and maybe G and then we win the game oh I’m one level down this ringer is higher than me

I hear the innocent cry out the Shadows are to be feared Be finally get the wion to survive the AP Damage evil around I’m following you the dark should fear me oh we lost our carries Z is not giving a dam TR Get ATT oh my God this has so bad it’s so troll man hey what is this guy doing oh shoot he’s murdering our guy oh that’s Baron Beware evil lurs around H okay what a joke nobody’s focusing on the Yasuo Rengar just comes in and just murders us oh my Lord nice and at least one guy dead the dark should feel me just got to defend for This of Might oh my God the shielding and the healing oh well oh well I think with how things are going with uh how the rank thing works now if I lose one more game I actually demote back down to gold One I’m not honoring anybody in this team not worth it everybody’s talking too much [ __ ] uh oh well my win streak has come to an end I mean how many wins is that seven wins it’s not bad we can just pull off another seven win streak we’re good that’s it we’re already in Platinum already the goal is get to Emerald next

And then uh once we make in the emerald the goal is to climb through Emerald all the way up to uh what’s it called all the way up to uh Emerald to Diamond right so I’m like 800 LP away so that’s not bad I mean this is only 53 games we went

From Iron all the way up to platinum 4 so that’s like bronze silver gold that’s 1,200 give or take 1300 LP so 1300 LP in 50 some games and then we have to get through all of platinum all of emerald and all of diamond so maybe another 50 or so I I

I don’t know again there’s no way I’m going to rock a 70% win rate once we make it the diamond so realistically maybe another 50 games and we’re Masters again but uh yeah we just want to you know we want to make it to Masters on an

Iron to Masters account just so we have the bragging rights for it you know that’s all the 70% win rate not bad again it’s like you know you’ll have a game like this every now and then and it’s like all you can do is just sh your

Shoulders and move on that’s it was it a reflection of how I play as a player not really like again like this same skill level is what got me to Masters twice and it’s what’s going to get me to Masters on an iron to Masters account before the season ends

So it is what it is part of me kind of wants to have a snack and part of me wants to brush my teeth I don’t know I don’t think I can brush my teeth and play League at the same time so this going to be

Tough how many games do we manag to get done so far let’s see where’s the Remake so we played 48 n we got nine games done nine games done since 4:45 so 5.25 hours that’s not bad 315 minutes oh not audacity c a l calculator here we go about 35 minutes per game And then we’ve got the second portion of tonight Um I think we could play another game I think this what we’ll do we’ll play one more match and then I’ll do my little break I’ll have some apples and I think that’s what I’m going to finish should off with we’ll do some apples and then I’m going to brush my

Teeth we should be good to Go all right let’s See Ow ow ow my balls Ow all right yeah let’s go so it’s 1010 p.m. let’s play one more game then we’ll take an apple break uh brush teeth and then we’ll go ahead and play the remainder of tonight so then maybe 11 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. another 6 hours so yeah I think we’re just going to grind

Tonight oh we got nine games done like that’s Crazy so we can get another game done that’ be 10 I mean the goal for today is to have 18 games played so if we can get 18 games done then we’re good to go that’s it so let’s go for another match and then we’ll take another break All right let’s go I’m good like I’m not upset spaghetti I’m pretty calm like I think we’re doing pretty good oh you know what lur advertising descriptions why should people tune into my streams little little sis mayay and Remy describe it perfectly as well as other people uh that hang out on my

Stream people have lots of reasons for tuning to my stream I like The Vibes it’s cozy I love may dude she’s so nice Honestly Yes Sir Let us hunt those who have fallen to Darkness girl wants to hang out with me and I’m SC what are you afraid of let’s answer that question first why are you afraid and it’s not meant to shame you the question is just like seriously like what are you afraid Of And what is there to mess up The dark should fear me I hear the innocent cry out uh I don’t want her to think I’m too nervous so you’re trying to pretend to be someone that you’re not am I wrong is that how you wanted to remember You I mean it’s up to you man you decide how this game plays out like do you want her to like you honestly or do you want her to like the pretend version of you where you don’t pretend that you’re nervous I don’t know for me personally I would just make nervousness my

Strength I don’t get anxious talking to girls man it’s not okay then come off the foot of being honest and then learn that’s it I don’t know I just don’t see it beneficial to deceive a girl if you’re like nervous just be honest I’m like again it’s like you think that she is

Not going to feel nervous either evil looks Al I smell black magic okay no problem Rich silver of the Moon What are you doing in this jungle to beware I hear the innocent cry out let’s go Tesla welcome home the dark should fear me oh my god oh dude I took so much damage from the minion wave that’s that’s insane oh he’s finishing his boots first that’s really sad

Man oh yeah my jungle zero and two they did some silly invade and I wasted my Summoner spells for that too it’s very bad now I don’t have summon spells to 1v2 them anymore yeah he’s got boots so he’s faster than me it’s no point if I wanted

To get him the kill on him I should have went around him it’s too late now yeah now it’s just the race to 1100 gold cuz this garen’s finishing his boots first I finished my Vamps up there first I release them from their pain they will be Purified I pass judgment Sft Death shadow On Wings Of Night all right I’m back beare iar the thank you just a phone call I’m going to work very hard to make sure that my streaming pops off man cing blood silver wait how is he able to get his alt off oh my God ah it’s okay okay just another one

Of these games it’s not OP it’s just really annoying you took the kill man I wasted ghost I should just let you die will be purified I hate wasting Summoner spells and not getting any gold for it Shadow it’s such a waste of an investment for me in the dark all

B diff this game man and I can’t go back up there cuz he’s just going to press r on me that’s fun I know I have to be patient it’s just one of those games where I have to be patient I know it’s a late night game

I know we’re coming off of a loss I know we’re playing I don’t all the counts so it doesn’t matter just got to relax I hear the innocent cry out The dark should fear me evil can we kill the Garen first like bro we’re not going to punch to the tower like if he’s standing there to guard it like I don’t it’s okay well just relax it’s all right it’s late at night for you it’s okay it’s okay to be

Frustrated just choose your response remember you’re deciding to play this game nobody’s forcing you to play this game it’s okay people are waiting to clip you doing something bad just relax we’re here to have fun it’s okay yeah you’re not a bad vein player it’s just rough game you just dealt a really

Bad hand so you’re playing off the back foot this game from their you’re jungler versus their jungler right here so it’s okay can’t be helped just got to Play I pass of Judgment we purge with Silver I cleansing blood like Silver In the dark all Made I hear the innocent cry Out evil looks around the dark should Fe me oh my God yeah they had to send like w you to kill me so it’s okay my team can’t do anything off this like f that I smell in the dark beware d the dog should fear me evil lurs around every

Corner The Shadow Shadows are to be on wings night oh whoops I walk through that one in the dark all is laid beware I smell black magics I have ch evil LS around every oh they thre man the baron get on them sucks Shadows are to be fear the dark should fear me

H you guys are all over here and I’m killing Syer off like great thanks guys God so long all right back splitting Beware I smell black magics oh my God L Garen alt flash I don’t know man rebot Side Yeah that caus us our base maybe cost us the game I think I demote the gold one off of this loss if we lose I don’t know though unluckies man yep it is what it is we demote is that like an automatic demote let’s see ah it’s okay we’re just going in the

Direction of Masters that’s it deot oh nice that’s perfect yeah we just had a dog team again it’s like there’s nothing for us to do here yeah I have every right to say it too like again I know like you know I have to take accountability for like

Where I lose too right but it’s like this is just one of those games where like again their jungle decides to Camp top side that’s it like all right sh your shoulders move on I have a 73% winner on vain like 27% of those games I

Don’t get Giga camped and my team can actually like function right so is it a reflection to me no so losing here don’t care just unfortunate like every loss is just like an extra game that I have to play that’s all that it is so it is what it is md16 G’s just

Followed yeah sorry man I’m just trying to get this account to Masters sorry that you had to be my opponent but I’m glad you got the lp you won so GG’s man thanks for stopping by interactively sitting under my turret LOL well I had to do what I had to do

Our team wasn’t winning anywhere else so had to exploit you as much as I could you did a good job hanging on for your teammates to get online that was really good of you Hp% for team yeah I mean that’s just how it Goes Jungler BL on brain draft what do you mean I don’t know what that Means Let’s see I got to cut the apples and then I got to eat the apples so maybe 15 minutes so maybe 30 minutes yeah let’s take a little snack break yeah let’s do a little snack break it’s actually warm I can’t believe it’s 48° what the heck yeah I’ll be right back E d d oh A Street Is Dre No No No Fore Foree Fore Fore I Y y n ah n E A N N Yeah You N the Dude I’m I’m Tired I am Tired Oh hey Nea when did you join back into the call I wanted to go brush my or I want to go eat and then brush uh my teeth I think before I brushed my teeth you weren’t here so must have been somewhere between 15 minutes

Ago you want to hang out with me while I take a nap it’s going to take a quick little nap Am I in delay for you you number oh for W y Y n Oh oh E N H You I all oh Dan for Do o W Yeah [Laughter] W N n N N N M E For E m M Yeah Hump dump on a wall hump dump a All all Thees Together W A E For What That’s E yeah e He A N E A Through a lot are not as they were a year ago but all be okay move each and day it STS all seen a lot change through a lot of are I I’ve seen a lot of change through a lot of pain things are not way back a year ago Yeah My You E Y w H Oh H La E For Don’t Say Oh Okay Sh m [Applause] For He Could FL Got to it’s the time Toies could down he Is For For Oh oh oh for M I just slapped damn that was out like a light Too many pages yeah that’s why I killed the tabs I basically restarted my computer when you do it is that you just start Windows Explorer and then uh you do that and you’re good to go I’m going have to restart the YouTube stream in a Bit Yeah What I’m going to do some maintenance work uh cuz I need to make sure that I’m contacting people to get more people to watch My Stream cuz if I’m not doing that then you know I’m not no more like not more like people more people aren’t going to show up

Here so I have to advertise I have to get friends and family to tune into the stream to hang out here and lurk more people I can get to hang out here and watch this stream the more uh me playing League of Legends is Justified in it being a

Actual viable thing for me to do to make money Um oh what’s just light here it is yeah so this will be interesting I don’t need this tab anymore I was thinking about how we’re going to do this today all right 6: a.m. that’s 5 hours Yeah we we got to do some maintenance Work My All right so at some point I’m going to need to take my weight and then I got to cut my nails those are like the two things I got to do for today oh yeah actually big Tas for today let’s See Of B Okay Okay So time for 20 Minutes H L good morning neba I’m doing some maintenance right now what are you doing awake this early okay well feel free to hang out here with me Yeah What for All right let’s go and restart the live stream for YouTube that is

This video, titled ‘Mr. Rins Iron to Masters Solo + Duo 4Fun Calm Challenge! Clips or Minecraft Breaks’, was uploaded by willyrin on 2023-12-30 11:51:37. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 11:54:31 or 42871 seconds.

Just playing Ranked and doing my little grind!

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    Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of Optifine for Minecraft PE 1.21. If you’re looking to enhance your gaming experience and fix any lag issues, Optifine is the way to go. But why stop there? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server for even more excitement and adventure. With an active community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your skills and creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and let the… Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals Minecraft Shorts: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse Are you ready to survive a zombie apocalypse? In the world of Minecraft, this is a real possibility. Zombies are known for their insatiable appetite for brains, making them a formidable threat to players. Why Would You Survive? What sets you apart in this apocalyptic scenario? Your survival skills, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. In Minecraft, players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off hostile mobs like zombies to stay alive. Exploring Minecraft Shorts On the channel, you can find entertaining Minecraft shorts that showcase the challenges and humor of surviving in this… Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr!

    Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr! New IRON Farm In Minecraft – A Must-Have Addition to Your Survival World! Looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further than this new iron farm design that promises an impressive yield of 1300 iron per hour! This fully automatic farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, taking under 15 minutes to complete. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is a game-changer for your survival world or server. Farm Details Farm Performance: +400 to +450 iron per hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java… Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More

  • Dino Invasion at Bear Hill – Minecraft Mobile Game

    Dino Invasion at Bear Hill - Minecraft Mobile Game Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Tales and the Legion of Tyrannosaurus Rex Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where adventure and creativity collide in a pixelated wonderland. In this virtual realm, players can build, explore, and survive in a vast, procedurally generated world filled with endless possibilities. The Enigmatic Bear Ridge One of the latest updates in Minecraft introduces players to Bear Ridge, a mysterious location shrouded in legends and myths. As players venture into this treacherous terrain, they will encounter new challenges, creatures, and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Key Features of Bear Ridge: Unique biomes… Read More

  • EPIC Fail: Minecraft Infiniverse S4E2

    EPIC Fail: Minecraft Infiniverse S4E2 Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4 Episode 2: A Rocky Start With The Cobblestone Generator Welcome back to Infiniverse Season 4, Episode 2 with SkyGuyJedi! In this episode, SkyGuyJedi faces the challenge of fending off attacks from the Drowned while gathering resources and expanding the base. Let’s dive into the highlights of this exciting gameplay! Episode Highlights: Drowned Attacks: SkyGuyJedi battles against the Drowned, who keep sneaking up and causing chaos in the survival world. Resource Gathering: From chopping trees to collecting dirt, sand for glass, and sugar cane for future pumpkin pie, SkyGuyJedi is on a mission to gather essential… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Wood Farming

    Mastering Minecraft Wood Farming The Ultimate Wood Farm in Minecraft! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their creativity and survival skills in a blocky universe. Today, we delve into the realm of wood farming, a crucial aspect of the game that provides essential resources for crafting and building. Join VG Gamer 111 on an epic journey as they showcase the ultimate wood farm in Minecraft Survival! Automatic Tree Farming One of the key features of VG Gamer 111’s wood farm is its fully automatic tree farming system. By setting up mechanisms to plant and harvest trees without manual intervention,… Read More

  • The Minecraft BackRooms Horror Story: Part 1

    The Minecraft BackRooms Horror Story: Part 1 The Mysterious World of Minecraft: Unveiling Dark Secrets 🌚🧐😱 Delve into the eerie realms of Minecraft as players uncover the chilling mysteries lurking within the game. From haunted houses to ghostly encounters, the Minecraft community has crafted a plethora of horror stories, maps, and creepypastas that send shivers down players’ spines. Exploring the Unknown Within the vast landscapes of Minecraft, players can stumble upon hidden secrets and eerie locations that defy explanation. The BackRooms, a popular horror setting in the game, is a labyrinthine network of empty rooms that seem to stretch on endlessly, creating a sense of unease… Read More

  • Crafty Flower Truck: Minecraft’s Blooming Tutorial

    Crafty Flower Truck: Minecraft's Blooming Tutorial In the world of Minecraft, a flower truck stands tall, With petals and blooms, it’s a sight for all. Crafted with care, in blocks of eight, A colorful addition to your town, just great. Materials needed are simple and clear, Listed in chapters, so have no fear. The size is precise, eight by five by four, Follow along, and you’ll want more. In Minecraft JAVA Edition, version 1.21.1, But fear not, it works in all editions, fun. Coordinates provided, for easy finding, No mods required, just your creative binding. Music by Campagna, sets the mood right, As you build… Read More

  • ChippyChickin’s Realm – Realms 18+ Whitelist 1.21.1

    Join My Minecraft Realm! Looking for new players to join my realm. I currently have 4 players and looking to invite 4 or 5 more. Let’s create a friendly community/village with a maximum of 10 players. Any type of base is allowed – sky, underground, under the ocean, or a basic above ground house. Rules are posted in my discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

    Minecraft Memes - Mob Sounds: My Original CreationLooks like someone needs to hit the “mute” button on their imagination! Read More

  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

    Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Happy Planet Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With humor and fun, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, in rhymes so free. Read More

  • I felt that… in the Nether! 🔥

    I felt that... in the Nether! 🔥 When you’re mining for diamonds in Minecraft and accidentally fall into lava, but the music is so soothing that you just feel like “I felt that” 😔 #minecraftstruggles #lavaissues #gamerproblems Read More

  • LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft

    LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft Exploring the Latest Minecraft Updates in October 2024 As the world of LEGO continues to expand, the month of October 2024 brings exciting new additions to the lineup. From Star Wars to Batman, Super Mario Bros, and Minecraft, there is something for every fan to enjoy. Let’s dive into the details of the latest Minecraft updates featured in this month’s LEGO releases. Discovering New Minecraft Sets One of the highlights of the October 2024 LEGO releases is the introduction of new Minecraft sets. These sets allow players to bring their favorite blocky world to life through intricate LEGO designs…. Read More

  • Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock The Easiest Iron Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Farm Details Looking for an efficient iron farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21? Look no further! This iron farm, designed by OinkOink, is a game-changer. It operates in MCPE, PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox, making it versatile for players across different platforms. The farm, built in a Minecraft 1.20 Survival Farm world, is a fully automatic setup that guarantees a bountiful yield of iron and poppies. Farm Performance The farm boasts an impressive performance, producing between 300 to 350 iron ingots per hour. This high output ensures that players have a… Read More

  • Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story Mode

    Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story ModeVideo Information This video, titled ‘L’histoire de MINECRAFT STORY MODE¹ en 41 minutes’, was uploaded by Sun on 2024-09-20 15:00:07. It has garnered 68761 views and 3362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:58 or 2518 seconds. The game tah the times, SUBSCRIBE! #minecraft #minecraftstorymode #nostalgia #cartoon Read More

  • Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMP

    Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 2 🔥FACTORY BUILD START IN SMP | 🔥GG SMP |🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | !insta @tanuj_gg’, was uploaded by GALAXY GAMING on 2024-02-26 20:04:28. It has garnered 62 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:59 or 14879 seconds. ============================================================================= ⚜ If All of Enjoying the Stream? Make sure You Like & Share the Video and Do not forget to Subscribe the Channel ⚜ ============================================================================= Top Donation ❤ 🔰Info Gamer Shiv: 💲166.51, 🔰Anuj Roy: $87.83, 🔰REB SANJU: $81.37, 🔰Dibya Dash: $65.29, 🔰Ustaad JoKeR GaMinG: $64.41, 🔰Manjot Singh 99.9%: $47.49, 🔰Ajay sbj: $46.89, 🔰Kulnoor… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye Now

    Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PLAYING W/ VIEWERS!!! REALMS, SPEEDRUNS, CUBECRAFT, ETC. – ROAD TO 1K!!!’, was uploaded by Mickaye on 2024-08-27 09:06:06. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:19 or 7159 seconds. Hey, Welcome to my channel! I’m going to be streaming games and vlogging often on this channel I hope everyone enjoys the content! Like & Subscribe if you want more videos! Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! https://www.patreon.com/Thunder103093 My… Read More

  • 🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑

    🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘How to become poor on this Minecraft Smp’, was uploaded by Bartol on 2024-07-21 07:10:46. It has garnered 2255 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Yoeurn Mutta’s Massive Space Adventure

    Yoeurn Mutta's Massive Space AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘He’s better off to space (@eiaz.yt on IG)’, was uploaded by Yoeurn Mutta on 2024-08-25 12:30:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraftmeme #minecraft. Read More

  • 10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi’s Minecraft Adventure! 🔴

    10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi's Minecraft Adventure! 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】anyone got any red flags | #Fantasia_SEA’, was uploaded by Mofutari Megumi Ch. もふ多里 恵美 on 2024-09-07 15:12:18. It has garnered 82 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:55 or 8695 seconds. -: ❁ :- 『NEW COVER RELEASE』 – ≪ Giga – Ch4nge ⨠ https://youtu.be/hvUaGxMCD1w -: ❁ :- 『Memberships』 Join memberships to get access to emotes, badges, and exclusive members-only content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_DgDtYIP4mBTZxCSnDeFg/join -: ❁ :- 『Support Me』 https://streamelements.com/mofutarimegumi-8249/tip https://ko-fi.com/mofutarimegumi ※ Tips are voluntary and nonrefundable ! Please make sure you’re prioritizing yourself first and foremost! ※ Majority of the funds will… Read More

  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

    EPIC SHIZO REALMS - Thagnogs vs ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms With Viewers Episode 5’, was uploaded by THAGNOGS on 2024-05-04 19:28:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Bedrock Realm that anyone can join! The code / link to the realm is in the description below. Read rules before joining … Read More

  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

    EPIC Marble Minecraft War - Z-Marbles Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marble Minecraft Territory War 2’, was uploaded by Z-Marbles on 2024-06-01 10:47:32. It has garnered 354 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds. Marble Minecraft Territory War 2 this is the second video of my marble minecraft territory war series, hope you enjoy it! songs: Song: JOXION – RPM [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/RPM Watch: http://ncs.lnk.to/RPMAT/youtube Song: JOXION – 094 [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/094 Watch: http://ncs.lnk.to/094AT/youtube Song: Cake – Cereb [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Cereb… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

    Join our SMP Server Community! If you’re looking to join a mostly vanilla SMP server on version 1.21, we’re in need of more players to contribute to builds and shops. Join our community by adding me on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: https://discord.gg/9vNqQk5Xzx Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Haters Gonna Criticize

    Minecraft Memes - Haters Gonna CriticizeWow, that meme must be criti-seeming pretty good with a score of 105! Read More

  • Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1

    Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1 In Minecraft, I craft my D&D world with glee, Nature is Dicey, a place for you and me. Building block by block, a tale to unfold, Adventure awaits, in stories untold. With Tabletop Audio as my soundtrack, I dive into creativity, never looking back. Join me on this journey, as we create and explore, In this Homebrew world, where magic galore. Stick around for the ride, it’s bound to be grand, As we shape this world, with a steady hand. ANemeanLioness, the name I go by, Creating wonders in Minecraft, reaching for the sky. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper’s Mixtape Drops!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper's Mixtape Drops! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #gaminghumor Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill

    LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill Epic Minecraft LEGO Stop Motion Animation: A Blocky Battle Welcome to a world where Minecraft and LEGO collide in an epic stop motion animation! In this intense crossover, crystal minifigures and blocky landscapes come together to create a thrilling battle against an adult adversary. Get ready for heart-pounding action, lightsaber mayhem, creative storytelling, and stunning visuals! High-Octane Action Experience the adrenaline-pumping scenes filled with shooting sequences and dynamic sword fights. The clash between the worlds of Minecraft and LEGO brings a new level of excitement to the screen. Lightsaber Mayhem Witness the dramatic lightsaber duels and head cuts, along… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR

    Minecraft's Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR The Silent TERROR of Minecraft’s Pale Garden… Introduction Frostbyte Freeman delves into the mysteries of the new Pale Garden biome in Minecraft, hinting at the potential for intrigue and terror lurking within its boundaries. Exploring the Horizon The Pale Garden beckons players with its eerie landscape, promising new adventures and challenges to overcome. Traversing the Woods As players venture deeper into the Pale Garden, they encounter dense forests teeming with unknown dangers and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Entering the Garden The transition into the Pale Garden marks a shift in atmosphere, with the environment taking on a foreboding… Read More

  • Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯

    Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel’, was uploaded by Galactic_RoGamer on 2024-07-25 21:18:32. It has garnered 582 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:18 or 9798 seconds. Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel #fyp #viral #gaming #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #minecraft #roblox Like and Sub if you enjoy!! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/p6sZptAgz7 Keywords (DONT WORRY ABT IT): roblox roblox story roblox brookhaven 🏡rp roblox doors roblox bedwars roblox storytime roblox gay story roblox song roblox memes roblox the hunt roblox edits roblox horror games roblox avatar ideas roblox anime games roblox asmr roblox animation roblox adopt me… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox Games

    Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox GamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZOOFLOX GAMES on 2024-06-05 22:41:41. It has garnered 3131 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft scary,horror,nightmare,cgi,creepy,cursed,shorts,meme,jumpscare,terror,lights.are.off,lights are off,3d animation,zoonomaly,horrorgame,game,video game,horror game,8bitryan,8-bitryan,8 bitryan,zoonomaly all jumpscares,zoonomaly game,zoonomaly full game,zoonomaly ending,zoonomaly horror game gameplay,zoonomaly horror game,zoonomaly all monsters,zoonomaly jumpscares,zoonomaly all bosses,zoonomaly horror game full game zoonomaly, zoonomaly horror game, zoonomaly trailer, zoonomaly song, zoonomaly horror game 2,… Read More

  • Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-31 22:00:10. It has garnered 3585 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:56 or 2696 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More


    GET SCARED IN MINECRAFT - ONE LUCKY BLOCK SURPRISE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft First map scared map then doing part 2 on one lucky block and come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-02-19 00:35:52. It has garnered 158 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:34 or 18694 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

    Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToastVideo Information This video, titled ‘blasting you with the minecraft beam again’, was uploaded by XerxesTexasToast on 2024-08-13 06:19:46. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:38 or 17078 seconds. Support: https://ko-fi.com/xerxestexastoast Check out the playlist section on my channel to view whole series! GROUND RULES – No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other flavor of bigotry. – No sexual harassment. This includes both lewd jokes directed at me or another chat member and unsolicited confessions. – Don’t ask for personal info. I will not tell you real names or locations,… Read More

  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

    Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft freshsmp’, was uploaded by dumbo on 2024-07-08 01:20:54. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won't Believe Her Reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】HONEY WAKE UP, IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MINECRAFT SESSION ! ! !’, was uploaded by Banzoin Hakka Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-10-02 05:05:39. It has garnered 5561 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:59 or 16319 seconds. MINECRAFT TIME BABY. ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ CUTE AF ART, THANK YOU SO MUCH KIIRU ! ! ! https://x.com/Kiiru_Invader/status/1841176111042171056 SUPER ADORABLE DANCING HAKKITO ANIMATION https://x.com/nagii_iza/status/1835098539640361123 cool custom chat CSS by chroneco! https://x.com/chrone_co Awesome captioning & translation by Jimakuchan https://www.sayonari.com/trans_asr/asr.html ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ So much to explore, it’s dangerous to go alone, take a subscription! Make sure to ring the bell,… Read More

  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

    INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Jugando EGGWARS con SUBS en MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro’, was uploaded by Ciktro on 2024-09-02 23:48:14. It has garnered 40 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:11 or 5291 seconds. Playing EGGWARS with SUBS in MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro —————————————– ———— SOCIAL NETWORKS ———————————— —————– TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@ciktro?lang=es TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ciktro DISCORD: https://discord.gg/dZA3kZ4Xg5 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/_ciktro_/?next=%2F ————————————————– — CHANNEL INFORMATION ——————————————– ——— As you know, my name is Ciktro and I really like talking to you and entertaining you. My main content is based on Minecraft, where I usually do tutorials for both… Read More