Unbelievable Turtle Helmet Find – Hardcore Minecraft Twins Ep9!

Video Information

Hello hi Panda how are you good how are you doing yeah good I I thought my stream running but know if it is or not yes it is running yes okay I also thought that I had set up a a little trailer but it’s apparently not running that’s very odd okay never mind

That is odd that’s uh yeah hang on yeah I’m just um oh that’s the that’s the that’s the page I’m looking for oh God oh my God beam Elements this one I hope it’s not the fundraising thing hang on let me just that’s okay right oh hang on I’m I’m on on hello everybody hello I don’t know if anybody is already here um uh because we’re an hour later than usual you can probably see trash Panda’s sign down

There he’s he’s definitely down there he’s doing some stuff um so I’m here yes he’s here hello Hello Panda so this is our last stream Before Christmas because uh yeah next week is kind of Christmas week and yeah things are busy and then I will be away for a holiday so I haven’t

Really looked ahead so it might be a week or two weeks before we are back but there is tons of stuff this weekend mad hter you Beast you promised no llamas are you you were supposed to go to bed he he said he was going to go to bed

And sort of stop the Llama spitting and I said one llama terrorist less but he’s here he’s here yeah hey Sean hello hello so this is the last I’m going to I’m going to go to bed sorry sorry sorry there you go okay I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared

I’m scared yeah we well we’ve got lightning rods so we won’t get hit thunder lightning very very frightening me there you go okay so okay so basically back to the intro this is probably our last hardcore thing I me sorry I didn’t mean to sh you um last hardcore thing before Christmas but

There is going to be coming up a massive stream weekend we are going to be on outright playing mini games like crazy and there’s so many games Panda are you coming or are you busy I’m I’m going to try to go but I’m pretty sure I’ll have

The I’ll be available I mean you you know life’s been crazy I know also I heard that baby trash Panda might come on as a player at some stage I’m only going to be able to do stuff until Monday because on Tuesday we are actually going on holiday yippee so

That’s going to happen yeah Sean got the redeem I believe yeah I believe baby trash Panda has asked her mom for permission to use her account okay so she’ll be on under the pixie okay so if baby trash Panda comes if lets me know

When she’s on I can try and be on at the server at the same time and I can finally get to play with her she’s amazing and I’m really looking forward to that um so okay let me let me let me show you something hey Sean welcome to

The stream oh your double your your stream J look at this look at this look this is I I put on a special skin for today I thought the old Explorer is quite nice but I’m going to be wearing I don’t don’t care what server I’m on this

Is Christmas I’m wearing my elf outfit and as you can see and as you can see it’s a rainbow elf because outright and everything so yeah uh check out the the charity stream and um if you if you donate a few pennies I am going to name

Tag some mobs in the park for you so yeah just yeah and um you can and I’m working on some other redeem so if you’ve got any ideas leave them in the chat things that you would see as as as rewards as incentives because I’m definitely open for Stuff um yeah I yeah

Okay so uh let me put my stuff back oh no actually let’s leave it off yeah no Captain rat what’s Oh Captain R Captain R happy happy belated birthday I don’t know if you saw the Discord message I sent you you never responded so oh happy late

Birthday it was last week wasn’t it oh no no no no okay what have I done what have I done oh no no no no no oh no no no no no so oh somebody played the o o OMG one yes yes Captain rat is back so Captain

Rat um I hope you had a lovely lovely birthday I did send you a message I don’t know if you saw it um I didn’t want to sort of you know kind of do like kind of a super public kind of you know thing because I know that you quite a

Private person uh but I did think of you and and yeah you’re awesome um so um what are we going to do today shall we go down and look at our taskboard yeah we could do that okay oh so okay oh you didn’t check the Discord well you

You had I okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s you jumped down you didn’t notice when you took a little damage yeah I did notice and I was like what okay so hang on I’m just trying to not fall into the I I got I

Got to mess with you a little bit uh no you’re welcome you’re welcome okay so there is one thing that I hang on I’m oh hang on have I got any we haven’t got any glow Squid Ink hey baby trash Panda we haven’t got any any glow Squid

Ink have we hang on I’m going to go and no okay that’s okay I’m going to make some yellow dye here just to highlight stuff okay okay yeah we need to find some so I I would so we were talking about how we found this amazing um

Desert thing drift weep ooh oh yeah the connected the warm ocean yes AR armor please armor please what oh you want the armor on okay I can put the armor back on there you go okay um so so the Armor’s back on so uh yes our hearts are

Connected so if Panda takes damage I take damage and so forth so and one of us dies one shared life and if if if one of us dies that means we’re both dead and that’s the end of the series so we’ll try not to do that yeah don’t go

Away from that lava go away from that lava do that so um last last time last week we found a desert and a desert village with camel and stuff like that which we didn’t bring back because yes it’s scary it’s absolutely scary that’s why we have managed to do so little in

What is it eight or nine weeks because we have been traing around on tiptoes it’s completely crazy so we we’ve been taking it as easy as possible yes we have being very we’ve had a couple of close calls we we one of them was mine we are not just Captain sensible we are

General sensible I mean we we are President sensible and and and yeah yeah I don’t know world world sensible leadership yeah uh so um we found a desert um but uh we brought back um we brought back Cactus which planted we’re planting a turtle farm today but uh we

Also thought we could get a sniffer egg but you need to do a lot of diving for that and we thought since we have brought back some turtle eggs we could make a turtle farm so I will highlight this oh oh no that was a bad color to

Highlighted sorry that’s just oh it Blended in totally Blended in okay let’s try this we don’t have any glow squid what I thought hang on what no there there we go I thought we had glow squid in that’s better okay so this is definitely something I want to do but

Yeah I don’t think we’ve come across any g wood yet but if we uh so we want to make a turtle farm um but it’s been a crazy busy week and I haven’t had time to look at a Tut toil I built one about two years ago I have got the tutorial on

My phone so uh if I go silent occasionally it’ll be me looking at the video going like uh scratching my head going like how on Earth did I do this again uh but we’ll try and keep keep it as entertaining as possible we’re missing what something aren’t we what are we missing the

Alleys oh where did we put them hang on they were in the house did they fly away did they despawn I just didn’t remember seeing them yeah the El were in the house were they tied off no did the El we lost our La dang okay so to demonstrate they got to

Be they’re probably right on the outside edge of render they will be somewhere there will be somewhere because yeah we last time we found a Pillager Outpost and since we now have diamond armor we felt we felt strong and we we we we yeah

We we got the LA We rescued Qui we resc Captain rat REM yeah there were about what five six no I I had five you had three eight okay so we want to build the turtle farm but the problem with the turtle farm is turtle egg only hatch at

Night so you have to stay awake the night now this island is oh that’s by the way the cactus you can see them behind me there going backwards going backwards there you can see no finally got the cactus that’s the cactus so Panda has finally got his cyan bed uh

Which is awesome so um we need to stay away the nights so uh stay awake for the nights uh because otherwise the turtle eggs won’t hatch so we have to find something to do around here that is not too that doesn’t take us out of render distance and that we can

Do so there’s a lot of stuff here what we can do or we could make a sheep farm as well that would oh project poppy project poppy hang on that’s definitely something I want to carry on with I need another poppy where is there another poppy there’s another poppy here I need

I need my highlighter the few that are in my stream you guys can see it right here this is Project poppy yeah yeah that’s project poppy we’re trying to cover the island in poppies all okay so I think while we are here maybe project poppy can definitely be done uh yeah we can

Work on else can we do the M shaft is too far away the ancient city is Too Far Away Home Improvement yeah yeah you can work on getting some logs up I need to do a super chat yeah what’s a Super Chat is I think that’s only something

That’s oh that’s it’s a thing on uh YouTube that they can give like a donation and their chat pop up in the middle of your you can only do that once you reach uh a certain number of view hours I think you have to be Affiliated

To do that uh and well you have to be monit I have to be monetized and I have enough subscriptions but I haven’t got enough view time um I think you can start doing that thing when you have 3,000 hours a year and I’m sitting at 2

,7 and something 30 or something like that so basically what you’re saying is everybody go watch watch like literally if you have nothing better to do keep it running on your computer you don’t even need to be there just give me those hours yay and then I can do Super Chat

That’s what I’m saying you just bought a bunch of puppies in I got such a long way to go uh Captain R just bought a bunch of puppies in real life we definitely have to do the puppies today then okay so we have to do some puppies

Also I want to do some Home Improvements now hang on let me just oh Sean asked how did dippy and trash Panda me we actually met on a server uh Nomad craft okay we need to cill the green guys but we need to go into The Nether

For that and that’s taking us out of Spawn distance done okay you will oh thank you thank you very much no honestly uh okay cool we definitely don’t want the night right now yes you can definitely sleep this go so against anything in dippy nature not to sleep make spawn pretty Home

Improvements okay so I think we have three things oh balcony oh it was the balcony oh dang yeah you wanted to improve the balcon yes well I want to improve this whole house but the balcony most of all I need to steal some of my

Own puppies so okay so we have hang on well here I’ll run over to the okay if you need red dye use uh instead of poppies use uh beetroot oh beetroot oh I forgot you can use beetroot of course we got this whole section okay so this is this is oh it’s

Like the king and queen right waving waving to the people now this is where we start our stream on that balcony it it was just something that started but I mean look at this house that’s basically what the village just built with we need to do something about that right the

Problem is we have people inside there howdy howdy lordus so we have people inside there so we have to be very careful and maybe build a house around the house I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to do that but I definitely need to improve the balcony because I can’t greet you from

That balcony anymore that’s just getting embarrassing right so okay things will have to happen um I think where’s Panda I’m over at the iron farm clearing Panda okay yeah you could put all all the poppies all my lovely poppies into a chest poppies poppies poppies well I’m

Clearing all the iron and then I’ll pull all the yeah I’m going to take an inventory this thing’s fully loaded again yeah this is an amazing iron farm so I’m going to yeah if you guys need a simple early game iron farm I recommend this one it’s it was aaman we love aaman

Right he’s awesome okay I need to put these in a chest somewhere because and I need to patch some holes this is ugly we need to definitely do some gardening here okay but that is for when the turtles are ready to hatch what did we do with the turtle

Eggs um good question um okay I have I I don’t remember don’t okay um let me see if we have a spare chest or two or no we don’t why don’t we have any chests okay what we have this and that makes a chest amaz why do I have a

Golden Fortune shovel hello sir um okay that’s weird okay I think I’ll have to check out I love aaman oh yeah absolutely aaman is like I don’t know he’s just awesome he’s just okay so many great builds for early game for late game and he has like a

Great way of explaining things like I’m I’m I’m a redstone numpty I I like find redstone come natural to me so um so I I really need somebody who explains it slowly and like to a 5-year-old and avomance has the skill of making you feel like you can actually do

Stuff without making you feel so completely stupid so um where are we going to build this turtle farm it needs to be close to the ocean so that the turties on on the beach on the other side right is yeah I was going to say over there are these actually chests for

Puppies uh the one I just placed it oh okay right amazing okay aha more puppies why is this not working it should be oh oh another guy’s dying another one bites the dust Another One Bites the Dust yeah this thing they drop Another One Bites Another One Bites Another One Bites the Dust

Okay this is the stream you come to for really terrible singing there we go done it uh okay okay so um yeah and I yeah so lordus do some promo what are you up to at the moment tell the world tell the world about your latest projects because you’ve been up

To some exciting stuff yeah really cool stuff if you want to see some all I know i’ been I’ve been catching up on some of uh your yeah Lord Daddy yeah yeah me me too not not as much as I would love to but um definitely

Definitely been sort of trying to get on top of stuff and it’s been good so you need to tell the world about this because your stuff is super cool and also your chill Minecraft stuff what am I up to oh my God so much okay right please please tell the world

Because we want to know I’m going to go over there and I am going to okay so this is where we planted the cactus I think this is also an ideal place for our total Farm we need to make a box I think underwater so a kind of gentle slope

Like this one here would probably be ideal this maybe this is a good spot for it because this is digable digable digable uh okay that’s a fun one to sayble Bubble okay you get tongue twisted okay okay Sky Vol every Monday chill stream on Thursday and I’m doing a chunk life

Series okay with three others okay amazing that sounds oh that’s cool okay I’ve never I’ve never done chunk life I’ve never done an adventure map I’ve never done anything I’m so boring um well we we got big plans for we have big plans for yeah but we’re not going

To try and sort of harakiri here because you know this is this is actually fun we’re quite fond of this world no it is we we just have backup few s with s videos and working on Hardcore Series 6 okay cool um right so I am going to love

You and like okay uh hang on I tell you what go moves amazing uh Panda I need you to talk to my audience where talk to your audience are you I mean otherwise they can look at the Llama oh you’re there otherwise they can look at the Llama while I quickly

Pull up a list of what we need for this Farm okay P Panda’s going to talk to you while I quickly look at the video okay you can they can hear you now what do you guys want to talk about okay uh tell us what you’ve been up

To what I’ve been up to tell us what you’ve been up to not a whole lot just been working a lot more and got some other stuff going on that oh been been a definitely a strange year so far I’m glad it’s almost over anybody else looking forward to the

New year any big plans for the New Year are you having everybody around by by uh your place um for Christmas um no I think we’re going to be all meeting up at my mom’s house oh cool and are you going to have half what

Are you going to have to eat is it like turkey or is that for Thanksgiving that’s Thanksgiving we’re going to my mom usually does a pretty good uh honey ham oh hi Sean Sean is here oh honey ham sounds nice okay so it seems that what we need is um hang on

I’m going to yeah okay uh is slabs um um some sort of building blocks slabs fences stairs uh chests Hoppers uh torches carpet and seagrass and of course the turtle eggs huh okays that’s probably to harvest the uh oh okay oh for the honey ham is fantastic absolutely so I think uh step

One get a chest over there and put stuff into the chest oh my God wouldn’t it be hello sir excuse me could I please get into my house thank you I know these two they love hogging the front door yeah and then they just want to be in

The center of attention I think they just like they just like to be everybody’s friend right hang on I I have wood in my inventory yeah I’m grabbing some stack of spr what kind of wood are we bu know are we going to make this pretty I’ve

Got some I’ve got some Oak in my what have we what have we got that I mean we have a t a lot of mix of everything but I can we’ll cut down some stuff we have a ton of Oak well are we going to make it pretty or

We just going to dress it up later oh let’s just build it okay so I don’t know if we need signs but we can as long as we’ve got tons of wood we can make everything right yeah and if we need more wood I can always go

Fces okay what was it uh we need slabs fences um we need bone meal for making seagrass right uh sweet snacks and rice cakes Hoppers Hoppers Hoppers where’s the Redstone oh for the new year okayed yeah I’m actually gonna be on vacation the entire week of Christmas

And New Year I go back to work on January 4th because January 3rd is actually my birthday oh wow is it oh my God I have to write this down somewhere okay one week after Christmas wow okay cool so I think we need oh I’m going to

Take this Oak as well uh and is there a crafting table yes I got lucky and won the raffle at work and I’m one of the four that got the week of Christmas and uh three days the following week off oh amazing that’s that’s really that’s

Really good what did we do with where where I work we have to do a raffle for the week of Christmas cuz so many people want it off and they can’t the company can’t afford to let everybody take it off so they held a raffle and I was one

Of the lucky oh my God that’s that’s awesome I have have I got shears on me no but I I’m sure I have she somewhere there are the shears okay we want some wooly wool uh have we still got green dye haven’t got a lot of B we have I go

Grab I can go grab some green d word okay that okay um because then we can make some yep I can go grab some Cactus and I’ll get it cooked up all of our cactuses have grown so we got plenty yeah amazing um I’m going to make some bone meal from these

Bones okay so okay uh torches I have on me and then we need seagrass and that’s that’s it so so I’m going to go over there because I think the carpets should lime green you want to sleep oh yes I would I would love to sleep nice nice okay

Okay okay so yeah chill streaming okay oh you know my husband Blackie he’s he’s kind of you know he’s taken a leaf out of Lord thus is he is just kind of you know he wants to just he’s he’s still he’s still kind of learning how to do this whole streaming

Thing but he wants to do all the stuff as well so I think the buckets are going to come in handy um so he is going to no I need this um he is uh going to oops nope nope nope helper blocks okay I won’t need that and we’ll

Put that there boying um so he and if any of the viewers for both me or dippy if you guys oh there SE there are planning on doing some streaming yourselves come the new year and you want to get a little bit more exposure head over to the Facebook group

Minecraft youtubers yeah absolutely how do I do the the seagrass do I just do I need shears to harvest it uh yeah okay do you need me you want me to go do that I’m doing it I mean if you want to do it yeah fine is there something that you want to

Build I mean you said you might want to sorry sorry I forgot that I need to breathe breathe breathe sorry and now I have given Panda I know we don’t have water breathing on our hel attack because he has now lost a lot of health because I forgot to

Breathe did you figure out the streaming thing yourself or with some help um so um okay so I I was with the the nomads uh at the time and I did get some help did you have some green dye for me hello it’s in it’s in the oven oh it’s cooking okay

Cool then I’ll put the wool no it’s then I I wanted to make some lime green wool and then make carpets from it cuz we will need some carpets and I have and and also the total eggs um so we need to make uh yeah it’s it’s it’s kind

Of yeah it was one of those things that took a while to figure out but um it’s you know I I I got it sorted out eventually but it’s it’s a process and it also it’s a bit of practice isn’t it because at first you don’t know what you’re doing I

Mean I I’m still trying to figure out I think I still feel like I’m learning okay so uh I am going to have to my my biggest issue is just time yeah after the New Year I’ll have a lot more time okay I’m I’m I’m okay you have

To entertain people again okay so we are I’m I’m just quickly looking at the stream at the at the video again okay so he is building I don’t know how you guys want me to entertain you you could sing I yeah making he is making an enclosure next to the water with fences

That looks good okay I can do it and then we can put the eggs in there and the eggs can already be in there oh you need an enclosure how big of an area do we want okay so we need a two okay okay okay hang on a minute I know

I’ve just I’ve just deleted the I’ve just I’ve just uh taken the ah I’m such an idiot I’ve just taken the video that I was watching and pressed the wrong button and now I’m not watching it anymore oops okay um so it needs an enclosure so we need

An enclosure we can make it any size we want but it needs to be on the water’s edge um okay so right here going back to the tutorials page okay Minecraft tutorials know tutorials and useful stuff there it is luckily it’s quite easy to find because it was one of the

First things that I saved okay so basically we need to build a an enclosure and we need to have a space at the edge that is uh for four blocks it needs to be four deep and then the next so two deep and then the next

Needs to be I do need the shovel uh and then next this I can do by hand okay it’s just sand so this needs to be too deep and then the next lot needs to be three deep don’t forget to breathe I’ve got my eyes on the

Bubbles okay okay this one here three deep as well I don’t know I’m I haven’t got that far yet okay so um okay so we can make a fence that goes um all the way to the edge here as far as I can see sort of all the way along here and

Plant the turtle um the turtle eggs in inside yeah I’ve got the fence yeah so we can but make it nice and big so we can breed them as well so maybe kind of clear dig out a little bit but make it so that the zombies can’t walk in because um yeah

Because if we have it too close to the edge that could potentially lead to trouble there may be trouble ahead okay yeah we don’t want any zombies to be able to get in exactly because zombies lava little turtle egg egg fiends you can make this any

Shape as long as it’s far enough from from the edges so that the zombies does it have to connect to the water include the water it has to be the last bit of the fence should be sort of here so if you kind of you know if you

Kind of go like that yeah and then kind of go out a bit and you know just so it’s big enough to breed a few turtles in I think I’m going to make it make it that they can’t actually fall in from the side so let’s make this put this

Away cuz it would be very very sad if the zombie started stomping on stuff yeah okay and then we can plant the turtle eggs in there already and I think we need to open it up later okay okay Drift We you’re part of a to

Of of of a uh Facebook group yeah I think Facebook groups and discords are really really good for that and if you kind of join a group that is like has got lots of people that are doing the same thing that’s probably the best way to learn because you can always ask when

You’ve got a problem and I have been very lucky that I’ve had some people who’ve been super helpful so oh you you’re yeah you’re on that uh Minecraft youtubers I’m actually the owner of that group talking to drift drift dweb over on dippy stream yeah if it’s the Minecraft

Youtubers group that has like five I think we’re at 5.5 th000 right now or 5.6 I know it’s growing quick okay so the next thing I need is the wood okay uh I’m going to take this wood okay and so what he did was actually huh okay we I mean he he built

He built the the out uh let’s just do this with wood because because it makes it easier to see so he said 1 2 3 four five out same on the other side and then connect them you have all the wood oh okay uh I can’t I can’t navigate five oh

Okay one one two four five okay got it okay okay so this is already looking good I think this probably needs to be dug out further but I don’t know I I I’m not sure yet we haven’t got to that part yet yeah it’s a great group it’s a really great

Group yeah I know you are Lord Thaddius you’ve been there for a while and you guys can go check all out all of his videos too he posts quite a bit on there he he’s one of the most regulars and he’s earned his uh uh one of one of the spots for admin

List approving approval dippy dippy you’re one of the uh moderators on there am I am okay I’m on okay so hang on I’m just checking this so we need need to make it three deep all the way so the bits so this has to be all all the way three deep so we

Can take this block away and then we need to replace the sidewall with um uh so we need to make a box all the way to the Bottom now I should probably make create a Facebook page and rejoin it through that for the sake of keeping myself private yeah you

Know what I did the same thing and I am on the Creator group with my personal name and it’s kind of a bit weird but uh yeah I I I kind of have linked my my Creator Facebook Panda sorry sorry sorry see that’s what happens

Yeah uh yeah I’m I’m in the group as FL trash Panda’s post right at the top it’s a good group yes it is oh don’t make me blush yes no yeah so I think we need to replace that with wood if that’s possible Possible Oh you want to yeah we make I

Think it’s better to replace that with wood but I haven’t got a shovel right now so because we need to access it from the outside as well oh okay hey oh a okay I caught it that time okay okay yeah just and I think it’s probably a good idea to

There has to be some sort of Gap here oh there’s a oh oh okay all um I’m going to I’m going to build this up a little bit to the side here because actually at this point this is where we have access to the whole

Thing oh okay so we got a staircase down exactly and what we’re going to do is going to have an upside down oh hang on an upside down stair and a chest okay uh upside down chair and uh stair stair okay you’re going to make you blush it takes more than that to

Make you blush right oh it takes a lot to make me blush oh lordus oh Lord thus yeah okay oh that is I doubt that okay this the water still running through why is this happening why is this water still running through um that because it’s a stair no

This is an upside down stair weird oh no I think one of them is water logged we have to clear the water first oh right okay sure I tell you what I’ll do I’ll just drop some sand on the other side and then that’ll stop the water I

Already got it oh you got it okay oh you clever clever person okay so this is our collection system as far as I understand it okay so um oh we probably going to have to put a hopper the okay we need to do the other fill the other side as well

And can you got go and get the turtle eggs and plant them in here so they can already sort of start maturing and then you know then then we have already got the start oh you didn’t no I didn’t bring them down because I didn’t know where

You put them okay enjoy the beautiful view did I put them somewhere okay watch what he’s doing I think I don’t have them I I have have no idea okay we will find them somewhere probably be in the treasure chest or in the animal chest okay so yeah so this is where okay

Oh I found you found them amazing okay yep they’re in the Treasure okay so we need a chest and yeah okay right four Hoppers okay okay okay we need four hoppers okay back to business right this is really weird it’s true you have no shame

No I’m sure you have shame but you don’t need to oh okay right so oh hang on I need to need to fill in the gaps here it doesn’t matter if it’s sand or not okay oops oh that shouldn’t be there oh you caught that just in time too okay

Okay oh oh now you need air now I need air sorry I was shift clicking okay okay you want me to back fill all that wall in with sand okay yes please okay got it yeah with with sand or something just you know as long as it’s filled in in

Some form of fashion okay we have The Hoppers uh just checking if they are going all the right way hang on okay they’re all going to the right okay they should all be fine okay we’ve done the Hoppers right okay oh and the turtle eggs oh turtle

Eggs look at them aren’t they beautiful yep beautiful turtle eggs yeah and then we need to yeah yeah so yeah uh so no sleeping from now on Al yep hang on let me just do something because this is annoying me because I am worried that zombies will get in here so

I’ll put that over here because they could could they step over this Edge Panda no they they won’t be able to clear that one they they would not accidentally fall into it because that would be absolutely terrifying okay no they have to have the block right next to the fence okay so

They can’t jump or fall fall in from this side here I I I I am like I’m very protective of my little turtles okay so I know they took forever to get okay so we have done this uh okay so now we need to do what okay so it’s

Done that okay we have done the Hoppers okay okay okay okay okay okay so what we need to do is we need to now get rid of the Water by placing temporary blocks uh oh I wish we had oh it doesn’t matter okay all the water in this no no

Not all the water it has to be done in a certain way Panda could you do me a favor and make some lime carpet from i’ I’ve put white wool uh White dye and stuff in there and I’ll just quickly quickly do the placing of oops so these are a temporary block how

How much carpet oh just just three just so just so we can get in so that’s one two four then okay oh might help if I turn that in I’ll actually White die okay that’s amazing so okay the next step of the operation so that can go

Somewhere on the fences so we can get in and out okay next step of the operation okay ah okay the water Cascade okay so he has to knock it out in a special way as well so it has to be knocked out okay and then uh hang on did he both sides

Yeah oh that works now that’s a cool effect so basically you have to do it you because the the first time I built this which again was like two years ago I didn’t knock them out the right way and I had to literally oh hang on this and this is

Not right because this should actually kind of go in in here the water should the water be on top of the yeah the water should go all the way to the edge and I think because of the way it’s done now it’s if you if you drop something in

Here it’s not going to flow into the hopper is it nope it’s not going to flow into the hopper that’s not good yep that doesn’t work yeah that definitely does not work so hang on let me just see that was the problem I had last time that actually oh man

Okay okay they should it I i’ I’ve done it I’ve done it slightly wrong because this should be hang on this should be okay and I’ve got a water bucket so if we need to refill anything yeah so we need to probably refill this hang on the what Over The Hoppers

Yeah yeah I think if we take it out again hang on I think what he did was this oh hang on I I’m missing stuff sorry okay right the video was still running so that’s coming off and then he did this row then he did this row no he didn’t do

This row why is this not okay was there supposed to be water right here yeah there’s supposed to be water kind of the the next level of the Cascade should actually go no it shouldn’t stop there it should keep well I mean where this where this row of

Block uh planks are is there should there be water down water should be just cascading one further down and it’s sort of dropping straight down here but it should be cascading still which I don’t understand how that’s supposed to happen and there was two two rows or two levels

Of Planks on this row yeah so it was it was it was like that okay let’s just start all over again because this is what we started with right and he just took the first row away h on I’m just going to I’m just going to rewind this a little bit um but

He definitely started by doing this are we safe here other than from and then I don’t know well drowns are the really the only thing that’ll get us but they won’t even see us unless it starts raining okay is this how it’s supposed to go see there’s no water blocks pulling

The water forward yeah so this is not actually happening right yeah no it’s not it it’s flowing the way Minecraft intended it to yeah but it’s not really flowing the way that aaman wants it to send send me that video real quick and I’ll see what it looks like okay

Hang on a minute um um um um um um sorry guys we’re we’re trying to figure out the a video yeah hey it um yeah sorry I should have really watched the video before I kind of thought that would remember it okay um sh on Discord with crash Panda yeah okay

Sharing okay right I’ve shared cool okay okay that’s where we are okay I’m looking at The Hoppers okay okay hang on a minute I think I know where the problem is I I think the problem is underneath here hey I’m going to quickly okay because there’s a hole in the

Second row of water okay it’s hard to do tutorials on stream I’ve done it yes I know so where the water won’t go forward but downward oh okay oh yeah okay so yeah be careful of drown yes so I also think that that that is uh I made a boo

Boo okay I think that the problem is that there is no water underneath because we have taken it down so just making sure that I hope these grounds don’t come back so I’m just trying to waterlock everything that we might have overlooked okay that’s is this still flowing or is this this

Should this should not be flowing right ah okay that’s not flowing anymore now okay yeah cuz it looks like you were doing it the right way yeah okay then he take out the top three so first he took off the top three right these yeah he took out all the top three

And then the bottom two he took out all the top three right yeah and then how exactly did he put down the top three did he pull it out now this so this one he just went like this side then this side this side then this side it wasn’t really in any

Specific order and now we’ve got the same problem and it’s not really flowing down is it tell you what I will try and see if we we can fix this with some water because we should have we should have oh no it’s doing it

Now it’s doing it now look no I I just you fixed it you fixed it right the only one that’s not going is the middle one yeah I’m going to do something real quick yeah that’s that’s exactly what I was going to do have you fixed it

Or water mechanics are the worst we fixed it that’s how it should look okay so got it got it amazing Okay Okay so we’ve taken the blocks out okay and now let’s Chuck something in okay well the difference is the scoop is going to

Float okay so we put uh we put slabs on top of the ice the the things are not cracking yet so we put slabs on top of on slabs on top of the Hoppers a row of slabs on top of the Hoppers I have got slabs have got slabs

Okay that’s that’s looking perfect is yeah that’s looking good okay and yeah sorry I was okay let’s see if let’s looking at the way the water’s moving chck something in there let’s put a slap in there that’s what I was just doing and nothing’s flowing that’s not go

Good that’s that’s not that’s not how it’s supposed to be oh well we still have these on okay no no they’re supposed to be on oh oh no I’ll go get him I thought those were the the the planks still I didn’t realize you put the next step on this is the next

Step yeah okay so this is I wonder if we if if there is sort of no water in there because we dug down maybe these blocks are not Source blocks that’s what I’m wondering yeah that’s what I was just looking at too and I’m thinking we may

Have to refill the that whole area with water okay and then Place those first blocks okay because that’s not really happening is it yeah nothing’s flowing so do you think this is maybe because we yeah I’m trying to kind of put water everywhere that I can think

Of because I’m kind of wondering whether the water down here is not full blocks I’m going to refill this whole section right here I hate water mechanics but does it mean that the source blocks perhaps place the temporary blocks down there and break them last to keep the water

Flow okay so the water won’t go forward but won’t go forward but downward yes perhaps Place temp blocks down there and break them l to keep the water flow okay hey cracking yes that one is already can you see that that’s already beginning to crack a little bit cool so now

We there it go yay okay but is that flowing on top of but it’s not flowing on top of the thing is it is it it’s not supposed to is it going into the Hoppers now yes it’ll push Into The Hoppers now okay now that’s underneath the Hoppers

Now that is now underneath the hopper not in the hopper yeah but when the scoot when the scoot comes look did you see it yeah okay oh so come back up hang on back up okay so the scoot comes because I throw it it sinks but watch it oh yeah okay

It just went right in oh wow we fixed it we fixed it okay okay okay okay Captain rat thank you very much for helping us fix this okay and also we have slept our first night so the baby turtles will yeah will be yeah no matter where they land they

Still get pushed in that’s amazing Okay so okay okay so you know what I have just realized how much avomance has grown in the last uh years because um I’m looking at this video and it’s an old video right I mean the farm still works but uh

He has developed so much as a as a content creator it’s it’s like it’s like he’s this tutorial is still you know much more basic than what we had okay so this was we had to do that so that the turtles can’t get into the underneath the

Hoppers okay put a fence around the outside oh oh I see so put put y yeah okay so where are the fences I’ve actually got to re I’ve got them I got to redo this section okay so hang on what okay so CU according to the video it

Comes right up the this Outer Edge what yeah but I mean it doesn’t it doesn’t really matter because the turtles will want to go into the water yeah well I needed some more fence so I move this one row over okay oh okay fine okay so if you go with your fences

All the way out here then I will put the slabs so or or if you if you make a row of fences up to where I’m St standing okay and on the other side the same and I will just put on you okay oh just enough okay cool

Amazing okay so that looks like the video okay hang on okay so this is where the turtles will get out into freedom okay ah okay so we do a bit of Dr protection hang on let me just oh you have the okay I’m going to do a bit of walking on

Okay oh hang on okay and do we take this out this fence on a minute I think we do oh hang on a minute how what have I put the have I put the slabs in the wrong place I’m thinking yeah the lower ones hang on a

Minute shouldn’t be there they should go across the top of the fence oh across the top of the fence oh I see yeah yeah so those those lower ones can come out oh yes of course sorry I’m okay okay on top of it okay yes okay Pence on

Top okay okay okay okay I um an egit okay so I’ll take these out I think this is how the turtles get out in the end I’m just thinking how did he end up with more slabs know like less slabs than I I did I can’t get up there oops

Okay so Panda uh probably know the egg trick you can group the uncracked eggs with cracked ones to speed them up oh okay oh okay so I forgot about that one how does that work tell me so there’s one that’s already slightly cracked so if you put them in

This oh I see so you put them in the same yep you see how it automatically turn those ones to be and cracked oh my God that is so cool I had no idea okay okay so this is actually I for I knew about that I just completely forgot yeah

Okay so I I just want to spam some torches it’s been a while since I played with turt yeah honestly Turtles let me just see because I def definitely don’t want to spawn anything uh do drowns depend on light levels as well no they don’t do

They no they spawn no matter what the only thing is they can’t come out of the water during the day so they stay away but I mean during the night time they could theoretically kind of you know get naughty yeah if it’s raining they can see us there an Andy

But over there don’t don’t look at the iron farm uh at the at the uh what’s it called um the mob mob Tower there’s an Endy Andy Andy oh I’m not I can’t see anything oh okay he’s he’s he’s just teleported away don’t look at him okay okay okay so next step

Um okay so he’s placing torches okay okay yeah enough light we’ve done that okay oh okay right okay okay hang on okay so we need a few more slabs because we want to make this farm so that the turtles the grown-up Turtles can escape so if we do like

So then the babies can’t get up there but when they grow up they can actually get from here to there and they can go out and then we will have Turtles and they will be free so this is an ethic an ethical turtle farm Captain you’re a genius well I like

That yeah it’s an ethical turtle farm because that’s why I was I was looking at other models and there are some where like the the turtles that you breed die and I don’t like that that’s just rubbish yeah okay yeah okay oh no it’s raining wait what

The oh no I’m all wet and I can’t go Sean got Sean oh okay okay so actually all we have to do now is wait we’ve done it here I’ll collect up a lot of this we can keep it going yeah so I think all we

All we have to do now so we’ve done it we’ve done it we’ve done a thing all we have to do now is keep ourselves a couple of nights awake until everything has kind of you know hatched and then keep breeding more turtles because they will probably the only thing is do we

Want to make sure that the big turtles hey black belt thanks for the sub uh will the turtles that one actually kind of made me jump oh you got another sub amazing so the only thing is Will these Turtles kind of EX Escape or will they

Come back and sort of lay more eggs because I mean we have seed grass for breeding some more yeah I just went and grabb more I want to go back out you can go fishing while we wait we could do that or we could just build some cool stuff um I do

Have my fish in too yeah yeah the other thing is okay so I’m going to take this stuff away because we don’t need that anymore and then we will get our Turtle helmets because at the moment we have potentially got 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven uh

Eggs there so how much do you need for a helmet hang on um okay five it’s five isn’t it yep three across and then one down yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s five so we need 10 so we need to probably rebreed some turtles oh come on I could put that away

I don’t need to see the light levels anymore so nothing will spawn on the island because if I’m not completely wrong we have spawn proof this island pretty well um yeah cuz remember we had fun trying to get our zom so we have built a turtle farm okay so I can delete

This okay um okay uh and turn this into Turtle helmet okay step one in operation get sniffers is done Orie thank you Orie did a raid thanks guys oh my God that’s so kind yep I just got the uh the notice for it I didn’t know you could do that’s awesome I’ve never

Been raided so ory you’re my first raid thank you I didn’t know you could do raids on uh on on YouTube I thought that was a twitch thing that’s awesome no that’s uh it’s a new thing I’ve seen it for a little while okay cool amazing and then you baby trash Panda telling

Everybody to sub yes please help yeah please sub Panda beginning of the year I’m gonna be uh streaming right now I just stream on Thursdays with dippy but after the beginning of the year I’m GNA have more time so I’m going to be moving

To three days a week wow I’m going to do Friday Thursday Friday and Saturday oh my God that’s so cool so um hang on what does it say here we said okay uh so we have done we want to do the balcony oh oh project poppy okay

I think it’s time for project poppy oh you definitely it’s getting it’s getting dark as well 1817 it’s almost nighttime I think I can no hang on water buckets yeah that’s actually my yeah no sleep no sleep no sleeping no sleeping avoid the urge to sleep oh this is

Full okay all right for everybody that doesn’t know and everybody that just joined this is Project poppy Gippy wanted to turn the entire Island red I’m going to take a shovel as well here it is up close this is dippy’s Project poppy not puppy as as as in baby baby

Dog but poppy as in as in yeah poppy yeah poppy flowers as in flowers he no no no that that is what I want okay I have too much junk in my inventory so and we’re also working on getting okay baby turtles so we can get some scoop okay

So cuz we want to go where’s the poppy chest go locate some sniffers shall we shall we shall we make the island a little bit nicer because there’s like random oh hang on I’ve oh yeah I’ve still got some dir there’s like random holes and stuff like that that don’t look so

Good I mean yeah are we are we going to are we going to keep yeah I’ve got some dirt here are we going to keep the sunflowers um I mean I don’t care well I mean sunflowers are nice R right but I think we yeah oh yeah maybe plant them somewhere

Else thanks for joining Game Boy okay right okay sunflowers okay oh more sunflowers I mean okay so we need to put put the sunflowers somewhere oh not there cuz that’s pumpking where we going to put the sunflowers oh God that that looks weird that’s kind of actually kind of dark

Over here proba lighting okay right let’s put the sunflower somewhere nice because I think we can keep the village main village area poppy free right okay why are the sunflowers pointing East I don’t understand that they’ve always done that I mean that that’s one of the easiest tricks to

Know which direction face it’s completely it’s it’s inaccurate because sunflowers always follow the sunflowers always follow the sun you know the Spanish word for sunflower is uh uh kir which means uh the the the sun sun Turner so basically the sunflower always points its head towards the Sun so if

It’s lunchtime the sunflower will Point South and if it’s morning the sunflower will turn East so you always know the directions oh there’s another one dying you will always know the directions of I can hear a spider why is there a where’s a SP I’m I’m finding more dark

Areas I’m trying to get them all lit up oh that’s not good okay oh I found another sunflower yeah oh never mind okay so okay let’s do this bit I don’t like this bit that’s stupid okay right I mean this was literally a puppy rescue

Mission I like I I see how it is baby trash you go and order Taco Bell and don’t even offer to get Dad anything what baby no I’m just picking onor I don’t I don’t eat Taco Bell you don’t eat Taco Bell I’ve never had Taco Bell

Because it’s they don’t have it over here so what do you I I presume at Taco Bell you get tacos right yeah okay yeah just I I don’t care for it too much okay so you don’t like tacos or you don’t like Taco Bell tacos Taco Bell tacos you like real

Tacos yeah yeah fast food tacos aren’t aren’t my thing okay is it like the difference between burgers that you make at home and like burgers that you get at McDonald’s or kind of although just a little bit more more cheap quality in my opinion hey let’s see if these eggs are doing

Anything okay no change no change that’s such a cool trick with a with a cracking yeah and I know I’m I’ve forgotten all about it I mean it’s it’s probably been four or five updates since last last time I had to that I actually went and did a uh turtle farm of any

Kind like I said it was like two years ago so that I did one so it’s it’s a long time and I was literally a Minecraft baby when I did that I’m I’m still a Minecraft baby in many ways no you’re you’re getting better at it yeah because you teach me you’ve been

Amazing well you’ve been a really good student well I don’t know I’m still almost always at death store oh on ignit us I went yeah but look how many look how many close calls I’ve had on here yeah but you know how to save yourself I keep forgetting to take boats and

Stuff I’m not going to put this there because we’re going to probably plant some more trees over here honestly this is not the best looking is oh yeah I lot of lot of places definitely are going to be different from country to Country okay probably not the most exciting way

To spend the night uh planting poppies I know but just the thing for everybody in from ory’s raid wants to see is planting flowers while we kill okay the people from or’s flower uh from or’s uh stream want to see it so who’s there who have you

Got um let’s see I’ve seen Orie I think you can only do raids if you Minecraft John black Bel MC oh my God tons of people okay everybody sub to Panda because he he he wants to get what what was your game what was your goal

For for this year by year end I would love to see 100 okay so I’m like right at the height 80s yeah I mean panda is absolutely awesome and we need to keep him motivated to do more okay there’s the guy doing his dying thing hey wow okay

Um so um have you seen that the armadillo prototype is out and it’s really only a test version of the armadillo but it is out on Bedrock so there is a there is a snapshot with an armadillo on Bedrock yep absolutely so I was so excited when I saw that the

Armadillo snapshot was out with dog armor and everything but it’s like really very early early game trial yeah I’ll have to check that out me me and baby trash P have been doing a lot of bed oh my god oh okay cool because uh I don’t I don’t have uh a

PlayStation or an Xbox or whatever you need so I don’t you can play on PC can you it’s uh yeah Windows Windows 10 Minecraft ah yeah I have an apple I think that might be a little bit problematic because Apple refuses to do a lot of stuff that other computers will happily

Do yeah um can you get the uh Xbox app I don’t know I will have to in investigate but the Java one is not going to be far you know but I was so excited because because we’re doing these charity because we’re doing the charity streams

Right I thought oh one of them could be you know like neat freeze and I and some friends trying out the armadillo and then I realized that it actually was on Bedrock the night is nearly over how are turtle eggs doing oh I’m up to 92 992 Subs now oh my

God Panda that’s awesome thank you guys have you seen that Ari has started a series with a count no I didn’t yeah they have started a hardcore series together oh that’s awesome no I missed out on I missed it I i’ I I kind of took

A very quick peek but I’ve been so busy this week I have basically not really been watching anybody or anything I just haven’t had time it’s it’s been crazy we’re trying to get the out uh outright Park ready so the n n away so the big opening

Yeah absolutely so the big so the big uh Theme Park opening is going to be on uh Saturday yes I’m looking forward to that yeah and we have the outright people coming onto the server as well so they’re going to be there live we have built them a pavilion so if anybody has

Any questions about the charity we can actually ask them live on stream I think it’s really really cool yeah okay I just wish I would have had more time this year yeah fanda you have to live your life I mean it’s just you know

It is how it is yeah we all trying to do our best it was a very busy it ended up as a very busy year yeah and also like a lot of other stuff that didn’t really go to plan did it yeah yeah I think we’ve all had a bit of a

Year well looking forward to 2024 I’m looking get this one done and over with and in the books I’m the same and I’m super super excited about going on holiday so um anybody on the stream who doesn’t know our son one of our sons lives in Dubai now uh he works there and

Um he so so that’s that’s a long way away for us so um so we’re going to spend Christmas with the whole family in Dubai we’re going to have Christmas on the beach it’s going to be awesome that’s going to be a lot of fun yeah so Nick has already

Planned lots of activities for us and wants to do all sorts of fun things so I’m excited this is a good place for the sunflowers yeah black belts the Phantom King Of No Sleep hardcore yeah I I’ll have black belt do you have a channel

And I would love to catch some of those kind of videos yeah the thing that we’re really excited about that we really want to try is um the raft craft thing where you live on a raft and you have to fish for barrels and stuff like that that that’ll be the next series

After this one’s finished or we could play an adventure map I guess I don’t know oh I’ve got data packs like Gore we can use well I think you know let’s let’s sort of you know put out a few options and ask people what they want to see

Because yeah see what see what all the viewers would like to see next they probably want to see us [Laughter] die a lot okay I’m going to I’m going to oh my God this is looking good okay here let’s check them out oh wow what a difference how far have we

Got is is it like what red now this is nuts um wrong button okay give me two seconds and I will send it to you okay cool and then I can put it on the screen okay I want to check on the turtle eggs okay I’m going to go and quickly

Check the turtle eggs and this is the sort of hole that I want to fill because I mean why is there a hole here that makes no sense oops not that that’s not a hole okay torch torch torch go back all right okay there you go right

Okay be at okay slowly getting it turned red see if anything is red no everything’s fine okay we are not spawning any monsters get some more dirt okay still weird holes everywhere okay we still got this Golem stuck up on top of the cauldron at the lava yeah he

Likes I think he I think he suffers from cold toast he likes it there I mean you know you could just keep himself nice you can keep him there he can be nice and he’s telling me yes yes is that what he does he likes the

Toasty okay so let’s see at so how many eggs did we have we said 2 4 6 seven right so they are all looking quite cracky this is looking good oh and that that bunch is actually on the second set of cracks how many set sets of cracks are

There three um I think three and then after the third one they break or I believe or is it they break or is it that that they break when the third one comes so is step three breaking or step three or step four breaking I one or the other I don’t one

Or the other that’s that that leav or Le us options I mean options are good right options are good I’m going to get some more dirt okay and black Bel are you by chance on Facebook as well okay um have we got any more dirt anywhere hello mister no I whatever we

Had in the the stone chest I it I’ve used oh in the stone chest oh oh yeah or not the not the stone chest the dirt chest it’s okay I will get some I will get some more I will find some dirt because there are annoying little areas

That I just sort of raised for no reason so we can yeah we can bring down those areas but black Bel if if you have uh Facebook there’s a group um M Minecraft youtubers uh Lord Thaddius is a part of it uh if you want to post your link in

There yeah absolutely do that it’s a good group that way I can I I I can follow you and a lot of the other members can follow you hey was like okay this I remember seeing one earlier I don’t remember where okay I put a chest with poppy somewhere I

Can’t remember where I’ve put them oh my God this looks amazing so much did you see the picture no oh hang on hang on hang on uh let me just hang on a minute um uh I I’m not even playing with replay mod what hang on okay r d okay uh hang on

Um yeah I’m the same way I pretty much only use Facebook for uh the Minecraft youtubers group open no okay okay you browser no okay but if you ever do decide to join the group definitely a good spot and I’ll recognize the name so I’ll definitely approve your videos for you um save

Image okay I I don’t okay right I I’m having I’m having a bit of a problem here right okay that’s the one I was looking for oh I know what I’m doing wrong okay let me just quickly make this small and then I can put this picture over here I

Think no I can’t oh we got some more gr open and browser ah there we go now we got it okay so this is how much of the island is already red that’s that’s the bit with the puppies and this is the fields so I think we’re doing okay I

Think we need to work a bit on this is the turtle farm yes okay right okay let’s go back into here and place a few more poppies yeah that looks that looks amazing how many more sessions do you think before we actually and also the baby turtles they will only hatch at night

Right uh yes okay that’s cool because uh let me look at that up again it it’s either Minecraft youtubers or YouTubers Minecraft no Minecraft youtubers I don’t want to miss it yeah M Minecraft youtubers my gosh and right now the thumbnail is like a blue winter scene

Cuz you have you’re having like a a a build competition as well aren’t you or is that something through NORAD craft what’s that are you having is is snowcraft having a b comp who’s that who’s that it’s uh it’s we’re running it through the Facebook group as well baby

Trash Panda just lamama at me somebody’s got to keep up with the oh my God luckily I am close to water H H baby baby baby I’m oh n oh baby baby okay I’m stuck now I’m stuck in the water okay yep just make uh share any of your

Videos in there if you anybody that wants to join if you guys are a part of servers and you want to advertise the server it’s another Saturday okay it’s another night I’m going to go over to see the the the the the the turties I think we’ve definitely got

Torch Overkill over there never mind it’s okay I’m running I’m running Che again what they getting you with it yes I’m I’m I’m I’m running I’m running towards the water hang on oh that was the last of her points so oh good oh good okay look at this okay

So this is this is it looks like this is it Yep looks like it’s getting close okay right okay I’m going to I’m going to uh do a little bit of landscaping around here so that I’m really close oh I made a whole chest with puppies and I’ve completely lost them I

Don’t know where I put them I have to rewatch my own video my own stream to find out where I put stuff oh you know what actually streaming can be so useful like if you die and you don’t know where you are you just like rewind your stream

And you just go like oh yeah the coordinates top top left hand corner of the screen cuz we have something called mini HUD which is the thing on the top of the screen and it tells us the coordinates and everything you don’t have to litter your whole whole screen with F3 because

F3 has got way too much information and you can’t really like filter it actually you know what uh that’s another thing in the next update you will be able to select what like you know your your your GUI actually shows you oh really yeah so you can you know

So you can make things appear and disappear so no more of those completely littered kind of you know like you like you know when you put press F3 and you can’t literally can’t see where you’re going because there’s so much information on this on this uh yeah on the screen

That’s that’s why initially when I started playing I kept getting lost because I couldn’t be bothered with F3 because I always they always said get the coordinates and I said if I put F3 on I fall into a hole because I can’t actually see where I’m going oh I know especially if you’re

Running the the better F3 yeah then it’s like very colorful oh okay well that’s something I have never tried better F3 that’s what you have isn’t it I I’ll send yeah I’ll send it to Blackie and Minecraft John um I’ll I’ll look into see why you’re always getting

Declined if it’s something that I can fix I will fix if not I will relay it back to you on what’s going on I think and yes Saturdays is server Saturday if you want to advertise a Saturday or advertise a server on there oh we allow all servers to advertise on

Saturday know that that’s a new thing yep I I just added that after I took the group oh that’s that’s really good um the other thing is if you are on the group I think it is more likely that your posts will get accepted if you oh

Thank you if you actually intera act with the whole group so if you just come on there and you promote stuff then it’s not really fair because it has to be a two-way Road you need to watch other people’s videos and comment on their posts as well so if you’re an active

Member of the group um and it’s not spam or anything like that’s not family friendly yeah post it black black Bel then you know in fact if I see it right anybody that’ll post that’s in either one of our videos or streams anybody that posts right now I’ll approve it right

Now unless it’s uh Nazi death Loop or something like that yeah it’s got to be Minecraft definitely got to be Minecraft yeah and and and and maybe kind of you know like reasonably family friendly right what what is the policy on family friendliness you know I haven’t even

Thought about that but I mean if it’s like anything that’s like kind of you know like kind of a little bit dodgy like politically or or if it’s sexist racist we don’t want to bring any kind of politics that’s that’s that’ss okay so they are still oh oh no oh no now

It’s time to hide run R I’m running run run run we can’t we can’t we can’t do this oh no oh no I think we now we’re going to think we we’re going to have to hide out inside we going to be stuck in the

House okay I’m in okay right um I mean we could briefly sleep and then you know sort of try again but the next night because they after you’ve slept you have how many nights of uh Phantom Free Living because we’re going to be stuck in here just chatting that’s going to be super

Boring I know there’s got to be something else we can do I mean the only thing I can think of is Mining and that’s too the mine is too far away yeah so can’t what did I do with the puppies oh they’re they’re not here I’ve

Got a bunch left still yeah I I made it um if we shoot the the fany down is is that going to kill them forever it yeah or will they not forever they come back they they’ll yeah more will spawn I just threw a bunch of poppies in the nether chest

Spawn yeah but not right away got one oh in case we ever get elytra uh that could be it too if you’re promoting or if you uh promote servers too much there’s a bot on there that we use uh you have to okay we have a bot that declines

Posts if there’s not enough characters yeah you have to write something you can’t just put the CH the link to your video you have to write a description of what the video is yep he I’m going to shoot you from the safety of the door you where are you Jonathan

Myrick oh sorry panda I shot you instead of the Phantom I’ll come around you I wasn’t even watching it was kind of going straight for you that’s fun you were standing right in the way and I the ding like yeah I fit something but not what I wanted I’m

Not very good at shooting Phantoms it seems I missed I mean this is some sort of spot ah come here you silly Beast it’s too far away come down let me see okay this is like practicing for the dragon fight except I don’t know why

Yeah I don’t know why it’s not coming up black belt no okay come here come here you Beast come for me come come come come come it just hovers why is it let’s see it’s not coming down but it is getting lighter black belt is the initials on the account that

You’re trying to post from cth I don’t want to say it out loud ah man I’m so bad at this okay it’s daytime this thing is going to burn up M John I just approved yours for you okay come on you’re too high can’t get you go away burn up

Nope oh okay it automatically declined it because you have the word subscribe in there ah okay I’m going to undo it this time but next time try not to use we try to stick with the policy of no asking for Subs yeah we we want be more

Organic okay so let’s Che I’ll undo this one so that way we’ll get pushed through for you okay still nothing oh but they look a lot more cracked all of them hang on a minute one two three four five six one of them one of them hatched I think

Ouch oh sweet no black Bel you just got your first one post one of them must have hatched I think yeah there’s a baby turtle in there we have a baby turtle look oh sweet sweet H look look look we have a baby turtle we missed it because we were

We were hounded by by beasts look by the murder chicken the murder chickens wanted to ruin us worry don’t worry you’re here you’re here L look M look so cute the baby I hope they don’t all go out you maybe we should block that for now no that’s fine black I ahead and

Push we need to actually build some oh we need to actually build some um some uh breed some more right will they kind of because if they swim out there we can’t breed more so we really need to close that off for now hang on well no

We’ll still be able to breed more they’ll swim out we’ll draw them in and the’ll lther eggs over here oh and then we’ll have to sort of yeah them Lo this they can’t really go away and then we don’t have to do the whole pava but we

Might get an overrun of turtles in there no I me we’ll just we’ll just do it like until we have enough and then they can do their own thing right well they’ll stick around in this area cuz they’ll use the same Beach to uh okay uh forever okay it’s just they

Much easier to they’re just much easier to breed if they’re right in this area so I mean if we if we just close this off for now yeah yeah that would work you know they will be here for a little bit and then we can just we can just take the

Once we’ve got a few resident sort of house turtles in a way and we can just yeah cuz that’s easy enough that’s easy oh I need to do this okay okay coming round coming round there we go that was one of the singles so now yeah and it wasn’t it

Didn’t even look as far as the other but now it’s blocked so we can take that out when we’ve got a few resident touchs because we have got we have got that’s going to be one scoot but we have six and we need 10 so we need to breed a few

More so that we can get more so yeah all all server related posts are done on Saturdays hey right okay that’s a new rule as of a couple of weeks ago when I took the uh the group over so how are you Lano how are things hi Lano

We want to get ourselves Turtle helmets and of course we need scoot for that yes because we want to go hunting for sniffer eggs and the diving helmets are just absolutely fantastic because they help you look underw finally for those that didn’t join us last week this long trail up here to the

North and west moving south that’s how far we went to located Desert god it took so long and we finally found it after what was it 2 and 1/2 hours oh my God we were like practically ready to give up when we were just like I can’t

Do this anymore oh I and then we we we found the uh the b or the uh bad lands M and every bad lands always has a desert next to it so we we kept going and we found this desert and of course the the warm ocean

And that is thing once we saw the warm ocean we thought well hey black belt hello how are you aha I have got black belt on my stream now hey hey that’s good so are you are you regular aie followers because aie is awesome AI was one of the people who

Helped me get started with streaming actually and aie is so good at streaming or Orie is amazing she is such a black belt check out the check out the redeems because there are some really fun ones hey there if yeah her redeems all work mine are not they do work yes yes sadly

They sadly they work they um I sometimes wish they weren’t uh so oh These Are by the way I I have a bit of a llama Obsession so yeah there there are there are llamas everywhere uh it’s a Well I couldn’t tell yes I watched content yes

No aie is AI is amazing she’s like so awesome I don’t like these here I’m going to put them somewhere else yeah they’re all looking at the Llama yeah they’re all yeah so I’m going to put them hello llamas it’s it’s D coins uh so if you go in the description

Of the video and you scroll down a little bit you can see um you can see a description uh and under redeems it tells you exactly what you have to do but there are some really fun ones I didn’t even know you were still here so

That you can tell that that was genuine okay I I do appreciate your friendship a lot you taught me a lot and you’ve been a really good friend who are you talking to or I didn’t even know she was in my stream how was your birthday I’m sorry I

Missed your birthday stream I’ve been so busy it’s been absolutely mental you’ve claimed Myck this is the only part that sucks about waiting on Turtles to hatch what the kind of the fact that you can’t really go anywhere yeah I can’t go anywhere can’t really do well I mean you wanted to

Build a sheep farm I mean that would be a thing that that we could do do we do we have everything well we have iron and we have wood uh what else do you need for a she sheep farm oh we need oh we need an observer quartz well we have a

Nether portal did we not get some quartz when we had a quick peek through it that yeah that’s what I’m going to look for I think think we have a bit of quartz and then we could make an observer we have a bit of red stone and we have the cleric

Is it a cleric yeah we got the cleric for the funky guy the the dude and the Frog I’m not seeing any quarts okay that’s all done I I thought oh okay there’s some more okay my God this iron farm is going like the clap us so good well yeah we

Built it in spawn so it’s just constantly running yeah which means yeah so I’m going to pop over to the nether okay and see if there’s oh no no gap between redeem and pro moves so it’s redeem and then no Gap just all one word all one word hey

Tom oh and that’s the Tom redem things working yeah it’s all good this month has been super bananas my birthday which was great uh school stuff oh my God oh my God okay I I’m going to write in the chat okay what you have to write here so it is

Redeem so no get yeah see our nether is the Soul Sand Valley so when you spawn or when you come in you got to like look everywhere yay and that’s what happens yeah so no gap between the redeem and the word I think I will have to eventually change that because it causes

A lot of confusion I found the chest with the puppies again yay oh I I I knew you would stumble across it eventually yeah it was definitely a stumble I was like what’s this chest doing outside oh house oh it’s the puppies okay so checking on the

Turtles checking on the turtles also of course it’s got to be all the way up there oh my God also where do I put the sunflowers I really want to PL plant these sunflowers somewhere 1 two 3 4 5 six still six okay and I think they need to be on the east

Of the village so we always know where the East is because sunflowers grow also on the west of the island so they look towards us do we want them to grow towards or or I could put them on the other side not sure not sure tell you what I’m going to plant

Them over there so that we can see them from here and then they will be looking at us because their faces will be looking at us yeah cleaning up after the fire what what fire Tom oh oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m not planting any

Sunflowers there’s some dudes over here Panda there’s some dudes who want to say hello and we really don’t want to talk to them oh is it the uh yeah the the the the har Brigade The the Pirates har or just be very very careful hor I’m I’m I’m I’m trying to W hop

Okay the the the the sunflowers will be planted somewhere else they despawned have they despawned because if you get out of Spawn range you know everybody kind of goes and gets really upset about the pillages but actually all you have to do get out of Spawn range and then they just disappear yep

Yep so everybody’s going like oh we got to fight these guys but you don’t need to fight them no nobody oh you could get them to Sho there they are oh my my God oh my God har no they are still here they are still here and it’s getting dark they are still

Here yeah they are still here okay that’s not so great I know and I’m in the nether right now oh no that’s also not great okay getting dark they were just they are by the water elevator they might be up at the mob farm right now who knows oh no I have no

A arrows oh uh I I have arrows do you want some I’m in the nether oh and there’s a skeleton between me and the portal oh no that’s that’s that’s that’s somewhat suboptimal I would say uh do you want me to come and help you in some form of fashion have you

Turned off the Villager breeder or is it still going because there are a lot of people here nope I turned it off okay okay cool I took the beds away I’m going to give them something nice to look at oo Panda be careful I’ve got the golden apple ready for

You no I’m good I killed him oh good okay thank God for that and I got two arrows so I’m good nice okay okay I’m I’m trying to get back I panda panda panda don’t die I know I I’ve always got to keep you on the edge

Of your yes absolutely Panda don’t die don’t die Panda also can we plant the cactus somewhere that is no nothing yet oh the guys are coming over oh my God the guys are coming this way would it help if I lure them in a different direction hello Minecraft John har um we

We can get rid of them yeah but where they they are they are by the mob farm but we don’t want to get rid of the kind of the totem guy right the the flat the guy yeah there’s only three of them so wait wait wait wait we want no don’t

Kill those guys oh you want them to kill each other right okay we want we want the one without the flag to kill the one I’m going to go over here so that they can so that they can I’m going to stand okay shoot him shoot him shoot him I’m

I’m in the way shoot him shoot him yeah they’re focused on you yeah shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him yes he’s doing it there he goes oh oh ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch yep keep your Shield up keep your Shield up

I’m I’m I’m it’s just a bit hard to run away when The Shield is up oh no no no no they they transferred they they changed places oh no okay I’m I’m and now they’re chasing you oh no oh no okay it’s D coins oh no and that there’s a drowned

In here oh God go away you filthy I took the attention Okay amazing it’s du coins uh d e r p coins there go it ah Anna we have shared lives we have shared lives so if I eat Panda gets the panda what are you doing he the other oh my God there’s

Also some drowned guys over here that probably need taking out yeah there’s only a couple of them oh wow there’s actually more than a couple yeah that’s quite a few okay got that one got that one oh the he’s moved oh you got them oh there’s another

One you got the them all okay amazing okay okay the water the Phantoms are back the Phantoms are back oh my God this is not going so well are they on oh and I’m on the oh no no no go into our mine go into our mine uh okay so it’s uh

The redeem doesn’t have a okay so you don’t know what the redeems do so the rain one redeems makes it rain okay um try the one with unicorn that’s funny but don’t put a gap between the redeem and the word that you’re doing so it’s

Redeem and then no Gap just make it like all one word okay where are the where are the fanies I killed one okay come on come on come on spooky Birds I can hear you they’re murder chick chickens I can hear the murder chickens but I can’t see them where are

The murder chickens come on murder chickens I don’t want to miss another turtle event I know okay can you actually feed up the the baby turtles to be no nothing yet to to grow into adults faster our BBE there does that yeah I think if you give it

More my God there’s a whole Army of murder chickens no I’m I’m I’m out of here I’m out of here oh my God this is not good for your health woo oh I got two of them yeah okay oh where are you where are you you

You’re not going to kill my panda where you come from you’re not going to kill my panda come on come on where are you I had a baby zombie zombie what where you’re a a baby drown ha he died on top of the roof okay amazing okay I got one I got one

Okay oh my God what is that box on top of the what is that brown thing on top of the sand on the other side there oh there’s more Mur chickens here fly over here I got a buddy right here that be willing to say hi come say hi to my friend

Card oh so now the gamble Works none of my other ones are working though oh come on dead oh no oh man why is this so hard oh no no no no no no don’t go away from me I’m not ready no where are you okay oh Gotcha where is it where is the horrible murder chicken oh boy oh oh boy oh boy oh boy I don’t know but our Golem friend there is just sitting there watching this all go down got him got him and there he is dead dead are there any more murder chickens haha

Okay see I don’t know why that part of the streamlabs is working but none of the other redeems are streamlabs is weird Blacky is also trying to get I need to eat something quick black he’s trying to get stream lag laps as well but he hasn’t started

Yet because he doesn’t really know where to start yeah but he might need to have a word with you and get some advice oh come here come here quick quick quick quick quick there’s another baby there’s another baby and there’s a grownup there’s a grownup as well oh my God so

Then there look look look look look it just hatched it just hatched and we have a big one and we have a big one have we got Scoot and yep we have a scoot our first SC oh my God we have we so the farm works it’s okay okay okay it was

Well definitely worth yeah definitely worth uh fighting the Phantoms y okay I’m going to take some of this stuff and I’m going to see if that little one grows up uh because then we can we can breed them and get more them to get more exactly come on little

One no nothing happens well I had the sound redeems working but then I lost the uh image only the sound would play okay that doesn’t work and then now I lost every bit of them they they just completely quit working and everything I’ve tried nothing works oh man how many

Nights does this take go go and do stuff you little stupid eggs okay more puppies oh my god look so weird group of them are still waiting on this looks so weird okay more puppies oh wow you got that whole oh my okay yeah see that one doesn’t work for

Whatever reason and i’ I’ve gone in I’ve changed it and I’ve put it back yeah it’s it’ll charge you for it but nothing ever plays do you think you have um done the have you done the thing right with the um you know when it’s visible and

When it isn’t dippy I fell asleep what did you miss oh oh you missed a lot of phantoms well the the streamlabs one is different than the one you’re using of course yeah and you’re not using you’re not using OBS right no I I use streamlabs yeah for

Everything yeah cuz I do everything straight from streamlabs from OBS so and then streamer bot so it’s a bit more complicated to set up but okay that would help out a lot cuz I didn’t know anybody that was using the streamlabs bot and I forgot that you used it it’s that

AI yeah yeah yeah she’s going to send me her setup later cuz hers work fine and she uses the exact same one um I need to fill a hole here that’s not good but if or if you remember it took me forever for it to even pop up as an option to use

I’m going to go up there I’m going to go fight some go up to the Mob Grinder okay see what kind of cool stuff they’ll drop so do you reckon by the end of this stream we will have two Turtle helmets and be able to go and plan our next

Stream as a sniffer hunt yeah or do you want to go into the or do you want to go into The Nether first how’s our gear looking cuz I know we’ve got the Bastion right there yeah I I thought that one could be a potential series killer I know serial

Killer yeah I didn’t get the notification that it was available until maybe like two months ago and you’ve had it forever now I’m still I’m still trying to uh um get my um like Minecraft Google something verification thing kind of done and I started that like over a week ago and

It’s still not done it oh wow there are certain things that you need oh this is this is uh I’ve never heard of that one this is for the this is for the dripstone that hole isn’t it okay so I am going to remove this yeah and see other other than this one

Issue with streamlabs I love streamlabs it’s super easy to use other than this one issue I can’t get figured out yeah I completely forgot that you you you use uh streamlabs as well otherwise I would have hit you up a while ago about it why is nothing coming down I know this Farm

Works what I wonder if we have too many mobs loaded underneath the the island was there not yeah same I had nothing but problems with OBS was there not a [Applause] um was there not uh a really exciting cave with a M Shaft or something underneath there somewhere was there

There was some sort of cave there wasn’t there yeah I remember we found something over on this other you know you know we had the we had a we had a a cave there and there was definitely a really interesting looking mine there I can’t remember what it was

Yeah and I don’t remember where oh it was it was like literally you went to the bottom and there were like tons of caves and we didn’t go very far because we didn’t have any gear at that time yeah so we went like oh let’s wait until

We’ve got better gear and then we can go caving properly and we haven’t really gone back yet no hey I just don’t I I don’t remember what we wanted to make a sheep farm so that we could have tons of wool because we wanted to go into the we wanted to go

And visit our friend the warden yeah cuz we have the cuz we have the ancient city over we have an ancient city under the snow yeah exactly for which I have written down the coordinates somewhere this this is the problem with ADHD you you start with an idea yes and

That leads into like another idea which leads into a third idea yes yes I it’s by the time you hit your fourth idea you forgot all about the first two yeah and then and then like five weeks later you come back to it and go like oh I had an

Idea and now I feel really unfulfilled because I I I kind of know that there is something I should have been doing but I can’t remember what it was and you’re constantly running around thinking like what is it that I’ve forgotten you spent so much time trying to keep track of all

The stuff that you’re wanting to do that you get really exhausted yeah yeah okay there is a llama in the way can I oh you can plant around the Llama okay yeah that’s why I made a a board a job list because yeah cuz otherwise we would nothing

Would ever happen I would have completely forgotten about project poppy so this is the stream where you watch me planting 3,000 poppies wow and excited L running back and forth shouting this scoot so baby baby panda I’m course they know I have ADHD they put bouncy they put bouncy house made of

Slime right in my line of trouble on purpose oh my God that would get you every time right like literally every time you would just forget that you were supposed to do something and sort of start bouncing yeah that’s that’s that’s completely mean that’s completely

Mean yeah let me find a slime chunk or a swamp and that I’m consumed with like focused on slime forever oh slime is just so good well on season 2 of nomad me and uh Dirty Dog actually built a I think it was like had to have been like 150 block

High slime bouncy castle oh my God that was the season where season two right yeah that was that was the season before I joined yeah I joined near the middle to end of okay the auto slime Farms are fun I know they are great I I I usually the best

Slime the best slime farm I found is this is the the new one where you use uh mushrooms in the swamp oh now that’s another thing we could do i’ I’ve never I’ve never I’ve never we have have we found a swamp yet yeah oh yeah that’s yeah I

Forgotten cuz we’ve been to so many different places in this world what smps are we guys in um so I am currently uh I have a family server family and friends server called catlord yeah um I am on outright uh on the outright server which is a temporary

Charity server and we have a big streaming event on Saturday and Sunday and Monday oh I’m I accid instead of planting flowers I ended up I’ll see you later and then um we uh and then my main server is uh igniter uh and I’ve only just joined

Them I used to be on Nomad craft uh and panda in you’re still on are you is snad craft still going uh yeah we’re still in season 3 we’re going to be making some changes for The Following season I not we’re not I don’t think we’re ready to talk about

That publicly yet okay sure so uh but I’m also a part of another server called erratic craft and then of course every now and then I pop back over to Tubi haha yeah that sounds like fun I’ve never seen a charity stream I’ve heard of igniter yeah ignit ignit is really cool

Um so uh the charity stream is going to be um Saturday yeah my first stream is on Saturday so if you if you go to my to my channel page there will be ad advertisements for it check out the community post and the exciting thing is

That this uh uh there will be a couple of days of Charity streaming and then the server will become open to the public so if you go to my channel and check out the posts there you will see a link for a public Discord server where

You can get all the information and then it’s it’s we built a basically we built a massive theme park with tons and tons of mini games and anybody can come and stream from it or play on it and it’s all in Aid of outright International for their chosen families

Thing because not everybody has like a family that they feel you know they can share Christmas with and it can be a very lonely time for some people um but we feel that like you know kind of you make your own families with the people

That you play with and and hang out with and um that can really help you through some dark times so we thought we’d do something really fun and build um build a theme park that everybody can have fun in Christmas and oh it’s getting night again there will be more Turtles and I’m

Nearly out of poppies so this is good it’s about time do the the turtles will not need the night to grow up right no they that’s just time okay how much time I don’t remember yeah I tried feeding them but they weren’t I couldn’t see any oh I might have turned

Particles off maybe I was feeding maybe stuff was happening and I just didn’t see it because I’ve turned particles off yeah cuz we yeah I’ve got particles off as well okay I want to just finish this oh my God this is insane I am determined to finish planting this

Entire this entire server with poies no this entire Island I mean except for where there are other flowers because I think other flowers have a right to live and that’s it I’m out of poppies wow okay this is bonkas I love it I love it so do you think the murder chickens are

Going to be back they are aren’t they okay okay probably I can hear them I can hear them okay no run run run run run run okay no no no no no no oh now I’m running into the cactus oh no yeah don’t no don’t die don’t die dippy death by murder chicken

That would be tragic oh I think you have all of the golden apples too I I have one Golden Apple I thought I had one but I uh I don’t know it’s they’re in here they’re in this chest evil evil chickens they’re in this chest oh there they are M I’ll keep one

On me just okay I was just checking up on the on the proba to need more Hoppers than that where where are the oh there they are okay come on come on let let me kill you nope missed this is the stream where we shoot Phantoms because we don’t want to sleep

Go go away go away Phantoms come on you murderous animal I I H okay we’re stuck ah okay that they found us where are they the cat is in here hissing oh we should take the cat outside did they kill Phantoms it Wards them away like they do the uh

Creepers it’s your cat so you have to make it stand up yeah that’s why he’s in here okay right okay go go go sit next fight fight fight okay you hear yeah he’s like really not happy so do they not come near you when you’ve got

Your yes got that one I need rails we don’t have any rails yet do we um not sure they really stay away yeah they they won’t come around the cat okay no no rails anywhere okay I killed them so if I go down with the cat oh my

God if I go down with the cat will they actually but they actually sort of stay away from me yeah they they won’t come near it they won’t come near okay that’s that’s so cool where my cat I can hear the cat did I only have one cat I I thought I had

Two no we only had one cat one dog only had one cat what is wrong with us why have we only got one cat that’s not we haven’t had any more spawn in yet yeah there should be more cats right right I want that bottom chest is there go I’ve got 44 more

Puppies there’s my cat okay I’m safe safe from murder chickens thank you for reminding me of this okay yeah so if anybody’s still listening and watching come tomorrow no Saturday the day after tomorrow uh and check out the charity streaming thing and come and play come and play more more murder chickens where’s

My cat cat protect me oh no no I’m out here with the murder chickens yeah you’re your kitty came back inside why is it scared of the chickens come on Kitty are you I don’t know what’s wrong with you kitty cat oh this one is burning up is it

Coming is it turning into daytime probably is okay it’s only 2:00 in the morning that’s not daytime oh glass I know we had glass yeah it’s in the sand chest the logic being that you make kind of glass from Sand like that’s my logic that yeah that’s the smart way of thinking that’s

Not my way of thinking C come and help me oh my God it’s they’re behind you they’re behind you they’re coming for you be careful oh aha got him this is good target practice don’t you think oh it is this is great yeah I mean at least something yeah my bow is

Looking a little bit sad now but that’s okay I’ve got two more puppies I think they need to go here okay right okay where do we want to do the uh sheep farm I don’t know why do you want to build the sheep farm oh my God we’ve got

An evil guy everything’s covered in poppies that’s why oh you can take puppies away the puppies are just I know I can work around yeah I mean where where do you think would be nice I mean it’s going to be underground or is it how about over here somewhere

There’s plenty of place that’s not been taken or sort of you know over here I don’t know just just whatever wherever over here work yeah or or or by the by by the Villager breeder oh there’s more chickens what is going on also our cat is

Broken where are they oh there they are oh my God they’re leave it up to us to have a broken cat oh they’re right here yeah they’re right here they’re kind of coming for you they really don’t like you I think they’re not interested in me because I have too much cat

Cats they took one oh got that one yeah every time the cat kind of goes hissy hiss the the Phantoms go they they JP they jump back up and go away cat thank you for saving my life okay amazing right I’m going to check up on the thank you Cat awesomeness

Awesomeness I’m going to go and check on the tities because if we’ve got two turtles then oh we have two turtles the other eggs haven’t hged yet but we have two turtles so we can get more eggs oh I forgot to grab this make dispensers I’m not even ready to put

This thing together yes I have definitely turned off the I’ve definitely turned off the the particle thing yeah I I always keep mine off just cuz it helps uh the FPS yeah the frame rate hang on uh and they get out of there our options is it video settings performance right performance use

Forus chunk updates entity kids are out before lunch quity quality particles minimal are you in school like a college or something Minecraft John okay okay done okay so these Turtles okay what do I need for a dispenser uh you need um red stone oh do you need Stone bow bow I need

B that was the one thing I couldn’t remember I don’t know if the turtles can actually get onto the sand from here you think they can get onto the sand that’s what I was think looking at earlier I don’t know maybe I will just lure them out and take this

Out no we don’t have a whole lot of string do we Okay um do you want me to go to the mob farm because I’m I’m wondering whether we have string in the mob farm they should be able to come out now shouldn’t they I think we

Even have some bows up there yeah okay I don’t know how to get the Turtles out huh it said that they should get out oh no this one is getting oh Mommy turt is this a mommy Turtle let’s see how’s it got it’s got a fat belly it’s a mommy

Turtle Oh yay yes it’s digging it’s doing the thing it’s doing the diggy diggy Dicky Dicky look we have a pregnant turtle and the other turtle is still in there okay it’s doing the diggy diggy thing okay we need four more eggs come on do it do it do

It hippi and trash SP is epic Sean is epic oh your kids okay that makes more sense okay we have three more we have three more eggs so we have one two but I feel you on that three four five six seven eight I think hang on a minute we have two

Scoot okay and and one two three baby trash Panda that was in in here and in 2 that one my youngest six seven eight I think we have enough eight eggs to make um to make um make the thing because there’s three more oh you’re already up to eight eggs there’s

Three eggs so there’s so at the moment we have four about to hatch two have already hatched and three oh no we need one more we need to breed one more set of eggs I can’t count because the last oh no did we have seven no oh five no

Five five we have five and we have five still to hatch three new ones and two so that’s yeah that’s 10 that’s 10 seven I can’t count I I’ve lost the ability I mysteriously lost the ability to count okay so meow meow me good you go up there and get some more

Stuff or should I go no I just want you already been there I’m sorry I’m sorry I was I was I was so I I was so en raptured with the babies I was looking at our beautiful look look look look look okay I I need to do something quick

Real quick I need to I need to I need to remove the cactus and put it somewhere more sensibly because this Cactus ow sorry I’ve Cactus myself while harvesting oh nice yeah no not nice it’s stupid no no no I’m answering uh Minecraft John okay he says he’s got an associates

Degree in information technology and he repairs the inside of tour buses that celebrities and bands use oh my God okay I want to know what celebrity bands he’s dealt with okay what what what famous is is this uh I suppose you can’t tell us can you tell

Us what famous people you have like what famous people buses you have um repaired yeah I that that’d be interesting always good for the Goss right can you my mom used to drive limos and she’s met quite a few uh celebrities can you plant you can plant uh cactus in

A in a sort of uh in a in a diagonal pattern right yeah they just can’t touch each other they can’t touch each other but over the edge is can’t touch anything cuz they’ll break I can’t touch this sorry that’s a very very old

One yeah I I grew up as a mechanic but I followed my mom into uh mechanical engineering and now I work right next to my mom at a uh medical manufacturing plant where we run CNC machines we’re both Machinists forgot what I came in here for I remember

Now okay I think that’s enough Cactus if the cactus is next to the other Cactus there’s a higher chance that it will break when it falls down but we’re just letting it grow it’s not a proper cactus farm is it just harvesting this by hand so it doesn’t really matter yeah it I

Mean we can make it make a cactus farm later on yeah but do we really need it right now I mean yeah we we really don’t have a whole lot of use unless we’re going to turn it into a bone meal or even a uh

Yeah well we are over a sand Valley so I mean we have like we have tons of fossils down there right now um were there any more Villages close by doesn’t put some more cactus in here were there any more Villages close by that um might have cats because I’m

Beginning to feel that we are under CED I give me two seconds and I’ll take a look okay I’m going to put the plant stuff actually actually I know product chestu in that’s the oh it it says food oh no this does say food okay does say food okay who put a rotten

Potato in there okay this is the worst baked potato on Minecraft there you go you can no I missed okay you go I know I wish they would there there was talk for a while that they were going to do something with the rotten potato yeah the most useless item in the game

Absolutely I mean okay it does nothing it has no purp it’s now on the flames it’s it’s it’s it’s sitting there it’s it’s burning yeah I agree with Sean is the mostan is and Orie ay is also the amazingest epicest most yeah awesomest person orian Oran okay so one

Two okay let’s put that back and Okay amazing a half dead shovel I’ve got probably about 30 more minutes to go and I’ll have to jump out yeah I I think I think you know if we don’t get this done we might have to sort of just AFK in the house a little bit until those Turtles are

Done yeah but I mean it’s it’s kind of boring to watch you know to watch us kind of run around and do very little when you know this is happening but project project poppy is coming along like a treat it’s amazing so I’m going to go and do project um going to do

Project balcony now I have pink wood that is always a good start for anything I think I mean and I have some bir do we want to turn this house pink we could it’s it’s it’s always a possibility um it what Birch bir or pink

Or Birch and or should we Birch and what is good together Birch and I’m not sure what to use with Birch with with with with the pink wood I don’t know I’m I’m I’m just I’m thinking out loud okay I’m I’m thinking out loud don’t want to do pink and think

And diorite I haven’t got enough diorite and stone let me just oh it’s getting dark again okay okay I mean that looks nice together as well um my favorite is uh oh you know what we need to go back to the Terracotta place because you know what

My favorite combination is the pink wood with um the pink pink wood with the the white terra cotta because that looks epic oh yeah that looks so good okay so Mr parrot I know it took us forever to get you to sit here but you need to take a hike okay

Okay okay so what are we going to okay yeah I know I know I know I know Mr parrot okay shall we annoy Ori build something from strip strip jungle wood or how much how much how much are you going to pay us if we don’t do

That oh my that’s that’s evil sorry 10 Subs that’s all I ask that’s my price yeah no you you helped me get I think 10 subs today so absolutely absolutely AI that was so kind of you that was really somewhere between 5 and 10 so yeah I I

Greatly app have some jungle trees here somewhere haven’t we I’m sure that’s a jungle tree my God is that the only jungle tree we’ve got that’s like a very pathetic specimen that I don’t know that was the only one that was the only one okay and

We have one jungle S I know we’ve got more saplings we’ve got one pathetic jungle sapling here okay I’m going to plant this over here where the other tree cuz this is like the tree growing area isn’t it I really need to fill in this horrible hole here because somebody’s

Going to get killed in there’s going to fall in hello Mr parrot yeah I know it’s you the parrot bird brain okay yeah so I need need some more dirt okay you know the nice thing about running through puppies is they don’t break so um there not right um okay stuff so

Yeah I’m getting so close to the goal I’ve got like two weeks to go well yeah just about two weeks to go to get eight more you’re going to manage it you’re going to manage it I’m pretty sure you will yeah I’m I’m going to do another post on the the

Group I’m thinking at some point this next week I may even allow a day of posting just Channel links not really so much videos just to help boost everybody’s end ofe goal oh that would be really kind that would be really really awesome and I know it’s something that’s never really been allowed

Okay but so you know the way I see it is it’s my group I own it I can do what I want you go for it you go for it actually that’s not good I’m going to do um hey I need tempor oh that’s theong no I’ll keep the

Same rule of no asking for sub for sub that kind of thing but I I’ll probably allow like one or two days designated days oh for uh strictly just asking for Subs posting your your link well I mean the rule was originally that it wasn’t we weren’t supposed to to

Do um to out for other s smps because it was kind of the the home the home thing for for nomad craft wasn’t it yeah but when I took it over I kind of wanted to relax some of the rules up make it more just because I believe in the whole inclusion

Factor so I want to include everybody equally so I I allow everyone to post or advertise for servers but with limit and that’s why we’re doing keep keep it sensible okay so uh there I need Four 10 10 more trap doors oh the birds are back 10 trap doors perfect exactly 10 right okay hello bird brain the guys are back the the the the Tweety Birds are back I know and they’re they’re having a fun time trying to get yeah it’s in it’s it’s it’s it’s sort of

In the it’s in the rain so I can’t actually see them well I’m in a hole oh okay oh I see yeah I’m miles away I’m I’m going to well if they’re not if they’re not bothersome I’m just not going to do anything I’m just going to carry on building okay so

Three I accidentally let nobody wants nobody wants to tangle with me the moment that’s good hey h that’s not what I meant to hopefully that’s enough glass hey I need more cherry wood I need these to fill in okay I need more of the cherry

Wood I’m going to take a minor amount of damage okay Cherry saplings come here come here you lovely cherry wood oh my God that bath house looks so horrendous it’s so bad it’s so bad I like the little bath house but it’s like the color combinations are not

Great but see that’s the difference between me and you I’m a survival player yeah so I don’t care how things look I just build them to get the job done where you’re the Builder you build well I I yeah really you you you like building the

Real pretty things yeah well I but not like you know I’m not like totally hung up on this I mean if I was like you know I mean aie is like she’s like The Best of Both Worlds Orie does like everything and she does it so

Well you know I’m I’m I’m a little bit more pragmatic uh so so our house looks horrendous right now and that’s that’s okay I mean if if this was A’s house this would this would not be allowed okay yes horrible Birds Go Away have I made yeah

I’ve got a handful of shorts on my channel okay let’s take all of these I need to get I after the New Year I’m going to have some more free time so I’m going to get back into making them the 30 plus group I don’t I don’t know what group that is

I didn’t I didn’t make the Minecraft youtubers group I just inherited it about a month ago I took it over for a friend get out of the way bird I’m going to kill my bird oh they’re over there dive bombing me yeah they’re dive bombing me

I’m trying to wait for all the grass to fill in before I put the glass down yeah okay that’s one down I’m happen why are you not dead die die evil bird die they really don’t like the okay that one’s dead they really really don’t like the

Cat no they they don’t like cat okay okay um okay I know we got leads somewhere I need to grab one do you remember where the leads are leads uh good question probably in the treasure chest oh no I found there for whatever reason yeah they were up in the Redstone

Utility yeah yeah Redstone a redstone I think it’s like Redstone and utility so anything that’s like kind of yeah defined by usefulness rather than prettiness or you know like yeah we really need a better system here okay um getting just one sheep without them all coming okay right oh my God yeah oh

No no no no why you asked after mine Cuts I think I have got a bit too much pink here okay well those those sheep I will come back okay like three or four of them got out oh my God that’s okay um I mean it’s it’s it’s very

Pink it is really really pink now maybe a little bit too pink yeah I think I need to take these down there that’s it’s too much pink that was too much pink pinkness was somewhat overwhelming okay I think maybe oops there’s another trap one sheep in okay

Right okay wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood wood a really where’ the lead go there It Go um let’s see Going no wrong pen dang it okay I went too far and pulled the Sheep over to the one I already had a sheep in oh no okay I need more jungle wood oh I need to check up on the on the on the toy toy teas and breed some more toy

Teas and probably repair my bow at some stage Do we have any more bows that I can mend this bow with okay the the eggs are still not hatched but the eggs we have some very reluctant eggs here no I just got you out of there

Okay hey that’s a lover and that’s a fighter nope you guys go and make babies okay okay be friends okay Come on Mommy come on oh no I just walked over an egg oh no oh God I broke an egg did it break it oh yes I

Did oh my god oh I was I was paying attention to the turtles yeah if you if you’re in the group yeah you’re in the group so if you see my post for the live stream ah yep I just got it I think I just got an alert on my watch

Anyway okay why do you want to go down there come up here thank you this way he there is okay the turtles are not not getting out of the water to make love they’re just sitting there on the on the bottom this is not good for you guys move

Get on get on there is one of them pregnant let’s just check if one of them is got a fat belly but no you’re not definitely not pregnant yes this one is pregnant it’s just not doing anything trying to get I think I think this Turtle needs to be

Nudged a little bit okay come on come on come on M come on Miss come on you can do it come up here and baby thing the diggy diggy I know you you you’re heav heavier than normal so it’s probably harder to get out of the water but you can do this you

Can totally do this come on come on come on you can do it you can do it you can do it I’m not understanding why messenger is not showing me any messages come on turtle lay your eggs yeah I have to look it up on the

Computer later John I can’t seem to get into it for whatever reason come on not on my phone come on guys I have the nice garage let’s see you want to come with me you want to come over here cie I know more than that got out where did the other sheepies

Go missing a sheep a well we can always easy easy to breed no no I know when I was getting the one out I oh she’s coming she’s coming she’s coming okay amazing okay she’s doing the she’s going to do the diggy diggy thing he’s going to do the

Diggy thing yeah yeah she’s she’s she’s yeah she’s doing the diggy diggy thing going to have more eggs okay doing the diggy diggy thing on top of the existing eggs that’s a little a little bit stupid you need to move will I maybe nudge you a little bit

No you you can’t be helped I tell you what I’ll let you get on with it you probably want a bit of privacy there okay she’s now on top of the existing eggs trying to dig when there is really nothing to dig I’m going to get my silk

Touch because I’m going to place the um the new eggs next to the pile of eggs that we already have and then we get the crack effect right efficiency and Sil we should yes we are so clever we are so amazing not okay I am very tempted to go and get

Some more hello guys could I please like oh my God bird brain you need to go and sit somewhere just just go and right okay let’s see if they’ve done the digging Diggy thing or if they’re still busy this is a long labor okay still Diggy digging okay we

Have two eggs okay amazing I’m really sorry but I need to you didn’t really choose a good place for your eggs okay let’s pop those eggs next to some eggs that are already nearly hatched because that way it will get ready quicker thank you so one two three four okay we definitely

We will have enough now that was another two eggs oh nice successful Turtle hatch t t Turtle production except if I keep stepping on stuff ah okay what happened with the oh yeah the jungly tree is also there okay it has grown and is a high

One okay that’s not so good because I don’t actually have any building blocks last sheepy come on oh there’s a cow down here no go back that way probably an escaped cow there we go yeah I just broke my shovel now all I got left to do is make

All of the Clippers and we will have a wool for hey hey hey what’s the situation light light light levels are good okay okay okay 22 dirt will’ll use for thing up there okay almost all the way up I almost forgot for a second where I built the wool

Farm I come out the house and I look around for for a second I was like um are you a bit where do I go yeah it’s been one of those years that that is just happening more and more um okay um I will not say

It got nothing to do with age absolutely nothing no I I feel my age this year do you oh oh my I I think this year has been the worst year for my back oh really oh man it’s getting better it’s actually feeling a lot better than it than it has

In a long time but it still has been such a horrible year for it I’m really sorry oh the birdies are back ah stay away from me I what was that you or me you get hit on me attacking me oh no oh no I’m in a hole they can’t me okay okay

Cool practice I hear a zombie well that’s not good must be Underground that’s dead yeah he’s got to be underground I can see him on the map okay gotot but where I see him on map there is no way he could be here gotcha got ah I think that was like

He literally got hit by two arrows at once okay I’m trying to make this hole disappear I haven’t got enough dirt at the moment oh I need to okay okay have you got any more arrows that I could use to combine no I’ve got two arrows that’s

All I got okay no uh sorry a b B bow oh Bow oh God there’s another one there’s another there might be some up there might be some up at the uh the mob grinder I also hear a skele skeleton somewhere oh where did that come from what’s going

On I got hit there’s a Skelly somewhere I can definitely hear a Skelly yeah I think they’re underground they’re underground or is it are you getting hit by the by the by the by the beasties oh there’s a skeleton here and I’m I’m looking I’m I’m looking at you

And where there’s a skelington I’m getting hit but I don’t I don’t see him no I’m getting hit oh you’re getting where where are you at I’m at the house and there was a Skelly that I didn’t see I heard him and I thought I thought it was somewhere

Else and then I I realized that it was me getting the hit points I don’t know where the I don’t know where that thing came from well that’s that’s that was you right yeah that’s me okay and I’ve also killed my parrot we have a dead parrot situation yes there’s another parrot

Here I mean your parrot is still alive but my parrot is is very much not not alive a yeah sorry parrot okay have we got oh there there are 10 I okay there are 10 arrows in the um Arrow chest in in the um no there’s actually over a

Stack of arrows in the um weapons chest oh okay but um quickly un oh that’s funny yep I was the I was the first Trash Panda and she followed behind with the baby trash Panda and then her older sister is teen trash Panda okay but that one’s never never gets on

YouTube anymore to watch he this sister’s too much pink going on here yeah baby baby trash Panda loves following she’ll she’ll jump into ory jump into uhp be streams come on why do you guys have to come back so quick is that is that you or me getting

Hit there yeah there’s like a bunch of them over here okay do you want me to help you shoot I’ve just repaired my thingy pop my bow yeah my bow is almost broken I don’t want to I don’t want to break it okay um hey I think there’s like maybe two left

In the air oops ouch sorry um okay um maybe I should go to the to the farm and there’s any more so did you say the farm wasn’t working yeah I think we have too many mobs underground loaded with we would both have to go up there for it to work okay oh

Okay is there anything still left in the chest because I’m sure we had tons of bows yeah that’s what I was saying I think the the there’s still some bows left in there in the chest or yeah hey I only took six to make what I needed for this

There we go okay so our oh really I get dive bombed by like three of them oh my okay I’m going to give you my bow uh I wish I could I’m I’m I’m hiding out under a tree okay I’m killing them too while they fall down here cuz

They’re getting stuck okay okay cool um shall I not give you my bow then you want help or no no go ahead and keep it okay cuz I’m going I’m killing going to try and get you another bow I don’t know where that Skelly came from that was a bit of a

Surprise okay okay that looks like so oh there’s another baby turtle yes okay oh nice right um so oh and it’s almost 2:00 yeah and I think I need to go and let the dog out as well I’m going to quickly go and get this stuff and I mean we have plenty of

Time next so we will just uh that doesn’t have the right s of stuff in it but that’s got stuff in it that I would probably take back hello Cat yeah um so uh let’s there and see if stuff in because I have a feel there might be

There a drown oh it looks like the wool Farm is working properly wow okay so we can go into the ancient city soon yep I got six sheep in the wool Farm wow we can get all the colored wolves we can dye them and well we need

To find a flower forest and get every color flower and then we can lots of fun stuff with that so oh yeah from here okay okay okay so I’m just taking bows and arrows actually I’ll take the golden armor as well because we will be going into The Nether eventually

Right and the spider ice but there’s like some leather falling three leather boots yeah that’s that’s about it yeah we’re already at 23 wool oh my God this is good okay I’ve got a ton of I’ve got a ton of of um of bows now um

And oh I love what you did with the balcony that looks really cool oh thank you I thank now I need to find out what the best can yes I can jump down there and there is a oh there’s a glow squid down there somewhere there must be a

Big oh my god there are glow squid down there can I get them with my mighty Axe are they too deep I mean I can see them but I might be careful swimming that deep okay I’m coming up I’m coming up oh no what I’m going to have to call it a

Day so I’m going to go up to the balcony and okay okay okay okay okay I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m alive okay oh yeah that looks oh that balcony looks okay there should be a oh my God but I know I know where the where the glow

Squid are now I just need to be I need just need to get the ink sack that I llama come on ink sack oh there’s a drowned oh there’s a drowned come on ink sack where are you there’s a drowned oh there’s the ink sack oh my inventory are you my

Inventory is full are you going to be safe I’m going to be safe I’m going to be safe yes I am going to be safe but I’m going to if you I need to drop something um okay I’m going to drop this for now cuz there is

A oh there’s the ink sack okay I want this ink sack I fought for this ink sack I want it but it okay cat stay out of the water it’s not safe for cats okay right okay now what what am I going to do oh you say you had something that you

Wanted to give me yes I’m going to give you tons and tons of Bows Oh the bows I’m going to give you tons of bows and I have got an ink sack so I know once we’ve got the turtle helmets we can that looks so much nicer doesn’t

It oh it does I and I’m in the the F5 View and yeah yeah okay it looks so good okay uh Animal product Oh my God this is so full okay have we got that okay I’m going to put that in with I’m going to put that into my special

Chest okay hang on hang on hang on I’m just trying to make a little bit more space oh you did get one nice yes I did get one there is lots of this um there are some bones in here oh no space for bones okay Hello

Panda I fell off very energetic okay I’m going to put um gold or gold armor here put uh okay uh can I get rid of some of those leather boots we will never use them again if you want to put the bows in here in this little single chest what single

Chest where are you look up oh that one okay okay yeah now I have to remember which one is oh this one on also you can repair so we can repair both now there’s even one with power one and one with Unbreaking one yeah I’ve got yeah Power four punch

Two Unbreaking three and infinity okay can I chuck all the leather boots oh that one might do it but I don’t know if I’ve got enough points let’s see I’ve got enough and do you need do you want any more uh oh I put some arrows in there as

Well hang on have we got any more arrows in here oh yeah we’ve got stacks of arrows it’s fine I’ve got I’ve got Unbreaking and Infinity on my you oh we have an Infinity uh we have an Infinity dude right yeah so that’s how I got the Infinity on my yeah it’s almost

Completely he okay amazing amazing so uh and I’ve got a backup bow y to be able to add to it okay so I think or is the most epic Orie is the most epic oh you look so Royal up there amazing okay it looks good it does look like I’m

Going I need to do something here symmetry okay okay why don’t you have a shovel and a sword okay why don’t I have a shovel and a sword okay because um I have stuff in a chest and I don’t re yeah so my shovel just broke uh I have a sword but I

Haven’t made a diamond one yet I broke my shovel earlier because why I don’t have a sword is because I am an axe Warrior I’m really not very good at self-defense and an axe has a bit more whack and it’s a multi-purpose tool so if you are always running out of

Inventory like me then if you can combine two tools in one I mean I know a sword kind of has more sweep and if I was going fighting mobs I would probably have make a nice sword but right now I’m more building and making stuff and

Adventuring and so an axe kind of is multi-purpose and the shovel I don’t have on me because simply I haven’t made one yet because um I’ve just broken my last shovel because I was digging about too much and in fact that bit needs to

Go as well so that’s why I don’t have a shovel and a sword yeah cuz I’m a great fan of axes and oh they have still not done anything on all right well I am going to yeah you need to go I’m be taken off

Yeah so I’m going to I’m going to come up there and I’m going to say bye-bye as well I need to oh okay okay that’s one turtle and it’s another turtle you can make turtle babies some more turtle babies here and I’m going to go and come on

Yeah I’m going to go and do some other stuff like walk the dog yes yes unknown there is logic there’s there’s method behind my madness oh there’s there’s a trap door missing never mind okay there’s method behind the madness it’s not necessarily not not necessarily great logic but it is sort of

Logic so here she I am here hello so okay we’re going to finish the stream now uh okay I’m I’m going to take my armor off I am in my merry Christmas everybody also check out my Christmas shorts I do some horrendous singing yes it’s it’s

I’m still in the Jedi un keep with it because it’s it’s going to be really funny as it progresses because it’s the 12 Days of Christmas and also I know I’m looking forward to that also Saturday it’s it’s already out uh so it’s coming one out every day until Christmas now

And also um on Saturday check out uh Saturday Sunday Monday check out the charity streams for outright International we’ll be doing tons of mini games it’ll be super super fun and there’s tons of friends and content creators it’s going to be amazing okay yep I should be live on Saturday from

There yeah yeah so I I by the looks of it I will have time so tell me roughly what time you want to be on but I mean it’s probably going to be I don’t know whether you work on Saturdays nope I’m off Friday morning through Sunday night because the big

Opening is 8:00 my time which is your 5 hours or 6 hours behind me wa it’s 2 p.m. right now 2 p.m. right now so it is at 3 p.m. your time it’s it’s big opening 3 p.m. if that’s a time that on Saturday if that’s a time that

You can do I think the hat is going to be there and tons of people we know are going to be there so it’s going to be really sweet and we’re going to play tons and tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of games which I’m already

Looking for to and I’m probably going to be very bad at most of them yeah yeah okay we’ll have to get some ads together and start blasting it on the grp yeah yeah and I need to I need to walk the dog eat some dinner and then I need to

Set up my my uh my overlays for the streams so that’s my job for today yeah I still got to do that too okay right I’ll say bye-bye thanks you thanks for watching and I hope you all had fun this was like super super cool also if you

Want to build that farm I will put a link for the aan farm uh the turtle farm into the description I forgot to do that because yeah because things and yeah I’ll I’ll link it as well because aaman is awesome it’s a bit of an older tutorial but it still works

Perfectly it’s just with a water stream you have to be a bit careful because as we found out it’s a bit tricky you might have to fill in a bit yeah it’s very tricky you got to make sure all water sources are still there that need to be

There so you basically need to start next to water that is like completely okay right bye-bye thank you very much uh and yeah and sub to Panda because he needs to get I’m eight away eight away from 100 is away because I want to have

A big Panda party yay yes big Panda part Panda party hi unknown thank you oh unknown has moved over to you amazing okay take care okay byebye everybody byebye bye guys where

This video, titled ‘Let’s farm for turtle helmets – Minecraft Hardcore Survival Twins with Trash Panda Ep9’, was uploaded by DippyBlether on 2023-12-15 07:43:13. It has garnered 151 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:05 or 11525 seconds.

Can Dippy & Panda survive and thrive?

On our epic quest for a cyan bed we found some turtle eggs. So it’s time to build a turtle farm and get some lovely scute. Because turtle helmets are the best for diving. And you need to dive if you want a sniffer egg!!!

This is the awesome @Avomance turtle farm we built: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhgEnoRl66Q

ABOUT THIS SERIES We’ve done Minecraft Boot Camp, now it’s time for Minecraft Boot Camp Extreme! No Creative, No Mercy, No Second Chances! This time it’s for real! We don’t even know the seed! Dippy & Panda have signed up for a brand new series of streams: Minecraft Hardcore Survival as Life Twins!

We will be using the Shared Life Datapack that you might have seen Grian use: If I take damage, Panda takes damage. If I die, he dies. And if we die we don’t respawn.

How long can we stay alive? How long until Panda breaks down under the strain of watching my back??? Will our friendship survive?

We will be playing every Thursday until we die or have conquered the world! All live on stream. We can’t access the world at any other time, so no fudging, no cheating, no behind the scenes prep. What you see is 100% real.

Come and join us! Wish us luck! Because this is going to be mad!

Here is the link for the Iron farm we are building: https://youtu.be/ZTFzHJHU1ls?si=19ecpSNiL9hnrsjG

REDEEMS: This stream is a place where everyone should feel safe. Respect and tolerance are important!

When you watch Dippy’s streams you earn Loyalty points called DerpCoins.

To see how many coins you have type !derpcoins in the chat.

You can spend your coins on these redeems: !redeemLlama !redeemRain !redeemUmbrella !redeemWarning !redeemOMG !redeemUnicorn !redeemProMoves !redeemRainbow !redeemFlowers

Join Dippy’s Discord Community: https://discord.gg/xWvsTUfKhm

For more Dippy Blether check out my channel! https://youtube.com/c/DippyBlether?sub_confirmation=1

Please also give Trash Panda some love. He’s awesome! https://www.youtube.com/@trashpanda258/featured

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    Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Minecraft's Muslim Mutt In the world of Minecraft, a wolf is seen, But did you know, it’s a Muslim, serene? With a cübbeli Ahmet Hodja vibe, In the game, it’s a unique tribe. Rich vs poor, in the virtual land, Minecraft videos, Turkish brand. The Muslim wolf, with a howl so strong, In the game, where it belongs. So let’s embrace diversity in this digital space, Where every creature finds its place. Minecraft is for all, no matter the creed, In this pixelated world, let’s all succeed. Read More

  • Dave the Villager: Book 21

    Dave the Villager: Book 21 Minecraft Adventure: Dave the Villager 21 Embark on an exciting journey with Dave the Villager in the unofficial Minecraft adventure book, “Dave the Villager 21.” Join Dave as he faces challenges and opponents in the vast Minecraft world, using his wit and bravery to overcome obstacles and progress his journey within the expansive universe of the game. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft With “Dave the Villager 21,” players can immerse themselves in the creativity and endless possibilities of Minecraft. From building intricate structures to exploring mysterious caves, the game offers a unique sandbox experience where imagination knows no bounds. Challenges… Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

    Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects Minecraft: The Skinwalker – Unleashing Terrifying Sound Effects Within the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, a new mod has emerged to send shivers down players’ spines. The Skinwalker mod, created by the talented @masoniscool864, introduces a chilling atmosphere with its spine-tingling sound effects and eerie encounters. Exploring the Depths of Fear As players venture into the dark woods, they may encounter mysterious entities like the Man from the Fog, the Cavedweller, and the Goatman. Each of these creatures brings a unique sense of dread, amplified by the haunting sound effects that accompany their presence. The Man from the… Read More

  • Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover Endless Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and always looking for new and exciting servers to join? Well, we have just the server for you – Minewind! While watching the latest video on 5 Minute Solution Channel about how to find the End Portal in Minecraft, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and constant updates, Minewind offers an immersive and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. Imagine embarking on a quest to find the End Portal with fellow players,… Read More


Title: "BABY WORKER & HASAN MASTER CITY BUILD! - Minecraft Minecraft: Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi Develop a City! In a recent Minecraft video, Hasan Usta and his son Bebek İşçi are seen working together to develop a city. The duo transforms their city into a bustling metropolis, attracting a plethora of new residents and filling the city to the brim with life. City Development in Minecraft Hasan Usta and Bebek İşçi’s city development project in Minecraft showcases the creative and strategic aspects of the game. From constructing buildings to managing resources, the duo’s efforts result in a vibrant and thriving cityscape. New Residents and City Expansion As Hasan… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for your Minecraft adventures! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “How to Get MACE in Minecraft 1.21 Update (Tricky Trials)” by The Aether Gamer. The video showcases the new mace weapon added in the latest Minecraft update, found in trial chambers. If you’re intrigued by the idea of obtaining this elusive mace and delving into new challenges, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you to test your skills. With a vibrant community and exciting gameplay features, Minewind offers a unique multiplayer experience… Read More

  • Minecraft’s New Era Unveiled!

    Minecraft's New Era Unveiled! Minecraft Enters a New Era with Distant Horizons The latest Early Access version of Distant Horizons is revolutionizing the Minecraft experience. Players can now load an impressive number of chunks while using shaders, resulting in breathtaking visuals that are simply mind-blowing. What’s even more impressive is that this mod has minimal impact on performance, surprising many. Mods Enhancing the Experience Several mods are contributing to this new era of Minecraft: Tectonic: This mod can be found on Modrinth and offers unique features to enhance gameplay. Indium: Another mod available on Modrinth, Indium adds even more depth to the game…. Read More

  • Minecraft Build Battle Cheating Prank!

    Minecraft Build Battle Cheating Prank! The World of Minecraft Cheating: A Dive into Mods Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly finding new ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such method is through the use of mods, which can add a whole new dimension to the game. Recently, a player known as @Maelle1717 found themselves in a Build Battle against an opponent who seemed to have an unfair advantage. Let’s explore how this player utilized the “Litematica” mod to cheat in the game. The Litematica Mod The “Litematica” mod is a powerful tool that allows players to create detailed schematics… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of modded gameplay and hilarious moments, you won’t want to miss out on the action happening on Minewind server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. While watching the entertaining video “NEVER GOING OUTSIDE AGAIN!!! #short #minecraft #modded #funny #mod #gaming #fromthefog” by @TheMezzmoGuardian, you may have been inspired to dive into your own Minecraft adventures. And what better way to do that than by joining the Minewind server? With a variety of mods and a dedicated player… Read More

  • Crafting Capes: Minecraft’s 15th Anniversary Treasure Hunt!

    Crafting Capes: Minecraft's 15th Anniversary Treasure Hunt! In the world of Minecraft, a celebration is near, With capes to claim, let’s spread some cheer. Narnacle’s here to guide the way, To get your hands on the 15th Anniversary display. Head to Minecraft.net, the place to be, Click on “Celebrate with us,” you’ll soon see. Scroll down, past the history and more, To find the 15 Years of Minecraft lore. Sign in with your Microsoft account tight, To claim your cape, it’s a simple delight. If you face issues, just sign out and back in, The servers are busy, but patience will win. Once claimed, your profile… Read More

  • Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂

    Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂 Why did the Iron Golem go to therapy? Because he had too much iron in his diet! #irondeficiency #minecraftmeme #irony Read More

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

    Trapped in a Minecraft Animation Minecraft Animation: Entity Verse Episode 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the latest episode of Entity Verse, our characters find themselves in a sticky situation. After a thrilling adventure in the previous episode, they continue their journey, only to stumble upon Harry Potter’s house. Trapped in a Green Poisonous Substance As they approach the house, they are suddenly ensnared by a mysterious green poisonous substance. With quick thinking, they draw their weapons, ready to face whatever danger lies ahead. Burner, one of the characters, recalls Harry’s last words, pondering their significance in this perilous situation. Unveiling the Truth… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and join a vibrant community of players, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a focus on survival gameplay and a plethora of unique features, Minewind offers an immersive and exciting environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at Minewind today and embark on a journey like no other. Connect with players from around the world,… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep

    Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep Building a Norman Castle Keep in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of medieval architecture in Minecraft? Today, we’re going to explore how to build a Norman castle keep in your Minecraft world. This design is inspired by the historical Norman castles, bringing a touch of history and grandeur to your virtual realm. Level One: Storage The first level of your Norman castle keep will serve as storage space. Utilize stone bricks and wooden beams to create a sturdy foundation for your castle. Add chests, barrels, and other storage containers to keep your supplies organized and… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in a Chest Only World | in Hindi | 1.20 Update #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Roytech Gamerz on 2024-05-23 03:47:19. It has garnered 1357 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. 100 Days in a Chest-only World | in Hindi |1.20 Update #minecraft #gamerfleet #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #technogamerz #mugambo #gamerfleet friends if you liked this video then please like, comment, and subscribe and don’t forget to share it with your friends.. Start Minecraft journey with – https://youtube.com/@roytechgamerz Follow on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mr.roytech_official/ Follow on Facebook -… Read More

  • I regretted this in Minecraft

    I regretted this in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘At the end, I realized my mistake😭 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by funcraftshorts on 2024-03-24 09:47:09. It has garnered 454 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame #GamingLife #MinecraftLove… Read More

  • Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!

    Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made 100 Zombies Simulate 100 Years Of War’, was uploaded by Lolo on 2024-05-18 09:29:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. In this video, you’ll witness an incredibly fascinating experiment in Minecraft! I placed 100 zombies in the game to see how they evolve from basic equipment to advanced technology over 100 years of war. From zombies with wooden swords in year one to zombies equipped with high-tech weapons and battle tanks in year 100, you’ll witness an astonishing transformation. Can zombies… Read More

  • Minecraft’s CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadness

    Minecraft's CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultimate ModernPool |#powr_live #ماين_كرافت #ماينكرافت #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zaid Entertainment | زيد الممتع on 2024-01-13 12:00:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft movie, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft movies, Minecraft movie, Minecraft 100 days, 50 days in Minecraft, 100 days in… Read More

  • 💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥

    💥 EPIC Minecraft Public SMP Server! Join Junaid Kadu NOW! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival’, was uploaded by Junaid kadu 11 on 2024-01-18 19:56:48. It has garnered 56 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:00 or 2040 seconds. Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | CRACKED | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive 24/7 | Survival INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/junaid_kadu_11?igsh=MWU2cm5hc3BiZzQ2dQ== #publicsmpserverminecraftpe #bestpublicsmpforminecraftpe #howtojoinsmpinminecraftpe minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free to join minecraft survival public minecraft… Read More

  • Bambe’s Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!

    Bambe's Insane Loss: RAREST GOD Set Stolen!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server…’, was uploaded by bambe on 2024-05-31 05:12:31. It has garnered 1674 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:11 or 671 seconds. How I lost the RAREST GOD Set on the Server… 55 likes Hi, my name is bambe. I upload entertaining Minecraft videos from different gamemodes such as Hardcore Factions (HCF), Prisons, Factions, and Skyblock. If you enjoy this type of content, then consider subscribing, and turning on notifications as I upload and stream frequently and you don’t wanna miss them!… Read More

  • Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!

    Ultimate Seiso Self care tips with Hololive Fauna!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Seiso Self care [Hololive / Ceres Fauna]’, was uploaded by Hololive_Curiosity on 2024-05-28 05:31:42. It has garnered 19900 views and 2936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07XfGKpEr6w 【MINECRAFT】 The one where Fauna memorizes 100 digits of pi Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna #ceresfauna #fauna #caliopemori #mori #caliope #kronii #ourokronii #nerissa #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #vtuber Read More

  • EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!

    EPIC BLOOD DRAW BATTLE in Titanium Warehouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘KAN KESME CEKME ZAR DEPO SAVASI -sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by umuTcan on 2024-04-01 22:13:12. It has garnered 621 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:37 or 1777 seconds. Dcsi verse: https://discord.gg/45jWvUXEa9 Youtube ve klan Dcsi: https://discord.gg/umutcan hope , minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu launcher does not open, minecraft endgame macro opening, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars tactics, minecraft endoyuncu build battle , minecraft sonoyuncu free skin, minecraft house sonoyuncu… Read More

  • “Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge – Blueskyler takes down enemies!” #minecraft #gaming

    "Ultra Epic Minecraft Revenge - Blueskyler takes down enemies!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘cool revenge #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming minecraft animation’, was uploaded by Blueskyler on 2024-02-13 16:04:32. It has garnered 3554 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Universal Tranquility Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelisted 1.20+

    Greetings Wanderer! (NEW SEASON STARTS TODAY!) I’m thrilled to announce an invitation to join Universal Tranquility! Have you been looking for a new and relaxing SMP community to join? Whether you like to work with others or alone, you are welcome in this community. How to join Universal Tranquility: Join the DISCORD server! [SERVER WIKI] Server Details: Minecraft server version: 1.20 – 1.20.X Server map size: 3000 x 3000 (6K Diameter) Whitelisted Server: Join the DISCORD server! Server specifications: Ryzen 9 5950X CPU, 8GB RAM, 2 Dedicated Logical Cores, Java – Paper What makes us stand out: Semi-Vanilla Experience: Experience… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Waking up in Minecraft be like”

    Minecraft Memes - "Waking up in Minecraft be like"Looks like this meme finally got out of bed and decided to start racking up some points! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” #minecraft #boom #therapy #creeper Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3

    Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3 The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Myths and Tricks Part 3 Exploring the World of Minecraft Myths As the popular game Minecraft continues to captivate players worldwide, myths and tricks have become an integral part of the gaming experience. In this third installment of the series, players are taken on a journey to uncover some of the most intriguing myths and tricks within the game. Unveiling Hidden Secrets One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the discovery of hidden secrets scattered throughout the game world. From hidden treasure chests to mysterious structures, players are constantly on the lookout… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft Pocket Edition Survival Series? If so, you’ll love the latest episode of “Bluey Kingdom” where the challenge is to complete full Diamond Armour. The excitement and thrill of completing this task are truly captivating. If you enjoyed watching the video and want to experience similar adventures, then you should definitely check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us at Minewind today by entering… Read More

  • Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03

    Building a Cozy Home in Minecraft | EP03 Exploring the World of Minecraft with Friends in EP03 Join the adventure as our fearless players embark on building a cozy home in the world of Minecraft. However, their peaceful building session takes a chaotic turn when they are attacked by lagguu and zombies, leading to a perilous encounter! Building a Cozy Home Our players start their journey by constructing a warm and inviting home in the vast world of Minecraft. With creativity and teamwork, they work together to design a space that reflects their unique style and personality. Encountering Lagguu and Zombies Just as the players are settling… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Alex’s first time on Skyrim LIVE

    SHOCKING! Alex's first time on Skyrim LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIRST TIME ON SKYRIM | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim | Fortnite | Minecraft – LIVE #skyrim’, was uploaded by Alex Barton on 2024-05-24 21:01:51. It has garnered 117 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:06 or 13686 seconds. Read More

  • Sly Tantrik Survives Mind Roar

    Sly Tantrik Survives Mind RoarVideo Information This video, titled ‘क्या तांत्रिक बच पाएंगे?#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-22 11:30:08. It has garnered 1504 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni funny… Read More

  • Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable Sniffer Discovery by Bangla Pirate

    Minecraft Hardcore: Unbelievable Sniffer Discovery by Bangla PirateVideo Information This video, titled ‘Found Sniffer in MINECRAFT HARDCORE Part 13 ( Bangla Gameplay ) | Bangla Pirate’, was uploaded by Bangla Pirate on 2024-01-13 10:09:00. It has garnered 2536 views and 180 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:04 or 1024 seconds. Found Sniffer in MINECRAFT HARDCORE Part 13 ( Bangla Gameplay ) | Bangla Pirate like aim 300 #sokhergamer #banglagamer #minecraftbangla #minecrafthardcormode #minecraftlive #banglagameplay #minecraftpe #minecraft #survivalseries #banglapirate #minecraftlive #minecrafthindi #minecraftlivehindi #minecraftenglish #minecraftliveenglish #minecraftjavalive #minecraftdedicatedserver #minecraftsurvivallive #minecrafttips&tricks #huaminecraft hardcore minecraft hardcore minecraft minecraft hardcore mode minecraft hardcore survival hardcore minecraft hardcore episode 1 minecraft hardcore ep… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!

    Insane Minecraft Build Tutorial! Shizo Clickbait!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #mincraftbuild #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #youtube #shortvideo’, was uploaded by shorts game on 2024-01-14 14:23:46. It has garnered 2496 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Build a beautiful house, easy to watch, you can watch this video and easily follow the video clearly. Watch this video and easily watch the video. how to make house in minecraft. how to buil house in minecraft. how to play game minecraft. ling video… Read More

  • 😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shorts

    😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts’, was uploaded by MONU SAD BOY GAMERZ on 2024-01-12 04:00:10. It has garnered 183 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. minecraft | join my server | Server on true join telegram | Bedrock Java | 1.20.51 1.20.4 | #shorts Minecraft Bedrock Edition 👇 server ip : LifeBoat_Survival.aternos.me port : 60458 Minecraft Java Edition Server : LifeBoat_Survival.aternos.me:60458 Telegram : https://t.me/+RjeTyYSyMJc5Zjk1 Read More

  • Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!

    Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Highcraft (vod)’, was uploaded by Emerson King on 2024-04-10 19:41:37. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:20 or 13160 seconds. Big Minecraft Moments Consider becoming a Channel member by hitting the JOIN button! If you enjoyed the stream make sure to leave a like and subscribe or whatever obligatory stuff youtubers have to say. JOIN MY DISCORD(it very good): https://discord.gg/5CwGCMZ45n WATCH THE EXACT SAME VIDEOS ON HERE BUT ON TIKTOK!!!: https://www.tiktok.com/@emersonkingyt CAFFEINE ADDICTS READ THIS: Head on over to https://www.dubby.gg and use code “EMERSON” to get… Read More

  • Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥

    Lapine Ch. LIVE: HUGE Minecraft story feat. @HokuPLG 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | เรื่องใหญ่วันนี้!! [Minecraft] Feat.@HokuPLG#shorts | LAPINE 🌛’, was uploaded by Lapine Ch. on 2024-05-31 16:53:08. It has garnered 796 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:53 or 8033 seconds. I want to help donate the cost of inhalers. Click this link 👉👉 https://tipme.in.th/lapineplg Buy member products here 👉 https://www.vforgeshop.com/ #Vtuber #PolygonProject #Lapine [ HASHTAGS ] MUSIC: #Lalalapi FANART: #LapiFA MEME: #LapiMeme FAN-NAME: #LapiUU ———————————————— 🌛 Lapine – The Watcher – FB : https://www.facebook.com/LapinePolygon TW : https://twitter.com/LapinePLG TikTok :https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdgqGYXq/ 🐳 ZONA – The Ancestor – FB : https://www.facebook.com/ZonaPolygon TW : https://twitter.com/ZonaPLG… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft World Creation Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft World Creation TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Create A Minecraft World! | Minecraft For Beginners #1’, was uploaded by SaminUP on 2024-01-14 16:00:30. It has garnered 361 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:30 or 510 seconds. How To Create A Minecraft World! In this tutorial, I show you how to create your own Minecraft survival world properly. I explain all the features of the Minecraft “Create New World” screen, what they do, and how they impact your game. This is the first episode in my “Minecraft For Beginners” series, where I show you how to… Read More

  • Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C A

    Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C AVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager – Y M C A (villager ai)’, was uploaded by PvPhubSMP on 2024-01-12 06:49:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. womp womp Minecraft,minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft animation,minecraft funny,villager ai cover,villager animation,grox … Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ Java Whitelist Community Driven

    Embark on a Journey to Terra Nova 🏰 Experience a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine in version 1.20.4. Terra Nova is a haven for mature players 18+ who share a love for the game and community. Features: Diamonds drive a player-driven economy with 15+ stores. Weekly events include parkour challenges, building contests, and PvP tournaments. Explore Terra Nova on BlueMap: Discover Terra Nova Join the 18+ Community: Experience kindness and camaraderie while engaging in activities and exploration. Progression is based on hard work, not pay-to-win schemes. Embark With Us: Visit us at Terra Nova SMP… Read More