Unbelievable Weapons & Witches in Minecraft Dungeons Apocalyse

Video Information

Hello there ladies and gentlemen my name is lord axis and i am very happy to welcome you all back to minecraft dungeons this of course is the apocalypse mode difficulty and i had a very hard time in the last video getting through the creepy crypts today we’re gonna go into the soggy swamp

And see how we deal with the witches and the nasties there i have a feeling it’s going to be a hard time you may see my character right now with a weapon different from what you saw in the last video that’s because i salvaged some stuff and managed to uh

Buy some new bits and pieces i’m not sure if i’m gonna use it though because we’re gonna test it out and uh if we die at the beginning of the video because it’s bad or i can’t get enough live regen or whatever because of the weapon then uh

I’ll switch it out we’ll see how it goes anyway i’m ready to get in i hope you’re ready to join me let’s do this thing okay and here we are at camp guys okay and just before the mission select if i bring up the eye button no we have uh

The scale male standard scale male i left there for some reason i’m not sure but this is the weapon i managed to buy the dark katana it does a little extra damage at least on the high end it does a little extra damage or also has the powerful swirling enchantment

And exploding so it’s a little bit better than this but only a little bit better in terms of the area not in terms of the power this the eternal knife is beast is absolutely beast we’ll give it a try and see how it fares if i do die completely like three

Times in quick succession and have to reload and redo the map that’s fine that’s absolutely fine okay okay so we’re gonna come over here to soggy swamp nah and soggy swamp we are actually slightly above the difficulty for that since creepy crips is a secret level the difficulty was uh slightly higher

So i’m gonna jump into this this has one new weapon looks to be some sort of axe perhaps um but we’re gonna jump into here i’m gonna see how it goes so uh let’s do this a cover of wicked witches live at the heart of the sinister swamp

They conjure up all manner of booze to empower the arch illegal and his ever-growing army if you don’t find and defeat those witches the illiters will be unstoppable but tread carefully the swamp is home to many horrors okay guys and you heard oh we have to tread carefully the swamp is home

To many horrors okay i’m gonna bring out dimitri now i’m not going to be getting my crit bonus for this so in fact we are going to be doing worse naturally doing worse but we’ll uh we’ll give it a try see how we go we’ll go down this way first I don’t know it’s okay i mean we are under the level we need to be at as well and of course my armor is giving me health back rather than uh rather than anything else so that’s good i think it’s the armor anyway uh yeah six percent lifesteal aura

Okay we’ll give the duck katana a try i’m not getting rid of the eternal knife any time soon because that thing is beast especially when it comes to uh siphoning off souls so we can use the corrupted beacon a little better okay we’ll see how this goes see if i can manage this

Which way which way we’ll go this way first it does have a nice area on the ducktar turner you can reach uh reach enemies that aren’t quite there yet we can hit whole groups of them i like that i like that a lot no okay nice get rid of that tnt right now

Because i know i’ll just end up killing myself with it okay something i i should probably mention is in a previous video i stated that i didn’t believe these slimes are actually native enemies of minecraft i have since been proven wrong i’m not sure the the reason why i’ve never seen them

Unless they’ve been newly added because of this game i i genuinely don’t know guys i am a bit of a minecraft noob so uh it’s possible but that i wouldn’t have seen them i’ve got a little bit of a crit there nothing major but okay we’re doing okay we’re doing okay we are

On the difficulty level under what we need to be so uh i say we’re under we’re only just a little bit under we’re not actually properly under get rid of that creeper as quickly as possible need to get out of there that’s not good have some arrows guys have some arrows

Have all of the arrows there’s a lot of these guys i need to get out of there that’s no bueno oh that zombie really did fly uh dimitri’s down come here witch don’t want none of that no okay we got our health back up staying in those uh those toxic areas of

Poison for too long is not good there we go let’s just uh get these guys cleaned up with some arrows and such nice bye bye creepers you’re not coming near me okay dimitri went down very quickly again because of course he did i’m just going

To clear the area as much as i can i know some more spawning once i get the actual uh cauldrons and whatnot there we go nice okay so it’s taking me longer to collect souls because of course it is Get that witch from over there don’t want none of that no okay ah a few you guys over here okay don’t mind using the corrupted beacon for those guys i’m gonna have to use it a little more sparingly since the we don’t have the bonus from the eternal knife

No creeper it’s a bad creeper there’s a lot going on down here i can’t even hit you guys properly oh we broke a cauldron for me to do that right now but it doesn’t matter so much we’ll take these guys on come back dimitri okay i think we’re just about clear more

Or less there’ll be a few stragglers but we’ll uh we’ll get rid of these oh some emeralds always handy nice and don’t worry guys i haven’t forgotten what comes at the end of this level and i’m not looking forward to it i’m going to try not to waste my soul

Bar because we could lose a few lives just to the end of the level because we have we are going to have to fight a corrupted cauldron or um yeah a sentient cauldron that’s uh i should imagine it’s uh in adventure mode and in default mode it didn’t cause me too many problems

In apocalypse mode i can see the mobs that it spawns the corrupted slimes or whatever they’re called i can see them being an issue i could see me dying maybe two times to that boss fight so i don’t really want to die beforehand if at all possible

Okay going in here very very close quarters here and immediately creeper because of course [Applause] okay we’ll just wait uh until that poison disappears and we got ourselves the ember robes okay let’s have a look and see what they do again oh we have final shout and thorns

Oh i really want to put them on i do like the ember robes but i won’t get any life steal with them we’ll stay how we are for now i’ll decide what i’m doing later bad witch jesus you actually have a good arm on you okay so we only have

One secrets in this level and five chests oh enchanted witches this is not good oh didn’t notice until it was too late guys did not notice about the reflection until it was too late okay so they are taken care of seems to be only two so we’re either missing one or

Uh i killed one i didn’t see okay what i’m going to do quickly is i’m going to switch back to the eternal knife gonna see exactly uh in terms of damage how much more this does because we might be having an easier time with this i know it’s a bit of a

tactic i did say i’d stick with the dark tana as long as it does its job but i think we need every advantage we can get ah chest even though the dark katana is a bit more of a area clear weapon this boy might be better for me just killing enemies quicker

And building up that soul gauge so i can uh do the corrupted beacon as a room clearer yeah that’s right we have to go up and around okay that’s not too bad guys Okay so straight down now every time that potion is actually harder to dodge than damn arrows are mainly because that potion breaks on any bit of scenery after she throws it assuming these witches are she’s i don’t know if they uh have a specific gender the word which wouldn’t suggest you’re necessarily female

I hear another one cackling away over here i have to go up and round again oh nothing here okay how do i oh this way no you don’t throw that potion bad witch a couple more you guys down here just play the keep away game for a

Little while until i get dimitri back okay oh dimitri you spawned up here oh there’s loads of ways to go down here use these guys as fodder to get all my health back not you he’s a bad one takes ages to take down if i’m lucky i won’t get hit

But i’m not usually that lucky guys okay get off the edge there i do love the rag doll in this game it’s uh the ragdoll physics are quite funny you see a really really uh high level of ragdoll in a minecraft game is funny witches ow none of that

See that guy nearly always manages to hit me once or twice very rarely he doesn’t okay we managed to uh get an apple there some more arrows always good ready to use my fire arrows again anything over here anything of worth no not so much nice nothing here either okay let’s head back

If i get some armor that i uh deem worth wearing that’s not soul armor um something i can get this a bit more robust kind of like over the new embers robe or ember robe sorry um or some decent plate armor where i can go tanky

Then i will do that along with the dark katana because i think the overall payoff would be better but at the moment because i am quite light on armor and it’s quite a low level bit of gear i i require getting as much life draining as many critical hits as i can

It’s a bit of an unfortunate state of affairs but uh if the game’s not dropping gear guys i can’t get it and i can’t i can’t get a lot lot stronger oh hello friend get those crits get those crips bad in demand he doesn’t like the crits

One more two more he did manage to hit me once there right at the end okay we took care of him uh we were lucky i was managing to hit him for a crit every time and rather than hitting me he was disappearing uh that was obviously a purposeful thing

I was doing enough damage to make him want to teleport away uh which was handy it was very handy i got lucky there that could have been a much harder battle than that she was what is that oh zombies no yeah zombies and enchanted skeletons together

Oh we we don’t like this we don’t like this tour especially with that purple fire none of that you haven’t got purple fardo have you jesus two groups of enchanted enemies one stacked on top of each other they got rid of dimitri as well they deleted him for dimitri

It’s okay i’ll be back in a minute okay and we are done with the caves area let’s get back out have some arrows guys i know you want them you feel left out i know lots of witches nice things could have got a bit hairy there but that was actually okay

I kind of just rolled straight into danger you know that’s what i’m good at not looking what i’m doing hello fellas just passing through dmitry will go this way this is the overhead way where the bridges and stuff no let’s pick up some more arrows there

And we just picked up a double axe some type of battle axe so get rid of those pesky enchanted skeletons with a fire trail there’s still one left no bad skeleton that way there we go you’re not so bad armored zombie you’re not so bad at all there’s a chest up here somewhere

How did you guys know the potion wore off okay makes sense i took too long come on dimitri we’re going across here there’s a chest probably just a wooden chest but chest nonetheless oh gold chest right here that was that was quite sneaky we picked up the soul knife the weaker

Version of the eternal knife i have i could have done with the eternal knife that had been nice i know it’s in this area as well okay some supplies don’t mind if i do there we go find the cauldron we’re getting close guys we’re getting close oh

Do you see that an obsidian chest no bad zombies my obsidian chest oh we picked up the world wind the unique version of the new battle axel double x could it be good could it be good i doubt it’s a sole weapon but gear score 75 612 casts shock waves echo fire aspect

Swirling only 612. i’m going to leave that off for this fight i’ll consider doing that uh putting that on for the next place just like the dark katana technically the dark katana is a little better um but we shouldn’t complain we should not complain unique gear is always good if i could

Just get that nice unique armor set now something that would give me a decent uh defense that i wouldn’t have to rely on soul gathering and i could uh oh we leveled up nice nice we are now level 93 guys very nice yeah then i would these baby zombies

They are fast i mean they’ve always been fast but they are fast they come straight in for the kill the little blighters okay that’s that bit covered okay i feel that we are upon the cauldron guys it is uh it is ready for us looks like a

Pretty big area we’re now going into yep here we go see how much damage i can do to it before it starts it’s i don’t want to do too much damage like that because i uh i need the crits come on let’s see if this soul bar’s enough it is and

The harp crossbow as well another unique item i have had it before that was that was good and it was fairly straightforward that’s good okay let’s look at the heart crossbow or even more projectiles half musical instrument half deadly weapon what do we have in terms of enchantments

We have chain reaction which is a powerful one as well as tempo theft and piercing and we have the bonus shot the radiant shot and gravity gravity is actually really handy when you shoot toward enemies and they um they actually get pulled back together i’m actually going to take that

I haven’t got exploding shot which means it’s going to feel less powerful but in realistic terms it’s actually more powerful so i’m going to actually salvage the guardian bow thank you for all your hard work guardian bow you are very very good we’re going to salvage you up

So we can uh put some enchantment points into this boy we’re gonna use chain reaction and i kind of want bonus shot an extra 24 damage per shot gravity would be handy especially since it clusterfucks and pulls the enemies in but i want more damage okay fantastic um

The whirlwind x i’m still not 100 sure about it does lose power apparently this boy apparently our boy has got maximum power our eternal knife uh so i think about that i think about the world when x it does look tempting it casts shock waves naturally as well which pushes people away

Along with an echo which is an extra attack and swirling as well which is a swirling attack uh deals 512 damage oh that’s a bad boy axe i’ve got 29 enchantment points how much how much would he’s cost me can i actually i can fully enchant it without having to

Break the eternal knife which is why i wanted okay well i’m going to leave it on for now and i guess we’re going to test it out in the next level because there’s nothing else here from what i remember no there isn’t there is just uh this to show people what the uh

The secret i keep calling them void rooms i don’t know what it’s actually called but if of course i showed you one of these in the last the last episode of i think it was the first episode actually this is where you get this rune from it doesn’t appear until you’re in

Adventure mode just like all the other runes and all these other places they’re there you just can’t access them but this button is right here at the end of the soggy swamp level there is a button hidden amongst the mushrooms it does not appear until adventure mode

Okay and ladies and gentlemen we are done the arch illegal ocean supply is no more and it’ll be a long time before the witches recover from this blow well done nice we took 15 000 damage almost we used 82 items we opened all of the chests and we still only defeated

96 of the mob what do we get for our efforts we get a harvest our harvesters are quite cool but probably not something i’m going to use we also picked up the soul healer now this this is actually good the corrupted beacon technically has a has a hard gear score we should

Probably replace it with the fire arrows and then we’ve got a chance of healing myself in a fight i may well end up putting that on the build might start to change here guys because at the moment i’m all damaged uh yeah i’m all damaged but i do like the

Enchantments i have on here but it might be time for me to change to the ember robe i’ll think about it before the uh before the next video and uh yeah see see how i feel let’s uh does this training dummy can we see what we can do on here wow

Jesus call me the mint meter okay that actually might turn out a lot better than what i thought it would be okay not the coolest looking thing i’m not getting rid of the eternal knife definitely definitely gonna keep that and uh see how that pans out because uh at the moment the eternal

Knife is gathering our souls so we can uh do end boss battles and stuff i’m trying to stay prepared in apocalypse mode that was a little easier but then again it was set for me to be a little easier i was actually slightly above the level on that one because it

Wasn’t a secret level it had a more standardized difficulty i’m pretty sure it’s not going to carry on this way guys however i am going to end the video here one level for one video i think again doing that is the best way to do it

So i hope you guys enjoyed this video i very much enjoyed that level very much enjoy playing this game as usual i’ve been your host lord xs and i’ll see you guys in the next video in a bit

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons APOCALYPSE MODE # 3 : Witches and Weapons?’, was uploaded by Lord Exsus on 2020-07-22 11:32:58. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:00 or 1860 seconds.

Minecraft Dungeons [APOCALYPSE MODE] episode 3

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    3RICtion - DREAM RETURNS and TRANSFORMS Minecraft! (Manhunt 2 included)Video Information This video, titled ‘DREAM IS BACK and Changed Minecraft FOREVER (also Manhunt 2)’, was uploaded by 3RICtion on 2024-07-30 09:22:10. It has garnered 4066 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:53 or 953 seconds. This video me and my friend jasper discuss, review, and reaction to dream’s new video after 7 month break and all the drama. Ty dream for commenting Manhunt 2 is coming as well. minecraft vr fusion humans dream is back I added humans to minecraft reaction TWITCH: https://twitch.tv/3rictionyt DISCORD: https://discord.gg/zGGutyWX4t TWITTER: https://twitter.com/3RICtion INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/3riction TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@3riction Read More

  • Haunted Pizza Job Exposed!

    Haunted Pizza Job Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Working at a cursed pizza place 🙀’, was uploaded by @Bobby TV on 2024-09-11 11:01:24. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:19 or 739 seconds. #dankmemes #meme #memes #minecraft #roblox #robloxedits #robloxmemes #adoptme #bloxburg #dank Read More

  • Enderman DESTROYS my Minecraft World!!!

    Enderman DESTROYS my Minecraft World!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman Ruins my Minecraft World’, was uploaded by Clevooo on 2024-06-13 12:19:29. It has garnered 57924 views and 5076 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #shorts​ #Minecraft​ #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme Read More

  • “Aayan Ansarii mind-blowing Minecraft logic 💥” #trending

    "Aayan Ansarii mind-blowing Minecraft logic 💥" #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic💀 #youtubeshorts #shorts #trending #viral #logic @MrBeast’, was uploaded by Aayan Ansarii on 2024-01-10 03:16:24. It has garnered 7877 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Meets Elder Scrolls Online: Epic Fantasy Mashup!

    Minecraft Meets Elder Scrolls Online: Epic Fantasy Mashup!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Elder Scrolls Online Meets Minecraft: Shale Ahmad’s Journey Through Fantasy and Creativity’, was uploaded by Shale Ahmad on 2024-08-24 15:01:07. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:24 or 4944 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to Shale Ahmad’s Gaming World! 🌟 Dive into a dual adventure with Shale Ahmad as we explore the immersive realms of The Elder Scrolls Online and Minecraft. Whether you’re drawn to epic quests or imaginative building, this video has something exciting for every gamer. What’s Inside: The Elder Scrolls Online Adventures: Epic Quests &… Read More

  • Escape Fail: Trapped 4 Times in Minecraft Funland! 🤣🪤

    Escape Fail: Trapped 4 Times in Minecraft Funland! 🤣🪤Video Information This video, titled ‘I got trapped 4 times in minecraft😂🪤4️⃣’, was uploaded by Funland on 2024-08-02 20:51:00. It has garnered 37 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. In this video, I got pranked four times While playing Minecraft. Watch this video and see witch trap is your favourite! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our channel it would help a lot and we would appreciate it a lot. Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Hacks for Minecraft Action

    Ultimate Survival Hacks for Minecraft ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creative Solutions Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Enter Action gaming on 2024-05-09 09:52:06. It has garnered 51 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. In this intense episode of Minecraft Survival, join me as we face a critical challenge: NO FOOD in our castle! With hunger gripping our virtual world, we embark on a desperate quest to scavenge, farm, and cook whatever we can to survive. Will we conquer the hunger games or fall victim to the famine? Watch now to find out! Don’t forget to leave a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rocket Launch 😱

    Insane Minecraft Rocket Launch 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rocket 🚀’, was uploaded by Lolnz on 2024-07-23 03:27:23. It has garnered 10121 views and 330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #lolnz #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming #minecraftvideos #shorts #trending #viral #fypシ゚viral Read More

  • Epic Minecraft madness! Poi Poi gameplay 🔥

    Epic Minecraft madness! Poi Poi gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poi Poi #minecraft #uhuru #memes #trending #shortsfeed #gaming #daily #minecraftmemes #funny #edit’, was uploaded by Stenoky PlayzZ on 2024-08-08 09:35:55. It has garnered 13369 views and 1143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Poi Poi #minecraft #uhuru #memes #trending #shortsfeed #gaming #daily #minecraftmemes #funny #edit Your queries :- minecraft shorts,#minecraftshorts,minecraft sad shorts,minecraft story,minecraft gaming shorts,minecraft trending shorts,minecraft moments,minecraft but,minecraft sad,minecraft help,minecraft trend,yt shorts,minecraft,minecraft tiktok,sad shorts,#minecraft,minecraft funny moments,minecraft tiktoks,helping shorts,minecraftmemes,minecraft always help,emoz shorts,help shorts,trending shorts,#minecraftmemes,minecraft funny,#minecrafthacks,story shortsminecraft,minecraft mods,minecraft funny,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft aphmau,shorts minecraft,aphmau minecraft pranks,minecraft realistic physics,minecraft but i cant touch… Read More

  • Minesfera

    MinesferaServidor en Español Semi-Premium. Survival y Skyblock RPG con Misiones, Clases, Ciudades (Towny), Comercio, Arena y mucho más. ¿Minecraft Survival se te sabe a poco? ¡Prueba Minesfera con su Survival RPG! Grandes aventuras te esperan juega.minesfera.es Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 Discord DiscordSRV Bluemap Voice Plugin Coreprotect Age 16+ Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Community! Tired of your SMP dying off? Our community has stuck together because of our shared interest in Minecraft. Join our Discord server to play a variety of games with other members while keeping Minecraft at the center of it all. We welcome dedicated players who share similar gaming interests. Why Join Us? Major build projects are always underway and we have a friendly and mature community. We are light on rules but do not tolerate hackers or griefers. Respect other players and you will fit right in! Join Our Server All members must join our Discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine spotted in latest flick!!!

    I guess Herobrine finally landed his big break in Hollywood! Read More

  • Minecraft Movie: Hot Mess 🤡

    Minecraft Movie: Hot Mess 🤡 Why did the creeper go to the movies? Because he heard it was a blast! 🤣 #minecraftmovie #creeperjokes Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans in Minecraft: Bear Hill Mystery

    Sneaky Shenanigans in Minecraft: Bear Hill Mystery Exploring the Latest Minecraft Update: Beware of the Enchanted Perfume Flower! Welcome to the latest update in the world of Minecraft! In this edition of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Tales 62, a new and mysterious creature has emerged – the Enchanted Perfume Flower. Let’s dive into the exciting details of this intriguing addition to the game. The Enchanted Perfume Flower The Enchanted Perfume Flower is a unique and enchanting creature that has captured the attention of Minecraft players worldwide. This mystical flower emits a mesmerizing fragrance that lures unsuspecting players into its vicinity. Once under its spell, players must navigate… Read More

  • Minecraft Goes Industrial

    Minecraft Goes Industrial The Industrial Revolution Comes to Minecraft Imagine a world where the industrial revolution has taken hold in the pixelated realm of Minecraft. Thanks to a new mod created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, players can experience a whole new level of technological advancement within the game. Features of the Mod This innovative mod brings a range of new features to Minecraft, inspired by the industrial revolution. Players can now explore new crafting recipes, machinery, and automation systems that revolutionize the way they interact with the game world. Key features of the mod include: New crafting… Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate Cartoon World in Minecraft – Find the Perfect Size!

    Unlock the Ultimate Cartoon World in Minecraft - Find the Perfect Size!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-09-04 13:01:09. It has garnered 2520 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Secretly Building Easy Item Sorter

    Secretly Building Easy Item SorterVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Long Will It Take Me To Build The Easiest Item Sorter?’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-05-26 07:43:14. It has garnered 16089 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:59 or 21779 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Making The Biggest Build EVER! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More