Uncover the Most Terrifying Minecraft Modpack!

Video Information

Hey welcome to fear Nightfall this is my punishment for generalizing all of Minecraft horror in one YouTube video where I really just wanted to talk about my dislike of dweller stuff I don’t know what to expect I still don’t know how to do a YouTube intro like some somehow 6K Subs later I

Don’t know where you all came from and I don’t know I don’t I don’t know what I’m doing man oh wow f with torches and frame rate immediate spooky sound is this a well where the hell did we get this well more scary sounds God damn it it’s going to take a

While that was not what I expected the SE butt to do I didn’t think I was going to go prone got him West Welcome to feir Nightfall teach you the basics of the mod pack this is a quest it requires one or more task to be completed and may

Give a reward this case the quest will have you have a check mark task which you can click this is just information your cursed with permanent insomnia you cannot sleep at all it’s just like real life bed only serice spawn points and Phantoms do not exist thank God thanks for a

Bed sabling Phantoms [ __ ] those guys CES differently days being 40 minutes long that’s being 20 minutes long challenge to survive sanity Beware of the dark okay don’t waste time I’ll try chops figured that out fear the Nightfall hey that’s the name of the sanity yeah I like like I read all

That it’s more fun that way you can dove into the campaign move your mouse to the left panel show unlock the chapters crazy come again scary face have to progress through them to unlock more chapters makes sense good luck and fear the Nightfall ather is Fallen stop here Brian all right what’s up

Sheep that’s some red ass wood but you you start with cobwebs that’s not like a I thought there was like a texture thing on the inventory not actual cobwebs incredible man I I got I really got to say I feel like I I have to talk about

The just how well the other Minecraft videos are doing and I I did not expect them to do that at all I kind of just expected them if anything to get like maybe a couple hundred views and then like fizzle out and they’re they’re at like over 150,000 like what that’s

Insane I didn’t think people were going to sit down and watch a 50-minute video from a dude with 400 Subs talk about Minecraft mobs and just like repeat the same couple points over and over again but people did it and people liked it crazy uh so thank you for the overwhelming support I

Genuinely did not expect that at all that I did not want that in the crafting table uh I don’t know how long I’m going to keep up making Minecraft horror videos it wasn’t necessarily where I saw myself going it was supposed to kind honestly it was

Supposed to kind of just be a bit of a one-off thing but now that I know about all these freaking mod packs I want to play them too so I got more more Minecraft stuff to do like it was initially just like from the fog cuz that’s kind of all I knew

About but lovely YouTube commenters told me that you got to play the scary things and then I decided to complain about dweller mobs he sheep damn what do I do with you hey I’ll kill you all collecting you can I that’s [ __ ] up that’s [ __ ] up that you can do that hoay

All right well we got like a 40 minute day so I don’t know I don’t know what I’m going to get up to little campfire is there loot down here there’s loot down here got a golden sword looting too sure that’s a interesting World J Dead Guy chest bursted body like like

Alien but I could just pick these dudes up loock of coal uh yes sir mind if I do that’s not concerning giv the chest bursted body I’m sure I don’t got to worry about what that was there’s some sort of demon down here that wants to kill me uh-oh

Oopsies not mean to do that I got to I got to stop falling like this You’ think that with all the slow walking I do that I would notice the [ __ ] Ravines under my feet hey Bale bread come to me bread Pig floating island pirate ship no way black pig holy [ __ ] he’s

Superpowered Pig you know passive animals sure do a lot of damage oh so he’s so handsome that was quick who wants to bet that there are ELD hores underwater that’s copper want that got like a gazillion coal blocks I probably don’t need to mine that all right I guess I’ll make a

Little boat can I make a red boat with this red boat TI those villagers or pillagers villagers hey what’s up guys I’m about to come aboard Mission aboard cuz too late what’s up unemployed loser oh my God I’m going to sneeze oh my God bread brain coral composter you guys sh [ __ ] in

Here damn you guys are having sex in here you got salmon in a bucket what you got in here more bread jackpot Barrel Li get out of the way please I’m trying to steal your belongings you know what go for a swim you can you go down and die please I want to

Like the hell do I use a barrel bread bread meat Whisperer I don’t think that’s what you do with salmon you know this really didn’t help dropping him down there all right thanks for the loot thanks for the bread so I don’t know if making like a an above ground house

Is the play I feel like I’m going to want to dig into side of a mountain or something CU if you know you know the the whole I mean the whole mod pack is named fear Nightfall right I probably don’t want to live on the surface for nighttime

Right I’d be kind of down with setting up shop around here to be quite honest there’s a nice little quaint area apart from the exploded burning building over here but you know property value might be a little low but that’s okay got to keep the spirits Jolly in the neighborhood blow

Up a few houses every once in a while grave soil Undead Unleashed that sounds like fun yeah me things that I will uh immediately go back on what I was saying and build a house above ground and then dig into the ground probably and continue you building down there and I am

Absolutely terrible at building anything in this game so please do not make fun of me if I build the same house for like the third time in my Minecraft video my game I could do what I want I don’t think the tree would stand on this you know just like

I don’t think that would that would work you can only sleep at night [ __ ] you said I can’t sleep ever ever again again purple Insight insightful commentary friend day thank you thank you but I don’t know if this is going to be like a series kind of thing this

Dude I mean you know he’s he’s in a certain position I think I got to give him some privacy he died doing what he loved himself but I don’t know how how long this is going to go I do still plan on going back to uh Minecraft PSX I don’t

Know when this is necessarily going to come out uh probably at the very least not until after the 20 2023 quote reading video because that’s just tradition to get that [ __ ] out like immediately in January uhoh here I go building the exact same kind of house now where do I want the

Door this way did I make this even or odd I made it odd I guess we’re doing one door going to need more Magnolia wood which me I got to go back there just a single branch I won’t lie I walked past that I looked up I I thought that was a

Skeleton sticking out of the tree that would have been crazy if it was that have been metal as hell die in the side of a tree I don’t know that’d be a hell of a freaking hell of a sequence to get there now I’m not sure how much time

Left I have in the day probably not a lot judging by the sun’s distance to the Horizon but now that I’m done making my everyy little quaint little house with the same style yet somehow uglier than ever I would naturally go searching for a cave but I might

Just make a little M shaft because I haven’t done that in a very long time and go search for a cave a minor Moon it give me gives me haste I was going to say being the whole Minecraft turning into a Minecraft Youtuber kind of thing I don’t

Know if a minor moon is what I need right now you know what I’m saying maybe it is what I need Jesus nothing’s happening I understand it’s night time in fear Nightfall calm down make sure my freaking spawn Point’s set at least this night time is really

Aggressive I think I think I’m going to just have to turn the music down a little bit as this is unnecessary for mining you know and I have a fear that it’s going to be like this the whole night so I’m going to have this music for 20

Minutes oh looks like I’m no longer getting haste that kind of blows okay bamboost spikes well I mean it’s a little bit little late to place traps but use them eventually feel like the amount of mobs outside along with the rain is is dropping my frames a little bit that kind

Of it’s definitely definitely impacting my frames it was not this bad during the day someone just throw something out there where to set up my meat hooks I wonder really this little spot down here will be clean enough to hang the food I’m going to

Eat this seems like a good idea right on the dirt perfect no zombie arm holy explosion okay well okay well this there’s not much I’m going to be able to do here hello creeper okay well I blew up my bed too well what the hell was that sound hello creeper hello spider good

Lord I can’t see a damn thing hey look I can see thing ow going to have to wait the rest of the night out to get back home aren’t I cuz I cannot what that creeper fly that’s [ __ ] up all right game you’re forcing me to Sprint you’re going to make my Youtube

Comments real happy about that who’s opening like greates and who’s shotgunning me with arrows dude Jesus is that a church bell man this one sound effect sure is scary and I sure wish I could see where I was going is that a girl that’s a skeleton it’s like a scary girl follow

Me she’s pretty damn fast too it’s a flying creeper I know that sound the pig was just unbelievably chill for the current situation I have no clue where I’m at if you could believe that is this the one that’s next to my yes it is so my base is back this way

But with all the with the freaking Galaxy of people I have chasing me I don’t think slowness potions there’s a witch surprised I didn’t see my house there it is know the baby zombie what demon fish exactly okay well you know what I might be able

To right before my Hunger oh there goes it going to say be able to get oh right my stuff doesn’t uh damn it it’s got that mod okay well at least I’ll spawn here now cuz my bed’s not blown up old Minecraft combat you got me killed or new Minecraft combat lovely okay

Guess I’ll patch that up real quick make sure all of my torches got destroyed what the hell did that I get rid of you y it’s turning day but hello witch and that lady did not I mean I guess I should have expect you to be right on the door but don’t do

That okay you know what this might this might work it’s kind of annoying that creepers will blow up that that lady’s the church bell is that what is that what you’re telling me right now it’s kind of annoying that creepers blow up that baby zombie freaking exploded what the hell was

That annoying that creepers will explode without line of sight I mean it makes sense kind of I guess now can I go outside I mean the music doesn’t sound like I’m allow outside also achievement the beginning of what zener Ingot for the first time zener Ingot that’s a big sword

Wonderful this is always what I wanted out of Minecraft sick hell yeah off with the head [ __ ] skull cow got be up Dam sure is inventory clutter huh I’m going to need a chest I should probably fix the floor I’m going to need a whole chest just for animal parts me Thinks that sounds like a disgruntled ghost of a cow trying to come back to to kill me that’s what that sounds like there’s some sort of sort of cow demon can I use skull cow or cow skulls for anything interesting not really can I make like can’t even hang

Them on the wall oh those are really really tiny you know I think cow skulls are a little bit bigger than that Chickens did you do this chickens did you kill these men I would punch you but then you’re all going to Peck my freaking balls off wasn’t expecting the dirt to to freaking scream at me whaty grave can I grave Rob aome crucified body hold on I was going

To ignore this but I want to see the crucified body damn they got Jesus up here can I take you hell yeah I can hey chicken chicken come here chicken I got something to show you check this out check it out chicken like damn you got a freaking you got

Jesus it’s crazy I know you’re coming with me too now what is this Forest is this anything special redstone torch a dude who got real screwed up pressure plate impaled body you got that right thought I’d see someone hung in Minecraft but there you go first time for everything I

Guess you think that I was the last dude who trolled Herobrine so hard last dude who mined obsidian next to Herobrine oh a dirt Hut give me your furnace my pickaxe green bed you got anything underneath the carpet no man screw your carpet just a dirt little Hut with glass windows

Somehow another hung dude and right next to the field of hung dudes we got like some sort of little I don’t know if it’s a village everything’s kind of real overgrown here but people people set up shop here witch hazel door yeah this kind of does look

Like somewhere a witch would stay herb jar got need gather like crows gather items it Sage order and pestal why would you call it a pest Mor you’re insane for doing that blackx blend CL sure are a lack of witches in this witch Village building that an andesite Jesus Christ witches you

Guys I don’t even know that I want to meet any of you that’s insane huh but I’d like to see what the quest is before I accept it sure I you give what I just wanted to collect some pumpkins some dude shows up gives me a bomb and flies

Away extra food make armor to make through the rest of the quest G mat sh on the next page Redstone at one TNT interesting I got one TNT already 7 by7 pattern and on the next page TNT in the middle that sure is a ritual I the

TNT BL combined with the power of the shaped redstone do the trick probably okay I’ll keep that in mind strange pumpkin man oh home sweet ugly ass home I’m back getting late probably going to just spend the rest of the night mining so as to not have a creeper blow

Up my house through the wall that would be nice to not have happen again twice at least there’s another minor Moon oh that’s a cave dweller I know that isn’t it iron pick hell yeah it is moonlight great swword like Dark Souls sword that’s not what I expected to see here dunmer

Bed scary noise you not like dunmer are you an Argonian sucks to suck idiot it does not need to be that loud you kind of need armor like that is a zillion enemies right there look at that that is so many enemies I need armor

Can I access my chest from down here is this is this really how little I want to get blown up again that I’m going to I’m to dig all the way to my freaking chest it’s one block too far chest please don’t God [ __ ] damn it what why did you blow

Up I don’t even know where these skeletons are he’s the head glitching you [ __ ] but you guys got freaking gear on die F you okay well I guess the only way really to go is that way what the zombie was from dude these guys are snipers that’s

Insane this mod has got a I don’t know what mod makes these dudes snipers okay spider but they have got to calm the hell down that really does not not go as far down as I hope that that spot would just want to be able to break into this cave like start doing

Stuff good Lord immediate creeper and something with white eyes dude like look at how many look at how many mobs are in there dude like that is smell of blood has summon something okay I mean you don’t have to tell me twice so I hardly made a dent in those

Freaking mobs now way is it turning nighttime almost yeah it’s turning nighttime [ __ ] you know what that means feel like something is chasing you well that’s not good should i’ like do that is that going to work probably not how do I know when I’m not being chased cuz

Like I don’t know what the play is here I’m being chased do I hide in my house or do I go and do stuff I don’t know gu ain’t got none no I think oh huh would you look at that that sounds like something I don’t want to fight whatever that was

That sounds like something that can smell blood smell blood on blood that’s what I want Hello creepers ow hey look I’m bleeding dude I literally cannot see any of those skeletons and there’s like five of them like I would love to be able to go in and see what’s making all those

Noises but all these skeletons man like come on that’s got to be like some sort of huge zombie or something right I can’t freaking see it that creeper have a smiley face like look at how many arrows are flying at me right now I literally I literally don’t have

The opportunity to swing my sword at these guys right below me and do they run away when the creeper is about to blow up they do I can’t even do that I can’t even use the creeper dude something out there there’s like a silhouette right there he’s shooting all of these arrows look

At this whatever that dude is he is insane he’s got a machine gun holy man that dude’s freaking putting lead down range these skeletons have actual Aimbot it’s insane like I think I might just try and find another cave smaller cave I might just come back up to whatever y14 and just strip

Mine cuz like I need to get more armor before I go in there clearly oh [ __ ] did I just open a hole into a [ __ ] cave yes yes I did right All Things Considered pretty good that it was only two freaking baby zombies that followed me good Lord you are fast as [ __ ]

Spider hold on was that was that something breaking blocks I can’t tell if that’s block breaking or just sound effects of running on blocks now that’s [ __ ] up a wolf all right you know what that’s got me [ __ ] up you know straight up just [ __ ]

That I won’t even lie that that [ __ ] had my hair the hair on my on the back of my neck standing up and I can’t [ __ ] speak now you think I’m a little bit perturbed perhaps God damn it is it still nighttime I need to make a clock

Cuz judging the Jud based off music well it does work not perfect God damn it that’s that okay okay I don’t even have to explain that one you can see that [ __ ] far you can just see that God damn it I got zombiie okay how do I Hing how do I make an

Alter chapter two biome Jesus biomancy manipulation that’s quite a jump from survive the night and like craft a door under extra body parts from mobs but breaks block oh but breaks easily be blazing what is that biomancy I didn’t expect chapter 2 after like craft spikes and like make a backpack into

Bioweapons I feel like that’s a bit of a jump all right how do I do this flesh plunder I first thing that it showed me was freaking puffer fish I’m like you I need puff fish for this thing what is a primordial core okay I need ender pearls from Enderman

That I haven’t seen because I’m not allowed to go outside at night I don’t dude freaking I hate having a sort button in Minecraft I have to press it every time oh creatures outside come to my front door so I can kill you not you not you you are not welcome here damn

Creepers creepy creepers one with me in these tunnels spiders just don’t give a damn infected pillagers Spore do I have to worry about infection now ow God damn this dude’s jump shotting me celium infection I hope that causes no longw lasting effects nah bro we’re not doing that I hearit damn

It is poison going to kill me well Splash damage potion will kill me poison won’t I mean poison shouldn’t kill me I’m not on hard CU I would hate to play this on hard mode and I would especially hate this in hardcore cuz I’m I’m sure that if I say

Something isn’t scary people are just going to tell me to play in hardcore mode when there’s very much many many things in here that are going to just one shot vaporize me which is why I’m not in hardcore hardcore is obnoxious this body being here is blocking me from shielding that really sucks

I can’t like the hell out of here me I can’t Shield cuz my freaking dead body’s in the damn way more [ __ ] creeper how many creepers are there dude is there a is there has to be like a creeper spawner dude like even though they’re literally just walking around in the

Dark what is slowing me here obrien you’re the one thing I know in this world so wait I have check to FLH Spike flesh bits bio Forge definitely can’t keep doing that like poison spikes there bamboo spikes wait hold on wait a minute soap gives you 10% saturation you can eight

Soap there’s a soap block yum instead of wandering around to try and find a jungle this bamboo forest that might be better that’s couple blocks away right there anything scary in the water probably hello redwoods you’re not quite what I’m looking for the [ __ ] are you ow I just realized how much damage

You did and you’re stuck cuz you stupid where’s your hit box right Nature’s Compass is in my right hand sick that’s not annoying at all full iron armor and that thing is doing five and a half hearts and it just shows up right as I get

There please do not break my boat why are there so many of you why do you all have Trident and I just just want to get my stuff back you show me a giant ass pirate ship like you know I got to come back to that so quick update I don’t think I’ve getting my stuff back it’s still on the on the ocean now it’s night time getting attack by demon

Fish I guess I’m just going to sit around for 20 minutes all right after waiting through the whole day uh two three maybe creepers actually did kind of blow up my house um I probably should have started recording back up to actually show you that but I’ve decided that it will

Probably just be easier to find red Stone and make another Nature’s compass and try and follow that back to where I was so naturally I’m on what is basically a suicide mission to find a piece of redstone die for some reason did not think to bring [ __ ] torches

Oh hey lovely grab that leave I will probably update once I make it back to my stuff back to my [ __ ] we go hoay wrong way update it’s raining it is incredibly dark redwoods have been found though torch on tree sweet we now have my [ __ ] lovely you know just thinking about it

Now I had such a hard time getting back here I hope I can make it back to my actual base okay don’t know where you came from all right now we head back before my sanity totally drops to Zero from the rain so I could raise it here I

Can maybe just a little bit all right we’ll update if I find my way back home okay you know what as I’m passing by I do want to check out this freaking pirate ship I don’t exactly have inventory space uh but I guess I don’t oh my God don’t

You dare oh my God this was a terrible idea it’s also pillagers on the ship I’d rather deal with you shooting me than freaking Trident just have copper in here dude this is your tell me this is your treasure room hey look prisoners what’s up

Guys oh wait a minute I have a backpack hold on it’s almost like it was made for this incredible I’m not really sure where I picked up a lead I think I literally just got that on the water wait this that’s the backs slot that’s curio backs slot oh gank him gank him

Damn you did good damage what I’m running low on bread I might as well take all the food from these animals thanks guys not only did I have you get shot by pillagers that were just standing in this room for some reason I’m also taking your

Food okay how many of you are up here there’s a villager just walking around these dudes are jumping off the sail what oh there goes my shield that’s no good well I hope there’s no spawners on here that would make this a lot more difficult than it needs to be whole ore

What where’s Marine explosives so I was blind incredible earon it cool uh horn Ponder incredible best feature I don’t know what that does crossbow axe Unbreaking two sure I’ll take that other boots don’t need those iron boots I need those name tag sure like normal these guys are actually on the saes that’s

Insane DED kelp that’s they actually they straight up suicide off the sails that’s one way to defend your ship no block it’s an interesting way to make it what yeah you know what I don’t want to deal with that guy red more compasses you can stack compasses give me my inventory

Back I don’t know how I feel about Crossing this ocean that I’m apparently very prone to getting lost on in the night time so I might just sit back well it’s like 1:00 a.m. I might go to bed instead I was going to say I might sit back watch another episode of

Chowder that it’s not cool ghosts are not welcome on my ship I am a commandeering this [ __ ] and you are not allowed here I killed you you’re not allowed to come back as a ghost you stay dead God damn it more bombs this guy good thing I haven’t found any Villages

Raid what do you mean raid you got two Barrels in your Barrel this music is getting really loud okay well I just shot a Pillager and we’re getting this message now so that sounds fun don’t come in here that’s directly outside give me this is that something that is something

Right that is definitely something that is definitely something out there huh that’s no good look who showed up look who didn’t show up you were Bri here to comfort me in my time of not knowing what the hell’s outside if he’s not cuz he’s a [ __ ] all right it’s practically morning

So I’m going to hope that Jesus you’re St me up I was hoping to get out of this ship today but it really doesn’t look like that’s going to happen sheep you got to move I don’t like this Of course I can’t reach Insanity I’m guessing because there are so many goddamn monsters around me just had to stop the [ __ ] pirate ship didn’t I every time I turn around there’s more and more pillagers now I got to listen to these damned Whispers what was that this sucks just going more

Insane in the game and in real life from having to deal with all this [ __ ] like I want to try and just drop my boat down get in it and leave but jackasses like this keep stopping me Fu you just leave Jesus Christ there are so many

Things here my game is lagging like a [ __ ] and this thing is faster than I am because it’s got Dolphins Grace for some godforsaken Reason pyramid Herobrine your goddamn pyramid is my only hope right now there ain’t no creepers here that thing is still following me which really really really really really sucks can I even lose that thing cuz I kind of need to but don’t worry there’s more spawning okay and now this just

Sucks cuz you’re going to kill me I don’t even [Applause] know just let me get the shore yeah that’s about how I’m feeling right now not that okay I found where I died but of course that guy was just following me though it doesn’t look like goinging all

The way over here but there’s one right there why would it be easy there are all of a sudden zombies that did half my health holy [ __ ] I just noticed okay dude you get rid of the planks give me the backpack why are you moving that fast on water is

He going to jack my boat no way that looked like he was going for my boat to follow me I would have been so pissed also I just realized yes I turned off the shaders so I could turn my render distance up to 64 if you think that’s cheating [ __ ] you

That [ __ ] was annoying all of that was [ __ ] annoying I give myself a pass to do that [ __ ] I’m sorry if you don’t like it it’s 2 a.m. and I’m annoyed I’m going to get back to my house and I’m going to go to

Bed cuz that boat did not put me in a good mood to say the least all of that of course some [ __ ] bamboo at least I got the bamboo right made it back eventually Ludicrous Speed it’s not a Space Balls reference do it can’t help it like that just like [ __ ] that you

Know what actually what are you just zombies you seem like just zombies it is absolutely just zombies but they break [ __ ] real quick look Herobrine what I was going to say is heyo diamond where I was so rudely interrupted why is that one skeleton running from me now

Yeah I guess I should have expected that shouldn’t I I was wondering why that was taking just so long to mine what was that for oh I’m going be real it’s been a it’s been a couple days since I’ve logged on to here and the last thing I remember was

That I don’t know I was I guess it looks like I was building or changing up the house on the surface and the last thing I remember was getting a message in chat that something was like following me or something was chasing me and I I don’t know what it

Was cuz I have logged out in that time and have totally forgotten just what it was uh and I don’t even have the message on recording apparently I thought I did uh but I don’t so something shows up out of nowhere and I explode and die uh that’s the

Reason what is this enlightened deep slate I didn’t know you could be so knowledgeable Oh here bride hey well I didn’t drop [ __ ] even though it said I could mine it with the pickaxe okay damn damn what that’s not good [ __ ] spin the globe that are you [ __ ] kidding me I hate myself what does that sound like really a skeleton just in the water

I got all right guys I got I got jump scared therefore why do you spawn and ruin my [ __ ] day trying to have a speech here I got jump scared one time that therefore that means every point that I make a every criticism is a lie and I’m

A [ __ ] idiot and I should feel bad that’s what that’s what that’s what one guy well not one guy but at least two guys said on that freaking horror mob video maggots you’re Brian help me these witches are [ __ ] [ __ ] how [ __ ] that that poison going to kill me

Skeleton don’t come around and shoot me please God damn 21 seconds oh it’s not a go what why did I cream what it what is this about that it’s not what would happen if I got poisoned for the for the record oh and you go grayscale at low health or like

No no I just have a skeleton head on well there’s all the freaking spawns can I stop losing sanity please stop losing sanity you’re like sanity it’s like a neat addition to Minecraft but like I don’t know I kind of don’t like it it’s kind of really

Annoying I think if it worked a bit more like Don’t Starve sanity where there’s just an absolute [ __ ] ton of ways to regain it would be a little more bearable but like okay actually I cuz like it it tells you in the in like the new mechanics or the next one

Sanity like eat food or be full be close to a pet or another player can’t do that one haven’t found wolves listen to Comming Melodies I haven’t found any haven’t found any music discs walk on dirt paths and carpets be near campfires fish spawn chickens from eggs earn achievements breeding animals with

Villagers htting flowers like one of these you can Do regularly and that’s eat food and that hardly helps cuz I’m full and it’s not regaining sanity it’s just stopping it from going down apparently just everything despawned oh no skeleton don’t you dare oh my God he’s machine gunning me dude look at the range right help me volcanic ash that leaves

I will tell you what this dungeon was not made for you to be able to walk through leaves that’s absolutely for [ __ ] sure okay doer you got to shut up Dog thank you it’s just going to be annoying to go through rather go back to the lava and before Oh you scared of the cave D oh oh my God good job you want to do the same thing I’m trying to give what the hell this

Is beginning of the end somehow I don’t think I’m close to the end oh it’s cave dweller you know I would like to keep progressing through this you know whole campaign [ __ ] but like I haven’t found a single Enderman at all and I need a lot of these primordial cores it

Seems for upcoming stuff and I just haven’t found a single Enderman none of them have shown up in caves and you know going out at nighttime is just like not an option it seems so I don’t know how I’m supposed to get any ender pearls to continue this cuz it’s really slowing down

Progress C what who’s hey bye cave dweller like what it was like a [ __ ] Minecraft girlfriend skin dude what what the what was that like she was stanced kind of like Herobrine or something she kind of showed up like Herobrine but like like what and that was just another person that wasn’t

Herobrine I don’t know maybe hello ow you give me darkness is this actually the way out I think it is it is didn’t have to try very hard hey I was going to say I had a feeling that someone was behind me and I was

Going to be I was going to do like a who’s behind me sounds like someone’s trying to sell me something kind of joke I didn’t even have time to freaking think of the joke what are you human remains that doesn’t look like a human doesn’t sound like a

Human that don’t look human that’s probably not good for my health I’m sure that’s fine I really do hate to end a video with feeling like I’ve done [ __ ] nothing in the mod pack especially CU this mod pack seems huge right there’s like five chapters to the

Campaign but like I just have not found Enderman it might totally just be I need to go outside at nighttime I guess I could check that before I end the video because like I don’t I mean as of right now I don’t necessarily have the intention of doing like a part

Two let alone making a [ __ ] let’s play in the year of Our Lord 2024 like I’m not necessarily opposed to doing that that’s just not the kind of content I typically go for right Minecraft’s not even the kind of content I typically T typically go for um I’m sure that anybody body

Who’s gone through like my channel has noticed that it’s not typically Minecraft there’s very little Minecraft content um it just happened that the few Minecraft videos that I made by myself decided to absolutely explode for no reason in popularity and I get that’s just I guess that’s just YouTube YouTube algorithm

Doing its thing uh which I am eternally grateful for by the way I don’t know if I I can’t even remember if I’ve said that before in this video or anything but the support on the past couple videos right has been absolutely overwhelming to the point where I don’t

Know what the [ __ ] to do you know cuz like I feel like if I go back to the normal stuff that I make which is just like funny moments videos I mean hell in the two videos that I’ve uploaded since a Minecraft video I’ve had multiple people telling me Oh just

Just make Minecraft [ __ ] dude like those videos clearly worked just be a Minecraft Youtuber like that’s not what I’m trying to do dog like I’m not opposed Herobrine I’m not opposed to playing Minecraft single player when it’s super Omega modded or opposed to doing like a let’s play

Series it it g it’ll give me something to do just by myself cuz like every other video is me and friends I don’t even know what I started about started talking about because I feel like I’ve veed off from what I was talking about but I also don’t remember what I was

Talking about I think I was talking about ending the [ __ ] video is what I was talking about and being like there’s so much [ __ ] in this mod pack and I feel like I’ve done nothing cuz I can’t find Enderman and now I’m just kind of wasting time until

Nightfall even though that’s going to be like half an hour I guess I’ll just chill and wait until Nightfall and then I’ll try and find Enderman is that Herobrine feel like that was Herobrine I also don’t know what the [ __ ] that sound is and it’s it’s really just annoying at

This point it sounds like someone choking on Dick I’ll be honest uh I my only guess as to what that might be is the sound of your sanity going down as some sort of indicator I don’t know why that would be the indicator but that’s what it feels

Like thank you for watching let me know if you want to see more of this I should probably before ending the video give my thoughts on the [ __ ] pack why wouldn’t I do that I can’t just you’re Nightfall is it Minecraft’s scariest mod pack I don’t know

Probably I got jump scared by a [ __ ] skeleton and like mobs being ble to break blocks around you while mining totally maybe [ __ ] my pants uh the increased mob range I [ __ ] hate it so much because of skeletons cuz you know with this the shaders that tank my PC sometimes you

Can’t [ __ ] see 10 ft in front of you when it’s dark and skeletons can shoot you from like 30 blocks away and they also get to machine gun you it’s a little it’s a little bit annoying losing sanity Herobrine’s behind me and I lose sanity despite not

Knowing that he’s there also I’m pretty sure that confirms my [ __ ] theory that that’s what the is he holding something is he holding the blunt what is that you Bri what are you doing I want to get close to you to see what the hell

That is but you’re just going to D me up if I get too close he had like something on his back but I couldn’t [ __ ] see it cuz I turned towards him if only I could have looked behind him like this I don’t know that dude’s kind of just chilling

Still what else do I have to say about this mod pack I don’t know I feel like I should have more thoughts you know I played it for like a week uh I’m probably going to have to edit for like eight hours tomorrow even though I probably have to work

Tomorrow and I’m about to say thank you for watching again thanks for watching hopefully if I [ __ ] just end the [ __ ] video dude holy [ __ ] shut up stop stalling so very quickly unsurprisingly one more time I’m going to say thank you for watching uh I’m finishing editing this at 2:40 in in the

Morning um so I’m already losing track of what I want to say I did end up running around at night I didn’t find any Enderman if you want to see more of this let me know I’m going to probably do one more video on Minecraft PSX and

Beat that hopefully um I also important that I don’t actually intend on like exclusively doing Minecraft videos it would probably be like every other or every couple videos I would might upload a Minecraft thing if this becomes like if there’s enough uh demand for this to

Be like a whole freaking thing so I’m not going to do only Minecraft [ __ ] if you made it to the end of this [ __ ] hour and a half long video oh my God uh what are you doing thank you for watching thank you for watching I’m

Going to say that one more time thank you for watching I need to go to bed now sorry see you bye thanks for watching he’s got a what what got a fishing rod

This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s ‘Scariest’ Modpack’, was uploaded by Friend A on 2024-01-11 17:27:46. It has garnered 15249 views and 1311 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:16 or 5596 seconds.

Oh god I did not intend for this video to be this long dear god what have I done. Was meant to be like a 30-40 minute video but I recorded way longer that I should have apparently. I said towards the end of the video but let me reiterate that I don’t want to be a minecraft exclusive youtuber, but I would enjoy continuing to play fear nightfall if you would like to see more. I will finish Minecraft PSX sometime probably within the month, please do not comment that you want more minecraft on every video I upload until then though. Also something cool is that two parts of this video apparently have already gotten copyright claimed due to music used in the modpack, that’s incredibly annoying so if you’re one of the first people to see this video just know that if you see the part where I say spider four times around the 34-36 minute mark just know you’re very special, and something around the 1:12 -1:13 minute mark got copyright claimed but Youtube wouldn’t actually tell me that initially only when fixing the other one which also means I can’t view what it was at that time. I would get annoyed at the modpack creator for using copyrighted stuff but honestly I doubt they did it looks like its just some jackass claiming generic horror music in order to try and get easy money so I’m not blaming the modpack or the dev. And days after uploading parts continue to get cooyright claimed, if audio starts to drop in quality it’s because I used YouTube’s edit out the music feature so sorry, but some Jackhole keeps copyrighting music in this video


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  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

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  • Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!

    Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎’, was uploaded by Prank king on 2024-05-07 14:54:24. It has garnered 495 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. This Minecraft Portal Build Will BLOW YOUR MIND! #Shorts 🌍 nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎 Get ready to have your mind blown with this incredible Minecraft portal build like you’ve never seen before! Watch as we create a mind-blowing nether portal build that will leave you speechless. This trending Minecraft gaming video showcases some… Read More

  • The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!

    The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7’, was uploaded by Zeelophoney on 2024-04-16 17:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7 w/ Xylophoney – Minecraft Roleplay! Help us get … Read More

  • Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥

    Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴NOWA STREFA ! GIGA LIVE🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 08:49:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Give me a sub ▻ My minecraft server! IP: lajnie.gameshare.pl version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 here I talk: https://discord.gg/PB5cRAj7 … Read More


    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

    INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some morning minecraft today #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Basicallyzs on 2024-07-03 14:50:36. It has garnered 228 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:42 or 9162 seconds. Thanks for tuning into the stream check out my discord https://discord.gg/pF7PRxyw Donation Link : cash.app/$Basicallyzs DONATORS NAMES GO ON MY MAP (larger donation = larger name) #gamingshorts #funnymoments #warthunderjets #warthundertanks #shooter #minecraftmemes #livestream #ww2 Read More

  • Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. Minecraft

    Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ChaosJul on 2024-02-22 13:46:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mooinn guys!! What’s up?? In this video I played Fortnite in Minecraft. I would really appreciate a like and a subscription… Read More

  • Sarkarnetwork

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