Uncover the Secret Temples in AuraTale

Video Information

For for for hello everyone or T here welcome one and all to another Minecraft stream I hope everyone out there is doing well today thank you so very much for coming on by H let’s go ahead oh what do you mean game Crash whatever anyway uh let me get the restream up

Make sure everything is playing okay everything seems to be going all right streaming quality is optimal and we have lift off all righty hope everyone out there is doing extraordinary on this wonderful afternoon 90210 is that where I got that tune from what is 90210 okay whatever all right let me

Just post the link on to other places and there and all righty okay so today we’re doing Minecraft version 1.3 today is the first stream of that and last stream we did start 1.3 technically but this is the official start to 1 .3 uh last stream was our

World Tour episode where we went ahead and checked out everything that we’ve done so far if you are new to the channel or if you’re new to the series the passage of time we’ve made a few builds already uh each stream oh okay oh there there was a zombie down

There each stream we or each stream each uh the the passage of Time series is we do each update and we do everything there is to do in that update before we move on uh for example this house here that was our 1.0 build the barn over

There was our 1.1 build our 1.2 build was the jungle over there and our series long project is this long Corridor called the passage of time that did more damage to me than I thought it would uh but yeah welcome one and all to the stream we got some boats we need the

Boats for things we need the wood for just in case type of scenarios each chamber is dedicated to each update so this is the 1.0 chamber over here the gallery of time as I like to call it this is the 1.1 chamber right here not really much

Going on with it yet 1.2 was when we started getting uh different wood types so I started to accent it differently and each chamber also has its own little rooms that pertain to set up updates uh this is going to be our 1.3 room right here we haven’t really started it yet

But that’s okay because in due time we shall and yeah today’s stream is the tale of two temples so we’re going to be going from one Temple to another we’re going to be doing the temple run by that I mean temples have been introduced into

1.3 so we’re going to go to to a jungle first that I haven’t gone to I’ve touched the outer edges of it so I’m hoping that it didn’t count but we’re going to go to the jungle temple over this way I can run through these now yes

It feels so good to just smash these down yeah we’re going to see if we can find a jungle temple over here and then afterwards we’re going to go ahead and search for a desert temple which would awesome be fun I’ve not been this way since the 1.2 update

By the way except at the very edge of the Jungle which I hope that doesn’t really mess anything up I don’t think it should anyway I haven’t been this way since before 1.2 where we updated the world and the jungle should be just beyond these trees here I did actually

Like that there used to be a planes biome out this way it’s kind of sad to see it gone but at least now we got jungle in every direction I guess yeah there is the start of the Jungle there this is this this is way past where I was

Before all right into the jungle let’s see how bad it is as far as loading I should say I’ve already noticed that Minecraft version 1.3 is a lot more different in terms of like performance it’s not as good hopefully that’ll change once we get to 1.4 things will hopefully be

Better optimized once we get to 1.7 though it won’t matter what the updates themselves do because we’re going to be getting OptiFine in 1.7 so that will allow us to optimize our game to the full extent there is a Black Sheep there see I’m not seeing any deserts

Strangely enough I do see snow biome next to the Jungle which is furious h no there is no jungle biome here that’s okay we’ll move on maybe as we continue try traveling there will be one maybe we will find our first jungle temple oh I don’t think we’ll find I

Mean if there’s a snow biome next to a jungle biome then I guess it’s just dependent on chance I guess yeah now there’s a swamp biome which I think that is normal in later updates in later updates there’s cold biomes and hot biomes and warm biomes cold and hot biomes are never together

But warm and cold or warm and hot are next to each other I’m not seeing anything this way though now all right let’s get out in our boat we still got a few come on go forward it is night time I should have brought a bed all right let’s

See just more swamp this way nothing but ocean out that way which it’s likely that’s all we’re going to see out that way is ocean oh my gosh looks so vast probably going to go a couple thousand blocks in this Direction first before making our way to the next destination I’m losing ocean

Actually more snow and ice oh okay I didn’t know that could happen please stop come on boat let me out don’t want to run into the ice just some skeletons oh and zombies now nothing to be afraid of let’s keep going they hit a zombie anyway so that

Zombies going to go after them now that’s funny well there’s a creeper I think at this point we’re well past oh yeah we’re like 1,400 blocks away from Spawn oh my gosh so yeah this is definitely way past even where the 1 Point four stuff is going to be

1.6 at some update in the future we’ll be calling out the world again so all of this stuff will likely not be here so it’s fine if a creeper blows up the ground here or if there’s the occasional creeper that blows up the ground or if a creeper destroys the

Ground careful there’s lava or if lava lava burns everything in the forest I thought that was a legit cave and then I looked in there and there was lava it was not glowing so that was terrifying got to watch for that kind of stuff all right I’m getting to that

Point where I’m going to have to go back oh there’s stuff up there on this island now lots of things on this island oh my gosh I still got a little ways to go oh don’t shoot my boat down please am I going the right way

Yes oh this might be way more than 300 blocks I’ll keep going until I see land and if the land is not jungle I will turn right back around I didn’t even find any Desert cuz we’re not just looking for jungles here we’re also looking for deserts

Well this is a very very very very very long ocean and I cannot see what’s at the bottom actually no I can see what’s at the bottom it’s a bunch of sand and clay and dirt and gravel nothing else not even Kel because that does not exist this soon this

Early it is the middle of the night and I am in the middle of the ocean at this point I may as well just find the uh the musham biome it was somewhere out this direction I think just use that was like 3,000 blocks out okay th this is insane oops didn’t mean

To do that this is insane how long this is how far this is oh my gosh we’ve traveled for a whole kilometer and it’s just been nothing but ocean hold up land but I think it’s just an island oh snow which is a snow go okay let’s look for that mush biome I

Think it was this direction somewhere it’s going to be very amazing once we get elytras it’s like five more updates from now though the plan though is this year we’re going to make it hopefully up to 1.6 possibly 1.7 I think 1.7 would be amazing just in time for optify that it over

Here that’s Islands but not the Mushroom Island it’s a very very very hard cliff right there just go straight down into the water it’s possible it was also in the other direction going to go all the way to like a th000 blocks or so and then we’ll go back the other

Way something’s over this way or Island desert we can find a desert temple also yeah we’re good on the sound actually uh not that um options not that either uh video settings ah is that not a thing yet I don’t know what the snooper settings are oh whatever let’s just go

Forward there is a creeper over there but that’s okay we’ll fine oh this oh whoa whoa okay that’s pretty cool that’s a grand formation yeah I like this this is a good Cliff question is is there even a Temple around here there’s not just a cliff there there’s a

Cave that is really really cool actually oh my gosh see there’s the performance issues right there allowing me to see into the world oh it’s even worse here there’s an abandoned M shaft down there oh that’s funny I can see everything down there that’s bad I think that’s it for this uh desert

Then it was just a small desert no Temple I’m also one’s over here that’d be really cool oh the desert continues this way okay uh okay good it loaded oh gosh I thought it was just going to be water there see how bad that is I can see everything oh I don’t like

That could probably just like go back to the stream later and just see where everything was and just travel but no I’m not going to do it oh my gosh it’s a desert f Village it’s an actual desert village it’s not just a village with houses oh my

Gosh I didn’t know this was a thing in this update what do you got fish for emeralds that’s not the best no looking for good trades here ooh there we go wheat F uh that the the things do they work the fields yet or no blacksmith are chests available in these

Yet yes diamond and a new iron sword good o ooh ooh oh cleric but not anything good um that thought it’s a lot of cows I’m going to just murder all them cows there’s so many what the heck I’ve never seen so many cows in one spot what

The heck is this I mean I have with cow Farms but not naturally also like the clerics usually give like really good deals espe especially on uh Le or not leather on zombie flesh so I’m hoping that I can find one that gives me a really good deal on zombie Flesh so far their deals have been atrocious I don’t even have an emerald yet wait is there an achievement for that by the way I never paid attention to see if there was one yeah there’s no new achievements yet okay all right that’s all the cows how

Much did that oh my gosh 24 meats and there’s still more cows look at this area though oh this is a really cool area here too it’s beautiful pull out this way oh my gosh could build something out here like an entire Stone Castle or something any other gooder like some stuff you

Melons that was a creepy corner it was hay they they wanted hay he gives me Meats cooked meats for one Emerald that’s actually not bad if I had emeralds I would do that oh here you are so yeah let’s go ahead pick this and get our first emeralds shall we

Hopefully this will be enough I mean not that particular group of uh Hey wheat there’s more so easy to tell if it’s ready or not I like this hay I like this form of wheat I hope it stays like this forever oh that’s exactly 19 what do you offer oh you’re the Seven

Meats you’re the six Meats Arby’s we have the meats oh you give me cookies oh that would be really really nice here you go boat give me an emerald please our first Emerald woo nothing new though huh sad that’s one Emerald Down dozen to go cuz we need we actually need way more

Than that if we’re going to be building our 1.3 build anyway I’m going to make a little makeshift Village closer to where I live at some point y’all have a um what’s it called a crafting table here that would be really nice I don’t see one though does this house count as two

Houses I think it does because there’s two doors get some free bread all right I need new everything I actually don’t have much wood left I only have two boats okay All right where the heck am I this is where the desert ends up ending which not a bad find this wasn’t too bad this was pretty good we’re going to go the opposite direction now see if we can find that Mushroom Island also we need to get away from the

Village before it turns night I should have a boat somewhere already so I shouldn’t waste that boat should use it utilize it make use of it it’s somewhere not out this way thought it would be must have been over this way yeah it was because this was a continuation of the

Desert no idea what the chances of finding a temple was though one thing is for sure it’ll be our first desert temple thus we have to be very very very very careful not to blow it up cuz they have a booby trap at the end

And those are not fun if you hit the pressure plate wait a second do they have those in this I I don’t know if they do or not is Stone pressure plate a thing ah there’s my boat found it I saw that there’s another uh abandon M shaft underneath

Me there’s there’s water in my boat oh the water is gone okay good I’m also going to go a little bit South just by by few hundred blocks to see maybe if it’s just in the in in a different direction it was like between 26 to 2900 blocks away from

Spawn if I do come across the Mushroom Island first before anything I am going to go back through the nether to get home M no need to get into the bookshelf there’s a ravine of some sort over this way did I go far enough oh not quite no ma’am money mischevous

Cat Okay that sh should be good I’m going to go back the other way Then uh this must have been where that Ravine was cuz that was pretty scary that was like a whole trench right there silly cat I feel like it was off in this direction actually I mean the ocean is completely changed so I don’t know exactly where

The portal is I should have taken down the coordinates of it at some point so now I can just check it on the Fly here while out here in the middle of the ocean I could actually check back at the old stream to see Island I I’ve passed by that Island

Before ah snowy land surely one of these I thought I named it like Mushroom Island or something operations to the end maybe no it wasn’t that revisiting Mushroom Island all right let’s see I ain’t got nothing coming for me right okay oh boy I’m way off the mark aren’t

I it was it was 2,686 to 960 I’m way off the Mark it’s in the opposite direction all right let’s head back this way then so I have to like flip the coordinates to get where I need to be but that that’s definitely no so yeah let’s go back the other way

See if we can find anything that direction or we could go towards that way I did not take a screenshot like I was supposed to so positive 269 essentially oh wait I can do this actually positive 2600 900 I forgot that I could do that now I can type into the chat in

Minecraft so yeah we’ll head that direction may as well it’ll give us the potential possibility to run into literal uh jungles and deserts worth of stuff hopefully positively so far it’s just ocean though nothing but ocean at least we got an emerald that desert village I’m going to

Literally just put a bunch of doors with some ceilings above them to count them as houses and uh watch the villagers just populate we need some good trades we don’t want to use the bad trades and most of those trades were pretty bad I’d like to get a rotten flesh trade

I don’t know if that’s one available or not well there’s snow more snow that way more ocean so that’s cool until it’s no more ocean we’re still so far away from Spawn though it’s ridiculous oh man I was hoping that was a desert I think this may have just became a

River no I think it just ends abruptly okay all right we’re going to have travel at nights Awesome nope don’t fire your arrows upon me oh well I’m not about oh my gosh it’s a spider jocky oh that was awesome oh that was cool haven’t seen a spider jockey in a while there is more ocean but there’s also more this way so we’ll travel along

Land for a little bit I’m not about ready to make a big freaking canal through the Earth to just to move my boat from one place to another oh boy two of them is there a new I think there is number 11 I think is now

Available oh boy don’t blow up oh they don’t blow up now okay interesting ow well I guess I got too close never mind that then I’ll take the materials at least but always use some sand sand and stone and gunpowders yeah cuz I think number 11 is now available oh boy

Um all right we’ve come to the end and there’s an apple take that okay that was pretty scary I wasn’t expecting there to be a creeper right there oh this is cool I like how there’s this little lone Island here a lot going on here so this might not work out

Yeah this ain’t working out blow up and you blew up that’s okay there’s two other ones hey ouch I blow up and a punch I knocked him back so far oh snap oh snap shoot him yes but it was just cat I think I don’t even know where that went

Oh it’s way down here oh my gosh on let me eat oh you’re way over here now you want to go to the ocean oh come over here I got a present it’s called a sword and a skeleton blow up yet all right you I’m glad that the creeper

Doesn’t blow up when getting hit by an arrow now that’s that’s really good oh boy oh double boy oh this is agonizing being in the water right now dang it got too far away and I’m being I’m I’m way too close to the creeper right now okay okay

Ow come on come on just a little closer yes right there shoot no no don’t come after me okay now come after me but don’t shoot me into it I said don’t and now should be good shoot fire your arrow no dang it don’t shoot me into it gosh darn skeleton oh my

Gosh what excuse me oh man come on what a failure of a skeleton I don’t even know how that’s possible it just fired an arrow at it and it bounced back I’ve never seen that before guess that’s a new thing I don’t know I was about to take my boat on

Adventure and I did not even notice there was this big freaking desert right here I was too busy with the creeper and the skeleton noticed there was a desert in my way oh gosh oh my gosh and a jungle right over there too ooh that’s double double chances for

Us let us Prevail in finding a desert temple and a jungle temple and one swift blow I don’t see you one ah no desert temple that’s okay we got a whole okay I was marveling over the the the the the the the the Coco seeds that’s new but there’s a jungle right

There oh my gosh yes jungle seeds or uh cocoa seeds and there it is the legendary jungle temple right on the edge of a desert that is so funny oh that was new music thing Ambience it was new Ambience all right is a little bit spooky so let’s light this area up a

Little oh look how much Cobblestone there is uh careful for that there’s a trip wire all these materials are mine now it was just a a few arrows I’ll take it ow you still hit me mean see how redstone’s now thing so that’s pretty cool as well take it all

Okay so now there’s this I hope this doesn’t explode me what’s the m one for I have no idea if I’m doing this right or not I’ve never ever done this before actually I don’t think the middle one’s doing anything I don’t hear it doing anything I don’t even know what what

This is for cuz that shuffles is it over here oh okay cool not sure if that’s doing anything but I see so now that’s not open Anymore see it it’s doing something I’m just going down I’m grab these Pistons actually they’re sticky pistons oh wait I knew that because like they’re moving around stuff okay what do I not need right now ah it’s all good stuff I have a lot of rotten flesh I don’t need rotten

Flesh Redstone repeat I don’t need the Redstone though just the repeaters are Fine that’s chiseled Stone by the way which is something I would really much like to have okay honestly I don’t need cat I’ve I don’t need that either actually lever and I’ll take of course all of this mossy cobblestone because I need it the mossy cobblestone we’re

Definitely going to be using for builds in the future like in the close future specifically for Emerald Hills not to be confused with the Sonic one but I might add a little bit of a reference to that I don’t know depends on the pallet of blocks I

Have well that was fun that was cool I’ve never done a jungle temple before I’ve seen them I’ve never actually explored them before see I don’t have enough space unfortunately for desert temple next but that’s okay we can bring all this stuff home and figure all that out okay let’s go home ow

I didn’t even think that was that big of a jump but sure oh it’s going to take a little while before we get to home I know home is off in this direction another Black Sheep nice the rarest sheep to find is the fabled pink sheep which only has a one

In a thousand chance of finding and I’ve only ever seen one before all right let’s go home just going to go straight home this ocean might actually connect to the ocean where okay maybe it doesn’t or maybe it does maybe that’s just an night one it should connect hopefully to

The area where our stronghold is though ah okay yeah I’m getting cut off by a whole plan’s biome let’s do a whole turn around here okay we’re going to go around this Bend and if there’s no more water then I guess we’re going to go on land you are a silly

Cat come on boat well swamp which has water in it snow and swamp interesting mix oh there’s more jungle here no that’s swamp never mind I am heavily mistaken okay that’s unfortunate I’m not seeing any other way through this so I’m going to just have to run all the way home we

We we run all the way home doggos that was a huge pack of wolves and of course just like last time it’s just a couple blocks to the ocean and we’re here I bet this ocean will lead us to the stronghold area or maybe just a wall of grass

There was a lone creeper on that island I think we got a bountiful treasure this time around so I’m proud of it and we’re getting close yeah we’re pretty close I should be able to find where I am now from here actually it wouldn’t surprise me if

This chunk of land yeah yeah I know exactly where I am now that’s possibly a chicken that’s escaped the farm oh Brown sheep those are pretty rare I think they’re a 5% fine it’s either 2% or 5% and the pink sheeps are 1 in a th000 should be seeing it any moment

Now yeah there’s the barn there it is our massive passage of time which uh don’t mind that that’s uh it just needs to be worked on over there oh man that is insane what a build this is it is probably the second most massive build I’ve ever done so

Far there was one build I did for a Minecraft server before uh I don’t remember the name of it may have been just the Tower of to the heavens or something like that I don’t I don’t know some weird name like that and uh it was seven floors of Trials and

Parkour and everything and it was each layer was themed with a different part of Minecraft and that was fun I was on a good old server called Gladius and were some good times just going to dump all this stuff into this Treasure Chest here actually except for that this that and

These and the arrows can come with me these are my gemston so they can go in here cookie oh yeah I haven’t opened up though oh my there’s different layers to Maps now um that it’s not what I was expecting up apparently the map is filled out some I don’t remember filling

It out though that’s interesting and it’s not that the map is a different size it’s just that it just filled itself out immediately cool yeah you can barely see where the barn is there that would be the passage of time that right there I can’t move my cursor down would be the

Jungle there’s the village down to the uh other Direction with a massive desert connected to it all right let’s put the map up we’re going to go to our next destination I’m going to take as many the me meats are done what did you just say to

Me did you just say a magic thing oh finally finally that is the most glorious thing about 1.3 so far that I have learned I’m not kidding when I say it that is the most glorious thing because now we can get exp off from furnaces I didn’t know that was a thing in

1.3 oh that is so awesome that’s probably the best thing about this update so far actually I can now make an auto exp Farm sort of thing there’s no Hoppers yet so it’s still manual but like I can I can do a cactus farm a 1.3 version cactus farm and uh

Yeah I can get a lot of exp now there’s already a boat right here it’s fine let’s take this boat that was weird Weird the boat was just like oh hi I’ll I’ll take you to the next destination so we’ve already come across a jungle temple so now it’s just a matter of finding a desert temple I’m primarily going to shift my focus on to said desert temples unless if jungle temples do jungle temples have

Emeralds do jungle temples have emeralds in Minecraft emeralds are a common reward and ruins Igloo Villages shipwrecks jungle and desert okay so yeah either or although that’s the most recent information so that might not even apply to this update I have a bed over there well there’s something there I don’t know

What it seems to lead into something big it’s a big underground area there interesting actually what is this over here cuz it looks like there’s land it’s not coming into Focus or maybe it’s just a raised up piece of lande land yeah look at all this stuff that I

Could be going down to get oh there’s an abandon M shaft down there what the first I thought that was a stronghold but no it’s not my gosh it’s just revealing everything to me the world is my oh my God okay just spawn that in front of my eyes I guess there’s a desert over there is that no that’s a Plains Noe to self the world may just suddenly shoe me off into something dangerous at any given moment was not expecting that oh my goodness yeah just more land no desert

Which is also a form of land oh that’s an interesting little hole wonder what’s in there okay it’s just that this oh it’s a cave down there okay that makes some sense then oh that is a big Mound okay where am I at only, 1400 blocks that’s not too far they old

Planes I’m going eat this tree real quick I saw this pig and I legit thought that it had Qui eyes but I think it was just the way it was angled into the Earth there is a texture pack though where like all the monsters and passive

Mobs get Kawai eyes and it’s just the funniest and most cursed thing I’ve seen in my Minecraft in the era of 2018 oh I’m running wow ice is good more jungle I’m looking for the opposite of jungle I’m looking for desert but I do see a be

Okay and I see this that’s that’s odd is this just like okay I’m prevented from going that way all right I that was not that big of a fall soell down okay snow so I don’t think this is going going to connect to a desert but it

Could because it’s an older version of Minecraft we holding or cold and hot biomes can mix together oh another Brown sheep if I find a pink sheep I’m going to protect it for all of time wolf well those wolves are out to kill some

Sheep got to go this way cuz this is off towards the move o shroom biome yeah exactly Move there is ples here so we’re shifting biomes oh it is actual night time now uhoh I don’t know if there’s actually a desert connected to the desert actually on that map I think it was showing the old stuff but by the way I found a desert so like the area that

It was showing it was showing it was as a desert but it’s not a desert anymore I don’t remember anyway I think it’s just jungle where it is I think there is a desert next to it that is a massive pool of lava oh it’s like perfectly circular almost

Wow this is a very very peculiar pool of lava let’s get away from it before someone knocks me into it desert temples see if I can find one it’s a pretty vast desert so far compared to what we’ve been coming across Do not reveal the secrets of the earth to me please oh hey guy don’t chase me down trying to move slow so stuff can just grow hello orange shirt coder welcome to the live stream thank you so very much for coming on by I hope you’re doing

Well today we are currently in the midst of finding a desert temple we’ve already found a jungle temple today so we are currently playing 1.3 for the first time for this series anyway as we move up the uh different updates and we’re attempting to locate all kinds of temples that came

Out in 1.3 we’ve already found the jungle so we’re looking to the desert just going to go down here that goes out to the ocean so that’s unlikely going to have anything oh okay Reb free arrows actually I do need the arrows I am quite low on

Them You’ think there’d be a desert temple out here somewhere that’s peculiar just a patch of stone over there yeah desert temples are also a little more difficult to spot than jungle temples cuz with jungle temples yes they do hide in the thick jungle but the jungle temples are completely

Gray with some mossy cobblestone meanwhile a desert temple is going to look just like the desert it’s in nope that’s some guys and that’s some lava hey I have 18 arrows I could sworn I had 16 before this I guess each skeleton was just dropping a single

Arrow it was a pretty decent sized desert but still no Temple let’s eat that’s it yeah that’s it we’ve come full circle all righty moving on the many sounds of Minecraft well that is a very funny flat piece of land up there a lot of stone just out and

About it’s as if the creepers over here were just blowing themselves up P this dirt revealing the stone below oh you sweet little baby cat it’s probably going to be across this bit of ocean then all right I don’t think I need that then I’m going going to make some of this

And make a couple boats all right next thing here to do then is to just head back to the nether to the mushroom biome out this way somewhere in this direction somewhere go through the Nether and then make our way to the next Direction in hopes of a desert temple I think this

Time I’ll go south I’ve been South a few times before but I’ve never gone truly South wait sun rises from the East that would be the yeah yeah that’s right to South maybe I don’t have to look at the map though yeah sun rises from the East

Right oh yeah it’s just sitting on top of mushroom I forgot about that oh look at all these guys though one of these days I’ll bring them home you know what I could make just need to find some uh clay which is pretty easy to do cuz there’s already some right here

Which is excellent that was a lot of clay just from a little bit of clay I just need Cobblestone next I think unless if I can just make it like this but I don’t think so okay so let’s grab a bit of stone there Stone over there your

Eyes I could have just dug into the Earth but I don’t I I don’t feel like doing that right now ah interesting not sure what I was doing underneath the island But problem is I don’t have any like charcoal or coal but at least I got some wood bamboo shoots are going to be so amazing reable quick to grow Automated and it’s a very fast energy source to get for furnaces All right let’s just burn these bits of wood gosh darn it requires a lot okay yeah that burns a little bit slower but is it worth four times slower from two pieces of wood oh no I was looking at the other one yeah I think it’s better to just

Divide this up into Oak planks cuz I was able to get three out of two yeah yeah it’s just better to make it into Oak planks what am I Doing that’s not how you make a bowl okay I don’t remember how to make a bowl then um is it just this oh wow it’s literally it was literally just that whoops all right let’s get some soup mushroom stew it’s gross but I’ll take it thank you cows okay I’m terrified all Right what are you doing there get out of the Lava don’t go back into the lava get out of ow ow ow stop being on fire Please and stopping in lava please and boom and boom nice gas here oh okay all right apparently it’s this direction I’ve got a hole here before apparent well no mind it is off in this direction though I don’t remember how to get Back should be like a pillar or something somewhere didn’t like that is it down this way oh hello another one another one another guest here okay now it’s just a straight shot going this Direction This One Singular Direction guessing it might be down this way potentially hopefully

As soon as I see like another Fortress I should know exactly where I know exactly where I am now to figure out the confusing bit do I go inside or do I just follow this where do I go yeah I’d go inside and then I’d Traverse it somewhere Somehow this ain’t too bad I think the thing that really terrifies me the most about Nether fortresses is the uh is one the falling aspect of it you can just fall into lava and perish quite quickly and easily but two the uh wither skeletons those terrify me wow surely there’s another way down

Right oh my gosh why did I do this ever ow don’t make that sound no no no no Okay I love how it just takes me down just to go back up oh think I know where to go Now there are a lot of gas it sounds like there’s at least two oh it’s down this way okay I know where I know how to get out of here Now just keep running just keep running just keep running down this Corridor with gas firing at me from above just keep running just keep running just keep running don’t worry about what’s behind me cuz it’s just St an ill oh my goodness you really are just firing the Fireballs at me

Oh man the nether is going to be really scary when we hit the nether update that really is a terrifying one uh not the portal okay there’s a whole part of the cave that I haven’t been into over there oh there’s a lava pit down there oh it’s

Night time let’s go go to bed deposit the stuff go to bed and then we’ll go to the South why is this in the East the parts in the west was I looking at this map wrong oh I was yeah cuz the village okay I see now whoopsie

I was looking at it all wrong we’ll make a pit stop in the village by the way should take the boat oh that’s a lot FL okay um surely there was yeah so then put the bow there actually cuz and I need my boat why did I not

Take my boat and we’ll do some jungle wood so that way we can make some things that enough I feel like that’s enough doors for now that’s a lot of doors and of course take some cobblestones with us and let’s uh get the food that we

Cooked and now let’s make our way to the village and then we’ll head Southward Southward Squidward South we go oh I fell it’ll be amazing when we get to the Aquatic update and start swimming like now little Steve doesn’t know how to swim you tiny little beast cat Minecraft music

Yeah there was a hint of it and then it just stopped all right we built a house that’s a house that actually does count as a house that’s another one let’s put one over here towards the center of town silly villagers they don’t even know what a house is

Yeah why I put one right here too who knows maybe I’ll actually come by here and actually make them houses one day oh this one doesn’t even have a door okay let’s add one is weird I’m beginning to wonder no cuz that doesn’t have a thing over its

Head I think it’s just you got to have one like behind it there yeah no I need the coal I need all the coal I can get my hands on see if there’s any other deals I don’t know it’s been a little while since I last checked what their deals

Were 18 that’s actually better than the last guy 18 is not bad at all probably get that now oh I could easily get that now since they don’t know how to farm yet I think the lowest that goes for wheat is 16 I accidentally cut one I didn’t mean

To that’s enough for two emeralds here take some wheat take some more wheat any more trades or oh yes ah it takes wool he takes wool now though that’s pretty cool though cuz now I can trade with you with other items you’re leveled up woohoo oh this one doesn’t have a okay

Let me this door back actually it’s weird that there were houses without doors guess you wouldn’t be able to call those houses though that’s a lot of raw chicken that’s still a lot of raw chicken it’s so weird that they still don’t have the ability to talk

Yet wool some guys over here also wool coal 20 that’s that’s not good I might have enough time to get one more Emerald off of him and then after that I have to get out of here here before the zombies come I should replant this but I don’t

Have the time at the moment the sun’s about to set okay that’s enough it’s you right you’re the one you’re the chosen villager yes yes three whole emeralds do you level level up no oh man sad oh I got to go let’s go south three emeralds that means I have a

Total of four now that’s good oh there’s the wall right there I’ve never been to this part of the wall actually I plan to eventually make an actual wall that goes around the perimeter of the first area that’s a massive colossal uh project in itself that will take a long

Time this is an interesting Dogo he’s just chilling by some sheep and some chickens he’s not in the least bit interest in him interesting however there is some wool here very interesting looking for a desert looking for a desert where are they where are they all I want are deserts all I want

Are deserts ooh there’s pumpkin ooh there’s pumpkin hello creeper hello creeper please go away please go away don’t you blow up on me don’t you blow up on me please don’t blow up I couldn’t figure it out I couldn’t figure out anything to make it

Work get away from me get spider why are spiders I get that it’s a big old creature big old insect but like why are spiders is it because of toen because of the spider in the story cuz I feel like there’s a lot of games that just have big old spiders as

Enemies that’s interesting never thought about that till now like in most video games that I’ve played where you’re going around killing monsters sometimes they’ll include rats and when they include rats there are usually also uh baby chicken there are also usually uh spiders as enemies sorry there’s like a lot going

On oh well now they’re fighting each other so that’s funny H was this I nearly blew myself up didn’t see that creeper I was paying attention to something else up this way which might just be nothing yeah it’s just nothing I’m not even 2,000 blocks away yet that’s interesting ah don’t go backwards

It’s not a good way to go up there not with that zombie in the way more Minecraft music this is the opposite of a desert I need a desert not a snow I wasn’t expecting it to go on this Far hello Marne Uh no Marney Mary keeps getting on my shiny Eevee mat I like my shiny Eevee mat thank you very much there is a desert I was about to head off and in a totally different direction I’m glad I found one that that guy just spawned in the middle of air for a split

Second oky dokie let’s see if we got a desert temple here this is the world world’s smallest desert most of it continues up this way which it might know cuz I see that why do they not have shooting stars in Minecraft yet that would be amazing I

Looked up at the sky for a split second and thought I saw shoot shooting star and I was like no that’s that’s not a shooting star oh my gosh that’s a lot of spiders uh interesting yeah no that’s the end of the desert okay and it goes right back to

Snow very curious that there is just a hot arid desert in the middle of all the snow oops Yeah I think I’m going to go ahead and make my way this way towards the Falling Moon think this time I’ll follow the coastline might actually be quicker to

Do that now I’m thinking about it instead of trying to find a straight line to go through to find all the different things that there are between yes hello Edy that was a wonderful little meow she is sleeping like a baby oh desert Time maybe by a chance we’ll find one just want to find one desert temple that’s all I want we’ve already found the jungle temple and with quick ease don’t tell me this is the world’s smallest desert okay it’s not nothing sad I want to find one I’m not seeing a desert temple

Anywhere how my legs they must have been quite rare back in the time cuz I’ve been through quite a few deserts now and still haven’t come across one I don’t remember them ever being this rare I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name please don’t copyright strike me

Just because I sing a tune beans well this desert’s going quite the good amount of ways though at least I may actually come across one I’m might do it it wasn’t as much as I thought it was going to be yeah well so the desert goes this way then stops abruptly over here

Okay but it also continues this direction oh man well was worth a shot more is it Beach oh it’s desert oh there’s more desert good that desert way over there too huh cool uh what the heck is this what what what is this what did I just come [Applause] across oh my

God oh this is the rarest find I’ve ever seen an above ground desert skeleton spawner oh okay yeah I’m screenshotting that oh that is amazing I can’t believe I came across this give me all that oh that is so cool this confused me so much I Am So Satisfied with this

Yeah I can definitely use this just to get arrows now oh my gosh this is amazing oh this is awesome is it supposed to go into a cave before or something interesting all right let’s put up a big old pillar here and Mark it because this is this is the best

Find of the day one more block up we make shift Beacon there well that was awesome maybe this desert will hold even more Treasures for us who knows this is a big desert this is quite possibly the biggest desert we’ve been to so far this one extends pretty far in a lot

Of different directions oh look at this dried up River here goes into a cave and everything hope everyone out there is doing well today though thank you so very much for coming on by if you haven’t already be sure to hit that like button down below consider subscribing

To see more content just like this we also have a Discord Channel down in the description below or on screen at the bottom of the screen if you want to join it to get the latest on when we go live this is an extraordinary view an extraordinary view with no desert temple in

Sight sad very very sad such a big desert too guess they’re just that rare in 1.3 I feel like I stumble across a jungle temple every time I go into a or a desert temple rather I feel like I stumble across a desert temple every time I go into the desert in current

Minecraft times uh world please load oh there it goes I even hidden in any embankments or anything we’ve traveled in every direction the Tail of Two temples the more like the tail of a temple and its missing brother this is a pretty good PLS biome out here though

Birch for or birch trees cool good find I don’t think I have tomato birch trees around my base sadly oh here is a jungle oh I don’t really want to be in a jungle though when it’s about to be nighttime uh please let me out of the Jungle I

Don’t want to be here when there’s monsters all over the place it’s not that great of an firemen it’s terrible terrain for running away from Monsters give me yum seeds hello cows I hear y’all first cow we ever found in this world was in a tree it was literally inside of a tree

So it was stuck I’ll never forget that well we’ve come across our ocean as I said though I’m yeah just hug the coast and hope we find something but not that please not that Coastline seems to be going backwards now though and if that is my fate to go backwards then so be

It yeah we’re going backwards at this rate oh my gosh unless if this is an island a massive Island silly spider you can’t follow me in the water you’ll get soaked all right and now we go ahead and I have no boats okay I’m not about to swim across this

Entire ocean we’ll just make our way back from here is this really just an island or rather a peninsula it’s not an island peninsulas have three sides islands are four you’re just chilling in there you silly little Skelly boy oh thanks for the Boost although now I’m

About to deal with this guy who’s going to be a pain yeah don’t look at me don’t even notice me don’t even somehow sense me like you always do That’s pretty cool how the sound is actually producing more uh data than the up lights that are updating in the world granted there aren’t that many lights at the moment moment like as soon as I place down like three torches really okay I thought that would be a little more taxing than the

Sound game renderer is number one that will always be number one render will be the next one that that’s an army of creepers like let’s get away from that no no no no there’s an army of creepers you don’t understand leave me alone tick is the third one which that’s

Allowing us to move the game forward essentially unspecified is unknown not sure what that unspecified is oh you just come out of existence and you broke my armor you’re just a spider how’ you break my armor what are you the world’s most powerful spider can’t go back that way either

It’s a big ocean in the way oh I knew it there was a hiccup I was trying to get rid of it before it came into my existence well there’s a jungle I wonder how far back that whole diamonds are like five blocks away from clay chunks is like is that something

That’s just always been in the coding of Minecraft if that’s the case I can just easily get some diamonds right now at anytime I please did you just break another piece of my armor oh gosh that’s actually not good that’s a little bit scary and dangerous okay well at least he launched

Me out of the water yep that’s my helmet and my shoes are gone oh let’s go north or wherever this way well we are going north making our way to another desert potentially if not then that’s that cuz I’m done looking for it honestly I’m just heading back home at

This point if I happen upon a desert then yeah we’ll check it out I don’t even need to do that it was already out it’s uh about 1100 blocks away from Spawn and there’s big old chunk of water here awesome yay okay this is a beach but it almost looks like a

Desert at this point I’m just going to I don’t have any wood okay hold on land aoy maybe yes land aoy it’s just a little bit ways but we’ll make it I think at this point though once I get to that section I think it’s just going to lead me back

To stuff that I’ve been to so I don’t think I’m finding any desert temples it must be really rare is there’s not a single desert temple within 1,000 blocks of my home possibly even 2,000 blocks I haven’t explored everything but like I’ve explored a lot like we’ve done a lot of

Traveling I don’t think I need that anymore I know where I’m going I know how to get home from here all I can do is go this way until I find something that I recognize oh hello and I fell right into it anyway oh gosh I was trying to avoid

It yeah see this might be the desert that just goes back to my place cuz I think this is where I a fought some skeletons and creepers before yeah most definitely I remember being here before should be a creeper blast up this way on the shore that might even yeah I think that

Yeah that’s one right there interesting Cactus floating Cactus actually isn’t floating Cactus the name of something in a game I feel like it is all right now that we’re back at the Village we can see how things are going there see if there’s any little babies a little Runs run around extra

Guys get some more of this wheat so we can do some more of that Trading and this time yes I will go ahead and pl replant everything too the villagers are learning eventually they will learn how to farm for themselves 26 pieces of paper that’s not too too bad I guess

All right let’s grab this head over here get this then we’ll grab that mostly these spots that are no longer Farmland is because of the villagers walking on them are you the guy you are are not the guy but you do offer me a good trade just like the other

Guy Emerald per Five Arrows I I have a spider a skeleton spawner now though actually so you’re the worst guy come on there should be a guy somewhere around here that offers what I want are you the guy no you’re just that guy you’re one of the guys but not the

Guy you’re the same as that one guy but not the same where is he 14 wool I may as well just give it to him then but I wanted to level up the other one there’s still two others out here I hope they don’t accidentally touch cacti okay there’s one more over

Here dang I lost my guy I don’t know where my guy went now you’re 20 you’re Mr Chicken honestly that was not a bad deal now I can’t find the other one who offers me an emerald for 18 um okay I’ll leave you to it you are the

Guy level up yeah no no level up you don’t want to level a man let me see if there’s any more all I need is like six there’s a whole field over there I haven’t gotten to actually wow this field is like mostly grown actually ah four more and then I could get

Another another one two more more right there now I just need to find him again this might be him level up level no level oh no level up oh one more all right that’s six whole emeralds that we’ve gotten from this one guy sadly I didn’t level up anym further oh well

Let’s take our emeralds get home and uh oh we don’t even have enough for an emerald block no let me also check the cleric by the way they are not making more villagers by the way so I don’t know if they can breed or not or if I have to give them Wheat I wonder if that’s the case I have a piece of bread do they take bread you take the bread you you take it there’s bread I’ll let you be alone with the bread do you want the bread do you not want the bread you do not

Want the bread yikes so they probably do want wheat and I just gave all my weat away for emeralds you take the wheat you take it no you take the Wheats do villagers not breed yet oh boy oh if not this is going to be a long long

Road I’ll have to look into it at some point oh man I got to get away from y’all otherwise the zombies are going to come out and eat you they’re going to eat your faces I don’t think I’m going to make it home in time now I spent too

Much time Dilly dallying with these villagers a crud so I just made some hous is for nothing oh man that’s that means I’m not able to get a rotten flesh trade am I I got so much rotten flesh though rotten flesh is like the bane of my treasure chests at the moment

I almost home so many creatures already spawned I don’t know if they spawn up on top they might okay this is the second time that I’ve seen something like this that was kind of creepy just a spider just digging its way through the ground I guess

Yeah I think this is pretty well lit up I don’t see any monsters no please I’m just trying to go into my okay there is a creeper behind me just run just keep running you really just followed me half the continent all right cool we’re back

Home I did find some good stuff though so that’s good got a total of seven lucky emeralds now cool all righty well let’s see I think what I’m going to do is uh make the Emerald Hills right over there I was thinking about doing the Emerald Hills towards

This direction where I have yet to build anything but I don’t think I want to put something so green into a snowy area so I’m going to actually start working on this area over here to build our Emerald Hills where it’s going to be like like four little Hills that are houses for

The villagers I need to figure out how villagers pardon me I need to figure out how villagers work in 1.2 first rather 1.3 we are now in 1.3 and then I’m going to take four of those villagers from their homes place them here into their new

Homes and uh we’re not going to quite build up the hills yet but we’re just going to have villagers just roaming around over here it’ll be fun they’ll enjoy their new homes but yeah that’s going to be all for today’s stream thank you all so very

Much for coming on by today I hope you all have a wonderful wonderful afternoon evening or morning wherever you may be and until the next one do be sure to have fun thank you all so very much and have a good night

This video, titled ‘”Tale of Two Temples” Minecraft Passage of Time – Minecraft (Version 1.3.2)’, was uploaded by AuraTale on 2024-01-05 12:45:31. It has garnered 56 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:54 or 8634 seconds.

Today we jump right into 1.3 and get ourselves some new goodies!

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    UNBELIEVABLE: HEROBRIINE CAUGHT ON CAMERA!! 👻🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Herobrine Short #minecraft #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-09-10 15:59:34. It has garnered 10135 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft Herobrine Short #minecraft #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #technogamerz ऊं Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in… Read More

  • Crazy Planet S2

    Crazy Planet S2This is My Public LifeSteal Smp For Crack Players.Join Our Discord For Best Informations and Real Money Events I Hope You Will Enjoy ! Play.CrazyPlanet.Fun:25584 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 Awaits! Brave Adventurer, Get Ready for the Ultimate Minecraft Survival Challenge! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is here, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a vast world, discover new dimensions, and uncover hidden secrets in this thrilling Minecraft adventure. Explore a Vast World Teleport to unexplored locations using waystones or take a random TP to start your adventure Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas and discover hidden treasures Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Minecraft Revolution has Landed!

    Minecraft Memes - The Minecraft Revolution has Landed!Looks like even in Minecraft, they’re tired of the “mining and crafting” system and are ready for some real change! Read More

  • Bob’s Love Abduction: A Minecraft Misadventure

    Bob's Love Abduction: A Minecraft Misadventure In Minecraft, Love kidnapped Bob, oh what a plight, Thrown into a cave with zombies, what a fright. To save Bob, I must beat Love in a fight, In the ring, with all my might. Will I emerge victorious, or face defeat? Watch the video, and let’s meet, In the comments, share your thoughts so sweet, Subscribe, like, and activate the bell, a treat. Don’t miss any content, stay in the loop, Join us on Instagram, where we’ll swoop, Into the world of entertainment, a group, Of gamers, creators, a joyful troop. Brenner’s channel, Nathalia’s too, A family-friendly space,… Read More

  • Noob vs Pro vs High AF MLG 😂 #minecraft

    Noob vs Pro vs High AF MLG 😂 #minecraft “Noob: struggles to build a simple dirt house. Pro: creates an elaborate castle with redstone contraptions. Height MLG: builds a skyscraper made entirely of diamond blocks and gold. Meanwhile, I’m still trying to figure out how to make a crafting table.” #minecraftstruggles #buildinggoals Read More

  • Mac’s Speedy Upgrades in Moosey Town

    Mac's Speedy Upgrades in Moosey Town Surviving Forever Stranded: A Modded Minecraft Adventure Introduction to Forever Stranded In the vast world of Minecraft, players often seek new challenges and adventures to test their skills. One such challenge is presented in the form of the modded Minecraft 1.10.2 pack called Forever Stranded. This unique mod-pack, available on the Curse Launcher, plunges players into a harsh desert planet where survival is anything but guaranteed. Crash Landing and Survival Challenges Imagine crash-landing on a barren planet with nothing but sand as far as the eye can see. In Forever Stranded, players must navigate this unforgiving environment, following quest… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Super Smelter Farm!

    Ultimate Minecraft Super Smelter Farm! Minecraft’s Ultimate Automatic Super Smelter Farm Fully Automatic Resource Processing Get ready to revolutionize your resource processing with Minecraft’s BEST Automatic Super Smelter Farm in version 1.21 for both Java and Bedrock editions. Designed by MineLand, this farm takes your gameplay to a whole new level with its fully automatic mode. Compatibility and Updates This Super Smelter Farm is compatible with versions 1.16 to 1.21, including all subversions. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is ready to enhance your gaming experience. Enhancements and Features With complementary shaders, default resource pack, and mods like Replay… Read More

  • Syon Beats Midir – Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Syon Beats Midir - Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Syon is Finishing Midir | SyonGB Plays DS3 | Minecraft SMP Afterwards 3/9/2024’, was uploaded by ExabyteG Archives on 2024-05-05 04:46:10. It has garnered 20 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:11 or 13451 seconds. Oh Midir my beloved. We do Midcraft too, I guess My Main Channel @exabyteg Watch Live https://www.twitch.tv/exabyteg — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/exabyteg Read More

  • Minecraft Trailer: Frog Tony Sucks?!

    Minecraft Trailer: Frog Tony Sucks?!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Trailer Dropped And It Sucks? – Gabbing With Geeks’, was uploaded by Frog Tony on 2024-09-08 03:16:15. It has garnered 548 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:20 or 9260 seconds. Tonight the GwG crew goes over the Minecraft trailer, Astro Bot dominating the review charts, MCU films Blade and Armor Wars getting cancelled, several video game trailers, our weekly polls, and much MORE! Support us on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/TheGeekGetaway198 Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6494317466353664 Join this channel to get access to perks:… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenges When You’re Bored” ||ApexSpectraGaming||

    "Insane Minecraft Challenges When You're Bored" ||ApexSpectraGaming||Video Information This video, titled ‘top 4 minecraft challenges to do when you are bored. ||ApexSpectraGaming||’, was uploaded by ApexSpectraGaming on 2024-05-04 15:10:02. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:42 or 582 seconds. all mode in this video is not owned by ApexSpectraGaming must subscribe are channel. any content you need to share with me you can tell me on my discord and suggest me some games to play on discord discord link:- https://discord.com/invite/SADV6bXE Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial!! 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏡 Minecraft Advanced Survival House 🏡 Build Tutorial #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-26 16:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Builds – Inspiring Guides to Create Creative Worlds! Hello Minecraft enthusiasts! Welcome to the “Minecraft Builds” … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Gameplay #6: Shabirzz Hero or Villain?

    Insane Minecraft Live Gameplay #6: Shabirzz Hero or Villain?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #6#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz’, was uploaded by Shabirzz gamer on 2024-09-09 09:20:36. It has garnered 403 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:19 or 3379 seconds. Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #6#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers get a first… Read More

  • shocking Cybertron games revival! Joker 2 reviews!

    shocking Cybertron games revival! Joker 2 reviews!Video Information This video, titled ‘Are the Cybertron games back? Concord Crashes. MINECRAFT teaser. Joker 2 Early Reviews’, was uploaded by The G-Show on 2024-09-07 13:34:12. It has garnered 24 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:19 or 8239 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/theg-show Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secret Revealed! 🤫 #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secret Revealed! 🤫 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘You don’t know!😤 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wuzba on 2024-04-30 11:00:42. It has garnered 12142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. You don’t know!😤 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts#minecraft #майнкрафт #shorts #мем#приколы #мемы #fypシ @MrBeast @PizzaaMC @PizzaaMC_2.0 @Nqisik @MrBeastGaming @aariya.art.dp. @MrBeast2 @minecraft @DaquavisMC @TwiShorts @Upper_gaming @GEVids @Wuzba. #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes #love #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #trending #explorepage… Read More

  • INSANE FARM START in MINECRAFT! #craftattack

    INSANE FARM START in MINECRAFT! #craftattackVideo Information This video, titled ‘5 Starter Farmen Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbauen #minecraftdeutsch #craftattack’, was uploaded by RemaKKe on 2024-03-07 17:56:47. It has garnered 14375 views and 695 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 5 Starter Farms Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbauen #minecraftdeutsch #craftattack #bastighg #minecraftbuilding #minecraftfarm ►Music in the background: massobeats – honey jam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGMQbVfYVmI Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Villager Cover – FORMIDABLE by LERT GAMES

    EPIC Minecraft Villager Cover - FORMIDABLE by LERT GAMESVideo Information This video, titled ‘FORMIDABLE – VILLAGER cover [Stromae] #minecraft’, was uploaded by LERT GAMES on 2024-03-05 12:05:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. A song that gives goosebumps to any listener – a really beautiful and stunning song by @stromae about life and the hardships of … Read More

  • Brickband SMP – vanilla whitelist 15+

    Brickband SMP Server Recruitment Join Brickband SMP, a Minecraft server focused on building and creating a huge medieval style world. We are looking for active players who enjoy building and exploring in the game. To apply, add my Discord flimsyflops #0485. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Battle of the Minecraft Gods: Place Your Bets!

    Minecraft Memes - Battle of the Minecraft Gods: Place Your Bets!I guess the real winner here is the person who created this meme, with a score of 1815! Read More

  • Ghostly Pit Plunge: Minecraft’s Deadly Dive!

    Ghostly Pit Plunge: Minecraft's Deadly Dive! In Minecraft, beware the Ghost Efe and Alperen pit, If you die, you’ll fall in, don’t throw a fit. Subscribe for more adventures, don’t miss a beat, Kare Kafa’s channel, where fun and games meet. Turkish and entertaining, for all to enjoy, Rich and poor, all can deploy. Support is key, so hit that bell, Let the game begin, all will be well. Read More

  • Lava vs Armor: Who’s the Real MVP? 🔥 #minecraftmeme

    Lava vs Armor: Who's the Real MVP? 🔥 #minecraftmeme “When you spend hours crafting the perfect armor in Minecraft, only to realize it’s as useful as a paper towel in lava. RIP diamond armor, you will be missed.” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Unite!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Unite! Welcome to the world of gaming and live streaming! If you enjoyed the exciting content in the YouTube video, then you’ll love the immersive experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of gamers and explore endless possibilities in the virtual world. Experience the thrill of building, surviving, and interacting with fellow players in a dynamic environment. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Dive into epic adventures, conquer challenges, and make lasting memories with like-minded individuals. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of something… Read More

  • 100 Days One Block Challenge

    100 Days One Block Challenge Exploring 100 Days in Minecraft One Block Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft One Block as Hasyblock takes on the challenge of surviving and thriving for 100 days. Dive into the exciting adventures, creative builds, and unexpected twists that await in this epic gameplay series. Day 1: A New Beginning As the sun rises on the first day, Hasyblock finds themselves on a single block floating in the void. With limited resources and endless possibilities, they set out to gather materials, craft tools, and build a shelter to survive the night. Day 50: Progress and… Read More

  • JJ & MIKEY hunted by creepy JJ LONG LEGS in Minecraft Maizen at 3am

    JJ & MIKEY hunted by creepy JJ LONG LEGS in Minecraft Maizen at 3amVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy JJ LONG LEGS CALLING to JJ and MIKEY at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Trapzen on 2024-08-27 21:21:04. It has garnered 427 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:21 or 1821 seconds. Why Creepy JJ LONG LEGS CALLING to JJ and MIKEY at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new… Read More

  • Ultimate Real-Life Minecraft Achievement Hunt

    Ultimate Real-Life Minecraft Achievement HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Got Every Minecraft Achievement IRL’, was uploaded by ChrisDaCow on 2024-05-18 15:00:34. It has garnered 1892351 views and 79291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:33 or 1653 seconds. 🕹️Get a browser that’s literally better at everything https://operagx.gg/ChrisDaCow2 Sponsored By OperaGX This video might seem a little wild but this is just the beginning of the chaos I have planned for you guys so get ready! Also grinding to put videos out faster for everyone! 🌟 Follow Me TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@chrisdacow?la… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chrisdacow/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/chr1sdac0w?lang=en 💬 Join my Discord! https://discord.com/invite/xRHfBCZuxU ✨ Special Thanks Filming… Read More

  • Exploring a Secret Shop in Minecraft?! #globalsmp

    Exploring a Secret Shop in Minecraft?! #globalsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘This is a Shop, Right? #globalsmp #minecraft’, was uploaded by ninjajou10 on 2024-08-11 14:02:24. It has garnered 4228 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Global SMP Season 8 episode 3 part 3 Join the JouGang: https://www.youtube.com/ninjajou10/join #ninjajou10 #globalsmp #minecraft #global #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpserver #globalsmp8 #jou #voicechat #minecraftmod #minecraftsmpgameplayvideo Read More