Unicorn Queen Builds Dream Home in Enchanted Forest! 🌲 Minecraft EP 24

Video Information

Before this video starts I wanted to give a huge thank you to all my channel members and especially to Clara for becoming a star member I really appreciate everyone who joins and if you’re interested in becoming a member on my channel be sure to check out the

Link in the description let’s get into the video hey everyone my name is SL star welcome back to my fairy Corp let’s play okay check this out look I have little cute ear muffs on um unfortunately you can’t see them with my helmet on but we do have to keep

Our helmet on because we have to stay geared and protected but yeah I just wanted to show you guys this is from the um um essential mod I just got it for free anyway um so I hope you guys are having a great day are you ready to play

Some fairy cor cuz I am I’m very excited as I always am um so I oh yeah another thing I wanted to show you guys every single day it’s just like oh check this out check this out guys okay so I switched out a texture pack and I

Changed the weapons to just these um flowering weapons which is from I think this texture pack is called E’s overgrown floral tools um I’ll make sure to link it in the description if I forget just leave a comment and I’ll fix it anyway yeah I really like these um

This texture pack because I mean they’re they’re just perfect for Fairy cord they’re literally flower tools but anyway um so we have quite a lot to do today I have a little list of what I want to get done but I wanted to let you guys know that if you’re not aware

Already I opened I launched my YouTube memberships so if you want to check that out and support my channel and also obviously get some cool perks be sure to check out the description um anyway I won’t let you guys uh get bored too long um I was supposed to build a bubble

Elevator in here but I completely forgot um I just want to do that off camera cuz it’s going to be quite tedious so yeah we are still in the Twilight Forest and I actually want to go to the Overworld for a second because I want to fix some stuff inside of our

Um what’s it called the the tower but let’s take everyone back cuz we don’t want to leave all of our friends here so where is Melody’s thing where’s her soul spell oh it’s right here why is that in there that should not be in there okay

Anyway oh look we actually have a few more decorations in here that I completely forgot to place um we have some herb jars and this witch hat amulet wait this contains a witch’s hat now hold on a minute hold on what do you mean how do I

To remove the imprinted item place in a crafting grid and take out the imprinted item what I want a wish’s hat oh my gosh what that’s so cool Crow blank amulet trinket ooh interesting can I put this on oh my God that is so cute that is actually

Really awesome and now you can actually see my ear muffs which is um it looks a little weird but anyway that is really cool I’ll have I’ll have to wear that when we actually um are doing witchcraft uh but let me place down this pestl and mortar with our very limited counter

Space uh I should maybe put something here do I have any more like countertops no but I’ll just use this I’ll use the Twilight Oak log we’ll put it there just put the pestil and morar cool so I um I was actually learning a little

Bit about the um hexar mod um one if you guys left a comment that told me um that the mod is not very complete just yet so it’s still very early stages in development oh that’s so cool I wonder if we can light this with flint and

Steel I don’t think I have any though so we’ll have to do that later but anyway so one of you guys let me know that the mod is still pretty early stages in development and a lot of the features are still not added um which is fine

Because I did watch a tutorial on like how the mod works and like kind of like an overview and I actually was very excited and also pleasantly surprised like yeah there’s not that much stuff to do but I think it’s actually going to be really fun there’s some fun utilities so

We can you know mess around with and I can’t wait to show you guys it’s going to be actually kind of um pretty awesome so yeah we’re definitely going to get into the hex mod I still don’t know what’s going on with which Mobility um wait let me put Melody away

And I’m going to take Dorito with me she’s just going to she’s just going to follow me down I think that’s everyone that’s here right I don’t I don’t think anyone else is here okay let’s go all the way down Dorito be careful okay I’m just going to jump and she should

Teleport where are you there you are oh my God you are so cute you are so cute I love you okay I think I’m going to put her in station carpet cuz I don’t want her to lose her name but yeah anyway um I’m really excited to mess around with the hex mod

And I’ll I’ll show you guys what we can do it’s going to be pretty awesome so uh let me make sure that Dorito goes in first so she gets uh teleported get in there there you go okay cool all right we are back where’s spook spook are you here oh she’s right here

Hi spook you’re hiding in there all right back in the Overworld did you guys miss me probably not anyway um so do I have any glowberries on me oh yeah I do so let me go to our Tower really quick we’re going to make some more bookshelves because I still want to get

Working on the library and um I love this little wardrobe it looks so cool it’s like a really awesome bookshelf and I love the little like chain stuff here I don’t know what material it is but I really got to fix a staircase maybe I can do that I yeah there’s still that

Chicken in there so anyway I wanted to place some glowberries here because we actually finally have some on us and I’ve been wanting to decorate this like roof for so long but I totally failed because I thought that I could actually just bone meal it and it would grow

Stuff but no that’s obviously not how it works I’m an idiot so we’re just going to let some glowberries grow in here see if I can go up higher Place some glowberries wo all right cool this is going to look really nice once it’s all starting to

Grow and I’ll bone meal a few of them so we can get some more light but yeah this is going to be really cool and um I’m excited so in this case I think our our enchanting room I mean it’s pretty much done like I don’t really need to add

Much else um maybe some Vines I don’t think I have any though do I have Vines of course not why would I maybe I can place a lantern we can place a lantern instead of a torch at least be a little bit more fancy a little bit more fancy

Okay so let’s see do I have any wood that isn’t like Twilight wood no but I do have canopy and we have canopy on the floor right so what if I use the canopy to make a little bit of like a fence so her I don’t God I I honestly hate

Working with spiral staircases they’re pretty um pretty difficult to uh get right so I’m going to try to keep this like a one block wide sort of thing it’s it’s obviously very tight like this I I usually try to make uh staircases at least two blocks wide um but just for

The sake of saving space and not making this too complicated I’m going to just make it one and let’s just make sure that we don’t got any holes cuz that’s kind kind of our biggest issue oh my gosh Dorito be careful don’t fall and uh

Let me put one here oh she almost fell right there Co oh little mushroom ah so cute and I’ll put a window let me let me put some windows cuz it’s really dark and yeah we could definitely use a little bit more light in this place so

We’re going to need to get some actually you know what I’m just going to use H God damn it my inventory is full let me throw this away we have Oak and we have canopy wait I’m going to use the oak cuz we actually only need three and

We’re just going to put some Oak fences in there make it look a little bit you know rustic and it definitely needs some lanterns this place is dark it’s so dark okay cool I like that okay and lastly we need to probably put some fences and I

Think what we can do is use some canopy fences so we need a crafting table do I have one no okay um I’ll make one and we can put it here here just a little crafting table and let’s make some canopy fences so anyway I have quite a story for you guys but

Um I yeah I I don’t want to get super distracted telling it just yet oh crap see this is what I mean I need I need like a second to kind of finish this really quick and then I will let you guys know what’s been going on because oh my God

It’s it’s quite it’s quite intense um it’s quite intense it’s quite a thriller a story a very scary story um I really like how Dorito is growing mushrooms in here that’s so cute can you grow like one right there that would be awesome can you just sit there

Okay so guys what do you think I know this looks really weird and kind of crap but I I think that’s kind of the vibe you know that’s kind of the vibe just kind of like crap core you know like it’s a new aesthetic and uh just kidding

Where’s my okay let me place this Lantern give it to me we’ll put it we’ll put it um maybe there and now it’s kind of dark we we probably should just make some more lanterns we do have some iron nuggets I’m just going to make three and

Let’s replace these torches cuz I don’t like that no more torches torch is bad torch is evil let me put this stuff away I don’t know why I’m always so godamn disorganized there we go okay this place is looking yay thank you she actually did it okay this place is looking a lot

Nicer I like it a lot so let’s go get some bookshelves um I want to make some more bookshelves and get the library you know just a little bit more um finished all right so while we’re getting our bookshelves let me tell you guys what happened earlier this week actually I

Think it was last week okay so I where do I even start so there was a bit of a catastrophe last week and um it all started one night when I was redownloading a game I was redownloading a game that I really wanted to play again uh if you’re

Interested the game is blade and soul and I I was like clearing out a little bit of space while I was doing this because I was like okay I’m going to install like 50 gigs worth of stuff on my computer I might as well just like clear out some un

Unused space and I was like okay I’ll get rid of this old backup file that I exported from my old laptop so I can use that space for something else and so I delete this folder that I was like okay I’m not even using it it’s completely

Fine and I didn’t realize until the next day that this folder actually contained um all of my Minecraft worlds and I use multi MC to run all my Minecraft worlds because I have to switch between like uh fairy Corp Mermaid World and my like survival one that I play by myself so I

Use multi MC and all the worlds and all the data for the mods and everything like that is saved in a folder called instances and I was under the assumption that my multi MC folder with all my data was stored on my main hard disk and

I I deleted this folder from my my external drive so I was like okay no big deal and then the next day I try to load up my fairy Corp World and I I realized that all of my worlds are gone like I was like I felt my heart drop and I was

Terrified I started to frantically search through um all of my files and I was trying to restore my garbage bin and trying to see if it was in the recycling bin you know like okay maybe I accidentally deleted it cuz at this point I didn’t know what happened like I

Didn’t know what I did to trigger this because I was still under the assumption that my worlds were untouched because it was on my hard disk and not my external drive right so I was messing around with all the files I was trying to figure out

What to do and so then I I asked um someone for help and they told me to um use a file restoration program and they were like okay well you you might they were explaining to me how basically deleted files worked so I actually learned quite a lot apparently when you

Delete files they aren’t permanently deleted just yet even if you um remove them from your recycling bin and everything they the the physical file is still stored on your dis uh your computer just kind of forgets about it and says okay I don’t I don’t need to

Remember I don’t need to remember where this file is so I’m just going to forget about it but it’s still physically there and I was like wo that’s very interesting but I already messed around so much with my hard disk while I was like panicking that I was worried I

Would have overridden it already so I was like okay I mean I can risk um trying a file restoration spend like a bunch of money on a program and then see if it works and I was so skeptical and scared because I already did a lot of

Stuff um after after the uh the thing happened so I was really worried that I over I already overridden the file and I would never get my worlds back and they would be primly gone well you can already guess that that obviously didn’t happen because I’m

On my world right now but I did install a program called dmde and it actually managed to help me out o crap I didn’t mean to do that it actually managed to help me out and it it found my files miraculously I was so like relieved and also shocked and very

Pleasantly surprised so yeah I managed to restore them and now my worlds are safe and I did a bunch of backups so I have an automatic back backup system now and everything like that so hopefully this will not happen again but I was really really I was just heartbroken I

Was honestly like crying a lot because I was like this is not my first time losing Minecraft worlds it’s happened to me actually three times at this point and it ever every time I mean I’m sure you guys understand how Soul crushing it is to lose your hard work like your

Worlds that you work so hard on I mean it really sucks I have like a very strong um like emotional connection to this game so losing those worlds was kind of like losing a part of me um but anyway I’m just really glad that I managed to figure it out and I didn’t

Just say no it I’ll just I’ll forget about it I’ll just start again because I was honestly thinking about have to do that and be like okay like I’m sorry guys I have to cancel my seriousness we’re going to have to start something else because I lost my worlds and it

Would have been so sad but we don’t have to do that anymore because I I took the chance and I I spent the money and I restored my worlds thank goodness so yeah happy ending but it was very very scary and I was very very very distressed um the entire day was just

Kind of chaos because I was you know it was a very long process to do all that stuff but anyway all is good all is good now we we have our worlds back so yeah this is uh let this be a lesson to you guys back up your worlds back up

Everything on your computer that is important to you like if you cannot risk losing it then don’t you need to do backups um I already managed to I already like had this happen before where I actually lost all my data from my entire old computer and I I lost all

My art and it was a nightmare so since that day I’ve always been backing up my art um not very diligently though but now I I actually did set up like an auto backing up system for everything like that so yeah it’s very very important to back up your

Worlds and if anything like this happens to you I will recommend you to try dmde like that is the program that helped me out and I’m very very like um I’m very happy that I I used that one I saw a lot of good um like feedback about that

Program on like Reddit and all the forums I was looking on so if this ever happens to you guys I do recommend you try dmde um I hope it doesn’t happen to you but yeah that’s just kind of my little lesson for today because it was

Very yeah it was very scary and it’s definitely you know something that can happen these days we have so many things you know that we that we keep on on our computer computers that’s very you know important and it’s so easy to lose these things and um yeah anyway that’s that’s

The story so I almost lost my ficore world my Mermaid World all of it I almost lost it all and then I if I did I would have had to probably restart all my serieses and maybe do something else which would have sucked because do you

Know how badly I want to finish my mermaid series and how how sad it would be to lose my fairy cor world I love this world I love it so much I really enjoy playing on it like every week and recording it for you guys and playing it

With you guys yeah so it’s definitely it would have been really bad I’m just so glad I was so relieved it didn’t happen oh my gosh you have no idea how happy I was but anyway enough about that hope you guys enjoyed that Horror Story okay

This is looking so cute we still want to probably get all of this filled with uh bookshelves but for now this looks really cool cool all right so um we have that done and I wanted to also um set up some farms in the in the

Treeh house so we do have our hex herbs growing on the actual tree leaves but on the ground I also want to set up like a little Garden or something like that so maybe like a wheat farm just to start off and yeah honestly I mean it’s not

Necessary but I feel like we should do it just because it’s good to have like a supply of food going and maybe we can also like herd some animals something like that but uh I really got to clear out my inventory and um let me put the

What does where does mushrooms go they probably go here oh wait no actually I’m going to take the mushrooms put them in my backpack um but yeah let’s go clear out our inventory um and we also need probably just like fences and um um let me see what what should I use maybe

Canopy cuz I do have quite a lot of canopy wood so I’ll make canopy fences and um I need a hoe I think I have yeah I have a hoe and water that’s obviously very easy to get so I think we should be good let me just put some

Stuff away here where do I put this I need like a place for all the witchery stuff now I was looking for some other witchery mods and I did check because I did mention the actual witchery mod the Witchery Mod unfortunately it’s not updated whatsoever it’s not been updated since like freaking

1.7.10 which is crazy that is so long ago um so yeah definitely can’t play with that um wish yeah it kind of sucks cuz I remember like watching Let’s Plays about that um that mod but oh well we do have hex and besides it being not finished I

Think it’s actually still a pretty good pick um still don’t know what’s going on with um what’s it called Wich Mobility I don’t know I guess whatever honestly hex has brooms honestly hexter already has brooms so I feel like it’s not like super necessary to um use which Mobility maybe I can

Just uninstall it honestly I don’t know what’s going on with it uh but yeah let me just see what else should I bring um maybe some of these Clover flowers cuz they are quite pretty and all right I think that should be good we have we

Have quite a lot of space here okay let’s go let’s go back to the Twilight Forest I’m going to actually put Dorito down somewhere where is she D oh hi okay let’s put her away I don’t want her to I don’t want her to die so she doesn’t have a bed yet I

Totally forgot to do that so um hello sparkle okay so let’s put her with muffin and actually should I take muffin with me I I want to take muffin with me okay Doritos is going to be difficult again this happens like every single time oh my God muffin muffin stop

Pushing her Oh my Jesus Christ Dorito you know what Dorito I mean if you’re sitting down you’re going to be fine right we’ll just put her there uh anyway let’s take muffin with us muffin is um she’ll be safe because she she’s on a pet bed but yeah anyway so let’s go

Work on our farm I’m going to just make a wheat farm but we probably should bring some wheat seeds with us let’s see where do I keep seeds oh my God we have a lot let’s take some wheat we have sage seeds I can plant

That um tea oh my gosh I can’t wait to make a tea room and coffee as well okay I think I’ll just yeah I’ll just use that let’s go oh wait you know what I probably should take some food cuz I’m kind of running out let me

I’ll just take the baked potatoes okay let’s go so I hope you guys enjoyed the longer episode last time um I was going to do maybe a little bit longer but honestly you know how it goes it’s kind of difficult once it’s oh muffin you scared

Me once it’s really long but I did try my best I hope you guys enjoyed let me know if you want to see longer episodes a little bit more often um I’ll try my best I will try my best to make some longer episodes but yes anyway I also

Wanted to do something pretty fun today um so I won’t I won’t keep it a secret from you guys I actually want to try fighting the Lich King where is Spook spook you need to sit yes okay oh are you floating okay bye spook anyway so yeah I wanted

To fight the Lich King today we’ll see how that goes um I feel like I’m pretty prepared at this point I’m going to okay so I believe the way you do it is like there’s multiple stages in the fight and um it goes like uh the first one you

Have to fire back the little projectiles he shoots at you and I think afterwards you can use your weapons right so it’s going to be a little bit uh difficult but I think I’m I think I’m ready for it maybe I mean I have full enchanted diamond armor I mean

I have my enchanter’s bow I’ll try to make some Health Buffs or something like that just some stuff that can maybe help me out okay but anyway I want to make my farm like right here so let’s just start let’s just start making the farm and then we can

Make it look a little bit prettier um once we are actually once we actually have oh rainbow once we actually have something going on here so first I’m going to make an infinite water source and then you know it be kind of fun if we made like the little water irrigation system

That we all used to do back in like the old days um obviously nowadays I only use like one block but maybe for the Nostalgia so let’s do that 1 2 3 four five I think on the sixth one you can do another one just for fun you know honestly this

Is so unnecessary but I just kind of want to because why not but yeah anyway I’ve been really wanting to progress more in the Twilight forest mod I’ve also been thinking a lot about what to do with the faay wild mod I really want to um to do some stuff

With the Fay wild mod I I know that you need to do the little fairy summoning ritual and then you get your own little fairy and then you can do the quest line I think I’m going to go for the Winter Court because I heard it’s the hardest I

Already mentioned this before but I I kind of want to go for the Winter Court and just for a little challenge so we’ll do the Winter Court one hopefully it’s not like impossibly hard but I guess it will give us something to do if it is and I’m really excited so

Then we can go to the F wild Dimension this going to be so cool so I’m going to plant this Sage really quick we have a lot oh my gosh so I’m going to plant this oh okay where that I put the sage in the first place did I even plant any

Oh wait is this no that’s not Sage where did I put my sage am I stupid oh how did that happen come on now all right let me just put it here we’ll plant our sage and I’m really excited um let me get rid of the sweet

Cuz honestly we don’t need that and yeah so today we’re going to be doing some Lich King stuff but I think soon I will start working on Fay wild because I really want to get into it and there’s so many other mods that I need to like

Get into there’s we have the aether mod and I’m also pretty excited to to do that because I i’ I’ve been learning you know I finally been getting into the fa uh not not the fa the ather mod thanks to um my friend synth waveman so big

Shout out to synth waveman for helping me out with learning about the ather um 1 2 3 4 5 six so yeah I really want to try it out for myself just kind of do it on my own because for the the only times I really messed with the ether mod it

Was with like friends so yeah I’m really excited I really want to get into that eventually but yeah I feel like since ather is not necessarily the most fairy core mod in the pack I will probably do it a little bit later down the road I think everyone

Still really would enjoy the the uh the aether mod because I mean it’s just really cool and it’s very magical and awesome but we have faay wild and faay wild I mean f is literally in the name we have to mess around with the fa wild mod I’m really excited and yeah so

Hopefully soon we’ll get get to that maybe um because I mean the twilight forest mod is not even finished like that’s something I actually learned not too long ago that the the Twilight Force Mod is not even completely done so at some point we’re going to come at a at a

Stop really and honestly I’m not like trying to you know defeat all the bosses like that’s not exactly my goal I kind of just want to do as much as I can um and once it gets a little bit too difficult then ow then maybe I will stop

And we’ll do something else um let me put some Mage lights here because honestly we really need some light and I’m actually going to put uh let me do green save crate okay hopefully that works yes and now they’re going to look like little fireflies isn’t that so cute

One if you guys told me to put Mage lights and um I was thinking yeah actually if I put like green ones it’ll look really adorable so now we can have some cute little Firefly Mage lights how adorable is that um by the way does this have an amplify

Spell it doesn’t but we can we can put an amplify spell so look well now I have night vision on so but it should be brighter now anyway let me get rid of this cuz actually we probably do need as much light as we can get

Here I honestly can’t tell if that’s any brighter but I mean it’s supposed to be so I’ll take the game’s word for it and let me also put you know what I’m going to put some around like on the ground and it’ll be like a little little magic

Circle how cool oh so awesome this is going to help the plants grow yes indeed and quite literally because light does promote plant growth in Minecraft pretty awesome so yeah we’re going to go kind of around these Mage lights and just ho the ground ho the ground it’s not going

To look really that you know perfect or anything but as you guys know that is not really my style of building I kind of like to do things very naturally especially in the fairy Corp World um but yeah um I’m really really just you know I love playing in the

Twilight Forest it’s actually surprisingly very very fun so yeah I also did mention last episode um the idea of a twilight forest let’s play where we just play in the Twilight Forest and a lot of you guys actually really like that idea which um is really

Good because I feel like that would be something really fun to do in the future I actually do have some let’s play ideas for the future that I’ve planned out um not not extensively but just some ideas that I had in mind and obviously my Fair

Cor world is like a very long-term kind of let’s play I’m thinking of continuing this one for as long as I really can honestly as long as people are still interested I’m going to continue playing on it um but uh my mermaid series will eventually end and I do kind of like

Having two serieses going at once so I I did have this other one in mind that’s actually a bit more jungle themed and it’s going to be kind of like a magic slash jungle theme I’m not going to go too deep into the details but it was

Definitely um my my idea was um kind of inspired by um is Cupquakes Oasis series that I’m sure everyone knows so I was kind of thinking of how I can maybe make that series well in take inspiration from that series and kind of make it into something my of my own so I

Was thinking about doing some sort of like magical jungle world and yeah I don’t know because honestly like um with biomes of Plenty installed which is not installed in this mod pack but with biomes to plenty installed there are some really beautiful jungle biomes and I was just one day like wandering around

Them I think to get b-roll shots for my mermaid like let’s play and I was like holy crap it is so pretty here I want to like literally make a let’s play in it and then I was thinking about and then I was thinking about how like that would

Be like literally like Oasis but I guess like you know my own take on it and yeah I was thinking like should I do that in the future and I I’m curious what you guys think of that idea so yeah I think basically magic and jungle as kind of

The main themes um living in a like a really awesome looking oh here’s where my sage is growing oops I forgot living in a really cool like dense forest and yeah I think that’d be really fun let me know what you guys think um um it’s obviously going to be for way in

The future but I think it’ll be really awesome let me put my sage in here there you go cool I love that you can do that and yeah so the other idea is obviously to do a twilight forest theme uh let’s play which I think I think a lot of you

Guys would like but I do kind of worry it might be a little bit too similar to um you know my fairycore world so honestly it’s up to you guys I’ll probably do a poll in in the future once you know the the mermaid let’s play is

Over and we have like an empty space there we need to fill it with another series I’ll let you guys know I’ll let you guys pick um which idea you like better and maybe I’ll have some more in the future so o oh my gosh okay actually this is a

Good thing that I found this Blaze pet because I I noticed that it gives you strength boost and I think that’ll be pretty handy for the for the Lich King fight so yeah I’m going to try to see what inventory pets can help me out because I would really like to get some

Sort of buff and um we still don’t really have any potions so I need to make a brewery Brewery it’s actually something that I’ve not done yet which is crazy cuz it’s literally just like a vanilla thing but yeah so oh yeah I also did want to mention that um hold on wait

What what am I doing I mean we set up the farm right so I guess let’s get ready for the Lich King I kind of want to I kind of want to do that so um I need to definitely put some stuff away let me move this stuff upstairs yeah I

Speaking of you know being inspired by Oasis a lot of you when I first started this series you mentioned how this uh let’s play really reminded you of Enchanted Oasis which is really interesting because of course I watched Enchanted Oasis way back when it first came out but um I’d never even thought

About that when I made this let’s play I was like that did not even come to mind and then people were like oh my God this is reminds me of Enchanted Oasis and I was like oh my God like am I like um subconsciously like inspired by

Enchanted Oasis I mean I don’t think so honestly because this was honestly this idea to do a fairy Corp World was definitely mostly inspired just by my own like interests in you know fantasy stuff but absolutely I think there oh my God what what am I doing there’s definitely some like resemblance to

Enchanted Oasis which is really cool and I’m honestly very um very what’s the word I guess flattered that it reminds you guys of Enchanted Oasis such a legendary series um it’s it’s like it’s an iconic one so yeah it’s really really cool that you guys um you know were reminded of it so

Yeah I just wanted to mention that because I uh I wasn’t technically inspired by it but yeah I mean it’s definitely it’s really cool that you guys see like a a resemblance to Enchanted Oasis um but yeah honestly the one thing I’ll say is like I honestly I I really love the idea

Of Enchanted Oasis but I wish it wasn’t an SMP like I didn’t I wish they uh they didn’t do it as an S SMP because I really don’t enjoy watching s smps that much I’m more of like a single players uh let’s play person but whatever I mean it was still

Really good um but yeah so that’s pretty much oh my God this actually looks this looks so cute this looks like way better than I expected because it’s so simple but like the the little Mage lights they’re like everything they’re they’re really pretty oh my gosh and the little flowers too ah

What do you guys think do you like it I think this looks really cool so there’s a little Wheat Farm we have some food going now awesome and why is this like not growing let me just there we go hopefully this turns into grass because I don’t want random dirt uh but anyway

So that’s pretty much that I really want to put some like hanging glowberries here or maybe some lanterns on these trees that would be awesome because like there’s a huge canopy up here anyway we’re done with that um since the entirety of last episode was basically

Spent in the Twilight Forest um let’s go back to the Overworld for a little bit get some gear going because we need to prepare for this fight I think think I’m going to probably take oh a I left mushroom there I mean not not mushroom I

Left muffin there I I totally forgot to uh did I sit her down by accident or something I don’t even remember whatever I was too distracted anyway she can stay there for now it’s not like she’s going to be in harm Harm’s Way um speaking of which I think probably next episode I’m

Going to actually get a little bit into hex or maybe we can even start this episode we’ll see oh hello I have a bone I’m not afraid to use it who shot at me oh I see you over there skeleton with your little flowery bow oh I missed get the only thing I

Don’t like about the enchantress bow is that the uh particles kind of get in your face like it’s uh yeah they kind of block your vision but anyway it’s totally cool at least it’s a pretty strong bow um what was I saying oh yeah if we do have time after the Lich King

Fight I I probably will dabble my toes into hexr a little bit because I am so excited I actually really want to play with it um so uh yeah we’re going to take our Blaze pet for sure and we’re going to need our quiver pet in the inventory because he’s going

To give us some arrows and um Anvil pet can be on the side I’m not going to need my help anyway let me put this stuff away and we need to take our feathers with us oh you know what we actually do need to farm feathers so I’m going to breed my

Chickens luckily we have a lot of Wheat and um we’re going to kill some unfortunately so we yeah we barely have any chickens which is really not good what if we get some babies no unlucky eggs oh there’s five in here let’s see maybe we’ll get

Lucky we got lucky woohoo Okay cool so let’s kill just one I want these guys to uh kind of reproduce oh my God the fire the fire damage yeah I saw it that chicken was on fire interesting we can eat this oh no we can’t cuz we’re vegan I forgot oops

We’re vegetarian not vegan um okay I guess I’ll just put it in there so how many feather we only got one feather but anyway I want the chickens to repopulate so I’m not going to kill too many so let’s see oh I was going to say I’m going to

Bring spook with me to help me fight but she’s not Invincible anymore sad face I wish she was cuz I actually kind of like when she was uh okay we’re only going to use the pickaxe in the sword so we have some extra slots here for something where is my coal I’m going

To wow do I really not have like any coal let’s see uh oh my gosh we’re running out of coal oh God okay it’s fine I’m going to take some torches for sure cuz it’s probably going to be quite dark in that Tower uh what else we have

Instant health potion Mana regen oh my God that is so important water breathing okay um nether star I mean we can maybe make a pet out of those I don’t really think I need to uh what else what else okay let’s look up inventory pets and maybe one of these guys can

Help us out so auto save if player is half a heart is is greater than half a heart what does that mean mean autosave like they they save me from Death like a totem of undying by the way totem of undying would be kind of nice but I don’t really have any of

Those damage damage absorption rightclick that cost a diamond I’m not doing that let’s see jump boost speed Boost um so there’s this purpleicious cow pack which gives you health regeneration H fills empty buckets with lava is quite interesting um honestly kind of useful because lava is actually a good fuel source I wonder if whoa you can enchant these things oh actually that makes sense like Unbreaking yeah cryst

Vanishing huh so I wonder if I can if I should make this guy for health regen cuz that would be kind of good um there’s so many pets oh my God pixie pet gives you double XP M I kind of like the sound of that kind of like the sound of that let’s

See the heart pet heals allies I don’t know if that heals yourself though so I’m not going to do that okay that is crazy Sun pet petrifier wither damage dealt heals you what cool okay I’m probably yeah takes another star okay so um where was it the purpleicious cow

And the pixie pet I think I’m going to make those two so we both need a diamond for those fair enough I Diamond nuggets as well I don’t know if I have that or not yeah okay let’s let’s do we have 11 diamonds honestly we can we can spare we

Can spare some diamonds for some good pets so let’s see do I have o one Diamond nugget and that’s what I need right just one yeah and this one requires an emerald nugget okay I should definitely have some emeralds ooh I have a lot okay I’m going to make some into

Nuggets and I think I also need gold nuggets no we need gold emeralds Diamond okay let me get the gold and the emeralds so now we should be able to make a pixie pet it’s so cute oh my God it’s actually so adorable and the purple delicious cow we need iron nugget and

Lapis nugget okay so let’s get some lapis I think you need to combine it with dirt there we go and what else iron nugget okay think I have some here we should be able to make it now awesome cool okay so let’s try this out so does this give us health

Regen we have strength from the blaze pet which is cool I don’t see any health regeneration though do I right click no okay maybe it’s because I haven’t me uh haven’t lost any health yet but hopefully that works I’m pretty sure that the inventory pets need to be

Actually in the inventory I mean in the hot bar slot for them to work so I’m going to probably have to have like four like this and then I’ll drink my Mona potion switch out for yeah um okay I think uh do I need a shield I probably should

Bring a shield with me let’s see do I have one uh I don’t think I do okay that’s fine we can just make one let’s make ourselves a shield there we go and I’m going to bring myself a little bit extra iron oh we also got to make sure that

These guys can eat Emerald nugget and Diamond nugget okay let me take those with me I need to actually damn it I need to make a diamond nugget no oh my God this cow is actually quite expensive but okay here you go buddy you can have your diamond

Nuggets um damn I’m going to have to find some more diamonds oh this is really uh going to be interesting okay so we also have an extra Mana potion I’m going to take with me should I take a deceiver heart I probably should be golden apple as well put the wood

Away yeah we probably need as much space as we can get I’m going to get some food um what can we use for food we need probably something pretty filling I mean we can probably just take the stuffed pumpkin so let me okay we have one here let me use these bowls

Let’s get some more bowls I’ll just put the the stew away cuz uh okay we have tons of bowls I’m going to take as much of the stuff pumpkin as I can get there we go so now we have eight which is pretty good and I will just you

Know what I’m going to take some stew anyway with me and I’ll put it in my backpack as just emergency food because we do not want to run out that would be bad so wonder if you guys actually suggested to to um adopt a girl just for

Stew and leave her in the kitchen kind of as like a soup what what’s it called like a soup made or what I don’t remember but anyway just to have like a little girl a little mushroom girl to help us out with food in the kitchen I think that’s a good

Idea maybe we should do that cuz honestly mushroom stew is my life savior in this world I use it all the time um which is uh not good because I should be cooking more but I think we should uh get a girl so maybe we can find one like

In the forest I’m pretty sure there’s some that spawn kind of just out over here so let’s go see if we can find um a girl and I obviously do have rown flesh with me I always have some so I’m always ready to tame a girl let’s get one let’s

Get our little kitchen made kitchen made girl hopefully we can find one I’m pretty sure I saw some like right around here h look there’s a muffin duplicate should we tame her this is probably actually where I found muffin right hi you’re so cute okay do you think that she would be

Willing are you willing to help I think that’s a yes right I mean she she looks pretty pretty sure of herself Okay cool so we have our little kitchen girl so she is obviously just just as much of a friend of ours as everyone else’s all of our other mushroom girls

Just because she lives in the kitchen does not mean she is perpetuating any stereotypes okay oh my God okay we’re not going to think about that because it’s Minecraft but anyway if you guys have a name suggestion for a little kitchen soup girl oh my God that’s so silly uh leave

A comment if you have a name suggestion she’s pretty cute she’s definitely going to be serving us a lot of Stew so let’s go take her to the kitchen and I probably should give her like a little living space we probably need a living space out here you know so she’ll

Probably you know she’ll give us a reason to maybe we can put like a living area here and then have her like a little bed and and something like that anyway we’ll focus that we’ll focus on that later because I oh you need nether quarts my bad okay let me get some nether

Courts because yeah I am going to be fighting the Lich King I’m pretty excited but also very scared we only have seven ooh damn it okay wait now hold on a minute I don’t want my Blaze pow I mean not my my Blaze pet to run out of

Food so I’m going to go to the nether really quick just really really quick and we’re just going to get some nether quartz cuz I don’t want him to starve we do need that regen buff and maybe even the the fire will help to kill the Lich King when we actually can

Hit him um so we’ll we’ll get some some uh quartz let’s see I’m also going to take an 8 minute yeah we we’ll switch out to 8 minute for the 3 minute and yeah okay we also you know what oh we need our Spellbook in hand too let’s

Go okay is there any quartz in the worst spawn ever I hate this oh my God okay I see some up there we can probably get those at least I can try uh damn it all right nice that should definitely be enough honestly and we get some XP too which is good cuz

We actually need a lot oh wait we’re at level 30 actually um do I need to oh yeah I wanted to enchant my other sword we’ll do that we’ll do that another time let’s just let’s just focus okay so um let me just make a quick run by my inventory so we’re going

To put this away we’re going to put the shield in our off hand uh cow pet goes here we have food for everyone including me over here that’s like everyone’s food right there um okay we have like our Buffs on this side let me put away the bone meal we

Don’t okay I’ll put the tools like in the center and blocks on top okay just trying to stay organized and okay so the uh SP book right so that usually would go in my off hand hm to be fair the self heal is pretty important so Perhaps Perhaps we’ll have to hold the

Spellbook instead okay we’ll see if I if I feel like I need the shield more I’ll just take the shield o what’s this Pierce I might use that okay I might use the Pierce we have 45 of those okay let’s let’s go let’s go back to the Twilight Forest I’m

Pretty sure there’s a few Lich Towers pretty close by where is my map oh it’s here okay good so we’re going to hi muffin okay wait girl you need to like move a little bit okay she was staying I I forgot about you girl okay let’s take you to the bridge oh I

Didn’t mean a SEL let’s take her to the bridge so she can at least be you know not right next to the portal and then we’re going to go okay stay here girl I’m I’m going be back I promise oh you’re so cute I love her bye okay let’s go so

Um actually you know what I’m going to switch out my my yeah we’re going to use mushroom stew as our second thing but let’s see oh it’s hard to freaking see God damn it um let me go by the Light so the Lich King I see okay

There’s one right over here let’s go this way it looks like there’s one really close by hopefully it is because I do not want to travel too far it’s so hard to see oh my God there’s like sun coming through my room right now I think

I see it actually but it makes the monitor so hard to see cuz it’s so dark oh my God what is that is that another Chinese plate anyway I think that’s the L King Tower right there right I I can oh oh yeah that’s definitely it right

There oh my God it’s closer than I thought we don’t even need to our map anymore we’ve already found it okay cool we found the L Tower what is this okay random ruin oh we’re out of food already oh shoot I didn’t mean to self

Heal but that oh my God that gives us a lot what is this nourishment nourishment not nourishment whoa oh my God check this out this robust Twilight oak tree is like way smaller that’s kind of cute a I kind of wish I built my my home here

Now cuz I like that it’s not as tall but anyway doesn’t matter you know what our Twilight tree house is the bomb Oh my God wait you need the the the Naga head don’t you right that’s kind of like the key ah frick okay let me grab it really

Quick okay let’s get this Naga I think this needs to be used for the like a key or something I don’t know all right here we are again um I believe there’s no proper entrance to this place so I think what we can do is just kind of break in oh

Man I’m really nervous oh my God books oh my gosh wait that is oh Jesus Christ it’s scared me that is so helpful I’m going to have to come back here and get all the books oh it’s so dark though I’m so glad I brought torches oh what’s

This ooh speed potion charm of Life what that sounds awesome wait let’s see what I can do with that let me put this away uh oh oh hello Jesus Christ what in the world okay interesting um what even is this place okay let me what is this

For well we can put it on apparently on the charm slot charm here oh my gosh do you guys see that I have a freaking heart necklace oh my God that is so cute I wasn’t expecting it to actually show up I’m so happy right now oh my

God holy crap oh my God I wasn’t expecting that oh my god do you hear the little pixie noise that is so cute I’m accidentally oh my God I’m on fire I’m accidentally healing myself instead of placing out torches oh my goodness I’m doing so much damage I’m not even using

My bow right now I’m just owning these guys I think it’s cuz I have strength yeah it’s definitely cuz of the strength holy crap I got so much more fles from that oh my God okay let me put this stuff away we don’t need the map anymore okay cool

That is oh my goodness I wasn’t expecting all that oh hello skeleton skeleton dead paintings I’m going to have to take these paintings too what what is that do you see that it’s like a muscle cat what the heck that’s crazy oh oh hello who’s shooting

Me I have slowness oh it’s you death tomb toome toome of death be gone okay I love the sound effect of the um getting the extra XP oh wa magic map Focus what is that doing over here I’ll take it though I love that sound of the um whoa

What the hey that’s cool cacti of the XP thing it’s so cute little Sparkle creeper oh please don’t blow up my stuff oh thank goodness okay let’s see what’s in here sweeping Edge charm of keeping I want to take that Magma Cream I’ll take the

Charm oh my God our stuff is so full already oh God you know what I’m going to take I’m going to leave this rotten flesh behind cuz I don’t need all that and we’ll put the bones away I do like to keep the bones okay let’s keep it going let’s

Keep going so we’re supposed to be going up it’s really dark oh it’s so dark okay let’s keep going I’m quite nervous quite nervous indeed um but it’s okay we we’ll get it we’ll get through it uh with the power of magic fairy and friendship my

New slogan for the fairy Corp World uh what is this I guess nothing okay oh skeleton oh shoot dude these things always scare me that did you see that that skeleton just like fell three stories anyway we’ll just ignore that where is this King supposed to be I’m

Kind of scared oh hi I like that they get lit on fire because then I can actually see them better and we’re getting a lot of XP oh my God I love the pixie pet this is so helpful oops I don’t mean to do that

Damn it I’m wasting my Mana okay by the way that’s it isn’t it wait no oh crap that scared me I thought I was going to die uh is this that why am I why am I stupid I just fell through the same hole twice okay wait let me

Patch them let me patch these holes damn it don’t mean to fall you guys need to fix up your freak staircase is this where the King’s at what um so do I actually need the Naga thing or am I kind of oh that’s him that’s him

Okay um battle plan guys we’re going to try to hit the things at him okay here we go wait torches torches okay oh my God okay which one where’s the thing ah I don’t I think I missed oh crap oh crap oh crap I’m scared oh my God

Explosions oh shoot it’s a tomb to to thing I’m scared oh my God okay I’m definitely regening though dude where is the stuff he’s supposed to hit at me wait guys I’m really nervous I wasn’t expecting him to blow stuff up crap where’s the Stuff I’m trying to I think I’m supposed to hit the explosions back at him right crap I’m so bad at this hit me no hit me I don’t know which one to look at crap dude what am I doing I think I hit something crap oh

God hit me hit me hit me hit me shoot is this the guy oh look I think I broke yeah I I definitely broke a shield wait hold on okay I’m just making sure I can regen okay okay oh oh oh look yes I did it I got oh

My God oh my God oh my God I actually got through it let me eat he’s going to spawn his minions at me okay I got to make sure to remember to right click if I’m actually low Health but I I’m honestly oh shoot okay

There we go see like right there I got to watch my health I have a really bad habit of not watching my health bar o o get away from me get away oh my God that was it I killed him that was okay to be fair the first stage was

Really scary cuz I was getting blown up but the second one breezed by oh my gosh we actually we actually did it we got the Lich head guys we just killed the Lich King how cool is that also why am I on the break spell I hope I wasn’t on that the entire

Time anyway we killed him we got some ender pearls and the sep of life I actually forgot what that’s supposed to do but I’m pretty sure uh it’s kind of cool so this is exciting we got the Lich trophy thanks to my pets and all my Buffs that I

Got cool that’s actually kind of that’s actually kind of badass I’m not going to wear that obviously so we did it we actually killed him guys that was pretty fun I enjoyed it and now we can actually loot the tower because I want to take all the paintings I need the paintings

Oh my gosh I feel like this would have been a lot harder without like all of my Buffs I’m really glad that I invested into these uh the regen I definitely noticed the regen and the health Buffs and uh not the health Buffs the um the the strength the strength was really

Helpful I think cuz I I honestly didn’t even use my bow I just used my sword and it it like totally wrecked him which is pretty cool so um what else is in here weird little rooms but yeah I want to take the bookshelves that’s going to be super oh

Oh oh no no back demon back holy crap get get okay yeah I definitely need my Blaze pet oh God what hi can you stop what is your problem there we go okay but dude dude we have 38 levels this pixie pet is awesome awesome cool okay I’m going to take all

The books all the books let me clear out some space uh oh my God this is so awesome oh oh my gosh uh let me just put this down I don’t need that anymore and we’re going to steal the paintings oh hi get away steal all the paintings what’s in

Here ooh whoa oh there’s some glowstone I’m not going to take that though you know honestly I’m more interested in this we can use this for decoration maybe we can even put this in our library yeah get to me why can’t I break it hello okay whatever I’ll take this what’s in

Here ooh dark scary I just one shot that guy oh hi I feel like the the little book enemies from uh Grimm war of guy is way scarier honestly but yeah okay so that was that was pretty um pretty easy I’m not going to lie I mean

I was really scared in the beginning because uh it was pretty scary but the end of that was like over in an instant so yeah oh I met of torches whoops I just hold the lter yeah it was it was pretty quick honestly but honestly I still had fun I

Enjoyed it I think what is next anyway I actually don’t know I think the Hydra is it the Hydra no it can’t be I feel like the the Hydra is quite difficult um but we’ll see we’ll see okay let’s just uh let’s take the books I don’t what is up here oh another

Chest ooh speed oh blaze powder I’m going to take that and something else oh what this is creepy okay bye oh oh oh okay there we go okay let’s get out of here let’s go back to the library this way no that’s the cacti room okay here so many

Bookshelves bookshelves for days I’m going to take all of them and we’re going to put this all in our library this honestly might be enough to fill the entire thing I don’t know maybe not maybe it will be I don’t know I’m not very good at predicting

These kind of things but yeah I am so glad that we got this little charm it is so cute I don’t even know what it does maybe it gives us like an extra life I don’t know but I’m glad I got it cuz so adorable but yeah uh what do you guys

Think of the Lich King I think it was actually it was very um both scary and easy at the same time maybe I was honestly I did get to like half Health at some point cuz I was getting blown up but yeah see what’s in here did I

Already go in here I think I did yeah I did okay let’s get out of here we are done oh I need these books give me that there we go we took all the books and now we’re done goodbye Lich Tower you have been vanquished by love

Star okay I’m such a freaking nerd anyway let’s go back where is our oh there it is look I see it’s literally like a lighthouse I can tell because of how bright it is and it’ll only get better because we will continue working on the tower obviously we’re going to

Make some improvements what is in here nothing this kind of reminds me of those little uh things where you can find papayas in not papayas but like the uh the fruity man drinks not the papayas but that is where we found papaya to be fair but yeah that was pretty fun okay

So now we can probably do the next one I feel like if I was able to conquer the Lich Kings so easily the next one should be pretty doable at this point too I don’t know what do you guys think at first I have to figure out what is even

Next and uh then we’ll see from there we’ll go from there but yeah so where is muffin hello muffin I’m back I told you I was going to come back see I lived and uh now we have some uh cool stuff and this pixie pet is awesome I’m actually

Going to go home and we’re going to roll our sword not this one our other one and we’re going to see what we can get even though that sword is I think a little bit low durability it won’t matter because we have our Anvil pet yay uh

Where’s spook I think I left her in the kitchen but anyway back in the Overworld we fought the Lich King and I’m very happy about that so we’re making some pretty good progress in the Twilight Forest oh my God I’m actually so proud of myself wait did I take

Muffin with a damn it I think I left her in there whatever she’ll be fine I’m so forgetful uh anyway so we have spook hello spook I’m back from the Twilight Forest um and we have our little soup girl hi soup girl I don’t know what your name is yet but

We’ll see and okay let me clear out my inventory cuz we have so much stuff a lot of books we got some uh bones blaze powder which I’ll put here I’ll put away the quartz for now now and these pets I’ll put oh my God my

Inventory is so full holy crap um you know what I might have to just uh clear this out off camera because it’s a lot of stuff but what was that cow why did I hear a cow oh it was a pet okay that scared me yeah we’re fine we’re fine

He’s just hungry that’s okay you can be hungry it’s okay boy so let’s put away these potions I don’t need that I didn’t need the deceiver heart anyway what is this where did I get this tether teleporting gluttonous where oh whoa that’s awesome oh my God you can

Place books I have to totally do that in our library So speaking of which you know what let’s make those bookshelves let’s make those bookshelves and we can grab our paintings as well we’re going to need a lot of wood so let me see how many we can make

17 that’s quite a lot okay let’s do that and my sword where’s my sword Um where is my sword it might be in the uh in the tower I think okay let’s go see cuz I do want to roll it and I’m just have my Pixie pet on me because like the the XP buff is crazy like bro I got 38 levels just like

That that is so awesome okay I love you pixie pet and I also love the little sound effect so cute so cute oh my gosh I’m so excited okay let’s place our Bookshelves so many books so so many bookshelves there we go cool and how about some paintings we can put one here oh my God that’s cute wa these are I feel like some of these are not from mizunos these are definitely like some different ones quite interesting a that’s really

Cute oh no pixie Pet’s hungry oh God I should have brought the emerald shoot oh well also we should probably open up these hat bags see what we get a lot of weird stuff probably dragon head um eyeball I don’t like those eyeballs uh dork okay lame I don’t like

Any of them what is that host what is a host that’s so cool it’s like a little skull thing I think I don’t know um I probably won’t actually keep that on me but we got another Kirby I don’t like any of these honestly what

About the dragon head oh no oh no no no okay what about this guy I don’t even know what that’s supposed to be okay we’ll just put these away I’ll have to put them into my my hat thing anyway let’s see if our if our uh I forgot what it’s called The Sword

Let see ah it’s not there what where is my sword crap where did I put it I need to find it I’m always so disorganized man where would I oh maybe it’s in my bedroom let’s go check it might be in my bedroom I feel like everything is just all over the

Place so disorganized h no what where is my freaking sword yawn um damn it where did I put it oh God is it in here I don’t see a sword in here no here no what guys am I stupid where the freak did I put it h i mean where else would it

Be damn I completely forgot I don’t know where my sword is my old one oh wait no it’s not in here either what gives what the heck I seriously don’t know okay well I I’m not going to rush into just making a new one because I feel like I just misplaced it somewhere

So I guess we’ll hold off on that for now but there is one other thing I wanted to do today and originally I was going to just work on Hex but I think I’ll save that for next episode just so we can have probably like a hex themed

Episode um but since we have our new girl here and I kind of wanted to make some you know additions to our actual house I’m thinking of making a little living area like a living room so we have kind of some empty spaces we could totally fill I’m thinking this place

Definitely needs something going on here and we also have this space so first things first I want to grow a bigger tree here so what I think I’m going to do is grab a cherry tree because they are usually quite big and we’re going to grow a beautiful cherry

Where in the world here do I have have a pink one H please tell me I do yay I do okay we’re going to grow a pink cherry tree and I’m going to need some bone meal and for this I also want some books

So we still have a lot of books let me make some uh wood I don’t have any Oak Wood please oh my god oh oh wait I have some here thank Goodness so we’re going to make some more o looks like we can make a lot okay cool yeah I’m going to make as many as I can here 28 we can make more um I’ll hold off on that for now just because I feel like we

Probably have enough so I have an idea I have an idea so we’re going to grow our cherry tree right here I’m going to cut this one down oh I didn’t mean to do that what how did that happen why is there a thing on the ground did I break that what the

Heck anyway let’s grow the tree come on it should be able to grow here right come on oops come on grow oh shoot what’s in the way let me get more bone meal I feel like I should definitely be able to grow here I mean there’s a lot of empty

Space what what is constructing you don’t tell me it’s the flowers oh poopy okay I’ll place them back cuz these are so cute they’re literally ornamental Cher okay what was that oh it’s my little Mona jellyfish are they still alive yay okay good okay anyway so we

Have our little cherry tree cute oh my God why are you so lopsided why does it look like that let me grow another one damn it oh it it breaks this for some what the heck that is so weird H okay that’s better I like that a

Lot more and it’s snowing okay um let me put these back and now we’re going to put some bookshelves around wait actually M crap hold on actually I want to move these let me get my handy dandy break Spell Hooray probably should have just done that in

The first place but whatever um we’ll Place some bookshelves oh crap not again so this is inspired by my well two things now my my uh Cafe Library built and my enchanted forest little Library section that I put outside so I want like a little cozy space where we can just have some

Relaxing time and I also wanted to do one like over here okay we’re probably going to have to make some more bookshelves maybe nine is enough let’s see isn’t that cute all right so I think I’m G to move this campfire there we go and we’re going to put this over

Here oh nice it’s even lit cool and over here so H which one would be more fitting for the dining area or perhaps no not dining I mean living area so perhaps this part over here can be no cuz it’s too far away okay actually okay so this part I think

Is where we’re going to have our little soup girl’s room so over here is going to be like her little secret bedroom and we’re going to put some let me grab some leaves H okay we don’t really have many I’m going to have to uh grow some aelas let me do that here then we can get our shears and just cut it Down nice there you go so this is going to be her secret little bedroom I’m going to put a Mage Light in here cute oh my God it’s so cozy and all right we need some decorations I’m going to put these bookshelves here um she needs a pet bed so let’s go

Do that let’s make her a little pet bed we’re going to make it m well I guess we’ll see what we have have pink wool I’m going to make her a pink one we need a bone and some logs which I have there we go let’s see do we have any other

Furniture we can place some paintings some of these fairy lights and then I’m probably going to just go through the uh Furniture mods and see what we can make oh my God we should make her some muffins that’s so adorable okay she’ll have some muffins we give her a stack of

Books a little basket full of berries absolutely she needs like all the little uh Sweet Berry tank hers what is that I’ll make her that she needs all the little food stuff the mushroom stew bowl is perfect oh there’s so many foods just so cute a little

Seat and okay I’m going to have to come back because my inventory is full oh my God that’s so adorable put the book Stacks up here and the cushion oh my God that’s so cute oh little reading Nook and now we need to yeah we need some nightstands for

Her and a door let’s see what kind of door should we give first you know what let’s do the cherry one so it can stand out a little bit put it here so Cute and we’ll put the nightstands like that and now we can put some food oh crap oh cute it’s so adorable whoa what is this oh I guess these are like drinks oh crap okay I think this looks pretty adorable uh maybe I’ll put one more painting right here oh it’s going the

Wrong way damn it uh what about oh that’s a big one kitty okay definitely so this is going to be our little soup girl’s room she still needs a name but I think she’ll like it she’s going to chill out in the kitchen just for now and we can also work on this

Area so this I want kind of to be more of like the living room so let’s go try to make um maybe some like sofas or something I think I’ll probably make some sort of carpet I don’t know um I kind of want to make magenta carpet ooh aliums make magenta and and

Lilacs actually I think we have some lilacs growing outside so we can probably collect those uh where’s my there it is bone meal let’s go get some lilac there should be some next to our little Pond okay there we go hopefully that’s enough and you know what I think I’m

Just going to dye my sheep and we can get some wool from that we have a lot of pink and red ones right now but we can make some magenta okay 16 we have 16 right now I’m going to D some more all right 33 that should be enough for

Now so let’s replace this grass with some magenta I’m just going to put the wool rather than carpet so we don’t have any blocks getting in the way you know what we should probably do Melody needs to start shoveling this snow I’m getting quite sick of it so

Let’s pull her out here and we’re going to have her shovel snow hello Melody are you ready for your winter work go ahead go ahead and shovel that snow girl okay there we go so I think I’m actually going to add some like Carpets on the

Edge but I’ll do that a little bit later let’s see so I’m going to um let’s see what kind of sofas we got here we have these really cute ones from cluttered red wool green wool uh blue red I mean maybe we can make these they’re honestly so cute uh okay so red

We need blue and Spruce okay honestly quite doable should have some red wool we only have four okay well I mean it should be enough and then we can just grab some white and I’ll just make four and we’ll Dy it blue which we have enough blue cool

And now we need Spruce I think fences and just that’s canopy ah it’s s to tell this is can okay let me just make this yay we can make it and I’ll make two oh we don’t have enough what are we missing what am I missing the what oh the stuff okay

Now there we go so we have two sofas dark wood quilted sofas these are really cute oh my gosh I love them oh adorable we’ll put in here um and now H we definitely need some sort of like table I suppose like a little reading reading Nook so um let me put

This stuff in here and we’re gonna make first of all we need some bookshelves I mean book Stacks we need floating TOS what about uh I don’t know maybe not we can make perhaps a bookshelf as Well maybe I’ll make the dunmer what does a bookshelf look like actually yeah I’ll make the Wardrobe because I like the Wardrobe and we’ll do two drawers and wow we’re out of clay so that’s all we can really make let’s see let’s see what this looks

Like we can put the bookshelf like maybe here cute and some drawers in the center and we will put our Bookshelves oh cute and uh hm oh I have an idea so we have these two enchanted books I don’t really know what these effects do but we can place those and they’re going to look pretty cool so I think we will do that and um I can probably make some more fairy

Lights so we need iron string and white fairy lights which we have some let’s get the string and I’ll make we’ll just do two I don’t think I need two but yeah and there are so many decorations we can use I honestly just don’t know what else

We can put here for the time being if you guys have any ideas of course let me know oh that’s so cute but it’s kind of like going through the block okay wait let me try this again break break let me put this One ah no why are you doing this what about here but now it’s not as like okay what about H what if we lower them yeah that that’s [Applause] better cute very nice I love the fairy lights Okay cool so let me put the uh little books books

Down there we go oh they’re really adorable okay and lastly let me go get some more sheep cuz I kind of want to make a few carpets just for a little bit of texture that looks a lot better nice that’s really cute okay so I

Definitely think we can add on to this a little bit later but H one last thing one last thing I will add some Lea leaves wait do I even have any okay yeah we do we have some as Zas I’ll place these Zas because at least these won’t get any they don’t usually

Get brown during the like Autumn so I kind of like them for that reason and we can put a Mage Light and one over there okay pretty awesome I really like this actually so yeah this is inspired by some of my previous builds but honestly it’s just such a cool like

Little comfy design and I’m going to actually why are these like way in the back here these should be in the front where we can actually see them literally so cute all right so you guys let me know what you think about this I think this is a pretty cute little living

Area and it’s pretty cool and cozy but yeah I think I’m going to go ahead and end this episode here I really hope you enjoyed I try to make this one a little bit longer as well um but yeah be sure to check out my YouTube memberships if

You want to help support my channel and get early access to videos as well as a bunch of other things be sure to leave a like on the video if you want to see more fairy Corp and with that all being said I hope you guys have a great day

And I will see you all later bye

This video, titled ‘Cozy Forest Home! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 24 ✮⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-02-09 23:00:03. It has garnered 2796 views and 216 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:58 or 5698 seconds.

🌈Become a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive videos, discounts on stickers, and more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCcRwVLEk-0ouoHIKUjKQqg/join

Hey everyone my name is Luvstar! Welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! This series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. I chose the mods myself, trying to stick to a fantasy, rpg, fairycore, magical and cottagecore theme. Please enjoy this magical series!

Today i defeated the lich king!! And I decorated our fairy forest a bit, adding a living room and a new bedroom for a special mushroom gal.

In this relaxing modded let’s play, I am going to be living in a magical world with fairies, dragons, woodlands, dungeons, and other whimsical things! This is a fantasy, fairycore, RPG style let’s play ♡

===================================== 👾my art instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luvstaar/ 💜my etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LuvstarKei 🎧support me (or request an art commission!): https://ko-fi.com/luvstar 🖤for business inquiries: [email protected] 🐈‍⬛my art channel: @luvstarkei2 =====================================

🌸Music Credits: All music featured in this video is composed by Adrian von Ziegler. Find his music here: https://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com

🍓RESOURCES USED: Shaders: complementary unbound shaders Texture packs: Mizuno’s 16 craft – https://mizunomcmemo.blogspot.com/p/resourcepack.html Froggy hotbar – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/froggy-hotbar/ Overgrown floral tools – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/overgrown-floral-tools/ Gothic medieval RPG font: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/gothic-rpg-font Monsters & girls cottagecore edition – https://irritator-fan.itch.io/monstersgirls-cottagecore-version

🌼DOWNLOAD MY FAIRYCORE MODPACK HERE: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/luvstars-fairycore (requires Curseforge and Java 19)

Live in a fantasy, RPG-like world where you can play Minecraft through a magical lens. Choose your own Origin to customize your play experience! Explore a fantasy world with new creatures, fairies, dungeons, dimensions, woodlands, magic, and other mystical secrets! This modpack focuses on exploration, creativity, and magic. Go on and play your own fairytale!

🌿My Gear: Keyboard: https://amzn.to/3SJMdOm Microphone: https://amzn.to/3ULsjFp Mouse: https://amzn.to/4byzUxb Mousepad: https://amzn.to/4bBK93N Gaming Laptop: https://amzn.to/3wdFHb4 Camera: https://amzn.to/3wdFHb4 (I use affiliate links and may earn a commission!)

ignore tags! modded minecraft,cute minecraft,kawaii minecraft,minecraft longplay,modded longplay,cottagecore minecraft,fairy minecraft,minecraft fairy,fairycore,cute minecraft mods,cute minecraft house,cottagecore minecraft house,aesthetic minecraft playthrough,minecraft fairy aesthetic builds,minecraft fairycore,minecraft fairycore lets play,minecraft aesthetic lets play,relaxing minecraft longplay,aesthetic minecraft,celtic,magical minecraft,luvstar,fairycore builds

Cozy Forest Home! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 24 ✮⊹♡

#minecraft #minecraftchill #minecraftletsplay #minecraftlongplay #minecraftrelaxing #cottagecoreminecraft #fairycoreminecraft #fantasyminecraft

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    Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft SeedsVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू अनदर वीडियो और आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आ चुका हूं रर सीट ट्राई करने एज यू नो आज की वीडियो का टाइटल तो पढ़ ही लिया होगा तुम लोगों ने तभी तो वीडियो लगाई होगी तुम लोगों ने तो आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर सॉरी वो थोड़ा एरर आ गया था और मैं बोल रहा था कि आज हम लोग टेस्ट करने वाले माफ्ट हरर सीड्स व माफ्ट के अंदर सो लेट स्टार्ट और इस वीडियो में एंड तक बने रहना और मैं तुम्ह एक ऐसा सीड भी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE VÍDEO É PRA VOCÊ :AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST🌳 🤔🤔😆 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More