Unleash INSANE Minecraft Spells with TheRealMrSquid!

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What’s going on guys it’s the real mr squid here hope y’all are having a good day i’m having a good day today we’re back playing the direwolf 20 pack and we’re going to be messing around just with just a little bit with this five times or processing i got all the

Machines ready to go i got them right here in my hot bar we’re gonna go all the way down the line uh some things i wanted to say about these machines i found out actually that there is an upgrade called the gas upgrade and it’s actually super cool because it

Increases the efficiency as it says here of gas using machinery which basically um means that all of our machines will use significantly less gas to process the ores so that’s going to be amazing i’m super glad that i found out that that was even a thing because if not we were really gonna

Probably have to make even more machines than we made last episode to produce gases so yeah that’s gonna be good uh i also forgot to add oxygen onto this little chart i made for you guys to follow and me to follow as well uh yeah the purification chamber does need oxygen

So that’s on there now i have uh i actually have all the pipes and all the buffers set up ready to go i just have to set these machines down and it’s just off to the races so before we do that i’ll show you a

Little bit of what i did around the base i added a second or laser base going and the uh the first one over there on the other side is set to all yellow so we get enough sulfur for for our sulfuric acid and stuff because you know we need that to do the

Five times or processing i also set up a wireless connection for our refined storage system a network transmitter and there’s actually a receiver in our compact storage area and this is super cool because it allows us to connect to our refined storage system through the basically wirelessly so wherever the

Receiver is we can just cable out of it and act like you know there’s no difference it’s just it’s it’s like you’re being cabled right to the connector or not the connector but the controller so it’s yeah it’s it’s really cool i’m trying to think if there’s anything

Else before we get into it i don’t think there is well actually there’s a couple of things inside the compact machine so let’s get in there so i moved the fortunate setup to right here since this is our processing area i put it all in here

This is working the same so here’s our network receiver and we actually was actually just an ore right there this places them this breaks them with fortune that’s uh you guys know all about that i got some stonework factories set up to make ours make us gravel and

Sand and stone and cobblestone and they have these detectors on them so whenever we get uh what did i set it to whenever we get 10 000 in the system they do not the redstone signal turns off and these machines underneath are said to only create those blocks

When they have a redstone signal so that works perfectly and here are the buffers for everything the oxygen our sulfuric acid the hydro hydrogen chloride and the oxygen so i just decided to pipe it up and around so let’s get these machines placed and let’s see if we can uh

Yeah it should be pretty cool bam bam oh dang it i missed clicked already okay yeah like that there we go so first your solution chamber and chemical washer crystallizer there we go factory this is oxygen correct there we go and let’s just set them up to where they

Auto sort all these should auto sort they should also already be set in a way that they will take whatever’s in the left one and pass it on to the right one so it’s just gonna be a you know like an assembly line type of thing

Uh this is an exporter exporting all the orders that can go through this system and this uh this whole setup uses a significant amount of power actually it’s just i i had to test this out because i wanted to make sure everything would be okay it actually used so much

Power that we don’t make enough power even with two reactors i even upgraded one of the uh one of the reactors to the highest tier nitro i’ll show you that when we get out there and it still isn’t enough it’s kind of insane how much power this

Area uses if i slap this down right here let me just make sure everything’s connected if i slap this down this flux point you’ll see how much power used yeah yeah it’s about it’s uh let’s go to search mode yeah a lot a lot of power 200 and something

Thousand but we don’t want to i want to show this off so let’s actually get the power connected for these one two seven eight and we also need power back here i’ll just bring this one over as well and we are going to disconnect from the uh all these machines because these also

You know it’s that was you know all that power was just these machines i haven’t even talked about these yet like you know we haven’t seen how much power they take yet so let’s do that i am curious and i want to see it run 135 000 i think that’s actually manageable

But look at that go that’s doing the iron sulfuric acid which is turning into clean iron slurry which is turning into iron crystals which are turning into iron shards oh terrifying actually might have it might be crushing then enriching let me try that uh rushing

Yes that is what it was my bad had that the wrong order crushing then enriching and then smelting look at this this is a beautiful system that just watching how much power 45 000 yeah that’s like super light work that is no issue at all and i’m pretty sure once we have enough

Power we will be able to keep up with the chemical stuff sulfuric acid is not even going down wait why is the sulfuric acid not going down at all oh because there’s a bunch in these tubes yeah there’s a bunch of these tubes so that yeah the tubes are

Buffers but that’s that’s how this is going to work and then we’re just going to set this to output to the right which it is and we’re going to put an importer right here on the back slap some cables straight back like so and probably just set this to eject

That should be good uh i’ll have to get like a stack we can just put some speed upgrades in for now that is what we like to see five times over processing up and running so now that we have that done that’s not i don’t really want to mess with this anymore today

I want to mess with a new mod i want to mess with ours nouveau it’s kind of like ours magicka but you know brought to the modern if you guys ever played uh with ours magicka in the past it’s a significantly older mod um it was actually not even around when

I was when i started playing modded minecraft it was like i kind of just missed it so that is what we’re going to be doing today let’s look at that iron go up very cool and this should go down the ore should go down and this should go up by five

That is very cool so now we can tear this down here’s my magnet there it is that is cool i’ve never actually gotten to do that before that’s like a bucket list thing of mine so let’s get messing with this rs rs new o so here’s its book i love that all

These have a nice book uh getting started i actually did do a little bit of reading already so one of the first things actually let’s get to sleeping one of the first things we’re gonna have to do is make ourselves a spell book and then we’re going to be able to have some

Beginner spells let’s get that going iron pickaxe shovel sword and an axe very cool so as you can oh wow look at that we’re holding it in our hand very very magically very wizard-esque sorcerer i feel like it’s more of a sorcerer thing i don’t know

So anyway as you can see uh we have a spellbook on our hand and in the lower left that’s our mana and our mana you use mana to do spells we don’t have that many spells we can make as of now because you know we just started

So to unlock more spells what we’re going to do is before we make any spells we’re going to you know get working on progress so we can unlock more spells and then then we’ll mess around with spells so we’ve got to make uh we’re gonna need a mana jar

To make a manager arts glass and arcane stone arcane stone is made with stone around a mana gem you find these kind of rare uh in arcane ore when you’re mining let’s make some arcane stone two stacks should be fine so let’s get a mana jar we don’t have any glass

But we do have that 10 000 sand see these are all our ten thousands so actually let’s make a thousand sand real quick right okay and i just wanted to quickly show you guys so since we have less than ten thousand sand in the system this machine turns back on

So that’s each process a cobblestone to gravel sand and then exported i just wanted to show that off really quick but yeah let’s get that manager going this is what holds our mana uh not like the man so there’s two different types of mana there’s uh crafting mana which is like

Um which used to craft you collect it from the world and then there’s personal mana which is what we see in the lower left so the manager is actually for world mana and crafting so to actually collect it and put it inside of this jar we need a mana condenser let’s make that

Really quickly mana condenser and i’ll i’ll actually pull open the book here and read the little thing here where is it start animation upgrades nope okay world man okay here we are world man has a special form of mana that must be gathered using devices in the world

And use the mana to power the um the glyph press which we’re also going to make that’s actually how you make the new spells that you can do and here’s the mannequin that’s the thing i wanted to read to you so it collects mana from special world

Events that occur near it these events include crop growth animal breeding and monsters that die nearby so that is why i actually have that little wheat farm out there because that is how we are going to collect mana in our jar so manna condenser one of those and

Let’s make the glyph press so we can actually maybe make some different kinds of spells so uh let’s get a block down right there should be good did i just break that oh dang it that’s okay so it should be you want to put your mannequin denser above your mana jar i don’t

There we go now i’m i’m under the influence yeah we have our particles on there’s supposed to be some effect happening here i guess we just oh no there was did you see that so whenever these grow they’re not super fast but whenever these grow you’ll see a little bit of it

Why here let me get an aerial view so we can really see we have to wait for one of these crops to grow but that shouldn’t take too long let’s get a come on crops grow you can’t use bone meal it has to be natural growth to my knowledge

I mean we could try out bone meal but i don’t think it’s gonna work yeah let’s try it out why not we’ll learn together bone meal there we go and let’s uh let’s put some of this junk away that we don’t really need let’s take a look there’s

Oh there you yep so that grew yeah the bone meal did not work but natural growth does let’s make this this this can actually be bigger so i’m going to make this bigger this is probably going to be how we’re going to get mana i’m thinking well eventually there’s a there’s a

Different ways to get mana but this is going to be our starter mana planting crops plant crops armor squid i uh i do like the way that these um these structures look well they’re not structures these little like uh what they call them in the book devices

I like this a lot this kind of reminds me of the end it’s kind of got like an end vibe going on oh we got another one so let’s take a look at some of the spells that we can currently make and then we’re gonna try

To make ones using the glyph press so i’m gonna put the glyph press down right here and when that’s a little bit more full that manager i’ll slap it next to this and then we’ll be able to maybe make some new glyphs here i have some that i

Kind of want to try out and i marked them up here but we’re going to make a spell using just what we know now so this is the base stuff let’s see you’re going to want to start with a form so we’ll say we’ll say self and then we’re going to do

Actually let’s not do that let’s do projectile and break no i don’t think and we’re going to call this a mining spell mining and we create it okay so now we have the mining spell you can see in the lower left it’s selected and you can toggle through these you

Know like there’s actually let me just go to category ours you can pull up a like a let’s try here let’s let’s actually make this r and let’s see what else is set to r building gadgets oh i do use that don’t i uh let’s choose a key i don’t use

It’s always hard to find a good key i that’s kind of hard to reach y t e n m uh zed x this is the problem with mod packs everybody this has always been a problem with modpack so let’s do that okay so you can hold up to 10 spells i’m not

Sure if that changes but then you can get a nice wheel that you can use so now that we have our mining spell and we’re holding it if we right click we should mine wherever we’re looking yep that’s there it goes so i know that’s not super

Useful now that you know we don’t really mind that much but other you know this is only the novice spell book there are um you know there’s three different levels of spell book and three different levels of spells that we can get into like okay here where is it tier 1 spells

Tier 2 spells tier 3 spells yeah like these get kind of crazy wither summon a vex okay actually let’s get some of this stuff together to make let’s make one more oh my goodness i didn’t even mean to do that i didn’t mean to break it but i bro i

Broke this okay that’s good that’s okay uh let’s see dirt block plus laser drill plus upgrades okay everything is fixed so c right okay and let’s change the spell to self and then harm and we’re gonna call this uh let’s say it’s a it’s a damage potion but like to ourselves

So when i do this i should take damage i sure did is it a lot it is kind of significant damage oh my goodness it is significant damage let’s see and then as you’ve seen i was just spamming it there and i ran out of mana okay let’s stop that i don’t want

To i don’t take that any further than that’s gone okay cool so let’s make some new glyphs let’s make the glyph of speed and also summon wool and amplify so to make the glyph of summon wolves we need a magic clay and a while a wilden horn in the glyph press

So let’s get some magic clay magic clay i have it set to craft let’s make like a stack took uh to craft the magic clay you need normal clay redstone and mana gems let’s get some of that going let’s get the wilden oh good thing we have some of that

Okay so that is the summon wolves that should be a cool one speed is a minecart we have so much iron because the five times it’s amazing uh grab some more clay to play and then the last one which is amplify you need a diamond three of these okay

So let’s do something like this and then diamond minecart and this also i think it’s becoming nighttime not yet still got time so let’s see how much mana we should have we should have a good amount 24 full not great but i think it’ll do at least for something

So what we want to do is we want to put in i believe the clay first and then the catalyst item so for us it’s a diamond that ate a lot and it’s making it and it made it so now we have the glyph of amplify if we right

Click it we shouldn’t learn it and now when we craft stuff we can amplify the effect so just for a proof of concept let’s do self again let’s do the harm thing again and let’s amplify the heck out of it oh my goodness you can add that many

Amplifies is it gonna like just kill me i’m kind of afraid okay so okay there we go not enough mana so maybe that’s too many amplifiers let’s see great let’s see so this is too powerful for us as it is now oh wow okay let me eat some of this food

And then see how much damage that actually did okay we got all that not bad so um the more of these glyphs that we end up crafting the more our maximum amount of mana will go up so i’m going to make a you know i’m going to probably make a bunch of the

Cool ones test around them let’s see if we can make that wolf one because that seemed kind of cool clay and a welded horn i really hope that we have enough but if we don’t that’s okay no there doesn’t appear to be enough mana nearby

Oh this was storing it so now that oh wow why is it 19 that was there enough sweet nice i love when a good plan comes together through luck okay summon wolves i do want to do that one so let’s see so wherever we touch maybe it summons wolves and we summon and

Let’s amplify it is that well let’s do it normally great so so we summon a wolf on that block with someone oh we have summoning sickness so we can’t summon for a minute but we have cool wolves and they’re our friends i do like this this is cool i’m gonna do

That spell another let’s get a sleep in real quick and then i want to see if it summons more wolves than just two i also want to see how oh they followed me to the bed oh my goodness that’s cool hello sit and stand okay let’s go guys let’s roll out dogs

So i think do they teleport to me they sure do they’re just like normal straight up dogs that’s awesome okay they’re about to run out any second now if i uh i’m kind of afraid to do this but i want to see what happens if i hit one

Okay they don’t attack me they’re my friend i’m sorry i didn’t mean it i did not mean it okay our summoning sickness is about to be over so let’s amplify this spell a couple times create and okay so they go away when the sickness goes away got it

Okay so it’s still just two dogs yeah i don’t know i’m not quite sure how to get more dogs maybe you have to uh put the spell in summon dogs multiple times summon wolves multiple times but yeah i’m going to uh that’s going to be it guys for today’s episode sorry if that

Was a little abrupt i didn’t i didn’t mean it for it to be but we’re hitting the wrapping up point so that’s going to be it for today’s episode guys i’m going to mess around with this maybe make a couple spells to show you guys next episode or something

But this is cool this is a very cool little mod i never got a chance to mess around with artists magicka but looks like ours nouveau is my second chance i’m pretty happy about that so um thank you guys for watching hope you enjoyed it and until next time guys

Me and my dogs we’re saying peace out

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Ars Nouveau Starter Spells! | DW20 1.16 | E33’, was uploaded by TheRealMrSquid on 2021-09-06 04:00:00. It has garnered 148 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:41 or 1421 seconds.

Hey guys, in todays episode we wrap up 5x ore processing using Mekanism and storing it all inside of a compact machine. Then start into Ars Nouveau and tinker around with some basic mana collection and starter spells.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealMrSquid

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    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More


    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥Video Information my are you okay my feet okay well listen we’re we’re very much closely approaching that time yay the new Minecraft update tricky trials it’s about to go down can we kick squeaks from this Discord why what happened um I can’t I can’t actually we you’re going to have to RP this out Leslie’s the judge go ahead um squeaks Che in a game of One V one valerant and he also griefed Ellum in he’s a better player than you you have to accept it no he’s not he’s not he’s better than you in val… Read More

  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

    Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮Video Information d o d hi I’m d d I’ve Got The Power of dark and white on my side hi I’m r e f i l i a [Music] [Music] I’m r e l i l i aiaia [Music] he o I’m I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 mc.garrettmc.org Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: mc.chargedcreeper.com Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, that’s a bruh moment in Minecraft. Just remember, always bring a bucket of water with you! Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Beacon Cream XI Portal Embark on a journey to the world of Minecraft with UzeMing as he crafts a unique portal known as the Beacon Cream XI. This portal, inspired by the character Beacon Cream from Roblox and Minecraft, challenges players to explore new realms and unleash their creativity. Materials Needed To construct the Beacon Cream XI portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, beacons, and Redstone blocks. These materials form the foundation of the portal, allowing players to delve into a world of adventure and mystery. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials… Read More

  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

    Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Bedwars Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the popular game mode, Bedwars. Join the excitement as players strategize, build, and battle their way to victory in this competitive multiplayer experience. What is Bedwars? In Bedwars, players are tasked with protecting their bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a race against time as teams gather resources, fortify their defenses, and engage in intense PvP combat. The last team with their bed intact wins the game. Key Features of Bedwars: Teamwork: Collaboration is essential in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

    Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit TransformationsVideo Information guys today I’m working on making Greenery in my laboratory and I think I’ve already managed to create something I’ve made a beauty potion without side effects can you imagine such a thing has never happened in our amazing digital circus it’s really wonderful but I think it’s not safe to leave it here it needs to be hidden somewhere else and I think that I’ve come up with yes the waterfall will be a perfect place as far as I know this place is very reliable even though kfmo lives here I’ll hide it somewhere in this… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

    "Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!" #MinecraftAdventureVideo Information and we are free free to wonderand free to be out of the Jung go no no it’s fine it’s fine we just need to go this way and we will be free of the Jungle completely free and no no it’s fine see there’s no there’s no more jungle just over there we just need to go a little further oh oh no oh dear This video, titled ‘Meet the Explorer #minecraft #solosmp’, was uploaded by SeraphMC on 2024-02-25 13:00:11. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Update 1.21 – New Features & Download!

    Minecraft PE Update 1.21 - New Features & Download!Video Information तो जी हां भाइयों और बहनों वह घड़ी आ चुकी जिसका आपको बेसब्र से इंतेजार था आपके अलावा आपकी मौसी को आपके मौसा को आपके रिश्तेदारों को आपके पड़ोसी को आपके बगल वाले चाय वाले को आपके सामने वाले पानीपुरी वाले ठेले वाले भैया को किसी को भी इस घड़ी का इंतजार नहीं था आपको घड़ी का इंतजार था तो आप एकदम सही वीडियो में आए हो आज मैं आपको देने वाला हूं माफ्ट का 1.21 का नया अपडेट और सुनने में आ रहा है कि मोंग वालों ने इसमें भाई ऐसी चीजें ऐड कि है ना कि… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!

    The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!Video Information This video, titled ‘Penguin.gg(SB737’s Minecraft server) Skyblock’, was uploaded by Julius Laguna on 2024-05-26 01:49:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Discord is now going smoothly. Links https://discord.gg/dB85sqEJTH (Community discord server) https://discord.gg/P7uKMQBtXt (Prototype community discord server) https://discord.gg/penguingg (Official SB737 Server) https://discord.gg/dRsZQHWU3A (Chillax(Branchoff of the Oficial SB737 Server)) https://discord.gg/jVHSxfknyW (Official Julius Laguna SMP discord server) https://discord.gg/psa6NqquMF (Unofficial Julius Laguna SMP discord server(Any branchoffs will need to be aprooved by the owner.)) —————————————– Minecraft Weekends at 2:30 PM EST: Penguin.gg(SB737’s Minecraft server) Survival Weekends at 8:30 AM EST:… Read More

  • Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information easy tree in [Music] mcraft so baby do it right do me right we can go all time we can move fast when you put your body on mind and like to be one of those nights but we don’t turn off the lights want to see body on mind and [Music] This video, titled ‘Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-12 12:49:21. It has garnered 1388 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts link in description:-https://www.youtube.com/@ZSSKAYR67 search… Read More