Unleash the Power of Elcestrus in Minecraft Star Wars

Video Information

Hey everyone welcome I might be a year or twoo late making this but this is the bad batches ship called the marauder or the Havoc Marauder as it was originally called which was seen in Star Wars the bad batch and also the Clone Wars season

7 so it’s a nice little ship it’s got a combination of a lot of different sort of ships in there the main body in particular is very similar to the new class sh and overall you know it’s just one of those in in the kind of line of

Shuttles which obviously then kind of transformed into what became the Lambda although this one I’d say is is a lot more stylized and sort of in the sort of Clone War sharp aggressive style compared to Lambda which is a lot more kind of subtle and and and curvy and

Just built different also it’s a in it weird color it’s sort of like a very sort of bluish gray very very bluish gray and I did my best to sort of make that using like the clay blocks without making the thing just blue because there’s not really a good middle

Ground apart from clay which is basically blue gray so I’ve used that throughout sort of sprinkle in bits of that bluish while also keeping it mostly gray with like the polished undersight the smooth Stone stuff like that it does have a small interior if we go to the

Landed model here you can see there’s the two seats at the front this interior is limited and it’s not 100% accurate um I think there’s meant to be two more sets of seats but just because of the size of this thing it wasn’t really possible but yeah you’ve got the two

Pilot seats up front with little uh console details and stuff and then these two Gunner stations at the back there’s a door here and there’s nothing behind that but there is the space to add more interior if you want um just for the sake of keeping this a little bit simple

And also because I couldn’t really find many amazing references for the inside um interior in the back like where all the rooms and stuff are I just blocked off but as you can see um if I maybe knock this one out n that doesn’t really work all right unlock this and this

There is stuff there but yeah it’s that space back there is just unoccupied but you do have the option to put stuff in there if you like um so yeah there is the landed and flight modes like I said um we’ll basically do the body from like

Around this point upwards as as one sort of section and then you can then modify that into whichever version you want now if you building the flight mode it’s eight blocks off the ground the landed mode is just one block off the ground but I will detail that more when we

Actually start the build but yeah the way I tend to do it is make the body all as one section and then you can copy that body and do it twice if you want to do both modes or you can just modify that one body to be the mode that you

Want so it’s up to you and I’ll detail that even more when we start speaking of starting we’re going to crack them with the build basically I don’t think there’s much else to say about this thing um sizewise there isn’t an actual official size posted there’s a lot of

People speculating what size it is and I personally just took um Raven deviant orthographic images he produced of the ship and then basically took a character scaled them next to the ship scaled the character to like 1.8 m tall and then found out what the ship length was based

On that um so it may not be 100% accurate in terms of scale it is meant to be 1 to one but I’d say plus minus maybe 2 m something like that leeway in terms of how big is so yeah anyway let’s crack on we’re going to

Start with the body like I said and just measuring how many blocks off the ground you need to be so let’s do that now all right so starting off the first layer so the way I’m going to do this is so I’m starting with the flight mode

Is the main one that I tend to do and then I do the landed mode after also I forgot to mention this is day nine of the Christmas tutorials I keep forgetting to do that in the intro but um yeah 12 Days of Christmas tutorials

This is day nine so we’ve got three more left and then it will be Christmas uh so that’s cool we’re here on the Christmas tutorial pad red line is the back of the build green line is the front and this green and red solid line is the middle

Of the width of the build so anything that goes on the left goes on the right unless I say it otherwise so like I said I start with the start uh I can’t speak start with the flight model and I said there’s going to be a gap underneath that

Because we’re going to do the Modi and then the wings after so for the flight model this is really important now if you’re wanting to do the landed model wait in a for a minute and I’ll tell you what you need to do but if you’re doing

The flight model you’re going to take a temper block I’m going to use sponge here going to build up by one oops one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and then do a top half smooth stone slab so that’s eight of the temporary blocks and then on the ninth Block it’s

A top half slab only if you’re doing the landed model I’m going to go over here a second do the same thing but we’re just going to do one block and then the top half slab like that now we’re going to come back to the landed model but we’re going to work on

The flight model as the kind of standard one but even if you’re doing that landed model you need to follow these steps anyway it the only difference is the amount of space between the two areas here between the two uh bits here sorry this is I could have definitely said

That in a much easier way but you know that’s just not how I roll so you’ve got this uh top half slab to start with we’re going to do two top half polish deep slate slabs and materials you need by the way strip jungle wood clay polish deep slate slab

Smooth stone slab jungle slab iron trap door dark o trap door lever and you can keep the temper block but you don’t really need it it’s up to you two top half deep slate slabs polished two smooth Stone ones four polish dup State ones and one more smooth stain one so

One 4 2 2 one dark oak trap door that’s one and two top half three smooth stained slabs three on the left and three on the right so you should get a 3X3 and then iron trap door three three again like that now we’re actually going to do a

Little bit on the next layer up because there are some levers but they’re on the underside of the blocks from the next layer so I’m going to do those those blocks and get them out the way so there’s a bottom half smooth stain slab there and there and then take the lever

Have it facing that way and that way so you’re just having it facing the main body come to the back here next to the smooth Stone uh slab we’re actually going to put a temporary block one and two stripped jungle wood on each of these and then clay just

Behind that and that’s on the left and right of the center line I’m just going to double check that I’ve done those in the right order but um you might see a quick jump cup yeah so that’s fine delete the tempered block and do a lever basing that way the only

Way I did the only reason I did the temperary blocks was because I like having the jungle uh strip jungle wood faing like this direction whereas it also faces that direction where the stripes are upwards I prefer them sideways like that it’s up to you if you want to do that I

Suppose take the tempor block again we’re going to put one here and here next to the in fact no don’t do it like that I’m going to scratch that we’re going to put them here so next to this set of two polished deep sight slabs we’re going to

Do two temporary blocks two temporary blocks iron trapo and then get your slabs again this is a top half smooth St one one we’re going to do backwards now uh nine in total so that’s 2 three 4 5 6 7 8 9 another trap door just

There come to the front end jungle slab smooth stain slab that should be in line with this lever here do the same here on this side as well bring that all the way to there one more iron trapo we’re also going to grab our Oak slab and there’s just one of those right

In the back here in there as well and yeah that’s going to be it for layer one and a bit of Layer Two as well I guess so let’s move up now to Layer Two itself okay for layer number two we take the materials uh strip jungle wood clay

Science herac Cotter deep set tiles stone bricks polish undersight slab smooth stone slab stone brick slab and undersight wall we going to go over to here take deep site tiles we’re just going to put them between those jungle uh blocks and we can actually get rid of

That cuz it’s the only time we need it I’m going to get out the polished and theight stairs and next to these jungle strip jungle Uh Wood three upside down polished and the side stairs like that stone bricks on each side so you’re leaving a gap of one in the middle at the

Minute play we need polished undersight full block so I’m going to quickly switch out the stone bricks because we can get that back easily um a polished and theight one two one two play and then you got your smooth stain slabs take the C bring this all

The way to the front and then one block past the slabs and we need the polished deep plates there upside down upside down next to the cyan and then a normal one and then two sign next to that all right you can uh put this away

For now I’m going to get the Burch trap door out do one there flip it doesn’t matter if it’s upside down or or with the little bit at the top it’s up to you same there you’re going to skip one do the same thing like that right we can do the two Gunner

Station seats so there’s one just here and one just here here with a gap in the middle you can see they’re kind of facing nothing at the minute we’re going to do something about that in a second get the Deep slight tile wall that’s uh going to be one and two one

Two and then and theight wall going to use the mud brick wall now one two and then and theight wall again take the polished stairs there’s one here and one facing that way smooth stone slab in the middle do a tempor block just see I’m going to use a strip jungle wood cuz

It’s right there Polish stairs facing away from that replace the middle one with another smooth stone slab polished and theight slab and then top half smooth stain slabs on each side go to the middle line here polish slab smooth stone slab we then need the iron trap doors

That’s going to be one two one two and one Birch trapo on the very front this layer is actually one of the most difficult for some reason even though it’s only Layer Two technically but it gets most of like the shape of the build done you can already see the

Shape of the nose of the ship taken form so that’s all right light gray carpets one two three now we can do the rest of the slabs that we need to do so if you start with a polished undersight one top half one two three four two stone brick ones

One polished two stone bricks one polished and then one smooth stone slab top half do the same again just do all the polished ones and get these out the way so that’s one 2 3 four stone brick ones get these out of the way then on the back here there’s just

An extra stone brick one there and there and also a bottom half one there and there going to take those polished stairs again come to this bit here do a stair facing outwards just there and a stair facing outwards just there as well okay so you can see we’re building the

Main body outwards now we’ll need the stripped jungle wood we’re going to put one and two two of them are going to go just here so before these uh polished onit turn and stone bricks two of them there and we’ll just do the same on the other side one two one

Two take the polished andite block two in that Gap clay polished clay polish there and we’ll just do that on this side so we covered up all the uh gaps at the bottom now apart from this one but there is a different block that goes there Canan terra cotta clay

Cyan just going to pull some materials out a second stain bricks Canan polished Canan play copy that over there we go right to the back here we need the sea lantern there for the engine glow one and two one and two put that away get the iron bars out one one

Here mud brick wall next to the iron bars they should connect up and then take those under theight walls again one here one on that one that one that one and this one followed by another mud brick wall and another and theight wall again on this side so it should

Look like that so these cutouts here are for where the wings are going to go in the flight mode and landed mode just in different ways so you should be left with four of them and if you’ve done that right that’s fine take the St brick SL come

Back to here cuz I almost forgot that that just goes between those like that so the nose is done the back is done the last thing is just the start of the Cannons on the front here the main weapons that look very very similar to the ones on the Lambda

So there’s two St brick walls you’ll need the dark oak fence gate just one and one functional blocks you need two n Rods I don’t play Survival so I don’t know how en rods are functional I don’t know exactly what they do all I know is they’re good decorations um but please

Let me know what the nend rods do cuz I genuinely don’t know two Birch on the wall there and then also on the um fence gape because we’re going to put some blocks on top that will join them together pretty much there we go like that I believe that does it for that

Layer so let’s move up to layer I guess you could call it layer three I don’t know how I’m going to label it in the video I tend to work from ground layer and if that was the case this is like layer 10 but doesn’t

Sound practical so we’ll see how I do it you’ll see the the headers let’s move on to layer number whatever all right for this next layer up you can just start again with the same materials I’m going to keep the lever on hand as well on each of these sign you’re going

To put a lever facing towards the body and then also take the polished and the side stairs and between those levers you’re just going to do three stairs like that in fact you can make it four because we’re going to do one on the end here as well like

That one two three four not on this end though leave that one off another sea lantern on top of this one and this one you can get rid of that take the Polish stairs again have it facing that way and then sideways that way sideways like so clay in the middle

Top half stone brick slab is going to go just there and then a bottom half one just here just like that um next up get the clay block one there one there this is stone bricks clay strip jungle wood clay stone bricks polished and theight Clay polished and site and then smooth

Stone uh top half slab just there and then the bottom half one here okay let’s do the same on this side so I’ll do the clay get these out of the way there’s one two and three polished one and two and then stone bricks one there jungle stone bricks

Here top half bottom half need those uh jungle slabs one smooth stone slab and again like that take the quartz slab there and also the iron trap door there going to be a quartz slab here and then an iron trap door just on top of it well

Not on top of it in front of it I guess one and two like that that finishes off those side turrets or weapons I guess right dark oak trap door now and also your sign terra cotta two s there two here dark oak trapo one there flip it and again like

That two Canan two Canan Darko trap door there flip it and again this is where we put the door to the back area there’s a deepsight tile wall just there and then also light gray no just normal gray actually this time um stained glass panes one and two playay playay

There polished polished and then we’re going to take our light gray Banner put one on the polished andite play again and then stripped jungle wood one two that’s where the doors are going to go there’s going to be a light gray bannet on those that fills in those

Gaps dark oak wall sign this is meant to represent kind of the computer readings and stuff around the chairs you also need another one here and here um if they were like fully black that’ be great um but you have to settle with with this anyway stain brick full

Block one two one two polished undersight on each side this is a clay one and two three polished and theight in the middle three clay one on the front smooth stone slab one two both top half and one and two on the front and then the iron trap door again one 2

3 you can see that just nicely Blends upwards creates a nice slope there um we’re also going to use the andesite wall again just one two one two and then the iron bars as well just there to help smooth out those uh curves on the front on the outside here we’re going to

Need the Birch trapo and the Birch sign on both of these Stone Ro blocks there’s a trap door there and a sign on the left and then the opposite on the other side so trap door on the left sign on the right just like that finally we’ll do the interior

Detail one and two with the uh Mangrove stairs going to take our grindstone have it facing the stairs like this so it’s just too kind of almost handle looking things need a Observer that’s is going to go in the Middle with the red dot face in the

Front and then also the dark oak fence gate just there and flip it just to add even more handles and leaves and stuff and oh there’s one more thing just take the dark oak buttons there one and two and yeah that does it for that layer so let’s move up to the next

One okay on this one I’m going to just quickly sort something out I forgot the levers from down here so one and two there like so um yeah come back up to the top side now to the I guess the neck area will do that get that out of the

Way two s on each side deep site tile wall in the middle you also need the Deep site tile or sorry polished deep site stairs upside down there upside down there and then another San just there and there and that’s the point where the interior that you can add starts and where my

Custom interior stops so right polish Underside stairs upside down 1 two three and four one two 3 4 we will take the mangrove slab now there’s a thing you can do with this one so on my model there’s two top half slabs and one bottom half half slab

There like that now the problem you get is you can’t actually see out of this cockpit um cuz it’s obviously completely uh made out of slabs and no glass you can replace these two with red stained glass however you then lose sort of some of the head room in

The cockpit and it proper brushes up against this seat here um so it’s up to you how you want to do I’m going to stick to how my model set it but if you want that transparency so you can actually see through then go ahead and

Replace the two top half slabs with the red stained glass instead okay it’s all about flexibility and creativity isn’t it that’s that’s what we’re about at the end of the day iron trapo smooth stain slab polished deep slate slab one and two top half ones a polished and theight stair a stone brick

Slab smooth stone slab and then stone brick slab also here and here and two more smooth stone slabs add another smooth stone slab on these two and then polish there facing backwards and then also four sideways ones so you should be left one block at

The end which we’re going to do in a second and that is a jungle stair speaking of creativity and flexibility remember anyone um back in about 2016 2017 on the channel um there was a sort of Series where or a series of videos where I was experimenting with like

Different colors of vehicles so like I did like an X-Wing in the standing colors and then also gave you the option to change it out for like a Green version or a blue version or something that was a shli thing but um maybe something that’ll come back in the

Future cuz at the end of the day it is true it is all about you know you can build these models that I’m making but if you want to customize them take them further maybe even make them better absolutely welcome to do so and to give

That a shot Cu uh I’d love to see what people can come up with I know a lot of people turn some of the bigger builds into like survival bases and stuff and I think that’s really interesting to see so this is a we Ed some skeleton skulls

On this build I’ll be honest with you they’re not crucial for most places I don’t think but um I’m going to use them just cuz that’s what my reference model is using so they go this way where it’s not quite 45° sort of like a 30° angle

Facing the front it kind of just helps bring that flat area at the back towards the slopes and it just yeah slightly helps with that so get rid of that now get the daylight detector just one of these on the front here turn it on iron trapo one two and three and then

The light gray carpets again that’s uh one two and three and that finishes off the nose area not this bit but that bit at least coming to the back area now taking the polished stairs we are going to do again nine of these so there’s one just here next to the upside

Down stairs 2 three four five six 7 eight and nine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and nine and then do two more jungle stairs on the back like that take that L gr carpet again and that’s one and two I’m going to just double check something cuz feel

Like I’d meant to put a block okay but I’m going to check and you might see a quick jump cut so okay I’ve checked it now it actually is meant to be open I thought for some reason that um just a bit of context that there was meant to

Be like a trapo that then kind of sealed this engine area up but it’s actually just like these are meant to be flaps on top and flaps on bottom and then this bit around here so yeah no worries it’s as it was supposed to be and theight wall one and

Two stone bricks in the middle polished and theight one there and then an upside down stair also I just thought a minute ago when I said I I’m using like a reference model I don’t mean like someone else’s model it’s basically this model but on a different Monitor and then I’m just

Copying over what’s on the monitor on the left onto this monitor on the right basically so it is it’s not someone else’s model that I’m copying from although I will give credit to Raven deviant again because uh they produce a lot of orthographic images for ships

From Star Wars and and stuff like that on Deviant Art and the orthographics are really helpful for making the proportions right and stuff um in a lot of my builds so credit to them also to unusual suspects who I’ve used a lot of their orthographics in the past um yeah

Anyway Birch trap door on each side of these and also um fractal sponge as well um for the Star Destroyer CU they make orthographics for some of their uh Capital ships and the Star Destroyer was one of them and that’s actually how I got the 1 to 10 Star Destroyer

Um kind of proportions as they were was because I use that what I’m trying to do here at the minute is make a grindstone face the other way and I’m having trouble doing that it’s meant to be like this and then the End Rod just on it

Like that that’s the turret at the back so unfortunately there’s no way I could figure out to get this bit here accessible where kind of omega’s um Gunner compartment is where she sleeps and that because it’s only one block wide and it just would not look very good with any of the

Methods that I tried so I’m sure again you could maybe modify that but for my build it’s just not there uh it does use banners to represent the actual glass of the Gunner compartment as well take the stone button we’re going to put one just here here and here so we’re

Missing the clay blocks so just on those three like that and yeah that’s going to do it for that layer let’s move up to the next one okay so this is where we use the custom banners again I’m keeping a similar set of materials here we’re going to add red

Concrete so the banners pretty simple just two modifications for each one they’re both red banners but then you’re going to put them in a loom um for the first one you going to take the light gray Dy and add a light gray per Bend Sinister inverted which I believe is the

Um line that goes kind of down like that across it and then the light gray per Fess inverted which I think is the one across the bottom and then the opposite for the other one um light gray per Bend inverted and light gray per Fest inverted so it’s just uh per Bend and

Per Bend sinister start with the red concrete on top of the stair here and then this is where we add the one with the Sinister just on the left side of the build and then the other one on the other side of the build so you should

End up with like a stripe at the back like that and yeah you can get rid of that once you’ve done those stain bricks there and then take the regular light gray Banner now and you’re just going to put that there and there three polish and theight polish to

The left and right as well light gray Banner on this end one and Again Clay polished two clay polished stained bricks clay again and then sence heric Cotter also add a polished deep SL in the middle playay block again two more Canan and then this is a deep site tile

Stairs on the left and right and also the Deep sight Tile slab which thought I’d use but I can’t find it so I’m going to grab another one there we go going to take the Birch trapo put that there and there and then flip those outwards light gray Banner on both of

Those light gray Banner on this polished here and this polished here and then normal gray Banner just to add even more complication one and two one and two right coming to the front area here to finish off the cockpit um area grabbing polished and theight in

Fact no we don’t need that one we need the smooth stone slab stone brick slab which I’ve lost both of smooth stone slabs there we need the regular stone slab and the Deep slate polish deep slate one right smooth stone slab 1 2 3 4 1 2

3 4 stone brick slab stone stone brick polish deep slate daylight detector one two 3 iron trapo one light gray Carpet One that’s the cockpit area finished and that’s that layer finished so we’ll move up now to the next one okay so this is the last sort of section before we kind

Of copy the build over and then do the flight mode and then Landing mode so we actually do the entire top Wing as one section cuz it is just one block thick in most places so it’s pretty easy to do we’re actually going to first of all

Take the lever go back to here and just put one there and flip it down I kind of forgot that from the last LAN it’s just meant to kind of represent that kind of incline taper downwards for this uh Gunner area um but again it is not the best representation of it um

If we did this in 2 to1 scale I’m sure it could make this a lot better but unfortunately it’s just you know due to the scale two stone slabs uh smooth sorry and um oh also materials wise I put away a lot of things I left a lot of

Stuff up here but um you know clear that later these ones down here the main ones going to add polished Blackstone and Polished Blackstone bricks for the kind of solar panel side of things soort of that TIE fighter look which it has on the top wing and also the uh the bottom

Ones as well but you know start with st braks one two polished two stain bricks and then smooth stain slabs 1 2 3 4 five and six iron trap door we’re going to bring this to these stone bricks here and then just bring it all the way up along up to

That stone slab that we just did and again like that right on top of these five blocks here now polished undersight on the right clay stone bricks polished polished I’m going to get the light gray Banner out in fact just grab it from here much easier on the first four of

Them one two three four banners one two three four banners two Clay on the back and then this is a and theight wall just there play one two three polished clay polished do a Polish Blackstone bricks polish Black Stone Polish Blackstone bricks playay block smooth stone slab IR

Trapo then underneath go to this first polish FL stain brick and just do top half iron trap doors all the way along to the right we’re going to add on this polished anite block here a clay polished clay clay iron trap door come to this polished here just do another polished

Underside smoothstone slab trapo this is polished Blackstone bricks trapo polished Blackstone smooth stone slab bricks polished undersight two polished Blackstone trapo two bricks smooth stone slab two polished this is a clay block three black stone bricks and a trapo three polish black stone and a smooth stone slab and then three bricks

And a polished undersight we’re still going to this brick here 2 three 4 five smooth stone slab polished 1 2 3 four to make five in total this is a polished unight and then with the bricks 1 2 3 4 five extra to make six in total and a

Trap door so it should look like this which is great just do one extra polished black stone on this one here and we’re going to take the polished onight stairs doing an upside down one just there uh a clay block and then a top half smooth St slab so it should look

Like that and then just three more iron trap doors along the top taking the dark oak sign just need one on the clay block one on this clay block here as well like that right Banner time take the light gray Banner that’s one two three one two

Three and yeah just three in total actually one two three and then with the black banners now going to be one there there there and there one two three and four not on the fifth one though this fif full block just leave that should look like

This and once you have done that that is going to do it for the standard no no mode variant this isn’t a fly or landed mode this one has been uh salvaged for its wings and is currently stationary we are going to now do the

Flight mode Wings what I am going to do is copy this body over onto here like we discussed at the beginning so where it’s just one block off the ground and half technically due to the but you know but um yeah again just to clarify this slab here should have

Been the same one as what’s here so you’ll have that over there I’m going to show you what that looks like now and then we’re going to do the um in fact I might move it a little bit further away just so that you’ve got enough space for

The wings but um I’ll show you what that looks like in a second so you’ll see a jump cut so yeah this is what that should look like you’ve now got your flight model ready for the wings to be added and you’ve now got your landed

Model model ready for the wings to be added there’s also a few minor modifications you can add some landing gear under here and also open the ramp um but I’ll show those during the landed mode portion so let’s crack on with the flight mode okay so we’re going to start

The left hand side Wing uh of the flight mode I think I’m just going to do the left hand side Wing if it doesn’t take too long I’ll do the other one if not we’ll just do that off camera it is just a simple mirror over so you just follow

The same steps but in kind of backwards Direction I don’t know start with a polished undersight where these uh canyan are just on the Block below it like this so four of those and then the polished Underside stairs facing that way two three and four then a bottom half one one two

Three and four from underneath it should uh should look like this take the stone slabs two two two like that and then iron trap door one two three one two three and then taking the stone and we also need stone brick and polish on theight slabs so I’m going to put that

One there and then grab the stone brick slab back going replace the um just this for now we’ll come back to that stone brick slab there polished Stone and then polished and theze stairs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 two stone slabs a stone brick

One now we can put the stain brick slab away and the polished one and bring this back and that as well so polished onight stairs here one two three four five Corner that one and Corner that one and then smooth stone slab 1 2 3 four five there as as well

Okay now we’re going to diagonal down by half a slab like this with the smooth Stone and then do polish Black Stone and polish Blackstone brick so going forwards just for ease of my voice I guess and so that you don’t get confused I’m going to say polished for polished

Blackstone slab and then bricks or some variant of that for the polished Blackstone brick slab so it’s going to be smooth stone slab brick Blackstone uh brick Blackstone so you’ve got four so far there brick again Black Stone one more brick and then this is a smooth

Stone slab come up half slab here do a polished black stone one and a smooth Stone one going to come down another half a slab here oops so you just got two smooth stain slabs there brick polished brick polished brick smooth stone slab here brick polished brick smooth stone slab just

There this time we’re going to take the polished Anders side stairs we’re going to go down by half slab again technically but it’s sort of like that so it’s I guess full block actually but yeah stairs this is um polish black stain brick stairs polish black St these are

All upside down by the way Blackstone brick and then this is two polished Underside stairs upside down then do polished brick polished and then a top half smooth stone slab just here so it should look like that all right come to this end again we going to take the polished black stain

Slabs go down by half a slab here smooth stone slab in front brick polish brick polish this time so we’re going one further one smooth stain slab one polished one smooth stone slab again going down by half a slab here like this so it’s a bottom half one there smooth Stone polished brick

Polished brick polished and then this is two of the smooth stain slabs like that again we’re going to do the stairs this time it’s going to go one in front so like that oops like that youve got the polished stairs brick stairs polished brick polished brick and one more polished

There and a upside down polished and S side stair at the end like this again down by half a slab here smooth stone brick polished brick polished brick one slab there again half a slab down but in front by one this time polished brick polished brick and one more

Polished and then a smoothstone slab again using the stairs now um upside down polished one there black polished black stone brick polished black stone and then two polished on side stairs nearly end now um polish slab but we’re going to go half a block down and one in

Front black stone brick polished brick two smooth stain slabs and then the final one bottom half slab there bring It Forward two well three in total four five six seven right so switch some of these materials out I’m going to grab the Birch sign the lever I’m going to get the uh pressure

Plate the iron one there we go the heavy weighted pressure plate we need skeleton skulls some of these are optional I’m going to go over those in a minute um so skeleton skulls and polished black stone pressure plate as well we grab that there we go so Birch sign just there helps bring

That slope up going to take a lever put that just here have it facing that way actually temporary block and then skeleton skull but you want it facing kind of 45° like this you can delete that temporary block do a similar thing over here temporary block and to put school but this time

It’s going to be kind of at that angle so yeah and then delete that take the polished black stain pressure plate that’s just one there then you want the iron ones there’s going to be one here one there as well and that’s kind of the central

Boom well not I don’t know why I said boom but like the central arm down the um center of the wings like that so these bits are optional it’s completely up to you if you want do it but I have added quite a few levers just to smooth out some of the slopes

Here um texture Wise It’s not amazing but it does help with the actual kind of flow of the build I think so I put one lever just here another one just there and you got this one here already there’s another one just here another one here there’s two well I think it’s meant

To be be one but I’ve got two on my reference model but um I’m going to put one just there another one is going to go here so on this uh smooth stain slab there like that and then one more just there and then one more just here so what it

Essentially does is from a distance just helps smooth out some of the angles here so like that little taper up there there’s a little taper up here as well just stops it being like one full block to another full Block You’ve got kind of like a indication of more of a slope

There but again those levers are kind of optional cuz I know it’s not going to be to everyone’s taste but I thought I’d just include them anyway so a few more things to do on the underside here I’m going to grab the iron trapo and Birch

Trap door back um you also need the nend rods as well so iron trap doors we’re going to go to just here do one two and Birch and then one two iron take the N Rods that’s one just there and one just here for the

Weapons there is also meant to be a tiny little weapon up here but I couldn’t really get it to go on there properly with this being a trap door because it’s sort of meant to be halfway between the two and I just couldn’t like if you do

It on that one it’s floating in the air if you do it on this one it’s way the lower it needs to be you could work something out with that go ahead but I couldn’t so oh well so yes that’s the left wing done I am going to suggest doing that other one

Off camera um oh in fact there is one more little thing actually a light gray banner and just on these four stairs like that and yeah that’s going to do it so if you copy that over now onto the other side and I’m going to do the same and

I’ll show you what that looks like when it’s done and then we can move on to the other mode which is the landed one that one’s a bit more simple so yeah anyway copy everything over onto your other Wing your build will be done I’m going to just do a quick showcase afterwards

To show you that so yeah okay this is what the flight mode should look like now with the wings copied over looks really really nice and we’re now going to move on to the landed mode and then after that I’ll do a uh quick Showcase of them both together and

We’ll be done with the video and ready for uh day 10 of the Christmas tutorials so yeah take a quick jump cut well I’ll take a quick jump cut you take break if you want if you’re doing the other model if not you can end the video

Here or skip to the showcase at the end but yes let’s crack on with the landed model okay so for the landed model we are going to start off with the landing gear and opening the side door so that you can get get in there um over here at the back where these

Sets of three stairs are going to replace one of them with a gray concrete heite tile wall one and two Anvil facing the front there and then levers on on each side of it and again one there two tile walls Anvil leaves on each side over here there’s a set of two

Polish deep slate slabs you’re going to delete the back one put an upside down stair connecting to it like this and then a deep s Tile slab just in front and that’s the front landing gear done as well you’ll just need the stone brick walls now to do the opening ramp

Uh St brick stairs sorry delete these two blocks that Banner should delete itself as well one stair is going to go here another stair there simple as that like I couldn’t even do it any any simpler than this if you want it at different levels of opening you can

Replace this with a slab and it won’t quite be on the floor but it’ll be closer to kind of curving round and closing up there it’s up to you how you want to do it but yeah there’s your entrance way in pretty cool stuff and now we’re going to do the actual Wings

Themselves so again I’m going to do the left one this one’s like I said a little bit simpler but it just depends how long it’ll take we’ll we’ll get into it and see what happens shall we so yeah let’s uh let’s do the wing now so for the left

Wing start with the following materials the polished andite smooth Stone polished andite stairs stain brick wall stained slab polished andite slab stain brick slab lever and Rod take the polished two two two and two and then the lever one 1 2 3 4 stone brick wall one 2

Three and then taking the upside down polished Underside stairs just do hang on my fov’s gone funny 65 please there we go upside down St here one 2 three four five six seven stone slab top half polish slab stone brick slab on this side two stone

Slabs one polish slab do a Polish stairs there and we’re going to do the smooth Stone first actually so that we can do the end rods as well start this stone slab here that’s one two three four five smooth Stone one up two here polished above smooth Stone above polish to the

Left smooth Stone one and two and then upwards and do one more smoo down here put an End Rod there and there so those are the same ones that are uh there and there on the other model right put those away you’ll need to lever again in a minute but take the undersight

Wall and I’m going to go to here and do one there just floating two smooth Stone one there they just floating two smoooth Stone in fact make it three and theight wall to the right two smooth Stone on top stairs floating like that upside down another smooth Stone

Here and then a smooth stone slab as well just there right we can do the polished Blackstone and bricks and get these out of the way now I’m going to start with one polished one bricks two polished two bricks three polished three bricks this is four polished five

Bricks six polished should take you to just here now one bricks there four bricks here sorry for polished here seven brick there and then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine polished here 1 2 three four five I on five yeah six seven eight nine

Bricks 1 2 3 4 5 six seven polished four bricks two polished one bricks so you should have this shape take the smooth Stone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 take the smooth stone slab one one extra in front there 1 two 3 4

Five slab here here and here in this Gap there’s just two more polish bricks as well right last thing because we’re already done with that is the lever again I’m going to say copy this over off camera but yeah sorry about that lever on each of these just to again make that

Flow a little nicer but again it’s up to you if you want to keep that on there if you like the texture or not um yeah that’s the entire Wing done which is pretty lovely so copy that over onto the right hand side of the build and yeah then we’ll be done we’ll

Do the quick uh build showcase at the end and I’ll see you in a minute all right so this is what it should look like when you’re done with copying everything over pretty cool stuff one I know a lot of people have been waiting for for a

Long time and I know it’s late I just had to wait for the correct references and getting an idea of the size of the thing but you know maybe uh maybe this video will pick up when the next season comes out or when a trailer releases I don’t know

Um yeah here it is with the shaders looks pretty pretty nice actually even in this lighting with the Christmas and all the reflective white stuff uh yeah looks pretty respectable I think so again flight mode landed mode I’m going to try and do both modes for

More ships I know in the past I’ve done like just landed modes or just flight modes for things where possible I will do both unless it’s a drastic difference um I mean even with the slave one I did two completely different builds just because it was a difference

Between flight mode and landed but yeah anyway this is uh a nice little thing good amount of interior not the whole thing but gives you the uh opportunity to do that if you want and yeah I guess that’s going to be everything from me thank you ever so much for watching and

I’ll see you again in next day of the 12 Days of Christmas tutorials goodbye hey guys before the video ends I just wanted to let you know about my new schematic store this is a place where you can download builds from the past from tutorials that are out now and even

Preview builds from the Future Link is in the description go and have a look see if there’s anything you like and yeah see you

This video, titled ‘The Marauder | Minecraft Star Wars tutorial’, was uploaded by Elcestrus on 2023-12-18 21:06:36. It has garnered 251 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:19 or 3499 seconds.

Full technical name: Marauder (Omicron-class attack shuttle) Model description: The Marauder was a modified Omicron-class attack shuttle that served as the personal starship of Clone Force 99, also known as the “Bad Batch.” The craft was unique compared to other Grand Army of the Republic starships, so it was used for the Bad Batch’s covert and undercover missions throughout the Clone Wars.

Model scale: 1:1 (this means the model is as close to scale as possible) Model edition: 1st edition Minecraft version: 1.20.1 (you may be able to build in versions before this depending on the blocks included in the model)

My model webstore and FREE build archive can be found here!: https://elcestrusyt.sellfy.store/

You can find the material lists for builds here: https://bit.ly/3ufQdLd

You can find all my social media and downloads here: https://linktr.ee/elcestrus

The music used in this video is sourced from multiple incredibly talented artists. Individual artist sites can be found here: – Music by Tobu | https://tobumusic.com – Royalty-free music by BenSound | https://bensound.com

Filmstro | Create custom royalty-free music in minutes https://filmstro.com/

Video timestamps: 00:00 Intro 04:09 Ship mode prep 05:07 Flight mode prep 05:32 Landed mode prep 06:05 Flight mode – layer 1-9 09:09 Layer 10 17:22 Layer 11 22:59 Layer 12 30:41 Layer 13 34:09 Layer 14-21 40:08 Flight mode – wings 49:59 Flight mode – copy over 50:35 Landed mode 52:07 Landed mode – wings 56:48 Build showcase

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  • Ultimate Gaming Background for Minecraft Videos

    Ultimate Gaming Background for Minecraft Videos Trending and Engaging Gaming Background for Minecraft Videos Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to enhance your video content? Look no further! Dive into the world of trending and engaging gaming backgrounds for your Minecraft videos. From GFX packs to animated logos, this article will guide you through the essentials to make your content stand out. Best GFX Pack for Minecraft Videos Creating visually stunning Minecraft videos is made easy with the best GFX packs available. These packs offer a wide range of graphics and effects to elevate your video quality. From textures to shaders, the possibilities are endless…. Read More

  • Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!

    Insane Twist: Peppa Pig Enters Minecraft 23!Video Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23’, was uploaded by Cartoons Play on 2024-08-06 10:00:00. It has garnered 5910 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:42 or 4362 seconds. Peppa Pig Play Minecraft 23 ,Peppa Pig Play Minecraft, and George, heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated. The β€œCartoons Play” channel is not related to the official cartoons Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear You

    Minecraft Horror Mod: A Quiet Place Can Hear YouVideo Information This video, titled ‘A New Minecraft Horror Mod That Can Hear You…A Quiet Place’, was uploaded by PLX on 2024-08-05 14:47:27. It has garnered 1630 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:33 or 993 seconds. #minecrafthorror #dweller #fromthefog #cavedweller #minecraftsurvival #100days #minecraftchallenge Dive into the heart-pounding world of “A Quiet Place” like never before in Minecraft! In this terrifying new mod, silence is your only ally as you navigate a post-apocalyptic world overrun by deadly, sound-sensitive creatures. Watch as we explore the eerie landscapes, master the art of stealth, and try to survive the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage – Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Montage - Java_boy vs SenpaiSpider!Video Information This video, titled ‘|| Small Minecraft PvP Montage || On Pojavlauncher || @SenpaiSpider @NizGamer @aTerroRR’, was uploaded by Java_boy on 2024-09-21 02:31:35. It has garnered 145 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Tags (ignore): Minecraft, Minecraft Netherite Pot, Neth Pot, Minecraft Neth Pot, Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Speedrun, Minecraft Custom Game Mode, Netherite Speedrun, Netherite Challenge, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Survival, Minecraft Tips, Minecraft Strategy, Minecraft Nether Update, Minecraft Netherite, Minecraft Guide, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Multiplayer, Minecraft Server, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Adventure, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Creative Mode, Minecraft Hard Mode,… Read More

  • INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreaking

    INSANE STRING DUPE GLITCH in Minecraft 1.20+ | Work on any server! #gamebreakingVideo Information This video, titled ‘STRING DUPER 1.20+ | work any server | #minecraft’, was uploaded by SNIGDHO_OP on 2024-03-21 12:16:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This farm works only in java edition of minecraft. String farm minecraft 1.20 / string farm minecraft / string farm minecraft 1.20 … Read More

  • Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! πŸ”₯

    Minecraft Life Steal Survival Server Live 24/7! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer’, was uploaded by Mahzo on 2024-08-25 13:35:50. It has garnered 289 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:55 or 12355 seconds. MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL / SURVIVAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | JAVA + PE #minecraft #nether #girlgamer Radiantmc Server Ip: play.radiantmc.in & Port: 25732 Discord :- https://discord.gg/AqbBjn97e2 About me – hello my name is mahzo . i m from earth i hope u all r also on same planet .i m making parivarik videos and doing stream… Read More

  • Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15

    Deadly Lava Encounters in Sky Factory 4 | Ep 15Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Sky Factory 4 – Surrounded By Lava – Episode 15’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2024-03-19 03:13:41. It has garnered 291 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 03:05:02 or 11102 seconds. This is a playthrough of the Minecraft Modpack Sky Factory 4 using the Lava Factory world type. Please be sure to subscribe to see more of my videos and streams. Want to help support the channel? Donate/Tip via Paypal or Credit Card at https://streamlabs.com/onlydravengaming Or consider adding a Membership to the channel to get access to cool… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! πŸš¨πŸ’€

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock disaster! πŸš¨πŸ’€Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft moments πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster’, was uploaded by Minecraft bedrock on 2024-08-26 06:23:05. It has garnered 940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft moment πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster Minecraft moment πŸ’€ πŸ’€ before disaster ☠#minecraft #tecnoblade #creppypastas #disaster minecraft moments before disaster, ah best minecraft moments, ah minecraft moments, ah minecraft funny moments, moments before disaster in minecraft, r/minecraft memes minecraft moments, minecraft moments of 2023, minecraft moments… Read More