Unleash Ultimate Bow Enchantment in Modded Minecraft!

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Well come back jankers we’re back in Minecraft yet again happy Wednesday to everybody uh today you can already tell that I have expanded the home out a little bit I broke down that window in the last episode uh zace is currently out on our front balcony still

But we have a whole new room to use and we’re going to use it for a very specific reason there’s going to be the first thing we’re going to do today and that is going to be making our enchantment table so let’s start with doing that let’s just run over grab some

Obsidian grab we have two diamonds which should be the exact amount we need I’m also going to grab some gold as well as an ender pearl and some blaze powder which you’ll see why in a Memento and now we just need I think it’s going to be two books

So I’m gonna get whoops that amount of paper wonderful and then this and this I also think we’re gonna need this and this all right now first things first enchantment table book why thank you enchantment table why thank you now we’re going to make an advanced enchantment table so we’re

Gonna get our eye vendor and then let’s see if I remembered how to make a book and quill yeah okay I mean close enough just throw this boy in there oh no I I remembered awesome awesome and now I believe yes awesome an advanced enchantment table so this thing basically just takes

All of the RNG out of enchanting which is awesome excellent excellent so we can just throw let’s grab let’s just go and grab some random Enchanted thing um let’s take this and if we throw her on in here you can see that it has Last Stand so

What I’m wondering is if I do this okay so no I’m not going to be able to get anything out of that no okay well you can tell how it works though we have a certain amount it shows us how much xp it costs and then I was wondering if we needed bookshelves

For this I’m thinking maybe we don’t okay perhaps not well then our next thing we’re going to do is see how much xp we have we should have a decent amount saved up and in order to actually see it with this thing they’re gonna need to

Do something a little special so I think here let’s do this we’re gonna mine into our tree blocks or maybe no we’ll just do two okay perfect and then we’re gonna mine This Way and I guess how far down does it actually go pretty far down okay we actually have quite a lot

So hmm interesting how do I want to do this for now let’s just take away this stuff and we’re gonna actually also have to see what exactly we want to enchant uh this bow is tempting though there are bows that are better just in their base

Stats so it could be better to start with okay enchanting one of those and then I’m just gonna have to think about how I actually want to get into this enchantment p-tank I’m thinking maybe hmm okay I think what we’re gonna do is we’re just going to

Build another ladder and you know I think I’m gonna make it in the back so let’s just break these quick just so we know exactly where the base is which is here beautiful okay let’s replace all of these and then let’s grab ourselves some ladders I think I might still have some

Extra ones lying around two okay I’m gonna need some more than that I’m afraid okay I’m just gonna turn that all into planks because why not turn all that into sticks because we’re gonna need a bunch of sticks eventually I’m sure and I’m gonna make a few more ladders than

That I don’t think we need too many more yeah I think that’ll do like pick that stuff back up there’s also be coming at night times let’s get a quick rest so aside from making the enchantment table today and doing some enchantments we are also going to be improving on our

Quarry because he has been he’s been running pretty steady this whole time and he’s not making a ton of progress but it is going now we know it’s working but I think we could improve on it and get it going a bit faster I’d also like to do that all right let’s

Grab some ladders shimmy our way on out of here okay and now we’re just going to build up to there okay berry bushes appreciated your varied growth but for now oh that’s a werewolf but you’re not an actual wolf right now my friend oh my God he makes horrifyingly realistic noises when he

Dies okay I’m gonna throw those over there don’t need those anymore and now I’m gonna run back over here I’m just gonna slap that down right there and we’re gonna build up replace those now it’s filled right up to our XP tank we can always make this lower if we want

The tank to be bigger perfect okay naan some raspberries quick now should I take the XP out now or hmm I mean this thing is power three on breaking three wither and infinity I mean that’s really good the only other things are really going to be enchanting is perhaps armor

Because you can’t enchant tinker’s tools so here let’s see what other kinds of bows can we make wow okay we have a pretty good selection here um So they have different durability levels for the reinforced bows but I’m not necessarily seeing a difference in damage so I think the bow we have now is probably going to be just the one we’re going to use and fully enchant so tell you what just for the time being let’s

Just get out all of these that we can see how many levels we actually have maybe I’ll end at like 30 because we clearly have much more alright so for now we’re just gonna do 30. I’ll come back and grab some more if need be

But this was this should do us for now I actually I don’t think we need bookshelves for the advanced enchantment table which is pretty sweet so let’s just oh whoops totally forgot that I can’t run over the drain but that’s fine 29 levels I’m sure will be enough so this thing let’s see

XP boost that’s interesting so it has some breaking um Soul bound actually could be nice but I guess we’ll see what else we want first can I put this back down why please I’m not sure if I want it yet okay there we go so it has it should

Have withering on it already it has a withering enchantment at least C multi-shot that’s interesting definitely could try to do that another Soul bound okay interesting enchantment wither Arrow okay so that’s the the Wither enchantment that we actually have power definitely want to turn that up to five beautiful

Flame I think we might as well get some flame on there and then okay well otherwise we can just get whatever we want so I think we should throw some soul bound on there so we can just keep it with us and then otherwise how much does multi-shot cost

Who cost quite a lot interesting all right you know what I think I would just like to fully enchant this thing just get it all the way done so let’s oh God messing that up let’s run back over and let’s just load up on levels and get

This bow all the way Enchanted because we’ve we really have a just super super strong bow that’s gonna be awesome there we go okay so they start going quick once you actually get into the higher levels because remember level 42 is a lot more experienced than like you know

Level one two three is but this hopefully will be enough because I do think the XP amount Stacks by actual XP value that we have instead of levels let’s just hope we have enough to do what we want I wanted Soul bound and it’s all bounds

I guess pretty low on our priority list let me actually get rid of that for now get power definitely want that we wanted Flame and then I mean I kind of want to get rid of this we can’t turn anything down though it seems so perhaps I just won’t worry

About it let’s see multi-shot beautiful okay and then yeah let’s get Soul bound that should be oh XP boost is also interesting okay I mean it’s gonna be most of our levels but I think this is going to be worth it to get the ultimate bow all right let’s do it

Unbreaking three wither flame Infinity Soul bound multi-shot power and XP boost beautiful okay uh let me empty out the old inventory um okay and then let’s grab a singular Arrow beautiful now this thing does have multi-shot so it should fire multiple flaming arrows beautiful how many is

That five okay so we’re gonna have to take this thing out in the field we still have 19 levels which is surprising but I’m just going to drain those right back in there and eventually we’ll enchant some really good armor and all that but for the time being

I don’t think we have to worry about that especially because today we’re not going to be doing probably too much battling if any why I would like to do some just right now just to test out this bow where should we test hmm we could go try to test it on a

Pharaoh we do know where those pyramids are well maybe we shouldn’t test it on a boss right away let’s just go first of all let’s give a shot and go down to the nether my least favorite place but I do at least have that uh little bunker

Built so we know we won’t die right away I think this will be a full and thorough test of the bow hopefully there’s nothing actually in the little bunker that I built I guess I don’t really know if things could spawn in there we’re just gonna have to see cross your fingers everybody

Cross your fingers just gonna wait for it to load have them into the nether in a while so it’s probably gotta load a decent amount okay we are safe for the time being now I think um to make a little exit out of here I think let’s just mine down a little bit

Grab some of this might as well thank you thank you and we’re gonna mine this way a little ways and then mine up I’m gonna grab this as well okay let’s get the bow out and let’s do this look at all the enemies we have around us

All right how can we kill these in one shot yes yes okay we can beautiful this is a huge step up just like I was hoping awesome nice okay so actually we’re fairly safe now here I think with this beautiful wonderful bow okay well can I get out of here

Thank you and thank you okay cool well we could actually explore the nether a bit perhaps but there’s not anything in here that I particularly actually need kind of just wanted to come for a quick brawl um is there anything we should do while we’re here I guess I could just give a

Little look around I mean we’re eventually going to start using these nether rollers okay you don’t scare me anymore oh did get caught in the Wither web that’s a little unfortunate boom oh man that is wonderful truly wonderful we do have to be careful with the multi-shot to not kill a zombie Pigman

But I think that should be easy enough and wow with this I mean it’s like a shotgun blast that where every shot is a sniper rifle round okay let’s go investigate over there we could actually go to a Fortress while we’re here I suppose I think it was over this way there was

Actually a pretty easy entrance God you guys are the worst but I don’t have to be scared of you anymore which is just so awesome or you guys beautiful all right let’s run down here and grab all the stuff goodbye I guess it’s kind of Overkill to

Use it on the little guys but whatever okay yeah now you’re definitely gonna get it come on all right well this is most certainly a huge step up in power I think next time we go to the Twilight Forest bosses will be even easier to take down

And uh we can probably start even making more progress there as well so yeah it’s looking up this is exactly what I wanted a good power boost so we’re not dying as much and stuff isn’t quite as hard to kill oh you little bastards are oh arrows bounce right off okay well

Oh wow they actually have quite quite a lot of range all right well just a little fire won’t kill us whoo okay nice even a uh infernal one went down pretty easy not too bad not too bad at all hey oh God a little hell bat those things can be hard to hit

Um hmm okay then there’s this the nether fortress up there so I guess I still don’t really have a very way of a way of getting around that’s really easy other than the Manticore and I don’t want to bring him in here that’s for sure

Um okay well I guess we could kind of just try to walk up there once again trying to be careful to not hit the uh Zombie Pigman that would even with this bow perhaps still be a death sentence but all right yeah let’s take a little look around oh

Something just threw a fireball at me I don’t see it though I think we’re fine okay let’s get a little hop up here it is awfully dark over here oh excellent keep that bow out I don’t want to be caught without it horse mob kill you I don’t even know if

Those guys are hostile or not but not worth taking the chance especially not with this wonderful beautiful bow that we have it was definitely worth getting all of those enchantments um I think Soul bound will also be worth it if we do ever die being able to just

Spawn right back in with this bow I guess we won’t have an arrow um but that is a fixable problem in most situations it’s not too tough to get an arrow just wandering around ah okay trying to find the best way up here oh over there all right let’s go that way

Hopefully once we actually get into the Fortress it will uh it won’t be too hard to actually get around hopefully like there’s a good stair system in in the like yeah all right let’s go right up here we’re already getting a decent amount of XP from this little journey too so we’re

Making a return on our investment already wow and that was a lot I do love nether quartz it’s Bountiful XP all right so we gotta watch out for wither skeletons but they should still just be a One-Shot kill so I’m not too worried about them oh excellent

God it feels so good to be able to just kill those on mass they’re so annoying not anymore though not anymore Mr Sheepman I wanted to trade and never mind um okay be cool to find maybe a chest or something it is infinitely dark in here it is very hard to see

Not gonna give you the chance thank you very much oh almost got me you bastard and uh wither skeletons can actually drop some decent loot in this like they have some specific items like the necrotic bone that they can drop that can be quite useful

I too have a necrotic bone oh is that more nether fortress it is not finding much although perhaps a blaze spawner over there okay not sure what just hit us there might have been a bit of lag and the blaze shot without without me knowing to avoid that happening again it’s going

To take him out okay so is there a blade spotter over here I don’t see one okay you little bastard maybe it was you that shot me the first time through a staircase I guess there’s not too much you can find in uh Nether fortresses just in general

Doesn’t seem like there’s a ton oh that’s an infernal manticore oh he dropped an egg oh very cool very cool and that’s a fire manticore hmm what is this Raw impide hunger and poison okay I don’t really know if I want to keep this can I cook it into something that fire

Resistance and poison okay well that’s actually kind of interesting um let’s throw some stuff in the old bag actually getting a decent amount of loot from this nether trip so nice to not have to constantly fear for my life while we’re here um I guess let’s try to go up here

I mean not finding much in the actual Fortress other than some boys to kill um no not not a ton it is so dark too oh geez I cannot tell where to go all right let’s just keep running around I think we’ll find some eventually I

Mean we don’t need to find the blaze bottom with those Blaze brutes being everywhere um we just don’t really need to okay yeah we’re taking a little bit of damage now at Wither Skeleton got the jump on me it’s fine though we’re all right okay they’re coming from up there oh

There’s a bunch of them coming to come up there hey buddy because he was doing the the swerve maneuver on me oh spooky scary skeleton awesome where are you guys coming from is there a spawner up there like what’s the deal all right tell you what I shouldn’t have

Put away the Netherrack let’s get that back out and let’s try to build up there hopefully without being spanked by a wither skeleton hmm I don’t see any more is that one down there yeah okay I guess there was just a big group of them hanging out up there

Keep grabbing some quartz excellent grab some more ardite beautiful Cobalt as well oh there’s a skeleton coming yep you almost got me boom blasted straight to the face take them down awesome did I give him the Wither effect that’s hilarious I didn’t know that was possible

See if I can yep oh okay oh it’s an infernal ghast I see he’s invisible oh wow okay that’s actually terrifying geez where are you oh God he’s right there okay I got him I I heard his death noise but he Blinded Me where do you drop stuff

Wouldn’t mind grabbing a gassed here if there is one and it looks like you might have just dropped the armor unfortunately now all right that’s fine um where’s the portal over there okay I mean I’m fairly satisfied I didn’t want to stay in the nether for

Too long or anything I would like to get back and do a bit of work on the Quarry before the episode’s over unless of course it’s been a full episode it might have been oh okay still not a fan of those little bastards not at all

Kill a couple more you guys before I leave just for vengeance’s sake that’s for killing me all those times or once did I only die once or was it twice I guess it was twice because I died in the silent episode which is it’s I’ll say it’s weird that

One’s got a strangely high amount of views compared to the other episodes for being one where I didn’t talk might just be because of the thumbnail or whatever but just interesting all right well yep I’d say I’m pretty satisfied let’s find our little hole and uh oh I couldn’t help myself couldn’t help

Myself give me the blaze powder okay let’s get out of here let’s ski dattle we’ll come back probably sometime soon because we are gonna have to make the uh the upgraded weapons and everything but for the time being I’m just glad to know we have conquered the nether at least in part we

Know we are safe when we enter there now uh which also means we’re just more we’re just much safer in general so very Epic my armor is not showing up but oh there it is very cool XB is also not showing up but I’m sure it will once I get on the drain

And then yeah all right I’ll check how long this episode’s been and if we have some extra time we will do okay yeah we have some time let’s do the Quarry so I think I want to make another magmatic generator okay yeah this is simple enough we

Should be able to do that pretty easily yeah Okay cool so we’re also gonna need to make a bit more pipeage and another tank another lava tank we’re also probably gonna have to run and fuel those up but that is no big deal okay uh throw you guys in there as well

As you they’re getting pretty full on the chests uh we could think about trying to do the um applied energistics I think that’s what’s called uh the the storage system that’s like infinite or whatever or you can just like add more space and like search for Stuff

We may have to get into that soon just for my own sake so I don’t have to start building like a million more chests everywhere nobody wants that um okay oh you in there yeah the Armory is already full I mean most of this stuff

We just need to get rid of like start grinding it I was hoping there was a way we could drain like the XB out of the enchantments but it seems like we’re not gonna be able to do that unfortunately but that’s okay all right do that we have a ton of

Freaking loot bags to get through so I suppose let’s do those quickly cool epic what enchanted book do we get another Shimmer very lame okay what is this nothing okay interesting uh who knows how we use that honestly who knows how we use half this crap

What is this a fire water bucket oh had a just a whole bucket of what is it Whiskey um okay running out of space already I mean you have any food uh yep okay run back over here dump our ore yeah we’re getting real full in here everybody real full

And Armory is already full I should just melt the horse armors so I’ll just keep that on me for now yikes though um wow that’s actually a great pickaxe Fortune three man we don’t even have that on this oh wait we could upgrade these though don’t we

Have some more things that we could upgrade them with I should actually look at that well that’ll be for later all right nature there are you guys in there or you miscellaneous you bookshelf you keep up opening these cool cool okay the usual sort of stuff I would say uh

Tech through you I guess this is probably Tech so I’ll throw that in there blocks Cool Tools you uh tool chest also full definitely gonna also have to split this up or you go in there Mommy you you or you miscellaneous I guess I’ll put my fire water bucket in there um

So there are I mean there are things that we can do with this just Salvage items I think we could grind it oh apparently you could smelt it into a nugget that’s something I feel like we could also grind it in a um a pulverizer am I crazy oh maybe not huh okay

Well we can turn it into a nugget if we had an induction smelter we could get a whole Ingot out of it otherwise though I guess it does seem kind of useless what about boots can we grind these pulverizer okay so you can pulverize the diamond ones so we

Can at least keep those but as for all the iron stuff not too useful all right well for now I’m gonna throw you guys in there you I can smelt you I can smelt sorry phone just went off uh let’s see I can smell the two of you

Can’t smelt the tools unfortunately in the big uh smeltery which sucks lame but whatever whoops didn’t mean to do that okay so we can smell all of that uh let’s also get out to a u throw just all that in the smelter as far as the as far as this stuff

Um I know we could melt that down does it actually make eight ingots it does okay so that’s great I guess otherwise you can do that but there’s no doesn’t seem to be any way to drain the enchantment out of them so I guess let’s just smelt down all of the stuff

That we can I think that’s it for this chest can’t smelt down uh these anymore unfortunately still get an iron nugget out of them might be worth and nothing to smell down in there okay well that’s fine we’re just going to throw all that right in the smeltery just get rid of it

Oh hey buddy God you scared me we actually we’re going to be able to get a brother for my man zace a uh a red fire Manticore that should be pretty cool all right let’s see do we have any blood what did someone fall into this thing I

Think someone must have fallen into it bronze obsidian iron okay so we can throw all this in there no problemo should have plenty of lava in here too still so get all that melting okay now let’s make right let’s make some tech stuff just to finish off the episode

I think that’ll be pretty cool pretty cool indeed um so I gotta think about actually all we’re gonna need do we have any other pipes first of all any other fluid pipes we do okay so we have one more fluid pipe I’ll use that uh first of all let’s

Just get this thing going furnace we need the machine block we have a couple of those left iron okay uh I think machine blocks are in here yep okay grab one of those blocks we’re gonna need some cobby Stone iron ready stone gold you also are going to need a bucket of lava

So actually you know what before we make this Maybe let’s make another tank um yes portable tank one iron three glass and a redstone Servo okay cool or was that wait was that a copper that was a copper my bad let’s grab a singular copper I don’t think we need

More than two tanks probably I mean I could get three and I guess they are pretty cheap to make all right you know what let’s get three we already have uh one and let’s do that okay get some glass beautiful beautiful and okay let’s make two of these bad boys

Thank you thank you do this do this oh whoops and do this okay so there’s two more of these we’re gonna go fill these up as well as our other boy which let’s go grab him make sure I have my wonderful wrench and eventually we can also make a pump

To just automatically pump lava into our okay doesn’t wanna let me through there we go we can yeah just build an actual pump in the same fashion as the Quarry and just get fluid pumped into the tanks automatically but I don’t think it’s worth it for the time

Being especially because I think it might need diamonds and everything has it stopped yes okay it looks like it’s running out of lava so this is perfect timing anyway how deep has it gotten oh wow pretty deep actually it’s not bad not bad at all all right

Uh it is totally out so let me grab you uh thank you fill all three of those boys up let’s see how much it’s gotten so far not bad okay interesting interesting eventually we’ll all have this sorted as well so we won’t have to worry about it

So much or you know it’ll just be easier to see what’s actually gotten a decent amount though we haven’t actually gotten very deep so we’re not getting to the good ore or anything yet but that is fine now we could actually go in here to go down to the

Down to the cave so let’s just do that take the shortcut um oh okay that worked well that did not awesome okay so these boys I’m gonna need to take out they really are Arrow resistant I think it might just be when they’re charging up though they’re completely Arrow resistant okay that sucks

It’s fine that we can do this we just get it all right let’s let them blow their load again and now we just gotta oh come on oh okay I got him a little bit oh there’s a Charged Creeper over there God damn hey okay brother thought there was a pass over here

All right guys this is just not gonna fly oh man there oh okay thankfully I put water down here what God damn they have a very short amount of time where you can attack them and they’re still oh man okay this is fine we have water down here so

Oh okay so there is just a moment where you can shoot him beautiful okay gotta get some more lava I’m gonna throw down our tanks uh I’m just gonna break these put those down right there cool beans get our bucket out toss them in and now we just gotta fill

Them up with as much lava as we can do and yeah this process will be much faster once we actually have a pump and it is actually filling up more than it looks like it’s just they don’t register but any second now it’s gonna stop letting me fill it up

And we’ll know it’s full we try to be careful to not fall in if I can that would be nice that one tank did last us quite a while so I think with three we probably will have enough lava to uh make it all the way down to the bottom

And once we have two magnetic generators that’s also gonna be going twice as fast oh is it full no okay still not full there we go now it’s full okay take you you can see it is completely full beautiful fill up these other boys this actually this lava pool is going to

Be drained pretty quick and I think eventually we’ll just set up the pump in the nether when we do actually have the pump it’ll just go straight down to the infinite lava pool and then I mean that way we will just literally never run out

Of lava we can pretty much just have it constantly filling up tanks that we can extract oh is it full nope okay so sometimes it’s like half filling up at okay it’s still going okay okay these things can hold quite a lot of buckets I will say

Oh crap I accidentally vein mined the stone and we broke our pickaxe okay well that’s fine we can repair it but we’re not gonna be able to mine um until we uh until we do so probably gonna need to get on that Pronto we have found plenty of dark steel though so we

Should actually just be able to repair it just fine all right there’s another full tank beautiful we are slowly getting this lava pool pushed back I don’t think we’re gonna completely drain it today but oh right can’t shift while I click on the tank just grabbing random lava buckets from

Within the depths at this point let me actually grab you and I’m just gonna speed this process up a little bit awesome here we go almost done getting there any second wow man these things can hold a lot okay great there she is that is three full

Lava tanks that should last us plenty of time see what’s in the loot bag cool throw that horse armor right in the smelter all right now let’s get out of here I’m gonna go right up through the Quarry way actually I guess we do need to go back

To the house now well no I’ll throw the lava tank on there just to make sure and I guess it will I was actually just thinking do I if I mine or if I build in the Quarry area I think it’s just gonna instantly get rid of this so that will be perfect

Um uh grab you slap you there make sure you’re draining it is not there we go now it’s draining yeah okay it’s gonna come up and break that awesome let’s go back and build the rest of the stuff I guess actually let me look how do I want to set this up

Think I’ll just put it here so if we need two more red RF wires perfectly easy and to be a problem oh buddy you have no idea the power that I am packing these days boot bag cool I’m just gonna toss this golden sword I don’t think there’s any reason to keep

That maybe we could grind it into a single Golden Nugget but it’s probably not even worth the fuel it will take to do and toss you in there nice we have a ton of iron left keep that draining as much as I can I should try to remember to do it really

Just like I said as often as I can make sure it’s constantly draining okay let’s take a sleep and then we need to make sure we have enough pipes enough wires and then we’re also going to build the last generator so let’s actually start with that magmatic excellent let’s get you build

One of you bad boys so then we can build U furnace generator and then magmatic generator awesome we’re going to need one more fluid pipe so let’s grab U and then we need another pipe sealant which I think I can make from a slime ball yes awesome

Okay there’s both of those we have the generator now we just need a couple Redstone wires I’m pretty sure that’s all we need yeah yeah I’m pretty sure all right let’s go get this bad boy set up excuse me excuse me pardon me excuse me and the kerplunk

All right so with this is going to be running at twice the speed it could originally run there’s going to be absolutely fantastic and these things are great too because as soon as they don’t have something to power and they’re full then they won’t keep consuming fuel

And they will just turn off which is great but we’re not even I don’t even think we’re halfway uh no we’re definitely not so these things are still gonna have to run for a while for sure um I’ll turn you to redstone on as well

Because we can do this to turn that off oh oh you almost got me buddy you almost got me but I heard you that’s right all right uh okay just keep that on just wanted to make sure that was still working and now I’m gonna do this

And then we’re going to slap these bad boys on here and then turn these to Output so now they are all outputting into this system and it should all be getting powered seems like it’s working kind of in a strange way the lava’s kind of flowing

In weird directions but I mean they are both powering so this thing is also yeah it’s making tons let’s just connect it up to the system as soon as we do this it should kick into second gear oh wow look at how fast that is is it just

Using up the extra yeah okay still much faster though I mean literally twice as fast awesome okay and I can just come back and refuel up these tanks whenever I need to and uh yeah wonderful I think pretty soon this thing is going to be done and we can just oh

You can just pick it up and move it to somewhere else get off my land vagrants all right well that’s gonna do it for this episode I hope you guys enjoyed next episode hmm maybe we should take this bow out into action in the Twilight Forest see

If we can take down the next boss or just a couple more nagas I guess I don’t think we’ve even seen the next boss but that’ll be for later in the meantime everybody hope you enjoyed and I will see you guys next time adios

This video, titled ‘How to Enchant the Ultimate Bow In Modded Minecraft – Ep 21’, was uploaded by Jankum on 2023-03-15 19:56:06. It has garnered 109 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:22 or 2602 seconds.

Today we see just how many levels I’ve collected and put them to use in crafting the ultimate bow. We take it for a spin and then further push our technological capabilities.

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    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed! Welcome, gamers, to the latest update, 1.21 is here, don’t hesitate. New features, new blocks, and mobs to explore, In Minecraft world, there’s always more. Smartypie here, your news reporter in rhyme, Bringing you updates in my own unique time. Crafting, building, surviving the night, In this pixelated world, everything’s just right. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, Let’s dive into Minecraft, let the creativity flow. From building epic structures to battling mobs, In this blocky world, we’re all just blobs. Stay tuned for more news, more updates to come, In the world of Minecraft, there’s… Read More

  • Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft’s Melodic Mix

    Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft's Melodic Mix In Minecraft’s world, the rain softly falls, A peaceful melody, as the night calls. The air is crisp, with a hint of chill, But in this moment, time stands still. The music box plays, a nostalgic tune, Bringing back memories, like a balloon. The crackling fire, the gentle wind, In this moment, peace we find. So close your eyes, let the stress unwind, In Minecraft’s world, tranquility you’ll find. Listen to the rain, feel the air so sweet, In this peaceful moment, let your worries retreat. Read More

  • Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed!

    Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We dive into adventures, like a wild dream. Sanpai SMP, part three in the mix, With twists and turns, and surprises to fix. Join us on Discord, for chats and fun, Instagram for updates, when the day is done. Promotions and collabs, email us quick, For partnerships and projects, let’s make it click. Telegram for more, from the Bad Ultimate Boys, YouTube channels for shorts, with gaming joys. Viral trends and videos, we’re on the rise, Minecraft peeks and updates, a pleasant surprise. Chapati and Hindustani gamers, in the mix,… Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.21.2 PC Download Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.21.2 PC Download Guide Exploring Minecraft 1.21.2 Snapshot on PC Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft 1.21.2 on your PC? In this snapshot version, players can experience new features and updates that add excitement to their gameplay. Let’s explore how to download Minecraft 1.21.2 on PC and what this snapshot has to offer. Enabling the Snapshot Version To access Minecraft 1.21.2, players need to enable the snapshot version on their PC. By doing so, they can enjoy the latest updates and features before the official release. This snapshot version provides a sneak peek into what’s to come in Minecraft…. Read More

  • Monster Mash at Hardcore Food Farm | Minecraft Mayhem

    Monster Mash at Hardcore Food Farm | Minecraft Mayhem In the hardcore world, where monsters roam, Our hero builds a farm, to call it home. But danger lurks, in the dead of night, A monster attacks, ready to fight. With Ryzen 5 and Vega 7 in hand, Our hero must defend, make a stand. The food farm thrives, despite the scare, In the world of Minecraft, anything’s fair. Join the adventure, follow along, As our hero sings a brave song. Hardcore series, full of thrill, In the world of blocks, where dreams fulfill. So like, subscribe, and hit that bell, For more Minecraft tales, we’ll tell. With BeastBoyShub… Read More

  • Revolutionize Your Minecraft Thumbnails with This Technique

    Revolutionize Your Minecraft Thumbnails with This Technique The Art of Crafting Eye-Catching Minecraft Thumbnails Are you looking to enhance the visual appeal of your Minecraft videos and attract more viewers? Creating captivating thumbnails is key! In this guide, we will explore a step-by-step approach to crafting stunning Minecraft thumbnails that will grab everyone’s attention. Utilizing Mods for Enhanced Creativity Mods can be a game-changer when it comes to creating unique and visually appealing thumbnails. Two essential mods that can elevate your thumbnail game are: Camera Utils: This mod provides advanced camera features, allowing you to capture the perfect angles and shots for your thumbnails. Download it… Read More

  • Minecraft Dance: Crafting Moves in Subject Three

    Minecraft Dance: Crafting Moves in Subject Three In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Cube Xuan brings joy, with humor and drive. Creating animations, funny and bright, Bringing happiness, morning and night. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries here, just fun to be found. Subscribe to the channel, for a daily delight, With Cube Xuan’s creations, everything’s right. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, And join Cube Xuan, in the Minecraft swing. Let the story unfold, in blocks and in lines, For Cube Xuan’s channel, is where happiness shines. Read More

  • Nether Quest – Minecraft Survival Ep. 4

    Nether Quest - Minecraft Survival Ep. 4 The Quest for the Tower in the Nether – Minecraft Survival Episode 4 | The Challenging Adventure Begins Welcome to the thrilling world of Minecraft, where Catrophy embarks on a daring quest in the Nether. Join us as we delve into the heart of this fiery dimension, facing dangers at every turn. Get ready for an action-packed episode filled with excitement and suspense! Exploring the Nether In this episode, Catrophy finds himself trapped in the treacherous Nether, a realm filled with lava lakes, dangerous mobs, and mysterious structures. As he navigates through this hostile environment, he must use all… Read More

  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: play.zenithnetwork.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/W8EJxUhbPC Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” https://linktr.ee/carpyy • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » https://bit.ly/CarpyySongs • Donations Link: https://streamelements.com/carpyy/tip ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: snapshot.pandamium.eu Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

    Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft Minecraft: Discovering a Cute Little Creature at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I produce funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated and unauthorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so make sure to follow and subscribe for some fun content! Let’s spread happiness… Read More

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

    Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6 Minecraft Survival: A Brief Mining Adventure Join Catrophy in the latest episode of Minecraft Survival as he embarks on a short mining expedition. In this exciting gameplay, Catrophy stumbles upon coal instead of diamonds, adding a twist to his usual adventures. Let’s delve into the highlights of this mining episode! Exploring the Depths As Catrophy delves deep into the underground caves of Minecraft, he encounters a variety of ores and minerals. While his goal was to find precious diamonds, luck was not on his side this time. Instead, he uncovers a rich vein of coal, a valuable resource for… Read More

  • 🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥

    🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK🔥 Minions, Skills, Enchants Custom… ✅Java y Bedrock/PE Minecraft 1.16 a 1.21’, was uploaded by CarloScore Minecraft on 2024-10-05 00:35:07. It has garnered 111 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. NEW SKYBLOCK SERVER and CUBY Modalities Available For JAVA and BEDROCK/PE No Premium and Premium in version 1.16 to the most updated 1.21 🌎 IP in the Description and Comments⤵ 🔥Similar Videos🔥 https://youtu.be/xHZwRjxwSos https://youtu.be/MfOKq3JdRmw ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————- 🔽CubyMC Network Server🔽 ✅JAVA AND BEDROCK IP: cubymc.net ✅Port: 19132 ⭐Your Discord: https://discord.gg/cubymc ⭐Web: https://cubystore.tebex.io/ ✔Versions: 1.8 to… Read More

  • EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)

    EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-05-02 13:30:33. It has garnered 9125 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!

    EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mikey Cartoons on 2024-10-03 19:00:02. It has garnered 1017 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #maizen #minecraft #jjandmikey Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘🫧 [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | Minecraft༊*·˚’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙀 ˎˊ˗ ઇઉ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here ઇઉ From Malaysia ઇઉ Love video game ઇઉ Streamer ઇઉ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?ˎˊ˗ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXNVXsyNfwo617jVvviL9g/join 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱ ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝘿𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ˎˊ˗… Read More

  • UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis – EP 190 – Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 Server

    UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis - EP 190 - Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Metrópole – Episodio 190 – Vamos chegar aos 1500? (Jogando com inscritos) Server 24/7’, was uploaded by Midi Gamer – PCImbativel on 2024-07-05 08:35:10. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:27 or 7047 seconds. k Livepix link: livepix.gg/midipro Video on how to join the server —- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVYQuw4ZjKg texture pack link: https://mtvehicles.nl/resourcepack/ https://www.dropbox.com/s/pq7pfzw5j2c3rsy/pack%201.4.7.zip?dl=1 Sign up. Leave your Like. Activate the notification bell and participate in this Channel playing live with me and our group of more than 1335 players. Server: Lobby Released. Server: Anarchy Released. Live… Read More

  • Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!

    Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-09-12 13:00:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT. Read More

  • Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna’s Fake News!

    Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna's Fake News!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fauna When She’s Spreading Misinformation’, was uploaded by Sakasandayo on 2024-08-14 14:06:33. It has garnered 24364 views and 1724 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:21 or 81 seconds. Livestream:【MINECRAFT】 Did you know there are over 60,000 tree species? https://youtu.be/v-v0VgBDjbk Ceres Fauna Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna Twitter: https://x.com/ceresfauna Thumbnail / Art Link: Literally two Fauna My Social Twitter: https://x.com/sakasandayo Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KazukiSaka Donation, before: https://ko-fi.com/sakasandayo #hololive #hololiveen #hololiveenglish #holoen Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)

    🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HYPIXEL Skyblock Starting a New Profile From 160b NW/Max Skills (Day 68)’, was uploaded by Info on 2024-09-07 00:56:45. It has garnered 557 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:01 or 12961 seconds. Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube / @infowastaken Twitter https://twitter.com/infowastaken Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infowastaken/ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/infowastaken Discord https://discord.gg/8Pna5ExB3H Kick https://kick.com/informations Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-18 15:59:32. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. #freefire #ajjubhai… Read More

  • ✨ Aeltheria SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

    Welcome to Aeltheria A realm where fantasy and magic come to life! 🎮✨ Server Highlights 🗺️ Unique Worlds: Dive into mystical lands like Eldoria, Avaloria, and the Twilight Realm with custom generation. Prefer a classic experience? Vanalia offers vanilla generation. Each world is full of lore and hidden treasures! 🌌 🔨 Custom Jobs & Titles: Choose paths like Architect, Prospector, Cultivator, Lumberjack, and more. Climb ranks and earn prestigious titles. Experience multiple jobs from the start! 🏗️🌳 🤝 Immersive NPCs: Meet friendly NPCs like Sunny the Greeter, Lorelei the Librarian, and Eldric the Master Artisan/Blacksmith. Each NPC has unique stories… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!Looks like even in 2024, the only thing we can count on is Minecraft updates and memes! Read More

  • Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse

    Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse In the world of Minecraft, SCPs run amok, An apocalypse of chaos, no time for luck. Surviving the lockdown, facing anomalies grim, In a battle for survival, the odds are slim. From dangerous SCPs to creatures so deadly, Every moment is tense, every step is ready. Can I make it through, can I come out alive? In this Minecraft world, where dangers thrive. Join me on this journey, full of action and mystery, As I navigate through this world of SCP history. Stay tuned for updates, as the story unfolds, In this Minecraft adventure, where survival is bold. Read More

  • The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂

    The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂 When your friend accidentally sets off TNT in your Minecraft world and you’re just standing there like 😮💀 #RIPminecrafthouse Read More

  • Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe

    Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe Exploring Magical Mods with Ice, Fire, Thunder, and Poison Powers in Minecraft Pe Embark on a mystical journey in Minecraft Pe with the enchanting mod that introduces powers of ice, fire, thunder, and poison. Dive into a world where magic meets reality, and where your imagination knows no bounds. Unleash the Elements With this mod, players can harness the power of various elements to enhance their gameplay experience. From freezing enemies with ice spells to engulfing them in flames, the possibilities are endless. Experiment with thunder strikes and toxic attacks to dominate your foes and conquer the Minecraft universe…. Read More

  • Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Exposed

    Fleetbhai's Diamond Scam Exposed Minecraft: Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Unveiled Recently, the Minecraft community was abuzz with the revelation of Fleetbhai’s diamond scam. The incident, which unfolded in the virtual world of FleetSMP, left players shocked and intrigued. Let’s delve into the details of this captivating Minecraft saga. The FleetSMP Universe FleetSMP is a popular Minecraft server where gamers come together to explore, build, and interact. The server is known for its vibrant community and exciting events that keep players engaged for hours on end. The Diamond Scam Within the FleetSMP universe, Fleetbhai, a prominent player, was caught in a diamond scam that sent… Read More


    MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE CHEAT! 😱 (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-09-21 14:13:09. It has garnered 2433 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:10 or 1750 seconds. I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft) Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ra1neyX Addon : Tiredy #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • Ultimate Overgrown Storage House Build

    Ultimate Overgrown Storage House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Overgrown Storage House | Relaxing Modded Minecraft Longplay’, was uploaded by GlowKing on 2024-09-06 17:01:01. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:57 or 4077 seconds. Hey everyone today we build a storage house because i really need it LOL ill continue to add more I just needed to structure layout first. please leave a like, comment and subscribe if you want to see more! :} Thank you Modloader – Forge Mods Used: Entity Model Features Entity Texture Features Creative Core Entity Culling Not Enough animations… Read More

  • Unbelievable 2h2b.org Secret Revealed!

    Unbelievable 2h2b.org Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why you should play 2h2b.org’, was uploaded by 2hotdogs2buns on 2024-09-02 13:58:56. It has garnered 527 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 2h2b.org 1.12.2 you can join all versions #2b2tpe #2b2tjp #2b2tmcpe #2b2tpe #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #dream #sad #sad #crystals #anarchyonline #anarky #mcjava #minecrafthacks #caseoh #ermwhatthesigma #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftlive #minecraftmeme Pugman2013 Crystal pvp config 2b2tpvp.net Future Client FreeConfigs Free Configs Free Config Tuffty, 2b pvp, Pugman2013, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial,… Read More