Unleashing Chaos in Modded Minecraft LIVE!

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I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m right I’m rich I’m rich I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m I’m rich I’m rich I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m rich

I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m Rich I’m rich I’m ready I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m ready I’m rich I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m rich I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m rich I’m rich I’m right I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m ready I’m holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m right I’m ready I’m holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich all right it should all be on now um y’all don’t want to say anything oh what up guys hey oh my God today today we’re gonna be playing Epic Minecraft uh epic Minecraft epic Minecraft but with mods what this is so crazy guys with mods

What by the way I can’t break blocks side not cuz we’re we’re in the spawn I’m pretty sure the spawn chunks is like a yeah spawn chunk is unbreakable but the rest is fine okay so we start Minecraft by punching wood uh if you don’t remember this is a ripoff of

Fortnite that’s true already oh run run you guys you guys deal with that I’m going to just drop someone down uh don’t come by Atlanta again hey can we go by that can we go by that PO over there punch him yeah get out of here

Yeah we got his ass you guys he my fortnite terms never mind yeah I heard you you said let’s go by the POI yeah let’s go by the POI there’s a pirate ship over there if you guys are feeling adventurous it doesn’t look too oh no they indicators on it now

Oh they got a green AK uh you know what isn’t there wood armor on this game I don’t know maybe I think so let me check oh my God what is this hey uh there’s something coming after you it’s fine of logs is it fine no no it’s not

Because it’s going after you actually it is fine I’m going to control these things one day and you’ll see I’m good I don’t care what do your thing man leave me alone man oh my God it evolved how I don’t know it just evolved did you get an upgrade

Sucus Su help me help me jump as us it evolved it’s going to evolve it’s kill these things not even close to dead oh where’s death that’s by me that’s Nice oh oh there’s a stalker what uh from The Whisper Woods mod there’s a stalker what is that the thing that goes invisible to hunt you hey uh D can you kill this thing that’s nearby um I’m grabbing armor for you guys oh yeah I should probably do this

Um if you can get me some tools it’ll help how many locks you guys have Jesus Christ how many logs do you guys have uh I don’t know I’m going to deal with something right now I got 24 I got 24 planks no no I need logs

Logs what axe a wood axe would work a wood axe would work okay see yeah I got the thing away from you so thank you thank you very much the silverfish don’t hurt you I don’t think they can what y’all guys Y what y’all don’t

Know is that I’m a I I was a a pro at this game that’s right used to be speedrunner second to oh kill those kill those that that’s that’s like the muted mutant thing like evolves y want to see something cool no I died look at this boom boom boom that’s

SP and now you on now you got everything you need all right here I don’t even know where you are SAS I’ll be honest I’m coming up I’m clouded up ma z Amigos how’s it slou uh is there any like verified that going to join the server I don’t really

Know I don’t uh probably eventually I’m pretty sure chicken with the dunks is probably going to join he said he wanted to join which is always great to hear from chicken with the dunks that’s nice I can’t wait to be on a Ser yeahi if you’re seeing this mines yeah that’s so

True red we we we’re yearning for the mines you know you should join us man you got the you got all the mod packs and everything should abely come on well you know he’s got a life yeah you have a wife and kids but you know what it’ be

Pretty cool if you join this man hey how how’s the volume sounding am I too loud am I too quiet are they too loud are they too quiet is the game sound right you’re fine cuz I’m I I tried to to get it as equal as possible but it’s kind of difficult

Cool I had it’s like one of my my my least favorite things to do when streaming what’s up dude sucus what you up to just grabbing some coal I’m above you what’s up how’d you get that wood armor can you make me some how do you

Make it how do you make it it’s a it’s logs not planks and just put it in like the same order that you would regular AR yeah here want some lcks I’ll get you started I got I got some okay cool I’ll help storm then oh [ __ ] yeah Storm’s definitely going to need

It damn this is not taking like any damage but it’s not targeting us drop it jump it yeah what did it drop what what is that mutagens any volume from Denton X is too loud you’re too lame for Minecraft nah you’re you’re too you’re probably like

Too cool for Minecraft to be honest you should definitely you should be playing uh Minecraft’s like successor called called fortnite that’s true that’s a really you can do all the same things in uh fortnite but I mean you know what I mean all right now I got armor oh

Another let’s get the hell out of here come on hey be careful there a witch coming yeah we should get out of here come on grab your crafting table and let’s go I already have one hey that Witch is coming the witch is coming come on oh there’s iron right there though no

The witch is slow we’re good okay um go storm you need armor man I know I’ve been how many logs do you have uh I have 32 logs not planks oh my God all right 10 here hey behind in the same put it in the same hey that guy’s strong

Run okay okay put in the same augmentation I’m holding it off it’s actually knife yeah that’s so true red I I love fortnite red we should play fortnite one day I’m actually pretty good at fortnite I think I’d say I’m pretty decent not I’m not too too great but like I’m I’d say

I’m pretty all right a liar that’s how he gets you that’s how he traps you he’s like H I’m not too too great let me let me one V one you real quick let me just test my skill then he absolutely rails you and then you want to quit fortnite forever I

Would never do that to anybody oh really oh okay um January 1st 2024 look up okay here I got you you’re right no sorry cuz I I just have you cranked up to 200% oh yeah now now I put you down to 150 I think I

Think it should be good now Crank that [ __ ] I think we’re good here now I think you may be about it we take on that pirate ship over there uh yeah I mean we don’t even have bed bro we don’t have my bad yeah we

Spawn right next to it let’s just do it let’s do it I’m doing it all right should we craft like boats or something no I’m good it’s like it’s not even that far and you can just S I could eat this oh that just kills me

Okay oh there are a lot of vindicators but we can take them off we’ve been taking on like I’m on two Health man 0% would be preferable oh my God who said that red about me yeah and also chicken with the dunks uh is watching too and said storm is always Low by

Default you should oh yeah really always Low by default wow oh there’s a lot of food and stuff on here oh I love let me get some food I need that I I’m so close to death it’s not even funny it is pretty funny to me actually you’re right you’re right I’m

Sorry baked potatoes you good over here yeah I got a water bucket okay be careful when we open this door we’re going to be in a world of hurt oh [ __ ] what what I just found go ahead you’re the main man do your thing Doug what is it what you

Find a death that’s mine is not yours oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they got me they got I think I have the oh damn it’s a battering r t I think I’m supposed to have this on T it’s a battering ramp what a battering ram where right down

There you guys are on that pirate ship over there oh that is one yeah dead sukus can I grief storm the second I log in uh no griefing won’t be allowed but PVP will definitely be allowed well let him do it let him try let him

Try it’s okay man oh hold on that um oh wait no that’s just a Vindicator we’re good oh no the Enderman oh you know what I got the loot from the bottom I really don’t need the loot from the top I’ll be honest what’ you get though I want I

Want to see what you got I got three emeralds which is going to be really useful what did sucus get what did sucus get oh uh he got something cool I got a hammer but you got a hammer okay yeah for some reason the the the animations

AR I don’t think are working correctly there’s like so many mutant mobs coming for you on this boat oh yeah ouch some guy just shot at yeah forgot you can like breee I destroyed The Vindicator spawner interesting that could be quite what the hell what the hell

Wait you good oh my God what is is that they’re chasing me like so many things after me I’m just trying to get on this boat yeah hold up hold up I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea rule all these guys you’ll

See hey storm it seems like you got you got some haters in the chat what yeah who just chick with the dunks red and chicken with the dunks yeah what the hell that’s I just a bunch of stuff spawned on me I’m getting oh yeah I think I think the

Enderman like controls them all yeah I I I think I’ll stay away from now what are you Wen Defender huh it’s pretty cool I guess is it a skeleton does it look like a skeleton no it’s not a skeleton Wen Defender is from the ARs mod which you’ll eventually need oh

Yeah anyone else hating in anyone else hating in the uh comments uh so far storm haters are strong bro that’s okay it’s okay you you’ll see when you guys get in here you’ll see I’m heading Southwest if you guys we give me a week I’m going to you’re very close by to me

What’s up man oh hi help I’m just a guy look at me I’m the clown around town I’m kind of spooked by this guy I’m just um waiting for a chicken with the dunks to finally get in here I mean he said he has work he’ll be here soon enough

Yeah chicken in the dunks my beloved oh there’s a pig screaming at me I’m going to continue to go up going chest but actually looks pretty cool this whole wood armor looks pretty pretty neat we just need to survive this night man this is night one Five Nights at

Freddy’s sta they’re chasing around the trees I thought they couldn’t do parkour I guess they can oh that’s [ __ ] I’m dead rip in peace bro okay A little bit of stability I’m just keep moving up I don’t know I got separated from you guys I just going Northwest or Southwest I mean

H I’m just running oo a deer that’s so cool and fireflies are in here too that’s awesome oh oh hores beyond my comprehension are chasing me started um I’m not sure where any of y’all are to be honest uh yeah you probably don’t want to be near me to be honest

Okay oh it’s trying to swim to get me yikes dude that’s scary those those meeting mobs are something man yeah I like him though hey suis how’s it going it’s going pretty good Jack Kennedy how are you we’re over here just suffering a little bit this would have been held

With the sanity mod oh yeah we wouldn’t we would never make make any progress ever oh great I ran into Slender Man Okay I don’t think I’m going to run into Slender Man you shouldn’t have said anything we need oh dude there’s so many of them we’re just trying to survive the

Night and the F the the rain uh if we could do that then I’m sure we’ll be all right wol man come on push through it push through it I can push through it I can push through it I can push through it oh [ __ ] hey storm yeah have you considered

Watching your potty mouth no okay well you should start considering that look how about um how about you just have a good day you know I hope you have a nice nice evening I’m pretty good I would join up the the server but for some reason curse

Forge just loves being difficult so it makes it impossible for me to join are you using curse Forge the the app cuz uh we don’t use uh the the curse Forge app because it’s damn near impossible to configure we we just download forg the the the old fashion way

Yeah oh my God if you need help then I I I’d gladly help you if if you need it not right now though because right now we are struggling I’m not I don’t know about y’all I’ve been tree hopping this whole time I have two but they somehow chased me through

It what is that okay just need some XP uhoh I’m going turn on somewhat sound there Doom to Fall by a creeper huh mhm ain’t thatting creeper uh creeper blew me off the ledge yeah oh I found my way into that dungeon you used to live in storm really yeah oh

Good look in there it’s very it’s very awful gray over there try to download uh the one uh oh my God jar file what the the link to curse Forge or the actual mod pack just download the one in uh announcements right cuz I put a link to the to the

Forge version um and that one you’ll download and then you’ll uh run run that and then you know blah BL blah it it may it should be a jar file actually um I don’t even want to know what that is that just stor uh it’s very bad I could double

Check I just need some XP man so I can start start doing what I’ve destined to do well maybe focus on Surviving the first few nights there we go hold on can’t I can’t how much xp levels do you need uh I don’t know yet

Oh okay do okay so that that could be uh something to do with your Java like have you right clicked it like here uh hold on I can pull it up on on the stream right now actually so like right here um like you would this is my Forge installer you

Would right click it and then open with and then you want to open it with Java right here and then it should uh like show up uh like This and if it if it um what is this if it uh like if you don’t see the little Java thing then you may have to like update your Java version cuz I know that’s uh that is one of the issues ever hey sukus quickly while you’re up

Here up where there’s free loot here oh wait somebody’s in this boat with me there’s nothing up here quickly while there’s nothing up here grab the stuff storm what what what what what what quickly while you’re up here there’s nobody go grab stuff grab stuff grab stuff I have it I’m grabbing

Food I’m hungry I mean you’re dead oh that’s good all right this is my this is my Miran of Terror starts this is this is Snowball Effect don’t worry okay oh hat bag oh yeah I got sunglasses you see what I got storm doesn’t give me an option to open with

Java for some reason yeah it could be you you could it may be some that you have to like uh update your Java version um and if you want I can put a link to how to do that in uh in announcements as well there’s a a

Building does anybody have any gold I could borrow yes here you go what would I be in exchange you need something when the time comes I’ll call on you here here here here go down oh this is going to be a dungeon I don’t know if I necessarily want to go down here

Yet uh yeah that’ll work okay uh Iron Wolf yes this is in fact Minecraft we’re playing on a modded server let me get that link for you right now Jack okay cool I don’t know what to do with this I don’t know what to do with this with what with uh oh that’s a weapon it is yeah oh that’s cool I really need food you know I’m fine f with just food I can give you some of that no

That’s cool I got enough here uh look around these chest that are around your head I got plenty of food uh yeah no no no I uh they’re instanced remember so each player has their own all right yeah um yeah yes all right Jack Kennedy I had

Sent to you in a warehouse It’s about in The 250ish Mark oh that’s a guy going to avoid that guy hey uh tenson look what I can do what can you do how do you make purple die uh uh red and blue oh true red and blue dude that’s so

Cool little guy oh sorry but horror is beyond my comprehension respawning so I need to get the hell out of here oh God inconceivable Horrors are spawning I did wish we had more time before the rain started yeah I don’t know why it’s still even raining it’s been raining for a while now

Actually flowers yeah I got caught by one of those Endermen a sad fact of life I suppose um just that guy took a lot of I don’t even know where to where I should go neither do I I have a mission though I do too sucus I know you

Do uh sucus I have some sand if you’d like I know that’s GNA be important for you quite soon oh yes that that is I would like finding gravel as well oh my God these guys are I I have I do have some gravel but I suppose some more

Wouldn’t be too how make blue Dy actually blue dye with probably the blue huh that guy wow that guy was so strong what the guy guy that that just killed me he similar to jockey yeah you know what our best beted is probably to go mining

Actually hey is that you nearby me who no that’s storm where where’s where’s Denton he’s somewhere I something for you there something for you um but what can you give me oh the power armor stuff is here right here guys come to is here uh I don’t know we don’t know where

You’re at oh um I what are your coordinates oh I’m uh 18 18963 585 189 585 yeah are there blue flowers I don’t think there are yeah there are this blue flowers right yeah thought there was was not anym I wonder do you think pink and uh actually I’ll just look it

Up I know you can combine stuff we’re going Bedrock uh you canu sourberry but we don’t make Source berries for a while oh lapis get you blue I forgot about that get me blue dye hey I’m here hey this is the power armor stuff oh there is a blue flower I just don’t

See it I don’t have a pickaxe though I’ll be honest I do I I do cool so this here is power armor stuff this at the bottom there is power armor stuff I wanted to see this cuz I saw a crater here there’s people here though careful

Oh those are X1 wielders oh this is a vertebr I’m getting the [ __ ] out I’m getting freak out of here I got emancipated storm storm oh my god well yeah The Enclave is not notoriously great with people that was that was ridiculous you just got murdered man instantly yeah I

Think it’s to the mines for me yeah probably same here uh hey what did you what did you want to give me by the way I already gave you it not you oh the other guy no that’s no I wanted to actually can you come to spawn

Yeah pickax please let me just fight one of these guys I’ll be there in in one second okay that’ be pretty cool all right I’m here uh do you have three Cobble mhm thank you okay just need this I need to get to work man it just stopped raining and the

Sun is about to set already crazy oh wait um there’s wood and we could sleep we could sleep there’s beds we can make beds there’s wool over there and then there’s wood a ghost guys I’m a ghost good for you I guess oh oh look at you

Man oh sucus the other part to your thing is here what gravel ah yes you also said you had sand for me right yeah yes that’s right I mean Sand’s kind of diam a dozen but yeah why are you making fun of me no I mean we’re on a

Beach I know I know that okay sucus H come to me I’m I’m on this boat uh I’m over here at the spawn getting chased by a John so I don’t think I will listen the next time we see each other I’ll give you it meowing at

Me I just found some good stuff so did I I like that okay where what are your coordinates right now um uh go to spawn I’m in the I’m in the uh cave or not the cave I’m in the mine there’s a mine I’m making it yeah gunpowder oh look

John all right I’m coming over to the spawn I see that guy over there that’s a that’s a that’s a that’s definitely a guy did y’all kill him yeah I just killed him all right where’s where’s dented oh he’s down here there’s gunpowder down here oh

Here uh oh I need sanded gravel sand gravel that’s fine bro think he’s Drake do you know how to make gray return there what that’s so awesome also I know you’re going to need this as well oh yes thank you friend what is this stuff here uh it

Gives hella experience levels I got five I can’t mine it yet what is it I don’t know I don’t know but it gives hella experience gunpowder ore does that’s what I need I need experience hey sorry I’m trying to mine stupid dummy what did you just call me

Huh what did you just call me I said um sukus is so cool you said sukus test dummy didn’t you yeah oh well no I said stupid dumy I didn’t say that H I was wondering what that noise was my levels it’s all right you’ll get them

Back one day I think you lose levels we be in the mine I need levels that’s like my whole thing I need experience why is it so hard to find stuff I’ve been mining for like ever huh what’s all this my levels give my levels my

Levels damn it you’re not getting me bro all right bro you know that this how it starts you’re you’re the one that started it you call me stupid for what cuz you’re stupid bro do you hear this guy d x yeah I do hear him he got killed by an assimilated powder or

That’d be good for experience I guess yeah around I’m going to put a uh thing over here oh it’s a little Goblin what’s he selling anything that was a really good trade um raw iron for two iron ingots that’s really good oh I’ll let you do that then let’s

See okay I guess that’s going there yeah nothing else I’m too interested in thank you though little guy oh wait I do have some of this stuff H thanks what did he give you uh I just doubled my my copper into copper ingots wow you’re pretty useful

Man little manad little manad kind stuck why are you stuck 32 for you can’t hold on never mind okay I’m last stuck all right do you need me to come over there no yes oh wait no I think I put it in the barrel here yeah I did oh okay you’re

Back you know what he is selling he’s selling an emerald for 32 look look at this guy get nothing you get nothing I want little fella sorry I’m going to kill you now don’t kill him he has good stuff I didn’t kill him you just killed him suk’s killed him oh never

Mind well see just killed him ate his meat so what you crazy yeah you just did I just saw you you just you just ate him I did not you did who who’s going to vouch for you on that me cuz I saw you in your stream uh

I didn’t but that’s cool that you think I did you’re kind you’re kind of streaming though right so I can like I just like play the clip back sounds like you’re drowning trying to find something oh what the hell weird I didn’t even die by Drowning

There was just a uh Enderman that just spawned his sheep on me that’s nice yeah so did I I killed the Underman though that was pretty cool that’s kind of crazy didn’t know that I had that thing on me it’s weird I just found something s

Did you drop this what a long sword oh yeah you didn’t want it hey what’s up are you going to just take the stuff I was mining yeah okay I’ll remember that I mean we’re doing this as a team aren’t we I guess so actually I only need two ingots

Really so yeah oh I have two ingots right now oh uh I don’t have space can you just put them in the barrel when you can sure thanks I need that I think I also need Freddy Fazbear there’s five Freddy’s at Fazbear uh hooked Cod actually I don’t

Need that though it’s R Cod you heard that what was that all right so it’s actually working now hip pip hooray let’s go SpaghettiOs is he getting in Jack Kennedy is potentially getting in that’d be cool man we always could use a few miners on our team what what Denton x

What the freak dude e r what the flip dude what the flip okay dude what the flip I think there’s a cave dweller here but I’m going to still dig here anyway yeah I hear wait you still have cave dwellers in here yeah I made them even worse I hate those things

So much when I used to live underground in the one thing and they just constantly spawn there and they’re very annoying nice I’m glad they’re there oh if any of you see any lapis that’d be pretty helpful I’ll let you know if I see it yeah

Denon you silly boy I don’t know how how far the the stream is behind but I’m going to assume it was the part where I said aren’t we working together what do you mean uh of course you wouldn’t get it it’s all right hey Denton what’s up look at I just

Found well I can’t see where you are I’m a bit far away but I’ll come take a look can I see help me why he’s not going to hurt you yeah I just want to see oh lapis that’s awesome wow impressive how much do you need um here give me all of it

And I’ll give you something in return I have 33 that’s not me oh yeah no you guys got like the same looking skin I put it in the barrel oh thank you there you go make this let’s see Paul Paul Allen’s uh lapis see Paul Allen’s lapis where is it looks like it’s

Daytime out there I I’m going to see if I can find a different mine cuz this mine kind of sucks yeah it’s not the best I want to see if we can find like actual cave I hear a elephant or some [ __ ] outside that is a c roller I have

That all right see s that I’m going to do okay that’s what I need oh got me what that was pretty scary Dent him or not Dent storm follow me follow me uh okay come on let’s go look for like a cave I was going to just like start

Walking look come on oh yeah that’s that’s a good idea actually let me follow you probably get a boat too actually and go a little bit faster no that’s not how it works unfortunately I guess I do need that huh we’re going to go exploring Denton okay can I come

With yeah I’ll give you the coordinates uh negative 50 63 327 are you guys using boats no he had Frost walker uh we’re heading west you’re probably going to end up being faster than us on a boat to be honest the West has fallen damn you say 50 what umga 150 63 320

Byas it’s been an honor knowing you you’re going Northwest right oh yeah I see you guys you do mhm why are you guys fighting each other we’re not he he’s the one that’s trying to get me to sink and drown hey what’s that in the distance I

Don’t know oh structure what you did storm it’s your fault I’m going to swim okay I’m not going that way we’re going the other way that thing’s made out of stone I don’t think it has any chest in it I’m getting in there wait wait for me never

Mind looks like there’s a skeleton Beast that was over here or something Beast what is over here oh Elder Guardians there’s a Elder thing over here storm where’d you go you guys just left me in the ocean I’m heading over to that to that one rock

Thingy cuz I wanted to see it okay storm you should meet me there all I will storm yeah you going to meet me there yeah I will okay what time is it now it’s 549 so that means you know we got about 4 hours before before things get really

Interesting what do you mean what are you talking about what that’s just when my medicine wears off oh this is nothing I mean it looks cool though I guess was of my damn time oh wait while you do that I’m going to get something for

Us do any of you have bones that’d be really useful I threw mine I threw all mine out I’m not going to lie oh oh wait I have four bones how many B yes hey there is a chest down here oh my God I see you up

There I’m going just grab this thing real quick and then I’ll no no no no I got to go down I need another item in here arus storm where you at come here come here there’s a chest down here all right where you at uh I’m somewhere

Here where are you I’m still like over here where I was oh there you are you see me where here behind you oh yeah come here and look down here right down here see is it something interesting let me see uh yeah pretty interesting oh [ __ ] I snap

Ow who the hell just threw that at me you crustation you bottom feeder you you kill your um gosh what a poopy buttthe head jeez that’s what I’m saying hey man stop throwing stuff at me that that that stupid uh guy almost made me call him a bunch of stupid Nam

Names almost got my stupid Channel deleted well I don’t know it wouldn’t have been that bad I would have probably just said what a [ __ ] [ __ ] huh well let’s get started with what we know does some decent damage first we already have a lot of the ingredients for it you

Know what I’m talking about t yeah I’m aware we need light gray D don’t we is it light gray or is it just regular Gray either one uses um squids what are you guys making a hand grenade not a hand at least I hope not I mean I totally could if I felt

Like it yeah this stupid squid is running away stupid squid I kill you just one more then we need the Bones from um I think I can join now um oh what the heck what was this chest that you were talking about was it an instance you say what where was this

Chest that you were talking about I don’t even know where you’re at I’m on the bone fish thing I don’t see you I’m here I’m like right next to the spine of it okay turn around you see me I hear you yeah what’s up it’s down here and all the way over

Here look it’s right it’s right over here awesome ouch I stabbed myself on accident let me do some searching oh that is quite useful that is also pretty useful I think I can join now I have everything all set up so maybe you’ll actually let

Me join yes that would be great um we would just need to wh list you and then we’d be good to go okay first let me let me hey storm can you mute us on this little uh uh Island thing here I have bones and if you could kill a squid on

The way here that’d be pretty useful it’ll benefit us all okay okay you have bones right yeah of course I have bones um can I have your bones please I I’m not storm I know I know you’re not storm I was talking to him though oh

Okay I got a bow for you can I have it oh you’re going to have it can I yeah sure okay where you at give it to me he’s coming hooray almost there hold on that’s pretty cool but uh okay okay you have a f by the

Way okay a man I left at the place I have a furnace but I got Cobble and a crafting table okay cool and also bones all right you and I sucus we’re doing this what are you doing each other I did not kill a squid though

That’s fine this this guy is start this guy is starting to grind my gear is so I have these you got a lot of boots oh that’s pretty bad hold on on oh that’s that that is bad jump it jump it just jump it I’m jumping it they jumping

Oh that’s significantly worse I did not realize that was a creeper a creeper or ski the toilet it’s holding me in place how okay we’re alive we got it I got a summer hat I say it’s time to get to work suus I think it only needed three did

It no I needed more how many let me go in here H we we’re missing an iron here okay let’s see oh sucus sucus quickly Build It Jack Kennedy I’m I’m I’mma add you I need to go mute for a second though guys okay all right oh I thought we’re going to deal

With that yo what C so didn’t how you hanging up D I’m I’m living good good good I’m I’m about to be living too trust me oh yeah did you run off to do your own thing no well kind of not really um I just uh got separated when I died

By that creeper and it’s nighttime so I cannot really leave that’s fair and also you guys are doing a completely different uh set of magic stuff so huh he’s not magic what is he doing that’s what you’re doing right I’m doing magic yeah oh see our funds are a bit low

I just need leather do you have leather on you as a matter of fact I do not and I also need leather if you I got to kill this meat and cow oh here we go I don’t think mutant cows drop leather they don’t no not to my knowledge oh God join oh

Yeah on Lether you’re around here somewhere is he in the Discord server maybe we get him in the VC H he’s fine you could talk in chat hey what’s up Jack we’re doing good we’re just struggling to start off Follow Follow Me Maybe you can take him on I am here follow

Follow go ahead I need to go get some stuff up there do you have any torches yeah I have three I talking to sucus but he’s fine oh that’s going to be pretty useful where you at Den you in the same place right I’m bringing Jack kenon over here okay awesome

Awesome right now we’re just pulling resources together he’s probably going to die soon hold on oh sukus there’s more gunpowder or down here if you want it you want me to put a barrel down or something okay oh that’s pretty useful but I think I don’t need

One uh don’t worry about this oh you mind okay oh yeah I don’t need that either I don’t think do you need a crafting table down here okay what is that I don’t what is that okay if you don’t know that’s not good uh see I don’t think you guys hear

It oh I hear it it’s a cave sound rebound you guys have those boots that I gave you Earlier Dicky DIY hole Dicky Dicky hole DIY dick hole yeah I got some boots I think they have C A binding oh no actually no these are oh there it is I see it what’s up uh I don’t like that sound oh no it’s killing them can’t kill

It here get out of the way I got you I can’t I can’t hurt it he needs to hurt it here I’ll do something hey bro I can’t I can’t touch this set your spawn point set your spawn point here it’s just gone okay we should grab

Or uh suas could you TP him to storm that was kind of [ __ ] so I feel bad just leaving him out like that anyways yep I think I need leather I need leather too goodbye all right yeah don’t worry about it happens to the best of

Us okay back to the mines sucus do you have an adequate amount of iron seeus why is he not talking oh he said he had to mute for a second so I’m letting him mute I think he found a cave or something just break a block or something Kennedy

What’s up don’t like break a block so he doesn’t have to be a ghost anymore yeah being a ghost is mighty annoying here they come huh don’t really know what that means o interesting all right hello hey what’s up hey sorry I couldn’t like hear y’all very

Well uh I I had to go mute for a second I was on the phone with my father what’ he say we’re talking about the freeze that’s coming tomorrow I sck as’s father hello we jumped see I don’t see your name tag oh there we go well looks like we’re running in this

Together oh That’s mighty useful up there can you deal with that thank you are you good yeah I think so okay good I think it’s started I’m tired of being pushed over start what I just need leather that’s all I need oh all that and I got one iron ingot damn

It oh this might be useful in the future though uh t for me is there a cave down there or something no Redstone yeah I might need that in the near future I feel like oh [ __ ] oh no it’s fine it’s after storm oh my God you oh here I set my spawn there nothing over here oh yeah Jack uh set your spawn maybe that’d be a smart I think is it gone or what yeah I killed him and disappeared hey uh deep slight uranium I um I don’t the implications of that but

Hey uh oh yeah if you’re going into ours you need a Lapis don’t you stor uh yeah I do I’ll give you some I gave you lapis earlier so that would be apprciate I only needed like two come here here you go that should be enough to get you started right what that’s

Fine didn’t drop it yet I didn’t oh there you go oh do you have any iron on you though yeah I have 14 but I have some I have it have it all thank you why do you give it all to me because maybe I don’t know what it’s worth

Yet maybe I don’t maybe I do and I’m just trying to get good relations before bad stuff happens yeah not fair enough I suppose deep Sate uranium or yeah like I said I didn’t feel too comfortable with that lying around where is Jack where’s Jack he’s down there where somewhere can you tell

Him to come down here he is down there I have a gift for him where is he um just set respawn at um the bed up up at the top just like right click the bed and you should say respond hello see what I want this so what’s been going on nothing

Nothing sounds like y’all are trying to hide something are we I’m not trying to hide anything right sure oh oh okay I’ll get to the bottom of this really M really really yep I will mhm you will huh mhm copper oh you will where’s where’s where’s Kennedy huh he’s up here that’s

Okay like cuz the stream has some delay yeah it does got a lot of delay for some reason I hear something out there yeah I hear something too what’s the big idea I’m playing around with the new toy I got what gun yeah man what that’s all you you can do

That that’s all yeah you know the guns guns are so un civilized you know I mean it’s pretty cool though see we need a way to defend ourselves where is where is he he’s heading up there where’s Jack there Jack I feel safer now I think I’m going

To go wander the Wasteland for a while you want to go with Jack where are you he over here here you take these all right get away from take good stuff J get in here yeah get in here oh you getting your thing first too I

Am okay we can leave this here for H actually no maybe you want to keep that with you what the table um I need to go find Leather So I think I have to go on a little Expedition oh storm are you going too yeah I’m going okay uh SU are you going

To come with us or you going to do your own thing uh y’all could go go for now um I’ll protect actually this is a pretty good party we got two guys up front and I’ll range off from the back yeah right I only have uh a few shots so

Going west we go west got E oh hey that’s another pirate ship we should do that I feel like we’re now yeah yeah I need food so that’s why I need to go there yeah bu the way in and I’ll help in yeah let’s go from the what’s the coordinates for the big

Ship no it’s just the same same Siz one as the one oh I have an idea well yeah what’s the coordinates though I I need [ __ ] too I need loot my fault Here There You Go Jack we just basically went West okay the boat uh just make your way in wait

Hold on hold on oh hey horror beyond my comprehension where where not being able to get up oh um oh wait I got it I got it I got Stone here move aside move aside move aside thank you so y’all went West okay you’ve just gone and shoved under the

Water yeah all we did was go west all right you ready you ready yeah go ahead let’s get in here man let’s blast them how far west did y’all go not just went West that’s all we did we just went west west or east by the way um what is it oh my

God oh my God by the way uh um Jack I don’t know whenever this uh is undelayed uh every chest is like random for each person so if you if you see someone open a chest it yourself too cuz it’s going to have your it’s going to have stuff for

You yeah don’t worry about taking loot man yeah I don’t know what easy nice work man there’s a spawner down here man oh an epic a rare Head Drop I could use that could use that too have some of that I wouldn’t worry about that I don’t think be there oh behind

It oh yeah hey uh sukus if you’re in the mine I would probably not go up to the surface oh no I’m on a boat right now he’s us and I got a big Glock leather would be nice just one piece of leather that’s all I need I need a couple because

Backpacks are in this mod here who wants who wants the Epic hat there y’all can have it I don’t want it what was it a bowler hat or something that’s pretty cool I guess you know what I thought that was going to to be pretty difficult to get

My hands on but you know what I’ll take it what what was it um just the amount of diamonds I didn’t realize I’d get so many so quickly get rid of that chunk that on I guess that’s fine that’s also pretty fair really decent I guess is that all the chests on this

Boat look at his hat look at his hat you guys better look at his hat yeah it’s RGB where that is a nice hat I’ll give you 20 ref what are you doing what are you doing what I can’t enjoy myself I mean you’re killing us I’m not we’re dying I’m just you

Know having fun we’re we’re looting this this place right we’re being Bandits You Know Jack where’s Jack I need Jack oh [ __ ] really did you check uh oh wait here sukus yeah over where you at saying right here look all right I’m coming I’m coming oh my God all right

Yeah look right there right there thank you kill him uh hey uh there damn what kind of depth or uh like frost Walker do you have storm Frost Walker 2 cuz that is not going away for anything well it’s because it’s night time it goes away during the day oh

Yeah I’m just trying to find this place is completely burn down um see so where are you uh I’m over by uh the base uh okay I’m just making something right uh oh hey Joe Kennedy yeah a little fish on your head all right you’re with me come here okay

Uh which direction did y’all head we went West again mhm okay why I’m just ask him yeah just asking mhm little suspicious why are you uh why do you think it’s suspicious I don’t know I love my glock what are youall going to fight I don’t know it’s just oh wow okay never

Mind oh here uh sukus yeah can you can you teleport uh Jack to you please cuz he’s I’m not at the spawn can you just teleport him to you or something like we’ll teleport him next time you know I don’t know if he necessarily wants to be teleported to

Where I’m at he’s says he’s got to go so I don’t know are yall like in like a bunch of danger area or something I’m saying he says he’s got to like leave he’s got to go yeah I know not really in danger now cuz I I’m

In a very like not so safe spot uh I don’t know well is it just like any way you can uh teleport him back to spawn I guess can you do that cuz you’s just got to go um he I could I don’t know I don’t just

Teleport him to you or something I don’t know Jesus Christ okay now TP me I mean TP him to me cuz I’m at spawn now there you go goodbye Jack which gun powder do you need do you need gunpowder me yes uh as of right now no I think I’m

Good I’m saying it’s a like on your main agenda not really like gunpowder is something you would see getting needing a lot of down the lion maybe probably definitely actually if you could make like a chest and like a for and like have like a stock pile that’d be that’d be nice

We’ll uh we’ll discuss business don’t worry don’t anyone in chat where’s D what is he doing I don’t know not talking I don’t think you’ll like what I just did what I mean you could always check the stream but I found another pirate ship and I uh let’s just say things got w

Kid man then we just seek us the destroyer of loot hey man I’m having fun do you want to do you want to place the blow up really do you want to place the blow up me yeah you place what block place to blow up and catch on

Fire cuz I have a giant I found a giant Pillager place that’s made of wall it’s all made of w wo just letting you know that sounds something want to do or no what blow up what like a giant village that’s made of wool oh that that that doesn’t sound that bad

At all that kind of sounds fun like it’s it’s all made of wool there’s there’s so much wool in that place so like so many square inches of wool it’s like you can just like light a fire and then it’ll all just burn down you know yeah it’s uh it’s Southwest you from

Spawn from Spawn or from where uh we are currently located spawn uh we’re currently located so Us in spawn you know just want to take the offer right it’s all you I’m head there now to burn it down Southwest huh like if you go back to spawn and you

Just head Southwest I don’t know but to their I’ll probably just get there first and burn it down okay wait no if that’s how how you’re going to be I mean that’s just how you’re going to be I got my flint and steel I’m ready are you should uh you should uh

You should come burn it down with me want to help me I I’ll give you I’ll give I’ll give my gunpowder if you help me take over this Pillager Outpost that’s made of wool interesting okay give me a second let me grab something from the front

Door I’ll give you my gunpowder and my TNT for oh you know sucus you’re not going to believe this what what am I not going to believe uh okay so you know when I was going to the place entirely made of wool right mhm what guess what I also found

What a giant ship that’s two times the size of the ships even burned out all made a wooden wall why are you trying to lure me down there what’s going on I’m not I’m just saying you can you can I can share my screen right now

I’m not lying it’s all made of wall it’s it’s all made giant ship all right what’s what’s the catch here what’s going on there’s no catch there’s always have to be a catch could I just be like a friend who’s trying to help another friend burn down some ships at Nega 76863

824 I feel like there’s a catch though what if there’s not a catch have you considered you said a Southwest uh yeah Southwest for the um what is it pillage Outpost that’s made of wo and also negative 70 itive 770 63 832 is the coordinates for the

Big ship there’s too many enemies there but I can’t really do this by myself you see see so that’s the achievement too got the achievement and everything oh what the [ __ ] what uh what happened to Denton I don’t know he’s still on the server oh my bad I was muted I kept

Saying I found something and nobody was responding so I thought you’ve been muted forever yeah apparently I was I found power armor WoW oh are you using it no because I think you need something to use power yeah you need the like core thing yeah otherwise it’s just a heavy

Armor that doesn’t really protect you from much all right now now that now that Denton’s back you you and storm uh occupy people for like 5 minutes I’m about to I’m about to I’m I’m about to eat this real quick okay I don’t know what he’s eating but it’s probably great

Uh let’s see here oh that’s quite a big mountain I’m still looking for that leather but I haven’t seen a single friendly animal in like ages oh cows regular just regular cows D oh how’ you manage that uh I fell like I said you’re all able to visit me at my house sometime

Well there’s something interesting over here but is it’s made out of wood so I don’t really know maybe I should oh I think it’s just a well actually that’s probably not that useful I’m not jumping please be bountiful I don’t think it is Bountiful oh well I think I needed the

Food but I also saw something else that caught my eye yeah what’s that not what is it a village Village yeah just a plain old regular Village I need your help actually you should come back to main spawn uh I don’t think I can sucus is not here to help

Me because he is eating oh well what are you doing I don’t have a way point set there anyway don’t no but I did find a was Stone really I have a couple of them yeah one of them’s at my house I live somewhere now I see I see I also found

Leather where’s that at um it’s at this Village I found I don’t oh sticks that’s not really useful I think the villagers all died though because I don’t really see any either that or they got infected if there’d be nothing left they probably they probably got infected yeah

There I think like infected got one villager I go and just killed them all oh wait no no there’s people here now I guess it was just hard to see that iron golden is certainly holding up quite well against all those um undesirables the a single piece of bread in this

Fortuitous very swag and awesome but it’s getting late so I think I’m going back to my house I tried to get sukus to install the skinwalker mod but he I don’t think he I think he forgot be pretty scary cuz I just saw like

Um oh no I got a bed oh great my house is no longer a safe place Well w [ __ ] h still trying to figure out how to tame stuff it’s a lot more difficult than it looks you need like Alters you need like Alters you can’t just like a lot of steps

Damn these things are tough well if it was easy it wouldn’t be fun you know you’re right you’re right this was suus would stop eating and help me because I can’t do this by myself certainly that being said I um not finding it very easy to be doing what I’m doing right

Now just kind a living and doing my own thing That’s quite bothersome isn’t it oh Cool that’s it all I Needed what was that that was uh my roommate coming back home no it’s something just shot like a gun and sucus is AFK no he’s not AFK he’s just not talking he’s oh he tried to shoot me that’s what it was yep he did that was him he barely missed

Though I wasn’t trying to shoot you what he should he should help me take this take this place on hold on almost done what you reading all right I was eating a burger with no honey mustard real Mm all right P out the path I just made mhm you see it mhm all right I need you there’s too many of these guys and I need your help all right let’s let’s loot it first then we can burn it come here just don’t just don’t do any explosions

Cuz I I need those chests they’re going to kill me you save the chest I’m coming back you got this you got this oh my God ah this is good I don’t like that what are you doing me he was saying I have a nice good fresh busy just for him still streaming

I am I forgot sorry guys sorry about that he meant um it’s it’s it’s slang for a burger yeah if you don’t know what it is look it up yeah Google it simple delete this and F uh and get get out of here uh don’t get out of here actually get all

Your friends to watch My Stream right now if you don’t you’re disgrace to uh man um is it burned down don’t destroy the chest though by the way I found another one that’s exactly like that too if you want to go get that one too I mean uh sure I guess I’m just

Trying to get get some loot though ooh a ender pearl damn are you still in the boat mhm good there’s guy coming for you suas oh my God what the H that’s a lot of sure is a lot of stuff don’t don’t don’t know what you’re going to do don’t do it yet

I need health I need food I have some food do you want some if if you could uh you know that’ be great okay um where are you guys at so I’m attive -1975 402 uh I’m not too far away I don’t think that’s exactly what I was looking

For damn right I’m coming back again man I wish I had hold up hold up um I’ll be back I need to take a phone call for perfect exactly what I was looking for what was it play what I said what was it it was Clay that’s what I was looking for

Oh actually I do need some of this oh yes that’s what I needed lapis for I’ll get strong to give me some later I suppose you’re welcome to drop by my house if you like that sounds pretty swell and I guess the there’s something I could offer you if you have a high

Bargain what do you mean something I found that you might want oh really well you’re going for a kind of guns thing you know yeah use some powerful armor I could mhm get what I’m putting down I think I am okay good oh actually that’s perfect idea I didn’t think about

That okay um visit megative 1635 481 how many bullets I have left I don’t have any so that’d be nice if you could bring some small Bullets by too I think I know what that means that should be all of them okay okay okay that’s right I need to do

Now I know exactly what I’m doing with that really this was all the chests that this this ship had to offer I’m also quite disappointed went through all that just for this I know storm told me not to do this however I feel inclined to alleviate him of the burden of having

To check the chest something like that now we cooking portals yes that’s I good indeed sorry storm oh all of them didn’t like sorry um well yeah you’ll be fine I think where you located well after just seeing what you did I’m not too sure um okay I can explain right I’m back

Okay um did you blow up the entire ship maybe yes uh but I can I can explain your death okay yeah I got blown up by cus I was gone for like what like two minutes you weren’t even that close I swear to God did okay is did you at least save the

Chests which ones like the chest that were in the ship yeah did you mm I have not finished looting it and I leted you to that place yep just just where you at uh Dent next um let me finish something first and then I’ll let you do that why don’t

You just tell me now um so I’m kind of like infatuated with this thing that I’m making right right watching this stream mhm who mhm who is yeah who diamond iron iron yes there are people watching okay it’s right in here that’s not what I need

That’s actually one of them boy y boy I sure do wonder where Denton X is I’ll tell you in a second man jeez one I’m just getting a okay yeah I am located atga 1635 482 negative 13 4 6 5482 mhm 481 yeah same thing so you’re like negative 100,000 blocks away from

Me I I mean I just went West that’s really all I did for for 100,000 blocks 100,000 I don’t think that’s right you Saida 14853 482 something like that 1635 1635 and then the Y the Z coordinate is 482 mhm let’s see that works would you look at that another

Ship I don’t even want to check this one I just want to blow it up hey maybe don’t do that where are you about to blow this ship up um you don’t do that you know what fine I won’t I’ll leave it be but when I turn around to go go go

Back you know no promises just let me loot like two more things hold on I don’t think I need this anymore is this breed Spirit okay all right where’s the ship where’s the ship at which which which direction I’ll be right there where’s I went West but um West it’s like negative

1,300 and then the Y was like uh was like 400 300 or 400 I I know what ship we talking about hold on it hasn’t been looted yet I know be right there and then I’m I don’t know what I’m doing so 1 six 35 48

2 on a ship underwater so you must be on land then huh Denton yeah I’m on land oh a village oh wait maybe that’s the one I was at here let me uh it’s made out of stone oh okay it’s not made that’s not the one it’s all right you know did you

Uh stone is fireproof I’ll give him that did you get the village that was made out of wall sucus no I’m hoping y’all hear that no I don’t hear anything well [ __ ] oh I thought we weren’t going to be swearing here but sorry um I just got like an amber alert

And then some guy with no eyes started running at me oh yeah that’s pretty scary IR Iron okay Su should help me take down this ship hey yeah kind of doing something Buddy okay actually you should come over to my uh place too me yeah where’s that at uh that’s a good question here coordinates 1636 I thought it was 1 1635 no it’s not I thought you said

Negative 1 1635 now it’s negative it’s one block so I mean my house is bigger than one block Believe It or Not wow wow wow this guy just keeps changing his story yeah he kind of misleading me okay liberals didn’t you vote for Bo jiden uh I didn’t vote because I’m not old

Enough yes you are you’re like 30 yeah you’re right I’m the same age as righted guys great now I’m all out of bullets son of a [ __ ] my fault I mean it’s cool I’m fine I can start no if you want actually I really don’t care anymore [ __ ] man can’t do anything

Man people just want to start swearing they’re praying on my downfall well h I just I need to build a boat get the hell out of here right suas um there’s a giant ship straight that way St Tower okay apparently let’s go it’s BL one I thought you guys were going to

Come visit me where’s oh yeah I’m about to I’ll say it’s getting a bit dangerous I’m might just go inside for the Night that’s pretty creepy load your stuff load your stuff load it oh no it got rid of the bed it’s a creeper why’ you do that you know what they’re going to do they’re going to blow up I can’t do this oh my bad you’re not really

Supposed to be in here you know what do you say all right I’m here do you see but where’s your where’s your coordinates do you think I could you know well I don’t I guess you could take it for a test run I’m not really sure I

Know what I want yet here look at that Isn’t that cool that is pretty cool Gord I need Gordon it it’s um negative what kind of gun do you have 1635 mhm 1635 here this is what I have the Z is 482 I I I have I have a Glock

17 that’s fine I like the the revolver I have but I’ll allow you to take it for a ride let me I was just actually finishing up what I needed to do that oh um the bar the barrier is on so you won’t really be able to get out but

I turned the other one off the uh the life training one mhm oh you’ll be fine in here as long as you’re next to me think I need this um would you happen to have a diamond I’m kind of running out of those things are getting quite expensive these days you

Know uh I have eight I was talking to sukus but yeah that works too no that’s cool I mean you a talking to me it’s cool I just use my diamonds for other are evil plans you know this is expensive okay okay how expensive take it for now you don’t want to know

Just take it try it out bring it back to me okay you need to take your armor off first H okay uh do you need a place to put it I about that come on let’s see it in all your glory damn you look threatening man very too huh yeah you look dangerous

Man here barriers off go crazy man bring it back to me in one piece [Applause] okay [Applause] hey Den are you uh Northwest um I was just west but maybe I did go a bit north hold on wait oh my God that was crazy just be careful with that power armor all right

Yeah already already lost it no he didn’t how do you take off power armor again shift N I think yeah that’s not really working oh I guess you could take it off manually but I don’t really know how that would work shift and right click I don’t know just try stuff oh

Well he look get a coordinate just shout out a coordinate so I can get there uh it hasn’t changed it’s still negative 163 here I’ll just put it in the chat for you okay cuz I’ll be honest I’m not too worried about you you guys destroying this

House I think I’ve got a pretty good protection set up here really yeah well that’s not cool I just don’t know how to take this thing off it’s okay man can you hear it no it’s not doing anything I’m pressing it I’m pressing the button I

Can’t get it off Hit N Hit N shift n I’m that’s what I’m pressing uh maybe it’s a spring lock suit maybe you’re stuck like that dude are you and the the what’s worse is the fusion core isn’t even doing anything now I’m walking slow as hell is it out

Of power no it’s it’s it’s full and it’s not damaged I don’t know maybe just lost in the sauce man you can’t get that thing off you guys do your thing I’ll make my journey there but it’s going to be a slow one crying huh I’m good take

That sure sure I’m going to do this all right now kill me uh I don’t think I have the facilities to do that just do it all right now pass me that thingy hold on wait wait wait don’t do it yet I’m going to break a piece of grass okay oh

Here I need to deactivate my barrier before that okay I did it okay give me give me that yeah nothing it’s not on a break it you buy it scale so if it does doesn’t work just keep it I guess all right here um just drop the individual pieces out to me I

Guess okay are the status of effects removed uh yeah it looks like it okay that’s good enough all right I don’t know how to place it back down though that was so cool looking I guess it’s gone now yeah I don’t know I don’t know H I think you broke it

Fully I’mma blame whatever creature it was that that just one shot me I just mind my basis and I got blown up by a creeper well now I got that as an issue thanks I guess what T45 set doesn’t work anymore kind of annoying but hey sorry they got better sets out there

Sure not going to lie that armor 12 armor for the helmet 17 for the legs 19 for the body all for the Torso or the feet and sik is has it oh you owe me a power armor frame I think that’s probably what it was yeah just get that back to me

Whenever you can let me see how do you even craft one you got to find them no you could craft them o little pricey for me it’s fine I just say now just anytime you can oh Gary speaking of Gary that’s right yeah I heard that guy Gary has a mod or

Something true I heard about that I didn’t know he was a YouTuber that works that works too this works damn that certainly sucks but it can’t be helped it was going to happen one of these days or another you know yeah oh that Force doesn’t look too good I’m

Just going to not go there oh so there is guns yes there are guns uh chicken with the dunks hello everybody my name is Mary pler I’m G to get rid of this I don’t know how it works but it’s definitely going to be a pain in the ass if have to

Deal with it what how do you get that how do you get rid of these putrid blocks yeah uh I don’t know for so I’m going to need some of that ah I see that’ll come with time then that’s annoying I to keep checking out for that

[ __ ] all right still on my way I’mma put my stream in BRB I got a I got a business to handle all right good luck with you then I need to get um gas for a generator oh that’s right the big free yeah then I guess I’ll be back for a

Second yeah I’m going to be back very very shortly um so yeah I’ll be I’ll be back shortly I’ll be back shortly I swear I swear I [Applause] Swear I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m Rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m rich I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m ready I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m I’m ready holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m

Rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m ready I’m holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m ready I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m rich I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m rich I’m Rich I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m rich he I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m rich I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] he I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m ready I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m ready I’m rich I’m

Rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m rich I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m rich I’m I’m I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m ready hey I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m ready I’m right I’m right holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m rich I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m he I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m ready I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m Rich I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m rich I’m I’m right I’m holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m Rich I’m Ready I’m ready I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m ready I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m rich I’m Rich I’m rich I’m holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m ready holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m rich I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m rich I’m Rich I’m I’m rich I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m right I’m holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m rich holy [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m can y hear me I’m I’m all right we are officially back oh my God I just need

Food what a good great way to get back here hey man you need help man me not you this guy I need help I think definitely yeah uhoh I have bad news for y’all what what a [ __ ] is that another one of them what what what what let me see this other vault

God look [ __ ] F right now bro I just keep uh restarting my journey sucus could you come here and help the brother out who me me you’re the brother I need some help yeah I need to clear an area oh is that so yeah mundane task what kind of

Area uh it’s dirt and stone H interesting dirt and Stone hey Mr vaultdweller guy uh your little building here sucks but it did feed me so it’s not all that bad I don’t even know where where your coordinates are me negative 18 z uh negative 1801 596 596 is going to be this

Way it’s this way down 5 96 and negative 18 no uh negative 8 1801 1801 1801 will it stop [ __ ] raining oh my gosh it’s rained the past five nights at Freddy’s that’s I’m just trying to find like you guys without dying every five seconds do Slender Man Al

XP no I don’t have any of what the hell you serious uh I just what that that can’t be real what what happened okay never mind H something something let me in oh you’re not allowed in my barrier uh-uh all right I’m in mhm well here you can take refuge here

For the night do you have a furnace can I use it yep there’s right there thanks I want to show you why I need uh blaze rods look at this see take take a gander oops 19 experimental round okay yeah makes sense to me

H might found a new home how do you make backpacks in this game we need Le if you could go and get some that’ be a very nice thing for you to do leather chest string maybe there’s other ones I could use that would be easier to craft no I don’t need that

Leave me alone you [ __ ] me alone you [ __ ] why you’re so mean I’m sorry that’s all right you’re going to be you’re going to be frozen by tomorrow kill yourself what do you mean Frozen by tomorrow he’s going to be an ice block tomorrow hey storm oh my God I did it I

Did it what did you do I finally did it I have creatures what L huh well I guess you can’t control them God that’s no no no no sounds like this guy just sucks no hold on this can’t be real or whatever anyway was I was what I

Was going to say earlier I just got nether Ingot so I know what want this guy doesn’t really suck that much what already I can only do it for a second though yeah I can’t use any of the other stuff oh my God or can I

Storm wait did you just see that uh that there uh yes I know I know I know he he has to like the giant death beam now yes that’s great it’s not strong enough I think I’m going to go out and find some leather yeah I think that’d be mutually beneficial for us

Both you know what you what get you want to go get some leather yeah I’m joking no you can I have a water bucket you can clutch it yep I did it oh deal with that Catalyst over there I didn’t do it by the way this this thing here yeah that’s

Probably really bad did you leave around huh yeah I I killed I’ve noticed the mutilations are stre yeah why hold on I need I need I might need to go like a survival world or something why why cuz my this thing is yeah it’s not working like I don’t this

Is just make it work like why are you still hitting me oh wait are you trying to tame the mutilated mods uh Mob yes I am yes I am yeah I don’t know if that’ll work Bud it work me bud um it it worked earlier creative yeah you need to test it fine

Um yeah I’m trying to get the assimilative mobs cuz I like them oh my God what the hell is going on yeah I need to test this a little bit more a regular zombie that’s the first time I’ve seen one in a while yeah I’m not sure how I feel about

This uh M mutilation mod anymore why it’s become a bit of a burden more than anything yeah but quite honestly we don’t have anything else that’s true wait is does it come with the uh Slender Man thing what it is no Slenderman is it own oh they spawn a lot in this Slender

Man biome all hold up I I need to go back to I need I need to test something he’s going to test something I hope you villagers don’t mind me taking these uh oh well that’s useful to know I need to figure out why the animations for the simply swords aren’t aren’t working

Man man there really ain’t nothing in this Village huh do y’all hear that or is that just me what the I’m not in there so I don’t know Denton no you couldn’t no yeah that’s pretty spooky I think something about this area just ain’t right so the world is slowly getting corrupted by this mutilation [ __ ] right yeah W hi NAB says hi Chill on my on Minecraft yes

We are chilling on Minecraft how you doing NAB is there any way to combat the like uh mutilation stuff if there is I’m not aware of it H I’ll deal with this Village later all right what the [ __ ] swearing oh [ __ ] damn am I taking damage you forgot I’m a magic guy oh

Probably barriers off both of them are okay fre to come in I’m I’m I’m heading out you’re you’re your barrier keeps me locked in whenever I respawn oh my bad hey you want to go on a mining trip I love I could us that sounds like a

Good idea I’m getting chased around by John though oh okay I guess I could Lun Services where are you by the way running back to my house I’m going to see if I can kill this big thing over here I’m just going to have to run past a village where are you T

Um 1800 um 3:15 so you went like North westish yeah why is this [ __ ] mutagen spreading how do we combat it that’s a good question oh you trying to fight those big John’s over there oh no I’m just trying to not get attacked like there’s no there’s no like information on this

Mod other than the bear bones thing on the page it’s got like the most generic name so I can’t really search it either just tame mobs what oh you’re on my place again huh yeah mining let me turn them off for you all right are you out yeah let’s go

Into this cave next door to my place oh okay this place over here yeah so I can I can’t I can tame stuff I don’t know why it’s just not working all right I guess I’ll be back okay where you going back to your uh server okay why’d you

Leave cuz I was testing something I was like I don’t know if it was just a uh thing with well there’s an easier way to get down suus I like it I like the way you think you okay yeah that was great seeing anything you need um some copper would be

Nice chests on the storage area would be chest for storage are kind of a new commodity We need oh he died that’s pretty cool I guess who did the thing that I shot my laser at don’t really need iron copper and coal I guess are pretty cool though I’m in like actual

Health why are you trying to tame Slender Man well it’s not even that he’s just spawn camping me I don’t know where you guys are at I don’t know yeah that’s not like it never mind slime I do need that I need Magma Cream though how do you make magma cream or do

You it’s by killing the magma cubes right yeah okay so so obsidian is the only resource I really need right now mhm well I found some of that oh my God hi sucus where are you I’m above you oh hi so where’s the obsidian right here oh oh my bad I

Didn’t think it was that strong it didn’t one shot you last time last time oh I killed myself using my own magic I’ll just turn it off for now I wish we had light but we don’t really have Mage Light anymore well I mean we do have

It yeah but I mean I don’t have it on me oh sucus that’s kind of an issue what that thing up there what is it I don’t know should we do you want to check it out or something yeah do you see it the Airship no that oh yeah let’s let’s kill

It okay I’ll try D you oh I said he was going to try G yeah you killed it like almost instantly okay good hell I don’t think you want my help unfortunately my G prop gun oh yeah I’m screwed I’m going to die oh that’s not really fun I’m not going to

Lie the Enderman are just [ __ ] I think [ __ ] what happened what what’ you do he’s coming to get me what kid joller he’s not in a cave okay he’s gone well if you come back to me I can kind of help you it’s so confusing

Like I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing wrong I’m literally creating the exact same steps I did in uh survival but in here it’s just you don’t have enough experience no I have experience I have assimilated stuff but it’s just not obeying me for some

Reason like I mean I killed one and I got their soul that I’m just hanging on to but I don’t really know what to do with that let me try this creeper huh like you’re supposed to get an achievement you can’t I can’t do anything about

That yeah I’m not going to lie this might go yeah I think maybe we should take it out oh sucks it does not it’s just you can’t I can’t really do anything about it yeah I guess you should you you should see what what what just happened to me on my stream just

Now nah I got jumped well if I can’t tame them then I’m not going to deal with them then they can go but if I can tame them I don’t know you might might just have to deal with it I’m saying no holy [ __ ] there’s no amount of dealing with

It that’s going to be worth this [ __ ] way fling me super far away or something um okay but you got to teleport me where you go oh my God and this guy this gezer wait if actually never mind it’s just mobs I’m doing you a favor damn I almost hit it

Too save yourself live the life I want you to have or Dam it it’s not even working anymore go away I’m trying to get to you guys I’m really trying holy [ __ ] okay hold on stop okay s half ago this I have to go give me a

Second I’m I’m going deal with this now hope it doesn’t mess with my progress quite a bit keep the Slenderman holy [ __ ] I’m part of my plan I’m I’m I’m I’m okay the problem’s been de I’m okay all just get holy [ __ ] called again I’m too much this guy holy [ __ ] says the server is missing the following okay uh are you able to get back on the server now or no like I remove but I still can’t join the server

Is missing the already did D did did you close out of the game holy [ __ ] what to you g one of my friends box not a team captain it was a that like the metal Gib oh what $800 holy [ __ ] and Little Finger emojis well I mean he’s called a Gibb

His spy so I’m pretty sure he’s not going to give it up oh dude it’s so nice not seeing these ugly ass green blocks everywhere yeah I’m running out of quartz actually I think I ran out of quartz already so sucus you and I I got to go get some

Obsidian you don’t say nope well where are you I’m oh [ __ ] oh it’s so nice all right about to be out of bullets right now I’m trying to go look for a cave or something I’m trying to snowball my way up man I got I have a plan but I just I’m

Figuring out the way to do it I I think I know Den can already shoot laser death beams but you know storm I I do have a gift for you yeah Mhm really yes I do actually oh I do have that well that’s interesting should put that away [ __ ] I’m in a cave okay a big am I allowed to be there or no sure if you want well how do I get there uh I can tell you my

Coordinates I guess so I’m killing a John right now though I’ll be there I’m at 1,000 I have a pickaxe actually storm I really wish you’d uh come to me I’m trying really spawn point where Slender Man is it’s because I was doing something just let me cook can I cook

Can I please cook here what is that why is there music box what okay hold on hold on you’re mine now no why uh oh why why is this mod just not working I use it on vanilla mods first I did it’s just not working guy huh is

That Frozen guy yours no no it’s not mine wait hold if I were you hey wait where are you where is he give me him you why can’t you just obey my every command please oh that’s your zombie storm says it’s my zombie but it’s not treating it treating me like it

I can kill him everything I don’t like I I booted up a survival uh do you have to own something that makes you control them oh wait hold on what um maybe I do dumb ass um here I have a gift for you yeah what is it this what is that dirt oh

Hi look look okay okay oh you guys want to go down to have a soul Rune look at this Soul Run zombie give me that breed soul I guess I’ll keep that on I made path down storm what am I doing I made us a path down any of y’all got torches

Um uh no works for me oh lapis storm storm I need that I need that I need that get it for me okay here um I have a pickaxe actually but it’s about to break oh so you did start some our stuff huh I told you I’m just

Let me cook you know I’m I’m snowballing this here you know I may look incompetent but I’m I’m planning something no you I’m I’m glad you know that you look that you look incompetent wow just a hitter everyone hating on me for real oh oh speaking of which see CU I have a

Gift for you too really yeah I don’t remember this being part of um oh hey I think there’s stuff down here guys I accidentally went into a dungeon I think oh I can’t use any magic without completely obliterating you all so maybe you should go in

First I’ll spam back a bit oh oh you need those you need those need what help help help I’ll try to help you oh we both just died um teleport me again you should teleport me again be careful stop doing that Su should totally teleport me again there man there all right last

Time he was to the two people watching we’re not going to do it anymore I was Lally getting spawn camped by Slender Man oh that’s probably not a good idea huh oh yeah I was like what the [ __ ] oh I have an idea I have a good idea too

Move that is a good idea I think it worked little help suus ouch you said you need help uh actually let me get some stuff before you TP me back where’s oh man that TP I’ll help you I lost my D anyone got anyone got my staff man look St you have

Guns I don’t got bullets what do you what bullets do you need what gun do you have a Glock 17 I can make you bullets what bullets do you need 9 mil 9 mil I can make 9 mil I have uh a little bit of copper stick

Is steing back when you got a chance all right just know if you exit this little corner you’ll probably die did you did you happen to get one of my uh stabs I the table now St I don’t know I dropped a staff down there it’s gone

Iron nuggets okay so I don’t need but I need Co so I’ll keep it um yeah I don’t have it I have it I do not I don’t know if you want to necessarily check over there either get my damn staff hold on all right here go I’ll make you an

Opening oh my God don’t bring him in here [ __ ] where D go here teleport me back actually um let me put some stuff away before I do imately di here um I think you could teleport me back now yeah I think you could teleport me back what happened I don’t know left

We’re still in here internal server error you’re boo I guess what’s going on okay what’s going on what’s going on here I don’t know seeus join suus left don’t know let me restart my game just doing like this weird [ __ ] and that sucks what I just I just lost my staff in

There yeah a little bit it’s all right I guess I’ll uh make another one I think all right yeah I don’t know what’s going on with these s hold I’m about to Google it yeah I slept through the night hey somebody broke my [ __ ] thing what thing you see my staff in there

Though no the that’s what I’m talking about I think it was just three Emerald though and I have quite a few Emerald not the one I want that’s fun what other spells can I use you’re back in oh great hello hey hello well what what happened yeah what oh you got nothing

What’s all your stuff uh well it’s probably all gone all right what happened I don’t know well what’ you have I mean you just I think the audience would understand if you just brought it back no it’s all right you sure I actually I have um the

Facilities for you to make a new gun if you’d like here yeah you teleport to uh to Denton I know you guys are doing your thing I’m doing IOU or whatever you know yeah teleport to Denton damn damn damn I’m doing something I bet that reset this though

Maybe what and watch it didn’t and I’m just going to have to be like sad is anyone’s still watching check on the man it ah my diamond I have like I have like I have like like 40 40 some diamonds really mhm it’s all right yeah they’re not actually that

Hard to come by by the way yeah they’re really not actually I have well but I just crafted stuff so I I had like 40 well check with the dun in here yet you love him haha here let me message him it’s been a while since I seen the

Dunks boy oh boy oh boy oh my [ __ ] god open just collecting wood you know the usual I was one step step away from from reaching my goal one where you at probably near you oh really yeah where my familiar can’t really go very far can I I guess

Not here you know what I feel kind of bad so I’m just gonna give you one of these oh that’s pretty did you even get that toas oh wow thank you don’t s Rel here have another oh my God thank you how do you get this

[ __ ] hey man look you got your stuff I got my stuff I told you I’m I’m cooking I’m I’m trying to cook I can see there’s a bee here let me see if this works can I can mind if I hit you

Go for it I have a B I have a little B friend if he would follow me you’re going to force him to kill himself on me lazy ass hey so you’re just not going to okay I seriously don’t know what I’m doing wrong like I really don’t know what I’m doing wrong

I uh do the exact same thing in survival and it just didn’t do it like it uh what is it just I don’t know why they’re not does it have something to do with how much experience you have I have 386 levels how I told you I’m just I’m cooking

Right now okay how have you been able to do this in such a short amount of time spend time in the Slender Man biome you’ll see man now now I feel like I’m really behind no you’re fine you’re fine it’s all right once I finish grabbing all these birch trees it’s over

For you’re going to get your guns and stuff like that you’re going to get there don’t worry here you can use my facilities for gun crafting yeah oh man I just remembered [ __ ] oh look you what are you damn what I had a a stockpile of like materials to make a

Workbenches is that I mean I have like where concrete powder and some iron you can have oh okay where the hell is my familiar he’s just [ __ ] lazy [ __ ] wasn’t he jeez man like you know the occasional like like [ __ ] [ __ ] is like you know that’s we we chilling we balling that was

That I forgot you were screaming my bad that one came out of nowhere no it’s y trust me if you had familiar you’d be saying that too uh I need for this luckily it’s nothing too surprising I’m already familiar with Denton’s game I’m just glad that nothing else I’m

Just glad nothing else came out of his mouth you make it sound like I’m a bad person Denton says in the in in in a bad person voice is this a hole in the ground where does this go that’s right I’m going to go exploring might have to go to the nether

How do you how do you make backpacks uh leather again yeah leather string and a chest leather should be easier to find now right yeah you’re right I what I would say if leather was easy to find I think I think I might have had something in my inventory that belonged

To the uh the mod that we just got rid of oh yeah that’s probably it and and so it wouldn’t let me in and then next thing you know like it wouldn’t let you in cuz it had that stuff in your inventory so the next best thing it did

Was just wipe it you know I think that was probably the whole thing kind ofad I’m kind of stacked on nether right now who the hell is this nether what hey don’t hit me do you have any need for netherite oh they’re just going to kill

Me oh hey this is pretty neat I just got killed by people Unbreaking to they you going to say Peter girlfriend hey Peter so we’re stick with the dunks at’s what’s his deal huh why didn’t he show up huh tell me why did you DM him no I did not I don’t

Know I just don’t think he deserves to be dmed don’t you like that guy go back to my base and make stuff I don’t know how to get there oh okay never mind that yeah it’s all right I I appreciate it but I’m sure I’ll figure it out it’s

Fine I’m sure it it’s much more entertaining for the viewers to watch me lose everything anyways yikes I’m just saying hey are we are we making this into a video or are you just streaming it uh this first one probably probably just going to leave it as a

Stream but leave the VOD up but then uh the next one’s where things are actually getting interesting is probably when I’ll start uh like turning them into little videos ouch that hurt unless people like would really want to see like a like a shorten version of what happened

Today you can ask you always ask yeah I guess I guess that is true I can do that I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with all these levels I know what I do with all those levels yeah mhm what would you do if you had 386

Levels I’d get some really good armor and then enchant it you’re right see what I had all these levels for was for the uh tame one but I think I don’t know why it’s not working automatically and survival the the survival what I did it just worked automatically they just

Doesn’t do automatically but I think I have to resurrect um for them to listen to me but I’m going to that intentional have you tried uh resurrecting them yet I don’t know how to that’s the thing I don’t know well okay uh I do know how to

But and he I need to go to the nether you should go to the nether you’re right you’re right you’re right that’s our goal too salt alter can resurrect your M with its Soul Rune okay yeah that’s what I need I need I need bones and Squids

H I need a Nether Star oo that’s going to be hard it’s better be worth it suas I I might need to ask a favor uh sure what is it okay since it’s like day one you know can is there any possible way you can give me a soul Rune

And just like test okay like uh I mean a soul alter Soul alter cuz I don’t want to fight a Wither just to realize the mod does not work can you like TP me real quick and then place a soul alter then just like delete everything after I figure out if

It works or not like if it works that’s great but then I’ll get it the legitimate way but like I’m there’s just no way that I’m going to be able to fight a Wither you haven’t tried it in a Solo world I’m saying I did but it

Worked and it worked but like um okay when I tried to do the exact same thing here didn’t work so I don’t really know you don’t have a soul alter do you no I’m saying I don’t have a soul alter but I’m saying I tried like a survival

Thing and in a separate survival world do you need the I’m saying like sukus teleport to me real quick give me a soul alter I see if it works or not if it works that’s great I’ll get it the legitimate way if it doesn’t work then

Now we know and I don’t have to waste my time you know what I’m saying get you get catch my draft sounds like a lot of hoop out of me here seeus just alter that’s that’s all I need what’s on my head um it’s a crossair blue hat what’s the mod

Called tame mobs I mean mob pets mob pets I need like feather falling or something if I ever want to use this it’s called a what well I guess you could sell you to sell it to me soul alter I have feather falling five right

Now there if you need it and it’s on boots all right cool see this okay did not you’re in ghost mode okay break some maybe you should like not be holding it I don’t know okay I okay uh give me it you you’re holding it no I’m not oh there it is okay

What this shit’s just broken or something I don’t understand make some twerk make some twerk make some twerk I’m about to make some twerk I’m about to make some twerk I’m about to make some twerk see it didn’t even work at all hold on here you spider you’re my spider now can you

Listen to me no you’re not listening to me man is it cuz like it’s a multiplayer world or something like look it did you try Googling it that’s the thing I can’t really Google it it’s got a basic ass name called mob Pets As the mod name like it

Can’t really what am I supposed to do if I look at mod pets it’s just like clickbait videos of like you can tame this mob in Minecraft no way like I ever have you tried making some twerk yet no have you tried no you should I think it might work right all right

Some twk make some twerk make some twerk I guess you do your thing um Denton I’m going to come to you and give you the feather falling for a trade cuz apparently my entire mod that I base my existence off does not work so well trust it’s all right you still have

You could still summon Skeletor yeah I mean that’s cool and all until you just shoot him with a giant laser death beam um his laser laser death beam doesn’t even really do that much damage to be Hest figure it out I’ll figure it out no it doesn’t figure

Out feel bad about that man huh I’m just saying I’m also just saying like basic skeletons aren’t really going to do gosh y’all are such Debbie downers y you’re so okay um people die if they’re killed really I didn’t know thater I guess I’ll be on my way are you

Which which direction are you me no Denton oh um I am uh uh from where I I just have a house man like what are you you don’t want to know where I went are you Southeast not I mean yeah where’d you go yeah I don’t really know I went

South damn side huh mhm I kind of just want to go and explore now that I have a bit more power but uh feel free to take any of the 9 mm that I have in my uh chest okay I have quite a lot of it so yeah outer gold is probably not

Something I want to be taking I lost more Diamond somehow okay yeah this work going this ain’t going well t can go on an adventure with you sure I mean I’m next to the spawn oh well H that’s fine I have a wayo remember yeah yeah we get it you’re better than

Me what’s this here huh uh just some hats I found oh okay I got a little dude on my head now so cool lost all my diamonds somehow didn’t you give me some yeah but I had like so much more but it’s all right oh I’ll get more I’ll get

More would that work yeah I think it does you should do it I know it works on pigs and Saddles dude I’m trying no I know I guess it only works on pigs and Saddles that Soviet guy what’s up what’s up what’s up hello hello sorry stop scaring them you’re

Going to make them feel scared no I would never uh if you just if you’re just too to if you’re just if you’re you know what uh whatever if you just got here just now um I had a bunch of stuff and then the game started tweaking out and I lost

Everything and so I’m like U like I’m like a bunch of I’m really behind I’m I’mma check inside this boat a look at that get the [ __ ] over here that’s have a neighborhood ball I mean you killed this kid for what a bit of

Lapis no I got a copper block out of it okay never mind maybe that was worth it here Denton I I’ll be there soon in um I’m not at my house anymore oh on the right there look at that you still any feather falling no I’m just going to not use that spell

But it’s kind of dangerous wow look at that pretty cool ooh nether portal we should go to that yeah we should maybe it’ll have obsidian in it I mean there’s a oh man I don’t even have my diamond pick anymore gosh darn it I could be some

Assistance I can be of some assistance actually storm did give me some some diamonds to kind of rebuild maybe it’s worth it bundle oh no I can help both of you just for some resources of course I have netherite and diamonds we get it you’re sweaty TR hard

Man gosh you don’t have I’m not I’m not I’m just saying I can help you guys for something like what what do I have to offer you not you Denton what do I have that you want we’ll see that’s all I’m trying to figure out if I can actually get to

You instead of getting killed every five minutes well I don’t think it’s going to matter cuz I have a spatial barrier around my house hey there are Villages this way oh I guess you got a spatial barrier around some [ __ ] so how about I help you what

Huh I think you already have a spatial up area around some [ __ ] cuz I never want to [ __ ] talk to you I just said that I’m talking to some [ __ ] right now who it’s called Denton and sugas what what did I do I don’t know I just

Lost everything and this is how I’m getting treated you’re right a small price to pay to no longer have those [ __ ] [ __ ] running around I’m I’m I’m practically homeless right I mean you were living in you were homeless before yeah but I mean at least I was rich fair enough yeah we

Kind of just doing a nomad thing but now I’m just homeless and poor not very swag if you ask me nothing wrong with being poor but in Minecraft it’s uh very wrong to be poor not if you’re poor in Minecraft yikes can’t believe this is how uh sukus thinks of the homeless and

The poor it’s okay in Minecraft though not in real life YouTubers are so desensitized these days homeless people we get it you of keys we understand you have more keys than me I have zero Keys dude stop lying guys storm literally just bought a hat in TF2 that was like

It was like 1,400 keys or something ridiculous you talking about he bought he bought he bought a very very expensive hat no it didn’t that’s not true he bought the what was it was what it was like dark doorway on like a patriot Peak or something cu the uh the team

Captain right the uh what is it the want the Flames I forgot the Burning Flame team captain Oh yeah something like that I’m not really in the T to I just think that had look cool I had some spare change left over the spare change line bro was

Really found find it in the Couch’s cushion uh so I just sorry to treat myself there a couple K yeah you know how it be sometimes robbed some guy for for for a singular penny at least I had something to eat the guy the penny the guy oh I just eat the

Guy listen man have you ever tried eating human before like it’s it actually doesn’t taste that good I’m not going to lie bad for you but it’s just it feels so good it it tastes pretty bad I’m not gonna lie you can’t like no matter how

Much you season it like it does it smells it you know it doesn’t really taste that great yeah but it’s it’s really it’s really tough as well all right I dropped down by one viewer that one viewer thinks I eat humans you don’t sucus Where’d you go I’m over

Here next to this portal oh no where is it uh what direction did you go straight left or right I think I went [ __ ] I think I went North [ __ ] wait how do I open up my mini map again uh I don’t know North would be the

Way we came from up the hill no way hold on what’s this mod called with the mini Maps I don’t know I don’t know either I need to open it too because I’m kind of lost says I’ve already been here before I mean it says I haven’t been

Here before and I thought I was going the right way apparently not oh whoa G open something completely different than you g opens the Cosmetics yeah all right uh I’m going to try and come all the way back to you okay I mean just tell me what direction

You came from at least know I don’t okay okay fine you guys went West I see did we that’s where you told me to go the first time is West and I don’t even have my food anymore s now I’m going to stop no oh man what happened I accidentally

Stepped on a snail I didn’t know you can kill him by just walking over them was an accident he did it on purpose guys you right I should I did that on purpose a k wow you got me okay that looks like okay oh I did start

Going backwards oopsie how do you open the mini map yeah I started going north man I’m not going to lie how do you open the uh the mini map you talking to me yeah how do you open the mini map mm yeah I opened it to see where I was

Going yeah what the what button you know you talking to me yeah yeah you know oh [ __ ] hey how do you open that mini map uh I changed the button mine was at Z and then I changed it to not Z wait [ __ ] Nazi Nazi that that folks can we clip that I

Changed it to Jay God damn it not Z shut up what’s up hey what’s up where we going uh I don’t know do you have any anything that I could cons my name is Adolf Hitler of the Frank I on do Mike stop saying that you can’t say that I love that

Video car get in this boat oh or you could do that to them as well that works I just watched d x throw black hole at a bunch of little kids oh and I’m going to defend myself they they all died was their fault I’m close I think

Maybe what are youring oh my God uh 17 you’re already you’re already not even near 97 get a job get a job what getting chased by John’s why I good for you man and that sucks I wish I can tame you guys no thanks I’m good you can tame me any

Day pick me girl that’s a skeleton with a beehive on its head I’m just going to keep going over here I think oh is this a village okay I’m at where uh you know we were in the dungeon kept dying I’m there far you from that how you manage

That I just walked to my old death where you guys were I walked where you guys were well then spawn there and staying around there uh okay what you get oh I need that actually man I wish my mod worked oh I just got I just I just got myself a

Bunch of a what what what that’s pretty helpful oh hey sukus sukus sukus sukus sukus come here yeah here let me get rid of these mobs down there but um yeah oh man another one don’t worry about it oh another storm TV head what oh oh obsidian I need that

Oh nice I’ll take that I need that is it a oh my God it’s a wise tree look at that a clock man reg potion there I found I found a wise tree I’m going to burn it down so wise anymore cuz you’re on fire by you should take the storm TV head

Actually I’ll take it I’ll put it on okay there this John mod is very annoying too how the the John mod is actually pretty fun yeah whatever just saying that the baby ones are very fast they are pretty fast uhoh hm is that a regular size John

Or a big John no that’s just a regular size one you’d know if it’s a big one I can show you my big John there he is a wow what happened you happened yeah I thought he’ put up more of a fight that was really ridiculous my

Bad did you just kill yourself I didn’t mean to but let me drop some stuff off and I can make something also pretty cool you said you can make some twer yeah this is great I knew this would come in handy sooner or later just didn’t exactly know how it would

Be see look I don’t know man I don’t know it’s not working like it’s it’s working on single player but as soon as multiplayer hits my the whole mod just doesn’t work for some reason and I really wish it would why are you out here villager you need to get inside your

House and hide from the [ __ ] that are after you wait Su saw a villager and didn’t kill it immediately you okay man listen man I’m starting from humble beginnings right now okay M all right I’ve got to remain humble you know I’ve been driving for thousands of blocks I say like young

Young thug truly humble under God young fly on the track what h a single cow no no cows oh yeah oh yeah this is the greatest thing I’ve ever I’ve ever found ever come here you flock of Johns I don’t fear any oh main I need to go

Mining I’ll go with you okay you kind of know how I mine remember yeah you MERS I get it you don’t have to say the joke again gosh okay whatever I know you’re trying to get maps accepted into the LGBT but like come on dude it’s getting kind of creepy

I’m still streaming oh yeah that’s right God damn it am mind a tping over here why is this happening again I want take a pist real quick I’ll be right back why is this happening again why why why why only me why only me I’m your master why are you not following my

Orders and that’s it was good I’m take a just keeps announcing to everyone he’s got to Dick a piss M it’s kind of strange holy [ __ ] I’m rich I’m rich I’m I’m I’m rich I’m holy [ __ ] stop it God die he he’s saying young fly on the track you need to stop

Saying cuz everybody knows what’s after that shut up oh my God I love Plants versus Zombies mus like what’s wrong what are you talking about holy [ __ ] I don’t understand why I got a gift for you teleport me there um I can’t game tweaking out so I’m I’m holy [ __ ] I what you me yeah I already know you’re going to say it again I’m rich not going to say yes you are I’m what holy [ __ ] likees can I not like that wow I don’t know why this is doing this to you my God I’m going to kill myself

That’d be pretty sad if you did that I think I think what is going on here oh my God storm are you coming to my house I’m completely like I don’t even know where you guys went I’m be honest I haven’t CH like my house has not moved I’ve

Been I’ve been doing my thing you know I’m just just existing right now um I don’t know what I’m doing kind of but I’m just doing it and I’m okay with that found an old diner with something bunch of iron I can use that oh okay well I’m going to I’m going

To the stream so that I can see if I can fix this okay all right sorry guys [ __ ] stream bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded LIVE! feat. DentonX, StormTV, and more!!’, was uploaded by Sookus on 2024-01-15 03:27:26. It has garnered 34 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:47 or 15167 seconds.

I’ve decided to start a minecraft server for discord members to join and play on! If you want to join the server you MUST be a verified member in the discord which is a special rank we give to active members of the community! Link to the discord is here: https://discord.gg/5Mu2mrPCSV

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  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More