Unleashing Chaos: Skibidi Toilet Mob Battle

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Today we’re doing a skiy m battle but whatever you craft comes to life Sophie are you ready to lose no way I’m totally going to win that $500 prize Well we about 5 minutes to craf we should probably get started Lou yeah let’s get going whatever we put in this crafting

Table will come to life so we need to make sure this is perfect but before we get started how about we go to Sophie side and prank her already oh this is kind of crazy first we’re going to put these invisible potions on and that way

We can seek on to her side without her seeing us all right Lou let’s open up her craft and see what and see what she’s done so far and oh my goodness L what do you think she’s crafting Jamesy I don’t know about you but it kind of

Looks like a spider all right well whatever that is how about we head back to our side and start with our op craft all right let’s do it all right L I think we should use some red wool some black wool and some white wool to make

Our craft wait a second wa there’s so many TV woman on her side wait is that what she was crafting I thought it was a spider oh my goodness that was what she was crafting Jamesy with these colors what are we crafting I think we should make a speaker man wait you’re right

Speaker man is so much stronger than the baby woman yeah she so he has like these red speakers like this I mean that’s already looking pretty good the head isn’t all red so we can do it like this instead that’s a lot better oh with this

T woman Army there’s no way Lou and James are going to win that $500 prize she’s too op oh Lou do you think Sophie’s right she’s always spawned in a Titan on the first round oh what is she saying there’s no way we’re going to lose against this after all uh women

Drool and boys rule Lou you can’t say that but guys if you agree with Lou type # boy Power in the comment comment all right I think this is good to go how about we get a lever and we craft this bad boy into existence okay

All right let’s do it let’s activate it in three to oh my gosh the craft is making so many of them can you believe it um this is a lot faster than I thought it would be we spawn so many oh my goodness and look at

This guy he exactly what our craft looks like don’t you Gray he’s beautiful Lou he’s red he’s your favorite color right uh exactly I mean look at me I’m so stylish so he’s got these really giant speakers on his head these are super duper powerful because they can play

Really super duper loud sounds and it stuns the enemies oh yeah what can tvom do play our favorite show I I doubt that’s to going to distract us at all and if the sound abilities from his head aren’t working he also have this really cool laser in his stomach you see this

Yes and he’s super big so he could probably just crush them in like 2 seconds and then if that doesn’t work he has a rocket launcher attached to his arm what I didn’t even see that Yep this can shoot out rockets at the enemy and eliminate this

Woman wait a second Jamesy do you notice what Sophie’s building what is that this is going to be the Titan TV woman to rule them all she’s going to lead my Army to victory oh my goodness look she’s building some sort of shrine all the TV wom will be super cool and stuff

Now because they think they have a cool woman leader we need to do something about this how about we upgrade our armor we can make them more powerful but you have any idea as how first of all we can put some speakers on the ground like maybe to power them up or something

Might be a good idea if we can amplify their sound they should do more damage look at this maybe we can use these yeah how about we do a not block oh oh yeah look at this this is making some sounds this is making some sounds Jamesy that’s

Making like no good sounds what about this one this one sounds way better um well Lou I don’t care because I’ve got my play on repeat look at this Tunes the tunes are be played oh we’re making a beat we’re making a beat yeah and then

We just put lots of these around like this what what is going on right now and then we put another one right here and another one right here like this this beat is this crazy this beat is crazy oh yeah oh yeah it’s going round it’s getting kind of loud though don’t you

Think it’s getting loud I I can’t really hear myself speak right now what are you saying buddy I can’t hear you I can’t hear you what what what’s going on I don’t know but I I I think they’re getting stronger what do you think um I think I’m getting weaker I can’t even

Hear anything okay let’s get away from them let’s get away from the okay it’s a little bit quieter this way all right we made our army more powerful but how about we make her Army weaker all right jamy let’s go to her side and uh ruin

Her life all right Lou so that we can sneak on to our side I’m going to morph us into TV woman wait a second jamy why would I want to morph into TV woman well when you look like TV woman like this we can go over to Sophie’s side and totally

Blend in look I look normal see H I guess so okay let me quickly B real quick Lou the problem is I’m a bit too big to fit through the door so we just have to break a hole in the wall let’s go we got to go quick before sopie sees

The hole go go through go through go through break it oh no no some sneaking some sneaking whatever we’ll eliminate them later on I’m sure they’re going to get killed by our Titan TV man or speaker man anyway W there’s so many of them here but wa what

Is Sophie doing she’s just sitting around watching TV there’s no way I can lose this competition so I might as well just catch up on my favorite TV show she’s making a mockery of us she’s making fun of us she’s watching TV J with mob battle oh Jamesy don’t worry

It’s fine look she’s already distracted we could just mess with her build without her even noticing oh genius all right what’s the easiest way to break a TV make it a it’s electrocuted you know what I’m to do we can put water on it no no no we have to

We have to supply it with even more electricity more surge of power I’ve got these flasks of liquid electrolyte it is very similar to what you said it’s liquid but not any normal liquid liquid electricity isn’t that op that is kind of op maybe I could put some fans

Underneath it to blow it all the way at her build now I’m going to put a leather right here and let’s watch this go any 3 two wo wait where did that go do it not even work they just you can’t let’s just do it by hand just do

It by hand throw them throw it everywhere throw I’m me too what’s happening what’s going on oh oh my TV woman they’re electrocuting where’s all this power coming from oh no oh no so flying she might see you I got to turn off this TV could it

Be this oh no they’re all dying Jamesy there’s one problem we’re immune to it so if we get electrocuted selfie knows it’s us luck it’s okay she won’t notice just kill the rest of them we need to get all the rest t go go go that way

She’ll need to have to craft more oh there’s so much electricity everywhere how do I make it stop buzz buzz buzz I know they’re almost all dead wait a minute how come this one isn’t electrocuting she clearly has lighting I think she’s on to me I think she’s on to

Me something just pushed me back what is this to get up here maybe the electricity is coming from here I need to break it oh no Lui totally figures us out oh don’t worry she thought it was our device at the back she would never know it’s us okay

Fine that worked pretty well but before the round ends we still have another minute left we need to do something else something to make our mobs even stronger will this sound isn’t working it’s so loud how about we just get some strength potions that works right yeah let’s do

It throw the strength all over them look he has the effect that means he’s going to do double the damage now guys strength to double the damage oh there’s no way we’re losing now there’s no way there’s no way there’s no way Li you’re right there is no way there is spread

Out these Ms and there we go all right and we need to quickly spawn some more I don’t think we have enough quick look how many of they are look how many of they are and they quickly Splash them of strength while they’re all piled

Up go go go go go go go go go go go go go all right boys I think time is up are you ready to lose oh no have time we W have time the fight’s about to start all right you know what Sophie yeah we are

About to lose I mean no we’re about to win no you’re way you’re totally about to lose right well our craft is better so we’re going to win all right is everyone ready yep I’m ready three 2 1 go come on Titan TV speaker man yep we

Crow the Titan speaker man your totally going to lose I can see so many ding what is this thing it’s so annoying no we’re totally going to win this is the sound of your demise get rid this here I can’t believe it I can’t believe you destroyed it what whatever we’re

Still going to win right Lou we’re going to win we’re going to win 100% look this fight is going crazy I don’t know I see a lot of t Titan speaker man dying no don’t worry don’t worry we can do this what what how did you do that

Sophie how do you do that wh good girl power yeah guys comment # booy power if if you think boys better or girl power if you think girls better that’s wrong that’s wrong it’s fine we’re doing a best of five so we have to go to the

Next round let’s do this oh Lou we cannot let a mistake happen again okay we need a craft the best mob there is I’ve already got a good idea all right I’ll let you take the lead on this one what are you crafting buddy I’m going to

Craft the strongest mob in the skimy universe um okay I really trust you with this one please don’t let me down there we go what do you think it is right now jamy um Lou what is this I’m so confused Jamesy how don’t you know what this is

Have you ever got eyes um guys comment down below if you know what this is but it looks like nothing to me right well before we craft this we should probably see what Sophie’s crafting so that we can get you know a bit of a heads up bit

Of Intel all right let’s get invisible potions and we know each other are cuz we have bro code all right we’re over here let’s take a look see what she’s crafting um Lou why is she building some sort of tnt monster oh no maybe it’s got explosives maybe it’s going to blow us

All up I don’t know but hopefully this is really weak guys what do you think this is I’m not sure black concrete Let’s uh go back to our side and finish our craft okay maybe she’s building some like rare TNT man I don’t know but let’s pull this Leever and craft this op

Monster I really hope you’ve built a Titan here Lou I definitely have this is the biggest strongest scariest M ever three 2 1 i b Jamesy this was supposed to be bigger L that is literally exactly what you drew um you know what I actually know

Why it came out like this yeah mhm why would you make a baby um because I said it was the scariest mob ever and nothing’s scarier than a baby oh my goodness they do cry a lot well okay here’s here’s the thing it could be strong I mean his entire face is a

Speaker right I’m sure he can beat whatever Sophie’s what look what she crafted what is that oh no it has nuclear symbol on its face um Lou it looks like TV man but he’s a TNT TV man well uh Jamesy I think it’s already over for us I think we’ve lost this round

Already mhm oh my goodness so TV man but he can control TNT okay that’s not good but fine we’ve got speaker baby babies are really loud and scary and and Sophie’s a girl she might be you know scared of babies cuz she doesn’t want to have one Jamesy what would this

Character’s special ability be like pooping its pants pooping and that gives me a good idea let’s put down a ton of poop oh that the baby will be his natural habitat let’s do it poop poop poopy poop poop poop poop poop the poop will make them stronger and uh they’ll

Do what babies do throw poop everywhere there is an advantage to having a little baby they’re small which means we can fill our side of the arena with way way way way way way way more of them that makes sense they’re small fast hard to

Hit and uh probably Pack A Punch If we get them strength what if we could make them big though that would solve all of our problems right wait a second I think there is a way to make them big what if we got a shrinking device oh yeah I just changed the this

Too like this and then I smacked him like that oh my God that thing got so big yep now this is a giant baby Titan speaker baby how about we just make some of them really fat that no look at the baby fat oh my goodness look this is like you

When you were a baby I I know right but look at this guy he’s a a little uh big and he’s fat oh my goodness what a terrible combination just like your mother there we go I’m making a t of these babies nice and big that way we

Have a really strong baby Army oh yes wait Jamesy maybe we should make some of them really small just so that they won’t be seen wait that could be a really good idea I’ll do nor point2 like this oh my goodness look we’re going to take them by surprise but they’re just

As powerful right let me uh let me see damage I don’t know um ow the baby on they do just as much damage Lou all right we have the element of surprise so people don’t even know they’re here until it’s too late look at them I look

At army of ants yep we’ve won mhm we’ve won we aren’t losing this one okay Lou bit it’s not over yet we have to go over to her side and make her TNT what is she building what is that I hope I did this right I think Lou said to put it like

This so hopefully these dynamites will explode whatever they have we need to go over there right now and disable that machine all right let’s get in there what is this oh my goodness it has dynamite in there oh no she’s making a nuclear device she’s making a nuclear

Doomsday device oh it has a Leever wait I going to activate it w come quick me cover back up cover back up cover back up cover back up oh no oh no I didn’t think it would go through the Bedrock and then I forgot it’s not Bedrock it’s oneway glass pretending to

Be bedrock jamy use your brain we can’t just have Sophie know what’s going on I’m sorry all right Lou now that I’ve realized that was a bad idea let’s go back over there and disable this machine go go go go go you know what would be

Poetic Lou um what JY if we blow up our Dynamite machine with dynamite oh my gosh do it wait what’s that noise perfect jamy my machine is it malfunctioning oh no yep it function it malfunction how isn’t she noticing you throwing it all I don’t know but I’m going to destroy these guys

But Lou they’re so damage resilient I threw dynamite in their face and they just shoved it off JY JY JY my invisibility ran out I had to blend in where are you where are you where I don’t see you uh look for me J look for

Me I’m jumping I’m jumping where are you I don’t see you I’m jumping I’m trying to blend in wait what is Dad that doesn’t look like a TNT man you almost almost got caught Jamesy all right Lou we need to figure out what TNT weaken what does TNT weaken you know anything

TNT I don’t really think it’s weak against anything other than water I mean it can’t destroy anything if it’s in water water exactly it doesn’t do any damage in water let’s cover these people with water all right ready 3 2 1 water beautiful hopefully wait wait look

They’re drowning look at them they dying in the water wait how are they dying did you put down poisonous water maybe um why would I do that wait that’s a genius idea fake water it will do just as much damage as real would but it would be

Even better wait is that a waterfall where’s this water coming from is there like a leaky pipe somewhere is she an idiot they’re coming from our buckets yeah I know so she’s so dummy dumb dumb oh yeah oh yeah that’s good look at that look at that that’s damage that’s

Carnage oh no the water’s all short circu in my TNT TV bed oh I need make it go away oh I only have 30 seconds to sponge all this water up we need to get back over there we have 30 seconds to spawn in more babies come on come go go

Go Lou I’m going to make them so tiny that Sophie isn’t even going to know they exist okay they’re just going to kill our army oh my gosh that’s sounds like a great idea I can’t wait to win ready 3 2 1 boom oh no oh my goodness

They can L eat the poop as well we win we win we win all right guys time’s up I hope you’re ready I’m 100% ready I don’t know if we are our army looks tiny but it’s cuz they are tiny but do we have enough of them we have plenty we are

Going to win jany don’t you worry I oh no Lou I barely even see any little babies and she has so many TNT TV mans well don’t worry Jamesy half of our army is basically invisible so they could pop out of anywhere well let’s start this

Fight in three 2 1 and go come on fight fight fight fight fight did you guys spot in babies oh yeah there’s nothing better than a little bit of baby Warfare look at the Str oh he died never mind look at this J the babies are the

CH one died they’re tiny babies but they’re so slow Lou they’re so slow don’t worry J L they’re destroying them they can’t even see the babies yeah they’re attacking them look this guy here he just attack wait oh he’s oh what the the the dirt they can’t get out so

They’re stuck there oh my goodness there’s a little oby over here they just beat up so oh they just just beat up here as well oh my goodness oh my goodness cute it’s so hard for my tntm to hit them oh oh the baby just killed

Him wait look at this one look at this oneill the babies uh oh dead woo over here okay I don’t know Lou I really don’t think we’re winning there’s not that many over here but there’s a lot in this area right here why is there a hole

Here why is there a hole here cuz Sophie’s cheating fix the holes otherwise the babies will get stuck in them I’m doing it now and wait I just realized are these all poops did they come out of the poop Ms oh yeah the babies are coming from the poop

Mounds they are going over in armies going boom B BM and they’re killing the t wait you can out TNT speak TV woman mans whatever they called are you guys going to change all their tiny little diapers no I’m just going to wait until they die I think that’ll be a lot easier

Sorry oh my goodness look at them going in there’re infiltrating look at this one right here look at him he’s on the mission who’s he going after who’s he going after who’s he going after oh that one oh he killed him he killed oh he’s being attacked oh and Revenge Revenge

Was given you know what I’m going to move all the babies over here so they’re in the middle cuz they’re too small ready 3 2 1 and baby b oh my go my goodness it’s like a swarm of bugs it’s a tur infestation they’re like termites

Swarm look at them go well the reason why they were all T they couldn’t see their targets cuz they were literally too far away for them to see but now they have their eyes on the prize they go after them this not good yeah I think you’re losing this round Sophie you’re

To an army of babies so unfair it’s cuz they’re too tiny go go go get him get him come on you’re the last one look over here another one is De and there we go we won the second round the score is now one one well you’re removing the poop I think for

This round we should try another dude I cuz the last one worked really well all right Jamesy well uh how about you get started crafting I’ll just clean up all this nasty poop yeah the baby wow that worked so well I think this round I’m going to do something Emerald base you

Guys have to wait and see what I do though all right I’m going to get reinforced emeralds some emerals like that and I get some black wo and some white well B done well before I go craft it once again I think we should go over

To Sophie’s side and see what she’s up to okay let’s get in there all right let’s take a look she can’t see us cuz we’re invisible and uh what is she doing do you think she’s crafting a Bobby wait a second Jamesy I think I recognized

This it kind of looks like speaker woman no that’s too much pink it’s too much Pig like look this the headphones and the pink it’s definitely a girl okay well if it’s a girl then they’re going to lose Lou well since the round that I lost I

Ed a TV man but when I want to use a TV woman I must have to use a girl again to win oh my goodness L she seriously thinks girl power is a thing ew you know what we’re going to do a Manny man this round and show that boys rule or girls

Drule let’s do it all right we’re going to have these here like that boom boom boom boom boom and then we go like this and like this connect up in the middle and L what do you think of this um what are you doing so far it kind of looks

Weird uh L you look weird shush and then it looks more like a TV look get rid of these in the middle and then put white over here that sucks whatever you built it but if this comes out wrong Lou I’m going to sue you it will come out right

JY don’t worry I don’t have enough money to be sued I don’t have enough money all right guys I’m going to craft this up and we wait Lou she’s done with hers look what she’s done I told you it was speaker woman that’s not speaker woman

Lou that’s speaker wife speak of wife oh no um wives are scarier than women very scary look at her she’s got her headphones on Lou basically she’s listening to music and playing at the same time is that not psychotic I think that’s kind of bad Jamesy because uh

They can play uplifting music meaning they could destroy us l have you ever put whatever let’s craft this up let’s see what we get ready 3 2 1 and go W all right so let’s see what we have here so this is a TV man but it’s from

The Scooby Universe so it’s an AAL TV man wait I’m pretty sure last time I saw one of these it had creative mode though yeah so this one’s really powerful as you can see he’s made out of completely emeralds with Emerald feet Emerald hands and emerald coats and then he has a

Normal TV so he’s really powerful don’t you think yeah he must take a while to mine with a pickaxe we’ve made some mobs bigger we’ve given some mobs some strength what else can we do Lou how can we make this guy beefy well one thing

That I like to do is give them a potion of turtle master um Lou I said we already did potions you know what I have a better idea uh you can do that but I’m going to do armor editor so look with armor editor right click any entity to

Edit their equipment these guys are kind of like NY right now they’re just Emerald dudes okay okay but what exactly does this thing do well it lets you open up their armor inventory you could apply extra layers to them so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get some OP armor

Get some Dragon steal with me Lou can we get some like this boom boom boom some helmet some chest plates and some booty Woodies and then you click on them and then you give him the armor Jamesy I don’t know about you but that’s it’s too

Op we’re totally going to win now it’s not OP Lou and the best thing is is she can’t even see it look it’s literally invisible yeah that that guy is op and no one will ever know yeah so this guy if I go to survive mode he should do

Lightning damage but look ready 3 2 1 and oh my gosh it was so op that that one right there killed me in one hit all the other guys they only do like three hearts like really three two what they do like two hearts of damage but that

One guy did all of my hearts of damage every single one Jamesy I have a little memorial for you thank you Lou thank you Lou but I think instead of crying we should get more of them out let’s do it all right Jamesy I’ve added a bunch of

Lightning Dragon steel swords to like pretty much all of them there’s no way we’re losing now yeah I’m adding a few more in but I agree I think this is the end for Sophie I think that should be good though I think that should be a

Good start we’ve made our army a lot more powerful but look what’s she written on there Salon she’s building a salon okay girlies you can’t win if you don’t look your best so come over here Lou Gracie spends all of my money on salons this has to stop yeah okay I

Agree with you I agree with you let’s go over there and let’s put an end to this we need a morph into wife speaker woman ah there we go I’m Turing it to our lady all right nice all right let’s let go through here and now she can’t see us

All right we need to go to the salon and get some ideas what’s going on maybe we should like complain about the service and ask the manager true um excuse me ma’am um why is there so many people in here yeah it’s so crowded I tried to

Keep the clientele um one by one but everyone just keeps coming in um excuse me ma’am can you do my lashes please yeah um sure thing hold on let me get to you oh my goodness there’s so many of them in here here you know what I’m fed

Up of this I’ve been waiting here for over 4 minutes now and you still haven’t done my customer requests I still have many complaints you know what I want to speak to the manager yeah the customer is always right um I am the manager well I want to speak to your manager there’s

Nobody else I own the salon you know what my time is very very valuable at my job at customer service I get paid $40 an hour so I going blow your salon wait what no no no no no I this she doesn’t deserve clientele we’re taking you to

Court no come on I made it look so cute and everything I can’t you RAC take this no my there we go I would pray for my age at the age of 52 years old as a Karen oh no I’m going to have to respawn all my speaker woman enjoy your day

Goodbye good job jamy get back oh my goodness that was so successful and now that Salon is gone you’ll notice that there’s way less speaker wives over there because speaker wife can’t be somewhere well there is no Salon jamy I’m pretty sure that’s just because he

Blew half of them up with a DNT no they just went to a different city with a better Salon it’s fine well Sophie the round’s going to end in 30 seconds are you ready what oh my goodness I need to respawn all my speaker wives good luck

All right well let’s start this fight in three 2 one and go come on you guys you guys lose you guys going lose our Emerald mans are op woman you can do this I believe in you look at all the speaker women they’re just they’re getting rolled some

Of these Emerald guys are so strong Lou I think you it’s really easy to tell which ones have the armor and which ones don’t yeah cuz the ones with the armor just T hits they take no damage um Lou is it just me or is there way more

Speaker wives than there are emerald TV men don’t worry Jamesy it’s fine it’s fine the ones with the armor will prevail I don’t know guys my speaker woman seem to be slaying your T I’m adding some more guys with the sword so I think that’s a good Strat Strat Strat

You’re adding what what are you guys doing nothing nothing nothing look at him go off it’s pop off King go he dead um I think I think we’re going to I think we’re going to why did the woman keep winning win their freshly medicure nails are so

Powerful oh Lou we totally lost that round I know we need something stronger surpasses the strength of woman power I know right we’re losing 21 I think uh this time we need to do something more Godly oh wait Godly I think I have have

A mob we can try I think I know exactly what you’re going to do all right let me start with a little TV at the top first and then we have gold oh yeah there’s the arms arms on both sides and then it was white hands

Right I think yep and then white feet yeah all right all right you do that like this boom and boom and then we have to do the wings we don’t have much space so this is there that’s the wings right there the wings okay I guess that works

I think that will work we’re going to craft this in okay all right Jamesy let’s do it three 2 1 oh W look at this this is exactly what we drew so we got the wings we’ve got the white gloves the white feet and the gold buddy guys this

Is a variation of TV man from the skiy Multiverse it’s a version of him where he’s an angel or a God or something like that he has basically op power this is pretty much from the universe where SK toilet has been eradicated yeah look at this so he has

The wings which means he’s really Speedy we have the gold armor which means he’s super duper strong but let’s see what Sophie is crafting so I think we need to go invisible and take a look inside of our crafting table let’s get over there all right

And what is that do you know it looks like the first thing that she did I don’t know Lou let’s go back to our side and maybe she’ll craft it okay oh no one of my guys snuck over here it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine just leave him now

I’m pushing him back get in it it it it there we go I got to and there we go pH let’s see wait a second it disappeared Lou wait what is BU I he’s looking away right now he’s really just run away but wait I think that’s Titan

Cameraman oh my goodness it’s Titan cameraman she built a Titan do you think oh God TV man can withstand him oh of course they can these are Gods they’re not what are they going to do okay well Lou I have an idea for an upgrade but I

Don’t even know if it’s going to work okay Jamesy lay it on me we’re once again use the armor upgrade but this time we’re going to do a totem of UND dying in Shield slots you see that so let me let me just say this these guys

Are gods and we’re giving them totems of undying they have like three lives look I’m going to go over here to this guy in the corner I’m going to give him a totem like that and then I’m going to beat him up once he has the totem ready

All right let’s see what happens two one wa he popped a totem he popped a totem he has two lives all right hit him again hit him again maybe he uses the other one wait I have an OP idea Lou I have an OP idea put one totem on D in his off

Hand and then the other one in his main hand there we go now he has two totems him once he pops tot pop hit him again there’s no way we’re losing this one let’s just give them all totems we did it Jamesy now we are stronger than

Ever yes okay cool but now I want to do the next trick okay okay wait there another trick oh no yeah I’m going to make them as op as possible buddy they currently have wings but I think we can make them more effective um what do you

Mean by more effective Jamesy I’m going to put down a command block over here and I’m going to write a special hacker command in there remember I went to hacker school okay oh yeah wait I forgot about that and there we go Lou look what’s happening wait what’s going on

Why are they all teleporting around everywhere they’re not teleporting Lou they all now just have speed 100 because of this command I mean speed 10 sorry oh there is actually no way we’re losing we are just too powerful and wait James E James Z I see something yellow I see

Something yellow wait what’s somebody doing over here I’m not here I’m not here get out of here come back come back stop stop stop protect me camera protect me camera she ran away no fast oh yeah there’s no way we’re catching him did she put up cameras in our base oh no

Jamesy this isn’t good she’s trying to figure out what we’re doing so she could win oh it’s because she has a cameraman Army you know what Lou once we’ve done a few more changes we’ll go over there and we’ll wreck her up okay I made them all

Fast but you think I’m going to stop there wait what do you mean you’re not going to stop there what are you doing with that command block Jamesy we can give them a nut ref and I’m going to give them regeneration uh so you’re going to give them totems of undying regeneration and

Speed I don’t think there’s any way you’re going to be able to get any of them dying look I’m going to get myself a sword and we’re going to find out how strong they are with an OP sword unfortunately that pops them instantly see you can kill them just with free

Hits but if I get a slightly weaker sword like if I get a diamond sword that shouldn’t instantly kill them and they should regenerate look boom boom boom bo that’s literally no chance of them dying they can’t die the only way I think I can kill him is by like spam critting

Him but he’s ter it’s not working so the Titan cameramen are going to need to be at least stronger than a d sword maybe let me see does a neite sword work and let’s give this a shot with neite sword and boom boom boom JY I think we’ve made monsters y you know

What Lou we only have what like 30 of these mobs but I think that’s enough now that we’ve got our army done how about we go over to subie site and we wre up these cameras let’s do it so you know these cameramen they’re constantly recording this all is being put on

YouTube somewhere okay I see well YouTube doesn’t allow copyright material wait so does that mean we’re going to copyright them what we’re going to do is we’re going to draw a Jamesy logo and if they’re found on streaming that I’ll copyright strike them so that they can’t see anymore that will basically make

Sophie’s entire Army blind J that’s kind of mean but kind of fun let’s do it to everyone regardless of whether they put the jamy logo or not let’s both do a painting we can both try and make the best copyrighted logo we can okay and if

The cameraman look at it they get sued by us okay all right Jamesy let’s do it I’m going to draw a Jamesy logo so that I can copyright strike them myself all right I’m going to draw the Lou logo you’re going to love this Jamesy trust

Me you guys want to know a fun fact Gracie was the person who drew my profile picture isn’t it so cute whatever I’m doing the hoodie like that um my face is looking good I need to add all my hairy waries up here uh mine’s coming along pretty well JY what do you

Think uh let’s take a look wait why are you drawing pop whose logo is that um that’s that’s my logo uh Jamesy are you making fun of my logo oh my goodness Lou you’re so annoying can you have one day where you’re acting serious and you’re

Not being dumb um I am being serious this is actually my logo Jamesy are you making fun of my IP I need some blue for the eyes cuz this blue is all wrong guys my eyes are like a light ocean blue all right now all I need to do is just add a

Few more details and my logo will be done there we go I just needed to add the and there we go all right Lou what do you think of mine um Jamesy yours is way worse than mine I I think opinion oh what’s going on wait a minute why are

They all malfunctioning wait Jing what’s going working the ones who look at the profile pictures they get it all fried they must have some sort of computer error yes yes yes the copyright is working we’re taking all that money the copyright is working copyright what are these are these logos no no no

No no no no I got to fix this wait wait what is she doing she she’s getting rid she’s getting rid of our stuff ofed baly she’s defacing RP Lou is this poop no way no way I’m going to put a giant X over it yeah wait actually she made it

Better it looks like P defamation I’m not bald I have plenty of Hair J we need to take sopie to CT right now yep I’m going to take her and I’m going to sewer for Creative Commons come on let we come back to our side whatever well that’s a

Big army of Sophie has you see how huge it is oh it doesn’t matter how big her Army is Size Doesn’t Matter all right Sophie are you ready oh yeah I’m totally ready guys remember Lou we’re losing 2-1 we need to win this round otherwise if

We lose it the video is over don’t worry Jamesy we’ll bring it back don’t you worry let’s fight in five 4 3 2 1 and go remember Lou if we start seeing to being popped it’s bad news but I mean it’sing good so far so little come on because

They are God so they’re way stronger than yours amount of I guess that’s true Lou have you seen any of them die yet they all look good to me don’t think I have they’re just taking a lot of damage I don’t see any so strong they’re taking

So many hits yeah they are Gods after all they’re really super duper strong I think it’s going really well what do you think Lou I think we’re doing pretty well have you noticed that half of sop’s army isn’t even fighting wait oh that going to that literally running those

Ones running must be able to see with their cameras that they’re Gods I mean uh if I was a cameraman I would not fight a God either so I still haven’t seen any of our Gods being popped at totems we know we’re in danger if a totem gets popped cuz that means they’re

Taking significant damage yeah but uh no totems have popped so far so we’re looking pretty good they’re so strong I I don’t think I’ve seen any of your angels die yet what yeah sopie I don’t know about you but the power of uh God

Is just too strong yes L and plus oh my goodness there’s so many angels left look they just killed all of them in seconds oh we just win we just win jamy we we you guys do to these guys there’s no way we get strong naturally over here

This guy is the only one bullying them oh never mind they’re coming in they’re coming in the Army is coming this is INS shade they have surrounded them they oh come on you’re the last few tit C oh oh um I guess m yeah I don’t think any

Totems were even popped look none of them oh this guy didn’t have any oh he’s still alive anyway totems wait what are you talking about totems uh these gods are equipped with totems what how did you do that default they default no way anyway the score is now 22 which means

Whoever wins the next round round wins the video Stick it to the end to see who’s going to win the $500 prize jamy I really want that prize same here but now we need to do the next round Lou we’re in a roll we’re in a

Roll buddy we need to now do our next craft any ideas um well I’m not too sure Jamesy I don’t have any ideas I know right same I have no ideas how about we go and stalk on Sophie again but this time let’s go underneath I think it’s

More effective all right under W there’s already a tunnel down here all right Sophie is right up there so we go like this and this right here should be the craf L it’s right there let’s go look inside okay I can peek I can see her

Ugly toes look wait Jamesy is that like homeless TV manad it’s coming to done ew Lou she’s building you I knew she had a crush on you no it’s not me I I’m not a TV man okay how did that give you an idea whatever build it what are we

Crafting Bud as you know homeless people are always uh seeing things that aren’t there so maybe we should should put some ghosts uh really I mean that could work actually uh Take the Lead homie okay let me get some blue and some light blue and

We can build a ghost TV man wait what is this this is made out of light blue glass how is this going to be good well it’s a seethrough TV man he’s a ghost all right you know what I’m going to trust you just this one time but if we

Lose this we get no Mula if we win we can go and spend it all on v-bucks we’re going to win don’t you worry I’m going to spend mine on Ro Bo 3 two 1 and press the Lev look at these oh my is that a ghost

TV man yeah of course it is and uh they’re really strong the enemies can’t hit them because they’re technically ghosts okay you might have a point there all right but look what selfie spawn in is that a homeless man um I don’t know about you Jamesy but they have no chance

They’re just homeless people what can they do homeless people can be really strong and really nice Lou what are you talking about uh um I don’t know about that but okay wait what is sopie even Building look at that uh is that a house wait did she get the homeless people a

House that makes them like 20 times stronger no no no we cannot let humans go to their full potential we need to burn it down right now yeah burn down the house throw bricks at them come on Lou I’m disguised as a homeless person we need to burn it down what are you

Waiting for what you I’m going to steel and I’m going to get a slingshot we’re going to thr Rock all right here all right Li you know what I’m going to go over to the house I’m going to break the windows down there’s so many people in this house put

It down there we go C wait why is there fire I didn’t even put any appliances in yet oh no you guys what did you do one rule don’t put appliances in the house they get stolen there we go oh wait where is everybody on fire guys stop it

Who has the flint and steel oh usually it’s done accidentally but this time it’s on purpose oh yeah all right Lou I think we’ve caused enough harm to the homeless people let’s go back to our side sounds good come on get out of there all right JY get inside we got to

Demor now yeah let’s demor but how are we going to upgrade our ghost because at the moment I don’t think they’re very strong well I’m pretty sure that ghosts are stronger in graveyards you have a point we can get a tombstone or what’s it called aou a graveyard Stone it’s called a gravestone

Do you know what rip stands for uh Rest In Pieces no not Rest In Pieces rest in peace like you know I thought with like decaying and stuff like that it would be in pieces right no because they’re going to go to heaven if they’re a nice person

And then they’ll be in peace and happy come on Lou we need to make sure this is all really gruesome I think what we need as well is we need some Mossy like Stone because that really gives the dead Vibes you know oh yeah maybe some of this too

It makes it a little all right we need to spawn in some more ghosty roties though because I don’t think we have enough nothing to there we go we have more ghosty roties being crafty wa yeah let’s SP W them in iny wiy all right we have a lot of ghosty

Wes Sophie are you done with your homeless NES um yes but what are you guys saying whatever all right Lou I think we’re ready to battle okay all right Jamesy there is no way we’re losing this one we are winning that $500 prizy wisy all right three two one fighting white

Go waa are these ghost TV men yep your homeless people have no chance they’re probably seeing ghosts right now well I’m seeing ghosts this is like the circle of life Jamesy the homeless people die and become ghosts and it fuels our side oh my goodness I don’t

Know like the ghost seem a bit preoccupied they’re like oh Jeffrey I did see you until 1975 in the subway Oh Thomas long time no see they’re talking to each other they they’re friends I’m going to move the ghost Army over here and put them right in the middle of the

City oh my good it’s working it’s working it’s working go go go go go go go win ghosts wait the ghosts are dead are they going to die again I don’t know no I don’t know who’s winning I think might the ghost I think the ghosts are winning right the ghosts are destroying

Them no no no come on sopie wolfy I think you’re losy losing oh stop it with the baby talk uh the baby talk I’m a baby wait there’s no more homeless people but that’s the end uh sopie uh you need to PayPal me those $500 please oh yep I’m

Going to get some Moola but if you guys enjoyed this m battle then watch the next one on your screen goodbye byebye

This video, titled ‘What I CRAFT Comes to Life In a SKIBIDI TOILET MOB BATTLE!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-01-14 15:00:37. It has garnered 14923 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:45 or 2805 seconds.


Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft

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Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Our Roblox Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@JamesyGracie?sub_confirmation=1

Follow Louie’s Channel! – https://www.youtube.com/@LouieMC?sub_confirmation=1

Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ.

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  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear In the world of Minecraft, mysteries unfold, From Entity 303 to Steve, stories untold. Solving disturbing puzzles, a real horror show, With each twist and turn, the truth starts to glow. Exploring the depths of this pixelated land, Uncovering secrets, with a steady hand. From phone to bedrock, the clues are all there, Unraveling the unknown, with a sense of flair. So buckle up, viewers, for a wild ride, As we dive into the unknown, side by side. Minecraft’s mysteries, we will decode, In rhymes and emojis, our story mode. Read More

  • Bro’s Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming

    Bro's Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming When Bro said he was going to build a mansion in Minecraft, we didn’t realize he meant he was going to spend 10 hours meticulously placing each block perfectly aligned. #ExtraBro #MinecraftProcrastination Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade!

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade! Minecraft Hexxit: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, but surviving 100 days in Hardcore Mode takes it to a whole new level. Join Khang, a new YouTuber, on his epic journey through the Hexxit modpack as he faces extreme difficulties and pushes his survival skills to the limit. The First Day From the moment Khang spawns into the world, every decision matters. Gathering resources, building shelter, and fending off hostile mobs are just the beginning. The first day sets the tone for the grueling adventure ahead. Traversing the Twilight Forest As… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “1.21 생존기 3” showcasing some incredible creations in Minecraft version 1.21. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re looking to join a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where you can unleash your creativity, collaborate with fellow players, and embark on exciting adventures, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a diverse range of gameplay options, unique features, and a welcoming… Read More

  • 🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥

    🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘fire 🔥 || #shorts #minecraft #fire #magic #secret #viral #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #subscribe’, was uploaded by Blockube on 2024-04-25 07:30:16. It has garnered 1940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!

    Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!Video Information This video, titled ‘They need to stop updating these Minecraft Horror Modpacks…’, was uploaded by Mandan on 2024-08-30 02:30:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:59 or 1079 seconds. Hey Guys! I hope you guys enjoy this one! This video was pretty fun to make, SPOOKY! SCARY! ‘ MODS The One Who Watches The Man Who Black The Beasts In The Dark The Beasts In The Dark The Anomaly Repurposed Structures (Neoforge/Forge) Not Enough Animations MVS – Moog’s Voyager Structures Essential Mod Corpse Arthropod Phobia Expansions + Horror Bosses (Spider… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥

    🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: Friday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-30 19:27:48. It has garnered 7017 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:22 or 8122 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: https://discord.gg/UMmTtACwNE Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • “Ultimate God Skin Showdown: Herobrine vs All 🔥💀” #minecraft #mcpe #viral

    "Ultimate God Skin Showdown: Herobrine vs All 🔥💀" #minecraft #mcpe #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine vs All who is strongest! With God Skin?💀 #minecraft #mcpe #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Swishy Playz on 2024-06-03 14:07:20. It has garnered 10498 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Herobrine vs All who is strongest! With God Skin?💀 #minecraft #mcpe #shorts #viral Read More