Unleashing Diabolical Dennis in Minecraft 🔥

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All right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the Minecraft stream I’m sorry my internet was [ __ ] up we’ve got a huge storm outside but hopefully now it should be working it should be bloody very good I need to let everyone know that um yeah let me just let everyone

Know that is working again seems like we got excellent connection looks like everyone’s [ __ ] happy so yeah let me just let the boys know that the [ __ ] is is working again and hey we’ll be good but hey that’s what I’m saying we are back with the Minecraft stream

Hopefully if it cuts out again I’ll cry I don’t know I was I was all right let me just let the boys know that the stream is back up we are live wo that’s what I’m talking about boys it’s back hopefully there should be no problems from now on

If there is problems I’m so sorry but yeah we are back we are live and everything is looking Gucci I’m so happy boys but yes as you can see you are not blind we are playing Minecraft no more FIFA none of that [ __ ] let’s go get minecra Ed education damn so mine

Education is blessed but it’s not as good freeze Raptor in here zo’s in here hope you guys all doing well thank you guys for being patient with my [ __ ] Network and all that good [ __ ] but we are back we are good chat should we make a survival world or should we make a

Creative world is the question I want to know but um yeah maybe maybe one day we’ll get Minecraft education hopefully everyone can join that could be a dub but right now you know our world is going to be called the coach it’s it’s the good stuff you know how it is but

Yeah what are we say saying Hey Brother yo what’s going kabo key I probably [ __ ] that up but hey I hopefully kaboo key how you say I could have [ __ ] that up but yeah chat do you reckon we’re going creative or survival what are we saying you play Minecraft Survival all

Right everyone’s saying we’re playing survival and I like that idea well maybe one day we might do a hard world but for now we’re starting off with normal you know let’s just relax all right everyone saying for survival Godly damn looks like we are doing Survival Let’s create

Um is there anything Advanced that we should do chat maybe a little bonus chest to start off with [ __ ] that we’re too good cheats no way resource pack we don’t need any of this [ __ ] boys we are just going to play the normal Minecraft and hey I think eventually we might do

Hard mode but let’s go the cooch world is starting I like this Yoo the Minecraft world is here let’s go boys you already know we’re going to have the best world of all time we’re going to have skyscrapers we’re going to have L Messi join the server it’s just

Going to be like that but um yeah usually I do play on PC but hey uh oh you know what this is a banging biome to start no way boys I’m telling you I am the god at Minecraft a little villager already damn this is the perfect start

Legit you could not ask for another you couldn’t ask for a better start a cherry blossom biome and a little a little V Village but the only good thing about this is the smallest Village I’ve ever seen in my [ __ ] life no way that’s it

Okay I was about to say I was about to cry what is this it’s go it’s [ __ ] gone everywhere God dly Dam we got an iron golem hey it’s all good but oh there’s a chest some bread oh yeah boys yeah boys I’m liking this this is the

Perfect start hey I’m going to steal everything I’m going to be a [ __ ] finally yeah sorry boys about the in internet connection I do apologize we’re still in their bed bro it’s probably got seaming all over it because the villagers get drunk and nasty that’s for

Damn sure and um oh white bed get out of here hey we’re going to take their torches as well I’m going to be a [ __ ] let’s be honest we don’t want to raid everything but we want to raid a Nerf let’s get two yellow beds so we can have

A double bed for ourselves boys get cozy but yeah hey this is a perfect start cherry blossom biome in a villager that’s good what is my goal in Minecraft I don’t know if there’s exactly goal but I want to of course defeat the Ender Dragon that’s just a

Must and um yeah I don’t know I just want to create a mad base like have 50 houses and yeah just have fun oh we can land in that water gorgeous gracious me hello little donkey hey he’s a kid let’s not do that all right [ __ ]

Me we got some sheep hey we’ve already got a farm we could we could do here all right this is actually AIDS at us on a mountain side it’s all good but oh bro they got many farms along here what is this design man all first things first I

Probably should be getting some wood and [ __ ] but hey my goal in Minecraft is just to make the best [ __ ] base ever but yeah boys I was sick of FIFA I think a lot of people are sick of FIFA so I was like hey let’s get this [ __ ] I was

Going to take the iron belt Hello Kitty Cat hello Iron Golem are we going to start a fight straight away that was a bad idea that was a [ __ ] up idea I’m going to I’m going to die I’m going to die he’s coming after me is he oh yeah

He is n that was a stupid idea boys [ __ ] yeah bro the the the internet was [ __ ] itself before the storm hey as soon as it storms around here all right the Iron Golem still chasing after me hello oh a little chest emeralds that’s a dub I should probably close the door

With the [ __ ] I might die I can’t Li the I’m Golem is hungry after me but some emeralds to start off with gorgeous I can hear him come for me but hey boys I think we’re set let’s just check the IR Golem is chilling this is what I’m talking about

Boys there’s nothing better than a new world on Minecraft chat but hey the Golem is staring me down bro he wants my ash cheeks and I don’t blame him they’re pretty thick but um yeah hey I’m going to be a good lad and we’re going to start around here

Chat what do you reckon we build do you reckon we start off with just a nice little house or do you reckon we should just build a [ __ ] off Castle straight away hey before I say any before like I I tell you guys I’m I’m kind of ass at

Minecraft I’m not going to lie I’m not the best ever I’m not I’m not you know I’m not a Ronald or a Messi at Minecraft I’m pretty cheeks I’m like a I’m like a griezman actually Griz is pretty good I’ll take that [ __ ] Co damn little

Donkey just need a oh little lawn mate lawn mow simulator but yeah from now on L I’ve decided that I’m not going to be playing FIFA on this on on stream on this channel I’m going to be playing whatever the [ __ ] I want just because if

We just always play fif on this channel people are going to get bored I want to change it up I want to play some good stuff whatever you want I like that zo oh [ __ ] that scared the [ __ ] out of me oh no no no no hey relax man I close

That [ __ ] man oh we’ll take that okay why have I not got any wood yet this is crazy okay I’m going to die I can’t die straight up that’s going to make me look so crossed oh oh I should eat but yeah if I’m very ass with the

Controls is cuz I’m used to playing on PC you know I’m a bit of a Nick so yeah just just just give me time to relax I also don’t know how to commentate on Minecraft too well I’m used to FIFA so yeah again if I’m ass I’m

Sorry but yeah let me know if the game volume is good as well if it’s too loud too soft you know you know what it’s about but yeah sorry villagers I got to kind of knock down your house real quick you need to get a shield that’s 100% bro

What’s your specs on my PC oh I couldn’t tell you that one um I actually don’t know what it is but it’s pretty solid PC um I don’t know I think it sent me back like three grand so yeah it’s a good PC but I actually don’t know the specs I’ll

Get it up for you one one time 100% I’ll I’ll put it in like my one of my on my stream or some [ __ ] to let you guys know but yeah I actually don’t know the exact specs but I know it’s pretty damn good right what of of course Lads we

Just need to build we just need to make the the the just must a pickaxe and a sword you just have to build those but yeah we’re set for food how can we just try to get some cobby right now chat this is a good start this is a

Good start as any bro I’m actually I’m feeling I’m feeling good but yeah I was watching this movie about J orer last night of course you guys surely everyone knows Jenner orager if you guys don’t know who Jenner orager is I’m actually I’m upset $50,000 in my head is

Disrespect because she is an she is a good girl if you guys don’t know who she is I’ll get her up for you she’s beautiful um but yeah I was watching a movie about General TGA and there was this ugly dude with her and then all the girls on

Um so yeah chat if you don’t know who General tager is this is she is a beautiful woman let’s not lie she she is a beautiful woman but she was with the movie with this dude and I was looking at the comments and all the girls were

Thring over this dude I’m like bro I think I look better than this dude oh [ __ ] maybe not H yeah all right I I don’t look better than this dude this dude’s pretty good looking yep [ __ ] but yeah all the girls were frothing over that dude I’m like bro he’s got a bald

Head surely I’m better looking this dude but now I’ve seen him he’s a pretty good-looking bloke hey I’m not gay but I can admit a good- looking bloke so yeah I don’t know why I had to bring that up but hey Toby Wallace fair enough bro he’s a good looking BL

All right now we can also make sorry I went on a little bit of rant there but hey I’m sick of girls looking at me like I’m ugly and then they’re Thro over a boardhead dude but yeah I think this is a perfect start

Chat oh yeah come at me come at me oh [ __ ] yeah let maybe not come at me hey I’m chill I’m chill I’m chill relax relax relax let’s get some coal yeah oh 100% bro Jena I would say she’s my celebrity crush but she’s up there bro she’s a good looking girl um

Do you know who’s also goodl looking my celebrity cross is actually Emma Watson she’s she’s just she’s I love her I’m in love bro chat what is your guys celebrity crush let me know is it KC plus mangala oh Casey plus a mango Loco for dinner don’t get me that excited bro

Oh my bro do you see how many zombies they were boys we just started did I said hard difficulty but I just almost shot my pants relax but yeah I think once we get once we fully loot this Village I think we’re going to we’re going to um you know

Adventure out we don’t we don’t need to be here too long maybe kill some you know some cows we don’t want to kill them all but I don’t want to live around here it’ll be a bit boring if we start living around here don’t worry villagers I’ll leave you some

Pigs I did not leave a many pigs but hey I think it’s time for us to Adventure out Adventure the Beautiful World hey it is what it is sometimes we got to Adventure out we got to spread our wings got to spread our bum hole that’s crazy that’s

Crazy but um but yeah I’m I’m liking this start boys I’m very happy with this I’m pleased I’m pleased o some copper I isn’t copper like the rarest thing in the game yeah I’m pretty sure it is that’s just with my Minecraft knowledge where is the copper oh it’s

There yeah worth it worth every penny has anyone ever used copper bro there it is all that good stuff yeah woo I see some coal down there as well goodness gracious me I can’t lie boys every time I see coal I just have to get it even if I’ve

Got three stacks of coal bro I need more I love getting coal yeah good girl that is so much cob but holy doly have you seen NE nevland I have not seen nevland hold up boys now you’ve got me let me let me search up nevland is he

Good looking bloke nevland is that he say I’m searching it up right now hopefully I don’t die right now while I’m searching it up stop killing Matthew’s mumra oh [ __ ] sorry bro I’m killing the bird Niel I can’t even spell it bro and you’ve already rid

It damn okay you think this bler is good looking [ __ ] let me get rid of my let me get rid of that hey you know what he’s a pretty good looking dude God he’s probably like 65 as well I I would look [ __ ] in anime bro I’ve never seen a good-looking Ranger in

Anime every time they just make him look like a nerd I’m like damn for real oh my gosh boys it’s coming dark soon all right we need to ditch this coal and we need to make a house I mean we could live in The Villages but nah

All right I also need to make a shovel because I don’t want to be digging dirt for life but yeah actually you know what let’s just let’s sleep through the first night have a little all right good night boys sleep well hey zoan he’s 7 fo one nah you can’t be

That good looking no I’m I’m no I disagree you can’t be that goodl looking and be 7 foot1 who is that guy he might be taller than the 7′ one see but at that point would you even want to be that tall cuz that’s ridiculous hey before we leave but okay

That Iron Golem he still wants to kill me doesn’t he we’re good bro I thought we were good all right I’m going to prank him he just got burned oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I might die here boys oh wait no he’s slow ass I still didn’t [ __ ] get

That shovel that’s ass but yeah the reason I’m making this Tri is because there’s one thing that I love in Minecraft more than anything my bells no you didn’t I did not say my balls it’s my bells I love a good Bell oh give it to me

Woo thank you very much we’re going to put it at the front of our doorstep and we’re good all right chat oh boys we could be going mining early on but let’s get Let’s Get Loud first things first on the Willis we’re going to make some sticks

And we’re just going to make a shovel hey oh I already had an axe oh well I’ve got two now sick I’m really good at the game but yeah I think we should go on a chick little Mining Adventure I hear you oh my gosh I’m really bad at the game oh never

Mind he’s 5’1 I was about to say bro you can’t be that sexy and be 7′ one that’s illegal bro you see all the NBA dudes that a 7 foot plus I like actually to be fair Shaq he’s pretty good looking and I’m only saying that because if I didn’t

Say that he’s 7 foot1 so he can beat my ass chat would you even want to be 7 foot tall like really is that that’s a question would you even want to be that tall because that is crazy h but yeah put it put it put in um put in

The comments of course who’s your celebrity crush who’s Who’s the bird who’s a bird of your guys’ dreams all right we’ve only got one torch that is a it’s probably not the best oh but we can make more I need more wood we need to [ __ ] go there’s no wood around here

Bro hey I’m crusty at the game so let let me just get used to this bad boy all right let’s build up [ __ ] sake uh we’re just going to go wood mining we hey sometimes at the start of Minecraft you got to do the boring [ __ ] to you know get to the fun

Stuff it is what it is at this point but wait let’s get that cherry blossom wood some pink wood hey maybe we might have to make a pink house just to start off with make it look nice your simply crushes rre I don’t even know who that

Is that whoever it is is probably really bad request the sex god oh when the boys lad up lad up L up all right we’re going to cut down one more tree of course we don’t want to deforestation this place but you know we still need to get our

Wood damn bro these are so AED to cut down why you going off like that I do want to get some I do want to get some cherry blossom um sapap some cherry blossom saplings before I leave just so wherever wherever I live um your boy can plant some cherry

Blossoms oh that did not work at all you know what I think we I think we might have killed the tree did we do it there’s no way there’s more P Le sh on the spit damn cool I didn’t know it was like that all right surely you start dropping some some

Saplings on my head please all right for for now that is good we’ve got some wood oh we got so much wood I didn’t mean to make that much [ __ ] but with that wood of course we’re going to make some torches as well how can we only make eight

Torches there we go now we’ve got plenty of torches for life and now that’s actually scary as [ __ ] can we not Um I almost just died okay boys I’m ass of the game I’ll give it to you I’m ass at the game have you ever killed the Ender Dragon before actually you know what chat I’ve never killed the Ender Dragon before so if we do it here it’ll be the

First time I’ve ever done it yo realist how you going brother good to see you man good to see you indeed but yeah I’ve I’ve never killed the Ender Dragon before so if we do it in this in this [ __ ] um playr it’ll be the first time never done it I see a

Spidey down there looking for my ass he wants my sweet cheeks no no I didn’t realized how close I was to death all right let’s eat some more potatoes I know I should really be cooking these [ __ ] but um hey it’s all right it’s all right some more coal we’ll come back for

It let’s just light up the okay no just I got a wooden sword probably not the smartest idea but that scared the [ __ ] out of me heal my boy heal boys have you guys all defeated the Ender Dragon before is it just me like I’ve I’ve defeated the Ender Dragon with

The boys when we played it but I’ve never like um I’ve never done it myself like I’ve never solo defeated the Ender Dragon so w what that guy’s got some Spectacles on what what the fancy are you bro what is that I need to get a wooden sword so quickly

Boys thank you all let’s make a wooden sword let’s let’s not do that all right where is it oh crafting table [ __ ] boys I’m bad at the game sorry it’s weird playing on um [ __ ] PlayStation I can’t even lie but hey we got a stone sword now we are here

Probably should put some stuff in the chest all right we’re going to go down where the zombies came out of where’s the diamonds bro damn we’re not having luck some more some more coal again boys coal is a dub people under people underestimate the value of coal and they can’t see they’re [ __ ]

Blind and then they’re like wish I got that coal I’m like God damn that’s what I’m saying all right you know what chat I don’t think there’s going to be too much in this mine right here I think we just take some coal and then I think our

Next thing to do is really just build a place see a oh hello is that Emerald we found Emerald already boys I don’t have any iron but okay just yeah boy we got Emerald God damn I don’t have any iron to [ __ ] Miner but lockdown Matthews had 75 hours of

Hardcore see is that lockdown Matthews or is that vgid Matthews there’s a difference okay can we relax oh my gosh boys relax relax relax e eat eat eat eat eat no no no no okay no okay I’m [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead kind of rude greany W’s

I oh [ __ ] sorry boys I missed a lot of [ __ ] things got a stone sword yeah I got one now and I’ve already died boys cuz I’m that ass kind of rude 75 hours I know what a loser that Riley got us in the world with

Him of course I don’t want to stream with you guys you guys are losers all right chat I think our mission of attack is retrieve everything and dip because I don’t want to keep on dying a I’m a [ __ ] L it’s not facts why would I stream with you

Guys hey boys of course I love the boys let’s let’s not forget that but as soon as I start streaming with with my mates people in the chat I’m getting [ __ ] um I’m getting canceled straight away I’m getting cancelled I’m dying well I mean I did just die in Minecraft but I

Will get sued because I’ll say some crazy stuff bro we got some pedos some of my boys I love them but they’re pedophilic so yeah man it’s just is what it is at the end of the day at the end of the day it’s not when you think about

It like that it’s pretty simple but yeah let’s retrieve our good stuff and I think we might have to dip straight away I’m not built for this just yet Lads I’m not built for this I think it was down here yeah it was damn ain’t no

Way it’s going to despawn in 5 minutes nah no no I’ll get there don’t even worry bro I I’ll get there in time all right beautiful and now the end of that is that some iron sweet [ __ ] yeah all right and inventory is Al almost full as well so

Let’s just block this [ __ ] off hey it only took me like how long have I been streaming for it took me legit 20 minutes to get my first death yeah n you know what that’s actually better than I was expecting I’ll take that but chat we’ve got some iron to mine up big

Dubs we got some Emerald as well that I can’t get to don’t tell me it was just a one stack of iron are you taking that is pissed boys can you mine Emerald with um a stone pickaxe I assume you can’t help bro I blocked that off Flor

Oh I beg I beg don’t make me die again no no no I’m I’m stuck I’m stuck please when did I get so ass don’t ask that I’ve always been ass but why have I not been eating the bread bro the bread’s an absolute treat all right there we go we’re going

To get get this coal and we’re going to dip it’s as simple as that why would you not play hardcore it would make for fantastic content bro if we played hardcore the world’s already over I’m thinking one day Matthews you [ __ ] loser I dislike you um maybe

Maybe I will play a bit of um bit of Hardcore but for now we’re just going to stick with the thing defeat the Ender Dragon and then once we do defeat the Ender Dragon on normal mode then I’m and my you know my ego is up my I feel like

I’ve got big nuts then we’ll play hardcore that’s how I’m think I’m going to do it you thinking we’re only going to play One World bro I I want to play some creative one day I want to play hardcore bro I want to play peaceful I

Want to play everything I want to play with your mom it’s that easy bro all right but it is night time so we should probably sleep and then we’re going to dop oh this juicy CT your boys already know I can’t I can’t refuse coal actually no that’s

Long if i’ have dig that all up well F cold another day what games are you going to stream next I am currently downloading until dawn and hey if you guys don’t want to watch horror games it’s all good but I think a horror game with the boys in the

Chat would be kind of fun so yeah I’m downloading that right now um so yeah I think that’s that’s my next my next yeah get get down there that is my next time I’m going to stream all right boys this is oh I’m clutch I’m clutch please please be a bed in here

Of course there isn’t actually we’ll take that I don’t even know what the [ __ ] that is but we’ll take it oh my my int my in my my injuries are full what what am I getting rid of yeah we don’t need that boom I’m out let’s go to bed let’s

Go to bed find a bed and we’re going to bed get up oh sorry boys sleep will we’re we’re bed we’re bed all he does is violate Matthews and I I have not violated you guys once you guys are violating yourselves how long do you reckon it

Will take to defeat the big black dragon okay I don’t know if you had to use it like that that’s crazy jeez you’re just violating everyone Dennis hey I’m not violating anyone oh I’m I’m I’m being quite peaceful hey just like I’m saying bro peaceful mode Minecraft I’m being peaceful

Today I had to call HR on Dennis at least three times already bro I’m telling you Matthews has been called on HR five times bro he’s actually crazy I don’t want to tell you guys the things he does off camera it’s actually it’s rude I’m minding my own business and he

Just grabs my ass like what is that about like I know I’ve got a decent little Gap but he loves grabbing my ass I don’t know what it is about him I mean I don’t I don’t I don’t hate him for that cuz you know sometimes I also like

It but at the end of the day it’s night and it’s a bit annoying you know what I’m trying to say chat like you don’t want your ask being grabed 24/7 when am I going to go to the nether bro I’ve I’ve just started but hopefully I don’t know I want to build

My base first and then we’ll go nether I think that’s the plan stand but yeah let’s go let’s go up here and let’s get the [ __ ] out of here yo huh yeah huh yeah yeah the family yeah it’s all done yeah I’ve got a all huh I got M with her own stuff

Yeah too easy sorry boys we’re just talking about Christmas you know we got that Christmas stuff to sort out where am I going I need to go this way boys I’m so [ __ ] I’m sick of this game already I’m just so good can confirm it it happens weekly

That’s what I’m saying bro he touches my ass on a weekly basis chat and I don’t know about you guys I don’t know how you guys would feel about it but I feel amazing I feel good I feel like it’s not a good day unless he grabs my ass that’s what I’m

Saying can I get up here thank you I saw some hay bales up here that’s what we want yeah give me that a Bales boys okay can I hay bales are crucial wait is the shovel the best to dig up hay bales I don’t know bye zoan

See you zoan mate hopefully have a gorgeous thing to eat bro hopefully have a nice dinner chat everyone I hope you guys have a nice dinner maybe a little KFC as I was saying before a little KFC KFC mango Loco greeny don’t get me too

Excited oh oh all right but yeah I think we’ve done what we can do here and I think it’s time to spread our wings spread our booty cheek and enter I mean God damn this is already a beautiful place to build just here we got a village here biomes chat what do

You think this is quite nice a bit of flatness it’s getting me very erect I don’t know do we build on the stone over here chat or you reckon here’s place to build bro I was looking for somewhere flat and all of a sudden I saw Matthew’s mom that is so awkward I

Love it but yeah CH I think I think here’s a good place to build you need to do the dishes for Mumsy lucky you make make make glass pain houses these guys a [ __ ] loser man but yeah I think I think I’m setting up base here chat I think this is the one

It’s gorgeous what’s not to love I was going to say I was going to [ __ ] explore but I didn’t think I was going to find the perfect place already God damn got to put our bed down bed bed is too far away all right we got our

Respawn Point going to put our chest down and this is where we this is this is our setup boys all just put everything in there that we don’t need to use right now oh W wo W wo we we’re having a double deck of bed what the hell um

Spider H we could probably use that now [ __ ] boys get some emerald in there I’m liking the way we’re moving ah too easy why is your mother getting violated wait Matthews are you actually helping your mom with dishes because fair enough bro I I like the respect you got to love

Your mom like that well we don’t got to but feel like you should but yeah this is base for now boys this is base bless I don’t know what I’m saying yeah hey don’t don’t bring up the don’t bring up the other world bro I still I

Still got tears if you guys don’t know well you guys wouldn’t know cuz I’ve never told you but um one time me and the boys made a Crazy M Minecraft world it had a full-on Street houses everywhere it was gorgeous and then one of our mates had a rebellion cuz someone

Stole his diamonds don’t know who it was it was me um he had a rebellion and he destroyed the whole street he L everything on fire ruined everything and to this day bro the man of Al I put on that world and it got destroyed it

Haunts me boys it [ __ ] haunts me I’m so upset but yeah I can never get over that world boys it hurts but yeah chat what other games would you like to see me to play of course Minecraft I mean it was just a go-to really you can’t go wrong with it

But if you guys got any other suggestions I’m always happy to um hear them so yeah let me let me know boys of course Peppa Pig well I think I’m thinking about doing that apparently that’s a very scary game so yeah actually let’s let’s make this a little bit more even bit of

Evage there we go gorgeous all now I’m going to break that so we can make a double deck of chest it’s not what it’s called but we’re making one right I don’t think we have enough oh no we do have enough wood what am I talking about where’s the chest at there we

Go ah perfect now we can put some dirt we need to make a furnace as well we’ll make two put some colage in there boys we are we moving mad right now put the iron oh well I meant the iron but actually the food’s quite nice

As well and put that in there boys we are moving Crazy by this track in 1 hour we’re going to have a full F house I’m literally a day one rileigh Targaryen fan or rileigh teranga fan no that’s messed up I thought you said Targaryen I was like why is this man

Bringing up [ __ ] Game of Thrones ay teranga fan who the hell is that I don’t even have ginger hair boys it’s the lighting I promise hey chat let’s let’s get a check of the the of the haircut right now hey it started off a bit crusted let’s see how she’s

Going hey I don’t I don’t want anyone to judge too harshly cuz at the end of the day is not oh [ __ ] I just [ __ ] up my mic I have that clip so I never forget when pey did did to our mental health man watch pain drive for 5 days straight

O that is the perfect video I did bro I think I’d rather bleed my eyes out someone a black dude come in my eyes I don’t know why it has to be a black dude but it is and then yeah really I would love to relive my demons but yeah chat

What do you think about the haircut it’s crossed I know relax but that’s only because it was in a hat but the mullet it’s coming out strong it’s going to be something decent I’m telling you it’s going to be something decent chat but yeah that that that’s what that’s

What we’re living with right now don’t make fun of the Hat here either you know just relax cuz but hey we’re going to be back into it damn the Ring of Molly oh [ __ ] bro I just saw it shaking but yeah boys I think I got some plans what to

Do oh you know what there’s some cows around here already we could start doing a farm but yeah I think I got some plans what to build around here I think this is going to be a perfect place I’m getting excited already did that hunt just break on me are you

Serious I’m actually feeling a bit filthy about that we’ll make two ones this this time but yeah I know it’s a bit boring just clearing the [ __ ] it’s a bit boring clearing this grass so if you guys want to ask me any questions of course I’ll answer

Them let me know if you got any questions for me of course none of them can be too sus let’s not go too crazy but you know if it’s something good let me know cuz we’re just clearing the gas right now so you know we need a bit of

Entertainment spiking and no I’m not going to take my shirt off sadly can the black dude be requ um no anyone else actually rqu is such a dead name I I got to say all right I think oh we might have enough wood to make some fences and get

Those cows in right now bro let’s get a farm up straight away you know let’s be tactical about this I’m usually three oh we’re going to make some pink ones I see what we’re doing here damn didly damn I did not mean to make those okay we’re moving now let’s let’s let’s get

The farm up boys of course we can always move it if we want to but for now let’s just let’s just do some magic it’s not going to be too oh bro these pink ones are kind of nice and then let’s get the bad boy oh the Farm’s cooking

Boys I need a leash oh no I need carrots I got carrots hello oh no they like wheat oh that’s that’s easy we got hay bales all right boys this is looking good let’s get this hay bales get the get the wheat up did I just see 63 wheat that’s nice all right

Yo pig yo yo yo yo did I just hear a [ __ ] pig all right could have been Matthew’s mom n he’s holding smoke today I need to relax come on come through here good girl good girl get get sent oh oh I’ve also I could also make some pigs

As well should have made the pig farm as well hey I can do that right now boys this is what I like to hear no way no request the goat take a shot every time you die oo that could be a good idea sadly it was meant to be the

Drunk stream today but sadly you know your boy got to drive after this um for actually a proper reason so yeah sadly I can’t otherwise I would but I think next Minecraft stream every time I die a shot could be on I I like the the way you

Think chat I like the way you think you want to kill me but I still like the way you think let’s light this place up real quick um no I just leveled out this world can you Not get away e wa what’s with the vertical bro relax yeah yeah yeah I one two oh bro he’s about to blow on my face please do yeah your boy is nice like that you didn’t think I was nice like that outrageous I like okay what’s going on this is actually ridiculous of

The please let me sleep please let me sleep please let me sleep H go to bed I see zombies comy yes just in time let’s go I’m a beast woo it’s getting hot in here so take off I’m the best Hey where’s the diamonds at hey bro I just started man otherwise I

Would if I if I if I if I knew you were coming in the diamonds would be there bro damn but yeah this is how we’re starting boys it’s not it ain’t pretty but it’s the way okay that was yeah blow blow up I day yeah [ __ ] ho I’m the

Best five nights at Lanas would be a good scare game hey it’s not good dude talk about NF she’s in a better place right now yeah NF is sadly dead bro you don’t know about NF she’s my old pro clubs character absolute goat bro she loved men but that’s that’s for damn

Sure she really did I swear to God if we don’t have enough oh we do perfect amount yes all we need to do is make a gate and we could have hey cow hey come on come here hey come to my come into my basement

No oh sorry boys I only got carrots hey oh get trapped no you know what everything was going so well it was going perfect and then something just had to mess it up didn’t it I’m CAU it was going well at one point boys I’m seeing

These love hearts in the chat oh my gosh you’re making me nervous making me you’re making me blush already boys unbelievable hey chat if we make a good place you know this stream I think I I’m think I might treat myself to a bit of

KFC now what I’m going to get from KFC is I don’t know I have no idea what is your watch time on YouTube you can actually check your watch time on YouTube but yeah Matthews is probably right it’s probably like eight years I probably would have an 8e watch time bro

It would be something crazy it would be something really sad but yeah my watch two would be crazy because you know I just I think I’ve been watching YouTube ever since I was 12 bro so yeah I think it would easily be half my life it is that’s actually

Annoying me that that’s not symmetrical but hey it is what it is now let’s get some piggies in here what the where did they go there you are come on come on yeah damn look at the boy run he’s sexy get in good lad I’m proud of you

I’m proud of what you just did there all right you guys should Mar kiss up I don’t want to see boys actually some C porn W that was quick bro I turned back and I didn’t even get to see it I’m pissed but hey we we got we got some we

Got a pig where’s another Pig but hey I think the next thing to do is make a little hoe and no I’m not talking about your guys’ mom I need to stop doing that that is crazy and then we’re going to make a farm good gracious I’m

Omous I am getting so hot I want to take my clothes off all right this is what we’re doing right now boys I hear a drown coming whoa boys relax man I’m just chilling you don’t need to do that every time how is he hitting me bro you’re

Underwater what is he doing oh waa what he’s got so he’s got a red thing in his hand give it to me oh he’s out of the water you’re dead you’re dead give it oh boys we got what is that a naula shell what does that even do I don’t even

Know oh what’s with that bottom lift play halflife more than half my life what is what is halflife on realist bro let me know oh what what is my my watch time I think it’s around 2,000 hours right now so sorry um freeze Raptor yeah it’s it’s

It’s around um it’s around 2,000 hours which you know could be better could be worse it’s not too bad do some carrots down here and we’ll do some wheat down here I need seeds we we got one seed yo that’s all right we can get sieg just by doing

This I I’m pretty sure I just invented my mcraft with how good I am at this game it’s crazy surely we can turn weed into seeds but no am I am I doing a stupid I am doing a stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] but [ __ ] all well let’s just make some bread

Anyway cuz your boy’s hungry let’s make some bread boys I like that all right and then we can put the copper in thank you one iron ingot yes big moves lad big moves Shell Shell Shell that’s what I’m saying zoan back in let’s go yeah we got the shell I

Me the Jude bellium celebration when I see a shell it’s good it’s [ __ ] good I like it there’s nothing better than getting a good shell boys you can summon your mother with that shell hey at least my mother doesn’t smell like the shell like your mom oh my

Gosh it’s good it’s a shooter game halflife is it the zombie shooter game or am I just being a stupido is another one I’m thinking of I can make more bread actually probably should where is it bang get that all boy and then now we got bread for days that’s what I’m

Talking about all right let’s get some more seeds because more seeds means more farming I know it’s bit boring this part but you got to do what you got to do sometimes oh all right these are not giving me [ __ ] Seas man come on hey so good we just we just

Continue mining out this bad boy if we if Chad if you guys see any little piglets just let me know if you see your mom in the in the background just let me know and I’ll I’ll kill it Eminem done with the soccer streams no

No no we’re still going to be doing um FIFA streams don’t worry about that but you know what I thought I wanted a bit of change of scenery I was getting a bit bored of FIFA at this time of year I assume a lot of people are so and we

Changed up with Minecraft I think we’re going to do other games on this channel as well just because hey we can um maybe some horror games maybe some I don’t know Sexy Games [ __ ] could maybe a little bit little bit of pea Peppa Pig speaking of sexy games

Damn I saw a thing that Peppa Pig’s like 7’5 or something like that damn that she’s a big pig she’s a big girl and I like it the shell is used to make coin it coin it is did I say that right what the [ __ ] does coind it do I’m sorry hey

Early Minecraft I was goed but now there’s been so many updates and I haven’t played in ages I’m a bit of a bot I can’t even lie I’m a bit of a bot oh I see a pig oh no that’s just that’s just your mom’s oh all right boys that’s my last

One I promise that’s my last one that’s your last that’s my last one I prom all right bro why am I getting so hungry I mean I have been digging for years yeah come on yeah good girl oh we got some chickens as well I like the way we’re

Moving come on baby girl come on baby girl damn the pigs are slow oh okay so it’s actually useless the shells don’t ever say that again sorry the shells are the best thing in the game I’d rather shells over diamonds come on come on yeah get this

Second pig out of here sorry boys I’ve only got bread you just got Jed all right you guys should get married wait can you guys I don’t have oh I shouldn’t have used that all that weat that was dumb all right well now I’ve just made one of them have love that that

Hurt hey it’s all right we’re going to finish off the farm later anyways but for now we’re just going to you know make our home let’s just let’s not forget about that I think I’ve got potatoes I could do it as well hey I’m lacking I’m lacking here boys get the

Dirt good gracious I’m no bous I am don’t worry I’m going to eventually make everything look better but for now it’s just basic survival you know zombie apocalypse survival let’s just think about you know doing the right thing okay boys I was scared that another dram was behind me bro I was dodging

All right now we got some potatoes I assume we can plant these just straight up yeah we can I just know things yo edar what’s going on ear in Australian will k a pig baby girl hey you’re right there hey the the [ __ ] the pigs are just sexy bro how are you

My boy Dennis I’m good man I’m good how are you doing bro good to good to talk to you again good to see you again man I appreciate you joining the Stream Dennis Edgar is asking you something yeah yeah I saw it I saw it I saw

It no no no I saw it Edgar don’t worry man I see you sorry I was grinding I was grinding the Minecraft and I got locked in but hey I’m back and I’m seeing it edar in the Dennis stream yes sir hey edar bro how are you been it’s

Good to see you in the Stream man it’s making it be bit a bit emotional actually let’s check on how the pregnancy was going wait where’s the carrots oh sorry I should not be looking at the ass for that long that was crazy oh Bo got a little bit excited there sup

Reptile reptile good to see you in the Stream how you going man as well thank you guys all for joining damn I didn’t know the Minecraft stream was going to go off like this bro [ __ ] maybe I might just become a full-time Minecraft Youtuber N I couldn’t do that

Bro I would get I I would just fall in love with too many animals all right now this is actually turning a bit crazy I should probably relax a little bit all right it’s turning night time your boy’s going to have a little snooze oh mate that is gorgeous

It’s been a long time bro 100% I see that you’re killing it on YouTube man congratulations s that you got 100K 100K um plaque bro you said you were going to do it and you did so fair play brother man your your videos are sick as well

Man congrats oh all right let me Dodge this okay I did not Dodge it I should make a shield that’s what I should do bro I got I don’t have any Iron Man I am I’m Saucy I I don’t think I’m that SAU bro I’m a little bit Saucy

Imagine how many viewers you would have with math and myself oh bro if I had you two in if I had the boys in the Stream I’m not going to lie I’ll be declining viewers nah I’m joking I’m a clown I’m a clown thanks man you’re up N I

Appreciate it bro hopefully you know we’re on I’m on holidays right now so you know just going to be Dr grinding the streams grinding the video so yeah hopefully it pays off what do what do you mean you should see me off stream GRE greeny I’m the

Exact same person off stream man I’m not sussy at all off stream I would probably say I’m probably the most mature person alive you know when businessmen come up to me they’re like I wish we mature as that kid bro it’s it’s true if you guys don’t

Believe me well Fair well fair fair play man I don’t blame you greedy and math FIFA match is an easy D I can’t lie I’m pretty sure Ed is pretty filthy at f I think he’s actually kind of nice with it no I can’t lie greeny and math are dead they’re dead at

FIFA bro all right let’s let’s whip up that beef that corn beef that [ __ ] clunge yeah almost 10 oh we got 11 viewers what the hell damn oh [ __ ] the Minecraft stream’s popping off that’s good as thank you guys so much for joining the Minecraft stream what the hell boys does

This mean I have to start streaming a lot more then I don’t believe it the boys T second place for me Dennis eliminated first round but no that’s incorrect greeny Jaden was eliminated first round by you 11 viewers bro God damn I like it I like it a

Lot it’s getting me very I don’t know it’s getting me in the mood for something nine viewers now but hey we had 11 viewers at one stage it was going off I liked it as soon as they saw me do the dance they probably left and I don’t

Blame them bro I can’t lie in the Club bro my moves go off believe it or not I can do a back flip it’s crazy thank you thank you so much Eminem your mom pays you to be here well can I just say thank you thank you

For your mom to pay you to be here thank you so much your mom’s a very good girl ah sorry I’m going to take that one back I felt weird saying that oh I’m seeing some love hearts in the chat as well oh time to be a Minecraft streamer bro

That’s what I’m saying man God damn fulltime Minecrafter it is what it is and I’m just digging up dirt imagine when I’m like building a penis or something could be could be going off all right let’s get rid of all this dirt this dirt’s actually kind of crazy um

Yeah edar just came and left hey bro I’m he’s a busy man bro I’m happy that he came in the first place I appreciate him very much if it wasn’t for Edgar bro I can’t lie my videos would be totally different my videos would be crushed my

My videos would be ass if he did not help me out at the start of my well not at the start of my YouTube career but yeah my videos would be ass so hey if he comes for 2 seconds I I love it oh he’s still here damn

Sh that’s what I like to see all right let’s get loud I need to make more [ __ ] why is my brain not working all right yeah I need to make more shovels that’s what your boy needs to do shoveling it is a bit boring but once we

Once we do this once we clear the land bro we can build whatever we want what you want to have a face of you my grandma we can make that it’s what we do you would still watch me thank you real man I appreciate it bro my favorite Australian got a support

Bro damn that’s a big claim your favorite Australian to be fair I don’t know Australians are pretty wankers I mean we are pretty but yeah damn what’s my house going to be like chat put a PP really so you want me to build a penis I don’t know I I I can’t

Lie I can make a good penis in Minecraft I don’t lie maybe we might make a penis chat what house do you think we should build do you reckon we should build a [ __ ] off Castle or do you reckon we should like build I don’t know we could

Build anything we want bro I’m an architect at heart we could build like a little cow a little cow statue I don’t know chat put in the comments any ideas you got for what house you want to build bro just let me know 100% nope footall stream on Thursdays yeah

100% bro if you guys don’t know on Thursdays your boys play foot and um yeah I feel like it would get a bit boring because it would just win all the time a dirt castle that’s a good idea grenny you’re just sucking off Harry aren’t you I like it it’s getting me

Excited oh okay boys we’ve almost cleared everything let’s go wait what is the time [ __ ] boys I got to I’m hungry I can’t lie usually I’m not a builder in Minecraft I most explore caves and collect XP hey I can’t lie building in Minecraft Bro there’s something about it

It gets me very excited I think building in Minecraft is one of my favorite things to do of course obviously I like to Adventure and explore caves and you know kill the Ender Dragon but building Minecraft is also a dub even if you have to do this boring part of clearing it

Out that’s fair greeny man that is fair we are only 55 minutes in yeah yeah no no no we’re still going to be going sadly I wanted the stream to be longer but yeah my internet was [ __ ] up but we’re still here we’re still doing it hey yo hey yo

Indeed Minecraft is the best game as it’s not closed exactly bro Minecraft is is goed and I playing Bedrock I think I’m playing Bedrock I better be playing Bedrock bro I don’t know it’s only the game hey Minecraft is more than a game man Minecraft is a way

Of life you got to think about it bro you never waste your diamonds on a hoe that’s what Minecraft has taught me it’s taught me valuable lessons man it’s good and it’s also taught me that birch wood is the worst wood that’s probably not as valuable of a lesson but still is

Good I like it how much is Minecraft nowadays I’m going to sell like 20 bucks I actually have no I haven’t looked in ages cuz I bought ages ago yes this is bedrock 100% oh boys you know what I like this there’s a lot of potential here there’s a lot of good

Potential here but sadly boys I know I really wanted to stream a lot longer but sadly I got to pick up my sister from the airport um but don’t worry we’re going to be doing Minecraft streams a lot more because you guys seem to like

It I wish I could stream for longer but sadly I can’t your boy’s got a busy schedule not really I just got to pick up my sister from the airport you know sort her out be a good be a good brother I was going to say be a good be a good

Boyfriend but that would have been crazy you can get anywhere between $10 to $30 yeah yeah it’s like $10 to $30 so isn’t too expensive but hey it’s still it’s still a bit $35 on computer godamn you made a symbol what’s Edgar doing here man’s just chilling the KFC is calling

Hey I wish oh actually boys maybe I might pick up my sister from the airport and get some KFC but yeah I wish I didn’t have to end the stream here but but I really do sadly of course I’m going to be streaming every day Minecraft FIFA other games you guys want

Me to play thank you guys so much for joining all of you are absolute Legends see you D soon Dennis talk soon 100% Ed thank you guys so much for joining tell your S I said hi that is crazy that is crazy but will just for you hey tell

Your sister I said hi cut end the game where where Gman pulls up I’m so sorry Gman what a king no everyone’s joining now we got 12 viewers I may boys I’m crying that I’m leaving right now but um yeah sadly I do have to leave boys

Everyone here is here so sorry boys but thank you guys so much hopefully you guys enjoyed the stream and I’ll see you guys next time you guys absolute Legends see you later

This video, titled ‘The Beginning Of Our Minecraft World!!!’, was uploaded by Diabolical Dennis on 2023-12-20 22:14:03. It has garnered 71 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:43 or 3523 seconds.


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    Mind-blowing Hololive Minecraft 2024 Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hololive Hardcore Minecraft 2024 Clips Reaction Stream (Pekora, Marine, Miko, Kaela, Subaru, Nene..)’, was uploaded by ExoticBankai Reaction on 2024-05-30 12:34:48. It has garnered 214 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:41 or 12881 seconds. Support me monthly and get access to blocked reaction and more: https://www.patreon.com/ExoticBankai Donate and request a video reaction: https://streamelements.com/exoticbankai-2425/tip 00:00 Start 6:35 Nene’s Adventure After She Become The First Person Who Dead In Hardcore Server https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3HNOnMOrYw 19:20 Shy Ina doesn’t realize that Pekora-Senpai can hear her desperate voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NADe4J5yhNw 29:35 No One Save From Uncle Marine… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet – Vanilla 1.20.2 Whitelist – Age 25+ – No Claims – Smaller Community – Max Render Distance – 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you are 25+ years old and looking for a vanilla Minecraft experience with a mature community, you’re in the right place! We started a new world on June 9th, 2023 with the 1.20 update. Here are some key details about our server: No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins World border currently set at 10k blocks from spawn Average of 8-12 players online at peak times Hard difficulty setting Maximum render view distance of 32 Chunks To join us, please introduce yourself on our Discord server before we whitelist you. We aim… Read More

  • Daddeln MC

    Welcome to the Ultimate Minecraft Server!Immerse yourself in a world full of unlimited possibilities and experience Minecraft in all its diversity. Our server offers you a variety of features and game modes that leave nothing to be desired. Whether you are a creative builder, a passionate fighter or a skilled trader – with us you will find exactly what you are looking for!Freebuild + FarmweltExperience the freedom of building in our freebuild world! Here you can let your creativity run wild and build impressive structures. If you need resources, our farm world is at your disposal, where you can collect… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My first meme – hope u like it! 🔥

    Wow, looks like this meme is really mining for some laughs! Read More

  • Crafting Laughs: Minecraft’s Best Timing

    Crafting Laughs: Minecraft's Best Timing In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, Inventory depleting, lightning striking all around. Trying to keep up with the chaos and the fun, But sometimes the unexpected can leave you on the run. With comedic timing, you faced each twist, Turning mishaps into moments that can’t be missed. But in the end, it’s all about the joy you bring, To your audience, who loves to hear you sing. So keep on crafting rhymes and sharing your game, Your unique style and humor will always be the same. And as you navigate through challenges galore, Your fans will be cheering,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition!

    Minecraft Memes: Spicy Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale Conquering Minecraft’s Forever Frozen Night: The Epic Finale As the sun sets in the world of Minecraft, Coolguyapf embarks on a daring adventure into the End of Minecraft Iceland, where darkness reigns for 24 hours straight. Armed with determination and skill, he faces the ultimate challenge of defeating the fearsome Ender Dragon in this thrilling conclusion. Episode Recap In this heart-pounding finale, Coolguyapf navigates through the treacherous terrain of the End, facing off against hordes of Endermen and other dangerous creatures. With the help of powerful mods like Cold Sweat and Sanity: Descent Into Madness, he must maintain his… Read More

  • Diving into Minecraft’s Iceberg

    Diving into Minecraft's Iceberg Minecraft Iceberg – Unveiling the Depths of Minecraft Mysteries Embark on a journey through the enigmatic world of Minecraft Iceberg, a realm filled with theories, hypotheses, mysteries, and unexplained phenomena. As we delve deeper into the layers, we uncover a plethora of intriguing discoveries that challenge our understanding of the game. Exploring Layers 0-1 At the surface of the Minecraft Iceberg, we encounter a myriad of fascinating elements that pique our curiosity. From hidden secrets to cryptic puzzles, each layer holds a unique story waiting to be unraveled. The Author’s Insight Probot748, the mastermind behind the Minecraft Iceberg, has… Read More

  • 24 Hrs with SCARY Mods: Will Lonox Survive?

    24 Hrs with SCARY Mods: Will Lonox Survive?Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving 24 Hours With Every SCARY Mod in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Lonox on 2024-05-25 05:10:19. It has garnered 55910 views and 1262 likes. The duration of the video is 23:54:27 or 86067 seconds. Surviving 24 Hours With Every SCARY Mod in Minecraft.. Subscribe NOW! Streams – https://www.twitch.tv/lynixity Main Channel – @Lynix Hope you guys enjoy, go watch some more videos while you are here! Read More

  • EPIC Comeback: First Time Playing Minecraft in Years!

    EPIC Comeback: First Time Playing Minecraft in Years!Video Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft for the first time in years’, was uploaded by xxpromlggamerproxx on 2024-02-16 15:36:43. It has garnered 38 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:16 or 6316 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft’s MILK UPDATE

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft's MILK UPDATEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In Minecraft MILK UPDATE’, was uploaded by Sjaspa on 2024-05-01 13:00:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Survived 100 Days on ONLY Milk in Minecraft Hardcore Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/8kj6UACJNh Twitter: … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Transformation – New Home, New Ikumi!

    EPIC Minecraft Transformation - New Home, New Ikumi!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 New Iku! New home!’, was uploaded by Ikumi on 2024-03-08 06:58:08. It has garnered 4479 views and 314 likes. The duration of the video is 04:47:28 or 17248 seconds. 【Hashtags】 ☆ Main: #Konichiku ☆ Art: #Ikumillust ☆ Fan Name: Guumies ༻༺━━━⁎∗..∗⁎━━━༻༺ 【Socials】 ☆ All socials & business contact here ▸ https://www.youtube.com/@ikumi/about I do other streams / more content so check it out! ༻༺━━━⁎∗.*.∗⁎━━━༻༺ 【Ad Guidelines】 ☆ If you’d like to support me and avoid watching any ads here & across all of Youtube (especially ASMR content), consider getting Youtube Premium. It really helps my… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Java vs Bedrock PvP!

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Java vs Bedrock PvP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Java PvP vs Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by BitsMC on 2024-03-09 16:44:11. It has garnered 177 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:53 or 353 seconds. Subscribe! Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/sFk6hPATdW Read More


    INCROYABLE MOD CHIENS pour MINECRAFT! 😱🐶Video Information This video, titled ‘ce mod pour les chiens dans minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by royal Natoux on 2024-05-29 16:52:41. It has garnered 1633 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Read More

  • Watch NOW: Astrea Follick’s Epic Viral Gacha Edits!

    Watch NOW: Astrea Follick's Epic Viral Gacha Edits!Video Information This video, titled ‘#gacha #memes #trend #shorts #roblox #minecraft #viral #edit #gachatrend #gachaedit #fypシ’, was uploaded by Astrea Follick on 2024-01-12 13:39:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ever wondered what happens when a weird strict dad enters the Roblox universe? Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as we … Read More


    INSANE NIGHT WALL PVP MONTAGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PVP SHORT MONTAGE | HYPERSTEAL|’, was uploaded by NIGHT WALL GO on 2024-05-31 16:24:08. It has garnered 15 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. MINECRAFT PVP SHORT MONTAGE | HYPERSTEAL| #music #edit #firemc #minecraftlifestealsmplivestream #sigma #song #comedy #entertaining #funny minecraft,minecraft pvp,montage,cpvp montage,minecraft montage,minecraft crystal pvp montage,minecraft combotage,pvp montage,minecraft crystal pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,minecraft combo lock,minecraft sumo pvp,minecraft sumo,sumo minecraft,smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft pvp montage,minecraft smooth,insane minecraft,minecraft sumo 1v1,sumo 1v1 minecraft,crystal pvp montage,minecraft combo,minecraft hacker,minecraft sumo tournament,minecraft 240fps Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 – Balance of Power Ep. 27

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 - Balance of Power Ep. 27Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Balance of Power (Season two) episode 27 – The return of Ultra Steve’, was uploaded by DarkLight on 2024-02-15 03:29:39. It has garnered 250 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:17 or 2657 seconds. join the wolf pack Discord link https://discord.gg/P4wpnbA4UD Instagram link https://www.instagram.com/_itsdarklight_/ TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@itsdarklight_?lang=en Credit @ChaosProductionsYt @SpringStudios1 @kams3679 #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftRP #MinecraftStory #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftSeries #GamingRoleplay #RoleplayCommunity #MinecraftCharacters #minecraftstorytelling #minecraftroleplayseries #favremysabre #favremysabreart Read More

  • Imagine Pvp

    Imagine PvpThis is a 1.8-1.19.4 Minecraft server that will be releasing this summer. There are a BUNCH of cool and exciting features and an amazing PVP system. ImaginePVP.join-mc.com Read More

  • 🐚Hermit servers: SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Hermitcraft-inspired, community, Whitelist, Season 9

    👑 Hermit servers season 9 – New season! 👑 Best time to join – NEW SEASON Bedrock and java (including Playstation, Xbox and Switch) Hermit servers is back for a 9th season and is looking for members. We are a Hermitcraft themed server that follows many of the things they do. Hermitcraft inspired gameplay Shopping district, business district and more Mob/player heads Visual/fun add ons Major player events all the time Elected positions including mayor and king Tribal towns where players work together Player made mega bases Weekly builds Whitelisted server Active community that help each other For more information,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The true blocky heroes

    The true heroes in Minecraft are the ones who can perfectly execute a creeper explosion and still come out unscathed with all their diamonds intact. Read More

  • Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle!

    Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle! In Roblox, I crafted the Infinity Gauntlet so fine, With all the powers, like in Marvel’s design. Each jewel recreated, shining bright, In Build a Boat, a true gaming delight. From Discord to Instagram, I share my creation, With each update, sparking imagination. Join the empire, be part of the fun, As we craft and build, until the day is done. So come along, on this gaming quest, Where creativity and fun never rest. In Roblox world, where dreams take flight, With the Infinity Gauntlet, shining so bright. Read More

  • Hot and Spicy Minecraft Madness

    Hot and Spicy Minecraft Madness When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you blame it on your cat walking across the keyboard. #RelocoCat #MinecraftProblems Read More

  • Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery

    Sneaky Vanilla Minecraft Server Mystery Welcome to Mystery Place – A Private Vanilla Minecraft Server Embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft with the opening of Mystery Place, a private vanilla server. Experience the thrill of exploration, creativity, and collaboration in this unique gaming environment. What Sets Mystery Place Apart? Unlike public servers, Mystery Place offers a more intimate and exclusive gaming experience. With a focus on vanilla gameplay, players can enjoy the pure essence of Minecraft without any modifications or plugins. This back-to-basics approach allows for a nostalgic journey through the game’s core features. Free Gameplay and Community Interaction One… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I BUILT A GAMING ROOM IN MINECRAFT 1.20” by @Shreyu_is_live from Epitome Gaming. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it sparked a thought – the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. Imagine being part of a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on thrilling adventures. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a dedicated community… Read More

  • INSANE NETHER ADVENTURE with CasualPrince8!! 🔥🔥

    INSANE NETHER ADVENTURE with CasualPrince8!! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘THE NETHER ADVENTURE | Prince plays MINECRAFT (Part 34)’, was uploaded by CasualPrince8 on 2024-03-22 23:25:12. It has garnered 84 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:57 or 11217 seconds. Join the Casual Discord: https://discord.gg/Z7m9mBsTfr Donate here: https://streamelements.com/casualprince8/tip Part 34 of my adventure into the ever-changing, ever-brilliant world of Minecraft! Read More