Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Nightfall

Video Information

All right testing testing one two three all right testing testing 1 two three all right all right I think we’re good I think we are actually exceptional all right hello everyone greenon void it’s me Alpha it’s been a while it’s been a while since I’ve been back at uh fear

Nightfall again uh this mod pack has had a few updates since I last played it since the uh cave dweller intervened with the uh my mining um yeah we’ll get to that in a bit but uh hello um just because I wanted my next fear Nightfall video to be a live stream

Uh although it be is very late at night which is probably the appropriate time for me to be recording this little stream but also as consequence nobody’s going to really be here so this might just end up being a very long and unedited the YouTube video but uh

Well at least you’ll get a good idea of what I have to go through off camera every damn night in this mod pack it is not not it’s stress inducing we’ll just leave at that um you may notice that my uh animated Avatar at the bottom right I

Felt like there was a for you know the new year I need a better me means of expressing myself rather than being a disembodied voice so here I am uh but uh yeah so this is a good way for you guys to engage like how many videos I’ve

Been s I’ve been sitting on over 2023 because any uh video I upload from here on out uh without this uh PNG tuber or whatever the heck you call it and the bottom right is a a uh is a video that was recorded before 2023 and I just havn’t gone

Through uploading Andor editing it but uh now I can gauge on which uh videos are newer and which ones are older so you can pretty much gauge on how much I’ve been procrastinating and are well sleeping regardless nobody cares about that let’s get back into fear Nightfall I uh I like this mod

Pack oh yeah that’s right I got the new mouse too okay so I remember where I last left off I remember my own video I don’t remember setting up bars um but I I get that things have gotten particularly ow rough oh God is my mouse sensitivity my mouse sensitivity is Fine what hold up do I actually need to increase my M spe now that doesn’t feel natural to me this is a new mouse that I got for Christmas so uh bear with me let’s change it up to a chrism 13 let’s see what happens that’s much better okay oh okay everything feels

Weird Everything feels funky I don’t like it okay new mouse H this Okay what did I do with sugar cane sugarcane canel I think I put sugarcane right with seeds yeah which doesn’t make sense but ow right okay so let’s address what happened last time oh yeah I yeah last time was not a good episode for me m yeah I remember what happened last

Time last time I went mining in that big open cave right down there which uh oh hi there little pig uh was not fine in the slightest in fact I’m pretty much explained oh I got an Xbox notification cool I don’t know why that even happens

I I don’t I feel like I don’t need to explain why that whole situation was bad and completely not my fault I I know how to like I’m not I’m not a pushover all right I’ve beaten Li of I’ve beaten Souls Le I’ve played Minecraft Survival on Hardcore Mode very often all

Right I think I’d know what I’m doing but this alien mod pack with like it’s updated mob AI you would think that mining in a cave would not be as big of an issue considering you know the the cave doer mod and that uh well they want

You to the mod developer probably wants you to encounter the cave dweller a bit more often but uh oh I might just downgrade I I might just downgrade my boots to be honest that those aren’t going to last me oh those guy these aren’t going to last me at

All it’s a downgrade but heck it oh God I can’t destroy it yeah whatever they’re not I I would rather have a full set at the ready than to just wait for that to break on me okay either way uh let’s just either way yeah last episode was an

Absolute clown Fiesta I could not think of a better word I think I think I shouldn’t like I I I shouldn’t be struggling so much on explaining why that was so bad because it was it’s pretty obvious you can tell from the video um so mining in an open cave absolutely

Not a thing to do in this game you that is not an option uh however this is going to be this is going to be my uh my bunker my safe safety bunker down here however will have a purpose I have decided that I’m never going to go

Mining down there ever again it is is closed off forever I am not going back uh alternatively since open cave mining is completely out of the question that still leaves me the option with strip mining strip mining seems to be not only the safest option as you know that’s Cy

Explanatory it’s also the most doable option because well we’ve seen how open caves work unless I want to like struggle finding a smaller more condensed cave which uh with this caves and cliffs update going to be much harder uh easier said than done and even so those condensed caves could lead

To wide open caves like the one last episode episod and then well nothing’s nothing’s ever going to get done ever so what I think I want to do is I wanted to turn this room into something I I I really did but I think what I’m going to have to

Do is open up like a m shaft system uh unfortunately for me that means I’m going to have to leave open like I I might need to mine in this direction CU I know there’s like cave underneath where the creepers uh Jen from from that little location so I’m going to need mine

Towards this direction uh didn’t I have a backpack I do have a backpack with an atlas that belongs in my hands I should do that there we go I want uh like I wonder what updates this mod pack has had because this mod pack without a doubt

Has been updating all right I don’t know if I have the latest update I probably do not am I going to update it probably not because I’ve gotten I’ve acquired something in like the first few episodes of this series that no other mod pack developer in Minecraft was brave enough

To ever give me and I’m going to exploit that to the finest degree that item is this specialized projectiles the super blueprint from M of engineering it allows me to make all this but the one I care about is spile cartridge and since I have that I can actually craft

Those that is like an item you can only find from villager trades or from dungeon loot you can’t you can’t craft that you can’t make that you have to find it and usually mod pack developers would use craft tweaker or some other like uh [ __ ] to make the chances of finding

That to an absolute zero because Cu uh when I have fire bullets I can be exceptionally terrifying regardless of this uh how do I want to mine down I feel like okay I feel like I should just like mine like a corridor or something oh my God I have to get used to

All my hot Keys okay we’ll just leave it like that heck it do I have some iron with me I should probably take some iron with me if I’m going to go mining like this not a lot of iron just maybe that much now something that’s worthy of noting I do possess

Uh yeah that’s what I expected was going to happen I cannot I got to get used to these new buttons okay let’s just oh my God oh my God God it’s oh my God I have to re I have to rewire my goddamn brain oh no the button I I don’t understand the

Buttons are not in any different places they’re just smaller and harder to press and I I I don’t understand okay yep we’re going to go in from here now I have been reading the uh the comments uh I’ve been reading a lot of them waiting for this episode for fear

Nightfall all right and uh I got some pretty decent SU suggestions one is to was to uh Place carpet everywhere I’m assuming because of the sanity mod uh cuz you know comfy carpet I guess which you know I do plan on doing but there is a problem that I run into of my

Significant lack of wool uh I could turn all my string into wool to make carpet but I don’t don’t think that’s particularly necessary not the current moment no I don’t think I’m just going to do this because this is my this is my location I might as well like decorate

It yeah every three spaces all placed on a torch okay uh another suggestion I got was to uh like hold this place off and like uh Cobble deep slate or something which uh honestly I kind of plan on doing uh depending on how long my

Uh what do you call it my puny stick defense holds up which so far I’m very confident in my puny stick uh setup because it’s it’s holding out oh wait don’t I have no I don’t have a shovels that is a problem but Cobble deep slate apparently

Has a higher blast protection value than well my stone stone bricks which honestly would be ideal to turn this my whole church into just to uh keep me safe from every daily horde that knocks on my door which we will get into hopefully it I’m not crazy I heard that right like a

Pie a piece of wool placing sound like wool a wool block being placed God this mod Pack’s already getting to me okay and honestly forget the torch placements just just go just go if I want to organize my cave I will my strip mine I will do it later

Right now I just want to get down there and mine some damn iron I do have the fortune pick I think yeah this has fortune 3 on it uh I can’t remember what a gold pick mines though can’t for the life of me to remember I think I can mine iron I

Probably should try to mine iron with that from now on I mean it’s not like I can mine diamonds with a gold pickaxe anyway so I might as well get my use out of it oh but coal is also very useful we’ll come back for that we’ll come back for the

Coal I think coal is going to to be equally as useful as copper when that is not uh to downplay its usefulness that is like I’m being genuine serious I’m probably going to need all that stuff when I get into emerso engineering for most part I’ve been mostly

Vanilla um like I there there’s a lot of fun things I can do in this uh mod pack that I have yet to address uh in the previous episodes like uh in the episodes where I was trying to get to a generated structure like this church uh I walked past some interesting

Locations some places with boss bars that I couldn’t read Because of uh how I was recording the videos at the time so that is a that is a huge oopsy on my part um so there was like some boss bars I don’t I I don’t think bosses despawn I

Certainly hope not cuz that might be a fun episode to have on the series but there’s also like this giant supposedly oh that is my alarm telling me that it is midnight uh don’t ask why I have an alarm to tell me why it is

Midnight that is so I can prepare my El rituals to uh tell uh the voided entity known as the ghoul inside me to f off and leave me alone don’t worry about it I’m perfectly fine I in absolutely no danger Oh I thought that was I thought that was like an Alien

Hive lead ore I’m going to grab this this see this sounds like it could be useful oh gold ore okay hold up this th this just got interesting okay and as we know from my last video These are fake someone some some someone in the mod pack developer team uh I don’t think

It’s a team but someone thought not naming names it’ be a funny haha troll idea to [ __ ] make diamonds fake like what who who does that who gives you hope who gives you hope and extinguishes it what is even the point of the fake diamond diamonds what

The like after you know you know it’s it’s it’s more of a disappointment when you find it well regardless of this uh yeah am might even live I might not even be live I’m going to check if I’m live real quick that would be very upsetting if I

Was talking this whole time in no way let me join me on stream uh yeah am I even live okay well it looks like I am definitely live okay cool I just uh my own Discord hasn’t even been notified that uh I’m live which it usually does it usually beats

Me to the punch it’s good that it it it feels great being uh finally being the first one to beat the beat the the Discord Bots to the punch although now my recruits are going to find out a little late that I’m streaming also what was that

Noise I think that’s supposed to be the cave dweller now I’m going to be honest I did not have the greatest first impression of the cave I mean let’s be real here the reason my mining Expedition failed last episode was not because the cave dweller it was everything but the cave dweller

It was everything else aside from the cave dweller that made this like impossible I think my fight ORF flight response is absolutely skewered because whenever I hear the cave d running at me my first instinct isn’t to run away my first instinct is to fight it I don’t know whether that’s a saying

Whether I’m brave or just stupid I mean I’m certainly afraid of it I’m not completely complely Fearless all right I I admit that that thing was scary this is a condensed cave okay let’s uh let’s try wait how do how how do I is it left all there is a specific key

Bind for switching uh backpack but like oh wait no why is it called sit why do I have a sit button okay uh category Adventures backpacks back back swap tool or change uh hose mode X x what oh I hold down X okay I think that I think that dropped too that’s great

Okay well uh let’s grab some of these cuz I’m not sure these are fortun everyone remember when iron ore wasn’t like affected by Fortune good times right man I loved mining a billion trillion iron damn this gold pickaxe actually mines pretty fast too damn it not not right

There goam okay I’m going to remove this that is annoying that is in my way hey look a uh little choke point deep s damn this mod pack is pretty damn spooky I’m not going to lie I’m I already got chills but this mining Expedition is going a far cry more much smoother

Than well everything else I certainly hope I’m not making a mistake mining those fake diamonds the only reason I’m mining them is maybe there’s ore behind them but I can’t I really hope I don’t find out later like that they actually are minable I’m just using a wrong non-modded method of doing

So uh yeah I’m just going to store all my resources that I’ve collected in this bag all these raw resources and then just give me another pickaxe uh I have berries in case I get hungry well that’s kind of like emergency food right now that’s when I start running out of

Apples yeah I need to like I need to get away cuz cave toer is here trying to listen for him See what I mean see what I mean thank goodness mobs can’t heal yeah I’ll just wait I’ll just wait right here your life ends the moment you R this Corner what what huh huh where where’d he go oh oh I see how it is I see I I see what it’s

Doing yeah yeah whatever heck it heck it yeah I thought the skeleton just despawned or just ceased to exist for a moment that that honestly would have scared me a lot more like was the was that skeleton even real I going keep on hold of the Cobble deep slate Cobblestone how

Can go I’ll hold on to the Deep slate no I’m not going to mine that copper although if I really want Copper I can just go down here and grab it hey look at that Nowhere to Run except he did shoot me didn’t I hear a cave dweller spawn sound effect earlier you

See I know it’s going to attack me no doubt about it in my mind it’s going to attack me eventually there’s no avoiding it forever but uh my problem with the cave doar mod is that that kind of like I don’t find it too like crazy to hype about right is well I

Do like how they like gave like the Minecraft cave noises a legitimate reason to fear but the cave dweller does less of the stalking that the mod supposedly or so from things I’ve heard about the cave mod it does less of the stalking that I’ve been hearing about

And more of the sprinting at you and mizing you part like I I got I got maed before I even noticed it was there there was like only one instance where I just watched it spawn as I was crafting something in my backpack it spawned like dead set right

In front of me and I just don’t really understand oh this is glow lighten I thought that was like CIS quartz or something which is a different mod but like o that would have been a find okay well uh think I found everything of value in this

Cave yep I’m just going to that is the voice chat button because there is pro chat in this mod pack it is super fod is very funny too especially when you want to mess with your friends just going to eat some berries hope that saves my Hunger okay yeah there’s nothing else

Here I think I’m going to seal this place up I don’t need to come back here except for one piece of copper which uh really isn’t worth much so I’ll just uh seal this up with Cobblestone so I know it sus and uh keep moving man wouldn’t it be funny if I

Just saw the cave doar mining down that would be really funny wouldn’t it cave doar just appears right here okay God my reaction speed is going to be much slower than my usual Minecraft videos oh my God that sounds like it’s right behind me or it could be in the

Walls hey the hey you know what a huge difference from my last mining expedition in this mod pack which I have I at this point I feel like I spent a whole night down here in these caves which uh I may have discovered in my Cave doar

Episode that it’s perfectly fine to not be in your base when night falls it’s perfectly fine like I don’t see the hordes of Hell following me into the caves but uh I don’t know I’ll let the my defenses around my church tell me the answer see if they stand the test of

Time I mean if they don’t well then uh better luck next time I don’t know like the only thing I actually do care about in that church is the specialized projectiles that’s the only thing I care about like above all else cuz if I lose that that

Is there’s no telling when I’ll ever see another one of those it might be never considering how many updates this mod pack has maybe like the mod developer the pack developer just SL ah ah yes I see something useful that could uh benefit your survival it’d be a shame if I were

To remove it Permanently okay let’s let’s see I can mine diamonds with this gold pickaxe well that’s interesting maybe I should get this gold pickaxe repaired it’s not a very sturdy pickaxe I mean it’s only made out gold but I will use it to get the amount of diamonds that I rightfully

Deserve yeah no I don’t think I don’t think the gold pickaxe is worth keeping to be honest I don’t like having gold tools all right that’s just my personal preference I don’t care how useful they are I see gold tools as useful until expunged now how far down am

I I’m like at – 32 do I want to go deeper you know you know no what’re what we’re going to do is we’re going to do a little uh little during stream research cuz uh with the caves and cliffs update the uh y level doesn’t stop at zero it goes

Into a negative so uh what why I want I I I want to know what is the like what is the general consensus on what y level I should be mining at to find uh well diamonds I guess what light wi level to find diamonds yeah since it’s changed since the

Update really between 53 and -61 that is what the front page of Google is telling me I’m going to try Nega 53 going to be honest NE 53 sounds like sounds like the best place to be that’s behind me that’s behind me that’s behind me can it spawn in a strip

Mine oh it’s trying it just tried to spawn like three times I’m just double checking I just don’t I don’t want to spontaneously die but at the same time I mean it’s not like I’m going to be having any trouble finding my stuff it’s just that I’m going to lose seven levels

Of experience which by the way there’s a another reason why I was so willing to die last episode so many so many times one I was Fed Up and two well I haven’t turned in all my quests in my quest book I’m still in chapter one on the quest book I haven’t

Progressed the story of this mod pack it is really trying is I think the cave DW is trying to get me I I can’t imagine why can’t imagine yeah yeah I think all these sounds of the cave do are trying to spawn in my loc in my cave but uh

Failing there’s no way it spawns this often that’s funny 52 you sound very [Applause] close hey maybe you could just try to stop doing that you know Now here’s the yeah okay I’m going to be honest I’m going to take all these sounds as a legitimate reason to start mining upwards and making a staircase just so I don’t have to bump my head against the ceiling I’m going to take this as a

Sign I mean the closer I get to the the surface the close I’m going to have to deal with tonight’s night I may have jumped a little there as I was like turning around can you stop you’re not going to reach me oh my God this is unheard of I certainly hope this stream actually doesn’t corrupt and actually gets uploaded I want people to hear this [ __ ] Jesus Christ Christ is the caver

Normally this aggressive when it tries to spawn I don’t think it is I imagine it’s cuz I’m like making a strip mine oh [ __ ] that’s not good okay I need to get upstairs that that might be a legitimate reason to go back to base Norm okay so here’s the thing about

The blood moon right and this might have happened off camera I don’t know I’d like to imagine I recorded everything interesting about the blood moon I every time a blood moon has appeared I haven’t noticed anything different like it’s very sucks you know I’m just going to I’m

Going to make another pickaxe and uh I I’m going to make another pickaxe and just uh hope that I can uh yeah stop making the noises I’m just going to hope that my defense is hold they should hold because last I checked the uh puny stick defense was

Actually working like the trap doors were a perfect and I mean perfect addition to defense because I can trick the mob AI into thinking that’s a block and then they’ll just walk off it and then fall into Punchy sticks and die a horrible horrible death there’s a there’s a name

Tag do do you see that there’s a name tag right there I’m on a single player world not the PO Shadow Vis following you guys but I’m on a single player world I can’t read that name tag what does that say I certainly hope it doesn’t I certainly hope it

Disappears well speaking of the devil it disappeared I bet you that name tag just says here Ryan I don’t have OptiFine Zoom or do I I should have OptiFine Zoom do I have OptiFine Zoom this might not be the time to figure out if I have OptiFine Zoom but

I’m going to figure it out Zoom left alt what do you mean left alt that’s that does nothing Zoom oh with hexar ey glasses okay y well oh wait I see the name tag again I still can’t read it sugar can’s growing though Yeah I’m going to show you what a KN is like so this is the average fear Nightfall night uh obviously it’s not going to be as intense because I’m in a well fortified structure it’s made out of mostly blast resistant material I hear like breathing I I hear lots of Breathing this is going to be a long night hopefully you know with my new found defenses I can just safely go down here and adjust some things ah this Larch button is actually going to come in handy because I’m going to place that right there I’m going to

Need it cuz I’m going to set an iron door right there you kidding me I’m not I’m not going to fight uh the next cave door that charges at me out there uh these are modded mob drops vanilla mob drops yeah like rotten flesh and stuff throw this there gunpowder

Do I don’t know if D diamonds don’t really count as ingots but I’m throwing it there anyway I have plenty of red Stone uh not sure if it’s a good thing or not W look at all this gold I have oh this is this could be

Good okay we’re just going to sort this container thr some of my Cobblestone there so my tough some dirt in there maybe some my gravel soft materials I guess I don’t really know where to put gravel but this uh deep slate however does have value it does have a certain

Amount of value to it okay going do a Flint Flint I want to turn into arrows so I want to keep a hold of Flint sort container for me why do I have a curs of find sharpness four might be helpful I have three obsidian this is

Great maybe I can dispel the horrifying music with like a jukebox or something and maybe it make me feel better maybe I can put paintings on the walls and you know maybe that will increase my sanity or something I don’t know I’m trying oh sweet more iron that is good

I’m going to use that as my new emergency set of iron okay start start smelting that okay what have we got what have we got all right in terms of our resources let’s take a look we have seven diamonds all right that is enough to start making an enchantment

Table uh honestly my might be something I want to look into because if I can get if I can uh store enough experience then take turn in all my quest rewards and then reach 30 and then risk a luck of the draw for a fortune 3 that

Might save me a lot of time I don’t know whether if I beat this mod pack whether I’m going to go ahead and do another run of this game because I mean this mod pack catches my eye I know as of recent uh when I started playing this mod pack

There’s been a lot of like YouTubers giving like a horror theme to Minecraft as a recent uh I don’t know whether it’s specifically because of this mod pack or if this is another you know clone of something else that was inspired by some someone else did I

Guess for Minecraft that makes it spooky themed uh no idea can’t can’t tell you I I literally cannot tell you uh but yeah I just seen a recent surge of that as a recent uh but I think this one this mod pack in particular is the most interesting to me because it just

Feels alive sentient really like the game knows what I’m doing at all times and is trying to actively stop me from progressing though it looks like I’ve actually finally started winning the arms race against the mobs and Herobrine so that’s some good news on my front see what I mean by weird

Noises like what is that I don’t know if you heard that but it was very faint of course those little guys it’s so much better knowing knowing that I can safely put iron bars at my front door and not see a cluster [ __ ] of mobs like in my previous episodes this is all

Thanks to the puny stick defense by the way this is not how a normal Knight usually goes this is just how a knight goes when you actually have a good defense and my defense being relatively simple my only source of Sanity are these uh campfires but the only uh but now

There’s a possessed mob inside my base that just spawns cuz Herobrine’s trying to be creepy oh oh that’s what the wool block sound is that’s right that’s my backpack hold up yeah I have this ability turned on uh I don’t think I made it clear in my video but uh this

Cake backpack apparently feeds you like food every 8 minutes it’s the only reason I’ve been going through my food ever so slowly because the backpack is feeding me and I’m assuming it’s adding to my saturation so the only way I’m ever going to get hungry is if I take

Damage which is going to happen there is no avoiding damage forever but I can at least hold it off for as long as possible to prevent starvation I don’t know how long I’m going to be streaming for okay I’m hearing a lot of thuing I should probably check I should probably check the

Surface what is that out there oh that’s right isn’t that an Ender Creeper didn’t I discover that in one of the episodes oh I hate the concept of that oh [ __ ] I oh you these little guys are the bane of my existence they just they just spawn in

Your base because you know Herobrine’s trying to be creepy and just being near them just drain they they don’t have ai you can’t hit them you can’t really do anything about them they’re not really a threat all they do is sit there and drain your Sanity and now Herobine spawned another one luckily it’s around the campfire so it’s negating your sanity drain you can’t do anything to me that you haven’t already done Herobrine What a nuisance this man’s tried like oh that one disappeared where did it [Applause] go I’m going to go back down clearly I uh my efforts are better focused uh back on my ingots so I’ve been thinking a lot on how I want to construct my little settlement here in

Fear Nightfall I got the church and I got to a very fortifiable standard but since I have access to like tools like emersive engineering I think I’m going to turn this into like a community for one what where I’m going to start constructing multiple buildings probably made out of deep slate because that’s

The most blast resistant I can think of each with like its own defenses I guess I mean I’m going to probably put Bui sticks and trap doors that’s that’s like the main defense but uh yeah I’m going to set up some like multiple buildings and they’re

All going to have their own purposes and then I’m going to be able to find a means of traveling between them using immersive engineering stuff oh finally I wonder when the I wondered when the music was going to start the music is kind of bopping specifically this

One yeah I think I want to like I want to diversify things because while these little side rooms are great I do want to Branch out and make like a factory uh a wheat field a uh a slaughter house I think I want to make a slaughter house that would be the

Most iconic thing to make in this mod pack since we have like things like uh this over here slaughter house would be a good start you know um to like the community here here of one so if I start making a slaughter house and then like a farm to farm

Animals which will pose a risk I don’t know how I’m going to do that because well for those who haven’t been following the mobs can get possessed by Herobrine and they do some quite nasty things while being possessed it’s like they got a fragment of his like Unholy Power I don’t know what dark Metal’s going to do for me yep and the Beat Drops I certainly hope this music isn’t too loud it might be a bit too loud I don’t know say how loud is it oh no okay I’m louder I’m definitely louder start cooking these lead

Ingots can I Forge these into bricks oh I most certainly can turn these into bricks and I think I will turn them into bricks are you kidding me okay these deep slate bricks look almost like the stone bricks let’s store these here I will not let that dissuade me

Because I will be building every future structure out of Cobble deep slate cuz I don’t really have a better material I guess with the diamonds I have I guess I could construct places out of pure obsidian um although obsidian doesn’t look too good but at the same

Time I probably should encase my safe room in obsidian just in case I mean let’s be real here I’m not going to mine obsidian for like hours just to build a full Factory and multiple other buildings out of straight up obsidian it’d be so much easier just to get the Deep

Slate and then prepare obsidian whenever necessary well if things get too aggravating then I will not hesitate to mine obsidian I mean what’s what’s going to stop me hey if my puny sticks are working then what’s the need for well it’s the creepers that fortnite jump that actually our

Problem what a troubling situation I’ve put myself into I think I have a visitor can’t imagine why but I should go pay them a visit smell blood is summon something to run I’m running h it didn’t actually s something right of course not occasionally it spawns something other times it doesn’t

I got an ender pearl though so that’s uh pretty good going store this ender pearl right here you never know how good an end Pearl is going to be there we go throw that there especially in these mod packs End Girls are probably going to make more

Crazy things than just eyes vendor allow me to go kill K the Ender Dragon wonder if killing the ender dragon is going to be any lick possible because I have no idea what’s in the nether or the end and with this mod pack with how like the open caves worked

I I my confidence isn’t exactly High okay with that said um it is the next day I’m not going to bother checking my defenses just yet I’m going to be confident that uh my defenses are Fine I think everything’s been prepared yeah I I I I think it’s time to go get the the stairs I will uh go uh get to that I guess okay yeah I have some Cobblestone spare let’s make some freaking stairs I make stairs for cheap this will do

Now here’s my question because those uh baby husk things that spawned inside my base with no AI they are constant sources of draining my sanity the only solution I have found when making these episodes to get rid of them from your base is to run outside the chunk deload the

Area and then run back in just so just run very far away and then run back home that is the only way I have gotten rid of them also jeez I get down here in the cave dwellers already trying to spawn what is with that the game’s already telling me hey you

Haven’t encountered this thing in a while you you haven’t died to this thing in a while you know you you should probably you should probably die to this thing no I I I choose life thank you no thanks hi chose life see already two attempts right there what is with

You jeez maybe I should just strip mine in half slabs just to stop you from doing that if you’re going to be that aggressive then maybe I should or maybe I should set traps in my goddamn strip mine specifically laid out just for you uh oh yeah you know what you know what

Uh what what just hit me it’s New Year’s I forgot to wish you all a Happy New Year recruits I’ve certainly been taking a load off uh for this Christmas break uh I know you recruits have probably done the same or probably watch some other YouTub if you didn’t really

Have anything better to spend your time with which uh to be honest yeah I’d probably do the same I would probably watch like Doug Doug or something or Markiplier or I don’t know whatever else is like on my YouTube recommended whatever catches my eye at the very

Least and it can just be random things the YouTube algorithm I still don’t understand it it’s a mystery okay I’m going to make this staircase wider specifically for the staircase because I don’t I think speed and efficiency is really going to shine here I like being able to run up my

Staircases in case of an emergency or an Attack I really hope extending the ceiling doesn’t make caves dweller more likely spawn I’m going to be so mad if it’s somehow spawn behind me and start sprinting down these stairs like what do you expect me to do all right if you’re just going to aggressively spawn every couple

Seconds one two yep that that was even 2 seconds that wasn’t e that wasn’t barely a second yo stop seriously get some help stop you should stop spawning Now there we go it really wants to scare me whatever it’s not even like the like I did my research on the cave dollar after the episode it’s not even since since well I’ve already encountered it and it turns out there are multiple cave ders apparently people made multiple remixes

Or remasters of the mod apparently the one I encountered was a remaster of the original and the original looks kind of goofy if you’ll ask me although albeit still terrifying I just I just have a sinking suspicion that whoever made this version of the cave doorer that I encountered probably I know there’s

Diamonds right there probably cranked up the spawn rate because they really really wanted to scare people and I’m just sitting here making a strip mine like I as if it’s nobody’s business I I literally do not care I could care less about the cave dweller I mean if I hear of a cool

Spooky mod going around in Minecraft I’m deliberately not going to look it up in case of uh a future mod pack that I play has the mod in it and then I have to go into it blind might not be fun for Backseat Gamers who knows uh who know exactly

What it is I’m dealing with and uh trying to uh tell me hey no you do this you idiot and well let’s be real here you can’t have the best of both worlds you either get a blind reaction or you get a absolute like Pro who knows exactly what they’re doing at all

Times uh how much daylight do I have I about half a day Okay so let’s think here what do I want to do I think I want to start making some stuff I guess uh not there okay let’s open it this Ani we have a mer some engineering so I

Know you can make concrete how do you make concrete though sand gravel clay and a bucket of water okay that might be something I have to do later but I want to start making some concrete paths and I think concrete has a special like thing in Merc of engineering where you walk faster

Walking on it much like pathway paths and uh Pathways and vanilla Minecraft I think it also does this like a similar effect I think I want to start making those as Pathways between like different buildings I build out there oh that’s raining out there o I don’t want to go out

There all right yeah no it’s not it’s not worth going out there I almost forgot how much how often it hecking rains in my area it’s actually getting very bad the rain has actually impeded my progress to actually make the most out of the days and day and night

Cycle in this mod pack I mean they literally the mod pack literally extends like the days and nights to like be like 40 minutes or something just so you actually have enough time to actually prepare uh you you literally have a 40-minute grace period or something on your first

Day but I can’t seem to make the most out of my days because of the rain which has been particularly a problem for me because the problem with with rain is getting wet in this mod pack drains your sanity for some reason so that means sitting in water sitting

Out in the rain anything that has to do with water you are draining your sanity and it’s awful okay I think we’re going to have to go strip mining I think it’s time to actually begin strip mining I think you know if I just I think I should just try to bum

Rush at an enchantment table I think if I make an enchantment table I can get uh fortune 3 some good Enchanted gear I mean I’m making levels back if your sanity starts draining randomly that means Herobine just spawn right behind you because it counts as a hostile mob that’s never happened to me Before Herobrine Whispers to you behind you right as I started talking about him too being like appearing behind me see what I mean this this mod pack is sentient it knows what I’m doing I’m not pulling your leg this this mod pack is legitimately Freaky did I mine those diamonds earlier from before I don’t think I did I should probably go mine those I think that was on my cake backpack just now is that I can’t see okay I think that’s all the okay let’s uh replace all this with Cobblestone let’s like let’s just fill

In this void with stone so that not even the cave dweller can spawn here actually you know I’m going to go back and mine those diamonds I found earlier where the hell those were yeah they’re right here okay I’m going to go mine these okay come on get me in there okay

Switch to the hey I got two I got an r two wow how many diamonds did I just get I just got 10 you know this gold pickaxe ain’t half bad oh that’s that’s just going to be one block you know what I think I think I changed my

Mind let’s go back let’s let let’s go back all right it’s noon maybe the rain stopped I have I have new found Hope now I have I have a new intended purpose for this gold pickaxe I’m going to try to keep it alive or at least until I can make a

Better fortune 3 pickaxe I I know I have an anvil here somewhere and I do certainly do have the ingots for this let me just uh three gold ingots real quick where do I keep the Anvil certainly surely I must have kept an anvil somewhere yeah here it is okay let me

Just uh do a thing with this gold pickaxe that only has one durability on it wow yeah you know what honestly why waste this golden pickaxe on mining iron to get more iron even though I desperately need more iron at all times why why waste it on something simple like that

Why do I why am I constantly sitting oh okay the toggle for that Z it’s on toggle yeah why I waste my time doing that when I could just be you mining diamonds with a gold pickaxe I didn’t even know gold pickaxes could mine diamonds I’m going to be honest I did

Not realize that gold pickaxe was like diamond level I thought you only need specifically iron to mine diamonds which is interesting to me CU gold has a high susceptible enchantability this might be a speed this would be a speedrun tactic for me uh to get more

Diamonds earlier in a SMP if it weren’t for the fact that it’s getting a fortune 3 is going to be incredibly more inconsistent on a gold pickaxe than it would be regular iron tool at least specifically what I found okay I’m just going to add these to my inventory and then move on

I I don’t know I I don’t know what I want to do I feel like mining is what I should be doing for this episode to make up for the last one but I really want to build a new structure like out in like the space

I’ve cleared out because I like having a flat terrain and I have worked extensively hard off camera to flatten out and terraform the terrain so that no monsters are hiding behind any Hills or rocks or anything like I can see out as far as I that as far as out as my

Territory will allow me to see also should probably have have blocks in my inventory at all times nickel ore well I might as well start making our iron pickaxe just to give you an idea how bad it got in the open cave last episode I went through like two full

Sets of iron armor in that one episode and iron armor does not just delete itself like that unless you’re in a very serious buffle in Minecraft like a large scale PVP battle or a very unnecessarily large amount of mobs are just hitting you all at

Once so just to give you an idea of how bad it was oh it was bad it was bad it was bad enough that I decided that I’m just going to strip mine because uh well let’s be real here normally I wouldn’t cave in like this if

It wasn’t for the fact that I wasn’t getting anything done I will be using that cave however I’m not like completely Walling it off because I did discover one thing useful last episode we live nearby a slime chunk and slime in mod packs is exceptionally rare as it is

Useful with that I can craft name tags I can craft sticky pistons and then I can do a bunch of modded stuff because slime is generally rare and mod pack developers with who have access to craft tweaker know about it they know how much of a pain the ass

It is to get slime and vanilla Minecraft so if you somehow luck out and find a slime chunk where slimes just randomly spawn underneath your base I’d say you have a pretty good shot also deep slate uranium ore something tells me I shouldn’t smelt these into ingots I should probably hold on to These um well at least I’m not dying of like radioactive like [Applause] whatnot let’s keep mining I still don’t know what’s in this mod pack I don’t know the full extent of everything I guess I still have the pump Killers Quest but the fact that it told

Me to be well equipped before doing that I want to hold off on doing that until I’m like decked cuz for all I know it could summon a boss and absolutely mop the floor with me I am no idea what that’s going to do and I only hope that no one spoils

That for me cuz that’s going to be an episode and let’s be real here it’s either going to be I equip very very well for it or a over equip for it either way I’m not facing it in full iron part of me wonders if I’ll like

Retry this mod pack again but except on Hardcore Mode cuz if I do I’m definitely not mining in open cave I’m strip mining I am most certainly strip mining despite the fact that I’m never going to see the cave dweller because it’s trying to spawn and failing miserably which by the way hasn’t

Spawned every 4 seconds so you know good job I really don’t know what the hell’s up with my cursed staircase but it tried to spawn every 4 seconds I don’t know what that’s all about I just noticed that stopped doing that that makes some for some reason that makes me worry a bit

More that makes me worry more also I’m running out of charcoal which I’m going to be using to make more campfires because uh this the only thing I know that increases sanity very well the warmth of the Fire I guess it’s probably another thing I should mention that my church location does have the unfortunate spawn location of being next to an iller Hut which I don’t really mind and I might raid at some point but I don’t really mind the frequent iller raids if they’re just

Going to give me free emeralds uh it’ be a peaceful tactics we’ll leave it at that yes peaceful tactics heyo is this a mod series Yep this is modded this is is uh Minecraft fear Nightfall this is a horror mod pack of some sort and as far as I’ve seen this mod

Pack is quite literally sentient it has tried to stop me where am I okay if the cave doar spawns in here I’m going to God damn lose it see let’s try to let’s try and knock down this wall there we go do you have a link to this mod uh I

Don’t exactly have a link to this mod but it’s probably one of the more popular mods it’s like right on the front page of Cur Forge last I checked they it’s called fear Nightfall uh it’s quite literally like oh wait I could probably I could

Probably look at oh wa let me look at let me do a let me do a look let me do a look see Because yeah this is a mod pack called fear Nightfall by shikai I don’t know it’s their name the author is in all caps sh HX r k i e I have no idea how to say that but it’s apparently in mod pack version it’s in version five where the hell that

Means no idea couldn’t tell you I couldn’t tell you what that means oh shoot do I have a okay I do have some extra iron on me oh boy I’ve had this world since November fear Nightfall or Nightfall uh it’s it’s fear space Nightfall yeah Nightfall is one word that is the mod

Pack oh look diamonds once again just switch to this pickaxe oh this is a big vein all right 19 diamonds you know what I’m glad I kept this pickaxe around okay you know maybe I misjudged gold gold Minecraft tools always thought gold tools were worthless you find a gold pickaxe that

Has fortun 3 it’s definitely a keeper especially if you find it early game where did I find the mod pack funny story you asked that my friend marom showed it to me shortly after Halloween of 2023 it was uh maram challenged me to uh survive the first

Night and uh basically we started our our sing player Worlds at the same time and I outlived them because I looked out and found like a castle with like diamond armor and stuff inside it and uh I basically memd on him uh I of course started a new world since

Then and then I realized just how lucky I was because uh I have yet to see this Castle again it was a generated structure oh no woo yeah so far as this let’s play has been going I have not been looking out I have literally been in arms race

Against the mobs and they were winning for about eight episodes where did he find the mod pack he never told me but it’s on curse Forge right now so I imagine he somehow found it on curse Forge or maybe a friend told him about it and told him how scary it was and

Uh yeah things spired downward from there I don’t I don’t I’m not really a part of all the friend groups Mar’s really in but uh where at wherever he discovered this mod pack from quite the doozy it has been it I I can’t say the when the last time I was genuinely intrigued

With a Minecraft mod pack but this certainly does it this certainly Takes the Cake as something that’s caught my interest all right we’re going to make this diamond pickaxe and we are going to collect obsidian as much obsidian as I can get my hands on for the

Moment uh I like mining obsidian in wa oh wait no I can’t mine in water because of the [Applause] sanity I was bored so I watched the streams I mean that’s what I’m here for man I’m here to entertain for whoever Finds Me Do you have a

Dad yeah I have a dad all right although I try to keep them uh out of these streams or any of these videos Cu uh well he can be quite obnoxious at times Oh boy yep and if we listen to those NE distant sounds you can you can hear that the cave dweller is trying to spawn in my location and failing miserably because I am in twoo condensed of a location of what I can assume where the spawn in okay oh [Applause] god oh come

On come the heck [Applause] On ah that that bastard has been trying to spawn on me all stream it’s good thing I have my little safety bunker that I built Once Upon an episode good thing I have like a whole hour 3 30 minute live stream telling uh telling all the amazing sound effects

That played for the K do is trying to spawn I think it’s been trying to spawn way too aggressively in my opinion I can’t seem to count 2 seconds for it tries to make another attempt what was that that is what I call Frank he he is not very kind he

Doesn’t like it when people you know are doing the mining half of Minecraft in fact it it it offends them on a relig level so he tries to murder people we call what other people call the cave doorer I will call this thing Frank am I the only one chatting

Yeah I’m I’m not going to lie this is this stream’s like extremely late at night none of my recruits are active at the moment I’m pretty sure most of the like I’m pretty sure most people are going to view this video after it’s like uploaded besides most of my viewer base left

After the secret laboratory uh videos anyway I don’t take YouTube very seriously or competitively so Frank hates you yes Frank does not support my arms race against Herobrine which I un I unironically have been fighting against for the past eight to nine episodes of this damn mod

Pack all right well it’s a good thing I know exactly oh wait what what is this oh that’s just my corpse it’s just my rotten corpse there we go that’s that that’s okay there we go there we go that’s much better just put this in just put this in my uh Bobble slot

You know there we go okay perfect okay I love how the moment I’m not you a strip mine G buer decides to pay a visit I don’t know if you saw that but that was Herobrine he’s he’s stalking me constantly all right we’re just going to take a trip

Down what episode is this I think this is episode 9 because like this is this is the first actual live stream episode cuz I wanted my next episode to be a live live stream after the disaster that was last episode which also was a mining episode thus why I’m mining this one

Because it did not go well oh a ah damn it damn it okay you know what’s interesting there’s lava like in the walls apparently supposedly there’s lava here but I don’t hear any lava not a sound beyond the walls is a mod doing this that I don’t hear

This do do I have blocks turned off it should be blocks right there’s no sound bring the holy wire use it on Herobrine is holy water a thing I haven’t even bothered checking holy sword there ain’t no holy wire but there’s a holy sword the ather that’s where I need to go that

That that is what that sounds like exactly what I need all right I have an endgame goal now if I’m going to fight against herbine I need the power of religion uh oh dear God and a Blood Moon disappeared okay I’m just going to carefully grab this obsidian

Damn what I I have no idea I speak whatever is on my mind and if it’s chaotic then that’s what I go for oh dear okay do I just want to I have enough to make a nether portal I think I don’t don’t want to make the Nether Portal

However I mean I literally just exploded I’m going to leave this little window right here I know I risk the cave actually no I I’m pretty sure the cave buer can fit through like I think the cave door can crawl through these one block like structures so I’m

Just going to leave like a little like Peak hole like this that let me know that there’s something important behind that wall and by that the only thing important is lava which I probably should have in hindsight filled up my bar park with eh it’s

Fine oh yeah that was the one thing I wanted in last episode I wanted to get deep slate not like not not not deep slate I wanted to get like not deep what was it dripstone that’s what I wanted cuz if I got my hands on at least one

Piece of dripstone that’s infinite lava that is an infinite lava source right there and I have used lava buckets exceptionally well throughout this series 14 views jeez okay this this is a lot higher than my usual like casual stream what the heck what are you all doing up this late

At night it’s like past midnight for me here maybe I should stream this late more more late maybe I should stream late at night more often damn then again it might be the fact that this is a criminally underrated mod pack like I’ve only seen like about a

Handful of YouTubers I can only count on one hand who also did a video on this mod this little mod pack and it’s uh they only did like one or two episodes for like falling off the face of the Earth I’m going all the way I want to

See how this ends there’s like a story to this and I already it’s already pequ my interest let just throw this raw Nickel in here bro you genius yeah I I’ve been I’ve been told that before in different games I have I have been told this before sometimes it has worked against me

However uh charcoal okay wait what is in here that’s right I have a Wither Skull uh all right let me take a look at the uh okay so I have a so I have a daylight sensor up there you can’t see it because it’s dark and there’s no daylight but I

Have just a daylight sensor up there hooked up to one piece of redstone and a redstone lamp and supposed to tell me when Minecraft itself thinks it’s daytime and I’ve just been using that and comparing it to this Minecraft clock I’ve had in my inventory to let me know when Nightfall

Strikes oh God damn it spider left the top there I don’t want to get close to creepers so I’m just going to stay away from the walls okay I need to check to see if how how my defenses have been holding up uh but in the meantime I should

Probably continue to get work done because if I don’t then I worry the more I Dole the more the mobs are going to figure out how to get through my newfound defenses from last episode and then I’m going to be in a spot of trouble luckily I’ll have armor to to

Prepare me for that but oh yeah the pump killager that’s uh that’s something I have to deal with is it be prepared to fight a mythical creature on the dimension called uh the end that honestly I kind of want to do in this mod pack at some point I want to

I want to beat Minecraft I want to kill the Ender Dragon because I I familiar with what’s on the the overw world I have no idea what’s in the nether or the end and I’m exceptionally curious what’s in the end because there’s been horrifying things that have been visiting me every

Night in this fortified structure that I’ve set myself up in honestly this church location is the most defensible in my opinion out of all the generated structures I mean it’s certainly more common than the castle that I spoke of earlier do a speedrun oh boy I’m not exactly a speedrunner but uh

I could certainly try at some point although I don’t really know what I’m speedr running to because as I see here I have like I’m still in chapter one there’s like something else going on like requires chapter 2 I have I canot tell you for life of me

What’s in Chapter 2 I’m just making I’ve just been making preparations I’ve been constantly like building up a bigger defense a bigger like offense building up more resources so I can actually like blast through like future chapters uh how many diamonds do I have total 33 wow I could just make myself

Full set of diamond armor that just that that will just happen today I don’t I like I I started the stream with like three like I think two diamonds maybe three now I have like 33 I just got 30 diamonds in like under two hours I guess that’s a good thing I have

This thing that I found at a random dungeon chest trying to find this location fortune 3 it does wonders all right we’re going to put this the Restless iron right here this smelt okay I don’t want to start cuz I because of how easily I died to that cave dweller when it jumped

Me I don’t want to start turn in these quests cuz that’s going to give me valuable XP that I can just easily lose from dying but at the same time it’s it’s tempting it’s tempting it’s risky I want to at least reach level 30 once uh let me just let me just

Make a uh thing real quick let’s see can I do this I made enchantment table okay let me see what what what Poseidon’s breakfast couldn’t tell you what that is for life of me hold an enchantment book with experience what does that mean table what if I just look up

Table anything anything strange Royal table large no not really no not in this world but in a new world without any mods just a speedrun in less under a sub30 that that would be an interesting video I’m not exactly a season speedrunner but that might be a video I

Might actually that might be a video I might attempt I’ve never actually physically tried speedrunning Minecraft oh and the music is started all right how to thorns to I have a fortune to silk touch pickaxe in here as well that’s okay I forgot I had these I keep forgetting I have all these

Okay I think what I want to do now is start going into my bunker oh shoot oh God I was looking at chat oh my God don’t go down there I get accepted to University message before that got R Retracted all right yeah this room I think I want to slowly start like replacing blocks I’m going to have to sleep in that bed well I can’t sleep in the bed but I’m going to set my spawn yeah I can’t sleep at night during thunderstorms whatever I certainly hope that set my

Spawn there we go do you ever play Among Us I have a few episodes on my playlist for among us so I have done a bit of that I haven’t played as a recent no I know there’s some new maps so if I get the gang together that might be a that

Might be a fun time I should dust off the old book of gaslighting my friends okay yeah so if I just okay yeah I want to turn everything in that in my secret bunker not well not very secret but I want to turn everything into that bunker into obsidian like absolute blast

Resistance I want that to be the safest location available to me do you ever play Black Ops 1 no because I do not have a working Xbox anymore and I have uh I don’t think it’s on steem we’re going to put the enchantment table in there all right I’m thinking how do

I ah wait I have a lot of bookshelves wait a minute this I could just enchant I literally could just enchant the level 30 do I want to make a whole new structure for that though uh oh I don’t think I do but I’m going to remove these like skull right

There this is the perfect little indentation put like a 30 little enchantment table though I was really originally going to do something else with this room but this might be the intended actual method of doing with this like side room do you have a Discord I have a fan

Discord server in the description of this uh video or this live stre right now it’s in default in all my videos right now that is uh all I got rock for me right now I’m not very active on my own Discord I will warn but uh I do have a

Discord I usually spend most of my time either sleeping or editing a video Andor recording a video but most of my most of my time spent on sleeping let’s be real here life is stressful I don’t take YouTube completely seriously I mean what reason do I have to do

So oh boy yeah there is some very nasty sounds going above me right now on the surface okay I think what I’m going to do is start chopping down these bookshelves off the walls it’s time to do something drastic wait this pickaxe has silk touch what am I

Doing wait wait wait I could I could probably do some way smarter hold up can I yes I can the tool type doesn’t matter far as logs has silk touch oh boy I have the ring groaning in my ear I’m not scared of you I’m not scared of You or watching a YouTube video that too that too usually this music begins when it’s like mid like like during the night uh cycle of this phas but looks like the sun is rising really have no idea what you’re trying to pull your Nightfall but uh I’ll take it

Do you ever have a collab with a YouTuber uh the YouTubers I collab with aren’t super well known but I am willing to collab with other YouTubers uh but the YouTubers I can I have collabed with uh off the top of my head are the Red’s Kingdom and uh farlong

YouTube which uh he doesn’t do YouTube anymore as it well well here’s a little update uh for good old farlong he’s uh currently going through college right now so doesn’t really have all the time in the world to do YouTube is that a zombie grown I you’re

Hearing I honestly don’t know how to answer that I’ve been hearing that so often this mod pack I’ve just gotten used to it I think it’s a zombie GR I’ve never really been able to discern what what where its Origins what what its true Origins Are H that’s probably a waste of bookshelves but what do I know this should be enough right 30 level enchants yeah it goes up to 30 efficiency 4 like markip player yeah like markip player absolutely like Mark bler I thought you collabed with Mark Player I I I God I wish I don’t I don’t think Mark Blair is going to have much uh much interest in collabing with a rando well I I I don’t really know how to

Finish that statement to be honest I had a I had a direction I was going with that statement but I I completely lost it God I could I wish I I don’t I my my footprint on YouTube is relatively small it was it was decently

Big for a time when I was doing Secret laboratory stuff cuz I was like the one funny dude on secret laboratory but uh since then secret lapies got more competitive as a recent I just wasn’t having any of that I like the goof around not take game seriously cuz where’s the fun in

That where’s the fun in That I’m just going to repair some of these walls do you ever play FNAF I have not uh physically played a FNAF game as of yet I’m not opposed to play to playing FNAF uh I just well let’s be real here I any FNAF content I probably already seen before through Mark Blair

So it wouldn’t exactly be the most blind playthrough in the world uh maybe start cooking some of the Cobblestone to Stone so I can make more of these stone bricks I’m going to go throw this here there we go oh wait my Iron’s done I’m missing four blocks okay I need

To keep in mind that oh wait I need to keep in mind that whatever I do this episode I’m far behind on any other actual legitimate survival CU i’ I’ve been I’ve been neglecting on like setting up actual farms uh I have neglected on setting up like actual like livestock pens because

Of the dangers that poses in the specific mod pack I have been dedicating two full episodes to specifically mining so if I were to take a look at my food situation right now I I I have about until I start running out of apples and then the hay

Bales and then I’m probably in trouble luckily I have plenty of cooked meat I should probably start eating those okay I’m not too bad in food as I imagined I might be able to last a while have you watched avatar the Last air bender on Nickelodeon I have when I

Was I was a kid and it was uh it was an enjoyable experience can’t say I remember much of it it’s been a long long time since I’ve actually watched any lick of TV it’s the stuff that kind of happens with you age it’s not that I got tired or of it

Or anything clearly absolutely not I do not like resign to the constraints of maturity here but the fact that I don’t really see a whole lot of good shows out that’s actually worth my time these days I should honestly give the Owl House a try I’m going to go turn on a

Fan let’s see how much how many bricks can I make for this wait can I not oh wait I can’t make the bricks with the stone cutter I actually have to craft them there we go that should cover this wall and I’ll just leave the bookshelves integraded

Right there cuz hell I don’t need them yet I’ll just leave them there until they they’re until they are necessary I guess I will be turning all my deep slate brick into deep my Cobble deep slate into deep slate brick because I do plan on I’m probably after this stream

I’m probably going to like construct like a slaughter house or something else some other structure other than this church and I’m going to try I’m going to try my best to make it look nice but bear in mind I have to build I have to construct specifically in daytime when it’s not raining

So yeah hopefully I can get the chance to like the operational window to actually build something that looks genuinely presentable but yeah I’ll just add the build materials here so that my next structure will actually be blast resistant bro has Co oh damn Co has changed a lot of

People’s lives when when Co struck for once people actually started Living like I did like with the quarantine stuff I was quarantining myself before the covid struck and I was like damn people are complaining not being outside bro I’ve uh I haven’t seen the Sun a long time although now

Although that’s not entirely true nowadays I actually have friends to visit like IRL and I actually have reasons to actually you know look presentable it’s it’s sort of like a funny thing where if you don’t really have a have any reason to like I I guess

For a hardcore gamer like myself you do like I have a severe lack of motivation to try when there’s like no there’s nothing out there for me but uh nowadays it nowadays I actually do have like the motivation to actually take care of myself I I actually I actually care

About my own appearance I actually care about like seeing the sun hell I hell I can even crack a joke and say I grass every day which uh I do occasionally not every day but uh I seem to regret it every time I do because I have an allergic reaction to

Whatever like pollen is in the air in my area I go to a quarantine Zone myself with my mom that’s uh like an like an actual quarantine Zone like I I mean there’s no pandemic going on as currently unless I’m mistaken I actually probably might be mistaken I’m

Not exactly updated on current events and what’s going on in the outside world I’m certain that you know I’m certain that with this year in 2024 I’m sure like the P life is like a pendulum all right it swings one way and then it swings the other all right right now

It’s like with things since like approaching the 2020s from 2010 to 2020s things have been swinging towards the bad all right things are things are getting are seemingly getting worse for people but I feel like we’re approaching the turning point I feel like this year things are going to start getting better for

Everyone I can’t exactly say why I think this way because well what what evidence do I have what basis do I have to make these claims anyway I’m just some random like idiot on the internet I can’t just say I have a hunch I just say that I mean it’s been going

On for so long it’s a got to swing back eventually all right that’s just that’s just the inevitability that’s just the that like that’s as in is the heat death of the universe at this point the longer it goes down the like the more inedible like things will turn up on March of

2021 yeah that sounds a bit more accurate ah shoot I lost what I was doing uh I made an enchantment table what’s my actual objective right now what does the clock say it is midday I think I should just go outside you know I spent too many too much time in

The caves uh how’s my lamp working my lamp is working fine oh right these guys are still here damn oh no oh no no no no no okay okay that’s not good oh [ __ ] okay get the Cobble deep slate oh dear God that wasn’t there before oh no oh that gives me horrifying

Implications for this mod pack oh he just destroyed the windows well kiss these windows goodbye I’m not repairing them that would involve me making stained glass hell no okay might as well just remove that window entirely okay oh do you have a black friend I actually

Uh did have a black friend uh in my earlier stages of YouTube uh he moved on with he he moved on life ever since uh he got a girlfriend so I haven’t really heard from him since we still talk on Discord uh my the friend I’m referring

To is The Flash he was uh he was a reoccurring character for like my FR craft playlist is this your first stream no far from it I don’t stream often but uh because I like to actually go into the effort of editing my videos but uh no this is farthest from my first

Stream I have uh I have done streams of genjin impact Minecraft uh several other games can’t think of all I can think of the more recent ones did I stream oh yeah I streamed incription I did stream incription that was a fun time Marson was exceptionally

Helpful uh for the first like act of inscription that was that was fun e Herobrine has decid oh God Herobrine’s set up his own like base right next to Like all right Herobrine has already placed structures around my base that’s not good see that’s what I was looking for UHA okay that is the problem with this mod pack so apparently while I was mining for the past 2 hours the mobs have been laying Siege to my

Base and have actually been making legitimate Headway they actually successfully blasted a hole in my South Wall is this your first three I’m very sorry H there’s nothing to be sorry about that like like I’m used to like all This there we go I’ll just like try to like place all that there uh I’m going to have to I’m going have to temporarily take this down and then putz that back all right let’s repair the damages to the defenses luckily these defenses are cheap but uh eventually oh don’t do that

I’ll put that right there there we go all right there we go okay uh thing I’m going to have to do do you play Delta run oh I absolutely do play Delta run and I’m still waiting for the next chapters uh that Toby Fox is uh

For Del I think chapter three or four I think they’re like releasing a whole bunch of like chapters all at once uh I’ve not been I have not been following the like if there’s like a progress update for delter run that toy fox has been like uploading I’m not fully aware of

It I have no idea as two activities that Toby Fox is going through right now I know a bunch of my friends are so if they have anything to report I’m pretty sure they’ll like drop that on me we’re just going to do this and uh deal with the possessed silverfish I

Don’t okay I really don’t want these guys touching me if they touch me that’s really really bad these aren’t your normal [Applause] Silverfish okay yep lava is the most effective solution of dealing with them In case anyone in case you’re curious if those silverfish touched me they would have teleported me to a random location in my world far from my church my secure church so finding my own location finding my way back would have been problematic especially since it’s been a

While speaking of which I should should probably look up the chords 51 64 914 you know just so I just so I know 5,100 900 is generally where my location sits in the single player world this is this gives me some like Shadow iSell flashbacks cuz I keep

Seeing name tags in the distance despite being in a single player world like this there’s some freaky things going on so whoever is like whatever Mod’s doing that exceptionally well done did you play Chapter 2 on delun I did I actually streamed it uh that was a fun time I do need to

Replay Delta run off camera on my own time because the funny thing about Delta run is all my progress all the people I spared in chapter one did not carry over to chapter 2 for some reason because of how chapter 2 was just dropped on us by

Toby Fox so apparently all my progress from chapter 1 didn’t stick so I need to get around to like replaying both chapters just so when chapter 3 eventually does release I’ll be ready to uh stream or record that I will admit I have been putting it off though because I’ve been doing other

Things like this mod pack and while editing the DND videos which has taken up a large majority of my time I should honestly just like stop recording the DND because let’s let’s be real it’s it takes up a lot of my recording space and severely limits

Me like if I I like if not to stop completely at least take a large enough break to actually get like uploads uh like I’ve been running more frequently on the channel because I used to do daily uploads on this channel but uh I’ve been getting tired and

Sleepy as I got older I guess it’s really I I guess it’s really it is legitimately a thing as you get older you begin to want more sleep and when you’re younger you want to avoid bed times at all times I am consistently tired at all times cannot explain why just it just

Happened happens go just going to get some more trees why I’m assuming for the DND d uh stuff honestly it’s just like I’m recording like 6 hour sessions dividing them in like three hour videos do you play God of War I have not but I exceptionally love like the combat in

The recent God of Wars with uh Norse mythology it does look extremely engaging it does appeal to my certain tastes that might be something I actually would consider consider playing at some point on the channel is this bee going to get in the Beehive is not like harvested honey at all I

Mean I guess I don’t really need it to but I find it troubling how I might just need to lead the bee with like a lead and put it into an AP are or something over a b over a bunch of crops that might be the most assertive solution to this pament ah

All right how much time do I have okay it’s noon it is noon according to my Minecraft clock okay question is do I want to start building a stable of some sort I think I do where am I going to build it I do not know probably right

Here here seems like a good location let’s try to do a little terraforming I’m going get some dirt is that okay that’s just a normal cow which will serve me well come on spun oh believe me I I believe you I absolutely believe you God of War does sound like a game

That I would love to actually get good at the combat with all right with mining out of the way oh no why is it getting darker wait actually why is it getting dark oh no is it is it raining I can see rain particles God darn

It every time I want to do an outdoors activity in this world every damn time they can’t keep getting away with this why can’t I hear any of the rain first I can’t hear the lava now I can’t hear the rain what is wrong with my weather uh yes please do that

Directional audio off uh well I do have headphones on Direct oh yeah this is VR like compatible you know to turn up weather blocks hostile creatures friendly creatures ambient environment players voice speech also Kratos killed his dad Zeus yeah I yeah I know yeah I know we’re just going to hop down

Here okay well I can’t really work on any Outdoors activities if it’s going to keep raining cuz then it’s going to drain my sanity we’re just going to put the we’re going to put the uh the puny sticks the bamboo spikes back in here I didn’t bother checking but did

The Deep slate bricks look any different from the normal stone bricks oh I guess I do just barely Sim similar it’s just barely darker you can tell huh well if recruits don’t watch this video this stream then uh maybe they won’t maybe they won’t even recognize it I

They they they won’t even notice they won’t even notice cooked meat food where do I put oh yeah here it is is plenty of oak logs uh I think what I’m going to do now is take a bunch of these said oak logs and start smelting them down into a usable form like

Charcoal okay now right would be nice to have all right let me take a look at something you can make obsidian armor in this mod pack how it’s not craftable how do you get this it’s from the ather what is Obsidian armor doing the ather obsidian gloves shattered obsidian endless biomes okay that

Is okay okay I want to get a lot of lot of XP but I also want to like start like growing I want to start doing some Farms specifically beetroot maybe a bigger sugarcane farm wheat whatever the heck Sage is break grass to find I don’t I’ll hold off on

Sage I don’t know I don’t know what hexar is I’m not familiar with that mod but that will be a fun mod that I’m hoping the mod pack will teach me Industrial Hemp melon seeds I do have Nether wart but I lack the Soul Sand to grow it that

Is I bet I could find Soul Sand in the Overworld with all these generated structures cuz everything’s horror themed do you play Roblox uh no but my friend uh marsom does I could you know what I think it’s time to start working on the secret weapon the secret weapon that I’ve been sitting

On in this mod pack Sinister engineering my task is to create the engineers manual let’s start making progress on the on the main well not main quest this is actually kind of a side chapter but let’s start making progress stying a tree specifically immersive engineering cuz I want to start crafting my secret

Weapon that’s going to pull me through this mod pack now yep now I have access to immersive engineering stuff uh so let me check on something do I need what can power a brewing stand this mod back because if I need blaze powder what does that name tag

Say it doesn’t say anything it’s just gibberish what is up with that is that the weird pink skinned where what there’s there’s been a reoccurring like Minecraft skin in this mod pack that I’ve been seeing throughout these past like eight or so episodes it doesn’t look like anything

I’ve ever seen for it’s not Herobrine it’s not like some entity whatever you might call it where that was trending uh in the like the Minecraft Mythos there’s something else something unrecognizable to even me I don’t know who or what it is but I’m hoping to find out

Hello is that SCP sight Fox hello scps sight Fox Mine Turtle hello uh mine actually that’s something I need to check do we have a no it doesn’t look like it what is this mine Turtles mine cart with reinforced barrels ah it’s whatever sounds like you have an SCP on

Your hands oh I certainly do I certainly have quite a few I’m being haunted update news overview okay I need to start opening up I need to start cracking open the engineers workbench I think I’ll start setting that stuff up in what is assuming to be

My butcher room I was going to set up like a separate structure like a factory for this later but I think if I start crafting this now it might benefit me in the long run so we’re just going to start doing this now we’re just going to okay that’s not how the desk

Goes this is an engineer circuit table I don’t know what that’s for engineer’s crafting table hello this Mr Piggy SB interview with s49 all site uh box have been completed but we have only scratch the Serv Dr Ham it’s like a whole SCP interview in chat ah the engineers’s workbench that’s

What I was looking for all right let’s see if I can make the secret weapon this is something that every mod pack developer tries to prevent me from having but this mod pack was stupid enough to get my hand to let me allow me to get my hands on

It okay my screen may be messed up because the Ender’s creating a slender effect hold on to craft a shield there we go oh God ghost [Applause] ghost that happens W stream I mean it’s the most W live stream I’ve had in a long time so hell

Yeah mine turtle is an ASD oh the ASDF movie God that that’s not something I’ve watched in a long time I haven’t seen that in years oh I should rewatch that those are funny you are in SCP 049 location when he is discovered you know with my long

History of SCP and dealing with like SCP games and other [ __ ] I I I wouldn’t be surprised if I somehow stumbled my way through sheer idiocy onto the site location where 049 was first discovered we are sending MTF 10 ASAP pure location oh no oh no they’re going

To find me again not again I can’t go back I’m just getting to character of my old like declass Persona I was I was pretty messed up as a d-class wasn’t I my secret laboratory like times what do you mean go back to you don’t even know some some doors are better left

Unopened at 10 is the deal with the ghosts oh yeah it’s another like an MTF Squad specifically like tasked with like dealing with like the Paranormal I’m not familiar with my different MTF squads but I think there’s like specific ones that actually hunt ghosts like they’re literally the

Ghostbusters all right uh before I get distracted for chat here we go this is why I want craft this is my secret weapon this is how I’m going to win the arms race against Herobrine MTF Alpha One is being sent to your location to bring you in for questioning oh

[ __ ] I’m not going back to jail wait oh that was my weighted pressure plate I don’t even know why it spawned there okay can I turn this to a copper Ingot yes I can good okay that’s going to help all right a wooden grip what was That okay uh do I have a steel mechanical component in here I do I have a uh I have three of them that’ll help uh revolver drum I need steel plates and steel rods uh I have I have I have two steel rods on me on can I do anything with these steel

Rods can I make how do I make these steel plates I have Steel Ingot and an engineer’s Hammer which is relatively simple to gra ow ow ow ow God the fire the fire ow okay uh do let’s start crafting these yeah there we go oh that’s ifp Foundation is much more

Worse than jail don’t I know it oh God I spent years cracking out of that place where’s where’s my steel ingots do I have steel do I even have steel ingots oh no I don’t think I have steel ingots how do you make steel immersive engineering

Oh oh no oh oh no I I think I may be in trouble oh no how do I make steel steel grit Ark furnace I I do not have enough resources in the universe to make the ark furnace right now I need to make the blast furnace to

Turn iron into to steal that’s what I need to do do you play bendy the ink machine I have not particularly touched bendy in the ink machine but I am not opposed to uh playing it to be honest I I I wouldn’t mind I’ll play anything for as long as

It’s not League of Legends Andor a dating Sim or a hentai game of any sort I am a coward as of a person and I’m not talking a coward in terms of horror games I mean I’m playing a horror game right now despite it being simply Minecraft uh let’s put this copper

Nuggets in here okay shoot I need to figure out how to make a blast furnace does this engineer does this engineer manual tell me anything about blast furnaces how do I how do I figure out Coke oven coal car car carbon Rich material preservative for wood no this is like the second

Like oven in immersive engineering I need to make like the first one not the coke oven is an alloy kill he needs brick and Sandstone yeah this is what I need alloy kill is what I need I’m going to go out of your Sr I actually do not know what Sr stands

For and if e E10 has just now arrived at your location wait it’s just Nightfall oh no wait wait wait oh God the night the night has fallen oh God Jesus 24 con 24 viewers right now oh my God the heck where did all you guys come

From I know 24 isn’t a lot for some but that’s like a lot more than usual ever since like well in recent times damn MTF E10 is an all black oh hopefully my defenses will keep them out wait didn’t I make an Engineers Hammer yes I did okay the engineers Hammer is right

There I apparently got achievement for putting an engineer’s hammer in my inventory Hammer it’s only two viewers well it may be only two viewers currently right now but like the amount of people that actually visit this stream of views just say 24 Actually I don’t even know how YouTube calculates

That total number of times the stream was viewed while it was live apparently is what it says okay yeah two concurrent viewers that’s yeah that’s what’s going on right now okay makes sense all right I mean to be fair I am recording this like way past midnight

Okay sh oh okay okay ah right the hauntings have just started uh where do I keep the ash wait did I did I just see the ash okay this is where the ash is stored okay I have 11 total Ash is there more Ash somewhere in any of

These I don’t think there’s any more Ash okay uh I’m going to start taking these ashes and smelting these I’m hearing noises I’ll give you an offer if you want so you don’t come with class D I mean let’s be real here with the amount of times on this channel I’ve escaped

The SCP Foundation especially in secret laboratory I I probably give the 05 a heart attack just from Simply existing considering what I’ve mean what I’ve been mean back in the day but I don’t know secret laboratory has been significantly has gotten significantly more competitive so they might actually be able to contain me this time around hello there

Okay is that zombie throwing ender pearls I’m gonna die oh I’m going to die oh my dear God okay yeah the MTF of are actually raiding oh no oh oh no they have bypassed my Punchy stick defense with ender pearls oh no okay um shoot I’m going to have to dispatch that

Somehow when the Sun rises work with us help us contain scps or you can become a classy and food for 682 the Sleep demon found I mean pretty sure with with whatever God I don’t kill I’m pretty sure ends up in the SCP Foundation One Way or

Another oh Ash wait Ash bricks Hold Up Wait May okay H idea maybe that can be turned into bricks wait hold up cuz I need Kil yeah Ash bricks do work okay that might be enough for right need to do and just to prevent uh well just to

Prevent uh having a super lengthy stream for my recruits to watch after this gets uploaded uh for the fear Nightfall playlist on the channel I’m probably going to either end the stream either after I reached either level 20 or I craft this revolver and then I’ll

Just decide from there I’m going to let the stream go on for a little longer because it’s been it’s been a while it’s been it’s been a while since I connected recruits do you expect the offer from the foundation I mean let’s be real here the foundation has come across like the

Things I’ve all already dealt with um but also occasionally I’ve dealt with like the aftermath of certain like MTF forces oh boy it seems like all the like anomalies and gods and demons seems to like walk towards my location and say hey that man with a scar I’ll fight like that and

Then I get bodied Andor like I I don’t know else how else to say this do you take the SCP Foundation dead oh hell no are you kidding me found the foundation is as resilient as any SCP pretty sure the foundation will long outlive me especially with the 05

Do you take the SCP Foundation deal yeah why the hell not it’s not like I got anything better to do other than sleep oh boy okay I the only thing I don’t have is my sand Stone smooth red sand yeah it’s just Sandstone isn’t it it’s all just

Sandstone meaning I can’t do anything till the sun rises so lot of this mod pack is just me waiting and waiting for this clock to say that the sun is up mind if I say the next part uh Parts I I honestly do like I do not mind

I might actually just go mining again but I don’t want to get ganked with a cave dweller filthy Frank is still lurking in the corridors you know I have like how many diamonds now 31 I think I can treat myself to something special this episode where’s where’s my craft

Actually I don’t need my crafting table heck it who needs the crafting table I have a backpack I’ll just do This although I don’t want to interrupt the you know climactic music so I’ll let the music play first I don’t have much going on upstairs I’m just going to like actually no upstairs is the most dangerous section of my church location because it’s level the ground at least here the mobs will have

To like dig their way under to try and get me I’ll just put the juke box right there where’s my other CD CD looks like a cassette player I have to deal with pump killager Quest though now that’s why I asked for perms wait did the music stopped hey the music stopped sweet

Ah you know what well I’m waiting for the sun to come up so I’m actually constantly actively doing things this Episode what’s the harm in wasting a little bit of our string resource on uh spicing up the Location where where do I want to put this painting oh what the Heck what are these painting choices hey wait a Minute wait a minute something’s not right here way way wait wait wait wait wait a minute something something’s horribly wrong with these paintings hold on a [Applause] Minute something’s up with that okay It seems like Herobrine’s trying to haunt me even now okay you know I think this is the painting I I’m going to choose right here I I want to always I want to always look at this painting to remind myself this is the threat I have to deal with

At all times in this mod pack th this is the enemy Herobrine doing SCP mod oh I I I I will say SCP was a part of the last mod pack I did for Minecraft it was left behind we didn’t get to see much of it cuz CU I didn’t last long enough to I didn’t live long enough to find an SCP

Foundation uh on my world but believe me there is some exceptional loot that might survive the hellscape that is that mod pack specifically night vision goggles and or a flashlight because things when things get dark in that mod pack I mean you can’t see your your hand in front of your face

Dark it is it is that unforgiving probably the coolest mod pack I have ever like had the hand of like physically making oh yeah that was my backpack making that noise is the Sun up yet damn why why the sun no come up faster curse these daylight night cycles being extended ah

Okay goals for the stream reach level 20 and then make the revolver because I want to I want to start specifically next episode of fear Nightfall with that revolver and explaining my devious plans on how to deal with Herobrine’s forces because Herobrine has aggressively been trying to take my

Property you can find it on scpf site the fox site Fox I’ll have to look at that after stream Sun okay the sun’s not going to come up anytime soon I think you know what what am I doing wandering around here let’s start getting the level 20 part

Done because I’m level 9 now I might as well start crawling my way into the Earth AKA my channel let’s let’s let’s take a guess how how many times is filthy Frank going to try to spawn on me oh there’s one I will be counting from things from

Here to determine how many times the cave dweller is going to spawn on me how many times do you think it’s going to be before he take before Frank takes the takes the hint and uh stops trying to murder my in my own uh strip mine oh that’s cave dweller spawn number

Two here we go damn did I actually dig that far into like strip mine I don’t think I did that I don’t think I dug that far wow I guess like I I guess I do I guess I do whenever I make these strip mines I do turn my brain off and then

Just start mining in a straight line until I have like at least over 20 diamonds but I guess in in my case I’m not mining for diamonds I’m just mining to get like a decent amount of XP so that I can try to legitimately survive and like I actually have like a

Reason not to just give up and let like the sweet release of death claiming this mod pack I’ve lost count but that was another cave dweller spawn there is another one damn this music is getting a little too hyp there’s another one and another one God damn this cave dweller and another one

Wow does this cave biller like not know when to [Applause] it honestly I I don’t like this cave doer if it’s if it’s going to try to like spawn on me this often I wasn’t doing this in the last episode you’re not going to get me good sir I’m

In a very confined uh location cave dollar I swear he’s spawning in the walls he’s spawning in the damn walls you’re good to go for now this cave dollar going to be the death of every hardcore run on this like modb back I swear okay uranium uranium is a good

Find damn it I knocked over the torch okay I’m going to take this moment to actually mine the Redstone XP is XP and if I can successfully mine without this cave doer getting in my God damn how many times at this point at this point I a after the stream I’m I’m going to look up the specific cave doar mod I I want to know I want to know what triggers

Like it’s like need to spawn on me because this there’s that name tag again I’m a dip bye all right see you what are you going to do it’s just it’s just you and me your honor it’s just you and me Frank what are you going to do

So uh I’m just gonna sit here Mr cave deller I hope you realize that I’m just going to sit here because I just got my 10th level experience and I’m not going to lose it I’m not falling for that I know those are fake footsteps I could see you right

There yeah what are you going to do what what are you going to do what are you going to do that I haven’t already seen before E I’ll tell you I’ll I’ll tell you what you’re going to do nothing that’s what you’re going to do cuz you can’t crawl through

That yeah yeah what are you going to do you’re exceptionally closer yeah yeah what are you going to do oh oh yeah oh wow you’re ow ow nice linky [Applause] arms I’m going to be honest I’m not not an idiot I’m thankful for the fact alone that you can’t do anything to

Me I’m just going to do a thing real quick you see you can’t exactly hit me however if I do this Jesus [Applause] Christ oh I’m so lucky I’m so lucky okay I was worried that was going to negate the cave doer altogether just by being in the strip

Mine I’m so lucky he decided to despawn okay next time he does that I’m just going to block it up and then ignore him that’s just what I’m going to have to do that is like the safest like thing for me to do from now on oh my

That was terrifying oh God I’m glad I got that on recording oh my goodness okay uh so uh interesting fun cave dweller fact apparently the cave dweller can crawl through half slabs are you kidding me dude cave doar leave me alone I just dealt with you leave me the shite alone I’ve had

Enough I don’t need this aboose this is a pretty eventful stream I wasn’t expecting anyone to show up I have one concurrent viewer right now but that’s probably me or it might be or that number might not be including me just make sure like I actually I don’t know I don’t I’m not

I don’t stream often so I don’t really know how YouTube streaming works I wonder if giving up the SCP secret lab was a mistake to be honest I wasn’t having fun and if I’m not having fun with something then then I’m clearly not going to make a entertaining video out

Of it I can’t poke much fun at something if I can’t find much fun the F at well I’ll just be chipping away at this wall oh thank goodness the cave doer hasn’t tried anything as a Recent Redstone might be the closest I get to like getting level 20 okay closest came to getting having a heart attack there’s nothing behind me I will say that is if this mod pack has been having updates that is exceptionally new I’ve never had Herobine whisper in chat behind

Me oh I’m actually hearing lava now why couldn’t I hear the lava before deep slate gold or I kind of want that I’m just going to start blocking stuff off real quick okay hold up uh red stone iron uranium Gold All That Jazz this diamond pickaxe

Definitely can all go in there let’s try let’s try doing something shoot there Redstone right there oh hi there Mr creeper okay I’m just going to throw this engineers’s manual back there I don’t need this clock out right Now Stay back what do I do about you what what does one do about you because you have exceptionally been a thorn in my side you have specifically been a thorn in particularly my side no [Applause] and that is the cave door dealt with once again through my pure and utter genius

There’s that name again okay honestly I’m just going to block up this water source grab this iron and let’s get out of here I think mining in open caves is dangerous the amount of times I have encountered the cave dillar in this one stream has been more times than I’d like to admit

I will be honest the fact that it can crawl through half slabs like it can crawl into it can scrunch down to one block but the fact that it can scrunch down to half a block kind of upsetting to me that dude’s not that lanky I mean like certainly you You’

Have to flatten your skull to fit there like a gap that wide I guess I guess the cave doar doesn’t really have any bones I guess I don’t really know I I wouldn’t know hey gold I I struck gold gold is a find ain’t it still a

Find I’m going to be honest wish I found more iron that’s precisely why I need get Fortune three because if I’m going to be strip mining the whole time and dealing with the cave like every four goddamn seconds then yeah I think I’m going to need this I’m going to need this resource

Spon running out of iron no don’t try it this is taking much longer than I thought I think to get to level 20 is going to be a little too much work uh aot much more work than I really want pull up my blocks just in case start blocking that

Up it’s a real good thing that when the cave dollar does spawn my strip mine he’s scrunched over and has trouble moving there’s only two ways it can come from as long as I keep moving I shouldn’t have to deal with him ah here we are a potential choke point

I think I need to start making another mine this one’s getting a little too lengthy I see you big guy outside of your render distance though goodbye this God darn cave toer I’ll be honest I don’t like it I don’t like it it’s a little too common don’t you

Think like the amount of times he just like spawned on me it’s like there’s no surprise anymore no Pizzazz there’s nothing there’s nothing special about him spawning anymore I was hoping for him to be a little rare I mean he’s supposed to be the living botom of

Like the Minecraft cave noises isn’t he so he he’s like I feel like that’d be rare you know cuz those cave do that like those cave noises have been haunting Minecraft players for like years now like I don’t mean it be stupid rare I just want it to be like at least I

Don’t have to I shouldn’t be able to encounter it twice in the same Minecraft day okay start cooking all that all right I think I should go check on the defenses around the base make sure no breaches have been made in my walls but we first of off we don’t have

Any breaches but uh how are my defenses going that one’s good usually this side’s not good though okay no it’s good usually mobs want to breach this side of my base for some reason okay my defenses are pristine aside from a few cobwebs here and there but what can I do about

That honestly there might not even be a shortage of string if spiders keep doing this in this mod pack what’s the point of even growing string cuz I know that’s like a crop I can grow hey why just lost control of my mouse anyway the thing I want to do right

Now is get me some uh sand start like shoveling all this out if I start shoveling this stuff out then maybe yeah a random dirt block here probably placed by an Enderman if I the guess all right I think I might need to construct like a stables or something off camera

Camera that’ll barely be for another time I don’t I don’t really know I mean I say Stables but it’s just going to be a farm just going to like breed pigs okay let’s see sandstone Ash bricks Yep this is enough this is enough all right I

Think the plan might not be level 20 I think I’m going to end the stream when I craft the revolver a completely random way to end like the fear Nightfall like live stream episode but uh let’s be real here I didn’t really I don’t really have like I’m plan yeah that can go

There honestly this seems to be like the place where all the furnaces are why don’t I just like craft why don’t I just like make my thing right here I think I shift right like with this how do I right click on the sides with an engineer’s Hammer what why isn’t this Working high voltage architecture really tell me more if I could just is it because it’s connected with these walls hold up it’s not working I’m going to figure this out one way or the or the or another I’m going to figure out why you’re not like creating the thing I want you to

Create h h what am I doing killing brick oh the red block is what I rightclick okay now I have the thing that I want sweet okay good that was confusing don’t do that again I’m R engineering it’s probably going to do it again okay wow um well that only further

Doubles my my excessive need for hecking iron I guess so things may have potentially gotten worse for me in this mod pack I’m sure I’ll be fine what’s what’s the worst that could happen to me he okay um shoot I have raw uranium I have tons of ingots

And not a lot of resources in the world to like do stuff those resources I’m just going to take this piece of iron along with this piece of iron all right time to do some drastic 45 pieces of iron okay how does one make steel we need the blast furnace

How does one make the blast furnace no hecking way no oh No oh no okay okay so this could be bad I need magma brick Oh that’s really bad I mean I needed that kill I I definitely needed that to begin With is There I do have slime and if I can combine slime with blaze powder I can get the magma blocks or alternatively I could just start swimming in the bottom of the ocean for these magma blocks this is I have two I have two so it’s not entirely

Impossible I just have to go exploring for those how many how many mag blocks do I need I need 27 blast brick each one makes three I need nine which I already have two so I need seven more magma bricks and then I need to go to the nether going to be honest

I don’t know how I feel about making a nether Portal oh I just smelt Netherrack I think there’s plenty of nether in the structure but I don’t know if it’s enough okay well I I may actually need to start collecting my nether to see if I can group up together enough resources to make something of value okay it looks like to

Me that there’s no hidden Netherrack underneath ow ow he the structures meaning I can replace the flow with granite as I need to God damn it why did my mouse lose control right there okay all right it’s time for me to do some math okay so I am required to make 27 blast

Brick each thing makes three blast brick 3 six9 so nine magma bricks for 27 just making sure so so I need to do nine whole crafts of this so 18 * 2 I need 36 Netherrack [ __ ] I at 31 and it’s almost approaching Nightfall um let’s go take a look at the surrounding area May because I would really like I obviously the simplest solution be like oh just make the Nether Portal yeah that’s that’s a simple solution but I don’t know this mod pack horrible things could happen once I make

The Nether Portal horrible horrible world-ending nightmares I could be uh like I could have like a pigman siege for all I know okay wait the wait there’s something good down here okay I have two I need four more and there’s like a bunch more down There a [ __ ] ow ow okay ow ow so apparently you can’t breathe with that I’m going to try to use my bucket Strat damn it I can’t see well there’s a lot more down there ow ow ow [ __ ] damn okay wow um get me out get me Out damn okay so uh the usual Minecraft physics do not apply here when it comes to swimming that means I’m one magma block short but the last magma block I need is like within view of me that’s not reassuring I’m going down there I’m going to risk

It I mean most I could just make a water breathing potion and go down oh wait I can’t cuz I need to fuel my damn brewing stand okay that one seems closer okay gun for It Go For It Go For It Go For It

Go For It Go For It Go For It Go For It Go For It Go For It Go For It Go for it no no no time to lose no time to lose okay go go go go go get out of there get out of there the breach has been dealt

With okay nine magma blocks oh boy at least that problem’s been dealt with but now I have the problem of nether without going to the nether um I do know of a few generated structures that are marginally common that might give me a the little bit of a Netherrack that I might

Need so with that said I’m going to start like smelting these yeah start start smelting those down damn I can’t believe that I’m like I need like 36 nether uh nether brick that’s that’s unfortunate but if it’s to get if it’s get my secret weapon early

Then I’ll spend any like I’ll expend any resource to get this well I mean I might make the firearm for the secer weapon but it’s not like I’m going to make the ammunition for it so I can’t exactly use it not to mention once I start to learn how

To make the ammunition for it I’d also have to find a means of automating it through immersive engineering methods which I think I can do it’s just gilded netherite what why would I want to do this this does nothing for me it’s just a skin what it makes the durability less why

Why would you do this I I don’t know I don’t understand this mod pack okay shoot ah okay thank goodness I have this traveler’s backpack then I need actual bricks which is from clay and or Ash which I do have three bricks but I need 36 of

That and it’s just started to be nighttime again so so I can’t exactly freely roam the above world I at least have the Alo kill okay yeah I don’t want to go down there and I certainly don’t want to mine a obsidian now that the cave dweller is proven to be aggressive

Aggressive in fact I’m going down there with sword and shield in hand because that’s when I last saw spawn what am I seeing here okay that’s just nothing I’m going if I’m not going to reach level 20 I’m at least going to make that revolver one way or

Another oh there’s just gold right here is that a deep slate wall hold up what is this down here there’s just a deep slate wall okay now now you’ve gotten my curiosity what is this why is this here it’s made a smooth what what am I going to find when I tear this

Down what I did not place this here I did not place this here something’s here don’t want to place on these blocks okay AR chure does not make sense why is this here I see Herobrine down there why is there just a trail of random deep slate bricks I Time

Capsule the hell’s a time capsule what did I just find it’s unbreakable I just found a time capsule I think I’m like inching my face closer to the screen because now was like a zoom option I think this is the the best position to begin my next like mine from this

Direction I am Mr crazy I’m From Hell hi I’m Alpha I’m from the void completely unbreakable deep dark under Time Capsule deep dark regrowth you know what I’m gonna break a goddamn like let’s play Taboo I’m gon to look this up what is this how do I open it my compass is

Curiosity nude block that drops very valuable loot when broken oh gee wonder what gave me that impression it can only be broken when 50 in-game days have passed the loot will change in later updates really that is interesting when 50 ingame days have passed oh that’s really

Clever so how many days has on one of these one of these values here tells me how many days have passed in my Minecraft world let me just scan the data here uhhuh day 23 that is interesting well um that’s going to be for uh a a later

Episode I’m only 23 days in on my Minecraft world well I’m glad I found this then whatever this [Applause] is I have to make sure cave dollar is not going to spawn on me come on come on oh you cheeky bastard at this point what door right [Applause] there he’s trying [Applause]

Look how listen to how aggressively the cave doar like tries to like break in I mean I’ve already made enough of a point of this but all these sounds all cave doll are trying to spawn in what the hell there’s a redstone torch just lying here what is this mod

Pack I swear every time I play this mod pack more and more weird [ __ ] keeps happening it doesn’t stop it simply does not stop it never stops this game will always find some weird like diverse way of surprising [Applause] me I’m putting this clock at 9 I’m going I’m I’m

Throwing everything into the back of my inventory yep that’s the end of that pickaxe and I do not have the iron to make another I’m getting the hell out of here Though it doesn’t seem the cas D knows how to deal with strip mines I mean it’s not like it’s entirely stopping him from spawning on me as it as this video is clearly proven but uh he certainly is a lot more aggressive I’m not trusting the invisible footsteps behind Me okay that look at that the sun’s Almost Up R some torch add to That damn I found a bunch of random stuff honestly heck these random like stairs and stuff I’ve made heck okay clear up some space that I clearly don’t need to use up right now that’s my deep SL okay what what is that noise what’s what huh okay I need five more pieces of

Nether I’m going to go outside and figure out what the hell that noise was okay the sun is rising I don’t oh brilliant I think carine spawned something in my sugarcane man this went from me wanting to like I guess I can claim that that’s not XP okay I’m not claiming that

Though oh if I make one Steel Ingot I get 10 steel ingots as a reward you say well that might speed things up that’s an Ender Creeper I’m not going out there nope ow these guys hurt okay I got some treated wood a some more Ash Ash can be used to

Make bricks I will gladly take those what we got okay just more of those okay ah all right time to pull up the Old Reliable large bolt I think it’s time to take a moment’s reprieve away from the safe confines that’s spider dungeon of my uh

Church I need to do a little exploring just a little this is the eler Hut I remember this very well that is a cursed chicken those are also cursed chickens oh God three three of them yep ow oh my God yeah yeah try to hit me when when I go under the

Water see how well that works out for you okay I’m just going to start sailing probably along this perimeter see what I can find how much daylight do I have I have plenty I’ll be fine for as long as it doesn’t start raining if it starts oh

Wait perhaps I may have already found something useful this is a find it’s made out of blocks of coal okay uh well I’m going to have to use my diamond pickaxe just a bit but I want to save it for something else guess we are going back to Stone pickaxes once

Again I mean these furn the these fires had to stay lit somehow blocks of coal could be useful okay if there’s any Soul Sand among all this debris I should definitely collect it what is this another block of coal give me that there’s Herobrine always stop me that Herobrine always watching me bro

Made the chickens angry oh believe me the chickens the cows God forbid the pigs oh my God God forbid the pigs the pigs are the worst of them the pigs have the ability to instakill you in this mod pack how you may ask well it might have something to

Do with that sany bar at the bottom right because for some reason even so much as lightly smacking a possessed Pig will drop your sanity down to zero and then you have to deal with the insanity enemies which I will say I’ve had a personal encounter them off camera in a

Separate world and they are uh quite scary how much okay I have 23 coal blocks I think yeah I think I’m good this this is all the Netherrack I needed and I didn’t even need to go to the nether all right sweet let me explore this Tower real

Quick I don’t think I’m going to find much oh [ __ ] timeing the some of the Wisps ow ow ow ow ow this kind of just happens every time I break a mob spawner get rid of the stab the blue thing the Vex there’s an anvil in here but that’s about it okay there’s not much here worth taking then than leather boots I guess could just I don’t know yeah there we go well all right then um heck that was relatively simple I don’t need to go that far out

From the location that I currently reside in um yeah it’s worth it okay swim swim swim the rules of swimming do not exactly apply in this world if I just grab as much of this as possible get up get up get up get up get up

Okay okay how much okay we can grab a little bit more grab a little bit more Okay okay I think that’s all the clay that I’m going to need ever all right let’s return cuz my san is like almost it’s just slightly above half I don’t want to stop and find out what made that sound I genuinely do not want to find out God damn it

Okay well there’s my big pillar of bamboo so I know I’m close by if chickens run this fast while being possessed it might be easier to make a chicken farm which is exactly I’m going to need if I’m going to need am make some ammunition for my bow and

Arrow the ghost footsteps give me every time what the hell is making that noise demonic Enderman okay it’s time it’s it’s time to just eat the apples let’s just reorganize what I’ve gathered so far figure out what to do from there modded mob drops these ashes Those hold on to these ashes uh chicken cannot put I cannot put carcass of chicken onto these meat hooks that’s fine I can do something else that never gets any easier that never gets easier cook the chickens hey I’m 14 levels of experience six more levels and then I’ll reach all

The goals and then I can actually call it night for the same I’m looking to be on the road to recovery after the catastrophe that was catastrophe that was last episode my run in the cave cave doar oh my goodness that cave doar is aggressive aggressive coarse dirt I don’t need

Coarse dirt I have no need for coar dirt this can hold on to my treated wood planks blocks of coal however that is useful I’ll put the blocks of coal right there for now and I think I’m only going to need five Netherrack but I’ll hold on to my hopes just in

Case hopefully this will be enough hopefully Yep this is the first three throw this this right there I have so much durability on the shovel throw my boat back in there uh pickax there yeah I think I’m doing I’m doing pretty well uh gold Ingot I start start smelting those into bricks

Okay okay I think I made I I may have made enough enough nether brick so now I just go to wait for that to start smelting and then I can put this I’m got to start putting this stuff like nope right here one by one for Chicken all right let the let the bricks start smelting uh throw this clay right here I might need it later I don’t know if I’m ever going to get my hands on dripstone this mod pack that’s all I need pointed dripstone but the only way to find that

Would be in an open cave which I am definitely never going to enter ever again for the life of me so unless I accidentally stumble upon one during strip mining I’m I’m screwed I quite literally out of luck and with how aggressive that cave dollar is

There’s not chance in like heaven for me to like come across my source of infin lava okay sweet more Blocks This is going to take a while oh the wo of not being able to edit through like stuff and get just cutting to the interesting Parts I think that’s right let me look at my engineer manual how’s this thing need to be constructed yep it’s quite literally just a dense Cube is quite literally just a dense Cube I’m eight more bricks away from making it though there you go so I don’t use up all my clay to Bricks that should be exactly enough the exact amount of clay I need to make this furnace no more no damn less it’s like

400 a.m. for me my God this was not exactly a healthy stream for me to be recording right now but he you know consider this being the first ever like recorded video of my transition to a PNG tuber of some sort I don’t really know what this calls this I

Just felt like expressing myself in the form of a cartoon I feel like this suits me you know I actually handrew this and as you can tell I’m not very good at Art I handrew this version of myself although it’s based off my friend zilla’s art style which uh seems to be the only version of my character that I can

Seemly draw by myself at this point because of how simple it is so I I I I I can’t take complete credit for for this I I owe my like ability to draw Myself by my own hand to Zilla although Zilla didn’t actually officially tutor me on how to do

This I don’t know I guess I just feel guilty without even referencing zela zel me okay okay so now I want one Ingot of iron and a piece of coal we’re going to put test this Theory put the whole thing of charcoal in There I bet you it takes one it it takes n yeah it’s going to take a whole t a whole coal block to smelt that one Ingot into steel that’s not very efficient but in the process this is going to create me slag which I could potentially use to make more

Concrete I want to see this get made okay it was four it was four charcoal it was just four but I’ve made steel great a Ste get the upgrade I did it I made a steel ingot give me my 10 steel ingots now can I make the

Revolver two steel ingots a piece of flint and a steel revolver drum I need four steel plates which are four steel plates a steel rod surrounding them like so and then I just need the barrel of the gun which is a steel rod a steel uh Ingot okay and my engineer’s

Hammer and does not consume the hammer good and if I combine all this together go ahead make my godamn day I have got a revolver this is good this is really good I’ve done one of the things that I’ve set out to do I’m going to store this in my backpack

I can’t use it yet of course but you know it’s a thought that counts all right sweet I’d say that was a successful episode I’m six levels away from leveling up you know what it’s time it’s hecking time I have not actually killed the rabbit yet though that’s the problem mhm yep

Yep than for the bamboo level 30 I do not regret this level 31 that’s the entire reason I’ve not been doing those now I’m level 30 all right now I’ve met both goals it is time to end the stream and then I can actually go to bed I’m getting got

Tired God what a rush I know at least that at least I de set a precedent for next episode with like how dangerous the cave doar is so it’s not like spelunking is completely without risk that that cave dollar is agressive and I do not like

It all right I don’t know what we’re going to be doing for the next episode I haven’t really thought about that I guess next episode I’m going to like set up some structures and I’m going to like herd some animals set up some like crops to farm maybe build an immersive

Engineering Factory maybe move some stuff into that factory build like build something nice you know instead of this small shoty like church I don’t know we’ll have to see I think my next goal I think you know what actually I think the next goal the next official goal

Uh I mean well obviously I have to complete chapter one Obviously I mean I did survive the night so I I can check that off oh there more XP that he had okay for overlooking all that forbidden magic I don’t know what that’s going to be doing here we are low voltage wire re relay

I think what I want to do is make an HV HV wire connector to some relays and get some power going which that’s going to require terracotta and aluminum for me but aluminum is fine it’s the Terracotta that might Be oh no never mind that’s that’s Dirt Cheap it’s just clay yeah I’m going to make a bunch of those and then I’m going to start like getting like a power I want to get power generation I have devious plans for these specifically pertaining to Herobrine I have devious plans which you

Guys will see this might it might be the most clever thing I’ve ever done with a mod pack um but uh yeah that’ll be for next episode uh depending on when I get to that regardless Uh Let’s uh let’s see what we Get I’m not too happy about that uh not too happy about that oh boy well I have efficiency four I guess that’s just what I’m going to have to live with I guess maybe if I look at the books maybe maybe there might be I was I was hoping for fortune

3 bane of arthopods GH no thank you I’d rather risk a another enchantment on my damn that might be worth that might be worth doing I might I don’t know Fortune is usually more worth it than sharpness 4 I mean I can turn anything to a sharpness

5 but do I really want to do that right now I I think not I think we need to leave this as it is for the moment that is is it already night no it’s still daytime you know maybe I can still get two more levels of experience and try

Again I was really hoping for fortune 3 going to be real maybe maybe it’s not too late for me maybe if I just go outside and run towards the general direction of [ __ ] I’ll find some things to kill that might that are hopefully not a possessed Pig because that’s not something I can

Kill uh oh look little donkey is that a cat there’s cats here there’s house cats here I might want to lead the houseat cat at some point if I can find it again that is house cats would be exceptionally useful at drawing away these hi there did he not drop any experience

Damn I got robbed I should probably put the clock in my inventory I don’t you never know how much time you have I haven’t really explored in this direction so if I see anything really really cool that’s going to be exceptionally promising sheep that is No ow did they not drop any experience what is that in the distance I’m going to go over there oh you know what I should do for experience this is something I used to do in Old Hardcore Minecraft worlds I should just like make a giant Pond dedicated for just fishing in Minecraft

I mean I certainly have a lot of string on hand why not Jesus Christ Jesus Christ okay that’s a Problem ah ah ah ah ah get up get out I need to get out of here no no I’m eating food shut up shut up I’m fine I’m I’m I’m perfectly fine oh no the fear is setting in my adrenaline’s pumping please don’t be possessed please don’t be possessed please don’t be be Possessed oh no no no no no no I don’t I I I don’t I don’t trust like that no there are no sounds there are no sounds oh my God no no no no no give me cooked meat give me cooked meat right now oh my God I need to

Raise my godamn sanity okay that almost went South really Fast that almost went exceptionally sou I know that’s fake okay shoot okay I know there’s something you can make with this sanity mod I think what was it called did wasn’t there like can’t you just make like flower crown and wear on your head and it’ll reduce sanity drain I

Thought that was a thing ah well apparently that might not be a thing well at least my san is going back up thinks this campire okay that was really bad Oh chapter 2 biomancy Manipulation let me just let let’s let’s make a leather Tanner let’s let let’s make a leather Tanner let’s make a leather Tanner let’s finish chapter one let’s I feel like that that might be the simplest solution here yeah I I I think yep there we go let’s just

Uh wow look at that level 29 wow a flesh Spike requires Chapter two The Book of Shadows five leather sage seeds uh okay well I do have some sage Seeds may I just use blue dye and then I need animal fat well I can provide I made a Blue Book of Shadows level 30 and I didn’t even need to go outside not really okay we are not we are not [ __ ] with the minor moon has

Appeared I don’t don’t care what the minor Moon may be I’m just going to take this leather Tanner and then stuff right here I don’t know what the leather Tanner is for I have not a clue can I make the grindstone okay just make sure I don’t already have a

Grindstone no I do not own a grindstone well that’s uh absolutely spiffing ain’t it uh okay it’s just a stone slab two planks and two sticks get this Anvil out of here all right this is the best I can do no not here there efficiency for Unbreaking

Three that is much better actually not what I want but much better this is honestly so much better actually uh just wish I had fortune on it though Flame that is interesting Unbreaking three knock back two punch honestly unsure unsure of where how to begin [Applause] in Undertaker have no idea what that’s

Supposed to do hell’s Undertaker supposed to [Applause] do this this armor better last me it better last me a while Unbreaking oh that’s not going to do me any good now is it Fortune 2 on a pickaxe a interesting interesting let’s try this come here our Unbreaking one let’s try

Figuring out what this is going to get me ah yeah it’s not going to it’s not going to do much looting three though that’s uh that’s pretty promising I mean can’t go wrong with looting three L three makes uh makes things all the more fun I don’t know if I want to do

That power one come on give me something Fortune 2 as a level 30 enchant now normally I would just scoff in the face of that but Fortune’s Fortune now is it worth wasting 30 levels of experience to making our dime pickaxe get Fortune to and add it to my

Pickaxe probably if I can survive that long I mean I’m already at 21 levels of experience honestly heck it it’s probably the it it’s better than Fortune 2 is better than nothing I might as well start saving for it also it’s the middle of the night so

I might as well try to survive this one last night I guess so that the video of this or the stream ends the 5 hour mark there are creatures out there I have a potion effects oh it’s the minor mode that’s right yeah that’s that’s Fun I almost want to expend all my levels cuz I’m afraid I’m going to use them well I’m afraid I’m going to lose them because of the cave door considering I’ve been dying a lot more often I’ve always been dying heck it silk touch book might be might come in

Handy I’ll take the silk touch book are you kidding me that’s uh that’s that’s a key can’t go wrong with silk touch do I actually have a fortune 3 no I have dep Strider and sharpness 4 and Cur of binding like I’m ever going to need that especially on single player

World efficiency 4 don’t care much about efficiency 4 SM four is if I’m going to give a [ __ ] about that do I really want to like farm for Unbreaking 3 absolutely Not that give me efficiency one probably shouldn’t have done that This is like a waste I know this is a waste what is Notch’s blessing Well I’m about to find out it might do extra damage to the possessed mobs or something I’ll have to I’ll have to analyze that book later Protection One this might prevent me from H needing the one shot mobs but I don’t really need this I’ll just thr that there that’s an

Interesting enchantment I’m I’m learning things I’m not enchanting the smartest method possible I’m admittedly like wasting these but let’s be real here if I if I don’t cycle through enchantments right now use them or lose them let’s see if I can get like a like a fortune 2 book in

Here ah no that’s it that’s it damn not exactly the luckiest I’ve ever been but that does beg the question I remove this Fortune One honestly I’m just better off making another diamond pickaxe and going all the way l 30 again but hey uh a really good diamond

Pickaxe is at the ready I’m going to throw the you know what I really don’t want to lose this diamond pickaxe and let’s be real here I’m not going to be inclined to use one until I get fortune 3 available to me so here’s the plan I’m going to store

This in my safe house bunker all right in that little creeper backpack that little my little backpack back my my little backup right here right I’m going to store this where’ it go oh it’s right here that was I thought I had a heart attack okay there we go

Yeah we’re going to store that right there that’s that’s where it’s going to be and that’s where it’s going to remain until I have access to another diamond pickaxe with fortune 3 on it I mean let’s be real here we have the diamonds to spend might as well start spending

Them because I can always get more I’m optimistic with this sort of stuff I’m pretty sure all you recruits watching the stream or stream after it’s already been uploaded like no Alpha stop doing wasting your XP you just reached 30 levels I’ve already explained why I’m doing that to be

Honest I’m not confident in my chances of survival if I just nearly died on a simple trip out a simple day walk just to like kill random mobs if I’m going to spend the XP I got from Quest rewards I’m going to spend it exactly how I want to exploring

Like all these little enchantments I mean it’s not it’s not like a complete waste I got silk touch whatever Notch’s blessing is and an touch I I learned some things from the modded enchants yeah there’s some there’s some interesting things in here some things I could probably use but

Uh yeah that’s almost that’s all of chapter one done the flesh spikes are deadlier versions of spikes which can be stacked to increase its lethality how do I make a flesh Spike I need a biof forge oh oh oh no I need raw meat slime ball living flesh and sharp claws

How do I get the sharp claws if the bio Forge is what allows me to make the sharp claws fles Blob brosan stream 5 hours now no like I’m about to stop right now I I I got I reached both goals ow yeah I I think that’s it I think that’s where I’m going to call it uh I made the revolver and I Enchanted my diamond

Pickaxe with 30 levels of XP thanks to Quest rewards so I think we’re going to call it here that’s been successful stream I think uh officially next honestly I think next episode we’re going to start chap two or try to at the very least of the uh story and figure

Out where the hell this like this The Story Goes okay figure out how this war gun terine like continues either way I think we’re going to leave this uh stream here so leave a like enjoy subscribe comp part of the alpha force today and uh well I’ll see you whenever

I do next farewell everyone and goodbye smile for me that’s my dream too bye-bye

This video, titled ‘The Fear Nightfall | Minecraft Stream!’, was uploaded by AlphaForceMC on 2024-01-04 09:59:14. It has garnered 112 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:46 or 18286 seconds.

Or in other words an exceptionally long video with zero editing Fan Discord Server: https://discord.gg/E7SuNUp

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    NightmareCraft: Minecraft's Horror Encore In the world of Minecraft, a horror tale unfolds, With shadow mobs lurking, and mysteries untold. The Nightweaver awaits, a powerful foe, In this datapack, fear will surely grow. Download the mod, if you dare to play, Experience the scares, in a whole new way. Subscribe for more, block game delights, Join the adventure, on spooky nights. FAQs answered, for those who seek, The secrets behind, this horror peak. Crafted with care, using tools so fine, Creating a world, where fear intertwine. So dive into the darkness, with courage in sight, And face the challenges, with all your might…. Read More

  • Speedy Parkour Shenanigans in Minecraft

    Speedy Parkour Shenanigans in Minecraft Parkour Biome Episode 15: A Thrilling Adventure in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the Parkour Biome in Episode 15 of Minecraft Parkour Shorts. Join Faster Gaming Plays as they navigate through challenging obstacles and showcase their skills in this action-packed video. Exploring the Parkour Biome In this episode, players are taken on a thrilling adventure through the Parkour Biome, a unique and challenging environment within the Minecraft world. With precision jumps, tricky obstacles, and fast-paced gameplay, viewers are in for an adrenaline-pumping experience. Mastering the Art of Parkour Watch as Faster Gaming Plays demonstrates their mastery of… Read More

  • EPIC Fail: Minecraft Infiniverse S4E2

    EPIC Fail: Minecraft Infiniverse S4E2 Minecraft Infiniverse Season 4 Episode 2: A Rocky Start With The Cobblestone Generator Welcome back to Infiniverse Season 4, Episode 2 with SkyGuyJedi! In this episode, SkyGuyJedi faces the challenge of fending off attacks from the Drowned while gathering resources and expanding the base. Let’s dive into the highlights of this exciting gameplay! Episode Highlights: Drowned Attacks: SkyGuyJedi battles against the Drowned, who keep sneaking up and causing chaos in the survival world. Resource Gathering: From chopping trees to collecting dirt, sand for glass, and sugar cane for future pumpkin pie, SkyGuyJedi is on a mission to gather essential… Read More

  • Cottage Witch Chronicles: Episode 5

    Cottage Witch Chronicles: Episode 5 Exploring the Enchanting World of Cottage Witch in Minecraft Embark on a magical journey through the enchanting world of Cottage Witch in Minecraft. Join the adventure as players delve into the mystical realm of witchcraft, magic, and fantasy in this captivating modded Minecraft LP. Discovering Automated Source Gems Experience the wonder of Automated Source Gems, a fascinating feature that adds a new layer of complexity to the gameplay. Watch as players navigate through the intricacies of this mod, uncovering its secrets and unlocking its full potential. Check out FyerPower’s video for a closer look at this innovative addition to… Read More

  • Rocket Building in Minecraft

    Rocket Building in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ RAKIETE W Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to build rockets and explore the vastness of space. Let’s delve into how you can construct a rocket in this virtual world! Materials Needed To build a rocket in Minecraft, you will need a variety of materials such as: Iron Ingots: For the rocket’s structure Gunpowder: To fuel the rocket Feathers: For the rocket’s fins Paper: To create the rocket’s nose cone Construction Process Once you have gathered all the… Read More

  • Surviving Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!

    Surviving Hardcore Minecraft Challenge! Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Embark on an epic journey as our fearless gamer attempts to survive 100 days in hardcore Minecraft. Join the adventure as they face challenges, gather resources, and explore the vast world of Minecraft. Day 0: The Beginning As the sun rises on day 0, our gamer spawns into the world of Minecraft. Armed with nothing but their wits, they begin their quest for survival. With the clock ticking, every decision counts as they navigate the dangerous terrain and gather essential resources. Day 8: Building Shelter By day 8, our gamer has managed to… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper’s Mixtape Drops!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper's Mixtape Drops! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #gaminghumor Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill

    LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill Epic Minecraft LEGO Stop Motion Animation: A Blocky Battle Welcome to a world where Minecraft and LEGO collide in an epic stop motion animation! In this intense crossover, crystal minifigures and blocky landscapes come together to create a thrilling battle against an adult adversary. Get ready for heart-pounding action, lightsaber mayhem, creative storytelling, and stunning visuals! High-Octane Action Experience the adrenaline-pumping scenes filled with shooting sequences and dynamic sword fights. The clash between the worlds of Minecraft and LEGO brings a new level of excitement to the screen. Lightsaber Mayhem Witness the dramatic lightsaber duels and head cuts, along… Read More

  • Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of Optifine for Minecraft PE 1.21. If you’re looking to enhance your gaming experience and fix any lag issues, Optifine is the way to go. But why stop there? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server for even more excitement and adventure. With an active community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your skills and creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and let the… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR

    Minecraft's Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR The Silent TERROR of Minecraft’s Pale Garden… Introduction Frostbyte Freeman delves into the mysteries of the new Pale Garden biome in Minecraft, hinting at the potential for intrigue and terror lurking within its boundaries. Exploring the Horizon The Pale Garden beckons players with its eerie landscape, promising new adventures and challenges to overcome. Traversing the Woods As players venture deeper into the Pale Garden, they encounter dense forests teeming with unknown dangers and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Entering the Garden The transition into the Pale Garden marks a shift in atmosphere, with the environment taking on a foreboding… Read More

  • Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯

    Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel’, was uploaded by Galactic_RoGamer on 2024-07-25 21:18:32. It has garnered 582 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:18 or 9798 seconds. Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel #fyp #viral #gaming #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #minecraft #roblox Like and Sub if you enjoy!! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/p6sZptAgz7 Keywords (DONT WORRY ABT IT): roblox roblox story roblox brookhaven 🏡rp roblox doors roblox bedwars roblox storytime roblox gay story roblox song roblox memes roblox the hunt roblox edits roblox horror games roblox avatar ideas roblox anime games roblox asmr roblox animation roblox adopt me… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox Games

    Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox GamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZOOFLOX GAMES on 2024-06-05 22:41:41. It has garnered 3131 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft scary,horror,nightmare,cgi,creepy,cursed,shorts,meme,jumpscare,terror,lights.are.off,lights are off,3d animation,zoonomaly,horrorgame,game,video game,horror game,8bitryan,8-bitryan,8 bitryan,zoonomaly all jumpscares,zoonomaly game,zoonomaly full game,zoonomaly ending,zoonomaly horror game gameplay,zoonomaly horror game,zoonomaly all monsters,zoonomaly jumpscares,zoonomaly all bosses,zoonomaly horror game full game zoonomaly, zoonomaly horror game, zoonomaly trailer, zoonomaly song, zoonomaly horror game 2,… Read More

  • Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-31 22:00:10. It has garnered 3585 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:56 or 2696 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More


    GET SCARED IN MINECRAFT - ONE LUCKY BLOCK SURPRISE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft First map scared map then doing part 2 on one lucky block and come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-02-19 00:35:52. It has garnered 158 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:34 or 18694 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

    Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToastVideo Information This video, titled ‘blasting you with the minecraft beam again’, was uploaded by XerxesTexasToast on 2024-08-13 06:19:46. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:38 or 17078 seconds. Support: https://ko-fi.com/xerxestexastoast Check out the playlist section on my channel to view whole series! GROUND RULES – No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other flavor of bigotry. – No sexual harassment. This includes both lewd jokes directed at me or another chat member and unsolicited confessions. – Don’t ask for personal info. I will not tell you real names or locations,… Read More

  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

    Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft freshsmp’, was uploaded by dumbo on 2024-07-08 01:20:54. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won't Believe Her Reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】HONEY WAKE UP, IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MINECRAFT SESSION ! ! !’, was uploaded by Banzoin Hakka Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-10-02 05:05:39. It has garnered 5561 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:59 or 16319 seconds. MINECRAFT TIME BABY. ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ CUTE AF ART, THANK YOU SO MUCH KIIRU ! ! ! https://x.com/Kiiru_Invader/status/1841176111042171056 SUPER ADORABLE DANCING HAKKITO ANIMATION https://x.com/nagii_iza/status/1835098539640361123 cool custom chat CSS by chroneco! https://x.com/chrone_co Awesome captioning & translation by Jimakuchan https://www.sayonari.com/trans_asr/asr.html ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ So much to explore, it’s dangerous to go alone, take a subscription! Make sure to ring the bell,… Read More

  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

    INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Jugando EGGWARS con SUBS en MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro’, was uploaded by Ciktro on 2024-09-02 23:48:14. It has garnered 40 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:11 or 5291 seconds. Playing EGGWARS with SUBS in MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro —————————————– ———— SOCIAL NETWORKS ———————————— —————– TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@ciktro?lang=es TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ciktro DISCORD: https://discord.gg/dZA3kZ4Xg5 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/_ciktro_/?next=%2F ————————————————– — CHANNEL INFORMATION ——————————————– ——— As you know, my name is Ciktro and I really like talking to you and entertaining you. My main content is based on Minecraft, where I usually do tutorials for both… Read More

  • Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. Shabirzzgamer

    Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. ShabirzzgamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts’, was uploaded by Poki Mine Gamer on 2024-10-02 12:12:03. It has garnered 2903 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds. Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers… Read More

  • Dragon Shield Modded: No Client Mods-Modded Survival, MMORPG, Backpacks, Magic&Custom Weapons, Quests, 500+ Dungeons, 300+ Custom Biomes, New Ores, Custom Ore, Whitelist

    🐉 Join Today 🛡️ Hello long forgotten friends! I welcome you to Dragon Shield, a server filled with custom ores, over 700 hours of content, 500+ dungeons, backpacks, over 100 custom biomes, furniture, and souls-like boss mechanics—all without needing any mods! Joining is easy, simply load a small resource pack when you join. Explore the vast world of Dragon Shield and experience all it has to offer. Contact me for our wiki where every custom detail is explained. Whether you’re new to minecraft or a seasoned player, this server is designed for everyone to enjoy. For casual players, there are… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Newbie baited!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Newbie baited!"Looks like the noobs aren’t the only ones falling for traps – this meme has definitely caught some unsuspecting victims with a score of 21! Read More

  • Corn Cannon Chaos: Gou Xiong Ridge’s Minecraft Mayhem

    Corn Cannon Chaos: Gou Xiong Ridge's Minecraft Mayhem In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Gou Xiong Ridge, where the story molds. The corn cannon army, a strange sight to see, Attacking with kernels, setting the mobs free. Warwick & Huayi Games, the blogger in the know, Sharing updates, with a playful flow. Mini world explanations, brought to light, With authorized content, shining bright. So follow along, with a click and a bell, For Minecraft news, that’s sure to compel. In rhymes we speak, in rhymes we play, In the world of gaming, where we’ll stay. Read More

  • Villager’s spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol

    Villager's spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol Why did the villager go to therapy? Because he couldn’t stop saying “oi oi” all the time! #villagerproblems 😂 Read More

  • Creating a BoBoiBoy Topan Portal in Minecraft PE

    Creating a BoBoiBoy Topan Portal in Minecraft PE The Exciting World of Minecraft: BoBoiBoy Topan Portal Creation BoBoiBoy Topan, the second level of power that emerges in the Minecraft universe, brings a unique twist to the game. Among all the BoBoiBoys, BoBoiBoy Topan stands out as the only one equipped with a hoverboard for transportation. When BoBoiBoy Topan first appeared, he lost control, leading to a fierce battle with BoBoiBoy Halilintar. BoBoiBoy Topan’s Unique Abilities BoBoiBoy Topan’s hoverboard adds a dynamic element to the game, allowing players to navigate the Minecraft world with speed and agility. This unique mode of transportation opens up new possibilities for exploration… Read More

  • Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster

    Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster The World of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and challenges await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, this game offers endless possibilities for players to explore. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With Minecraft shorts, players can showcase their creativity in quick, bite-sized videos that highlight their building skills, unique challenges, and hilarious moments. Whether it’s a daring escape from a creeper or a mesmerizing time-lapse of a grand castle construction, Minecraft shorts never fail to… Read More

  • Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft’s Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCat

    Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft's Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mega Base!!! ( LIVE )’, was uploaded by JustCallMeCat on 2024-09-05 01:41:17. It has garnered 101 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:17 or 8897 seconds. Its what you think it is… I Have Merch? streamlabs.com/callmecatyt/merch Discord: https://discord.gg/BAntut7fm7 #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #streamer Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Diamond TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘Diamond 😂#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Koobra Arvind on 2024-04-22 13:13:40. It has garnered 8518 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

    EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘New survival series minecraft pocket edition indian’, was uploaded by Lankesh gaming 777 on 2024-07-07 15:59:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.12.224/server 32 bit minecraft free 64×64 minecraft server icon 6700k for minecraft server 60gb minecraft server minecraft server … Read More

  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: play.zenithnetwork.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/W8EJxUhbPC Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” https://linktr.ee/carpyy • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » https://bit.ly/CarpyySongs • Donations Link: https://streamelements.com/carpyy/tip ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: snapshot.pandamium.eu Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More