Unlock Dragon Tooth & Max Health – Modded Minecraft EP46

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I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we gather everything from the dragon’s tooth to a well twatl light portal that’s miniature and today is going to be a lot of chaos so I hope you guys are ready now I’m going to warn you right

Off the bat today’s episode is going to be a little bit all over the place because we are going to be working towards cleaning up some of the odd and end items that we need to make the star now it’s not over yet we are still far

From over but I do want to kind of play catchup and sort of get all the remaining items needed that are kind of obscure now when I say obscure I’m talking things like for example this an ender dragon’s tooth yeah things like this that are really obscure and like the silent gears um

Terrarian steel and and and like some other random Ins And Odds like the decorum blocks and also the dark Rune blocks and and things like that like those little things that really don’t have like major mechanics attached to them well actually the Dragon one does have things attached to it I should

Rephrase that that being the dragon tooth is actually one of the first things that I want to get started with today so how exactly do we get a dragon’s tooth it doesn’t really mention it too much in here and what is the dragon tooth even used for well the

Dragon tooth is used to make eggs um and in the quest here it shows that this is connected into the master of dragons and this is what the non-h hatchable dragon egg is what what the tooth is actually used to make so we’re going to need at

Least 18 of these meaning we’re going to need at least 18 dragon teeth but even then it doesn’t really tell us how to get those Dragon Teeth it’s left me kind of looking for things and so looking I did and I found that on the actual Enders Delight mod which is what it’s

From I found that you can actually get those as drops from using the knife on the dragon so we have to kill the dragon with a knife from yeah the farmer Del light mod now just a measly old regular knife is not going to cut it even if we

Were to make it Diamond it’s just not going to to to cut it um but we can make an Al the modium version of this that does 12 damage which is a lot better and we could potentially chop the dragon down a little bit more and I don’t know

If we only get one tooth per Dragon kill I’m hoping that we can enchant this with some fortune and hopefully get more potentially so after just applying a couple of enchants hopefully this will work I put backstabbing on here I don’t know if it’s going to be that great but we do

Have looting five as well and I’m hoping this knife is really going to cut it by the way with the sharpness on here oh my goodness it does 18 attack damage all right so here we go time to resummon the dragon and hopefully with that looting we’ll determine whether or not we have

To do this 18 times oh boy so after destroying all of the pillars with this I don’t know if do I have to wait or can I potentially fly up to the dragon and try to take it out oh oh there it is okay he’s he’s Dro it down okay this

Knife actually does quite a bit of damage but notice the dragon okay we’re backstabbing the dragon the dragon is is a little weird it does push you around quite a bit so just trying to use this knife on it like this is kind of difficult all right so it’s dropping

Down again which is good news because that should be it okay okay so let’s make sure we’re picking everything up oh and we get three teeth from using that sword okay so that’s actually nice and we get all these other in Delight things but it’s good to know that I can at

Least get the three that we got because that means I don’t have to kill the dragon 18 times oh goodness instead I’ll have to do it more like six to to eight times it all depends on the drop rate every time and is there a good way to

Automate this process you know what I’m going to say not not really not really worth it for for for at least like 18 items um yeah I mean you would need a way to destroy all of the crystals which that in itself probably wouldn’t be the hardest thing to do considering you can

Make TNT droppers and all kinds of interesting things like that but it’s the automation of actually hurting the dragon that one’s a little bit harder let’s just say dragons are a little fussy when it comes to the types of items that are near them uh they just

They just want to break them now making this go a little bit faster I’m just going to Simply use this after charging myself I’m going to isuse my Firebolt spell and that should get the dragon down to pretty low Health quite quickly actually just got to try and hit it and

Then yeah then we can just simply use that try to not overdo it as well there we go that’s close enough and the dragon’s already Landing again and this one’s a pretty quick kill just like that and yeah we got two on that round so it’s just not a guarantee so I think

This is the last dragon that I need to take out and I’m just yeah I’m just completely at this point by passing the crystals yeah I I can get it down quite quickly and just completely bypass the crystals and there’s 19 of them yeah so

I had to kill seven of them uh actually in order to get enough of the teeth and I would say that’s pretty decent now another thing that I needed a lot of were these dragon scales but each time you kill the dragon you actually get some of these dragon scales so I had

Enough and as you can see right here we now have all of these pieces and I just need to Simply make the things that they’re used for now we get to kind of move on to the next part that is kind of on an end and that’s going to be these

Dark runes um and dark runes believe it or not are kind of expensive to make um simply because runes are pretty rare but we can actually make a rune B and I think that’s all we really need to worry about um because we should be able we’re

Going to make both uh the arcanis and the Rune be but um to be able to make the krupy dust all we need is Arcane dust and this is honestly so easy to kind of get set up and the bees are just as easy as well well so let me show you

What I mean by easy so in here I do have my diamond bees and these are used for a ton of things so let’s get the B cages and get a few of those autoc crafted let’s see do I not have cages there we go um yeah let’s get some cages crafted

So we’ll have some bees um but I’m going to go into my bee converting room and I’m going to place two Diamond bees and these are so easy to do because we just simply need to click the block on them that converts it into an arcanus bee and

Then this converts it into the Rune bee and uh there we go now we have both bees and we can just put them into one of our current hives that we have set up so yeah let’s put the Rune bee and the arcanus bee in here and then I’m just

Going to put both of my Rune blocks that that are required for these bees and this should just start producing Combs oh also thank you guys for mentioning this because I I did see this and I have changed my other ones uh but this Max upgrade actually acts as a simulator

Upgrade so in reality we could have this whole thing filled with production Omega upgrades which is just ridiculous honestly so just to put this in perspective one of these Rune cones is a guaranteed four runes it’s a lot every time I look in the storage I just keep

Seeing this just Skyrocket oh man I wish these were just like a I wish they were a better looking Building Material like they look fine but when they’re stacked next to each other that’s when they kind of clash like when there’s more than one of them yeah they just they they super

Clash with each other so after a few regular autocrafts I think we have everything now needed to make the dark Rune and to also end up making the uh the Dior on block um so both of those things see forbidden let’s go ahead and get those crafted up so we’re going to

Need 18 I believe of each of these so there’s 18 of those that are going to be nearly in instant crafted and then 18 of those perfect um and so yeah as you can see we are building up of those materials we already have 18 of the dark

Runes and then we’re about to have 18 of the deorum blocks there we go so both of these things are now or I guess I could say checked off of the list oh and and by the way our Eternal Stellas because of our B yeah we have

584 of them there’s too many all right all right now for something that’s going to take a little bit more time and that is the Nitro batteries we’re going to need 36 Nitro batteries but not just normal Nitro batteries no these need to be fully charged uh in order to be used

You see right here these have the maximum power stored in them and we’re going to need 32 of them because we’re going to need 18 uh improbability probability devices so that’s going to take a little bit of time but this is actually not too bad um we do need to

AutoCraft also the player transmitters that are Nitro and the reason why this would be a little bit harder to AutoCraft and I don’t think any of these things are necessary to be autoc crafted um well autoc crafted as in they need to be constantly being produced is because

When you go down all the way to the first one that you make it requires the player aerial Pearl and if you remember you have to capture a uh zombie inside of this thing and so we’re going to have to find ourself a few zombies well or we

Can find a spawner yeah and I think the pyramid is the best place to uh to pick these little guys up at there’s just so many mobs here now this is just crazy to watch because to make 18 of these batteries for example it it happens almost instantaneously so if you watch

The crafts actually happen we can see how quickly these things AutoCraft now these batteries are going to start trying to charge in my inventory um but I don’t really want to do it that way I’m going to show you a different way and if I go over here and I actually go

Into my mechanism setup I should be able to charge these a little bit differently um so by popping into this and opening this up I should be able to place these in here and then that can charge these um so I I don’t know if there’s actually

A way to automatically insert and Export out of here when they’re done but this is a pretty decent way of doing this now my charger that is on my person will charge this incredibly fast uh but I’m afraid that uh I’m not limiting that setup properly so let’s actually take a

Look at that and we could probably do both um let’s go ahead and run back to the base and I just need to make sure that on my controller that I have it set to a limit and it’s set to a limit of eight let’s actually set this to 2

Million okay so now that it’s set to 2 million I know that it’s capped out and we should be good and if I go to use this we should see that it is transferring and it’s sending 2 million RF every tick to this uh and and should

Be storing these um and I yeah it’s going to take a bit of time but um it’s something we got to do we got to get them all charged up it’s pretty slow process you know I bet with the with enough infrastructure this would actually be pretty quick I’m giving this

Like 6 million now and I could probably give it even more um but yeah I have all of them charging in my hot bar and it seems like we’re doing pretty good on power if I go back to the mechanism area I can check this one this one’s probably

Filled up uh and we can actually see our power is not really going down or anything like that that one is completely filled I can start to put this one in there and and then these are still all charging right here and we’re still sending like we’re still receiving

Enough power to make this uh not drain oh yeah and I just realized there’s actually no real way to speed these up I was thinking I can make up go even faster by just giving more power they are limited you can only send a maximum in them anyways of only 2 million they

Have a Max transfer limit so you you no matter how quickly you would want to charge this you’re always going to be limited by that 2 million now while these are doing their thing and charging we can actually tap into even more items and these right here are going to be

Some some items that we can go ahead and get autocrafting and get the recipes made for and get them started so the rainbow furnace I’ve already got basically everything automated here already um and we’re going to need this for rainbow plating and we are going to need 18 rainbow furnaces being that the

Hardest part is just getting all of the dyes autoc crafted and getting all the random glass autoc crafted outside of that these uh these are quite simple the item exchangers on the other hand these look like they’re going to cost a lot of items but I also feel like they’re not

Going to be that bad to do but uh these all every single tier does require like a step that requires you to have D and ender pearls and everything like that which I do have I have all the Essences for like we should be good for the

Majority of these and I couldn’t imagine crafting this stuff by hand what an absolute Rabbit Hole this exchanger would be oh my gosh there’s like Steps upon steps upon steps leading all the way up into that high tier oh my goodness yeah that would be just a lot

Now there is one ingredient that I know I don’t have enough of for those exchangers and uh if we take a look at the exchangers and we go ahead and let’s go ahead and set this to 18 and make 18 in exchangers okay so I’m missing exactly 16 chor fruit that’s actually

Not a lot um now the chor flowers we can get in a multitude of way but one cool way is to Simply use an Alchemy Catalyst this is going to be pretty neat um I think I should definitely use a silk touch tool to break this grass since I didn’t make

This infused grass but there we go I just place this underneath here and uh we should be ready to convert all I have to do is throw these in and that does a conversion for me and now I have Co flour now I was going to set up a race

And see what can craft faster the rainbow furnace or uh the uh the exchangers but I’m pretty sure the rainbow furnace is going to win simply because well there’s something wrong with the way the AutoCraft it’s already finished there’s something wrong with the way that the AutoCraft Works in this

Particular case notice it says the netherite is uh is missing here but if I go to for example craft the diamond ones it’s fine so I can craft up to Diamonds but if I go to craft emeralds well that’s what it’s like I don’t know what

To do and I thought there was maybe something wrong with my patterns but it doesn’t really seem like it so yeah I think we can craft at least 18 of these so 18 diamond ones I can at least craft pretty quick and then maybe it will work once these are crafted maybe there’s

Like a limit to how many it can actually go up to um so let’s let’s try the emerald now right will it work it still says they’re missing isn’t that weird I’m going to try and redo the recipe including this one now yeah no just just doesn’t work that’s weird so strange so

Yeah I’m going to have to do all of these by hand I guess up after this point so yep I just simply need to craft the last bits and that’s the IND exchanger so I mean if anything you’ve learned along the way it’s maybe the tips and tricks towards how to craft

Things faster maybe but yeah I these are just all odds and ends that I’m tying up now at least this next one’s going to be pretty interesting because it does require a little bit of autocrafting and that is this block right here from Silent gear which is the Tyron Tyran

Tyron still I think it’s Tyron still um so this stuff can be crafted in a very special machine called a metal compounding machine from Silent gears and it does require crushed Shuler shells um the a Azure which is I’m trying my best to pronounce these which

Is a craft from the Azure Sil silver that we find in the uh the end and then the Crimson still which we find in the nether but I do have Essence made up for both of these materials crimson and also the uh the azer silver so I do have

AutoCraft set up for all of this and IAT even have a shulker set up inside of one of my simulation Chambers I believe it’s this one right here so I do have a shulker in there and it has been running so we have plenty of shulker shells we

Just need to set up the crafting of this item and this machine is actually very simple now because of how temporary this setup is going to be I’m just going to place it right here for now and then I’m going to run myself some cables up to

The top and we’re going to use an exporter to send the items into this machine uh I think items can go into this machine can they not be inserted into the top okay I’m I’m guessing not it doesn’t appear like it wants to let me place them on the top of the machine

So I’m guessing then that if it doesn’t go in the top like you just seen um maybe we can insert it into the side so let’s try that we’ll definitely do that and the way that I want to um sort of configure this is with a regulator card

And then my crafting card to make sure these get autoc crafted and so I do need all of the materials for this so let’s go ahead and pull all the materials into our inventory probably need to do a quick autoc crafter Runo there we go and then perfect so thank goodness to refine

Storage for allowing that to be a thing where you can just pull the ingredients without searching for everything oh that’s such a convenient thing but I do want one at a time to be in this machine so we’re going to send only one of each of these items out and that’s where that

Regulator card comes into play and when it’s done we just simply need to use an importer to pull the ingredients back into the system so that should work and hopefully the Importer allows it to work and it does so you see right here this is going to produce four per and so this

Will be done before I know it cuz we’re going to need 18 blocks of it so yeah this process isn’t going to take very long so now that that’s out of the way there’s another another little thing we can look at and this is part of the iron

Spells now this one might be a little bit more complicated we’ve got most of this stuff automated now the production of runes we have done this through the dead King and we have gotten plenty of runes for all of this or anything I’d ever need for irons in the future but

The empty upgrade orb I’m missing one thing and that is the Arcane Salvage now this apparently comes from ancient debris but it’s the ancient debris from Iron spells not normal ancient debris and for this process I kind of want to use a digital Miner I just want to use

Something other than RF tools Builder and so the digital Miner I have complete access to so might as well put it to some good use now I will use some energy upgrades and some speed upgrades to make this insanely fast so believe it or not in order to find this debris it resides

Below -38 in the Overworld so this is the overworlds variant of the uh the debris and so we should be able to find that with our digital Miner that we just set out so how are we going to find this well I’m gone ahead and set up my config

I set a radius to the max of 32 which is kind of the downside of using the digital minor I don’t know if there’s a way to increase that but 32 is as far as it will let me go and then I have my y level minimum set to zero my maximum

Needs to be set to -38 to make this faster because it won’t be any higher than 38 by the way I just need it to be 38 right will it let me set 38 no no it’ll let me set I need the minimum to be 64 and then the maximum to be

-38 there we go so now that is configured properly and the zombie will not leave me alone um but yes with all of that set up we should have just about everything ready to go um now the tag filter that I have set here is Forge

Needs netherite tool um and the reason I have this set is because if we look at this you can see the top block tag is is Forge needs netherite tool so this is going going to farm anything any Block in this area that requires a netherite

Tool in order to break it so with that in mind this should be ready to go and as soon as I hit start it will say there are 40 some OD that are needed and uh we don’t have enough power right now but I

Can go ahead and just pop on a point and then we should be ready to go so just like that I already farmed a couple of them as you just seen But there we go so this is a very very very quick way of farming and you can also see how many of

The blocks you’re going to be farming in this area and I did go ahead and put my speed and energy upgrades in there and this is using yeah like 200,000 Fe that’s the energy capacity he’s using 8,000 RF per tick to run so not too bad for how quickly it does

Things it’s just one of many ways to quy things out but with this 41 should be plenty honestly I only need 18 so I’m just going to toss in the 18 I need and that is already smelted up right right these need to be processed how do they

Get processed actually oh they need a blast furnace and there we go we have this now processing up pretty quick and we’re going to have that Salvage before we know it and that’s really all we need everything else is autoc craftable and after that 18 of these it is there we go

Boop and just a blink of an eye we now have 18 of the fire upgrade orbs just like that now all of this prep work definitely wasn’t like just spontaneous this has all been something that I have been planning through my journey through this mod pack I have always had in my

Head the idea that I need some sort of item and progression and mod play through through all of these items that you see in here to eventually have these items available for the craft so all of this has led up to this actual moment and it’s it’s not uh it’s not been an

Accident it’s all for a reason and that reason is of course to be able to make the All theod Star be because that is going to be the ultimate B to obtain now another one of those things on the list that I definitely prepped for was to be

Able to make 18 miniature Twilight portals and we already have the Awakening setup from the prior episode so we should be good and I even made enough snow queen trophies because we ended up putting that on a data model now the hardest thing to get is this uh

This cronite or or carmonite I mean the carmonite requires you to have Vore Essence if you want to make this or you can technically Farm the UR gas but that’s going to be way harder than getting your your hands on the bore Essence and the bore Essence is found in

The wood if you had watch that prior episode of the Twilight Forest and we have that bore right here so a tower bore produces that Essence and we’ve had that running so we can easily produce all of the materials that you see here upon request and we made seeds for all

Of these different materials well all the materials besides this stuff so now we can simply toss in all of our ingredients into our uh Awakening area and this is going to be another check mark off the list cuz this is going to make miniature portals to the Twilight

And we’re going to need 18 of these as well um the miniature portal is utilized inside of the Philosopher’s fuel we’re very close to having everything produced for this cuz they also still need to make the insanium coal which is quite simple and the awakened furnace which

Just requires more use of this awakened machine here actually I did kind of gloss over the fact that the awakened supremium furnace does have quite a few steps um while it is just an easy thing to just craft and works the same way as everything else we do need to make

Awakened ingots and also awakened geod and this requires a supremium Essence that has been awakened to do this we awaken the actual block and that is done here but it does require cognizant dust and to get enough of this Essence to make the amount that we’re going to need

To make 18 of these furnaces means we have to actually get a lot of cognizant D dust and um the way we do that is by enchanting a mystical agriculture weapon uh such as a sword here with a very special enchant um and that enchant is called uh let’s see it’s called mystical

Enlightenment yes this thing right here and it goes up to I think level five it may be able to go higher than that uh but the higher here you have the more I think you get and then I’m probably going to add let’s see some sharpness to

This so let’s add like Max sharpness and why not even looting right maybe we’ll get more if we have looting um oh looting can’t go on it apparently oh yeah yeah it can there it is okay so yeah all of these combined uh let’s go

Ahead and put that on the sword so now we have some nice sharpness I think it’s sharpness nine is that yeah that is nine um and uh yeah we should be ready to slay some Withers we’re going to have to take on some Withers so if my calculations are correct I think we’re

Going to need at least 64 cognizant dust to have enough to make all of the awakened materials that we’re going to want all right so let’s see how quickly with just the plain enchants without even upgrading this thing how quickly this takes out the Wither cuz honestly

It’s it’s it should do a pretty good job it’s like doing almost 30 damage and uh should be able to take the the Wither out pretty quick so with that enchant yeah this is that’s pretty fast and just from that one we got eight cognizant dust so with

Me doing the math oh boy we’re looking at about eight Withers I need to take out so just in case my math wasn’t exactly correct I did go ahead and farm just a little bit more but yeah it was dropping exactly eight every single time

With that five and this is all we need to do we need to start making this and uh we have everything else ready to go on AutoCraft I have all the furnaces ready to go so as soon as we have this Essence then we can actually just make

That that furnace and with this we’re getting so close to having like just about everything done there’s still a couple of other mods that require a bit more to get through but I am absolutely loving how everything’s coming together oh and I I can’t even I can’t even

Mention just yet oh the thing I want to build for the actual star crafting and just like that we now have the awakened furnaces so pretty straightforward uh the whole process like I said pretty straightforward and we’re going to have 18 of this and Boop there is the last

One 18 awakened furnaces I tell you what today has been actually pretty darn refreshing and I I’ve I’ve actually enjoyed today a lot it feels really good uh to kind of like skirt around and kind of play with all kinds of different mechanics that we’ve kind of not done

Thus far now I still have a couple more things to do for example I think we should go ahead and get the drive that we’re going to need that is uh sort of listed down here one of these three which the easiest of course is the fluid disc because it is substantially cheaper

To make than any of these other things but the fluid storage part I should be able to craft 18 of those and get those started and we can craft them directly in here so if I take a look at fluid storage component we have it right here

I believe this is the million yeah the 1.84 million fluid part um just a just a verify let’s just make sure that is the one we need yep the one eight fluid part perfect and um yeah I should be able to request 18 of these and when we do we

Are going to be spending quite a bit of resources but nothing compared to the other drive so the other Drive uh basically these start at 64k whenever you initially start the fluid ones that’s why they’re substantially cheaper to make um if I was to for example try

To craft this which is the uh the the 148 million storage part that’s a different story if I take a look at that let’s see one let me see if if I can find it yeah the 148 million storage part let’s request 18 of those yeah that is substantially more expensive draining

Every resource that we currently have not even able to support it so yeah it’s definitely uh nice that we can use the fluid one I don’t even know why anyone would choose any other option other than the fluid one because this one is actually achievable so 18 of these

Things that’s a lot and I’m going to craft them all now and I’m sure it’s going to take quite a while to craft them all because it’s going to have to throw all of these components in and all of that fun stuff now in the meantime I

Want to actually work on something else and that is to get my hearts to their maximum and that’s how I want it in today because this is a really cool mechanic and it’s from the bobbles mod and the bobbly Heart kister mod to be specific this is actually pretty cool

Now we should be able to make the item and make the max tier all the way up to the soul canister I do believe we should be able to get this quite easily and we’re going to need 10 of these but it is going to require us to have a soul

Heart and we’re going to keep this animate on us this is going to increase our Max Hearts dramatically and I don’t know how high I’ve seen my my bar get all the way into the pink but I don’t know what it does after that so it’s

Going to be interesting to see how far we can go now I get all of these Hearts by farming these guys so like the dragon can drop the hearts which I’ve actually changed that um but like the Wither uh not wither the the warden for example I believe I am

Farming the hearts off the warden which drops I believe the the actually the max tier version so yeah we have tons of hearts that we can use for these crafts so I just need to get all these autocrafts set up because we do need all of these items that you see right here

Now one thing if I want to craft these that I’m going to need is these wither bones so yeah wither skeleton and Boop I have have now wither bones started now to make the top tier canisters we need to put them in like this with a totem

And that is going to make the soul heart canisters these are the highest tier by the way this is just we have so many hearts yeah I’ve I’ve never set this up before so I just had to craft all of these while also fighting my furnace to

Try and allow me to craft them cuz this bad boy is uh is on fire right now like like literally on fire trying its hardest to produce all these resources it’s got to go through like 200,000 items it’s a lot now uh back to this because we are making our soul heart

Crystal and this should allow me to upgrade the base amulet which is really cheap to make into a soul amulet and then I have all of my canisters the last I remember we were able to put tin inside of this and that’s the max that

It holds like if you put any more in it it doesn’t hold anymore so this is now a maxed out par canister can I not open it right click to open just right click okay so yes this is ready to go I don’t know how many hearts this is going to

Add um so I guess we should do the math first so if I look at my statistics and I scroll down and hide all of the changed and we just look at our current health our current health is at uh and two um now we are we do have some

Bonuses that are going to help towards our health but this is going to be ridiculous okay I can only imagine what is going to happen here so this goes inside of a bobble the the heart Bobble canister this is so Overkill we have blue pink hearts at this point oh my

Goodness um so we’ve got to be in the 200s right this is 100% this has got to be in the 200 of Health right let’s scroll down let’s see where is our health at M oh we’re so close 186 hearts and I’m sure it can go even

Higher in this pack oh my goodness now there is also one other thing I want to try and see what it looks like and that’s the Vitality Blade the Vitality blade we should be able to actually put in the hearts just like this so out of this the Vitality blade also has slots

And so if we put all of the base tier in the Vitality blade this thing now goes from eight all the way to 88 attack damage on the base so this sword is incredibly powerful however I would much prefer to have the hearts because H it’s just so nice man

We are just one healthy boy getting close to having an entire bar that’s like in the blue range wow I I like that so guys with that I hope you enjoyed today’s episode I know it was quite a bit of Random R stuff but we have gotten

A ton done and now we can focus on the few things that we’re going to need before we ultimately have ourself access to the all theod B and I am so excited to get that thing up and running but guys if you did enjoy click that subscribe button if you haven’t already

And give this video a huge thumbs up I would really really appreciate it and so with that uh Axel that’s back there in the background swimming around so guys it’s now time to also thank the amazing supporter of today episode and that amazing thans is going to go out to Al

Holic got to love that name thank you so much by the way for your amazing Support over on the Discord becoming a Discord premium member and supporting in one of the best ways possible guys thank you so so very much I hope to see you in the

Next one and as always thanks for watching bye

This video, titled ‘All The Mods 9 Modded Minecraft EP46 Dragon Tooth & Max Health’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-01-30 17:00:44. It has garnered 19713 views and 966 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:06 or 2046 seconds.

Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience with All the Mods 9 (ATM9)! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds, featuring an expansive collection of nearly 400 mods and a multitude of quests awaiting your exploration. Craft the elusive ATM Star and challenge yourself to conquer the formidable Gregstar, an endgame experience unlike any other.

Originally created as a private pack among friends, All the Mods has blossomed into a sought-after gaming sensation, offering everything found in popular packs while introducing a unique blend of newer and lesser-known mods. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the scene, ATM9 provides the perfect balance of familiarity and innovation, ensuring an immersive and thrilling Minecraft journey.

Join the community and embark on an adventure filled with endless possibilities. Unleash your imagination, tackle challenging quests, and discover the vast array of features and surprises that await in All the Mods 9. Are you ready to craft, explore, and conquer in this ultimate Minecraft modded experience? Jump in now and experience the adventure of a lifetime!

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All The Mods 9 Modpack Download ► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Minecraft World Info MODPACK STARTING VERSION 0.2.25

WORLD SEED 7758214864307972091

— World Downloads — Join My Discord: https://discord.gg/ChosenArchitect They are located on the World-Downloads Channel and are posted every 10 episodes. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ THANKS TO ALL THE SUPPORTERS! YOU MAKE THIS POSSIBLE!

► Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/ChosenArchitect ► Join The Discord – https://discord.gg/ChosenArchitect ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChosenArchitect ► Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/chosenarchitect ► Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChosenLIVE

Get games every month with HumbleBundle: ► https://humble.com/monthly?refc=FWUQuh ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► PC Specs: https://goo.gl/HnWcYo ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ► Music: YouTube Audio Library ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #ATM9 #chosenarchitect #minecraft

  • Mastermind’s Guide: Minecraft Java Replay Mode

    Mastermind's Guide: Minecraft Java Replay Mode Exploring Replay Mode in Minecraft Java Edition Replay mode in Minecraft Java edition offers players the ability to capture and relive their in-game experiences. Whether you want to create epic cinematic videos or simply review your gameplay, this feature adds a new dimension to the Minecraft experience. Downloading and Installing Replay Mode To download the Replay mode for Minecraft Java edition, you can follow these steps: Visit the provided link to download the Replay mod file. Ensure you have Minecraft version 1.16.5v installed. Install Forge for Minecraft. Place the downloaded Replay mod file in the mods folder of your… Read More

  • Lucky Box Legendary Showdown: Minecraft 1v1 Part 2

    Lucky Box Legendary Showdown: Minecraft 1v1 Part 2 In the world of Minecraft, where legends clash, Our 1 vs 1 Lucky Box Challenge, a thrilling match. Opening boxes, nerves on edge, who will prevail? Watch the video, see the epic tale. Surprises await in each lucky box, Moments of tension, like ticking clocks. A nervous breakdown, a twist in the game, But we push forward, never the same. Join us in the Oyunverse, where fun never ends, Minecraft gameplay with twists and bends. Like, comment, subscribe, for more to come, In this world of gaming, where we all have fun. Read More

  • Voice-Controlled Minecraft Gameplay

    Voice-Controlled Minecraft Gameplay Minecraft: Gaming with Voice Commands Imagine a world where you can control your Minecraft gameplay with just the sound of your voice. That’s exactly what [Krishna gaming] did in their latest video, exploring the unique experience of playing Minecraft with voice commands. Exploring New Possibilities With the advancement of technology, gamers are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their gaming experience. Voice commands offer a hands-free approach to gameplay, allowing players to navigate through the virtual world of Minecraft with ease. Enhancing Accessibility One of the key benefits of using voice commands in Minecraft is the accessibility it provides… Read More

  • Shade Craze: Top 4 Ultra Realistic Bedrock Shaders

    Shade Craze: Top 4 Ultra Realistic Bedrock Shaders In the world of Minecraft, shaders shine bright, With water reflections and shadows that ignite. Strawberry Deferred, a visual delight, Realistic lighting, a true gaming height. Lynx Realism Deferred, with metallic glass, A preview that’s sure to make a splash. Poggy’s Luminous Dream, a beta treat, Deferred rendering, making visuals sweet. Prizma Deferred, another top pick, For those seeking graphics that truly stick. No lag Render Dragon shaders, a must-see, Bringing new life to your Minecraft spree. Texture packs and render distance, all in play, Enhancing your experience in every way. Epic quests and music to set the tone,… Read More

  • Ultimate Sugar Cane Farming Hack!

    Ultimate Sugar Cane Farming Hack! The Minecraft Easiest Sugar Cane Farm Embark on a journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with the latest episode of the Minecraft Survival Series. In this episode, players are introduced to the easiest sugar cane farm, a crucial element in the game for crafting various items and resources. Exploring the Sugar Cane Farm The sugar cane farm in Minecraft serves as a vital resource for players to cultivate and harvest sugar cane, which can be used to create paper, books, and sugar. The farm showcased in this episode demonstrates an efficient and straightforward method for players to set… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Survival Mode Challenges

    Mastering Minecraft Survival Mode Challenges The Challenging World of Minecraft Survival Mode Minecraft, a beloved sandbox video game, offers players the opportunity to immerse themselves in a blocky 3D world where creativity and survival skills are key. In survival mode, players must mine resources, craft tools, and build structures to navigate a procedurally generated world teeming with creatures and hidden treasures. Survival Mode: A Test of Skill and Strategy Survival mode in Minecraft is known for its challenging gameplay, requiring players to gather resources, fend off hostile mobs, and explore vast landscapes to thrive. From building simple shelters to intricate castles, the possibilities are… Read More

  • Crafting a Mail Portal in Minecraft with Upin & Ipin

    Crafting a Mail Portal in Minecraft with Upin & Ipin Minecraft Portal Mail: A Fun Adventure with Upin & Ipin Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with Upin & Ipin through the Portal Mail! Join the fun and explore the exciting world of Minecraft with these beloved characters. Donation and Community If you’re looking to support the creator, consider donating on Saweria. Join the Discord community to connect with fellow players and fans. Get involved and be part of a vibrant community dedicated to Minecraft and more. Character Skins and Channels Customize your Minecraft experience with the Skin UzeMing. Check out the various YouTube channels linked to discover more… Read More

  • Mindcraft Head: Unraveling the Mystery

    Mindcraft Head: Unraveling the Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to unpack the mystery, fulfill your dream. What’s inside my head, you may ask with a sigh, Well, let’s take a peek, let’s give it a try. With a method so clever, a question so sly, I’ll show you the truth, I won’t tell a lie. As we dive into my mind, filled with blocks and delight, You’ll see the wonders, shining so bright. So come along, join the fun, in this Minecraft tale, Where creativity thrives, and adventures never fail. Subscribe to my channel, for more rhymes… Read More

  • Phone Saved, TNT Raved: Minecraft’s Explosive Encore

    Phone Saved, TNT Raved: Minecraft's Explosive Encore In Minecraft’s world, a blast so grand, 10,000 TNT, in my hand. The explosion shook, the ground did quake, My phone survived, for goodness’ sake. I blew up more, 100,000 in sight, The biggest explosion, a dazzling light. Subscribe for more, the fun won’t cease, Minecraft madness, a true masterpiece. Follow me on Insta, Twitter too, Facebook accounts, all for you. Stay tuned for more, the fun’s not done, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll have some fun. Read More

  • Cassie Gibson: Moreton Bay’s Library Maven

    Cassie Gibson: Moreton Bay's Library Maven In the City of Moreton Bay, Cassie’s the name, A Senior Library Assistant, with Minecraft fame. From trainee to pro, she’s grown in her role, Combining her interests, achieving her goal. Supporting her community, with books and games, Sharing knowledge and fun, she never refrains. Minecraft in the library, a unique blend, Engaging the youth, a trend to extend. Through her journey, she’s learned and she’s grown, In unexpected ways, her skills have shown. Cassie’s a star, in the library scene, Bringing joy and knowledge, with a Minecraft theme. Read More

  • “Barnava Gaming: Insane Herobrine Chase!” #meme #viral #shorts

    "Barnava Gaming: Insane Herobrine Chase!" #meme #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Bloodfallen in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-14 06:30:06. It has garnered 1404 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Bloodfallen in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos, like… Read More

  • MythicDragon

    MythicDragonA hungarian OPkingdoms server with a lots of minigames and events with a enjoyable communitie. If you are interested join in our communitie play.mythicdragon.hu Read More

  • ArcanusMC – Semi-Vanilla PvP Economy

    Welcome to ArcanusMC! The moment I thought I had lost all of my hard work was a turning point on the ArcanusMC server. I was peacefully working on my town when suddenly, Jim attacked. TNT landed on my head, and I instantly lost all my stuff. My heart sank as my full netherite gear and sword, treasures I had spent countless hours crafting, vanished in an instant. Worst of all, he killed my dog! I was FURIOUS! Determined to seek revenge, I started planning my comeback, even though Jim was a Noble. Since this server is based around XP, I… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cyan wool, the forbidden fruit.

    Minecraft Memes - Cyan wool, the forbidden fruit.Ah yes, cyan wool, the true measure of a successful Minecraft player! And apparently a score of 42 in meme points, that’s some impressive internet currency right there. Read More

  • Mine Onions: A Minecraft Animation

    Mine Onions: A Minecraft Animation In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Creativity thrives, like a never-ending dream. From building grand castles to exploring deep caves, Every player finds joy in the adventures they crave. But amidst all the fun, there’s a tale to be told, Of an onion that’s causing a ruckus, so bold. “Why yell at an onion?” the question is asked, As players in-game complete their tasks. With animations and memes, the story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity molds. So join in the fun, with a laugh and a grin, As we dive into the world… Read More

  • These nether portals got me feeling like a spicy hot potato! 🔥

    These nether portals got me feeling like a spicy hot potato! 🔥 These nether portals by different Youtubers brings me to the realization that I have no idea what I’m doing in Minecraft. #lostintheneretherrealm Read More

  • Ultimate Iron Golem Tower in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Iron Golem Tower in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Iron Golem Tower – Automated Smelting and Sorting! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation. One such player, 羽嵐, has embarked on a remarkable journey in their original survival world. Let’s delve into the fascinating creation of an automated Iron Golem Tower that promises infinite iron bricks with minimal effort. Materials Collection and Village Breeding The video kicks off with 羽嵐 engaging in material collection and casual banter. As the clock ticks, the focus shifts to establishing a village breeding ground, a crucial step in the process of… Read More

  • Crafting a TV in Minecraft

    Crafting a TV in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ TELEWIZOR W Minecraft Minecraft, a game known for its endless possibilities and creativity, allows players to build virtually anything they can imagine. One popular creation that players often try to replicate is a television set within the game. Let’s explore how you can build a TV in Minecraft and enhance your virtual world! Materials Needed To construct a television in Minecraft, you will need to gather the following materials: Black Wool: for the screen Redstone Dust: for the wiring Stone Slabs: for the frame Glowstone: for the backlight Building Process Start by creating a rectangular frame using… Read More

  • POMNI’s Shocking Pool Kiss – Minecraft Madness!

    POMNI's Shocking Pool Kiss - Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAINE & JAX Kissed POMNI in The Pool! POMNI is in a Panic?! Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft’, was uploaded by POMNI – Minecraft on 2024-07-09 20:00:08. It has garnered 9924 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:07 or 4027 seconds. CAINE & JAX Kissed POMNI in The Pool! POMNI is in a Panic?! Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft In this video, Jax is once again trying to have fun with Pomni and RAGATHA in the pool! Today, you can expect interesting stories and amusing adventures with Pomni and her friends…. Read More

  • The Final Haunting: Sarah’s Scary Ghost Story

    The Final Haunting: Sarah's Scary Ghost StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Ghost Story – Sarah – Part 4 (Finale) #ghoststories #hauntedhouse #scary #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Winged_Stallion on 2024-06-16 15:09:18. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Storage Upgrade!

    INSANE Minecraft Storage Upgrade!Video Information This video, titled ‘I UPGRADED my storage system in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MangoZorb on 2024-02-20 01:01:42. It has garnered 444 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #lifesteal #smp #minecraft #hardcore #tutorial java.lifestealsmp.com Read More

  • Ultimate Beginner’s Guide: Build a Tiny f Spruce House in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Beginner's Guide: Build a Tiny f Spruce House in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | How to Build a Small Spruce Survival House for Beginners’, was uploaded by Labella Gaming on 2024-01-02 21:00:31. It has garnered 166 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:28 or 688 seconds. Minecraft simple building tutorial, where I’ll show you how to build an easy survival starter house designed for one, two, or three players. Whether you’re embarking on a new survival adventure or simply want a cozy dwelling, this step-by-step guide will help you create the perfect house. #minecraft #howtobuild #buildtutorial #minecrafthouse #starterhome #minecraftbuilding #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuild #survivalhouse #minecrafthousetutorial… Read More

  • Insane Hari God Gamer: The Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Challenge! Join Now!

    Insane Hari God Gamer: The Ultimate Minecraft Bedwars Challenge! Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Road To 500 Subscribers!!?😃|😄Let’s Paly Minecraft Bedwars Together !!😆’, was uploaded by Hari God Gamer on 2024-03-17 23:19:01. It has garnered 26 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:23 or 3083 seconds. 🖥Ip :- play.pika-network.net 📱Bedrock/Pe Ip :- bedrock.pika.host    Port :- 19132 💻LAPTOP SPEC:- RAM – 16GB PROCESSOR – 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1235U 1.30 GHz SYSTEM DRIVE – NVME M.2 SSD GRAPHIC CARD – Intel(R) iRISxe Graphics Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more interesting video and u can also play minecraft with me when i am live you can also join… Read More

  • EPIC Base Defense: Silence’s Turrets! Minecraft 1.20+

    EPIC Base Defense: Silence's Turrets! Minecraft 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Base defense with Silence’s Turrets! Part 2 of 2 – Minecraft 1.20+ Bit-By-Bit’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice on 2024-04-12 14:00:31. It has garnered 3569 views and 176 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:50 or 1250 seconds. #MischiefOfMice #BitByBit #SilencesTurrets Silence’s Turrets for Minecraft is a configurable mod that adds a ton of turret options to help defend your base! From Submarines to Railguns this mod has you covered! In Episode 1 I tell you about how to use, make and upgrade the turrets. In this episode I show you all the… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Chimpi – 🔴Minecraft SMP Server || Join now!

    Mind-Blowing Chimpi - 🔴Minecraft SMP Server || Join now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP server….|| Join now…. | #valorant #valorantlive’, was uploaded by Puzzling Chimpi on 2024-02-20 01:22:07. It has garnered 59 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:51 or 6591 seconds. #valorantlive #valorant #valorantindialive #valorantindia #valorantgaming ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/me_abhishek086/ ► Business Email: [email protected] ►Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/5D8dG7QyF4 Support the stream using UPI: abhishek.8642@paytm ►Loyalty rewards commands !redeem ChimpiOP 10 points !redeem Love 10 points 🔴 RULES 🔴 ►No Spam, Self-Promotion, or Promoting Others ►No Racism/Profanity, Treat Officials. Each Other Humbly. ►No Trash Talking For other Youtubers/Streamers. ►No discussion on Politics. ►Respect… Read More

  • Henwy’s ULTIMATE OP Enchants in Minecraft!

    Henwy's ULTIMATE OP Enchants in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Added OVERPOWERED ENCHANTS to Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Henwy on 2024-07-27 18:45:03. It has garnered 19625 views and 1011 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:36 or 1296 seconds. I Added Custom Overpowered Enchants to Minecraft and used them against my friends in battle! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/henwy?sub_confirmation=1 📌 FRIENDS IN THE VIDEO: @wisp @jojosolos 🔗 Mod: https://modrinth.com/datapack/enchantments-encore/gallery 💎FOLLOW ME 🎥 Other Channels: @hen @HenwyShorts 🎮 Twitch: http://twitch.tv/henwy 🐦 Twitter: http://twitter.com/henwy 📷 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/realhenwy 👾 Discord: http://discord.gg/henwy #Henwy #Minecraft I Added OVERPOWERED ENCHANTS to Minecraft… https://youtu.be/kFFvUotBHys Henwy http://youtube.com/Henwy Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE SHIZO MINECRAFT RANT! Sheep Gone Wild Ep.4 🐑

    🔥 INSANE SHIZO MINECRAFT RANT! Sheep Gone Wild Ep.4 🐑Video Information This video, titled ‘losing progress(schizo minecraft episode 4)’, was uploaded by ISeeSheep on 2024-03-14 21:15:54. It has garnered 21 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:11 or 1451 seconds. Song for the corny ahh edit is Haunted by Laura Les Here are the mods I used: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Go sub to this guy he’s pretty cool: / @thesolarist Read More

  • OverWorldmc

    OverWorldmcServidor hosteado en argentina de survivalop con mucho contenido y cosas por hacer, entra ahora!!!!! overworldmc.xyz:30280 Read More

  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired Whitelist Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server focused on community involvement. We’ve been around for 4 years, inspired by Hermitcraft. Quick Links 🌐 Website 🗺️ Dynmap 📷 Gallery 📊 Player Statistics Our Values Community – All players have a say, transparency in decisions. Welcoming – Diversity and inclusion. Stability – Top-tier hardware for stability. Updates – Regular updates and latest Minecraft versions. Some of Our Features – Simple claims plugin, Vanilla Tweaks, Discord linking. – Dynmap, Player Shops, economy based on diamonds. – Friendly, experienced staff. Our Rules Fairly relaxed atmosphere, no exploiting, griefing, stealing or abuse. Looking… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Villager trades: the original cryptocurrency”

    I guess you could say this meme is a solid 28 out of a potential title! Read More

  • Emo Mob in Minecraft: Tears and Fears

    Emo Mob in Minecraft: Tears and Fears In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, There’s one that stands out, full of empathy. The most emotional mob, with tears in its eyes, It’s a sight to behold, a true surprise. With a heart so pure, it wanders the land, Spreading love and kindness, lending a helping hand. Players are touched by its gentle soul, In a world of blocks, it plays a unique role. So next time you play, keep an eye out, For the most emotional mob, without a doubt. It’s a reminder that even in a pixelated place, Emotions run deep, leaving a… Read More

  • Minecraft larva goes wild! oi oi oi oi! 😂 #viralfunny

    Minecraft larva goes wild! oi oi oi oi! 😂 #viralfunny When you accidentally summon a larva in Minecraft and it starts chanting “oi oi oi oi” like it’s at a soccer game instead of trying to attack you. Talk about a friendly bug! #larvagoals #minecraftantics Read More

  • Experience Realistic Minecraft Gameplay on Minewind Server

    Experience Realistic Minecraft Gameplay on Minewind Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft so REALISTISCH wie möglich machen…” In this video, the creator pushes Minecraft and their graphics card to the limit, using a perfect combination of shaders, texture packs, and various mods to make the game incredibly realistic. From SEUS PTGI HRR Test 2.1 to First-person Model, Camera Overhaul, Not Enough Animations, Better Combat, Eating Animation, and more, the mods showcased in the video truly transform the Minecraft experience. With mods like Physics Mod,… Read More

  • Insane Sand Farm! 80k Items/hour! Minecraft 1.21 Server

    Insane Sand Farm! 80k Items/hour! Minecraft 1.21 Server Exploring the High-Yield Sand Farm in Minecraft 1.21 Server Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the latest version 1.21 on the 惡伊 server, where players delve into the realm of high-efficiency sand farming. Join the community of dedicated gamers as they showcase their skills in creating an innovative sand farm that yields an impressive 80000 items per hour. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and witness the magic unfold! Building the Sand Farm At the start of the video, players dive into the construction phase of the sand farm, meticulously crafting each component to ensure maximum… Read More

  • Experience Celtic Legends in Minecraft! 🌲 Mythical Forest Dweller Luvstar

    Experience Celtic Legends in Minecraft! 🌲 Mythical Forest Dweller LuvstarVideo Information This video, titled ‘Retelling Celtic Legends ☘️ Minecraft Forest Dweller’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-07-21 17:00:14. It has garnered 2319 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:35 or 2855 seconds. 🌿Become a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive videos, discounts on stickers, and more: https://www.youtube.com/@luvstarkei/join An adventurer returns home to the town of Greenswood, only to discover the forest holds ancient secrets waiting to be revealed. A legacy is bestowed upon the adventurer by a defiant Celtic druid. Would you take on this quest? 🦋 In this fantasy modded… Read More

  • Minecraft Tricky Trials PART 4: ASMR Gaming

    Minecraft Tricky Trials PART 4: ASMR GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘(ASMR Gaming) Let’s Play Minecraft Tricky Trials PART 4! (1.21 Update)’, was uploaded by ASMR Collect ‘N’ Play on 2024-06-26 06:12:59. It has garnered 7388 views and 251 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:25 or 12445 seconds. MINECRAFT MUSIC REMIX BY NOOBALIKE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mi12nUC2QKo&t=115s BECOME A MEMBER FOR ONLY $2: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSf3PQ9AUNp6hG1f2OXOVog/join CNP WINTER MERCH: https://teespring.com/cnp-merch?pid=227 CNP Spring Merch: https://teespring.com/cnp-spring-line?pid=2&cid=2397 Follow me on Kick for bonus ASMR Gaming content during the week!: https://kick.com/collectnplay Welcome to the Collect ‘N’ Play channel! On this channel you will find game-play from a variety of different video games. During… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE luck in Minecraft #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE luck in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘sigo teniendo la mejor suerte en minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Calce on 2024-07-28 15:00:07. It has garnered 156727 views and 18207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Subscribe and check out my links if you like my videos hehe Join my discord if you want to talk to me hehe: https://discord.gg/sYwzKgzzvs Twitter: https://x.com/Calcetinlol Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calceyt/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/calcetinlol . . . . . . Tags (no tomar encuentra ala burger) #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftjava #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftps3 #minecrafts #minecraftskin #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival Read More


    🔥 FLAYMING DESTROYS NOOBS IN HYPiXEL BEDWARS 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Bedwars LIVE 🔴’, was uploaded by flayming on 2024-02-11 00:08:39. It has garnered 14671 views and 65 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:04 or 1924 seconds. subsribe Get Rocketnode for the BEST Minecraft Server Hosting https://billing.rocketnode.com/aff.php?aff=990441 Read More

  • ULTIMATE Ender Dragon Takedown on MY NEW SERVER

    ULTIMATE Ender Dragon Takedown on MY NEW SERVERVideo Information This video, titled ‘KILLING THE ENDER DRAGON IN MY NEW MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by the top of the hat on 2024-03-27 15:38:55. It has garnered 63 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:20 or 10940 seconds. Mine-craft minor’s craft mine craft minecraft this is the minecraft create mod #minecraft #minecraftnether #netherite #minecraftnetherite #creativity #createmod #minecraftmods #minecraftmod #minecraftmodpack #minecraftcreatemod#originsmod#origins#minecraftorigins Read More

  • Join the Ghost Zone Crew LIVE in Minecraft!

    Join the Ghost Zone Crew LIVE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘(LIVE!!! Minecraft Anyone Can Join #Minecraft #live #GHOSTZONECREW’, was uploaded by GREENGHOST on 2024-07-28 02:32:01. It has garnered 112 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:40 or 12580 seconds. COME JOIN MY FAMILY OF BLUE GHOSTIES🔵 AN JOIN THE DISCORD SERV TO NEVER MISS AN UPLOAD OR STREAM. I STREAM EVERY DAY AN WHAT EVER YOU GUYS AN GALS WANT I AM AN ANYONE CAN JOIN STREAMER REALM CODE: w54EwemN76A BLUEGHOST_YT TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@blueghostgaming_yt?_t=8iUiZT9Cmf7&_r=1 Official Channel Editor: Emmy https://youtube.com/@Emmi._.Playz.?si=hGQAw2Q90mBQo143 OFFICIAL DISCORD SERV: https://discord.com/invite/fub3JmpVVt MERCH: https://greenghost-1-shop.fourthwall.com/?source=dashboard DONATE: https://streamelements.com/greenghost_yt/tip Read More