Unlock Magic Powers: Sjin’s Master Crystal Revelation

Video Information

Hello mudes and welcome back to enchant the world all the mods 9 magic mods last episode we got our dmy no kill mob farm setup and between then and now what I’ve done is decorated the room made it look all nice and swish so let’s jump in and

Take a look oh yeah so things are pure gravy in this room now look at this so basically we decided to hang the containment jars from chains from the roof I think it’s a nice touch and it gives us loads more room as well around the bottom of the floor to have more

Jars when what what why are there eggs appearing all around this room it’s nuts somehow the chicken over here tosses eggs out of the containment jar all around the room it’s nuts but yeah anyway in the chest you go so yeah there’s loads and loads of room here for

Extra jars like 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 at least also these Birch tables can hold jars you know we can get loads and loads and loads of them in here and also this chest is now hooked up to the storage lecturn on the floor below so we have

Access to all of those lovely things that we’ve gathered from the mobs now I don’t know exactly what we’re getting from the wandering Trader or his llama friend over here where is it there he is but we have quite the range of booty look at this so all of the Wilden drops

Are on Farm great stuff we’ve also got most importantly blaze rods and ender pearls now on Farm that’s amazing and also leather and Feathers which are quite annoying to farm are also on Farm as well we’re getting Bones from the Wither Skeleton over here there he is

Little dude with a sword but also we’re getting these skull fragments which we can turn into skulls oh yeah spooky scary skeleton we’ll check that back in here and wait for that to brew cuz this hasn’t been running for too long only while I was decorating this room so if we leave it

In the background we should get loads of stuff now talking about things that have been left in the background we’re going to jump out the window now Superman style over to the mystical agriculture setup cuz this episode what we’re going to be doing is going on a mega magical

Mining what’s a word for adventure that begins with m I know let me know in the comment section if you know but we’re going to find my spell book now where is it there we go engage Mage leap and whoosh down we go oh I love that to the

Mystical agriculture setup so this has been running in the background we’ve kind of been going arnau crazy these past few episodes and that’s been amazing that’s been fun let’s get rid that death marker that’s a bit ugly it’s been amazing aravo is a beautiful mod

That we’ve had a lot of fun checking out but while we’ve been doing that we’ve been farming up some inferium Essence now some is an understatement cuz look at this this chest has two stack upgrades tier three and what that means is this thing Stacks up to

4,000 what that means is we’ve got 4 8 16 24 32 33 3 34,000 inferior mess and if that’s not enough to get a master infusion Crystal I don’t know what is now what’s making that noise oh it’s a bear oh hello Mr bear so we’ve got all we need to make

The master infusion crystal in terms of essence at least what we’re lacking though is prosperity shards that was always going to be the sticking point so what we’re going to do this episode is configure our gear to make us the perfect magical miners so how are we going to become amazing magical miners

Well number one we’re going to be upgrading our gear in the computer I guess somewhere we have the gold armor that I got from the apotheosis mobs so yeah we’ll take this out and take a look at all of these loots that I found now gold armor is the base for our current

Set and there’s some pretty cool stuff here the boots and the legs have some crazy stats that’s going to be really good for us to put on the chest has kind of nothing on it and the helmet has Tombstone soul bound which is kind of pointless all that means is when we die

We keep it on us rather than having to go back to our grave but it doesn’t apply to all of our stuff so it’s not like keep inventory so it kind of sucks so we’re going to make ourselves our own unique set of golden helmets and chest plates using the arnau

Enchanting system so how does arnau enchanting works well just like uh in Minecraft you can put enchantments on items that’s pretty cool right let’s go down here to the crafting floor we can also put enchants on pieces of gear that we have on us so we’ll show you how that

Works now basically you have to rank them up you have to put a tier one enchant on an item then you go to tier 2 and then you go to tier three it’s a little bit more complicated than vanilla crafting but what it does mean is you can cherry pick the exact right

Enchantments that you want on your specific gear now we’re looking for enchantments that are going to make mining easier for us so things that give us more Mana to cast touch dig and those spells are going to be pretty huge Fortune would be great but we can only

Put on a pickaxe and we’re going to use Touch dick so it won’t really apply but having epic Mana regen would really help so Mana regen is a really simple enchant to do sauce berries Source gem blocks and Lapis so we’ll go and grab all of

Those things that we need so to get Mar regen level one on a piece of armor we put uh two Source berries two blocks and two blocks so that’s two sauce blocks two sauce berries and two blocks of lapis Lite then we put the chest piece in the

Middle this will take some Source 20% but it’s well worth it because this is going to put Mana regen level one on the chest plate this time it’s the same stuff but also abjuration Essence so down with the source blocks down with the blocks of lapis down with the blocks of source

Berries and then upstairs to grab ourselves some abjuration from the essence floor and there we go seven abjuration Essence in here we could probably just loot all of these so the abjuration essence as well and that should oh no we have to put the armor back in to reinitiate the craft okay

Well that’s fair enough here we go oh my God now this is a big this was a big enchant this cost way more source so as you can see now this chest plate has Mana regen 2o crazy but we don’t want to stop there we can go to Mana Regen and

Three three abjuration Essence two Source blocks one lapis two Source bre it’s so simple so easy enchanting with the enchanting apparatus well it kind of feels like maybe it’s what it was designed For so now we have the Mana regen 3 chest plate we can use this instead as a base in the enchanting apparatus to make our Sorcerers wraps just need some Mage Bloom fiber now and what this is going to do is it’s a great way like you can

Also find armor like we have with the apotheosis stuff that’s probably the better way of doing it because this armor that can drop from these bosses is nuts but for now we just want some Mana regen specifically to make our mining Expedition easier so Mage Bloom fiber around the edge the enchanted golden

Chest plate in the middle and this is going to be a great base for our new sorceress chest plate yeah yes and let’s take a look yeah so here we go it’s retained Mana regen 3 that’s great news we’ll toss some Mage broom Around The Edge upgrade with the other gold

Armor and yeah I’ll come back to you once we have our new set there we go and the all important green dye of course let’s put this stuff back on oh yeah now we’re not touching the Hat the Hat we’re going to worry about later we’re also going to put some spell

Thread on this stuff because we got lots and lots of spell thread all also can we upgrade this now to level two you know what I think we can oh my God yeah we got blaze rods on Farm let’s get the sorcerers wraps up to level two this is

Going to give us more Mana regen way more max Mana but it does keep the same armor levels to get to tier three however we’re going to need some chorus fruit and we haven’t been to the end yet so that’s a bit beyond our means so next up

Spell thread we want to make our armor even more Mana efficient so we’re going to try and put some spell thread on this this stuff we’re going to need way more Mage Bloom fiber I reckon how do you make spell thread again it’s pretty simple yeah just gold ingots and Mage

Bloom fiber so Chuck this in the computer get the gold boom and we’re going to make oh yeah eight blank threads so what kind of spell thread do we want what’s going to make things better for us to mine with so we’re going to want repairing we’re

Going to want High Step no undying oh that’s a bit expensive looting isn’t really important now because we use a dgy to do all of the Looting of the mobs we find also we don’t have a rabbit’s foot star bunkle though will give us 20% speed that sounds pretty good so we’ll

Make one of those so yeah Mana capacity looks like the big one and the star bunkle so we’re going to get loads and loads of Mana capacity we’re going to be majes that are brimming with magical power right so here we go we got seven spell threads because we’ve got seven slots on

Our gear we’re going to start with the big ones first on the chest piece so the chest piece on the right so for the third slot we’re going to go with the thread of the star bunkle that’s going to make this thing give us three times star bule speed that’s 20% for every

Level so we’re going to go 60% faster that’s crazy then we’re going to use magic capacity that should be really good and let’s see what this net is now wao yeah look at this so plus 60 Max Mana plus 20% Max Mana 8 Mana regen and

60% speed oh my God look at this we are speed demons oh wait look at this you have equipped armor that contains a perk you already have you will only receive the effect once right so thread does not stack that’s interesting so what we want to do instead is make sure that the

Repairing glyph is the second tier 2 one we have but we want tier three mag capacity so we’ll remove that from the chest piece at tier two there we go like that and that’s one of everything but word to the wise don’t bother making more than one spell thread

Because apparently these stats do not stag now let’s take a look at our spells that’s the armor setup sorted we run like demons now is there a way we can augment our touch dig well number one is touch dig now touch dig is great for getting specific ores projectile dig is

Great for getting ores that are on the roof range dig what we want to do now is more like a hammer kind of spell something that clears out loads of blocks in front of us very quickly so what we’re going to do is we’re going to use

Touch break then we’re going to give this AOE and what this lets us do is a couple of AOE to give it like a big radius what this lets us do is create like a massive tunnel it’s going to be really good for strip mining so do you

Know what what I feel like we’re ready we’ve got our spell B we’ve got our bow somewhere where’s the bow the bow of Legends we got food got some sauce berries we’ll Chuck some stuff in the computer because we want loads and loads of space for our mining Expedition

Obviously let’s go and find ourselves some Prosperity Ore oh my God deep sleep Prosperity ore we already found this so basically yeah you need an iron pickaxe to dig this that’s luckily touch dig oh my God yeah already we’re finding the things we need so quick now honestly the problem with the thread that I have at

The moment is I kind of run too quickly I’m running so quick it’s difficult to control my actions but you know what we’ll we’ll work with that we’ll uh we’ll evolve adapt and overcome uranium who’s whose ranium is that so we’re on the hunt for several things we definitely need some more

Lapis we’re running low on that Prosperity or is a big one we’ll grab some of that and it’s quite actually easy to find I’m finding a lot more than I was worried I would oh yeah wow there’s loads of this in the Walls we’re also running low on Redstone so if we see that we’re going to grab it too bit of range dig over here lovely so what do you think is beyond this massive underwater Lake well let’s go and find out we’ll reinitiate self glow get Mage leap on the bar and off we

Go yeah oh hello lapis yeah oh man this is going to make mystical agriculture so easy it’s so common this is like everywhere am I getting really lucky or are the drop rates changed we are getting absolutely insane amounts of prosperity although I was worried this stuff was going to be

Rare what a fool I was this stuff is all over the walls we are dripping in it what an amazingly successful mining trip now we came out to test some other spells as well let’s try our dig Hammer here we go so we right click with this

And it creates a big old Hammer sized hole oh yeah look at this and my Mana regen is so good that I can kind of spam this pretty consistently Redstone Don’t Mind If I Do Monster Box we will not touch that oh hello diamonds Skelly

Bones bam oh my God so the boow also has move speed so when I have this equipped I run an insane an insane speed uhoh pillagers but we don’t need to worry really cuz we can outrun absolutely everything while we’re holding this bow oh my God look at the speed this is

Insane take some of that Redstone excuse me just basically ignore these dudes they can’t hit me I’m too quick I’m like Sonic the Hedgehog I mean they do hit me every now and again o what’s this over here we’ll just explode this guy cuz we don’t care looks like some

Chests oh diamond pickaxe very cool load up our backpack with all of this booty and there we go diamond pickaxe bit of leather won’t say no to that what’s over here ah Trash loot don’t mind if I do oh my God got to get out of here oh my God okay so what the problem is is when I’m making myself glow it’s it’s really cool right I can see what I’m doing it’s amazing but I’m not lighting up the area so

Monsters are still spawning I’m going to have to spam some harm balls over here wait is this a boss I think this is a boss let’s take him down oh man he’s quick but I am way quicker oh until I fall in water so we need to be spamming Mage

Light we need to change oh whoa whoa who whoa oh wow so you get like a ah so if you hold down V you can get like a spell wheel of all of the different spells you Have so yeah let’s loot this uh area over here because there’s something cool going on in here and look at this bounty there’s loads and loads of loot in here oh that spider stuck on the roof riperoni and pepperoni my friend so we’ll load up the backpack and

Let’s see what’s inside these chests cuz I think I saw Yes look at this so what you can find out in the world sometimes are these very rare preconfigured spell books these come with a spell that does something amazing this is Poseidon’s Refuge fire at a body of water to create

An ice bubble in the depths so it’s projectile sensitive conj Mage Light burst AOE * 2 sensitive freeze break freeze cool so what I think this does is give you like an icy Sanctuary bubble that you can hide in underwater that looks like it has air in

It as well and a light that’s pretty cool we’ll take the lexic batania because we could need that a bag of seeds sounds fun yeah we’ll take as much of this as we can because yeah we never know what we’re going to need next loot chest loads of stuff now honestly we’ve

Got so much backpack space now we could probably just load up with everything a witch’s hat sounds pretty handy Zombie Hearts might be good condensed blood’s going to be very good smithing templates Enchanted tablets and Scrolls could come in handy cuz k Tombstone is certainly a magical mod Mana steel though we’ll definitely

Use name tags Enchanted Scrolls dragon breath scroll all of this in the backpack as well man we are getting loads of loot but so much loot that we’re running out of space already so while we’re out and about let’s see if we can track down a few more diamonds they’re also pretty

Valuable to find once we get our Master infusion Crystal we will definitely be able to get some diamond seeds because oh my God we are lust just like having crazy amounts of prosperity shards light up the world there we go lights everywhere oh my God I I want to stop

Mining but I I just I just can’t it feels so good to run around at like break neck speed mining stuff on the roof it’s just so powerful so easy I’m a man possessed I Love mining that’s why I love Minecraft so we have sitting on 243 Prosperity shards if that isn’t

Enough to realize all of our dreams I don’t know what is I’m going to contain myself I’m going to show some discipline and stop pressing touch dig stop Mining and uh get myself home because oh my God we are dripping in loots wait just a couple more a little

Bit more Redstone why not little bit more Redstone you know I can do a little bit more you no no I’ve got to stop I’ve got to stop and here we go into the computer with all of our ill gotten gains I want to count up all the

Diamonds I got in a second cuz I think it’s going to be an impressive amount we got loads and loads of magical Scrolls lots and lots of loot from golden chests around the world do you know what though I want to go and check out Poseidon’s

Refuge this is a pretty cool spell by the looks of things I’ve got Mage leap I can go and find a body of water no sweat let’s find one over here because it might make things a bit dirty yeah so Poseidon’s Refuge let’s give it a try cast this

Look at this so This has created a little kind of igloo which we can tunnel into and oh yeah look at this now it doesn’t have much light inside so we might want to like Mage Light it Up but that’s a pretty cool spell so if you’re ever trapped underwater just cast Poseidon’s Refuge I wonder if we cast it on ourselves If it creates a little bubble yeah it does oh look at this yes if you ever drowning boom Poseidon’s Refuge saves the day now time to get out

Of here all I got to do now is try and get inside that window it’s not the easiest of things though aiming my Mage leap spell is pretty tricky so my friends it’s time to infuse the master infusion crystal that’s what we’re going for we’re going to add it over there on

The left we’re going to need Prosperity shards supremium essence insanium essence to make these crystals though we need inferium gemstone and that’s a Prosperity gemstone which requires a diamond so we are going to need these diamonds that we grabbed and oh yeah look at this we got 17 of

Them so here we go once again we return to the massive Mega chest absolutely chocker block full of inferior Essence I mean look how quickly this thing’s filling up as well 1 2 three you know it’s it’s getting loads and loads of essence over time this is a a real cool setup

And let’s see so we need a Prosperity Shard here to make the prosperity gemstone then this is used to make an inferium gemstone put that there this is used to make the inferium infusion Crystal now what we want to do is make as much prenium as we

Can although do you know what actually what’s going to make this much much easier is transferring this into my backpack because we need the power of the computer to to make automating this craft like much quicker this might seem like it’s a bit of an uh a bit of a

Chore but trust me this is going to make a lot of sense and there we go not all of the inferior mesons brought over but probably enough and yeah just using the computer interface is going to make all of this so so so much easier so Pentium

Essence we’re going to make as much of this as we can so now we have 900 pren Essence but I think we’re going to need a few more than that anyway Pentium Essence into tertium and we’ll make all of this into tertium all we want is enough for a

Master infusion Crystal which actually costs insanium that shouldn’t be too tricky to get we got loads of essence we can get there for sure it’s just going to take us some time you know there we go 15 Su premium Essence oh my God this whole thing takes freaking forever but all we want

Is the master infusion Crystal one Crystal to rule them all and in the darkness bind them to get that you use the supremium crystal with insanium Essence the recipe for insanium Essence is how do you get insanium right yeah for supremium around the edge so supremium 1 2 3 4

One oh my God we’re missing some two we got to make more we’ve got to make more supremium oh this is taking forever oh dear oh dear well we’re almost there so let’s just get back to it Then so supremium 1 2 3 4 come on luck be a lady for insanium this is it the supremium infusion Crystal Prosperity shards around the edge and oh my God we did it we’ve got the master infusion Crystal one Crystal to rule them all and in the darkness bind them and it looks

Like we only really used around what like 8,000 Essence so we’re looking pretty good that’s less than half of what I was worried we’d need so yeah with the master infusion Crystal we’ got a lot of wasted crystals but you know whatever it is whatever because got

Everything on farm so you can use this to turn inferium into prenium then we can use this to also turn prenium into tertium and all the way up the chain we can get any Essence we want at the touch of a button oh yeah so let’s see Pentium

Essence let’s just make a big old stock of loads of these because the big thing we want by the of this episode is renewable diamonds everything else doesn’t really matter we can Farm it all but diamonds are the big one oh my God so it’s not as quick as other computer

Systems because I think it does rely on bookworms going backwards and forwards so it’s kind of laggy this is taking quite a while just to fill up my pack so we want to make diamond seeds diamond seeds here we go this is the one now this needs supremium Essence one of the

Highest tiers that you can get not a problem I hope I saved enough Dam diamonds actually eight yeah we’re in luck so we’ll put the diamonds there we’re looking for supremium Essence yeah look at this four so we’ll make eight of these what other seeds can we make then

From mystical Agriculture and this is where it’s worth going into quests in fact I think we completed a load of mystical agriculture quests by just storming through all of this stuff yeah supremium Essence boom we got an enchanted book pretty cool we’ll check out what’s on that in a sec

And we also got insanium and we got an enchanted book wow cool and loads of XP oh my God mystical Enlightenment Ender dragons and Withers will drop cognizant dust when killed with an Essence weapon cognizant dust what is that used for aha so this is used in Awakening to make

Awakened supremium awaken supremium is used to make a lot of really cool stuff like a paxel that does 30 damage oh my God the weapons awaken supremium gives you are crazy a sword that does 29 damage less damage than a hoe that’s weird anyway mystical agriculture is at

Our fingertips but what seeds do we want to make well we can also make hm Emerald Platinum netherite we’ll need to find some netherite before we can do that but that’s definitely something I want to do there’s also lapis end osmium uranium and fluorite now end seeds seem

Attractive because I believe we could use these to potentially make chorus fruit yes you can ah so combining end Essence with nature Essence gets you chorus fruit we are going to need to go to the ends to get End Stone so it’s kind of pointless no

Wait we’re not so we can use ender pearls to make endstone or we can use conjuration Essence plus any Old Stone to make endstone oh my God so we found a way to get end materials without ever actually going to the end that’s pretty exciting let’s go and make some diamond seeds

Whoos oh I forgot we need the seed base so we want Prosperity seed base which is why we got loads of shards we’re going to make a couple of diamond seeds cuz you know what why not oh no we can only afford to make two but even that’s going to be

Enough so one two this doesn’t have to be in any specific pattern apparently it can be in any old setup but I like to keep things symmetrical because I’m slightly OCD there we go and the redstone torch underneath means it’s always activated oh we’ve done it we’ve got

Diamonds the power of the diamond in the palm of our hand so we’ll pick that up and make another one because why stop at one diamond seed when you can make two seed base in the middle and here we go now we’re going to need the remaining supremium Essence to make supremium

Farmland for these diamonds and we’re going to have to think about where we’re going to put it so we’ve got like Stone and gold here I reckon these pots right here are going to be ripe for diamonds so there we go the hoe the dirt supremium Essence makes supremium

Farmland two of those for now but going forwards we’re going to need a whole bunch more boom let’s get these plugged in now two for now just down here supremium and diamond and then supremium diamond oh yeah diamonds at the tips of our fingers my Lads this is going to be incredible it’s

Going to take a while for these to bear fruit but the fact that we can grow diamonds is insane well it’s insanium is what it is now before we end this episode there’s one more cool thing I want to do if I can actually get inside this window it’s

It’s a real it’s like throwing darts it’s like I’m a dart I’m the human Dart oh my God like Wolf of Wall Street oh no I’m like come on get in there there we go oh man I love this mod I love this mod pack we are becoming insanely

Powerful Wizards in just a few episodes bam we have become pretty freaking amazing so what’s cooler than a star bunkle well I’ll tell you what’s cooler than a star bunkle a star bunkle that’s wearing star buun Shades now you can’t give all of your star bules these cool

Shades because giving them these means they won’t be able to pick up berries and that sucks we also need tinted glass but we’ve got loads and loads of amethyst so that’s not going to be a problem at all so bam a cool pair of star buunk

Shades we’re also going to take one of the things in here a name tag now these are probably useful for a lot of things but so an anvil over here next to the scribes table because why not and we’re going to put a name tag now we need a

Name for our star buun so what I want you guys in the comment section to do is give me some names and the highest rated most thumbs up comments are going to be what we’re going to be naming our star bules I’m going to start the ball

Rolling by naming one of my star bunes now I’m trying to think of a name here what’s a cool name for a star bule oh yeah you know it it’s Jeff is that how you spell Jeff I think it is if it’s not then that’s even funnier so we’re going

To go and give this to one of our Essence star bunes cuz these guys they don’t pick up berries they just pick up Essences and put them in the middle here so here we go my friend you are going to be called Jeff and Jeff is only Jeff when he puts on the

Shades yeah look at this guy the coolest star bunkle on the planet so we want a name for this other star bunkle over here but also the star bules on the roof so keep those names coming in in the comments section I’ve been Shin this episode we’ve upgraded our armor to

Insane levels we did some new spells went on an insane magical mining trip we are insane miners now Gathering stuff is just you know effortless for us now we went through the mystical agriculture chain to get the master infusion Crystal it’s insanely powerful and definitely the first Crystal you really want to go

For because it makes everything else so much quicker it’s a bit of an ordeal but we got there in the end we also got diamond seeds which are amazing next episode hopefully that’s going to have grown up and given us loads of renewable diamonds amazing we got loads of other

Stuff while we were mining as well so the world really is our oyster next episode though what we’re going to be trying to do is get the materials we need to upgrade our Colony buildings which means we’re going to have to venture into the Twilight Forest it’s probably seen some upgrades since I’ve

Last been there which hasn’t been for literally years but I can’t wait to see what’s inside the Twilight Forest now that we’ve got amazing armor and spells I think we can conquer the Twilight Forest no sweat so we’re going to be going through the whole thing from start

To finish and looting the Twilight dimension for all that it’s worth I’ve been Shin a massive thank you for watching this episode a huge thank thank you to my patreon members and my subscribers you guys really do rock and until next time take care

This video, titled ‘Enchant The World – #10 The Master Crystal’, was uploaded by Sjin on 2024-03-22 17:15:02. It has garnered 9922 views and 580 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:35 or 1955 seconds.

Modded Minecraft: All The Mods 9 (atm9) 🏰 Magic Mods 🏰

This episode we upgrade our ars nouveau armor and spells, go mining for prosperity shards and craft the master crystal from mystical agriculture to build an atm9 diamond farm!

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All The Mods 9 – 0.2.51

World Seed: feedthevoid

Minecraft version 1.20.1 Shaders: Complimentary Shaders

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In this short video, I’ll be talking about the new ATM9 mod for Minecraft. If you’re a fan of mods for Minecraft, be sure to check out this new mod! This mod changes the way you interact with ATM9, adding in new features and gameplay tweaks that you won’t want to miss.

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    Surviving My World: Minecraft PE Ep. 1 Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Minecraft, created by Mojang, is a beloved sandbox video game that offers players a world of endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, there’s always something new to discover in this block-based universe. Exploring Different Gameplay Modes In Minecraft, players can choose from various gameplay modes to suit their preferences: Survival Mode: Test your survival skills by collecting resources, managing hunger, and fending off mobs. Creative Mode: Unleash your creativity with unlimited resources and the ability to fly, perfect for building and designing without limitations. Adventure Mode: Dive into custom… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the immersive experience of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a diverse community of players from around the world on this exciting server where the possibilities are endless. Explore unique gameplay features, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and unleash your creativity in building magnificent structures. With a dedicated Discord channel, Instagram page, and Telegram group, you’ll always be connected with fellow players and stay updated on server events. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of something special…. Read More

  • 20 Sneaky Village Seeds for Minecraft 1.21.1!

    20 Sneaky Village Seeds for Minecraft 1.21.1! Exploring the Top 20 Village Seeds for Minecraft 1.21.1! Embark on a thrilling journey through the latest village seeds for Minecraft 1.21.1 Java Edition! These seeds promise a diverse range of landscapes and structures, offering players a unique and immersive gaming experience. From cliff villages to shipwrecks, igloo villages, and more, there’s something for every Minecraft enthusiast to discover. Seed 20: Cliff Village and Shipwreck Seed: 8254535167016774856 Experience the stunning beauty of a cliff village paired with the mystery of a shipwreck. Explore the intricate details of these unique structures and uncover hidden treasures along the way. Seed 19:… Read More

  • FAKE Minecraft, ML, FF, GTA, FORTNITE in ROBLOX!!

    FAKE Minecraft, ML, FF, GTA, FORTNITE in ROBLOX!! Exploring Fake Versions of Popular Games in Roblox with ZeddaxGaming Join ZeddaxGaming on a thrilling adventure as they delve into the world of Roblox to explore fake versions of popular games like Minecraft, Mobile Legends, Free Fire, GTA, and Fortnite. In this exciting video, Zeddax takes on the challenge of playing these familiar titles in their counterfeit forms within the Roblox universe. Discovering the Roblox Twist Roblox, known for its vast array of user-generated games, offers a unique platform for players to experience different variations of well-known titles. ZeddaxGaming dives headfirst into this creative space to uncover the quirky… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Gold Mine & Diamonds! | Minecraft Gameplay

    Uncover Hidden Gold Mine & Diamonds! | Minecraft Gameplay The Hidden Secrets of Minecraft: Unveiling Gold Mines and Diamonds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you uncover the secret way to mine gold and diamonds. Dive deep into the virtual realm where treasures await those brave enough to explore its depths. Exploring the Depths of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are transported to a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world where they can explore, gather resources, craft items, and build structures. The game offers endless possibilities for creativity and adventure, making it a favorite among gamers of all ages. Discovering Gold Mines Gold is a valuable… Read More

  • Hot Wheels: Minecraft’s LAVA Bridge Shuffle

    Hot Wheels: Minecraft's LAVA Bridge Shuffle In the world of Minecraft, where lava flows, A bridge of fire, the excitement grows. With a farm that’s automatic, performance so high, Crafted by HardShipYT, reaching for the sky. Versions from 1.16 to 1.21, Java Edition ready, Bedrock Edition none. Shaders and mods to enhance the view, Replay Mod, Optifine, and Camera Mod too. Music by massobeats, setting the tone, Hillside and rose water, making it known. For downloads and info, join the Discord crew, Minecraft iron farm, easy and true. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take… Read More

  • Galesta

    GalestaGalesta is a fantasy Minecraft survival server with large twists. Explore custom magic spells, build a nation to stand the testament of time, explore the world, and make friends. Become a raging spirit of the flames, a master of explosions, and wreak havoc with your sword techniques. Galesta offers: -Unique magic PVP. -Opportunities for worldbuilding and lore creation -12 Different Classes, each with their own set of four distinct abilities -Beautifully handcrafted map with custom mobs. -Ability to build towns which stand the test of time, as well as to bind them together into nations -Rich history with an active… Read More

  • ✨ Aeltheria ✨ SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

    Welcome to Aeltheria A realm where fantasy and magic come to life! 🎮✨ Server Highlights: Unique Worlds: Dive into the mystical lands of Eldoria, Avaloria, and the Twilight Realm with custom generation. Vanalia offers a more classic experience. Each world is brimming with lore and hidden treasures! 🌌 Custom Jobs & Titles: Choose from various paths like Architect, Prospector, Cultivator, Lumberjack, and more! Climb ranks and earn prestigious titles. Experience multiple jobs from the beginning! 🏗️🌳 Immersive NPCs: Meet friendly NPCs with their own stories and quests! 🏗️🔨 Unique Fish Textures: Discover nearly 200 custom fishing textures and collect special… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When the CIA catches a Minecraft pro:

    If the CIA ever captures a Minecraft player, they’ll probably just make them mine for diamonds to fund their secret operations. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager: Oi Oi Oi, Hot Potato! 🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Villager: Oi Oi Oi, Hot Potato! 🔥 #minecraft #memes Why does the Minecraft villager always say “oi oi oi”? Because he’s trying to start a boy band with his fellow villagers called “The Blockheads”! Read More

  • Insane Fast FINGER HEART Challenge #shorts

    Insane Fast FINGER HEART Challenge #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘FINGER HEART LEVEL GAMEPLAY #shorts #shortfeeds’, was uploaded by Harsh nato nato on 2024-09-03 04:30:07. It has garnered 1515 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. gaming games poki game minecraft online games pokemon gta 5 car games gta v gta5 chess free games subway surfers pubg dinosaur game video game rummy solitaire steam the last of us ludo King chess online rummy glee rummy circle pokemon cards sudoku valorant ludo game ps5 ninja google games mpl pro pc games to play gta mobile legends clash of clans gta… Read More

  • Ultimate Upgrades in Minecraft Let’s Play

    Ultimate Upgrades in Minecraft Let's PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘EPIC ENCHANTING UPGRADES! – Minecraft Let’s Play #11’, was uploaded by Form on 2024-07-20 22:11:22. It has garnered 20445 views and 1279 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:00 or 2100 seconds. EPIC ENCHANTING UPGRADES! – Minecraft Let’s Play #11 SUBSCRIBE & LIKE FOR GOOD LUCK! Full Playlist ➜ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFzwvT8v0XXY6hVNmg989nK_tEkw7_y4n FORTNITE CHANNEL ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@Formula INSTAGRAM ➜ https://instagram.com/akaformula​ TWITTER ➜ https://twitter.com/formula​ TICKET ➜ https://www.tiktok.com/@formula​ Family Friendly Minecraft Content #minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft but I can’t touch red!?

    Minecraft but I can't touch red!?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But I Can’t Touch The Color Red…’, was uploaded by MagZ Bem on 2024-06-01 20:00:20. It has garnered 83812 views and 2194 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #tiktok #short inspired by fellow penguin Ishoya! :)) FOLLOW ME – https://twitter.com/OfficialMaxBeam https://freshcut.gg/@magz_bem https://www.instagram.com/officialmaxbeam/?hl=en Magz Bem does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT PLANE CRASH!! 😱 #shortsviralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Plane Crash 😦 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshort’, was uploaded by 9 Shorts on 2024-06-18 15:30:02. It has garnered 10318 views and 184 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthousesshorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #myth #challeng #challenges #myths #challenge… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft vibes! Join us on our Road To 300 Subscribers! 🎮💥

    Mind-blowing Minecraft vibes! Join us on our Road To 300 Subscribers! 🎮💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Road To 300 Subscribers with @ttvelu day 7 #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by Vibe with SSM on 2024-06-11 17:17:35. It has garnered 12 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:23 or 6023 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecrafttopic credit to the thumnail – @chillwithshaurya SUPPORT FOR GAMING SETUP – makhijasunitsingh@okhdfcbank ignore hastags #minecraft,#mcpe,#minecraftsmp, #rd300 #minecraftserver,#minecraftmultiplayer,#minecraftmultiplayerserver,#multiplayer,#multiplayersmp,#multiplayerserver,#minecraftjava,#minecraftjavasmp,#smp,#mcpesmp,#streamwithsubscriber,#publicsmp,#minecraftlive,#mcpelive,#minecraftpocketedition,#minecraftpaid,#minecraftpaidserver,#paidsmp,#paidserver,#freepublicsmp,#infinityhqsmp,#venomscar,#venomserver,#minecraftrealms,#minecraftrealmsplus,#MinecraftIndia,#MinecraftCommunity,#minecraftstream,#shortsfeed,#shorts, minecraft live , Minecraft gameplay , minecraft edit , minecraft topic , minecraft tutorial , vibe with ssm , minecraft topic Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad… Read More

  • Gyomei’s Mind-Blowing Discovery in Hashira Hangouts

    Gyomei's Mind-Blowing Discovery in Hashira HangoutsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hashira x Hangouts (Episode 2) || Gyomei discovers Minecraft’, was uploaded by WholeWheatPete on 2024-08-01 22:00:06. It has garnered 59632 views and 3181 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:40 or 460 seconds. Gyomei becomes obsessed with minecraft. Hashira x Hangouts is a Keeping up with the Hashira Mini-Series! Please like and share this video if you would like to see more Hashira MINI-sodes in the future! ——— DETAILS FOR THE KEEPING UP WITH HASHIRA EDIT CONTEST HERE: Join : https://discord.com/invite/wwp Look for Hashira Edit Competition Channel for rules and submissions ——— Obanai: wholewheatpeet… Read More

  • 12th Hour: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Movie Reanimation

    12th Hour: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Movie ReanimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Re-Animated The Minecraft Movie Trailer’, was uploaded by 12th Hour on 2024-09-07 17:05:26. It has garnered 814815 views and 42632 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. It needed to be done… this was a mega grind, pls sub and like 🙂 Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/l2thhour Instagram: @ 12thhours Read More

  • New Insane WBC Victorian City Tour!

    New Insane WBC Victorian City Tour!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Victorian American Town & City Planning – Server Update Tour’, was uploaded by WBC Builds on 2024-06-08 19:39:29. It has garnered 9801 views and 566 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:25 or 1405 seconds. This month’s Minecraft Server Update Tour, June 2024, sees us exploring the best Minecraft Victorian and Georgian, and turn of the 20th century towns & Minecraft Cities! So stick with me as I show you around the Terra 1912 server with this server update tour. This series will feature the Terra 1912 (Formally the Whiteburg City Builds (WBC… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: HEROBRIINE CAUGHT ON CAMERA!! 👻🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Herobrine Short #minecraft #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-09-10 15:59:34. It has garnered 10135 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft Herobrine Short #minecraft #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #technogamerz ऊं Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in… Read More

  • Crazy Planet S2

    Crazy Planet S2This is My Public LifeSteal Smp For Crack Players.Join Our Discord For Best Informations and Real Money Events I Hope You Will Enjoy ! Play.CrazyPlanet.Fun:25584 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 Awaits! Brave Adventurer, Get Ready for the Ultimate Minecraft Survival Challenge! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is here, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a vast world, discover new dimensions, and uncover hidden secrets in this thrilling Minecraft adventure. Explore a Vast World Teleport to unexplored locations using waystones or take a random TP to start your adventure Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas and discover hidden treasures Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Minecraft Revolution has Landed!

    Minecraft Memes - The Minecraft Revolution has Landed!Looks like even in Minecraft, they’re tired of the “mining and crafting” system and are ready for some real change! Read More

  • Bob’s Love Abduction: A Minecraft Misadventure

    Bob's Love Abduction: A Minecraft Misadventure In Minecraft, Love kidnapped Bob, oh what a plight, Thrown into a cave with zombies, what a fright. To save Bob, I must beat Love in a fight, In the ring, with all my might. Will I emerge victorious, or face defeat? Watch the video, and let’s meet, In the comments, share your thoughts so sweet, Subscribe, like, and activate the bell, a treat. Don’t miss any content, stay in the loop, Join us on Instagram, where we’ll swoop, Into the world of entertainment, a group, Of gamers, creators, a joyful troop. Brenner’s channel, Nathalia’s too, A family-friendly space,… Read More

  • Noob vs Pro vs High AF MLG 😂 #minecraft

    Noob vs Pro vs High AF MLG 😂 #minecraft “Noob: struggles to build a simple dirt house. Pro: creates an elaborate castle with redstone contraptions. Height MLG: builds a skyscraper made entirely of diamond blocks and gold. Meanwhile, I’m still trying to figure out how to make a crafting table.” #minecraftstruggles #buildinggoals Read More

  • Mac’s Speedy Upgrades in Moosey Town

    Mac's Speedy Upgrades in Moosey Town Surviving Forever Stranded: A Modded Minecraft Adventure Introduction to Forever Stranded In the vast world of Minecraft, players often seek new challenges and adventures to test their skills. One such challenge is presented in the form of the modded Minecraft 1.10.2 pack called Forever Stranded. This unique mod-pack, available on the Curse Launcher, plunges players into a harsh desert planet where survival is anything but guaranteed. Crash Landing and Survival Challenges Imagine crash-landing on a barren planet with nothing but sand as far as the eye can see. In Forever Stranded, players must navigate this unforgiving environment, following quest… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Super Smelter Farm!

    Ultimate Minecraft Super Smelter Farm! Minecraft’s Ultimate Automatic Super Smelter Farm Fully Automatic Resource Processing Get ready to revolutionize your resource processing with Minecraft’s BEST Automatic Super Smelter Farm in version 1.21 for both Java and Bedrock editions. Designed by MineLand, this farm takes your gameplay to a whole new level with its fully automatic mode. Compatibility and Updates This Super Smelter Farm is compatible with versions 1.16 to 1.21, including all subversions. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is ready to enhance your gaming experience. Enhancements and Features With complementary shaders, default resource pack, and mods like Replay… Read More

  • Syon Beats Midir – Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Syon Beats Midir - Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Syon is Finishing Midir | SyonGB Plays DS3 | Minecraft SMP Afterwards 3/9/2024’, was uploaded by ExabyteG Archives on 2024-05-05 04:46:10. It has garnered 20 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:11 or 13451 seconds. Oh Midir my beloved. We do Midcraft too, I guess My Main Channel @exabyteg Watch Live https://www.twitch.tv/exabyteg — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/exabyteg Read More

  • Minecraft Trailer: Frog Tony Sucks?!

    Minecraft Trailer: Frog Tony Sucks?!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Trailer Dropped And It Sucks? – Gabbing With Geeks’, was uploaded by Frog Tony on 2024-09-08 03:16:15. It has garnered 548 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:20 or 9260 seconds. Tonight the GwG crew goes over the Minecraft trailer, Astro Bot dominating the review charts, MCU films Blade and Armor Wars getting cancelled, several video game trailers, our weekly polls, and much MORE! Support us on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/TheGeekGetaway198 Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6494317466353664 Join this channel to get access to perks:… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenges When You’re Bored” ||ApexSpectraGaming||

    "Insane Minecraft Challenges When You're Bored" ||ApexSpectraGaming||Video Information This video, titled ‘top 4 minecraft challenges to do when you are bored. ||ApexSpectraGaming||’, was uploaded by ApexSpectraGaming on 2024-05-04 15:10:02. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:42 or 582 seconds. all mode in this video is not owned by ApexSpectraGaming must subscribe are channel. any content you need to share with me you can tell me on my discord and suggest me some games to play on discord discord link:- https://discord.com/invite/SADV6bXE Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial!! 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏡 Minecraft Advanced Survival House 🏡 Build Tutorial #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-26 16:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Builds – Inspiring Guides to Create Creative Worlds! Hello Minecraft enthusiasts! Welcome to the “Minecraft Builds” … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Gameplay #6: Shabirzz Hero or Villain?

    Insane Minecraft Live Gameplay #6: Shabirzz Hero or Villain?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #6#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz’, was uploaded by Shabirzz gamer on 2024-09-09 09:20:36. It has garnered 403 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:19 or 3379 seconds. Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #6#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers get a first… Read More

  • shocking Cybertron games revival! Joker 2 reviews!

    shocking Cybertron games revival! Joker 2 reviews!Video Information This video, titled ‘Are the Cybertron games back? Concord Crashes. MINECRAFT teaser. Joker 2 Early Reviews’, was uploaded by The G-Show on 2024-09-07 13:34:12. It has garnered 24 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:19 or 8239 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/theg-show Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secret Revealed! 🤫 #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secret Revealed! 🤫 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘You don’t know!😤 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wuzba on 2024-04-30 11:00:42. It has garnered 12142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. You don’t know!😤 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts#minecraft #майнкрафт #shorts #мем#приколы #мемы #fypシ @MrBeast @PizzaaMC @PizzaaMC_2.0 @Nqisik @MrBeastGaming @aariya.art.dp. @MrBeast2 @minecraft @DaquavisMC @TwiShorts @Upper_gaming @GEVids @Wuzba. #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes #love #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #trending #explorepage… Read More

  • INSANE FARM START in MINECRAFT! #craftattack

    INSANE FARM START in MINECRAFT! #craftattackVideo Information This video, titled ‘5 Starter Farmen Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbauen #minecraftdeutsch #craftattack’, was uploaded by RemaKKe on 2024-03-07 17:56:47. It has garnered 14375 views and 695 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 5 Starter Farms Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbauen #minecraftdeutsch #craftattack #bastighg #minecraftbuilding #minecraftfarm ►Music in the background: massobeats – honey jam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGMQbVfYVmI Read More