Unlocking Insane Pancake Powers in Minecraft

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Let’s see what happens for a word of light the underground seems to be a very uh creepy place you thought that’ crunch but no have protections against W damage also yes I have very high jump And because my because Microsoft’s terms the service is weird have to name it weirdly Too and I can’t really help with the music I have it at 50% I can turn that down more it’s still Loud Now the thing is I’m probably going to have to look up what the what levels then this world they are as far as tools and stuff because I thought that those Prides were the uh diamonds of this world but I’m finding out that it’s a pretty common door so I’m wondering what

Level it’s at and yes enemies are quite weak to me cuz I’m quite powerful in Comparison yeah I was thinking of streaming Final Fantasy 10 but then the the thing with f do the do the Luca Blitz ball did not did not sit well with me tonight so instead instead of being agonized over that let’s go ahead and just have some fun with the game I already

Playing and yes it’s boring it’s boring Minecraft Minecraft mining but Jeez you filled me up with stuff I can’t pick it all up I’m kind of fooled let me See I don’t need that I don’t even know how to how to equip those just yet either that’s the only down that’s the downside to that is I don’t know how to equip those like it’s supposed to have suck in the gear but I think I’ve only found one sucket

The gear and I don’t have it on me And I wonder if this stuff actually affects the stuff in the over normal Overworld or if it doesn’t cuz it suck if this this part this stuff that can affect this stuff up here doesn’t affect the stuff down on the other of the other world kind of a

Weird the stuff is imbued for being up here but not for being low sort of Deal because I saying my iron gear was useless up here the cave is bending upwards oh that broke now I’m trying to remember where my crafting table is because I had one down here but I’ve been running around for so long that I forget think is over this way yep there it is

This is acting like diamond here though so maybe this is the diamond of this area and these Moonstone act like torches so that that might be something to keep when I start building my base which I don’t know when or if I’m going to do that because I’m kind of a a nomad

At the moment because I got all these backpacks what I do need is Diamonds though to make my uh to make my stuff better yeah I do have a set of diamond armor but it’s not as good as the stuff I got on because it’s not not Enchanted as much also need specific Enchantments yes I’m going to burn the whole coal block CU I found those was in a chest you see that that’s Why and no I didn’t I work on the Dragon Ball Z what if so there’s no way for me to continue it right now oh wrong bag and yes my bags need upgrading because I’m running out of Space Oh that’s just normal ice pack ice is what I’m going to keep also also I need to put those put the axe away yes I got I got two Diamond level and the rest are gold level do I have enough diamonds actually to improve improve my stance only enough for

Two the only way I’m upgrading these is if I use my netherite but I also need a smithing table which how do I make that oh well that’s simple why I put four I just need one don’t I because it’s like only one one thing

Yep so like that you grab that and then you can make that we’re going to leave this station here because why not not it frees up some my inventory and there’s the station right here which uh yes I love this mod of Journey’s mod which allows me to get allows me to

Craft stuff okay we do that put that we put that it’s not enough storage I only add one more line oh my goodness yeah that’s not nearly enough stor space yes I got three dragon skulls which I could could really just start putting down let me let me put this over here

There and actually I’m more powerful than the Dragons by far it’s it’s sad to say but that’s truth jeez this this world is creepier underground than than the Overworld Oh yeah I went into this bag whoopsie actually if I want to stop it I just pick up That I just pick that up and put it away in here and then I can just Auto just manually sort Main reason I got that what I did that was because I don’t think I’m going to be having that then let’s see I didn’t put it down yet darn it something being scatter brain and let’s put down that put down stuff well no it’s not the chest plate cuz

That’s just leggings I have leggings I need chest plate though of Diamond I don’t know if it would keep its stats Either we need we need more netherite that’s the main thing we need more netherite but for now What I thought that we can make stuff out of This what about this no let me See nope FAL sight doesn’t do anything what about the D what about the diamond make it make like yes it’s only five former ver just my Eight no Wonder let’s go and store it back then we’ll keep those two just because and then let’s see that Way This makes a St emitter huh I do not know what that does oh well let’s see let’s go and just get over here because it’s interesting but there’s not a lot of stuff for me there oh yeah and there’s a reverse of reverse of that which uses red portal I

Think let me let me check double check this because there’s oh it’s ever bright let me see everbrite and that’s why I have for now and there’s ever Dawn in order to create ever Dawn lunar stone bricks and I’ll get to figure out how powerful these are if they’re equal to Diamond or

If they’re useless here let’s see they don’t lose their power so there is a reason to go there for for super rare stuff let me see the the blocks danger block oh blast block requires two TNT that’s why it’s so powerful along with six normal blocks in lava ghost

Blocks prize blocks which you can’t craft magnet blocks which require that pair of blocks which I cannot craft so if you silk touch them then you can exchange it for for emeralds rather than get the money and item inside pedest I don’t have a bucket or water

Uh I guess I can that I can do it real fast and easy o yes I’m on fire oh there skills to Max fire fire skills to Max yeah un like un like uh un like the other mod pack I don’t have a night vision unless I was craft it silk worms

More silk worms which let me see wait what okay no no no you come here where where’s the silk worms silk eggs I think you got to put the you got to put them inside trees I guess only one per huh they’re similar to the

Uh well then I don’t know I don’t know how you’re supposed to get these started I mean I guess to safety from the uh and I think they’re multiplying because I’m getting two per for one of those dying that might be my jackpot in at work right

There that said I was attempting to make a darn it I was trying to fill in the holes but everything keeps on working against me stop working against me yeah sadly the sadly the potions don’t stack you see otherwise I’d have I’d have easier time with this I don’t know if there’s something

The moders can actually fix or not I think it’s more less a Minecraft issue than is a mod issue but the one thing that I never insed about Mojang is that why they never added the backpack pack S I mean I guess it’s so that you don’t don’t run

Around with 50 backpacks in your inventory but you still got the same thing with Shuler boxes and Sher boxes are a post Ender Dragon thing backpacks are more a if you if you got the right stuff sort of deal the old old packs were you needed

For the first one you need leather eight leather for the uh for the iron you need the iron block plus eight or not eight seven seven iron and then you needed seven gold and a block of gold and you needed eight eight diamonds to make it Diamond

Level and this one if we look at the look at the stuff the backpack requires a chest of any kind and four leather of leather or rotten leather and four set string whether it’s silk and over string then we go to the iron backpack we require eight iron

Ingots eight gold ingots eight diamond ingots and netherite netherite Ingot for the uh for the smithing for the the last level that said let’s see I was wanting a chest to put down in this hole and cover it up like a like a very treasure to put all these all these

Spells that I can’t I can’t use which can I use this one yes even though I’ll probably never use it because I got too much power and it’s a little too hard to use spells after that yes if you if you worried about to worry about this chest it’s something

You’ll never need because there’s no there’s no there’s nothing for the to use these spells on yep you can’t even sell them so uh yeah might as well leave them behind yeah it’s actually a point of point of contention for me is to try and I think the silkworm has gone fatter

Often I’m not carrying enough enough supplies to cover up cover the explosion holes especially when a creeper decides to sneak up on me and blow up right behind me which I’m surprised that no creeper has done done this since I started recording I mean people say streamer

Look because Minecraft wants it to look easy I guess because it knows when it’s being watched it knows it just knows it’s being watched what’s that oh blood rated oh no you need nine actually wait what is that saying it’s taking over to daytime but it’s

Not and no this isn’t 100 days sort of deal this is however many days I want to play it sort of deal but unlik un like my Metroid which which is a little bit unstable wait what I picked up silk also yes the worms are getting fatter

What do I want to head to next how about how about over here yes I could teleport over there but then I wouldn’t get what I wouldn’t be able to see all everything yet that’s between there and here that mention fight all the enemies between here and there oh choke

Boo why am I continually getting get that back I don’t want it die no I don’t want you just just to get rid of you I’m going to put you in a dank upam chest stop prepar stop going back to my inventory you’re not needed I don’t I I’ve stopped using

Arrows for the most part actually if anything a spruce wood chest yes there’s just going to be a bunch of random chests in this world that that someone could find and get to get rich off of hey You I I would make it but all it does is increase my magic and I and Magic’s kind of hard to use unless you can quick get quick slot to something which uh the quick slot doesn’t exactly work in the mod because it’s got because got 20 other mods that

Needs that needs it detention and the only weapon I look that look to see that I want to use is this glimpse of Darkness TR recovery no I can’t I can’t craft that I can craft THS or a either oh that means I can actually use use something

Here two D recipes plus together equals a uh equals a better uh better deal yes didn’t complete X blade which looks strange at least at this point Kingdom D which is what I have times two shooting star oh see Star Seeker and that’s an upgraded version isn’t

It so leader spellbinder that’s a that’s a magic Focus well it looks like I I would like to tr craft some of those but I can’t go King again he realized he was outmatched and then started running but failed to realize he was already doomed then said he attacked me oh

Actually this this will be the epitomy of aind sheroo because uh I’m way too strong why because it’s a mix of two mods is it whatever mod that gives me this menu and the m not the Minecraft the uh the Kingdom Hearts mod because I

Level up as as time goes on I get more experience and I level up and as I level up well as you can guess I get more power h that was a quad kill wow last time that guy was hard to hard to kill this time

Come here Archer I want to I want to make it greet you with my sword what the heck silk worms out of my inventory now Ash and brick Ash brick Nah Get rid of the gem get rid of the swords put the chicken in the backpack yes I’m I’m inventory sorting

Right now sorry oh yes the mimic yes that that food pile is getting bigger and bigger every every time every time we look at it yeah I’m going to have to change all the uh all the bones into into bone meal soon yeah going hungry is going to become an

Impossibility it has become an impossibility because I keep on getting more food actually did I just see an apple in my resource bag yes I did the king ran off like a coward and if the king is that is not here he’s probably downstairs hiding somewhere yes I’m going to take that

Emerald to Emerald box where’ the k run off to where Royal cowardliness where are you yeah sorry there’s there’s not much animation to the heartless right now they have their they have their limitations because that takes a lot of effort on the mod mod side of things to try and get that

Working wait what okay if you’re going if you going to steal my my emeralds there we go well let me let me go ahead and switch over to one that I know know works where the Royal Highness take himself CU he’s detected as being a as

Being a part of part of the castle still there’s this rolling this Oh he he teleported he teleported through little coward oh this actually does Something but there’s the second Goblin counter G that oh another one of these how how do And we’ve yet to travel into The Nether too also having a hard place to figure out where I want to build build my uh build where my main base would be What do you make let’s see recall all dark uh dark recu chest plate dark Ru leggings dark Ru Ru Boots I have no idea what what that Means do I have anything to give to him no yeah and the only way you collect items is through the uh through the lucky boxes because enemies that certainly don’t drop that don’t drop items well they do drop items it’s just that not the items you would necessarily need or

Want all righty well let’s put that way let’s grab our grab our stack of Bones so you’re invisible it doesn’t help because I can see your armor that’s one of the weird things about Minecraft invisibility only affects you it doesn’t affect your armor even using a splash potion

Okay and there’s a level up in that in that tree I have room for one more because the bundle sadly the bundles are out they’re in Minecraft I mean useful sure but pretty much it’s a mix match mix matx your your stuff is not even to give you extra thing to hold stuff

With so you’re holding the same amount of stuff anyways that’s not it that’s not it for you you you do not get to get destroy me in your last moments of life you don’t even get close because I don’t think you even cause that much damage oh lag Ence of undeath

Okay so with with grave dust and stone you can create White marble you can create dark marble grave plate bone needle book of disenchantment strange scroll I guess it’s a scroll that can hold other Scrolls might be something I I I want to create impregnated Diamond fishing rod of menture

Book of repairing book of recycling so oh so iron ingots plus Soul fragments equals the the F side Ingot you can get Soul Sand by dirt and you can also get Soul Sand by sand but you also probably require weap this table is AP gy wait does that to no it’s this isn’t

It it’s These Guys these shards or would it would it perhaps pertain to uh oh where is it this but that’s Minecraft where’s the uh where’s the other one has blue skies an arcanus looks like I might not have found any of those those gems for making gemm dust

That being said that’s more obsidian it’s because I need to make I need to make dragon dragon Stuff because you see you can make the obsidian ingots but even you make the obsidian ingots you need the dragon skills to make Any one of these things here which I guess would be on diamond death right level it’s also D golden dragon skill which turns into Arcane dragon egg tier helmet tier boots so wa armor set that’s even beyond that but you got to beat the if if you need

The dragon heads then you only get one dragon head per of dragon unless it drops more dragon skills than that when you defeat it you need four of these which means you need four IR vendors in order to craft that oh boy and yes I have not crafted this

Stuff because I have not played it on the 1.16 or above where where that stuff was introduced so it’s brand new to me it’s brand sping new baby let’s see it’s over here it’s that purple dot you get so many wave points you I forget which one’s which what what blew up

There I guess I guess a a mob walked onto uh onto a blast and it blasted the mob to SMI rins but at least f forms again now get some experience yes fill in that fill in the tower hole but you know I don’t have the I don’t

Have the blocks I don’t have the blocks to do that even if I even if I dig into my other my stuff I just don’t have to have the blocks to do that and because I’m a vagabond I can only do so much repairing and we’ll only do so much

Repairing throw that away throw that away put that into the food put that into the food and put that in there and yes we’re on the hunt for more good luck boxes I mean I could go on ground and look for all these other all these other required items

But that take me going underground and uh there’s not enough moonstone I’m actually interested that they that they actually did make a you’re going to die sound but it doesn’t affect me because I got I got a few mods that affect my jump height which in turn affect my f

Range which I think just makes me invulnerable to fall damage Sly it doesn’t pause walk nearby you mean all the way down at the shore put you I’m going to put you to rest h For sorry it’s just sadly it’s just more more inventory management I’m glad that there’s a De le thing like in Terraria I think that’s base game I think that’s mod mod related huh I gu I guess that the that the two trees are not not related to each other

I thought that was the case oh there’s five points left this makes me much stronger and much uh much more deadly look with I jumping higher oh wow that’s quite quite Rich quite Rich no don’t want put that in there I want to put that in another chest get rid of the leather get rid of it get rid of that put the Kingdom Hearts stuff away in the kingdom hearts hearts one and just make sure make sure everything’s sorted out wrong One let me go ahead and go ahead and work on that let’s see you you would think that that the idea would be use all the bones but no we’re somehow we’re taking taking mashing bones into into dust or powder which we can you then use to fertilize the

Ground or we can somehow take that and crush it even more more and Crush into a solid piece of bone how Steve does this we do not know Steve is the strongest chat that ever lived that’s the only explanation I mean then again we we see him casually crushing diamonds into the

Into whatever shape he needs yeah quite a bit strength could you leave me alone no because really is when you attack me you do nothing you you don’t even you don’t even dip my armor it’s it’s just pointless yep a ravine one thing I’ve noticed about the newer the newer

Minecrafts there’s a lot more Ravines in the world than than any other version there’s a reward chest let’s see uh let’s see how about getting it shall we all right I can jump pretty much with what power I have I can jump up to three blocks eye maybe a little more than three

Blocks because yeah it’s about four blocks now but we get to get valer form all neled up we’d probably be able to jump up to five only downside is I have to wait until I have actual enemies to fight or I’m just wasting it and the major issue I’m going to find

Out is probably going to be getting the heartless to spawn oh boy since it’s underwat it’s not as powerful it still hurts yes but as you can see it’s lost its power and that’s why why I having a bucket while doing that stuff would probably help I’m a

Dummy and I don’t do what what would be thought thoughtful and easy T list oo lips of Darkness one thing I noce though all the all the keyblade not all the keyblades have their have their special ability only some of them have special abilities in the game they all have special

Abilities as we remember from my playthrough of of ging of Hearts 2 and yes I’m still still looking into how to mod that see if I can use some of the mods that are on DB on The Mod on The Mod sites but from what there what I’m

Seeing of them they say that they’re for the PC version and I don’t have the PC version because it’s on Epic Square Enix ring ring release on steam or or there’s not going to be more sales what is that looks like it broken down Castle no that’s another another Goblin Fortress uh I

Mean give me a reason to use my ability also there’s something over there let check what’s over here first more enemies reality is you have no chance just came in and wiped out their entire Camp huh For well I’m probably going to level up Glide Glide up because I’m getting a lot of stuff for for that oh I got I even got one for vform now the thing is if you remember uh if you remember how it was in the game in the Kingdom Hearts game you will

Know that it takes in order to level up Val form you need to attack stuff simple as that wiom form you have to defeat heartless which there’s not a lot of Heartless that run around even at night so uh yeah we’re kind of we’re kind of on the slow side of

That Master form you need to collect the drive drive stuff which is easy here because just about every single enemy drops set drops Drive gauge point so it makes it easier for us to get Drive points yes right now I have have new infinite food again also these these guys live in

Darkness these are supposed to be tense too if if you can’t if you can’t understand that’s what they are their tents oh damage Anvil but I’ll take it yes you have no chance okay give me give me shovel no oh well that’s not what I

Wanted oh well we we got to see what one of those do holy moly that’s a lot of dirt that just gave me I just wanted to even out the ground I didn’t want to destroy all the road jeez okay I’m going to go ahead and uh

I’ll get to your death very soon don’t worry don’t worry I don’t I haven’t forgotten about you I’m just fixing the road because it bothers me okay now how about this become the deaded so that’s how this works oh no hi Ean and gave me so few so few blocks

That can’t even repair it properly also the generation is a little bit import because the road goes up the side of the Hill when again the poor poor dude lives in darkness other buckets but why would I need to L Elward Ellwood bucket when I can just get my

Sands on a normal iron bucket unless the unless the thing has been configured not to be able to hold the Lo anymore I mean that’d be the only reason yes as you can see our inventory is filling up with lots of ethers and and stuff all right we can put that in there

Because we got to we got back we got a Anvil back or took care of you why are you back you not seated yeah definitely wants me to grab a grab some let’s see where what is it wants me to grab wants me have gold armor and it

Wants to get me a clock but you see the thing is I already found a clock way way long ago it’s right there so I can already see what time of day it is also if you really want to be cheesy you can actually use actually use the uh the recipe menu

To see what time it is I mean I can probably do it on this recipe CL or do they fix that looks like I can’t do it just yet probably because I haven’t possessed gold and the Redstone at the same time so let’s go ahead and do

That that’s strange why is it not still shown I mean I guess they could have H fixed did but I don’t think they did this is 18 not the latest not the latest version six luck and luck affects affects what we can draw out of the other the stuff but

That’s if we can get some get some slots to put these in that’s a major issue we don’t have slots to put them in so they’re just stacking up in this backpack with the with the bundles I have and yes for those that want Nostalgia give me oh well No if you’re going to do that to me I’m going to go ahead and do that it works just like get just like in the normal Game except you don’t have infinite slots like for ethers and stuff for all the stuff you don’t have you don’t have the ability to carry 99 potions or 99 that 99 of this you can only carry one of each at least until your inventory is full full and it does rely on this

Inventory here to be exact which I find strange but I guess it’s required because there’s no way to really make a secondary inventory give me just like just like the uh just like the regular game the the antiform is there to limit your fun with turning into turning into Val

Form or any of your drive forms besides F form unless that’s been changed as well h yep the the king runs away like a little coward I will let I will take care of him a second no he’s back down oh You’ become the dead did

Anyways there we go we got we got we got vform Lev up okay let me okay I forget what I need eggs for what do I need eggs for egg what not turtle egg no egg what I need do for no oh that’s probably what I was looking to do with the pumpkin

Pie and cake possibly is there any difference between no the Cake’s still a lie and actually I have all I have most of the ingredients besides milk we can also make a gsha cake which uh if I remember Final Fantasy one of the final fantasies someone tried the G greens and it didn’t

Taste good so is that for Chocobo that’s only way only way it’s for only thing is force Chocobo iade Berry Source berry pie we need Blaze bloom in order to make that Crimson that berry pie which we need Crimson berries and that’s it was attractant how about we how about well

First off we’re going to have to uh put away some of the stuff also does this have anything better nope it’s actually worse than what I have yeah I’m sorry the sorry it’s it’s more it’s more important for me to loot and check my inventory than is to gain experience

Nope there’s no way to get through that hole and we just ran out so now it doesn’t matter okay thing is don’t need bow don’t need sword don’t need sword don’t need sword don’t need armor we do need that oh we got an obsidian angot and we got tons of

Food are you ever going to run out food no no I don’t I don’t think I will run out food ever I I I found enough food to solve world’s hunger that’s including including all the hay bells I can turn into into into food I can cook up the meat for more

Food I can cook up the salmon for more food I got plain pumpkin pie and because the because the recipe is so simple we can make it we can make pumpkin pie on the move oh we do have a bucket it has milk but it’s only one milk

Bucket do we have the nope the Pam M Pam stuff isn’t active so don’t need that we need that no no no yes swi Swip Swap that put the the stuff away put my shield back on yeah it’s going to take me destroying all these all these things to make that

Sound make the sound stop CU that quite simply is the sounds of this enemies oh wow just one hit just dead they started shooting but then they became the Dead this time I’m not going to be the idiot I get that I get that anyways yes I’m doing what the link does

Link breaks all the pots I break all the pots yeah when I finally get to I finally sett down to a place to live it’s going to be interesting cuz I’m going to have have a good had several weeks worth of of stuff to go through and put

Up there’s more enemies isn’t there yes not mimic gets gobling in a Chest okay I messed up oh I hear a cow holy cow let’s see if the holy cow will give us two buckets of milk where’s the cow inside the walls dumb don’t way to die actually makes Minds me well the uh the MOG Mogul didn’t have a desire to protect their own

Life can’t really help help a mob out when it wants to do that just wants to self terminate okay we need two sugar an egg three bucket of milk and three wheat which as food theory has proven is not it’s not possible to make a cake using using those

Ingredients unless you are really good with stretching the ingredients aside we need the crafting table which I forgot my last one goody milk milk milk egg it’s the cake but didn’t give me the cake is is lie Li wind what is this we haven’t done anything there blose SK okay

Backpacks oh we got free netherite scrip we need another three okay so we get one dragon head through completing the main quest of Minecraft but in order do that we need to go to the go to the nether uh let’s see do I have a flint and steel or steel

And Ste Flint probably not meaning we need one of those and we need Flint I swear I’ve been picking up Flint D have more Flint than just 12 though okay yeah we have three crafting T we have three crafting tables what now we have four crafting tables okay

So here’s how we make this Abomination we put we make a hole we put down two two those two those and there you go oh and I did have a flint Steel and like like another game whoa so for in the air sharp scent of burnt Rock and

Flesh this place is a how indeed whoa but you stop hurting me flyer jeez for oh hello hello there Davey I’m always bad with directions so I end up having to I end up using the map more than anything else of course without the ability to

Fly I kind I’m kind of a disadvantage unlike in my in my Metroid one where I can fly around once once you once you got gravity suit and the and the ability to jump everything became easy don’t want to jump into lava twice what it they’re saying that you were

Down there and I dig down over there you’re not there and then you say you’re up there oh oh oh he just became the dead wait are these no this for they’re useless and I can’t throw them away because I have attraction ability I’m just just going to guess

That makes makes something similar to the slime blocks whoa for huh look out so there’s a uh there’s another version of this of this traitor here he’s like the smart piglin oh wow he’ll tra he’ll trade two netherite ingots for a for to of my

Dying well no he’ll you you can trade to another iots for I to him my dying uh awkward potion awkward potion what what I supposed to do with this poen dust it seems nothing because it’s doing nothing death cat mushroom nice oh darn it it’s a good thing I have 100

Health so only reason I haven’t died yet rose quartz what let me let me see it’s just a decoration block so there’s no reason to really pick it up until I’m ready to actually start being make a place that’s beautiful no I don’t like it I don’t like

It I especially don’t like when when I’m when I’m doomed to die let’s go and use this to just collect every every last one of these there that should be enough because not only do we have to do this we also have to find a uh almost fell in

Again also I’m no good at telling what the what je for these are I think this is a treasure one maybe I’m not sure okay if I had if I had an orb I could alchemy that into something else but I don’t but I haven’t tried the blood magic yet my biscuits are Burning oh okay somewhere I have a bunch of gold for you also I just saw that I have I vender I need that P of seeds salt jeez you’re you’re persistent I’ll give you that much I’m just guessing that’s like the uh like slime blocks but that’s just my

Guess I could be completely wrong I’m try not to get rid of rid of any of these block extra blocks because I might need them for crossing crossing great Abyss Al why is that still in my main I can put that into my buckets because I use that for making milk

We get milk and stuff let’s see tools is one my other backpacks yes crafting table should be crafting tables should be in there and they’re not it’s irritating other one get some nuggets and I guess we’ll get stacked two stacks of 64 because in at the end of this I’m just

Going to turn them all Into the Dead where’d they go they just pieced out oh where’s this magnetic ring there we are you Tur crying obsidian more crying obsidian besides what can’t I use use crying obsidian for huh I mean I should be doing the inverse I should be making those into locks to to do stuff but I’m not fire charge ender pearls I do have a full stack in one of my

Bags oh I have three Eyes of Ender nice there’s it there’s ender pearls wait what how that how’s that work thought get got rid of all your ways up stop stop trying to climb up another brick string assult polish assult Soul Sand ow stop picking up gold

Actually what what is the leather useful now after after all the packs are done Z boots okay that’s something interesting all the all the all the uh all the mods give uses for all of the abilities for all the for all the different items yeah moang has not given leather anything

Even the backpacks I mean come on CH you you put you put a circle of Circle of leathers around the back around a chest and that turns into a backpack I mean I G I guess they were so worried about balancing of of the game that this would change the balancing by

A lot but I mean you’re originally you going to have to hunt down eight cows unless you got looting and then then you have to count down less but you’re going to need eight cows for ate leather I mean it it just it’s just not doesn’t make much sense to

Me okay that was the uh that was the okay so another the Breck can go away water bottle okay speci person on fire resistance if you keep on giving me spectral arrows I’ll be happy the only thing to make this faster is if I if I had done it

Done what I had to do fast enough to save the other one that would have been perfect oh I got two splash potions fire resist interesting spectral arrows now I’m getting rid of my getting rid of my normal Arrows This is actually my first time trading with trading with piglins so I think we’re doing all right we’ve got a total of eight end of eight eight ender pearls for the first time here I’ve onlya got enough visce vender to make my way to the dragon so there’s that there’s that

Solved oh you’re out you become the dead you become dead too okay so there’s two throwable versions and then there’s one non- throwable version where’s my uh where’s my other tool bag put the potions in there probably keep the one potion out put back on the uh the ring throw the gravel

Away put the uh put the Netherrack down there see if I need to eat I think that one has a has the obsidian so we’ll put the crying obsidian crying there more gold wither toome huh cursed ey go the black Zone ancient debris so funning is there second one in here nope

If it no that’s weering that’s withing or that is something I need that need to save that back in the chest another one for just point me that direction or that supposed to point me towards okay going and put the gold gold blocks in that one what’s the Magma Cream Ed

For oh lots of stuff mundane potion award potion into fire resist oh okay so if I had three of those and a whole bunch of blaze powder we would actually be able to resist fire for for a while is there is there something for the water breathing

Stuff yes water breathing charm how you make this we need a puer fish and awkward potion make the awkward potion we need Nether wart and I guess water yes okay piggy became roast okay there’s there’s one thing I wanted to get before I leave get the weather get whatever weather power that

Is switch do too round I’m not good with good with bows I’m sorry to say it’s not my favorite favorite thing to use oh for so basically saturation will be full but you will have but you will not have as fast of regeneration I think I will go ahead and forgo that

Since uh since having full saturation all the time is okay but you know uh when I got so much food that um that’s coming out my nose I don’t think I have much of issue I literally have so much food that is coming out of my nose it’s it’s a

Land of Plenty for me well that’s that’s how it fell down so far cuz the uh CU there’s there’s holes everywhere I like fell down several several floors so I’m probably going after it after nothing nothing burger right now because C obsidian nice some more normal cidian for piglin bag

Yes I fall down the darn hole that has has only one slot in it what stupidity oh I mean for a chance to get to get some netherite some of the some of the netherite scrap I think it’s worth it but it do but it doesn’t look like there is any

More netherite scrap to be obtained is there for here’s some more yes I I can still solve solve world hunger and yeah there’s a there you saw the reason why I’m collecting up Oban is because there is a uh there is an item that I need and

Want well there’s a there’s two but I would need let’s see for for one I would need the netherite I would need netherite ingots plus well actually no would I need that what need I would just need another NE netherite ing because it doesn’t look like the upgrade things are here uh oh

Wow Venus needs that aquariuses needs obsidian and iron blocks of iron drag dragon’s breath and a totem of undying I have several of those I can venitas I think his is easier to make that’s why that’s why it’s so why it’s so weak let’s see Aquarius do s 9 11 doesn’t upgrade Aqua

Does aqua requires hard the sea I think I got hard to see somewhere or was another another file so don’t know if I don’t know if I kept it or not Prismatic crystals for Venita for Venus we need lots of emeralds and dragon breath for Terra we need lava

Pretty much for him I just need to find the find the stuff oh and this is before the uh they were implemented the summon armor deal so there’s no summon armor terrorist steel what Man of Steel I have Man of Steel but you see the why why I’m not making

My own armor is because the stuff that I find in chests is so much better unless there’s a way to get these get these effects I mean that’s the only way only way I see myself doing doing it besides again armor that’s Invincible Invincible I.E doesn’t Break my or doesn’t break because do I have have mending on it oh I think that’s that’s something I would want love a Bucket another eye of vender oh do each of these give me I vendor then am I missing one there’s a fragment oh know we’ll we’ll go ahead and hold on hold on to that tools don’t put the potion put that put that potion in work there put the lav bucket

There put the withering withering stuff in my my inventory crystals shards it keeps on spawning boss monsters oh shoot there’s still more to go up though So okay so that’s All uh if the if these show uh show where the where where does this Go assaults Do this fall like normal sand I’m guessing that that Soul Sand doesn’t let other stuff be attached to it that’s why oh M that’s instant mining baby for no I thought for some reason that was possibly the blaze uh the blaze Parts but no no such like sadly oh that’s going to be hard to hard to find a bit I just came out of van I don’t know

Where it is oh there it is at least I think For reality is it might be just easier once I get to the get to the Fortress just teleport through the through the nether to to where I want to be which is the Overworld oh is that the ne Fortress where the bone yes weather still affects me I might be

I might be 10 times stronger than any any other player but it still affects me giv you know weather effect just to be funny funny haha oh diamonds and a golden sword another eye darn it trying to get things sorted and I’m under Fire how you supposed to use Fire charges I

That that you that you just right clicked and they were used unless I need to do that huh zombie sword P fire resistance sure what okay looks like you can make a repair core but you need four of these oh shoot I am a clutz have you have you not noticed I am

A clutz just because I got a vulnerability to fire for a little bit do doesn’t mean I need it I have a brewing stand if I remember and one of my bags oh more Fire charges h yes fire expion ran out so now I’m taking dumb damage oh tried to drop

I’ll keep that because all the uh all those things can be uh can be upgraded well not all those things this can upgrade that that’s saying that isn’t better which it’s not give me strength o that one’s really good that means I found myself a chest plate finally after

After a long time searching and finally it was found goodbye uh put that down there this can uh this can go in here place where I can go into the pack this can go into the pack this go the pack How many of those I need I need like cuz it’s like per one of those you get two unlike un like another one of the mods where I had the ability to get to get 10 per so that’s 18 and I have way more than 18 right there come on spawn

Turs we got another uh got another deal there jeez boss enemy after boss enemy after boss enemy Bob let me check out let’s see that I can’t equip any new building uh what I need I need to know how much how much more I need to do in Valor 600 respawn anchor

Oh let’s have the cooked chicken eight I2 HP or was that 100 I’ll have to use something else that isn’t a weapon sh jeez Sly I can’t can’t use any of that oh no I think I think that what I have is better so that can go garbage can’t you tell that I’m busy I’ll get to your death in a second

I think I have enough blaz rods well maybe not because CU we do need it to fuel the uh okay you can guess what I’m about to do don’t need any of these is that all good okay what we need is our obsidian need a total of 10 it’s cuz I can’t see

I like some fools I did bring my the seal ha okay so where have we arrived at Holy snikes they’re all to the north yeah this is a very farway location Oh shoot that’s full that that that these then the eyes vendor I’ll go ahead and go ahead and

Make it make it like this uh why does it not not one to be used is it because I have to do the quest line is is that what it’s saying and one of those boxes did have an eye of magma so that means I have to go Back darn it no what the that’s that’s strange why why did I get shoved underneath the uh underneath the bridge why can’t I hit you no he you’re going to play invincibility I’m going to play invincibility too stop being in stop playing playing invincible and we then will be better off

No must be a glitch inside the uh inside the deal stop running around no no don’t Lo me in no no you’re going to you’re going to receive your punishment doesn’t matter how much you try run away from it you’re going to get punished the Hat of discipline is now

Active like you keep on running around you make me think you’re going to fall off the D dang Edge stop that h you e I’m going to follow where this ey sends me because it’s it’s weird what’s you trying to send me I’m going to go back and I’m going to go

Ahead and go back to the don’t go back to the Fortress and I would look up what the what these eyes do okay there’s H there’s my stuff okay so let’s see what is this part of does it say andry mastered yeah sorry yet I I’m looking up but I want to

Know might explain why my uh why my stuff isn’t working the eyes For H okay so it’s saying that I need multiple different eyes I mean I’ll go ahead and go with grabbing the ice I already have that I’ve already collected but I’m not going to grab any more got the nature which I got the I got the Rog guy at the

Beginning the cursed eye did I get any other eyes let me see if any of these speak to me I think I’ve gone the Lost eye well no actually okay lost eye we got the we got the corrupted eye we got that eye we got the dark

Eye so yeah we had we had the crb to die so we’re going to go ahe and stick stick with this that means that we need to need a bag just to carry the eyes different eyes which it’s kind of sad I’m going to get out of here okay let me see

Don’t switch back to survival them not okay let’s see here I do have a witch eye we need a Wich eye what put all the eyes in there okay it looks like I’m going to have to have to go to creative because it just ate all my

Eyes two of these one of these two these one of these two of these I had 22 of these nope it it didn’t it didn’t why what 22 lost eye gup eye evil eye and magma leave me Alone [Applause] that’s a ship in the sky which will require me to Tower up to it or something that’s something in the sky uh let’s see what what other eyes do I need I need to find a monument but I need water bring the potions how do you get puffer fish you

Just fish for it for okay these these can go buy by then because it looks like the looks like it finally registered that that it’s supposed to have all the eyes in there does this also explain why the original I EX huh well this is going to take a while because you because I just read the stuff and the uh better end stuff you have to find all the different eyeballs mean that’s going to take a while for me to find all the eyes I’m not good at Minecraft to begin with and

That’s before you add in the extra stuff horses sad thing is unless I use a speed potion and all on them I’m not going to be able to do much with the horse I run faster than the horse or chobo I jump much higher too I’m like up four five five blocks high

Now it makes me think of the Fallout when I host all powerful Fallout four get to where you can jump on buildings of course as re recently Fallout 4 has decided to become a baby and it doesn’t like having as many Ms on as I as I do remember no that’s just hard

Walk Okay and this is one of those where it’s a chest nope for oh another Dragon Nest I don’t think this is a tier five one though so I won’t be getting a dragon friend at least I don’t think if the dragon’s here at all some reason the dragons AR alive in

This here and no I didn’t kill him nor did I put cheat this to kill them with they they just aren’t spawning oh yeah put away That yeah I could start turning a lot of these IR OTS into into blocks pap I wonder if the amount of a partless in no bodies is related to the amount of keyblades you actually make in complete X blade again miss Monochrome Nano gear rain fell injection of Fate shooting star okay that’s supposed to be a five star or not five star a c that’s that’s a c as well that’s a c c that actually means that there’s a nearby either a nearby dragon or a nearby skeleton to take apart I’m going

Towards the ladder because the dragons don’t leave their nests at least not that much e thater it’s flying around somewhere I mean if flying some around somewhere I can do the deed but if not might as well while while I got a mugle around instead of putting out my personal one pixie Village

M red okay I’m Wonder running around wild trying to find stuff and I mean main thing is I have to find different different places oh boy somebody set off the uh set off a bomb good job I mean with my jump height even if I afford to fall into this hole again I

Wouldn’t be it wouldn’t be much of an issue it’s just I want to use up all the all the dirt I mean I guess the beauty Beauty rules are not engage until you have yourself actual base and you know with me being a nomad

I don’t have a base I have have just my feet where what at oh this is the airship it’s not going to have anything on it that I need I think that what what this end stuff does uh let’s see wait a second no not that is is in this one yeah that’s

Let me let me go ahead and Waypoint myself back to this place um uh I’m stuck um yeah this this is cool the teleport don’t work working okay so by this by this map or to the north of it so we’ll have to go southwesterly present Direction until it reacts

And then adjust as we need to Pig Thief okay w it’s a field of daisies basically or I think it’s Lily lavender I it’s okay we are trying to approach mug speeds right now oh there’s a there’s a surprise chest where is it right here wait there it’s spawned right there

Are you kidding me right he became the dead and that became the dead Too oh wow enjoy the explosion baby I mean there’s no way to zoom up on that map is there aha no black guy here but there’s a h of the sea some Prismatic crystals diamonds potion of water breathing that’ll come in handy and nothing else and with that this map is used for

I sure I haven’t passed over a monument I would have gone down gone down to it probably is that is that part of ship I went to before no that’s a new power ship there also what looks like a shipwreck here yes I’m a walking natural disaster what the heck

I thought these were like chooko or something nuts H okay For sh it’s it’s for the skeleton Captain became the deaded sh d that’s right OT it looks like it’s this One for No there’s a part fish for raw flatfish that’s flounder a bit oh shoot yeah I don’t know what player head us for I don’t think it’s used for anything I’m just gon to start picking up food because the I’m full overly full at that for EX oh boy sh for for

Anent debris we need three more and we have one then again we uh we did see the requirements and then see and it requires dragon breath so we need to go to the end in order to get in order to get the r get all the stuff that’s needed sh sh

Well let’s ruin this ship then what jeez that’s a lot of Iron h there’s an arch So to whever that is wait what goodbye siren okay that’s just okay just a floating island for no the reason Huh oh potion night vision potion regeneration actually if I’m not mistaken it’s giving me the potions almost For oh they gave me another fire potion for that oh got the revers okay there we go is it because that’s more wood than metal yep we’re going to keep those keep those on me why do you keep on turn off iPad is it because because I’ve been playing that D long shoot

Thought I started at 9: not not at midnight what the heck I know what that was but it attacked me and now it’s dead h four iron I’m going to leave it behind this time uh a oh I think that with it being too am I’m

I’m done we go to the ship and see see if it’s a pirate if it’s a pirate or if it’s it lagged did spawn another sea serpent oh this is a pirate one it’s full of potatoes and other stuff there’s all the coal there’s even a block of coal Here For corrupted die for this is a strange spawn the a ship spawned without crew basically how as they say dead men tell no Tales so uh whatever happened to them is what happened to them and they became the dead we have enough bread jeez lady block oh there’s a potion here potion of

Luck for there’s no beds huh well you know here here here is my good night to you because there is only good night my Ser has flowed my pancake gives you his love and have a flipping good day

This video, titled ‘Mightpancake dinner breakfast Minecraft Key Keepers ReCrafted 1’, was uploaded by Mighty Pancake on 2023-12-30 08:37:13. It has garnered 45 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:11:30 or 15090 seconds.

Minecraft a game of what its name suggests… though through years of updates it has massively expanded to many more things… Village keeper, dragon slaying, mining for the rare diamonds then even rarer netherite.

Making trades with pigs, and over all running rampant on the world at large.

This is modded Minecraft where we are doing things in a mod/modpack

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  • EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!

    EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome I’m Prof and Prof gaming and uh this is a live uh tour of the Hogwarts build so far uh hopefully um you’ll enjoy what you see uh so please ask away ask any questions I’m here to well I’m here to answer it okay uh so first off um uh if you’ve been watching the series you’ll be aware that the first thing we built was the boat house and uh volume down a bit there we go um and here it is uh took a bit of planning in the planning phase… Read More

  • Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in Minecraft

    Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in MinecraftVideo Information we’ve come over to our friend Jimmy’s house to play but Jimmy isn’t here let’s look for Jimmy H I hope he’s okay what if something happened well it sure is strange that Jimmy isn’t here now oh where is he I’m worried let’s find him H maybe he’s not at home H is he here H I don’t think so he’s not here let’s try searching outside let’s go H where could Jimmy be let’s go outside oh it’s raining it is raining we should still go get on your tricycle H okay all right hold up… Read More

  • Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi – #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩

    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More


    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥Video Information my are you okay my feet okay well listen we’re we’re very much closely approaching that time yay the new Minecraft update tricky trials it’s about to go down can we kick squeaks from this Discord why what happened um I can’t I can’t actually we you’re going to have to RP this out Leslie’s the judge go ahead um squeaks Che in a game of One V one valerant and he also griefed Ellum in he’s a better player than you you have to accept it no he’s not he’s not he’s better than you in val… Read More

  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

    Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮Video Information d o d hi I’m d d I’ve Got The Power of dark and white on my side hi I’m r e f i l i a [Music] [Music] I’m r e l i l i aiaia [Music] he o I’m I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 mc.garrettmc.org Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: mc.chargedcreeper.com Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, that’s a bruh moment in Minecraft. Just remember, always bring a bucket of water with you! Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Beacon Cream XI Portal Embark on a journey to the world of Minecraft with UzeMing as he crafts a unique portal known as the Beacon Cream XI. This portal, inspired by the character Beacon Cream from Roblox and Minecraft, challenges players to explore new realms and unleash their creativity. Materials Needed To construct the Beacon Cream XI portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, beacons, and Redstone blocks. These materials form the foundation of the portal, allowing players to delve into a world of adventure and mystery. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials… Read More

  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

    Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Bedwars Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the popular game mode, Bedwars. Join the excitement as players strategize, build, and battle their way to victory in this competitive multiplayer experience. What is Bedwars? In Bedwars, players are tasked with protecting their bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a race against time as teams gather resources, fortify their defenses, and engage in intense PvP combat. The last team with their bed intact wins the game. Key Features of Bedwars: Teamwork: Collaboration is essential in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More