Unreleased Minecraft Mod! Mojang’s Rejected Ideas

Video Information

This is every small change Minecraft needs to add to vanilla starting with how we interact with Mobs if Jay stands still mobs are now solid entities I mean Jay’s a little bouncy but look at us we got a nice totem B yeah we’re all a little bouncy yay so if you have mobs

You just stand on them oh so you can now do pig core what happens if they’re on a lead let’s try it out I can’t stop crouching cuz Dan’s Dan’s unbearable weight is crushing me really that’s awesome okay you also can’t run through Players anymore so it’s just like really it’s like excuse

Me pardon me I I I need to get through oh my God work you’re you’re not walking it just follows you no no no yeah I’m I’m just being guided around I want to show you guys a new thing with saddles too so if you saddle a pig and now if

You shift right click you can take it off you don’t have to kill it oh it gets a little bugged with you’re baiting them right now but you have quite a few of them don’t you you’re bugging them out I can’t like put saddles on all of them

But look you can take them off and same with uh with Striders too so you don’t have to kill them a oh this one you might have to kill something to get the saddle ironically another Pig Yeah but if you put that one on then I can take

It off wait you can take it off when it’s underneath it yeah yeah yeah that’s what I did oh cool I guess it still rides it without but that’s neat you can like steal a saddle well let me show you guys another thing that we can saddle the Sniffer the sniffer is my favorite Minecraft mob but now you can ride them hey look at him go look at the size of that saddle yeah right I want one let me dude this is like a this is like riding an elephant yeah look at them stop wait

Let’s all walk towards the camera walk where I’m going okay well dance our air strike so if you take an Al minous Banner which you get from killing like a Pillager right you can give it to the sniffer and now he’s going to go find us

A Pillager Outpost oh there he goes he’s going he’s going to find it for you any minute now God I sure wonder where it could be how far can they go so you you oh I guess that answers that maybe oh you have to be on him we’re back we’re

Back we’re back in the search yeah you got to be on him so he can he can move towards it it seems got it in about 3 to five business days you should reach your destination anyway if you get a nice up and close personal look at my chest I’m

Giving permission okay oh yeah no this is real nice real nice dude you can see that the skin is now 3D look at that come check out Dan’s hoodie wait really oh yeah it’s like 3D Dan take off your hat look at his goggles wow you have real goggles finally that’s what those

Are I thought it was just ruffled hair it’s actual yeah these are glasses oh yeah your dreads is my ponytail like visible now yeah dude that’s sick going to F4 or F5 awesome wow that’s pretty sick that is pretty cool good job says failboat wait actually Dan type in chat

Say say good job in chat uh good job see now it shows your skin name or your it shows your skin next to your name in case you were wondering who failboat was here’s a here’s a photo of the of the one and Skip hi this looks like this

Looks like a Discord chat room yeah so you can customize your skin but I want to show you guys something new that we can do with our elytras I believe take the elytra and you dye it oh wo that’s a blood red sniffer wao what wow you’re

Wearing it as a cape I mean as a elytra cape so if we put down a loom you can make a different like Banner pattern wings oh no way what and you can split the elytra into two so look I can make like a half dyed elytra

Oh it looks a little weird with my Cape it just looks like I I didn’t wash one side this looks like a before and after frogy clean that’s exactly what I was going to say and with the help of stain removers I was able to get all of it out of this

One and none of it out of this one wow Dan yours looks really good give me an elytra that’s weirdly colored here you go man you get the slightly soaked oh that’s how I like it it’s like it’s like the fall and the spring yeah that

Is awesome look at that so if we start flying with these elytras you’re going to notice something new oh God Google Earth yeah love it we’re coming in fast this is called do a barrel roll and I’m sure you can guess why oh there he Goes That’s C side too let’s go to a an eroded Mesa and show this off rooted bad lands oh that’s right oh my God this looks like Microsoft flight simulator oh my God God wa this actually does count for flight hours yeah really oh my God try it in

Third person it’s sick like you have to you have to pitch and then like turn yourself up that’s insane this rules actually I’m going to do snap this is awesome isn’t it so much fun imagine being seven doing this okay I’m back to spawn I died let’s

Let’s show off the next the next one let’s go down to our Cliff cap scene and everyone get out of the get out of the voice chat group because now we’ve got sound physics oh what the hello can you hear me I can I can hear you like you’re

God dude Jay you got to fall you got to fall into the cliff [Applause] ji Jay go in the hole we’re going to muffle you now we’re going to silence you for your hot takes Jay hello anybody hear me I’m stuck in here wait if we put down

A trap door can we like check in in the like hello down there I said I said hello down it works okay can can I have at least a little bit of food please that’s not food that ought to keep them full all right guys

Sit down and let me tell you a story yeah sure sure why not yeah have a seat Dan hold on yeah go ahead tell me the story tell me the story all right so now you can sit on stairs that’s this feature sure dude this feature feels

Awesome oh that does it all right let me show you guys something cool both go into survival mode ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch now Jay you’re going to put on this Armor All right here I go oh I’m safe hey you’re safe I’m safe hey look at that so now if you wear

Armor you’re completely safe from all berry bush damage nice dude leave on that armor go touch a cactus okay you’re safe oh I can be friends with them finally wow Cactus parkour so now all you have to do is you have to wear a chest plate to be able to touch it and

Then if you wear boots then you’re fine standing on top of it that’s cool right that makes sense oh you’re glimmery I’m glimmery you’re shiny yeah you’re shiny oh look yes all right so this is one of the new things this is a mod called visuality which adds in new particle

Effects to the game let me show you skeletons they drop bones when you when you smite them oh yeah look get him get him yeah just like a real skeleton ow ow D Dan I can’t help dan stop I’m just trying to teach you how to swim

Son so you guys saw when we were flying off into the distance but you’re going to be able to see it again now chunks now load in in a smoother way so now chunks will fade in which is pretty cool it’s beautiful this is really really smooth very smooth very satisfying very this

Could be in a satisfying compilation it doesn’t even matter what render distance you’re playing at cuz it just feels satisfying like if I go down to two yeah okay maybe that’s a little too low that’s low but still it’s cool but now six doesn’t feel that bad because it’s

All like fading in nicely yeah yeah this is nice all right and that’s not just changes to how our ground looks look up at the sky this Cube clouds is the better clouds yeah oh I love this I feel like I’m flying in the sky they’re even 3D

Doesn’t it look like you made it out of like white stained glass I think it’s really nice it does absolutely it’s really cool it’s a good mix between like Shader uh clouds yeah I really appreciate if you get too close to them they like they uh they fade out they

Dissipate yeah yeah you don’t have to like turn them off all right fellows ooh this one’s fun everyone get a horse well okay this is my get your own Square I got like a white stallion this is awesome and now grab a boow so normally you’re not able to put horses in boats

However comma that now is changed oh hold on I have to uh maybe maybe cut to a different perspective during this part so look you can now put a horse in a boat W and then look at what happens when you also get in the boat

Boat oh that’s so cute can I ride your horse in the boat probably not sideways but you could ride them when it’s in the boat like this you just can’t do anything but now you can put horses and boats wow what this is awesome isn’t it great Myer love the little animation for

It oh and then get it in the water and you’ll see another mod that we have now you have wakes to your boat oh hold on I’m on we’re on our way not just the boat too diving in woo oh this is is so cool look at it look at

This this alone would make going across oceans so much more enjoyable so much cooler yeah this is so cool you can even see like the Wake from the ores as it goes in oh you’re right that is so cool all right time to craft a diamond pickaxe yes so now we have visual

Crafting benches and not only is it visual but it also means that it’s shared so I get to do it too oh oh that’s why someone’s stealing my diamond pickaxe Dan’s Dan’s just flashing it in and out of existence not naming any names Dan but someone’s stealing my

Pickaxe and it’s incable anyways anyway so doing we do now have crafting table variant oh pink and the purples and the Browns and the blues there’s no blue yeah this one got bred it’s purple dude it’s cool oh my God the jooji crafting tables it’s jimoji failboat and um kind

Of skip the tutorial that’s how we do the intro hey guys welcome back to the video we turned ourselves into crafting tables in this one all right everyone grab an axe of their choice now axes if we get an enchanting table can be enchanted like weapons so

Now you could enchant it with like bane of Arthur pods and stuff laulis and as you can see up top here you can also roll the enchantments and now I’ve got a sharpness axe oh sharpness to oh yeah and looting and Unbreaking okay that hurts a lot more when you’re in survival that’s

Right going a s at the old man huh wandering Traders have always been useless but now they’re not cuz you can get enchantments from them oh here you go Frost Walker oh yeah also the enchantments that we have have a different letter for them to denote it

Mending yeah so now you can get mending with from them wait Jay look at the chest oh yeah micro microwaves be like how alive I’m going to switch this over a a farm scene oh beats jump on top of the crops see you’re breaking it but with

Feather fall in four you no longer Breck crops when you’re jumping on top or fall on top oh that makes sense yeah good for you I guess I’ll just be a crop Ruiner for the rest of my life stop being a crop duster and become a crop truster

Yeah I’m doing it let me give you guys some swords you’re going to like this one I am this is going to make Dan feel like his least favorite TF2 character okay let’s see who fire aspect now works like a flint and steel oh God it sets

Everything on fire oh my this is like Bedrock Bedrock Edition already has this oh wow well we don’t and now we do so go us wait can you like TNT ont oh well you can absolutely oh yeah you can baby oh yeah baby woo let’s use this to light up

Our nether portal when you go into a nether portal you can now open up your inventory that’s just a nice thing that you can’t do normally and also if you guys are to open up your inventory here you’ll notice that the rest of the screen will blur oh yeah that’s so

Satisfying I love that it’s so clean it’s a nice little fade in so I canun Dan Shenanigans out while I’m sorting my inventory my important possessions yeah if only if only he was muffled while he did it too huh in exactly a talk to the hand button would be nice talk about

Quality of life oh my hey it’s no name all over again all right turn off your full Bright Now drink a night vision potion M anyway so when you when you drink it normally night vision wouldn’t work so well in the nether because you’d get the

Fog it was especially bad in the end but now it’s a lot more usable now I can see the Pigman when I’m killing them and laying them on fire well okay we’re actually to make it so we don’t die to Pigman or piglins rather we’re going to

Do something new hey Dan look at skip he looks stinky a little stinky look at him just a couple of boys stinking it up all right you can now Guild your netherite armor this is different from an armor trim and with gilded netherite armor you’ll be safe from the from the

Piglins oh yeah baby but yeah if I go over to this piglin now he’s he’s my best friend he doesn’t even care about my Bo he’s just my brro my bro yeah we’re just B br’s that’s all it is oh never mind never mind never mind all right Dan summon into gas real

Quick oh god oh please my pleasure SO gas will now animate when they Fireball shoe they used to do this actually it just broke from a piece of code so now it’s back oh really they don’t they don’t do this anymore they don’t do this anymore do little little squishy squish

A squash stretch that’s actually our buddy buddy cop name is squash and stretch squash and stretch dude I can ride the gas this is awesome I always wanted to do this when I first played Minecraft and you can shift to like drag it down oh yeah you

Can I feel like Ratatouille when she pulls your hair and you just make a Linguini all right grab a name tag you don’t need an anvil anymore just left shift and right click you can change the name of a name tag without using anything shift and right click yeah so

Now we got Bobby Fame Emoji no we’re to go find an ice biome look at the lake Okay frozen lake oh wa I thought that was fish it’s shoes there can now be items Frozen within ice I got chain leggings that’s awesome but see that’s not just that we can also put

Loot inside of it oh my God I love can I put ice in ice that’s stupid why did I think of that what about a bucket of AEL a bucket put them on what that’s how they dry age at a sushi restaurant all right hope you guys

Didn’t enjoy those lives too much ow no wow what classic villain oneliner everyone grab a stair block I’m going to Tucker it out anything we we’ve put ourselves out this this episode and now throw out an item of your choice now we’re just going to wait is it going to

Grow into a big item well actually we can give them potion effects while we wait what we can now use potions on inanimates um what oh oh that gave me heart palpitations dude I thought that was him like putting a spell on them to enchant

Them all right now you see it now you don’t oh my God we could also give slow falling well not like that yeah oh my God slow falling more like slow floating I think it makes them float yeah but I do want to we have to

Let them despawn or at least get close to it surely they’re going to despawn at some point wait I think I might need to PL plug in a command for to do this I have to figure out this I have to figure this out before before we run out of

Time you have like 30 seconds ah how do you do this how do you do this I don’t know how to do the command how do you how do you type in the command hurry skip I don’t know what to do skip that stair is it going to last forever it’s

Not I don’t know how to I don’t knowa I know but I don’t know how to do the command oh God no why are you picking up the new items oh stop stop why are you doing it stop you guys want to see something in the meantime yeah I do hello there look

See see when you walk in front of an observer it now detects entities it’s observing me woo it can also do items that’s really cool don’t bring up items yeah yeah sorry wa that was weird there’s there’s a piston there there’s a piston there there’s a piston there there’s a piston

There now get wool got it oh what what’s what’s going on well you should be able to cover up the sound but I don’t know why it’s not working I heard it on this side come over this side yeah yeah skip come over here come over here it doesn’t

Work on the on diagonal blocks oh you hear like a a low Rumble wait it gets louder oh that is scary that is like five nights in Friday weird five nights in Freddy’s is that what you describe this all this mechanical slashing Michael Michael don’t leave me in here Michael

Michael okay how are we going to know when it when it’s blinking to despawn it just items blink when they despawn if you could picture hold on I’ll go invisible uhhuh if you if you picture an item here on the the ground yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I don’t have to picture I

See it this is how it works okay or we skip hold on just blink it in and out of your inventory out of your hand like that there you go that’s what it would be like wow it’s really happening all right guys we’re going to

Go down to the bottom of the world for one of our last things this one will be something that you guys remember from back in the day oh that’s cool wa that’s cool this used to be used to be a thing so now it’s back isn’t that beautiful I don’t know why

They ever got rid of it I like that creepy it should have come back with deep slate it’s so much cooler here agreed yeah all right from this void to the actual void so normally if you throw a trident into the void it doesn’t come back and that used to be true with

Loyalty except oh there it goes there it is baby I thought it wasn’t going to work but it sure did we’ve got one last one all right so by default uh-oh I don’t like where this is going hey there little buddy it’s not does there need to be blocks on the side

There you go but that’s how it is in vanilla so we’re not trying to test vanilla here but now because they don’t have arms they won’t climb oh I see no climb no crime that’s what I always say no crime no climb yeah that’s that’s what they do that is what

They say ah he can’t get you he’s just stuck see problem solved now I’m just here with a get a picture of me my favorite and with that folks YouTube thinks that you might like this video so see if they’re right and have a good one all right

This video, titled ‘a mod that adds ANY idea mojang rejected’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2023-12-01 14:03:00. It has garnered 340724 views and 13988 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:29 or 1169 seconds.

Every New Idea for Vanilla Plus (Minecraft Mod Showcase)

Featuring: @JayMoji @failboat

Mods used: https://modrinth.com/mod/wakes https://modrinth.com/mod/solid_mobs https://modrinth.com/mod/pandas-falling-trees https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/truly-treasures https://modrinth.com/mod/silver-birch https://modrinth.com/mod/bricklayer https://modrinth.com/mod/aileron https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/skin-layers-3d/files https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/do-a-barrel-roll https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sound-physics-remastered https://modrinth.com/mod/gildedarmor https://modrinth.com/mod/axes-are-weapons https://modrinth.com/mod/horseinboat https://modrinth.com/mod/chat-heads https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/daves-potioneering https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/shulkerboxtooltip https://modrinth.com/mod/hellions-sniffer+ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/visuality https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/customizable-elytra https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/blur-fabric https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chunks-fade-in https://modrinth.com/mod/better-clouds https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easy-magic https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sit-fabric https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/visual-workbench https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/more-crafting-tables-for-forge https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/variant-crafting-tables-fabric https://modrinth.com/mod/snow-sniffer https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easy-anvils https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/rare-ice https://modrinth.com/mod/fabrication

Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina

Produced by Jonah Walters Edited by NOOBster Removed Herobrine —— Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2023, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved. ——

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    Server Under Attack! Copystrike Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Server Gets Copystriked – Minecraft SDMP #21’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-04-24 00:00:17. It has garnered 35765 views and 1493 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:21 or 7281 seconds. Hello and welcome to the Swimming Drake Multiplayer server featuring Multiple Sleep Deprived Players. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez SDMP Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZwuiLkP2vN7lCGFNT9lcMLH My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE SECRET BASE REACTION in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "UNBELIEVABLE SECRET BASE REACTION in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘i make secret base in minecraft; then i relize…..#minecraft’, was uploaded by TOxBE8999 on 2024-05-12 13:51:20. It has garnered 5102 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. keywords LisicGaming StandaryPie Aastra Smp AstraSmpVideo AstraSmpVideoS1 astrasmps1 lifesteal smp minecraft headsteal, lifesteal smp loyal smp, lifesteal smp with shop, lifesteal smp minecraft server, lifesteal private smp, lifesteal smp applications open, lifesteal smp in aternos, smp minecraft lifesteal ip, smp minecraft server ip lifesteal, minecraft smp to join lifesteal, server like lifesteal smp, lifesteal smp with commands, drk limited lifesteal smp,… Read More


    EPIC MODDED MINECRAFT LAUNCH DAY | CYBERPUNK 2077 DAY 4Video Information This video, titled ‘MODDED MYTHICAL SMP MINECRAFT LAUNCH DAY | CYBERPUNK 2077 DAY FOUR’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-03-01 08:01:20. It has garnered 2003 views and likes. The duration of the video is 07:46:59 or 28019 seconds. Other Live streams: twitch.tv/X33N Read More

  • Shy Villager in Love MINECRAFT ASMR

    Shy Villager in Love MINECRAFT ASMRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aldeano Tímido Se ENAMORA [MINECRAFT] [M4F] [Strangers to Lovers] [Wholesome] #AsmrRp’, was uploaded by Stuey Asmr LATAM on 2024-05-31 20:30:06. It has garnered 1696 views and 179 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:03 or 723 seconds. #ASMR #ASMRRoleplay #aldeano Script by STU 😉 #Anime #Animeroleplay #roleplay #roleplayenespañol #asmrenespañol #novioroleplay #minecraft Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Golden C in Minecraft Livestream #16 – Too much already?

    UNBELIEVABLE! Golden C in Minecraft Livestream #16 - Too much already?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Connect – Livestream #16 – Schon so viel?’, was uploaded by Goldenes C on 2024-04-22 08:45:11. It has garnered 72 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:18 or 4338 seconds. – Golden C – My name is Cjay! I’m a YouTuber and I record videos about Minecraft! I experience strange adventures with my friends and travel to magical worlds! No matter what, it always stays crazy! Here is my Discord: https://discord.gg/YAddhTp Here is the ROBLOX GROUP of the magic team: https://www.roblox.com/groups/12828176/Magisches-Team#!/about Socials: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goldenercjay/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/goldenes_c Here to my friends:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE! Join Anytime

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE! Join AnytimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING MINECRAFT LIVE ! l EVERYONE IS WELCOME’, was uploaded by Jux on 2024-03-29 17:22:40. It has garnered 31 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:27 or 3267 seconds. 🔔 Subscribe to the JUX GAMING channel for more content! ————————————————————– LOVE YOU GUYS! Tiktok l https://www.tiktok.com/@juxyoutube Discord l https://discord.gg/48U97zDM #roblox #memes #robloxmemes #minecraft #meme #dankmemes #robloxedits #edgymemes #dank #bloxburg #fortnite #robloxgfx #funny #robloxedit #adoptme #robloxart #robloxadoptme #robloxgamer #robloxgame #offensivememes #royalehigh #robloxmeme #robux #lol #gaming #robloxbloxburg #robloxian #anime #adoptmeroblox #youtube #memesdaily #edgy #art #robloxroyalehigh #explorepage #freerobux #tiktok #gfx #funnymemes #gamer #dankmeme #rblx… Read More

  • TotallyNotSuspicious – Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 LGTBQ+ Friendly Hermitcraft-like Whitelist Fabric Java

    Apply here: https://discord.gg/vPqyu9dPJ7 (Applications are rarely denied unless there is a lack of effort!) INFORMATION TotallyNotSuspicious is an SMP established in 2018, focused on creating an environment where interactions between members are highly valued – the primary goal is for the community to be inclusive of all people. Every member is welcome to join with open arms; no one is judged here. Why should you join us? Servers hosted in North America, with constant 20 TPS Discord to Minecraft chat Simple Voice Chat integration Suggestion forums Ticket systems, answered immediately Diamond economy, no shop plugins Organized Dragon Fights and other… Read More

  • Modern Beta SMP | Beta 1.7.3 Recreated In Modern Minecraft! | Bedrock + Java Support [NO GRIEF] [NO STEALING] [NO HACKING] – 1.20+

    Modern Beta SMP | Beta 1.7.3 Recreated In Modern Minecraft! | Bedrock + Java Support [NO GRIEF] [NO STEALING] [NO HACKING]  - 1.20+Modern Beta is a recreation of the infamous Minecraft version from 2011, beta 1.7.3, in modern day Minecraft (1.20+) utilizing resource pack and server side magic. Beta 1.7.3 is widley recognized as the “Golden Age” version of the game due to its simplicity, charm, and lack of “forced goals,” so the only goal is the ones you make with you and your friends.Our mission is to create a vanilla 2011 Minecraft server experience where you can trust who you play with. We pride ourselves on not using any land claims or locked chests in favor of manual moderation via discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – He actually beat it… EP2 MADNESS!

    That one guy must have been really dedicated to his Minecraft lets play series if he actually made it to episode 2! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep

    Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Glume Gamer is here to fulfill your gaming dream. Preparing to defeat the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode, With skills and strategies that will make your heart explode. Join the Discord server, for a community so grand, Where gamers unite, with controllers in hand. Follow on Instagram, for updates and more, Glume Gamer’s adventures, you can’t ignore. Business inquiries? Shoot an email their way, For collaborations and opportunities to play. So hit that subscribe button, show some love, For Glume Gamer, soaring high above. In the realm of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥

    Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥 “Girls in Minecraft: spends hours building a beautiful house with intricate details. Boys in Minecraft: digs straight down and somehow finds diamonds within 5 minutes.” #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💎 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenges

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenges Minecraft: Exploring the World of OP Challenges Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft with OP challenges that will test your skills and creativity to the limit. Dive into a realm where the possibilities are endless and the adventures are boundless. PC Specs for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Equip yourself with top-of-the-line PC specs to enhance your Minecraft gameplay: Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X (12Core, 24 Threads, Up to 4.8 GHz) Motherboard: ASUS CROSSHAIR-VIII-Formula RAM: 32 GB G.Skill Trident Z Neo RGB DDR4 4000MHz Graphic Card: MSI GeForce RTX 3090 Suprim 24 GB SSD: 1TB Samsung… Read More

  • EPIC Ambi Boy vs Noob Witch Showdown

    EPIC Ambi Boy vs Noob Witch ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Witch Is Noob | Witch Cry | Ambi Boy’, was uploaded by Ambi Boy on 2024-05-05 01:59:00. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:34 or 814 seconds. The Witch Is Noob | Witch Cry | Ambi Boy Your Queries:- minecraft maizen minecraft funny milo and chip cash gaming maizen challenge omz nico cash and nico chip jj maizen mikey maizen minecraft mod jj and mikey noob vs pro security house maizen raft supercell clash royale squad busters no cursing milo maizen volcano roblox chip and milo wudo… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!

    Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!Video Information This video, titled ‘OPEN PACKS & DUEL BUT WITH A DUEL MONSTERS TWIST! Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-20 20:00:09. It has garnered 3250 views and 211 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:28 or 1948 seconds. My Brother and I started playing the YuGiOh card game over 20 years ago at the same time. Today we go back to those starting times opening packs, building a deck and duelling in some old school YuGiOh! MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE -… Read More

  • Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraft

    Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Created New Minecraft Private Server|| Can You Join Our SMP? || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Syntax Gaming on 2024-03-07 21:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read All To Join Our SMP ❤️ Step No.1 Create Application Video With His #ApplicationForStrongSMP Step No.2 Request … Read More

  • Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!

    Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!!’, was uploaded by Mine Smashed on 2023-12-29 19:30:01. It has garnered 247 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! ICT support – COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!! Checking out the new tech support villager in the latest snapshot of Minecraft and I found them to be very helpful for all your computing and redstone needs. Thank you again, tech support. @MineSmashed Read More

  • Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizo

    Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uhhhhh what do you mean yet? #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-29 21:45:01. It has garnered 449 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Having fun with Skunk and Jay on the AfterLife SMP when Skunk mentions his… dungeon :0 Read More

  • INSANE Pixelmon Server – BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!

    INSANE Pixelmon Server - BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!Video Information This video, titled ‘IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER?’, was uploaded by Impulse Pokemon Trainer on 2024-05-13 22:45:02. It has garnered 672 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:17 or 1757 seconds. #GRMPIXELMON #pixelmon #minecraft IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER OUT RIGHT NOW?? COME WITH ME AS WE EXPLORE THIS PIXELMON SERVER TOGETHER, ADN SEE IF THIS PIXELMON SERVER IS THE BEST SERVER OUT THERE! GRM PIXELMON IP: grmpixelmon.com LET ME KNOW WIN THE COMMENTS DOWN BELOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABHOUT THIS SERVER AND ABOUT THIS VIDEO. THE BEST AND WORST… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!

    Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!Video Information This video, titled ‘COLLECTING EVERY MOB IN MINECRAFT…again – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-09 09:06:14. It has garnered 608 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:41 or 4241 seconds. Watch the longform stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxl9Ct_tIMs ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Chazyyyboi/join 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: https://bit.ly/mobprices 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks3DUf4Emog ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to support me and keep… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Don’t Copy Me! Part 3 #shorts

    Insane Challenge: Don't Copy Me! Part 3 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try Not To Say The Same Thing As Me! – Part 3 #shorts #grasstoucher27’, was uploaded by grasstoucher27 on 2024-03-22 18:07:42. It has garnered 13630 views and 546 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. idk man minecraft @therealsubman Minecraft gameplay Minecraft tutorial Minecraft let’s play Minecraft survival mode Minecraft creative mode Minecraft mods Minecraft building Minecraft redstone Minecraft adventure map Minecraft resource pack Minecraft farm Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP (Player vs. Player) Minecraft mob farm Minecraft server Minecraft command block Minecraft speedrun Minecraft mansion Minecraft village Minecraft rollercoaster Minecraft underwater… Read More

  • EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!

    EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘FTB Skies: EP29 | Conquering the Castle in the Sky! | Minecraft 1.19.2’, was uploaded by TheAndrata on 2024-05-02 11:00:32. It has garnered 242 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:57 or 2217 seconds. Today we conquer the Castle in the Sky, just like in the movie! ✱ MODPACK INFO ✱ FTB Skies is a modpack that offers a unique and immersive experience unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. As soon as you enter this world, you’ll find yourself on a floating island, high up in the sky. With no land… Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon! PVE 1.20.4+ Java & Bedrock Mature Community Grief Protection Custom Features mcMMO

    Join Stormy Lagoon Today! If you’re looking for a unique survival server running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4, look no further. Stormy Lagoon, established over four years ago, offers a welcoming community and a range of custom features to enhance your gameplay experience. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.stormylagoon.com Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Discord: Join our Discord Server Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Check us out on Tiktok What Sets Us Apart? No Chat Report: Enjoy hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels: Get guidance on all server features Quality of Life Commands: Access… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Boss: A True Epic Gamer

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Boss: A True Epic Gamer“A True Gamer doesn’t need sunlight, they get all their vitamin D from their computer screen.” Read More

  • May 4th: Crafting Craze – Part 1 Build Fun

    May 4th: Crafting Craze - Part 1 Build Fun In a galaxy far, far away, Star builds her base, no delay. Following MrMattRanger’s guide, Her skills and creativity collide. With blocks and tools in hand, She crafts a world so grand. Star Wars theme, May the 4th be with you, In Minecraft, her dreams come true. Watch her build, part 1 in sight, A gamer girl with all her might. Join her journey, don’t be late, In the world of Minecraft, she’s first-rate. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft #meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay

    Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay Welcome to Stone Mason Building in Minecraft! Music Free Gaming is a family-friendly channel that primarily focuses on playing Minecraft. In this stream replay titled “Going Solo 3,” viewers were treated to an exciting session of building and exploration in the virtual world of Minecraft. Supporting the Channel If you enjoy the content provided by Music Free Gaming, there are several ways you can show your support: Tips & Subs: Visit musicfreegaming.com to provide tips and subscribe to the channel. Merchandise: Check out the channel’s merchandise at musicfreegaming.com/collections/all. Wishlist: Fulfill items on the channel’s wishlist at throne.me/u/musicfreegaming. Engage with… Read More