Unstopablness – BEST PIXELMON DIMENSIONS MODPACK! Pokemon Minecraft Mod!

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All right guys looks like we get another chance to actually take on a legendary pokemon it is one of these in the biome here um i just got a text in my chat system disappeared in the plains biome all right so this time we’re gonna see if we can actually

Capture a legendary in this area we’ve missed it every single time and it’s been so dumb um but which pokemon was it again it is tornados meaning that we need a pokemon i think glacier is going to be our best bet here so um all right glacier i think actually real quick

Let’s actually check our pokemon’s moves and see if they actually have anything here doesn’t have an eyesight move so it’s kind of sucky i might go with um restroom here because he has the highest special defense and have really high attack and special attack stats so i

Think i’m probably gonna go with reshrum just just because i think it’s probably the best bet but just please let me have some decent teammates that i can actually win an actual raid against a legendary pokemon at least give me one chance to actually capture this all right here we go um

Snorlax quillfish slowbro definitely could have gotten a lot worse um but it is what it is right right we did a lot of damage though just to flamethrower so let’s just hope that someone can dynamax here and actually do some damage to this stupid pokemon all right so no pokemon died and we’ve

Already knocked down his first shield almost so i’m hoping that somebody will dynamax here quillfish.maxed thank god all right so that’s gonna make it a little bit easier for us to knock out his shield yes and now he’s paralyzed all right this is perfect all right this

Is a really good chance we just gotta knock down his shield here come on come on don’t knock aquafish is already dead don’t say we can knock out cool fish but it is what it is so we’ll have to wait till next turn hopefully no one gets

Knocked out but we’ve still got three more deaths left to take i think we’ve got this boys i think this is gonna be our first chance to actually capture a legendary pokemon in our own biome yes all right we only have one deck and come on yes we’re not the legendary pokemon

Yes we know that legendary come on all right this could be my only chance to capture a legendary from this from this area here i just gotta really hope that this ultra ball works i think i’m gonna go with the ultra ball here please capture this just please come on

Come on come on please come on no gosh i wanted that pokemon so bad we didn’t get the pokemon um but yeah it is a new day let’s go Yo guys what is up welcome to another episode of pixelmon dimensions we almost had a tornadoes in the last clip there that was insane i was not even gonna record until i just turned on minecraft and then just spawned so i decided we started the recording there but in

Today’s guys in today’s video we’re gonna be going over trying to get a suicune or just filling out some spots that we don’t have some of the biomes in here we don’t have every single pokemon let’s go ahead and take a look and see what we’re still missing in today’s

Episode um we caught a pokemon in the taiga we still need one for the mesa we still need one for the savannah we still need one for the swamp which is going to be very difficult i’m really thinking about tackling the swamp today and getting eternitis and the beach which is

Suicune and then i think we yes we’ve definitely captured every single pokemon in the last episode we captured entei in the extreme hills which was a very very hard challenge so if you want to see that make sure you go check up in the top up there or you can click the link

Description down below but that is that guys all right so i think i’m gonna get prepared up i’ve still got some stuff in my inventory from that battle of the legendary pokemon um so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna get geared up and then we’re gonna try to

Capture ourself an eternitis we definitely need more timer balls and dust balls and we have a lot of money so my plan is probably to go into the desert biome and then go to the stores and see what kind of pokeballs are selling all right they don’t sell

Anything at this first store they do have some ultra balls here but we basically already have a full stack of ultra balls um i think i’ll buy 10 more just just because you can never have too many right we have pretty much unlimited money money that’s going to carry us

Over until the end of this episode definitely all right let’s see what this store has they have just the same stuff at that person and this person is also selling mail why is everybody selling mail for all right the plan might be to discover some new villages

And see if we can find some people that are actually selling some stuff so once i found a village that has what we’re looking for i’ll let you guys know to keep y’all from just watching the same thing over and over oh a temple i don’t feel like dying i actually

Haven’t done this entire series so this is my first time not dying in a minecraft series so far so hopefully we don’t jinx that you guys keep me on my toes for this one another temple right there let’s say we’re having a lot of temples helping out here oh there we go

There’s a village all right let’s see what they have for sale at this pokemon all right this one sells luxury balls which is definitely different um but not what we’re looking for and this person just sells food for some reason all right we will continue our journey of

Hunting for random stuff here is our third temple that’s uh the desert is a good way to get some really good materials early on if you just want to look for temples and another temple my gosh we’re getting so lucky here at finding temples which

Is not what we need oh there’s a mag mortar raid that is actually really cool and i think i’m gonna take this raid on all right magmortar raid let’s see if i can actually defeat this dude all right my teammates are dying pretty quickly um if he has another shield i don’t think

We can defeat him yep he has another shield so yeah we lost that one he just killed all of our teammates there’s nothing we could have done there actually still a cool chance to get a cool pokemon or even get some good rewards hey here we go looks like we found another village

All right let’s see if we can get lucky and get some timer balls here for sale that would be amazing please tell me you got what i need friend ball they’re selling friend balls here come on come on nobody wants those mail nobody wants mail either all right i think i’m gonna

Head back towards the uh whatever it’s called i’m gonna head back towards the portal and basically what i’m gonna do is i’m just going to head over to the mesa biome and i know that there’s a villages in that biome as well or is it the the savannah biome the savannah has

Um villages in it and what i’m gonna do is i’m just gonna try to go to those villages and see if we can find anything there uh there’s a chance that we could find a village on the way to the portal so i mean probably not but we’ll see how

It goes oh we actually found one all right we got lucky with that and this is a cool little village it’s even got a little raid in the middle of it all right so let’s see if we can find ourselves some timer balls here today um please sell timer balls please heel

Balls actually okay i guess and this person is selling pokemon card packs like i don’t even need those or even want those all right um i guess the adventure continues we’ve got four minutes until the legendary spawn as well so we do need to be careful

Uh where are we at on the map all right we’re almost to the portal i want to get um i want to really quick i want to get to be able to even encounter legendary pokemon i want to be somewhere i can actually capture even if we don’t have

Enough pokeballs right now i still want to have the option because we still could capture it in the amount of balls that we do have all right we’re gonna heal up really quick and then we’re gonna go check the swamp land and see what the time is there to see if we can

Potentially capture your boy um oh yeah this is gonna is it gonna be the perfect chance sunset no it turned into spawns but we’ve only got three minutes and i think it’s gonna be more than three minutes until it’s able for him to spawn um we’ll stand here and see if we can

Get lucky but i think the sun is gonna come up and maybe we might get lucky it is pretty dark still so we could get pretty lucky oh let’s just hope that we can get this please i’m not even sure what pokemon to lead um i’ll just lead i

Guess ah man i need to get uh my pokemon back all right let’s uh incineroar we’re putting intay out for now um and then we’re gonna bring incinerator back out just so we can lick and get the paralysis off okay so it turned into spawns

I think i think i slept too early i think way too early out there yes i slept way too early i just jumped the gun on that one two whole minutes that gum it man we could have had an eternity spawn i could have done it let’s go

Check out and see if suicune is able to spawn that’s our next best bet at finding a pokemon no there’s no pokemon here it’s gonna be able to spawn all right our next best bet is going to be the savannah there’s no pokemon spawn here either one minutes come on come on

Come on wake up wake up wake up we can wake up from this nap we can get a pokemon to spawn all right victini and ryko can both spawn at this point let’s see if we can get a spawn here really or we already have one legendary spawn if

We can get a second one this early on that’d be lit come on give us what we need boys give us what we need okay it looks like we did not get the spawn timer this time and we’ve got a 33 minute cycle to go through all right

That gives us enough time to actually look for the balls that we need and that is a huge ride on right horn that is that is insane that is too big all right um 33 minutes it’s a long time all right i guess let’s just focus on getting what

We need that’s a lot that’s enough time for us to find everything we want but i mean i guess i should have stayed in the savannah biome all right i’ll see you guys once we find a pokemon shop that actually sells what we’re looking for we

Do have two shops here to look at so we will go to those all right here we go first shop and they sell man they sell basically every single pokeball here except for the one that we want um do we have any quick balls i don’t think we have any quick

Balls we should buy a few of these just because it’s always good to have a few quick balls all right a fastball actually isn’t that bad because a lot of pokemon that we’re catching are gonna be faster than our pokemon so we will take a few fastballs um and i think that’s

Gonna be it for all of those the rest of those are gonna be no good what are you selling sir another guy who sells random pokemon cards all right we did have a few quick balls but you can never have too many balls all righty on to the next

Village oh there’s actually another village over here that i haven’t explored yet right beside this one so all right new village let’s go yeah i don’t think the second person can ever sell balls but it’s always good to check i’m never going to not check that um why

Is there nobody in this store there’s literally nobody here there is a vending machine though alrighty so that’s going to be a no-go for this place we did find a store that sold a lot of different pokeballs but just not the timer balls we’re looking for um which really sucks

All right let me take a look at the map real quick um we could definitely find some more villages in here looks like these villages are pretty commonly spawning so i will probably yeah just look around and there’s a cyndaquil spawn that is pretty rare all right

Let’s just uh keep flying off into the distance and eventually we will see some cool stuff i’m pretty sure the savannah can also have a moltres shrine um which would be really cool another village found let’s check her out oh this place does sell dusk balls so yeah

We’re gonna buy a few of those definitely like probably a whole a whole stack of those things i already had a few so that’s going to be almost a stack there and then if we get a stack of timer balls that’s so many good poke balls what does a sport ball do i’m

Going to buy one of those just to see a 1.5 catch rate on bug type pokemon uh we’re not going to catch any bug that pokemon anytime soon but i guess i’ll keep that for now and here is another village nice so definitely more common

Here than there in the desert so this is where we’re going to be hunting for villages from now on oh yes timer balls yes yes i was like man they have so many balls here but it is what it is we’re gonna be buying two stacks of these bad boys just

Because how difficult they are to make the heavy ball is not really going to help us it’s not going to help us at the moment the fastball could be okay they already buy some of those yeah i did buy some fastballs so man we’ve got so many

Balls now all right i think we are prepared it is time for us to go ahead and head back to the portal now and start to come up with a plan on which legendaries we’re gonna go for and how we’re gonna do this we are nearing the end it won’t be too

Many more episodes now before it is the end of the series i was looking for wood earlier i remembered that in the episode we found the the top of bulu for the jungle legendary um we had so much wood that we’ve gotten um from just chopping down this entire forest we burned it

Down we chopped it down we did everything we could to clear it out to make it finding type of a lot easier um but yeah now we have some wood let’s head back to the thing earlier in the video whenever we knocked out that tornado we were able to get some rare

Candies not rare candies but like some experience um for the called experience yeah there are candies so experience candies we can give them to incineroar to give him a little bit more of an edge on the pokemon that are kind of significantly higher level than him when

It comes to legendaries but there we go level 69 in center are nice i know right all right incineroar dude you are looking actually super strong now and center is a tough pokemon to have and uh really good addition to our team honestly all right guys i was just

Thinking we have so many pokeballs now i’m hoping that we really don’t ever have to buy anymore um there’s just so much there all right 17 minutes until the next legendary spawns um correctly if i remember correctly the the issue that we had with entei and stuff i mean it might be because

Incentive is a good pokemon to have but being able to put a pokemon to sleep could potentially be even better so if i could find a pokemon that could learn hypnosis that was supposed to be butterfree but butterfree is kind of tough to use because it’s such a low

Level we’re going to use sleep powder but i leveled it up too fast and then it didn’t learn the moves that i need to learn when it was low level so we have a level 30 butterfree for no reason we also stood this level 100 laron with an

Evil eye which i think could potentially be really good against eternitis seeing as how it turns is poison and dragon type which later on does have a huge resistance to so we’ll probably add that pokemon to our team i guess over top of bulu for this one so

Tapabulu you’ve been you’ve been great nature’s madness is actually pretty helpful so maybe i’ll actually swap you out for somebody else all right so i guess at this point we are currently just waiting um to see which legendary we’re gonna go for we gotta wait for the timer to go down um

But i think it’s gonna be between eternitis and suicune this episode so um i’ll wait for the next timer to count down and we’re gonna see who we’re gonna be going for very very soon well not soon for me but the next clip for you guys probably okay so at some point i

Missed that spawn timer um 20 minutes left to go um yeah so i’ll see you guys in 20 minutes all right guys my apology for missing that last spawn timer but we are two minutes out from being able to capture in the legendary pokemon and it looks like this could be perfect for

Catching eternitis it is currently nights um right before that last minute strikes what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna sleep and that’s gonna give time for eternitis to spawn but we need to be careful not not to sleep too early because then we lose our chance of actually capturing

This extremely rare legendary pokemon i’m really hoping that we can get this one out of the way because this is probably going to be the hardest one to get to encounter and potentially even the hardest one to spawn i’m using layer on this time and i’m hoping this was a wise choice to

Actually use later on i literally have no idea we’re currently at one minute now it basically just changed over um we have a just a few seconds now i’m gonna sleep pretty soon all right i think i’m gonna sleep right now we just timed it perfectly to be able to capture your boy

All right spawns he has a chance of spawning right now eternitus can spawn in this minute we just gotta keep pressing this button and hope that we can get this dude to come out come on please come out please come out oh my gosh dude we went too early we

Went way too early all right come on let me end this let me in this one let me in this one this one right so we can spawns all right come on suicune we messed up so you got to go the last possible second to be able to capture that come

On suicune spawn please all right 33 more minutes yeah cannot wait for that all right let’s go all right guys we are back and um i think we are currently at the perfect time to capture this eternitis because it is it is literally sunset right now and we have

Two minutes over i swear i don’t understand all right so sunset and day dawn is when eternitis can spawn so this time i’ve got to give it enough time um i gotta wait till like the last second to even attempt to have eternity spawn here i currently have one minito i’m

Gonna give it about 30 seconds and then i’m going to sleep in this bed because i don’t want to i want to get eternal this episode like that is my main pokemon that i want to get so i’m hoping that i can get it all right i’m going to sleep

Now i hope that that wasn’t a mistake that we can get eternities to spawn now all right please spawn eternities please spawn come on spawn buddy spawn oh we messed up we messed up too early still too early all right come on can we we can’t even get nothing to spawn bro

We can 29 minutes bro i am grinding this out hopefully you guys are enjoying this because this is killing me this is literally killing me i’ve gotta wait to the last possible second i’m at the start of timer as soon as that as soon as it goes to one minute in the

In the swamp land just so i even have a chance of getting eternities all right i will see you all again in 30 minutes all right it is currently five minutes until um the next legendary spawn um and it is daytime eternitis is not going to spawn so this one is

Already out of the bag if we go over to the beach area we can see what’s going on here it is completely daytime until the next legendary spawn um so we will not be able to get sweet coons so looks like we are going to be trying to

Capture a pokemon in the savannah so all right we will get a pokemon in the savannah if it’s the last thing i do it looks like we’re gonna be getting victini too if i stand next to the water over here there’s a greater chance that we can get

Kel’dale to spawn 50 50. all right if i if i can get keldeo that’d be pretty good so i guess i’ll sit here for five minutes and hope that we can get a keldio spawn so bear with me guys all right one minute left any second now we’re getting a legendary spawn there’s

No way we can go this long without at least one legendary spawn so please please let it happen the spawns just changed uh looks like ryko has a chance to spawn at the moment i would prefer that actually over both of other legendaries 21 minutes are you serious

Bro we’ve literally done everything that we can do i don’t i don’t know what else to do at this point like i can’t keep waiting all day long for legendaries to spawn that just sucks all right but i guess i will see you guys in 21 minutes could be worse so

Yeah i’ve just been sitting here and playing other games afk um so also time on my phone and i’ll meet you guys back here in 21 minutes all right we are back and we have three minutes till the next spawn uh we’re gonna be able to try and get eternitis that’s

Gonna be a no-go for eternitis um and potentially suicune yep we have like a weird side right now suicune potentially at three minutes it could be night time there but it looks like we’re potentially going to have to go for the savannah also we’ve got the mesa which

Um i’m pretty sure we’re gonna have to be really creative about how what spawns here like i didn’t even mention this one because potentially that one can be even harder than getting eternalists in the swampland um i’m probably gonna say the mesa for the last biome to be honest but

Yes uh we might have to go for victini so i’m just gonna stand here and maybe maybe the sun will go down and we’ll actually be able to get riko that would be pretty cool as well all right two minutes to go we got 50 chance for

Keldio 50 chance for victini um let’s just hope that we can get it my dudes all right one minute until the spawn happens and it’s still victini and keldio up now it’s ryko so hopefully ryko spawns that’s the pokemon i’m looking for please please spawn we’ve we’ve tried we’ve had

So many attempts oh yes reckless bond he spawned all right where is he okay he’s over this direction i think he’s right here where’s he at ryko where are there he is yes all right all right um this is our chance to capture the legendary for

Today’s episode all right ryko this is a small riko but you know it is what it is my dudes all right he went for the reflect which is actually pretty helpful we’re going to lick here i don’t you actually can’t um so it’s kind of tough on what i can do

I’m going to go for a darkest layer actually that could do a lot of damage here i don’t want to kill it i should have threw a quick ball um but i’m not going to i’m not going to throw a quick ball all right i don’t know i went for iron

Defense there i need to figure out some way to lower his health a little bit okay i’m just gonna i’m gonna throw some pokeballs right now because uh this pokemon’s not gonna help us definitely pokemon’s probably gonna help us is going to be later on maybe i

Forgot i’ll have larry on my party but yeah we’ll throw some dust balls here and potentially we can get lucky we did get lucky on um come on bro we just got three wiggles on a dust ball oh bro okay i’m gonna keep doing dust balls real i

Got a feeling that we’re gonna get lucky today because we we’ve waited so long to get this i think we’re gonna get it he went for rain dance started to rain okay okay little do you know ryko we have unlimited pokeballs so today you’re getting captured wiggle once wiggled

Twice all right all right pokemon’s dead leeron’s not going to have that big of an attack so we’re going to send in later on and i’m thinking that lehron’s going to be able to do some damage here but not kill um iron tail doesn’t really do much damage never mind it did

Actually a decent amount of damage there so we’re not going to do any more iron tails uh we’re just going to throw dust balls at this point i can’t paralyze ryko so i can’t increase my chances that way um which really sucks um throw a tower ball

Here see how that does howard ball should be the strongest pokeball here and i’m hoping that ryko is going to be a lot easier to capture than your boy uh not request um entei intake come on please don’t this is going to be this could be hard this could be tough please

Just get in the ball please come on do it for me do it for me please i should use a quick ball i need to remember to use quick balls every time i enter a battle that should be like the main thing that i do well if larry had like a

Healing move that would be insane all right timer ball it is i really can’t weaken riko i have no pokemon that are strong enough or weak enough to really get them lower um this wouldn’t be good to have tapabulu honestly but we don’t have the baboon at

The moment so we’re just hoping for the best of right now we did get three wiggles with the dust ball earlier so i’m throwing dust balls and hoping that potentially he’ll stay come on come on come on come on oh i thought we had it right there all right leon is now dead

Um discharged groudon’s gonna be able to take all the discharges here he’s gonna easily be able to take all of that and we have rest so all right we’re still in a decent spot we just gotta hope that at some point he decides to stay in the

Ball come on wiggle twice okay we’re getting it’s doing a lot better honestly than when we did with intake um we’re getting a lot more wiggles which i do appreciate we got almost no wiggles with entei come on we’re getting two wiggles quite often too to be honest i’m just glad a

Legendary pokemon has actually spawned and come out of his pokeball when i say pokeball but they don’t even live him they won’t live in pogba it’s one three wiggles come on oh bro we’re getting so close i’m just gonna use dust balls because they seem like they’re doing like the best

The the the best right now i capturing this reiko is it reiko reiku however you guys pronounce it you guys comment down below what the correct way is to say this pokemon’s name come on come on three wiggles three wiggles oh bro we are i’m telling you we’re getting so

Close i’m just alternating dust balls and tire balls at the moment just back and forth i think that’s the key right there never keep him keep him you never know what he’s going to happen to him you know i’m saying i can’t even speak correctly because i’m just so excited we

Found legendary pokemon finally this video is only a few minutes long but it’s taken me hours and hours to record this i swear we get so close sometimes like it’s giving me three wiggles a lot and then sometimes it’ll just get out but most the time he’s staying in the

Ball i think this pokemon wants to be captured by us wiggle once wiggle twice oh my gosh baby please come on stay in the ball all right groudon’s probably gonna die here uh but that’s okay that is okay we have one revive we’re gonna use that

Um i was hoping that he would get rid of all his discharges i don’t know how much pp this pokemon has if figgy redwater discharged attacks and only have extra sensory left and we could revive incineroar and incineroar is literally going to be so strong not so strong but

Just perfect for us to be able to use against raikou wiggled once wiggled twice oh man i i need to quit saying that because i’m like jinxing it but i can’t hold back look at this it’s gonna wiggle once it’s gonna wiggle again and the third time

We need that third time baby all righty come on come on come on come on come on come on oh we almost got it again i’m telling you guys he’s right there we’re right there capturing this thing come on three wiggles three wiggles bro we are getting

So lucky we’re getting so lucky all right kabalyen is up next so how much you can do here cavalian um you’ll definitely kill this pokemon if you try to hit it so we don’t want you to kill it my dude we want it to live we

Want to be able to capture this pokemon all right the sun is coming up now so dust balls are going to be a no-go um that kind of sucks so timer balls all the way we do have 81 of them after buying them from the shops so that

Is okay actually we’re going to continue to throw these bad boys until we’ve used all 80 if we have to uh we we have one pokemon left but we do have one revival and as long as he doesn’t have the move discharge all right kabalyen is dead all

Right we got reshroom up next all right we’re gonna go ahead and use our um revive on incineroar and hopefully this this works out how we want it to work out oh i just sneezed okay come on come on stay in this ball please wiggle once

Baby wiggle twice oh my gosh look a little shanks there it’s like i want to grow up to be a raico too bad that’s impossible all right i haven’t seen it use discharge in a while i’m hoping it doesn’t have discharge if it doesn’t then we are going to be

Good it might just have rain dance reflect and um so there’s a good chance that we’re going to get down to ryko or alright go but um incineroar and then incineroar is going to be able to just tank everything but then eventually get rid of moves and maybe even kill itself

Just like entei did so we gotta be able to catch this pokemon somehow its health is oh this is our last this is our last ball if we don’t catch it here it’s gonna kill itself oh man all righty here we go timer ball it is please stay in please stay in plea

Killed himself he killed himself of course alrighty that’s what i like to see legendary’s just killing themselves that’s so dumb and i got some glowstone dust nice alright so that’s our second legendary to get away this video that is exactly what we want to see we still

Have quite a bit of pokeballs so i’m not really um in a mood to go get any more um the next spawn time is 19 minutes all right i’m probably gonna take a break from even doing this stuff and then i’ll come back once i’m mentally stable again all right we are back

And there is just two minutes until the next spawn time so um i guess let’s see if we can go into the swamp is it swampy time it is sunrise here we could capture eternities here let’s go check in i don’t know if we can catch it

Here it’s going to be very close if we can um and then we’ve also got the beach which it is completely daytime that is that time is so off from our legendary counter um we’ve got one minute can you turn into a spawn in one minute we’re

Gonna keep pressing the spawn thing to potentially get him to spawn all right we missed the spawn again all right that it is getting so annoying all right we are back and we finally have a decent time for suicune to spawn here all righty all right i can only

Hope that we can get another chance at capturing a pokemon um i didn’t mean to do that please come out we’ve missed so many spawns today and two legendary pokemon i’ve got away from us we can only hope that suicune is near roswell this is the longest one minute

Of my life bruh i swear i can never find starters in this game whenever i actually want them but whenever i’m just looking for other stuff these dudes just come out of nowhere all right we’re back we missed that sweet spawn earlier we ran out of time again it reset but we

Are currently at oh my god one minute mark what did you back in here um let’s see if we can get something good what spawns right now nothing spawns right now um let’s go back and see what we can get in the other biomes are we gonna

Miss the spawn again okay it’s night time again in the suicune area we have one minute again until the spawn happens i need to eat up all right please where is this suicune at and would you look at that we missed the spawn timer again 21 minutes until the next spawn oh

I’m spending all day on this video all right we are currently at the sunset with two minutes left and another chance for eternitis to spawn um i’m really hoping that we can get a good a good attempt on this pokemon here eternitus i’m hoping that we have i’m hoping that

We have enough i’m hoping that we have enough pokeballs to actually capture this dude and we’re using laron again i think later on could be good oh there’s no spawns left i gotta wait to the last second to actually use this bed i gotta be very careful all right i’m sleeping

Let’s hope this works this time please can i get that just that rng to be able to catch eternitis and another pokemon missed all right i am so bad at it turn into this timing thing i need to literally put up a timer on my phone while i’m sleeping at the

Last second or whatever all right maybe we’ll get it another time all right we are back again in this area so with one minute left and i’m just hoping that we can guess we can spawn i’m gonna go out here on this ledge this looks like a

Perfect ledge for suicune to spawn the sun is coming up a little bit so that sucks alrighty what time is it please don’t oh my gosh no are you serious he spawned bro we oh my gosh we missed it we missed it again are you serious

All right we’ve made it back to the perfect conditions again we’re gonna sleep as soon as we are ready we’re currently at two minutes until the next spawn time i do have my phone set up here with a timer so whenever it does get to one minute i can time it down to

The last like 10 seconds before um the spawn or whatever so we’re just hoping that we can get this to work correctly i’m just gonna spam this until it says one minutes until the spawn and then i’ll activate my timer on my phone okay it says it says it says one minute all

Right starting the timer now all righty um that’s a red oddish okay um sorry right artist you’re dead right so yes we have one minute till spawn starts and it’s currently counting down on my phone and once it gets to like below 10 seconds i think i will sleep on the bed

And that should put us at probably around the right area to potentially cause eternities to spawn and if it does then that’s just amazing all right here we go we got like eight seconds or less and we’re gonna hope that we can get this spawn to happen come on please are

You serious he didn’t spawn he spawned in a raid den my timer is going on but he didn’t spawn in the wild he actually spawned in a row there’s literally no way i’ll be able to defeat this dude there’s literally no way that i’ll be

Able to beat this dude so i can’t even i can’t even get him to spawn the correct way but he he did spawn so this is our first legendary encounter in the swamp um the only thing we can do here is bite him i don’t know what to do just attack

That’s all we can do i guess i think i will go with i don’t know who to go with to be honest probably groudon i think groudon’s gonna do the most damage so we’ll see oh my gosh quit back out back out we have a magikarp in our team it is

Over it is over boys there’s literally nothing we can do about this i um bro that shield delmise is dead bro i didn’t mean to start another timer i’m so discombobulated right now i i literally can’t he just dynamics that magikarp all right there we go two

People are already dead we’re not even if we can break this shield actually we have a chance the problem is that we just yep we killed both of the pokemon there we had it it doesn’t get any closer than that right there oh man all right that is

Where i’m going to end the episode for today i know you guys are being like hey this dude’s in an episode empty-handed that is right this is my first ending episode that’s empty-handed we fought three pokemon three legendary pokemon and we lost to all of them all of them two of

Them were not my fault because i get the trashiest members in raid dens well one of them i actually defeated the ultra ball just didn’t work um consider subscribing and as always god bless you guys and i’ll see the next one thanks for watching i can do there um but with

That being said i just don’t know i need a break from this game for today um i mean i guess i could record it out over a few days and then but it is what it is this video is going to be released later in the week so hopefully you guys did

Enjoy seeing me go mentally insane trying to cap these pokemon um we we actually encountered four legendaries didn’t we three four legendaries we encountered three legendaries never mind i was assuming we encountered this we can we never encountered one um but with that being said i’m gonna end the video

Here hopefully you guys did enjoy it somewhat and if you did please be sure to hit that like button

This video, titled ‘BEST PIXELMON DIMENSIONS MODPACK! Pokemon Minecraft Mod!’, was uploaded by Unstopablness on 2022-06-23 14:00:36. It has garnered 4755 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:56 or 1916 seconds.

Pixelmon Dimensions is here! In this Minecraft Pokemon series we will be exploring the world of Pixelmon dimensions where each portal leads to a different world with hundreds of different Pokemon! This is the most ambitious Pixelmon mod pack! Follow as we travel from dimension to dimension in this Pokemon Minecraft challenge and find our way to catching Arceus!

Watch Previous episode here! https://youtu.be/s79Kqin49ME

Watch full series here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRL74qplJJc&list=PL8tYrLmtj4u9z8n-CHeq-2qK5lCyclIze

#Pixelmon #Minecraft #Pokemon

Consider becoming a channel member! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRfZe6Q-rIOjnVCKOy6-gWQ/join

Please leave a like or comment down below! If you enjoyed today’s video then please subscribe for daily Pokemon videos!

Matthew 7:7

music by: Aeliana band https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO_No5_4WFX_PVBNZknRyew

I play Pokemon competitively and casually. All the videos on my channel are made for myself as a hobby! My main audience is people like myself who have grown up playing Pokemon just like myself! So if you are interested in watching videos on Pokemon VGC, Pokemon MMO’s, and other great Pokemon content then this is the place for you to be!

My YouTube Goal is to become the very best like no one ever was, and to catch subs is my real test but to entertain them is my cause. -unstopablness

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  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

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  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

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  • WeeklySMP

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  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

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    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

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  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

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  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 mc.garrettmc.org Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: mc.chargedcreeper.com Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, that’s a bruh moment in Minecraft. Just remember, always bring a bucket of water with you! Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Beacon Cream XI Portal Embark on a journey to the world of Minecraft with UzeMing as he crafts a unique portal known as the Beacon Cream XI. This portal, inspired by the character Beacon Cream from Roblox and Minecraft, challenges players to explore new realms and unleash their creativity. Materials Needed To construct the Beacon Cream XI portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, beacons, and Redstone blocks. These materials form the foundation of the portal, allowing players to delve into a world of adventure and mystery. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials… Read More

  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

    Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Bedwars Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the popular game mode, Bedwars. Join the excitement as players strategize, build, and battle their way to victory in this competitive multiplayer experience. What is Bedwars? In Bedwars, players are tasked with protecting their bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a race against time as teams gather resources, fortify their defenses, and engage in intense PvP combat. The last team with their bed intact wins the game. Key Features of Bedwars: Teamwork: Collaboration is essential in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

    Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit TransformationsVideo Information guys today I’m working on making Greenery in my laboratory and I think I’ve already managed to create something I’ve made a beauty potion without side effects can you imagine such a thing has never happened in our amazing digital circus it’s really wonderful but I think it’s not safe to leave it here it needs to be hidden somewhere else and I think that I’ve come up with yes the waterfall will be a perfect place as far as I know this place is very reliable even though kfmo lives here I’ll hide it somewhere in this… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

    "Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!" #MinecraftAdventureVideo Information and we are free free to wonderand free to be out of the Jung go no no it’s fine it’s fine we just need to go this way and we will be free of the Jungle completely free and no no it’s fine see there’s no there’s no more jungle just over there we just need to go a little further oh oh no oh dear This video, titled ‘Meet the Explorer #minecraft #solosmp’, was uploaded by SeraphMC on 2024-02-25 13:00:11. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30… Read More