Unstoppable Minecraft Speedrun

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Hello hello looks like everything is working yep looking good hello hello welcome to this stream everyone picking up where we left off yesterday with our speed walk of Minecraft I think I’m going to just chill here for a few minutes let people get into the stream good afternoon good to see you

Again too David I think you said yesterday you were watching right at the like finishing up your work shift was that right are you doing that again today cool well it is great to have you here man I’m super excited for today we yeah yesterday was the first time

I’ve ever tried to do a Minecraft speedrun and I’m very happy with how far we got and also that I never died in the whole two hours we worked yesterday yeah I do love having streams on in the background very rarely have I like watched a stream and that was the only

Thing I was doing it’s always I don’t know I like to be doing something on my of my own while watching a stream whether that’s also playing a game or just you know doing stuff around the house or whatever but yeah our goals today are going to be pretty

Simple first we need to take our four ender pearls and get that up to I think my goal is going to be 16 that’s a little bit Overkill but can you imagine how sad it would be if on the way to the stronghold several of them broke and then we get there and

I’m like one short to open the portal that’ just be so sad so we’re going to go a little Overkill just to make sure that we can actually go to the end when it’s time to go to the end and then we go to the end and slay

The dragon so pretty simple plan today exactly better to have extra than be short oh we are down to one piece of cooked chicken that’s not great we may also need to look at some food stuff I don’t know if other speedrunners have their inventory so full of stuff a

Lot of this is junk from just traversing the Nether and fighting things a lot of this will probably just get thrown away but you know what let’s not Dilly Dolly let’s M our way out of the little hole we left ourselves in last time so first order of business we need

To find a warped Forest that is going to be the best way to get end pearls so oh also yes I need to do a thing I have a note for myself I took a screenshot yesterday of where the nether portal was so I pulled the coordinates out of that screenshot

So we’ll be able to find the portal to get back to the Overworld a slight fear I have is that I’m going to go very far looking for a warped forest and I’m going to find it and we’re going to you know get all the ender pearls but I’m going to have

Trouble getting back to my portal and like o that’s a cool Ravine I’m worried about running out of cobblestone to make tools and then like my only choice would be to go like dig Soul Sand with my hand because I could do that without a tool and use that to pillar

Around so hopefully that doesn’t happen we’ve got a good amount of cobblestone so hopefully if we need to we’ll be able to make them yeah well I start exploring how are you guys doing how’s everyone’s day going so far oh oh wow you’re at work you might have to leave

That’s fine thanks for tuning in while you could it’s kind of funny having a handful of people watching this while at work it makes sense especially if you’re in a work situation where you can have something on and it doesn’t interfere with what you’re doing that’s awesome

I am more okay with people saying they’re watching my streams while they’re at work than I am with people saying they’re watching my streams while they’re at school if you’re at school you should definitely be at school paying attention listening learning guys look look blue trees oh man I was

Literally worried that I was just going to wander around the nether for 2 hours and never find a wared Forest and there we did it our speedrun of the hot tourist destinations achievement has been finished good job guys I’m very proud of us this has been such a fun stream and of of course I’m just kidding let’s get to work well there was an under where’d he go oh there’s one hey

You oh man I think the sound design of the Enderman is really good that drawn out like Rising angry sound is so so good because I do music and work with audio I I’ve sometimes been doing things and sometimes I personally I get a little nervous to do something like that extreme

Here we’re going to make a little garbage hole for some garbage don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that don’t need that am I just picking stuff back up don’t need that but anyway going back to the sound design stuff I really love when someone working with sounds really commits to

Something and just draws it out I think the the sound design of the animals in subnotica is a really good example some of them are just so like the the sound goes on for 30 seconds and slowly evolves over time and it’s really fun to listen to now where are all the

Enderman oh there’s one ooh I don’t want to have to run all the way to my little Al Cove sup good to see you again and it’s good to have a second confirmation from David but putting effort into your education pays off in the long run that is definitely true seven man this is going so good this is part of the process proc that I was actually the most worried

About so I’m very happy that this is going well this is going to give us plenty of time to plan and prepare how we want to kill the dragon I have an idea for how I want to try and fight the dragon and it is something I’ve never tried before and so

I have no idea if I’ll be able to pull it off without dying myself what Endermen are really scary but when you get them in a position that you’re able to deal with them perfectly safely sometimes their like jittery animation in the way they run around just ends up looking a little

Silly but man when they get you in the open it is quite nerve-wracking I think I’m going to try and block off that lava because lower light levels should help us get more spawns if I die doing this you are all allowed to laugh heartily in the comments or in the chat

Chat is basically just the live comment section all righty oh man the Warped Forest is so goodl looking I love that they they brought in this color that just so starkly contrasts the rest of the nether oh hello can I get him oh I think I got him uhoh oh uh here

Uhoh I made an Enderman angry but he’s not getting up here to me and that’s not great because that means he’s just out there angry somewhere there he is uh yeah I agree the nether does have a certain Beauty to it and it’s very different from the Overworld oh I heard of

Whoop all right how are we going to handle this guy without dying guess we’ll see if I can safely come to him hello sir um all right feel like I’m hearing noises that I have not heard before in the Nether and that scares me there we go uhoh oh

Hello well that’s not as good a place sir you’re making this much more difficult than it needs to be wait oh ow rude uh oh yeah I forgot about the whole food situation um what is the best way to get food in the ne You know what this guy is not worth the trouble oh oh oh oh Pearl it was worth it it was all worth it oh it wasn’t a pearl it was oh never mind it was not worth it none of it was worth it all right we might need to head into

The Crimson Forest a bit and see if we can grab ourselves some hoglin pork Chops well that’s very dangerous oh good Dodge good Dodge there we go all right we’re up to nine we’re making progress but we need to take a little bit of a get food break and I’ll be honest I am way more scared to try and take on a hoglin then I am an

Enderman but we are out of food so getting some pork is kind of essential how are my boots doing oh okay we’ve got one how do I want to do this they cannot fit down a tunnel like this just to make sure I can see it oh that’s a scary

Noise Okay and wh feel like I don’t want these things that they can climb up uh oh this doesn’t feel like it’s going right I’ll just draw this Enderman over here because if taking on a hoglin is dangerous then sirly certainly taking on a hoglin and Enderman at the same time

Is a good Plan oh that’s scary okay I feel like I need this corner to actually open up a bit there we go now they’re just coming right in perfect oh and they give oh uh what do I not need don’t need these that’s for sure three oo that’s good let’s get a bit

More hello sir have you seen any hoglands oh I’ll take some pork chops how much we up to five we’re getting towards enough oh uh it looks like I might get some help from the piglins hey thank you guys man you guys are the best all right do I have a safety hole

Near here a I got this one right here all right hey you come keep me oh he teleported right up behind me uh let’s go ahead and start cooking up our new food all right we’re at nine ender pearls I would like seven more don’t want to get too close to that

Hoglin ah it does make it all the way in the hole cool get rid of all the stuff I don’t need do I need leather what do you guys think is there any use of leather for leather in what we’re doing today nice all right we’ve got some food again

Hopefully this will be enough to get us through the nether yes I’m also very glad that I did not die that would have been tragic all righty let’s make our way through this area again you know what I’ll just keep making new little oops alcoves oh No yes that makes 10 I’m going to get six more how many endermen do you guys think it’s going to take to get six more pearls is that supposed to be 5 million I sure hope it doesn’t take that many 12 all right you guys are going to have

To kill help me keep track of how many it is and we’ll see if anyone guessed it right oh we’re one for one that’s a good start and he’s gone oh and he’s back all right two Endermen one Pearl this was the area that was oh not so great for fighting Enderman before

Oh I heard a gas off to my right that’s not something we want all right let’s see if we can do this oh oh good I thought he was going to get a a hid in but he did Not all right we’re one for three now oh yeah I need to to not get hit or else that’s going to drain my food faster that’s probably not going to help with the food situation either I realized I took out the lava because it’s creating light but most of light is

Actually from the shroom lights if I’m going to oh I don’t think an axe is actually the right tool for these think it’s supposed to be a hoe maybe it’s an axe is that faster than with my hand no it’s not that’s a lot of hoglins that’s scary

Wow just going to try and lower the light levels a bit just to see if that helps at all I hear an Ender it looks like the force goes on off and the distance that way we could potentially wander that way see what we can find oh here we go this

Is whenever I can find them in groups that’s ideal all right here we go you oh there we go two for four two for five oh hello sir I’m partially worried that I’m accidentally going to hit a piglin or a zombie piglin and if that happens I’m

Pretty sure that’s going to be the end of it this whole endeavor ooh that’s like five Enderman right over there now this is what we’re looking for oops um all right I going to be able to get everyone angry Oh what is that three for six I’ve lost Count oh come on oh my sword’s almost broken did I get one ah I did four for eight if this probability continues I think you’re yep yeah we’re getting like a perfect 50% which means your guess of 12 would potentially be right on the dot oh ooh that puts us at five for

Nine we only need one more then I have to figure out how to get home h Feel like I just heard a hoglin right behind me oh oh aha six pearls and 10 Endermen I think we got lucky right there at the end all right 16 pearls 10 blaze rods we are ready to head home so 7778 that means we need to go positive

In both directions positive X positive z a lot more on the X though oops all righty um I really don’t know what the best plan is to try and get home do I just try to head in a straight line or do I try to find my way back the way I

Came that kind of makes the most sense and if I’m thinking about it right we basically need to head through this Crimson Forest in that direction oh but that’s so dangerous off that way eventually we should find a Soul Sand Valley and if in that Valley we can find where

I the that that Soul Sand Valley is where I stopped marking the way I was going o uhoh you know what I’ve changed my mind as direct a course as possible that’s what we’re going for now I’ve got this little hoglet on my tail yeah we’ve got materials for

Pickaxes pickaxes will get us building blocks am I going the right way yeah positive X positive Z oh man this Forest is gigantic what oh so we’ve already gone too far on the Z so we basically just need to go straight East for about 600 blocks that is very

Doable and we also need to go up just a little bit well this is going to be a good way to use up a ton of pickaxes but sometimes I like just going in a straight line oops so I hope you guys love the beautiful view of red

Netherrack the Calon Cadence of blocks being broken over and over and over again huh oops so I’m curious to know how do you guys handle the nether in your worlds do you just avoid it do you set up like traveling systems in it and if so do you do that like up near

The top do you go up above the ceiling or oh or do you actually Brave the traversing the nether itself you leave it alone as much as you can the ne’s kind of interesting cuz I I do like that it’s so hostile that it’s such a different experience that it really

Is like in terms of danger A step above the Overworld I think it’s good game design that it’s it’s different and there are a few incentives to go to the nether there are a few things that you can get here and only get here but I sometimes wonder if there

Could be more more reasons for us to go in usually watch your kids handle it am I still going the right way H we’re going to have to curve a little to the right okay I am sometimes impressed by young children playing video games at a very high skill

Level or sometimes it’s just entertaining because kids doing anything can almost always be entertaining I remember in my early days of Minecraft when I first started playing I was absolutely terrified of the Nether and I think rightfully so I was not very good at the game

But I tried to I I hated gests I hated dealing with gas so much and so I made these tunnels to travel in but they were all like underground um which meant that I was constantly having to Bridge Over Ravines and deal with a lot of

Lava and it was wasn’t until later that I realized that up near the top of the nether like the generation is a lot more thick and you can usually tunnel a lot more safely and so I I often use the nether as a form of quick travel um but it’s all done in

Oo oh we found this little Sand Valley oh oh that was very suddenly not safe at all oh I am very nervous about skeletons and Ghasts blasting me off of This all right how close are we oh only 300 blocks away we’re like halfway there I’m actually going to start going up a bit you know what would be really funny is if we come across any ancient debris on our way back it would be super exciting I would

Not be able to get it and it would be absolutely useless based on what we are actually doing right now and that should be 71 cool we are at the correct height so pretty I love views like this in the nether oh better hope I don’t set off any piglins

All right as we are reaching the end of the nether leg of our journey I want to hear from you guys how many of you have taken on the Ender Dragon and if so what is your preferred method of fighting the Ender Dragon do you have a preferred method have you tried multiple

Things or do you just have one way that you do it all right we’ve got one dragon slayer in the chat o a torch that means I was here and I’m not totally sure but I might actually remember this place oh wait is this oh it

Is okay you need to stop cuz you’re going to cause problems uh little okay yes that’s our tunnel this path should lead us all the way back home just need to be careful wow yeah I did not make this safe at all all right I believe I went behind

This lava fall yeah I remember walking right past it there’s another torch I think we did it guys I think we are going to survive the nether I’m going to be totally honest when I decided to do a Minecraft speed run I fully expected to die at

Some point in the process and the fact that we haven’t yet surprises me and now I’m feeling very worried that I’m going to die during the dragon fight and that’s going to be really sad to make it almost all the way there and then be slain all right okay

Man thank you to past me for marking a trail home and leaving all the Torches invisible places okay we’ve got a Magma Cube very much in my path okay that’s oh no this is bad magma cubes do a good bit of damage but what I’m more worried about is them doing any

Knockback as we are in a terrible fiery Place full of lava here we go this wonderfully naturally formed Basalt bridge that generated oh we’ve got a staircase got a tunnel things are looking good I do not remember the specifics of what this area was like uhoh oh excuse me

Hey guys look it’s our nether portal we did it we got to the nether we got ourselves blaze rods and ender pearls and now we’re headed home oh that’s so exciting oh oh I forgot we have a dog what did I name you I think it was like pupsker

Good to see you again pupsker I am back holy cow what an adventure that was then I’m like a little bit jittery I can’t believe we made it and it is now time to move on to the next phase of the plan I would like

To try and cook up the rest of the food that we have I’ve got more furnaces we’ll cook up everything planting trees is an important part of any Minecraft speedrun going to gather up some more wood because it’s good to have and here’s the plan guys we’re going to

Take on the dragon in a way that I never have before I’ve seen people do it most recently I watched cubfan 135 do it on the hermitcraft 10 server and that is taking out the dragon with beds I have never done this before I am probably going to blow myself up

But I really can’t I I with what we have there’s really no feasible way for me to take out all the crystals and fight the dragon like I normally would so that’s the way we’re going to go and do it so first I need to go Sher a bunch of sheep

So that we can build ourselves a handful of Beds which means I should probably clear out my inventory as much as I can okay I don’t need a bow and arrow never going to use those for some reason I want to hold on to all this Netherrack because it’s just good building

Blocks and I think real quick I’m going to grab some more Cobblestone all right so we’re going to grab cobblestone then we’re going to go sheep shearing and then we’re going to find the stronghold let’s see we’ve been going for an hour yeah we can do the rest of this in another hour

So you know what I’m gonna grab our bed unset our puppy and let’s go I have to say looking for sheep is a lot less stressful than looking for Enderman oh it feels so good to be back in the Overworld I can’t believe that I did not

Die I’m loading a lot of chunks I feel like things are getting a bit stuttery I hope the stream is holding up lots of pigs let’s see what’s across the water have any of you ever tried playing Minecraft as a third person game instead of a first person

Game I’ve only played with it a little bit more for like different camera angles and shots it is so weird I much prefer firsters Minecraft I know I saw a lot of sheep before we went to the nether but I did not take note of where any of them were hey here’s

One okay I think this is the same Cherry Grove biome on a hill we came to earlier which if it is there were plenty of sheep around here oh oh that was a pile of garbage that I threw out of my inventory during the Stream yesterday I’ve definitely been here before and it

Looks like we’ve got plenty of sheepies and I also heard a skeleton all right all right how many beds are we going to Need we can make another five bringing us to a total of six that doesn’t quite feel like enough I know that good speed speed Runners can do it in like four beds I am not one of them it’s probably going to take me a handful more uh

Oh my computer is telling me that I am pushing it too hard loading in too many chunks all right where are we now ah this is a lot more okay I think it is time to go searching for the stronghold just gonna drop off some stuff I’ll keep all the wool we might

Run into more sheep on the way and I think I’m not going to turn all my pearls into eye avender just yet because if we don’t need to turn them all into pearls I may or all into eyes I may be able to use some of the

Pearls during the fight if things go badly if the Dragon throws me up in the sky I can throw a pearl down to the ground to save myself all right I have under go now I know that there are really fancy ways you can triangulate from different points and estimate how far

You need to go I don’t know how to do any of that so we’re just going to walk in this direction for a little while o big jungle oh ho and yeah we’ll just find the stronghold in a very casual way all right you know what guys I think

We’re going to have enough beds o a village might be worth poking our heads in seeing if we can get anything useful out of the village what do I think of the bogged I’m super excited about the bogged um at first what I heard for for anyone who doesn’t know the

Bogged is a new variation of the skeleton that’s going to be added in the next update and they shoot poisonous arrows so they’re even more dangerous than normal skeletons which is kind of funny because often times early game skeletons are the most dangerous of the normal

Mobs um and I I thought that the bogg this poisonous skeleton that they’d been hinting for a while was just going to be in the trial Chambers um so I found out that they were also going to be spawning in swamps and mangrove swamps I was a little worried but then thinking about

It uh I I really like it I like the idea of making the biomes feel more unique not only through you know the blocks that make up the biomes but even just the mobs you find there I mean even if they took different mobs and they didn’t even have

Any Unique Mechanics but just that like Creepers look different like if you’re in a birch Forest their their texture changes to look more like Birch leaves and then in like a dark oak forest you get super dark green creepers I think that’d be really cool and just make the biomes

Feel more unique so I’m really excited for the bog just to make the world make the swamp specifically a little different from everything else and also because that means there’s another type of tipped Arrow you can Farm because right now the only tipped Arrow you can Farm is the

Arrows of slowness from the Stray and personally I don’t find arrows of slowness that useful but poisoned arrows would be incredibly useful for like raiding Woodland mansions um just land a few good poisonous hits on an evoker like I I think that’ll be really cool and be a good expansion to Bow

Combat in Minecraft but what do you guys think of the bogged is that another Village wow all right I’m gonna throw another eye real quick oh oh a and that’s why we got extra pearls I don’t know if I got put on the wrong direction when I was exploring the

Village or if we’re getting close but I feel like we’ve changed directions now another Village lots of villages all right I think at the top of this hill we’ll throw another eye I don’t want to throw them too much CU if too many break H that kind of ruins

Everything all right from here on top of this hill oh it is back behind us that is good that means we are close oh you know what I had two buckets in my chest and one of them had water and I didn’t bring them a bucket of

Water would have been a very good thing to bring all right I get the feeling that it’s oh ah all right we lost two and if I check my chunks real quick oh was either this chunk or this chunk oh well works either way we should be close now normally when

I dig down to the stronghold I do so in a way that I can get back up afterwards um but at the moment like in this world it’s not like I’m going to be coming back to the end for elytra and shulker boxes later or just after the

Dragon so think we could just go straight down yeah it will be interesting to see how much they um add to the bogged or if they do anything more cuz I mean in some ways a simple variation like oh it’s a skeleton but they poison you that they don’t really

Need to do any more than that what would be really cool is if they they add a mechanic for changing normal skeletons into bogged like they have if a normal skeleton stands in powdered snow it turns into a stray I think it’d be interesting for there to be some way

For a normal skeleton to turn into a bogg if they Implement something like that then you could take any skeleton spawner and turn it into a b Farm if they if they choose not to do that I would also understand and then you just have to make your bogged Farm

In a swamp or from a spawner in a trial chamber but I’m interested to see if they do anything more I’m also interested to see if they add anything more besides the bogged oh boy my inventory is very full I can sacrifice a stack of Netherrack ooh Water m I don’t like that all right here’s what I’m going to do we go like this all right I think I would like To craft some doors my inventory is so full of stuff and I don’t know what’s going to be useful and what’s just going to be unimportant all right so if we do something like this this all right oh it’s the library yes that’s part of Theon hold okay where’s my air

Pocket can I oh if i s to swim yes oh that was a little bit silly of me but we’re here we’re in the stronghold guys huh is there US ah there it is there’s usually a chest on the Upper Floor yes a smithing template if only this were a longterm

World then that would actually matter a bit more I don’t know why I’m feeling a compulsion to actually check the chests and loot the stronghold I guess there could be some goodies but in some ways we really don’t need anything from the stronghold I’m going to get my shield up iron

Pants that’s I already have oh wait that’s an ender pearl yeah I’ll take that absolutely your luck would be that if you fell into the stronghold you’d land right in the lava lake that would be quite unfortunate all right looks like there’s not really anything in this direction

I want some blocks on my bar so that direction should be fine to just block off oh okay that’s where I came from oh this all links up man whatever ancient civilization it was that built this stronghold I have no idea what they were thinking what function this maze Serves ooh this looks promising oh never mind I think I may have gotten a little too excited I saw a light at the bottom of the stairs and that’s often how the portal room looks because of the lava in the room huh well then doesn’t feel like there was really anything good that

Way oh this is all just oops I’ll take coal and we’ve got gold and an apple but not a golden apple there must be some big caves nearby because there’s like nothing here in the stronghold everything must be spawning somewhere else which I don’t mind at all oh I hear some

Things the only thing I really want to hear right now is the sound of silverfish cuz that can sometimes be a good clue as to where the portal is okay there’s no button what every time I find a staircase downward I get excited but most of them don’t leave lead

Anywhere all right I saw a closed wooden door which means we haven’t come this way yet uh okay at some point it may become necessary to kind of go into the caves around the stronghold and look at it from the outside because sometimes the portal room will be

Disconnected I I’ve had worlds where this has happened where the portal room did not connect to the rest of the stronghold okay been around here oh looks like I’ve been oh this all leads to the same place okay all righty oh hopefully there’s not a bunch of other zombies nearby

Okay we found a new section of the Fortress oh other side that’s one of the best music discs score wait oh no I left my diamonds we could have made a jukebox oh look at that all right I want to check this for all right guys there’s something we have to

Do this is very important this is essential to our speedrun and I’m just going to go ahead and break this cuz don’t need any of that nonsense oh wow got dark in here all right this room needs to be a safe place for me I love other side great music desk we’re

Not going to listen to the whole thing right now though all righty it just time to put away all the stuff we do not need to take into the fight oh and I should also get my uh beds worked out oh man all right so things I’m going to need in the

Fight not going to need an ax or a shovel going to want the obsidian going to want food I’ll have some Netherrack on my bar all right and let’s start crafting up some beds 19 that should be more than enough let’s see how many I can get all

Right this should be if I can pull everything off properly more than enough beds but you know let’s grab a few more just to be safe let’s go like this pick those up this all right and there are no eyes so we need 12 total which means I’m going to have

Three end pearls I could potentially use oh okay guys my heart is pounding I’m I’m a little bit nervous to go do this are you guys ready ready to take on the Ender Dragon wow I really am getting nervous about this let me know in the chat do you guys

Think I’m going to do this without dying or am I going to die in the fight if we do die I’m going to respawn right there at that bed and I’m just going to hop right back into it but what do you guys think do you

Think we can take out the dragon without dying using a method I’ve never tried before all right you guys are seeming pretty confident 3 two one ah once again epic sound design good job creators of Minecraft well whoops here we go oh yes we’re in a box that makes me feel very safe

All right guys it’s go time it’s showtime I don’t think a shield is really going to help me all that much but I’ve got it in my hand we’re going to dig our way up to the top and then I’m basically just going to attempt to replicate what I watched

Cubfan do the other day oh I hear a dragon oh I hear a dragon oh I see air oh oh I hear magic okay all righty we are in O I don’t know if the orientation oh I hear him using magic all right uhoh this fountain’s got a whole thing

Next to it but if what Coman if I watched the video right he had some obsidian blocks like that oh I need to be careful not to look at Enderman and then we kind of just wait for the Dragon two to look like it’s going to descend oh I should get more of

The beds on my bar oh I’m very scared of the Dragon oh did I do this on the wrong side I might have cuz he’s circling that Tower in which case I may need the obsidian here oh oh oh I looked at Enderman I looked

At two Enderman oh no oh no guys guys this is not good I don’t even have water or boat or anything that would help me with inry Enderman what was I thinking okay ouch ouch okay oh no oh no guys guys this has gone horribly wrong where was the where did I

Spawn a darn it uh death by not watching where I was looking all right right back into it no need to dilly dally we go up we get my stuff oh okay I was in the right area then cool all right all right Mr Ender Dragon be a gentleman and let

Me get my stuff what the oh oh he fired a thing oh actually no I think he charged me oh I have very lucky to be alive okay no more looking at Enderman guys fact I’m going to focus on looking up in the sky at the Dr

I do love that the Enderman can get hurt by the dragon and then get angry at it okay it’s circling that pillar um does that mean he’s going to come to okay he turned left so I think I need to and here place a bed here I have no idea if

I’m doing this right and I don’t know if my double obsidian thing is going to mess this up but let’s see let’s kill a dragon oh he broke the bed what wait the beds are just exploding oh oh boy oh I put it on the wrong [Laughter] spot oh

No oh that was funny I hope that didn’t blow up all my stuff uh-oh uh-oh Dragon incoming I think we’re good oh that is a lot of fire um is all my stuff gone a chest plate and two beds uhoh guys uhoh things have gone very wrong oh

No two beds is definitely not enough to kill the dragon and I am also not equipped To take out the crystals but I guess I got to do what I can oh now how do I get down oh I guess I just get down because I have to should have brought my bow and arrow oh this is a bad idea the dragon’s just going to come whack me

Ouch I also don’t have any food to heal all right I guess I I have some supplies here to make more beds oh I don’t really have wood H I’m not sure what to do guys the plan has kind of failed and I think it would take a little while to get myself up and ready again to try and carry it all out again so what do you guys think do we call it a good effort or do

I see if I can scr up some stuff and try and do this all again I’ve had a ton of fun so far I don’t really intend on streaming too much longer so it’s kind of either do or die but I don’t know if I’m capable of doing

After I blew myself up and destroyed all my valuable supplies that I had brought I can’t even make a pickaxe to break this Netherrack Oh I guess another ax not too hard to break oh oh no silverfish goodness yeah I think we may need to call it but we do have wood here all right here’s the plan I’m going to grab a bit more wood we’re going to make a few more

Beds we’re going to run back in there we’re going to give it one last shot and then whatever happens this is the end of the stream hello Salan are you just joining us if so well just check out the death messages the fight is going really well all

Right 30 wood that’s enough for 10 beds I have enough let’s see there’s oh whoops all right we had enough wool for nine beds keep the Apple for good luck one last attempt we’re taking on this dragon and whatever happens happens so I think I need to place the bed

Sooner and detonate it sooner and I’m worried that my little two obsidian thing miss going to mess things up oh he’s coming down oh I oh I I wasted so many beds not letting him get all the way down oh whoops I think I could have actually done it if I had

Waited oh no I’ll punch him oh no he’s healing he’s healing oh oh oh well I think this is it guys oh there we go okay so I think the issue with the beds the first time well the first first issue was that I I waited too long to

Put down the bed and or to blow it up and the Ender Dragon got too low the second issue was that was when I put the bed on the side of the pillar instead of on top of it and blew myself up which while being probably the number

One thing that ruined what I was doing I think that was my favorite moment of the stream it surpris because I saw the bed on the side of the pillar half a second before I right clicked again and I knew that I was doomed but I think we’re going to we’re

Going to let the dragon take the W on this one we gave it a good shot he was a worthy foe we were not worthy of his Greatness and well we’ve been streaming for almost two hours so it’s a good place to end anyway but thank you so much to all of you who came and joined I think I’m going to hang around for a little bit and chat with you guys if you want this is so

Good Mojang recently put out an article about using their music and videos and when it’s good and whatnot but I’m still nervous to play their music discs for some reason I think it’s totally fine but anyway thank you guys so much for coming especially those of you who were here

Yesterday and today this was a ton of fun I think I want to stream more um it’s really enjoyable it’s such a fun way of creating content and hanging out um for me I feel like there are some activities that are more interesting in videos than in

Streams but there are some things that it’s perfectly fun to stream them so I’ll come up with what I want to do in terms of streaming and let you guys know but yeah for now thank you guys for being here this was super fun I’m going

To try and get back to putting out regular videos and yeah we’ll be able to keep having fun together so I guess that’s all for me I will see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Speedwalk – Part II’, was uploaded by Bob_Frisco on 2024-02-17 11:15:01. It has garnered 22 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:10 or 6790 seconds.

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Today we are going to finish speedwalking Minecraft! Come hang out as we finish taking on the dragon!

  • 100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse!

    100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse! Surviving the Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse with 100 Players In a thrilling event organized by @Protagnst, 100 players entered a Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse to test their survival skills over 7 intense real-life days. The aftermath of nuclear devastation brought scarce resources, dangerous mutants, and desolate landscapes, challenging the players to build bases, scavenge for food, and avoid becoming victims of the ruthless apocalypse. Exploring the Post-Apocalyptic World As the players awakened in the wasteland, they encountered various locations such as Huston, Junction, The Vault, and Tricolor. Each area presented unique challenges and opportunities for the players to navigate through the… Read More

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  • Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3

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  • Obunga Portal: Minecraft PE Magic

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Sneaky Sister Kick Challenge in Minecraft

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  • Haki Exposed! Minecraft Bedwars

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  • Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox Games

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  • Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

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    GET SCARED IN MINECRAFT - ONE LUCKY BLOCK SURPRISE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft First map scared map then doing part 2 on one lucky block and come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-02-19 00:35:52. It has garnered 158 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:34 or 18694 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

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  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

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  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

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  • Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. Shabirzzgamer

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  • Dragon Shield Modded: No Client Mods-Modded Survival, MMORPG, Backpacks, Magic&Custom Weapons, Quests, 500+ Dungeons, 300+ Custom Biomes, New Ores, Custom Ore, Whitelist

    🐉 Join Today 🛡️ Hello long forgotten friends! I welcome you to Dragon Shield, a server filled with custom ores, over 700 hours of content, 500+ dungeons, backpacks, over 100 custom biomes, furniture, and souls-like boss mechanics—all without needing any mods! Joining is easy, simply load a small resource pack when you join. Explore the vast world of Dragon Shield and experience all it has to offer. Contact me for our wiki where every custom detail is explained. Whether you’re new to minecraft or a seasoned player, this server is designed for everyone to enjoy. For casual players, there are… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Newbie baited!”

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  • Corn Cannon Chaos: Gou Xiong Ridge’s Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Villager’s spicy oi oi meme 🌶️ #lol

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  • Creating a BoBoiBoy Topan Portal in Minecraft PE

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  • Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster

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  • Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft’s Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCat

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Diamond TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘Diamond 😂#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Koobra Arvind on 2024-04-22 13:13:40. It has garnered 8518 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

    EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘New survival series minecraft pocket edition indian’, was uploaded by Lankesh gaming 777 on 2024-07-07 15:59:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.12.224/server 32 bit minecraft free 64×64 minecraft server icon 6700k for minecraft server 60gb minecraft server minecraft server … Read More

  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: play.zenithnetwork.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/W8EJxUhbPC Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” https://linktr.ee/carpyy • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » https://bit.ly/CarpyySongs • Donations Link: https://streamelements.com/carpyy/tip ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: snapshot.pandamium.eu Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

    Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft Minecraft: Discovering a Cute Little Creature at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I produce funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated and unauthorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so make sure to follow and subscribe for some fun content! Let’s spread happiness… Read More

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

    Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6 Minecraft Survival: A Brief Mining Adventure Join Catrophy in the latest episode of Minecraft Survival as he embarks on a short mining expedition. In this exciting gameplay, Catrophy stumbles upon coal instead of diamonds, adding a twist to his usual adventures. Let’s delve into the highlights of this mining episode! Exploring the Depths As Catrophy delves deep into the underground caves of Minecraft, he encounters a variety of ores and minerals. While his goal was to find precious diamonds, luck was not on his side this time. Instead, he uncovers a rich vein of coal, a valuable resource for… Read More

  • 🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥

    🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK🔥 Minions, Skills, Enchants Custom… ✅Java y Bedrock/PE Minecraft 1.16 a 1.21’, was uploaded by CarloScore Minecraft on 2024-10-05 00:35:07. It has garnered 111 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. NEW SKYBLOCK SERVER and CUBY Modalities Available For JAVA and BEDROCK/PE No Premium and Premium in version 1.16 to the most updated 1.21 🌎 IP in the Description and Comments⤵ 🔥Similar Videos🔥 https://youtu.be/xHZwRjxwSos https://youtu.be/MfOKq3JdRmw ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————- 🔽CubyMC Network Server🔽 ✅JAVA AND BEDROCK IP: cubymc.net ✅Port: 19132 ⭐Your Discord: https://discord.gg/cubymc ⭐Web: https://cubystore.tebex.io/ ✔Versions: 1.8 to… Read More