Unsure What to Play? Risk & Minecraft in Background

Video Information

My title’s too long apparently not no it’s not too long I’m live what you trying to make Camp campfire you need logs three logs four logs logs you need logs yeah logs and a coal I think I think it’s actually stripped logs stripped maybe have a look on a crafting

Recipe perhaps you will see that way okay let us go on to multiplayer auto match oh and click off that Frankle hello also he says waiting for it I’m waiting for it uh three or four players let’s just let’s just just wait for the game to load shall we thank

You kindly thank you very kindly pin message appreciate it how you doing Frankie boy you okay all right you’re being good I’m uh I’m I’m honestly I don’t know what to playday I’m really not feeling any of it I’m really in the mood to edit but I’ve been

Editing for so long now that I want to just take a break so I’ve sat at the back for a bit chilled out had food um yeah yeah so we’re just going to play a little bit this have a chat whil we’re here and uh you know I might even

Changed the uh title how you doing Noah welcome to the stream sir thank you for joining today uh my PC is running very slow today as you can see the uh the game is not loading properly so let me just do this um we’ll go and Minecraft and Minecraft is it is it

Frozen for you guys is the stream Frozen I don’t know katan’s Frozen which is really not good uh I’m unsure oh wait there we go it’s loading in what to play chill and chat there we go we’re doing a chill and chat stream guys that’s what we’re doing Tom lucky buz Gore Cosmo

Cosmo click on that click off that I think did I change the title yep I CH change a title nothing froze good good yeah froze for me it had um but we’re in it now it’s all good it’s okay doing 12 yeah anyways guys day being all right

You or one of the opponent left uh or has bad connection damn it that’s a shame let’s try it again oh I think yeah I’ll put the volume up just in case the stream or something is not working I basically um just remove the top Source yeah oh you’re making Bridge nice yeah

Sometimes blocks are weird like that thank you me right I like that bridge it looks good um I don’t know if it breaks or yeah breaks oh what a map third third place my loneliness is killing me and I believe what I’m going to have to try I might go

That we’re going to need I’m going to go for this one 9 104 I think that’s probably the best bets if Rebecca doesn’t go for it which is a good position to go realistically but they might look at the eight and five and four down here he

Good but double Lumber I don’t know if it’s worth it um oh it’s a hard Choice bearded Grier what a name today’s been all right my Beatles video is popping off 430 views in 21 hours oh went right for that look at that Jesus interesting place to go very

Interesting uh I’m going to go right here then right there if if no one takes it um but I have a feeling well he’s got two choices so technically you can go for that and oh we’ll see now ready go right for Dish ready for Dish one right

Here yes ready for this do that so it’s no wasted and we’ll just see how it goes um in 21 hours I’ve never had a video grow that quickly that’s um that’s your short right is that your short cuz if it is a short um wait no is that is it not

A short or is it short matter of no why do long face I said it first no normal video that’s brilliant mate that’s awesome that is actually fantastic then mate top dollar you know what I’m going to do I’m going to move that over there so you guys can see it a

Little better there we go needs to be to the right hand side no no no see it auto moves this guy’s there oh champion this is going to be my game I think four is my number eight is good no sixes but that’s okay where’s he going

To go he’s going to go this way surely he might go that way I want to like Loop Round yeah I’m pretty certain this is going to be my kind of game right now look we’ve got one of each um one of each resource we will be on I wasn’t

Expecting them to go there it was an interesting play I mean six and an eight six and an eight is good so he’s got the most popular numbers I just need to place a road now hello smiley face oh it’s frozen jesz now honestly my my PC has

Been going really slow the last couple days or today anyway this is really strange I don’t like it I appreciate I think it’s cuz I’ve been downloading stuff downloading all the things in the games all the things and the games can you place your road please place your road place your road

Dude place your road dude bearded garer maybe he’s maybe he’s having internet issues going to start editing part two today and hopefully get it done today as well awesome awesome awesome very nice very tasty very scrumptious you know it would be a good shout is if I went there but

Unfortunately unfortunately I am an unfortunate person um you know what I’m going to go for as well I’m going to go for a ship we don’t need a road clipsy hello sir welcome to the stream how are you today um I’m thinking as well guys

After this game I might show you guys uh what I’ve edited so far because um yeah I’ve I’ve I’ve done some editing and it’s coming along nicely I like to think double sheet Port so got a road right away which is nice get times three oh oh he’s going

For it okay shouldn’t I be blue left Dead video yes sir mate honestly well excited well excited for it it’s coming along nicely really coming along nicely I’m going to go for a three to one I think three to one’s a good shout we’ll have a nine as well

Yeah 10 look at this got the T already is killing me did that just reveal something or did it not I don’t think it did yeah I’ve been working really hard on that left Dead video it’s uh it’s coming along good coming along very good a four look at this

Oh four is very good very tasty uh we’ll go for a road there we’ll go for a a uh this here and we will end our turn mate I’m honestly not sure whether or not I should um make it a part one and part two video because it’s going to

Be quite long and I I really don’t like the idea of making long videos I like to keep it below five minutes so far it’s a 10 minute video um I still have a little tiny bit of tweak in then I need to uh like get the animations right um

Lumber for uh plus Lum for one no I’m just going I’m just going to turn that off I think uh I yeah I need to I need to tweak a few things but it’s coming along nicely it’s very coming along nicely the straw hats in the chat what’s

Going on my dude we’re just talking about the Left for Dead video that what uh I’m editing I will show you guys shortly what I’ve done just a little bit I I might not show the whole thing because I don’t want you guys to see too

Much of it but I’m I’m impressed by myself what do you think next video is going to be after that one good question I don’t actually know haven’t thought that far ahead um I’m trying to not I’m trying not to um what’s the word um do too much right now I’m just

Going to play a few games stream and certain games I’m going to record and edit um fortnite is going to just be basically a community a community stream these sort of streams are you know the chill and chat streams which are good um you know I might just zoom out um yeah

Chilling chat streams are nice I’m liking them but what’s this wild card can you just can you just not can you can you please just can you I’m just gonna I’m just going to do that so that I don’t see any trades I don’t want any trades um hello cam hello hello hello

Happy Saturday mate very happy Saturday how are you today I’ve not long come back from shopping and having food but like I was saying yeah I’m I’m trying not to do too many uh things at once now because now that I’m actually getting uh

Rolling the ball uh I want to I want to make the most of my YouTube experience at the moment um and making videos I’m really enjoying it I’m enjoying playing multiple games now as well which is really nice uh is there a way of freeze in it I wonder let’s see game

Um animation speed default animation speed board top tiles board top camera uh ultimately camera movement oh there we go look turn that off sweet we’ll just leave it like that now oh don’t want to do that oh roll one sec one second we got a seven I don’t want a seven that’s not

What I’m looking for it’s really not what I’m looking for know I am looking for is one two three or four I’m coming for you yes that’s right okay yeah but like I saying um no trust me over five minutes is needed for a video like that yeah I

Suppose it’s it’s going to be about 10 minutes I think so um uh I thankfully thanks to you and JC in that um you’ve helped me sort of realize the pacing issue that that come with videos I I know a lot of videos that I’ve made

In the past just quite slow because I’ve I show all the gameplay and N at 10 you don’t need to show all of it you don’t need to show most of it to be honest so I’ve got the important parts The Talky Parts um is that a

Nine you gave me a nler and what’s that one two three four one two easy peasy un protected basically no one else has got a night yet there’s one person with a night two people are going to lose their cities unlucky this is my game

This is my game and if I got a card which I won’t I’ll be lucky um yeah so uh it’s it’s coming along nicely um I was thinking about doing part one part two not going to happen not going to do a part one part two I’m just going to do

The the straight up part one um thankfully I did a part uh I did part two stream which was just the last last level um once I’ve done that then I feel comfortable playing the next chapter uh at least when I play the next chapter I

Can capture it and then and I can work on another project um yeah yeah I’m just liking that fact that I’m actually motivated now to do editing and stream more and do these chatting streams and yeah guys life’s lining up nicely around 10 minutes is the perfect length you

Think so okay if you say so if you think so cam you said you’re doing engineering recently right something like that is that what you’re doing in college video uh uh electrical engineering or am I am I thinking of the straw hat I think the straw hat is mechanical engineering

That’s the one mechanical how is that going for you mate how long have you been doing it now I was um I was in college for a bit but I failed all of my subjects and all dropped out because I’m dull as a brush dull as a brush I’m not I know but

I’m not the best at oh medicine yes please we can upgrade so I like to see all I need is two or four is a nightmare for that that’s okay as soon as I get that we can start taken oh there’s no chance I’m getting

One two three four could go on there one two one two might not be worth it though 12 oh there’s red he got no he hasn’t he hasn’t he hasn’t got a kite unlucky canite man we got a six Gage isn’t on those sixes but ain’t nobody got T for

That I don’t need to worry about it cuz watch B un protected now guys this is this is my game this is my game it’s I know it’s to early to tell but another six damn but I’m pretty certain it’s my game uh it’s going very well I’ve been

On it for about four months now so not too long but I’m on a on day a week at college the rest is working full-time oh Cam what are you doing for work now are you um off road building play are you some interesting numbers down there

Are you uh working uh for like a job that helps with your college course or you just doing um standard stuff at the moment standard stuff H it’s interesting everybody’s getting ahead a little bit we’re all on a green if you look up here there’s like uh the

Little green block that means that we’ve got one one of these bad boys somebody else has got that so it’s good it’s good to have them it’s really good to have them and if you don’t you’re missing out yeah oh he’s got one of each look oh

Fair play I don’t like that though because now I’m missing out these I’m ahead I’m aheading some aspect but not in others number three who’s on a three no one’s on a three oh yeah there are come on trade me I’m going to I’m going to take that off just in case somebody

Wants to trade that’s two turns for M um it’s the apprenticeship I’m doing so I’m working engineering at my gra oh awesome mate that’s brilliant you’re enjoying it I’m guessing that’s great that’s very nice I’m um I’m I’m in work now for the next

Four weeks G to get a week off and then we’re in for another five weeks and then that’s it I I’m in for four weeks then a week off five weeks B let’s go over January 10 February are off then we go through to March and I I get two weeks

Off excited for that time to fly by I really shouldn’t be wishing the time away though Alchemist go for an eight who’s red on Red’s not on an eight so he’s not going to he’s probably going to go for a six or maybe a nine a six look at that told you went

For a six he’s going to he’s going to uh play two of these cards down here he’s going to unlock that I reckon oh he’s got a knight look now he’s going to trade oh he’s got it he’s already got it wait wait one two three who hasn’t gotten blue Blue’s going to

Lose a city Blue’s going to be behind just a little bit unless somebody double upgrades to protect him sort of worth it take three point and all but oh he is already on look at that fair play to him doing okay welcome back STW welcome back very nice any uh fortnite in today

Honestly I I I’m thinking about it I I’m in a bit of a a weird mood I’m not sure what I want to play after doing all my editing um I’m like I’m a bit drained seven look at this I’m oh really that’s the most pointless oh well yeah after after doing

Our shopping and all the editing I’m a little kind a bit drained so I’m not sure what I wanted to play so I thought you know what I’ll just do a quick uh a quick oh damn it look at them they’re ahead I’ll just do a quick stream like this and

Um uh we can chat we can chill out and just I can I can focus a little bit oh sabur you absolute fiend man that really going to go for sabur this early man yeah um I just thought I’d do this but maybe yeah I’m thinking about a bit

Fortnite what you jumping on if You’ like to join I I would like to get you in we’ve not played in so long left for dead today I doubt we’re going to do left for dead today no um I’m still editing um I’m still editing my left

Dead video it’s coming along very nicely I can’t wait to show you guys I’m probably going to show you on this stream uh before I upload it I’m not fully finished of it yet I got loads of tweaking to do um but it’ll be it’ll be

Ready soon enough I’m sure it would it will be it will be ready it will be ready to go uh no I I ain’t got I ain’t got wheat man I’m sorry I ain’t got wheat green just you’re losing out you’re missing out here unless you can

Do like I know two to one you could have gone over there no you didn’t actually unless you build over here build a settlement mate that’s probably the best option you got don’t think you can to be honest I could prob jump on for a few games that’ be nice yeah we’ve not

Played in a long time see so it’d be very nice it’d be very nice to get you in um yeah what’s everybody else up to today then any anyone else getting up to anything exciting anyone else streaming Straw Hat Frankl are you streaming Noah are you going to stream today or do some

Editing clipsy I don’t know I am I would like to maybe play some risk ass for this as well maybe not possibly not but we’ll see oh what’s that noise it’s a PC I think I’m thinking about getting a new pc cuz this one’s running slow and plus

One minus that no ain’t got no stream today will be tomorrow though you’re doing a music review stream again tomorrow you most likely will stream what you going to stream is it going to be a little bit left dead bit of death ored oh seven M the ship ain’t rolling

In I don’t want to go on here green and a five no oh it’s him right I was about to say I’m sure this guy had uh had what’s it called red red is possibly possibly going to pull away a little bit here because he’s got the aqueduct meaning that anytime a number

That isn’t roll that’s rolled that he does not have means he can pick any card so by the looks of things he may pull away hopefully the other two notice as well and go actually I’m going to bully red a little bit because everybody need to team up against the person who’s in

The lead um and no one’s necessarily in the lead except for that Aqueduct it’s going to pull him away um we got yep we got W playing while playing World War Z oh I I’ll hopefully jump in a little bit I’ll have a look what you’re doing uh

There was a little bit of lag really okay what PC specs you got honestly I don’t know it’s not the best PC in the world I bought it off Amazon um four years ago I think do you remember James hobbly um he one of you know our old

Moderators and members and stuff he he uh told me to buy it and it was a really good PC I mean it does a trick nine again I’ll take that yes please um but it was like it was like 600 really nothing special uh yeah so I do need to

Upgrade I don’t know if I’d sell this one or or just maybe maybe I could just upgrade it honestly um I’m sure there’s a way of me checking the specs Road building very nice last indeed but the thing is I don’t have a useful Road building right now cuz I

Need I need a sheep is what I need if I get a sheep I’m good to go six oh maybe I should have built invented two tokens one of these right don’t take one of mine you got to take a nine and KN or a five five you can take take all right

Green screw you no no don’t appreciate it where’ that come from Green’s down here so he’s got the nin got two nines I mean understandable yeah no cuz he ain’t going to ah so frustrating I’m swapping it right back though but I’m going to

Take this nine here I think if I if I get a swapping token card that is I play on lapt do really o going to upgrade the RAM from 8 to 32 honestly I’m not very good with computers I don’t I don’t I don’t know much about computer specs and

Stuff so I if you ask me I couldn’t tell you for the life of me Barbarians in look at that no no one defended or did they oh green we did defend we did defend minus one Victory point no he didn’t blue oh blue lost out unlucky

Mate unlucky friend so blue is now losing um you can check on Taskmaster task manager if you like a I could recommend some stuff I’m a bit of a PT n yes Cam that would be actually awesome please um Let me let me have a gander in

A moment and I’ll um I will uh uh I’ll let you know I’ll let you know task manager let me let me quickly do this does this pop up no it doesn’t task manager there we go right so I’m going task manager I’m going to have a gander

We got I’mma go get to work on this second Beatles with now may stop in later if you’re still streaming Okie doie sir you take it easy right task manager if I go into what details uh how do I do it so I’m I’m on I’m on task manager so it says process

Processes performance app history startup users details I’m assuming details no details don’t like yet I don’t know how do you check this on performances I believe performance ah here we go so CPU is AMD Ry 5 1,600 6 core processor memory is 16 GB is that Ram I think that’s Ram right

Memory um dis is tashiba hdw 20 let me just go as my turn real quick six is not good for me I could do with a sheep so what I will do is I’m going to request I’ll do this ready uh I’ll do that anybody anybody

Sheep give me a sheep I give you a brick give me a sheep no nobody how about that for a sheep yeah no maybe so perhaps no all right uh oh damn it how about this then how about that how about that I think you want that somebody wants it go on

Red come on mate help me out oh M you’re all a bunch of fiends AR you all right well you know what you know what I’m going to do this that and that for a sheep go on anybody cuz I’m going to lose out otherwise no one’s got a sheeper there

Red’s thinking about it take it red you know you want it go on red go on red you right you know what I’m going to do right we got four maybe it’s not worth it six yeah I’m I have a feeling that the robber is going to come soon so

I’m just going to do it I’m just going to go for I’m just going to risk it okay risking it for a biscuit it anyway um CPU could use a bit of work CPU really so it’s a AMD ryzen 5 what what what is

It is it any good um the disc is a tashiba hdwd 1220 don’t know what that is uh EET ethernet oh EET real Tech CB family controller don’t know what that is honestly and a GPU is a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1066 GB that’s that’s what

That is um so if you know what’s what then then help me out a little bit if you don’t mind I would very much appreciate it activate ho nice good and what’s he got he’s green so Barbarian strength eight take that don’t mind if I

Do question is do I want to upgrade or no nope don’t want that let’s take it that means it’s the fifth series but a first gen so one of the first edition of them is that good is that bad oh man I I need to learn because I

Need to upgrade I need to build my own PC I’d very much like to uh build my own PC be nice like to like to learn a little bit about it how do you oh we’ve got that one let me go on to Studio real quick ready we gaining Subs we keep

Dropping and gaining it’s it’s interesting how it’s working out I must confess it is killing me I need one more turn and not to roll A7 if you’d be so kind trade Monopoly oh you absolute [ __ ] man Rebecca get out my face n was just about to like do something

Great there and you know what he did took it from me he took it from me and I don’t even have four of one to uh maybe it’s not one me my game I mean I might pull it back but they might not might not be so

Good might not be so Grand oh he’s got a sheep I can do a sheep mate don’t give me a sheep I give you a lumber give you a something anything perhaps the GPU isn’t bad unless you’re hopping hoping to play really intense games it’s mainly the CPU I can

Recommend you a better Rising CPU such as the ryzen 5 which is quite a bit better than your current one how much is it though do you know how much price is cuz I’d very much like to upgrade but resource name go on say sheeper did he say sheep I hope he said

Sheep oh you look at this he just got loads of wood these guys are tearing me a new one right now and I’m not appreciating that one bit not in the slightest not not even a little bit but he’s got Metropolis means he’s in the lead with six

Points around 160 I thinks CPUs aren’t too bad right now even less around 125 that’s not so bad okay um I mean oh five am I on a five not a five Jesus look at this man Jesus help me out I need I need something here I’m just

Goingon to I’m just going to do this because otherwise I’m Barbarian strength active Knights red protected so ah damn it man there’s not much I can do is there sheep is the one thing I need and it’s the only I can do two for one

So just going to have to do that and I just going to have to do that you know what I could do with that no I’ll leave it I’ll leave it for another turn um yeah no I could I could do upgrading it but I don’t think I’ll be

Upgrading anytime soon got be saving money see GPU um so what did you say it was GPU CPU okay I I honestly thought the CPU was the best thing that I had uh base speed 3.2 gigahertz so what kind of games are intense games like I’m assuming

Fortnite’s quite a a hard game to to play or an intense game to run because it’s got a lot of a lot of stuff in it a lot of resources and whatnot I must confess fortnite is are mainly CPU heavy actually okay okay yeah I know because

Last time I played fortnite on a PC which was a good while ago um M three man who gave me a three that’s awful yeah last time I did that I did a stream my PC couldn’t handle it it wasn’t it was running so slow didn’t like it

Didn’t like it at all so uh might be an idea of 10 I’ll take a 10 look at that finally a sheep right when I right when I do the silly thing um you never know maybe a three whe roll but I doubt it I doubt it a lot I do not

Like what I am seeing right now now mate I I’ll change it for a give you that give you that for it instead how about that yeah deal or no deal no he’s not going to do it Noe don’t want it thank you I currently have the ryzen

550 CPU so a tiny smidge worse than the one I recommended because I opted for the uh 360 GPU which cost is quite a bit of GPU now let’s have a look at the GPU GPU is the Nidia thing right the one I’ve got Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 what’s

The difference between that and your one yours is 3060 so I’m assuming it’s I don’t know actually oh look at this guy that’s what I was going for man that’s what I was going to go for don’t appreciate you I don’t not appreciate you in this lightest red get

Away I’m going to block him off if I can if I get a three that’ be great ready eight I’m on an eight I’m going to get my aquaduct and I think about what I’m going to do is is uh I need need one of these so I’ll give you a

Sheep go on go on red you know you want it no nobody really seriously how about that how about this blue doesn’t even want to trade no come on man help me out help a brother out come on green nope anything for sheep guys anything for a

Sheep nothing for a sheep nothing for a sheep green says anything for a sheep go mate please nothing for a sheep how about a week go on a week give me a week give me a week come on anything for a week NOP green take your time you know

It’s not like we’re playing a game or anything no no you’re just you’re just thinking thinking nothing at all these guys are hard work man they are hard work um red is you can only build one more M this is so frustrating I just want to

Get a bloody ship out there 10 10 again maybe I should have done it then at least I can trade two for one now although one two three four damn it this is going to work if a Sev rolled I’m going to be devastated so 1060 is the first series so it was

Released quite a few years ago now 40 is the latest series ATM 10 is the one one of the first so so there’s 10 there’s 30 how how do you tell the difference between like gpus in because I know I I just see numbers and I’m like I don’t I

Don’t know what that is I haven’t got a clue uh I’ll take that I’ll take that right away yes please come on give it to me thank you although maybe I should have done that that might have been a bad idea cuz I need to upgrade still don’t I the barbarian’s coming

In I don’t appreciate what you’re doing no sir no I don’t let’s see should I go over here brick isn’t good for me this I I might have spoken a bit too early I don’t think this is my game you laughing at me I laughing I

Don’t know if it’s my game it’s just I’m I’m doing okay this guy’s on eight points and we need uh don’t think anyone has hey hey um let me see this needs to be a 15 so he’s like halfway there over halfway seven you [ __ ] kidding me man my kind of game

Thisit was it a seven it was a seven look at that Jesus to the H Christ I say watch him put it on me now and watch me lose on like if if that’s the case I might rage quit I might actually Rage Quit as long as he takes that go please

Oh he moved it I think he moved it that did he oh it’s okay it’s okay well they uh go from 10 which is the first series and then 20 which is second 30 which is third oh yeah that makes sense basically latest uh card following by more numbers

Such as6 the same rule applies for the second numbers uh so 4090 is the best down right now okay okay that’s good to know that’s good to know that’s very good to know now what about GPU the GPU help me out with the GPU what’s the

Crack with that let’s see seven again oh here we go tasty stuff we’re going to go for uh um who am I going to go for blue no uh red red would be a good idea red hasn’t necessarily got any h I’m going to take from red that’s what

We’re going to do red I’m taking from you take that away we’re going to then build this bad boy we’re going to then build this bad boy right there yes please brick I’ll take it um take that not bad okay um and then i’ would like to

Offer that for that go on somebody somebody do it I dare you I dare you you won’t regret it go on green green look look I helped you out I could have stolen from you mate but no I didn’t cuz I’m a nice person like that oh oh oh we’ll do this

Already that’s what I’m going to do you know what I’m doing guys no you don’t you probably don’t Straw Hat are you are you playing Left for Dead today at all no you’re both in here I see I see lurking um oh don’t mind if I did you R do oh yes

Please yes please D so what I want to do is build one I’m going to build there before red do if I get lucky I hope I’m lucky need to then build Road six I’m not on a six which is good for me because it means I get to

Take something like a or am I on a six no I’m not on a six give it to me I got one of each now two more turns no I’m not trading I’m just going to turn that off I’m not trading any of them I’m not

Trading of any of them Noah are you doing any editing today are you making any more little shorts oh this is a quiet stream today is it might play Left for Dead Or World War Z not sure um well if you play World War Z I may pop in and watch for a

Little bit uh because I haven’t seen any gameplay really for it so i’ would like to see that five I’ll take that okay take that right there I’m going to build a settlement here because then we can get oh we’ll be on a six then which ain’t too bad sixes are nice

Sixes are rolling watch him build uh watching build there go try it I tell you I tell you not one two three four five build over there might worth it it’s my turn we’re on a seven so a seven Rolls is not too bad an eight is rolled we are on the

Eight right now I like that a lot um wait what oh yeah someone’s picking so I might well I will what I mean soon okay okay okay build up there hey hey hey hey that’s what I like to say hey um you know what else I’m going to

Do I better not actually let’s see has anyone got wheat they want to trade me anybody got wheat you want to trade no nobody at all no green nothing how about that all right wait wait yeah that’s Sonic plan Sonic plan oh wait no that’s that’s

Wrong one that one whe anyone we lumber for whe whe for lumber lumber for whe no and green says no I am my turn all right be gone be gone now guys let me just refresh my stream real quick just just to double check stuff we are

On five likes hey can’t complain that can I not in the slightest looking good look tasty looking very nice oh you do like saying hey I do did I say hey a lot hey hey oh hey howdy hey or is it hey am am I saying hey is in like wheat no

That’s not right I say wheat but no thank you very much for that Dono sir much appreciated um I don’t know why I don’t know why it’s not popping up on stream though ready remove that and add it back again it should it should pop up but for some reason my

Streamlabs is like no no no I don’t want to I don’t want to pop up I don’t fancy it today streamlabs work for me work for me sir it should pop up and it should say oh a seven blue Noah sir Straw Hat sir you sir I drink that

Sir right blue is moving it but blue is moving it where better not move it on me oh he did as well oh but he didn’t move it too much that’s okay because if a six is rolled I still get to pick anything so that’s not so bad it’s not too bad at

All no you know you you’ve been you’ve been much too kind you do like saying Jesus Christ I panted myself you do like that crapped me right up did you jump as well that that really really pooed me up Jesus that’s hysterical cool oh God look at that a six and he’s going

To get six I’m going to take a oh I best take a week because otherwise I ain’t going to be protected I don’t think no oh shoot actually oh no oh I’ll take that here we go ready M that that that that that that really

Really got me one two three uh green has got no AC oh I’m going to do this ready we’re going to say you guys would anyone like to trade me a sheep anybody sheep anyone no sheep sheep yes sheep go on give me a sheep that made me mate Noah that that

Was terrifying was it that that proper pants me up that like rocked my core rocked it to the Bone um I can’t do a three to one that sucks ass didn’t it well what I’m going to do is I’m going to I’m going to activate my knight because I must do it

If only I had the three wait did I just get 10 oh it was earlier six Yes actually take I’ll take that as well even the ah m one two two turns wedding each play has more victory points which is just him he will allow that not not I have to

Bro hey seven likes as a winner high five to that yes sir so indey are you guys enjoying the Minecraft in the background by the way yall you all having fun with that look let me show you something look there it is it’s really small but I’m like nah let’s

Let’s make it bigger although saying that is anyone actually watching it in the background cuz if not we’ll do this you can still see it but at least now I can go back and forth and not worry too much about my head being blocked I mean

You can still see it just as good there right I think so seven likes as a winner guys our goal is 10 every day and recently recently we’ve been smashing the light go I mean you guys have anyway um it’s been been amazing high five you knows it you knows

It let me see um yeah cam did you did you say about the what is it C the GPU wait this is a CPU we’re talking about there you’ve probably taught me more about PCS than I have learned on my own oh this guy is going for longest

Road right there a he I did so yeah um what’s the the GPU I’ve got a ryen something I do like Minecraft I I I do like Minecraft also I do like Minecraft too are you enjoying my love yeah I’m getting flowers you’re getting flowers oh you’re a flower I bought her flowers

Today funny enough didn’t I isn’t that nice unlike me come on Nate if I can five barbarian strength green Green’s going to lose a city thank God cuz there it is look there it is 10 and a unfortunate event is just about to unfold now 810 one Victory point

Less I should take it I’ll take it yes I take it to the bank question is O if a seven roll will be heartbroken Merchant replaced okay all I need now all I need now is a bunch of sheep bunch of sheep I need five I need

10 sheep 10 sheep would be nice should I place it there I think I might I’m basically going to try and uh sneak up on red Red’s got the the fifth one maybe it’s not worth doing it might be because I’m on eight uh possibly possibly we’ll just

Roll see what happens if it’s a seven screw the pooch uh what games do you think you play on PC well at the moment I’m doing left for dead left for dead is is the game I’m on 4 four two that’s two oh M this is tough

Uh am I on another I’m not on another so what I want to do is going to do this right just ask anybody anybody got a week they want to trade if you’ve got a week I’ll trade something offer me something yeah anyone blue green no sir but I don’t

Really oh let’s see what you got two of them two of them uh green wants two or I could give you two or perhaps um go for it why not um and we will do this for the three to one I think 3 to one’s very very good we got

One more settlement which is nice then we’ll do that real quick come on what do you want what do you want one of each he says blue wants one of each let me let me counter it wait you s no mate no let me let me do this I’ll

Do there we go quickly quickly Now quickly now come on Blue this is the best offer you’re going to get fine I’ll do it then I’ll do it it’s not the best offer you’re going to get but I’m going to going to do this thank you kindly this is the game for me

We’re in it to win it seven points not bad we can’t build any more settlements that’s fine we got Merchant there’s a nine I want a nine double brick yes please sir come on here we go you can run left and dead on pretty much anything long honestly I found that out

The easy way uh because open road I ain’t got no open roads get away yeah I I found that out which is brilliant because left for dead is so I don’t know I I was expecting it to lag brilliant mate I’ve got um uh what is it Red

Faction which is a bit slow when I’m streaming but um yeah yeah Red Faction all right though Red Faction ain’t too bad um I don’t know I just I don’t I just don’t know what to upgrade my PC2 because I’ve got three monitors I want to be able to

Stream fortnite if I really wanted to uh so what would you recommend there oh hey Mama Bear maybe I should munch my food one sec guys choose one resource to gain going to have to be that um I think I’m gonna have to take of this bad boy let me see one sec

It’s good might as well keep it over um yeah okay why not wheat’s my least yes no this game multiplayer so these guys up here they’re all online um did you just take my stuff H well at least no’s taking it now I’m glad I didn’t waste my time on it

Then shame really I could have could have done with taken that um more CPU and RAM CPU and ram ram is what I need to upgrade then I think Ram is what I need to upgrade go for this um oh you know what do that we’re going to we’re going to Do no I can’t bararan strength yet he’s not protected uh activate Knight activate another night you know I’m actually going to do this as well just in case City wall do that do that then we’re good to go I think so um Ram I think so what I can recommend is

Better CPU and another G 16 I don’t know I don’t know what I could fit in this PC and I don’t really trust myself it it should be rather straightforward to to fit but I I don’t want to break it I really don’t Ram is really easily upgraded yeah

That’s the that’s a little card right I might just get a bunch of them so if I if I take my Ram out the two Ram once the PC’s off and put two new ones in or that there the ram right there there’s two slots I think is that two slots

Yeah so there’s two slots for Ram how many RAM did I say I got I think there’s eight right so if I upgrade my Ram no memory or anything goes yeah just because like like I said I’ve not got a clue Ram is just speed Ram is

Uh 32 oh so I said 16 can I get like 232 Rams can we do dead by daylight tomorrow Noah we could maybe do dead by day daylight later CU I was thinking doing it today but I was on the fence might want to check how many slots you have

Left on your motherboard though yeah I’ve I’ve only got um I’ve only got the two and I don’t I don’t really know yeah I don’t really I don’t know if I took them out which I’m assuming let me see let me let me open that again

What what was it then don’t think that’s the best route maybe see would be better yeah if I got two 16 gigabyte ra uh Rams and then sold these two maybe cam you’re you’re really you’re sparking ideas in my head thank you mate thank you um because I would very much

Like to upgrade without buying a whole new pc I think Britney would appreciate that Britney would appreciate that um I need to build a settlement why did I do that that oh I know why why did I activator though what a fool oh well doesn’t matter Maybe lucky see two he’s got

Three red green is green is losing here I don’t know why he’s not using any Wheats strange game this one is strange people I’m playing with but at least none of them are leaving 16 Rams two 16 Rams okay now how much is Right 16 gab

Ram um are there any ones that you’d recommend are there better ones these ones look pretty these ones look cheaper what are you laughing at they’re they’re RGB they’re RGB I don’t know I don’t know there’s Vengeance summ Pro Vengeance RGB Pro I know what that means but is there 32 gigabyte Rams

32 uh oh 2 * 16 is is it is is is 16 the highest Ram you can get is it worth getting higher Ram crucial X are good um good thing with ram is it isn’t too dependent on other components so you can upgrade it without worrying about its require

Requiring other things okay so with what I’ve got is it okay crucial X Cru X Ram um 60 quid 16 quid crucial Pro uh corsal vengance I don’t know I don’t know interesting right like I like I said as well um cam so what does the RAM

Do again I don’t think you said might check uh how many slots I don’t think yeah that works good thing yeah so what does RAM do is it to help with speed and if I remove my RAM does it affect my pc at all say if I had no Ram can your PC

Still run not that I’m going to do that but I’m curious as to like what effect it has um on the PC Ram Random Access Memory right that’s what I remember Rand random you can run a PC with no Ram wait you can’t run okay so Random Access Memory is that right if

I if I replace a new one it’s the random access M see that I knew that I learned that in um computer science uh So Random Access Memory um what else is it Ram oh crap what I thinking um yeah so it helps it helps the PC run it’s the random access memory

So it helps the PC run faster maybe I don’t know I’m I’m I’m confused when I if I was to install a new new two new Ram would I need to change anything on the PC oh we’re going to go for this yeah that one let’s go for that and

We’re also going to go take that anybody so any application you have open will use Ram to hold the data for the app so that okay so so if I if I took them out and put two new ones in oh I forgot I don’t know if anyone said anything

No no um meaning once power is lost all oh cool cool cool good to know good to know all right so basically Ram I can uninstall reinstall and there’s no issue whatsoever that’s interesting okay I like that I like that a lot I very much like that

What about a sheep then anyone want to give me a sheep awesome right that’s good to know that’s the first thing I can upgrade what’s your favorite line ever wait wait wait live event on fortnite oh my favorite was either the um monster one versus the mech team leader that was awesome

Or the Marshmallow event the marshmallow event was Peak I think cam was actually there when the marshmallow event happened you know what I’ll do and offer this for that goone anyone anyone at all nobody how much A6 gab cost uh I’m not sure honestly I couldn’t tell you I

Think about 40 quid is what what they come up for which which is all right which is okay blue says no red is going to say nothing green is thinking about it come on green help me out brother help a brother out all right I’m just going to end my turn I

Think ah Sol it we don’t care we don’t care 16 GB cards usually aren’t usually too much around 25 for uh okay that’s not so bad are there any better um higher Rams is there a 32 Ram card because if there is I mean there’s probably not much point in getting

Upgrading too much much okay so like ram ram ram set so I get 2 16 gab right now let me what is it called again task manager task manager right we’re going to look at it again I’m enjoying this I’m actually learning a little bit about PC

Which is nice performance there we go so the ram is memory so I’ve got two 8 gigabytes Oh missing player no way the winner was oh interesting irrigation he’s leveling up go on go on he’s gonna get Victory point now watch Bishop oh oh don’t appreciate that in the

Slightest so I’ve got the ram I’ll upgrade the memory CPU said I need to upgrade as well or GPU I think a GPU cpu’s first right um you also have to look at the ram speed because if you have a g 32 gab but it’s really slow compared to if you

Had okay and my my memory uh page P speed is 1,200 megaherz right so that’s what I’ve got for my my 16 gigabytes yeah 16 gigabytes I’m surprised he’s not upgrading or or placing settlements it’s being strange um you took to that wasn’t me that wasn’t me wait

What it wasn’t my turn so why did I get kicked what what the hell just happened here it’s uh is 13 R 4 that’s 30 I don’t know how much rupees are but I know it’s probably cheaper than over here CU I know you bought left of dead cheaper

Than I bought it I don’t know what just happened there guys I’m a little bit disappointed auto match I’m I’m going to do one more game and we’ll decide afterwards probably why your streaming uh streams might lag or on 2001 games wait wait no no um are you talking about

Uh left of dead left of Dead’s 2008 but it doesn’t lag on left of dead it’s really good left dead my favorite was chapter 2 Season 8 Cube Queen never saw that event I didn’t do it I never watched that event though sorry I missed that chat there um damn man I so

Frustrating I was doing really well oh well Red Faction oh Red Faction yeah I see um no the the the Red Faction gorilla uh remas which means it’s the newer one okay this will be a good map I like these ones I’m second so we’re going to

Go for a nice oh wow this is an interesting map that’s probably the best one yeah yeah we’ll go for there then we’ve got we’ve got oh if he goes there he’s a fool man he’s a fool fool a a a full a a I’m going straight for it mate yes

Please and Ro is going there thank you very much my Ram is just 8 GB uh still left for dead does not lag mate left dead is so good honestly you don’t like it doesn’t lag it’s great still isn’t hard to run yeah maybe I mean it’s easy

To run but when I stream it it it it takes up more you know so that’s that’s the issue I got let me just munch on this real quick whilst I’ll say pick one of these two actually I think I’m going to go for there there there or there one of these

Three right there three player game as well winner very nice okay so cam my Ram is 1,200 MHz o is he going to where he going to put this so what he wants Lumber sheep and wheat Lumber sheep and wheat right there look right

There oh he is going to do it as well he is what a naughty peasant um I don’t get trapped but we’re going to do that I think man it’s going to be a good game this one’s going to be be a really good game um needs upgrading okay so the ram needs

Upgrading um Min 3,200 okay and then okay I I’ll I’ll look into upgrading it definitely because I I want to start with a lower price things because then I can just slowly work it up and if if you’re saying the ram doesn’t need to be too much uh too much

Stress I guess and it would be okay oh mate what an [ __ ] man look at this blue pink pink up here two great oh man that sucks 59 10 they really often six man I’m getting nothing this is not my game this isn’t going to be my game is it no

It isn’t should have gone there ah well forget about it okay we’ll survive it n I take a nine I take a nine yes I take a nine thank you take a nine give me a five would be good to go yeah I think I’m good to go cuz I enjoy

The life you say I’m trapped in now I admire you and I assure that you you’re on to something really it’s something but I live among the swells we don’t pick up peanut shells uh I just like to have the nice multiple of eight um

24 GB is a good amount of ram yeah no okay so 8 12 86 24 oh with a oh that’s interesting interesting to have okay at least I’m learning a little bit I’m learning a little bit I’m learning just ever so slightly going to do that I don’t want

To trade of anybody just yet just leave me be yeah leave me be I can’t believe I got kicked from that game I really can’t oh good good click right five or eight would be very good five six this game isn’t mine I’m going to lose a city right

Away one two three one two w a ship God look at this look at this man what we got so far not appreciating this in the slightest we live among the swells we don’t pick up peanut shells I guess I’ll leave that up to you don’t you want to get away from the

Old you got to play CU I got what you need and I don’t want to take Right I’m do like Me okay friend I want to C you in but so thanks but no I think I’m good to go a five is good but oh my God a ship manly free fly I don’t need to see the other disc space what’s the dis use oh

Yeah so here we go cam I got a disc Toshiba hdwd 1220 what’s that is that good is that okay is that bad oh no oh man this isn’t going to be my game this isn’t going to be my game Jesus Christ and I get that that

One card I can’t use anymore that’s a storage that doesn’t matter too much unless you want to download more games yeah so mine is 8% no no 8% um capacity is 1.8 terabytes is that okay I a terabyt pretty good right 10 I’m not on a 10 look at that I could

Have got a no I’m actually I’m all right that just won’t happen so thanks but no I think I’m good to go also a ter okay that’s good I getting extended storage as well right I was really close to rage quitting this game but I ain’t going to cuz I a noob I’m

Not a noob you you’re a noob don’t call me a noob um go for that we’re going to say that’s my turn Jesus man it’s nothing worse than losing a city right off the bat okay okay so I’m going have ter I’m going have disc space uh formatted

System dis yes page uh right speed I don’t I guess I don’t have to do much with the dis then although my disc does go up to like 100% full fast or is that memory maybe it’s my Ram GPU oh so GPU it’s got 3D copy video encoder

Video decoder dedicated GPU memory St share GPU memory usage so it’s a 3D that’s 30% everything else is zero well videoing I don’t know I don’t know is strange it’s is very strange this guy better in this turn there we go come on my turn nine I’m on a

Nine so thanks but no I think I’m good to go cuz I quite enjoy the life you say I’m trapped in now I admire you and I assure that you you’re on to something really it I live SWS don’t piell I guess I leave that up to

You don’t you know that I’m okay with the same old partt I got to play I got what I need and I don’t need to take a ride to the other another five again we don’t need to worry though oh oh I can maybe upgrade for get another five would be

Nice I can upgrade make another Knight I just need I just need brick right now and three is not going to roll in if I get another five or an eight I could do a four to one which would be nice but it doesn’t seem like my game I can pull it

Back though I can pull it back would be okay 12 really 12 you’re going to you’re going to give me a 12 Al Nai hello friend you doing right mate m I’m a munching oh he’s moving it away is he I see you I dare you ha unlucky unlucky

Bro I wonder what you got oo don’t appreciate that and block him off out go that way than that way yeah I’m going to block him off no I feel uh like I am sick I’m sorry El naby mate I’m sorry how you feeling like what kind of

Sick throw up sick or sick of sick of oh M look at this twice in a Row man this game is Just frying me okay my friend I want to cut you in but I hate to tell you it it just won’t happen so thanks yes but no I think I’m good to go we’re going for oh my Lord look at this I get the one card I don’t

Want wonderful uh that GPU should be able to carry you through any game that aren’t really graphically intense such as obviously like cyber Punk wait I haven’t played cyber Punk Elder ring got that on Playstation Call of Duty you know stuff like that okay cabbage don’t ask cabbage it’s really warm in here

Isn’t it roasty yeah you can do I think oh yeah go on I will that doesn’t sound good here was it that oh this strange some BL strange very strange yeah cam um oh uh do I like alen ring I I’ve played it I haven’t played

It too much I should play it more oh my God look at this a third time in a row I cannot I cannot tell you how frustrating this game is three times in a row I’ve had the robber and the ship and I’ve lost all my stuff unreal oh Jesus man come on

In it’s not what I want mate that’s not what I want this is killing me this is killing me elenita my wife is down rip riing Dei welcome AF Baff hello sir Lads and gents I’m here welcome guys hey guys before you continue the conversation with me make sure you smash that like

Button we’re aiming for 10 we’re nearly there we’re on uh five which is tasty and we’re playing this game that is bullying me right now look at that I’m on two points four five they’re rinsing me and it’s not even them doing it it’s just the game is

Bullying me the actual game itself and I’ve got another sheep look wonderful Grand give me a brick yeah a brick is what I want but you wanted no I wanted a brick a brick is what I need and I cannot get a brick if I get two more

Sheep I can trade four to one wonderful but guaranteed I’m going to roll another seven you plan on playing fortnite later I may do yeah I might end this stream and jump on over to fortnite but yeah yeah y it’s just this game man this game is Just rinsing me demotivating me oh

Man oh do you know what just happened there I rage quit and we’re playing risk that’s what we’re doing we’re on eight likes that’s tasty stuff I’m currently watching better call Salt I haven’t watched it yet haven’t seen it I watched um what’s it called wait risk sorry guys

Let me just open this quick uh I watched uh hey looks all right do I have a risk not that no that one oh that one kind of works oh there we go that one works I think do I have a what I like let me just quickly put on

The bit go chat box no tip jar no view account no sponsor but no I want a notification thing to pop up alarm box alert box there we go placing that right in the center now when this happens again you do like saying hey hey wait is that does it say

Sayings oh sayings oh sayings I got you now I thought you said saying hey originally you funny boy um yeah we started now we got yippi I’m currently watching Soul have you watched breaking bad mate I loved Breaking Bad Breaking Bad was the bomb.com org.uk zomie killer gaau that is how

Good it was waiting for this game right Capital Conquest I could try it let’s see I don’t want to go for a capital Conquest right away n let’s go for it right away why not oh let’s see we’re going to have to check change uh the title risk

Risk risk there we go brilliant yeah guys we’re just chatting about like upgrading my PC we’ve been we’ve been chatting about that just so you know Breaking Bad was short in my opinion short man that was five seasons it was brilliant it was great it was fire it was top notch top

TI uh that’s what I thought about breaking bad wonder if Josh is coming up it’s 5:00 he did say later on in the afternoon 5 o’ this game is going to take a long time to load in is it let’s see start game a day do you think respond I think you

Will uh ltin jents were officially on 10 are we really why are we hitting 10 likes fbff I got a question for you did you like on all your alternate accounts I think you did don’t do that please please don’t do that appreciate it but don’t do that okay I think uh it

Allowed other channels to shine when Breaking Bad ended with L Camino I haven’t even watched that yet you don’t have an old account you have old accounts don’t FIB to me I’m pretty sure we’ve spoken about this before or youve you’ve CAU joined in yeah I’m going to back out as well I’m

Sure you have old accounts and the only reason why yeah I’m suspicious I’m suspicious that how did we hit 10 likes so fast when nobody new has joined the stream I deleted it oh what was your old account called Mr AF Baff Mr Baff AF oh we’ll go this one in

Yeah Israel United Steeps Belgium Island man oh Mama’s there let’s go yeah I’m suspicious of that half BFF very very very suspicious hello Mama Bear want come say hi to the chat ready oh don’t claw me like that I’m holding you I’m supporting you he’s very cha today he’s very chory today what’s

Wrong with you huh normally it’s choring to get attention this was just chlorin to look at this you blooded me you blooded me boy I am pink red and oh this could be a good game for me maybe not let’s see I’ve been saying that all day and I’ve had two games of

Katana and it’s ruined goad jump up yellow is coming down here I reckon red and white are in for a good fight I might go down here might go down there White’s behind me which is a shame uh 4 One Two 3 to one I’ll take the three to one there then reinforce

This guy that’s what I think I’m going to do bro is always suspicious of me yeah well I mean what do you expect you are a um I believe you’re an Internet troll I believe you’ve got like a a a Discord account with a Hitler mustache

On it I mean with Discord uh with with Elon Musk that doesn’t shout troll I don’t know what does I don’t know what does but uh the fact that there was somebody called afb’s wife it’s definitely an Al account right there and not only that the thing that makes me

Most suspicious of you is that when you jump in you’re like heyy guys what’s going on hello how you doing I say guys don’t forget to like we’re on seven likes or whatever it is or eight likes and then then you’re like oh we are now

On 10 likes which you have to refresh the stream to see and that makes me think that that you um that you something to I’m going to do six for that three’s be a seven uh we’re going to do this just so nobody breaks it and we’re going to do this this

Watch Oh I thought it was going to fail there uh so because you noticed that we had the most likes it makes me the most suspicious of you I honestly had no idea who my wife was don’t you you married her mate you should know who your wife

Is White is coming oh here we go how am I how am I going to play this how am I going to play this I think blue is going to attempt to go down here be a risky move to be honest it’s a fascinating map the ice is

In good places there’s good because it means oh no Red’s going to be in the lead right here means I’m going to have to segregate Red by taking out this one here yeah Red’s going to get trapped in the corner uh bro no I don’t know ask

Fron I believe that he actually knows that it wasn’t me I don’t know I don’t know I mean you you proved it by showing that you don’t have Al counts you can easily uh not have Al counts on your phone that’s y yep yep yep yep yep I move this over here actually

Not to that there we go how’s that guys looking better I think it’s looking okay looking might good oh is’s he going to go for the attack as well no way failing miserably mate failing miserably you might as well have just reinforced yourself yellow is number one

To get taken out of this game I tell you now watch this now he’s going to reinforce there what is this guy doing he crazy he very crazy but we hit 10 likes which is a winner which is good which is mighty fine how long have you been going

For an hour and 20 not bad okay well depending on how the rest of the stream goes I may call this the last uh the last one okay I may have this as the last one do I want to move that over here don’t know kind of want to do

This leave it like that green is pulling blue is going red is up there do I want to take red out I’m just going to click up here I don’t know actually we might might just use my five to attack the one put two on here one and there making

Them both eight he’ll be on four okay I think we’re on into something here onto something something crucial X Ram let’s see uh if I do 16 gigabytes Ram see what Amazon say we have 30 quid and that’s sponsored Amazon’s Choice Vengeance lpx 3,200 MHz which is meant to be good

Apparently um that’s just the one ram though it two * eight Ram now I don’t want ah you know if I do this 32 32 gabes of ram then it should come up with both right not that one there we go 60 quid 60 quid look Vengeance

Lpx oh s it’s my turn sry sry sry sry I didn’t mean to do that I’m so sorry out of here I’m going to leave that there I think there we go so I’m looking at Vengeance Amazon Choice Vengeance lpx uh Corsair Vengeance lpx ddr4 Ram 32 GB 2 * 16 GB

3,200 mahz cl16 Intel XMP 2.0 computer memory black any good what do you think what do you think cam any any choices I did in fact actually have a school account on my phone but I can’t comment on my school account okay hey it’s all right hey let’s move away from

FFF I don’t care anymore it’s just uh G my G my uh I also am going to want to jump down here blue you’re not blue can I friend can’t Ally oh red just went all out for me didn’t he what did he do red went from okay okay yellow’s unfortunate gone

Attack interesting interesting game play interesting indeed so cam would you suggest that one I’ll uh I’m going copy and paste it I don’t know if you’re on PC but if you are this is what I’m looking at cam is uh an old friend um he he’s one of our older subscribers that we’ve

Not seen in a good while since he’s a mod and I haven’t seen him before yeah no he’s just he’s an old uh he’s an OG in other words uh he’s an old uh sponsor uh fortnite player he’s part of the gkg squad I believe and um obviously

Moderator as you can see yeah but his he’s returned now that I’ve become entertaining again which which I I like to think I am anyway um he’s returned he’s returned to me he’s returned to say hello and goodbye goodbye good friends goodbye tomorrow is another day the the moon and the Big Blue

House play what’s that from guys who knows who knows what that’s from don’t you say it you know what it is don’t you yeah guys the the moon and the Big Blue House come and play come and play Come and bye now that’s it goes like that was indeed was that was indeed

A comp hello cam no it’s cam it’s cam cam cam can you do the cam cam you laughing at me are you laughing at me one here oh red is really secure in that area um I am I think it’s time for me to take out red though ready I’m going to go

For going to go for this I think to come and play come and play bye now that’s how it goes uh this week I spent 00 on controller man I did see you got the Xbox controller didn’t you I’m pretty sure it’s pricey mate that’s it’s mighty pricey if I say so

Myself oh M no way green please just get rid of that oh he’s not he’s not he’s coming for me he’s not oh this is interesting this is very interesting I don’t know how I feel about this but this is very interesting is he getting out of there

Go get out of there or is he going to attack him not going to attack him all right okay bye now come on over to come and play come and play by now yeah what is that guys someone tell me someone tell me I’m a

Rich boy a bath you being a rich boy don’t spend so much money on a controller dude I mean it’s it’s your Co don’t listen to me you do with your money as you see fit as you see fit we’re going for this we getting rid of this bad

Boy that bad boy going for this that and that how’s that is that worth it was that worth it or is green going to come for me now I don’t know it don’t matter though it don’t matter we just we’ve done it we’ve done it we’ve done it um I’ve

Played in my old control for like three four years so I got to break that I get you man I get you fair enough no that’s fair enough that’s completely understandable oh white is making it clear that he isn’t coming for me actually no he might be making it

Clear that green should attack me or oh oh I dare you mate I dare you somebody block white in if you block white in blue no more cards for him Red’s going to oh we don’t know what’s going on here breaking three years of muscle memory is

Hard I got them back pedals back pedals on the controller nice now I only have about 300 cash uh 6 my bank damn didn’t mean to brag is you can call that bragging I mean that’s that’s something oh it’s called making aware I guess you

Could say Oh I thought he was going for yellow is he going to section me off is he going to try he’s not he’s not what is he doing what is he doing into resting is what I like to do on the weekend like to get into

Resting we’ll see how it goes now uh you work or are your parents Rich cam that’s a good question I’m I’m going to say his parents Rich because I’m I’m pretty sure he’s only 11 or 13 something like that got to get that family

Time got to go now all right you take it easy my dude see you next time enjoy your uh enjoy your afternoon enjoy your uh $300 cash oh he didn’t just do that he did not just do that oh it was worth it it was worth it he

Says what’s he doing don’t do that mate don’t do that mate now it’s white Green’s going to go for me is he no he’s not no he’s not oh now this is fascinating now if only blue goes for that and that white is trapped Blue’s

Got come on come on Blue you know you want to do it come on oh falling asleep guys I’m 14 by the way okay close enough guessed it um C my work and bday money and Christmas money what do you do if Work N bath Fran about halfway through

The Beatles vid just stopping to say hi well hello hello good sir I’m I’m starting to fall asleep for some reason I’m thinking fortnite though okay AF Baff yeah I mean you’re you’re very cryptic what is the job not who do you work for what do you do he

Owns a small car workshop awesome it getting a little close to the answer what do you do is still a question do you or car demolition so so you take apart cars you is it like a scrap company we’re getting closer we’re getting warmer to the

Answer so there’s cars come in you take the take them apart I carry car parts and organize ah there we go I like it okay good stuff good stuff awesome do you like organizing I quite enjoy organizing Britney enjoys organizing yes she loves the organization she’s like organize me organize

Me how much did your old man pay you good question very good question nah you don’t enjoy organizing F bath mate there’s nothing more enjoyable but I’ll go and eat now all right man you take it easy okay you’ll be good see you when I’m looking at you what is blue

Doing blue is being interesting to say the least uh I’m going to do this nine yeah I’m going to go do this we going to do this we’re looking good this is looking like a good map yellow yellow screw the pooch don’t know what yellow’s thinking

Because Red’s going to come in now and sweep him off his feet uh going $5 now okay that’s quite a bit for a4y old to be fair I was on 275 when I was 14 I was on I think like 20 pound a week when I was that age cuz I

Did a paper route didn’t pay much I didn’t do it very long either I think I think I missed out oh mate this is this is like flashback time I like missed out a couple couple deliveries had a few complaints uh yeah them were the days

Them were some days anyway they were a day take it easy after see you later 20 a week is outrageous yeah but it was only a paper out literally just delivering papers and it took me like an hour a day so that’s like4 pound an hour I guess but yeah I

Wish they were a little closer to each other because it was really awkward I to go down a hill and up a hill and down a hill it was interesting it was quite the day day now is it worth it what’s he going to do Red’s going to go for it Red’s

Going to attempt it he doesn’t want to just give white uh yellow a uh an attack route so what’s he gonna do is is yellow going to try it again I doubt it but he might he might try it Franco what was your first job if you if you’ve had one did

You ever do a paper out um or anything just curious curiosity is my middle name actually it’s not but yeah huh close enough Gage curiosity bars what curiosity I like that I like that will’ll be Gage Junior though whether it’s a girl or a boy going to be G

Curiosity exactly I’m go edit now Noah you take it easy thank you very much for being here you sir have been a scholar and a gentleman enjoy your editing and I look forward to seeing what happens oh my goodness right so it’s 20 5 we got plenty of time and it’s

Saturday I thought you recorded Minecraft and put it in the background not that you’re yeah yeah know she’s playing it she’s playing it did you think it was that’s so funny that’s so funny see you later now mate you take it easy buddy oh you know guys I think we’re on

I think we’re on six members now we there just to just because I’m thinking about opening up the Minecraft realm um show who’s new we are on guys we are on six members officially which is fantastic um soon I am going to uh open the Minecraft

Realm again but when we hit 10 if I don’t open it before then then I’m going to just open it right away um straight away and then hopefully those members who uh well people who are members hopefully they’ll join up and uh play some what’s this guy doing it’s really

Interesting hopefully I’ll join up and play on the realm again I wouldn’t mind having on the realm I wouldn’t mind Britney playing on the realm actually I don’t do M no man up my love you can you won’t oh and you try your best don’t succeed when you get what you get but

It’s not weed did you just sing the same words I said free oh free okay I don’t know the lyrics s uh I’m not actually had a job because of health issues and more recently mental health problems I’ve just not been able to get one that’s fair enough

And you are you are 17 you are 17 so it’s not like you’d be expected to get a jobwell B Caswell B can’t wait for more real yeah the real will be nice I mean I had good fun on the real you know the only reason why I stopped is because I

Was playing that other server but I’ve stopped playing that as well well you can play on my real I can I can turn mobs off not that I will but I can I can can I just uh I think the Minecraft B was one of the

Last things I was here for but I was it was the PC one no no no I don’t think it was PC one no that was that was ages ago Dude no no um we did it more recently uh yeah we did a recent realm but I’ll have to I’ll have to I’ll

Have to fire it back up soon just so I can show you guys man I’m I’m falling asleep man stop falling asleep C wake up wake up I can do it oh mate if yellow doesn’t swap now and green or blue doesn’t go for him I’m going for yellow yellow is mine

Yellow is going to be mine maybe I shouldn’t maybe I should just leave yellow B Because yellow is attacking red red red is oh oh yeah lucky mate what’s he GNA do when he comes for you bad boys bad boys what you GNA do what

Youna do I when to come for you oh is he going to go for it he’s not he’s going for red mate mate he’s giving it to me he’s giving it to me bad boys bad boys oh what you going to do said what you going to do when they I coming for

You Naughty Boys Naughty Boys tell me what you going to do what what what you going to do do when they come come for you she going to go for white yellow no he’s not oh he’s not looks like yellow’s mine is yellow mine oh wait he’s going to go there and

Block him off no he’s not we’re going to go for it going to go for it what you thinking about it we’re going to go for it we’re going to try for it we want at least 10 we go for 14 no we want more than that we got left

Four oh one more um yeah we do that and why not tasty tasty stuff going to go here and we’re going to do this mate this might be my game this might be my game uh you need some high stake fortnite to wake you up yeah maybe true

Maybe true well after this game I might swap it up uh oh croy’s in the chat hello sir uh I feel like we got to start work on big projects on the realm so that there’s more incentive to play it like building massive structures and fron 100% mate yeah yes sir I like

That salutations crocky just made you hit 10 likes I thought we’d already hit 10 likes but thank you anyway sir thank you Croy very much for the like you are a darling a d d darling oh my goodness is blue G to go for the

White or is white G to have to push back I don’t know I couldn’t tell you but maybe green is going to go for red and red is GNA wait is red Red’s not offline white is online blue is online green is online alas I Was Defeated I’m in for

A a good game here I think a very good game dasty kind of game blue is going to have 10 cards which means he could break through to me but he would be Dar to do that so if he if he attacks there I could attack white up here and it’ll

Trap white but I don’t know stream is very delayed it is not delayed that much is it ready one two three no it’s not that delayed you’re crazy n fam n you crazy oh go on mate go for blue go for red I triple doggy dare you I double doggy dare you I

Dy what’s he gonna do what’s he what’s he gonna do is he gonna go for it I don’t know he might what’s he got that’s 10 troops oh he’s not oh he’s not one two he could go for that he’s going to go up there he’s going to take

Green out as well mate do it oh he’s going white what’s he doing goes that that that that that that then red oh he could oh mate he’s in for a good treat strange that was a very strange way about it if he goes with green give me green go on give me

Green he’s not going for green interesting this is a strange one he’s got four that will give him a another one so strange very strange don’t know what’s going on there um refresh what how long is it how long is the delay for you yeah refresh the

Stream I’d say cuz look watch this now there there we go it’s 3 second delay mate what’s he gonna do I do not know I couldn’t say I couldn’t know I couldn’t tell you what he’s gonna do Siberia I’ll take that so right I’m going to do four

Um actually no we’ll do one more we going do this Bo we’re playing it tasty here about a second or two there is there is minimal delay ready now now see that it’s like three seconds barely three seconds Cy that’s strange I’d say refresh the stream I said white

You show your hand mate you show your hand now White’s done that he can’t attack me necessarily he can but look at that I got 64 28 oh man 46 47 so blue blue and green need to attack each other I don’t know what’s going to happen I’m I’m just going to keep

Racking up and protecting myself I think I reckon edited vids on whoa that was weird wrecking edited vids on the realm as well as podcast episodes being filmed oh Franco you are cooking with fire mate yes sir hello baby boy want to come say hi want to come here no

You want food hey come on look look look don’t claw me mate don’t claw me not [Laughter] funny Did It capture on [Laughter] stream oh no oh oh that really hurt really shouldn’t laugh at your pain you really shouldn’t laugh at my pain but you know what you

Did you did it’s almost like it’s funny to you it’s very funny to me mate guys my girl friend’s bullying me she just attacked me with verbal laughter I am going to go back to editing this Beau vid now as I want to get it out tonight I may be back later

Okay oh yeah before you go guys later on I might actually do a stream where I’m playing a VR game might no promises I know did I not tell you a VR no but Harry has and he’s bringing it up oh so guys potentially look at that cat

There look at that boy look he’s doing look at him oh and there Luca hey boy well you go downstairs no close the downstairs window and I’m going to close this one real quick yeah go on quick Qui realize quickly going to do it he thinks I’m not going to attack him

White how wrong you are how very wrong you are or what VR game I don’t know don’t know what VR games he’s got but I like the idea of setting up my PC so that you see the gameplay and you see me walking around like a madman so we’ll see what happens we’ll

See what happens Yummy guys it’s hard work it’s hard work keeping up this uh happiness and joy that I feel inside me very tired very tired very tired maybe I could attack this too that might be a good idea to You I’m going to have a look to you oh yeah one to do this one instead why would me strange I may see you then okay FR take it easy sir thank you for joining on in I shall see you when I’m looking at you yes can I have

Britney guys you might see a beating that right that’s it no more strawberries for you look at the size and these bad boys M look at the size on that which one’s bigger doesn’t matter leave me at least one there was a worm in my one that’s a good B

Rry it’s like eting an apple so big you can take bites out of it that bite was like the size of a regular one does it look big to you come finger I mean it doesn’t doesn’t actually transfer it’s a big apple big strawberry this guy is being funny cuz now o

Go on go on Blue do it man I might win this very strange very strange oh how we going to do this no that was lucky this is my game boys it’s my game just going to play the game boy I don’t got to learn to play right you got to know

When to hold them I know when to fold them wow seven man that’s unfortunate oh mate what are you doing craziness crazy guy what’s he doing is he going to go for me he’s going to try is he watch he he sacrificed himself so the other team can

Win oh now he’s just made it worthwhile unlucky bro saved me one of them have the rest of it then that’s like huge bit look at the size on it it’s all white it’s all raw material craziness if you going to play the game boy you got to learn to play it right

You’ve got to know when to hold them know when to fold them I know when to walk away I know when to run you never count your money when you’re sitting at the table there’ll be time enough coun when theal done every Gambler knows that the secret

To surviving is knowing what to throw away knowing what to keep cuz every hand’s a winner and every hand’s a Loser sleep just to be extra safe um what’s the Coward of the County go like again I forget everyone considered him the Coward of the County no no that sounds like no everyone considered him the coward of the C that take it take it like a champ

Sir and every hands a loser I don’t remember I know weird is it secret to surv is knowing what to throw wait wait everyone considered him the Coward of the County no what the hell does it go like Coward of the County let’s see there we go fly enough it’s like the

Fourth song as soon as I open Spotify considered of the pro mother named him Tommy but folks just call him yellow something always told him they prove they will bre Tomy wrong what’s going on Guys these guys are like 98 7 6 5 4 3 2 N mate it’s not

Happening everyone considered him Coward of the County Prim miss me son not to do the thing right I’ll be back in about an hour if you uh still here and I’ll jump in for a bit for night all right mate you take it easy sir you have a lovely

Lovely day and I’ll see you when I’m looking at you okay I shall see you soon see you later alligator in a while crocodile everyone considered of never prove folks just call him yellow something always told him they were time Ro prise me son not to do the things I

Done walk away from trouble if you can now it won’t mean you’re weak if you turn the other cheek I hope you’re old enough to understand sometimes you got fight when you’re a man this guy over here is about to bust our game up hopefully blue thinks that I’m going to take him

Down I don’t know what he’s doing folks just call him yellow don’t you dare do it I need to take this guy down oh M he’s going to do it not to do the things you’ve done walk away from trouble if you can pleas don’t we turn other cheek oh

My Lord they are hyperactive they good game these guys are Bonkers these are strange players right now right well guys to be honest I think I might end it there please don’t think I’m we I didn’t turn the other cheek I hope you’re enough to understand sometimes you got to fight

When you’re a Man good luck they gave me Good Luck look so you don’t have to fight to be man this guy is one green is one blue is just giving it to him sorry mate sorry game oh well okay I got what’s he gonna do son you don’t have to fight to

Be not now blue isn’t going to take me out now blue is not going to do that cuz if he does see that man what a fool what a fool there we go there might have this what’s the matter boys you loud ass there we go look at this got it

Welcome back Al Abby welcome back in D I know what you thinking you loud boy what go oh go without even realizing is it mhm that’s tasty look at the size in this bad boy got my cows got my sheep make this guy depends what he’s going to do now actually

Yeah don’t me me throw it 3 two one thank you they were read wrise son not to do you done walk away from trouble if you can now please don’t think I’m we got other you understand sometimes you got to fight when you’re a man do I upgrade the oldest do I get

Some new RAM for me don’t know if it’s going to help brought in the past month oh interesting that looks nice that’s RGB um it’s only an extra d0 ICU I IQ compatible I’m going for you green mate you’re the weakest one you’re the weakest link goodbye yeah I watching my nan

Somewhat guys I’m back welcome back Gage what color are you I am pink pink is my general go-to color is he gonna do it thank you three two mate might actually do it oh he didn’t do it he didn’t do it 27 mate everyone considered him Coward of

County that one not that one look you know what I’m going to let these guys fight out I think 80 he’s on 80 mate prove go mate 50 up there my life is overs just beone prise you we go do that going to hope for the best I might

End it there guys I might end it there we’re on 11 likes we’re up to two hours almost yeah guys I’m going to end it there okay so uh thank you for joining in have a lovely lovely afternoon I shall see you later okay I’ll chat to

You in the Discord uh I remember I have a laptop watch you on whil I edit awesome okay catch you later guys go in

This video, titled ‘Im Unsure what i want to play.. so were playing Risk & minecraft in the background (chill n chat)’, was uploaded by ZombieKillerGage Streams on 2024-01-14 06:16:22. It has garnered 58 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:49 or 7189 seconds.

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/zombiekillergage

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    Xekall - The ULTIMATE Minecraft Replacement?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Is THIS Game The NEW MINECRAFT???’, was uploaded by Xekall on 2023-12-18 17:00:43. It has garnered 3112 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. DISCORD : https://discord.gg/Tf8S9yQXM6 META GAME EPISODE 1 : https://youtu.be/ff1R0PPspuI TWITCH CHANNEL : twitch.tv/xekall Fortnite Really acquire a LOT of stuff with this update. From Battle Royale, Lego, Racing, to Rhythm they got them all. Join Vibrant, Crucifix, and I where we explore the new update (well mostly the minecrafty lego game with a little bit of racing), will we enjoy it or not! If… Read More

  • Unbelievable Hogwarts Classroom in Firenze! 😱

    Unbelievable Hogwarts Classroom in Firenze! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Firenzes NEUES Klassenzimmer! 😍 | Let’s Build Hogwarts #1804’, was uploaded by dagilp_lbh on 2024-03-31 12:00:47. It has garnered 2680 views and 432 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:52 or 1972 seconds. Let’s Build Hogwarts, a viewer project from me (DaGiLP) and you. Together we will recreate the world of Harry Potter in Minecraft in SURVIVAL MODE! 🙂 __ Become a channel member and receive exclusive benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB3YIeai6Op7k3LA-BvsrgQ/join Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/dagilp Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dagilp_lbh Twitter – https://twitter.com/dagilp_lbh __ LBAH server address: dagilp.net Server article: https://dagilp.net/wiki LBAH Server Installation Guide – https://dagilp.net/install Downloads (Mods,… Read More

  • OMG! NEW Minecraft Scary Seeds! 😱

    OMG! NEW Minecraft Scary Seeds! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Most Horror Scary Seeds’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-03-17 07:30:03. It has garnered 2856 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. Minecraft Most Horror Scary Seeds Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video techno gamerz horror video minecraft horror videos ujjwal minecraft minecraft techno gamer… Read More

  • Defeating Minecraft at Last! Jonnaay Archive’s Epic Win

    Defeating Minecraft at Last! Jonnaay Archive's Epic WinVideo Information This video, titled ‘FINALLY BEATING MINECRAFT TODAY’, was uploaded by Jonnaay Archive on 2024-06-04 15:00:15. It has garnered 76 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:50 or 10610 seconds. Jonnaay is FINALLY beating Minecraft Chaos Mod (not) 31st May 2024 Streamed live at: https://twitch.tv/Jonnaay Jonnaay’s Socials: YouTube – ​https://www.youtube.com/@Jonnaay YouTube alt – https://www.youtube.com/@JonnaayTWO Twitter – https://twitter.com/JonnaayLIVE Twitter alt – https://twitter.com/JonnaayUnhinged Instagram – https://instagram.com/jonnaay_ Discord – https://discord.gg/u4SDvPWZqF Jonnaay Archive is managed by: http://twitter.com/MartynHolland_ Read More

  • 🔴New Girl in My Life – Ep 1: The EMC Grind Starts!

    🔴New Girl in My Life - Ep 1: The EMC Grind Starts!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Project Architect 2: The EMC Grind Begins – Ep 1’, was uploaded by Kare to Kanojo on 2024-08-14 23:05:26. It has garnered 132 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:43 or 10543 seconds. #minecraft #projectarchitect2 💰Regular donation: https://streamelements.com/karetokanojo/tip 💰Donate here for funny Memes! https://tangia.co/karetokanojo 📱Join our discord: ​​https://discord.gg/ujBCXsc4nu 💥Welcome to Kare to Kanojo!💥 Project Architect 2 is a new minecraft mod that is all about automation and EMC optimization. I haven’t played too many modpacks before, so I decided to make my first playthough on one of the most helpful aspects… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation – Unpledged Alliance Meme

    Insane Minecraft Animation - Unpledged Alliance MemeVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Unpledged Alliance [meme]” (Free template for Prisma3d) – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Ilma02 on 2024-05-30 09:46:11. It has garnered 4334 views and 248 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Enjoy :]Template: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jl3j549p29ffuwi/Unpledged+Alliance+Meme+(Template).zip/file (Give credits/tag me if you use it!) Original/ib: https://youtu.be/I15CPOrvwPQ?si=nM2unuqYkndy0hr9 https://youtu.be/yhKvAAFHh2o?si=Wq8JDjzFWFitko09 Song: https://youtu.be/disASihCEtw?si=2sYrTw-ntX9JKOZP My Social media⤵️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ilma.ilmaadzikra Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ilmaadzikra02?igsh=MWRxajkxdjliaHNwZQ== Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ilma0274?_t=8mZ4MbcvTjr&_r=1 Join my Discord server⤵️ https://discord.com/invite/mkbMZKNB Sub? 🙂 Hashtag: #minecraftanimation #prisma3d #prisma3danimation #prisma3dindonesia Read More

  • Blossom Survival

    Blossom SurvivalWelcome to Blossom Survival, the ultimate Minecraft server where adventure and exploration bloom! Dive into a world rich with diverse activities and challenges. Survival Mode: Experience classic Minecraft survival with a twist! Gather resources, build your dream base, and thrive in a vibrant, ever-evolving world. With unique biomes and custom features, every day brings new opportunities for discovery. RPG World: Ready for a change of pace? Step into our immersive RPG world where epic quests, intricate lore, and fascinating characters await. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or new to the genre, there’s something here for everyone. Dungeons: Challenge yourself with… Read More

  • GreenCraft SMP – Semi-vanilla, Cross-Play, 1.21, Dynmap

    Welcome to GreenCraft SMP Features: Nations: Claim land, build bases, and engage in wars. Cross-Platform: Play with Java and Bedrock players easily. Minigames: Enjoy various games with friends. Events: Regular events with rewards for participants. Collectable Maps: Earn unique map art through server activities. Land Claims: Keep your belongings safe. Community-centric: We value your feedback. Join today: Java IP: Bedrock IP: Bedrock Port: 8182 Add GreenCraftSMP as a friend or join our Discord for updates: https://discord.gg/cuMcDgQ99N Read More

  • ✘ ɴᴏᴛᴀᴍᴄ » Survival « (1.16.5) ↳ ᴛᴇᴄʀᴜʙᴇʟɪ ᴇʟʟᴇʀᴅᴇɴ, ᴋᴀʟɪᴛᴇʟɪ ᴏʏᴜɴᴄᴜʟᴀʀᴀ! ↲

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.16.5 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.16.5 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.notamc.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mine-tax season is here

    Minecraft Memes - Mine-tax season is hereI guess even creepers have to pay their creeper taxes on time! Read More

  • Chicken Sight, Video Flight: Minecraft’s Delight

    Chicken Sight, Video Flight: Minecraft's Delight In the world of Minecraft, where chickens roam free, I’m the news reporter, bringing updates with glee. If a chicken crosses my path, the video will end, But until then, let’s dive into the news I’ll send. New features, new mobs, all in rhyme, Crafting adventures, one block at a time. So join me in this Minecraft journey so grand, As we explore the world, hand in hand. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes #1

    Spicy Minecraft Memes #1 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos

    Minecraft Logic: Welcome to Chaos The World of Minecraft: Exploring the Logic and Fun Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building towering structures to battling fierce mobs, Minecraft offers a unique gaming experience that has captured the hearts of millions around the globe. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With the rise of Minecraft shorts, players can now enjoy bite-sized snippets of gameplay that showcase the game’s endless possibilities. Whether it’s a hilarious skit, a daring speedrun, or a mind-bending challenge, Minecraft shorts offer a fresh take on the beloved game. Exploring… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hermitcraft: Darkness and Light Unite!

    EPIC Minecraft Hermitcraft: Darkness and Light Unite!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hermitcraft :: Darkness and Light become friends’, was uploaded by BdoubleO100 on 2024-09-08 15:00:27. It has garnered 302974 views and 23673 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:06 or 2346 seconds. Minecraft time on the Hermitcraft Server Season 10 SMP Episode 19. Go to https://buyraycon.com/bdubs for 15% off your order, plus free shipping! Today on the Hermitcraft Minecraft SMP, we play Etho’s game, Ravager Rush and then build a convenience store in the cyberpunk city. MY LINKS: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Instagram: @BdoubleOinsta Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bdoubleo100 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/BdoubleO100 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Hermitcraft Website: http://hermitcraft.com/ #minecraft #hermitcraft Read More

  • Minecraft Map Destruction: Block Party!

    Minecraft Map Destruction: Block Party!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Broke This Minecraft Map… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Block Party on 2024-04-30 17:00:23. It has garnered 71 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:05 or 605 seconds. Broken Minecraft maps! We didn’t mean to, seriously! What started as a nice Zelda map ended up turning into a disaster, not really sure what happened! New full videos every Monday, and new shorts every day! #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #viralvideos #viral #minecraftvideos #blockparty #minecraftmeme #minecraftmap #broken #challenge #challengevideo #minecraftmaps #viralvideo #minecraftchallenge Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: New Cosmalverse RPG Server Animation!

    UNBELIEVABLE: New Cosmalverse RPG Server Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cosmalverse OFFICIAL Minecraft RPG Server Animation’, was uploaded by Lerfing on 2024-09-07 22:33:13. It has garnered 501 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:30 or 150 seconds. Cosmalverse Survival RPG has finally been released! This is basically a mod pack without needing to download anything similar to medieval mc, except you can follow a main campaign and lots of dungeons, custom mobs, and more! More videos will be made on this server in the upcoming weeks. Join the server today: IP (Java): play.cosmalverse.com IP (Bedrock): bedrock.cosmal.minehut.gg Website: https://cosmalverse.com/ Wiki: https://cosmalverse.obsidianportal.com/ Get… Read More

  • Get ready for Minecraft madness with GalSal & Lethal Company!

    Get ready for Minecraft madness with GalSal & Lethal Company!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft and then Lethal Company!’, was uploaded by GalSal on 2024-02-17 04:38:42. It has garnered 78 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:43 or 12583 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Powered by Restream https://restream.io First we escape the room in Minecraft and then we will hop into some Lethal Company! ALL THE GOOD STUFF: SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://www.youtube.com/c/galsal04?sub_confirmation=1 Use code “GalSal” to get 5% off PowerA Gaming products here: https://www.powera.com/ THE GROTTO DISCORD: https://discord.gg/kSRsw9mSQ3 FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/_GalSal_ FOLLOW ME ON TIKOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@galsal04? BUY MY BOOK:https://www.amazon.com/Lamenting-Heart-Musings-shattered-soul/dp/198393674X CHANNEL ART as of November… Read More

  • Unleash Dino Horde! Prehistoric Mod Skeleton Fossils Minecraft Ep682

    Unleash Dino Horde! Prehistoric Mod Skeleton Fossils Minecraft Ep682Video Information This video, titled ‘Prehistoric Nature Mod v.59 Showcase Skeletons Fossils Minecraft JAVA 1.12.2 Dinosaurs Ep682’, was uploaded by Smithy MC on 2024-03-18 15:03:25. It has garnered 2600 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. Prehistoric Nature Mod v.59 Showcase Skeletons Fossils Minecraft JAVA 1.12.2 Dinosaurs Ep682 | Prehistoric Nature Mod | Prehistoric Flora Mod | Prehistoric Nature Mod Fossils | Prehistoric Nature Fossils | Prehistoric Nature Skeletons | java Prehistoric Nature Mod | Prehistoric mod | minecraft dinosaur mod | minecraft dinosaurs | Prehistoric Age Mod | Minecraft In Minecraft Dinosaurs… Read More

  • VIPER Z Broke My Bed! What Happened Next Will Shock You 🔐

    VIPER Z Broke My Bed! What Happened Next Will Shock You 🔐Video Information This video, titled ‘he broke my bed… So I Had to Lock IN 🔐’, was uploaded by VIPER Z on 2024-02-18 07:18:26. It has garnered 261 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. #minecraft #blockclutch #bedwars #minemen #blockin #hypixel #lockin sometimes u just gotta to lock in 🤷‍♂️🔒🔒🔒 | (Sub for Goodluck 👍) Bedfight / Bedfight Minemen Club / Hypixel Bedwars / Top Bedwars / pvp combo / Gotta Lock In Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video… Read More

  • EPIC! Building Modern House with Subscribers in Minecraft #Giveaway

    EPIC! Building Modern House with Subscribers in Minecraft #GiveawayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial I Build Big House With My Subscribers #minecraft’, was uploaded by Carrymangal on 2024-09-01 07:31:49. It has garnered 1413 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:17 or 12977 seconds. Minecraft: How to Build a Modern House Tutorial I Build Big House With My Subscribers #minecraft Minecraft live streaming first time minecraft playing Minecraft for the first time minecraft live with subscribers minecraft mobile minecraft pe servers to join minecraft pe smp minecraft pocket edition live minecraft pocket edition smp minecraft server minecraft smp free… Read More

  • Mikey & JJ ESCAPE from SCARY Sonic/TAILS EXE!

    Mikey & JJ ESCAPE from SCARY Sonic/TAILS EXE!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ ESCAPE From the SCARY Sonic and TAILS EXE ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-08-04 17:30:02. It has garnered 74314 views and 361 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:05 or 3965 seconds. How Mikey and JJ ESCAPE From the SCARY Sonic and TAILS EXE ? – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More