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A couple of days ago my good friend beards and beard did a collab stream with sneo the topic of the stream was Christianity see beardson I believe is a new convert to Catholicism a branch of Christianity and he had a couple little arguments with sneo on Twitter because

Sneo who’s a famous red pill streamer recently converted to Islam and so they had a stream together discussing Christianity and it was very based but during the stream sneo posed a few questions that I don’t think got sufficiently answered and that’s not the hate on beardson beardson did a very

Good job during his outing but I want to make a video to give you guys as well as maybe beardson and sneo if they watch this a little bit of a better understanding of some of these questions so just a for warning these questions are very deep questions so I’m probably

Going to spend a lot of time answering each one so we’re going to be in for a long video but I think these are important things to talk about now the first thing that sneo was talking about was the Trinity the H what is the Holy

Spirit pson what is that what’s the holy spir you say you do the sign of the cross and you say father’s what’s the Holy Spirit the Trinity is basically the belief that there is one Creator God who created all the world all the heavens all the Earth but that this God

Expresses himself in three different personalities those three personalities are the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit this concept of the Trinity is so important that it’s actually one of the first things that the Bible talks about go to Genesis chter 1 first book of the Bible First Chapter it says in the

Beginning God created the heavens and the Earth and the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters now what we see here is there’s two different characters here there’s in the beginning

God God said let there be light God saw the light and it was good God said God said God said but then there’s this other character mentioned called the spirit of God and the spirit of God is there observing things as it’s happening but who is the spirit of God or the Holy

Spirit as he’s called later in the Bible now before I explain I just want to say the Bible itself says the Trinity is a mystery and what does mystery mean it means it’s a mystery it’s something we don’t know the answer to it’s like a murder and you don’t know who the Killer

Is we know a murder took place we know someone had to kill these people but we don’t know who it is and the Trinity is the same we know the Trinity exists but how it functions how God is three people that’s never explicitly explained but my best understanding of the holy spirit is

The holy spirit is the spirit of God just like how we have a spirit God has a spirit right we’re made in the image of God and inside of every man there’s a soul God has a soul too and in the Bible Old Testament and New Testament we see

That God in the form of the holy spirit is able to possess people he’s able to enter inside of people and give people Supernatural powers and Supernatural guidance he uses his holy spirit to work on our heart and give us a conscience and tell us right from wrong and

Dissuade us from doing evil unfortunately the holy spirit is the most mysterious part of the Trinity there isn’t a lot of explanation of His function there’s an explanation of what the holy spirit is capable of doing Jesus says that he’s capable of giving us wisdom that he kind of just Whispers

Ideas into our mind he reminds us of things Jesus calls him the helper he helps us through our walk in life but what does the Holy Spirit look like well we don’t really know how does the Holy Spirit relate to God the Father it’s not really explained and some people might

Say that’s like a plot hole in Christianity or that that somehow proves Christianity is wrong because there’s these complex ideas that aren’t explained because Islam to me is very simple it’s just there’s one creator of course humans have souls but we don’t worship other people’s Souls the only

Being that we worship is the one creator of everything which is Allah of course I guess that there’s an idea of the holy spirit in the Quran but the only you just worship and pray to Allah you don’t pray to another man because we’re all equal you don’t pray to Spirits there’s

No rituals but I think we should acknowledge our limits as human beings as human beings we only have a brain that’s you know a couple of inches thick the room that’s inside of your skull is all the room you have to process information but God just physically his

Physical form is infinite it goes on and on and on forever his body goes on and on and on forever he is everywhere he’s surrounding us he’s in this room with me right now and he’s in the room with you right now and just that concept alone is

Something that no one is capable of understanding right the word infinite what does that word even mean the word literally is just infinite not finite what is finite finite is like my hand is only contained to this area it’s something that’s contained in a limited space infinite all that word means is

It’s just not contained to any physical limitation or space so yeah it sucks that we can’t really understand the full nature of God but we have to be able to accept our limitations and accept that it’s okay to not fully understand we just simply were not built to understand

If we were built to understand God our skull cavity would be a thousand times bigger the next major thing that sneo and beardson talked about on the stream was the nature of Jesus and how can a man be God this is the thing you’re trying to you’re trying to apply like

Your human logic to the Creator in which well Jesus is also a human So This Is Where It gets weird to Catholicism because at one time we call him a human and then we call him God like he’s also a human so we need to empathize with him

As a person which he was I understand Christians or Catholics believe he’s also God he’s also a human so he needs to make sense as as a human too now I think beardson gave a pretty good expan ation about how a man can be God how can

God be a person he said that you know God is all powerful and God can do whatever he wants and that’s very true but as someone who’s an ex atheist you know I want to understand why you know it’s like it’s like telling a kid don’t

Do drugs they ask why they say just don’t do it and not to hate on beardson you know he’s still learning but so what is Jesus’s relationship to God the Father God the Father right as we understand him is similar to how Muslims understand Allah so Allah is the all

Powerful Creator God he’s everywhere he’s omniscient so he knows everything and the Bible says Jesus is the son of God that’s very explicit and I think that’s a good place to start because Muslims have a problem with just the concept that God can have a son so how

Did God have a son well I know in the Quran that Muslims do actually believe Jesus was bornn of a virgin they don’t believe he’s the son of God however they believe that he was born without the help of a human man at least one has to

Question what are the mechanics of that right because a woman doesn’t have any why chromosomes in order for a man to be born from a woman you need to have a man inseminate you and give you a y chromosome so in order for Mary to be a

Virgin and give birth birth to a man she would need some kind of Miracle to get a y chromosome so her child could be a man and not a woman well the Bible gives an explanation of how Mary got this Y chromosome to make a male child so it

Says in Luke 1 Mary asks the angel the messenger Gabriel who came to tell her that her son would be the Son of God and she asks how will I give birth to a child seeing that I know no man the angel says the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost

Who you’re just talking about will come upon you and the power of the highest will overshadow you therefore the holy thing which shall be born of you shall be called The Son of God he’s not the Son of God because God like had sex with

Her he’s the son of God because Mary was a virgin and God performed a miracle in her womb such that a child could be born but who caused the child to be born Mary didn’t cause the child to be born an angel didn’t cause a child to be born the Holy

Ghost caused the child to be born God caused the child to be born and so God supernaturally made the egg in her womb come to life and become a human boy and that is why he’s called the child of God the Son of God now the Bible explicit ly

Says Jesus is the son of God but Christians say that Jesus is God and this is something the Bible says too it’s just not as explicit about it but how is Jesus God well the first place in the New Testament where it’s clearly said Jesus Is God is in the Gospel of

John in chapter 1 and it explains God the father’s relationship to Jesus so it says in the beginning was the word now what is the word the word is the word of God but it’s not just the word contained in the Bible you know everyone says the

Bible is the word of God not every word that God has spoken is contained in the Bible so the word of God that’s being talked about here isn’t just the laws in the Bible and the Commandments in the Bible but it’s also all the Commandments God’s ever said to someone as an answer

To a prayer it’s the Commandments that he gives the laws of physics that make the world function it’s the laws of nature that determines that there’s only male and female it’s essentially all the wisdom of God God’s personality and it’s God’s personality and God’s wisdom in God’s mind that creates and sustains the

World so in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God then it says this now this is going to be a little troubling it says the word was God but it’s very easy to understand where are the words being spoken coming from they’re coming from God’s mind would we

Say that our mind is a separate from us no our mind is a part of us and in some ways our mind is us if we were to say who’s more Nisan nuan’s foot nuan’s hand or nuan’s mind Well we’d say nuan’s mind is a little more nuis than his hand but

His hand is a little bit more nuis than his foot but it’s all a part of newand right it’s all a part of me so the word his mind his personality was him so God is his personality God is his wisdom the same was in the beginning with God and

All things were made by him so he’s talking about this wisdom the word and without him was not anything that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men the light shines in the darkness and the Darkness has not overcome it then we go a little bit down

Into verse 14 it says and the word so the word that we were just talking about God’s personality God’s wisdom God’s mind you know like we’re all in the imagination of God God is keeping our bodies together if God were to stop thinking about us we would disappear the

Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory and His glory was like the only begotten son of the father full of grace and truth so the word God’s mind became flesh so God took his personality took his wisdom took his mind and he put

It into that baby boy that was born from Mary in Psalm 8 we get a little bit more wisdom on this this it says what is the son of man that you visit him and Jesus refers to himself throughout the Bible as the son of man well what is the son

Of man what is his relationship to God for you have made him lower than the Angels right we’re lower than the angels angels are more powerful than us but you have crowned him with all the glory and honor you made him to have dominion over

The works of your hands you have put all things under his feet so God took a man and made him to have the place of God he took the human man Jesus the man Christ Jesus and made him God Jesus Is God if he was a human Jesus himself is not

Omniscient Jesus is not all powerful right and that’s clearly evidenced by the fact that he was able to be killed and Jesus is not infinite he’s confined to a human body he’s finite but he is God in the sense that Jesus has God’s personality he has God’s word inside of

Him he has God’s mind and so in that he is God the next thing that sneak on beardson talked about is women what do you think about the the women question I think I saw you tweet about that how Islam fixes the woman question I do you

Guys get it right like I’m totally with you on the woman question like and that’s why like I don’t want to like that’s why I think we need this like ort of like Islam fascist Christian nationalist like merger cuz we do have like a lot in common man like women you

Know the burkas I’m totally all for it like the burkas are based I’m totally full burka mode that’s awesome you need a burka in the Christian Bible it talks about what women should wear and and it’s very similar to Islam yeah women women you know women that actually

Follow the Bible supposed to wear veils and and dress very modestly which like again I’m all for yeah in so we got like the the Christian conservative like Maga women on Twitter there were just like giant tiities out like I love Trump and I love the Bible shooting an AK-47 with

Floppy titties like what is this see sneo is a part of the red pill community and a red pill Community kind of rightly believes that feminism this women’s suffrage stuff is bad and so sneo a part of the main reason he convert to Islam is because Islam’s view of women now I’m

Sure there’s like more reasons than that but that’s one of the main reasons that they put women in their place basically that they are supposed to submit to their husbands this is what the Bible says should be the relationship between men and women so it says wives submit

Yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord so it says that if you’re the wife of a husband that you should submit to your husband like he was God for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church

And he is the savior of the body so Jesus is under God then under Jesus is the husband then under the husband is the wife and kids and it says that just like how Jesus sacrificed himself so that we could go to heaven that the husband has to sacrifice himself for the

Woman and it’s like yeah you’re supposed to protect your wife right therefore as the church is subject unto Christ let the wives be to their own husbands in everything so women are supposed to submit to their husbands in everything when God made Eve he said that he made

Eve as a helper to the man so the role of women is a helper to help a man achieve their goals a woman’s role is as an assistant to the man and the woman works together with the man to achieve the man’s goal now I can get more more

Into that this video is not made for feminists so I’m not going to explain oh why that’s such a good thing or whatever this is directed at sneo you know we’re red pilled on women we get it the Bible makes it clear that women are not supposed to be leaders women are

Supposed to be helpers any know if you think about it though that is really the quality that you’re supposed to be looking for in a wife is someone who makes your life easier who’s able to lighten the load right you don’t want a lazy that doesn’t do anything that

Doesn’t work in the kitchen that doesn’t take care of the kids that’s you want someone who’s willing to do that work to help you to help your dnasty create your Dynasty your Empire the next thing that beardson and sneo talked about is lukewarm Christians would say and selfishly another reason why I

Gravitated towards Islam is that that’s like it’s the fastest growing religion it hasn’t compromised to any of the any of the problems that we see and if if I see all the problems uh happening from from wokeness and Christianity is not really is not doing a good job at all

Frankly to combat it then this must be the answer this must be the truth if it fixes all these problems that have corrupted things in my life and corrupted everything that that I love and everything I would love about this country around me sneo has been complaining about for a while on Twitter

And on the stream too how many Christians don’t go to church and don’t really care about their religion whereas Muslims are very devout in their religion so there’s a couple of things to consider here the first thing is that Jesus himself says most people are going

To hell he says the road to hell is wide and many are on it and that the road to Heaven is narrow and few even find it in addition to this he also says that most Christians are going to hell Matthew 7:21 he says not everyone who says unto

Me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my Father which is in heaven many will say to me on Judgment Day Lord have we not prophesied in your name have we not cast out devils in your name and done

Many wonderful works you know they’re going around they’re feeding the homeless they’re doing all these good things in the name of Jesus and and Jesus says to them I never knew you depart from me worker of evil so he says right there most people who profess Christianity aren’t going to go to

Heaven they’re going to go to hell because they’re Christian in name only they don’t actually obey what Jesus commanded they just call themselves Christian to Virtue signal just because there’s lukewarm Christians who don’t care about their faith is not really an indication of whether or not Christianity is true I heard this good

Quote from some video of a Christian debating atheists and he said if a Pianist pist plays plays Mozart bad do you blame Mozart or do you blame the penist you blame the penist right Mozart wrote beautiful music but unfortunately this guy just isn’t skilled enough to

Play it and so it’s the same thing with Jesus if someone’s playing Jesus bad if someone’s playing Christian bad you don’t blame the Christ you blame the player you blame the fake Christians you don’t blame Christ the reason why so many Christians don’t actually follow what Jesus said is because what Jesus

Taught and said goes against our will in John 3:19 through 21 Jesus says that light has come into the world but men love Darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil for everyone that does evil hates the light and neither comes to the light lest his deeds should

Be criticized but he that does the truth comes to the light that his deeds may be manifest they’re rought in God and what he’s saying there is that God is like a light a spotlight in the night and when the light shines on you it’s going to

Expose you for your evil Deeds right when you come to know Jesus and what he did for us that he sacrificed himself on the cross so that we could go to heaven that’s going to make you feel bad about doing evil things and you’re going to

Want to stop but most people care more about their vices their drug addiction or porn addiction or whatever addiction they care more about that than they do about the truth and about God so when the light tries to shine on them they hide behind a bush they run around a

Corner to avoid the light and so most people reject Jesus and even many of the people who claim to have accepted Jesus haven’t accepted the true Jesus they accept a fake Jesus because to accept the real Jesus would be too painful for them so anyways that’s all I got for you

I want to give big shout out to beardson for defending our faith again I’ve said this like a million times in the video I’m not trying to hate on beardson I’m just advocating that people get better at defending our faith and that Christians Believers we get a deeper

Understanding of what it is we actually believe I think what drives away so many people from Christianity is that there’s all this kind of misinformation about what Christian beliefs even are and when Christians are asked about this they’re not really equipped to fight against the misinformation you you know what the

Holy spirit is you you understand the Trinity but you can’t put it into words that’s okay you don’t have to know everything you know we’re not gnostics we don’t believe we’re saved by knowledge we’re saved by faith and trust by God’s grace received through faith and trust but I still think that we’re

Living an important time in history and Christians need to put on the full armor of God get more serious about their faith and look into things because right now what everyone needs to be doing is spreading the word of God and the TR truth of Christ I think that’s the only

Way we can fight against the evils in this world so anyways that’s all thanks for watching and I’ll see you next Time yo yo what’s popping who’s here we got a lot of people in the chat it’s good to see all you guys thank you Gregory uh Coupe for subscribing to the channel big shout out to Gregory if you guys aren’t subscribed yet if you subscribe to the channel it’ll show your

Name on screen and you can uh you can feel good about yourself you can you can get clout steal clout from me oh let me put let me put the funny bar on screen the funny gray bar is not on the screen there we go let’s pop people we’re going

To play some Minecraft today you know people have been criticizing mapalo for uh for for putting Minecraft music in the back of his videos and I kind of felt called out because not only do I put Minecraft music in the background of my videos but I play

Minecraft so what the where is my world guys wait my world’s gone no oh no don’t tell me my world files gone that would really [ __ ] suck oh gosh hopefully there’s just a little glitch here uh yeah I have a world file so this should but it’s not showing the world

File H that’s that’s a bit of a conundrum all right how do I solve that cuz that’s not good H why is that why is it not showing my world file so anyways what I do want to do on this stream is uh we’re going to be playing Minecraft as soon as I can get this started but uh what I also want to do is I would

Like to uh answer some of you guys’s questions about Christianity so I think what’s causing the problem here is one drive so let me let me let me uh end task on one drive and see if that fixes the problem cuz I think that’s the Problem but I’m not sure this would really suck all right the world file is still not showing up so here’s what I can do we’ll create a new world Hood craft create the new world and see if we can trans for the old data files from

This from our old world into this one cuz honestly I would be kind of I’d be kind of upset if I can’t uh if I can’t play my world okay so now if I copy the files here into there maybe this will work all right let’s see play selected world let’s try

That will this work it’s not it don’t seem like it’s working it’s taking a a long time to load here I feel like my game’s about to crash but let’s see add this guy in chat he said ah where am I all right I’m I am I am stuck

In a dirt block here guys and my game is going to crash I think I think my game’s going to crash okay so I might have [ __ ] up guys guys I might have I might have [ __ ] up the world file I don’t know how I [ __ ] up the world

File uh the game is stuck loading not responding how am I doing says Angel Gonzales I I I was doing good until until this happened okay okay okay okay we’re back okay no the game is stuck again it’s really lagging and I’m dying in the

Game so this is not good let me close the program all right close the program we’ll try let’s try again let’s let’s try again uh all right relaunch the game relaunch the game think about what you did special needs real Bas Splat rabbit all right bro I’m going to kill myself

Why why is this not working this is not good so bro am I am I going to have to start a new game am I going to have to just start a new game cuz I think I might have to I might have to start a new world

Here I think I’m actually screwed Here I think I might just be screwed I might just have to start a new game at this point this sucks this is terrible I have believe this huh yeah I don’t know what happened because when I go to my original save file the data folder is

Empty but it’s also empty at this one so I don’t know I don’t know why I can’t see this one man this is not good this is not good uh worlds I don’t know why it’s having this problem but this is not good this sucks man I’m not going to be able to

Play on my Minecraft world this is terrible this is terrible I don’t know why it’s not working guys I don’t know what I did what did I do to deserve this cruel fate to deserve the cruel fate of not being able to play Minecraft damn man that this sucks this is so bad

H ah dude I can’t believe that my my world file is just corrupted or Something I don’t know why this is not good all right let’s try let’s try one more time to fix this but if we can’t fix it then we’re just going to have to start with a new world which sucks cuz you know I was making some good progress in that world and uh we

Had a lot of cool stuff we had diamond diamond arm we had a lot of cool stuff so for us to uh lose the world that would really that would really suck but it looks like that’s the case it looks like that’s the case that’s terrible that that pisses me off I’m

Pissed that’s the new seed the new seed is I’m pissed we’re gonna have to start a new world of hood craft I guess cuz I don’t know what else to do we’re just going to have to start a new world here the I’m pissed World cuz my world file just corrupt it

Well that’s that sucks and of course oh no okay we’re not stuck or not stuck all right welcome back to welcome back to the to a new a new Minecraft series I’m going to kill myself I’m I’m having suicidal ideation here what’s popping people welcome back to the

Minecraft stream sorry for the uh the little bit of a scuffed start here I lost my world file here and we’re starting a fresh I guess on a new world but you know what why not why not I was getting a little bored of that old world

Anyways and the end of the day it’s just a video game right it’s all vanity and vacation of spirit I mean my spirit is pretty vexed after losing my world file so I hope you guys have H been having a uh a good good week so far I

Just released that mapalo video I so I’ve been having a pretty okay week I would say it could be going better it could be going better but you know nothing’s perfect nothing’s perfect I will say that uh it’s been pretty crazy how uh a lot of people who

Were my friends or who called themselves my friends have been treating me over the uh the past week and I kind of I kind of like put out a post on Instagram and uh a few other places but so about two weeks ago at this point I

Released a video on Catholicism and why Catholicism teaches a false gospel and so I made this video and it made a lot of people upset it was probably one of my most unpopular videos that I’ve ever produced ever and basically uh it’s it’s just been getting non-stop hate and

And so one of the people who’s gone out of their way to uh you know talk [ __ ] about me publicly talk [ __ ] about me slander me and uh false accuse me is this guy smoke pit 3000 I don’t know if you guys know who that is but uh he’s

Someone who I’ve uh I’ve had on the show here before and how do I how did I just do this uh hello switch hot bar tab okay it’s the tab button that does that okay but any so smoke pit 3000 man he came out of nowhere and smoke pit 3000 is someone

Who I you know I did consider a friend of the channel right but the guy comes out here and he just starts totally slandering me and false accusing me uh he he falsely accuses me of being an odinist and wearing a Thor’s hammer and then uh when

Confronted in the DMS he basically just said that like he thinks it’s totally justified to falsely accuse me because I’m not a Catholic basically and so then he called me a Satanist called me Jewish which you know I just I wasn’t really a big fan of how he treated me

But you know that’s kind of what I what I’ve seen so far from the Catholic religion so far is that um in my speaking to pretty much all these all these Catholic people uh especially smok pit I mean smok pit has publicly said before that he if he had the opportunity

To he would kill me you know if you guys remember the very first uh grer gang stream that we did together was our first ever collab stream that he did together you know the guy literally said that he would kill me because I’m not a Catholic and I’m like a blasphemer of

His faith and so like I deserve to die you know and then we have pine sap and everyone talks about how peaceful pine sap is but pine sap has openly advocated on stream before that we should uh kill uh kill people who uh are not Catholic I

Mean he’s just blatantly said that on stream and a lot of people just uh I guess maybe they’re just ignorant of pin Sap’s beliefs on the matter or maybe they just haven’t uh they haven’t seen the stream or something or haven’t thought about what he said but I mean

He’s also just openly said that he’s fine with killing people who aren’t Catholic and that if cath if the Catholic church was in power that he would uh he would kill non-catholics right so you know I I but I’ve just kind of been surprised just how these people treat

You when you when you say that you disagree with their religion and it’s not like I’ve betrayed them or anything or done anything particularly bad to them they’ve always known that I’m not a Catholic they’ve always known that I am a I guess what they would call a

Protestant I like to refer to myself as a Christian I’m a Bible believing Christian I believe in Sola and these other things and I had to give a text message got text my dad he’s asking where are you I’m streaming dad you know but so it’s just crazy that

Like uh these people are just uh and Beyond just pine sap and smoke pit you know I’ve had like plethora of work salvation teach is not necessarily pine sap or smoke pit tell me to kill myself tell me to uh you know uh commit suicide call me a [ __ ] insult me which those

Things are sins you know and they believe in uh they believe in Works faace salvation they believe that sin send you to hell so I don’t know how they can uh you know sit here and say that you know if you willfully sin you’re going to go to hell but then you

Know tell me to like commit suicide or something right I think that’s pretty uh hypocritical but you know whatever um because in their View and in the view of Catholicism it seems you can basically just do whatever you want to uh non-catholics the Christians who reject Catholicism and God will favor you for

Killing non non-catholics basically and that’s kind of seems like what the what they believe I think it’s pretty clear so I don’t know that’s that’s kind of my thoughts on that I want to touch on that cuz I’m sure a lot of people have been wondering what was like the

Precipice of me making a post like that you know so that’s that’s kind of the reason why so we got to focus on making a house here the sun will be setting soon and I think personally I want to build a house on that hill right there

This hill right there so I want to kind of dig in we’ll make a little little like tolken dwarf home maybe like a little little hole in the ground here so let’s try to get over here before sun sets and uh make sure we get the uh get everything built

Here and then we’ll see if uh maybe we can get a bat or something I don’t think we’re going to be able to do that before the sun sets but I I think we could definitely make like a hole in the side of this little Hill here I think I think

We’re more than capable of doing that so this will be our little starter home here so let’s let’s dig in and then I’ll I’ll look at the chat here but I want to I want to kind of get uh all of the uh I guess interesting

Game play here done first before I start getting into uh reading the chat I’ll save the chat here for the night time while we’re kind of waiting for the night to pass right so I said this is good enough for right now cuz we can always uh come back

And make this look prettier what I do want to do is uh make the entrance here so we’re going to have a little pretty starter home here so let’s see about This make this look nice I mean it’s not the nicest but you know it’s better than nothing right so let a little little Nook here a little Nook here for our crafting table let’s make a door can we make a green door we can’t make a green door but we we can

Make we make a a door H looks like [ __ ] but uh and it’s almost Sunset it’s better than nothing I want to get some more wood here before the sun fully sets so that we can uh make torches and kind of light up the area here so I’ll chop down this last

Tree and then we’ll get inside the uh house here and uh let me also skip this song cuz that’s that is not I’m not vibing with that one that’s too sad all right it’s getting pretty dark here but then we can make charcoal with the logs here and we’ll be

Set okay so let me get in here and make some torches and we’ll look at the chat here and we’ll talk about your questions about Chris Andy I kind of want to turn these streams into more of like a uh a Q&A kind of thing I want to do like a

Q&A here where we where I kind of talk about your questions about Christianity while we play Minecraft cuz I feel like that would just be like a kind of good format to do here so let’s make a furnace and I believe if we burn logs we

Will make charcoal so let’s see if my theory is correct I think it is so in the chat here Barnacle Jones says I’m Catholic and although I disagree with some of your recent video I still respect you and respect someone if you respect someone it only makes sense to want to

Show them the truth all right so we made charcoal here and I believe that we can turn this into a torch so that’s awesome so now we’ll be able to see at least I think I’ll put some torches out here too it’s a little cold here today Winter’s

Really finally setting in here in New Jersey it’s uh it’s probably getting close to like 39 or 38 so I’m a little chilly let me pull this this heater a little closer to me but yeah I mean I a lot of people have really been hating on

My video people have accused me of slandering Catholicism and I just don’t understand you know where they’re coming from because I think think I pretty accurately uh explained Catholic beliefs like even pinp said that I was slandering Catholicism and I really don’t think that that’s true because you know I’ve

Been doing a a series on my Instagram where I’ve been doing these this series of like Instagram lives where I react to Pine Sap’s video that he made debunking the Catholic video and you know it’s like pretty much uh everything he had contention with me about was just kind

Of like null and void you know like for example he says that like I misunderstand uh I don’t know like I misunderstand communion or something like that I misunderstand how communion works but the explanation he gave about the Eucharist is literally what I explained in the

Video so I kind of feel like it’s what what people really mean when they say I’ve slandered them or something it’s just simply that I’ve disagreed with them and it really has nothing to do with the uh accuracy or falsehood of what I said and I you know I’m just

Being honest you know people can take offense to that but it kind of seems like that is the truth it’s not really about whether or not what I said is true to them you know and I don’t know I don’t know so we’re waiting out the night here in

Minecraft and I want to answer you guys’s uh questions about Christianity by the way just to remind everyone uh you guys can donate to me uh using the Super Chat button there you can send a Super Chat and I would really appreciate it if you did send super

Chats because I’ve basically uh been working nonstop uh here doing this and then when I’m not uh doing this I’m taking care of my uh sick dying grandmother with Parkinson you know I’m not I’m not trying to sound like oh poor me poor me send me money but you know I would

Appreciate it you know cuz uh cuz you know I don’t I don’t make you know pretty much any money off of anything that I do and I put I I invest a lot of time into this stuff you know I invest a lot of time into doing research editing

Videos filming videos so I would appreciate it what version am I playing so I’m playing a Minecraft mod for beta 1.7.3 and the Minecraft mod is called better than Adventure so the concept of the mod is essentially what would Minecraft look like if hunger bar was never added to the game if enchantments

Were never added to the game and the end Dimension was never add add it to the game so basically it’s like if Minecraft stayed in beta pretty much that’s like the uh the main concept of this mod and I think it’s a pretty dope mod to be

Honest so that’s why I’ve been playing it we had a a nicer world but I kind of lost the world file somehow I don’t know how that happened so we’re starting a new world here so I’m thinking about mining you know cuz what can we do while

It’s night time we can’t really go out because the world is full of mobs right now only thing we can really do is mine right so we’re going to do some mining hey I know you’ve been receiving a lot of hate recently for speaking the Truth I pray that you remain steadfast in preaching the gospel well thank you very much my my brother in Christ ma rice here yeah and then my mapalo video I think it’s actually surpassed my Catholic video in Pro in popularity surprisingly well you know I I’m really

Actually shocked by that to be honest because I I figured that mapalo was kind of like not that big of a fish to fry but I guess he really is like one of these like uh these big people working for Satan like he’s he’s he’s doing some

Big work for Satan I guess and the kingdom of darkness because you know I really can’t believe just how big that video has gotten so it’s pretty based it’s pretty red pilled so we’re mining uh we probably can’t do that much mining but at least you know getting some Stone will probably be

Helpful man that sucks because in the world that we were playing on though the world that we were playing on I was just about to start building like this big greek temple like uh like something you’d see like an Athens or something and now the world file just it doesn’t

Work it exists it’s still on my computer but I guess it’s like corrupted or something and the file just won’t load for some reason which really sucks so that’s why the title of the stream is uh is what what it is building the Temple cuz we were that was what we were going

To get started on so you know I’m hoping to find coal here you know I am investing in Coal but it doesn’t seem like there’s any coal here which sucks which really really sucks but uh you know I want to answer some of your biggest questions on Christianity I’m open to answer

To answering any questions that you guys have about Christianity or about anything related to that so if you guys have any hot burning questions or about you know morality or anything like that I’m open to hear it Samuel mangram says I’m Brook you don’t have to send me money if you’re

Brook man but you know come on pay for the content you know I’m putting effort in this Jonathan Asel says hey man keep up the great work never stop sharing the gospel it is better to obey God than man the demon in your original server delete it what do you think about lost

Media well I mean what do you mean by lost media do do you mean like uh do you mean like like Squidward suicide is that what you’re talking about when you say lost media because that’s Squidward suicide is a [ __ ] meme uh when I was a kid I would say honestly that Squidward

Suicide did actually kind of scare me a little bit I’m not going to I’m not going to front about that like I totally was like oh my gosh there’s a there’s a Squidward suicide video that they took out of SpongeBob you know but that shit’s fake that shit’s obviously

Fake but there is lost media and I on my channel I have covered lost media on my channel I covered a YouTuber named political juice and political juice most of his videos are lost to time pretty much oh my gosh well most of his videos

Are lost of time right so you can’t find them anywhere they’re just nowhere you can’t find them and it kind of sucks honestly lost the the phenomena of lost media kind of sucks like there is this really touching video game I remember it was like I think Mark played this video

Game but it was back in the era of YouTube where like it was really cool to play uh Indie like 2D pixel horror games and there was just really touching like 2D pixel game and I don’t remember what the title of the game was and I can’t

Find the let’s play right so I don’t know if it got taken down or what the deal is but basically what the uh what the game was about is like this climate disaster scenario where the world kind of froze over and just kind of like the aftermath

Of the world after the world froze over it was like this top down pixel RPG and uh your main character is uh someone that was in prison and uh they committed a crime in order to get thrown in prison so that they could survive the uh the Wast right

Oh my gosh what the [ __ ] is happening dude where did these [ __ ] come from and so so during the game you would basically uh the you’re playing as the main character talking to their cellmate sharing stories about uh your life and how you came to be there and as you

Shared the stories it you would cut to a like level and in the level you’re like playing as the character going through the story they’re describing it was a pretty dope looking game of course I never played it or anything like that but it was pretty cool looking and it

Inspired me to make uh video games and uh I I have you know tried my hand at that I’m not very good at at it any of you that have ever just tried coding before it’s so hard to make it’s so hard to make anything let alone anything of value like making

A video game and as I’ve gotten older I’ve kind of viewed video games it’s just a waste of time I only really play Minecraft on stream because people like to watch Minecraft content and that’s it like so I’m not I’m not like a very Avid gamer anymore right but I

Mean like you know I I was inspired for a long time to make video games because of that game and there there are a few other games that inspired me Beyond just that shitty one and I don’t really know if that game was good cuz I never played

It but you know I wish I could find that game right but you can’t find it cuz it’s lost media you know so that sucks but it is what it is right nothing we can uh nothing I can do about it unless someone in the chat knows what I’m talking about

But I doubt anyone hasz I’ve asked a lot of people about it um no one knows what it Is so I figur what I probably want to do is I probably want to get a bed but in order to get a bed uh you don’t actually need wool what you need is you need to kill zombies in order to get a bed which I think was a

Great great decision from this mod Creator because Minecraft became way too easy Once beds were added like it it just became like a cakewalk you know so to make it like you have to like put yourself in danger to get a bat I feel like that’s kind of red

Pild so I don’t know but let’s get some more wood here mangos I think how he is sm8 what are you talking about mapalo are you a mapalo menace who watching the stream right now is a mapalo menace are you guys mapalo Menaces yeah that guy is clearly gay and I don’t know how anyone can like look at him and just not instantly like be able to tell that he is cuz it’s like so obvious that he is um like just look at him and as I I

Stated in my video like even if he’s not gay he’s still sinning because it’s a sin to be an effeminate man it says that in First Corinthians chapter 6 that it’s a sin to be an effeminate man and if anyone’s a effeminate man it would be Apollo to be

You know blunt about it I mean that’s just the truth I don’t think anyone can dispute that so the dude tells us you know don’t live in sin if you live in sin as a Christian you’re going to go to hell you’re going to lose your salvation but then brother you’re living

In sin 24/7 and I’ve kind of realized this about everyone who teaches Works salvation as I’ve really examined them like pine sap none of these people live up to their beliefs they say that if you live in sin well you’re not going to be saved but then they live in sin constantly I

Talked about this on my stream you can watch the VOD of the stream on my old Channel unfriendly Hood but uh in my most recent stream on spine sap we were getting into the doctrine of mortal sin and pinp was reading Hebrews uh chapter 10 where it says if you commit willful

Sin the willful sin excuse me if you commit the willful sin after coming to the knowledge of the truth there’s no more sacrifice for sins and he says see if you willfully sin it will make you lose your salvation and I’m like number one right if that’s how we’re going to

Interpret it I mean number one it’s not even true right that’s a false interpretation that’s not what the verse is saying but let’s just say that is the correct interpretation it doesn’t just say that you lose your salvation it says there is no more sacrifice for sins which means

That if you could lose your salvation through willful sin it would be impossible for you to ever get your salvation back right so therefore right if that if that is the correct understand of that verse pinap is a damned you know sinner he’s going to hell right so he’s a total hypocrite

Telling people you need to stop sinning you need to stop sinning or else you’re going to go to hell but yet he lives in sin you know and I think that that that’s so satanic you know it’s so satanic that he would dare try to tell

Me I need to repent of my sins when if any of you know pine sap or pale attention to him and I don’t know him but I pay attention to the stuff that he does cuz I guess I’m kind of like a fan of some of his

Content if you pay attention to his content he goes constantly through phases of quitting social media because he cannot control himself and constantly sins uh hating people on Twitter in a way that convicts his conscience and so we’ll have to constantly go to confession and log off

Of Twitter for months at a time so that he he won’t get caught up into his sin and it’s like buddy you’re living in a constant lifestyle of hatred right and you’re going to tell me that I need to stop sinning it’s like take the plank out of your own eye first

Before you tell me to stop sinning dude like at least dude do that uh I just think it’s goofy that that him of all people is going to tell me I need to repent of my sins you know and listen I sin too but here’s the difference I don’t say that

You have to abstain from sins in order to go to heaven he does and listen I don’t tell people to abstain from sins which I commit so I’m never going to tell people to not sin uh particular sin which I’m committing right but pineap he just blanketly says

If you don’t stop sinning just in general you’re going to go to hell well pinap you sin all the time so you’re going to Hell by your own standard dude don’t tell me to stop sinning when you sin all the time right so don’t be a hypocrite

Right and that’s like the worst thing in the world the worst thing in the [ __ ] world is Hypocrites and and I hate hypocrites like more than Anything so I don’t know I don’t know I I don’t know I’m get maybe I’m getting a little too heated here I’m being a little too hard on pine sap but I mean tell me I’m tell me I’m not wrong tell me I’m wrong you know tell me I’m wrong

Prove to me I’m wrong you know Samuel Magnum says I am a hood ganger NT says what’s a mapalo menace I like mollo’s channel uh so mapalo uh at the beginning of his videos from what I’ve seen I’m not a big fan of mapalo I’ve only watched one of his

Videos and it it UPS what what he said in his video deeply upset me because he was being a hypocrite mapalo and mapalo he’s being in a feminite man but uh so at the beginning of his video that I watched he called his fans mapalo menaces so when I say Mollo Menace that

Is like what his like name that he calls his fan base kind of like how PewDiePie calls his fan base the Bro Army so it’s kind of like that all right so we’ made some progress let’s throw just all this crap in the chest here cuz we don’t

We don’t need all this so NT says how is he feminine so if you go to 1 Corinthians chap 6: 9 and 10 it says it is a sin to be an effeminate man now some things that the Bible says are effeminate in the Old Testament okay in the Old Testament the

Bible says that uh cutting off your beard is effeminate it says that having long hair is effeminate now I used to have long hair but I cut my hair but essentially my understanding of a feminis if I were to give a to be a feminite man is someone who is very

Obsessed with the way they look and meticulously pedicure themselves to look pretty and a attractive so I would consider like looks maxing as a bodybuilder to be effeminacy right uh I’m not saying bodybuilding itself I’m saying like doing looks Maxi and [ __ ] and like being like really into that [ __ ] is a feminine

Like getting plastic surgery would be AFF feminite and so the reason I call Apollo effeminate is because he has like this like little haircut and he’s got like this dyed hair and stuff and dying your hair and stuff that is like being really obsessed with your

Looks like you don’t just do that just just cuz like flippantly like you you’re like really like obsessed with the way you look to be wanting to like dye your hair and stuff like that so he’s he’s a feminite now in addition to this you may say well that’s just one little thing

But he also has this really gay picture of him and one of his friends where they’re like both sticking their tongues out and like sticking their asses out in a way that a woman would and doing a heart symbol like right and that that’s pretty effeminate right that’s like what women

Do when they take selfies right they go like this and you know that’s not that’s not what a man does so I would say mapalo is effeminate so NT says I think what he means is unrepentant sins like things you do without remorse or anything well listen

If that was true which I don’t think it’s true that unrepentant sins will make you lose your salvation but let’s just say it was mapalo does not seem very repentant about being effeminate right so if I was to say you are repentant right you’re like pentant you’re penitent

I would at least expect you to like feel bad about it and be like making an effort to stop well Mollo still has his weird hair do he still posts like weird kind of like gay pictures of himself you know he talks like a black woman in his

Videos and you know like if I was to say like well he’s repentant I would want to look at I would want to look for free roots of repentance John the Baptist says if you’re truly repentant for your sins then show fruits of your repentance by making an effort to stop

Sinning well mapalo hasn’t like cut off his hair or anything like that Apollo hasn’t done anything like that like I’ve cut off my hair cuz I felt as though it’s wrong to have long hair um but you know he has has done anything like that so I would say he’s

Not repentant and so under his own standard if his standard is true which I deny that I do not believe that his his standard is true but if it was true he would be going to hell because he’s unrepentantly being effeminate which makes him a hypocrite I didn’t want to ask when the

Shovel but so anyway so he’s being unrepentant right and so that’s his sin uh now if we read the Bible the Bible actually never says the phrase repent of your sins ever and uh I I talked about this in my video on mapalo but uh there are only some very recent new

Bibles which contain the phrase repent of your sins and pretty much anyone who is like well read into the original Greek New Testament will tell you that repent of your sins never appears in the Bible ever so the the Bible never says repent of your sins just that phrase

Itself and it never says that you have to stop sinning to be saved there are no verses there are no proof tack which say that now there are some verses which people misinterpret to mean that if you don’t repent of your sins you’ll go to hell and you won’t be

Saved but I’ve made a video on pretty much all of those verses and upon closer inspection of these verses so and what I what I Define as closer inspection is reading the words themselves and looking at the definitions of the words to understand what the words mean as well

As looking at the whole chapter or book which they are in when you look and you inspect these verses more closely what you find is that these verses are not uh saying that if you don’t stop sinning you’ll go to hell um so I’ve I’ve made quite a few videos

On this subject I’ve made a video on Hebrews 10 I’ve made a video on uh James 2 I’ve and I’ve made videos on a lot of other verses which people use as a proof text for Works salvation and none of these verses even convincingly could be interpreted as meaning that um

So you might say so what are we just supposed to live however we want no uh we’re supposed to do good things as Christians all that I’m saying is it’s not required for salvation you don’t have to be a good person to be saved and

The reason I say that is because if we just read the Bible plainly it says the whole reason we need to get saved at all the whole reason Jesus died was because if he didn’t do that we would all go to hell because we sin so the whole reason

We need salvation is because we sin so to put a requirement that you need to stop sinning in order to be saved is like [ __ ] because the whole reason we need to get saved is because of our sin and that we don’t love God enough we don’t love our neighbor enough uh you

Know we don’t we don’t meet God stand standard you know so I don’t Know Mollo teaches a workspace salvation sorry I’m just reading the chat here don’t watch him he’s leading people to hell and he makes no sense on Matthew 7 Works trusters equal low is that c yeah Matthew 7 is I think one of the few verses that I don’t think I’ve

Made a video on why on why that’s not talking about uh sin if you read Matthew 7 uh people will take that verse out of context it’s Matthew 7:21 and what it says in Matthew 7:21 is that people who uh don’t obey oh no what does it say it says uh

Not all who say unto me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven right so what people interpret that as meaning is people who just say they believe in God people who just believe in God but still sin won’t go to heaven but that’s not what it’s saying

At all if you read the verses that immediately follow not all who say unto me Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom of Heaven it then continues and it says this it says that many people will say to me on Judgment Day Lord I did good

Works don’t I deserve to go to heaven so so in the end times when Jesus judges the world there will be a bunch of people who say Jesus I deserve to go to heaven because I did good works and Jesus will respond to them I never knew

You right so the verse isn’t talking about people who just believe in God but don’t do good works it’s talking about people who say they are believers but don’t actually trust in Jesus but instead are trusting in their good works to go to heaven right and so if you read

The Bible if you read the book of Romans and go to Romans 4: 5 it says in Romans 4:5 that someone who has no good works and that means someone who hasn’t uh repented of their sins someone who didn’t repent of their sins but believes in Jesus that they will go to

Heaven right so to say that works are required well why doesn’t Paul say that in Romans why did say you don’t need works at all to be saved and that you can have no good works but still go to heaven if you believe in Jesus right so malalo he will just

Misinterpret and and it’s not I don’t know if it’s necessarily his fault because most churches misinterpret Matthew 7 right so Catholics Miss misinterpret Matthew 7 a pretty much every Christian Church misinterprets Matthew 7 and they misinterpret like all these Bible verses so I I don’t know if it’s

Necessarily his fault or whatever but it’s still a misinterpretation and if you just read carefully right you read the Bible carefully and you think about what do these words means what what are the definitions of these words how do the words string together to make an

Overall point there are no verses in the Bible which which come close to saying that if you don’t stop sinning you won’t be saved and you’ll go to hell it doesn’t say that now if we don’t believe in Jesus so if you don’t believe in

Jesus and you sin you will go to hell for your sins but if you sin but you believe in Jesus then your sins will be forgiven right now to answer like a question that might be coming to your head I don’t know you but someone might ask well does

That like isn’t that basically like giving people a free license to sin like you’re just giving them permission to sin basically and so the Bible actually addresses this in the Book of Romans and what the what what it says in the Book of Romans is that beli in Jesus

Will actually lead you to stop sinning and is will actually give you a more powerful reason to stop sinning then fear of hell so most people think that if you’re not constantly afraid of going to hell that you’ll have no reason to stop sinning but what Paul says in

The Book of Romans which is the uh fifth book in the Bible he says that faith alone the doctrine that all you need to do to is believe in Jesus will actually make you so thankful to God that he’s allowing you to go to heaven in spite of your evil

Deeds that you will be moved to stop sinning even though there’s no uh you know repercussions for your sin right so act I have a better reason to stop sinning and that better reason is that I know God loves me so I know based on the fact

That God sent his only son to take the punishment for my sins that God loves me and so I am moved to stop sinning and I can prove that that that’s true with my own testimony because before I got saved before before I believed in Jesus I was a sodomite I

Was a porn Watcher and I did all kinds of evil [ __ ] up Twisted [ __ ] I was a fornicator and uh so I was living in a totally sinful lifestyle and during that whole time that I was living a sinful lifestyle I kind of considered myself a Catholic and Catholicism is Hardcore

About the belief that if you don’t stop sinning you can’t be saved like Catholics are hardcore about that but yet even though I knew that if I sinned I would go to hell I still continually sin constantly because I figured well since I already sinned there’s no hope for me I’m going

To hell anyways so why don’t I just keep sinning and you know I realized that you know I I’m going to hell and so I would try my hardest to stop sinning you know I would try my hardest to uh you know not do evil but no matter how hard I

Tried I found that this was an impossible task to overcome my sins right it it’s it’s impossible to stop sinning it felt like anyways like I was just so conditioned by the things that happened to me in the past and you know the things that I’ve done I’ve been so

Conditioned to think and act a certain way that it was basically like impossible for me to stop sinning right but when I’ve heard the true gospel that Jesus was sent by God God sent his only son to take the punishment in Hell which we deserve so

That if we believe in Jesus we will not go to hell because Jesus went to hell on our behalf when I heard that it set me free from sin and within one week of believing I was totally set free from all that sick [ __ ] I did struggle a little bit with

Pornography but uh but for for the most part I was totally set free from fornication totally set free from you know homosexuality and stuff like that and I haven’t gone back to that stuff so the fact is that the the gospel the true gospel which says there are no Works

Required no repentance required is actually more effective at getting people to stop sinning than saying that if you don’t stop sinning you’re going to go to hell and that is very hard for people to understand most people just don’t get it it just makes no sense to

Them but that’s the truth in practice even though it might not make sense logically in practice it actually is more effective to say that you don’t need to repent and that Jesus did everything for us then to say repentance is required so trying to get some leather right now

Trying to get leather here so that I can make armor all right so I think I have close to enough to make a full set I need to kill like one more cow and I should be able to make a chest plate and Boots uh so there’s one more cow over

Here but I don’t have a sword so I guess I’m going to just have to axe him to death that’s crazy where is the photo says NT uh if you want to find the photo watch my video that I made made on mapalo it’s my most recent video it’s got like 1.7 th000

Views go watch that video and towards the end of the video like the last quarter of the video I show the photo and I and then I call out malalo and I say how can you tell people to stop sinning when you’re when you’re sinning you know now listen I I actually

Wouldn’t have a problem with mapalo teaching the false Doctrine at least not as much of a problem if he held himself to his own standard and didn’t sin you know then I wouldn’t have a problem with it because uh you know he has a valid point

Then if he’s able to stop sinning then surely I’m able to stop sinning right and I I should be expected but the fact is pretty much every single teacher that says you need to repent of your sins in order to go to heaven they themselves live a constant lifestyle of unrepentant

Sin and so that’s why I have beef with mapalo so I hope I hope that answers the question I hope that that all made sense to you you now I know I’ve gone on like a rant here but you know I think everything that I said was pretty truthful I got to

Take a drink here um and I’ll make a make a new sword as Well all right let’s see what people are saying in chat here facts if it was required to stop sinning no one would be saved literally not a soul yeah I’ve been thinking about this cuz I’ve been uh uh in this big kind of back and forth debate with uh

With Catholics because most of my audience is made up of Catholic people um and uh damn I’m like coughing most of my video was made up most of my audience is made up of Catholic people and uh I’ve been having this big back and forth because Catholics believe

That if if you commit mortal sin and mortal sin basically means like particularly egregious sin like murder or uh adultery cheating on your wife and stuff like that that you’ll lose your salvation and so you know so then what Catholics believe is that in order to get your

Salvation back after you commit mortal sin is you have to go to the confession booth and confess your sins to a priest and so I’ve been kind of thinking about this and I’ll probably bring this up in my next live stream I do on Instagram cuz I’ve been doing live streams uh

Talking to Catholics on Instagram but uh what I want to bring up on that stream probably is that you know if if that Doctrine was really true and I was convinced of the doctrine of mortal sin I would have to be in the confessional Booth 24/7 like I would

Never be able to leave like the church would have to run these like 24/7 confessional booths and get atheists to stock food in the confessional booths so that I could just so that I and every other Catholic who’s a True Believer could uh just sit there and constantly confess our sins to the

Priest you know so it’s just like people just really have a they don’t really understand how bad sin is and that’s why they come to these crazy conclusions I honestly think most people that believe in this repentance of sins [ __ ] and I’m not saying you shouldn’t repent of your sins just that

It’s not required for salvation okay but people who believe this this Roy’s repent of your sins BS I honestly think they’re like sociopaths or something because I feel so bad every time I commit just a Littest sin and we don’t realize how bad our sins affect the world around us for example just

Watching pornography like that’s something that 99% of human males on in in the west struggle with 99% struggle with pornography addiction just watching One porn video for just a few seconds you might think oh well I I I’m just the one sitting it’s not affecting anyone else but me

But when you really think about it when you watch that porn video that porn video gets boosted in the pornhub or X or whatever it gets boosted in their algorithm and it gets recommended to more people which means that more people will see that porn video because you uh watched it

I was trying to get something up here but I don’t know what I was supposed to get I forget what I was supposed to get so I guess I’ll just go back anyways but so that gets recommended to more and more people and something else to also consider is that

The first time most men are exposed to pornography is at around age 11 or 12 and it’s been getting younger and younger each year which means you watching some sick Twisted porno video like a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what whatever sick [ __ ] you’re doing right just watching that video you are

Exposing that video to 11-year-old 12-year-old boys just by watching that and then something to also consider is that all like there was so many there were so many videos on PornHub that contained miners in it and so many videos that contained sex slaves who were abducted from their family at a

Young age and forced to be a porn star there were so many videos like that on PornHub that PornHub had to delete I think almost 90% of their catalog and I bet you that even the videos that are still up now are full of Miners and uh people who have been kidnapped from

Their families so on top of that just by watching these videos you are perpetuating the cycle of sexual abuse and human trafficking and kidnapping okay you are perpetuating that so essentially just by watching One porno video you are the you are responsible for millions of rapes and

Molestations so I don’t know how you can believe this repent of your sins’s garbage because if you really believed it you should [ __ ] kill yourself if you really believe that there’s no hope for you like there is no hope for you to ever get to heaven because you are so [ __ ] sick and

Twisted and I’m sorry that like I’m getting heated cuz I know a lot of people do not like it when I curse but it makes me so angry just to think about how evil the world is and how evil most of these repent of your sins Hypocrites really are they’re so

Evil and they’re they they really are totally unrepentant the repent of their sin the repent of your sins crowd that teaches you need to repent of your sins to go to heaven are the least repentant people in the world because they don’t have any real guilt over their sins they

Just watch pornography and think that just saying sorry is enough they think just saying sorry oh I’m sorry God that’s enough to get them forgiven it’s so disgusting man it’s so disgusting to think that that’s enough to justify you in the eyes of a righteous and holy God you know I I

Don’t know if you guys get it that are watching just like but it it makes me so upset you Know but yeah yeah so that’s kind of my thoughts on all that Matthew 7 is what confirmed that devil blinds people that we have a veil on us without the revelation of Grace the truth is right there and they just ignore it and twist it it’s true yeah I mean people really

Do twist the truth they ignore the truth and it’s just terrible you know it’s just terrible you know you really have have to be careful to uh make sure that you’re getting your information from people who teach the truth so I I would like to recommend

Some people who teach uh the true gospel so that you know you guys can know who’s real and who’s fake so there’s a guy uh who I just found recently his name is uh onor Diamante Ono Diante okay and he is a great brother of

The Lord and uh he makes he makes tons of faith alone free Grace videos he teaches the true gospel he’s a great YouTuber another guy is fego Savvy I’ve obviously had him on the channel before he’s a great he’s a great uh great guy good friend of mine another guy who I

Consider at least a an acquaintance of mine his name is Saint AVS Saint AVS he makes very high quality videos kind of on the level of like my videos so if you like the style of my videos where it’s like very high quality and lots of like editing lots of special

Effects you’ll like St av’s videos uh he’s a Brit he’s a Brit though so he’s got kind of like a unbearable accent no he’s a he’s a chill dude and I I like his content a lot so these are some people I found recently the door there’s a YouTube

Channel called the door I know some people have a problem with his videos but I would say uh he’s one of the main reasons I believe in grace alone and faith alone uh free Grace cuz he he is a free Grace teacher so I would recommend him and uh who else would I

Recommend I guess that’s all I can really list off the top of my head right now there are there are lots of other great people but I can’t think of their names currently all right so I guess the agenda on this and my OBS just disconnected so I

Don’t know what’s going on there I might have to I might have to end the stream soon because the Obi ass is disconnected but we’ll see not not ending it quite yet though so let’s let’s look at what you guys are saying sorry about that please stop

Cursing foul tongue is a sin man I might have to take the volume off he’s purposely holding back this is this is what the Bible is talking about cursing and cussing are different things he’s cursing that’s what wrong and cursing while there’s other people search up what curses and come

Back the Bible contains curse words read the King James Bible in the King James Bible in the book of Isaiah uh a prophet of God berates berates un Believers and says the phrase piss drink your own piss and eat your own dong so I don’t think cursing in the way

That we understand it is a sin of course uh Paul says that our works are like filthy rags before the Lord he also says my works are like a pile of dung before the Lord in other places there’s in in Genesis the phrase he who pisses against a wall is

Used it refers to men as pissing against a wall so I mean to say that uh you know cursing is a cursing is a sin well that’s just not true because even Jesus essentially cures the the Prophet Elijah mocked the Baal worshippers and said that the Bal worshippers that they’re God sorry guys my stream’s cutting out a lot so I’m going to probably end the stream but just to finish my point here and I’ll get back to my house here but to finish my point and I apologize I apologize for the technical difficulties going

On um but there to finish up my point here uh the Bible doesn’t say that swearing like as in saying cuss words like [ __ ] [ __ ] or piss is a sin it says that swearing as in going I swear on my mother’s grave or saying I

Swear to God that is a sin because if you swear to God God will hold you accountable for that swear and punish you if you do not hold up your end of the deal so if I say like I swear to God that I will give $100 to

Newans if I say that but then I don’t give $100 to newans well then I’ve just sinned you know and God will punish me for that sin

This video, titled ‘starting over… | Minecraft’, was uploaded by URFRIENDLYHOOD on 2023-12-06 17:11:54. It has garnered 299 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:15 or 5835 seconds.


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  • 40516e12bfb6b6b8442ae8b6328a24fc

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  • Dream Survival 1.20.1

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Lag-Free Minecraft Server!

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  • Breeze Mob: Moves, Attacks & How to Win

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  • EinfachGustaf – INSANE MINECRAFT MAZE!

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  • SCARY PENNIWYSE Drags JJ and Mikey UNDER BED – Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable: LegacyMB’s Epic Airless Broadcasts #craftrise #minecraft

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  • DzinyMaster PL reveals shocking reason why Warden can’t be a boss! #shorts

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  • Exposed: BlocksMC cheater caught using worse client!

    Exposed: BlocksMC cheater caught using worse client!Video Information This video, titled ‘BlocksMC cheating but i use shittier client every ban’, was uploaded by xyz1337 on 2024-02-26 18:23:01. It has garnered 5734 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:12 or 132 seconds. I DO NOT OWN ANY SONG USED IN THIS VIDEO! hypixel skywars,skywars,hypixel,minecraft skywars,hacking,hacking in skywars,hacking on hypixel,ranked skywars,minecraft skywars hypixel,hypixel hacking,shmeado hypixel skywars,skywars hacker,hypixel hacker,hypixel sky wars,hypixel hacks,how to be good in skywars,hacker compilation in hypixel skywars,minecraft,hackers on hypixel,new skywars,hypixel ranked skywars,bhopping on hypixel,hacking in minecraft,hypixel network hypixel,client,hacking,hypixel hacking,hacked client,hacking on hypixel,minecraft hacked client,hacking in minecraft,minecraft hacking,hypixel skywars,hypixel hacked client,minecraft,lyon client,minecraft… Read More

  • YertaPain: Crazy Minecraft Stream with Wooden Weapons

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  • Copper to Diamond in ONE Ranked Match?! Siege Shizo

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  • 1500 TL GIVEAWAY in UNIQUE SkyBlock! Join SkyLife Now!

    1500 TL GIVEAWAY in UNIQUE SkyBlock! Join SkyLife Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘1500 TL ÖDÜLLÜ BENZERSİZ SKYBLOCK #2 – SkyLife – Minecraft Sunucu Tanıtımı’, was uploaded by Reap on 2024-04-20 13:22:28. It has garnered 288 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:58 or 838 seconds. Reap Discord : https://discord.gg/WtqjUpzBP6 Server Information; IP: play.skylifenw.com Version: 1.16.5 Discord: https://discord.gg/XKNDkMRe 💼 » For Advertisement, Sponsorship and Job Interviews: contact on discord or [email protected] tags: minecraft labor skyblock server, labor skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft server, minecraft labor skyblock, labor skyblock, skyblock server ip, labor skyblock server turkish, minecraft labor skyblock server, labor skyblock… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE LIFE-BUILDING SERVER IN MINECRAFT🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MARI BANGUN KEHIDUPAN DI SERVER BARU KITA | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-22 14:58:00. It has garnered 40 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:34 or 6274 seconds. LET’S BUILD LIFE ON OUR NEW SERVER | MINECRAFT Hello Welcome to Bang RA’s Channel On this Channel We Will Play Minecraft Games, Brothers and Sisters I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓ Komen ✓ Share ✓… Read More

  • ᴛᴇʀʀᴀᴍᴄ – 1.16.5-1.20.x – www.terramc.xyz BoxPvP Aktif!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.19.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.19.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: oyna.jawles.com.tr (GL HF) Read More

  • SnowCraft | Custom Survival Server (1.20.4)

    SnowCraft | Custom Survival Server (1.20.4)👑 SNOWCRAFT (Coming Soon)Snowcraft is custom survival minecraft server with custom blocks, ores, mobs, quest, events, jobs, claims, rewards, biomes, seasons, items and much more!What we offer? ❤️- 🌞 Custom biomes & seasons- 🗺️ Custom quests & jobs- 🐻 Custom mobs & bosses- 💬 Make new friends – ⚔️ Events and challanges- 🐟 Custom fishing mechanics- 🏹 Over 1200 new items- 🏰 Custom structures- 🐎 Custom farming system- 🌟 Custom temples- 😯 New and unique ores- 💎 Custom crystals- ✌️ Custom friend system- 🐱 Custom pets- 🏛️ Custom Waystones- 👉 And much moreWe are looking for?❓- 👮 Great community Our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a fan of this trend, tried tho!

    I guess someone was building a house with a “creative” mindset! Read More

  • Diamond Hunt: Sand’s Gold Mine

    Diamond Hunt: Sand's Gold Mine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Archeology gameplay is now a dream. Diamond chunks hidden in the sand, Exploring the depths, with pickaxe in hand. 1 million guardians, a formidable force, Can they defeat the ender dragon, of course! In seconds, they strike with all their might, A battle for the ages, a thrilling sight. Mengxuan dada, the MC player so true, Sharing videos, commentary for you. Join the fans, in the QQ group so grand, For Minecraft trivia, in rhyme we stand. Read More

  • These cursed portals got me feeling hotter than the Nether! 🔥

    These cursed portals got me feeling hotter than the Nether! 🔥 When you accidentally stumble upon a cursed portal in Minecraft and suddenly find yourself in a world where creepers wear top hats and skeletons do the cha-cha slide. #minecraftmadness Read More

  • Becoming Ben 10 in Minecraft with Incredible Addon

    Becoming Ben 10 in Minecraft with Incredible Addon The Exciting World of Minecraft Addons: Becoming Ben 10! Exploring the Possibilities In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly finding new ways to enhance their gaming experience. One such way is through addons, which allow for the incorporation of new characters, features, and abilities into the game. One particularly exciting addon is the Ben 10 addon, which enables players to transform into the powerful alien hero Ben 10. Unleashing Your Inner Hero With the Ben 10 addon, players can take on the role of Ben Tennyson and harness the incredible powers of his alien forms. From the… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days Underwater In Minecraft!

    Surviving 100 Days Underwater In Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Days In An Underwater World In Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Legundo on 2024-04-27 16:00:33. It has garnered 250551 views and 4578 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:14 or 11234 seconds. I Survived 100 Days in the most difficult version of the Ocean in Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft’s Oceans are pretty calm and peaceful, but what if you added over 100 mods to fill the seas with Pirates, Anglerfish, and the story of a drowned Captain dwelling in the deep? Take all of that, and then make the world 99% water and you… Read More