WaterishPuppy – Its not Minecraft

Video Information

Gez dark you’re fast I hear nothing oh one second one second I know why I I know why you can’t hear anything oh oh I have my own stream open I’m like why do I hear myself wait give me one I know why I know what I forgot to do give me one

Second uh I know to do it I know I know what I’m missing there’s something I’m missing and I can’t try remember dude I haven’t done this for so long I’m trying to add I got to add all my audio sources and I don’t know it’s one of these

Buttons I think it’s a group no it’s not a group oh it’s a scene I got to add a scene scene audio Source now you’ll be able to hear everything there we go now everything’s in there yo what’s up everyone dang what’s up everybody it’s been a long time it’s

Been a long time and I found some random game that we can decide to play so first we throw money at him finally you’re back yes sir your music is super loud okay that’s one thing we got to do first so one second let me go close all my doors and

Everything and we’re going to get all of my audio stuff figured out cuz yeah I’ll explain here in a second let me go close all my doors and Everything glitch you’re already gifting memberships jeez dude jeez well thanks glitch all right we got to get all of my my audio stuff figured out so you said the music’s super loud K I let me open it up on my phone if I can open up the stream on my

Phone then I can like listen to it and like know then I’ll know how to do it so if you’re saying the music’s too loud then we can turn the music down yeah so the music is super loud so this is what I I’ve added a bunch of stuff to

Make it so now I can like individually change the audio volume of everything so okay I think that’s is that good is that better the gamer dude what’s up dude uh I canceled it when you canceled yourself okay I think that’s yeah that’s better okay if it’s if it’s too loud

Like if my volume’s too loud or like my mic sounds weird or whatever let me know cuz I’ll show you real fast what it looks like on my screen so if I move this here if I go to my desktop it’s kind of crazy on here but

If you like look at all these on the bottom I can individually control like all of my stuff do you still like cheese yeah how would I not like cheese anymore I just ate a sandwich with cheese like before I came up here uh you’re lower than the game audio but

It’s manageable it’s been a year and 5 months since I became a member gez that is kind of crazy dude how old am I ultimate uh 23 now I’m old bro I’m super old I guess I could just turn down this a little bit too I’m going to eventually

Just turn the music off and then I’ll be like good uh let me just grab the event real fast and post that to the stream and do at stream ping for everyone just in the Discord all right cool we’re done with that we’re done with that how much

Chicken wait what how much do chickens cost to buy over there W I don’t know I don’t regularly buy chickens all right so I found this random game that we’re going to play here that’s called theoren don’t I never played it I watched like five minutes of

A video playing it but it seems kind of cool so this is what we’re going to play so uh I got to do one thing real fast to where I need to change if I click on stream game it’s going to do this and then I got to go to game

Capture I got to remember how to do this and then I can go to Properties and then I go here okay now that’s up dude I haven’t done this in so long I can’t remember what’s up Dimitri it’s not Minecraft yeah not Minecraft no where is the DVD logo okay so when I last like a long time ago last

Time I streamed I had to reset my PC so like all of my OBS settings and everything are gone and then I haven’t uh mess with anything either okay I got to go to my game audio and I have to select what game audio like to capture I believe like that

So now if I click single player and I already generated a world so if I load into here we should be good press G to light your Lantern okay that’s good that’s how I need to know that remember cold of the sheep yes I do remember Infamous I can’t stay here forever it’s

All good man but good to see you also hello Noah Dingus hello it’s Minecraft I swear no it’s not it’s some random game it should here in a second whenever this loads uh should you should be able to hear game volume maybe I don’t know I gota make okay dude

It’s just G to not give me like any okay we leave this on for now we’ll leave this on for now until we got to make our character boys got to figure out what kind of dude we want to make it’s better Minecraft I don’t actually this game seems pretty

Cool I looked it up is it multiplayer yeah it is multiplayer I think I’m going to a pizza restaurant later I’ll bring my phone classic yo what’s up Cameron make it link oh good idea good idea do you still get my username wrong is it it’s Kiren right

Not like Kristen looks like Minecraft Well yeah if I’m not going to play Minecraft I might as well play something that looks like Minecraft you know can’t just immediately lose all of my viewership so so we can have a human an orc a dwarf some blue dude with big ears uh

You can be a Skelly boy or you can be like an elf I think we just go elf and like a link character that’s honestly like perfect name it Bob dude Bob is so agree with Cameron what that I’m cringe that’s not very nice there should

Be game music after I get done with this so I just got to select the hair color I’ve honestly never played this game before so I don’t even know make him an emo I don’t want an emo I think honestly that first hairstyle oh okay that’s that’s like a

Okay it’s got like a little is that a mustache bro I can’t tell what color is Link’s hair his hair is like this color yeah yeah yeah okay now we got to find link hair dude I don’t freaking know I don’t think W remembers me Noah what makes you think

That do I remember you Flint yes yes I do blonde and what’s his hair color does everybody just does every character have a mustache I mean that’s pretty like link hair it’s like dirty blonde all right we’ll see if there’s like one more color nah that’s where we get like blue

And everything I think we’re just going to stick with a solid blonde skin color Yes making black actual black all right there we go mustache is goed dude the mustache is like one of those like little twirly like you know like I’m trying to like say this without saying the word like

I just trying to like like Asian culture the mustaches you know where it’s just like the long like lines the Sensei stash that’s what it looks like to me all I think skin we’re just going to have to go with like I don’t know we’ll just go with

Like a solid like this skin or whatever ey details I don’t even know oh you can make his eyes different okay can make him angry okay I think the best one is just going to be like just dark ones like that I don’t know what color Link’s eyes

Are I think they’re blue if I remember I like I’ll just go with dark blue dark blue looks make him Bob or we all leave the stream why Bob why can’t we name him like sexy MC fart pants or something I don’t know accessories what are these look at his giant sword

Dude oh it’s his earrings those are his accessories okay link has earrings he always has he has blue earrings in in breath of the wild right I don’t know I haven’t played a breath of the wild okay let’s just do no earrings sometimes he has one oh yes sexy MC fart

Pins that’s the first name that that’s the first name that popped in my head oh here we go we can change his beard okay that’s that’s more like the one I was talking about that’s that’s totally it all right uh I guess I’ll have have to give him a

Beard link doesn’t have a beard though but I think a beard is better than no beard maybe we just leave the tiny little the long stash get the biggest beard ever do the earrings I mean fine we’ll leave the blue earrings then there we go we’ll

Leave the blue ear earrings and the log stash is so ugly dude it’s so bad uh where’s the chat thing in your back uh I I don’t know I just I tried to just maybe do like a little box you know all right character name guys yo what’s up

Bellow and gingi I saw you earlier gingi I just didn’t say hello so don’t don’t think I didn’t see you I saw you uh we got the earrings yes sexy mcfar pants is probably the best name I’ve ever heard debating changing my name to that Bob why would you want Bob just

Name him L you mean link Dimitri dude we’re just going to we’ll just stick with sexy mcfar pants all [Laughter] right make fart pants all right uh I was trying to think of how I could name him on there sexy bob we need Bob fine Bob sexy mcfar

Pants MC mcfar pant MC mcart pant there we go now we have the best of both worlds all right so we can either pick a sword a big hunk and Hammer a battle axe dual knives a bow or a a fire staff I was going to say a stick with a red

Thing but a hammer do the axe bro how am I supposed to decide when you guys literally give all the all different stuff literally all different you guys just pick every single item vote do a poll all right I wish there was a way I could do it through

OBS honestly all right fine we’ll just make a poll I think I can only pick five so I’ll do the sword ax something else whatever whatever we’ll see I’ll make a poll pull plus start pull all right honestly it doesn’t matter cuz you can change your weapon whenever you want I know

That so but whatever we’ll just start with one how could we not start with a sword sword’s like easiest one to go sword axxe Hammer okay we’re not going to do a bow I’m going to skip the bow we’re going to do knives because a bow is like I’ll add that

Later all right yo what’s up Kirby and hello Shadow camper he just spamed dual knives over and over again that’s why you don’t use the sword fine we’ll take the sword out just because the sword’s so generic all right we’ll do fire staff just because fire staff kind of sounds cool all right

There we go I can only do four YouTube only lets me do four things okay doesn’t let me do any more which is super lame this is not link by the way this isn’t link flame wanted first Blood I think you can have two weapons

So you can have a a main weapon and a standby weapon and what I’m either going to be doing later is we’re either going to have like a fire staff with like a sword or we’re going to have like a bow with a sword so like as the dudes come

Up we can long range shoot him with the bow you know and then when they get close we can hack and slash him that’s the game plan you know what I mean so that’s what that’s what we’ll do all right fire staff’s the winner all right we’re doing a fire

Staff okay I’m going to pause the music because I think once we get in it should be good all right fire staff it is we’re going to be a wizard sexy bob sexy m F pant is is joining great the game audio is not working gosh dang

It all my goods are of the highest of quality oh there we go add executable there we go now you can hear the game right you can hear that guy making that sheep noise someone should give me five bucks you can hear it now right oh nice

Press to free your cursor and click this button why is it comma all right greetings traveler to begin your journey you could start looking through the village and gather some suppes you’re welcome to take whatever you need on your journey you know Minecraft’s kind of like that except it doesn’t tell us we

Just do it they thought you know they thought i’ would just be like not take it if they said please don’t take any of our supplies I would have taken all the supplies anyways all right let me turn on my other LED now my face can be very well lit hey

Thank you for subscribing my mans thank you thank you who choose a staff over an axe dude it shoots fire bro all right look at the bottom right of the screen to find various things like your bag the crafting menu and the top the crafting stations allow you to create armor

Weapons food much more the wild animals around here are great source of animal hide to create some protection against the dangers of the world yeah so there’s like crafting different weapons armor I believe like foods that give you Buffs and Al dungeons in this game too so

There’s actually quite a bit of cool stuff do I have any idea what I’m doing no do I click this again all right you have to like so you can like trade with some dudes or whatever I’m clicking e on him oh my gosh dude there’s so much

Stuff I don’t freaking know maybe I can move let’s see if I move I’m going to move my face cam down to right here because down in the bottom left corner it will be out of the the way just because that’s where like the little chat thing is so we can move

It down here or actually I could leave it up here there we go I’ll just leave it up here yeah I’ll just leave it up up the top change things up a little bit so you have to like actually trade with them interesting I spawned in at

Nighttime can I go in here I can sit in a chair oh dude what’s in here yeah you got to steal stuff kill everyone in the game I picked up a straw hat all right so I believe B opens up my inventory hey karon’s going to like that got some

Cheese and a potion and a hat yeah now we’re farmer bar Barb sex Bob sexy MC fart pants dude I want to go to bed I don’t want to be here at night time all right let’s check out the map holy crap all right so here’s the

Huge map we’re in this tiny little town right here which actually has a cave right next to it which is going to be nice for getting ores and then there’s dungeons so this right here is a dungeon and it has a one little tick above it

Meaning it’s a tier one dungeon and then dungeons that have two ticks above them like this one is a tier 2 dungeon and then tier three you know this one’s a tier four and then there’s tier five which is the hardest one here which is cool no way guys 17mon member this is

Going insane impossible dude I know that took a year off but you guys tipped oh I do my thing do I remember you swasa man no no I I can’t read your your uh your language I don’t your name I can’t read it what the heck okay said I click G I

Can pull out my Lantern yeah it’s me FMP okay FMP makes more sense why did you change your name to a why is your profile picture literal swastic also Kahuna welcome back dude I don’t know why the alerts are aren’t popping up I don’t know why it’s it’s

Not doing the thing it should be doing the thing but it’s not it’s an Arabic name all right so we got like a tanning rack an anvil to make like an axe head dude dude this this is game is looking way complicated crafting bench a modular

Of bow limbs to make a staff then there’s tool dude there’s so much stuff goodness what Minecraft is that it’s modded Minecraft you know super mod okay I’m just going to steal everything that’s what we got to do it’s my favorite Doge pilot you picked up a tomato salad my favorite all

Right dude I got to find a bed dude I love that guy that makes like the you hear the guy that makes like the goat noise two mushrooms all right got some shrooms uh this guy this dude literally keeps making like goat noises whatever the heck they’re doing all right

Um what are these noises I want membership de nuts hey all you got to do is bust out that credit card you know and you can have whatever you want in life all right where’s my weapon P okay okay so this is your skills stuff so sword axe Hammer all right mining so

There’s mining skills scepter fire staff where even is my fire oh what does the other one do I got a flamethrower okay maybe the fire staff was where it was at guys wait no don’t no wait that that’s a dog I don’t want to kill the dog it’s too late now he fought

Back do I remember PK HD uh there’s a cooking pot here okay so this is where I can cook cook stuff no get from a bon Hammer dude I got a flamethrower a peacock dude this actually the music’s kind of goed I wish it was cussing daytime it was daytime I

Could actually see maybe I can like turn up the uh brightness or something in here Graphics uh dude there’s a lot of stuff to this game holy crap you can turn up the gamma but I feel like if I turn up the gamma it’s going to like

Is left turning it up how would left be up that makes no sense who designed this left is up dude it’s always right right is always the way you go up that makes no sense camera smoothing I’m trying to see if there’s like few distance interface

Chat bro I don’t know Crosshair okay I guess I just got to wait until it’s daytime I I need to go kill stuff Australians designed it I maybe what the freak is that thing bro why is there a giant man coming straight to the city heck no dude that what

The I ain’t killing that thing go for him heck no look at his freaking axe he’s killing everybody okay maybe we got to go help I spawn in the game and I don’t even know and a cyclops with 900 Health shows up and decides to come kill

Everybody oh nice I do 1.8 damage you know what we might actually be dude there’s no way there’s no way that’s average people height come on yeah you know he’s normal dude my freaking Fireballs blow things up dude why am I start starting off by fighting like one of the toughest

Opponents in the game that guy’s going to come over here and he’s going to hit me once I’m going to immediately die all right penos you know oh great I hit the merchant so he came and killed me real fast I say we just say screw this

Village dude and we just get out of here this is literally the starting Village how am I supposed to maybe we should go here maybe we should go to the different town maybe we should go to the a different town that doesn’t have you know that doesn’t have a giant Cyclops

Roaming around big man running fast let the villagers die probably honestly he’s almost he’s halfway dead unless Merchant Man shows up all right we actually oh my gosh no we out of here we out of here he’s got a laser gun we’re done we’re done boys holy all right

Yeah we’re out of here we are out of here man we’re respawning and we’re leaving uhuh bro like uhuh he’s got a laser gun I ain’t fight I no I no I can’t fight a freaking laser gun oh I bet I can get some Twigs thank

You I still have all my loot too so I don’t lose anything I mean that seems a little too easy but I also don’t know what I’m doing so I’m totally okay with that there are multiplayer servers to this game so I’m doing a single player

World right now cuz I have no idea what the cuss I’m doing so I’m learning right now cuz I don’t want to join some random World cuz PVP is always enabled except for like safe towns or whatever so I don’t want to just get absolutely obliterated so I’m going to that other

Town fly me to Korea why do you want to go to Korea North or South Korea kill the Cyclops dude the Cyclops did you see how fast he murdered me wait for the Cyclops to murder everyone and loot the bodies you know you know it’s all right

We’ll go check it out again we’ll go we’ll just go let’s go check just let’s go make sure we’ll just see how everything’s going over there maybe maybe uh Kepler what’s up dude hey are you finally a pilot yes sir I got my pilot’s license back in June I’m

Currently working on my instrument rating right now I actually have my instrument check ride on Tuesday which is like a super huge test very very scary and makes you sweat profusely because you get so stressed out from it that’s just part of taking the test also little

Storm is he gone did he leave did I make the villagers angry did I piss them off and now they’re going to kill me Roman get some shrooms while we’re out here okay okay I think we’re back I can’t believe the game started off by a giant Cyclops with a laser

Cannon rolling up killing everybody and then leaving leaving that’s literally what happened welcome to the game dude that guy is freaking sick he’s got like armor with spiky shoes and like a flame bow and a backpack dude this game’s going to be sick not going to lie open source RPG

Boys all right this Lantern sucks so I need to start off by killing things in the woods because all right we’re going to start with this dog I’m sorry dog but maybe just maybe you can give me just maybe okay this dude this weapon is so hard to All right there we go we’re getting him we’re getting him I need hide I’m sorry 13 XP let’s go okay he just gave me meat okay we need hide is it night time such bull crap that we got night I wanted I want daytime hey I love cheese

Okay that’s uh that’s all I want to know I don’t know what kind of meat that was it was uh raw meat s sliver oh sliver I thought it was silver dude I don’t know what I’m doing we got like a bunch of fla here and whatever

Like all right so these campfires are good I know that for sure I read that on the wiki so the campfires are good campfires are a way to like respawn and reheal so yeah you sit at the campfire and it heals you and also like is a

Waypoint so if you die you’ll respawn at a campfire So my long mustache man can wait here I don’t even know where my health bar is honestly I don’t even I don’t even know I just wish it was daytime this is like the perfect place to spawn it’s l a town and a cave and there’s all my crafting benches and

Everything but no all the villagers had to die and it’s night time so I can’t see anything I just need to kill stuff and get hide so I can make armor all right let’s go to C if we could C we get Crafting I can make a mushroom stick restores 24 health over

Time that seems good I’ll make a mushroom stick so we need to make a stone pickaxe okay so we need to get four twigs and five stones and then once we get a stone pickaxe then we can go into like a cave and we can get like

Pin or something and then we can make a better pickaxe so we’re just going to have to learn what the freak I don’t want to mess with that thing’s going to light me on fire if anything don’t know play fortnite no uh all right bye you’re Le gy all

Right we’ll see you start by raiding the highest tier dungeon dude did you see that the merchant man killed me with one hit of his sword and now we know there’s cyclopses with laser laser cannons heck no it’s going to happen imagine big man running to you in the

Dark dude honestly anything can run into me okay I probably shouldn’t be getting all these flowers I feel like I don’t need them all Oh shoot what is this this is where the Cyclops walk walked through all right let’s get out of here you also have a glider I’m

Pretty sure if you click okay we need Twigs I need rocks where do I get rocks from please fortnite’s fire I am not playing fortnite I I don’t want to play fortnite I have watch my new newest video and you understand I’m no longer what the freak was that I’m no

Longer playing games unless I actually find them fun tin see that’s what we need we need that I need a pickaxe I need Rock rocking Stone can I just like can I just like shoot this no also you can climb up stuff like Legend of Zelda okay there’s tin look there’s even

Copper dude there’s a ton of stuff right here all right we need this I need to find a rock oh Stones here we go I need five and I can make a pickaxe yes this is all we this is what we need then we

Can get all the stuff tons of it we now to do we already know what to do I was it I need five is this actually working towards it Stones yeah three yeah yeah yeah two more two more and we’re good come on baby give me the Rocks up here on the mountain

Top it looks like the sun might be rising finally I hate that the game started with me in night time that’s just to me that’s stupid all right stone pickaxe craft okay how do I use it that’s the question do I just have to have it like in my

Inventory and like okay now I have to like put it on my bar or something maybe I put it on like one okay there we go now I click one and no there we go okay there we go got it that was easy that was easy just hit it once I was honestly

Expecting to have to hit that a lot harder uh what do you do for living I play Minecraft Rebrand and I still kill Cyclops yeah I play offbrand Minecraft games cuz we can’t play real Minecraft games because it’s too difficult too many content creators are playing real

Minecraft games so I have to play fake Minecraft games to get views no now I just fly just fly airplanes and make money just kidding I have just lots of debt right now no money right now just lots of debt buying is really expensive guys it’s like a Nintendo switch

Every time I go flying no joke that’s literally how much it is I literally have been buying a Nintendo switch every time I go flying water just broke yeah I’m super broke dude I’m in the negatives I had to take out a loan I’m negative money right now I a’t got

Anything all right um I’m finding a bunch of tin and copper and I’m guessing we can probably return back to that first town maybe all the towns have crafting stuff I’m not sure if they all have crafting stuff then we could get a bunch of cool things

So let’s first just grab as much stuff as I can and then we’ll we’ll go to one of the we’ll go to that other Town we’re making our way to and hopefully we can use like the blacksmith there and then we can like make something out of this the first thing

The game told me to do was get uh hide that don’t have you might find lots of what the heck why can’t I mine this there we go hit it uh no more Minecraft I might still do Minecraft I have some like I still have some Minecraft ideas

I’m going to do never find lost Sky fun it’s not really oh yeah is that yeah that’s the game with the airships yeah yeah yeah go cool air shs and stuff yeah yeah that’s the one where like it’s all like foggy or whatever and you fly around in the

Fog I saw that yeah survival crafting games dude they’re my favorite dude there’s so much stuff here look at all this who needs to go into the caves when you can just mine all this stuff oh shoot don’t go fall off also the music it’s kind of nice [Applause]

Hey there we go let’s go already leveling up Gamers why is it called the blacksmith uh I don’t know why is are you trying to make some racial thing about this huh Kiren what are you trying to say here huh why isn’t it called the white Smith

Huh don’t know don’t know maybe because working with metal makes you look black I don’t know cuz you get a bunch of I one that looked like I saw like at that tree I swear it sound like a big tail move never mind okay those yeah those

Are just the trees like loading in okay okay we’re just going to I’m mining bro we’re just going to sit here and mine this is riveting content yeah I know but this is this is what we got to do we’re just going to have to get a bunch of

These and once we have a bunch of these then we can figure out what to do let’s wake a white a wh this is clearly better than the Legends mod already you know glitch you’re right you’re honestly right though the Legends mod was fun The First Time The Legends mod was honestly so

Brutal like I just yeah I that’s what I kind of said my video like if I had to keep doing the Legends mod I I wouldn’t want to be a YouTuber cuz it was it was just it was so brutal okay I keep seeing like things move and

It terrifies me also funny thing when I uh did this are you on a a server uh no I’m not on a server I just picked F single player because I don’t want random people running up to me and killing me before I figure out how the game

Works so I want to I’m just playing single player so I can figure out how this game works and then maybe one day once I actually like know how to get Loot and like know how to play the game and I’m not just running around like an idiot hitting

Rocks then maybe like how much of this stuff do I have 25 and 28 like do I need this much like there’s a lot there’s a lot of tin and a lot of copper do I need this much tin and copper I don’t know don’t know but I shall get

It download Minecraft 3.exe why do I need to download Minecraft free. exe when I just have Minecraft actually you need at least 200 each did you just look that up Dingus become max level for mining rocks you got to be kidding me 200 is that really how many I need to like craft

Things yes full Gamers here’s what we’re doing for the next two hours of stream this is it this is the stream right here Gamers enjoy we are we are just going to be grabbing lots of rocks for a long time also how does my mic sound is my mic like good

It’s not it’s not getting like the thing where it gets too loud right is it like a solid like volume you know what I mean you know what I’m talking about like let me tell you like like this is probably too loud right like that’s this is the loudness

I’m talking about that you don’t want it to be loud so I’m saying like right here is good right your mic is still a little staticky bro I just feel like your headphones just suck storm cuz I feel like you’re the only one that has issues

With it Mike is good okay see I feel like maybe your headphones just have static no they’re static okay never mind plan going to back you up so like right now it has static like it’s loud enough that it’s getting staticky or like it just has static

Sitting there your mic is staticky well cuss I second the static go dang it uh maybe I can turn it maybe if I turn it down like that is that any better if that’s like better I could turn up the static I hear static 2 also you’re much

Quieter I could try it like this but then crank up the volume unplug and replug your mic in maybe there maybe there just dirt I I have to shut my mic off I’m plug it plug it back in really think I’m plug I have to turn it

Off I’m about to use this fire staff as well that static is pretty high has stream to Forever forgets how well that’s kind of what happens when you don’t do it in a long time what’s that I see a little thing oh just a regular mushroom a

Mushroom audio from the game was kind of screwy it’s not your mic it’s the audio your mic is fine okay so do you want this volume or this volume which volume is better currently talking or the one before this is number two this is number one number one this

Is number one talking like number one talking number two number two number two volume number two change the bit rate in your OBS AIO dude my mining is already level three what else do I need to do one thing I don’t like about the fire staff is it blows everything

Up isn’t an eye exam number two number two okay number two G Us number one number two number one number two were they they’re about exactly the same there just the most insignificant difference between the two it doesn’t even matter you’re like I can hear fine either way it really doesn’t

Matter number one number two yes perfect okay so it’s fine if I put loud enough volume over my mic you won’t hear the static are you stoning yes I’m getting super stoned right now super ore wish there was more Stones dude I can’t believe I have to get 200 that

Seem a little bit Overkill is this what this the game just wants me to grind my life away getting Stones all right let’s go to that other town I think I got enough oh the town’s right over here Wait no that’s Ro all right we got to go this way we’re just

Going to go to the top of the mountain have a top of a mountain and we can use my glider to get down cuz I have a glider or who knows maybe I’ll just kill myself because I don’t know how to use the glider dude this Mountain’s huge

Look at this thing this thing’s massive Minecraft don’t have mountains like this what else can I craft is there anything else I can craft oh yeah see look bronze holy crap look there’s a lot of stuff dang dragon scale chest plate bro already better than Minecraft all right Minecraft don’t have

No dragon plate chest plates see Minecraft just needs more content dude for someone that rips on Minecraft I sure played a lot of it it’s a good game but for like you just can’t play it forever big tree huge tree we we mind big tree dude look

At the mountains of this see why doesn’t Minecraft look like this like was it really that hard for them to just make it like actual mountain peaks like is it really that difficult for them to do that no it wasn’t they just had to make these tiny tiny

Little like Hills Minecraft has Hills these are mountains Minecraft has Hills so are you going to be a weekly streamer glitch uh I think think so think I might try weekly streams what I want to do my main plan that I want to do I’mma play Sky Block while watching perfect storm that’s

Exactly what you should do and no James do not clip me talking about getting stoned back in the day getting stoned meant people throw rocks at you till you die 2021 back in the day nobody wanted to get stoned cuz you just died to a Rock

2021 people want to get stone cuz it make them feel good dude I cruise up these blocks maybe there’s going to be like a wizard tower at the top or maybe there’ll be nothing all right so if I click how do I go back to tab okay so oh

Yeah so tab is my pickaxe fire staff is my secondary dude this mountain is is humongous look at this if I C control yeah see Minecraft doesn’t have gliders all right we’re going to there’s the town okay we’re just going to continue along here and then we’re going to use my

Glider did you fire nightbot um no I haven’t even touched anything with nightbot honestly try it’s exclamation mark Discord all right now some you did do that huh depress did do exclamation mark Discord I don’t know where nightbot is honestly I didn’t touch him I didn’t do

Anything with him oh yeah I can just climb up the hill Oh My yeah let’s just do that it’s like riding a horse in Skyrim you could just just hold space bar and you will just you’ll just go easy easy Minecraft has an elytra true but you don’t get till the end of

The game dude that see but that mountain has like nothing all right where’s the town at the town’s like straight down there in the trees see there’s a tier five dungeon over there all right so we just pull this out please don’t die oh you use your mouse you can

Actually stall your glider too dude this glider is sick dude this thing is amazing this thing flies dude this dude this feels so good look at you just use your mouse it said don’t even use like your controls you just use your mouse for it purely based on

Gliding dude honestly this glider is sick with the music kicking in right now oh this is nice we need nightbot I don’t know where he went oh wait those are deer right yeah yeah yeah I need to kill those I need stuff dude that was sick

Yeah here we go there’s some llama or something over here we need a fire blast the freak is that thing oh oh I can actually Hold My Lan if I pull my staff oh yeah you can go first person mode if you want I I’m sorry llamas but uh it’s time

To die I need your hide oh shoot they okay never mind I’m sorry I didn’t mean it I I didn’t know you we all going to attack me Together I think I hit myself with my own oh dude I’m almost dead I’m going to die to a bunch of llamas climb baby climb evil llamas just like Minecraft no dude Minecraft the llamas aren’t that nice drink the potion come here a piece of

Crap I got the oh shoot fall damage I got The High Ground baby okay I got him soft wool oh okay I need hide the soft wool is probably good too see if I can snipe this boy ready get destroyed gliding dude the gliding is sick was getting jumped by

Llamas but you’re just now saying oh my my camera froze nice let me disable it and put it back on ready watch deactivate activate yeah turn it off turn it back on that’s all you got to do what game is this Noah this is called borin Boran

Boran it says it right up at the very top better than Minecraft Bro oh shoot not that fast yeah I got to kill more llamas dude does the flamethrower even do damage okay yeah it does actually dude why do they do so much dude the llamas do like 20

Damage maybe a sword maybe a sword would have been a better idea okay let’s get some more food can I eat this cheese restores 27 Health yeah there we go yeah crunch away oh it even takes looks cool I’m going download it yeah there’s a link in the description

If you want do it are we going to get more Elden ring dude I honestly haven’t played Elden ring in a Batman I think last time I played Elden ring was last time I streamed it yeah oh they’re running away now how much health does this llama have

Oh no this llama’s this llama’s coming straight for me yeah that’s right run away if I die to a freaking llama I’m going to be so pissed uh I’mma go now I’m bored all right see you dude see you that’s the cool thing about me uh no longer

Streaming to uh make a YouTube career is if you get bored and leave doesn’t hurt my feelings I just I’m like all right see you bro have a good one ain’t got to worry about trying to grow the channel I just sit and have fun I’m going to

Die where the freak am I at I died to a freaking oh my gosh I’m all the I’m all the way back at I’m all the way back at where we started where does it even show my okay maybe we maybe we don’t go there that’s just the Tik Tock effect yeah

Maybe I should like put like a little like a Subway Surfers video on the bottom maybe that would work a little I’ve honestly been curious if that would like work Subway servers yeah I’m like serious like I feel like it would actually work you know what I mean I

Still have all my stuff cuz I’m playing on Noob mode right now okay if we’re going to be at the town then we’re just going to go back to the town and we’re going to see if we can craft some stuff no point in running taking forever to

Run all the way back there let’s just use the to to I’m going to go play bedwar all right dude get dual monitors and you can do both at the same time like storm but I’ve honestly thought about like what if you just made YouTube videos and then in your YouTube videos

You actually put like the subway surfers or whatever on there would that actually make your engagement better just think about it like would that actually be a thing it’d be kind of crazy if it actually did that’s the key to viewer retention yo what’s up metal

How do I go to bed can I make a bed cuz lifetime sucks especially when it’s a brand new game and I have no idea what I’m doing what the freak is that thing oh he’s just H The Traveler what is he going to he’s just going to make more

Noises my house is mine I won’t trade it for anything I wasn’t trying to ask you for your house but okay how do I close my eyes kirston you can’t they’re stuck open forever you can never do it oh clock War clock wolf why can’t I almost

Not say that this me does it seem like everyone kind of respawned bro still thinking about that night he’s shaking he’s so scared okay so repair bench how does repair all okay did that just repair it all okay is like a forge or something Salvage bench crafting bench so I’m guessing you can

Like dude I don’t know how the mechanics of this game work is like a forge or something I can get also how did that where did that one guy come from there’s not even like any oh I bet the psyops came out of the cave that makes sense cuz I’m like there’s

Like this is like the starting zone there should be like nothing here is this High pixels game no this is not hight tail this is what we’re trying to a small Leather Pouch okay see I need to get leather okay I got soft wool see then

You can get like a spell bag and stuff see look at all this like leather strips diamonds iron nuggets I need to figure out where you can get iron ingots from requires a forge and two iron ore okay we don’t have iron ore but I need to

Know where we get a forge from where do I download it from uh if you go to the description of the stream Noah you should just see vorin but if you also just like v.net you can click that or you can just go to uh just typee

Vorin um just type vorin and you should be able to it should be the first link Valor and.net should bring you to their website and then just click download and then click Windows uh Mac or whatever okay so I got to figure out all this crafting like stuff can I search

Recipes okay can I find okay Forge okay so I can’t just off the bat craft a forge bio core double bath base almost said bass can make a flute just kill somebody with a guitar I think this game actually be really cool once you like figure out how

It works right now there’s just like we just dove into the the soup of all of it you know what I mean me a cheese factory we do know there is cheese and food just like heals you which is actually kind of nice food’s like actually useful like Minecraft food is kind of

Useful but like do you get what I mean like potions like dude am I just going to compare this game to everything with Minecraft well Minecraft potions suck but they’re actually not bad dude you can get different gliders and stuff too okay this is cool I just don’t know

How I make a forge that’s like oh there’s one right there okay I’m an idiot okay copper ingots craft all okay where’d they go oh I got 80 oh waa it makes a lot okay and then I can make bronze and then bronze I can make bronze armor with in

An anvil but I need leather strips and then we got to figure out how we can make leather strips okay we’re learning I we can make a mushroom stick how much do mushrooms 10 Health over 5 Seconds or if you put on there’s 24 Health all right dude heck yeah give

Me a mushroom give me mushroom sticks cuz I can heal myself with those okay I’m learning we’re learning okay I got to go back to the forge and now we make 160 bronze ingots maybe I didn’t need that many we can always get more this might be my number one on my

Game list honestly Noah I think this game’s actually going to turn out to be really cool like it seems really really fun like once you just like once you learn the game it actually seems pretty cool According to some website it said that like the game gets like a thousand

People playing a day don’t know if that’s true there is also online multiplayer hey I mean I remember when you were playing Minecraft asked you to make a cheese factory and you did not make a cheese factory well making a cheese factory is a lot of work okay I

Can’t just snap my fingers and have a cheese factory up here all right so it said I need an anvil then you make like a sword blade and stuff I want to make the armor wait just click on it and it shows me what I can make on here

Right okay tanning rack this is one thing that’s confusing me I click tanning rack and it like says I require the spinning wheel like I’m not trying to look at the spinning wheel I’m trying to see like what can I make in the Forge oh maybe if I click all maybe I

All and then I this is confusing me I left my football game at the halftime for the stream dang metal I mean this isn’t this going to be like the last time I ever stream it could be but that’s dedication man oh my gosh that person scared it says pre-alpha and

Update I’m updating it yeah it’s like they’re like they’re just making it it was worth it make genuine his bronze go crazy I don’t even Dingus I don’t even know I I don’t even I can’t even get back to it bronze Ingot I made

Them all but then I went here and I went to bronze chest plate I need to use my Anvil but I need leather strips I don’t know how to make leather strips I haven’t found any leather it said go off into the woods in the tutorial and it said go kill people bro

Chillax well you’re a well vered traveler and you’re freaking out like that I’ve spent enough time here dude’s Gonzo maybe we go into the cave is this game for PC yeah didn’t you just say you were downloading it you just wait no you just said you were just downloading it how you how

Would you not be download okay there’s a cave entrance over here get my little Lantern out that’s the cave entrance are you hitting me that’s the cave it wants me to go down into stupid why why it’s just a hole in the ground oh shoot o okay there’s some glowy stuff in here

These what I do with these is it multiplayer yes I’m playing single player so I can learn out the game right now if I click F1 it gives me key okay so it kind of tells me everything so you can put stuff on your hot bar left alt is to

Block my glider that works can dance with J well that’s good to know I needed that you can sneak with left shift toggle Lantern Mount wait you can get a mount es bag is B trade is T crafting is C spells is p oh yeah didn’t we we

Leveled up some stuff we leveled up our mining yeah we got three skill points available for mining so what does this do pickaxe strike speed mine faster chance to gain extra gems five okay I just clicked it and it went on chance to gain extra ore so this gives me gems so

I wonder if I hit that with my pickaxe hit with rocks to gain ore is this no strike speed uh maybe we’ll let’s just do strike speed okay then that cost two okay we’ll just level one every single one of them up okay let’s grab my pickaxe and see if I

Can can I mine these okay those aren’t gems they’re just there we need to see sexy Bob dance all right let’s see Jay there you go there’s there’s Bob’s sexy MC pants wait what what is this guy’s name Bob sexy mcart pant yeah mcart pant because we

Couldn’t couldn’t fit pants and so we had to do pant a bat fox is that thing going to hurt me it looks like it’s going to hurt me it looks really scary I hurt it before it hurts me wait I destroyed the things all right we’re doing just fine just just keep it

Going just tank him just tank him I animal hide that’s why what we needed we need a hide removing the pants from it makes it 100 times better yeah it makes it so much better also y what’s up Bedrock block oh yeah I can make it never mind I

Gotta go now peace out brosi I sing you Dingus always a pleasure I think it was left alt I I’m not sure that’s doing anything dude this cave looks massive oh what’s this copper I nice so yeah so I have my pickaxe on like standby right now but I’d like to

Put like a bow or like have my upgraded fire staff like later on oh shoot that’s not what I wanted okay just I broke it all oh we have mine music now we’re really getting down into the mines you know me bro I love miners hey I got a fragment I don’t know

What that does okay talk Knight I installed the game nice the dungeon has 1K HP cyclopses and there’s multiple of them yeah and we got obliterated by one that just decided to roll into town let alone whatever dude this cave is sick it’s even got cave

Music I’m not sure I should be going down in here a cave seems a little bit dangerous but I need animal hide see if I can stand here I love how I can see my little sandals I have a feeling the holon is going to end my livelihood what the freak is

That no bro I mean I’m killing it yeah this is cheesing in the game but yeah I got a N9 hit combo you know I’m just just that good is Milo making a guest appearance I don’t know what Milo is all my doors are closed so it’s actually impossible for

Him to do that right now yeah I’m just so good you know me man getting out was 28 combos all right I want to figure out what that guy dropped the problem is if I get down here I might not be able to get back up can I squeeze through here

This is dangerous as heck I’m going use my staff to blow a staircase cuz as of right now I’m literally trapped like I can’t like build my way up I have to just fire ball a hole out of the way 28 combo with no damage easy hey

Let’s just kill this thing while we’re at it dude these things are going to end my life so quick if I don’t kill them there we go wait wait there there no it’s really hard to aim when my big fat head is in the way Vines look at the

Vines I don’t think I can climb up them a shoot oh my gosh of course of course just immediately so the glider the glider is interesting the glider just doesn’t like save you you have to get like momentum with it otherwise it doesn’t do anything you’re back yes sir Prince I am

Here all right we’re going back into the hole how did I not die maybe we should try killed by Vines I thought I I thought I tried to climb up on it didn’t really work dude I’m swear I’m going to go flying off this Edge if I keep running like this hey

Rocks I’ve missed your streams well you know what guys it honestly makes me feel so good that like some of you guys like actually like missed me you’re like you know what I missed being able to come hang out and chill on streams like I missed it you know like warms my

Heart I was just being a busy busy boy I still am decently busy okay I can’t destroy rocks dude I don’t know if I go down here I don’t know how to get out I guess I just kill myself and then I’ll respawn back up yeah that’ll work

Yeah I’m not going to kill the turtle why is there a cobweb D cobwebs mean something spooky hey that usually means good stuff right all right we got to kill this thingy makes it really hard to see not going to lie I just dig him a hole

See once once we figure out the game we’ll be good for now we got to play the game like this but in the future we’ll become epic gamer and where we won’t need the cheese with fire stap we’ll jump down there with a sword and shield

And we’ll be dodging and rolling and his livelihood apparently if you click Mouse button you can yeah you can do a little tumble Go epic gamer hey there’s Cole and a turtle what’s up buddy dude this kave music sick what’s this grab these rocks ooh amethyst my inventory is full

P what can I drop red flowers can you use them dying stuff don’t give a crap about those give me the amethyst dude music’s going Off I realize I first I forgot to hit the recording button I want to like edit this down with like actual like everything I’ll fancy oh gosh my inventory is just full is there like a like a chest or something I can get hardwood logs seem like they’re good

Wild flax I mean flax is usually something you use in games a lot hole and whatever like I mean all this seems good I need wool mushrooms are good Twigs are good maybe what we can do is we can make more mushroom sticks wherever those were yeah mushroom sticks

So so I used all my mushrooms to craft mushroom Sticks okay we’ll just hang out here and collect more stuff I can’t get any more mushrooms I think what we need to do is we need to figure out how to get some other stuff for type music it is kind ofar the psyclops know how to climb

Stairs too and SL laser shot every two fire step shots yeah that’s what happened to me they just blasted me with a yeah I can’t get any of this stuff what are those things hanging from the ceilings are they just lights or are they like I see a spooky dude over Here honestly if he kills me oh wait it might have been nice it might have been nice all right we’re going to kill him we’re going to kill him we’re going to actually use a Bas of Maneuvers oh there’s another one Epic roll dude we

Can roll we can roll we can roll climb climb up the Rock All Right There we go we just going like this dude that thing’s got 200 health I don’t think we’re supposed to be down here with Gamers y what’s up cat BLS I don’t we’re notos supposed to be

Here if you make one cheese factory then you shall have great luck in cheese for the rest of your life I mean if I got a bunch of cheese and I could actually yeah for now though I’m going to I’m going to snack on a tomato Sad are you going to go see the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie honestly I rarely go to the movie theater to watch okay let’s kill the truffer okay honestly the truffer is not too bad to fight all right that wasn’t too bad mud I need a shovel he dropped four mushrooms dude

Mushrooms are good I like mushrooms all right let’s eat another salad and then we’ll pick up the mushrooms and we’re going to ye on out of here imagine if YouTube made a veterans discount on membership which makes it free for the first time you see it order for a

Veterans membership you need to be subscribed to the person below 100K and later I would be kind of cool the problem is then it would unsubscribe you randomly and then you would be like H you’re not a veteran anymore is what YouTube would end up

Thinking all right I think we get out of here yeah yeah yeah those are spiders heck off no way oh wa there’s a there’s coal yeah all right we’re out of here dude wait those are rocks yeah we we gone we gone we we don’t want to be here

Anymore we’re done become monkey monkey you get the discount you get a membership thing I think if YouTube had like a first month free membership thing I think that’d be kind of cool I think that’ entice a lot more people to become members of things okay oh

Shoot I think I’m just going to end up dying I don’t know how I’m going to get out of here I bet if I maybe climb up this wall use glider to then Glide side maybe I recommend it Mission Impossible movie oh yeah they made another one so

Wus will you be doing daily streams again no I might try to do something like weekly streams or something like that honestly I think weekly is I’ll probably try something like every week my main focus would be okay this is barely even making me up anywhere can I climb up this with the

Glider D I don’t know how to get out of here I don’t know how to get out of here besides just jumping off the edge and committing freezon on myself all right that’s what we’re doing see you Gamers that’s the the only way I know how to get out hey it’s

Daytime all right we got to figure out how to play this we got to get we got to figure out how to get a chest yo I need help logging in I’m about to use a password and username but I don’t think it can work can you explain um if you

Just want to play single player to learn how to play the game just click single player and you don’t need an account free in today’s economy ain’t nothing thing buddy you’re not wrong blue cheese smells bad yeah blue cheese is nasty well I’m going go for now I help you

Stream I’ll probably watch later if you watch the stream out of time if not I’m busy all right see you so crafting bench modular weapon drag Parts here to craft a weapon bow limbs scepter staff common lock pick okay so I can like pick locks and

Stuff all right I got to figure out how we can make like uh simple r Leather So animal hide’s going to make me leather I’m guessing I need to make a leather so we’re going to craft all of my animal hide into leather and then leather straight grips yeah yeah yeah

Yeah and I don’t have enough inventory space so I’m going to throw my mushrooms on the ground here and we’ll pick up those and we’ll craft oh I got to click I got to rec click back on the tanning rack to make it all right okay we got six all right you know

What just craft it all we’re going to make 12 all right we should be able to make armor now right if we go to the armor yes Brun shoes helmet guard girdle gauntlets cloak all right so we craft a chest guard okay and then we’ll grab

A okay you can get hands neck shoulders ring belt offand in active hand bro just ran through the fire I like multiplayer can you please help go onto their website click account and click create account and then make an account and then once you make an account then log

In with it so go to their website and click the account button so then you got to make an account when you launch the game it’s just asking you to uh okay we’ll make shoes okay how many of these four that’s okay guards is going to take six what is

Guards oh those my shoulders dude yeah make me some sick shoulder pieces how do I where did they go wait give those back no I want them back I can’t grab them cuz it’s just making me use the Anvil can I push them all right there we go I picked

Those up okay wait wait throw those back on the ground don’t need those don’t need them get out of my inventory okay yes yes okay and immediately put it on my dude yeah dude my gu getting better okay okay how many pieces of leather I have left I have two pieces of

Leather left so we can make either we can either make shoes or a girdle which I think just goes on my belt right does this give me anything gives me 0.1 armor let’s just make gauntlets honestly put those on my hands yeah now we have now we have a little bit of

Armor doing not too bad I love when you look at inventory and you just see your name Bob sexy MC fart pants inventory i us to sound normal like a few voice cracks every now and then but now I sound like a toddler it’s called growing up

Man I do with algae all the time from Winter you should get the backpack yeah I’m I’m trying to figure out how to make a backpack I need a small Leather Pouch which is three simple leather okay maybe gives me six slots I mean that’s better than

Nothing and then once I get here oh dude I could go to like if I can make the tiny red pouch yo what’s up Shu welcome back I’ve been a member for 11 months dude one more and you’re going to be obsidian ranked dude but welcome back

Shu good to see you and it’s it’s glad to be back it’s it’s good to be back I can hear stuff but it’s black uh just try refresh ing the stream yeah see thick leather hide two small leather pouches to make a big backpack I think what we’re going to try

To do is we’ll try to make the knitted red PCH since we already have soft wool oh requires a sewing kit I don’t know how to c can make a sewing kit let’s just try to start with this let’s just try to go out and kill some dudes oh

Wait wait wait maybe I can go to one of those containers and I can put my stuff In where’ those containers go wasn’t that container in here go back to this one restart your device all right see right if I open this crate oh right the crate just gives me stuff Dwarven cheese nice how do I make a freaking chest for inventory everything kind of respawned

I’m totally okay with getting free stuff I renew my membership at his next stream yeah Metal’s he’s got to wait he’s like he might stream again in a month I think like I said maybe I’ll try to do like weekly streams or something like on every Friday or Saturday or something

Like either Friday or Saturday I think that’s pretty like chill how long has stream uh been going for currently been streaming for an hour and 13 minutes that’s how long I’ve been streaming I got to figure out what the freak is it tabard bat oh wait you can have like

Multiple you got have four bag slots okay that’s actually sick this is sick I can’t it’s not just one backpack I can get multiple bag slots okay so I can just make a ton of okay what daytime let’s go see if we can run out

And uh hard car dude I just have too much crap and it’s going to despawn see like the stuff that was here like already despawned I need to kill more things to get more animal leather but like I can’t find anything as animal Saturday stream please well I don’t mean like like

Tomorrow tomorrow my brother has a mountain biking race because he does mountain biking so I’ll be up in the mountains watching him mountain bike around oh wait there’s horses down there I did read on here that you actually can tame a horse and ride it but that’s not

What we’re here for we’re here to kill that boar down there that’s what we want kill theable get the loot see that’s a weird mushroom boar I don’t want the weird mushroom boar I want a normal boar like like what is this are you nice hey though I got my

Answer get away from me Weevil H bro wasn’t even on me I suck at this game I even got all this nice armor too all right we’re killing the Weeble wee the weed bille he dropped five minor potions eight iron ingot and 274 coins the Cyclops you killed dang I

Won’t be able to make it to the stream till the end of marching band season jeez dude got that school to do I guess all right the weedville kill the weedville I maybe maybe the bow would have been good but if I have to use arrows in the bow then that would

Suck maybe the fire staff was a good idea because I have ranged combat I can’t do much when I got range on it but even still like these things have a lot of Health my two damage I do is not oh shoot okay yeah that’s that’s what it

Killed me with last time I I was like dude it’s not close to me help please Noah how are you not figing out my game is showing back when I enter the game why I don’t know I just I just downloaded this game today if I’m being

Honest try turning the game off and tur it back on again ow piece of crap oh shoot he stopped to eat the mushroom why did I think he just could just eat the mushroom Normally Noah you’re just going to have to to try to like I don’t know just exit the game and REO back into it I had no problems on mine I literally just launched the game and then clicked single player and clicked create world and played and then it

Worked dude this thing’s not even at half Health sorry I’m late yeah what’s up Jesse how you doing I’m doing fine and dandy my guy how are you doing what the freak he going to spit those things at me and that’s how I’m going to die yeah see those got like freaking laser

Gun get away from me hooligan dude how the heck am I supposed to I’m trying to fight the most basic enemy oh my he’s got a laser cannon stop I’m stuck bro literally has a freaking laser this is not fair I’m in a newbie area you aren’t supposed to be this hard

To kill oh shoot lead him back to town lead him to town spitting beams of light dude I know this dude’s evil I did Noah I I don’t know no I do not know what your problems are then my guy I don’t know like I said I just downloaded this game today

And it’s worked fine for me you could just try deleting the game and reinstalling it but I don’t know all I did was I just loaded in the game and clicked single player and clicked play you’re trying to play multiplayer and it’s not working I like I said I don’t know man a

Shoot just die just die just shoot one more dude I’ve died like 80,000 times come back here you stupid piece of crap I need a bed this game needs a bed cuz nighttime sucks I hate nighttime doing good celebrating my mom’s birthday that’s why I’m a bit late oh that’s all fine

Man new reason to be sorry got to celebrate your mom’s birthday man hopefully she’s having a good birthday they oh he would have died anyways finally St got some stupid ooze can’t even store anything in my inventory I went got all these stupid gems I don’t even know what to do with

Eat this mushroom and feel better how often do you have skills not by sleeping in real life how often do you skills huh if you think about it we overwork ourselves we blink we breathe we re Minecraft we play chat we are chat you can’t forget Jesse hey I’m not going to forget

Jesse I’m not really sure you’re overworking yourself James by blinking and breathing I think you do just fine like you just blink and breathe like your body’s chilling I misspelled a lot of words in that sentence yeah maybe like you can’t get chests maybe you just have to get whatever I’m

Really like leather is supposed to be like the first thing you get oh maybe if I just craft all there we go that freed up a slot by at least moving some of that copper into bronze I just don’t know how you store stuff you’re supposed to get leather

Like that’s supposed to be the first thing you can do so you can get leather I’m going to be back I’m get some food all right arm yourself with a Panzer V dude what the heck is that glitch experienced traveler yeah look at this guy he knows what he’s

Doing makes me scared I hope someone will clear them out okay the experienced traveler doesn’t even go through the thing trade me he declined me all right he’s declined my trade do you want to trade nobody wants to trade with me okay your offer um I will give you vicious

Ooze what are you going to give me do I get money their offer he has accepted is he going to give me anything am I just going to get scammed oh also give you some logs how about that huh hey this is worth a lot I want my ooze back nothing

Yeah maybe another time yeah maybe another time yeah you freaking sley old man he’s like yeah I’ll accept that trade doesn’t be literally anything dude I need to know how to store my items I can’t do anything to store my items minor po okay if I like potions a

Vial where do I get a vial apples honey bro I don’t know where you find that Crap cook the meat so oh I can cook the meat I got oh there we go medium rare perfect Salvage B hover over your bag to see what you can salvage I to start dismantle okay I don’t think I can dismantle any of this stuff I don’t know durability so my durability of

Everything’s breaking because I died so many times where is the repair bench right here that okay it repaired it all and it didn’t cost me anything I keep getting delayed without lagging I don’t know how often do you skip Night by sleeping in real life I meant to say oh like every

Night I ski Night by going to bed like every night okay maybe not every single night at least 99% of the time um there’s a freaking Castle where’s that at I’m like clicking this on and off to see like cuz this when I can do that I can see

Stuff I don’t think the game has castles yet I love how this is the area we’ve explored so far this is the whole map this is where we’ve been we haven’t left our town here you sleep uh had to go as soon as I started watching stream back now welcome back to you

We’re still trying to figure out how to get a backpack uh a is that how you say it cter cter Al hi brother well hello brother we’re trying to figure out how to store items in this game because well it doesn’t let me store anything so I don’t know what to

Do with can I move this okay now just stays Bob sexy MC fart pants I need to go find leather but it’s apparently the most difficult thing in the game to find apparently you can’t find it it’s impossible you get killed by weeders instead I almost I almost I died to a

Llama I just need to find like a deer or something that can kill I can destroy what the heck is that that’s a dude okay I was like wooho who here we go I’m about to get absolutely destroyed by this man see campfire you can sit here and heal but

I’m not seeing myself getting healed so I don’t know I don’t know what an ember fly does oh shoot okay all right it okay I I need to know I need to know you know what I mean maybe he maybe he’ll give me the the secrets to upgrading my

Staff maybe maybe come on come on dud bro stop doing that all right he tried to jump on me oh he he got me okay got him he’s dead oh he just gave me some of that ooze stuff that apparently I can sell I always get interrupted at the worst

Times uh dreamer what’s up finally I miss you well good to see you dreamer glad to be back my dude we got to find what is that there’s like so many little lights everywhere are those all just like dudes like running around I seen a find a deer that’s like the main

Thing yeah they’re all just little little dudes running around uh I do have to appear once again sorry for such a short visit to stream I hope goes well I’ll see you another time all right see you Jesse have a good one I don’t think

I need to kill the Ember flies I think we can leave them be I just want to see what this weird thing is up here is that a oh heck no oh heck no that’s a giant like orc thing with a giant sword hopl gives 60 XP and drop nothing thing is

That what that is no that’s just an ogre dude yeah that oh okay yeah we no we’re out of here we are out of here n they got a fire staff okay I was just trying to just I was just trying to hang out you know you know me I was just trying

To hang out I was just gently walking by I wasn’t even going to attack him nope you they they can they chill I’m just trying to find some deer you know I just need some deer I just need some hide I I just a friendly Noob traveler

Looking for some some for leather you know that’s all I need dude that that thing just gives me mushrooms and then it’s going to kill me maybe we go in here the Prairie sounds like it’s going to have good stuff how could the Prairie not have good things

Right oh more Twigs you know can’t have enough Twigs can’t have too many Twigs in life all right all right sunflower don’t know what the heck I do with sunflower and there’s a lot of them here so I’m not going to grab them for now

What if you two what if you get two fire staffs or could upgrade I bet you can upgrade it later I just don’t know how dude it’s so dark I swear nighttime is longer than the daytime in this game let’s just follow this path and see where it takes us I

Guess I see something over there oh more tweaks that’s a dude right yeah it’s syy Merchant yo what you got okay bro got nothing I wish my Lantern was a little bit brighter if I hold it right right here it’s like right in my face stand in the path stand in the path

It’s nice to see you again James oh he’s talking to James is this your Richi or Charles squirrel maybe squirrel’s give me stuff bro I couldn’t even kill a squirrel oh there we go hit him once 12 XP soft fur oh dude the squirrels are coming at

Me okay raw meat dude I have no inventory for anything I’m just going to eat this meat piece so I can pick up some other stuff that’s all I can do I haven’t it’s just like whatever time set whatever the number is yeah I wonder if there’s a way in the

Settings to make the days last longer cuz that’s how most games are most games are like three qus of the game is day and then they have like a quarter at night time I just wonder if you can go to sleep in this game cuz I can’t see crap

When I’m in running around here maybe I’ll just follow this down yeah let’s just try to get to that let’s get to that other Town town I’m in sucks we’re going to other town I got shot at by archers so that’s good a raccoon maybe a raccoon will give me

Something maybe these are the things that give me animal hide come back Here yes animal hide that’s what we need kill the coons I need to get rid of them hard would logs I picked those up at the beginning and they seemed good I think that one guy the giant cyborg guy blasted a tree down and got

Him I have cheese I can get rid of cheese I want the vial cuz I can use that to make a potion and I don’t want to lose all this coal and everything cuz it seemed good I’ll just get rid of the flax there was a Oh no heck

No homie homy sneaking up on me not cool bro does he have an axe wait does he have ax if he’s got a weapon if if he doesn’t have long range yeah piece of trash Oh No Maybe not maybe nah nah nah let’s just get to nah

We’re just going to get to the other Town what the freak is this guy what are the what are my what Woods am I in thought I’m going through the Prairie not the freaking forbidden Badlands where am I where what is this place I just want to get to town man I

Just want to build some I just need a backpack this game’s hard it’s cuz I don’t know what I’m doing game volume is really loud compared to your voice thank you that’s all I need to know now now it might now it might be a little bit

Better that’s good to know that’s good to know ttis ttis ttis yes see that’s what I need to know I said I haven’t I haven’t been streaming in a while so I need to know if stuff’s louder than whatever all right craft all two simple leather what did I need

To make a backpack repair all my stuff Spinning Wheel I don’t know what what was it tanning rack is how I make no we don’t need leather strips maybe I should have made a backpack first maybe that would have been a better idea see I

Don’t need I mean I got I I can make mushroom sticks oh rawh high bracers no no no no no no we don’t do that don’t do that we need we need keep the armor we need to keep the armor what do I use to make the backpack

Maybe I just make it in my inventory I need three simple leather I only got two from the raccoon bro how the heck do I find anything I like roll out into the woods to go find an an easy animal to kill so I can get some basic items like the most

Basic items known to man and then it gives me like a 300 HP ogre with a sword that’s four times the size of my character uh mile moral or morals morals morals Spider-Man what’s up dude I’m making pizza I’m watching your stream well nice dude I wish I had some pizza

Once I’m done streaming I’m going to eat food even though I made a giant sandwich before streaming and I thought it would hold me over but it apparently is not it’s all I can think about is food second I start streaming and talking and running my mouth like ultra high speeds

It makes me extremely Hungry bro no no no no no not you not you we don’t need you give me my glider see you nerd okay you have to like aim at a zebra okay zebra as much as I don’t want to kill zebra I have to I need the hide I’m Sorry bro like chases me and hits like look at that like runs at me in attack position how am I supposed to get away from him when he runs at me with attack position this doesn’t make any sense I got one HP I’m going to die to a

Zebra all right just bro so fast cruise up the mountain cruise up the mountain and lightning speeds cruise up the mountain lightning speeds yeah yeah yeah be faster than him faster than the zebra dude why is this so hard I need to just just Cruise look at him go he’s so

Fast how do I kill anything in this game don’t die too much thanks dri just killed a lizard with a sword where how do where are you getting all this stuff I can’t kill a trucking zebra you’ve died a lot yeah I don’t know what I’m doing I

Like maybe I should like I need like a sword and shield so I can like block their attacks but I can’t I’m using worse loot than you I know I got like full armor I don’t know what’s happening I need to kill those zebras cuz I need

Animal hide then I can get a backpack and then I can go die even more today is a sad day Pro JV player uh how come the Breo loves you a little too much dude did you see him he like chases me in attack position like I can’t get

Away from him and he’s just constantly like ready to attack me it’s like a guy running at me with his sword like in my back the entire time a stupid zebra where you at if I could build like a nerd pole I totally would my brother got into a crash well

I’m sorry to hear that Pro JV what you just like your brother just got in a car crash and you jumped on YouTube I’m going to blow up well I’m sorry to hear that man uhy everything will be okay with you and you have some family members to help support you

Wait is he still alive cuz if you got a car crash doesn’t necessarily mean he immediately died what is that thing is that a peacock all the zebras are gone okay I can kill peacock right he does 6 damage yeah you ain’t got nothing on

Me okay there we go there we go there we go I don’t need raw bird meat I need animal hide but I can’t kill anything with this fire staff that you guys made me get at first it was kind of cool but now I kind of don’t like it now I feel like

I stab stuff with a sword would be a lot better is that what is that okay that’s just a plant that’s nothing dude I don’t know how long have I play I’ve been playing this game for an hour and 40 minutes and I haven’t got any I haven’t

Even got enough hide to make a backpack okay how loud is the volume right now it’s too loud I can already tell which actually instead of doing that let’s just turn down the game volume that’s probably a way better Idea there that’s better we want game music but we don’t want game music that’s like super loud I guess dude the gliding in this game is incredible though that guy fighting something a it’s just two homies everyone else here does fine deer I found deer yay they’re all going to kill me as

Soon as I attack one of them huh how do I all right hey now you get back here you get back here Mister dud trying to hit the deer with this is honestly so difficult I have to like aim above him I have to like it’s such difficult turn the music

Up thought you guys wanted the you guys were saying dude I know I got this thing attacking me wait they’re going to kill my deer yes wait yeah kill the kill the boar kill the boar kill him for me they took his loot all right I don’t okay I need

Animal hide maybe I shouldn’t have turned all that stuff into it but it’s the Beats I’m so you guys are making my life really difficult I don’t know what to do we want the music loud so you can hear it or you don’t want it loud I thought it was pretty

Good there we’ll put it 15 we’ll meet it we’ll meet it in the middle cough Rebrand Minecraft cough the game where animals are attacked back and cyclops kill your villagers apparently okay I think the game would be I think it’d be better once I actually learn how to play it correctly

And I don’t die to dear I just I I need I need to know how to block it literally I literally looked it up and it said block was like alt or something left alt was to block we got roll down we got respawn down we’re really good at responding toggle

Wield relook walk and swim where was it sneak dance jump I swear I saw block right is it on here and I’m just blind Escape Escape is escape I don’t know why they called it Escape oh block yeah left all I’m I’ve been pushing left Al but I

Don’t think you can block with a staff all right I’m getting rid of these hardwood logs they are a the different color but if I need hardwood logs in the future I will go get them for now my greatest foe is deer see left Al I’m holding left Al I’m

Holding left I’m holding left out 12 damage Okay Okay Okay jump up yeah yeah yeah yeah see look at that guy that guy just did like 20 damage that bro did like 20 damage with a sword and I got like a little stat like like literally that’s my

Weapon kind of bull crap is that my weapon does two damage guy rolls up with a sword does 20 damage I’m just going to sit here and eat eat my cheese like a nerd yeah eat your cheese and feel better I’m getting Dunked On by deer come here

Stupid deer what is this thing I don’t want to fight it it’s going to end my livel hood come here you stupid deer I need your hide did I even pick up that hide again I maybe I should have done a sword uh he’s in the hospital no he’s not okay

Dang dude well hopefully he gets better hopefully he gets better that’s rough stuff man sorry to hear that why she needs to chill about the buffer all how much high do I have bro what do you mean I need to chill that guy just showed up with a sword and killed him in

Like two seconds yeah let’s make the cool sounding weapon the worst weapon possible it sucks the staff is terrible it’s so so bad it’s like drops too it’s like I need a sword man how much hide do I have where’s it at three I mean that’s

Enough to make a backpack but I need to keep killing these deer my greatest foe see he like chases me climb up here climb up here yeah yeah yeah climb down ha nice now yeah yeah yeah yeah now we can do yeah run away run away you have not that much health

Now yeah yeah run away run away oh maybe I can like the freak is that okay it’s just a spooky skeleton guy maybe I should level myself up increase energy increase Max Health oh yeah maybe I should level up my skill points Dodge DOD rolls are trigger with

T okay I already have that roll for more time rolling speed is faster that’s pretty good swimming speed don’t care about that climbing speed is faster okay unlocks the fire staff skill tree I don’t want the fire staff skill tree I want a sword skill tree or

Something I like one of these yeah maybe okay maybe if I unlock the fire staff skill tree maybe it’ll like give me some cool stuff increase damage by 5% dude I want a sword I want a sword I want to roll around with ninja swords and like slice and dice people fire

Getting wrecked by deer look he’s going to hit me like one more time and it’s almost going to kill me getting Dunked On by Deer yeah that’s right do a roll do a roll yeah yeah yeah you can’t follow this I’m I’m almost dead deer’s going to kill me deer’s going to kill me climb sh no stay away stay away stay away Heathen I go this way climb up here kill the deer before it kills

Me yeah yeah okay wait it’s almost gone look how hard it is to aim don’t get away I need to eat my cheese get eat some cheese we’ll get him we’ll get him Payton ball yo what’s up pton should have went with the sword yeah that’s what always happens whenever I listen to

You guys guys like pick the fire staff that sounds super cool and then it ends up being this okay but I’m kind of with you the fire sta was did seem kind of cool all right but being able to walk up to things and just slice stab them

Probably would have done a lot more damage or who knows maybe it’ll do five damage as well my gosh all right should okay there’s a raccoon here too can I just thank you okay let’s go okay and it gave me meat instead of hide all that work for nothing

Okay how I’m like standing on top of it all right there we go yeah yeah here we go here we go here we go here we go yeah yeah yeah here we go yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go there we go we good we

Good we good okay now we got to roll on back I still want to go to that other town I feel like maybe the other town has some better stuff no we can’t get there I’m killing everything with the fire staff does your fire staff do two

Dam damage or are you just like standing on top of a cliff shooting everything cuz I having no much well he did make the pool yes maybe the sword would have done two damage too and then would have been right up on top of the dudes honestly don’t know I’m having a

Why is it anytime I ever play like a game on stream I have like the absolute hardest time in the world figuring out how the game works oh wait there’s a campfire I think if I go to the campfire it heals me see if I can jump off this and use the

Glider to Glide down to it okay that doesn’t do anything all right we’ll just cook the meat I guess there was a campfire somewhere else but maybe if we go into the town the main campfire counts I don’t know tell me how much a grocery store chicken

Costs over there and I’ll tell you how to kill stuff easier uh a grocery store chicken like to a real life chicken or like if I wanted to buy a whole chicken if I want to buy a whole chicken it’s like $10 for an entire maybe 10 to 16

Bucks for an entire chicken it’s not Minecraft yeah Minecraft’s easier than this game this game actually this game’s actually a challenge real people play baloran I can get a walking stick who knows maybe the walking stick will do more damage than a Fire stack staff all right now we go to the tanning

Rack we craft all this into simple leather now we go to The we open just up our crafting we go to our backpack and now we can make a small Lea belt and then we put the small Lea belt here and now we have six more inventory slots and if we make a knitted red pouch it’ll give us 10 slots instead if we

Make two tiny red ones with six wool but then we need a sewing kit and how do I get a sewing kit with a crap linen and Tin Ingot hold up I can make that I know where to get 10 linen though I don’t know where the

Heck I get linen I don’t okay never mind I don’t have I don’t know I’m doing first person and I’m hitting once with the fire and doing backwards when they attack if you hit you reachen stanina you can keep rolling so dodging is essential yeah but what about like a

Horse when it just stands on top of you the entire time have you found any way to store your items anywhere like a chest watch a walking stick do five damage seriously the game told me I could like use any weapon I want it was like oh you could choose like a sword

Later on if you want a a new weapon I’m like yeah how about I I get a sword metal Ingot with animal material gives a weapon to make a sword blade if that makes a sword blade how do I make an actual sword medium bow grip these aren’t weapons these are like musical

Instruments question is do I have to use arrows too gotta go I got to go to sleep all right good night so what if I put a bronze Ingot here okay bronze long sword okay with a simple leather okay that didn’t do anything I said I can craft this animal

Material animal crap what if I do ooze no cooked meat no soft fur no hard carpass no maybe I need animal hide soft wool no I don’t know maybe okay we’ll just craft it now isn’t there a way for me to go to like the forge or something and there was

Like a way for me to like make a sword or whatever wasn’t there like there wasn’t there like modular weapon or something can I add the sword blade to something all right maybe this oh this is just a blade I need to add it to something maybe it’s just in my crafting

Recipe modular weapon no that’s just what I just did that axe head so how do I oh sword sword blade that’s what I just made but what do I how do I like it’s a sord component but I got to add it to something what game is this Apex it’s

Called uh what time is it and what game is this this game’s called voren and it is 7:51 p.m. for me is it like 2: a.m. for you want entous curses you to unlock 209 a hit Hilt yeah a hilt but the I can’t find where you make a hilt there’s no hilt

Dude the game cannot be this difficult I swear I play any video game on stream and I become the most brain dead person alive it’s lower in the Anvil and I play a game by myself and I feel like I figured stuff out just fine what do you mean it’s lower in the

Anvil recipes Hilt oh crafting bench you need wood logs with a leather strip to make make a sword hilt okay in the crafting bench wood logs but how do I get wood logs I found a wood log somewhere okay we need a leather strip I can make leather strips

All right we got to go find a wood log I know we found a wood log somewhere the streaming curse it literally is it’s literally a thing you like stream and you just become brain dead like you just can’t do anything I swear it’s it’s a real thing

I swear I saw someone I was fighting those deer I got to keep picking up Twigs Twigs are good we like tweaks oh yeah and I also got a backpack so now I can pick up more mushrooms or whatever uh let’s go find that other campfire I know there’s like one over

Here and if we go there we should be able to rest maybe that’s one down there seems pretty pretty pretty bright down in there unless there are some dudes my question is are they like stuck down there okay let’s just find some log we need

Log I wish I could make a chest a chest would be really nice can I trade you you want to trade you will trade okay what if I give you cooked meat what are you going to give me nothing okay cool what if I give you an empty vial you going to give

Anything no he’s not going to give anything uh what if I give you a bronze long sword no nothing okay uh what if I give you soft wool okay nothing ooze nothing okay you guys suck he L don’t give me anything I swear I’m the most brained person trying to do

Answer question class but when I play video games it boost my 200 plus yeah yeah exactly you totally get it you just exactly what it you do anything with supervision you screw up everything you work so hard for the hilt is called a sword handle

Bro yeah I just need to find uh a log then we can have sold hey there’s the campfire I was looking for okay the campfire should heal me I wish my health bar would always be up but it’s not here we go if I sit here my health should

Heal yeah there we go sick you have to drag the stuff from their inventory to trade oh they had an inventory open on their side I like just found I like put this game on here like I’m like hey guys there’s this cool game I found let’s

Play it on stream and then like you guys tell me how to play the game yes see that’s why I didn’t look up anything on the wiki cuz I just knew you guys would you guys just know chat always knows chat knows everything you guys know

All the power of the wiki you can just Wiki it immediately where I cannot I cannot I do not have to time to Wiki all right where’s where’s where’s a log we are the streamers here now yes you guys are doing all the doing most of the work

Here all let’s see if we can maybe trade with this person hey hey hey you want to trade you want to trade my house is mine I won’t trade for anything yeah I was going to try to get your house but dang you got me wood logs

Yeah that’s what we needed all right back to the crafting bench let’s go I was say one thing I wish this game had was like me being able to like craft like chests and like I trade with you nope like if I could craft like a chest and like a

Little like my own like kind of Base stuff okay holy dude they got so much stuff what do you think he’ll trade me money uh I’ll give you food for all your money that going cover 0% of my cost okay we’re not okay I guess we won’t do all his

Money uh let’s see if I can get him to give me like an axe or something cuz I’m going to make a my own little sword so how about you give me a bronze battle axe that’s two-handed and I’ll give you uh some Ooze 28% bronze

Ingots oh he’ll accept all of that okay wait wait how do I split these shift click to add or remove from trade shift click to Auto balance with this control click nine it’ll take nine dude that’s like nothing yeah yes where’s my axe yeah thank you no thank you I got a

Freaking battle axe now dude look I can swing up like a madman okay what if I do it this way I can slam it down all right we got a freaking we got a battle axe now boys watch is not dead I am not dead you should do party animals or rubber B

Stream where viewers can join I need money in order to buy new video games that’s why I’m playing this because this game is we love day for stroll in the woods e wonder if I can get one of these guys to like trade me something like

Ridiculously good I just give him a ton of bronze sewing kits what is this some ultra rare item I wonder if I can what if he gives me his bag with 10 slots how much of these do you need he only needs 32 bronze ingots okay what about all this

Armor hold up I think we found These Are linen stuff okay this gives barely any armor I’m going to accept that let going accept that I’m I’m going take that trade cuz I can make I can make that stuff so easily it’s not funny all right there we go now we even got

Now we like doubled our inventory slot yeah what’s up Goen Stein you’re not dead Yep this kind of looks like Minecraft yep kind of I’mma leave now okay well bye uh what was I going to do oh yeah we were going to make a leather strips and then we’re going to make a

Sword hilt so Hilt okay craft and now we make a weapon so how do I make the weapon do I just do this no with this no I’m literally going to all recipes I’m going to do like long sword no Hammer help sword how do I combine the sword

Minecraft but block here yeah Minecraft but extra blocks see look power is 4.5 what is this bad boy 7.4 yeah dude and can I block with it too wonder if I can get like a I want to know how to get the uh how do I combine them

Together the heck did I just do how do I combine them extra blocks more block I love how like I can’t just go to like the Anvil and combine them together am I going to have to look it up modular weapon oh there we go requires crafting bench okay it’s a

Modular weapon okay crafting bench modular weapon okay sword hilt bronze long sword craft so not as good but but okay and I can stab all right all right we got a sword let’s go test it out let fight this Firefly here see what see what kills it faster dude

Actually swords sword dude I think sword’s way better that was so much easier that was so much easier to kill with a sword all right now try the battle axe I still did just fight a freaking firly but hey you know don’t judge me 12: a.m. 12:00 p.m. 12:00 a.m. midnight

Yeah it’s only 8:00 for me where the heck do you guys all live you guys all live like in places where it’s nighttime all the time huh all right there’s more fireflies down there uh I’m going to go try to fight him with my Axe and we’ll see which one

Better I’m an Eastern man yeah doesn’t Eastern yeah Eastern means you’re ahead yeah you’re still ahead so it’s like 10:00 but I feel like Friday 10:00 at night you know is like a good time to just sit down in your bed and watch a stream you know what I mean

Like I feel that’s not a bad time all right let’s get my axe out let’s try this ready start with a big swing down maybe oh dude oh dude the smack the smack down is pretty good it’s not too shabby I don’t trust to fight the Orcs

Up here though what is this thing raccoon oh yeah dude see dude look if I had this at the beginning this would make my life so much easier look at that that’s so much easier I this channel small enough in a live stream you can interact with big

Chats like this yeah I agree like it’s it’s nice that like you can you know actually sit and talk and yet it’s small enough small you tell me you tell me my channel smly I have 100 I have 100K all right I want to go to that campfire that campfire was that’s where I was going I was going to that campfire so I could heal myself so hold this up and you go now I I swear oh shoot bro bro just did

Some damage to me hold it up hold it up oh you got me oh oh there we go got him woo dude these Mele weapons are way better at least you have a silver play button huh yeah that’s what I that’s what I’m pretty happy about

Like I’m like when my channel was kind of dying I was like you know what I’m okay if my channel dies and I like never make content again I’m like I’ll be fine because dude I got a silver play button so I’m like that’s that’s good enough for me I’ll be

Chilling there you go now you just hang out here nice this is getting okay this is getting better I’m back from constructing a new clear bomb welcome back this is nice melee weapons are way better I think the axe is good I like the axe the

Fire staff was not the way to go plain Sim yeah this this right here is some fight simulator stuff right here I was thinking about doing a Microsoft Fight simulator stream but I honestly don’t think it’ be all that interesting depressed got really bored with the stream already playing this and couldn’t handle It uh let’s see I can unlock some skills Unlock axxe I think the axe the axe has been pretty dang good climbing cost 20 less energy let’s try to get some of these I guess we could always do the dual swords H should have started with those dude imagine if I got a sword I like duel

Like super fast i’ honestly probably be really good cuz we want to unlock one of these yeah let’s increase my health by a little bit increases it by five okay let’s increase that twice and let’s unw walk the we’re using the axe currently so we’ll unlock the

Axe I guess I shouldn’t have used my skill points I should have done these yeah I should have done that my health okay I can put my experience bar on the bottom okay so now my experience bar is on the bottom so I can like see

How much experience I need to get what the heck is this game that’s the whole point that’s the whole point of playing these games where you just like I’ve never seen this in my life and I’m like yep welcome I just introduced you to a game you never even

Knew existed and then you could maybe play it and have super super fun what is this dude husk Ram oh yeah I’ll show him who boss come here boom epic combat 17 damage boys look he’s bleeding he’s running he’s running what a nerd get him see usually

I run from them but now I am the apex predator yeah this is what I’m talking about come here get that peacock beat him up dude this is so much better the fire staff was a terrible terrible idea fire staff was so bad do not use the fire staff

Unless you want to hate your life yeah yeah boy okay bunch of tin and copper here see these are all the little animals I needed to find at the beginning of the game to get like stuff but like the I guess I just got like the worst spawn no to

Man yeah chase him chase him dude the axe even does like bleed damage dude the axe is freaking sick I also did buy it from that Merchant so maybe he has like an extra good one heck yeah killing it dude I love that the hits are like I got great

News you’re quitting marching band so you can watch me stream once a week just kidding What’s the great news metal right these are Stones I need those I do think it would be cool to actually make a uh so you can actually make a server on this game like

Minecraft and like have a server like it’d be super super cool to have like a like a little imagine if we had like our own little server that we like we just played on Mr chair bought me a hot dog from the football game nice free hot dog dude will take

It all right kill the Sheep kill the Sheep kill the Sheep dude this is way better and once we once we level up the axe then we oh wait that’s not a sheep that’s that’s a piece of tin once we level up the axe we can get like way better stuff

I think I could make I think I can make these streams into a video I think mainly the video would end up being uh more comment not like if I tried to make this into a video I would need to probably do like a like a voice over

Like it would be better than like it have like clips of me talking but like I think I would do a voice over you wake up at 300 p.m. for school have to verify on top of the three heartest levels in Geometry Dash just get good and then get 50 views yeah exactly

Flame then I could get 50 views on a video which would then make me like 0.1 Cent and then I’d be like super rich and be able to pay off my fight school debt see you know my plan make good video get big bucks you think I can fight one of these

Guys the Weevil n dude that guy likes 60 Health there’s no way I’m not killing that guy not yet we need to get stronger maybe if I was on full health we’ll go back to killing some sheep we could just keep trading with merchants and just keep giving them

Bronze like cuz sitting here and collecting a bunch of tin dude and then like it’s being like good there’s even gold coins which is kind of good it’s going to get 214 views yeah flame yeah not 50 views going to be 214 you really think that little of me come

On 100 days in ver verin veralin ver how the freak you say this game maybe if I hit him in the head do that I think it’s I think it was a head shot that did all that damage honestly dang see like he’s just bleeding out man point2 point2 Bop dead

I said 500 though oh you said 500 oh and I get 500 bro I just my brain literally read that is 50 I don’t know dude I don’t know I I swear I swear it would said 50 that’s so weird cuz I just looked at it now again I was like I

Swear it said 50 Al blatantly says 500 but I like 100,000% read that is 50 that’s so weird I wonder if we’d be able to do a tier one dungeon at some point like how much stuff do we do got to do to do a tier one

Dungeon it said 500 yeah I know I can literally see it yeah it says 500 you lack the Dark Souls Doge knowledge dude I played Dark Souls before you were even born I was playing Dark Souls when I was like 13 I think that was when I played Dark

Souls 1 was literally like 12 13 or something the Mandela Effect 1 million days yeah there we go that’s how you got to get we got to we can’t do 100 days we got to do a th days now because 100 days doesn’t get enough views but some people

Have done 1 th000 days so we got to up them one more and do a million days in whatever game we got to really beat them I started playing Halo when I was three how do you play Halo when you’re three three means you’re like not even in kindergarten beating Luke the notable

Yeah and then we can we can uh what what was it what did he try to do I’m trying to remember what the word is for it or whatever we’ll uh patent our own we’ll patent the 10,000 days you know be like this is mine no other YouTuber can use

It I thought that was so funny that the dude tried to do that I mean he I mean honestly like part of me is like that’s super like cringe that he did that but the other half of me is like all right like fair game like he knew the 100 days

Was going to be so trendy and so he tried to like patent himself so he could get all the views so at the same time I’m like you know what I kind of get it because like he totally like he knew what he what he had there you

Know so like I kind of get it kind of respect the I kind of respect the grind on that this pickaxe rocks what do we all got now we got tons of stuff now yeah look at that we got all this like meat and bird hide and we got tons of stuff

Even bought that bag from that dude that was chilling where’s a tier one dungeon I wonder okay there’s a tier one dungeon right there oh there’s one over here let’s go see what a tier one dungeon looks like am I just going to immediately die probably but I’m too curious I want to

Know what it looks like at least okay uh I want to fight that thing but if I can’t kill that then I can’t go to a dungeon oh shoot leave me alone you want to fight me you dare does six damage okay I don’t think I

Think we get away from these guys I need a campfire I need a campfire up the hill up the hill super fast super fast super fast do the magic thing do this jump here eat some food do I have some food do I have anything I don’t think I have any food watch

This I can make a small pouch on me right now I I don’t want to because I can make more uh okay there we go I think those were all my mushrooms actually I’ll just sit here to eat some mushrooms on a stick time to raid the tier five dungeon again

How the heck are you raiding the tier five dungeon what the heck did you do that makes no sense okay hold my axe up drop down smack him start off strong start off strong do the damage do the damage do the damage he keeps hitting me oh he’s

Running away he’s running away he’s scared he’s scared get him get him we got him we got him he’s on the Run boys see when he’s at like 21 Health it’s a lot easier to kill him when they’re running away I think glitches on drugs why would he do oh there’s a big

Boy okay get him just get him he’s almost dead long Tusk sick see I’m at 29 health I think dude they do some gnarly damage I don’t think it’s a good idea to go to the tier one dungeon honestly don’t think it’s a good idea what is this guy I’m going to kill

Him I don’t know what he’s going to do though holy kill him before he does that again look just kill him real Fast I had a campfire it’s a bit sad that you can’t Parry in this game though I feel like oh yes yes oh there’s a dude next to it though I think if you get an a shield in your off hand you might be good okay

Let’s see if we can maybe sneak up on this campfire if you click shift you can Sneak oh oh right on the edge boys we’re right on the edge I might not be close enough for it to count shoot we about here yes it’s close enough all right we’re good we’re chilling we’re chilling get some health I just want to

Like get a bunch of hide and stuff so we can get like a crafting spree that’d be good you finished elering multiple times I’m still trying to look like Sam Su I honestly didn’t ever finish Elden ring I only got about halfway through I killed killed the

Second major boss there’s still like a ton of stuff for me to do an Elden ring problem was I tried to play some Elden ring like the other day like not the other day like okay by but I mean by other day is like months like a long

Time ago I tried to play some Elden ring and um yeah it didn’t really didn’t really work all right hit this guy yeah come at me bro yeah come at me bro come at me bro come at me bro come at me bro where’s he going where’s he

Going oh yeah light yourself on fire he’s got the strats he’s got the strats he knows he’s got the strats yeah what a nerd dude got absolutely destroyed all right we can take on the llamas right we can take them on damage is a lot for

Llama he just hold that up do special ability there like 14 damage it’s like half their health there we go one more time oh they’re running they’re running away all right now now’s our time to shine get him get him now’s our time to shine my

Bro got Elden ring and hasn’t beat the first boss yet oh no the other the other L are coming back no no no all right wait just kill this guy I at least get rid of this one okay he can’t hit me okay we can’t die to a llama we can’t

Die to a llama no dying to llama no die in a llama there we go there we go dodge dodge dodge keep missing dude it’s I keep missing there we go 17 damage that was solid 14 okay this next one oh no he’s going to run away now okay chase

Him and we got our skill point I wanted okay we’ll sit down and we’ll get our skill point for our axe so we can need to get rake so drag your axe across your Foe and do bleeding so so we already get bleeding from smashing in the face strike with a flat

Of your axe that can stagger or spinning cleave around me honestly I think spinning move sounds really good because I can just like spin around and like hit him no matter what I will clip it if you die to a llama well I didn’t red only

Jumped and killed me three tapped him he is killable but I roll into a wall o berserk okay increases your strength the cost of leaving you burnable The Rake that sounds so brutal staggering them could be really good that can stagger staggering the enemy probably would actually be really

Good I can either stagger or I can do the brutal swing which is I just spin around also it’s best to use the thrust on the sword great range probably right I but the slam down on this is pretty good oh what’s this abilities stats okay so here’s my stats skill

Tree there’s no abilities on here here huh interesting huh bash I’m going to do the swing I think the String’s good there we go oh let’s see let’s see ready oh I do it so yeah I just spin around in a circle honestly it’s probably really

Easy to hit stuff with that okay let’s let my thing go up and we’ll just come up and we’ll smack this guy in the face and then we’ll do a spin oh dude the spin does like so much damage dude the Thunder looks kind of sick not going to lie9 damage

Dude that’s so good the spin just did so much bleed damage to him that he just like ran away and died all right the game is improving we are dude the lightning is kind of sick I want to catch some of It see if I can catch a nice shot of the lightning do squares exist no it’s only circles where all the lightning go so something very important to know is get something in your experience bar makes the experience go to that category okay oh so all my exper no cuz

I’ve gotten experience points that have just been going to my normal one that W weren’t going to my axe but what you’re saying is you can set it so it’s going into your axe but this is like all of it together increase Max Energy uh I feel like roll energy might cost five

Less I think honestly increase Max Energy I don’t know I think I’m just going to increase my health yeah let’s increase my health twice like let’s just get a oh I need three points to level that up oh dang uh I guess H let’s just save them

Then it’s darkest cuss here all right let’s go check out the uh the tier one dungeon real fast just see what it looks like I you get struck by it honestly that’d be kind of cool though press H nice I can make the game Noise Okay let’s go swim all right we’ll get we’ll try to get as closer to the tier one dungeon as we can I probably won’t go in it cuz they probably destroy my lihood you seeing those Orcs oh wood logs those are good

To get this why it’s so hard to see stuff at night oh more wood logs heck yeah more flakes maybe you just can’t get like a chest or something maybe you just have to increase your backpack storage and that’s why it gives you like so much

Space at the end of this little Lake over here to our left is where we find it all right let’s find out oh my gosh look at that thing what the heck that’s the dungeon there’s a bunch of copper ore and stuff here uh what the freak oh Shoot they do a lot of damage spin combo move okay they’re all they all they all got bleed from all that okay ow shoot I got bleed uh let’s see if I can go run over here real fast and get some food have any food oh yeah yeah I got mushrooms on the

Stick eat the mushroom on the stick homies coming back all right dude that those guys aren’t too bad actually those guys aren’t too bad think if I eat two of these I should be healed but yeah do that spin move dude that wrecked them press G oh yeah for my

Lantern all right roll back up oh shoot that’s not what I wanted I don’t want to attack the Ember why I don’t want the I don’t want the Emi taking all my health down okay there there’s one of the dudes yeah he threw something at me okay let’s do the spin move spin

Move there we go not bad dude look at that bleed damage let’s go dude oh I even got honey okay all right game’s picking up we’re picking up we’re figuring out stuff figuring it out all right eat eat another oh shoot he it stopped my food okay get behind the

Tree oh I counted as eating it I didn’t get I didn’t get to finish it uh let’s craft some more of them need more Health First killing on all the oal loas yeah bro no OA loomas are allowed around me they’re actually dropping some stuff

Like I got honey I got a plant from something else but I’m actually getting some getting some loot from them oh I think I was just getting bleed damage I don’t think I was actually getting hurt from him come here why did he just run from me ow like they like little tribe

Dude oh that’s the guy that likes to like throw stuff at you okay that’s why so those those dudes like throw things at you and that’s how they okay another Mushroom on a stick if I got some like potions and stuff I could like be doing it best the thrust attack and Dodge

Backwards I don’t know the axe with the bleed damage is pretty sick not going to lie swim away nerd I’ll just chase after you oh there’s a Pana oh this isn’t even the tier one dungeon it’s over there this is just like a thing that’s like right next to it oh what

The the freak is this thing oh my gosh it does a lot of damage oh shoot all right we’re get we got to get away I only got nine Health left long this thing going to chase me for can I get up on this do I have enough time to eat

Something just sit up here and eat you can add a way point of the map by pressing the middle button like just to like like a like a marker now you get back here you little piece of garbage I’m killing you going do all my spin moves on you

And you’re just going to get the most bleed you ever had in your entire life I’m going to bleed out and okay he’s not going to bleed out and die sentient seed what is that that rain is so loud in the game huh see if I can turn that down ooh They like turned the rain off when I mess with it oh there we go that’s why all right yeah let’s leave it down leave it at like 10% yeah that’s nice I like that I like that just the rain in the background sounds really nice it was just really loud

Well I think I got a bunch of stuff I think I’m think I’m just going to grab some copper no that looks like oh wait no oh this is like their whole village oh man so they got like a whole like Village and town and stuff around

Here this was just like a little section of it interesting so I could grab all this ore or whatever probably call it good probably grab up this ore and we probably call a stream Gamers it’s been a long time since I did a stream so hopefully it was hopefully it was kind

Of nice to kind of just sit and hang out just trying to think of how the heck I would turn this into a video you know what I mean like how would I go about editing all this probably just edited all the stuff of me dying and actually only only have

The content of me like actually learning how to play the game rather than just dying like 80,000 times you got to make a server next time how I would I make a server like problem is if I made a server i’ just have you guys roll up and kill me

Every two seconds try to go somewhere and you guys would just come kill me bamboo okay don’t know what you do with bamboo yeah considering you died the first hour LW yeah you got to it’s been a great stream well thanks metal oh is that a campfire yeah that’s a campfire over here

And there a little Trader man need more mushrooms let’s see if we can trade with this guy see if he’s got anything cool yeah got nothing that interest you bro you can have like literally any anything and it would interest me raw meat and yeah do all you do with

This is just cook it I mean 25 Health’s pretty good so sure just craft all that meat cook bird meat got yeah just craft it all I guess now we got a bunch of meat we can eat sick if I just log out where does it put

Me does it just log me out and I just respawn back in here or something I don’t know cool cool cool sick I mean you died to everything anyways like zebras dude those zebras were like he like just sat on my butt and my staff did like two damage all

Right things suck the axe is way better axe does way more damage I can inflict bleed and then they get run away and they get get scared all right let’s see if I go log out what happens okay it’s chilling it’s chilling all Gamers woo it has

Been what was that that was like what was that that was literally like how Long how long was that that was a full what 8 Months 8 10 8 months since I last streamed this was a long long time 2 hours and 30 minutes yeah I had to make up for dying in the beginning a lot anyways but I think we’re going to call that

Good I think I don’t know I think if if I do when I do more streams I’ll just try to post the streams like periodically like like I’ll just put them on Discord honestly just put them on Discord and like just like Mark them I’ll probably do them anywhere from like

400 p.m. to like after so I’ll probably try to do it like later in the day to make it like a little bit better probably do something like that I want a six song what’s this this is the most popular most replayed song right Here okay pretty chill pretty chill all right I mean this is some relaxing music like this ain’t bad at all like Chrome’s actually probably really loud yeah I move I had to move it down to like negative like 10 hi gamer I’mma call it a good one I’ll like I

Said I’ll post it up in the uh sner musi huh did I see you finish the Falcon oh yeah I finished the Falcon like forever I think finished like I finished that like such a long time ago the boys uh I’m just shooting Cyclops nuts did you just get a

Bow but yeah if anything I have my test I had to buy this thing like this this is some interesting stuff this is called your TPP Gamers for flying the tip terminal procedures publication your TPP and it just gives you information about all things flying

So like I honestly don’t need to buy one of these but it just gives you stuff so this is the a standard arrival for route for what Place Portland Oregon so this is literally an arrival route called the Qatar 2 arrival so you could say I want

The guitar 2 arrival and then you would do this you would fly that it’s all upside down and you can’t read it but like you would F you would fly that so that’s what I’m learning how to do so I don’t know talking to myself cuz I like to yep I’ll come help You oh okay yeah I’ll come like yeah I’ll come in like one Minute somebody’s out There I don’t even know I don’t even know guys I don’t even I don’t all I’ll see you guys maybe next week all right I’ll post it in the Discord if I when I do another stream so I’ll see you guys later have a good

This video, titled ‘Its not Minecraft’, was uploaded by WaterishPuppy on 2023-10-07 02:52:54. It has garnered 539 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:35 or 9275 seconds.

Veloren is a free to play volxel based RPG

Tip: https://streamelements.com/waterishpu… 100% of tips go to the creator

Discord: https://discord.gg/UnHcFSR Join to get notifications for upcoming streams

Game: https://veloren.net/

Music: https://www.streambeats.com/

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    🍏Minecraft: INSANE Giant Apple End Portal!🔮Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is THE BIGGEST END PORTAL in Minecraft! I found THE LONGEST SECRET GIANT END PORTAL!’, was uploaded by Apple Craft on 2024-05-14 10:00:03. It has garnered 10743 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:50 or 590 seconds. This is THE BIGGEST END PORTAL in Minecraft! I found THE LONGEST SECRET GIANT END PORTAL! Hi! In this video you will see THE BIGGEST END PORTAL in Minecraft! I found THE LONGEST SECRET GIANT END PORTAL! Like this video and Subscribe to my channel bro! #minecraft #craft #minecraftvideo Read More

  • Survival Became My Obsession with Bliss Modpack

    Survival Became My Obsession with Bliss ModpackVideo Information This video, titled ‘I HATED Survival until I Tried This… – Minecraft Let’s Play Ep 1 w/ Bliss Modpack’, was uploaded by Kality on 2024-05-11 11:00:27. It has garnered 2234 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:07 or 1507 seconds. I’ve never felt more relaxed playing Minecraft before. Try this modpack! https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/bliss https://bliss.violetmoon.org/ I found this modpack called Bliss, which is basically the “Minecraft, but I have no enemies”. You play Minecraft in Normal mode with no threats or dangers, just relaxing and frolicking in your cozy Minecraft world. This modpack is for Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Firework Gun Crafting Tutorial!

    Insane Firework Gun Crafting Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Firework shooting gun in minecraft’, was uploaded by craft hunters on 2024-03-08 14:30:02. It has garnered 521 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Welcome to Craft – Hunters, your ultimate destination for Minecraft building mastery! 🏰✨ Dive into the world of creativity and design as we guide you through step-by-step tutorials on constructing awe-inspiring structures, ingenious redstone contraptions, and stunning landscapes in the vast Minecraft universe. 🔨 Unleash your inner architect with our in-depth building guides, where we break down the process of crafting… Read More

  • “DEVlD IS BACK! MINECRAFT REVENGE 😈” #op #love #popular

    "DEVlD IS BACK! MINECRAFT REVENGE 😈" #op #love #popularVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT REVENGE😈 #viral #revenge #op #love #popular’, was uploaded by IT’S DEVID on 2024-01-04 04:08:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • PhoenixRP – All The Mods 8 – atm

    PhoenixRP - All The Mods 8 - atmWith over 300 active members Phoenix has expanded to a new game; Modded Minecraft. Join our newly reset server, running on the latest hardware. With a very active staff team and all the features All The Mods 8 has to offer. Read More

  • Casual Goo Adventure Modded – SMP Proximity Chat

    Welcome to Casual Goo Adventure! We are seeking players for our chill Minecraft community. Join our Discord here for IP and modpack details. What we offer: A fun modpack for exploration Optional proximity voice chat Helpful owners Our goals: A relaxed and engaging community Potential sub-servers for popular modpacks Technical Info: RAM: 16GB – Location: United Kingdom – View Distance: 10 chunks Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dad and me built a beach!

    Minecraft Memes - Dad and me built a beach!Wow, talk about father-son bonding time! I just hope they remembered to put on sunscreen, those pixelated sunburns can be brutal. Read More

  • Armor Patterns Galore: Crafting Survival’s Core!

    Armor Patterns Galore: Crafting Survival's Core! In this episode, we’re crafting armor patterns so fine, With cherry wood and Sniffers, it’s a design divine. The Optimistic Survival Series, full of fun and delight, Bringing Minecraft updates to your screen, shining bright. Check out the website for more gaming bliss, And Patreon for early access, don’t miss. Follow on Instagram for a peek behind the scenes, Or email for questions, comments, or memes. So long, Minecraft 1.20, you’ve been a blast, But now it’s time for new adventures to be cast. Stay tuned for more rhymes, more laughs, more fun, In the world of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Friday Night Funkin’ in Minecraft: The Sequel! 🔥 #minecraftmadness

    Friday Night Funkin' in Minecraft: The Sequel! 🔥 #minecraftmadness Why play Friday Night Funkin in Minecraft when you can just dance to the sound of creepers exploding in the background? Read More

  • Speedrun: Beating Friend in Minecraft Java in 5 Min

    Speedrun: Beating Friend in Minecraft Java in 5 Min Beating My Friend Challenge in Minecraft Java in Under 5 Minutes Embark on an exciting journey as we delve into the thrilling world of Minecraft Java Edition. In this challenge, players are tasked with creating a Nether portal in under 5 minutes to beat their friends. Let’s explore the intricacies of this intense challenge and see how players can emerge victorious! The Challenge Begins As the clock starts ticking, players must quickly gather the necessary resources to construct a Nether portal. With limited time on their hands, every second counts in this adrenaline-pumping challenge. Efficiency and speed are key… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Wild Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Wild Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft Nhưng Bọn Tôi Là Động Vật…Có Súng ?!?” which showcases a unique twist on the classic game we all know and love. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await players on Minewind Minecraft Server. With its PvP City setting and thrilling gameplay, Minewind offers an immersive experience like no other. Join us on Minewind today and embark on your own adventure in a world where… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Building Tricks

    Master Minecraft Building Tricks Exploring Minecraft Building Techniques for Beginners Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft building but don’t know where to start? Look no further! In this article, we will explore some essential tips and tricks to help even the most novice players create stunning structures in the game. Getting Started with Minecraft Building Building in Minecraft can seem daunting at first, but with a little practice and creativity, anyone can become a master builder. Start by familiarizing yourself with the basic building blocks available in the game, such as wood, stone, and glass. Experiment with different combinations… Read More

  • TheGeekFactor – Minecraft’s SHOCKING Progression!

    TheGeekFactor - Minecraft's SHOCKING Progression!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Progression is Awful. Part 2.’, was uploaded by TheGeekFactor on 2024-04-15 17:00:36. It has garnered 44060 views and 3416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:57 or 2037 seconds. Today we explore deeper into Minecraft’s progression to see if it was as bad as I originally said it was. If it is, what can we do to fix some of the issues the game has. No Terraria this time, I promise 😉 I want to thank you all so much for watching and supporting me. I had a lot of fun making this… Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled in Mexy Minecraft Fog

    Secrets Unveiled in Mexy Minecraft FogVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft From the Fog day 9 | Minecraft LIVE’, was uploaded by Mexy on 2024-04-10 02:01:33. It has garnered 80 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:34 or 9514 seconds. Join the discord to join! https://discord.com/invite/KmDymNp9Sj Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/mexy2 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mexorel Read More

  • SG GAMER 3.0 – EPIC Bedwars Madness LIVE now! SUB GOAL: 650 #minecraft

    SG GAMER 3.0 - EPIC Bedwars Madness LIVE now! SUB GOAL: 650 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :650.. #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-18 03:13:37. It has garnered 86 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:10 or 4390 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft’s Deadliest Bosses: LordAres’s Epic Battle

    Conquering Minecraft's Deadliest Bosses: LordAres's Epic BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Fought Minecraft’s Hardest Bosses’, was uploaded by LordAres on 2024-01-13 11:00:08. It has garnered 414 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:20 or 1220 seconds. I Fought Minecraft’s Hardest Bosses Music by: @nombra101 @ivorysoundtracks980 JOIN MY DISCORD TO KNOW WHEN I UPLOAD NEW VIDEOS OR HOST EVENTS! https://discord.gg/k5eGffZX Pvp content inspired by Technoblade and ClownPierce Read More

  • EPIC TREASURE HUNT! Minecraft PE Survival Day 41

    EPIC TREASURE HUNT! Minecraft PE Survival Day 41Video Information This video, titled ‘Finding Treasure in Minecraft | Minecraft pe Survival Series Day 41’, was uploaded by MrPaw on 2024-03-17 08:00:19. It has garnered 19 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:58 or 658 seconds. Hi, thanks for watching my video I Found Buried Treasure in Minecraft | Minecraft pe Survival Series Day 41 App available on google play store console In this exciting episode of our Minecraft PE Survival Series, join me as I stumble upon buried treasure in the depths of our virtual world. Watch as I uncover hidden riches and navigate the… Read More

  • Unbelievable: The Tower’s Secret Revealed in Minecraft

    Unbelievable: The Tower's Secret Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Tower ~ Episode Fifty ~ Cottage Witch Minecraft’, was uploaded by Faithful Familiars on 2024-06-12 12:00:16. It has garnered 84 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:30 or 2850 seconds. The interior is finally, somewhat, done?! Now i can obsess over something else! 💜 CREDITS: -Remember to check out this beautiful modpack right here and support the creator HeyKatu: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cottage-witch Intro/outro music: “My Rain” by Nolan Pilgrim as part of the Lofi but Awesomer DMCA free collection of songs. Enjoying the content? Consider subscribing here! You can also find me… Read More

  • MedusaMrFunny’s Epic Minecraft Failures Live!

    MedusaMrFunny's Epic Minecraft Failures Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fortuna Zero! Niente Lava .Solo Morte ,caduta ,panico . #minecraft #live’, was uploaded by MedusaMrFunny Streaming on 2024-01-14 12:45:00. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Let’s explore the unexpected chaos together: ‘Zero Luck’ in Minecraft! No lava, just death, dizzying falls and total panic! 🌋😱 Ready to resist the imminent disaster in this breathtaking live? Join us in the world of Minecraft and try your luck with a beating heart! 🔥⛏️ #minecraft #livegaming #adventureextreme” 🌐 Stay connected on other social media: 🎥 Subscribe… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Insane DiamondMin Build in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Insane DiamondMin Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘#op diamondmin build in #minecraft’, was uploaded by N.z Gamer 1 on 2024-01-07 14:34:21. It has garnered 2429 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft 1.11 Memories! Must Watch!

    Insane Minecraft 1.11 Memories! Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft do you remember 1 11. | Minecraft | shorts’, was uploaded by Superr YT on 2024-04-10 07:57:17. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. https://youtube.com/shorts/JJZI9eZ40j0?si=gSpQ44-erdVVhYuO #comedy #new #trend #trending #trendingshorts #tiktok #Minecraft #shortsminecraft #minecraftbedrock #funny #comedy #movie #latest #news #parkour #indian #american #Australia #pakistan #Newlands #top #top10 #1k #1M #like #subscribe #comedy #new #trend #trending #trendingshorts #tiktok #Minecraft #shortsminecraft #minecraftbedrock #funny #comedy #movie #latest #news #parkour #indian #american #Australia #pakistan #Newlands #top #top10 #1k #1M #like #subscribe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter… Read More

  • TurtlyLife

    TurtlyLifeJoin TurtlyLife [1.20] Discord Server Welcome to TurtlyLife! We currently offer a wide selection of servers ranging from Infuse, Box and more! Please read below for more information. Website: https://turtlylife.tebex.io/ Vanilla Discord: https://discord.gg/xXwT9DdXU8 What is the server IP for turtlylife.minehut.gg Read More