Wattles EXPOSED: CANCELLED Mobs, Secret Farms & More!

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Good morning good morning everybody well it’s a mighty fine day for everything isn’t it the Applause you’re way too kind and long last the everything Series has returned version 1.21 in today’s episode of the everything series we’ll be taking a look at Minecraft’s newly crowned most beautiful brick from farms

To Lost mobs to all of those juicy technical details it’s all right here and right now inside of Minecraft right now tough is a block that almost needs no introduction at all and that’s because right now it does nothing it’s all decoration but but but if you’re

Cool with the experimental toggle as of right now it’s a whole lot more than just decorational inside of the Minecraft 1.21 update tough is being revolutionized with brand new slabs staircases bricks polished and heck even more the stuff is beautiful now way back when 20120 November 4th tough was first

Added to the game this was part of the Minecraft 1.17 caves and cliff update initially when it was added I mean look at this when this stuff was first added to the game in snapshot 20 W 45a it was actually part of Minecraft amethyst geode generation check this out the

Outer shell of the geode right here well that outer box of the geod was actually originally made up of tough before Smooth BT was added to the game it went tough and calside and then the inside how we know it and love it now hey completely different side note but this

Amethyst block looks like a completely different texture too and wao do I almost love this one more once smooth bass would eventually get out to the game and that same update tough would be removed as part of amethyst geog generation forever sliding it on over to the real world for a little bit

More context tough as an ancient block formed deep down low from volcanic explosions that’s going to mean it’s almost for certain if volcanoes ever make to the game well the volcanoes are going to be built out of this stuff right here more than likely kind of fascinatingly this is an article from

2021 in this article did they drop a hint at like upcoming use it’s solely a decorative block at the time of writing but it would be great an Armenian themed build and then it goes out about how these things are used in walls and look

At the bricks was was this an Easter egg years in a making useful more than ever inside of the 1.21 update you’re probably going to want to know the best way best space to find this stuff in World Generation tough is very similar to the ogs the

Classics granite and a and diing it’s going to form in blotches inside of your world the next time you find yourself looking for tough inside of your world first things first find a cave second thing second get as deep as possible inside of that cave the deeper the

Better actually tough is a block that is going to strictly generate only Below y0 in blobs anywhere from size zero all the way up to 864 blocks per single blob now you’re also going to be able to find these blocks generating a giant massive or veins getting even larger than 864

Blocks like that’s nothing but more on that a little bit later sliding ahead to the Future modern day tough has been expanded if you want to check out the expanded version of tough on both Minecraft Java or Minecraft Bedrock Edition turn on the 1.21 toggle if you’re watching this in the future

Future and it’s already out well then just enjoy inside of the Minecraft 1.21 update there’s another way to find tough I mean for the most part is still going to be located down below y z but instead of looking for random blobs and things like that looking for a brand new

Beautiful structure if you’ve been following the development of the Minecraft 1.21 update you might have heard about it it’s called The Trial Chambers the trial Chambers is a new structure built almost entirely out of tough you’re going to find polished tough tough bricks chisel bricks and and

Whatever this Breezy block is I I forget the name but just trust me you’re going to be able to find it here too little side not we’ll talk more about farming in just a second but if you’re looking to farm up tough consider tearing down one of these structures because it is

Made up of like literally thousands of different tough blocks it’s pretty insane now the other place you’ll be able to find tough right now aside from like generating is actually inside of the loot it’s definitely not going to happen every single time because loot is randomized but inside of the corridor

Chest and inside of the supply chest that could generate inside of the structure you actually have the chance to find a little bit of plain old classic tough just like that even better news for all of you tough fans out there it’s not like the most uncommon thing to

Find in the world too definitely doesn’t happen every time but in the corridors it’ll happen about 30% of the time so this structure is going to be really useful in 1.21 now unfortunately there is nothing in the game that like drops tough as a block or anything like that

So if you’re looking to farm this stuff probably your best bed is going to be deep down low inside of a big cave you know something like this right here with a little bit of vision enhancement I can clearly see that there are blobs all over the place on the wall on the

Ceiling on the floor on actually not on the ceiling there are Blobs of this block all over the place pick your favorite one take your pickaxe and get get to mining the stuff mines like relatively quickly it’s pretty beautiful and next up let’s roll into some of the basic statistics of the

Tough block just like Stone except a little bit deeper you’re going to be able to mine the tough block with any pickaxe in the game from wooden all the way up to netherite it doesn’t matter talking about our hardness is going to be a hardness of 1 and a half talking

About our blast resistance is going to be six both of those statistics you poor horse watch out watch oh no well anyways both of those statistics make get identical to Stone one of the greatest questions of all time is is tough insta minable with an efficiency 5 diamond pickaxe no haste

Or nothing like that we try and mine it unfortunately it is not insta minable even if I upgraded this op pickaxe to netherite it still wouldn’t work at least not like that there is a way if you are looking to get your hands on a little bit of instamine tough get

Yourself a diamond pickaxe with efficiency 5 and a beacon maxed out with haste two walk up to tough and go go ahead and instamine it to your hard desire and just like with stone to instamine tough efficiency 5 diamonds you’re better and Pace to oh it’s beautiful now let’s get a little bit

More technical with this tough stuff because it actually generates slightly differently on both Minecraft to bedrock and Minecraft to Java Edition you see how Minecraft Java when tough generates as a blob ores going actually replace it which is going to mean sometimes you could definitely find ores encased

Inside of tough and to be clear I’m not even talking about just like maybe giant massive or veins I’m talking about like lapis or anything else it could generate down low it could actually be embedded inside of Tuck however on Minecraft Bedrock Edition it’s safe to say if you

Ever find a blob of tough inside of your world there will be no ores inside of it other than if we’re talking about an or vein like if we’re talking about looking for diamonds or something like that and you find tough go ahead and turn around go the other direction no ores can

Replace it in generation on Bedrock on both Minecraft bedrock and Java in generation tough can replace a whole lot PL them it’ll replace Stone an aite diorite granite and actually on Minecraft bck in generation the polished versions of those blocks as well I don’t think they’ll ever generate

But theoretically also anytime an ore generates anywhere near tough it will always be the Deep slate version of it and never the stone version now I mentioned it a little bit earlier on but tough exclusively generates below y0 unless in a weird case an or Viner reaches a little bit higher and

Theoretically you could find it unless that weird oneoff thing happens The Blob will be below y0 however there is actually a best y level if we’re tough thanks to none other than the beautiful Minecraft Wiki we have this very interesting graph right here where out of 100,000 blocks we can see how much

Tough actually generated the higher we go on this graph the less tough that we can find however as soon as we hit like say y4 or so move down to Y3 tough begins to pop up as we start to enter the negative range it increases even more even more even more until it

Eventually it maxes out at y 58 that’s going to mean y58 like we’re talking just before Bedrock begins to take over that’s going to be the best spot to mine if you’re looking for mining tough or at least if you’re looking for branch mining tough a terribly terribly

Inefficient way to locate the stuff but technically definitely possible the beautiful expanded family and before this next update tough was so lonely it just kind of existed on its own it’s like a decoration of block part of generation whatever however moving into the future inside of the crafting

Table we go ahead and take tough we can get slabs just like that also inside of the crafting table double it up and we can get our hands on some walls or go ahead and do this whole formation right there and we get staircases however

That’s not the good way to do it inside of the stone cutter instead we Slide the tough here and we can see options on options on options immediately the staircase one for example if we craft this inside of the crafting table just like all of the other stairc cases that

Actually Wast a couple blocks so just get a stone cutter for all these now these different variants of tough right here they’re just like the other variants of other blocks in the game there’s a wall version there’s a slab version there’s a staircase version they look so good it’s actually trippy seeing

Tough in the game for so long and then like seeing it cut into a staircase it just feels wrong to me like I don’t know I love it but it feels so wrong now all of these other tough things they can actually be crafted inside of the

Crafting table you just go ahead and find the recipe usually they’re crafted like the other things so like the bricks go ahead and take the Polish and do that you know how it goes but the much better way to do things is probably going to be

The stone cutter so we can take tough and next Tu turn it into polish tub a beautiful looking block that shares its aesthetic properties with the other polished blocks in the game it’s kind of got that lighter Edge on one side the darker Edge on the other side in a

Bigger grander build scheme you go ahead and place it down and it creates like a tile looking floor like that whole checkered pattern it’s very Machin looking and actually and actually other than the netherite Block it’s like the closest thing in the game to match some of the iron things that exist like

Chains Hoppers and lanterns really makes you think huh just like like plain old traditional classic tough this block is also going to come in a wall slab and a staircase variant as well it’s so versatile sliding back over the stone cutter let’s take a look at this one chisel T oh it’s beautiful

Looking the Chisel tff is the latest chisel block to make it into the game or at least one of them on the top it’s got this Breezy design on the side it’s got this Breezy design hint hint tough relates to the breeze on the bottom of

The Block it’s the same as the top of the block except spinning in the other way when paired with any of the other tough blocks but even just polish tough this block Blends in so nicely back over to the stone cutter with our polish tff or our plain old classic tff next step

Is tough bricks this brick block right here it bu well you might be in the presence of the most beautiful brick Block in all of Minecraft now look at that thing that is such a clean texture initially the texture was this thing right here then like a couple snapshots

Later they went ahead and flipped it around with this flip version of the texture you want to go ahead and talk about our brick gradient and it’s filling in it’s looking even more gradual and shaded than ever before a stone brick tough brick deep slide brick black stone brick right there we step

Gradually all the way up these bricks fit together pretty much perfectly too I know they already have like a greenish Hue to them but I really wish there was like a Mossy version of this brick it would look so good but anyways inste of the stone cutter the very final one that

We can take a look at today is chisel the tough bricks okay when it comes to the tough family I love them all and I can never decide the opinion of mine it changes constantly but chisel to Brick is a very beautiful looking black for the chiseled tough brick block we go

Ahead and take the brick from the other one and Center we put this whole squiggly design right there and then Wade but then Wade take a seat if you haven’t seen the top you’re going to be astonished Amazed maybe even emotional oh my God it’s beautiful that’s a clean

Looking top it almost looks like a diamond or block or no no no I’m saying like a block of diamond right with like that cool texture on the top it’s polished it’s clean you want to build maybe the best looking floor in Minecraft well maybe use some of these

Things it also almost looks like a window the bottom of this block well the bottom of this block is is going to be the same as the top basically except it’s shaded in a different direction it’s pretty clean oh and how could I am disgusting for this nearly but I almost

Missed the fact that there are tough brick versions of staircases walls and slabs as well and for the whole Grand tough family we’re now looking at something like this instead of Minecraft it’s quite beautiful if only its cousin gide could get the same treatment right a true tragedy of our times the poor

Tough Gollum the sweet beautiful poor tough Golem the mob that almost had it all the best display mob of all time was almost the tough Golem added in Minecraft 1.20 in a different world one of the proposed uses for the tough block that who knows you never know in the

Future could make it into the game after all we kind of got the perfect update for it but anyways anyways one of the proposed uses for the tough block was a brand new type of Gollum known as the tough gollem aside from leaks initially revealed to the community on October 6th

2022 the tough Gollum was going to to be a new Statue mob that would hold items for you almost like a walking moving item frame to make this mob even more cool potentially it was going to be able to be created in basically any color in

The game like you could take any wool that exists and go ahead and probably put in the middle most likely something like this and boom all of a sudden it’s wearing a green toga a yellow toga heck I don’t know a blue a pink a purple toga

It doesn’t matter it would have been so cool looking and added a lot of customizability to the game of course as we know and as we love this ni beat this mob out but I mean like look at this thing thanks to the Amazing Friends and

Foes mod we could check it out in game kind of it basically just like walks around and shows off an item holds it in its hand and then every once in a while it decides to like lock up and stand still kind of like a statue I know it’s

Not like this because it just can’t be but this is really one of those mobs that makes me wish that we could have had every single option like the idea of all of these Mobs with the different color shirts and outfits on I mean I’m

In love with it no events not not as in love with you as the sniffer I would pick the sniffer any day over you but I still love you okay you are still loved and I will never forget you I promise going into the new update I

Can’t wait to actually get to like use tough a little bit more because the Stu is going to look so nice but did you know right now there’s actually a secret farming use for tough as well and it’s not just any old Farm it’s actually involving one of the most useful farms

In the entire game added in Minecraft 1.18 as part of the total Terrain M overhaul of that update was brand new gigantic or veins were added to the game up above y zero will’ll be able to find the copper or veines mix in with granite below y z anywhere across your entire

World like any biometal it doesn’t matter generation of these things is not tied to biomes but you’ll be able to find these massive ginormous looking iron or veines made up of these iron or veines we’re going to have top blocks iron ore and occasionally the raw iron

Ore block as well like solid 9×9 of that thing these things can range from a little bit smaller like this one right here to absolutely massive when an or vein generates it will always generate almost like it’s like if you imagine this as a cave except filled in with blocks the or

Vin will always stay fully connected to itself almost like a spaghetti cave or something like that if you know what I’m talking about to make it even more crazy at least we’re getting the tough block here these tough blobs that generate they can actually intersect with the ore

Veins as well the biggest Telltale sign other than the raw or block that only will generate a part of these veins is going to be random splotches of iron like smaller chunks than usual mixed in with tough now these or veins they’re absolutely insane if you’re able to find

One of these things in your world like you stumbled across it you’re going to be set when it comes to iron for a long time this is literally the built into Minecraft way that the devs want us to farm iron instead of a single orane if

It’s big enough you can find up to 2,000 pieces of iron ore making it up that’s actually that’s actually absurd keep in mind that we could bring our good old trusty Fortune friend over here and Fortune this stuff and look the numbers float all the way up through the sky if

You are hoping wishing and dreaming to find one of these built-in iron Farms inside of your survival world the first big thing you should do is go down low and run around in caves ideally if you could find a big cave kind of looking something like this right here it might

Make it a little bit easier the other big thing you’re looking for is obviously tough dotting around strangely with iron ore and I mean if you can find that raw ore block right there it’s a Surefire sign you’ve already found it if you can find something like this with

Dots of iron ore mixed in with tough it’s time to start digging because more than likely you found an iron Orin from my experience these orines are stated to be rare but they really don’t seem to be the hardest thing to find in the world especially if you like to spend your

Time down in the deepest caves I highly recommend considering night vision potions when looking for an orane they seem to come in clutch huge time it’s so tough that’s just about it out of all of the tough blocks including it’s new expanded family which one is your favorite personally I love those bricks

Thank you all so so much for watching if you enjoyed it like and oh wait what’s that bonus fact bonus fact bonus fact original version of tough I don’t know but I almost maybe like this version of tough better I mean it’s so close to Cobblestone right but like at the same

Time I don’t know I kind of am in love with it it’s so good looking anyways I hope you enjoyed the return episode of the everything series if you’re looking to learn a little bit more about everything else like maybe I don’t know armor trim or beacons or something like

That check out the playlist it’s going to be on the end card I’ve already made a ton of useful episodes dearly sincerely thank you all so much for watching it’s beny watles Patron gang big shotam the big tiny Archangel gr crazy made medical Boomstick fire dragon 19 emperess MC and the great Vegeta

Thank you all until next time it’s Ben me watles I’ll see you tomorrow Goodbye

This video, titled ‘CANCELLED Mobs, Secret Farms, & Trial Chambers – Tuff Everything To Know’, was uploaded by wattles on 2023-12-27 18:56:15. It has garnered 32362 views and 1847 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:04 or 1084 seconds.

The Ultimate Tuff Guide for Minecraft 1.21 is here! A lost forgotten golem, a brand new big trial chamber structure. From giant iron ore veins to tuff bricks, Tuff is getting a whole lot more cool nowadays. In this video we dive into EVERYTHING there is to know about Tuff In Minecraft 1.20 and Minecraft 1.21!!

SECTIONS 0:00 – The Complete Tuff Guide 0:25 – Timeline & Secret Hints 2:17 – How To Find Tuff and Farm Tuff 5:05 – Instamining & Statistics 6:10 – Technical Info 8:20 – New Tuff Blocks 12:23 – Lost Mob 14:08 – Secret Farm 16:10 – How To Find Iron Ore Vein

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☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrdt6JFbZtTi8H_XwgYXVRfI Minecraft Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPrc_60eVQMRGzu8xl1eH-NL9 Minecraft 1.21 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPreZAKi368mI8SE5w8–bSJ5

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  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

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    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 https://www.instagram.com/n5_gamer_sunny?igsh=MWg1NTczazlmNDc5bA== FACEBOOK 👇 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555861854347&mibextid=ZbWKwL X 👇 https://x.com/NavadeepG85820?t=CNB9mr9rX2T6DdTrsKmLeg&s=09 WHATSAPP 👇 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaW17rm5vKABWLklC72y ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/keydevy/ _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – https://streamelements.com/keydevy/tip _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: https://discord.gg/U7De4awJbP Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! giltory.com Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: https://discord.gg/4NErNXrStr A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_770aa427-1b3f-3d13-91f5-d1bf20da8978 Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More